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0.0 urpose SLaLemenL ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
0.1 umplng SysLems AudlL SLandard............................................................................................................................. 4
0.2 ulsclalmer ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
0.3 lurLher lnformaLlon.................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.0 Cvervlew of Lhe umplng SysLems AudlL SLandard...................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Scope of Lhe AudlL SLandard..................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Accuracy and MeasuremenL ..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.0 lannlng Lhe AudlL ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
2.1 AudlL Cb[ecLlves and Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 8uslness ConLexL....................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 8esources and 8esponslblllLles ......................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 8esource 8equlremenLs..................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.2 AudlL luncLlons and 8esponslblllLles ................................................................................................................. 8
2.3.3 CommunlcaLlons ................................................................................................................................................ 8
2.4 eer 8evlew.............................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.3 AudlL CosLlng............................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.6 AudlL Approach ln Summary..................................................................................................................................... 9
2.7 osL-lmplemenLaLlon MonlLorlng............................................................................................................................. 9
3.0 Cn-slLe MeasuremenLs and uaLa CollecLlon............................................................................................................... 10
3.1 MeasuremenL MeLhods .......................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.1 LlecLrlclLy usage MeasuremenLs ..................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.2 ressure MeasuremenLs.................................................................................................................................. 10
3.1.3 llow MeasuremenLs ........................................................................................................................................ 10
3.1.4 LlecLrlclLy CosL LsLlmaLlon ............................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.3 Works CosL LsLlmaLes ...................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 umplng SysLem MeasuremenLs..................................................................................................................... 11
3.2.1 SlLe-level uaLa CollecLlon................................................................................................................................. 11
3.2.2 8uslness 8equlremenL of Lhe SysLem.............................................................................................................. 11
3.2.3 CperaLlng CharacLerlsLlcs ................................................................................................................................ 11
3.2.4 LlecLrlclLy use and 8uslness urlver 8elaLlonshlp............................................................................................. 12
3.2.3 uemand MeasuremenLs .................................................................................................................................. 12
3.2.6 neLwork MeasuremenLs.................................................................................................................................. 12
3.2.7 Supply MeasuremenLs ..................................................................................................................................... 12
4.0 uaLa Analysls............................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 uemand versus 8equlremenLs................................................................................................................................ 13
4.1.1 llow 8educLlon ConslderaLlons ....................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.2 uuraLlon Curve................................................................................................................................................. 14
4.1.3 llow 8alance.................................................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 umplng SysLem neLwork ...................................................................................................................................... 17
4.3 umplng SysLem Supply.......................................................................................................................................... 18
4.3.1 ump MalnLenance.......................................................................................................................................... 18
4.3.2 ump SulLablllLy............................................................................................................................................... 19
4.3.3 ump ConLrol ................................................................................................................................................... 20
4.3.4 MoLors and Coupllng ....................................................................................................................................... 21
4.4 Whole-sysLem ConslderaLlons ................................................................................................................................ 21
Appendlx 1 - SlLe lnformaLlon lorm................................................................................................................................. 22
Appendlx 2 - SysLem uaLa CollecLlon lorms .................................................................................................................... 23
Appendlx 3 - 8ase level AudlL uaLa CollecLlon and CheckllsL........................................................................................... 26
Appendlx 4 - ump AfflnlLy Laws Summary..................................................................................................................... 27
Appendlx 3 - MeasuremenL Accuracy lmpllcaLlons ......................................................................................................... 29
Appendlx 6 - ueflnlLlons................................................................................................................................................... 30
Appendlx 7 - Clossary of 1erms ....................................................................................................................................... 37
Appendlx 8 - 8ecommended 8eporL CuLllne................................................................................................................... 39


;:; =-(5*#, >$%$,3,&$
1hls umplng SysLems AudlL SLandard (AudlL SLandard") ls provlded by Lhe Lnergy Lfflclency and ConservaLlon
AuLhorlLy (LLCA), for Lhe purpose of provldlng a quallLy 'whole-sysLem' audlLlng meLhodology for pumplng sysLems ln
common use ln new Zealand lndusLry.

lL ls expecLed LhaL, when used by sulLably quallfled parLles, adherence Lo Lhls AudlL SLandard wlll provlde Lhe procurer
of Lhe audlL wlLh confldence LhaL Lhe servlces recelved are of hlgh quallLy.

;:9 =-35.&/ >0#$,3# "-'.$ >$%&'%('
1he AudlL SLandard ls deslgned Lo gulde Lhe collecLlon and analysls of pumplng sysLem daLa for Lhe purpose of
ldenLlfylng opporLunlLles for lmprovlng Lhe sysLem's energy efflclency and provldlng relevanL Lechnlcally and
commerclally sound recommendaLlons.

1he AudlL SLandard ls Lechnology-neuLral and measuremenL-meLhod neuLral, alLhough Lhe measuremenL meLhods
used wlll be lmporLanL ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe scope and measuremenL accuracy requlred of an audlL.

;:? @.#12%.3,(
As owner of Lhls AudlL SLandard, LLCA wlll exerclse due care ln ensurlng LhaL lL ls malnLalned as flL for purpose.

Powever, LLCA accepLs no responslblllLy or llablllLy for any dlrecL or consequenLlal loss or damage resulLlng from, or
connecLed wlLh, Lhe use of Lhls AudlL SLandard by any parLy.

lurLher, Lhls AudlL SLandard does noL seek Lo represenL Lhe obllgaLlons of any parLles enLerlng lnLo any agreemenL for
servlces relaLlng Lo a pumplng sysLem audlL.

;:A B-($+,( .&)*(3%$.*&
LLCA has commlssloned Lhe Lnergy ManagemenL AssoclaLlon of new Zealand (LMAnZ) Lo develop and malnLaln Lhls
AudlL SLandard, ln con[uncLlon wlLh relevanL lndusLry sLakeholders.

lf you have quesLlons ln relaLlon Lo Lhls AudlL SLandard, you may emall lnfo[emanz.org.nz , lncludlng reference 'S
AudlL SLandard" ln Lhe sub[ecL llne. ?ou may requesL Lo be noLlfled when a new verslon ls creaLed.

1he currenL verslon of Lhe AudlL SLandard and oLher relevanL lnformaLlon ls avallable by vlslLlng www.emanz.org.nz.

9:; CD,(D.,6 *) $+, =-35.&/ >0#$,3# "-'.$ >$%&'%('
umplng sysLems are used exLenslvely Lo provlde heaLlng, coollng, llquld Lransfer and for dewaLerlng - essenLlal Lo
Lhe dally operaLlon of many buslnesses.

1hls AudlL SLandard provldes an approach Lo pumplng sysLem audlLlng and analysls. 1he ob[ecLlves of Lhe sLandard are
a) provlde Lhe framework for Lhe sysLemaLlc collecLlon of daLa relevanL Lo Lhe efflclenL operaLlon of pumplng
sysLems, and,
b) enable Lhe pumplng sysLem audlLor Lo analyse Lhe performance of Lhe pumplng sysLem, ldenLlfy poLenLlal
elecLrlclLy savlngs and provlde sound recommendaLlons for lmplemenLaLlon of energy efflclency lnlLlaLlves.

ln addlLlon, Appendlx 8 lncludes a recommended reporL ouLllne for Lhe purpose of asslsLlng conclse, conslsLenL and
compleLe presenLaLlon of Lhe analysls, flndlngs and recommendaLlons arlslng from a pumplng sysLem audlL.

9:9 >1*5, *) $+, "-'.$ >$%&'%('
1he scope of Lhe AudlL SLandard ls pumplng sysLems LhaL LransporL or clrculaLe llqulds wlLhln an open or closed

lL lncludes boLh newLonlan llqulds
(characLerlsed by flxed vlscoslLy values aL a glven LemperaLure) and non-
newLonlan llqulds. 1he audlLor has responslblllLy for recognlslng whlch Lype of llquld Lhe sysLem ls pumplng ln order
Lo perform Lhe analysls approprlaLe Lo Lhe llquld Lype. Pydraullc pumplng sysLems (whlch lnvolve negllglble llquld
flow) are noL wlLhln Lhe scope of Lhls AudlL SLandard.

Assesslng Lhe efflclency of a pumplng sysLem amounLs Lo assesslng Lhe efflclency of Lhe sysLem ln "#$%&$'()* +,#
"-$"&.# +,/+ +,# +$/)."&$+ &% +,# 0(1-(2 (. .#$3()*4

1he boundary of Lhe sysLem concerned exLends from Lhe power lnpuL Lo Lhe pump moLor(s) Lo Lhe polnL where Lhe
buslness purpose of LransporLlng Lhe llquld ls achleved. lor example, LhaL buslness purpose may be LemperaLure
malnLenance (ln Lhe case of Lhe pumplng belng parL of a coollng sysLem) or a dellvery raLe Lo a sLorage reservolr (for a
poLable waLer supply sysLem).

1he sysLem boundary ls Lherefore deflned by Lhe polnLs beyond whlch any change Lo Lhe sysLem no longer has any
effecL on Lhe buslness purpose LhaL Lhe sysLem ls servlng. llgure 1 shows Lhe componenLs wlLhln a Lyplcal sysLem

8efer Lo Appendlces 6 and 7 for deflnlLlons of concepLs and descrlpLlons of Lerms used ln Lhls documenL.

llgure 1: umplng SysLem 8oundary

9:? "11-(%10 %&' E,%#-(,3,&$
1hls AudlL SLandard lncludes guldance on Lhe expecLaLlons of audlLs conducLed accordlng Lo Lwo generallsed levels of
accuracy requlremenLs - a 'base-level' and an 'lnvesLmenL-level'. 1hese levels are represenLaLlve of Lhe Lwo ends of an
accuracy requlremenL conLlnuum. Where on LhaL conLlnuum Lhe audlL flLs ls a maLLer for agreemenL beLween Lhe
audlLor and Lhe cllenL, and wlll be deLermlned by Lhe cllenL's purpose ln commlsslonlng Lhe audlL.
1he lmpllcaLlons of measuremenL accuracy on audlL accuracy are descrlbed ln Appendlx 3.
1he measuremenL and analysls appllcable for an audlL prlmarlly lnLended Lo ldenLlfy areas of lnefflclency and
opporLunlLy ln Lhe sysLem (a Lyplcal base-level audlL) generally does noL lnclude exLenslve use of flow, pressure and
power measuremenL equlpmenL.
A base-level audlL may be Lhe approprlaLe level Lo use Lo deflne Lhe scope and measuremenL requlremenLs of a
subsequenL lnvesLmenL-level audlL of Lhe same sysLem.
Whereas Lhe AudlL SLandard does noL speclflcally cover Lhe skllls requlred of Lhe audlLlng parLy, Lhe accuracy level
requlremenL of Lhe audlL wlll have an effecL on Lhe level and scope of Lhe skllls requlred of Lhe audlLor.
?:; =2%&&.&/ $+, "-'.$
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ConsulLlng wlLh Lhe cllenL Lo ldenLlfy and record Lhe cllenL's ob[ecLlves ln havlng Lhe audlL performed ls a crlLlcal
prelude Lo deflnlng Lhe scope of Lhe audlL and Lhe assoclaLed measuremenL requlremenLs.
An audlL for a cllenL who ls seeklng merely Lo undersLand where Lhe pumplng sysLem's efflclency opporLunlLles exlsL ln
a facLory may have lesser scope and measuremenL requlremenLs Lhan one LhaL ls requlred for a cllenL who needs Lhe
audlL flndlngs as lnpuL lnLo a caplLal lnvesLmenL proposal.
AgreemenL on ob[ecLlves and scope should also lnclude agreemenL on Lhe conLenL and sLrucLure of Lhe audlL reporL
for subsequenL presenLaLlon Lo, and dlscusslon wlLh, Lhe cllenL.
AS/nZS 3398:2000 may be used Lo gulde expecLaLlons for boLh Lhe cllenL and Lhe audlL Leam ln Lerms of whaL ls
expecLed from Lhe audlL and requlred of Lhe audlL Leam.

?:? H-#.&,## <*&$,I$
1he buslness conLexL of Lhe pumplng sysLem(s) Lo be audlLed, or whaL ls requlred of Lhe sysLem(s) ln Lhe wlder
buslness operaLlon, needs Lo be esLabllshed ln order Lo deflne Lhe measuremenL requlremenLs for Lhe audlL and any
posL-lmplemenLaLlon phase.
lf (as ls generally Lhe case) one of Lhe purposes of Lhe audlL ls Lo provlde lnformaLlon LhaL wlll ldenLlfy ways Lo lmprove
Lhe efflclency of Lhe pumplng sysLem, Lhen Lhe requlremenL of Lhe sysLem, and whaL ls drlvlng LhaL requlremenL, musL
be undersLood from Lhe ouLseL. 1hls ls lmporLanL for useful posL-lmplemenLaLlon monlLorlng of Lhe pumplng
sysLem's energy performance.
lor example, Lhe requlremenL of a dewaLerlng pumplng sysLem may be Lo remove waLer bulld-up from an lndusLrlal
process and/or ralnfall/seepage Lo ensure LhaL Lhe process can conLlnue. 1he efflclency of Lhe dewaLerlng sysLem
(from an energy perspecLlve) wlll be maxlmlsed by mlnlmlslng Lhe amounL of energy used Lo dellver LhaL requlremenL.
When plannlng Lhe audlL, Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe pumplng sysLem (and Lherefore Lhe energy lnpuL
Lo Lhe sysLem) and Lhe buslness drlver of Lhe pumplng sysLem should be ldenLlfled. 1he drlver may be measured
Lhrough one of a range of facLors, such as hours of operaLlon, producLlon lnpuL (e.g. dally kg of maLerlal), producLlon
ouLpuL (e.g. dally kg of producL) or oLher measures such as ralnfall (e.g. dally mm).

?:A J,#*-(1,# %&' J,#5*&#.F.2.$.,#
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1he audlL scope and accuracy requlremenL agreed wlLh Lhe cllenL wlll deLermlne Lhe people and oLher resources
requlred Lo perform Lhe audlL. 1he audlL quoLaLlon presenLed Lo Lhe cllenL (whlch wlll form Lhe basls of Lhe servlce
agreemenL subsequenLly esLabllshed wlLh Lhe cllenL) needs Lo lnclude an assessmenL of Lhe resource requlremenLs.
1he general expecLaLlon ls LhaL lnvesLmenL-level audlLs generally requlre more slgnlflcanL amounLs of daLa collecLlon,
measuremenL equlpmenL use and skllled people Llme Lhan a base-level audlL. Powever, a lower level audlL does noL
mean a lower level of audlLor compeLence, Lhe less flrm Lhe daLa, Lhe more pressure on audlLor experlence for correcL
lnLerpreLaLlon of observaLlons. Where Lhere are lndusLry-speclflc or any oLher unlque sysLem funcLlons or physlcal
varlables, care should be Laken by Lhe audlLor Lo work only wlLhln Lhelr level of professlonal compeLency.

?:A:? "-'.$ B-&1$.*&# %&' J,#5*&#.F.2.$.,#
1he audlL requlres 'managemenL' and 'expedlLlng' funcLlons Lo be performed and, where an audlL Leam ls lnvolved, lL
requlres an allocaLlon of Lhe varlous audlL responslblllLles. 1he funcLlons lncluded wlLhln each of Lhose areas are as

.#/&, 20'0(&'(3 Lo ensure LhaL Lhe audlL overall ls managed Lo dellver a quallLy ouLpuL, on schedule. 1hls lncludes
ensurlng LhaL:
a. Lhe audlL ls approprlaLely scoped and prlced,
b. Lhe audlL resource requlremenLs are accuraLely ldenLlfled,
c. a servlce agreemenL ls esLabllshed wlLh Lhe cllenL,
d. audlL Lasks are allocaLed Lo approprlaLely skllled lndlvlduals,
e. a clear work schedule exlsLs for Lhe onslLe acLlvlLles and dellvery of Lhe flnal audlL reporL,
f. Lhe cllenL dellvers on lLs responslblllLles under Lhe servlce agreemenL,
g. any Lhlrd-parLy conLracLs are faclllLaLed and managed, and
h. Lhe cllenL- and peer revlews (as requlred) are compleLed.
.#/&, 45%-/&,&'(: Lo ensure Lhe requlred daLa ls collecLed accordlng Lo Lhe audlL scope and ob[ecLlves, ln a manner
LhaL ls conslsLenL wlLh Lhe requlremenL of Lhls audlLlng SLandard. LxpedlLlng lncludes:
a. llalslng wlLh Lhe slLe operaLlons, malnLenance and englneerlng sLaff Lo ensure slLe procedures are
recognlsed ln Lhe loglsLlcs of Lhe audlL,
b. analysls of Lhe audlL daLa, and
c. drafLlng and flnallslng Lhe audlL flndlngs and recommendaLlons.
lL ls expecLed LhaL Lhese funcLlons wlll be performed by a person who has Lhe requlslLe pumplng sysLems
quallflcaLlons, experlence, and ablllLles Lo underLake Lhe daLa collecLlon, analyse Lhe daLa, draw sound concluslons and
provlde quallLy recommendaLlons. Such skllls are would Lyplcally be expecLed of a pumplng sysLems audlLor cerLlfled
or accredlLed by an lndependenL cerLlflcaLlon body or repuLable professlonal assoclaLlon.

?:A:A <*33-&.1%$.*&#
An lnlLlal meeLlng beLween Lhe audlL manager and relevanL slLe managemenL should clarlfy Lhe audlL ob[ecLlves and
A second meeLlng, lncludlng Lhe audlL expedlLor and slLe managemenL and operaLlons sLaff, should be used Lo:
a. revlew any prellmlnary (pre-audlL) lnformaLlon LhaL has been collecLed,
b. asslsL reflnemenL of Lhe measuremenLs, Lools and meLhods requlred for Lhe audlL Lo ensure cllenL
expecLaLlons wlll be meL, and
c. ensure LhaL Lhere ls an undersLandlng of whaL resources are requlred onslLe as well as employee
?:K =,,( J,D.,6
1he audlL process may lnclude a peer revlew by a Lhlrd parLy also compeLenL ln pumplng sysLems audlLlng.

1he lncluslon of such a peer revlew would elLher be a requlremenL of Lhe agreemenL beLween Lhe audlLor and Lhe
cllenL or aL Lhe audlLor's dlscreLlon for lnLernal quallLy assurance purposes.

?:L "-'.$ <*#$.&/
CosLlng of Lhe pumplng sysLem audlL ls an lmporLanL parL of Lhe audlL plannlng process.
lor an lnvesLmenL-level audlL, Lhe cosL wlll depend on Lhe slze of Lhe slLe, Lhe number of pumplng sysLems and sysLem
boundarles LhaL have been deflned ln Lhe scope, Lhe level and duraLlon of energy, flow and pressure measuremenLs
requlred, and any Lhlrd-parLy conLracLors requlred Lo underLake measuremenLs. lL mlghL also need Lo lnclude
recognlLlon of posL-audlL performance monlLorlng LhaL may be requlred by Lhe cllenL.
lor a base-level audlL, Lhe measuremenL and reporLlng requlremenLs wlll be slgnlflcanLly less - wlLh a flow-on effecL
on Lhe audlLlng cosL esLlmaLe.
1he quoLed cosL Lo Lhe cllenL should also Lake lnLo conslderaLlon any supporL avallable from Lhlrd parLles. lor lnsLance,
Lhere may be servlces or fundlng provlded by pump manufacLurers, energy reLallers, and poLenLlal pro[ecL granLs from
LLCA or oLher parLles.

?:M "-'.$ "55(*%1+ .& >-33%(0
llgure 2 ouLllnes Lhe general audlL approach LhaL should be followed. lL commences wlLh cllenL consulLaLlon regardlng
Lhe ob[ecLlves and scope of Lhe audlL (as covered ln 2.1 above).

llgure 2: llow ulagram of AudlL Approach

?:N =*#$4.352,3,&$%$.*& E*&.$*(.&/
An audlL wlll generally be followed by lmplemenLaLlon of recommended correcLlve acLlons.
osL-lmplemenLaLlon monlLorlng of elecLrlclLy usage relaLlve Lo Lhe pumplng sysLem requlremenLs or buslness drlver ls
generally lmporLanL Lo Lhe cllenL Lo enable Lhe value of posL-audlL deslgn or operaLlons changes Lo be measured on an
ongolng basls.
1he naLure of Lhe posL-lmplemenLaLlon monlLorlng should be esLabllshed as parL of Lhe audlL plannlng, as lL ls llkely Lo
lnfluence some aspecLs of Lhe audlL deslgn and locaLlon of Lemporary or permanenL measuremenL equlpmenL. 1he
key drlver of pumplng sysLem elecLrlclLy lnpuL should govern Lhe naLure of Lhe monlLorlng, wheLher LhaL drlver be
producLlon ouLpuL, anoLher lnpuL or merely hours of operaLlon.

1. AudlLor and cllenL agree on
ob[ecLlves and scope of audlL.

1he scope of Lhe audlL should
Lake lnLo conslderaLlon Lhe
cllenL's expecLaLlons and slLe
characLerlsLlcs as per secLlons
2.1 Lo 2.2.
2. AudlLor deLermlnes
requlremenLs Lo conducL Lhe
audlL, and complles audlL
spec, revlew process and

ConslderaLlon should be
glven Lo people and
resources requlred Lo meeL
Lhe agreed-upon scope as
per secLlon 2.3. Any posL-
audlL monlLorlng should also
be lncluded as per secLlon
3. AudlLor and cllenL agree
on servlce conLracL
coverlng Lhe planned

1hlrd-parLy fundlng from
manufacLurers, energy
reLallers, governmenL
deparLmenLs and oLher
parLles should be lncluded
as per secLlon 2.3.
4. AudlLor compleLes on-slLe
daLa collecLlon, lncludlng
addlLlonal work as lndlcaLed
by lnlLlal measuremenLs.
3. AudlLor analyses on-slLe
daLa and complles drafL
reporL of flndlngs and

6. eer revlew and cllenL
revlew of drafL reporL.

osslble peer revlew from a
Lhlrd parLy, as per secLlon
8. AudlLor presenLs flnal
reporL Lo cllenL, and
agrees on any posL-audlL
7. necessary changes are
made Lo Lhe reporL lf
A:; C&4#.$, E,%#-(,3,&$# %&' @%$% <*22,1$.*&
1hls secLlon deLalls Lhe measuremenL requlremenLs for a pumplng sysLem audlL conducLed Lo lnvesLmenL-level
accuracy, and provldes some guldance on whaL may be sufflclenL when audlLlng Lo Lhe (lower) base level of accuracy.
ln Lhe flrsL parL, Lhe measuremenL meLhods are ouLllned, followed by Lhe measuremenL requlremenLs for Lhe slLe and
sysLems belng audlLed.

A:9 E,%#-(,3,&$ E,$+*'#
A:9:9 O2,1$(.1.$0 P#%/, E,%#-(,3,&$#
lor lnvesLmenL-level audlLs, elecLrlclLy usage (Lhe lnpuL power Lo Lhe pumplng sysLem) should be measured aL Lhe
Lermlnals of Lhe moLor drlvlng Lhe pump. lor each pump moLor, a Lhree-phase elecLrlclLy meLer (wlLh daLa-logglng)
should be used Lo record kllowaLL (kW) and kllowaLL hour (kWh) usage. arLlcularly where Lhe pumplng sysLem
exhlblLs varlable flow demand characLerlsLlcs, lL ls recommended LhaL Lhe power readlngs are logged aL lnLervals of
noL greaLer Lhan 10 seconds.
lf Lhe elecLrlclLy llne charges are based on kllovolL amperes (kvA) measuremenL and Lhe slLe does noL have power
facLor correcLlon upsLream of Lhe pumps, kvA demand should be elLher dlrecLly measured or oLherwlse assessed.
MeasuremenLs should be Laken for a perlod of Llme sufflclenL Lo capLure Lhe weekly operaLlonal paLLern of Lhe
pumplng sysLem. ln addlLlon, ln order Lo puL Lhe weekly proflle lnLo an annual usage conLexL, lL ls necessary Lo obLaln
an annual proflle of producLlon and/or elecLrlclLy use. lnvesLmenL-level accuracy of Lhe annual usage esLlmaLe
requlres conslderaLlon of boLh Lhe weekly and annual proflle daLa.
lor base-level audlLs, Lhe '8asellne ConsumpLlon 1able' provlded ln Appendlx 3 ldenLlfles Lhe daLa requlred Lo
esLlmaLe a pumplng sysLem's annual elecLrlclLy use.

A:9:? =(,##-(, E,%#-(,3,&$#
ressure measuremenLs should also be recorded aL Lhe locaLlon where Lhe llquld ls used and aL oLher locaLlons ln Lhe
llquld dlsLrlbuLlon neLwork. 1hls wlll enable Lhe locaLlon of pressure drops beLween Lhe pump and Lhe end use Lo be
uependlng on Lhe Lype of pressure gauge and pracLlcal maLLers such as Lhe relaLlve locaLlons of Lhe pressure recordlng
polnLs and Lhe pumps, pressure loggers may also be used, Lhough Lhls ls noL mandaLory.
1he accuracy of a pressure measuremenL lnsLrumenL (lncludlng a pump's ouLleL pressure gauge) should be verlfled by
comparlson of lLs measuremenLs wlLh Lhose from a gauge callbraLed accordlng Lo a sLandard such as AS 1349:1986 or
8Sl Ln837.1.
lor a base-level audlL, lL ls recommended LhaL values are noLed lf Lhere are gauges already ln Lhe neLwork.

A:9:A B2*6 E,%#-(,3,&$#
knowledge of Lhe llquld flow ls lmporLanL Lo undersLand a pumplng sysLem's dellvery performance. lnLruslve flow
meLers may be used, alLhough lnsLallaLlon can be dlfflculL or dlsrupLlve Lo producLlon. non-lnLruslve ulLrasonlc flow
meLers are a very useful Lool ln deLermlnlng sysLem characLerlsLlcs.
8ecause llquld demands may be dynamlc, perlodlc and LranslenL, such local flow measuremenLs should be Laken over
a perlod LhaL capLures Lhe full range of operaLlng requlremenLs. erlods of maxlmum and mlnlmum demands also
need Lo be capLured.

A:9:K O2,1$(.1.$0 <*#$ O#$.3%$.*&
Wherever Lhe audlL flndlngs are llkely Lo be used ln any lnvesLmenL analysls underLaken by Lhe cllenL, Lhe elecLrlclLy
cosLs used ln valulng Lhe elecLrlclLy consumpLlon of Lhe pumplng sysLem should be based on fuLure conLracL or
forecasL prlces and ad[usLed for any oLher relevanL varlable prlclng facLors, as agreed wlLh Lhe cllenL.
Annual average prlces can generally be used unless Lhere are conslderable seasonal varlances ln producLlon (pumplng
sysLem consumpLlon) paLLerns. Any seasonal elecLrlclLy prlce varlaLlons should be recognlsed ln any calculaLlon of
producLlon-welghLed annual average prlces.
1he effecL of any demand and/or capaclLy charges should also be accounLed for. Where dlfferences ln elecLrlclLy use
are belng valued, Lhe valuaLlon needs Lo conslder LhaL some elemenLs of Lhe dellvered elecLrlclLy prlce may be
lndependenL of Lhe consumpLlon level. Any fully flxed elemenLs of Lhe elecLrlclLy prlce need Lo be removed from Lhe
cosL used Lo value a consumpLlon dlfference.
lor Lhe purposes of a base-level audlL, lf Lhe cllenL does noL have a sLandard elecLrlclLy cosL flgure for pro[ecL analysls
purposes, lL ls generally accepLable Lo use Lhe mosL recenL 12 monLhs' gross average elecLrlclLy cosL (LoLal cosL dlvlded
by LoLal energy consumed) for Lhe valulng of elecLrlclLy use.
lf relevanL, Lhe effecL of power facLor on dellvered elecLrlclLy cosLs Lo Lhe pumplng sysLem should be recognlsed. Cn
mosL elecLrlclLy dlsLrlbuLlon neLworks, a premlum ls chargeable lf a power facLor of less Lhan 0.93 ls measureable aL
Lhe slLe-enLry meLerlng polnL. 1he audlL should ldenLlfy lf Lhe slLe would beneflL from Lhe lnsLallaLlon of power facLor
correcLlon equlpmenL aL Lhe maln swlLchboard (or any sub-board for Lhe supply of pump and pumplng sysLems), as
LhaL lnformaLlon ls lmporLanL Lo Lhe assessmenL of exlsLlng and fuLure dellvered elecLrlclLy cosLs for Lhe slLe
1he absence of power facLor correcLlon equlpmenL on Lhe slLe would normally resulL ln a recommendaLlon Lo Lhe
cllenL Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe economlcs of correcLlng LhaL slLuaLlon.
A:9:L Q*(R# <*#$ O#$.3%$,#
arLlcularly where Lhe audlL ls underLaken for lnvesLmenL proposal purposes, Lhe flndlngs wlll lnclude
recommendaLlons for works Lo be performed Lo explolL efflclency opporLunlLles.

WlLh guldance from Lhe cllenL wlLh regard Lo whom Lo consulL wlLh, lL ls expecLed LhaL complllng budgeL esLlmaLes for
such wlll requlre consulLaLlon wlLh a range of equlpmenL suppllers or malnLenance englneerlng companles. 1he level
of accuracy of Lhe cosL esLlmaLes should meeL Lhe cllenL's requlremenL. lor lnvesLmenL proposal purposes, Lhe
accuracy expecLaLlon wlll Lyplcally be ln Lhe order of 13.

A:? =-35.&/ >0#$,3 E,%#-(,3,&$#
A:?:9 >.$,42,D,2 @%$% <*22,1$.*&
Appendlx 1 conLalns a form ouLllnlng Lhe key slLe-level daLa LhaL should be recorded for Lhe audlL, lrrespecLlve of Lhe
accuracy level of audlL concerned.
A:?:? H-#.&,## J,7-.(,3,&$ *) $+, >0#$,3
undersLandlng Lhe requlremenL LhaL Lhe buslness has for Lhe pumplng sysLem belng audlLed ls a prerequlslLe Lo
ldenLlfylng areas of lnefflclency. lL ls useful Lo commence Lhe audlL wlLh quanLlflcaLlon of LhaL requlremenL, whlch
necesslLaLes collecLlon of Lhe followlng lnformaLlon:
Lhe funcLlonal (flow and pressure) requlremenLs of Lhe sysLem relaLlve Lo Lhe maln buslness drlver (e.g.
producLlon), and
any changes Lo sysLem deslgn slnce lnsLallaLlon and Lhe reasons why.

A lplng and lnsLrumenLaLlon ulagram (&lu) ls lmporLanL Lo provlde a clear plcLure of Lhe lnLerrelaLlonshlps beLween
Lhe sysLem componenLs and how Lhe requlremenLs may be dellvered.

A:?:A C5,(%$.&/ <+%(%1$,(.#$.1#
An undersLandlng of Lhe acLual (as opposed Lo Lhe requlred) operaLlng characLerlsLlcs requlres daLa collecLlon across
Lhe demand, neLwork and supply componenLs of Lhe sysLem, and quanLlfylng Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween elecLrlclLy use
and Lhe relevanL buslness drlver of sysLem demand.
Appendlx 2 conLalns forms LhaL ldenLlfy Lhe daLa requlred Lo galn such an undersLandlng and LhaL are poLenLlally
useful for an lnvesLmenL-level audlL. More deLall on Lhe measuremenLs of LhaL daLa ls provlded below.
lor base-level audlLs, Appendlx 3 provldes several forms LhaL ldenLlfy:
a mlnlmum level of daLa needed Lo esLlmaLe a pumplng sysLem's annual elecLrlclLy use, and
a checkllsL LhaL could be used Lo assess Lhe key componenLs of Lhe sysLem as Lhey affecL sysLem efflclency.
ump run-hour daLa should be verlfled by slLe personnel wherever posslble, as Lhe economlcs of poLenLlal efflclency
opporLunlLles wlll depend heavlly on LhaL lnformaLlon.

A:?:K O2,1$(.1.$0 P#, %&' H-#.&,## @(.D,( J,2%$.*&#+.5
lor lnvesLmenL-level audlLs, Lhe basellne elecLrlclLy usage measuremenL obLalned from Lhe audlL should quanLlfy Lhe
umplng SysLem Lnergy lnLenslLy (Ll), expressed as pump moLor energy consumpLlon per unlL of Lhe assoclaLed
buslness drlver (e.g. kWh per kg of producLlon ouLpuL). ln addlLlon, Lhe audlL should deLermlne (and quanLlfy) any
relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe Ll and dlfferenL levels of producLlon acLlvlLy.
1he naLure of Lhe monlLorlng should be governed by Lhe key drlver of pumplng sysLem elecLrlclLy lnpuL, wheLher LhaL
be anoLher producLlon lnpuL, ouLpuL or merely hours of operaLlon.
lor pracLlcal purposes (parLlcularly for posL-lmplemenLaLlon monlLorlng) Lhe Ll may be esLabllshed by meLerlng a
slngle or small number of key 'reference pumps' raLher Lhan aLLach elecLrlclLy meLers Lo all pumps wlLhln a sysLem.
A:?:L @,3%&' E,%#-(,3,&$#
lor each sysLem belng audlLed, record characLerlsLlcs of Lhe llquld belng pumped and how lL ls belng used and
mlsused, lncludlng:
naLure of Lhe llquld, such as solld levels and oLher properLles LhaL lnfluence Lhe requlremenLs and
performance of Lhe sysLem,
Llquld-use lsolaLlon pracLlces,
eak-load sheddlng pracLlces,
ldenLlflcaLlon of lnapproprlaLe uses of Lhe llquld (and hence quesLlonable demand),
ressure measuremenLs, lncludlng maklng noLe of any LhroLLllng of flow, for parLlcular uses. Where Lhere ls
LhroLLllng, Lhe flow and/or pump power consumpLlon would ldeally be measured as Lhe valve ls LhroLLled and
un-LhroLLled, alLhough cauLlon ls requlred Lo ensure LhaL any un-LhroLLllng does noL negaLlvely lnfluence any
equlpmenL or processes.
llow measuremenLs, lncludlng maklng noLe of any bypass flow. Where bypass flow exlsLs, measure Lhe
pump's flow Lhrough Lhe secondary clrculL (supply/reLurn), flow Lhrough Lhe prlmary clrculL and Lhe bypass
flow. Any Lwo of Lhese measuremenLs are sufflclenL Lo deLermlne flow Lhrough each porLlon of Lhe sysLem.
Llquld leakage, esLlmaLlng each leak raLe where posslble

A:?:M S,$6*(R E,%#-(,3,&$#
8ecord key characLerlsLlcs of Lhe neLwork dellverlng Lhe llquld, lncludlng:
lpework conflguraLlon and slzlng,
Areas of hlgh-pressure/frlcLlonal losses lncludlng under-slzed plpework,
1he level of sysLem malnLenance pracLlced,
1he effecLs of any valves and fllLers, parLlcularly any mlsuses,
1he effecLs of any alLeraLlons made Lo Lhe pumplng neLwork's orlglnal deslgn

noLe LhaL ldenLlfylng areas of hlgh-pressure loss and frlcLlonal loss may requlre addlLlonal sofLware asslsLance. 1here
are several sofLware packages LhaL may ald ln ldenLlfylng poLenLlal neLwork lnefflclencles.

A:?:N >-5520 E,%#-(,3,&$#
8ecord Lhe key characLerlsLlcs of supply slde of Lhe pumplng sysLem, lncludlng:
nameplaLe lnformaLlon of each pump - lncludes model, Lype, lmpeller slze
AssoclaLed pump curves lf readlly avallable (opLlonal for a base-level audlL)
MoLor lnformaLlon - lncludlng rpm, kW raLlng and efflclency
MoLor elecLrlcal logglng for Lhe perlod speclfled Lhrough Lhe audlL scoplng,
urlver coupllng Lype
varlable Speed urlve (vSu) lnformaLlon
ressure dlfferenLlal across pump
llow measuremenL Lhrough pump, lf avallable
1he level of pump malnLenance whlch Lakes place
ump conLrol meLhod and exLenL of use of Lhe flow conLrol (expecLed Lo be observed Lhrough power or flow
nolse or vlbraLlon levels, ln parLlcular cavlLaLlon
Slurry or chemlcal llquld-speclflc lnformaLlon such as solld levels
umplng sysLem deslgn curves
Where pump curves cannoL be provlded by slLe employees, pump manufacLurers should be conLacLed Lo
acqulre pump curves

K:; @%$% "&%20#.#
lor a base-level pumplng sysLem audlL, observaLlons and measuremenLs are relaLlvely low ln deLall, and analysls
consequenLly relles on slgnlflcanL assumpLlons. ln many cases, lL wlll be lmposslble Lo make any furLher concluslons
abouL Lhe operaLlon of Lhe sysLem wlLhouL equlpmenL Lo Lake more ln-depLh measuremenLs.

lor an lnvesLmenL-level pumplng sysLem audlL, observaLlons and measuremenLs musL be ln much hlgher deLall Lhan
for a base-level audlL. 1hls mlnlmlses assumpLlons LhaL musL be made for subsequenL analysls. ln some cases, lL may
sLlll be lmposslble Lo make any furLher concluslons abouL Lhe operaLlon of Lhe sysLem lf lnformaLlon such as relevanL
pump curves, elecLrlcal logglngs, pressure measuremenLs and flow measuremenLs cannoL be obLalned.

K:9 @,3%&' D,(#-# J,7-.(,3,&$#
Analysls of llquld demand requlres Lhe opLlmlsaLlon of llquld use. SoluLlons Lo lmprove Lhe efflclency of llquld use
AuLomaLed lsolaLlon of llquld users
Schedullng of pumplng sysLem operaLlon ouLslde elecLrlclLy neLwork peak charge perlods
8educLlon of llquld consumpLlon by users
8educLlon of pressure requlremenLs by users
8educLlon of flow requlremenLs by users
8educLlon ln llquld leaks

Any lmprovemenL ln Lhe use of llquld on Lhe demand slde ulLlmaLely reduces Lhe energy lnpuL requlred from pumps
wlLhln a sysLem. CalculaLlons of power consumpLlon reducLlons musL be based on Lhe pump's assoclaLed performance
curve. 1he afflnlLy laws (see Appendlx 4) can be used lf lL ls accuraLe Lo assume LhaL any shlfL ln operaLlng polnL moves
along Lhe sysLem curve.

lor base-level audlLs, reducLlon ln power consumpLlon can be calculaLed uslng Lhe pump equaLlon or ln some cases
wlLh Lhe use of afflnlLy laws. lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL alLhough Lhe pump afflnlLy laws can be a useful gulde, care
musL be Laken when applylng Lhese laws Lo ensure LhaL Lhe approprlaLe assumpLlons are valld or approprlaLe
compensaLlon ls made ln Lhe relevanL calculaLlons.

K:9:9 B2*6 J,'-1$.*& <*&#.',(%$.*&#
When looklng Lo reduce Lhe flow Lhrough a sysLem, exLra conslderaLlon musL be glven Lo Lhe devlces LhaL may be
affecLed by Lhls flow reducLlon. 8educlng Lhe flow raLe Lhrough heaL exchangers, coollng Lowers, bollers, chlllers and
oLher such equlpmenL wlll reduce Lhelr effecLlveness and ln some cases can damage Lhese devlces. lL ls lmporLanL Lo
undersLand Lhe enLlre pumplng sysLem before recommendlng any flow reducLlons or conLrol changes.

An example of a process coollng waLer clrculL ls shown ln llgure 3.

llgure 3: rocess Coollng WaLer ClrculL
ln Lhls example, reduclng Lhe flow raLe of elLher Lhe prlmary or secondary clrculL pump would reduce Lhe effecLlveness
of Lhe coollng Lower and / or heaL exchanger. 1hls may mean LhaL Lhe sysLem ls unable Lo re[ecL enough energy Lo
malnLaln Lhe deslred coollng waLer LemperaLure.

K:9:? @-(%$.*& <-(D,
A duraLlon curve ls a useful daLa analysls Lool for assesslng sysLem demands over a cerLaln Llme perlod. uemand ls
Lyplcally assessed uslng a flow raLe buL mlghL also compare pressure or power consumpLlon wlLh respecL Lo Llme. 1he
curve ls creaLed by ranklng Lhe hlsLorlcal or measured daLa from largesL Lo smallesL or vlce versa, and ploLLlng wlLh
respecL Lo Llme or percenLage of Llme. A Lyplcal example of a duraLlon curve ls shown ln llgure 4.

llgure 4: Lxample of uuraLlon Curve

uuraLlon curves may also be able Lo provlde furLher lnslghL lnLo Lhe slzlng of pumps Lo meeL Lhe slLe's appllcaLlons.
lor example, ln Lhe slngle-pump duraLlon curve ln llgure 3, Lhe pump (deplcLed by Lhe (red) shaded area) ls slzed Lo
meeL Lhe slLe's maxlmum demand. AL Lhls slze, Lhe pump ls only requlred Lo operaLe 2,300 hours per annum Lo meeL
Lhe LoLal flow demand (Lhe area under Lhe duraLlon curve).

lnsLead of uslng one pump, a second smaller pump could be lnsLalled Lo cope wlLh Lhe slLe's base load and only use
Lhe larger pump durlng Llmes of hlgh demand. 1he Lwo-pump duraLlon curve ln llgure 6 shows Lhe operaLlon of Lhls
sysLem. 1he smaller base-load pump (deplcLed by Lhe (green) rlghL-hand shaded area) wlll operaLe aL a lower flow
raLe for 3,000 hours per annum, wlLh Lhe larger backup pump now only operaLlng 200 hours per annum. AlLhough Lhe
smaller pump wlll operaLe for a longer Llme, Lhe lower flow raLes wlll equaLe Lo less frlcLlonal losses ln Lhe sysLem,
Lhus uslng less energy Lo move Lhe same amounL of waLer.

llgure 3: uuraLlon Curve Savlng Lxample
llgure 6 shows Lhe operaLlng polnL of Lhe smaller pump (ump Curve 2) versus Lhe larger pump (ump Curve 1). lL can
be seen LhaL Lhere ls slgnlflcanLly less dynamlc head generaLed by Lhe smaller pump, and lL can Lherefore be
consldered more energy efflclenL for pumplng Lhe same volume of waLer over a longer perlod of Llme.

llgure 6: 1wo-ump SysLem CperaLlng olnLs
K:9:A B2*6 H%2%&1,
A flow balance ls a useful Lool ln analyslng sysLem demands and requlremenLs, and accounLlng for llquld flows
(energy) once Lhe llquld has lefL Lhe pump. uaLa for a flow balance would normally be obLalned by Laklng a number of
flow measuremenLs aL varlous polnLs of Lhe sysLem. Where flow raLes are consLanL, Lhe flow raLe ln each parL of Lhe
sysLem can be measured separaLely, alLhough ln a dynamlc sysLem slmulLaneous measuremenLs are needed Lo ensure
accuracy. ln some cases, a flow balance may asslsL ln deLermlnlng leakage raLes and unnecessary demands for Lhe
llquld. lL can also be used Lo verlfy any flow esLlmaLlons based on pump curve analysls. lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL Lhe
accuracy of any flow measurlng equlpmenL musL be Laken lnLo accounL when consLrucLlng a flow balance. Any flows
deduced from oLher flow measuremenLs musL noL be wlLhln Lhe accuracy Lolerance of Lhese oLher measuremenLs.

An example of how a flow balance may be consLrucLed ls shown ln llgure 7.

llgure 7: llow 8alance
ln Lhls case Lhe flows Lhrough Lhe Lhree waLer users can be used Lo verlfy Lhe pump dellvery flow, whlch may have
been based on an elecLrlcal logglng, pressure logglng and Lhe pump performance curve. 1hls helps Lo lmprove Lhe
overall accuracy of subsequenL analysls.

K:? =-35.&/ >0#$,3 S,$6*(R
Analysls of a pumplng sysLem neLwork requlres Lhe deLermlnaLlon of llquld dellvery efflclency. 1hls requlres Lhe
measuremenL of pressure losses and flow Lhrough dlfferenL secLlons of Lhe neLwork.

SoluLlons Lo lmprove Lhe efflclency of llquld dellvery lnclude:
8educlng pressure drops across lncorrecLly lnsLalled valves
8educlng sysLem pressure drops as a resulL of excesslve frlcLlonal losses (ofLen caused by underslzed
1he opLlmlslng of plpe conflguraLlon
lmproved neLwork malnLenance

lL ls recommended LhaL sofLware speclflc Lo plpe neLwork deslgn ls used Lo analyse Lhe sysLem's dellvery effecLlveness.
Modelllng Lhe sysLem uslng sofLware wlll qulckly ldenLlfy areas wlLh excesslve frlcLlonal losses as a resulL of underslzed
plpework, and areas wlLh pressure losses as a resulL of lncorrecLly lnsLalled valves or plpe conflguraLlon.

lL ls very dlfflculL Lo deLermlne Lhe effecLlveness of llquld dellvery wlLhouL accuraLe measuremenLs of flow and
pressure, leL alone calculaLe poLenLlal energy savlngs.

lf lL ls noLed LhaL neLwork malnLenance pracLlces are poor, lL ls suggesLed LhaL a percenLage lmprovemenL ln sysLem
energy efflclency can be expecLed as a resulL of lmproved pracLlces.

K:A =-35.&/ >0#$,3 >-5520
Analysls of a pumplng sysLem supply requlres Lhe opLlmlsaLlon of pump sulLablllLy and conLrol. Agaln, Lhls may be
dlfflculL Lo deLermlne wlLhouL accuraLe measuremenLs, alLhough assumpLlons can be made Lo esLlmaLe poLenLlal
energy savlngs. SoluLlons Lo lmprove Lhe pump supply efflclency lnclude:
8eplaclng a pump wlLh a pump operaLlng closer Lo lLs 8L
lmprove pump malnLenance, a 10 reducLlon ln pump efflclency can be expecLed for an un-malnLalned
lmprove pump conLrol, ln parLlcular Lo avold bypassed or LhroLLled flow
8eplace pump moLor wlLh a more efflclenL moLor
lmprove pump coupllng, a 3 lmprovemenL ln efflclency can be expecLed by movlng from v-belL Lo dlrecL
lmprove sysLem operaLlon conLrol, ldeally auLomaLlng when Lhe sysLem swlLches on or off, dependlng on
wlder sysLem varlables such as LemperaLure

1he Lwo ma[or problems LhaL are ofLen encounLered ln pumplng sysLems are:
1. 8ypassed flow
2. 1hroLLled flow

8ypassed flow unnecessarlly re-clrculaLes llquld so LhaL Lhe supply pump musL move more llquld Lhan ls requlred and
expend energy unnecessarlly. Slmllarly, LhroLLled flow lncreases Lhe sysLem head Lo reduce flow, whlch also resulLs ln
Lhe supply pump wasLlng energy Lo malnLaln a hlgher sysLem head.

lor boLh Lhese slLuaLlons, a common meLhod for lmproved conLrol ls Lo lnsLead have a varlable supply, ofLen achleved
wlLh Lhe lnsLallaLlon of a vSu on Lhe pump moLor. 1he pump speed can Lhen be conLrolled Lo malnLaln a sysLem
pressure or flow wlLhouL unnecessary energy consumpLlon. varylng pump speed moves Lhe pump's operaLlng polnL
along Lhe sysLem curve, poLenLlal savlngs can be esLlmaLed uslng afflnlLy laws (see Appendlx 4). lf flow demand ls
relaLlvely consLanL, oLher alLernaLlves lnclude Lrlmmlng Lhe lmpeller, replaclng Lhe lmpeller, or ad[usLlng Lhe speed of
Lhe pump Lhrough pulley changes.

Analysls of a pumplng sysLem supply requlres Lhe opLlmlsaLlon of pump malnLenance pracLlces, pump sulLablllLy and
pump conLrol. 1he pump moLor and coupllng should also be consldered.

K:A:9 =-35 E%.&$,&%&1,
lL ls besL pracLlce Lo perform regular malnLenance on pumps. 1hls wlll noL only malnLaln Lhelr energy efflclency buL wlll
also ensure Lhey operaLe Lo sysLem requlremenLs and do noL premaLurely fall, whlch lncreases overall llfe-cycle cosLs.
llgure 8 shows Lhe comparlson beLween Lhe efflclency of a pump LhaL ls regularly malnLalned and a pump LhaL ls
neglecLed. 1hls ls due Lo lmpeller wear, caslng wear and lncreaslng clearance beLween flxed and movlng parLs.

llgure 8: Average Wear 1rends for umps
oorly malnLalned pumps are Lyplcally beLween 3 and 10 less efflclenL Lhan well-malnLalned pumps, and Lhe
exLenL of efflclency loss can be conflrmed uslng pressure, flow and elecLrlcal logglngs Lo deLermlne Lhe operaLlng polnL
of Lhe pump.

K:A:? =-35 >-.$%F.2.$0
ump performance curves can be used Lo deLermlne Lhe operaLlng polnL of each pump wlLhln a sysLem. ressure, flow
and elecLrlcal logglngs can be used Lo deLermlne Lhe operaLlng polnL. lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL much lnaccuracy
comes from esLlmaLes of moLor efflclency and coupllng efflclency, alLhough Lhe use of Lhe pump's performance curve
helps Lo verlfy Lhese esLlmaLes.

A common occurrence ln pumplng sysLems ls overslzed pumps. 1here are several measures Lo lmprove sysLem
efflclency ln Lhls case, lncludlng:
1rlmmlng Lhe lmpeller (see llgure 9)
Changlng Lhe lmpeller
SelecLlng a pump LhaL operaLes closer Lo 8L
use mulLlple-pump arrangemenLs


llgure 9: LffecL of lmpeller 1rlmmlng on ump erformance Curve

K:A:A =-35 <*&$(*2
1here are varlous meLhods for lmprovlng pump conLrol. 1hls ls parLlcularly relevanL Lo varlable-demand appllcaLlons.
llgure 10 deplcLs Lhe power consumpLlon of a pump ( capaclLy) as flow raLe ( capaclLy) ls varled.

llgure 10: Lnergy Lfflclency of ulfferenL ConLrol MeLhods for SysLems wlLh a Low P

CalculaLlons of power consumpLlon reducLlons musL be based on Lhe pump's assoclaLed performance curve. 1he use
of afflnlLy laws (see Appendlx 4) can only occur lf lL ls accuraLe Lo assume LhaL any shlfL ln operaLlng polnL moves along
Lhe sysLem curve. 1hls ls Lhe case for pumps conLrolled by varlable-speed drlves, as lllusLraLed ln llgure 11.

llgure 11: Change ln ump CperaLlng olnL as speed ls reduced from n1 Lo n2
lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL oLher facLors musL be Laken lnLo accounL when alLerlng sysLem conLrol. ln some cases,
mlnlmum flows or pressures musL be malnLalned. An example of Lhls occurs ln slurry pumplng, where mlnlmum llquld
veloclLles musL be malnLalned Lo ensure sollds do noL seLLle wlLhln plpework.

K:A:K E*$*(# %&' <*-52.&/
ln mosL cases, a moLor wlll be slzed Lo operaLe wlLhln 73-100 of lLs raLed capaclLy, as well as allowlng for Lhe
sLarLlng Lorque requlremenLs of Lhe devlce belng drlven. MoLors are correcLly slzed for Lhelr appllcaLlon ln mosL cases,
slnce pumps are ofLen supplled as a pump/moLor package, alLhough Lhere wlll be lnsLances where moLors are

1he efflclency of pump moLors ls regulaLed Lhrough Mlnlmum Lnergy erformance SLandards (MLS), for new moLor
lnsLallaLlons. AS/nZS 1339.3:2004 conLalns efflclency requlremenLs for Lhree-phase moLors raLed beLween 0.73kW
and 183kW.

1he Lype of pump-moLor coupllng should also be consldered. 1he mosL efflclenL drlve meLhod ls dlrecL mechanlcal
coupllng, alLhough space, layouL and moLor speed requlremenLs (Lhe use of pulleys) wlll noL always allow Lhls.

lor Lhe varlous componenLs of a moLor/pump sysLem:
moLor conLroller losses (non-bypassed sofL sLarLer devlces or varlable speed drlves) can be Laken from
manufacLurer speclflcaLlons,
moLor losses can be assessed from a comblnaLlon of Lhe manufacLurer's moLor efflclency daLa (aL Lhe load
percenLage appllcable Lo Lhe sysLem), and maklng allowance for Lhe malnLenance/rewlnd hlsLory of Lhe
moLor lf avallable,
losses from Lhe drlve sysLem beLween Lhe moLor and Lhe pump vary wlLh Lhe Lype of drlve employed. ulrecL
drlve (shafLs dlrecLly llnked) losses can be assessed aL zero. Where belLs are used, Lhe losses vary dependlng
on cholce of belL and how well lL ls flLLed, lLs age/condlLlon and Lhe slze of Lhe pulleys used.
1he pump shafL lnpuL power can be deLermlned uslng Lhe pump curve from Lhe measuremenLs of flow and pressure
measuremenLs across Lhe pump. 1hls enables Lhe pump's operaLlng polnL on lLs characLerlsLlc curve Lo be deLermlned,
and by comparlson wlLh Lhe moLor lnpuL power measuremenLs, Lhe energy loss beLween Lhe pump shafL and Lhe
moLor lnpuL.
lor a base-level audlL LhaL does noL have flow, pressure or moLor loadlng measuremenLs, an assessmenL of energy
consumpLlon and Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon of opporLunlLles wlll need Lo rely on Lhe pump afflnlLy laws and general
observaLlons and expecLed relaLlonshlps beLween pressure, flow, power, shafL speed and pulley dlameLer. 8efer Lo
Appendlx 4 for a summary of pump afflnlLy laws.

K:K Q+*2,4#0#$,3 <*&#.',(%$.*&#
Lach parL of Lhe pumplng sysLem analysls may lnclude flndlngs LhaL can have some relaLlon Lo anoLher parL of Lhe

ConsequenLly, Lhe analysls needs Lo ldenLlfy 'dependenL' and 'muLually excluslve' opporLunlLles across Lhe whole
sysLem, Lo ensure LhaL Lhe mosL coheslve and well-speclfled recommendaLlon seL ls made Lo Lhe cllenL.

Where Lwo opporLunlLles are dependenL (one musL be done ln order for Lhe oLher one Lo be posslble), Lhey may be
presenLed as one savlng wlLh one LoLal assoclaLed cosL. lor example, lf a pump ls consumlng 10kW of power and
reducLlons of 20 of Lhe demand for llquld and 30 conLrol efflclency lmprovemenLs can be made, Lhey should be
applled as follows:

ower use afLer demand reducLlon = 10kW x 0.8
= 8kW

ower use afLer conLrol lmprovemenL = 8kW x 0.7
= 3.6kW (or 36 of Lhe orlglnal consumpLlon)

lf Lhe savlngs had boLh been applled Lo Lhe orlglnal 10kW, LoLal savlngs of 3kW or 30 would have been calculaLed,
overesLlmaLlng savlngs by 6 of Lhe orlglnal energy use.
"55,&'.I 9 T >.$, U&)*(3%$.*& B*(3

6#+&'-++ 70$-
)&,- %8*+&90: 0//1-++ ;),1--,< )#=#1=< >&,*?
70,#1- @A +&,- B =#+&'-++ @%-10,&@'

C&1+, /0* @A @'+&,- :@((&'(+
C&'0: /0* @A @'+&,- :@((&'(+
"1@/#9,&@' /#1&'( %-1&@/ @A :@((&'(+
4:-9,1&9&,* )#%%:&-1
"@D-1 A09,@1 9@11-9,&@' -E#&%$-', &' #+-
F-:&G-1-/ -:-9,1&9&,* 9@+, %-1 HI8

)&,- 9@',09, J3 70$-


K-:-%8@'- ;FFL?
)&,- 9@',09, M3 70$-
K-:-%8@'- ;FFL?


"55,&'.I ? T >0#$,3 @%$% <*22,1$.*& B*(3#

N&E#&/ O+-1+
user name / SysLem
8eference uescrlpLlon / CommenLs ressure 8equlremenL llow 8equlremenL

N&E#&/ N-0H+
uescrlpLlon Leak LsLlmaLe CommenLs

P%-10,&@'0: L'A@1$0,&@'
roducLlon lnformaLlon

CLher noLes


7-,D@1H )98-$0,&9
SysLem 8eference noLe: lnclude dlmenslons, elevaLlons, valves, [olnLs eLc.

"&%-D@1H B Q0:G- L'A@1$0,&@'
!"#$%&'( *+,-$.
Slze 8ange (refer schemaLlc)
!olnL 1ypes (refer schemaLlc)
valve 1ypes (refer schemaLlc)

!"#$ /$01"&2 3$+.4'$5 !'$..4'$ 6&..$. *+,-$ 3$+.4'$5 !'$..4'$ 6&..$.

CLher noLes

P%-10,&@'0: L'A@1$0,&@'
MalnLenance lnformaLlon

CLher noLes


"#$% )#%%:* L'A@1$0,&@'
72"1 8&99$21.
"#$% F-,0&:+
SysLem 8eference
ump 1ype
lmpeller ulameLer
hoLo #
2@,@1 F-,0&:+
MoLor Coupllng
8aLed kW
LlecLrlcal MeasuremenL /
Logglng 8eference
llow MeasuremenL / Logglng
ressure MeasuremenL / Logglng
P%-10,&@'0: L'A@1$0,&@'
LsLlmaLed 8un Pours
llow ConLrol MeLhod

ressure ConLrol MeLhod

MalnLenance lnformaLlon

roducLlon lnformaLlon

CLher noLes

"55,&'.I A T H%#, 2,D,2 "-'.$ @%$% <*22,1$.*& %&' <+,1R2.#$
P'- %-1 %#$%&'( +*+,-$

60+-:&'- >@'+#$%,&@'
"#$%&'( )*+,-$3 1 F-+91&%,&@'3 (e.g.) Chllled waLer P%-' @1 >:@+-/ )*+,-$3 Closed
"#$% LF 2@/-: K*%-
N@0/ C09,@1
R#' S@#1+
.''#0: O+0(-
#1 (e.g.)
ump abc
123 CenLrlfugal 200mm 1,490rpm 73 0.8 4,000 240
#2 0
#3 0
#4 0
.. 0
K@,0: MUV
* Where Annual ConsumpLlon = (8aLed kW / 1000) x (Average Load lacLor) x (Annual 8un Pours)

.++-++$-', >8-9H:&+, "@,-',&0: A@1 4AA&9&-'9* L$%1@G-$-',
4AA&9&-'9* P%%@1,#'&,* 4:-$-', 7 B . NPI 24F SLWS C#1,8-1 >@$$-',+
Llquld user lsolaLlon
eak load sheddlng opporLunlLy

ApproprlaLe end use of llquld
ressure requlremenLs

llow requlremenLs


Llquld leaks
Changes Lo lnlLlal sysLem deslgn

SysLem pressure drop
neLwork malnLenance
valve sulLablllLy 7

lpe conflguraLlon
Changes Lo lnlLlal sysLem deslgn

ump sulLablllLy
ump malnLenance
ump conLrol - varlable flow

CavlLaLlon levels
Slurry / Chemlcal pumplng
MoLor efflclency
MoLor coupllng

SysLem operaLlon / schedullng

lncludes opporLunlLles relaLed Lo Lhe sheddlng or shlfLlng of elecLrlcal loads from peak demand perlods where Lhe elecLrlclLy supply cosLs (energy
and/or neLwork cosLs) are hlgh, e.g. plL dewaLerlng sysLem load shlfLed ouLslde peak demand charge perlods.

lncludes opporLunlLles relaLed Lo LhroLLled flow, ln whlch case pressure ls arLlflclally lncreased.

lncludes opporLunlLles relaLed Lo bypassed flow, ln whlch case prlmary flow ls re-clrculaLed Lo conLrol secondary flow. 1hls also lncludes opporLunlLles
relaLed Lo llquld consumpLlon reducLlon of end users and Lherefore reducLlon ln sysLem flow requlremenL.
lncludes opporLunlLles relaLed Lo changes ln pumplng sysLem deslgn slnce orlglnal sysLem lnsLallaLlon, e.g. changes Lo plpework Lo supply more llquld
lncludes opporLunlLles relaLed Lo changes ln pumplng sysLem deslgn slnce orlglnal sysLem lnsLallaLlon, e.g. pump replacemenL ln order Lo meeL new
demands or change ln pump conLrol meLhods.

lncludes opporLunlLles relaLed Lo Lhe ellmlnaLlon of LhroLLled and/or bypassed flow Lhrough lmproved pumplng sysLem conLrol meLhods (such as vSu
"55,&'.I K T =-35 ")).&.$0 V%6# >-33%(0

J? C:@D &+ %1@%@1,&@'0: ,@ +80A, +%--/ 980'(- 0'/ &$%-::-1 /&0$-,-1 980'(-Z


Q = lnlLlal llow
n = lnlLlal ShafL Speed
d = lnlLlal lmpeller ulameLer
Q = new llow
n = new ShafL Speed
d = new lmpeller ulameLer

llow vs. ShafL Speed ump AfflnlLy Law

M? "1-++#1- &+ %1@%@1,&@'0: ,@ ,8- +E#01- @A +80A, +%--/ 980'(- 0'/ ,8- +E#01- @A &$%-::-1 /&0$-,-1 980'(-Z

Where lmpeller dlameLer remalns consLanL:

dp = lnlLlal ressure
n = lnlLlal ShafL Speed
d = lnlLlal lmpeller ulameLer
dp = new ressure
n = new ShafL Speed
d = new lmpeller ulameLer

ressure vs. ShafL Speed ump AfflnlLy Law


[? "@D-1 &+ %1@%@1,&@'0: ,@ ,8- 9#=- @A +80A, +%--/ 980'(- 0'/ ,8- 9#=- @A &$%-::-1 /&0$-,-1 980'(-Z

Where lmpeller dlameLer remalns consLanL:

P = lnlLlal ower
n = lnlLlal ShafL Speed
d = lnlLlal lmpeller ulameLer
P = new ower
n = new ShafL Speed
d = new lmpeller ulameLer

ower vs. ShafL Speed ump AfflnlLy Law

"55,&'.I L T E,%#-(,3,&$ "11-(%10 U352.1%$.*&#
When conslderlng an overall audlL accuracy requlremenL, Lhe effecL of cumulaLlve measuremenL errors and pump curve
lnaccuracles musL be Laken lnLo accounL.

As an example, Lhe componenLs of Lhe pump power equaLlon are used below Lo demonsLraLe how Lo assess Lhe effecL of
each componenL's accuracy on Lhe overall accuracy:

Where: P = LlecLrlcal lnpuL ower Q= volume llow 8aLe
H= ressure Pead = Llquld uenslLy
g = CravlLaLlonal AcceleraLlon

= ump Lfflclency
= MoLor Lfflclency

1he LoLal accuracy of Lhe comblned equaLlon can be expressed as follows:

Where x ls Lhe 'maxlmum lnaccuracy' posslble for a glven absoluLe measuremenL x.

lor each Lerm of Lhe pumplng equaLlon, Lhe maxlmum posslble percenLage lnaccuracles are added.


Lxamples of how each Lerm can be evaluaLed are as follows:

lf a daLa logger used for elecLrlcal power measuremenL has a raLed accuracy of 0.01kW and an average absoluLe
measuremenL of 12kW has been recorded, maxlmum percenLage error would be:

% 083 . 0
01 . 0
= =


AlLernaLlvely, lf Lhe daLa logger sLaLed an accuracy of 0.2, Lhe Lerm
would slmply equal 0.2.
Addlng each Lerm provldes Lhe LoLal maxlmum posslble error.

CLher poLenLlal sources of error lnclude:
ump performance curves, whlch may have a Lolerance of 2-6
AssessmenL of drlve sysLem efflclency, for example a pulley/drlve-belL seLup
AssessmenL of moLor efflclency

Lrror be mlnlmlsed by Laklng as many relevanL measuremenLs as pracLlcal, for example, Lhe operaLlng polnL and moLor
efflclency of a pump can be more accuraLely deLermlned by measurlng flow raLe, dlfferenLlal pressure and moLor elecLrlcal

Clven LhaL accuracy ls a comblnaLlon of a number of varlables, Lhe audlLor needs Lo be aware whaL Lhe maln sources of
lnaccuracy are for Lhe measuremenLs and sysLem concerned.

1 1
= g QH P
"55,&'.I M T @,).&.$.*&#
"#$%&'( )*+,-$ K*%-+
Cpen-Loop umplng SysLem \ An open-loop pumplng sysLem has boLh an lnpuL and an ouLpuL, wlLh llquld belng pumped
from one polnL Lo anoLher. An example of an open-loop pumplng sysLem ls shown ln llgure 12.

llgure 12: Cpen-Loop umplng SysLem Lxample

lor open-loop sysLems, Lhe sLaLlc head usually deLermlnes a large proporLlon of Lhe sysLem's LoLal head and Lherefore
pump load.

Closed-Loop umplng SysLem \ A closed-loop pumplng sysLem has llquld LhaL ls re-clrculaLed around a paLh wlLh Lhe same
sLarL and end polnLs. An example of a closed-loop sysLem ls shown ln llgure 13.

llgure 13: Closed-Loop umplng SysLem Lxample

lor closed-loop sysLems, Lhere ls usually llLLle or no sLaLlc head, wlLh frlcLlonal losses of Lhe plplng neLwork and equlpmenL
deLermlnlng Lhe pump load.

"#$% >0%09&,* >@',1@: 2-,8@/+

Cn / Cff ConLrol - 1hls ls one of Lhe slmplesL forms of pump conLrol, where a pump moLor's conLacLor ls llnked wlLh a
conLrol slgnal (usually a level swlLch or a slgnal from a SCAuA / 8MS sysLem). Cn / off conLrol ls ofLen employed for pumps
LhaL flll Lanks or for dewaLerlng slLuaLlons.

llgure 14 below shows Lhe Lyplcal energy use proflle of an on / off conLrolled pump.

llgure 14: Cn / Cff ConLrol - ump ower ConsumpLlon
Pydraullc Coupllng ConLrol - 1hls ls a form of mechanlcal sllp-conLrolled drlve, whlch uses a fluld coupllng Lo LransmlL
roLaLlng mechanlcal power. A fluld coupllng cannoL develop ouLpuL Lorque when Lhe lnpuL and ouLpuL angular veloclLles
are ldenLlcal, hence a fluld coupllng cannoL achleve 100 power Lransmlsslon efflclency. 1he very besL efflclency a fluld
coupllng can achleve ls 94 and Lhls efflclency usually drops dramaLlcally as Lhe ouLpuL speed ls decreased.

Pydraullc coupllngs can ofLen be found ln machlne drlves LhaL lnvolve hlgh-lnerLla sLarLs or consLanL cycllc loads.

Lddy CurrenL Coupllng ConLrol - Llke hydraullc coupllngs, eddy currenL coupllngs are a form of sllp-conLrolled drlve. unllke
hydraullc coupllngs, whlch are mechanlcal fluld coupllngs, eddy currenL coupllngs are a form of elecLrlcal sllp-conLrolled

An eddy currenL drlve conslsLs of a flxed-speed moLor and an eddy currenL cluLch. 1he cluLch conLalns a flxed-speed roLor
and an ad[usLable-speed roLor separaLed by a small alr gap. A dlrecL currenL ln a fleld coll produces a magneLlc fleld LhaL
deLermlnes Lhe Lorque LransmlLLed from Lhe lnpuL roLor Lo Lhe ouLpuL roLor. 1he conLroller provldes closed-loop speed
regulaLlon by varylng cluLch currenL, only allowlng Lhe cluLch Lo LransmlL enough Lorque Lo operaLe aL Lhe deslred speed.

Lddy currenL coupllngs suffer from Lhe same lnefflclencles as hydraullc coupllngs and are ofLen used ln Lhe same

varlable-lLch ConLrol - Less common form of pump conLrol used prlmarlly ln small head / large flow varlaLlons on very
large pumps. Whlle Lhls form of pump conLrol can provlde good efflclency, lL ls mechanlcally complex, and as such ls only
appllcable for very large axlal or mlxed-flow pumps.

8ypass llow ConLrol - llow LhaL ls reclrculaLed Lhrough a prlmary clrculL ln order Lo reduce flow Lhrough secondary clrculLs,
as shown ln llgure 13. 1hls ls one of Lhe maln causes of pumplng sysLem lnefflclency and wasLed energy.

llgure 13: 8ypassed Llquld llow
1hroLLled llow ConLrol - llow resLrlcLed by a LhroLLllng devlce, such as a LhroLLllng valve, as shown ln llgure 16. 1hls ls one
of Lhe maln causes of pumplng sysLem lnefflclency by lncreaslng sysLem pressure.

llgure 16: 1hroLLled Llquld llow
llgure 17 shows Lhe lefLward shlfL ln operaLlng polnL of Lhe pump as flow ls LhroLLled. lL can be seen LhaL as Lhe sysLem
curve moves Lo Lhe lefL, Lhe head ls arLlflclally lncreased and Lhe flow ls reduced. 8educlng Lhe pump speed ls a much more
energy efflclenL meLhod of achlevlng a reduced flow.

llgure 17: 1hroLLled llow - ump SysLem Curves
vSu llow ConLrol - vSu flow conLrol lnvolves conLrolllng Lhe flow dellvered by a pump by alLerlng Lhe pump's speed vla a
vSu (varlable speed drlve). 1hls ls a much more energy efflclenL alLernaLlve Lo bypassed flow, as excess llquld ls noL
pumped Lhrough a prlmary clrculL. 1hls ls deplcLed ln llgure 18, where Lhe operaLlng polnL of Lhe pump moves down Lhe
sysLem curve.

llgure 18: vSu llow ConLrol - llow 8educLlon
vSu ressure ConLrol - vSu pressure conLrol lnvolves malnLalnlng a consLanL pressure dellvered by a pump by alLerlng Lhe
pump's speed vla a vSu (varlable speed drlve) as flow demand changes. 1hls ls a much more energy efflclenL alLernaLlve Lo
LhroLLllng, as dynamlc head ls noL arLlflclally lncreased. 1hls ls deplcLed ln llgure 19, where Lhe operaLlng polnL of Lhe pump
moves along Lhe consLanL-head llne, by ad[usLlng Lhe speed of Lhe pump Lo maLch Lhe changlng flow demand whlle
malnLalnlng Lhe requlred sysLem head.

llgure 19: vSu ressure ConLrol - ressure MalnLenance

"#$% K*%-+
Whlle Lhere are a wlde varleLy of pump Lypes, Lhey can generally be grouped lnLo Lwo caLegorles: cenLrlfugal and poslLlve
dlsplacemenL. 1he maln aLLrlbuLes of Lhese Lypes of pumps are llsLed below.

CenLrlfugal umps - CenLrlfugal pumps operaLe by addlng klneLlc energy Lo a llquld vla a splnnlng lmpeller, where dynamlc
pressure ls creaLed as a resulL of flow reslsLance ln Lhe dlscharge passage.

llgure 20 shows Lhe Lyplcal pump performance and sysLem curves for a cenLrlfugal pump.

llgure 20: CenLrlfugal ump erformance and SysLem Curve

CenLrlfugal pumps are generally beLLer sulLed Lo low-vlscoslLy appllcaLlons. 1he ma[orlLy of lndusLrlal pumplng sysLems are
for low-vlscoslLy appllcaLlons and Lherefore conLaln cenLrlfugal pumps. Slnce cenLrlfugal pumps operaLe over a wlde range
of flow raLes, Lhese sysLems are more llkely Lo have overslzed pumps or be poorly conLrolled. 8ecause of Lhls, Lhe vasL
ma[orlLy of poLenLlal pumplng sysLem energy savlngs are llkely Lo be found ln cenLrlfugal pumplng sysLems.

oslLlve ulsplacemenL umps - A poslLlve dlsplacemenL pump causes a fluld Lo move by Lrapplng a flxed amounL of lL Lhen
forclng (dlsplaclng) LhaL Lrapped volume lnLo Lhe dlscharge plpe. oslLlve dlsplacemenL pumps move a seL volume of llquld
per revoluLlon or sLroke, wlLh pressure developed as a resulL of Lhls forced dlscharge. 1hese pumps are beLLer sulLed Lo
hlgh-vlscoslLy appllcaLlons and are less wldely used Lhan cenLrlfugal pumps.

llgure 21 shows Lhe Lyplcal pump performance and sysLem curves for a poslLlve dlsplacemenL pump.

llgure 21: oslLlve ulsplacemenL ump erformance and SysLem Curve
"#$% >#1G-+
ump curves are supplled by Lhe pump manufacLurer and acL as a graphlcal represenLaLlon of Lhe pump's head (pressure),
hydraullc efflclency and power over a range of flow condlLlons. 8y uslng pump curves, several key calculaLlons can be
made Lo deLermlne how a pumplng sysLem ls operaLlng.

llgure 22 shows an example of Lhese curves.

ump Curve

llgure 22: ump Lfflclency, SysLem, ower and erformance Curves
ump (or erformance) Curve - 1he pump curve ls Lhe speclflc head / flow relaLlonshlp whlch ls unlque Lo each model of
pump. 1he polnL of lnLersecLlon beLween Lhe sysLem curve and Lhe pump curve ls Lhe polnL aL whlch a pumplng sysLem wlll

SysLem Curve - 1he sysLem curve ls Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe head and flow of Lhe pumplng sysLem. 1hls relaLlonshlp ls
deLermlned by Lhe amounL of sLaLlc head (llfL) ln Lhe sysLem, and Lhe dynamlc head, whlch ls comprlsed of ma[or (plpe)
losses and mlnor (flLLlng) losses. A sysLem curve only passes Lhrough Lhe orlgln of Lhe pump performance curve lf Lhe
sysLem has no sLaLlc head.

8esL Lfflclency olnL (8L) - 1he besL efflclency polnL (8L) refers Lo Lhe mosL efflclenL operaLlng polnL for a cenLrlfugal
pump. 1hls ls Lhe polnL aL whlch each pump should operaLe for opLlmal sysLem deslgn, alLhough pumps are ofLen overslzed
(operaLe Lo Lhe lefL of Lhe 8L) as Lhe resulL of a deslgn safeLy facLor or Lo fuLure-proof Lhe sysLem ln case of fuLure
expanslon. Such over slzlng ls noL consldered besL pracLlce.

"#$% 4E#0,&@'

Khe followlng equaLlon descrlbes Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe parameLers LhaL deLermlne Lhe power consumpLlon of Lhe
pump drlver (e.g. moLor):

p tr m
g H Q


Where: P ls Lhe drlver power consumpLlon
ls Lhe llquld denslLy
Qls Lhe llquld flow raLe

ls Lhe sysLem LoLal head


ls acceleraLlon due Lo gravlLy
ls Lhe moLor efflclency
ls Lhe Lransmlsslon or coupllng efflclency

ls Lhe pump efflclency

1hls equaLlon holds Lrue for calculaLlons lnvolvlng Sl unlLs.

llgure 23 deplcLs Lhe losses beLween Lhe lnpuL elecLrlcal power of Lhe drlver and Lhe useful hydraullc ouLpuL dellvered Lo
Lhe llquld.

llgure 23: ump SysLem 1ransmlsslon Lfflclencles

"55,&'.I N T W2*##%(0 *) X,(3#
8asellne ConsumpLlon - LsLlmaLed pumplng sysLem annual energy consumpLlon.

8esL Lfflclency olnL (8L) - 1he besL efflclency polnL (8L) refers Lo Lhe mosL efflclenL operaLlng polnL (deflned by a cerLaln
raLe of flow and sysLem head) for a cenLrlfugal pump. 1hls ls Lhe polnL aL whlch each pump should operaLe aL opLlmal
sysLem deslgn.

CavlLaLlon - A phenomenon ln whlch Lhe local llquld pressure drops below lLs vapour pressure, whlch resulLs ln Lhe llquld
flashlng Lo vapour. As Lhese vapour bubbles collapse, Lhey creaLe vlbraLlons and nolse whlch can be damaglng Lo sysLem
componenLs, especlally pump lmpellers.

CenLrlfugal umps - CenLrlfugal pumps operaLe by addlng klneLlc energy Lo a llquld vla a splnnlng lmpeller, where dynamlc
pressure ls creaLed as a resulL of flow reslsLance ln Lhe dlscharge passage.

Closed-Loop umplng SysLem - A closed-loop pumplng sysLem has llquld LhaL ls reclrculaLed around a paLh wlLh Lhe same
sLarL and end polnLs. lor closed-loop sysLems, Lhere ls usually llLLle or no sLaLlc head, wlLh frlcLlonal losses of Lhe plplng
neLwork and equlpmenL deLermlnlng Lhe pump load.

Coupllng - Coupllng refers Lo Lhe connecLlon or Lransmlsslon of power beLween moLor and pump. 1hls lncludes Lypes of
coupllng such as dlrecL coupllng or drlve belLs.

Coupllng Lfflclency - 1he coupllng efflclency ls deflned as Lhe raLlo of Lhe energy dellvered by Lhe moLor Lo Lhe coupllng
dlvlded by Lhe energy dellvered Lo Lhe pump shafL.

ueslgn olnL - 1he operaLlng polnL as calculaLed for a pump durlng Lhe sysLem deslgn. 1he acLual operaLlng polnL ls ofLen
noL aL Lhe deslgn polnL.

uuraLlon Curve - A graph deplcLlng Lhe amounL of Llme LhaL Lhe llquld flow exceeds a cerLaln value.

uynamlc Pead - 1he head assoclaLed wlLh frlcLlonal losses wlLhln Lhe pumplng sysLem plpe neLwork.

llow 8alance - A dlagram or Lable showlng Lhe measured or esLlmaLed llquld flows Lhrough dlfferenL parLs of a pumplng

key 8uslness urlver - 1he parameLer agalnsL whlch Lhe pumplng sysLem's energy consumpLlon ls measured for
benchmarklng and monlLorlng purposes. 1hls deLermlnes Lhe umplng Lnergy lnLenslLy (Ll) of Lhe sysLem. Lxamples of
Lhls may be producLlon (kg) or ralnfall (mm).

kvA - Common unlL for apparenL power, whlch ls Lhe LoLal power LhaL appears Lo be flowlng from a source Lo a load.

kW - Common unlL for real power, whlch ls Lhe acLual neL power LhaL ls flowlng from a source Lo a load.

Pead - 1he sum of uynamlc and SLaLlc heads.

Pydraullc ower - 1he power lmparLed by Lhe pump Lo Lhe llquld.

lmpeller - 1he roLaLlng componenL wlLhln a cenLrlfugal pump used Lo lncrease Lhe pressure and flow of a llquld.

Llquld - ln Lhe conLexL of Lhls documenL, a soluLlon or suspenslon followlng newLonlan or non-newLonlan laws.

Llquld user - Any devlce relevanL Lo buslness operaLlons LhaL requlres Lhe use of a llquld wlLhln a pumplng sysLem Lo
perform an approprlaLe Lask, such as heaL Lransfer.

MoLor Lfflclency - 1he moLor efflclency ls deflned as Lhe raLlo of Lhe energy dellvered Lo Lhe moLor dlvlded by Lhe energy
dellvered from Lhe moLor Lo Lhe coupllng.

newLonlan Llquld - A llquld wlLh consLanL vlscoslLy aL any glven LemperaLure and pressure. 1hls ls opposed Lo a non-
newLonlan llquld, whlch expresses varled vlscoslLy dependlng on oLher sysLem condlLlons such as flow raLe.

Cpen-Loop umplng SysLem - An open-loop pumplng sysLem has boLh an lnpuL and an ouLpuL, wlLh llquld belng pumped
from one polnL Lo anoLher. lor open-loop sysLems, Lhe sLaLlc head usually deLermlnes a large proporLlon of Lhe sysLem's
LoLal head and Lherefore pump load.

CperaLlng olnL - 1he flow and head of a llquld dellvered by a pump. 1hls can be deplcLed as Lhe lnLersecLlon of Lhe pump
performance curve and Lhe pump sysLem curve.

eak Load - 1he peak power consumpLlon of a slLe. 1hls ofLen deLermlnes Lhe demand charges lncurred by Lhe slLe and
should Lherefore be Laken lnLo accounL when conslderlng Lhe operaLlng Llmes of pumplng sysLems.

erformance Curve - Craph ploLLlng Lhe head requlred as a funcLlon of flow raLe for a glven pump. Also ofLen deplcLed on
performance curves are Lhe shafL power, pump efflclency and sucLlon head requlred. 1he Lerm pump curve" ofLen refers
Lo Lhe performance curve.

lplng and lnsLrumenLaLlon ulagram (&lu) - SchemaLlc dlagram of Lhe pumplng sysLem lncludlng plpe layouL, llquld users
and assoclaLed lnsLrumenLaLlon.

oslLlve ulsplacemenL umps - oslLlve dlsplacemenL pumps move a seL volume of llquld per revoluLlon or sLroke, wlLh
pressure developed as a resulL of Lhls forced dlscharge. oslLlve dlsplacemenL pumps are beLLer sulLed Lo hlgh-vlscoslLy

ower lacLor - 8aLlo of real power Lo apparenL power.

rlmary ClrculL - 1he clrculL conLalnlng Lhe maln pump(s) wlLhln a pumplng sysLem, Lo whlch prlmary users and any
secondary clrculLs are connecLed.

ump - ln Lhe conLexL of Lhls documenL, a pump ls deflned as a mechanlcal devlce used Lo lmparL moLlon Lo llqulds.

ump LquaLlon - 1he equaLlon used Lo deLermlne Lhe power consumpLlon of a pump based on llquld denslLy, flow,
pressure, moLor efflclency, coupllng efflclency and pump efflclency.

ump Lfflclency - 1he raLlo of Lhe hydraullc power (power lmparLed Lo Lhe llquld) dlvlded by Lhe pump shafL lnpuL power
(power dellvered Lo Lhe pump vla moLor coupllng).

umplng SysLem Lnergy lnLenslLy (Ll) - 1he energy lnLenslLy of a pumplng sysLem wlLh respecL Lo a relaLed key buslness
drlver - e.g. kWh per kg of producLlon.

umplng SysLem - A pump or group of pumps along wlLh Lhe oLher componenLs relevanL Lo Lhe movlng llquld. 1hls lncludes
Lhe moLors, coupllng, plplng and valves.

Secondary ClrculL - A clrculL noL conLalnlng Lhe maln pump(s) wlLhln a pumplng sysLem, branchlng off Lhe prlmary clrculL.

ShafL lnpuL ower - 1he power dellvered Lo Lhe shafL of a pump.

SLaLlc Pead - 1he head assoclaLed wlLh Lhe helghL dlfference beLween pump enLrance and sysLem dlscharge. 1hls Lakes lnLo
accounL boLh Lhe sucLlon and dlscharge head.

SysLem Curve - A curve lndlcaLlng Lhe head requlred Lo dellver a cerLaln flow raLe durlng a flxed seL of sysLem condlLlons.

SysLem Lfflclency - 1he raLlo of hydraullc power requlred by Lhe sysLem dlvlded by Lhe power consumed by Lhe pump

1hroLLle - uevlce, such as a valve, LhaL ls used Lo resLrlcL flow by lncreaslng frlcLlonal reslsLance (lncreaslng dynamlc head).
varlable Speed urlve (vSu) - A varlable speed drlve (vSu) ls a sysLem for conLrolllng Lhe roLaLlonal speed of an alLernaLlng-
currenL elecLrlc moLor Lhrough ad[usLlng Lhe elecLrlcal frequency supplled Lo Lhe moLor. vSus usually have lnbullL lu
conLrollers whlch allow Lhem Lo auLomaLlcally ad[usL Lhelr speed based on a dlglLal lnpuL slgnal, whlch ln a pumplng sysLem
ls usually flow or pressure.
"55,&'.I Y T J,1*33,&',' J,5*($ C-$2.&,
1hls appendlx provldes a recommended ouLllne of Lhe sLrucLure and conLenLs of Lhe reporL used for reporLlng of Lhe
process, flndlngs and recommendaLlons from an audlL, conducLed accordlng Lo Lhls umplng SysLems AudlL SLandard.
1he followlng descrlbes Lhe recommended sLrucLure and conLenL of Lhe audlL reporL, secLlon by secLlon.
Executive Summary
rovlde here a summary of Lhe ob[ecLlves, scope, flndlngs and recommendaLlons.
ln parLlcular, Lhls should hlghllghL Lhe key recommendaLlons for Lhe cllenL Lo acLlon and a raLlonale for acLlon LhaL ls
conclse, undersLandable and compelllng - recognlzlng Lhe cllenL's declslon-maklng processes.
1abular (and posslbly ple charL) presenLaLlon of Lhe annual savlng and neL presenL value avallable from pursulng each
recommendaLlon can be useful.
1. Business Context
1hls secLlon should cover baslc lnformaLlon abouL Lhe buslness and Lhe ob[ecLlves and scope of Lhe audlL.
Basic information
lnclude here Lhe:
ldenLlLy of Lhe cllenL and slLe locaLlon, for whlch Lhe audlL ls performed,
daLe of Lhe pumplng sysLems audlL
name of Lhe cllenL manager and oLher key personnel lnLerfaclng wlLh or asslsLlng Lhe pumplng sysLem audlL,
name, credenLlals and conLacL deLalls of Lhe pumplng sysLem audlLor.
Site operating characteristics
uescrlbe here Lhe operaLlng characLerlsLlcs of Lhe slLe, lncludlng:
a brlef ouLllne of Lhe currenL operaLlons of Lhe planL, wlLh descrlpLlon of Lhe maln slLe acLlvlLy LhaL Lhe pumplng
sysLems are requlred Lo supporL,
Lhe effecLs of any expecLed fuLure changes Lo Lhe naLure or volume of Lhe slLe acLlvlLy LhaL may have an effecL on
Lhe slLe pumplng sysLem requlremenLs.
Objectives and scope of the audit
uescrlbe here:
Lhe ob[ecLlves of performlng Lhe audlL. lor example, lL may be Lo provlde Lhe cllenL's managemenL wlLh a general
undersLandlng of areas of poLenLlal (as would be expecLed from a base-level audlL) or lL may be Lo supporL a
caplLal expendlLure proposal on a subsLanLlal refurblshmenL or redeslgn,
Lhe scope of Lhe audlL. 1hls may range from belng one componenL of one pumplng sysLem or full sysLems audlLs of
all pumplng sysLems on Lhe slLe.
any useful background Lo Lhe ob[ecLlves and scope, lncludlng any prlor scoplng work and key clauses from any
agreemenL beLween Lhe cllenL and Lhe audlLor,
2. Pumping System Overview
lnclude a hlgh-level descrlpLlon of Lhe sysLem and ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe buslness drlvers and Lhe means by whlch Lhe audlL
resulLs can be exLrapolaLed Lo annual operaLlng characLerlsLlcs.
Description and requirements
lnclude a descrlpLlon of Lhe pumplng sysLem(s) and lLs conflguraLlon, wlLh reference Lo schemaLlc drawlngs ln an appendlx
Lo Lhe reporL.
uescrlbe Lhe requlremenLs LhaL Lhe buslness expecLs from Lhe audlL, lncludlng:
a descrlpLlon and quanLlflcaLlon (flow and pressure) of whaL Lhe pumplng sysLem(s) need Lo dellver Lo enable Lhe
buslness Lo operaLe efflclenLly,
ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe slLe acLlvlLy (e.g. producLlon ouLpuL or raw maLerlal lnpuL) LhaL wlll be used as Lhe key drlver
of pumplng sysLem use and LhaL wlll be used ln Lhe energy lnLenslLy measure for Lhe pumplng sysLem,
ldenLlflcaLlon of wheLher Lhe pumplng sysLem requlremenLs can be characLerlsed as consLanL demand, mulLl-sLage
demand or varlable demand,
lnformaLlon on Lhe operaLlng proflle of Lhe maln slLe acLlvlLy (e.g. volume of producLlon), showlng weekly and
monLhly/seasonal proflles, and
any relevanL benchmark lnformaLlon LhaL may be avallable from slLe hlsLory or from lnLercompany comparlsons on
Lhe pumplng sysLems energy lnLenslLy.
descrlpLlon of any managemenL pollcles or pracLlces (e.g. safeLy or communlLy maLLers) LhaL lnfluence Lhe
pumplng sysLem deslgn or operaLlonal requlremenLs.
Baseline energy intensity
1hls lnvolves quanLlflcaLlon of Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe slLe acLlvlLy (e.g. producLlon ouLpuL or raw maLerlal lnpuL)
ldenLlfled as Lhe key drlver of pumplng sysLem and Lhe sysLem's elecLrlclLy usage, uslng Lhe dally daLa collecLed durlng Lhe
audlL perlod.

1hls should lnclude Lhe:
meLhod for quanLlfylng Lhe dally slLe acLlvlLy drlvlng Lhe pumplng sysLem energy usage,
meLhod for quanLlfylng Lhe dally kWh usage from Lhe pump daLa-logglngs or oLher measuremenLs Laken durlng
Lhe audlL, and,
Lhe audlL-perlod average and (where feaslble) each day's value of Lhe pumplng sysLem elecLrlclLy lnLenslLy value
(Lhe basellne Ll) for Lhe perlod of Lhe audlL.

Pavlng each day's value of Lhe Ll relaLlonshlp may enable Lhe effecL of varlaLlons ln acLlvlLy level on Lhe Ll Lo be
quanLlfled and lncluded ln any subsequenL analysls of Lhe sysLem where Lhe acLlvlLy level ls dlfferenL from Lhe average
durlng Lhe audlL perlod. 1he relevance of Lhe lndlvldual days Ll flgures wlll be dependenL on Lhe drlver and Lhe ablllLy Lo
obLaln acLlvlLy levels of sufflclenL accuracy aL a dally level.

lf Lhe cllenL conslders acLlvlLy flgures Loo commerclally senslLlve for lncluslon ln Lhe reporL, lnclude only Lhe basellne Ll
3. Audit Measurement Methods
1hls secLlon should cover Lhe measuremenL meLhods used durlng Lhe audlL and ldenLlfy (and raLlonallse) any varlaLlons
beLween Lhe acLual measuremenL meLhods and Lhose recommended ln Lhe AudlL SLandard.
Electricity usage measurement
lnclude a descrlpLlon of elecLrlclLy measuremenL meLhods used for Lhe audlL perlod, lncludlng any meLerlng lnsLalled for
subsequenL (posL-lmplemenLaLlon)performance monlLorlng and Lhe exLenL of any reconclllaLlons performed beLween
Lemporary and permanenL meLers.
lor each pumplng sysLem lnvolved, descrlbe:
- Lhe meLerlng and daLa recordlng meLhods used, and Lhe unlLs measured,
- Lhe pump moLors daLalogged, and
- Lhe perlod(s) and duraLlon(s) of Lhe measuremenLs.
Electricity cost measurement
uescrlbe Lhe meLhod of quanLlfylng Lhe unlL cosL of elecLrlclLy as approprlaLe for valulng any reduced consumpLlon
resulLlng from lmplemenLlng a recommendaLlon.
CosLs should be based on fuLure prlce expecLaLlons and recognlse Lhe flxed and varlable (per-kWh) componenLs of
dellvered elecLrlclLy prlces. Where Lhe cllenL ls sub[ecL Lo Llme-of-use and/or peak demand prlclng, conslderaLlon should
also be glven Lo Lhe Llme perlods ln whlch Lhe sysLems operaLe - and Lherefore ln whlch any energy savlngs are llkely Lo
occur. 1hese conslderaLlons are mosL relevanL when Lhe audlL resulLs are Lo be used for lnvesLmenL proposal purposes.
Pressure measurement
lnclude here:
- a descrlpLlon of Lhe pressure and pressure dlfference measuremenL meLhods used for each of Lhe measuremenL polnL
- Lhe meLhod and currency of Lhe callbraLlon of Lhe pressure measuremenL lnsLrumenLs,
- ldenLlflcaLlon of where pressure dlfferences are esLlmaLed, Lhe meLhod of esLlmaLlon and reason for esLlmaLlon.
Flow measurement
lnclude here lnformaLlon on:
- Lhe locaLlon and Llmlng of any flow measuremenLs Laken,
- Lhe flow measuremenL meLhod and Lechnology employed (lnLruslve or oLher),
- Lhe meLhod and currency of Lhe callbraLlon of Lhe pressure measuremenL lnsLrumenLs, and
- ldenLlflcaLlon of where flows are esLlmaLed, Lhe meLhod of esLlmaLlon and reason for esLlmaLlon.
Measurement of leakage and inappropriate use
uescrlbe here how Lhe flow raLe and energy wasLe from leakage and lnapproprlaLe uses was ldenLlfled, and how Lhe energy
use of Lhe alLernaLlve Lechnologles and energy sources ls quanLlfled.
Estimates of implementation costs
rovlde here Lhe meLhod or meLhods used Lo esLlmaLe Lhe cosLs of lmplemenLlng Lhe acLlons lncluded ln Lhe
recommendaLlons. 1hls should lnclude:
- Lhe sources of Lhe cosL esLlmaLes,
- Lhe level of accuracy LhaL can be expecLed, and
- wheLher or noL any preferred suppllers are lnvolved.
4. Audit Findings
lor each of Lhe sysLems wlLhln scope, Lhls secLlon should descrlbe, analyse and quanLlfy opporLunlLles for efflclencles ln a
loglcal sequence from demand Lhrough Lhe neLwork Lo supply. ulscusslon of opporLunlLles for change should lnclude
conslderaLlon of oLher vlable opLlons along wlLh Lhe recommended acLlon.
lor each recommended acLlon, Lhere should be:
a descrlpLlon of Lhe efflclency opporLunlLy,
LransparenL calculaLlons of Lhe energy and oLher savlngs poLenLlal,
a cosL esLlmaLlon of lmplemenLlng Lhe proposed acLlon,
a slmple payback perlod (or oLher neL beneflL measure) quanLlfled shown -as appllcable Lo Lhe audlL
scope/accuracy requlremenL,
ldenLlflcaLlon of any alLernaLlves Lo Lhe recommended acLlon, and
ldenLlflcaLlon of dependencles, where a parLlcular recommendaLlon may be dependenL on Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of
some oLher recommendaLlon or oLher plan

1he deLalled cosL-beneflL calculaLlons LhaL supporL each recommendaLlon should be lncluded as parL of an appendlx.
System demand side
lrom Lhe measuremenLs of flow and pressure aL key polnLs of demand on Lhe pumplng sysLem, and from Lhe (power)
demand proflle Laken aL Lhe pump moLor, dlscuss Lhe varlous opporLunlLles relaLlng Lo sysLem feaLures drlvlng demand.
"-0H :@0/ ,1&$$&'( @1 +8&A,&'(
lnclude here a descrlpLlon of any opporLunlLles relaLed Lrlmmlng or shlfLlng of peak demand of llquld flow.
L'0%%1@%1&0,- -'/ #+-+
ldenLlfy and descrlbe Lhe appllcaLlons where Lhe pumplng of Lhe llquld ls noL Lhe mosL approprlaLe (energy-efflclenL) means
of achlevlng Lhe buslness purpose.
L+@:0,&@' @%%@1,#'&,&-+
ldenLlfy and descrlbe Lhe appllcaLlons where Lhe llquld uses can be lsolaLed (LransporL suspended) beLween Lhelr operaLlng
"1-++#1- 1-/#9,&@'
ldenLlfy and descrlbe Lhe appllcaLlons where Lhe locallsed pressure can be reduced. 1hese are dlsLlncL from Lhe opporLunlLy
Lo reduce pressure aL Lhe supply source as an opporLunlLy Lo reduce pressure sysLem-wlde would be covered ln Lhe 'supply-
slde' secLlon of Lhe reporL.
C:@D R-/#9,&@'
ldenLlfy and descrlbe Lhe appllcaLlons where Lhe locallsed flow can be reduced. 1hese are dlsLlncL from Lhe opporLunlLy Lo
reduce flow aL Lhe supply source as an opporLunlLy Lo reduce flow sysLem-wlde would be covered ln Lhe 'supply-slde'
secLlon of Lhe reporL.
ldenLlfy and quanLlfy Lhe amounL of leakage, and speclfy Lhe prlorlLles ln Lerms of leak repalrs, prevenLlon and ongolng
Llmely (efflclenL) deLecLlon.
System network
"&%-D@1H 9@'/&,&@' 0'/ 9@'A&(#10,&@'
uescrlbe Lhe audlL flndlngs relaLlng Lo:
Lhe physlcal condlLlon of Lhe neLwork,
any plpework feaLures slgnlflcanLly noLable lmpacLlng on demand or pressure, and
plpework malnLenance pracLlces.
lor each of Lhe above maln flndlngs:
quanLlfy Lhe effecLs on pressure and/or flow assoclaLed. lor example, quanLlfy Lhe pressure losses resulLlng from
Lhe condlLlon of Lhe parLlcular conflguraLlon, consLrlcLlons, lengLh or corroslon feaLure.
"&%-D@1H +&]&'(
lnclude here Lhe audlL flndlngs relaLlng Lo plpe slzlng. ln parLlcular, ldenLlfy:
Lhe exLenL and locaLlon of underslzed plpework,
Lhe effecL on pressure and/or flow of each lncorrecLly slzed secLlon of plpework.

1hls lnformaLlon should lead Lo calculaLlons of poLenLlal savlngs, and ldenLlflcaLlon and cosLlng of cosL-effecLlve soluLlons.
Q0:G-+ 0'/ A&:,-1+
lnclude a dlscusslon on where any valves and/or fllLers belng used, and Lhe purpose of Lhelr use. ln addlLlon, quanLlfy Lhe
effecLs on pressure and/or flow assoclaLed wlLh Lhe use, mlsuse, poor malnLenance of valves and fllLers.
Where a recommendaLlon ls made, lnclude a descrlpLlon Lhe valve or fllLer concerned, Lhe effecL of Lhe recommendaLlon
on pressure and/or flow, a budgeLary cosL of Lhe soluLlon and Lhe payback for Lhe cllenL.
System supply side
1he supply slde of Lhe pumplng sysLem (Lhe moLor, pump and drlve sysLem) dellvers demand LhaL ls Lhe sum of Lhe
producLlve requlremenLs of Lhe buslness as well as Lhe demand from sub-opLlmal uses and wasLe.
1hls secLlon of Lhe reporL should focus on Lhe supply-slde soluLlons LhaL are economlc once Lhe downsLream demand has
been speclfled - neL of Lhe demand from sources LhaL wlll be ellmlnaLed by Lhe economlc soluLlons speclfled ln earller
1he demand proflles obLalned from Lhe elecLrlcal logglng, and Lhe analysls conducLed on Lhe downsLream demand drlvers,
should provlde Lhe basls for ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe supply slde opporLunlLles.
"#$% %-1A@1$0'9- 90%0=&:&,*
uslng pump deslgn daLa and relevanL avallable pump curves, descrlbe pump performance capablllLles relaLlve Lo Lhe
sysLem requlremenLs and acLual demand. 8efer Lo pumps curves and/or daLa sheeLs provlded ln appendlces.
lor each pump/moLor seLup Lhe lnformaLlon should lnclude: raLed power of moLor (kW), pump ouLpuL flow aL raLed load
/mlnuLe), pump efflclency aL average load (), and flow and LoLal pressure aL pump 8L
/mlnuLe and ka).
"#$% -:-9,1&9&,* /-$0'/ 980109,-1&+,&9+
rovlde a summary (e.g. a Lable) of Lhe key lnformaLlon collecLed and derlved from Lhe pump moLor elecLrlclLy daLalogglng
and any oLher meLerlng of Lhe pump moLor over Lhe audlL perlod.
1hls lnformaLlon should lnclude: average power loadlng (kW)
and a descrlpLlon of any flow conLrol meLhod used aL Lhe
pump ouLleL. 1he logglng records should be lncluded ln an appendlx Lo Lhe reporL.
Also lnclude lnformaLlon on pump conflguraLlon, pump lmpeller sulLablllLy, drlves and drlve coupllngs, exlsLence or rlsk of
)#%%:*\+&/- 1-9@$$-'/0,&@'+
8ecommendaLlons may lnclude soluLlons Lo flow LhroLLllng or flow bypass where a mulLl-sLage moLor or varlable speed
drlve ls lndlcaLed as a cosL-effecLlve soluLlon Lo maLchlng Lhe buslness requlremenLs.

8L means 'besL efflclency polnL"
Average power ls Lhe welghLed average kW value calculaLed durlng planL operaLlng hours, and ls lndependenL of Lhe meLhod of flow
5 Ongoing Performance Monitoring
ln Lhls secLlon of Lhe reporL, conslder and recommend whaL on-golng ump sysLems performance measuremenL sysLems
should be puL ln place by Lhe cllenL.

8ecognlslng Lhe need Lo measure power consumpLlon of each pump Lo esLabllsh Lhe basellne Ll, Lhe recommendaLlons
here ln relaLlon Lo elecLrlclLy meLerlng should be lnfluenced by Lhe meLerlng declslons Laken aL Lhe commencemenL of Lhe
audlL and dlscussed earller.

1he AudlL SLandard ouLllnes Lhe opLlons for ongolng elecLrlclLy usage meLerlng.

6 Summary of Recommendations

lnclude a summary Lable of Lhe acLlons recommended - drawlng from all prevlous secLlons. An example ls shown below:

,'"&)*-*". (&' !"/$.)
0"#)*$& !"-


?&&@(7 #$A)
C$A) :B>
0*%/7" /(3D(#;

1"%(&'2A*'" ."#$%%"&'()*$&A
!"# E4 0"# FGFGF
!"# EH 0"# FGFGF

I")J$.; ."#$%%"&'()*$&A
!"# EK 0"# FGFGF
!"# EL 0"# LGFGF

0@//732A*'" ."#$%%"&'()*$&A
!"# EM 0"# FGFGF
!"# EN 0"# FGFGF

O&9$*&9 %$&*)$.*&9 ."#$%%"&'()*$&
!"# EP 0"# FGFGF

7 Appendices

1he appendlces should lnclude:
1. SchemaLlc of each of Lhe umplng sysLems
2. AudlL daLa records, lncludlng relevanL pump curves and pump Logglng records - for elecLrlclLy, pressure and flow.
3. CosL beneflL deLalls of opLlons and recommendaLlons

ln relaLlon Lo Lhe cosL-beneflL deLalls, parLlcularly where Lhe audlL wlll be used Lo supporL buslness lnvesLmenLs, Lhe
relevanL appendlx should provlde a summary of Lhe daLa and calculaLlons performed for each opLlon and recommendaLlon.
ln addlLlon, Lhls should be accompanled by:
any suppller or lnsLaller quoLaLlons LhaL supporL Lhe lmplemenLaLlon cosL esLlmaLes, and any assumpLlons LhaL
could maLerlally affecL Lhe accuracy of Lhe payback perlod, and
where Lhere are Lhe several opLlons for Lhe same ouLcome, clear flagglng of Lhe opLlons as belng muLually

1hls level of deLall can be lmporLanL Lo Lhe subsequenL developmenL of an lnvesLmenL proposal.

uependency - meanlng LhaL any recommendaLlon LhaL Lo be vlable ls dependenL on same oLher acLlon, musL be ldenLlfled as belng
dependenL on LhaL oLher acLlon and some ldenLlflcaLlon of LhaL acLlon musL be provlded.

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