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This (este/a/o) That (ese/a, aquel, aquella)
These (estos/as) Those (esos/as, aquellos/as)

Con nombres Contables:
-Some oraciones afirmativas
Ej: There are some eggs in the fridge.

-Any en preguntas y oraciones negativas
Ej: Have you got any brothers and sisters?
There aren't any dangerous snakes in England

Con nombres Incontables:
-Some oraciones afirmativas
*Nota: Some se usa en preguntas cuando ofrecemos o pedimos algo
Ej: She found some money in the street.
Would you like some juice?
Can I have some apples please?
Have you got some paper there?

-Any en preguntas y oraciones negativas
Ej: Did you have any coffe this morning?
They don't need any help

Many: preguntas de contables
Ej: How many shops are there?

Much: preguntas de incontables
Ej: How much time do you need?

Uso de adjetivos (pag. 14)
Orden de adjetivos calificativos
En frases afirmativas los adjetivos van delante del nombre
Ej: A tall woman A woman tall
regla nemotecnica:
Quite Soon a Train Should Come Onto My Platform

Quality (cualidad)
Purpose (proposito)

Orden de posicion de los advervios
Frecuencia: Posicion intermedia (entre el auxiliar y el verbo principal)
I never go to the theatre
I've never been to the theatre

Modo, lugar y tiempo: final de la frase
I studied the book carefully
What time is she going to get here?
I went to London yesterday

Tiempo: (first, later, finally, then, usually) son flexibles, su posicion determina su importancia
First we had to dinner and then we watched TV
I usually get home at eight

con los advercios de tiempo (seldom, rarely, not often, hardly, scarcely) si se situan al principio de la oracion
invierten el orden del sujeto y el verbo: con los tiempos simples se usa el auxiliar "to do", con los tiempos
compuestos el sujeto va entre el auxiliar y el verbo principal, con "to be" y los verbos auxiliares se invierten de
posicion el verbo y el sujeto.

Rarely do I go to the Opera
Never had I seen such a beautiful woman

Formas No Personales
-Presente: To have
-Past: To have been
-Continous: to have been looking
-Presente: Being
-Past: Having been
-Presente: Being
-Past: Been

Tiempos verbales (pag.69)

Present Simple
-Afirmativa: Sj+Present Verb+...
-Negativa: Sj+Don't/Doesn't + Present Verb +...
-Interrogativa: Don/Does+Sj+ Present Verb +...?
-Acciones habituales o regulares
-Verdades generales
-En 3 persona del singular (He/She/It) se aade -s/-es.
-Does es para la 3 persona del singular
I go to London on Tuesday
I love you/She loves you

Present Continuous
-Afirmativa: Sj+am/is/are+ Vb gerundio+...
-Negativa: Sj+am/is/are +not+ Vb gerundio+...
-Interrogativa: am/is/are +Sj+ Vb gerundio+...?
- Acciones Actualmente en proceso
I'm speaking English
I'm eating a sandwich

Simple Past
-Afirmativa: Sj+Past verb+...
-Negativa: Sj+ didn't+ Past verb +...
-Interrogativa: Did+Sj+ Past verb +...?
-Suceso del pasado finalizado
-Los verbos que acaban en Consonante-vocal-consonante, con acento en la ultima silaba doblan la consonante final
antes de aadir -ed
-Los verbos que acaban en consonante+y, cambian la "y" por "i" formando -ied
We liked the British Museum very much
She preferred to go back home

Past Continous
-Afirmativa: Sj+was/were+ Vb Gerundio+...
-Negativa: Sj+wasn't/Weren't+ Vb Gerundio+...
-Interrogativa: Was/Were+Sj+Vb Gerundio+...?

1-Acciones con una duracin en el pasado
2-Una accin pasada interrumpida por otra accin
3-Una accin que se produjo antes que otra y que continua despus
4-Acciones que sucedieron a la vez en el pasado
1-The train was moving slowly
2-While we were driving, we were stopped by a policeman
3-While we were driving. it started to rain
4-While i was playing tennis, he called me
Nota: Was se usa en singular excepto con "You" que se usa Were al igual que en plural

Present perfect
-Afirmativa: Sj+Have/has+(Participio pasado/3er tiempo verbal)+...
-Negativa: Sj+Have/has not+(Participio pasado/3er tiempo verbal)+...
-Interrogativa: Have/has+Sj+(Participio pasado/3er tiempo verbal)+...?

-Suceso pasado en un momento indeterminado
I have read Moby Dick
Have you been to Rome?

Present perfect continous
-Afirmativa: Sj+Have/has+ been+ Gerundio+...
-Negativa: Sj+Have/has not+been+ Gerundio+...
-Interrogativa: Have/has+Sj+been+ Gerundio+...?
-Accion iniciada en el pasado que continua actualmente
I've been writting letters since this morning
How long have you been learning English?

Past perfect
-Afirmativa: Sj+Had +(Participio pasado/3er tiempo verbal)+...
-Negativa: Sj+Had not+(Participio pasado/3er tiempo verbal)+...
-Interrogativa: Had+Sj+(Participio pasado/3er tiempo verbal)+...?

-Indica anterioridad de una accion con respecto a otro suceso del pasado
Before going home, i had been to a party
I had been sudying for an hour. when John arrived.

Past Perfect continous
-Afirmativa: Sj+Had +been+ Gerundio+...
-Negativa: Sj+Had not+been+ Gerundio+...
-Interrogativa: Had+Sj+been+ Gerundio+...?

-Indica anterioridad de un suceso que aun se estaba desarrollando en el momento que se produjo otro suceso
I had been studying for an hour, when Jhon arrived

*Present continous: para proyectos prefijados, expresar certeza.
-Afirmativa: Sj+am/is/are+ Vb gerundio+...
-Negativa: Sj+am/is/are +not+ Vb gerundio+...
-Interrogativa: am/is/are +Sj+ Vb gerundio+...?

We're having a meeting tomorrow
I'm seeing John this afternoon

*Going to:
-Afirmativa: Sj+am/is/are+ going to+ infinitivo+...
-Negativa: Sj+am/is/are+not+ going to+ infinitivo+...
-Interrogativa: am/is/are+ Sj + going to+ infinitivo+...?

Tomorrow I'm going to visit my aunt
This weekend I'm going to sleep all day

*Will: previsiones sobre el futuro
-Afirmativa: Sj+will+(Participio sin to)+...
-Negativa: Sj+Won't+(Participio sin to)+...
-Interrogativa: Will+Sj+(participio sin to)+...?

Tomorrow it will be cloudy in Scotland
I Won't go to London

*Present simple: Acontecimientos programados
The train leaves at 5.15
I hope the doctor comes this evening

Future Continous
-Afirmativa: Sj+will/shall+ be + gerundio+...
-Negativa: Sj+Won't/Shall not + be + Gerundio +...
-Interrogativa: Will/Shall+Sj + be + Gerundio+...?

-Alternativa al present continous como accin futura programada
-Acontecimiento que tendr cierta duracin
-Pedir informacin
She'll be doing her homework tomorrow
Will you be going to repair my TV?

Future Perfect
-Afirmativa: Sj+will + have +(Participio pasado/3er tiempo verbal)+...
-Negativa: Sj+Won't not + have +(Participio pasado/3er tiempo verbal)+...
-Interrogativa: Will/Shall+Sj + have +(Participio pasado/3er tiempo verbal)+...?

Acontecimiento que acabara dentro de cierto periodo de tiempo
Suelen ir acompaadas de "by" o una locucion temporal, en negativo pueden ir seguidas de "until" o "Till"
I will have finished my work by six

Future Perfect Continous
-Afirmativa: Sj+will + have +been+ Gerundio +...?
-Negativa: Sj+Won't not + have+ been + Gerundio +...?
-Interrogativa: Will/Shall+Sj + have + been + Gerundio +...?

Acontecimiento que acabara dentro de cierto periodo de tiempo.
Suelen ir acompaadas de "by" o una locucion temporal, en negativo pueden ir seguidas de "until" o "Till"

**Nota: existen otras 2 formas de futuro mirar pag.74

Condicional(pag. 96)
-Afirmativa: Sj+ Should/whould+ infinitivo sin to+...
-Negativa: Sj+ Shouldn't/whouldn't+ infinitivo sin to+...
-Interrogativa: Should/whould+ Sj+ infinitivo sin to+...?

-Afirmativa: Sj+ whould+ have+ infinitivo sin to+...
-Negativa: Sj+ whouldn't+ have+ infinitivo sin to+...
-Interrogativa: whould+ Sj+ have+ infinitivo sin to+...?
*nota: Should se usa como alternativa a would solo en primera persona del singular y del plural
-Oraciones condicionales.
-Future in the past: paraun acontecimiento que tiene lugar despues de otro en el pasado. hay varias formas
maneras de expresarlo
He said he would do it
He was going to do it
He was to do it
He was about to do it

Subjuntivo (pag. 75)
El pasado y pluscuanperfecto de subjuntivo es igual al indicativo salvo para "to be" en el que el pasado es Were para
todas las personas. se usan para oraciones condicionales.

If he had the money he would pay you
If he had had the money he would have paid you

Imperativo (pag.75)
-Lleva "!" al final, si no lo lleva es mas suave (?)
-Es un presente sin sujeto
Plug in the recorder
-Se puede poner "do" antes para reforzar el imperativo y transmitir una gran irritacion
Do turn it off!

Oraciones condicionales(pag.96)
Oraciones condicionales 1er tipo
Uso: Situaciones posibles en el futuro
(usando imperativo no se aade will)
3-If+presente<=>can, must, should
(los verbos auxiliares como can, must y should no van nunca precedidos de will o won't)
4-If+presente<=>presente (cuando
(Cuando "if" (la condicion) se refiere a un hecho o a una costumbre se suele emplear el presente en vez de will)

1.- If trains rains, i will sta in / i will stay in if it rains
If it rains. I won't go out / I won't go out if it rains
2.-If you're tired, don't go out
3.-If you have a problem, you can always call me
If you're tired, you should go to bed
If you see an accident, you must stop
4.-If I have a headache, I always take an aspirin.
If you break your leg, it hurts a lot

*Nota en las oraciones condicionales negativas podemos usar unless:
-Unless he comes soon, he will miss the train
Tambien podemos emplear palabras como when, after, before, as soon as con la misma combinacion de tiempos
-When she comes, I'll tell her.
-Finish that before Mum comes home!

Oraciones condicionales de 2 tipo
Uso: para hablar de situaciones improbables o hipoteticas, una posibilidad remota
-If+pasado <=> would/wouldn't o could/couldn't
-If I won the lottery, I would buy a car.
-I could do a lot of things if I didn't have come to school
-What would you do if you were the president now?
-If I were the president, I would try to change things

*Nota: Aun que se emprea el tiempo pasado, esto no significa que la accion haya ocurrido en el pasado
Con el verbo "to be" a menudo se usa "were" en vez de "was"
Para decir ojala en ingles se emplea la combinacion I wish+verbo en pasado (aqui tambien con el verbo "to be"
podemos usar were en vez de was:
I wish I had longer legs
I wish I were taller

Oraciones condicionales de 3er tipo
Uso: acontecimiento hipotetico en el pasado y con la condicion que no se hiciera realidad

-If+past perfect <=> would/could have + participio pasado

*nota: en lugar de "if" en la oracion subordinada, se puede invertir la posicion del sujeto y el verbo; generalmente la
subordinada con esta inversion precede a la principal

-If it had rained I would have taken an umbrella
-Had it rained, I would have taken an umbrella

Voz Pasiva (pag.80)
Voz activa: Someone robbed the bank last night
Voz pasiva: The bank was robbed last night (by someone)

Uso: Cuando la persona que hace la accion expresada por el verbo no se conoce o no se considera relevante para la
comprension de la oracion.

En ingles es muy usado para referirnos a procesos, en castellano suele usar la forma reflexiva.

Construccion: to be (en su respectivo tiempo) + participio del verbo

*Nota: si queremos indicar quien realiza la accion, podemos hacerlo con la preposicion "by"+ agente al final de la
-"Hamlet" was written by William Shakespeare.
-Paper was invented by the Chinese.

-Olives are grown in the South of Spain.
-The Walkman was invented in 1979 (by Sony).
-Ferrari cars are made in Italy.
-Stamps are sold in the Post office.
-English is spoken everywhere
-The telephone was invented by Bell
-Service isn't included
-I wasn't invited to the party
-Is coffe produced in Brazil?
-When was << La vida es sueo>> written?

Estilo Indirecto/Reported Speach (pag.98)
Uso: Cuando se hace mencion sobre algo que algien ha dicho previamente.
Cambios de tiempo:

Direct Speech Reported Speech
Present Past
"I work in Argentina" He said that he worked in Argentina
"I am doing my job" He said that he was doing his job
Past Past Perfect
"We saw a good film on TV" He said they had seen a good film on TV.
"I was dancing with Mary" He said he had been dancing with Mary
Present Perfect Past Perfect
"I have done this before" She said that she had done that before
"I have been doing this for two years" He said that he had been doing that for two years
Future Conditional
"I will visit my mother" He said that he would visit his mother
"I will be flying to Spain" He said that he would be flying to Spain
Future Perfect Conditional Perfect
"I will have arrived there by 5 pm" He said he would have arrived here by 5 pm
"I will have been selling books for two
He said that he would have been sellingbooks for
two years

Nota*: si el tiempo del direct esta en presente no hace falta cambiar el tiempo del verbo:
Tim says: "Ican do it!"
Tim says (that) he can do it.

El imperativo infinitivo
-"Open the door!" He told me to open the door
-"Don't open the door!" He told me not to open the door
El imperativo negativo not to + infinitivo

Must had to (como accion simultanea)
Must would have to (como accion futura)
Must Must (como orden o conclusion)

Direct Speech Reported Speech
Can Could
"I can stay here until Sunday" He said he could stay there until Sunday
May Might
"I may go fishing next weekend" He said that he might go fishing next weekend
Will Would
"I will stay here!" He said that he would stay there
Must Had to
"I must work everyday" He said he had to work everyday

Direct Speech Reported Speech
now then, at that moment
today that day
tonight that night
last night the previous night, the night before
tomorrow the next day, the following day
yesterday the previous day, the day before
this week that week
next week the following week, the week after
last year the previous year, the year before
here there

this that
these those
ago before
the day after tomorrow in two days time (al cabo de 2 dias)

En las preguntas pasamos de pregunta directa a indirecta. Where do they sell the tickets?,
pasa a ser: He asked where they sold the tickets. Aqu hay ms ejemplos con traducciones.

Direct Speech Reported Speech
"What are you looking for?" He asked what I was looking for
"Where can we go tonight?" She asked where they could go that night
"When did they go to India?" He asked when they had gone to India
"Who told you that?" He asked me who had told me that
"How old are the twins?" He asked how old the twins were
"Why did Carla leave so early?" He asked why Carla had left so early
"Which skirt did you choose?" She asked me which skirt I had chosen
"Whose dog is missing?" He asked whose dog was missing
Yes-no questions
"Are these your glasses?" He asked me if those were my glasses
"Isn't that Jen's boyfriend?" She asked me if that wasn't Jen's boyfriend

Uso de preposiciones (pag.49)
About (de, acerca de (tema), aproximadamente, por (lugar))
Let's talk about it
He'll be here at about six o'clock
Above (encima de, mas all de)
Twenty degrees above zero
Across (a traves de, mas alla de)
We swam across the lake
After (despues de, tras)
*Nota: despues en espaol, situado al final de la frase se traduce como afterwards
After dinner we'll go to the movies
We'll go to the movies afterwards
Along (a lo largo de)
We walked along the river
Among, amongst (entre "un numero indeterminado de cosas o personas")
He's happy among his friends
-(en, a) prep. de tiempo, edad, lugar y delante de pueblos o ciudades pequeas:
We arrived at Oxford at misnight
She got married at twenty
At the airport, at home, at the office
I arrived at the hotel at four
-At the beginning (of) / at the end (of) (al principio de, al final de)
At the beginning of the book there's an index
The room was at the end of the corridor
Before (antes de, delante de)
Before signing it, read it carefully
Turn left before the crossing
Behind (detras de)
He's hiding behind the tree
Below (debajo de)
They live below us
Beneath (bajo, por debajo de)
It's beneath him to act like this
Beside (ademas de)
Beside doing the cooking, I help Tim
Besides (al lado de, junto a)
She's sitting beside me
Between (entre)
I often travel between London an Bath
-Como prop de tiempo (hacia, antes, durante)
I'll be there by two o'clok
They travel by night
-Como prep de medio o modo (con, en)
You can go there by car
They travel by night
-Como prep. de lugar ("cerca de")
The house is by the lake
-Como complemento agente o de causa (por)
Mary was praised by teacher
Down (hacia abajo, por, a lo largo)
Go down this road
During (durante)
It happened during my holidays
Except (excepto, si no)
Nobody knew her except Ann
*nota: cuando el adverbio sigue inmediatamente a "nobody","none", "nothing",... se sustituye por "but"
I want nothing but a beer.
For (para, durante)
This present is for you
For a hundred tears, for some time
From (de) lugar y tiempo
I work from nine to five
I come from Belgium
In (en) tiempo y lugar
I live in Spain
In autumn, in 1996, in March
*nota: la expresion "dentro de (un, dos, etc.) dias" equivale a "in +genitivo sajon del periodo del tiempo+
time" o "in+periodo de tiempo":
-I'm going to ski in ten days (ten days' time)
In front of (enfrente de, delante de)
They met in front of the building
In the middle of (en el medio de)
She's driving in the middle of the road
Into, onto (en, encima de)
get into the car, please
Near, close to, next to (cerca de)
The post office is close to the park
Of (de)
he's a friend of my brother's
-(de parte de):
It's kind of you to let me in
Off (de, salir?)
Get off the bus at Victorian Station
-como preposicion de lugar (encima de, en)
On the hill
On the fourth floor
-como preposicion de tiempo para los dias de la semana, fechas:
On July 23
On Monday
Opposite (enfrente de)
Queens is opposite Manhattan
Out, out of (fuera, fuera de)
Get out of the car, please
Over (encima de, mas alla de)
He lives over the hills
Past (mas alla de, por delante de)
I saw him this morning, but he walked past the shop without stopping
-como preposicion de tiempo indica la primera media hora tras la hora en punto:
It's half past six
Since (desde)
Since 1977, since Monday
I haven't seen him since our quarrel
Through (a traves de)
We went through the forest
Till, untill (hasta)
I worked till dark
-Como preposicion de lugar y en expresiones que indican enfrentamiento ("a"):
I'm going to London
The score was five to one
-Como complemento de finalidad ("a", "para")
It seems quite strange to me
-Como preposicion de tiempo ("a","menos") y para indicar los minutos que faltan para una hora
I studied from six to ten
It's five to six
Under (bajo de)
She put the letter under her pillow
Up (arriba, en lo alto de)
Go up the hill
With (con)
She was with her friends
Without (Sin)
She left without me
-Uso have got (pag. 36 WTG)
-Preposiciones (pag. 41 WTG)

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