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Adobe Audition Mixing Steps

Before recording vocals set the equalizer setting high around 5.5 low
3 something like 3.5 play around pan left 20 or right..play around

1. After recording Vocals - Save File for future use if need arises.
2. Clean Background Noise
3. Clean other noise picked up by microphone.
4. Too many high’s and lows – Normalize
5. FFT Fliter – Preset: De-Esser
6. Click and Pop Eliminator
7: Dynamics Processing –Vocal Compression or Multi-Band Compressor
–try out different presets. (In Audition 3.0 there are some really good
presets for vocals under the multiband compressor.)


1. Effects Presets in the Vocal Track Only
• Delay (Put a delay before your reverb and set it to a 100% short
delay with no feedback.)
• Echo

• Parametric Equalizer (Most of the time vocals need to regain

some of the essence and natural sound that they lost during
dynamic processing and noise reduction. To do this you need to use
an equalizer and parametric equalizer (effects>filters>parametric
equalizer) in Adobe Audition is perfect. This is pretty much personal
preference but most of the time increasing the mids in vocals will
make it sits nicely on the beat and a good preset for this is the
Mackie Mid (Boost). Play around with these settings to achieve the
sound that you want.)


Graphic Equlizer (EQ your vocals. Audition offers robust EQ options.

You can use the graphic equalizer to adjust frequencies on a 10-band,
20-band or 30-band level allowing you to key in on specific
frequencies. You can roll off the low frequencies and take out some of
the mud in the mid-range frequencies. There are presets for vocal
boosts, but you may need to tweak them to locate your vocals' exact
frequency range. ) (In the mix, roll off everything below 100 Hz and
above 15,000 Hz. Add 2-4dB at 160Hz for male vocals or 320Hz for
female voice for warmth. Notch out the mid-range, 500-800Hz, by a
few dB. Sometimes a little sparkle in the 7-8kHz area is good, if
there's no sibilance there.)

• Studio Reverb (Generally, the two most important parameter is

the “mix” level, and the pre-delay. Normally it is set to 10-30%
wet. The pre-delay should be more than 100ms so that the reverb
won’t blur the wordings.)
• Optional: Panning L5 or R5, Pitch Correction, Stereo Mix – Full Mix?
2: Play Track and adjust Effects and balance vocal and music volume.
3: Mix VOCALS and MUSIC – EDIT  Mix down all Tracks
4: Go to Edit View
5: Compression –AA 1.5 – Dynamics Processing – Compander - AA3
Same as 1.5 settings or Try Tube compression and muti-band compressor
listen and judge…(Compression - Compression is very important on the vocal
track of the song. Adobe Audition 3.0 contains a Tube Compression effect
that should work for most situations where a vocal is in front of a band--try
the "Lead Vocal" effect for fairly serious compression, or maybe the "Vintage
Lead" preset. If, however, the vocal is a capella or against acoustic
instruments, the "Medium" or "Light" compression presets will have to do.
There are similar presets available under the "Dynamics Processing" effect,
which you'll have to use if you have a version of Adobe Audition earlier than
6: Normalize if needed
7: Cut the ends - Fade In and Fade Out
8: Apply Gain and the peaks should be below the white line.****
8: File - Save as MP3

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