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Are Excel BOM templates right for YOU?

Excel BOMs compared to Arena BOMControl.

High-Level Excel Arena BOMControl
BOM Management Poor Excellent
BOM Where-Used Poor Excellent
BOM Redlining Poor Excellent
BOM Comparison Poor Excellent
Costed BOM Poor Excellent
ersioning Poor Excellent
BOM ie!s Poor Excellent
BOM "istor# Poor Excellent
$ec%rit# Poor Excellent
Want more information on BOM management &est practices?
Contact us
Call %s at '()*(+,*,(,- or -''*.,/*+0,-
1hese templates are &ro%ght to #o% &# Arena - !!!*arenasol%tions*com
Weve done our !est to create a use"ul BOM template that #ou can start using toda#. But remem!er$%hile Excel BOM templates are a good place to start& the# can ultimatel#
%or' A(A)*+, !usiness goals and not "or them. Chec' out the chart !elo% to see ho% Excel BOMs stac' up against a BOM and change management solution.
2earn more here*
Email %s at 3%estions4arenasol%tions*com
isit %s on the !e& at http566!!!*arenasol%tions*com
Are Excel BOM templates right for YOU?
Excel BOMs compared to Arena BOMControl.
Want more information on BOM management &est practices?
Contact us
Call %s at '()*(+,*,(,- or -''*.,/*+0,-
1hese templates are &ro%ght to #o% &# Arena - !!!*arenasol%tions*com
Weve done our !est to create a use"ul BOM template that #ou can start using toda#. But remem!er$%hile Excel BOM templates are a good place to start& the# can ultimatel#
%or' A(A)*+, !usiness goals and not "or them. Chec' out the chart !elo% to see ho% Excel BOMs stac' up against a BOM and change management solution.
Excel BOMs can &e exported from a CA7 or ERP s#stem8 &%t cannot &e shared in a controlled
en9ironment* When complex or m%ltiple lin:ed BOMs m%st &e managed and shared8 control is easil#
lost* Arena is designed to help man%fact%rers capt%re prod%ct data and share acc%rate %p-to-date &ill
of materials !ith partners8 s%ppliers and contract man%fact%rers*
;t can &e di<c%lt to tie m%ltiple prod%ct BOM spreadsheets together to anal#=e and %nderstand
assem&l# relationships8 and ma:ing repetiti9e and tedio%s data entries !astes time* With Arena8 it
ta:es no time at all to 9ie! immediate and top-le9el assem&l# relationships for an item or assem&l#*
With Excel it>s di<c%lt to trac: changes and determine the o9erall impact a change has on other
assem&lies* Arena pro9ides man%fact%rers !ith a !a# to 9ie! di?erences &et!een ad@acent or
discontin%o%s re9isions of a speciAc assem&l#8 and trac: changes to 3%antit#8 name8 n%m&er8 reference
designators and more*
Comparing m%ltiple Excel BOMs can &e a challenging and time-cons%ming process* Beca%se Arena is
&%ilt on a relational data&ase8 it>s eas# to compare di?erences li:e 3%antit#8 reference designator8 and
s%&stit%te items &et!een an itemBs BOM and an# n%m&er of other itemsB BOM*
P%lling cost data from an Excel BOM spreadsheet is a la&orio%s and fr%strating process* Arena pro9ides
a !a# to trac: #o%r f%ll# costed BOM and6or prod%ct for protot#pe and prod%ction costs on assem&lies
and prod%cts* Man%fact%rers can %se 3%otes or estimates to calc%late the percentage costs of 9ario%s
components or assem&lies for complete prod%cts !ithin Arena as !ell as 9ie! price8 target cost and
standard cost for each item*
With Excel BOMs8 it>s di<c%lt to identif# !hich spreadsheet Ale is the latest 9ersion and !hether the
re9ision is correct* ;n Arena8 man%fact%rers can 9is%all# trac: item8 assem&l# and prod%ct stat%s as it
mo9es from concept to design to prod%ction*
When BOMs are &%ilt in a spreadsheet8 there are limited !a#s to manip%late the data8 and it can &e
di<c%lt to create personali=ed 9ie!s for e9er#one !ho needs access* Arena o?ers role-&ased 9ie!s of
the prod%ct str%ct%re Ce*g*8 indented8 Dat8 so%rcing8 c%stomE &ased on a %ser>s speciAc &%siness needs*
With Excel8 prod%ct re9isions are trac:ed !ith spreadsheets and controlled Ale shares* BOM
management capa&ilities in Arena help man%fact%rers retain prod%ct histor# !ith redline comparisons
&et!een c%rrent and pre9io%s re9isions* 1his allo!s complex prod%ct histor# and changes to &e 9ie!ed
3%ic:l# and easil#*
$preadsheets can &e loc:ed and pass!ord protected8 &%t the data can &e edited and re-sa9ed easil#8
p%tting intellect%al propert# at ris:* With Arena8 #o% can control !ho has access to the prod%ct data8 as
!ell as ho! m%ch access and interaction each %ser has*
2earn more here*
Column Name
BOM Level
.art *um!er
.art *ame
1nit o" Measure
BOM *otes
Multi-Level BOM
Content -escription
Part n%m&er lists the %ni3%e compan# part n%m&er* 7o not place man%fact%rers part n%m&ers here*
Part Fame is the %ni3%e part name*
Re9ision is the re9ision of the part %sed in this assem&l#*
A detailed description of the part*
7escri&es ho! the part is &o%ght6made* O1$ - O?-the-$helf or M1$ - Made-to-$peciAcation
Used !ith PCBAs8 this lists the location on the &oard of the part on the BOM*
1his is an open note Aeld to descri&e part information !hich is speciAc to this BOM*
Example BOM co%rtes# of Arena
isit %s at
1his example sho!s a m%lti-le9el BOM for a GP$ prod%ct* Each s%&assem&l# is listed along !ith the components that ma:e
%p that s%&assem&l#* Ann indi9id%al part ma# &e listed in the BOM m%ltiple times if it is incl%ded in more than one
BOM 2e9el sho!s the hierarch# of the parts and assem&lies sin the BOM* 2e9el ) C=eroE is the top assem&l# &eing
Phase descri&es !here this part is in the lifec#cle* Hor prod%cts in prod%ction8 this !ill generall# &e >;n Prod%ction>8 ho!e9er
for ne! parts !hich ha9e not &een appro9ed these ma# &e listed as >Unreleased> or >;n 7esign>*
Commonl#8 the n%m&er of parts needed in the assem&l# or s%&assem&l#* "o!e9er8 !hen %sed !ith the %nit of meas%re8 it
can descri&e the amo%nt of something needed- li:e I inches or , pints*
Unit of meas%re descri&es ho! #o% %se or &%# the part* Most commonl# UOM is each8 &%t it can also &e standard meas%res
li:e feet8 inches8 pints8 drops8 &oxJ
)-6)/6I)+0 BOM template example &ro%ght to #o% compliments of Arena $ol%tions - !!!*arenasol%tions*com Page ( of +.
.art *um!er .art *ame /evision 0uantit# /e"erence -esignators
) I)-)))+ E9er#Road GP$8 $hippa&le8 U$ Model ,)) B each M1$
+ I)-)))I E9er#Road GP$ Car Fa9igation Unit - Model ,)) B + each M1$
I I)-))), E9er#Road8 Hront Be=el Assem&l# A + each O1$
, 0)-))++ 2C7 A + each O1$
, ()-))+I E9er#Road8 Hront Be=el B + each M1$
, ()-))-) Gas:et8 $creen8 ,*(in A + each M1$
I I)-)))0 E9er#Road8 Rear Assem&l# B + each M1$
, I)-))+( E9er#Road8 PCBA8 Model ,)) B + each M1$
0 0)-)),( E9er#Road8 Circ%it Board A + each M1$
0 0)-)),- GP$ Micro controller A + each O1$ UI
0 0)-)),. U$B Connector A + each O1$ K0
0 0)-))0+ )*+%H Ceramic Chip Capacitor A ( each O1$ C+(8 C'8 C+)-+I
0 0)-))0I +): Resistor A - each O1$
0 0)-))0, +: Resistor A 0 each O1$ RI(8 R,-8 R,+8 R,I
0 0)-))00 +*)%H Ceramic Capacitor8 +I)' A + each O1$ C,
0 0)-))0( 2o!-dropo%t (*) +))mA oltage Reg%lator A + each O1$ R+
0 0)-))0' +))ohm Resistor A + each O1$ R00
0 0)-))0/ (+: Resistor A + each O1$ R0
0 0)-))0- 0/): Resistor A I each O1$ R-8 R+,
0 0)-))0. ())mW FPF 1ransistor A I each O1$ L(8 L.
0 0)-))() $mall-signal PFP 1ransistor A I each O1$ LI8 L0
0 0)-))(+ 0/) ohm Resistor A + each O1$ R+(
0 0)-))(I 1antal%m Capacitor +)%H4+'8B p:g A + each O1$ C.
0 0)-))(, 1antal%m Capacitor 0*/%H408A p:g A , each O1$ C+8 C08 C-
0 0)-))(0 oltage 7etector CMO$ 0*, $O1I, A + each O1$ 7+
0 0)-))(( II): Resistor A + each O1$ R0)
0 0)-))(' +M Resistor A I each O1$ RI8 R.
0 0)-))(/ )*)+%H Ceramic Chip Capacitor8 )'), A I each O1$ C(8 C/
0 0)-))(- 0/ ohm Resistor A I each O1$ R,8 R+/
0 0)-))(. $mall-single FPF 1ransistor A I each O1$ L+8 L-
0 0)-))'+ F-Chn Enhan-Md MO$HE1 A + each O1$ L'
0 0)-))'I ,: Resistor A + each O1$ RI.
0 0)-))', Excl%si9e Or Gate single A + each O1$ U+
0 0)-))'0 $pea:er !6dri9e circ%it ,-+(9olts A + each O1$ P+
0 0)-))'' $ignal 7iode A I each O1$ 7-8 7+)
0 0)-))'/ IM Resistor A I each O1$ R/8 R,)
0 0)-))'- P-Chan MO$HE1 $O1-II, A + each O1$ L+I
0 0)-))'. "E I Channel solid state rela# CB formE A + each O1$ RY+
0 0)-))/) $chott:# 7iode8 ,I)m4+mA A I each O1$ 7+87I
0 0)-))/+ Millmax )''' $oc:et for )*)I) pins A I each O1$ K+ 8K,
Example BOM co%rtes# of Arena
isit %s at http566!!!*arenasol%tions*com
1nit o"
R+8 R(8 R++8 R+I8 R+08 R+'8
RI,8 RI0
)-6)/6I)+0 BOM template example &ro%ght to #o% compliments of Arena $ol%tions - !!!*arenasol%tions*com Page ' of +.
.art *um!er .art *ame /evision 0uantit# /e"erence -esignators
1nit o"
0 0)-))/I I*/: Resistor A I each O1$ R0+8 R0I
0 0)-))/, 0*) M"= Hixed oscillator A + each O1$ M+
0 0)-))/0 Miniat%re P%sh&%tton $!itch8 Right Angle A + each O1$ $W+
0 0)-))/( $ingle 2ogic 2e9el P-Channel HE1 A + each O1$ L,
0 0)-))/' Red6Green $M 2E7 A + each O1$ 27+
0 0)-))// Molex 0-pin )*)/. RA "eader A + each O1$ KI
0 0)-))/- ;R 0)Nh= ;ntegrated Recei9er $iemen A I each O1$ ;R+8 ;R,
, ()-))+' E9er#Road8 Rear Panel B + each M1$
, ()-))-. $cre!8 MI x (8 $18 P"8 1orx A 0 each O1$
I ()-))+) $cre!8 M, x '8 $18 P"8 1orx A 0 each O1$
I ()-))+- E9er#Road Model ,)) $afet# 2a&el A + each M1$
+ I)-)))( Pac:age 7oc%mentation A + each O1$
I .)-)))' Man%al - Model ,))6()) B + each M1$
I .)-)))/ Warrant# Card A + each O1$
+ ,)-))-( Pac:aging A + each M1$
I ()-))-/ E9er#Road Model ,)) U$ Boxed Prod%ct 2a&el A + each M1$
I ()-))-- Box !ith E9er#Road 2ogo8 ( in x ( in x ( in B + each M1$
+ 0)-))). Po!er $%ppl#8 U$ A + each O1$
+ 0)-))-+ U$B A6A Ca&le8 Blac: A + each O1$
+ 0)-))-0 U$B to Car Po!er Adapter A + each O1$
+ ()-))-, "oo: O 2oop CelcroE8 Blac:8 IP !ide A I inch O1$
)-6)/6I)+0 BOM template example &ro%ght to #o% compliments of Arena $ol%tions - !!!*arenasol%tions*com Page / of +.
BOM *otes
Complete pac:aged %nit
Prod%ct Onl# - no pac:aging

Example BOM co%rtes# of Arena
isit %s at http566!!!*arenasol%tions*com
)-6)/6I)+0 BOM template example &ro%ght to #o% compliments of Arena $ol%tions - !!!*arenasol%tions*com Page - of +.
BOM *otes

1orx 7ri9e $cre!

2a&el has U$ and EU safet# mar:s

Barcode la&el
Box logo

1o &e applied to GP$ &# c%stomer
1o &e incl%ded in &oth the EU and
U$ models
)-6)/6I)+0 BOM template example &ro%ght to #o% compliments of Arena $ol%tions - !!!*arenasol%tions*com page . of +.
Assem!l# *um!er2 34-4445
Assem!l# *ame2 Ever#/oad (.+& +hippa!le& 1+ Model 644
Assem!l# /evision2 B
Approval -ate2 37-8ul-54
.art *um!er .art *ame /evision 0uantit#
+ I)-)))I E9er#Road GP$ Car Fa9igation Unit - Model ,)) B + each M1$
I I)-))), E9er#Road8 Hront Be=el Assem&l# A + each O1$
, 0)-))++ 2C7 A + each O1$
, ()-))+I E9er#Road8 Hront Be=el B + each M1$
, ()-))-) Gas:et8 $creen8 ,*(in A + each M1$
I I)-)))0 E9er#Road8 Rear Assem&l# B + each M1$
, I)-))+( E9er#Road8 PCBA8 Model ,)) B + each M1$
0 0)-)),( E9er#Road8 Circ%it Board A + each M1$
0 0)-)),- GP$ Micro controller A + each O1$
0 0)-)),. U$B Connector A + each O1$
0 0)-))0+ )*+%H Ceramic Chip Capacitor A ( each O1$
0 0)-))0I +): Resistor A - each O1$
0 0)-))0, +: Resistor A 0 each O1$
0 0)-))00 +*)%H Ceramic Capacitor8 +I)' A + each O1$
0 0)-))0( 2o!-dropo%t (*) +))mA oltage Reg%lator A + each O1$
0 0)-))0' +))ohm Resistor A + each O1$
0 0)-))0/ (+: Resistor A + each O1$
0 0)-))0- 0/): Resistor A I each O1$
0 0)-))0. ())mW FPF 1ransistor A I each O1$
0 0)-))() $mall-signal PFP 1ransistor A I each O1$
0 0)-))(+ 0/) ohm Resistor A + each O1$
0 0)-))(I 1antal%m Capacitor +)%H4+'8B p:g A + each O1$
0 0)-))(, 1antal%m Capacitor 0*/%H408A p:g A , each O1$
0 0)-))(0 oltage 7etector CMO$ 0*, $O1I, A + each O1$
0 0)-))(( II): Resistor A + each O1$
0 0)-))(' +M Resistor A I each O1$
0 0)-))(/ )*)+%H Ceramic Chip Capacitor8 )'), A I each O1$
0 0)-))(- 0/ ohm Resistor A I each O1$
0 0)-))(. $mall-single FPF 1ransistor A I each O1$
Example BOM co%rtes# of Arena
isit %s at http566!!!*arenasol%tions*com
1nit o"
)-6)/6I)+0 BOM template example &ro%ght to #o% compliments of Arena $ol%tions - !!!*arenasol%tions*com page +) of +.
Assem!l# *um!er2 34-4445
Assem!l# *ame2 Ever#/oad (.+& +hippa!le& 1+ Model 644
Assem!l# /evision2 B
Approval -ate2 37-8ul-54
.art *um!er .art *ame /evision 0uantit#
1nit o"
0 0)-))'+ F-Chn Enhan-Md MO$HE1 A + each O1$
0 0)-))'I ,: Resistor A + each O1$
0 0)-))', Excl%si9e Or Gate single A + each O1$
0 0)-))'0 $pea:er !6dri9e circ%it ,-+(9olts A + each O1$
0 0)-))'' $ignal 7iode A I each O1$
0 0)-))'/ IM Resistor A I each O1$
0 0)-))'- P-Chan MO$HE1 $O1-II, A + each O1$
0 0)-))'. "E I Channel solid state rela# CB formE A + each O1$
0 0)-))/) $chott:# 7iode8 ,I)m4+mA A I each O1$
0 0)-))/+ Millmax )''' $oc:et for )*)I) pins A I each O1$
0 0)-))/I I*/: Resistor A I each O1$
0 0)-))/, 0*) M"= Hixed oscillator A + each O1$
0 0)-))/0 Miniat%re P%sh&%tton $!itch8 Right Angle A + each O1$
0 0)-))/( $ingle 2ogic 2e9el P-Channel HE1 A + each O1$
0 0)-))/' Red6Green $M 2E7 A + each O1$
0 0)-))// Molex 0-pin )*)/. RA "eader A + each O1$
0 0)-))/- ;R 0)Nh= ;ntegrated Recei9er $iemen A I each O1$
, ()-))+' E9er#Road8 Rear Panel B + each M1$
, ()-))-. $cre!8 MI x (8 $18 P"8 1orx A 0 each O1$
I ()-))+) $cre!8 M, x '8 $18 P"8 1orx A 0 each O1$
I ()-))+- E9er#Road Model ,)) $afet# 2a&el A + each M1$
+ I)-)))( Pac:age 7oc%mentation A + each O1$
I .)-)))' Man%al - Model ,))6()) B + each M1$
I .)-)))/ Warrant# Card A + each O1$
+ ,)-))-( Pac:aging A + each M1$
I ()-))-/ E9er#Road Model ,)) U$ Boxed Prod%ct 2a&el A + each M1$
I ()-))-- Box !ith E9er#Road 2ogo8 ( in x ( in x ( in B + each M1$
+ 0)-))). Po!er $%ppl#8 U$ A + each O1$
+ 0)-))-+ U$B A6A Ca&le8 Blac: A + each O1$
+ 0)-))-0 U$B to Car Po!er Adapter A + each O1$
+ ()-))-, "oo: O 2oop CelcroE8 Blac:8 IP !ide A I inch O1$
)-6)/6I)+0 BOM template example &ro%ght to #o% compliments of Arena $ol%tions - !!!*arenasol%tions*com page ++ of +.
BOM *otes

C+(8 C'8 C+)-+I

RI(8 R,-8 R,+8 R,I
R-8 R+,
L(8 L.
LI8 L0
C+8 C08 C-
RI8 R.
C(8 C/
R,8 R+/
Example BOM co%rtes# of Arena
isit %s at http566!!!*arenasol%tions*com
Base Prod%ct onl# 8 Fo
R+8 R(8 R++8 R+I8
R+08 R+'8 RI,8 RI0
)-6)/6I)+0 BOM template example &ro%ght to #o% compliments of Arena $ol%tions - !!!*arenasol%tions*com page +I of +.
BOM *otes
L+8 L-
7-8 7+)
R/8 R,)
K+ 8K,
R0+8 R0I
;R+8 ;R,
1orx 7ri9e $cre!

Barcode la&el
Box logo

2a&el has U$ and EU safet#
1o &e incl%ded in &oth the EU
and U$ models
1o &e applied to GP$ &#
)-6)/6I)+0 1his BOM template is a9aila&le compliments of Arena $ol%tions - !!!*arenasol%tions*com page+, of +.
Assem!l# *um!er2 34-4445
Assem!l# *ame2 Ever#/oad (.+& +hippa!le& 1+ Model 644
Assem!l# /evision2 B
Approval -ate2 37-8ul-54
4 5 3 6 7 9 : ; <
.art *um!er .art *ame /evision 0uantit# /e"erence -esignators
+ = I)-)))I E9er#Road GP$ Car Fa9igation Unit - Model ,)) B + each M1$
I = I)-))), E9er#Road8 Hront Be=el Assem&l# A + each O1$
, = 0)-))++ 2C7 A + each O1$
, = ()-))+I E9er#Road8 Hront Be=el B + each M1$
, = ()-))-) Gas:et8 $creen8 ,*(in A + each M1$
I = I)-)))0 E9er#Road8 Rear Assem&l# B + each M1$
, = I)-))+( E9er#Road8 PCBA8 Model ,)) B + each M1$
0 = 0)-)),( E9er#Road8 Circ%it Board A + each M1$
0 = 0)-)),- GP$ Micro controller A + each O1$
0 = 0)-)),. U$B Connector A + each O1$ UI
0 = 0)-))0+ )*+%H Ceramic Chip Capacitor A ( each O1$ K0
0 = 0)-))0I +): Resistor A - each O1$ C+(8 C'8 C+)-+I
0)-))0, +: Resistor A 0 each O1$
0 = 0)-))00 +*)%H Ceramic Capacitor8 +I)' A + each O1$ RI(8 R,-8 R,+8 R,I
0 = 0)-))0( 2o!-dropo%t (*) +))mA oltage Reg%lator A + each O1$ C,
0 = 0)-))0' +))ohm Resistor A + each O1$ R+
0 = 0)-))0/ (+: Resistor A + each O1$ R00
0 = 0)-))0- 0/): Resistor A I each O1$ R0
0 = 0)-))0. ())mW FPF 1ransistor A I each O1$ R-8 R+,
0 = 0)-))() $mall-signal PFP 1ransistor A I each O1$ L(8 L.
0 = 0)-))(+ 0/) ohm Resistor A + each O1$ LI8 L0
0 = 0)-))(I 1antal%m Capacitor +)%H4+'8B p:g A + each O1$ R+(
0 = 0)-))(, 1antal%m Capacitor 0*/%H408A p:g A , each O1$ C.
0 = 0)-))(0 oltage 7etector CMO$ 0*, $O1I, A + each O1$ C+8 C08 C-
0 = 0)-))(( II): Resistor A + each O1$ 7+
0 = 0)-))(' +M Resistor A I each O1$ R0)
0 = 0)-))(/ )*)+%H Ceramic Chip Capacitor8 )'), A I each O1$ RI8 R.
0 = 0)-))(- 0/ ohm Resistor A I each O1$ C(8 C/
0 = 0)-))(. $mall-single FPF 1ransistor A I each O1$ R,8 R+/
0 = 0)-))'+ F-Chn Enhan-Md MO$HE1 A + each O1$ L+8 L-
0 = 0)-))'I ,: Resistor A + each O1$ L'
0 = 0)-))', Excl%si9e Or Gate single A + each O1$ RI.
0 = 0)-))'0 $pea:er !6dri9e circ%it ,-+(9olts A + each O1$ U+
0 = 0)-))'' $ignal 7iode A I each O1$ P+
0 = 0)-))'/ IM Resistor A I each O1$ 7-8 7+)
0 = 0)-))'- P-Chan MO$HE1 $O1-II, A + each O1$ R/8 R,)
0 = 0)-))'. "E I Channel solid state rela# CB formE A + each O1$ L+I
0 = 0)-))/) $chott:# 7iode8 ,I)m4+mA A I each O1$ RY+
0 = 0)-))/+ Millmax )''' $oc:et for )*)I) pins A I each O1$ 7+87I
0 = 0)-))/I I*/: Resistor A I each O1$ K+ 8K,
0 = 0)-))/, 0*) M"= Hixed oscillator A + each O1$ R0+8 R0I
0 = 0)-))/0 Miniat%re P%sh&%tton $!itch8 Right Angle A + each O1$ M+
Example BOM co%rtes# of Arena
isit %s at http566!!!*arenasol%tions*com
1nit o"
R+8 R(8 R++8 R+I8 R+08 R+'8
RI,8 RI0
)-6)/6I)+0 1his BOM template is a9aila&le compliments of Arena $ol%tions - !!!*arenasol%tions*com page+0 of +.
Assem!l# *um!er2 34-4445
Assem!l# *ame2 Ever#/oad (.+& +hippa!le& 1+ Model 644
Assem!l# /evision2 B
Approval -ate2 37-8ul-54
4 5 3 6 7 9 : ; <
.art *um!er .art *ame /evision 0uantit# /e"erence -esignators
1nit o"
0 = 0)-))/( $ingle 2ogic 2e9el P-Channel HE1 A + each O1$ $W+
0 = 0)-))/' Red6Green $M 2E7 A + each O1$ L,
0 = 0)-))// Molex 0-pin )*)/. RA "eader A + each O1$ 27+
0 = 0)-))/- ;R 0)Nh= ;ntegrated Recei9er $iemen A I each O1$ KI
, = ()-))+' E9er#Road8 Rear Panel B + each M1$ ;R+8 ;R,
, = ()-))-. $cre!8 MI x (8 $18 P"8 1orx A 0 each O1$
I = ()-))+) $cre!8 M, x '8 $18 P"8 1orx A 0 each O1$
I = ()-))+- E9er#Road Model ,)) $afet# 2a&el A + each M1$
+ = I)-)))( Pac:age 7oc%mentation A + each O1$
I = .)-)))' Man%al - Model ,))6()) B + each M1$
I = .)-)))/ Warrant# Card A + each O1$
+ = ,)-))-( Pac:aging A + each M1$
I = ()-))-/ E9er#Road Model ,)) U$ Boxed Prod%ct 2a&el A + each M1$
I = ()-))-- Box !ith E9er#Road 2ogo8 ( in x ( in x ( in B + each M1$
+ = 0)-))). Po!er $%ppl#8 U$ A + each O1$
+ = 0)-))-+ U$B A6A Ca&le8 Blac: A + each O1$
+ = 0)-))-0 U$B to Car Po!er Adapter A + each O1$
+ = ()-))-, "oo: O 2oop CelcroE8 Blac:8 IP !ide A I inch O1$
)-6)/6I)+0 1his BOM template is a9aila&le compliments of Arena $ol%tions - !!!*arenasol%tions*com page+( of +.
BOM *otes
Base Prod%ct Onl#

Example BOM co%rtes# of Arena
)-6)/6I)+0 1his BOM template is a9aila&le compliments of Arena $ol%tions - !!!*arenasol%tions*com page+' of +.
BOM *otes

1orx 7ri9e $cre!

2a&el has U$ and EU safet# mar:s

Barcode la&el
Box logo

1o &e incl%ded in &oth the EU and U$ models
1o &e applied to GP$ &# c%stomer
+ummar# o" Changes Made
;nitial Release to 7esign
Release to Protot#pe - complete design8 no draft on plastic parts*
Prod%ction Release
Changed Phillips $cre!s to 1orx head scre!s
Example BOM co%rtes# of Arena

isit %s at http566!!!*arenasol%tions*com
Approval -ate
Example BOM co%rtes# of Arena

isit %s at http566!!!*arenasol%tions*com

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