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Radio Amateur Station Operators

Certificate Examination
Relevant Application Forms
$A%ATE&R SER'ICE( R&!ES) *+,-
as amended ./
T0e Indian ireless Tele1rap0s $Amateur Service(
Amendment Rules) *+-2 3 "4S4R4No4*5567-2
G.S.R. No. 1499/78.- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 4 and section 7 of the Indian e!e"raph
#ct$ 188% &1' of 188%($ the )entra! Go*ern+ent hereby +a,es the fo!!owin" r-!es for the cond-ct of wire!ess
te!e"raphs in the a+ate-r ser*ice$ estab!ished$ +aintained$ and wor,ed by persons !icensed -nder the said
*4 S0ort title and commencement8
&1( hese r-!es +ay be ca!!ed the Indian .ire!ess e!e"raphs &#+ate-r Ser*ice( R-!es$ 1978.
&/( hey sha!! co+e into force on the 17
0ctober$ 1984.
54 Definitions 8
In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-
&a( 1#ct2 +eans the Indian e!e"raph #ct$ 188% &1' of 188%(
&b( 1#+ate-r ser*ice2 +eans a ser*ice of se!f trainin"$ inter-co++-nication and technica! in*esti"ations
carried on by a+ate-rs that is$ by persons d-!y a-thorised -nder these r-!es interested in radio
techni3-e so!e!y with a persona! ai+ and witho-t pec-niary interest4 1a+ate-r station2$ and 1station2
sha!! ha*e the +eanin" respecti*e!y assi"ned to the+ in the )on*ention4
&c( 1#+ate-r Radio 5eacon6 +eans a station in the #+ate-r Ser*ice ha*in" trans+itter &s( e+ittin"
carrier wa*e a!on" with identification si"na!s at re"-!ar inter*a!. S-ch beacons can be directiona! or
&d( 1#+ate-r Station6$ and 7#+ate-r Sate!!ite Ser*ice8 1Station6 sha!! ha*e the +eanin" respecti*e!y
assi"ned to the+ in the )on*ention4
&e( 1)on*ention2 +eans the Internationa! e!eco++-nication )on*ention$ 9a!a"a:orre+o!inos$ 197'$
for the ti+e bein" in force and the Radio Re"-!ations and the #dditiona! Radio Re"-!ations
annexed thereto b-t does not inc!-de any portion of the said )on*ention or Re"-!ations re"ardin"
which the )entra! Go*ern+ent +a,es any reser*ation4
&f( 1;icence2 +eans a !icence "ranted -nder section 4 of the #ct for an a+ate-r wire!ess te!e"raph
94 Necessit/ for licence 8
No person sha!! estab!ish$ +aintain and wor, an a+ate-r wire!ess te!e"raph station except -nder and in
accordance with the ter+s and conditions of an appropriate !icence -nder these r-!es.
24 Cate1ories of licence 8
here sha!! be fi*e cate"ories of !icences$ na+e!y <
&i( #d*anced #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence4
&ii( #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence$ Grade-I4
&iii( #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence$ Grade-II4
&i*( Restricted #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence4
&*( Short .a*e ;isteners2 #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence.

64 Eli1i.ilit/ for licence 8
&1( # !icence +ay be "ranted s-b=ect to s-ch conditions contained in #nnex-re I to these r-!es -
&i( to a person$-
&a( who is a citi>en of India4
&b( who is not !ess than 18 years of a"e4
&c( who 3-a!ifies the #+ate-r Station 0perators6 ?xa+ination for the award of !icence or ho!ds either of
the fo!!owin" certificate of proficiency$ na+e!y<
&i( Radio-co++-nication 0perators2 Genera! )ertificates4
&ii( @irst or Second )!ass Radio-te!e"raph 0perators2 )ertificate4
Aro*ided that the ho!der of a Specia! Radio e!e"raph 0perator6s )ertificate +ay a!so be considered e!i"ib!e
for the award of #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence Grade II.
&iii( to a bonafide a+ate-r radio society$ c!-b or a schoo!$ co!!e"e$ or an instit-tion or a -ni*ersity in India$
which has the ai+ of in*esti"ations in the fie!d of radio or the trainin" of persons in radio co++-nication
Aro*ided that the !icence sha!! be iss-ed in the na+e of an a-thori>ed officia! of the society$ c!-b$ schoo!$
co!!e"e$ instit-te or a Bni*ersity in India ho!din" a cate"ory of !icence appropriate to the trans+issions to be
cond-cted by the station inc!-din" a+ate-r radio beacon trans+ission.
&/( Notwithstandin" anythin" contained in s-b-c!a-se &b( of c!a-se &i( of s-b-r-!e &1($ the )entra!
Go*ern+ent +ay "rant$ to bonafide experi+enters between the a"es of 14 and 18 years$ #+ate-r .ire!ess
e!e"raph Station ;icence$ Grade I and to those between the a"es of 1/ and 18 years$ #+ate-r .ire!ess
e!e"raph Station ;icence$ Grade II or Restricted #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence or Short
.a*e ;isteners2 #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence <
&'( Notwithstandin" anythin" contained in s-b-c!a-se &c( of c!a-se &i( of s-b-r-!e &1($ the )entra!
Go*ern+ent +ay reco"ni>e$ s-b=ect to any conditions it +ay prescribe fro+ ti+e to ti+e$ s-ch other
radiote!e"raph operators2 certificates or #+ate-r Station 0perators2 )ertificates as are iss-ed by a
co+petent a-thority in any other co-ntry as e3-i*a!ent to 3-a!ifications referred to in aforesaid s-b-r-!e for
the p-rpose of "rant of !icence -nder these r-!es.
:4 An application for licence
#n app!ication for the "rant of !icence fro+<
&a( an indi*id-a!$ or
&b( an #+ate-r Radio Society or c!-b or a schoo!$ co!!e"e or an instit-te or a Bni*ersity in India-
sha!! be +ade to the )entra! Go*ern+ent in #nnex-re II or #nnex-re III respecti*e!y to these r-!es$ sha!! be
+ade to the )entra! Go*ern+ent in #nnex-re II or #nnex-re III respecti*e!y to these r-!es$ to"ether with a!!
the s-bsidiary for+s and doc-+ents d-!y fi!!ed in and co+p!eted in a!! respects.
,4 Eli1i.ilit/ for admission to amateur station Operators Examination 8
No person sha!! be e!i"ib!e for ad+ission to an exa+ination for the "rant of !icence -n!ess <-
&a( s-ch a person f-!fi!s the pro*isions contained in s-b-c!a-ses &a($ &b( and &c( of c!a-se &i( of s-b-r-!e &1( of
r-!e %4
&b( s-ch person pays the fees on the fo!!owin" sca!e$ na+e!y <-
I. #d*anced #+ate-r Station 0perators2 ?xa+ination Rs. /%.CC
II. #+ate-r Station 0perators2 Grade I ?xa+ination Rs. /C.CC
III. #+ate-r Station 0perators2 Grade II ?xa+ination Rs. 1C.CC
ID. #+ate-r Station 0perators restricted exa+ination Rs. 1C.CC and
&c( a period of at !east one +onth has e!apsed since he !ast appeared in an exa+ination and fai!ed
-4 Examinations8
&1( he exa+inations for the "rant of a !icence sha!! be he!d at a p!ace and on a date as +ay be notified by
the )entra! Go*ern+ent fro+ ti+e to ti+e.
&/( #n app!ication for !icence in #nnex-re II or$ as the case +ay be$ in #nnex-re III to the r-!es sha!! be
s-b+itted not !ater than the 1%th of the +onth precedin" that in which it is desired to ta,e the exa+ination.
&'( #ny person ad+itted to the exa+ination and fo-nd "-i!ty of i+personation or of s-b+ittin" fabricated
doc-+ents or doc-+ents which ha*e been ta+pered with or of +a,in" state+ents which are incorrect or
fa!se or of s-ppressin" +ateria! infor+ation or of -sin" or atte+ptin" to -se -nfair +eans in the exa+ination
ha!! or otherwise resortin" to any other irre"-!ar or i+proper +eans for obtainin" ad+ission to the
exa+ination +ay$ in addition to renderin" hi+se!f !iab!e to cri+ina! prosec-tion$ be debarred either
per+anent!y or for a specified period fro+ appearin" in any of the exa+inations he!d for the award of !icence
-nder these r-!es<
Aro*ided that no order -nder this s-b-r-!e sha!! be +ade -n!ess the person concerned has been "i*en a
reasonab!e opport-nity or +a,in" a representation a"ainst the action proposed to be ta,en.
&4( If any person is fo-nd "-i!ty of any +a!practice referred to in s-b-r-!e &'( after the "rant of a !icence to
s-ch person$ the )entra! Go*ern+ent +ay$ in addition to prosec-tin" hi+ cance!! the !icence so "i*en <
Aro*ided that the )entra! Go*ern+ent +ay$ pendin" the cance!!ation of the !icence$ s-spend or endorse
s-ch !icence <
Aro*ided f-rther that no order -nder this s-b-r-!e sha!! be +ade -n!ess the person concerned has been
"i*en a reasonab!e opport-nity of +a,in" a representation a"ainst the action proposed to be ta,en.
+4 "rant of licence 8
Every category of licence shall be in the form set out in Annexure IV to these rules.
1C. 0bser*ance of conditions of !icence$ )on*ention and r-!es -nder the #ct <
&1( ?*ery !icensed a+ate-r wire!ess te!e"raph station sha!! be estab!ished$ +aintained and wor,ed in
accordance with -
&a( the conditions contained in #nnex-re I to these r-!es4
&b( the pro*isions of the )on*ention4
&c( the r-!es +ade by the )entra! Go*ern+ent -nder section 7 of the #ct for the cond-ct of
wire!ess te!e"raphs in so far as they are app!icab!e.
&/( Notwithstandin" s-b-r-!e &1( the )entra! Go*ern+ent +ay +odify$ *ary$ cance! or re*o,e any of the
conditions of !icence contained in the said #nnex-re I at any ti+e either by specific notice in writin" to the
!icensee$ or by +eans of a "enera! notice p-b!ished in the 0fficia! Ga>ette or in a newspaper p-b!ished in
New Ee!hi.
&'( he !icensee sha!! at his own expense$ "i*e effect to any *ariations in the conditions of !icence$
**4 #eriod of validit/ 8
# !icence "ranted -nder these r-!es sha!! be iss-ed for a period of / years or % years$ as the case +ay be$
co++encin" on the date of iss-e of the !icence and expirin" on the !ast day of the +onth precedin" the
+onth of iss-e.
*54 Fee for licence8
# !icence fee on the fo!!owin" sca!e sha!! be payab!e to the )entra! Go*ern+ent on receipt of instr-ctions
fro+ that Go*ern+ent and in the +anner directed b* it<-
Cate1or/ of licence 8 Fees in Rupees
/ Fears % Fears
&i( #d*anced #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence < %C 1/%
&ii( #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence$ Grade I 4C 1CC
&iii( #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence$ Grade II $
Restricted #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence G
Short wa*e ;isteners2 #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence
/% HC
&/( he !icence fee sha!! not be ref-ndab!e on "ro-nd of !icenscee1s inabi!ity to estab!ish or +a,e -se of the
!icenced #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station or for ad=-st+ent towards hi"her cate"ory of !icence.
*94 Aut0orised fre;uenc/ .ands) po<er and emission 8
# ho!der of !icence sha!! -se$ as appropriate to the !icence$ s-ch fre3-ency bands$ power and c!asses of
e+ission as are set o-t in #nnex-re D of these r-!es < Aro*ided that the )entra! Go*ern+ent +ay by specia!
or "enera! order +a,e chan"es in the -sa"e of fre3-ency bands$ power and types of e+ission where that
Go*ern+ent is satisfied$ that it is expedient to do so$ ,eepin" in *iew$ a+on" others$ the pro*isions of the
)on*ention$ need for enforce+ent of better technica! standards in respect of e3-ip+ent and nationa!
and internationa! radio interference pattern.
*24 Rene<al of licence 8
&1( 0n the expiry of the *a!idity of a !icence$ it +ay be renewed for a period of two years if the !icensee$-
&a( +a,es an app!ication for renewa! at !east two +onths before the date of expiry of the !icence.
&b( has acti*e!y operated his station d-rin" the past two years prior to the date of expiry of his !icence and
pro*ides a certificate to the effect that he has +ade contacts with other a+ate-r stations on at!east 4C
occasions per year4 and in the case of short .a*e ;istener has intercepted a+ate-r station on at !east 4C
occasions per year.
&c( pays fees on the fo!!owin" sca!e$ na+e!y <-
Cate1or/ of licence 8 Fees in Rupees
/ Fears % Fears
&i( #d*anced #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence < %C 1/%
&ii( #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence$ Grade I 4C 1CC
&iii( #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence$ Grade II $
Restricted #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence G
Short wa*e ;isteners2 #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence
/% HC
&/( he !icence fee sha!! not be ref-ndab!e on "ro-nd of !icencee6s inabi!ity to estab!ish or +a,e -se of the
!icenced #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station or for ad=-st+ent towards hi"her cate"ory of !icence.
&'( he doc-+ent showin" the renewa! of !icence iss-ed by the )entra! Go*ern+ent sha!! be ,ept a!on" with
the !icence to which it refers.
&4( It sha!! not be ob!i"atory for the )entra! Go*ern+ent to iss-e a notice that the !icence is d-e for renewa!.
II Bnder deser*in" cases and for exceptiona!!y "en-ine reasons$ the #S0) !icence can a!so be
renewed -pto a period of 1C years with char"in" !ate fee and for the period beyond 1C years$
the !icence can be renewed after "ettin" fresh inter-+inisteria! cons-!tations. his in no way$
howe*er confers any ri"ht to the candidates see,in" #S0) renewa! -nder this cate"ory and the
ri"ht of decision of renewa! in s-ch cases wi!! so!e!y re+ain with the 9inistry of )o++-nications
G Infor+ation echno!o"y.
*64 Surc0ar1e for late rene<al 8
In case the ho!der of a !icence does not app!y for its renewa! prior to the date of expiry of the !icence referred
to in s-b-r-!e &1( of r-!e 14$ he +ay app!y for the renewa! of !icence s-bse3-ent!y a!so b-t within a period of
two yearsII after the date of expiry of the !icence on pay+ent of a s-rchar"e at the rate of Rs.1C/- for e*ery
ha!f-year or part thereof. he !icence in s-ch a case$ sha!! be renewed fro+ the date of expiry of the
*:4 Re1ister for <ireless tele1rap0/ apparatus 8
?*ery !icensee sha!! +aintain a re"ister in respect of a!! wire!ess te!e"raphy apparat-s estab!ished$
+aintained and wor,ed by hi+ at the a+ate-r station in the for+ set o-t in #nnex-re DI of these r-!es.
*,4 !ocation of Amateur Station 8
he !ocation of the a+ate-r station sha!! be specified in the !icence a!on" with the -s-a! residence of the
!icensee endorsed therein and it sha!! be operated on!y fro+ the p!ace so fixed. Aro*ided that the )entra!
Go*ern+ent +ay$ per+it the chan"e of !ocation if the !icensee app!ies for it in writin" "i*in" partic-!ars of the
chan"e and s-b+its the !icense for endorse+ent$ and pays a fee of r-pees fi*e.
*-4 #orta.le and mo.ile amateur Station 8
.itho-t pre=-dice to r-!e 17$ the )entra! Go*ern+ent +ay in addition to an a+ate-r station !icensed for a &1(
Specified !ocation iss-e a specia! a-thorisation to estab!ish$ +aintain and wor, an a+ate-r station as a
portab!e station or a +obi!e station fixed on board a +otor *ehic!e for a specific period in specia! occasions
!i,e exhibitions and =a+borees or for specific technica! in*esti"ations in radio if-
&i( app!ication for s-ch a-thorisation is +ade we!! in ad*ance indicatin"$ a+on" others$ the specific period for
which the a-thorisation is re3-ired$ nat-re of in*esti"ations or detai!s in re"ard to occasion as the case +ay
be$ and area of operation 4 &ii( the app!icant ho!ds an #d*anced #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence
or an #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence Grade I4 &iii( the app!icant pays an additiona! fee of
&/( he specia! a-thorisation sha!!$ in addition to the conditions specified in r-!e 1C$ be s-b=ect to fo!!owin"$
na+e!y<- &i( he specia! a-thorisation sha!! not be iss-ed for a period +ore than 9C days. &ii( he
!icensee2s a+ate-r station at the fixed !ocation and the +obi!e station sha!! not co++-nicate with each
others4 &iii( the s-ffix 1902 sha!! be added to the ca!!si"n a!ready a-thorised to the !icensee2s a+ate-r station
at the fixed !ocation for -se by the portab!e or +obi!e station. S-ch ca!!si"n sha!! be fo!!owed by the !ocation
of the station. &i*( S-ch other conditions as the )entra! Go*ern+ent +ay deter+ine fro+ ti+e to ti+e.
&'( he specia! a-thori>ation +ay be withdrawn or the conditions contained therein *aried at any ti+e by the
*+4 Amateur Station on .oard s0ip 8
&1( .itho-t pre=-dice to r-!e 17$ the )entra! Go*ern+ent +ay on receipt of an app!ication a-thorise
estab!ish+ent$ +aintenance and wor,in" of an a+ate-r station on board a ship re"istered in India.
#pp!ications for s-ch a-thorisation sha!! be acco+panied by a written appro*a! of the +aster or owners of
the ship concerned.
&/( he estab!ish+ent$ +aintenance and wor,in" of a+ate-r stations on board ships sha!!$ in addition to the
conditions specified -nder r-!e 1C$ be s-b=ect to s-ch other conditions as the )entra! Go*ern+ent +ay
deter+ine fro+ ti+e to ti+e and s-ch conditions$ a+on" others$ sha!! inc!-de the fo!!owin"$ na+e!y<-
&i( he a+ate-r station on board ship sha!! be operated on!y whi!e the ship is in Internationa! waters or
Indian territoria! waters. Its operation within the territoria! waters of another co-ntry sha!! be in confor+ity
with !aws and re"-!ations of the co-ntry concerned. &ii( It sha!! not be operated whi!st the ship is in any
harbo-r in India.
&iii( he ca!!si"n a!!otted to s-ch stations sha!! ha*e s-ffix 19S2 fo!!owed by the ca!!si"n of the ship in case of
radiote!e"raphy or the officia! na+e of the ship in case of radiote!ephony. &i*( he a+ate-r station on board a
ship sha!! discontin-e operation at any ti+e on re3-est of an officer of the )entra! Go*ern+ent$ the 9aster
or Radio 0fficer of the ship or any !and station.
5=4 !oss and Issue of Duplicate of !icence and Document s0o<in1 t0e Rene<al
of !icence 8
&1( # person whose ;icence or the doc-+ent showin" the renewa! of !icence has been !ost$ +-ti!ated or
distroyed sha!! notify the sa+e to the )entra! Go*ern+ent. #n app!ication in #nnex-re DII of these r-!es for
the d-p!icate sha!! be +ade to the )entra! Go*ern+ent e+bodyin" a state+ent of the circ-+stances
in*o!*ed in the !oss$ +-ti!ation or destr-ction of the !icence or the doc-+ent showin" the renewa! of !icence
for which a d-p!icate is re3-ired. If the !icence or the doc-+ent showin" the renewa! of !icence has been
!ost$ the app!icant +-st state the circ-+stance in which it was !ost and the reasonab!e search has been
+ade for it$ and f-rther that in the e*ent it be fo-nd$ either the ori"ina! or the d-p!icate sha!! be ret-rned for
cance!!ation. he +-ti!ated !icence or the doc-+ent showin" the renewa! of !icence for which the d-p!icate
is re3-ired sho-!d be forwarded a!on"with the app!ication for cance!!ation.
&/( he )entra! Go*ern+ent +ay iss-e d-p!icate copy of any !icence or the doc-+ent showin" the renewa!
of the !icence and the fo!!owin" char"es sha!! be !e*ied for s-ch iss-e-
&i( @or d-p!icate of !icence . . JJJJJJ Rs. 1C
&ii( @or d-p!icate of the doc-+ent showin" the renewa! of !icenceJJ Rs. %
5*4 Revocation of licence 8
&1( he )entra! Go*ern+ent +ay$ at any ti+e$ re*o,e the !icence
&i( 0n the breach of any of the conditions of !icence contained in #nnex-re I4 or
&ii( In defa-!t of pay+ent of any fees payab!e -nder these r-!es <
Aro*ided that$ before re*o,in" a !icence$ the !icencsee sha!! be "i*en a reasonab!e opport-nity of +a,in" a
representation a"ainst the action proposed to be ta,en.
&/( he !icensee sha!! not be entit!ed to any co+pensation arisin" o-t of re*ocation of his !icence nor wi!! any
part of the fees paid for the !icence sha!! be ref-nded for the period a !icence stands re*o,ed.
554 Transfer of licence 8
# !icence sha!! not be transferab!e<
Aro*ided that the )entra! Go*ern+ent +ay per+it the transfer of a !icence "ranted to an a-thorised officia!
of an a+ate-r radio society or c!-b or a schoo!$ co!!e"e or an instit-te or a Bni*ersity in India in fa*o-r of his
s-ccessor if s-ch s-ccessor ho!ds a cate"ory of !icence appropriate to the trans+issions to be cond-cted by
the a+ate-r station.
594 Operation of licensed amateur station 8
No person other than the !icensee sha!! be per+itted to operate the !icensed a+ate-r station <
Aro*ided that - &a( in the presence of the !icensee hi+se!f$ the station +ay be operated by an other person
ho!din" a *a!id !icence of co+parab!e or hi"her cate"ory. he !icensee$ howe*er$ sha!! be persona!!y
responsib!e for the obser*ance of these r-!es as if the station is operated by hi+.
&b( in case of a !icence iss-ed to an a-thorised officia! of an a+ate-r radio society or c!-b or a schoo!$
co!!e"e$ or an instit-tion or a Bni*ersity in India$ the station +ay a!so be operated by a person who ho!ds a
!icence of e3-i*a!ent or hi"her cate"ory with the prior per+ission of the )entra! Go*ern+ent in writin"4 if the
!icensee ,eeps persona! s-r*ei!!ance o*er the operation of the station. he !icensee sha!! be responsib!e for
the obser*ance of these r-!es.
524 Surrender of licence <
# !icence which is re*o,ed or which has beco+e in*a!id and !icensee does not desire to renew it sha!! be
s-rrendered to the )entra! Go*ern+ent for cance!!ation and record.
564 Dual 0oldin1 of licence 8
No person sha!! be "ranted +ore than one !icence at the sa+e ti+e <
Aro*ided that the )entra! Go*ern+ent +ay exe+pt a person$ ho!din" a !icence in his na+e for a+ate-r
radio society or a schoo!$ co!!e"e or an instit-te or a -ni*ersity in India$ fro+ the operation of this r-!e.
5:4 Admission of forei1n national to examination and 1rant of licence 8
&1( Notwithstandin" anythin" contained in these r-!es$ the )entra! Go*ern+ent +ay$ s-b=ect to s-ch ter+s
and conditions as it +ay i+pose fro+ ti+e to ti+e$ ad+it a person$ who is not a citi>en of India$ to an
exa+ination for the "rant of a !icence or "rant hi+ a !icence if otherwise 3-a!ified.
&/( he conditions -nder s-b-section &1( sha!!$ a+on" others$ inc!-de the fo!!owin"$ na+e!y <-
&i( the co-ntry of which the app!icant is citi>en$ "rants reciproca! faci!ities to Indian nationa!s <
Aro*ided that it sha!! not app!y where the )entra! Go*ern+ent considers that reciproca! faci!ities are not
necessary 4 &ii( the app!icant is abo*e the a"e of 18 years4
&iii( the app!icant2s stay in India is not !i,e!y to be !ess than one year fro+ the date of app!ication.
&i*( the app!icant is a ho!der of an appropriate cate"ory of a+ate-r station operator2s certificate or !icence
iss-ed by a co+petent a-thority in any other co-ntry and reco"nised by the )entra! Go*ern+ent.
&*( the !icence -nder this r-!e sha!! be initia!!y "ranted for a period of one year or for the period of *a!idity of
*isa$ for which the app!icant2s passport is endorsed$ whiche*er is !ess.
5,4 #enalt/ for .reac0 of t0ese rules 8
#ny breach of these r-!es$ other than a breach$ which is an offence -nder section /C or /1 of the #ct$ sha!!
be p-nishab!e with fine which +ay extend -
&i( when the person is !icensed -nder the #ct$ to one tho-sand r-pees and in the case of contin-in" breach a
f-rther fine of two h-ndred r-pees for e*ery day after the first d-rin" the who!e of any part of which the
breach contin-es4
&ii( when a ser*ent of the person so !icensed or another person is p-nishab!e for the breach one fo-rth of the
a+o-nts specified in c!a-se &i(.
5-4 Repeal and savin1 8
&1( 0n the co++ence+ent of these r-!es$ the Indian .ire!ess e!e"raphy &#+ate-r Ser*ice( R-!es$ 19%8$
sha!! cease to be in force.
&/( Notwithstandin" s-ch cesser$-
&a( .here before s-ch co++ence+ent any person has passed the #+ate-r Station 0perators2 )ertificate
Grade I or Grade II ?xa+ination$ s-ch person sha!! not be re3-ired to pass any s-ch exa+ination -nder
these r-!es4
&b( .here$ before s-ch co++ence+ent any person was "ranted #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station
;icence Grade I$ or any s-ch ;icence was renewed and the period for which s-ch ;icence was "ranted or
renewed extends beyond the co++ence+ent of these r-!es$ then$ s-ch ;icence sha!! contin-e to be in force
for the period specified in the ;icence.
$See rules 6 ? *=(
I4 &se of t0e Amateur Station 8
&1( he a+ate-r station sha!! be -sed as part of se!f trainin"$ interco++-nication and technica!
in*esti"ations in radio techni3-es so!e!y with a persona! ai+ and witho-t pec-niary interest <
Aro*ided that when the station is !icensed to an a+ate-r radio society or c!-b$ or a schoo!$ co!!e"e or an
instit-te or a Bni*ersity$ the -se of the station Ksha!! beK confined to technica! in*esti"ation and trainin" in
radio co++-nication techni3-es witho-t pec-niary interest.
&/( he station +ay a!so be -sed for the p-rpose of recei*in" trans+issions in the Standard @re3-ency
Ser*ice to faci!itate operation of the station within the a-thorised fre3-ency bands.
&'( ?xcept as pro*ided in these r-!es$ the !icensee sha!! not assi"n$ -nder-!et or otherwise dispose off or
ad+it any person to participate in the benefits of the !icence.
II4 %essa1es 8
&1( &a( Radio co++-nications +ay be exchan"ed with other stations si+i!ar!y a-thorised. he a+ate-r
stations are forbidden to co++-nicate with a+ate-r stations of co-ntries whose ad+inistrations ha*e
notified the Internationa! e!eco++-nication Bnion of their ob=ection to s-ch radio co++-nications.
&b( rans+issions sha!! be +ade in p!ain !an"-a"e and !i+ited to +essa"es of a technica! nat-re re!atin" to
tests and to re+ar,s of persona! character &exc!-din" b-siness affairs or transactions( in which the !icensee$
or the person with who+ he is in co++-nication$ are direct!y concerned and for which$ by reason of their
-ni+portance$ reco-rse to the p-b!ic te!eco++-nication ser*ice is not =-stified.
&c( Specia! recordin"s for reprod-ction sin-soida! tone or tones within the a-dio fre3-ency spectr-+ which
+ay be either constant or steadi!y chan"in" in fre3-ency +ay be -sed.
&/( he !icensee is forbidden to trans+it$-
&a( +essa"es !i,e the reprod-ction of broadcast pro"ra++es or tape recordin"s or trans+issions of
entertain+ent *a!-e or +-sic4
&b( fa!se or +is!eadin" ca!!s$ or si"na!s$ news$ ad*ertise+ents$ co++-nications of b-siness$ state+ents on
topics of po!itica! or ind-stria! contro*ersy4
&c( s-perf!-o-s si"na!s or any +atter which is indecent or of obscene character or of a seditio-s tendency or
which is "ross!y offensi*e or s-ch as is !i,e!y to aro-se racia!$ re!i"io-s$ or co++-na! ani+osity4
&d( +essa"es for pec-niary reward or any +essa"es for$ or on beha!f of third parties4
&'( Notwithstandin" c!a-se &a($ s-b-condition &1( and c!a-se &d($ s-b-condition &/( the !icensees in case of
fai!-re of nor+a! te!eco++-nication faci!ities$ are per+itted to hand!e third party +essa"es$ pertainin" to
nat-ra! ca!a+ities s-ch as earth3-a,e$ f!oods$ cyc!ones and wide spread fires$ ori"inatin" fro+ and
addressed to a co+petent ci*i! a-thority na+e!y$ &a( Eistrict 9a"istrates or Eep-ty )o++issioners or
)o!!ectors of the district and &b( any other officer a-thorised by a-thorities +entioned at &a( abo*e. he
!icensee sha!! infor+ by !etter addressed to the !icensin" a-thority re"ardin" the -se of his a+ate-r station
for s-ch p-rposes on each s-ch occasions.
III4 Fre;uencies) Emissions and #o<er 8
he a+ate-r station sha!! be operated on fre3-encies that are within the fre3-ency bands a-thorised to
respecti*e cate"ories of !icences -nder r-!e 1' and on s-ch c!asses of e+issions and power not exceedin"
that specified in the said r-!e.
I'4 Fre;uenc/ Control and %easurement 8
&1( he trans+ittin" apparat-s sha!! be t-ned as acc-rate!y as possib!e to ens-re that no ener"y is radiant
on any fre3-ency o-tside the !i+its of the a-thorised fre3-ency bands.
&/( he !icensee sha!! ha*e at the !icensed a+ate-r station a re!iab!e fre3-ency +eas-rin" e3-ip+ent to
*erify$ each ti+e the fre3-ency of the trans+itter is chan"ed and whene*er it is necessary to chec, the
trans+itted fre3-ency$ the e+issions are within the a-thorised fre3-ency bands. he !icensee sha!! ta,e a!!
steps necessary to +aintain the acc-racy of the fre3-ency +eas-rin" e3-ip+ent.
'4 Non3Interference 8
&1( he a+ate-r station sha!! be so desi"ned$ constr-cted$ erected$ +aintained and wor,ed as not to ca-se
interference with any wire!ess te!e"raph ser*ice f-nctionin"$ within or witho-t India$ in accordance with the
pro*isions of the )on*ention or the wire!ess si"na!in" between any fixed$ !and or +obi!e stations of Indian
;and$ Na*a! or #ir @orce or between s-ch stations and any station abroad <
Aro*ided that in the e*ent of interference bein" ca-sed by the station the !icensee sha!! discontin-e or
restrict trans+issions$ pendin" ad=-st+ent of the e3-ip+ent$ on re3-est fro+$-
&a( the )entra! Go*ern+ent4 or &b( any !and station.
&/( he !icensee sha!! dep!oy a!! necessary +eans to ens-re that the radiated fre3-ency is free fro+
har+onics$ ,ey c!ic,s$ h-+ and other for+s of sp-rio-s e+issions.
&'( he !icensee sha!! ens-re that the trans+itter is not o*er +od-!ated.
&4( he -se of c!ass 5 e+issions &da+ped wa*es( is forbidden.
'I4 !o1 $Dair/ of t0e radio service( 8
&1( # chrono!o"ica! record of a!! trans+issions e+anatin" fro+ or recei*ed at the a+ate-r station sha!! be
,ept in bo-nd boo, &not !oose-!eaf( showin" the fo!!owin" <
&a( Eate and ti+e of each trans+ission4
&b( a s-++ary of the co++-nications exchan"ed4
&c( a brief description of the experi+ents and tests -nderta,en4
&d( the ca!!si"n of station or stations with which +essa"es ha*e been exchan"ed$ ti+es and type of e+ission
e+p!oyed in each case4
&e( ti+e of openin" and c!osin" down the a+ate-r station4
&f( in case of portab!e or +obi!e a+ate-r station the partic-!ars of te+porary !ocation.
&/( #!! ti+es in the !o" sha!! be stated in the Indian Standard i+e.
&'( No "aps sha!! be !eft between entries in the !o" and they sha!! be +ade and inita!!ed at the ti+e of
recei*in" and trans+ittin".
&4( In case the station is operated by a person other than the !icensee &see r-!e /'($ the !icensee sha!!
ens-re that !o" is si"ned by that person indicatin" his na+e$ ca!!si"n and !icence n-+ber.
&%( ;icensee sha!! preser*e the !o" for a period of one year fro+ the date of !ast entry therein before it is
destroyed< Aro*ided that no !o" sha!! be destroyed for s-ch f-rther period as the )entra! Go*ern+ent +ay
&H( he for+ of !o" is shown in the ab!e attached to these conditions.
'II4 ireless Tele1rap0/ Apparatus 8
&1( he a+ate-r station sha!! be e3-ipped for reception as we!! as trans+ission except in the case of Short
.a*e ;isteners #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station ;icence when it sha!! be e3-ipped for the for+er on!y.
&/( he .ire!ess te!e"raphy apparat-s and other accessory e3-ip+ent -sed or intended to be -sed by the
!icensee sha!! be so arran"ed as not to endan"er the safety of !icensee or other persons.
&'( he wire!ess te!e"raph apparat-s sha!! be ,ept in a safe condition and ho-sed in s-ch +anner as to
prec!-de access to -na-thorised persons.
&4( he trans+itter sha!! be of a type that has a fre3-ency stabi!ity co+parab!e to that of a crysta! contro!.
&%( 9eters of standard acc-racy sha!! be insta!!ed to +eas-re the E.). power inp-t to the anode circ-it of the
fina! radio fre3-ency sta"e of the trans+itter.
&H( he aeria! -sed or intended to be -sed sha!! be so erected$ fixed$ or p!aced as not to cross abo*e or fa!!
on to any power$ te!e"raph or te!ephone !ine.
'III4 Secrec/ of Correspondence 8
If any +essa"e which the !icensee is not entit!ed to recei*e is$ ne*erthe!ess recei*ed$ the !icensee sha!! not
+a,e ,nown or a!!ow to be +ade ,nown its contents$ its ori"in or destination$ its existence or the fact of its
receipt to any person &0ther than d-!y a-thorised officer of the )entra! Go*ern+ent or a co+petent !e"a!
trib-na!( and sha!! not reprod-ce in writin"$ copy or +a,e any -se of s-ch +essa"e or a!!ow the sa+e to be
reprod-ced in writin"$ copied or +ade -se of.
I>4 $*( "eneral Radiotele1rap0 and Radiotelep0one #rocedure 8
&1(&a( 5efore trans+ittin"$ the station sha!! ta,e preca-tions to ens-re that its e+issions wi!! not interfere with
trans+issions a!ready in pro"ress. If s-ch interference is !i,e!y the trans+ission sha!! not co++ence ti!!
there is an appropriate brea, in the co++-nications is pro"ress.
&b(he ca!!si"n endorsed in the !icence sha!! be sent for identification at the be"innin" and at the end of each
period of trans+ission. .hen the period of trans+ission exceeds 1C +in-tes the ca!! si"n sha!! be repeated.
;icensee sha!! not +a,e trans+ission witho-t identification or with fa!se identification.
&c( Aro!on"ed ca!!s and trans+issions sha!! be a*oided.
&d( .hen it is necessary to spe!! o-t ca!! si"n$ certain expressions$ diffic-!t words$ abbre*iations$ fi"-res
etc.$ the phonetic a!phabet and fi"-re code "i*en in the )on*ention sha!! be -sed.
&/( )a!! and Rep!y Aroced-re
&a( he ca!! sha!! consist of the ca!! si"n of the station ca!!ed not +ore than three ti+es4
the word E? &in case of radiote!e"raphy( and the words Khis isK &in case of radio te!ephony(. the ca!! si"n of
the ca!!in" station$ not +ore than three ti+es.
&b( he rep!y to ca!! sha!! consist of - the ca!! si"n of the ca!!sin" station$ not +ore than three ti+es 4the word
E? &in case of a radiote!e"raphy(and the words Khis -sK &in case of radio te!ephony(. the ca!! si"n of the
station ca!!ed$ not +ore than three ti+es.
&c( he ca!! +ay be sent three ti+es at inter*a!s of two +in-tes4 thereafter it sha!!not be repeated -nti! an
inter*a! of 1C +in-tes d-rin" which the operator sha!! !isten in the fre3-ency band is which the ca!! has been
&d( In case of "enera! ca!! to a!! stations the si"na! 1)L2 &in case of radiote!e"raphy2 and the words 1Me!!o a!!
stations2 or the si"na! 1)L2 &in case of radiote!ephony( sha!! rep!ace the ca!! si"n of the station ca!!ed in the
ca!!in" proced-re.
&'( ?nd of rans+ission and .or, <
&a( rans+ission of a +essa"e sha!! be ter+inated by the si"na! #R &in case of radiote!e"raphy( and the
word 10*er2 &in case of radiote!ephony(.
&b(he end of wor, between two stations sha!! be indicated by each of the+ by +eans of si"na! D# &in case
of radiote!e"raph( and by the word 10B2 &or D# spo,en as Dictor #!fa( in case of radiote!ephony.
&4( ests <
&a( .hen it is necessary to +a,e test si"na!s either for the ad=-st+ent of a trans+itter or a recei*er or for
any experi+ent$ s-ch si"na!s sha!! not be contin-ed for +ore than 'C seconds and sha!! be co+posed of
series of DDD fo!!owed by the ca!!si"n of the station e+ittin" the test si"na!s. In case of radiote!ephony
series of DDD sha!! be rep!aces by the fi"-res 1$/$'$4...... spo,en in the fi"-re code.
&b( @or tests exceedin" 'C seconds an artificia! aeria! sha!! be -sed.
&c( ?+ission of carrier wa*e is forbidden -n!ess s-ch wa*e is s-b=ected to inte!!i"ib!e +od-!ation.
>4 Inspection 8
&1( #ny officer a-thorised by the )entra! Go*ern+ent in that beha!f in writin" by the+$ +ay at a!! reasonab!e
ti+es enter the station so!e!y or =oint!y with any other person or persons for the p-rpose of inspectin" and
+ay inspect$ exa+ine or test any apparat-s cond-ct of s-ch inspections and tests and +a,in" a*ai!ab!e the
!icence$ the station !o" or other records for exa+ination by the inspectin" officer.
&/( he !icensee when ca!!ed -pon to do so by the )entra! Go*ern+ent sha!! arran"e to forward the !icence$
the !o" boo,$ or any other record or data for exa+ination by that Go*ern+ent.
>I4 #o<ers to ta@e possession of t0e Amateur Station and to order interception of
messa1es 8
&1( 0n the occ-rrence of any p-b!ic e+er"ency$ or in the interest of the p-b!ic safety$ the )entra!
Go*ern+ent or a State Go*ern+ent or any officer specia!!y a-thorised in this beha!f by the )entra!
Go*ern+ent or a State Go*ern+ent +ay$ if satisfied that it is necessary or expedient so to do$ ta,e
te+porary possession &for so !on" as the p-b!ic e+er"ency exists or the interest of the p-b!ic safety re3-ires
the ta,in" of s-ch action( of the #+ate-r Station.
&/( 0n the occ-rrence of any p-b!ic e+er"ency$ or in the interest of the p-b!ic safety$ the )entra!
Go*ern+ent or a State Go*ern+ent +ay$ if satisfied that it is necessary or expedient so to do in the interests
of the so*erei"nty and inte"rity of India$ the sec-rity of the State$ friend!y re!ations with forei"n state or p-b!ic
order or for pre*entin" incite+ent to the co++ission of an offence$ for reasons to be recorded in writin"$ by
order$ direct that any +essa"e of c!ass of +essa"es re!atin" to any partic-!ar s-b=ect$ sha!! not be
trans+itted or recei*ed or sha!! be intercepted by the station or sha!! be disc!osed to the Go*ern+ent +a,in"
the order or an officer thereof +entioned in the order.
&'( he !icensee sha!! not be entit!ed to any co+pensation in respect of the exercise of the powers conferred
by s-b condition &1( and &/( or this condition.
>II. he !icensee sha!! inde+nify the )entra! Go*ern+ent a"ainst a!! actions$ c!ai+s and
de+ands which +ay be bro-"ht or +a,e by any person$ body corporate or co+pany in respect
any in=-ry arisin" fro+ any act !icensed or per+itted by the !icence.
>III. # copy of the Indian .ire!ess e!e"raphs &#+ate-r Ser*ice( R-!es.$ 1978 sha!! be ,ept at the
#+ate-r Station.
Application from an individual for a licence to esta.lis0) %aintain and <or@
an amateur <ireless tele1rap0 station in India4
&See r-!es H G 8(
&;ast na+e( &@irst( &9idd!e(
/. @ather2s na+e and address < JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ
%. Eate of 5irth A!ace of 5irth Nationa!ity 0cc-pation
H. &a( )ate"ory of !icence app!ied for &b( ?xact !ocation of the Station
7. Eo yo- ho!d Radiote!e"raph 0perator2s )ertificate N If yes$ "i*e partic-!ars <
Na+e of the certificate No. Eate of Iss-e
8. Aartic-!ars of #+ate-r Station 0perator2s ?xa+ination <
Na+e )entre 9onth of ?xa+ination
9. Aartic-!ars of apparat-s to be -sed<
#pparat-s -sed 9an-fact-rer2s Na+e ype No. @re3-ency Ran"e R.@. Aower 0-tp-t
@re3-ency 9eas-rin" Ee*ice
1C. If appeared in any of the #+ate-r Station 0perator2s ?xa+ination. Fes/No
If yes$ indicate the date of the exa+ination
I hereby so!e+n!y dec!are that the fore"oin" facts are tr-e and correct and nothin" is fa!se therein
and nothin" +ateria! has been concea!ed there fro+. I a!so a"ree that in case any infor+ation
"i*en by +e herein before is fo-nd fa!se at a !ater date$ the !icence$ if "ranted$ wi!! be cance!!ed.
I f-rther so!e+n!y "i*e an -nderta,in" that I wi!! not either direct!y or indirect!y di*-!"e to any
person$ except when !awf-!!y a-thorised or directed to do so$ the p-rport of any +essa"e which I
+ay trans+it or recei*e by +eans of any wire!ess apparat-s operated by +e or which +ay co+e
to +y ,now!ed"e in connection with the operation of said apparat-s.
I ha*e caref-!!y read and -nderstood the r-!es contained in the Indian .ire!ess e!e"raphs
&#+ate-r Ser*ice( R-!es$ 1978 and -nderta,e to abide by the+ and obser*e the conditions of the
!icence. he !icensed station sha!! not be +ade accessib!e to any -na-thorised person at any
Si"nat-re of witness < Si"nat-re of app!icant <
Na+e &in b!oc, !etters( < Na+e &in 5!oc, !etters(<
#ddress< Eate <
Eate < A!ace <
Note O 1. #n attested copy of birth certificate or schoo! !ea*in" certificate +-st be acco+pained
a!on" with the app!ication.
/. ?nc!ose a certificate in s-pport of nationa!ity in the prescribed profor+a$ indicated in
#ppendix III fro+ one of the officers !isted therein.
)ertified that I ha*e ,nown Shri PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP son of Shri
PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP for the !ast PPPPPPP years and that to the best of +y ,now!ed"e and
be!ief he/she bears a "ood +ora! character. Me/She is of PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP nationa!ity.
Me/She is not re!ated to +e.
#ddress < Si"nat-re<
Eated< Eesi"nation <
Sea! <
Note- his certificate sho-!d be fro+ one of the officers !isted be!ow <-
1. Ga>etted officers of )entra! or State Go*ern+ents.
/. 9e+bers of Aar!ia+ent or State ;e"is!at-res.
'. S-b-Ei*isiona! 9a"istrate/0fficer.
4. ahsi!dars or Naib/Eep-ty ehsi!dars #-thorised to exercise +a"isteria! powers.
%. Arincipa! / Mead 9aster / Mead 9istress of the reco"ni>ed instit-tions &Schoo! / )o!!e"e(
&See r-!es H G 8(
1. Na+e and address of the #+ate-r Radio Society/)!-b/Schoo!/Instit-te etc JJJJJ
/. Aartic-!ars of a-thorised officia! of the Society/)!-b/Schoo! etc. in whose fa*o-r !icence is
desired < Na+e < Eesi"nation <
Eate of 5irth A!ace of 5irth Nationa!ity 0cc-pation
'.&a( )ate"ory of !icence app!ied for &b( ?xact !ocation of the station
4. Aartic-!ars of #+ate-r .ire!ess e!e"raph Station !icence he!d by the a-thorised officia!
)ate"ory of !icence No. Eate of Iss-e
%. Aartic-!ars of the #+ate-r Radio Society or c!-b$ schoo! etc.
&a( If re"istered$ "i*e the partic-!ars <
&b( In case of schoo!$ co!!e"e or instit-te$ "i*e the na+e of 5oard or Bni*ersity by which it is
&c( Gi*e in brief its ai+s and ob=ecti*es <
&d( If affi!iated to any radio a+ate-r or"anisation$ "i*e its partic-!ars <
&e( Gi*e the na+es of office bearers <
&f( 9ode of operation of the station inc!-din" its nor+a! ho-rs of wor,in" <
H. Aartic-!ars of #pparat-s to be -sed <
)ate"ory of #pparat-s 9an-fact-rer2s na+e ype No @re3-ency ran"e R@ Aower o-tp-t.
@re3-ency 9eas-rin" Ee*ice
I hereby so!e+n!y dec!are that the fore"oin" facts are tr-e and correct and nothin" if fa!se therein
and nothin" +ateria!s has been concea!ed therefro+. I a!so a"ree that in case any infor+ation
"i*en by +e hereinbefore is fo-nd fa!se at a !ater date$ the !icence$ if "ranted$ wi!! be cance!!ed.
I f-rther so!e+n!y "i*e an -nderta,in" that I wi!! not either direct!y or indirect!y di*-!"e to any
person$ except when !awf-!!y a-thorised or directed to do so$ the p-rport of any +essa"e which I
+ay trans+it or recei*e by +eans of any wire!ess operated by +e or which +ay co+e to +y
,now!ed"e in connection with the operation of said apparat-s.
I ha*e caref-!!y read and -nderstood the r-!es contained in the Indian .ire!ess e!e"raphs
&#+ate-r Ser*ice($ R-!es 1978 and -nderta,e to abide by the+ and obser*e the conditions of
!icence. he !icensed stations sha!! not be +ade accessib!e to any -na-thorised person at any
Si"nat-re of witness < Si"nat-re of app!icant <
Na+e &in b!oc, !etters( < Na+e &in 5!oc, !etters(<
#ddress< Eate <
Eate < A!ace <
Note < 1. #n attested copy of birth certificate or schoo! !ea*in" certificate +-st be acco+pained
a!on" with the app!ication. /. ?nc!ose a certificate in s-pport of nationa!ity in the prescribed
profor+a$ indicated in #ppendix III fro+ one of the officers !isted therein. '. #ttach a copy of the
r-!es and re"-!ations or constit-tion. 4. #ttach the +in-tes of the re!e*ant +eetin".
1. he exa+ination sha!! consist of the fo!!owin" two parts <
#ART I 3 ritten Test
It sha!! co+prise of one paper containin" two sections as -nder <
Section # < Radio heory and Aractice
Note- #pp!icants ho!din" de"ree in te!eco++-nication$ or e!ectronics and e!ectrica! co++-nications$ or a
de"ree reco"nised by the )entra! Go*ern+ent as e3-i*a!ent to the abo*e de"ree sha!! be exe+pted fro+
appearin" in Section I of the test.
Section 5< Nationa! and Internationa! Re"-!ations app!icab!e to the operation of a+ate-r station and those
re!atin" to the wor,in" of station "enera!!y.
A#R II - 9orse
&i( Recei*in"$ and &ii( Sendin".
/. Eetai!ed sy!!ab-s <
54* Amateur Station OperatorDs "rade II Examination
Aart I O .ritten est
$a( Section I 8 Radio T0eor/ and #ractice 8
Elementar/ Electricit/ and %a1netism 8
?!e+entary theory of e!ectricity$ cond-ctors and ins-!ators$ -nits$ 0h+2s ;aw$ resistance in series and
para!!e! cond-ctance$ power and ener"y$ per+anent +a"nets and e!ectro+a"nets and their -se in radio
wor,4 se!f and +-t-a! ind-ctance4 types of ind-ctors -sed in recei*in" and trans+ittin" circ-its$ capacitance4
constr-ction of *ario-s types of capacitors and their arran"e+ents in series and/or para!!e!.
Elementar/ T0eor/ of Alternatin1 Currents 8
Sin-soida! a!ternatin" 3-antities - pea,$ instantaneo-s$ R.9.S. a*era"e *a!-es$ phase4 reactance$
i+pedance4 series and para!!e! circ-its containin" resistance$ ind-ctance$ capacitance4 power factor$
resonance in series and para!!e! circ-its4 co-p!ed circ-its4 transfor+ers for a-dio and radio fre3-encies4
T0ermonic 'alves 8
)onstr-ction of *a!*es4 ther+onic e+ission$ characteristic c-r*es$ diodes$ triodes and +-!ti-e!ectrode *a!*es4
-se of *a!*es as rectifier$ osci!!ators$ a+p!ifiers$ detectors and fre3-ency chan"ers$ power pac,s$
stabi!isation and s+oothin"$ e!e+entary theory and constr-ction of se+icond-ctor de*ices - diodes and
Radio Receivers 8
Arincip!es and operation of .R.@. and s-perhetrodyne recei*ers$ ). reception4 recei*er characteristics-
sensiti*ity$ se!ecti*ity$ fide!ity4 ad=acent channe! and i+a"e interference4 #.D.). and s3-e!ch/circ-its4 si"na! to
noise ratio.
Transmitter 8
Arincip!es and operation of !ow power trans+itter4 crysta! osci!!ators$ stabi!ity of osci!!ators.
Radio propa"ation <
.a*e !en"th$ fre3-ency$ nat-re and propa"ations of radio wa*es4 "ro-nd and s,y wa*es4 s,ip distance4
Aerials 8
)o++on types of trans+ittin" and recei*in" aeria!s.
Fre;uenc/ %easurement 8
9eas-re+ent of fre3-ency and -se of si+p!e fre3-ency +eters.
$.( Section 5 8 Re1ulations 8
$a( Cno<lde1e of
&i( the Indian .ire!ess e!e"raph R-!es$ 197'.
&ii( the Indian .ire!ess e!e"raphs &#+ate-r Ser*ice( R-!es$ 1978.
&b( Qnow!ed"e of Internationa! Radio Re"-!ations as re!atin" to the operation of a+ate-r stations with
partic-!ar e+phasis on the fo!!owin" <
Ite+ Aro*ision of Radio Re"-!ation
Eesi"nation of ?+ission ... 1C4-11C
No+enc!at-re of the @re3-ency G .a*e!en"th ... 11/
@re3-ency #!!ocation of #+ate-r Ser*ices ... #rtic!e %
9eas-res a"ainst interference ... HH7-H77
Interference and ests ... H9'-7C'
Identification of Stations ... 7'%-7'7 74'$ 77/-77'
Eistress and Br"ency rans+issions ... 1'89-1'9H$ 1477-1478$ 1481$ 148'
#+ate-r Station ... 1%HC-1%H7
Ahonetic #!phabets and fi"-re code ... #ppendix 1H
RcS Standard @re3-ency and i+e Si"na!s Ser*ices in the .or!d.
&d(he fo!!owin" 1L2 codes and abbre*iations wi!! sha!! ha*e the sa+e +eanin" as assi"ned to the+ in the
)on*ention.< LR#$ LRG$ LRM$ LRI$ LRQ$ LR;$ LR9$ LRN$ LRL$ LRS$ LR$ LRB$ LRD$ LR.$ LRT$
LRU$ LS#$ LS5$ LS;$ LS0$ LSB$ LSD$ LS.$ LST$ LSF$ LSU$ L)$ LM$ LR$ and LB9.
#bbre*iations < ##$ #5$ #R$ #S$ )$ )@9$ );$ )L$ E?$ Q$ NI;$ 0Q$ R$ B$ D#$ .#$ .5.
T0e a.ove <ritten test is of one 0our duration4 t0e maximum num.er of mar@s is *== and candidate
must secure at least 2= E in eac0 section and 6=E in a11re1ate for a pass4
#art II 3 %orse
$a( Section * < %orse Receivin1 8 $Speed 8 6 <ords per minute(
he test piece wi!! consist of a p!ain !an"-a"e passa"e of 1/% !etters$ fi*e !etters co-ntin" as one word.
)andidates are re3-ired to recei*e for fi*e consec-ti*e +in-tes at the speed of % words per +in-te fro+ a
do-b!e head-"ear headphone recei*er$ internationa! +orse si"na!s fro+ an a-dio osci!!ator ,eyed either
+an-a!!y or a-to+atica!!y. # short practice piece +ay be sent at the prescribed speed before the start of the
act-a! test. )andidates wi!! not be a!!owed +ore than one atte+pt in each test. he test +ay be written in
in, or penci! b-t +-st be !e"ib!e. 5ad handwritin" and o*er-writin" wi!! render a candidate !iab!e to
dis3-a!ification. 9ore than % errors wi!! dis3-a!ify a candidate.
$.( Secton 5 8 %orse Sendin1 $Speed 8 6 <ords per minute(
he test piece wi!! consist of a p!ain !an"-a"e passa"e of 1/% !etters$ % !etters co-ntin" as one word.
)andidates are re3-ired to send on an ordinary ,ey for fi*e consec-ti*e +in-tes at the +ini+-+ speed of
fi*e words per +in-te. # short practice piece +ay be a!!owed before the act-a! test. )andidates wi!! not be
a!!owed +ore than one atte+pt in the test. ?fforts sho-!d be +ade to correct a!! errors. Mowe*er$ +ore than
% -ncorrected errors wi!! dis3-a!ify a candidate. he acc-racy of si"na!in"$ correct for+ation of characters
and the correctness of spacin" sha!! be ta,en into acco-nt.
Note- # candidate is re3-ired to pass both in Aart I and Aart II. In the case of candidates 3-a!ifyin" in Aart I
on!y$ the !icence sha!! be restricted to radiophone operations on!y.
5454 Amateur Station OperatorsD "rade I Examination
#art I 3 ritten Test
Sa+e sy!!ab-s as for the #+ate-r Station 0perators Grade II exa+ination. he test is of / ho-rs d-ration.
he +axi+-+ n-+ber of +ar,s is 1CC and candidates +-st sec-re at !east %CV in each section and %%V in
a""re"ate for a pass.
#art II F %orse
$a( Section * 8 %orse Receivin1 $Speed *5 <ords per minute(
he test piece wi!! consist of a p!ain !an"-a"e passa"e of 'CC characters which +ay co+prise of !etters$
fi"-res and p-nct-ations &A-nct-ations are indicated be!ow(. he a*era"e words sha!! contain fi*e
characters and each fi"-re and p-nct-ation wi!! be co-nted as two characters. )andidates are re3-ired to
recei*e for fi*e consec-ti*e +in-tes at a speed of 1/ words per +in-te. 0ther conditions are the sa+e as
app!icab!e to #+ate-r Station 0perator2s Grade II exa+ination.
Note- est piece +ay contain on!y the fo!!owin" p-nct-ations <
@-!! stop4 )o++a4 Se+i-co!on4 5rea, Si"n4 Mypen and 3-estion +ar,.
$.(Section 5 8 %orse Sendin1 $Speed *5 <ords per minute(
he test piece wi!! be si+i!ar to 9orse Recei*in" test. )andidates are re3-ired to send for fi*e consec-ti*e
+in-tes at a speed not !ess than 1/ words per +in-te. 0ther conditions are the sa+e as app!icab!e to
#+ate-r Station 0perators2 Grade II exa+ination.
Note- # candidate is re3-ired to pass both in Aart I and Aart II si+-!taneo-s!y.
549 Advanced Amateur Station7OperatorsD Examination
#art I 3 ritten Test
$a( Section * 8 Radio T0eor/ and #ractice 8
In addition to the sy!!ab-s prescribed for #+ate-r Station 0perator2s Grade II exa+ination$ fo!!owin" ite+s
sha!! be inc!-ded in the sy!!ab-s of #d*anced #+ate-r Station 0perators2 exa+inations<-
&i( 9otors and Generators < ?!e+entary princip!e and constr-ction of a!ternators$ +otors and Generators.
&ii( #!ternatin" c-rrent < )onstr-ctin" of transfor+ers$ transfor+er !osses$ transfor+er as a +atchin" de*ice.
&iii( 9eas-rin" Instr-+ents < 9o*in" coi! and +o*in" iron +eters$ fre3-ency +eters.
&i*( Se+i )ond-ctor de*ices and ransistors < ?!e+entary princip!es of cond-ction and constr-ction$
sy+bo!s biasin" +ethods.
&*( Aower S-pp!ies < Ma!f wa*e and f-!! wa*e rectifiers$ s+oothin" and re"-!atin"$ brid"e rectifier.
&*i( 9od-!ation< Arincip!es of fre3-ency +od-!ation.
&*ii( rans+itters and Recei*ers < ?!e+entary princip!es of trans+ission and reception of @acsi+i!e and
e!e*ision si"na!s$ e!e+entary princip!es of trans+itters and recei*ers e+p!oyin" sin"!e side band.
&*iii( Aropa"ation < )haracteristics of ionosphere and troposphere. Aroperties of different ref!ectin" !ayers$
opti+-+ wor,in" fre3-ency$ day and ni"ht fre3-encies.
&ix( #eria!s < Arincip!es of radiation$ aeria!s for different fre3-ency bands inc!-din" aeria!s for +icrowa*e.
&x( Space )o++-nications < ?!e+entary princip!es of co++-nication *ia sate!!ite.
$.( Section 5 8 Re1ulations < Sa+e sy!!ab-s as for the #+ate-r Station 0perators Grade I exa+ination.
#art II F %orse
Sa+e sy!!ab-s as prescribed for #+ate-r Station 0perators2 Grade I exa+ination.
Note- he ho!ders of #+ate-r Station 0perators2 Grade I ;icence sha!! howe*er be exempted from #art
II of t0e examination4
Sl4No4 #lace %ont0 of examination
1. Ee!hi$5o+bay$)a!c-tta and 9adras ?*ery +onth
/. #h+edabad$ Myderabad and Na"p-r Wan-ary$ 9arch$ W-ne$
#-"-st$ 0ctober G Eece+ber

'. #=+er$ 5an"a!ore$ Ear=ee!in"$ Gora,hp-r$ Wan-ary$ #pri!$ W-!y and 0ctober.
Wa!andhar$ Goa$ 9an"a!ore$ Shi!!on"$ Ranchi$
Srina"ar and s-ch other p!aces where a
+onitorin" station of the 9onitorin" 0r"anisation
of the 9inistry of )o++-nications is !ocated.
Correspondence to .e addressed to
Officer3in3c0ar1e) ireless %onitorin1 Station)
%inistr/ of Communication ? Information Tec0nolo1/) "overnment of India
1. 0pp. Wa"atpar, Society$ Ghat!odia$
e!. /7HC '444 @#T< /H9/'89C
1/. 9ain Garhi Road$
Mardya! Na"ar&Nr. 5rah+a Q-+ari #shra+(
Wa!andhar )ity -144C//.
e! //%/1C @#T< /'/%44
/. Qotra$ A-sh,ar Road$
e!. HCCH41 @#T< HCC%9'
1'. Aer-n"-di$ Qandancha*adi$ Near @#)I
#SI# ;E.$
e! /49HC/7% @#T< /49H'C8'
'. 18$ Aad+anabha Na"ar$
5an"a!ore-%HC C7C
Ahone< /HH9 C1C/ @#T< /H79C'CC
14. @athi+a 9ansion$
III rd @!oor A.0. Ai=ai$
e! /49'9HC @#T< /494/49
4. Gorai Road$ 5ori*!i&.est($
9-+bai-4CC C9/
e! </8H71H/H @#T< /8H%C/44
1%. )hindwara Road$
A0 Qoradi .A.S.$
e!./H1/114 @#T< /H1/C4C
%. HH-#$ Sec-5$ Shahp-ra
e! /4H4H%' @#T< 4''9'C
1H. Ghitorni$ A0 9ehra-!i$
New Ee!hi-11C C'C
e!< /H%C/H%8 @#T< /H%C/'8C
H. Di!!a"e-Gopa!p-r $
A0 Sar,arpoo!$
e!./4C1/9HC @#T< /4C1 94C7
17. A.0.Mar+oo Mo-sin" )o!ony$
e!.//4'C/' @#T< //414''
7. ;asha Di!!a$ Near Shi* 9andir$
%1%/'/1$ III rd @!oor$ Mi!! )art Road$
Ear=ee!in"-7'4 111
e! /%/'8' @#T< /%71CC
18. ;apa!an" Ryn=ah$
e! %'7H1' @#T</''7/7
8. Girdhari!a! Sardar+a!!s 5!d"$
9ancotta Road$
Eibr-"arh-78H CC1 e!. /'/%/'8$ /'/ H887.
19. Aa!ora op$ 5ehind 5S@ )a+p$
Wa++--1811/4 e!< /%971H7 fax< /4''%%7
9. Sy!*ia Road$ )ho"+ San"o!da Rd.$
A0 #!to Aor*ori+$
G0#-4C' 11/ e!. /417/4% @#T< /41C/8C
/C. Qachani Aost 0ffice$ Nettaya+$
ri*andr-+-H9%C1' e!< /7'/C/
@#T< /'74%''
1C. G-ra-!i 5-=-r"
A.0. )happia
Gora,hp-r-/7' C1H e!. /'/17C9
@#T< /'/'481
/1. Eoor No. '9-/7-41$ 9adha*adhara
DBE# )o!ony$ 9arriba!e+ A.0.
e!< /%'9'H% @#T< /%4/4C/
11. IIIrd @!oor Roo+ No. 'C/$
e!eco+ ?n"ineerin" )entre $ )her!apa!!y
e! /7794%C4 @#T< /7794%'C
(See rule 20)
in b!oc, !etters
1. @-!! na+e of the app!icantJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.
/. Aer+anent address in f-!!JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ..
'. Aartic-!ars of #+ate-r Station ;icence or doc-+ents showin" the renewa! of
of the !icence <
No. and Category of Licence /
Document Showing the renewal of
the Licence
Eate of iss-e
of !icence/
)a!! Si"n Aartic-!ars
4. .hether the !icence or the doc-+ent showin" the renewa! of the !icence is
;ost or +-ti!ated or destroyedN

%. .hether any reasonab!e search has been +ade for the !icence or the
doc-+ent showin" the renewa! of the !icence N
I hereby declare that in the event of the original Licence /
or Document shoing the reneal of the licence be found!
either the original or the du"licate shall be sent to the
#inistry of $ommunications%
A!ace< Si"nat-re #pp!icant
Eated< Aresent address<
?nc!os-res < a( wo sta+p si>e photo"raph
b( )opy of the co+p!aint !etter "i*en to po!ice station
c( EE for Rs.1C/- fa*orin" Aay G #cco-nts 0fficer &ML($ Eept. of
e!eco++-nication$ payab!e at S5I$ Ser*ice 5ranch$ New Ee!hi.
#pp!icant Na+e and address
he #sst..ire!ess #d*iser to
Go*ern+ent of India$
9inistry of )o++-nication and Infor+ation echno!o"y$
.A) .in"$ )0A Section$ #+ate-r )e!!$
H19$ Sanchar 5ha*an$
N?. E?;MI-11C CC1.
Su.8 Rene<al of t0e licence for GGGGGGG /ears4
I am herewith enclosing the following:

1. EE for Rs PPPPPP No. PPPPPPPPPPPP drawn in the fa*o-r of A#F #NE #))0BNS
0@@I)?R &ML($ Eepart+ent of e!eco++-nications$ payab!e at State 5an, of India$
Ser*ice 5ranch$ New Ee!hi.
/. # xerox copy of the !icence.
I dec!are that$ I ha*e +ade +ore than 4C contacts and re3-est yo-r "oodse!f to renew
+y !icence for another..... years and ob!i"e.
han" you,
Fo-rs faithf-!!y$

XSi"nat-re of the !icence ho!derY

Note< Fo- sho-!d ,eep the ;o" boo, for the a-thorities to *erify the abo*e dec!aration.
C0an1e of !ocation8
1. e+porary chan"e of address &not +ore than 9C days( @ee< Rs.1C.CC
/. Aer+anent )han"e of address< @ee< Rs. %.CC a!on"with ori"ina! !icence
'. ;ate renewa! Rs. 1C.CC for e*ery six +onths a!on"with ;icence fee.

Note8 Aay+ents +ade to .A) by de+and draft sho-!d be drawn in the fa*o-r of Aay G
#cco-nts 0fficer &ML($Eepar+ent of e!eco++-nication payab!e at Ser*ice 5ranch$
New Ee!hi. &Eraft sho-!d be fro+ State 5an, of India on!y(
Aut0orised Fre;uenc/ Bands) #o<er and Emission
(rule 13 ndian !irele"" #elegra$h" (%mateur Ser&ice)%mendment rule"' 2003.)
Cate1or/ of !icence Fre;uenc/ Bands Emission %ax D4C4input po<er
Restricted #+ate-r
.ire!ess e!e"raph
Station ;icence
see note &*( be!ow
144-14H 9h>
4'4-4'8 9h> Z
#'?$ M'?$
W'?$ R'? $ @'?
1C .atts
&errestria! Ser*ice on!y a-thori>ed(
#+ate-r .ire!ess
e!e"raph Station ;icence
Grade II

See Note &*i(

18/C-18HC I Qh>
'%CC-'7CC I Qh>
'89C-'9CC Qh>
7CCC-71CC Qh>
14CCC-14'%C Qh>
18CH8-181H8 Qh>G
/1CCC-/14%C Qh>
/489C-/499C Qh>G
/8CCC-/97CC Qh>
144-14H 9h>
4'4-4'8 9h>Z
#1# $#/#$#'?
%C .atts
1C .atts
#+ate-r .ire!ess
e!e"raph Station ;icence
Grade I
his is In addition to
fre3-encies a!!otted to
Grade II$
144-14H 9h>
4'4-4'8 9h>Z
1/HC-1'CC Qh> Z[
''CC O '4CC Qh>Z
%7/%-%84C Z
#1# $#/#$#'?
@15$ @/5$ @'?$
@')$ #'T$ #'@
1%C .atts
/% watts for terrestria! ser*ice$ #+ate-r
Sate!!ite Ser*ice is per+itted in the
appropriate s-bbands in accordance with
Radio Re"-!ations and in those cases
the +axi+-+ o-tp-t R@ power &e.i.r.p(is
'C dbw
#+ate-r .ire!ess
e!e"raph Station
#d*anced Grade
See note &i( be!ow

his is In addition to
fre3-encies a!!otted to
Grade II$
144-14H 9h>
4'4-4'8 9h>Z
1/HC-1'CC Qh> Z[
''CC O '4CC Qh>Z
%7/%-%84C Z
#1# $#/#$#'?
@15$ @/5$ @'?$
@')$ #'T$ #'@
1%C .atts
%C .atts for the band
144-14H 9h> and
/% watts for terrestria! ser*ice$ #+ate-r
Sate!!ite Ser*ice is per+itted in the
appropriate s-bbands in accordance with
Radio Re"-!ations and in those cases
the +axi+-+ o-t R@ power &e.i.r.p.(is 'C

( )n $rimary "hared *a"i" a" $er the rele&ant $ro&i"ion" of radio regulation".
+ the authori,ation i" on non-interference and non-$rotection *a"i".
. )n "econdary *a"i" a" $er the rele&ant $ro&i"ion" of radio regulation".
/ 1200-1210 2h, for 3arth to S$ace Satellite "er&ice only. #he a*o&e authori,ation i" "u*4ect to "ite
clearance a" $er the $rocedure $re"cri*ed *y the Standing %d&i"ory Committee on 5adio 6re7uency
%llocation (S%C6%) a" a$$lica*le.
#ote: (i) 6ollowing "u*-*and" of fre7uencie" are authori,ed with enhanced 56 $ower to holder of
%d&anced %mateur #elegra$h Station Licence.
'%/C-'%4C I Qh> #!! e+issions 4CC watts
7C%C O 71CC Qh> as a-thori>ed
14//C - 14'/C Qh>
'89C O '9CC Qh>
14C%C - 141%C Qh>
/11CC O /14CC Qh>
II. 6or %36 emi""ion' the tran"mi""ion "hall *e re"tricted to call "ign of the "tation' location and other $articular" of
the amateur "tation. #hey "hall *e limited to $oint to $oint te"t tran"mi""ion em$loying a "tandard interlace and
"canning with a *andwidth not more than 8 9h,.
III. DC in$ut $ower i" the total direct current $ower in$ut to the final "tage of the tran"mitter.
ID. n ca"e of Short !a&e Li"tener" %mateur Licence' the holder" are $ermitted to li"ten to all the *and" authori,ed
to amateur "er&ice.
D. #he "ylla*u" for the e:amination of the ;5e"tricted %mateur !irele"" Station Licence< "hall *e a" $er =art of
;%mateur Station )$erator" < e:amination.
DI. #he holder of ;%mateur !irele"" #elegra$h Station Licence' >rade < "hall *e entitled for authori,ation of radio
tele$hony emi""ion *elow 30 2?, on hi" $ro&iding $roof of ha&ing made 100 contact" with other amateur"
u"ing the mor"e code.
2=)5# )6 %2%#3@5 5%D) C)22@NC%#)N 3A@=23N# BC

Go*ern+ent of India$ 9inistry of )o++erce$ had p!aced !on" a"o$ the i+port of #+ate-r Radio
)o++-nication ?3-ip+ent by !icenced #+ate-r Radio 0perators. Bnder 0pen Genera! ;icence &0.G.;.(
0pen Genera! ;icence itse!f a !icence and a!! the ite+s co*ered by it do not re3-ire any i+port !icence fro+
the I+port ;icensin" #-thorities for their i+ports. hese ha*e s-bse3-ent!y been bro-"ht -nder their
i+ports. hese ha*e s-bse3-ent!y been bro-"ht -nder 7@ree I+portabi!ity )!a-se8 in the ?xi+ Ao!icy which
a!so does not re3-ire any i+port !icence fro+ the I+port ;icensin" a-thorities$ doin" away with the erstwhi!e
ter+ 0.G.;.
9inistry of )o++erce anno-nces the I+port-?xport Ao!icy$ e*ery year$ app!icab!e fro+ 1
#pri! to '1
9arch. he new exi+ po!icy anno-nced on '1-C'-/CCC for the year /CCC-/CC1 contin-es to a!!ow these
e3-ip+ents -nder @ree I+portabi!ity )!a-se$ when i+ported by !icensed #+ate-r Radio 0perator.
Go*ern+ent of India$ 9inistry of @inance anno-nces )-sto+s ariff e*ery year in the ann-a! b-d"et.
his indicates the a+o-nt of )-sto+s E-ty payab!e on the i+port of *ario-s Ite+s. he d-ty str-ct-re
inc!-des *ario-s se"+ents *i>.$ 5asic E-ty$ S-rchar"e$ )o-nter*ai!in" E-ty &)DE( and Specia! #dditiona!
E-ty&S#EE(. #+ate-r Radio ?3-ip+ent fa!!s -nder S.No.8%/%/C.C4 of the Indian )-sto+s ariff$ and it
attracts a 5asic E-ty of /%V p!-s s-rchar"e$ )DE and S#EE. he tota! of which$ wor,s o-t to %C.8V when
i+ported in the nor+a! co-rse.
Mowe*er$ the 9inistry of @inance$ has iss-ed a Notification No.1H dated C1-C'-/CCC which is re-prod-ced
in the Indian )-sto+s ariff. /CCC-/CC1$ prescribin" the 5asic E-ty as %V on!y$ tota!!y "rantin" exe+ption
fro+ )DE on #+ate-r Radio ?3-ip+ent when i+ported by !icensed #+ate-r Radio 0perators$ s-b=ect to the
condition No.%% of this Notification. he condition No.%% reads as<-
&a( the tota! ).I.@. *a!-e of the wire!ess apparat-s$ accessories and parts i+ported -nder this
notification does not exceed Se*entyfi*e tho-sand r-pees.
&b( the tota! *a!-e of the parts i+ported -nder this exe+ption does not exceed Rs.1CCC/-
&c( the i+porter at the ti+e of c!earance$ prod-ces a certificate fro+ an 0fficer not be!ow the ran, of an
#ssistant .ire!ess #d*iser to Go*ern+ent of India in the 9inistry of )o++-nication to the effect
that the wire!ess apparat-s$ accessories and parts in respect of which this exe+ption is c!ai+ed are
within the *a!-e !i+its specified abo*e$ and a!so reco++endin" the "rant of this exe+ption.
7 ;icensed a+ate-r radio operator8$ +eans a person d-!y a-thori>ed -nder the Indian .ire!ess
e!e"raphs &#+ate-r Ser*ice( R-!es$ 1978$ +ade -nder sections 4 G 7 of the Indian e!e"raph #ct 198% &1'
to 188%(.
o obtain this exe+ption$ !icensed a+ate-r radio operators ha*e to s-b+it an app!ication in the
prescribed for+$ to the #ssistant .ire!ess #d*iser$ .A)$ New Ee!hi.
&i( # Ahotostat copy of their *a!id Ma+ ;icence
&ii( # Ahotostat copy of profor+a in*oice of the forei"n s-pp!iers$ fro+ who+ the e3-ip+ent is to
be i+ported indicatin" the f-!! / detai!ed description of the e3-ip+ent and accessories$ their
).I.@.*a!-e G
&iii( # de+and draft for Rs.%C/- drawn in fa*o-r of A.#.0. &M3trs($ Eept. of e!eco++-nications$
payab!e at the ser*ice branch of State 5an, of India. New Ee!hi.
his certificate "rantin" exe+ption fro+ pay+ent of the nor+a! d-ty is often ca!!ed by +ista,e as I+port
;icence or 0.G.;. which is not correct.
he Notification No.1H dated C1-C'-/CCC a!so contains a detai!ed !ist &i.e. !ist No./4( of .ire!ess
#pparat-s$ #ccessories and parts which are co*ered by this exe+ption.
1. M@$ DM@ 0R BM@ transcei*er &co+bination of trans+itter and recei*er( +eant for a+ate-r
fre3-encies with accessories in asse+b!ed or ,it for+.
/. BM@/DM@ or DM@/BM@ Repeater &co+bination of trans+itter and recei*er( +eant for a+ate-r
fre3-encies with accessories is asse+b!ed or ,it for+.
'. rans*erter for a+ate-r fre3-encies in asse+b!ed of ,it for+.
4. Grid Eip 0sci!!ator$ Radio @re3-ency Interference @i!ter$ 5a!-nransfor+er$ S.R 5rid"e or
ref!ecto+eter$ +orse reader or Noise brid"e.
%. #ntenna with or witho-t feeders /#ntenna rotators for a+ate-r fre3-encies.
H. Ei"ita! @re3-ency )o-nter &-pto HCC 9h>( with accessories.
&5( A#RS<
1. ransistors$ diodes$ inte"rated circ-its /)hips$ ther+ionic *a!*es or *acc-+ t-bes.
/. orodia! cores$ 3-art> crysta!s$ re!ays$ rotatory switches$ ferrite beads.
'. Dariab!e condensers$ air-die!ectric type.
4. Arecision capacitors &fixed type( *a!*e &s( between 1A@ to %CCCA@.
%. Spare nicad ce!!s or pac,$ as re3-ired or -sed with ther+oinic *a!*es or *acc-+ t-bes or toroida!
cores &in case of hand he!d transcei*er(.
H. S!ow +otion t-nin" +echanis+ with or witho-t dia!s.
>ood" falling under cu"tom" tariff No.DE2E.20 are e:em$ted from $ayment of "urcharge a" $er the
Notification No.1F dated 01-03-2000 re$roduced in the ndian Cu"tom" #ariff 2000-2001.
here is no exe+ption fro+ pay+ent of S#EE. It is payab!e Z 4V. his is ca!c-!ated on the *a!-e of
"oods A;BS E-ty Aayab!e$ which wor,s o-t to 4./V h-s the tota! d-ty payab!e is &%V \ 4./V( 9./V.
It is ad*isab!e that Ma+s desiro-s of i+portin" these e3-ip+ents$ accessories and parts +ay "et the
position confir+ed fro+ the c-sto+s a-thorities before p!acin" orders$ to a*oid any prob!e+s that +ay be
faced at the ti+e of c!earance$ as they &c-sto+s( are the co+petent a-thorities to decide this.
Note< his notification ho!ds "ood on!y at the ti+e of this p-b!ishin".
9INISRF 0@ )099BNI)#I0NS
1. Na+e of #pp!icant &in b!oc, !etters( <
/. Aer+anent #ddress in India <
'. ;icence No. and Da!idity <
4. )a!!si"n <
%. Aort at which it is desired to i+port apparat-s <
H. Arobab!e date of i+portation <
7. Reference of 9inistry of )o++-nication I+port ;icence &;ast year1s and / or c-rrent( <
8. .hether first !icence wanted now &#nnex-re to be fi!!ed -p( <
9. A-rpose for which re3-ired
s Na+e
9ode! or
ype No.
Lty -ned Spot
@re3-ency&ies( in
case of 9ain
?3-ip+ent -nder
i+port G
in forei"n
1 / ' 4 % H 7 8
A!ace< JJJJJJ EateJJJJ Si"nat-re of the #pp!icantJJJJJJJJJJJ
1. echnica! !iterat-re to be enc!osed.
2. BanG Draft for 5".E0/- (fifty only) "hould *e o*tained from any *ranch of the SB' in fa&our of
H=ay + %ccount" )fficer (?A)' De$t. of #elecommunication"I $aya*le at Ser&ice Branch' New
'. Ahotocopy of the profor+a In*oice for the e3-ip+ent / accessories yo- wish to i+port.
4. Ahotocopy of yo-r Ma+ ;icence &with renewa! s!ip(
o be sent < he #sst..ire!ess #d*iser to Go*ern+ent of India$
2ini"try of Communication and nformation #echnology'
.A) .in"$ )0A Section$ #+ate-r )e!!$
H19$ Sanchar 5ha*an$
N?. E?;MI-11C CC1.
& % )0AI?S 0 5? SB59I?E (
1. Na+e of #pp!icant <
/. ;ist other na+es &if any( <
'. Eate of 5irth <
4. A!ace of birth i.e.
where yo-r birth was recorded
and nationa!ity <
%. @ather6s na+e and ho+e
address <
H. Aresent occ-pation &+a=or wor,
for profession for which yo-
recei*e +oney or acti*ity
which occ-pies the +a=ority of
yo-r ti+e(. <
7. Indian address at which
yo- wi!! recei*e +ai! in
India. <
8. 9ai!in" address in yo-r
co-ntry. <
9. #ddress to which yo- want
the !icence +ai!ed$ if
1C.&a( Aeriod of yo-r < 5e"innin" ?ndin"
proposed operation in India
&b( A-rpose of yo-r *isit
to India <
11. i( If yo- ha*e a Disa$ state ype
Eate of iss-e
Eate of ?xpiry
ii( If yo- ha*e a passport$ state Aassport No.
A!ace where iss-ed
Eate of expiry
Eate of Iss-e
1/. i( ;icence No. of a+ate-r radio operator and station !icence iss-ed to yo- by yo-r
co-ntry & If possib!e$ enc!ose a photocopy(
ii( Eate of expiry of !icence
iii( )a!!-si"n
1'. i( Na+e of co-ntry which iss-ed yo-r a+ate-r radio !icence
ii( #re yo- a citi>en of that co-ntry
14. ;ist of addresses of each !ocation &if any( at which yo- wi!! reside or operate in India
;ocation< Eates of stay
5e"innin" ?ndin"
1%. 5rief!y describe yo-r proposed itinerary whi!e in India.
1H. Aartic-!ars of pre*io-s app!ications$ if any$ +ade by the app!icant for iss-e of a+ate-r
17. Aartic-!ars of apparat-s to be -sed <
i( rans+ittin" <
ii( Recei*in" <
iii( Aartic-!ars of aeria!s proposed to be
-sed <
18. @re3-ency bands desired to be -sed and types of +od-!ations desired to be
19. A!ease enc!ose persona! description on a separate sheet of paper on the fo!!owin" points
&in d-p!icate(.
1. Na+e &in f-!!( <
/. Eate of 5irth <
'. A!ace of 5irth <
4. #"e < Fears <
%. Mei"ht < )+s.
H. )o!o-r of eyes <
7. )o!o-r of Mair <
8. )o+p!exion <
9. #ny specia! partic-!ars or +ar,s <
/C. ?nc!ose two passport si>e photo"raphs si"ned and date on the front.
A!ace< Si"nat-re of )andidate
Eate <
/1. Declaration8
I -nderta,e to obser*e the conditions of the !icence and hereby certify that the apparat-s
herein described can and wi!! be wor,ed in accordance with the pro*isions of the Indian
.ire!ess e!e"raphy &#+ate-r Ser*ice( R-!es$ 1978.
Si"nat-re of the app!icant
Eate< .
&o be s-b+itted with fo-r extra copies on separate sheet(
@o!!owin" detai!s +ay a!so be f-rnished
1. Na+e in f-!! I <
&5!oc, !etters(
/. Eate G A!ace of 5irth <
'. #"e< Fears 9onths
4. Mei"ht < )+s
%. )o!o-r of &i( ?yes < &ii( Mair <
H. )o+p!exion <
7. #ny specia! pec-!iarities of +ar,s <
8. Aresent #ddress &A!ease <
"i*e detai!s of Mo-se No.
Street No. Road No. etc
9. Aer+anent #ddress &A!ease <
"i*e detai!s of Mo-se No.
Street No. Road No. etc
1C. Nationa!ity <
11. 0cc-pation &9a=or wor, or <
profession for which yo-
recei*e +oney or acti*ity
which occ-pies the +a=ority
of yo-r ti+e.
1/. @ather6s Na+e and Mo+e <
#ddress &if dead$ "i*e !ast
#ddress( a!iases if any.
1'. ype of !icence app!ied for <
14. Aroposed !ocation of station <
&A!ease "i*e detai!s of
Mo-se No. Street No.
Road No. etc.(
A!ease "i*e f-!! address<

& I write yo-r f-!! na+e$ "i*in" expansion of initia!s etc.(
Eate < Si"nat-re of app!icant
Radio Amateur &ireless 'elegra"h (tation Licences
>uideline" for 5enewal/Change of Location/Du$licate Licence/3ndor"ement for 5adio
)% A""lication to be made ith reneal fee in the form of demand draft from
(tate *an+ of India dran in favour of ,-ay and Accounts .fficer /012!
D%.%'%3 -ayable at (tate *an+ of India (ervice *ranch! Ne Delhi /$ode4
56752 as "er rates given belo4
53N3!%L 633
8.R 9 :EAR ; :EAR
/i2 <RADE= ADVAN$E Rs% ;>/= Rs% )9;/=
/ii2 <RADE=I Rs% ?>/= Rs% )>>/=
/iii2 <RADE=II/<RADE=II /RE(2/(&L Rs% 9;/= Rs% 6>/=
LA'E 8EE @ Rs% )>/= 8.R EVER: (IX #.N'0( .R -AR' '0ERE .8
/A8'ER '0E DA'E .8 EX-IR: .8 LI$EN$E2%
9% (elf Declaration of number of contacts made during the last ; years
minimum @ ?> contacts "er year is to be submitted%
A% If a""lication for reneal is submitted more than to years after the date of
eB"iry! it shall be accom"anied by necessary Custification for this delay%
Du$licate Licence
?% In case of loss of licence! a""lication for issue of du"licate licence shall be
accom"anied by original 8IR and to identical "hotogra"hs ith fee Rs%
)>/=! Demand Draft from (tate *an+ of India dran in favour of ,-ay and
Accounts .fficer /012! D%.%'%3 -ayable at (tate *an+ of India (ervice
*ranch! Ne Delhi /$ode4 56752
Change of Location
;% .riginal licence is reDuired to be submitted for change of location ith fee of
Rs% ;/= Demand Draft from (tate *an+ of India dran in favour of ,-ay
and Accounts .fficer /012! D%.%'%3 -ayable at (tate *an+ of India (ervice
*ranch! Ne Delhi /$ode4 56752
3ndor"ement for 5adio #ele$hony
6% Endorsement for Radio 'ele"hony ill be made on submission of original
licence alongith co"y of log for )>> contacts ith other amateurs using
#orse $ode%

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