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Functional Dependency

To proceed further with 2NF, 3NF and so on, it is essential to know about constraints, especially keys for
a relation (table). Functional Dependency is the one which ensures the strong relationship between the
attributes of a table. It is written as follows;
It can be read as, X uniquely determines Y. In other words; Y is functionally depend on X. In the above
I. X is a set of one or more attributes and Y is another set of one of more attributes.
II. For one X value, there is only one possible Y value (Uniqueness).
III. It ensures, set of attributes are depend on other set of attributes.
Consider the table 1 given below;
RegNo SName Gen PR Phone Courses
R1 Sundar M BTech 9898786756 Database
R2 Ram M MS 9897786776 Database
R3 Karthik M MCA 8798987867 Data Structures
R4 John M BSc 7898886756 Multimedia
R1 Sundar M BTech 9898786756 Data Structures
R3 Karthik M MCA 8798987867 Multimedia
Table 1 - STUDENT
For this table, we can write the Functional Dependencies as follows;
RegNo SName
RegNo Gen
RegNo PR
RegNo Phone
Or, it can also be written as,
RegNo SName Gen PR Phone (1)
According to I above, in 1, (RegNo) is X and (SName Gen PR Phone) is Y.
According to II, if we consider the FD RegNo SName, it means, for any Register Number, there is only
one Student Name. That is, in table 1, for register number R1, the student name is Sundar. See that
the register number R1 comes at two places. In both place, Sundar is the name. It is applicable for all
the RegNo values. That is, irrespective of the number of occurrences of one register number, we have
exactly one name during all the occurrences.
According to III, it is very clear that the set of attributes SName, Gen, PR, and Phone are dependent on
the RegNo attribute.
In the process of Normalization, except 1NF, all the other normal forms should satisfy the previous
normal form properties as the first qualifier. That is, if one would like to check a given table is in 2NF or
not, first he has to check whether it satisfies the condition of 1NF.
For a table, it is good practice to create Primary Key. This key can be identified using the set of functional
dependencies we found holding on the given table. For table1, RegNo can identify all the other
attributes uniquely except Courses. That is, we cannot say RegNo Courses. The reason is, for some
register numbers, we will get more than one value pointed. Hence, composite primary key is the
solution. That is, try to have more than one attribute in the left hand side of the functional dependency
to check the possibility of identifying records uniquely. For table1, the following is the possible key.
RegNo Courses SName Gen PR Phone
And, this is correct. Means, the combination of attributes RegNo and Courses together can identify all
the other information uniquely. As the result, the combination (RegNo, Courses) is the Primary key for
this relation.
Armstrongs Axioms
It is not enough to consider the identified FDs for our further analysis for a key. It is always required to
identify the other set of hidden function dependencies. This can be done using Armstrongs axioms
(inference rules).
Rule 1: Reflexivity rule If X is a set of attributes, and Y is subset of X, then we would say, X Y.
Rule 2: Augmentation rule If X Y, and Z is another set of attributes, then we write XZ XY.
Rule 3: Transitivity rule If X Y, and Y Z, then X Z is true.
From these rules, we can infer the following additional set of rules;
Rule 4: Union rule If X Y and X Z, then X YZ is true.
Rule 5: Decomposition rule Its reverse of Rule 4. If X YZ, then X Y, and X Z are true.
Rule 6: Pseudotransitivity rule If X Y and ZY A are true, then XZ A is also true.

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