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~ 'ErDfi HOilfiKOilM1\ fif RELlA ttOVAKOVIC

K pn M CiMKM) KM P M





nPlfJI03U 3A IIcrOPHJY CPI.Jl\ O}1, )lpyrO r MUJlEH1UYM A n PE H. E . .uO XIV UEKA

ilPBO 11'3j\aH)C



Aapeca usoaeana

rO~e Ilenuena 15. 11 OgO Beorpan 80

Ten. (111167-4-1--66;

Tcn.zdiaxc Oll/69-3R-05 . n. cpax 108; 1 lOHO Beorpan XU


Fnaeuu ypeouu« MnpOCJ1aBCl flCTP()BUh

Peue H.3 eniu

AKa~eMHK Ilcrap Brraxounh



Kopckiiiypa Ayrop

TlI. pa»c 500


r .. h "Tl

"_ pa'-l.loc 3H'-ICBO

'0 l-fOA "MJ!JPO(,JIAW'

Relja N ovakovic





Kfi~ M



Editor 'v address

Goce Delcheva 15, 11080 Belgrade 80

Tel. 011/67-44-66;

T el.zfax 011169-38-05

P.O. box 108; 11080 Belgrade 80 Yugoslavia

Editor-in-Chief Miroslava Petrovic


Academic Petar Vlahovic




Corrector Author

Circulation 500


Printing completed in 1997


"Grafos' Panchevo



Ilajyhn Hac TIoa OROJ KH"H311 Kapn3TCKIf II mnmjcKll Cpfin rurcau JC y npaon peny »ceneo ;:la ac ... aace csoje JlYOOKO now rosatse Enn6ujUHJIM aanopnva U pe rynrarmra Hd He rp~\)KIIHalb)

. .

IOpel\. 'Ia It HaJC 1 apuje I1CT(lpIlJL

Cpria. AKO. n3K. nncau TdKO oceha o-re ... nuano 011 ce ;:ta ona KH,lIr3 aocn uacnon . Jlnxnjcxn 11 KaBKaCKI1 ('POB '. JCP JC Jl!.l:laH O,U pe ~Fl'fara bun injanor ncrPU>KHBclHlU ~ -rnphuuau,e naBHalIH-bCr noc rojan.a CpOd y xia.noa snjcxoj noxpajrum .:-{nKIIjn, Y KOjO] je Eunfiuja y r]J(lUHOM rpdJl.) lion IlMl'HOM IRB lIIll!

RB, OTKPl10 HU CITO" HIlKy maHOM KCallTO( Cre . aa, n nporv IdliU 1, I1l 1cli ocr .. inor. II

, .

1Ha 'mjHII 1 excr 110:0, HaCJIOBOM

II 1l0pYK3 <:''p6mua ''. Kao UITO he cc BJ1;ll'TH, pa speurauajyht: res erose q.~ JUl.nn:cKIIM II IJIIKBJCKIIM cno 1CHlII\H"Ia. xao " na TJR "1arpc6a'uwj M)'Mnju" [)nn6uJa JC pd mn nony 'l'eOPl1j) o HaC1 dHK)' n pa mOlY npo-nrrauor nttCM.l. xa ) \I <. xp r "I» H,lpO.tJ .... lin cy ro rmeMO ) cuojc [IPCMC npnxua JI.111.1 IIl11pnJ1l1 r a y '1'(1l\." cnc ~ lIX ccooa n t MaJ1~ A·iltJe Illl ~OI"cr llonyuaun,a, a idlll'.l1 IldJl.C 110 Fn] inn


Giving the title The Carpathian and Lyciun Serbs to this book the \\ Titer wanted first of all to express his great respect La Bi lbija's efforts and results in the research on the origin and the most ancient history of the Serbs. If. then. the writer reels so. one would expect that this book has a title "The Lycian and Caucasian Serbs". since one of the results of Bilbija's research is an a. certaining of an ancient existence of the Serbs in the Asia Minor province of Lycia. Ihere Bilbija, in its capital named ZRB or SRB. discox ered and interpr ltd on a monument named Xanrhos Stela among other things also a significant text titled "Message to the Serbs". As it will be seen. in deciphering the texts on Lydian and 1 ycian monuments. as we II as on the socalled "Mummy of Zagreb". Bilbija developed a n \\ theory about the origin and d v lopment or the read script. ::IS \\('11 as about the movement of the pcopies \\ hie h had accepted that script (It their time and were spreading It during their migra-

rvreljyTII~!, Ma xonuxo U3 JC bllJ16l1jUlHl neno jc,nan nennxn :llHlpHHOC 60n~eM 1l01HaB<tH,Y IlopC.K.na Cpfia Ii H,lIxoac uajpannje lICTopUJe. nncau jc, najyhn HaC-10B KH..H m II KapnaTCKH Jf .'lHKojCKIf Cpon" )l(encO na KpaTKUM ocnprou II 11a )J(ynaHlIhcRC pe '3yJ1 rare nCTpa)l(JIBaJb3 I10PCKJ1d Cp6a CKPCHC nU)I(H.Y 'IHTdOLl,HMa na je Mcl)y HalUl1M HaytllululiMa seh nnme aenenaja 6U.10 aacnyhunau,a 0 Cp6u\1a KdO npno crapo» uapoay HHiJ,oeBponCKor Hope xna, npa 1(l'\.1Y cy ce H )l(ynaHHh II BYWIMHP Y CBOJI'lM ~fCTpIDKnHdI-bHMa npHGnmKHJ1II npocropy ua KOjCM 1I Sun6nja, HC'3amiCHO OA H>HX, TaKO~C nana HI npOTOcpfie H. PCKJUI 611CMO. HClI06HTHO IIpaTH ~HXORO KpC raise 113 A'iHJC Y [JOAYHaBJhe. a aa ruM II Y Apyre AenOBC Eupone

'3anpulHOM ~{;lly one

KlbHrc nacau jc nao HaCJ]OB II npnnmn I' y )l(eJbJI na Y ",liMa cnOMCIIC H aexe Ey,nnMHpOBC pe1YJ1TaTe IfCTpa)f(JI na lila CpGa H CJ]OBCHa yorrurre. Be}; can a ce MO)f{e pehu na )KynaHuhcUlI. bYAIIMHPOBH 11 bJl;]OJ1jmm pesynraru ncrpaxnnaa,a 1l0peKJIU Cpoa H C'noBeHCI orill81JallaJY npexperuurry Y nanopuaa nay-rHJfKa .o:a pa JpCUlC IHITIlH)C MCCTa

tions from ASia Minor up to the lower Danube Basin, and then al so further into Europe.

I Iowever, regardless of how much Bilbija's work has contributed to a better know 1- edge about the origin of the Serbs and their earliest history. the writer wished. in his titling the hook "The Carpathian and Lycian Serbs II , to call by a short review the readers' attention also to the results 0" Zhupanic's researches on the Origin of the Serbs and to emphasize that with our scientists there had already been premonitions for several decades of the Serbs being a very old people of Indo-Eurnpian origin. Tn that research both Zhupanic and Budimir approached the space where also Bilbija. independently or them. finds the Proto-Serbs and, we would say. monitors irrefutably their movement from Asia 10 the Danube Basin, and then to the other parts of Europe too.

The final part or this book has been tilled "Supplements" In ~I desire to mention also some Hudirnir's results or the research on the origin 0" the Serbs and Slavs generally, Already now it can he said that /,hupanicls, Hudimir's and Bilbija's results of

11 upCMCHa l-IaCT:JHK<l nojerunrux rpyna KOjC upnuanajy HHHOenpoucxoxt cTaGJIY napona MCtjy KOJHMa cc xacrryhyjc aa Cp6u npnnanajy rpyna najcrapnjnx. [l)T(lOO JC IWCXnaTJhlIBO y KojOJ cy Mcpn OBa 'I pn uay-nmxa y CBOJHM aHaJ1llJHMU Ii -mKJT'Y'TI~lIl\m HL:lIOOUTHO YKCl"3HUallU na uyrcue xojuua '1'J1eBa nhn ,naJbC y HtHIYlbiluaH,Y JUJIl ynex HCnOBOJbHO jacue naJICKC IlJ1CIlIlJ10CTH cpncxor II llPYT'IIX CJ10UCHCKIIX irapona.

lIm-HI CC na ce nett cana fI.IO}KC pehn ~a cy y IIIUPCM n()l1- My npocropn OKU Llpaor MOl);'!. 3a'l'lIM A30ACKIW, Kacnajcxor H C'PC)l,(J'H:'M 11m' He'lClnOHJTWHlI1 KUO H3BOPHII Y 'l'Pil)KCH,y KonCBKC najci apujcr jcarpa III1HOCT1r)(JIICKC r PYlltLIH1jC IHIPIJj\3.

KOJIIIKO cy CC ITY'I':1 ella 'I'pll Hilma uay-nurxa 'laYCTi.lBR.3na na IIPIUIa'H1MH KaBK<1 sy, 1-1<:1 1l)''I'l!BIIMa Mane Asujc, Y Tpaxuju, ](()H,CM IT (IJ1.Ylta IIJLY II cenepnoxi Flp II upnosropjyl

the research lin the origin or the Serbs and Slavs mark a turning pouu in the efforts of scientists to solve the question of the place and time of the origin of particular groups belonging to the IndoEuropian tree 0 f peoples. the Serbs belonging probably to aile or the oldest ones. It is almost inconceivable La which an extent these three scientists were pointing irrefutably in their analyses and conclusions to the roads one should continue on in supplementing of the still insufficiently clear remote past of the Serbian and other Slavic peoples.

It seems that one can say already now that in a wider scope the spaces around the Black Sea, then Asovian, Caspian and Mediterranean Seas are unavoidable in the searching for a craddle of the Il10~t ancient core of the Indo-Europian group or peoples.

How many times these our three scientists stopped at the accesses to the Caucasus, on the roads of Asia Minor. in Thracia, the lower Danube Basin and northern Black Sea Basin!


- T -


r ~




Kao IUTO je OJ(C1BHO IICnHaTO, fipujllJf IICTpa)f(JfB<p[Jf ILOpClOW Cpria, H.IIXOIHIX xperau,a 11 J jOI1l yHL:K HCJ(OlH >JLl-10 nO::lH8.TC npaoi al,!CilHlC 1/ lLHXOBor ~OJ1acfGI na C8.JUllrllbcl (iaJlKllIlCKa C rauuurra, Ki:IU An cy oqCHJlJll11~a y I!::IBllplfMa CUOMCH CrllCKlIX II.'lHHIHHI (Montes SerrlJrum) BeMa HIIKaK(lJi noceriau 'UIa'I<lJ :.1(1 IICTorujy cpncxor lIapOJ(t1, TaKO cy ru~CHHIIJf Ad cy 6c:.I.\I::\JIO Ge'Uia'lajHlJ If 1l0R:YlllajH I-h'JKa )KYlJHfllIha A"I YOL'}\II 'lIf'I'aO/~c, Y IrplHlM peny C'I'flY'IH"aKC, UKO HHTlITa [HIlIlC, All llapc.\1 IlPC)BCPC na ]I II cy caBrCMCHIfI~J 1 Y BC'1lf ca KpC'I'<Hbel\\ C'poa c IIpailOl\1 CllClMt!HYJIJI II montes SL!rrorlllll lUlU Serrnrum montes (CrIlCKl.! WJaH1IHC) H na ]HI UOJl TIIM Ha'UIIH1M TpeOa IIMaTl1 y rmJlY 61-1111 IIPC1'R:C ilaHHllllhllX 6am.:aHCKIIX ('[16<1. nO)lcc'rlfheMO Hac nrJll(lIlUM 'ICI'<1 jc HlIKO )f(ynaRJlI; CllO~ICHyO C'PIICR:C IIJI,tHlfllC

II nrra jc 'I')M II [Hf]lJlKOM JaKJhYtllIO.

<, .....


s . S.

~ ~
, ~ ~ J 10)\ HaCJJOBUM "C(lGn

r IJIwmja II nnlllCMl~.ia, IIII'I',lfM:

"PUI..: lIoj<.JHC Cpfia HA CBCTCKOj 1I0'1!IPHllqlf Crt XHCTnpujcK()r, 1'l:(wpaq)CR:or H CTH0J10JIIKOI'

- ~hc front page or Bilbija's book "Mummy of Zagreb" (1989).


H CJ111BH3 crpaua Ennfinjuuc

a . "

r· "3arpcfJatIKa My~llI,a


( I C)X4).


As it has long been known. numerous rcsearchers on (he origin of the Serbs. their movements II'nll) their still unknown original homeland and their arrival to their present Balkan habitats, as it have considered that in the sources the mention of the Serbian Mountains (Montes Scrrorum) had not any special impor{,lncc for the history of the Serbian people, So the)' considered that <llmost without significance me the attempts of Nikn Zhupanic to convince the readers, primari Iy cxpeJ1s. to check, if nothing else, at least whether the cOlllemporaries, in relation to the movements of the Serbs, men! ioned ri ghtrull y also montes Scrrorum or Serrorum montes (Serbian mountains) and whether under thai title one should have

in mind right the ancestors of the today's Balkan Serbs. We will remind you 01) which occasion Niko Zhupanic Illentioned The Serbian Mountains and what he concl uded on that occas ion.

Uncler the Litle "The Serbs of Plinius and Ptolomeus, the Question ol'the First Appearance of the Serbs on the World Stage

.' II /K VIla IHlt1 Y )'Bn,~y

T(lH(,BllllII.\. 1

C , .." HCX(l)ll1mre CPIKJ'IYjl: uno: I 1I{ICT.lHi:1r..

IIJleMCHi.l I .

cxor . > 10111 JC 'laBIIJ~H Y

C .. " Hdl,l!lt

cpn "" _. I HaIMCPll-

I 0]( HaJuu:hllX I

raMY· . OJllan3J1:1Ua raIH1r nJHIIlIjl!X [( " Cno-

. 'Ka jv)KHlIX

(' ",)IH CI' BL J

pL: ~ , . K J Upt:'ICK 11

K'Il I IlITU cy ,.

1I~lm, '. " Cp()u lIac'I'3lY

C C'raHlllL'BII 1. , ,


1I0f\ CBOJlIM B. , I X ('I O;IC ha

, ' • 1I(l'ICTKOM,.. .

leK X 'a KU'( ce llpBH 11\,1

O''lL pIlCI. r

II \,;. . , r ' <]'paUH-

cnn?>IIH~)Y (Sorabl) Y P" ) • .

HCKI )-C :"lOBI,; II

r<u IIPll'I'IIB na flO • ,

11 eBII fa AJlI! cc

cxor KHC3U )Y~l

> 1J1l11J1.C!i,), H()CUl)I(1I

no H31lJ(;M " , C )IICK(,

. )1" llMClla lot rnopnn I

cpnci« til'li

HalTllJC CIJOMl1l-1,Y

gll>KaBC It c 1 ' .

c I X CTClJH.:: lei.

HCKl).1I1KO IIY I'd nil ' , I'

CK )M C~I3\.·pOidll'l,l). )

Hd CJWBCli ( "

. Il C lCHH>C Jlafic II H,CHC I1PlIc.HI Y.~ , I VI II Vll cronchv,

TOKt' C dJIL, ) , "

Y Ccm:pHO) 1\.3UKcHIIJII Jil

Kao H 1"

x napcna. <an-

IIpl:~le PUMCKII 1-

KUCkU II 11041aliCKII CpOli C)'.

paC'I'3BJbl'IHI on (ia~1J....aHHCTIiHa.

CKI1XtaJl,IIHO\' IIpl!Ml'Hu II "poe, ,. IIIl no UlldK OHIf C'[OJ"

ropa. ," Y !PO'lIIllJ


Be jJl ('3 noct <IHKl\\1 CPIICKl' , -. H'i 'l'r1y VLIlI

Haqll)C Ii IlpiKdDL: • •

puxa. ~;r pan<1 CP0I,;KL; XilCTOPl1JC

, t")e J Tl'MCI,(I.

eroJlI ,~aHa( ,

1I0,n'''P' a 113MlIllI:l.LHII\1 1{111.11111-

a xao IIpI1lIP(''v1t:IHlM mll~JtJiiM

, 1" 10) ll' !IIll'" l urn 110paM8. \1.1; ..

f " I II·Sl· orical Geographical

ronl (, '. ' ..

and l',lhnologicai Sta~ldpOlnt

I.hupnnic says ,in tl~~. introduc-

" 11'c' following: 1 he pornts

nun, ~ '. .

or dcpal1un: or "". Scrbhl,n lr~bc

and the origin 01 thl.:. Sl'rbl~n people are still wrapped If1 U lTIIStel)'. \Vith the best. and must autlmritative CXPCrlS In!" ll~c e~r1y Middle Ages. such as K .. lirechck and S. StQllojevic, the Serbs

. rated under their own name l.lngll<l ... u ...•

not before the beginning ol IX

century A.D, \\'h~n they \V_ere mentioned (Surabi) lor the first

. I'll the war or the Franks

time .

against the Panonian-Sluvic duke

;~iudc\'it. But. in our opinion the bearers of Serbian name and the creators or the Serbian state :\er~ already mentioned sev~rul ,llm~s before IX century: 111 Slavic northwest. in the basin .ur the

iddle Elbe and its tributarv

1111 \; • ..., .'

S I.., in VI and VII centunes. as

a", ' .

well as in the northern Caucasia

. the lime or Ruman emperors.

111 I .

The Caucasian and Subelhian

Serbs arc, to be sure, separated or the Balkan ones by the distance 01 time and space, but !h.c)' nevertheless stand. III our opmion, in ::I causal t.:OIlI1CCtiOIl \\:,lh the origin or the Scr!~ian 1~1l11ll11 and stale 011 the surl nl 1l1Y'lcUI,l1, I he buildmg of the Serbian his-

i10 ... :'I'l:IBTfTJI nC'j'JlHCKU upaua ('CHUBa. Y'lJ1UK '1'0/\11.: 'r'J1eAa "'pa:iKIITJI y H~lyllHl)/\1 X1ITICpKPH'lllqln~ry V Jugica, If K. l\!ILillt::llhnffa. til l.ill r-.[ cy Y1'IIf~Qjy rrOfJ,l1CI"JHI .iy)KJfl)CJl()IH:!HCK~1 XH~T )pII'IClrn, II HlllfL:KJIl: II CJrUIiHII XJIClnpUlrapll K . Jirecck IJ Nie derle. Jan"; jc 1ICIIP"PO)lHllto.l IIIJlarmf,cr-.J KOHCTaH'l'IIl:Ia Flop. cI-Hlpt)["CHIIT:J o Hl'lJaCKY Xpnura IJ Cptia na jyr oHGuo CB<IKY Be'lY II n,]cljy "bCJlllX Cpfia" 11 Cptia

HnlfpIIKU, uaxo K. Jirecek HIfje Jlp"11'laJHIO KaBKUCKIIX Cpria nJllfHlljCl II fhOJICML-jl1. Trrx 1111- Xl[JIII('TlI 1.1KHX fli1'mpa n ('p(iIiM~1

y "r(J1 nXIIC J'OPIIJCr.:Uj Hulin np>Kc ce JClIII J(8Hac xucTnplltWpIl ),PIIIIITC, 11<1 [I (''I', CTiJHO- 1~lml; y [Jocn~JI-'ltC/\1 II'jHalt.y (,Blljl! XI icropnjc CPIICI{!)(' HapoJW r;rallchJl IICC'I'II l\:OI-lCTdH'1'!Hld rtqP(jJII porcnn-m 11 J(OJli:IC

Ky Cpoa IW jyr. H<JJlUMI' cc H<J ('/1.10 )l{lK(l ~;l]IIJ. na J:IIl!IiClh! CKL:l!ca IIl1je OClI(llH.lHa 1'1 na CMO

,~l H"il'jf!JIlI ayKT{ 'r"l!;'1 I {arCKOM uncny. xao lIlTO ra MI1CJlIIMO y OIIl,'J C I'YHlljll BPl.lTII·I'JI IIJTIIJllrjy

Ii fhOJll'MCjy. YKII)IIIKIl CL' m TlI'll' ('pCia

r I pcxru 1I'11IIl.' /II J\ III II rn.c I I,Y ('PUll cy ItlllllJlII Y JldWlIlffbY uocT( tj(1U11V I'll "E ... ·Jlt.: C'pfilf,ie" 'I'). ·JClIlJl.e UO)liIIlCk.If\ Cpfiu, Kujll cy

Inry stands today without foundation, S'uppom:d by concocted combinations as tempor,lfy suppuns. nllhough it is possible ((I by n real. true basis for it. The' cause or it should be looked I'Dr in scienuric hypercriticism 01 V. .logic and K, Mi.illcnholT. to whose influencc the SouthSlavic hislmians. and to Some extent also the f'ilII10US historians K Jirechck and Niederle, have succLlmbed. Jagic denied, on the basis of the innatural presentation by Constantin Porphyrogencius or the Serbs' und Croats' arn val to the south, uny councelion between the "White Serbs" and the Serbs of IlIyricul1l, K. Jirechek did not



admitted an existence or the

Caucilslan Serbs of' Plinius and Ptolomeus. Those nihilist nltitudes regarding the Serbs ill the proto-historical times arc still (onfc)rmed to b) today's historians generally .• ll1d thus also by SL Stanojcvic ill the most recent edition of' hi" history of the Serbian pccple. Defending the rcpnrts ur CUllslantin P()rph)rogenet LIS about the arrival or the Serbs to the south, we hope we have rmn..:(1 that Jagic's sceplinSI11 is not li.lllndcd and have proved ;111 ~lUlhorit) 1.)1' the impc-


JKIlBCJ111 Y (. 'aK!':1 III IIJI I. Ha Jlanv Ie 111:11\. IIML' ('POil HI IIH:C~I!r,) ~1I K.llilGl'mjc, jcp CC 'I'JMtJ (pI III ClillMIIIJ,Y vouurre I1pBlI uy'r Y XIiCTOPlljll. OHl)M IIpllnl1~()M Hchc~t(l !.:C Gallll'l H XI1C'I'oPUI"r-.t J(Ul111l.;l<i:U ('rna 11 j Kanxan-jc )' creHH,y E'.BroIlY, Hell ~aMC1 IIplHlM KIII'IC'I'il'l'()II<IIl,CM nocnna-

" I II" CPITCKlll' IIMella •

y nan,eM 'ICKCTY one CIIOJC

racnpHHt: IIUll Hf:lcnllBOM "CTUHOIUlIlITC K. Jircccka npcwa ('rflUMa l lnnuuja n IlTUJICML·.Ia" )f(ymlHllh (lIlCT CIIOMIII·hC KimKaCKC Cpnc, ami CL' '1 Y 11(1 TOMe lit: 1anpJKalla HYA\C cMinpaiyhll

" I J{l:J "jc Tl) '1 uc l' ()HlI 1111'1'" 11,1.,' • nc I

CaM() KIlHCTU'I'Y je "na cy lil'j)(lnaTHO CPUIl uaj IGICHl1jc y I V cronchy 1I0C1Il' Xpucra, axo uc II IIpL" cencnu H y oonac'!'ll Epncn,CKHX Kapuura (TpaHCIIJIIWIICKIIX Anua ) Y Mc-mrrrruju jup Arnmianus Marccllinus Hi.! mua OBl' II J1iIlUlHL' montes ScrrorUIl1,2 Kao nrro cc sua, PI1MCKJI ncropnuap A~1I1jaH Map1lCnlIII (OKO 330-4(0). 1I0pCKJIOM "PK In Auruoxujc (Capnja), aauucao jc

"I) (' t ," nparoucuo ncno <cs JCS ae y

Klljl.·M uacraun.a Tarurrouy P"MCKV IICToPlIjy 011 OHOI' Mapnc JHlH()Bllr ncna cauynaue cy caMII KH.Hrc 14-31. xojc cc UI~HUCC II na jcna H Hell 1II1111'1CUor HOCl:!

rial writer, as well ~IS we all' intending to return it in this study to PI ill i U'I and Pto lomcus, il~; 1.11" as the Serbs <lJ"1.! concerned.

In our opinion the Serb ... have come to their today's huhiILl\. from "White Serbin", ie from the lund of" the Subelbian Serbs which had lived ill Suxunia. T11I..: name of' the Serbs had been, however, brought III th, l.lbc from Caucasia, for it is where the nnmc Serbs has been mentioned lur the first lime in history, On this occasion we will not deal with the history of the arrival 01' till' Serbs lrum Caucasiu to [he Middle F.uropc. but only with the Ii rst record (l r 1 he hca rcrs lJ I I hl' Serbian name.'

In the further text of this his treatise, under till? title "The Standpuint of K. .I irechck Regarding the Serbs or Plinius and l'tolomeus". Zhup.uiic mentions again the Caucasian Scrhs, but he docs nut dwell 11.,1' lung 1111 them there. cousidcriug it lito be a sepuratc question", hUI he just SUI res "that ihc Serbs probahly luicsr u: IV cenlurj ,\.1). II' not even earlier. dwelled also ill the area 01 the l-rdclinn C'i.1I11ilthians ('I ransilv.uuuns Alps) ill Mcsoguthia, since Ammianus Marccllinus called these 1T1IJlIll-

t ,53 37Xj. Tpe()d .111111 CI1I1MLlly'I'll WI jl..: I'vlapqL':JJtJl lion JycTlllUfjalllJM II (Jh!l.J(lJ) y-u-c 'I nonao y pa'II1Blll\1d Ilplll'lIl1 AnL'Mtlllil II Ilcpcnjannn», IIU 111'1'<1 )Kvlfallllh JlllHil,le IW ;e 1(1 nac "nCOOIII'O mliKlICI, Hi! Jl' I'VlilPlll'JIIIII flU Ily'l'} I-'! AlI'IlllI" xujc II[1L'I<O Tpak.llil! 'HI PIIM 1I11(;CTII(l (It IJIIIII'I C 111MCl)y I U'I'I II Pm,III,Clrlll. JCJl cc yupano ca r {J'I'CKIIM pa'rOnllMl:J IIOJl ua PCM BUJlCilCOJI.I (.~64- 37~) l: IJOMIlIt.y II montes SCrfllrUl11, 'I'CIIIKIl upuc TYIHl'IIIl!. C'IPMC unaunuc xoje IIJloGllJa IWKC[ Al1)"1 il (()WI'!.lJ". I Ic 11 1'1'0 lire lIllI'l a )/(ywlllJoIh jc UIIIIM 1''':'111111:1 IIUHl'L!'IIIO ITI'l'a 1/11 IhL'J'UIHll\<1 MlIIllJhI;!lhY '1 'lU111I,y \11(1'111 "Scrrorum": "Flcuutu elll(1 Y'I"IJPHIIJII1 WI Serr: 'Hid 'Til IIL"Tll !lITO II CpUII, CIII)"-IL'II)'"J'(l IIH':C'!() JIU'I'lIlICKOf" III1CI~(I (I'VhIPI~l''1I1I1~I) 11I1'1'lIphyjL' Cplie y 1I0J\llYlIlY i\,;:KHIIX !\apII(ITH. TJlL' cy CC upuIIPL'MCIIlI :H1HP:'K:IJI II na CHUM fitly Y CJ!I\C FllPOIIC, It IIpC/lW TOMe C'pOIf t:y MfllJlII 6lfTII ll'li upe II~I CIIClMCIiYTOM /llce'!y". W1Wljyhll lIiI CC "l lpc I ITunet.lcHI (Jill' 1111C1I11I1IC uucy '1';lK(l IIMl'un. nanc, uno je 1I(J)f..:1I11 KOlle (lITO- 11(1111", ann IIC O)I(ialtyjl' HI:I'I)IIHTlIllhy "H<I cv C(' MlIlhl', 11.1(1]11)nauc 'I(,'re ('pGo /I! Cl .. KJ\i I y JlPyIlITIlj' ell .la'I1II'1IMI1 uurer.mc

rains muntex Serrorurn 2 As il ill well known, Roman lusrorian Amnuan Marcel linus (uhout "O-lOO) " Greek lrom Anuochia (S) rid) hy ortgin, had written the precious work "Res Gestae" where he continues Tacitus' Roman history. ()I lhi)) Ma reef inus' work only bouks ! 4-~ I have hCL:1l preserved. which refer also to one part or the writer's lime (351- J7X), It should also be menrioncd that Murccllinus P irticiputed under Iustiniunus II n()O-36,) in the wars agains: the Alcmans and Persians, whereupon Zhup[lilic adds that "it is especlally important f\ \I' LIS that Marcellinus in his travel (Will Autiochia via I hracia [0 Rnma visited the battlefield of thl' Goths and Romans, 1()1" right wirl: tile Gothic wars under the emperor Valcns (164- 37R) the rnuntcs Sl.'lTUI'IIIl1 are mentioned, those hard acccsihlc, sleep muuntains IhrOllt!h which the river A luta (Olta) pushes irs WHY," S{11l1cw1WI before this Zhll)1cllliL: reminded by these words what. III his ipinion and J..1lll\vlcdgc. the "Scrrorum" means: "~IIlCc we have asccrtained that Scrri 1l11!;111 the same as Serbs. the place mentioned by the I .uin \\ riter (l'vlan.:l.'liinus)


, ~

Bch y I c rO]ll,hy ITU~.n1,; XPlIC I d \I J CapMd 1IIIl 1l:11I LLaKllJl: Y 11dll(lIwjy. Y H.1J1lC 'JCM.'hC aa

C• "I

D.P.11H1 II .tOll

Olld COOIJ JaHl1t.W,IlUa 11 fit)

dieM" cy,.{l:'hll ,\JJ<trOI1CH8 ~al.a)f.JI-f,d (J (p(jli .. IJ A<ynaHllh Jl: (JI)Jcl13l1(l 11 f,p,nwu Jl~Ul lQ24. n.ll.1,1IHC. 011111 cV Y !I<IIUOJ lIcrUPI[lIrpa<llltjll. II Ht; caMO Y HaIllOJ. ra fl>Cronu lallaJKaH.d nCT3.Ja roro Btl O!.;J () Ut'Ka. Huie (m~IO 130.1I. .ld C ... : fo.l<IKap ltllHltM IlIHpll'" ~1(,BrTliM HLl Il more KUJH ce u~ttil'('C ua Cllllf',ll:HY'1O BPCMC, HJ }ll1rahajc I~ CIIP'-'leHy'rt: IIPOC T(Jr~, IIPI)BCpI1 II YTlil~p,'1 11Ma nil MIlKap m;KIIX 11 HIlIIUllla ~13 KlJ~ I~X (iJi CC MOfJlO 3dKJbytfUHI ;1<1 jc AMIIJClH f\,lapHC'lIiH c npaB(JM rllpa.\.: IlJII:lHIIHC lta'JBelO mOllte, S~rrorum. a .A<>na~mh II'X ;tOBUI y BCi) eel KaBKaCKlI'vt CpGU\1a (Scrn-Ma) 11 KpC'l'HO HX CPIICIOII\I nJlaH"lIa~la.

AKO, ;~dKnc, IIOKYllHiMO }la

M~hY llo'mUTliM H1HOPII"'~U npOHaoCMo H~K~I AilrahaJ KOJI1 Hd~ Y npIHiM rn:KOf\l1Md nocne XPIIC J'U oj\1I0/{11 na ofiPUHKl' J~ A<IHIX Kaplld'l d uKpeHY lUX rq){'~Mn BCJII1KUB.ldHlIWJ pallHIII(U U )lOH>(;M il>H8BY nanry 1I[1n<II.y hI.! uainpe IIpJUlyhl! jl:,WII ;~Ol at)ilJ Kl)j" C110MIIII.C mn:UI'III' JCKlI uucau, IIC'I'OPH'Jap • .I1U1all

C01llill1lS the SCI'\:Is in the area or the southt:rn ( arpatlnans, where they -tayed ternporanly on their road h) the hem t of I uropc.. and (.unsequcnti) the Serbs could hove been even earher in the place I1lcntionGd". adding that "Bel ore Pto lorneus these \TIIlUIltains were nut narncd so, that being important to be ascertained", but he does 110t rules out a probahiltty that "lesser isolated companies 0 f Serbs, perhaps accompanied by Jazigi, where rushing as early as I c.H.e. from Sarm~lJa or Dacia to Panonia, til our lands on the I rrava and Sava" j

'I hcse his interesting and,

iudging to all. precious ohservations about the Serbs were published and advocated by him as carlyas 1924. but in our historiugraphy, and not only in ours, these his obscrvation~ remained almost \\ ithout an echo, 1 here was 1101 a willingness tn check and ascertain. at least by line single broader review of the ... ources referring to the lime. events and spaces mcntiuncd, whether there were at least some clues upon which one could c\lllclude whether A In In i it nus M arcell inus rightfully had named the upper 111ll1l111ains 1110111(;8 Serrnrllll1, and

'~n"fll)a (k.P<:IJ X; no CPC,(liII(. XI: uexa), 'Hf Jd Jl: C'nc'rcKa xpomu<:t Ha.IHl<ltW !H:hl1f/o\.1 110 C l.tp11J11M II m()pll\.1<1 U mlCI~1I fJ Vi K()Je u.:

C"""!HI-he 11 Cassius DIO (I>mn Ca., ius, IrPKH IIC'1'lpH'lap PlIbut v J hll\.L.)11 IIKO II)'J IIl'lJIHL' "~~r ""4 I , .J ()..,.. r(lI~lllIC nne II;.' .ronuc-

~ .• I Y Pm,l 1 gu. n )1lJ1 He HBa I'V'l' )C rmpaH sa kOH ~yJlJ OltC~"CH(1 je na Jl. Ran HC l'O rl I' ra r ualillClill If C3Bt:CHlI upnxa sao "P


Ut:r(JPHI', , Y SO xn.nra (no 229

I/11C!lC XpJlC ra) 0)1 KOJIIX c:.y Cd'lyB<lIll: caxro k.H,IHC (lit 36 (,0 011. KfI.rrrc J(,-f1U l.(IlIYBC:lH JC II jl:)taH If lIlUH Kl)]l XII)hdml) , .

:.; d. il

HI crupnje BreMC JlCJI.IM'PIII" 'iaMt:~ld mUla'HI ce KoJt 'jr)H(lrL

:- c, () saurro 1.L. la,ll'A<d lid \to I/d lnH.lfliltlO\.1 *:t)' Kao 11110 l:Mt)

~ l pe sana iBJ] n, CMaTJ1.t CC Ila ce iOHap~. KclO IHf'ldH'I'I1JCKki UCTOflIT'I,IP XI -XII uexa CJIYA{HlI 11

C"I a[H1JIH>' /'l:J1IIM'j II I b

~ ( , tI ''''CIlY

IIlH\1H II ;J,11<lftnM KaC1'ICM JI IH)

CIIOJ lIPJl.1 n 1{11 na jc II (Ina Bee! (I ~11MCK('M uapy :llfltlflH'IJY (30k. ,,24) (J KI) II;: he (J1lf.(C CiIl1;1 mil nc

PC'II1 IIPeY""~"'1 - K

, ... < lIj vacnjcnc

"I) ...

II MeKe I1C'IOP'l ic ' A "

• cno IIlI

ur ra C(' 1a nect Il,'lH(ltH Kao

IllTCJ Jl! lIommo, J1HllJHIIIJl: (Y J~<llfIlfM W1lfl1pJIMa JJ (fKllifllje J Imo Il ..:aJl:7anap 11 "H:'I rH1MCf..ol


I.hupa nic correlated them with the Caucasian Serbs (Serri J and named them Serbian M

' uun-


If. conscouenuy, we try to lind among the known Sources some events that lead us. in the firr[ cenlurir-: after Christ. 10 the .lopes of the.outhern Carpathi-

ans ~tr('ll hcc toward GreatVlachian Plain and 10 the lower ~~anub~, our attention will be first ?' all attracted to an event n;entl?ned hy Byzantine writer, historian •. Jovan Zonara (the end or Xl to the middle of )'..11 century). whose The \Vnrld Chronicle is written for the most part according to 111C older sources .and writers. among the laner: being mentioned also Dion ~assllls. a Greek historian born III Nlc:<'1 a?out 150, deceased 224. After hIS arri val III ROl11a he was elected twice for consul, It has been considered that h

h. . ( e. as a

istonan, had written and pre-

~ented duly "the Roman history" I~ 80 volumes (until 229 R C 1 from wh ich only the volumes '36- 60 have been pr > ,I

J esc rveu. I· rom

the book 36-60 one excerpt has hCCI1 preserved with X' I '1'

r rp 11 mos.

j]~d ~or ol,clef lime a partial substltut!on IS wilh i:onara, And here IS why we..: stay 111)'11, '/. . .

'" .f~Und 1.1.


11 BlIHl\.l1I

nip" l\.uJlL.ralllllli

11'1' IUld,lL iI .. f "I )7 - ~ n ) HI ' 1 I-

\Plflllh:IIILTRIl '\ \l [".llllft; IlpU III I v 1'11\1(.. ... ,)M

11{l'I' I h.Cll pt: 'Ill I c .. '

, Jr llill IIpt.:M ... l,. c , TII1IUl· Il1.lpL. I II\' , ... ,

, , . rllHl'J

IfUIL.' /lllll<lllld'l K,HI npuc ru ,

XPllIHh,)JII.Tlld d;IH Ll: ~:M'~'l r,l (.I I'I-! IIIIJt; 011') v 1,;\,,111 nlliH IIHk.,,,.,1

, h: III /ll;h '1Ll1h.:1\

I I [l;t Ii If \ r 1111 I ,1111 •

~ '1'\' k,r J:I L

W(;\lh.O ['H'W MIIOI \l!)llllJ I,. , "

I .. IV U V BL KV IlM~l.n(l Hl:JII1l\.Jf jc ) - fi. "TPJ uc OPllJ ([pIfCHlmu~cl ca 0 ic L •

nou,cr Jlyuaaa. I JP(..MrJ JCj\1I0M IlilO<lny'r 11.1y.11-1 BJH;UBOJ cunnx JI(lI1L;J\~t ~Ii IIUJI l.icim us YK.J IYJl \.l·

\ L' 'It.::M l'll'1I-I .lel

IW 11.:11.111 1HIlOr .' .... l. J

Jl: .1111 HI! IIlIJI: Ki.l!l tl lIIaHII!iK u/ \

h ' . \' 1'(lK" (lop(ic ..:::1

XPHlIl i11ll.IIW _ ,

Koncraurunouu» pHMLKItM ucntJ;u1d not pa)fo.:itll (;[)<II .. II., IlllMl'h v ( CflLKI1'" II,ldIllIIIi.lMiJ' soll L. JIC nUl ht III das serrische Gebirae. d h ZII Jell Goren \ ~r'iuchr- haben ). 11 IlpHTllM cc IHI ... an l."llIlllK!lUIlt;:I~nkKI;! CiCJICIIIK(, n« !Ii lid lIa '3ulI<I PY. 1\ nounMvca. 1 Yl"pU1II1Jil, 311CH /I1l1 ~j C;HUMiI, I kKH (;Mtl"l paJY ,~a Cl\!O IIH.I~ (ilf.'llI IIPI~O .' I 'fl~III-nIJl.' Hli (11)pahdlbC .... T'I\lOHlIllllIIMCI Ccpt.:IOfX n.ranana. ami !lOK cy MV, KaKo Ift.:KI1 K<1)f(}" ('t;pl'l ('p(il1) rrpna lIy-r npY)KWJIM JlOMllh. r~1i APyroM OOp<lh()u.y (il-Il) JC UJlIHI)t:II. lapo(i,IJL:1I tl}\ PI'IMt:KlfX

;\s we have noticed ~lb(IVC. II IS thought that Zonara as a Bvzantian chronicler or XI-XII century used .rlso some older works. among them being Dron Casius' ones, and probably thl~ Information about the J{OnlClTl emperor LIl.:I!1lllS l](J~-324), who will be discussed here more. was taken from Cnsius' "Roman History" And here IS what that mformation refers to As It IS well known. LICHlIliS was a coruler and brother-in-law of the Roman emperor Constantin the Great (307-337), dunng whose rule, In 313, Chnstiaruty was recognized as a religion 111 the Roman Empire For a time LICI~ I1IUS behave as a real Chnstlan, but it IS thought that in essence he never was such, but CI man deeply devoted to polytheism which ill IV and V century had manv supporters on both sides of the 1~\Ver Danube According to one statement 111 Paul i- Vis' encyclopedia a source IS pointed to where it stands that Licimus as an apostate from Chnstianuy during a battle with Constanun's Roman legions looked for salvalion and help in Serian Mountams ("soli L. die Flucht 111 das serrische Gebirge, d h. zu dell Gotten, versucht haben "l, and at

tVJ IIJ.! II P5 'l;fiHJI;;II Y ('1 J'IY 11\. d

/1,1 IIVk.H~I<I l~ 11(11 V(i,LLII V

I 1/ Icllll!f,t;.", J,~f)! Pll.tV.

{. i),. 'I':. 10 (llllli (I III I'll t.:MO L,j jll<l IIf III fo..WiH!18i/',1 A"H!J,llld \r.'Plll lUll.! (ml' ~W-'I(I(J) 1-1 '~"llrlPlflll'l UIUI,1I,;fld l-Yh.,)(j'l 1\111lLldrnlllIcl l:kJlllKH C,J JluIU11IUll .. f Ilrlll1'iI1,liI HI .'1", (;V III -nte- Serrorum v Ktlp!lcl'i l-IMi-1 'iLh IlUUIIICI II.: Y 1\ IkK)' f1Cl1( r ".", I-1MI.:!J""I, a ilfo..(j Ll 'vIU>KL'-fll nov qd III II Y '~l)lIapllIl(J "iHII 10.111 ...... I-.dJH Jl ,1ll1,loa} La :hI IU11111/l:.", M(li an npl V~l:'l H /laJ Bt;rl Ina I J I U J ..... (1)( I ICk..1 'I l '1~ L ("(I rH '''IX IHl(.lllt;J. i1'(lI<IlJ1 K(ln ..... ;,lHU ... l Mill vhc . f,'lf';O 11 )/-(YllflllHh K;l>J.;e. I\el L\- l p(1u "1!C1J1,,:cH.llllJl' y IV

l i'!l.lchv nul..- re XPIIL ra. <lKlIIIL If HI'\.,. ..... 1.: u, nn Y 1I0.JflL I'll rpl(LI,.,

1I Ii X Ka P /I <11'(1 (J pa II c. HJIfHIII",k:U\ '\.Iml)". ITuIIIIlClll.C Jld :11i' '~HII11Jcl, 1\(IJI1 Jl /I, JI Vri!I.l:1I 32<;. 1()){Hlr... "<III !~d lIi'M Irl:l!()CiIIJ'llu

fli JTHf1bYJc ACl .... v ( ert KL IVIa. IIlilIC Il! iJ~ rUM IfMLIIOt.! "'I)rdjIL HIll'1 llJ(lTl-J 11<1 !lIl'IVIKY '\. aexa,

a TaKaB lBKibylIClk WI~' ~Cl11l(1. Jr,iIH<1 ){Ct IlCpVJeMU na cy Scm

(( 'rrin) xan 1I<1f1(Jjt IICl 10'v1 npoc-

II )f1V nm:I'OJH II H II Y III 111 . .:KY, 11<1

H pannjc.

\ok 9Y1'I-1/1.I, 1\111,1<1 ·~Ollllril. o.inocuo Ihl.:l'IlB H'ifIOpJIUK. t:iH':IlH~I'flC"f1 Kd ~YJL~ J1.d JL

that place the writer refers to Zonara, Al1ony-mu . I:'Ulropius Joslin ami Sozim Some tlunk that I hat was not iJ Ii rst turrllllg 01 L,CJllIUS to the inhabitants of the Senan ~1oull\llIns, but whereas, as some say, the Sen I had helped lurn the first time, at the second req uest ror help hc was refiJsetl. captured by Roman legions and In ~::!5 killed III Thessalonlkl, or, accordrng to some, III Belgrade of that time

C msequcntly, from what we have learned from the narralion or ArlllAn MarcelllJ1l1s (abouI130-400) and Zanam's rnenuo-, of the clash of Constantin the Great WIth LICll1IlIS It comes out that montes Senorum In the Carpathians existed as early as IV century under that name, anti If we can rely also upon Zanam's narration. who could have taken over the event WIth Licunus most probably from some of older writers, It IS quite possible, as ZhupanlC says too, that the Serbs "latest In IV cAD, If not even earlier, dwelled 111 the area of the Erdel Ian CarpallwHls (Transilvanrans Alps)" The referring to Llcil1lus, who was executed in 325 as If confirms Irrefutably that the Seman Mountams must

~ [HKIIIII.flC "lfiOI OllilClilICTlf ,))~ rH~ICKHX JJ~111FI TlU'I'pa)l(Htl 110M~ Ib Kl'/.1 IlIlfIlIlill~KlJl CTaJIOBuuurrna (I1()peK!JOM ",aBK~I~ K[I) .'), V lY)KIIHM KapunTflM<l, ra \I~t.:'I, t.1<1 KlIJl~1 KO {lIPId npu~JI(I\IlHl 1,1 He1 pmKI~nalbt: IIUp':

K W " IIp''l1l ~<l s pc ea u.a Cp6a, [1(; rana JC Ccl';JHtM IW CTp<l1 ((I. 'l,IK IIll 111\1I1(h~I' uapa .11I1UIIIHjU (:hfKUmljU) IHHl: ~alUJ1l:!re(.uII.1JI<1 IIdUlC ULAUplil!<lpC. M<iA" 18 HI.:. Kll.l WKlI ua IlHiX (Ti:1pIU rO.~nl '11 IRil Ii lit: roms, .. a ua lllBaJ\ CPC>UIII'M I III Kl1 L-~ H ~1 Jt: 1.J 11 ~II'dO H'~ Kl)j,lX pn i I II a 0I1L1lH IICKllJIHh:l' 1!H1II1D. crapnx pvxu 1l11Ca naLWfIUX y Kpl1.I1Y CPllCKC lIrUBUCJHlBIiC I~PKB'- JCAHOI a Jp:nUTI.lI IIpO'1 HBHIlKtI XPIUIlhallL 1 na. YIH .. TlWY npauor KrIll) noxa. )' nopno uput '<IILI a [HI.! V Cr(\n1RlM. b'rAyhl1 na (,/lltl' y(i(,' oClllI lId [fll)-lal<11<. o :hiKHlUfJY KaO (r6HIIY H PWML.KUM napy, 6e'i OO'Hlpel til /(1 KI" ~1 HC.1ll0 lie I...Mt: Hd nYI'll: Ih;;ll(ijallllhcn, 11010- H)UY III rr cc Y IIt;:KUM C"I'dpHJllM pyK,Hm....J1~1i'1, 11.1 Ii Y KddUl)LlJ HL l'l'PllOl PMJlUJ 11 , . IUKlIIrH}t- \DBOAn Y CPU;\IIWIKY BL.1Y ca I leMalh 1M. IIh IHHUC rennol a (;11,1,}1 paMo Ad JI.;: KOPII('110 }Hi I L -"'t0CnClIlKC 0 JIHKHIIHjy 11 xao PHMCk.OM uapv 11 Kao Cp(;lillV JOIH JC.\1I0M ua BeJll. M 0, ; la Lt'

have existed In the begmnmg of IV century, and such a conclusion alows us to believe that the Scm (Serbs) eXIsted as a people m thai space also In lIT century, and even earher

However, although Zonara,

re hIS source, says qurte clearlv that L iCII1IUS, because of (he dal~ger of Roman legrons, asked for help from the montane population (CaUCJSlan by orrgm") III the southern Carpathians, that mformanon. regardless of how auracuve It IS for studyuig the oflgin and direcuon of movemerit of tile Serbs, rernnined compldely aside. Even the person of the emperor Licinius has not Interested our historians although several our old ocne~


alogies and chroniclers call him Serb Nobody asked hunself whv the Willers of several our old manUSCripts, origmated In the lap or Serbian Ortcdox Church, proclrllll1 persistently one of the grcatcsts opponents of Christlaruty. I ndt:ed a real blood-slicker to have been a Serb \Ve ale conVI need that t he datum about Lrcinius hemg n Serb and Roman emperor, regard I ess a f what who says, must not be left unexplamed, even more so because 111 some older manuscripts, and also

1I1 I) (Ct::THMIl. ouur IIV' ,

r.1 JC J')I'II

parnnr [11,[(1 , • - r lllU

JII.; II '[J)IVI'I K (j

1111\.1;. (l Tir < L JCJlL-

. iKIfIJUIY Ill)l/llllO '

,(HML1 Y'~ l-fToMel-I"i\'l' . IIdIHI('cPL.fI. Hpql'nlfllllllll~

I1X TlIHlJlIIWt y T ' '



BeKY, J(aKJlC V ~" Y 1\

k.ll ' - If\: I OM llCKY

~(;M JI.! JIJIKIfTII1;e )f\J1 .. y

l.aIlJI"I~llrJ P"" F· II.en !GIU

\(, .1 ,'(lile' 11 "

k.Oie,\l ce 'i'j fl. h· I III Hrl<l II V

< UM(l {)O/l'" -

"HM (' r: dlI1U(iClllI


I lin IIITa ''''j r

(J 1111{ IfllIfJ'-' ), « .. hll~J.I" lfJ;1

" J....11VIY


" KapJU1uaLIKU

. IJldl())1.YT HCT'11[ .• PO)IOCJIfJJI:

J (I KIl If ' II en HC.I'ft: If, If , IlKI!IIlf)Y ('

P\)l\PM It'JI" . - p(i11lty OJITII

" ",In M)'}

t:B'1 r- ... ~r(l1H1" uje M 11

c I.. pUCKa IJHUJI \' , ,._

HaT OIlY (.).. . \.:/I,\)f{d 1111.:."

, . r eVil ,

;LaKII HMl:lly,jl'T" Y". n.... (af.·(lillt It

, JJ cc: lIT ('

( pon.e" :\ [, - Cpt! )f(C

. . ' I ' dJl(l ~ilJb(; He I'If p )

ClIOB oem:)/( II' "11. ( no-

[I' ,pHcHaJdJe'1'

\.1)/IL'IcIH r'JIII] , >Kt:

K eeoc TI

HHJ<I IV1r1'1 t' _ 11 '. HKH-

( rncK~1 1'.. II' ,

J eM Y C(; CTPV ' /\dll<lJC'1

IJ :iKe If Y I' LIIIIJY 1<0 II crum (l1jy

_ 11':".111101 1l'IP l.r -

Hill II .' '0111.:'1';111-

., , IfKIlrBfJC .

1I.IaC'!' T1I1'f" J<lKCl npHjc,\1

.... \.:I.! BC'I'"U' '

C'1'1l0 < HI nf JCJIHII-

, B ILCM »cc If

It: O}tor If Jill" M~\1I1 cnc rux

, j rep CI10lY

~ytlt;;lIlli ' J I J IIL'JIHKll-

\} 'jlIlrIY ... r I· .

1\) My till cue ~ ['JL)f(Hc Ct.,-

I.: I ux MY'ICII ' ,

MUll:! 11 I', '" ' IIX, tp-

'PcJIOIJ1fK'1 '

,lla ,..11111..... .' .jl: III 'I C' l' H I'

l1J I If' I H (.'1'1) ,

MIIDI IL':, d II Hli nx

In late, JlIstono J I

has been grap 1)', LIClnllJS

put In a h J

~em;m" Ji' ns lip With

~<l or sever I

consider tIl'll t [I reasons we

I ,J IS useful t -

t lose notes l 0 quote

<l rout L '

both a R IC1J1IUS being

oman emperor a I S

L .. et LJS rel:<111 tl' nu .. erb

( , liS lime th

reason fur (1 . e main

ur reper L d

the ehrOll1 ,I ..1 e QU0tlng

c e record b

LIClnltlS IS he S (lout

1\1 I e mentIOn f

.. arcellmus' S 0

errian ~l

111 the fran' J ()unlJIIlS

::;1 varuan \'1

and that In IV j ollntams,

century th

same one I ,us In the

, W len LIClIllUS lrv d

a co-ruler ofth e as ntin and when ~ emperor Constafrom th re asked for hell)

ose verv Serbs

Here IS ~I .'

L" W int IS said 1

1(,IIlIUS by so a lout ers - me our older writ-

Ka.-Jo\'ac G

"The real ' enealogy:

L' writers S<1 h

ICJnius was a Se -l < y ! at

Greek bv ed .,') by origin,

S .. [ . ucatror, and all II >

eroran worsl» > me

After hun both ~~ed . Dagon

and DOl 'I e DagonIuns

< CI hive " t l

alter .scr all th ,:::JSo t teir names,

r: L: erbs" \ I'

Iurther 011 tl . ,f I ttle

le same "en r notes "He (C :::J ea ogy

him .1 onstannnj takes to a so LICInILJS th'

emperor 111'\1.' I: e Serbian

. ::- CS 11m I '

Constuntld fur if us Sister \VI e II

empero C' "le ureat

, r onstantm Wh 0,

ruus had ,en Lici-

recleved a

establish Hel


pov.'er to then he


began It) torment sam: ThcoJoJ'

(IV I' JhH~H' ~ II mrtyr II Inn

('11J"£1 lHlJ\CII ('N and hiS duug 1 cr 11 ,

y: 11 C f 1\ samt

' icro 1; ... J1J pOI. I Ie tor. rented first Q a

\ll11Cny) cnn J Ii Kou I rind SVdtonlC

UjK~ 'l)'1 cr.;C'I'PU w'1pC\I , martyrs Ierrm .1I " ,

(i 1'1W L:l{lL n)laCT, , n lhgonm nea: the

C'TtlII1U)1.. ~I H'';1~3'XlllMlfJH Upl! who Wlle 1 •

B '\'I~Pi-l1\ \C\'I'U1 ~)l.' IIP\'lleMJbt:T Islar dnd many otbels "I r

' 1\ (ipHK 1.I..U l-lavuu; seen (dent 1 0,

flu, , ' nlll'l~P I tl -11 01

(\lPtll1'l!.:l.KU1ll k.pa, 1>.1 ,I ,ICllllllS) I,lS son Re '~, ru~

A'II'UIY lf pllJ\lI ... lbl.JY HII:'."-l1lld '" r's sister t nl1stantld,

, ~. . ".' lMlt.HI, ( I ROPVl the ernpeH1 ~ I I 1 f

r,,,,,,,,)~,!,"I)ld 11 ' YAl , 'L') the 1~)rllll("(all( o

..... '\., .. • - tM ran nwav, ' . d

• H '\P\!!\\,;Ct'X n I \,; I 'J'llen he nIDI r ie

<'1.: II I\Pl<I'B f Zahu1ll Je f tl

' I t'l'cqlallH IlPBOMY'It: A I'" the daugbter 0' 1(

1,;1-41.. I clil -r urv uu« nno (l _

. , (lh:MHlhd) RJ\:lL:]UJY l k" k '111(1')enot with her

IJliKtl .. - IIpcorc- rrdn '1I1g, L L e- ,

cvier cc IIpUXUHH r CHL)J~, T'holllll and ( hudo-

• nlKUjC Ii ncux two SOPS, t..: I

llCc'rno 1~t.IR>t: pa. \ '111 I erected the ~hurc 1 III

r: T npo;!.oAllblll" II 1111 • • r "'11'11

1l11...1l;:HIHI\>.. )~Il. ' DrclIs 111 the name 0 • 'N

< 1\ I\PKOB I.HCTHX I:lIWv I' 1VI' Whell e-

Ilpm:l1HItT' C ccr Slet)hcn me 111.1\

ll'lpau11nllnn,ll)f( J, III th.throne

'1\.1'1<1 c; "CIl'TOJL: mUTlJrI had .1~ccme,l C,l, Cd r tile

r<tct:a H TV [lrllleM,"\.! 1 ~ I me \0 lus falhc,)"11 0

. v ojV IlCCllLBL:1\I ic l'<l I I' 1C.l

KrlU"fL\lH]c,;; p, K. • ' 'lllKar(l R.'I..,hi1\1I country anI )Ccan

en UCK01Hl pd I arne

'1<:11810 \ I "II or lus pn.:decessor <1111_ ct

• Inp':'CTIlM CI\ • I ' 1t: " I Petei

Jleou mJd to the church ol st aposl es ,

JlI! I II' 4 ~ OJ10CJ10n:!I( dl1ci Paul III Ras and was bc1P-,

'JalIJcOCfUl P , I I 01

, 'r KOllCT(I\I' "I there by the utile s

)10((; O.UlI (\'lI.'fmHiJ 1I,<i ,tIZ\;;( , 'It the

' >' K (;I;oe 1~,.1pa Rashan eplscop Leont1US ,

'1'\111 Itr~CBaJ"JI,;; I , , "

, "I' J"MY ccc I pY f uurtv "

DUKr'Iltijtl, BHtlB8JC ... nge 0 WJ'h "

.. .. . )KellY I ("clle',lugy' IS

KollC'l dlllJ,HJY 11 Zagre I, • . '

\,.Hl)JY _ lie empero: ('o[lSlm1tH'l

, .. :; hone: tt' .

Jl;I'U • " ... liD I t \ 111m the emperor

lIajcltjclI pnAOCJIU8: bn)llg 11 l I .

• inlJHl n IvtaKcllMUIiH' I.ICllllUS 10 \o\,h£1lll he ~~\~e 1I~

cpe te InX 'I lIJV c: I'

, ~ . pc r llVJym '1Y • HKHII'. :' IS, ter Constant 1,1 J or "','I e ,.

J311(1) I~(l. ')1 ;> . I 0\

• ., pnHM Ii 1(11{(1, Pa.'lsi,·IC'S (.c,ll,ea 0!'o.' '

1\"01'1 l;JlN l..\,;,,'" \

\. . =, C'pCllll1ll,;l.I', B ' them t( ,al nn.

(alMLrpl:lIJa'-lHJt: ..... e v 'F I' et wecu

(';.KC (iJI.:1TOIICTUllflJ t -, llll- I\,ldXtln!lldn) l icuuus the tOI-

crau ruu npnuUlFljLT K. c~,r:c mentor relgned the northell~ lnd

"'Jr'I' jlMV ccc IJ Y f I \V3~ 'I ~el b

I1IlKIiIHIJJ 11 BHoI... '" western parts (11 11.: ' .:. ( , •

~Bt)JY K( )11(' r.ur 1'I1JY II )t(CIlV '

Spelliia .1l! lTa)f(H,l' II una 6~Jle1JlKa llc1jClljCII!lI' POllUCJl, IBU Kuj'l C~ [J)(llOCti IHI 'JrilfB(lHHl 1I0CJIt! Jlmuurujeuc CMpTII: "Cnja )Kl.' lI11HCBlIIH CUll jlTIJ (m:

ClIOM nn.e \fMC J.J.\?I'OII(l) GCI'Y jc cc, 11 /I crpace II Y)K(lCL: II eeoc i'il.TC"rny HHC'!' Ii Fo'rcxyjy 1cr-.fJl.y. II l'aM~1 111I~1I11, II pO)lJ1 cnna 11(1 PU)(y II TIll KIIJlC"lly 11 (lTYJJ,Y npeCCJTHlIK (iun II CpfiCKYjy JCMn.y, 11 PWVI cuna II HapL:KUHll: liMe jCMj' Bcna Ypurn, IlOHC~C' IlMdII II:: BJIaCI1 (lCIllt re I na ponn CL''', 6

J],OJl,_fTaK K J1ajclljt'BOM TCh.CTY: "JIIIKlllflfje A{l' Cp(-iIHI 6e, II JlpllclIaJajc'1' jcro K ccoe II Illt£l.lCT jcsry CC G l'py CUOJY", 7


"H napC'1 nvje 1l [heM (1j, y PHM)') nxranrc htlp Kllllc-rdJl'nHI) Oun.a pm Ia lie xojcro Cpom ra, liMe- 1I000f Jhncnunjc'' ~


"C>K'C JIIIKI1HlljC' (ictue iWJIMU'I'HI!CKlIj rllClIUHIHI POHOM Cr6ml, II pU)l.n OJ{ Ko ucrunrujc (71111<.1 Delta YpOII Iii " .1.)

IlIlDcKH .IICTOIIIIC: "UCJIIIIOj J({lIIC'I':lIlTllH nnanc HIIIncp [! I Koucrturrujy .1UKIIHl1jy II )KeH), .. , (j~IIIL: ell JIll KUI/llje IlanMtl'J'IIHCKIIJ 1 UClJlllH!HI) IWHUM CrfllllI, POll I I on l'IJlIC'I'1'I1l ruje cnua or ncroncc IInKt)JI('~1I0M Mil ftoIlln31t II'HI)lOllIC, JI1DKC If .to GI.;JHlla Vp\lIl1a".JO


'I lus honorable Constanrin hnngs (0 hun Licinius and gives him his sisle:' Constantia for wire",

Worthwhile is also tlus note or l'ajsijc's Genealogy referring to the happenings af'tcr l.icmius' death "Hwillg seen that. his son (the n.nnc not vivun) ran awav in fear and horror to the land 0[' Goths, and lived there, and bcgur a son and gave him the name Bela l 11'0::;11, for he had while hair when born"."

Supplement to I'ajsijc's text: "Licuuus "vas (I Serb, and he brought him 10 him and gave lum h is sister", 7

Vrhchreenlehki Gcnl~-

aillgy: II And reigning there (ic in Roma) he (tile emperor Constantin) had (] nobleman some ')crh, called Licinius",S

COTl. tantin's GcrH.·~'I()gy:

"This Lrcinius was a Dalmatian gentleman Serh by urigirr, and hcgnl from Constantia son Bela Urosh",9

Pivski Genea logy: "Constantin the Great gave his daughter I! I Constamia In Licinius for wife .. , Licinius was a Dalmatian gentleman (II' Serbian origin. lIe begot 1 rom Constantin a son from whom many generations emanated, even until Befi lIrosh" ,III


Anvone dealll1g with the anglO of the Serbs and their movements from Ihelr probilblc oflgl1lal homeland, despite quite acceptable Zhupanlc\ cxplan~lions, will wonder how It IS posSIble that the SCIT\<ln Mountams in the southern CarpathIans ant! Roman emperor 1.IClnlus, are related to the at'l1val 01 the Serhs to Bdlkan Penlllsuia ~5pe\:Ia\ly If the arrival (If the Serbs is bClIlg linked with the Baltl\.' ~ro"p wluch was commg indeed trorn the Bahlcs, hut nut helure V II

d 'tile rille 01

century, urrng

Hyzantlllc emperor I r aclt U', (6 I 0-

641 J. and cndet! that movmg In about the end of Vf\1 ur bC~J nrHng of IX century by the an Ivai of the Elbe BaSIl) l.uuct and

Obodrui II

However, SIIICI.! despue 'he

ObVIOUS dIsbelief 01 experts. some clues nevcl1hcless pomt 1(1 rl need that the arorclllt:11110lWd InformatIon or our medreval sources should be considered more carefully, we will begin

With Karlovac Genealugy .

At first glance conSpICI()US

seem the odd contents or the cited part uf the gcm:alclgy It seems that 11 was very II11pOll:ll11 (0 the chrullll:ler tll pmnt out, first of nil, 1,ICIIlIIIS, hut also to

H) \lITO LL: Hlil II J1lfKllfHfJY WI'! 11'll' ll/,~ nucarra y 'lIIja CL KH HHHlH.a MOA<t: OepUIHl'l H. II '1\) Y llrRIlM pcny .ila rc II H1llllllfJl (JIm::UHlf)C) GIIO (' rGHII l/OrCK '10111, Kan P!))JOC:If)JId r~ ua ocuoav Cdllrer.II:III1X IHHOPlt (' He"l J1IiIlX l nne 3'1L:_Q,a") JluKlllIH)a no-rcr,"(1M JV IIL!KU (3()R·j24l HWHJIH.l CrfillHf}M "'('p(jUI/Y OWl H po)(OM") (JJ(MaX rr: )MHllI]1 .8M() Jla r:y y n.erono liJ1lMl' ranc'ra MOrmJl11 lid Banxauv \lIIC'I ojm ~I II ( rCl11• CaM{1 III" () H(, IHilMf) CaCBJ1M IJOYIAUJHl I /(l', a ITI! uacnyhyjcno Ka)( rIlJ~()Cnf)nall, It,w.e KaA<e }~a je 110 MYHPOBaJllijy nJ1KHHlfJC fiUCl Jcnnu IHICMIl (JIIL"[' clfrYPJIII IIITa 'I'll 'Wa'TH, a1ln fillMlillJJhtlMO J.t8 CC OlHMCH 11111'1 HC1 jcnnucxo oC:ipa «inan.c 1t)1J1 lid jCJIUHCKO fir 1"1 JIIa II.e, MO)f{) Iii M uorofio .fKf1'IfW. AKI) jc IIIlCClI( POJ{lJCJJOlld 'HIIIC\'(1 UMall Y PYKH Ma nc KIf crapn pyxonuc H tlK11 je Y IJ,CMY C'J'i1Jano ")(1 jc cna Cr(kKa CJIYJKIIJia 111l0JlY JI,HOIIY". ClIIJ(a (jli Tal 1I0H(JTclK Iii CP"CKV IICTopHly Ollll (lJl IIl'JlPl 11~1.!1:"11R~·

II PCJlfWC' I 1'1 npno i(H)r rora III ro uuc '('() MCC'I'O Yllyhyje Uti 'mKJr.Y'lliK JHI Je Ta "cna cpfiCKa" (l11d ncra CPIICK(t WMJI,a lUlU IlPllUJIlDKIW ncra Y K(ljoj je II III {IHIII jc po be II ~l 'HlTO It: j01l1 (J)~ crapnx f1HCanll Im'ill,-II!

underline immediately that what was known about I.icinius had originated frum creditable writers, first (If all regarding l.icinius being a Serb by originWhcr: the gcncalnger lin the basis of contemporary sources ("rc:.t1 writcrs"), calls Licinius a Serb ("to be or Serbian origin"), we immediately think tha; at his time in the Balkans there must have been thl: Serbs too, except we do not know certainly where, but we feel a premonition of it. When the gencaloger says further that Licinius was a J lcllen by education. we arc not sure again what it means, but think that it refers either to a r Iellcnic education or to a Hellenic faith, perhaps a politheistic one, If the writer of the genealogy had had really some Diu manuscript and if there had been written "that all the Serbian worshipped the idol Dagon", then that datum would be of a priccles:-; value, firstly because that place refers to a conclusion that that "all the Serbian" was the very same Serbian land. or approximately the same. where Licinius had been born and therefore he was already with ancient writers called a Serb. BuL what could mean the datum that all that

Serbian land. ie the Serbs in it. served the idol Dagon'! From where the idol (divinity) Dagon ill the same century (IV) when Licinius was Roman empemr? 1\ [though it was also several times written by the writter of this booklet, one would say that thai writing remained without an expected positive echo. but a further proving can nul and must nol be abandoned. for it is uhvious that the datum was not concocted, but is based on some information originating from some hard acccsivc past.12

As we can sec. the chro-

nicler mentions the name of Dagon twice, first lime when he says that "all the Serbian" worshipped Dagon and second time when he SdYS rcg<ll'ding the tormenting of Jermi] and Stratonik that they were tllrmcnlco "In nagon ia ncar the 1 star", or. ac..::ording to Peialovic's Genealogy "at the river ls\!"Osl'. in Belgrade", Here, thus, we have the datum that one area on Dr ncar the Danube was called

Ihgonia, (onlinning to us that that "all Serbian land" may have been on the Danube, which could mean 011 l'lther ~mk or the river Wf> arc refcrrcd tu 11 ut least to some cxtl.!J1t by the note of

GCJlCIIJKH r h1JLlIJl!1101 j1(1)(llCJI!lIlCl ~ JWJI.:.M t.:Tojl'l ]VI Jl: JIIIKUlU1Jt..:

J~;q1l.:'1 BUIHW" 11.:1.:IlCPI[~I/l1 II HI ~JaAIIJ!M CTpaUClMi:I "jcxcc C 6

JCCT" n " . r HI!

. a II.: uBHll pc'! o HCK()M

IllUpCl\l IIplil:Tnpv

. ' UK(J j111lht:1'

JIymHHl ru )TI1T'L.y]C II ) "

I) '. (HelJ ,'co

lICt:TII V .. ,~

, • Kl)JOJ CI.! ua (;J111MCII

Hell 1)11<.1 fnlJ\UBc1yje 11 1I0WITaK Hl1 cy 11(1 I1MeJ[V ~fplllia Jl'j I'

_ .' . . .~. LIll<I [fMC

l\(J\ 1I1Jli.f If H,II'ClJlH II lla KI1 .. , -

'WHU) , tt • (J~<l

"'lKJ' a UI\ (CP")f(1C Cptin".

I v rc, 'W J(f~e rpync ,

ITHC'II ' • C Hclp(l)~a

, ~ rRp~~11 )\,1 r.:.y liMe J\ofiOJIH

uu 1lJ{(lJIY H,)] ony, a 'i<l 'rpcl

r pVlTV [c G iy

J • t,;p H.Ky) TBPHIf JlCl [e mn-

Ri:III(I no Ccpy. OBtlKO ~8KlI JI:

'3(16(;11 ~)KCJr' .

. II :ldKJi>Y'IYjCMi. n~

CC CBC TpU • - . L.y

I PYllc lIilpU)tB jl1m v

IICKO npacrap 1"' • . ( HPCM(; TIa,I<I'H1JlC

ICHHa nO,Jl,(lYJ L::, ~l na 11M Je HYIIHB nuo TLJ ')

. ,C ~lBftiKU n,:OI p<H11CKll

OpI1JCHI'l1p. Ita I lime He '~a(i(lpilBHMO iW cv If lie

• ":p<':KC 1111<.1 I 1TT1IC II

OUJT\; 11<1 ilUMilKV (). .

, • . IiHc C~ jOl II


11~Tlp. YHO-

~ • l1J~LH1X (IIC)lICT'IK V

"(',' . , lH':l(;;l)

. KJId[UIII,l II (1)Il(;l1l1'll~'I" .

ce IIW{J " I c • I<:UJI1

r 1IIdJY 11 I IugYflHlll~lfM:I.l1

{lIll'lli oucr 1(;

. Y 1111 I a /I 'Y ).l,Y 11 a II

Axu (I)' .

flL;:(11l11 11 11' • 'II J I-Y -.

, ..." tIll I'll

IlIfK(1 "\jJyr n I

I . ~o IIpilL'I',lpll CTHllll-

'B. II I-1I~n MC(llll UTa 1.1" "[IX·'

... no. liCK:!

I 11\ pa n Fycll])"

, <lftl, ll(lK.IIl! PCK'j

11<1 KOlliM'1 J't' (

, ,I{tl K( 1 CC II()y'~J(flll(l

CpOltH1)fl.1. AJIH 1111'8 MO;.oKC .ta :lWl'llt ltd JI;; CIHI 1'8 cpnCKa JC,-1J1,a. l11\HOC1~1' Cp611 Y u.oj. cnY)KlIna fUl0.ilY Hdr{lHY'! O'lI~Y

,18 11)1.0.1 (OO)l{<lHCTBO) ;J,ar(lH Y ('r611111 y IICTl)M nCKY (lV) K3l\ Ie J1nlllfHlije CillO pUMCKII uup? Mana ie l1 I) TOMe nucau OBe KlhlDRllne Y nuun .. M[t'\llB(1 nucao peK.JO (hI cc J~d jc Til IlIICUH,C OCTd 'JL' (It.;:'J O'lCKIWailor ITO'HI'1'IIBHOr o,UCKa. ann ce on ;J.(IJbCT' Hl.n;:a3HAaHJa IHlaK He "vlo)t{C 1'1 tre CMe OJlyCTaTlI. jep jc (lllllrnenH(1 na lIo~aTaK IIlije WJM5'I m:hcH lIeh lll)lJliB3 HU HCKHM Ace rUMa xojc 1"101 wly il j HCKC 'rcmKU rWKY lI\11\(' IIpOUlnOCl'ILI2

Kao uno Ali~lnMO nCTO-

IIIiCai~ HMC J1arOli CIlOl\1HfhC .uianyr, jCJlHl)M xan Ka~C ;\8 JC "elm

( pGcKa' eny)l<.U}Ia 1'I,\<tllY ,Ual'ony, a ApyrH nyr KaH 33 MylIL'lhl' kpl\mnd 11 C rpaTOHUKH KCl)KC }l.3 cy MYlJCHH "H Jlarolllt omH l1C1 pa". 11nn IIO flcJa'l'OllIlBCBOM ro,lOCJ1UUY "upu pelle vk'rpocc n GC_lrpane". OBJlC, naKJ1\.!, nMaMO I10naT3 K HC:l ce JCHHa oGn3C1 ua .IlYHtlA) I\J1H Gnu ~y }.lYHaBa mana ,3,arollltja. 11110 I'JaM 1ll111lphyje Ila ce HI "cna Lp(lCKa '~CM,IJa 1 Morna mUla Hi' U II [1,1 ;I,YIIauy. urro jc 'Ylorn(l fiwi H ca ooe CTpallC PCKL I-Ia TO HaC MdKap Ii HOHl:Kne VllyhYJc II

Pujsije's l'

'. . C S icneulogy where It

stands that LICIJ1ll1S "rCI JIl' I '

em '" ,II g ec as

PCIOI over the norther 11 (Inc!

western pcll Is "for he IS a S ·b"

"1'1 ' .. CI

1<1t . here n Wider space around

the lower Da b '

IS nil e IS In quesuon

pi oven also by that part or f he mforrnanon where to 1"1

ie men-

tron or Dagon '1 d t . d

dWI' (a urn IS a ded

after the Idol Dagon both

lJ,agons and D~elal1s gol their names, and after Ser ,II I

S ~ a t re

, er bs Consequently, for the two

groups of peoples tl

I . ie writer

C aims that they had uot tl - ,

name af ::- . lelf

iame a ter the Idol U

f agon and

or the third (the Serbian' l;ne)

t~lat had been named after S . hom tl el

te so written record we

c(:nclude that all the three groups ~f peoples already in some very ancient times Ii ved each beside

others, witl: the D b

anti e as a

common ueouraoh I .

L 0 0 up IC andmark

,,~t l~S 1101 forget here that the

Seman Mountains" , I

. ( .• lsowerelll

proXIJl11tV I Jere we 'I I

. a so s rould

recall Pscudo-Cesanus' (l

. oegul-

llIng 01 V c) "S I .

." c avms and Fiso-

nl<1T1S , called also I~O(JLlll -

(TI J r\\'CI

ie Danube People) I i It

that again the Danube ' means

t . unune IS In ques-

ton 11 Fiso

l . mans can be nolll111u

rut very anc I 0

. ,1C"1l1 mhabnants of

the Mcsoporharman .

F" l":":" rivers

uphrute and Ip·'ris tl, .if I

.::0 ' ,us (,1 t 1C


jHcl, 1l0LJITlWUH IIHlIJ1 ,J,dl UB xao nraCTd po ()U)I{<l HCTB( I ImAcH II X Hy6l11-la. a 11..1 Hac nOAa"1 dK "(IT C'c ppa )KC CPUII" nOllH au 11'.mllpH~) nOJ~pY'IJ(; Eycppa1'tI I! Tnrpa, na 1'11/".11,; 11 Y 6mnUHY KaFlKaCKor lIonpYQJa, ouna CC, pCKJ11t 61IC/IW. CTCKno 1\UCTLI lHIHllulIja IlpCKO xninx MO)KCMO cacno npOCTOP AOH>OnYHaUCKUI' 6uceHa na JlOH~He,\1o y IlC1Y ca bJUICKIIM UCTOKOM, na na Ty YK.'"bV'I11MO H 1IlHiKapllilTCKC

'" CeilCKl! lInalHlHl" Kat) Il PU:'lcxor napa JlllulImija (j1I1KIHJlIJa) Kojn cc Y IIpBClj JlOJ1UIH!llH .IV H~Ka CI10M1IT~"C Kao ma"HIJHa nCTupujcKa ml'lHllCl' Y BC'jl~ HC casio ca r'l MCKOM nC'1 Opl1JOM. ach 11 ca 11CTopaJOM AyHUUCKJ1X <}>I1COHaua, ,D.aKa (,Ua'ldHa) It xapnat CKllX Cp6a [montes Serromm), ami 11 ca UHIIM<l K:l]ll cy xao ,D.aroHun MOrJlll C'I aHUnaru H jY)fo'JQ on Jl,OH)er Jl,yuClnCl VI jOIJl ncurro. Ka.t cc ,!aJbt! HLI oApel)cHOM MeC1'Y 6yncMo sanpJKanaJIIl aa Mdn08'lII]CKUM J1I1Kl1- jCKlI'vt CpGnMa Ii ~pyTlfM uap l;J.lI\td K())II cy CI..! Y Hecarm.:nUBOJ nplHJlJWC I'll IIOKPCHYJIH \II Mane A H1Jc II I.. rllf;1JI ua JlYHtlB OCCl'llhCMO na cy CJ\11 rope CIIOMCHYTH HJrO~\ll Y HCKO npa- 1(,1In10 npcMC /I10rnH 611 fII lie I'm

rivers on which. as It is certainly known the idol Dagon was WOT-

, .

shipped as an ancient divinity ot

watery depths. and if the datum "from SeT the Serbs" leads us to the source region of the Euphrate and Tigris. and thereby also to pro'jmity of Caucasian region. then. we would say, there are enough clues through which we can relate boldly the area of the low Danube basin LO the Near East. and ttl include there also the near-Carpathian "Serrian i'v[ountains" as well as the Roman emperor Licinius who was mentioned in the Iirst hal f or LV century 3S a significant historical person related not only to Roman history but a lso to the nisiorv of the Danubian Fisonians. lJacians and Carpathian Serbs (montes Serrorum), but also to those which could, as the Dag(1nians. dwell 5{)uth of the lower Danube too. .. \nd somelhing else When we stay further on in the texts at a certain place with the Asia 1\'1 inor L) cian Serhs and other peoples which in an immeasur-

able past had moved Irorn Asia Minor and arrived to the Danube we will feel that ;lil the aforementioned peoples might have been of a same origin III some

nopcxna 11 H'-mCCllO BpeMC )f(ImCTH JenHII y (i.TJIIJIIIIII,lpynlx II Im:.KUTI1 xao CpllHIIHI(j1.

Ami ua cc :.:Id InueCHll npcxre BpaTHMo 1-i(lllJnM ponoCJHHHlMa H Jh~TUIIIICIIM,L II aKO Y H,IIM~1 I In1 p<Dk.IlM!l io ttl UeK] I uortarax xoju on cc Morau llHHOCIlTII HCl noc'rojaa,e Cpfia ~;a OaJ1K(-IHCKOM nunyoc-rpuy jonr y TV !ICKY llUCJlC XpIIC'I·a. ann II nrc. OHHtl t;C~IO O}.lMax CIIUMCHYTlI KUHC'I'L1HTIHllll3 poHOl"JJO'~ y KUJC\1 jc JClOl!JJe)KCHO .ta jc .:lHKlIHllje fillq "tl<1J1MaTIIHCKI'1 rOCIIOl(lIH POJJ,OM Cp6(HI". OBAC MOpaMIJ liMa'I II Y BllJlY .ia ~L' AaJIf;fal~IIJa y PJlMCKO n,u6a JCIIHO BPCI'>!C nporesana IlJ1CMa CCBCpy ;.\0 CCllepHIIX U6pmlt.lKa 60cal-lcKIIX unaauua, a T1pCMa I1C'fOKY IIPlIOJlIDKIIO no JIlIImjc Beorpan-Jf .. eur. A KU JC "l\iKO 611ll0, OH1l[j 011 'I'll malJlIJIQ J-W jc BRill Xpl.lHl1tlap U,1,HeKY,l IIMilO 1I0,f1;H'raK J~a ju JIIIKI11-1l1je K(L1l Il,aJIMdTIIHtll\ ()IW Y cruapn ('po IfI I , fiynyhll JlH C(' Y HCKml \I W\J[lIIMH CH'I)'Bau lI()J~aTaJ( HCI cy Y HIKB(lJ HHnMaqIlJII jour on J1dlWjc )l{11I1 'nil ('prill KJIl era pOCl!nCClI \11. YOC'l"cl nOI\I, 1aIl ,) HUH! CM(I )~(I II I I HBCKII ncronuc \H.ta 'iaUL!Jll:IJ.TKY 1I11 xojoj .k nliKIIHfljL' GIIO ")\c:IJIMllTIIHCKl1J rocuont (111) PPJ\OM 'rOIIll"

very ancient time. lived each beside others and considered themselves to be akin.

Rut let us return Cor a time again to our genealogies and chronicles. and if we look in them for some datum more that could refer 10 the existence of the Serbs in Balkan Peninsula as early as IV c.BiC, but also before. then we will mention immediately Constantin's Genealogy where it has been recorded that Licinius was a "Dalmatian gentleman of Serbian descent", I-Iere we should have in mind that Dalrnaua in Roman time stretched [or a time northward up to the non hern slopes of 808l1l an ~10untaills. and eastward approximately up to the line BeogradLjesh, 1 f it was so. it would mean that our chronicler had an in [ormation Irorn somewhere that Licinius as a Dalmatian was in fad a Serb. since 111 some sources the datum has been preserved thai in such Dalmatia the Serbs had lived even from before as original inhabitants. After all. we have noticed that Pivski Chronicle. also has a note according to which 1 icinius was "a Dalmatian gentleman of Serbian descent" .


However, If we read carefully what our old manuscripts note about the events in Balkan Peninsula after Licinius' death (325), we will observe that there are pUrLiculars which in essence refer. under another nome. to approximately the same space which was in question until 'r~5 too. Namely. when Licinius had been executed in 325. according to some in Thessaloniki. and to others on the Danube. his son. atlcgedry, ran away to Gothic land and ... fter living there for a lime, a~cording to Pajsije's Genealogy "begot son and was a mover from there to Serbian land, And he begot son and gave him the name Belt Lrosh, for he had white hair when born", Who dealed a bit more with the records of our old genealogies and chronicles could notice that the most of them records that Beli (White') Urosh was already born by Licinius' wife Constantia. sister of Roman emperor Constantin the Great, and so it tUl11ed out that Beli Urosh was

Nernanja's great-brrandfather, ie that Nemanja was great-grandson of 13t'1a Urosh So the disregard of our ancient sources caused a real confusion in the

IIPUY 11"l.IK'-IB.J "Ill IlrelilY il>pt. 'r Y Pt'f{tl('r)OBHOJI dUJlllIlll l1aUIII\ ~"rl'.ll~>1 'i.!l"KOBIIltX B)lt1'{dpa Cd Ma 'hI Hmlll I1.1:..t<;1-"\'; nocachcr« lCKo..JY TI IClfjlllO( (1lQ(IC!I(lUI

Ld H<lll 1 Ht;1I1111 ru r. rtpv ,

«llBIlM {pyq C111k.} 11 .. 1f",'l:, k..:l:l flU/V c ioi ,lit Gl' JH; II " :\d It IIIIllI.l,UO"1 ~hlltll!lllll;; it: .. '>1p /11 If '" run Ult K' )J~I l:t I !IIJL mHo hllld Yporu. I1l h I rcuuus "'dtl H o ran. IMJlt'o QTleBY lMrl', 1-111' "yO IJ H..y III ( paXJ'l 1I0(llrdll \ I I, ic K)' it' I j II') enl)1 IIfHFIJI HII mjl.111o I a Mcl!KOM H HI hc "I" c ()In Ii t;:· Jl: 1;1. J t d Ilol)l;r JId ca CIIQO\l, I{ III Cd Hl:ILOM, aKI) 1I'X It,; "'HUH) nIJWC. JI,1l ~y /lJL', II H1Kk11 .u TI)IIJIC jacuo Ka>KC na J" h .. PHCTaflI~uja PI);llL1a ~UHa. CIa cy 'It:K llJ\ ." '1'8 (Uno I{WICITO!\t \111 It) M IHH'JI upon HIIIW IJ "J~aA<e It no bL'JWf Ypll1JJU" I Y HeM a HJf cuoxicna 0 Helll)cpCHIIOJ ne U1 F' ,f,

lUll Jp{lllIa ca 1 C,(Of-..f1fJHtM 11

LfV)(OMIIJIOI\I, a 11PCI{O fMIX ca HCMaH,or.l, Kana jc " xaxo HaCT[Wa 1I113H<L1 J xpouunoun.a J6rKa nOB,)r~{)"1 J k"vi iH,lIHHX upe taxa Hl UidMO 'I dtIHO. (Ju]le nac npnuna-re m ,(dlUi JI i Hunckur ne ronuca It IIajcn je nor ponocn f )lJd I H k.O] ux CI.:

MOA<I.! "i:1KJh) 'ml1-1 Jtd cy H IMehv c\1prn JhlKIHIItICllt' 11 nojaue I lc!\taIhL

fCIlI,;.ilogical table ol OUI medieval rulers With ~ little more auenuon devoted tu he text oj Paj~lJe'.., (icllcalug) one can learn something that create a quite different picture \'amcI) , \\,11I,;n the genealoger records that on the occasion ot LiClIlIU)' death hiS son. whose name W&:I!; not Bela Urosh, but Licimus like that of his father. having seen hrs father's death, or heard of 11. out of lear ran away to Gothic land. probably together with 1115 mother OT. even more probably, the mother ran away with her son, or with her children, if she had hud them, To be sure, I'ivski Chronicle says clearly that Constantia bore a son, and only after him ("no IWJlCHUM Mil") many emanated "even to Bel i L'rosh". There is not any mention of an immediate connection of Bela Urosh with Tehomil and Chudorml. and through them with Ncmanja. When and how the famous chronological collection dealing with Nemanja's ancestors appeared we do not know precisely. We are attracted here by the data from Pivski Chronicle and Pajsije's Genealogy from which one can conclude that between the death of

Mcbv I'liM. aKO \I;;\;oK snuo n Pd'I'HMU un d H.1lIJ1! cr d pI'! PYKl.H111Cll 6cJtC)KC () .. ~ora"ajHMa Btl bdllk.aHCK(lM 1l011YUC I'PBy IIf1CflL' :lUto.mll1lcnc CMP'IIl (.t . .s) land. mhCMll ,1.1 ce 'v uana se 1I0JL!]lHHUC rtI IWJC ce m1A npYrl1M II!-"I~HOM y Cylll'l'lHlII OHHOCI.! ua llplIGm'DKHO 11('1'11 npoc'rrrp 0 I:WjCM j..:.: Oll;W pe'lIl It no 325, ropUHC Hanue. Kiln jc J1111~1IIH1JC 32~. r IHIIHC lIory6n,l'H no HCKlIf-..ld y COllYllY. a 110 HCKliMa na J].YHaI1Y. n.cron cnn je, nanon- 110. uofiet (I) V forcxy ·iC:-'lll.y II 1101II'fl) je 'fa:-to HCKO llpCMl' npO)l.:lmCO, TY, npcsra Ka:JIIBUl-hY OajcujCHor pOHOCJlOBUa, "PU1\1I Clunt no pony II no KonCHY II (JTy~Y IlpeC\.!'JlHHK OIlB Y CpGCKYI)' 3C:-1Jh}. I 1 rll,~11 cUlia It HapCKOUlI:! Ut-IL' J('~1y bl.Jttl Ypour. nOHC)\{t nwaure BnaCIl 6cn II jcrua [lOAH ce 10 Ko cc Mall Ll unuie UcHHlO BCCTlIt-ld aauurx crapux POi\llCJlDAa H JICTOllllCa ~'Iorao jc na npuxicrt' nn lletlilHa 6CJIC)KH ;\a je beJlOr Ypotna POllHlltl ach flllKlIHajclJd IKCl1d KOHCTcHII\uja, ccci pa PllMCKOf napa KOHCTaHTUHa BeJIIiKor. na

• I.:' V

je 'I'aKO nenana na JC Dena .' pOITl

GlIO HCMdllollH lIpaAcna. OJl.HOCHO Ita jc HI.!MaH,a 61H'! npayuyx Ecrrc Ypomi.l, Taxo je aenolUTOBaIhC HalIlUX cTapu:x lnnnpa

npo i t'KJH."

MHO] ~>

, " d pearance of

L1C1I11US an ap

Nernania many years passed on.

. i-act several centuries. fhe

In . \ "Ir

datum of Pivski Chromc e 10m

• • •• ,I n man)'

1 ' ie j rom LIe IIHUS so

111Tl. . IT 1"

. ted even to Bell [OS 1

emml<t . ~

refers to a possibilily, .tl~at

•. '. , v « n LIC1ll1"

belween LIC1l11US so

('?) and Beli Urosh ther~ cou . ~"1 some la11111y relatlOllshq

eXI", .

do not know the tnr. but we

span between these two p.ers?1

whose names we know. /l I~ SIl11- ilar with the data in PaJ

G I.' \l',,, have here too th~

ellen og\. V\ '" _

datum th~t the death of Liclm~s

(325) caused an astonJshn~ent 1.11

I I~ ilv but we have LI1 this t le amt .

fee also two data more, we

sou f'

I-I sav unnoticed so ar. very

wou l :s,,~ _ .

important fur our finding ~ur way in the time and space after

1 ear 3'JS Firstly, when the

ne y -- .

. f the oenealog\' sa} s that

wrtter 0 ::> - , •

Licinius' son. having heard ~Ih~s father's death. esc .. lped to Gothic land, a qLlcslion is raised v.'her.e Licinius' family was when Ll, heard 0(' I.icinius' death. It Licinius had been executed in Thessalol1lki his family would probahly have been ~~lr cnollg~l to escape at proper time, and It could be most probably somewhere new' the Danube. perhaps

II YVICnv B c II[ f1a~(d II Jlarul!l,jJc (XI1MOfl,I:h." T]UnYHrllJ.lhL· '1). r Jpt; M.l IIHlt-.IL' 11I!ll II~ HCluprllC mat-w. pU\1lk.1I !lUp AVpC'I111C111 (.~ 7()-:7'i) rrpeuyci no jc r OTIiMa JJ\c',j~ C'I r !Hy HYHaml (na'lIKY). II(Jl{ je J) I romnre KOHC ra H1111' (W7-33'lJ C1JI'C'Tl!(l upena 1 I (} 1;J Hd Ht'CIiV c+pany HYHdH~, MCIHirxo- rpanxv, Hi-! K01Y cy '~aIICI/lHB Iil'.I111Pl!lJ[)U Il'K 111Mehv 316. II 3H2, r'O~I1HC f'lrCMi:I ru e. ,11\0 uGH IHl1Il3 n u.opa, Ilaicruc.. If l luucxu rupne ,IR je rIrlqu 1I1IJl.:BCI fJnpnt~I1I'a Hoe1L 32.., lIoCkr1d v tOTCh.), ll-M by, a IH ~ICTOr"1l' maM(I .ta cy 1('1'1'11. J(dK,c' W rop, Pt"lCHO. TCK III "H. liv \7h II ,S2 rIp,.' W:IH y r?a h.tll)' Ill-! \(1 CV l'lIli Mellv [i l'J l

o rnru TIl V Ppl· ... 1C I(OK CV ce I (1'1 U ('~d".:\]( IJI) HdnaillJH! rotu H3 1CBllj pua:1II Il YHt'lBCl. Hl r ~L

1-1 iMl l)y HYlldlHl 11 Kapnara

( aMO, k.i:lH () UBOM rei ~MfmJ.'h1:l"'111 Tpella I~d JIt>!aMtl V nuny J.k 1iOJ~

" r (\ rCK()1\I H:M Jh\)~I" Y TO nrx Ml' ae MU)! ":M() npocrop H~Mehy :h- naua 11 Jell lid I a CM.lI ri:l. J.I YHC nnv I ()'ICKlll\l K'l-o-L11 )"'1 (hili cy IT(llJVI KOM 1\ BCh.a Btl HIll] \1"':111 caxio I1pI1BJ1CMelill ocu.rIclTI:!, d CTdpmL;t":Ul\H cy 110 ([I(W., l'\Jlllll1 on.ur 1'i.'I'II, ('.lpro.la I'll. <. KI! I'll, iIL"L H. 11<' I' (Cpl 'ltli~ 1~' H"I'(\,11l [)rl'IO.1I

between Belgrade and Dagonia (Hnrno lian Danube r.~8sin?), According 10 'what we know from h istory, Ruman emperor Aurelianus (270-275) had len to the Goths the len bank of the Danube. Mcsian-Thracian one, to which the Western Goths passed not before between 376 and 382. Accordingly, ifboth our sources, Pajsije's and Pivski, claim that Licinius' family passed to Gothic land not before between 376 and 382. then they went among the Goths in the time when the Goths (Western ones) were still on the left bank of the Danube. somewhere between the Danube and Carpathians, But, in this thinking we should have in mind that the space between the Danube and Carpathians under the name "Gothic iand" in that time can not be considered to have been a really Gothic land. They were just temporary conquerors 011 it in the beginning of TV century, and original inhabitants were probably the Geti, Sannatians, Scythians, Besi and even Sari, consequently the peoples near to each others as belongers of the Indo- Europian group where somewhat later, perhaps III very

jl:n~m 'lpYrllMa f..lO llpmlalll-!l1~l1 HH;1.0eUpl1llCKt' I'pyn31UIlL )' KOIO]

I • "1i1,n.:.1<.1 Bcb \'

he Ht:l.Il1 0 ~WCH"IJl:. >

Ile['OM Bt'K,', ne flJ"l. nperOM ' •

t1BJla'\t1 rn l1MC CHlBeHlI IlpeMd

r '\H:. dKO J(' :1m,\HHIlILBa nopo,i-

"I''i ronuae npc6cr.l.l y HIla ~"I--

t r KY 't: 'l.i 1bV ' Mllrno fin Ad.

i orc "'"

iHd'lll ;~a Je npemJ1d na npoc rop

h T ICC T1 \' ail Il3 II

ner;w 111"1e y 1 ,J.J, •

Kdpllara, a nu Btl 1;.3 I1MaLH v

h CT ra Je HcUll

BUn\ H Mur~ ao ,\

XPll·HUt.ldP cnOMCHOM rO'TCK~ 3C -t.'l,e menno aa OHO Brell,il:

Ka~ cy 11cTOlJHH rOfn, np~

I '(KPdJC , \.

)llJl(1CKd , I ramqy .

BtK<l) ,CHRO SpcMe J3HC13

6upaBlUIit aa 1dTld){HOM ,le~y GaJIKaHCKI..)f n(l.1\OCTl>Ba, 113 1m

anna IlCKl.l-

JlUllnHI1JeBJ Jl{)PO ,

Y "I o rcs,v 3e"l.h\ npe-

no of '. '

(tern a y ~~I sapa y .il.dJIMdlJ)IJY I'll

KO}e je no HeKHMa BO,.1I0 1I0P~~.'10 HIllJ,UHII1C xao ,llan\faTIIHl:Kl1

1 TIIH' ,ITJ TlllHOBJIMO Jl,a 1l.

r OCfll ., I J,

Gm~an(j na Je na:JMallllla, KllKO H

P "OO[llTn .nrcr aarn 1I1l:l0

, ct'LoC" H.iBOD,H,

mrrpnjapwlIJe n 1 ...

G ana cnenehc oG.1ac fII

(I )yXBUT .1 .... ,.... ,

ca "I) ,!J.dJIMaUJljy, llel py. PaM). 3axy In,t;'. XL'pnCIlJmIHY, PauiKY, 1 P3RYHHIY, Oc rpua, Il~()pn. B~'fKY ,lPJkdUY Ii r opa.y 11 .t(lHhY 'it: f) JldK.l1C rIP HL KI1M It mo

)10 tv urc He \Hh.JrO rIlly j.

pll~td, . t J" ld Je Kon-

)laHUM, "wry le I;.; f


.ifth h name

that century, the ft ,t ,l e, ,

Slavs will predommate, (,on:e-

I' if Licinius' family

queru ). t' ,.,-

d t .... "Gothic land' In .) ... ). escape v

itcould mean that it passed 10 the

~ some\\ here between the

~Pdce . . '

I'i Danube and Carpathians.

rsa, . \

but one should keep in mind ,a so

the possibility that our chr,omeler

f U' th ' I ami

bv the mention 0 0 l~

n~eant that time when the Eastern Goths. before their departure to italy (at the end or V c), really dwelled for a lime in the western

f Balkan Pcnm~ula, and

part 0 ~.' b

thus Licinius' family might J

the fugition to the Gothic Im,1d have escaped in tact to Dalmatia. where. according to some opm. c; Licinius traced his descent

10n_, I

"Dalmatian gent e-

from. dS a .

" 1 et us repeat that It hapman, ,

pened that l)almatia, ,~s our e "Ob hti List (Gem·ral

sourc , 1'"

Paper) of PCCk~l, Patflar~ 1)

Is stares consisted 01 the

a so ~.,. ,.'

folow in ,1 areas' Dalmatia itself

IS1ra, r{ama, Zahum,l~e, Il~rcegovina. Rashka, I ravun ia, Islands, the Stale or Dubrovrnk and l , pper and Lower I.da. Consequently. according to some sourles. to be :)\JfC not very reliable ones. it is possible that lomtantia with her son or sons

CldHIlHJd ca CIfH(l aIm c CIIHflBH"'1r1 l'pl:fiL'llId Y j{a!1MLl IlIII: ) Kl'jOJ l'j' I CQ'I1 (J IcrntllHt) ~ IfC 1 'HI\ IIUrd/Hi Ilf npe Hl r u rrr I'll 1,." L) rH1II11' " I L a :l1P\

. ,

-b t 0, J(\pr WI! 1< Bt'lUl\.t

Ht·IHBt.C lIe 11 } lit HI La 'I 'h. ( r B(l~'1 hWHHHJ~lh 1I0rll~nl~(; '\ltl -P. MO (~d cc apc/II

i,IP" rill II na K.! IIlRdfhV C~~TJ'ln,:t'Ia "OnW1'CI .Jncrall \' J.,tl,o.;> "-'I ll. '-filIP-HI f ~ Hl xe rIPJC,{IIqlll r n kO!L. r ) HU .. o H/dMO to I.' I,td Hlil o Hl I ClIOMI1H,Ul)' 11111\. \' II n l.i 0 )Jdum tu r d Jt. hJl1t1 ca Konc r }Il'l) '''' I fJ.,l ao 1 f1I1PUllflIt) f V( t r a )fl'-1 "Or! .rrn 1 Lr' , PCI Jilt·.il\.dH If K Ll lIoKym" [1,. "'O'd uUjdCIWMO I ( Il l)lfO fil Id \p{ III It KdKll{; )H ll\1d I,,:, Il' l. d 1I{'!1(; I\. IO\f He 1.1- fhJ'HL' "IOPO tune, If 'Id mt HMa II /~,-,jMdHJcr onpJu:taH", ,IORO .. lH I I

V Bl1\ r It Mdli.llll< "(~Pl k'1O (,,1

11'''11'11111(' II Ko r r.in T ~IH\ 1M

Bt'Jllf" I v " fit: I 1 )(, !liP'l 10 '" I t..H' -I iel '" .}.\ "k.d ,il\ 1f.1 JI l '-1.1

I pa Ml l.t I( 'i L '101JH' r III {I V If' Ilpl I (' h,UHl ru If cnax 1,1 1I11 viua: TIa 1.:1.. MdJ..:ap TlIHl ..... n {'(lldl IH Ii III ro III, ( IIa\ I( 101 I \B(;:I<.. t PIlL' HllIC~{1 If linn cc

({lWCI' IIJ 1tIP[

r p 1 Hil "

r (l lIHil I~I.. 11)1" I~ Cf"ICMH II .. po,(U it! )1.1)1(' ~"IO (\,11111 ,ld

'1'1 'lI\lU r rIp <II

escaped to Dalmatia where the Goths (eastern ones) really had dwelled before they went to Ital \"

Therefore. because of a really great incertainty related to the fugition of Licinius' family, we think that it is worthwhile to stay also with the narration of the compiler of "Obshti List" where some particulars are mentioned which, as far we know, have been mentioned by nobody in the attempts to explain what happened with Constamia and her family, After all, "Obshti List" is inavoidable also when we try to expla in who Bela Urosh was and what his relation was to the origin of Nemanja's family, and whether there is any justification to relate ~emallja;s descent to Licini us and Constantin the Great. Regardless of what conclusion we come to, we think that it is inadmissible to discard in advance all attempts to explain, at least to Some extent, something still utmostly unclear to us and which refers to many "empty" years of the historv ;[ the Serbian people we arc obliged to look the contents for,

That the "Obshti List" is a domestic description w] th contents thai deserve a full aLLenlion

flu jc u 011 inr II JH1C'1 u J.\llM3- , \1:iKVJ'l.' Ita ce

hu onuc K{1JI1 HICJ1. ,

, '''''11 l H.L:r l)/lllM

1I0cm~'11I lIyHd Ila ..... · ....

" , IIYJC"'l) Bell 11':1

'''\''PA<.i.J)'' hlK.by ,

,,' /\. , KilO

u.crunux npsux Pl:tH,:HlIlld,

'lpyrH nu I 1Il1 crrucn.


P(l'(OCTII HlII 1,1 1Il"1 I nrncu. 11

"()lIl11TII nncr" HC nptlll~lIlTa nu CTlOMl'H~ J1ItKIIHI1jU. O~IHI Jh1KI,t-

.'a'-L·c xp-OIfIPlap, IIM{It) JC UHJe. ~ "'-

:lila cuua, KOJlI cy ca l\laJKUM, ~\OCJIC (;MpTlI :htKItHIIJl'IH;> 1I00CrJ111 In ncxana cnannor

C' 'YM'I 1I j -rura

I paHd IIf1MHJ, c ,

I pdJlCi mill cy IIPCKO GOCH~ lire

(i Y 3aXYMlhl! (f OTCKU

ler:1tll . , .

"') " .rrcuccrno cuora 'Jl'MJhd, • J

OI~a TIUKllHHjd TaMO cy (J1'IfIlIJtll IIJlaUIChli cc ,1,(<1 he IIX KUHcTaH'litH IIllryolf'L'l-I. II ocn 1..: one

1'111'1 ap II pIP HI irsjanc uaru x pu

, ['COI'j1'ln tl'IJC OCHIIlHHhC

KaKO jc ) "~,,

, r:. , nyro

npnnncyjc J1I1KlfHUJY, \1110

Y xy TC oncanc


onCl'nHVT~1 cy pcunrnu na 1I00CfHY, Ka)~ cy cc yKpl(aml Ira lIat,y

c.' ,,(jjor Ilp0'1'llBapCIWCTI! (Hla ~ J .

paclIClJl<l II MflOrl'l cy cc !fa ymhy Cam: v JlYIli.1B y-ronu rm. Cru-re ce y-r;"caK na cc. IIpl!Ma xpoHH'lapy. TOM npllllllKllM YT~~III~O II cav 11 HKJlHJ1jC, Ilocnc rora,

Ka;.KC HHJhe I'WIII neronucan, KmlCTaIlTIHI je pcHllpllO rpan, npcopao ra umCIIJ1110 CWbY y'j IIPOKJlCTCTIIO }l<l CC na TUM MceTY IHtllIC mncana He H'3rpaHl1

we conclude already from its first sentences. As well SOl!'C other our writings, gc:ni:.i:lI(J~lc~

d chronicles. "Ohshti l.ISL

an TI '

also mentions Licinius. us

l.icinius, lite chronicler says, h~d two SOilS which. together with their mother, escaped from once glorious city or Sirmium. Fro~n

, I 'a 1 awav via

that city they I I (. J ,

Bosnia 10 ZahuJ111je (Ul)thIC

I'd") to the fatherland 01' ,thCI!'

an . ,

father Licinius, 1 hey went there

being afraid ofthcir ~xeCtltiuIl~Y Constantin. A ncr this statement

. I arrates how

our chron rc er 1M! ( '-: •

Belgrade. the rOlllldall?I1, ul

I 'I I ~ ascribes [0 L1ClIl11IS.

W 11021 1l: ,. '" ~

was being besieged lor ,long. During thut siege the besieged decided 10 escape. When they went aboard the ship wrecked due to overloading and [:lany drowned in the mouth 01 the Suva to the Danube. The impression is that, according ~u the, chronicler, I.icinius 11l111~~11 drawned 011 that occasrun. Thereafter, our chronicler says. Constantin destroyed the cil~. plaughed it over ami salted II with u curse that nobody ever builds another city at that [11,IC(;,

nd punished the found populaa "

lion and made them slaves, As II

IlP}, I I-{ I p(IJ~. ,I HI'! C -re 110 [;'1 <III o II IHII Il'J BII Ie ({(j'llUl(l H UJlBC(l Y POIIC'I'flll, (J 1J/~l' CBJ( v onncy I«HI na Ill-IUTO 1I1-{,1(; JeILI/(J. HI lK jc XP'IIII1IJIlP pmJl.ilC; pcxao KfiKO I-y KOllc', d 1I1~lIj(J I-i 1I,(:IlCl Hila CllIIi::1 or HIIUII1 y "~;.lXYMJI,~ "(If ('HPMI1'Ja 'paJ~(:\ IICKUI,\i-I C]I(I BII,II () OI1HIII<l1 o", "(J'lll\? I/(J(:JI..: 01111<.:.1 fipClJlf'JlIlMD. II;WU)IIl(l 1{(lJ( J ; eo-

1 P,lNl, >;plll1l1llHp "Pl1ltY}K:-tIl(1 Ka111IHIII.l! !lIHi'" PL.:(II1M<-t: "11 '/i-IKO 'IIHI J(na O'l'pOHa YOJeA<'IIIIIIC II '3ax(lJI II1UIY jllA<C H 'roc BPI,;MJCl 1J(;~IMIf [;JlIJIHfMil (iHCl" pOJll-f MIIOI HX 1)(1'1 (J(jnrl~CII Ii MYHj1HX J[,yJ;,CI OT ({YJlY 11 IIl:KI-i uccapu (ililJlli KftKO: )LJ.ofUKJI0- I~Hj(1I1 MY'IUTCjl" H}KC rOHIft:JCI Il 1'<lIDKc '~i1XUJIMl1jJ.1 D ccrrc ('dIlUIIL: 1I() KJX1J Mura. H 'J',IKO, "H Jllla U "pOK3 CflaCIJII:cja OCKCTBOM II YKrll'IIH..'M, 0'1' IMIX .iKe IlJleKYIII'Httj .. J1U3~1 I1!1pn!\IIJ1(J IIC[1JWIII OJ](IJ'O'Il!CTHH(If'O 1~(Ir(J ""I/ICI (l I-kCMClWl lUKe IJ(] "1110 'ICC'I'fll:. lIPCIIMCTlIJH;11I Ct1MCll'IIIM ".1-' I hi WU'JIc.;)~ KClIITpa/U1K' "llj1110 Kil'SlIU,II!,!.! MII)f{)ii:1 JI,.' I(CJCJfl:}l,IlTI,a C" H.dt:KC l[C'yje}lIl<PlcIlUCTH 1,1 Ill.' TPC(i,l je TYM<I'IIITII )GHI H/Hl rWUIIJlIU'I(J IIpHKw'mIlalJ,,1 11(; I'IlI )(Olil baja , bIihc WI jc II aj II p I.f XH<fI'J hI{ ru '-' c uti ja II m.el hC 1«1 JC K11IICTiIIlIJ,Hjn C,I J(cquM lIo(iL:rJrll y '3aXYMJI.l! '~i:I Io:lljl: 1,1 I'n HPYII-IX Kfl'HfnaII.CI 1Ii1L:JlvhyjC\1(!

s()mclhlllg IS unclear In thIS descnptlon here Whereas the chronicler had preVIOusly sard th'll Constaunn and her two SOilS had gone to Zallumlle "from SII rruum, the once gloriOUS cuy", ill the same time, after tile dl!scflption of the ship wreckage, allegedly at Belgrade the chronIcier continues Ih(': narration wrth

these words "Anz] so those two child,-en ran away to Zahuml.lc wluch W<lS famous at that tune for there had been born many heroes and WIse men, lind even some emperors, such as Dioc/eti'lIl the tormentor, who had been born III that vcr)' ZahumlJc III the willage of Salona beside the sea And so, those two child ren sa ved themscl yes by having run away and hidden themselves, and from those the deSl'cnt or the first our emperor Nenl<IIlJA originated who 111 monasticism got new name Simeon" I,j This seemingly COIltradlctolY narration IS perhaps a consequence of a stylish unequahty and IS not to be Interpreted as two dlfi't:rent presentations of the Same event It Seems that the must acceptable explanatIOn

is that Constantia With her children escaped to Zahumlje of

which we howe a premonition Ita JI:: ll/VII ril.l(I ~Hdl\aJHy ynory also from other narmliOI1S that

(~"'Or;1f rc )' Be'~JI cu lIpcHHC- . - I cspe

.... played a sig11l1lcant ro L!. -

Mult,uhKllM nCpltO}lDM. dally 10 relation to the pre-

YUilHJbllBO jc J\H uaiu uncau

xao Nemaniic period.

II IT()CJI~ unot ct lIC llocrYIlu , . l

It is conspicinus that our HelW IIUlLIlI .\pyrn III1CI\\! Y '1I1JItM

. "Bcil writer then.:artt:,r 100 docs not act

3anHCllMd crojn .~ .. i. Jl:: ,

J1 CIl'I <'\S~. orne other our writers 111

Kl)J\CT;lHl~I1Jt1. n-:CHU JlllllllIIl ( ~

Y ueh whose records it stands, ,thilt.

-n, cuua Bcnor poruu, ...

Pll,\llu. " ' ." '1 Ie 01

Jd nlll~lIHI1JCDa C!lHOl~1: Kd)l .. 1.: already Constantia. the WI

"xako »cc mill It ((TO lCAHlt uo LicjI1i~IS, bore son Bel; Lrosh.

u,," , ", S "who

]CAIIH(' iy 611JIII lie 3JmjC1' eja' but sa vs for LIl:mlUS SOIL

Ben I'Y 1l1lKylllflntl na unHM they were and that they did I~ot

1":.' ld cc U K'lKO know of each other", and tr1,es

PC'II1t.1H (lO)<lCHIl l\I . , <., ' I

nc rua nano: 'Y'3P(lK CI3CMY HclJH1 J- already there to explain Wit 1

P rrna Md>y tl1C"C \' onls what and ho\\.' hap,-

11M V [Jll.tt.:J111 na c JC • ., n -

I- "'11H()I'!"1 CIIHlll'JIMd. a pened "I 1~IJ'(i 1.11"> cause ol all.ln

,"OtiC I an, > t' , .• ... .:; , ..

Jlpyr() cy MHllJ'1I rXl'IOBi! H uana the division Dr the empire

~~11 uapona xako jc. Bah ",o-merlt: between ('clfistanlin's sons. and II ~ MHorllX \lC'I'nr~l]a y KUJTlMd cc the second are many wars and nanonc J(y1'lI II BII's~lro'J'H, artacks of peoples. as it has ~een ('KIiTII, Copa61L XYHIl •• lunro- alreadv known [rom many his tooilpnl1• on Kl)jHX cy Hn II, (:KIITI~. des \\;herc cited ~~re GO~1S and

CopaGn (HI,'11i Hamil (J]IlBl- Visigoths, Scythwn~. ~orabs.

lUI ',1' 3a OlIllM uam XpOHII'lap l luns, Langobards. cl which the (lCJ1C)KI'I acurro nrro jc Bl!tH'iHi Goths, Scythian::;, Sorabs ,:"cre

CJIlI'IHO Ka1U1HlthY aHUHHMHur our Slavs".15 lhen our chront~lcr

, ,. )' KUO Fen- 1

XroHII~lapa flo ma II I 'records sumcthing very S1n11 ar

rp.wlflliaoapcKIt '1'3 IX IlCKa IWJII to the narration 01' an anonvtnus

jCJa Cp6c, KOit' on ua mUd chronicler known under the

Zcnuani. PCK<Jl na cy 'ITIKI) IlC!111 name R~l\'arian geograpber

~1I nupon (":Jt!MJl>a. np>KuBa) jld from IX century. who said for the

C". KaK(} ce npu-ia. t)JI, n.cra I' Z . ,

Y Serbs. called by 11 m . crut a ll1,

H'dc'la,m cnn CJ10BCIICKH Har()H1,~' that they were so numerous P('o~

1 I~H'Mc. IlIICal~ "OIlJTITcr JlU:'lrl, nle (land, state) that from it, as it

11(""1110 ,Ie IJCKaO Ita cy I oru. r II I h I

' uauut was being SOlid, a peop es at ('((IrlII. Cnpafiu (illJlIf rt


"A allllle yj'jO If finJ1" IIjJCIKJJ,C CUHX 1CMJJ.ax JI.y;mjc II~JJoJ!a C"lURCIICJWr jauo iKC cnuneJhf?CTllyjcTI.:a jalllllC DO npCM,ia napa A.1CKC3I1,1l,pa BCJIHKaro. J3K(I If npu HCM 11 cnY)K6ax BllJCHFlX (jUJ11J II panH C1"aHl/lfX .tje,n parunx HUre'ICHll JL~C"llI JlpanC)1HO Cnaucmr" .111 HIIje Jlli una UmICK(l naun-r ){OMal1..:r J1CT(llIJICI~a rO'I'IIDo IIGTnnCTHa ca HaBIlHOl>! Fcorparpn l;unapcKor "or" HCH'WCTtI BIiO IWBllJlII 1\10 KaJ\ '\oheMLI ita IIC'I:lKHl"~1O (ipojHOC'I' II cr.rpocr Cpfia? AKU ('MU T!(}(JpO pa ~y"Ic rm 1II1CI ta "0" Ill'fer JI~lCTa" u-crouo r opn.e f1L:'III 1\.101'J1e (in WI 'Hii!'ll: Aa ry If upe cnax ,Il.pyl'lIX ')('l\lHJb3 H napoJ\:I nOCTujaJIII .1.Y,Il.IJ lIapu;J,<l caoaeuCKOl ;1. rynn.l pt"!J1Ma 110 H.CMY (ill CJI(lBL'HCKlI Hap mH, MCi)y H.nM3 H cpncxn cnann.ru Y naj cl'aprllY rpynamqy HapoHu. rv111 He H!ill\IO rne jc Ieorparp EiaBapcKII uaruao IIO/UlTUK u era PUC'l'II Zcri uana (C'poa). ClJIII ra oner HClI'JIlCTd uno HanOlJ.IIM(J xao JHUIIa;Hfl usaop :Jd ;l;lI1HalIIH.(' nopcxno II BCJ1UlIltHy CPlICKClr HarOHa. )\ KU lfCTIT cxrncao )JM<i f1 (iCJ]~'llIKd nainer JTCTOIIHCI,a. (1 r1.!1<J111 OIICMO na nxra, UIIJl.H t'hll::\01O l10p'UIII II uaur 11(J~aT~K YK.hJ"flllI:tTn yo) (:OC J\IlYrc ua m:mtn) JWjllX J3IiJLY'lyjC)1O ~~~1

originated, Namely. the writer or the "Obshn List ", having said that the Goths. Scythian .... Sorabs had been our Slavs. added this note too, "That the men of the Slavic people bad existed hefure all uther peopiciti is seen also in the time or Alexander the Great when we were, as well as today, glorious in army and got our name (slavu - glory) right after that". In Is not this note of our domestic chronicler almost identical lo the citerucru of Bavarian Gcografer whom we inevitably quote when we wish to emphasize numerosity and great antiquity of the Serbs? I f we had understood well the writer of "Obshti List" his above words could mean that even before all other countries and peoples there existed men of the Slavic people. In other wo rds , according Lo him the Slavic peoples. the Serbs being among them. would belong to the most ancienL group or people. We do not know where Bavarian Geographer had round the datum about the antiquity of the Zcruiani (Serbs). but We again quote him inevitably as a significant source for an ancient origin and greatness or Serbian people, I f the note of our chroni-


. • -.''''''apnj'C ua-

CpOll CII3J\3J} Y 113jL "'

P0,l\C ~ ItcTop".iu• Tn IllTO Cl! y'i HaEII.!A·CHll nonaTaK cnOMIHbC II AJ1CKC<lHJ\<lP BCJJlIKfI He ~!Opa na CMeTa, Icr. xao un (l C~H> ~liJIL'Jlli. Y HdlUC'-i p~KOlmCJ _ He

, A .iexcaunap IHILl

CTO)ll na 1(.; .... \

I.. a cy )' H ero-

CPOIHl, nc n CdM(l ~ >

HOJ BOjcI~lI xao pa I HIIl~H

C - a TO HFlJe



Ann lld HU,UI1MO urra c: nucuv "OIIIIlTer -mcra

npCMd "J. ,

nCCJ!~I(l ca .111l~11mlltlm 1 CIIH(,-

"'~aX'yM he'

HH~1d Ill' Hl.:mtlCKY ) •

Kao IIlTO CM() rm;lCJlIl IIC~id un IIU\lCI III .ta CC 0")10 on KOJcr un. H,llX jmu Y IIO'Iel K Y pO)lllll HC KO

, •. 6H no oemi YpOlIl.

tUlJe Jl lIJ>.,i.;

Ben cc cauo H8BO]lH na In

IhllXOBC 110 rc Bo;.tn 1I0PCKJIll ." Hcxrau-a. I Ipc nero U(1 o Jl 1I0'lCO Jla peha JlorahaJc OmUKl..'

11· IH)" RPl'''tCH)' nucan


I1dM "PII'Ia !UTa ce JleIllaBcl,J(lI13

Y caotc

IlpOCTOpV 1M I<.OJH cy .

BpC~IC nournn J11IIUHlUJcnii Cl\Hllflll GeA<chli on KOHCl dHTUHOBor rucna Y 10M K3 nwall1y

r '1liO JC' ia nucau UCl'H'11. :leI

yna,l.'1.. ,

cy cc na TOM upoc I ('py HJ KOll'M cy )\<..lIIK:;II'I u npJ,pO~nTC.'J.1t 1/ ( 11 MeOH~\ Het,,1dH,C pa mu.ie Ml'h't

'r CII 0'\ 10.:0111\

I'tJlUPHMcI 11.: c ,

CIIO~HlH.C apl1JaHC'IIICI. nee llipl1 jane rno, cane lIfl(IBCTBll Ii ',m HUXqVIIH), Ifd '\ UK nocne 1111 a

cler has the same meaning, and

. 1 then we

we would 5.1Y 11 Las. .

would have to include our datum too in :'111 others on the basis of wbich we conclude that the Serbs belong to the most ancient peoples in ~istorv. The simultaneous mention of ALexander the Great need not to be a hmdrance Ior, as we ha~e seen, in our manuscript there IS no! written that Alexander was a Serb, but just iluu the Serbs too participated in his army. and that is not the same.

But let us see what, accord-

. t the writer 01' "Obshti list".

mg a . . . , ,

bappened with LICIIlIUS SO?S

upon their an-ivai to ~ahumIJe. As we have seen. there IS not an): mention that anybody called Bell. l1r0511 had been begot hy .~.m~' 01 them already in the beginning, l ut it is onlv stated that it is their

) . .

descent where Nemanja tra~es

his origin from 100. Hefore 115t. 19 the events c loser to

II .

Ncmanja's Lime the writer 11<1[

rates what was happen III gin the space where 1 iciruus' ~ons had come at their time, running UW<ly from Cunstantin's rage. In that narration II is conspicious thai the writer emph» ... izes [hal ill the space where the "~'oref~' th(:rs 'I of Simeon ~~L;n1.H1J~' had lived

npoayxcaua KClKO jc 6110 II HCI\Ji 'IIlBt.::K, xora CllOMIlH,e ruTc 1110 cnaxu natn ne-rorurcan, "Hllil IIMCHOM Ilor o (non) Hlll1 canoxr ", xojn je HHa -re 6no rtpuCTaJfHqa Mti HlIXCjcKC jepecn, a flamnlH I ce y ceny no lIMCHY JIYlla Y 3aXYMJhY n n) "IRI BpC\JCHa JTeTa 01' pmKgcc'l'Ba Xpncra '~ora HHILJCf'O OCl\fOCflTuo]e, BJTCK JTOJY u r CHHllB JhIKIIJilljeBllx".11 nUUITLJ je 'Ja'rlfM C[I(IMCHYO Hi:1 ce 'raj KJ1i1J II cana, 'Il y npCMC HaCl'HHKa JTCTOunca. ·3(111l' rT(JIIC1IH1. JTe ronucan rrpnua ;{,tJI,C i\a je CI[UMeHY'I'f1 norm ITIlACJTlIu H:'Mn.y ca CDojO~1 Or-atU)M, na K('t)\ jc nOIlO no(illo CI1HCl Jby6or.nlpa xoju je, K3H cc (l)((crHHl. )(OCiIl() :JCMJT)Y xoja CL' "mana LlpH(lllllqa. fl:lyGl)MrlP jc 1')' 3CI\-IJT,)' xaciurjo npel.lIVICHOHUO

y !fMC Jby(iU~lIIP, J r 1 <lKO, HOK cy Ih,!KII PO}tOCJTOHlf II JICTOlHfCII GeJIC)f(IUIII na re jOIlJ Jh[KJlHH~ jC1l<1 JKCHa KOIlCT<lHI{Hja ponnna Gil ua KUMC je HWT'O liMe ECJJ<I Yrolll, }\l)'I'J1l: C'IC'l'lIBn"1'1 "Onur'I'er n IIl''J'8'' nojauy GCJI! If' Yp(1f1T<.1 HOBO){11 Y nc"iY TCK ca J X Ill:KOM II rt ca Jbyriul'.1HpOt.I. 111'1'11 \10)1((.; JJ;a (iYHC OJ{ HCJTHK()r "HIa'laja:

lOp n e-

0)1" )f{t.: .IuYOOl\IIlP crura II paHlf

GCJJ(1CTII 'rena II IIJWCtHl (xoce ) IIMCWlllflH CiJlC'I lJem: ... I)eJIC >Ke POWI YpCUII:-I. .. KtlTl)pJl IT (1'11.:110 HMC JUICIl[1l1jtUI Illlft:lIllBalJll' CL:

the heresies developed among the Illyrians, of which he menlions Arianism. Ncstorianism, SaveJianism arnd Maniheisrn. and only then he continues that there existed some man. mentioned by almost each our chronicler. "either by the name 'Popo' or san", who otherwise was a supporter of Maniheian heresy. and who was in a willage named l.uca in Zahumlje and that being "in the time octoecntennial, being or Licinius' sons' desccnt".!" Aller mentioning that that region then loa, ie in the Lime of the origin of the chronicle. was called Popovo, the chronicler tells further on that the mentioned Popo had divided the land with his brothers. and after Popo had begot son Ljubornir, \\ ho received later. after his marriage. a land called Chrnovitsa, that Ljubomir changed the name of the land into Ljubomir, And so. while some genealogies and chron ic les were recording that even l.icinius' wife bore son named Bela l1rosh. at the same time the compiler or "Obshti List" relates the appearance of Rcli lIrosh only to IX cenlury. notably to Ljubornir. that bcillg perhaps or grem significunce: "I jubomir hall begot <I son and because of the whiteness

bl Id Yporu, ell p,;C'J' 01. 11U1 cml

, t '1 ~ VpOIll 1!\)\\.Urllll

{ 11.1J Il [J , ~

CI Y ~a '()n~IIIJJ' I PdllYJIIIIY,

"lV\lrUHHllk. niJ1 WI1I11Y, ,lP

~~ C'" ,(r~t rc )

Il~r(ltnHl\ 11 llO~ I,;\-, rc

1 It lAIi IH:1l11.; bella Vputu

Mllontj.t Ic'ra ll\,.IUJIIIB 110 (';l:riL

"T I ~f lv 111M It-

Hill! L; 1,1111.1 1I"X(VvHI 1, I

• 'l"I""l1Ml\Jl rOHIl T IrIH'

rid d '1-"" '

( Ip I "'>..IIMI1I,a. H"I\W~d II

CHllm, ." -

Hl ."alhy'· I.

"~a liB r dH.d () Kojm,ld I': V

I)BIl] KII>11 ill pC,! .ta 1l011f)hO YKi:1J1u,'-I11 H,' IHll~J<I' 1I()/ldl'~II(.l o OCMuj CTO'l'l""t I OiJ.lIIUt nne II;; Xp\ll;'r<l, 'I] U IX B~K.y. kp, )lll11.

, lilt P( l}tOCJ1(lJlII II ro ['uUII ('IHt nat

JlI,! rouucu b":Jlo[ VpOIlI.1 CIIOMi1

l"H 1H1I111I~l,r CllIla (uo-

IVy Klh' • • . ,

, IV H\,.'KU). (;UC 1 .. 1BJ1.il ( <lL ~"lK

, ,," I-' nor Ypoiu (I

( )1111 I'll. r J1IIt r a )L'

CJMlJ L"aU JhIK11IHlJl'!i,1f

rW \iO'l11 '. "

, "J II' li,'nllKiI npi Ml'IlCk:B

nO-10M... n"

, dry j elll' pa ) 'III K<l Ha.I.l)!{C J! l

HPVI'O caw,':CIIH)l IfC'1 pa,M.!1 11 1111 t,;KJ\{) ll: MUILHHl IIOPI)HU11.l,;.


1I11rll'llIB~ Kdl\ CL:

lirl ML:II<,K.J ~1 JlPyr a IICIIIIlL'CHI Il: I

C IIO'll'l'I .. nM

nor I () JII Y i«: HI (\

I re Jl" l'IaC1 liJl 1ll't.HHI,H-

H1HlldIH h ..


'~dllriKalh'JvhI1 C(" lUlli 11(\

[ nor V,lnlll:1 OflHllClHl Imld!h'y Jl.,

I"tll )HLIX lIpen.IKd ,111ll 11 ITO II)

K'1)l II. 11~tl (1

Mm~.l, 11,11 O'II,.1HV ( ,

"r"O] 'I Pl'hlll!U IV ilL t\.(\, '1111111 HelM cc ,1<1 cc uocnc 111111(; CVK(1(m

Dr his hair named him Bctyah. .. B slvah who begot l Irosh ... who

e ~ 'I' I' iher's

having received .also us a .

vas culled Bela l lrosh, Ie

name \ c ,"U

'\1' Tl ela \ rosh con-

Bela's son. lIS}C L tJ, ,

I II '/ "il(llm iu. I ravuma.

querec a /./,

Dubrovnik, Dclimntin, t leccgo-

. (I both Senlas (Zetas) ..

vtna an '

d \' . ny vea rs

tlaving live or ma J :

I' L' rsh I ... [t twu sons,

Be a I I, ", ..

I ihomi' and Chudoil1t1,. ,<lIld '1'1 111il. begot Prvoslnv. Stra-

I 1\1, '," 18

I, . I)'IVI,I and Ncman]u .

lllmlJ, ( U, •

Rcgnrding the qucstllm:->

bdng dlS(;ClI'lcd in lh~~ b~(:~ I::

. 1 ag'l'ln III the slgl111lcal1L:C

LIS pom, ,

u r the data about th e l·.Igh th h u I~-

d d uf vcars alter Christ. rc

rt". l 'I

I. IX ccnturv For W11(;

;]')Ollt, .... r "

I ost ·111 our gcm:i1loglcs ",nd

a rno <

chronicll:s mention Beli Ur~)sh ns,

a son 01 I icinius (beginnmg o~ ;V e). t1C cotnpikr of IIObslltl List" cites Bel; Urosh only as a Licinius' SOil, and thus the greut lcmponil di ITcrcllCc dl.:-1l1Jndl'-o that, beside other lhillgs. :ll~o l,be origin (II Nemul*I's family should be examined more P~'OI~erly, even more 0 when It IS known how great temporal and other illl'~rlaillties exist in rclalion to the heginning cl' the rule 01' Ncmanjic dlllnsly,

I iwcllin]; still OIl. the queslion Ill' Heli Urosh, ie hi; auces-

II it.h:i)V Jlm ~IIJ1IJJa If J«(IHC rail runa OKu yuobcu.a 1'1 1111'111(,111.1 xpuruhauc-r Bd Y (p(IIIJli II 118 l~a II Ka IICK!lM 1I0:ly11C'1 r By HpJ1 o FICHI) ocehajy IJ /\,IJICKO IIllCJIC KOIIC1<l/llllIlLlIIC CMj1'I'lf (117 ronnnc) PeKJ1!l Oil cc ua cy KUrl:1II1 MI!IJf(J6ollnnl1 y Irony IIi1HJI.y II IYA<flHJL: (jIlJIJI MHO( U IJyU11.11 lie) o IlJ'l'U C\.! CMB'I pa fjl;h elll JMell1! apllJfI IlC'I'!l<1, /ICCTorl1 ,aIlC'! ua, CdllCJlIIIUIIC'l'llti If MalinXCjC'I'lId, Y i KrlJC CiIlCMll MlIlJ! If nnHCI'/'U H IJPIIC'I aJIII/IC Gura Ilarona, [~aJ1a. Mirrpc II JlPYIIIX CIR~J\Olle Jta cc xpauihauci no na ClIlIMCIIY'lllM f1j1I1C'/l lpl JMll IIJ"it:

MlIrJlu Y'IBPC"I'U'lll (je'l HytJUKlIX 1I0'l'j1eCd i\ 10:11 cc Ml l .... ~l·MfI (lCJW' Hll'llf WI ucxa C("I,IIKJI(llllI)~lfjCK'1 CnUIIIII1'Clh<l, 1111,1'1 IlHM rIClCTOjau.c MllllfCl()OI\I'I'lI(1 na ropH,lIM IIpl)~'rIlIHIMa IIU'llIpl)yjL' II MltCHja (ill CKyll fl Nicete (lhmltTC, +(11';0 41 I) ';<1 1~l'If'I'P()M y PeMCHI,llIlnl (GCJld r IaJl:IfIKd), "~tI IhlKe'l Y C<: KclA<:1:.' II.a Ie lIaj!lchll 1\l:lJ CLiOI il )I(~fl!(1 HI IJPIIBC{I IIpCflll)rehlJ Cp(il; Y X pili II ha nCTIlII. IIci'3IInHjyhH I\X IJP"1\[I[ I'JIIII1If~1 rpfillMti l"prill1itiyc Serbiaus"), CI Cj1IICIW cnoucucxc IIpUC rope (,\eliJian Slavic rcgjuns"] Ill)llU HI I Y Bl' iY c.t ;\0 lI.oIIY'" auclwl\I ;,nmmUI'Io1 JOIII Jl'JlIW~1 lid J111H1~

. I r: G "


WI" f"simpk harburiaus"). ftl l Iac

11 ,

tors, but his descendants as well, i I sCo..!Jl1S to 1I~ thai the COI1SCquences of the CI,lSII between f .icinius and C'onstanrin about the introducmg and spreading uf Chnstinnity lJ1 Serbia and Balkan l'cninsula arc likewise very clearly seen muny years alter Constuutln's death (A.D, 337), One would say that the rnots (If pul itheisrn in the Mora va Basin and more south were much deeper than it iF. generally thought. "he very mentions or Arianism, Ncstorianism, Savelianism and Manihcism, to which we could add also the worshippers of gods Dagon, Baa I, I\r1 i ira and ot h ers, hear witness that Christianity could not have been consolidated in the mentioned area without profound upheavals. 1 r we can rely on some encyclopcdian inl( JrI11d t ion. then I he existence or' po I i I hcism in the above spaces is confirmed also by the III i:-;5>1(1]1 of bishop Niccta (+ahout 414) with center 111 Rcrncsiana (Ikln l'alanku), It is said that Niceru spent the most III' his li Ie convening the Serbs into Christianity. calling them "primitive Serhiuus", and reluting the Serbu-S lavic regions tl! the L(J\\' Danube Walley, cnlliug the Serbs once again "simple barbar-


v PIIII ~1 111,;;1. II~Md ~, W Il Till'

IIr~\IIldllll '11,11I.I..IHiI~fl IVI II. '''p(i(! itl IIrH.!OOpilhalhl. l 'prJd Y

plllllhilllL I 1\0 flU 1<1 1I11L:t.:(ilh1

I Hili p.I lIKU ,\fHM~1 ~1yml1m, A Kll llllli "P.'CMll Y UO Hlp ,lei II.' 11~1Il\.: I Hili! MW.:IIIU llClyXII'" 1'<1)1::1 ~I b~ll., ('''HIC 1\':11,,; 11 I~<IKI.."'I -ll\hl.. II,IM F'l.II HJL' ~i"III'U 1.:1.. V llll~UK,ll)lIt:HltJL"I.lM 'lJIc1llKV ~1I '1111 U" IIPI)I.. llll" Xp1'\(,: nl)tllHI {Lt I1I1Jo.: h:U;+'1.. ,\,1 Jl: .... pIlCK(l( • .:I(lnl..I1- l,; .... tI 1I0J\PYLtJI.. H idllll(l cc '\<1 IlP~IMIlI UBllt.: R,'\pndP\" ""H)K~ ;11 Ly l.l lit! [(l"H1Jlli Y n01f,(l,lV 11H1l1.K'I) ,1OJHIIHt t\JIII KHA 1..\IU cc RL.h 11<11ll]H1 y gOII.llll,VHiIIlCKOJ ;tt' 11111\1 1.1;;-I'HMI) LL. W' eMU t11t{ll Hl.:d WUlilldlbd U ~iJ\II)lIt,;J1li l.1I11 M\,.HOM ('pnCKIIX I1.'J<l11l1l1cl (,.,1 'HlJU' IYIKIIIIX IIdHII II (I [HI III\,. PCK,l OTI1 lie IIllIll<:rl:/IIIO Gcllll Y

.\lllbH JlVII(lB,

1\:"I}1 (1IIU t.:IIUMlm,t.:MO HCl l.C

Hu,K\.. I !PM) J~cI H IIH1(o lKyllllllllh t. IlrUBllM IHrHlB ('CpCKlfX IIJW !limn (rnontt:~ serrorom) ,\llnOilll y nc \y La xpc 1'<111.111-1<1 ('poa uH 1 JHKtl HI "peM;1 iWlhL.:M HymlllY, Ihl1BPAY T<1KHllM t.Ull1lJht..:lhY Ild'HI'iHMU (.i na Kap'ILI~1<l u Y aT~1<lCJlMd, 113 lIpllMl:p SI!I1'Onlln \1onLt'~ lIeI h.Jp'111 Die Provin:zell lwischcn Donall und Euphrat grcnze (\Vestermanns Atlas ZIII' WehgesclHchtc. 1(56) II Montes Sen-mulll Ii Sern y Atlasu pentru

ians'' 1'1 'Ne are attracted 111 these

10 format Ion espccldlly to the fact that the struggle for converting the Serbs into ChnsW.\I1IIV was especially severe around the lower Danube If we moreover take IOta account that Nlceta's miSSIon included also the Besi, SClthlans, Getl and Dacl?O, IL will be clearer to us why 1 n the encyctopedian article IS said for the entire region of Chnstlanisation to be a Serbo-Slavic one, and why for the plln1ltlve barbanans to have been III the Lower Danube Walley But haVIng found ourselves already 10 the Lower Danube walley let us recall that th is part of this presentation we began nght by a menti on or the SerbIan M ountams from whose southern slopes several fivers flow Immediately to the lower Danube

In 1l1enliol1lng this let us

recall that Niko Zhupanic also rela.tes rightfully the designation Seman Mountains (Montes Serrorurn) to the movements of the Serbs from Caucasus toward the lower Danube, A confirmanon of such an opinion we find hoth in atlases and maps, eg Serrorum Montes In the map Die ProvlOzen ZWIschen Donau-und Euphratgrenze (vVestennanns

istona Rornaniei (1')81, ,.

" ' "' d,lP-

»ca lIi:1Jyh H CC ua I ()PI

!'IIM xapra-

MU M 0·

• , I H .J~'I )I1CMO cvarpai IJ IW

iKymllHlh C npanov nepyje Ha cv V J ncxy Hoene XpIIC'ra Serri lIi1

lll) palH1 Jill )' ("

r' dPM:lllfJII n

... L .. KIIIII HU enOM 11'- I Y V II

, ,r dlill-

HII JY. llAHOCHO Y JC\! 'hI.' U'H,1!.·hy

.f1.PfHH.; 11 Cane, l\.klJyrw "".

, If( ". ' " .. I, Md)lt!

J~ " Y"dlmh JY)f{HOKCipnil'ICKC ( r(k C~I'I'I'I'a

, .. c ,n nOT()M1{IIM<l

flIIIIHHJCBI1X If l lrones ' ,.ICJeIlIiX


rx P Ja \11\ jl lITI ynex He

MO)Kl'f\I-> [inTI! (,'IJrYJ1HJ1 W:I mr JC UB,\(' pCIJ (.'

• a~lo II IG1UK;lCKJiM

(p6I1MH KOIII e)' Y F

, • npony

KpCHY:lII Cl:Ii~r"O OJ! I lpt

", J, .HUf

10Pd lIJIIJ cy v f111'I'aH v II 1

C ' .J '; qWrII

, prill, (juno Jy~lItJKaflKacKII ;,IIJI

Manoa l!IJCKJI KOjJ1 cy 1IJ1(,'JlJJIII bUer/lOr H n

, "" i~dntdIlC:Il! II JIPCKO

I pel kJ!J<? C'I'lIT1ll1 HCl /{Ol'hll ;.1 vuan

II Y ",t " •

• ...v KJ1j}', ,I sa nJ\1 ca JYI a

.tocrtc IIf HO Kapil'!'! a 'I •

< ,( npcMCl

sanany ce ra HI1l1JIH 110 P,I3HI1M ncnUHI1Ma EBPOIIC, II TO 6,UII llHClKU, KilKO 'I (I, IHIHchcMO, If BIIJIfiIIJt.l IIpe'11I1.1CTaRn r 21

. ,8,


Atlas zur Wcltgcschictc, 1')56) ?nd Montes Serrorum and Srerri ~n J\ tlas pentru istona Romanei lI9~3), StJying v vith the above ~Jlaps \~c could cunsidcr tha~ ~hl1pnnlc believes rightfully that JIl the I c,A.D, Serri had already dw~lled III Sarmatia and Daciu III their way tu Panonia, ie to the lands bet ween the I)

. ... rava and

Sava. However altho I" Z'

, • ' ' ug 1 .Jlupa-

n~c considered the South-Carpat.

h,lal1 ,Sc~bs to, have been descendarns of Plinius' and Pt I

-. ,0 orneus'

Caucasian Serbs, we still can not

b: sun.:, whether here only the Caucasian Serbs which had

departed northward J' I

rom IIC

J~lad, Sea to Europe arc in question, or those arc also some other

Serbs, whether SOU" th C' . '

, ' , " - ,allcaSlun

01 Asia Minorian ones which had passed Bosphorus and r )ard . I' , I . " " ane I

anc Via J hracia arri ved to the

lower Danube and D '

".. " (I aC13, and

then reached the C I'

. " a! pat llans

from the south and di

. ispersed

\;estward to various parts r Europe, and ,right in a way su~posed, we WIll see it. by Bilbii:

10021 I IjU

ly>K11It n 1 \l.r\.)llllli Ka[llhl'llI ~I H '1 cllllK.l lUI U1 \'l

According to this datum 01 "Obshti Li~IH we suppose iuat III the time or the origin or our ancient genealogl~s there eXlstP'd among the manusCrlplS in our churches and III on as len es 01::'0 such 011 es \\ here the data \\ ere abollt the on gin. gengrnplllcol Pl.l'iIIIOIlS and movements or Pdlllcu1M peoples, \I) this case of the Sla\ s III the cuet' text 01 un),.lIown origm the compiler had [I;'ad ",0\111'\\ here lhnl rlu ncoples he nlso bl'lnn~ed 10 (" we elll InngtlHge.s"l had (h\cl1rd once In Sarrnallfl wluch \, .. :1<; nlso Illl the sU11 of I{us"i.l ur 1)10, 1111 e .I11l1~lm' \11 thiS text (I\1l' \\ lIuld <::;1\ ihut he klte\\ th.u those peoples (Slavs) wer e l011111l~ ... cvernl tunes III the I eglOlIS ruled b\ the itc.1I1HtIlS 11I11I~ upnuon 1 rose "other SillY"" had set tkd I P\\ PI Mestn 01' Sri Ilia

_\ nUIt'jl~I' W ('il\l'~:dlll' 1\.111 III ~lJIlrl) l'yl .1\11:1:1 .'l'~\;ti BY.

I 'HI I,I II I:\.lUIlU, !I'id'l! 1.11 "It lqwlIlI \I ~l':lI\O\!I \I }II, HIli"·


\. iit I, l:.lill I It 1\ .J.'ti~~fIHlI Ill~rtil ,I H:U' lj\ll ~ yl \, 'I :l1~d 11 TIll

" < I

I hU 'Ii IIHll (~.1i1 l\lilk Ill.W·J.lllll' Hare.lillllid» li1l hlr~LIl"n .uHl'IH

; :' I:: C"P"I s . T [III U a ,III. EnD [,1,. CI'l,uin. ~a V,l,iIUill. 'Ia IW RI. 1 \ 1j'lll;i;1 II Jll:'l~ejtlH1N ullUlil gf.lJl'ape I 'Iiml (ltl UIIUl:~»th tj!,\111' .:L ~) Il;lll upe 1I,l.1'1lI:1 I! iii, 00 lhmUXl. ,If~.' nx 1 II '1\ ,:t 'I erHlC(l,

iu« t'.lllI1lCll'JI,

Truvumu I~PIf, Servia. Dardarna

, According [0 \\'h:11 we know from other older sources we would sa) that the pomt here IS some settlernent of belongers or SerboSlaVIC groups even before Roman

conquests in the Balkan IJe I

:I, runsu 'I

hut also during the Roman rule. Ijr~ any case this note of Obshu I ' t

d .IS

eserves our special attention

(Obshti LIst, p, 13).

110 OIll)M Illl)W1KY "Ol1ll1TC[' .rucra", IIpt:TW)CT<1BJLHMO ;~a cy y IIfll:Mt: ImC'\<JIIKCI 1l3lllHX C'HIP nx PC11\I.lC)IOAd 11 ne rorruca noc'\'OJ3ml Mt. by rYKUII UCIIM<I y IHHI llHy' npKB<'lMtI H MHII<ICTI1I'If/VIa 1\ ra K BI'I Y KOJI1Mll l:.y ClJlD II H Jlll,lCllU-I 0 IILlr~KJ1V. I LOI pdfl) ~~~iM 1I0J1U)l(dJUMa II Kpc.:TMbH'vIa IIOJL.JU-IHHX- 1l,1j10ACl. Y lJBPM CllytlclJY C'.;-I()II~Hl.i. Y IJ(IHt:Jlt:lIUM 1CKCI'V IICllo'm3Tor IIl'pCK.Ja Cal..'TClBlh(\lJ jc nei.tc IIPlJlIH rao ]ltl cy Hap011.H Kl)JHM<l JC 11 Oil npIWa)(d(l (" MJI ernl J(l'UII~II") IlcKa;\Cl ()npaBflJlI1 Y ( <,p:..taTU)II KOla LC nana 'HI 1 I 8 H IW T.lY f'yCllJC IherOUllr UPC:MCllfl, II() UllOM rexcrv pCK,1l1 ()l~ CC 11.a JC OH mao ;\a I..V 'I U lIapl)J\1i (t JlOHcHll) y IUHIIG MaXUBd mJl.i.J<I'H1JIl1 (" n no [Hnw II na CnoBt'Hlt lWlq(l1le") !lCI II pm, '('Pp...: I1a KO}l1MtI Ly HlIa~(a IHI PnM i.ann. 110 Ibl:My cy rl1

IlpHKil'l HlIn.lll<l (GapL.'bc1) y JIYBfl.Y),

A presentation of Dagon (bas-relief in Louvre).



) ,

\ t

... ( .&



,. I I'" J \ "If~



" \

1. "O.\"CIOIl.,,<: f,I'r.I,(KIUI Af'.('W"I. B~ 10M. IIn"~I1< Gi <llltl.

(P"',C'bIlXI, Al'CIIOIl'II", 1';0 II iiJ UOY/or 11 lJAOIlH.', III, OOf.4I'J\1I111

(11'" "I' MllJa IIporUtt.:IUl', ({OIH,{'r (C Go J ar-uu ta 11,11 I. I II r.. 10 J(IIIlt.( ra t ... IUIJIl lJOYII;L, no UI.' 1'lIloy 1~I'OII'IJLIlIUIO, (i..!l rO'li 'IUK .... ol'ir n'MJh(' II ';JlIH rn.luo "pO~tlJII.II'C1 at. npe J IUlUf IWI C IV ,K fiJIan "

Uh 4 t T 0111 1&1 AU. AIIQIU. Tuau 11 Mru.H. UWU U" 1'..p"K f .. '" nape TUO

U. CT. II IlOIIPIt:C 1I0till'TJllf: T1:lIl. lfllOrllK I )III XpII(; I [JODI, oc-r 1.'lIJe

uaps.e ruo 1"IJI.\I.('8.0 II I'r. [JJ U('I.JU. -UOf(T. M, I ~lI'UJUIJI o)lio IJ

r r.cr ouo ... oy,\pm Or uer oaie II Ii: II ", I u r uu. "I. O}IU'Tflllf. G we lIfUh[('uTllml'lIl CfilllOlllt. f'GM lle..sUQ"tlMI, I{ PI C1UOJl 1Dl'. nil I{O"hlTIl ~k.H·IJ.J I"JA,I r r,HHI. lh'J\lIlClt.lf) 1\I)III,fTarU,'i'UUl, Au HlI'1U' II /1. A~I.l.d.lr:1. II AJ,ljlP,,,, /{,)[JMILllIl,r"IIl HJ,t,rI:I" Llttt I )u-.rUIlt.TIIII .. B',AJ.A!.! JIUltllllll10 ur, :KHIUY II noc ruuu I£.PO 1·t>(.;~1'1l ill. HIII.OMUA.IJ. 11 1\100 LlOCollLYUlIoAI1Bh (h II JJ(HO(iI • .AII." 11 un ~(j~"IDl<':.4"{J <)r, pn.ljlofIU('oOf{; 6~w['1 rn .I1uJ;u(HHl AB.~"AJaT.orr(Rj"u rocIlUAJ., IH,AOldl Cpt.(III1f1.. L'uAn G) ltofu (TrUITILI r uua ILl uer Olt!t IJJ! 0.., " 'tQ!l.!:: ... l:HJ uuo HI II w,t'l.olJla, Anz£' /.J AO £1...,01,1 0YPOIJjfl.


:t t ~

.Ij J

~ I



) p;
t: \
I kJIII.i fit, 1l..1I1I"<I (I II HKlilh11V v

PlI,l( ILlIIIB\' ~~)IJ{;.KHX 111.:;LIII I" I P,,1 C. ~111.11(JIl.IHth. ". [YHHlllL ftLJliI up.rnc (VldPL-) ('PlHtIL " II t.I\CLKlI. Y "L'" puny IR72 21(J).

A nute about Lrcmnn, In "til -nealogv of Serbian D spots" [M s I\lIloJc\·Jc. Tr.!\el thr'lUgh a ran of Real (01 d) Serbia . boo] " In Belgrade! X72, p 21 YI


The position of the Serbs (Serri) in the Upper DaCIa In the begmnll1g ofll c A.D TIle geographical positman of the Serbs 15 marked in the source area of the Olta (Alura) river In the Southern Carpathians and Transllvanian Basin

Dubrox OIk (the Middle Ages)


II JII1KJ1J('KI-I cpt-a1

Y IIPI.'TXlIHllllM 1I0IJWIlJI,y eMI) 1111) \U III /la H.II:JIII "( )111l1T1t JnH;T' HMil II.:Hil1i !111ft" 1'<11\ 11<1 KIlII.!M L:V ( "IUIII.'IIH, Ml.'hy IbHMH 11 ( P(III (Sorabi), (iUJlU lIa[ll)ll I UJH [c 'ii:ly'HtM<I(l IJIUJWIW II pot: 'I'pilllCTlltl " KujJ.i IHIIlH IlUPI.'KJIIl In BPI.'ML:JI(l KllJCM jc 'I curxo VTBp;~wnl XP"IJOJl()IlfKC I'pallHnc, aJBi Y CIHlf(l1M CJlyqtlJY IIpU IIUHH uujct apl1JI1M lIaplIHI1Ma 1111J\CII':JlP"IIL:Kt: I pyuat (HJI.!, IItI JI.:

Mlllyhc Ha jc Y HHJICKlJ.I"P"UlJI()l:TH Mt:QY IJ.HMU J\OJl(l'H1J1lI J(1l IlIlAHp<J (iHJlll !HI wHtjcKoM HJU1 Ill) cnpollcKoM IIpOC'I'lIpy, I hi Ty MlIl yhuocr cxpcuyo I(,IM ]I':' IICHillIlIll II(\)KII.y H Cneruenau (;HJI6Hja y cuuju] KlbWHI "Jal'pc6a'lKa MYMHja H J'PYI'H eTpypcKH, JIH]lHjcKH H JIltKHjcKH IIHca1i1i CIIOMCIIHI(II " , lJ HKa 1'0 1989. );YHyhH i~a je Y -roj KlhH'Ht raxobe PCI! o ('POHM(] Wi ucxc IICC<lrJIC}lHBC npomnocru C npaLlOM O'ICKyjCMll H(] l:WHI<JMIl I1Mi1jy JlH '1'11 MaJIUa'mjcKH (:p{'iJ,1 KaKBc RC'H: H c.;CI ),\H'IKHM, tlll~YHaBCKI1M Ii OaJlK<JIII.'KI1M CpClI1Ma. Ili1JICKI1M IIpCI~I1M(I ('p6a Mcby Kojl1MH cc y cnoje HpCM~ nojanao I1 JhlKJ.1l1l1jc KcHJ PI1MCKH nap, tIllBlll\tlO IIllpCKJJOM ('p(i11 H.


I{,;(Jl c, 'I pd I 11 '1/-1 /fUj'I.: KJI [ 1M ('pna Ii IIPilllJlllM~1 IJ.UXlIliClI K[1I...'T!lll.ll I III ill calla Ilpl1Xnilhl.llt, 11IIJ(IlLBll!lIl~;KI.! IIp(I(JnlIJr;UII~ I~(I ""1XI JIlOI Yl.'I'lIJI.lIl1a I J,C1 11(1 C BpUl1 1.K.I1M IIPPt,"lllPlfM<I III) 'Iplll MI,)!{CMI) WI "PilI'JlMO Ill'(';l'" YClll:1I111£1 'idXIlHJIoYJyhl1 IlIIIH .. I1M(I KJlaU1'JlIIIX IHH .. illld /iII'IUI )(1111 ('/l XCI1UJ!11'I1l (V III.!K IIpC XPI1CTlI ). II d II pc J{1I opo} JJ Ii x ;~pyl IIX XpOJrlILJal':J ua rlpl:JI:ny ~n LIiIJ1t.! y nosy I.!py LIlC HU II(\F"II: 1'l:IIU .. lII1CC 11 Xy~la IIlI iMd, Hruuc, "'WI 1':1 t:,Y IIIlJllII(U CWJI{llltl Oil Il.fJX 111.!'iHIl(iliJld Hili IiLTLJPI1 'Ia rHI (';C 1l()(;!.:(IIlU 'mnjl)/{Hll!I J.Y 11<1 i:lIIOJli1MJlI'M XIH'"""I:'lrY WI IX IICKil, rw, l;dBlqlt.:KI!'M rt;Urp~H/1y KlJ)11 ('p(k CllllMI1Jbt.: I I OJ( HMt;IIOM Zen uam 11 11(; 1'(llIpCMe 110 rnpnc J~a cy (11U1 l'Unl1J{u Gpujllli

Ii Milhill'l HII r.:y IJ)t 1I,I1X, xax« cc IIIHfll<1, na L'I'MI H L.l1I1 ('J) u Bell fI (Zeriuani, quod tantum est regnurn ut ex co cunctae gentes Slavurum exortae sirn et originern SICU\ afirrnani, ducant), Mu, 11::1 )f{iIJIOC'l' lie 'illHMO KO JC 'Iaj IntL(IJ~ KI)jlf TnpllH I~a cy UJ\ ('pGB lIaL1;IJaI (;111t ('JIUIICIIH, lIJIl! 1(;, ltd rlllllll~IfMr,. OJ( Hl.:JlII" KOI 'Ht<JlI!ljcl 111'1'0 y I orouo TOM lfCTtlM CMI1CJlY CiL:JIL;)KI1 II Jell_III naui JIL:T<II1lICBII, tlliJCI jc (il;:ueruxa, 'Gill 111'1'(1 LMu IlI1HUJIlI,

In preVIOl15 chapter we have seen thut our "Obshu LI~t" also has a datum according III which tin: Slavs, the SCI bs hCl11g among them to«, were H people that occupied a waste space <Jill! traced Its origrn to the tune the tl!J1lPLJraI boundaries of which arc hard to be ascertamed, but in any case they belong to the most ancient peoples of the I ndnEuropian group, and so It 15; pesSible that III a remote past some touches between them were takutg place whether in Asian or Europiun region, That possibrlity was recently pointed to also hy Svetislav Bilbija In his hook "The mummy of Zagreb and other Et r uscan, Lydian and Lycian written monuments", Chicago 1989 Since the Serbs from some Immeasurable past arc also discussed in thai book we expect rightfully to learn whether those ASia Mmonan Serbs had any connecuon also with the Dacian. Danubian and Balkan Serbs, the remote ancestors of the Serbs among winch Licinius also appeared at lus time as a Roman emperur, allegedly n Serb by ongm


When one seru ches Ior Ihe IllIglfl u( the SCI bs and the UIIl.'C IIOIlS 01 theu IllOVt'II1l'nl from the pi cscrulv accepted l nrln FllIOPlU1l onginal I!olnclanu until lherr :;ClIlclJ)cnf In Furoprar, I cgrons, he can follow 111:11 II ace I,ll hCI successtu Iy thanks to f he dcscnpunns by ciassical writers sturtmg even Irorn I Ierodotus (V c B C) and tln nugh 11 II mer (Jus othel chroillclers dunng the transuron Irom the ancient 10 our era all the lime unul the appearance of Rennissnnce and Ilull1i11ltsm Yet, nllhough the data by any of them we unavoidable, Iustonans stay espec.ully with an anonvmous chronicler from IX centuIY, sO-l;allcd BavwlClIl Geographer, who mClllIoned the Serbs under the name Zeruiani and staled (It the same time that they were so numerous and powerful that from them, as it was said, all Slavs had ongmarcd (ZcruJarlJ, quod tanturn est regnum lit ex eo cunctne gentes Slavorum exortae smt el ongrnem, SICU! afirmant, ducant) Unfortunately, we do not know who was that Writer who claimed that from the Serbs

all Slavs had nrlglflatcd, but It IS,

I et II S repent, of a great S I gill Ii _ cunce that It has been record-

ed III a same sense also by

callVRaua y "0111111'1,;"-1 JHH .. I'Y", f\I!l~ll je Bt'ponal'lItl na je Y 0110 IJpeML: IItIItl iII:TOITHCHll TO 1tlOC.IC)IOfll IH IIt!KOf nauuo fla!JIllll ucehau.a. JIl,rOTOUY 1IlT<1 JC Ht:lTITO CJIH'III(1 1aOe.Jf:)K110 11 1'01 JOpAClII (VI uex Hl)CJIC Xpucra) KaLl jcmrmcau ~() cy Bcueua. Cnoncu U 11 1\ 11"1'11 IIpmnHII1;H1 m jenner jell pi:i Ii lIC noxyure-aajyhu JJ:l'I yTHp'~H KaHa cy one rpn rpyllal~11jc.:

HaCI,UlC. '3a caaa JC TO upevc HeMepJhHBlI H Jel~RlIO I>"W)f{CMO pchn Aa cy Y !H1T.!lhy Mllorc XI1;La,llC ronnna. liYHyhn A3 y'~ cuusy on {)BC rpu Ipyne IlPHL'TIIiv It Cpfill jacno jc gel nac npHBJJa'1li C.Bl:lKH IIO.qaTaK y1 KO]f1 ce tII0Mlllbt:' HMt.: ('POIf GUllO I ~c U OH;Jl) Y KOJC spcue. Hi rux pasnora CM(l 1a1HlTCPCC{lBtHU1 11 r~a Kapnarcxc Cp6e H 'ia Cpo..: KOpl <::y '1a(icIIt,;.;j{CIHi y MClJlOa·HfJcKoJ oOllacTIi JIIIKI1JH,

liYAyhH }J.3 naaeueuo l~uJlOHJHHO nC..'IO ]0111 yBL:K HH]C HO)l{HBCJIO cBCCTpaltHJY Kpl1- TJ.Itu..ry oucuy, y OHUM IHIIIICM npacryny y II0'IeTKY 11aJRI1I1J(~ he~1O {;C 1aAp}fOiTn IIa canp)f{8JY m~C)lHlIUX onen.asu. lie LIHIX. na Ii na UOji:iJfl1l.c:.:II,y KaKU je Tal CtlJlpiKoJ llTKpUBt:H H ()IlClbCII K30 'HlatJajlln npl1.T1111 He1 pl:i

one our chronicler whose note. as we have seen, has been preserved in the "Obshti List" It IS Improbable that our chronlclel recorded that In that time because of some national feeling, even 1 ess so because somethmg sunilar has been recorded also by Goth Jordanes (VI c 8 C) when he wrote that the Veneds, Slavs and Antes had emanated from a same core, even not try- 109 to ascertain when these three groups had ongmated For the present that time is immeasurable and we can say only that many thousands of years are In question Since the Serbs also fit to all of these three groups it IS clear that we are attracted to any datum with which the name Serbs is mentioned wherever and whenever. For these reasons we are interested both 111 the Carpathian Serbs and the Serbs recorded ill the Asia Minor region Lycia

Since the Cited Bilbrja's work has not yet been subjected to a more comprehensive cntical appraisal, In thrs our approach we will stay Ir1 the beginmng most With the contents of particular sections, not all of them , and also With an explanation of hew that contents were discovered

~otBa lI.y IIlJpCKJl~ H pliCIIJHlC"P ... lbCIIOCI H UIIJ(fltI:lPOllCKC I py_ naunjc IHlpUJlCl. MC:.l)y IMIA.W J-I ( 'ptia.

Y xpa-r KOM npc;:lJ'onopy Cuc'rucnan 1>IIJ'finja IlCijIJPl;; u(iHBC1JTTClIIR IIH I aouc o KOJlfM In! C,lJOMCIUf 1~'fMa If '1 CKL TOHHM:I (HIT1-1 fH.:'IH y IIClBeJ~LIf{)l KIM1 HI H '1 Y rrajnpe IHI ijO)J(H pt:riYJIT<lTC ncr pa)KUnall,a y OIlOM AC,IY Mime /\,rUIJC y KOJCM je y OKBUpy 1~IfB,"W w-Ja uaje JIllHHJC l'pa;( C"PH Guo xyrrrypnr, If IIOJIIl- 1"1111KI1 ll.L'H'Ie:IP Ii Y K(lJCM cy UOIHIJ\.OB<lIlC1 c.rona c110YKe K(j pmuhcllC: IIPI1JIJHWM TYMH'IClhd Tl"K(''TOJKI Y IJaU0/ltTlOj KJ{'WHI..:'~

HpYllI '3HHIIHjlllf CaHP)KHj KOJH ce Y KlhWUI HCrll1lJe xao xope KTIIO npotJwnl" 11 UpOT)'McJl-ICn I;HJ/6HJH IIaBO/HI TCKL'T CnOMf:IIHK(-t y 1I01HfKY 06CJUlCKn npouabcnor na MeL'ry 1[8 KOjCl'If ce H3Jld m~Ja upecrouuna crape JIIIKHje non HM~110M ZRB I-UB! SRB. ORHj trJOMCIl1:lK JC apxeOJJO'-H1Ma, KcDKe lirwOIlJd. (iO,l,C I,WHClT KHO Xanthus stela If 'I)' IlllJ/(jnja nonceha W1 C}' Ha'BiB rpHJty Xantho I (ell I II )'PI~lI 'iC1 Bpet.H.: HOK cy T}' I1M<JJ1Ii CBOJY IIdct.:lIfhmy y upcsrc BWlaHTHJCKe npCBJIClCTB y 'sarraHllo.\1 ncnv Mane A'mJe, OBJ~C l;"fJIGlfj~ YK<l1YJc A8 Y 'rcxcrv O(1t:JIHCKl1

and considered to be a Significant contribution to the research uno the crrgm and diffusron If the Indo-Europ.an group of peoples, the Serbs being among them.

In a short preamble Svetislav Bilhija Informs the readers first of all which monuments and texts will be discussed and there he cites the results of the researches In that part of ASia Millar where III the frame of the CI vilisation of Lydia the city of Sarli was a cultural and poluical center where the I etters had been formed of the alphabet used In the interpretarion of the texts JIl the ct ted book.22

As another signrficant contents emphasized In the book as correctly read and mterpreted Bilbija cites the text of an obelisk-shaped monument found in the place where the capital of old Lycia was, called ZRB or SRB Tlus monument IS better known to archeologists, Bilbija says, as Xanthos Stella and he reminds at that place that the name of the city of Xanthos had been given by the Greeks durmg the LIme when they had their settlement there In the time of Byzantine domination In the western part of ASia Minor

II (,y llC'lIl1 KII.

HMd 11 Hl!JIl)Bll KUJ. . _

£ I ) "I"I'J"IK JI; IIH(.;'!'ml IIrl1

eJll C • I , II.:

- , (lCKfll[;IJltlll.(1 KlIHd ,

JI HKuM ., , lin I..;n,m If X

A(JIIIJln Ill! \ IIlll'the Jt.d ,

t K'I)Kl:

, 11<1 J"!!l1L:a. I, 11<1 K. (

HeJlulhl 1 ra cc

(i (lWlll Ie 1\101 Y ll! ,

hun HII". 1"1"1

' !l'1 npo' rJ ,

"i Ill!lrrpllJllltll )It.:. c • jc

,-. (;\13'1'1);1 H' I

'20 pc Ii II, ua 1..": , t .

<I lIaJIWHI '111£1 18JIIH

lhUXtllW ,

M rl]!VI llJH.1l'IlJ H 1-1

1l1111rHlIIflt , ~

HCT(1jHljCKU) J.lclynn.- , c

l la urra«, r-1l1 K,'JIIIK(I na Y

, J'uKVMCIITfi U/t

UBHC lid Ht:flC HI1 \ .

, KUfHICI'HlJtI.1a narr,e Il~IIIH-

IlcJIIf ". 0'111'('(1-

(~)pODa I be HCl C(llla H c up


H KOJ'a cc uauac

'flBClJ lIB MYMHJ' _ .. , ,


qVRH·, •

3'al'p~oy. Dunc 1-iWJICiHJ(l IftTH'IL'

H<1 ]L' yficb(;11 JlCl TLKC1 11(1 ,MYIlI ~I~

'" 110 '\lW'1C1JY npcuasuna -HfLUC ~01ml're crape IJ(lTTlI1CC ~1 'Iy JlHII

, CC '1"1)' ()pI1.rI.fJl(tJlIII~

(\O)l<IJC H8 I ... ,

'J'cKC1' J.i n.crou IIpCBI1H l:dHtl

'y 11 TYMaIlpHH Ily-I" UOjiIBJl'YJ


()flJa IlJII,(tBClJY h!1 WtJhC Kcl 1(0 cymIlOtfl!T(I H xaso Ly TcK:la lICTP:DKl1l1t1lba hllJJbHjCl jc Y JCJI:

~·1· TpellVTKY 1C1C'fl:Jl) Knit

II (1" .,

nacnona Rashan or Etruscans

(Parnaru: H;lIf Frpypuu), 1H:1CJIOIl KOJH Jl! 1111 IIC,OOlf1H10J' 'lila tlaJlI '~a UL:TOPHjy CpTl~K()f lid pllJ(tl. 111 1101 JlCW';ht.: hU~I(,H.1a 'HlIW'llllb\;

Bilbua points here to the Iact that there are some parts of the text on the obelisk thai are illegible The shortage origmated dUring the excavations when a darnag- 111(1 of some parts of the 1l1scrip. tlr~1 took place Yet, Bdblja says, It was possible to have read 320 words from the central part, and thus it IS considered that the analysis of them is a sigmficani contnbunon to philology and


historv -,

Yet, regardless how much the documents cited here are of a great sigruficance, for a further deciphering of hit he rio unread or misread texts of a special Importance is the bandage 011 a mummy being presently In the Archeological Museum in Zagreb Bi lbija ernphasizes here that he IS convinced that the text on the mummy exceeds by Its meaning all known ancient inscnptions and adds that l~wt onuinal text tlIHJ Its translation dre- being p.lIhlishe~ Clll,d il~~rpreted now tor the first t.me.:

Explain! ng further on how the research began and developed, Bilbiia stopped at a moment at the title Rashan or Etr usca ns, a t It I e bei ng of a grc~t siunificance for the history of the S~bJ!ln people, Bilbija hegms

unHM Ik'II~Md: 1it.,1t. PCllIli:llIU, l"It:" 11 PH r!H1 rrCKll Hl,CiCJICIKCII.le III: LLIM'l ml MIJI)IIfM o..!'I'PY)H':f{IIM t;lhIMCIIH!~11M(l, H(;h If 11:1 'WIIO]y .~ II PC(jcJlIKC MYMI1JC. II 1y nauo I~II 1\1\<1 IlrJ'Ir.H:PH: It ... MllJlHIBI.! (ldk.ICTlH:) ,qa CL W~lflllaJ1;qy I uacuu II~I Pdllltllll,;KUIII ("Ill rn sh n e" ). . .. 1\1 Y}{ P fl uoc r'y II (1'1'11 IhllHlHOi\1 KpHlII'llll:. J'aKU J\" £l11

r IBfJPI1 JJ;tI~lIr() If IVlXU parrlarlCK~1 ("in rashne")". IrtML' 1'1 pypu« It L'I PypCKii pC11 11I1! Jtl! t,,; I[l 1I11jflB,I'j'IC Ilti IldTIHIUI \1CJ,' "

1)~I.IJ(il1i<l ~lfl)tM 1lIlII<J;{Ilf\l Ilallol{l! lIeK()JHfI(() CIJUMl,.1I11KH H 1IC1'J'lIlfC'I, 11:-1 II "'1C11 pt.:fi(1'III.v MY~lHJY", IHl Klljl1MCl cc j;LHlI H (;(1 MU 11 \11: 1{;1si 14 II (JCL!C~IBI!H OfiJIJ1K Rushanski, l\ilJtajyhlf W' t:y (lBl1 IleI'I'talC\! 11CI('I'cIJ<1f1l1 Y 'IOKY B11l\1l: IK K(lIH! '111Ml' CC, KU/Kl;, 111)'1 npbyje '1If11,«"!1I1q,1 H~I je liMe Panl CT.lpO It Ha ce ncpouaTlIO IIIfKC:lJ.C:I IlUje MCII,i:lJrn.26

1 rIlIHl)(UM OIJOI ,I 1)~lJl()Hi(t /lelie jcuno, p~KJlli onCMO, 'lIl:llWjll1) I)Cijfllfllf.Clhe: l,IMl! PaLII, KlJ}Ke 011. lie j.-:JII:I,d CI.: c.:ryq(lJIIO, ()1I0 .IC I(O[IC:TlI l-n HYIli'lIlCKOI' r);'ICL'11li I< Ilj I I II.: rllO !(11J/l,;IIKi:I II

tI(l 1111111'11 1:<1" ell pUIICKHX K:J BKaL'I\.IIX jl"HIKH. I TWHIH je K(lPCII IH.1CIIIIJ~L "rasa" Koju HJ\IH IIJtLIITWllll) iII"I'jLfI,l' Y elll"'" l'tlUIlCII-

that cha] Iter In, Lhest words the name R<lsil;lflS, Ra::;, and Rashl'lllsk, had bC~T1 I ecordcd not only 011 IIHm) Ell USC:111 rnonurnents, but also on tile bnndage:.: of the Mummy 01 /.agreb, and cites there two examples II prayers (oaths) 10 be spoken loudly, 111 rashno, to m f wtsely 011 occasion of a guill so Lhal be speaks slowly and III low VOIce In rashne'' The n.une EtruSCctrls and Etruscm, word appear nowhere 111 the InSCriptions 2-;

811hl,l(1 cues several monuments 1111(.1 in 'criplJOns on this oce'ISIOIl. lind thus the lVlull1lTlY or Zagreb too, where only the name RaSI and the pcssesive form Rash:llI~kl appear, Hddlllg that these IIlscriptlons were bell1g created dunng several centunes whereb . he says, the fact IS proved fhaf thr name R}lS; is an ancient one and has probHIlly never been (:hangcd ::!(.

Reg.JrJlng th,s, Bdbljd gives one, we would say, Significant explanatIon The name Rasi, he says. appears no accidentally, It had been brought from the Danube Basm that had been a craddh- anti a "bee-luv-:' or the Europ: an Caucasi an peoples The desiL.n~tiol1 IS a root or the noun "rasa" that has all


t:KIIM Jl:'HU~IIM('. 11<1 I{ V IICUlll


IH;I1C~HM. Hd IIpUMt:p a razza

ad U'l(l1lH1!1IlL.KllM, "die Rasse" 11<1 IIl.M<I'l),;UM If "race" lid CIlf"IL'C KOM. '~IHIIJLI"C (lkJ.; Pl:tUl. "'8J1(l. hIlJl(hl1i:1, IIUIC TIl)'rpCOllll ~a.1,t ll(iJUIUlhJIlHnl. III ~aJq~IIH'IK(l liMe JC KClp,u .. rcpIIl/flllllld '"i(1 I/HTClHV (ie:lv <.::UPllJlCKY UHIH1 JIW1(1 lI.~lIY 11 DW.l .Ie !lOCI I Ll'l l.O(iOM \ II{ ,l.YnanCKOI' "acena 11 pc k~' flilJlKUII8 n fJ(mpCMt'mIM CL'l)(){)MCl cue HU KpaJII)H'.: I pauuua [:BPOIlL:. Ill ro cc IWll 1H.1L.IW J rpypuu" n nou,;ClHlIIUI 0(11111' xa "I: rpypLKU" ,Ill ItMe <..y Ii IMII QIHIIi I'U"I,I,iJIIII I\llJIi cy 1.1 V IIlYl'pe(iJhCl na.r Ii li.a~\ cy ~>IIHCIl- 1UI!llI ueupujarcn-a KuMe cy )l{I,;JJL.II11 ,UO! \IIHLl11l: MLTUPUJCKl1 11 KYIlTYP1ll1' HI~l'HIJ,~7

()(ijaIllH)(l!WlyhH na i.e nRl.l1 1I(l]d'v1 blfJlouJa nonceha ,W y L.plll:KllM AHji:l!I(;K'I'Y OKO ('1'l1IIeke 1 Ipue Iupc H Y '~(lIlClllllOJ J.Jllt:IlH PCl[ "trsa" liMa IftTO

'I " ( l'

HlallClbl: xao pel! race I ICM~,

paca). ()fiH'IlIli (.~ VIIO 1 pc(l:h31W ,(Cl UJ1Ii-Plif !H1I(lI li.'nt 1I01(PVl1J8 KOJ3 UMalY I.:R oj c concrncue, 1all:J(H1I'IKC xapa K I qH1lTH xe, xao Jl(1 flPll\lI':p " ... T0.lt: Ibllxona T rsa lUIll I DIm UM <qy L HOlY con-

T If ,~,

crucuy rsu ,_n

I)r;l(, .It: IlepOHClTlIO, IIP()HY}Kana GJ1JI0uI3. na cy II.ICMl:lIa

rdenncal meaning In all SlaVIC languages, and even in the nonSlavic ones, eg lila razzn" III

- ",I' R I( G

Italian, ure asse In erman

and II race" In Enghsh, The meaning of this word, Bllblja says, need not to be further explained That common name IS characteristic for all white race and the latter bore It from the Danube Basin via Balkans and by periodical migrations all the way to the furthermost boundanes of Europe As to the name "Etruscans" and the Identical possesive form, that name had been Invented by the Romans which used it In describing an


enemy whose historical and cul-

tural significance they wished to

d "'7


Explaining further on tlus notion Bilbija reminds that 111 Serbian dialect around Skopska Crna Gam and in the western Bosnia the word "trsa" has the


same rneanmg as the wor race

(tribe, sort). It IS usually used for denoting the persons or regions that have their own, common characteristics, as for example ", .it is their trsa" or "they have their own trsa" 2S

It IS very probable, Bilbija continues that the tribes of the

- ,

Rashans having come to the

PIIIIIH II:} f{1 'Ji:I cy Y L:l:IlCplly

I~I'1"'U"f1·JY )1 111)1 ,I

.. ,u a °/\ }lyIUtnl~.KUI'

";JeClUt 11 ha, r KII U(I U l<ujH C y {,.\.:

ILll1fHlJf<I rlpC~Hl jyry AIICJIlIJl cKUI 11OJrvO(..'1 pUC!, lfWlIH.llla trsa. ILp Lj' (jI1JW 0)\ liC'1 HX npCJ{dKil K ,.If 1 11 0<.. 1'<1. Ii I 1-'11111:1111-1 H IL\1d)f1f cy I1C:Tl: Il,PTC K(li J 11 PHMJI.aI1/1 !(j)JH cy 110)].11.1 H lIupCKJIU O}( pamancxax IIJlI,.;}~<'IKH, lLpYiHM PC'I1t;"HI 'ro jc 011JHI ll'JII .. nca '~ll 011<1 PlllITaIH .. K<I IIIICMell;'1 xoja cy limla y!IJI~'I-:lIa V oc I nne p~'I'Ulh~ ca PIf ..... lJl,dIB1M; .. 11 KOJL' P~fM(;KIl HCl'npH 'rap~1 OC1Il')f(C 1«(1<'1 "trusa" 11'~ 'ICl'a cy ce I acunjc PCl'HHIJIII II<I'HlIHI Trusci. Etrusc: Ii Etrurci,

1'<.11(0 I1Me f',IPYf1qloi J1IoiJC H1MIoiIlIlJ,Ulll K,IU IIC(I!lXfJltllo uch cy I H PIH"l~I.~11Jl 1IIJlfl.?JIH ynorpcG_'bClR(I'I'H )l,a (ill cc ()){UIIJlfJlH. pa1J1HKllllilJlIl. ()J\ CH0.lHX npoT~IHIIIIKa y lIepll<lJlY K<lJ~a je 'HHIu'lt!fa ~Kt.:llarnJjj(J Kl1j~J je liMaml nu oMoryhu CTU;'JpcllhC nl'JIJ1K~)j' p'H\.ICKor l~rlpCTB(1.2l)

northern 'taly from the lJanulw Hasin and the Balkans and sprc~lcllng Lo the south I)l ltahan PelllJ1sula had been Hamed trsa tor they had the same ancestors as other Rushans and tile same featlllcS <IS [he Romans which traced their origm to Rashan ancestors J [} other words I L was a deslgntJtlOn for those Rashans which were involved rn other wars with the Romans and have been recorded by Roman hlstonans as "trusa" from wh leh later on c1eveloped the deSignatIOns Trusci, EtruSCI and Etrurci.

Thus the name of the Etruscans had not been concocted as a necessary one but used by the Romans to separate, disun.~llISh themselves from their opponents in the penod when the expansion began which was to make possrble a creation of a great Roman Ernpi re 29

l'j lIH::I'IIUIo.- j nrfJdHL (,ip I

\~l"'-PIl'I"'d HCh.OnaH,'H,J )' c, (Hill 1014 ~ 110 IIJtlllll1 1l~1.. ,--.HlI-.1.,; na "Ollli CIo.- 1J..",ljJ.t \Iii '1.1111'1..1 mrlJ"'>'1 Capt Will hOC· K,IKll C) IL' lid III aa.m :luhalfll

i UP)l JL nuo ,U.llldJJill 'y_1

I 'PJlH 1ll-11'1 dp CI <tpUI en I d U k<1,1 CV n.cr onu I p.ibanu (,"_iii Hpl!

HlP,III11 .ta r J. IIdn~L 1 c pa !1Il1I.I11 l) CL !Ill CUll" '\L.l 'l'.II'1a (8(,; r,' Ilpc uer o IU 1'1. ,-y ra uanvc IIITJII in I') C) LI: IIp<lIl UlIII (I,l III 11 PI!J au, b,l J,OJ..)'MLlWT Y "'OJ': \1 IL '1·...1 m(,.:.ILA"'-lIll II(1)L 110 t.lgd f)JI( l Ill" Ira I' OBdl J..lJM.l~1 \llp"lLpa xa.. u uror, .. ,.tp,rl cuoxn .. imxe OIk.pll.!1d Jl A~fCPlltlt;,.d apx, ('JI(IWKd ~KLnl;}lII I.(IIJH 1411-1'-1/7 TIo.-KU HllllfldH 'J1U\IIILKII\! ml~IO\1 II IL. U1J..U\1 JJ IcnLht1-1 IL \CPOIII\IJ 11111lJL-1 L h.PII,IIlIL n.ulI" v (H jp6H l.l\ll) ()B,I! ,IUK \ \lL':Ua'I ,1( ·IlI ..i.au IL lei rrp"KdikL l:Jlullll~ lip! 1I1LIl 'l r 'VIa. ,t A mIL. !antl'l,lra ('l.'lOr 'ILIB\" k:CI (I knJL" I.t; .11 iJL /.1A/IO \1,trlO lH.t ro

The ruins of the fortress of Sard, American excavations in the season I 914. I n the background of this picture is the fortress of Sard or KOS - as It was called bv the

Lydians, .

Sard was a significant cultural center of the Old World and when its citizens were forced to abandon it they dispersed all over the world. Before they abandoned it they had been defending It from enemy for long. The document where it has been recorded has not been known so far. 'I his piece of marble, as well as many other monuments. has been discovered by American Archeological Expedition 1911-1917. The text written in Lydian script and language was devoted to the heroes of the Lydian cavalry fallen in fight. 1 his dccurnent alone is sufficient to present the glorious past 01 Asia Minor, the homeland of white man little known about until icccntly,

J1!JJiU'+; q lion 1/1 ru JlII.Il:~1

(,/IUMc.;1111K,1 ca H.t IIIIICO~1 Y

Kcaurocy (Jluxuja).

The position and general look of the monument with the i nscnpt ion in Xanthos (I yci a ).

Ghll ita (}rf/$~IIh. UlM411tl1 "PdEOCA.lEllh ciJ.f! Ifh II "lli III G'k tiPhC'T'IIA' Cf. Ii n\lhR'kl€ OntlhllltR n 11.1 or.PhCTJlhH w:rk. f;ta (O\'1'h XPb.Bdl'H,GJHlBIfIl'k, Adl1' MdTHlIl, It rilllb. nOC-H:i\Ab 1\ 11),1 1I1I3h prkK~ IIC'rpon~, r{\cH'OM€AIOf(l ASlldBh, II n~JtI£~\b ECI I'pcl,l"hl AO MOp4 !"daa ri\4r0t1Wr ff RI€Ail. ildKb.1 R~bBpd4JdlC7' CE, II npb.K-tte IIpll'(oAIt1'h G-,\ W4b['f'BO rill Bb. Pbwllir (~) [TC411h1• HI:. l~phl\(lftl~ CB(1'blll~h dnOCT{ll1h IJl'rpd If IJdBA4 no rpf,.l,ii P4C4 61t'if:i l)'kIIIE Cb.3A411h TiTh dnN'fOt1h. It npiEMMT'h ClurrOf KplJ.IUlh QSKCok' IIp'kOOHlpflltl4rO (lIlley,ond P4w'r.ddrc AIU'IITi4 '.1 • "rknltHl

Cb.1. -

JCAHO '3aHIIMJhI1BO MCCTO y nCj{lTOBUheI10M pn/~OCJTORy jccTe 1I OBO ca HcyofiHtlCljCHHM IIOnaTKOM 0 Het-.HlH,IrHUM paroBaH,I1Ma 11 nonacxy y PaUlK)' ufinaer, xojy ponocnonau naanua HeOUIILJHHM Ha'~I1BOM 'I Pauma crpana" (Jb C"l'OjcIHOBH h, c. 46).

One of the interesting places in Pcjatovic's Genealogy is also this one with an odd datum about Nemanja's wars and coming to the region of Rashka, called by the genealnger by an unusual name "Rash.na side" (1.1. Stojanovic, P .. 46).



TOKOM speaeaa cy ce cse saure 3aowTpaBamt onaoca H3MCl}y PawaHa-ETpypaQa Ii PHMJbaHa, rrpa -re My EHJI6Hja npHMehyje na ce Ha3HB "ETPY~QH" ("Etruscans") MO>Ke HaJa~eKBaTErntie yrtoTpe6JbaBaTH Y CJlY1.1ajeBHMa xan Tpc6a cnOMHlbaTH painaacsa nnCMCHa Y TOKY IbHXOBe 6op6e npOTHB PHMrsasa H IbHXOBHX aM6HUH03HHX rmaaosa sa ocraaperse excnaasHje H ~OMHHaQHje nan QeJlHM HTaJlujaHcKHM nOJIYOCTPBOM Y )l(eJbH na PHMJbaHH nOCTaRY jC~HHH T}'Ma1.1H pauraacse, CTpypcxe QHBHJIH3aQHje H xyn-


KaKO je, Me~yTHM, CJIO)KC-

HHX TIHTaJba 6HBaJIO CBe saute He caxo y HTanH.jH, neh H y De3H ca crapourhy esponcxax aapona yormrre, OC06HTO IbHXOBHX jesnxa, nomno ce aa nouacao na ce nexa on THX mrrarsa passrorpe Ha noce6HoM cKyny HaYQHH.Ka pa3HHX crpyxa. Jenaa on THX OAHOCHO ce H sa nHTalbe KOjRM cy je3BKoM rOBOpBJIH npeua EBpODJ'baRa npe ~onacKa y EBPOny. Hcrpaaoraarsa cy, raxo, 06YXBaTaJIa npe csera xopeae HH)1;OeBpOnCKor jC3HKa,


H"~mll 11II1[X'lba 11 IHtj6UJbC ouyuauc OCim11<l' jc nuca. To cy GHJ1C rnanac TCM~ na CKyily JI11HrBIIC1'a y IITaJ1If]UHCKOJ Ga}bll Bolado na jcrcpy KOMll. OtICKHIIDJ10 ce na he pcureu.a HOIIJ1lfHCTH jacuujeM C.l1B31·r,y U II()Pl.!KJ1Y (icnc pace. Y EUJ1at)y cy Y Majy 1988. ronnnc uHml UKYIlJhCHl1 J1IHlrBIfern, apxeunoau, I~CIICTII'IaPIl II npyru HaytlHnnH, 'J(\lIH'l\;PI;;COnauu 3d PCIIIL!H.a crapnx 3arOH(,TKIl xao IIITO je, InMchy ucrannx, rnc jc HaCTHO mqncnpOIICKH Je'lIIK J! KaKO CC uurpao UH pcxe I aura y vlH}l;Hjl1 AO HPCKt:, 11 KaKO TO 1\<1 Y PCtIIIIHlliMa cpar:nl'lKIIM (Farsicr U HOITI yraJICKH/l.1 (Portugese) MHore pe-ru IIMa]y nero saaueH.C. To s ClJ3KOM cJlY'Iajy YKiI3Yje H3 13jeAIfH'IKo nOpeK!IO HCI')1,C y npOUlJlOCTn}O

OCHphyFIII cc HH nojeun He ~nRt.:I111'a.le CH 'fora cxyna EUJ16uja jc OI~eHlIO ua jc 'sa H,crClBO I IIITePCC<.lU3l-bC Haj"3- H;;PJajHlIjC MIIIIIJbCH,C np KOJIHII3 Peutppya (Dr Colin Renfrew), 1I03Hi:lTOr apxeunora 11 IIpO¢Ccopa YHlIllCP3tl'l'CTa y KCM- 6pul,ly. KOJIl1H jc cBOjL: nucjc IIITaMIIHO y CBOM HeJ1Y /lOJ\ HaCJ10BOM "Apxennornja II jCJI1K" (Cambridge University Press, New York 1987). Te nncjc

As in time the relations between the Rashans-EtruscnllS and Romans were more and more strained, at which Bilbija notes th,lt the name "Etruscan," can be used most appropriately in the case where one should mention Rashan tribes during their struggle against the Romans and their ambitious plans to realize an expansion and domination over entire Italian Peninsula in a desire that the Romans become only interpreters of Rashan, Etruscan civilization and culture, so their relationships became ever more complicated.

Since. however. there were ever more complex questions not only in Italy, but also ill relation to the antiquity of Europian peoples generally, an idea was got that some of those questions should be considered at a special meeting of the experts of various professions. One of them referred also to the question in which language the ancestors of the Europians had spoken before their arrival to Europe. '1 he research, thus. encompassed first of all the roots of Indo-Europinn


language, the way nf us expnnsion and be ... l preserved forms of language. 'J hose were main topics at a meeting of linguists in Italian spa of' Bollagio on Luk\:

Korno. It had been c .pected that the solutions would conn ihutc 10 a dearer knowledge about the origin of the white race, In Bellagio in May 19R& were gathered linguists, archeologists, geneticists and other scientists interested in solutions or the old riddles such as is, among others. where I ndo-Europian language had originated and how it had been spreading from the river Ganges in India tu Ireland. and how it is possible that in the Farsic and Portuguese vocabularies many words have same meaning. That points in any case to a common origin somewhere in the past)(l

Turning to some reports from that gathering Bilbija considered that with regard to his interest the most interesting opinion was that of Dr Colin Renfrew _ a noted archeologist and professor at Cambridge University. Colin has published his ideas in his work titled "Archeology and Language" (Cambridge University Press. New York 1987). '1 hose ideas


[' - ""1"1'1' II

h.dJ/\C ')llJIlJPFI. '- t ...

vt '\.'11 ':].1\1;(..,

OIlPl'Jll.ibYlyhll cc Hi T(i.l11I

p~llI.," \ILIM\lt1\ VI rJ,lllll(o.d uay-rWin" cv, uC'lll'lL' hll'l{llfld, 11;1 I'd lHI'M ctP\\,;l1 \(HIIl\II\1 IfC"'UIII IfId1\hl 'y \fd_1(lj A U'IlU. 0 ll"'l'· 1)1111,1011, I!GI "pmn:p. LTap,H: r A,II'1'd fm.;o [c nj1ncIH:c(JP Pl.'fIg)l)\' \,C'I\IHPUJlU ,(1.l IL Hd Gd 1h.dll, \.:h.0"1 IIl11yuClpHY II ) Jp'lh.llJ JI: 1,1>11 llil Id lI0 tc 1.1IIClIW JIllll II pl 'llllll) r (lfll1l1L1

IIPCllOllIl..:'Wl IImpoM ILL: 'II:

I: npollc .+..IITtl jc, ha"kl.:, l'1'\-II"O V I Hf1L:C(o.V Illll~CI\Y Ilpe OKLl ·WIlO IllllllHtl 'lpL..'Md II[1U(j)CClIPV Pel! cl)py ~ )lipHIl:J ~CMJ11111l11 d milO IIL'I\1 JL ~ W:1I111l1 .JnpJ.l.alla n,\ak.re je rpaca 110;\11.13 npexo Analct.mjc 4) :\1ccoJlCHH\mjl'.

Y LBOJlI\! IV Idlf.lIMH. Y

f1m['dlll ra ,iothll\1 )'l':J\\IHI'\\d /li..llHll'ld, 1,yJ!11 L'y vlll'r. 1.:,1 lt1l10M Ilolil 'I II *' 111'(1 II c HOI 1 unop (Il' UIJI..) Y 1lfM .nY I dH.I'l\la Il'illK II..' IIOL'TClldn r1(w.1111JII, d 1IIIILIIlI Ild It.' \ Be (0. ocra Id.1 d uc I d. Kana n It' ) I lTC, ld 11ll "PXL:O;1I1 III t1lld Jl (11\ '1,1 II~:T" h.HO It Ilpl m()O ro.urlIa.q

flpIJ\mlT<lJyha nana Il' II If!llll' dr>'L'()1JOI a, 11J1(,: CB~I C1 IIpO (I)l'copa rnj(l)rV~I. 1H1ll' 11..'11lk.U I(lK "Y'IIIIII, IIPIIMdlVJl' hu non ,.I .ta jc IfI,:r()\1 "P'I ""oM ~ 0JOM I~

are, Hilh'ja says. clear and con-

. '


Deciding for the I'UthuclI_ bon-dating the scicmi<.;ts Were determining age or: lor exal1lplt:, grain, B i lbija says. In vuriolls archcologicnl sites in Asin Minor. 'I hus professor Renfrew found thai 1Il the H~dkans, including Greece, the soil was cultivated as early as 7000 years ago.

uoruuno JKlI'J'O, KpQllJ1D Ily'l' Ii naYIJHO (I()pa'HlI~al{,c. (JHfIl)CIIO HCKYC'I'!I(I fieJllw tl()HCKtt. Pel! jc U I.IpC~ICHy Kl1Ha cc y McrJlOJ A'mjli [aun.a "IICMO. 'J~IJ upouec jc y I ~BpUIUI rpajao ilY)I'C, aJ1l1 K;t/H.1 it JL'HHor.r 1i:111 »rcr pamnjao ce 1Ij1J10 Gp:w,

Bpahujylut cc I-Ia [lU'IG'I'aK 1,JICMlI 1)HII6uJfl nonceha na cy EI uuhauu npuu YIH!.J11 C.1I'II{OB He 'maKe, aJ111 cy KClCHlljC upcIJJJ111 1-](1 II pa I(TIJ 'I lilt ju II ii'I II II KOMylilll~llpau·,(I, 1Ia XlIJepWI\;KI) ""CMO IWJI1M cy cc cn}'JKIIJIII Y pykouucuva. nnHeJl.UMH, IIIlCr.IHr.1(I II HP. IkJluKO II MollU() XC'I'IfTCKO KPHJ1.CBCTlIlJ MOI'J1u jc ITPIIXIHI'I'WI'IJ OJ], Eruulunra no,1 IHl)\il 11I1C~Ja In KOJ"X cc 11H3IH-lllO xnuunc'ro nucxro. XIITII'III cy o6nilKe KJIIll:I(.lCTOr IIIICM(I "1""r..l~lIlUI" II y unjynan.cinrjn» HCJlOHlfMi.l cnnra uapcrna II T'lj Y'l'III~aj cc occha 11 y Mccouo- 1',IC\lIljll /1 Y Munnj A·jJJJII.

OIlHe EIIJIUII.1::l upuuchyjc .ia jc 3001 (lKOJI uocru I<HO lIlTO ic 1101 1..111 (such (IS floods (I rcnr) , nucrano UHlH.I.lc.lI"hC uapona nanac no'uun-or KaO I!III)l.o-MI)i:nll~lt. Ko.]l1 cy ce yuy-rnnu xu ncroxy !lore h II ca CUe'OM (lei1!11 xc KJIIIlI .. reior 1I11Cc\I~1.

Y', one 'IC'I'HPH IWIII)( .... l\~Hl!

I'lJ)lGllia cuuuuu,e H KynTyplill

education, ie experience ol'white man went. "J he time in question is that when a script appeared ill Asia {VI i not'. That process lasted longer in Europe, but once startcd it developed very quickly.

Returning to the beginning' of script Bilbi'j~1 reminds that Egyptians were first which had introduced pictoral signs, but passed later LIn to a I11Ul'l! practical way of comnumication. to hieratic script used by them in manuscripts, charters, letters ere, 'I he grL..:~11 anr] powerful lIitit Kingdom could have taken over [rum Egyptians both these forms of script from which the cuneiform script developed. Tile l litits applied the forms of cuneiform script CVl!1l in the 1110St distant parts of their empire and that influence is felt both in Mcsopotharnia and Asia Minor.

Hilbija notes here that because or circumstances such as Flood a separation of' the people known today as Indn-Irunians took place. which left eastward carrying with them the forms or cuneiform script

With L1ll'SC four notes Bilhija also mentions a cultural center in Asia Minor, citing the countries such as Lydia, Lycia, Curia and others. where a new

TrLlI1S ferrcd


over Europe, the grain arrived, he

says, to Fngland ami lreland about ·~O()O years ago, Accordil1g to professor Renfrew, working o! the soil began in the .Joruan 'Valley from when' the mull' led via Anadolia to Mcsupethamia.

In their wanderings, in the search for better life conditions, men alwnys curried with them graill and their language, III those wanderings the language was becoming richer, and wheal remained always the SHI11C, When archeologists saw it. it wus san I~ as 7001l years ago,11

Accepting the findings and ideas 01' nrcheolngists, first of all or professor Renfrew, it is not hard to con.ludc, Hilbija notes, that by the '111l1~ ruad hy which the grain was carried. ;1 scientific

ncrn ap " \<1<11101 A 111111 HdllllJldHJ K'M l.l KdO 11ITO ~V nl1,tllla. J11I"IIIU I apuja UN'} r \;;. Y .. ulll

1 .. 1 JL' Hdll'aO 1I11HII H,PlI1H

llllC,lI-hel u uoua diti\-Kd. [ell HOHII ,,(LlIIK "PCHl.: I I, Kd:m.~. y ~1L,llll cpau (Iitruvc.m scnpt). iUTHM , Ik.nrpanuy II CU.JCPIIY I'uroll\, (RuDlC scnpt) Ii lid 1«)',pv11jl" Cl.llt.'Pfll 01 UPHW MlIpLl (\)\a\'lC Cyrillic l


Hdlll'ML'H(lMd bll'l(IIIJtl no.iceha ia C} ua CK}' II\- )' Bonu by C)1IJ1If llJ1I1CY rH11 H c\JH)L'rCKU .1HHflHICill J \' (Iamkrchdze 1I V V Ivanov OH~I cy, J(tl)l{l' , 1liR~.

r o lIlHL II JHanl1 1It1 PYCKOM

rc ~IIKy Kl-bI1r\ IIO;~ 11<1CJ1UBOM "Hu.J,oenponchll jC3lfK It ItIl~Oenpun, haml " Y H10] C\', Ka)KC hUJlfinja, II JH&.:JlIl MHIIlJhClhC 110 KOlCM cy IIH~\OL'8pllIlJlJaHII. npc Hero !lITO cy ce HaCT<UIlIJ1Jr y IIU;luCBponCKIIM CTClldMa. oordmum Y cnojoj nOC'I'oJCiIiIHI Y HCl'(JLJllOj Alla~OJllljH, '!lIMO cy nnllJJ1J1 Y HoT.\IlP ca CCMlfTCKJlM II .. JCMemIMa Imju je JC HlK .Lly6oKO yrunao H3 IIH]lOCnpOllcKI1 jc mK. Y ucsn C 'lliM ayropn cy C<.lCTUBlIlIlf II PCt[HIIK K30 ,UCO CBOjc xu.nrc Hoene onor, J(3 k.a:+..e~IO, YBUDCl-hi:l Y HCKd omma rnrran.a GHJlUI1TU CIo: 'javcTdBlIO sa IC,llHOM HdCJl(lRY KOJII IJIUt:1I X~.ICCIHHIT, Tpoja Ii XItTlfTH. ,}

way of writing and a new alphabet originated. That new Conn wa transferred, he says. to the vtcditcrranean (Etruscan script), then to the Central and Northern Europe (Runic script) and to the area north of the Black Sea (Slavic Cyrillic).

I laving finished with these notes Bilbija reminds that at the gathering in Bollugio were present also Soviet linguists .I. V. Garnkrelidze and V. V. Ivanov. They published, he says, a book in RUSSian language in 1982 titled "Indo-Eurupian Language and Indu-Eurupians". There they presented, Bilbija sa) s, an opinion that lndo-Europians, before their settling in IndoEuropian steppes, had dwelled in their homeland in the Eastern Anadolia. There they came into contact with Semit tribes whose language influenced profoundly Indo-Europian language. r n rclalion to that the authors compiled a dictionary as a part of their book. After this. let us say. introduction to some general questions Bilbija stayed with a title reading Helespont, Troy and Hitits.12

Lamina di Pyrgi 111 antico Jenicio nX .. VITI sec. a.C'.)

DIlpI)H. Flnoua ca cTapoq)CHtt'JaHCKllM Hll'l'IIHCOM (IX-VIII BCK npc Xpncra).

Pirgi. A table with an Old-Phoenician inscription (lX- VTII c.B.C.).


A Culture Spreads Into Europe

Ha OBOj Peu$pyOBoj KapTH trDlRpea.e K}JlT)'Pe y EBponB" Hayl'JllBqH cy npHK83anH H Tpacy KOjOM ce lliHpHJIa 3eM1hOpawna, DO II erapocr spna aa nojenaa- 11M apxeonoIllXBM }lOKaJIHTeTIlMa. 0By 3Ua'laj1Jy xapry DHJI- 611ja je nponparao OBHM pesaMel: "Y CBOjlD4 Jl}'TIlLHMa, Tpa}((ehB 60Jhe YCJlOBe sa >KHBOT, JbYWI cy yael( ca 006014 ya )J(IfTO npeuQcBJIH H CBOj roBOP Ge3HK). Je3BK ee, TaKO, Melb80 H nOCTajao 6oraTHjH, aJDI >IOlTO HHje. 0If0 je OCTaJIO IICTO no H npe 7000 rowma KaA cy ra npoaamaa caBpeMeHH apxeonosa".


.• eA- •


Bell aa noucrxy onor nornaan.a 6nJl6Hja 0JV.1aX KOHcTaTYJe na cy y pano npcHCTOPHjCKO BPCMC opraamonaac nneMCHCKC rpync rtonene na ce cene U'3 A II 3TO.11Hje. ua npcnase Ilapnancne H JW OAJla'Jc y Enporry. Hapanao, nouaje 61111- ouja, OHC TO HltCY y-mnanc .uparOROIbHO, Beft cy 6nnc noTHCKHRaHC o,u npH.uOllIJ1JU~a xoje cy -raxobe 6Hne nOTHCKHBaHC ca CBOJHX npanC,uOBCKMX orn-aurra, Taj nponec IlPJlCMJlHI1X MHrpa-


In this Renfrew's map "The Spreading of Culture in Europe" scientists have showed also the trace by which agriculture was spreading, as well as the age of the grains in particular archeological localities. Bilbija accompanied this significant map with these words: "In his wanderings. looking for better conditions of life, people always bore with them, beside grain, their language too. Thus the language was changing and becoming richer. but the grain was not. When it was found by archeologists it was same as it was 7000 years ago",

. "

lVIJa rpajao JC nmne xnrsana

ronnaa, a 3anOlJCT je nyro npe uponanascen.a npRe Tpoje (3000-2300 npe Xpncra).

Mecro aa KOjCM jc apureu npena] rpqKM XpOHnqapn cy uassana Xenecnmrr, .l{OK je Y c'rapost erpypcxov, nnHHjcKoM H nMKHjcKoM nMcMY 3a6enc)KCHO HEAESrONT asronapaao xao "lje rsec "OHT" y 3HaQeHJY "the place of twig pontons''.

BnacHHK osor sna-rajnor MeCTa 6HO je rpan Tpoja. MOftHH nnanapa Tpoje, xoje cy Ha3HBanH " KpallicRMMa" HannahHsana cy CBaKU npenas. Tpoja je, aaase, 611na aa 3anaAHOM spajy rryra KOj" je sonao 113 enaacxor

Already at the beginning of this chapter Bilbija ascertains immediately that in an early prehistorical time organized tribal groups began to move from Anatolia, to pass over Dardaneli and go to Europe. Of course, Bilbija says. they did not do it voluntarily, but were pushed out by newcomers that also had been pushed out from their ancestral hearths. That process of forced migration lasted several thosands of years, and had been started long before the first Troy (3000. 2300 B.C).

The place where the passing was being done was called Helespont by Greek historians, while in ancient Etruscan, Lydian and Lycian script it was recorded as HEAESrONT. pronounced as "dje Ijes pont" in a meaning "the place of twig pontons".

The owner of this important place was the city of Troy. The powerful rulers of Troy, being called "kings", were collecting payment for every crossing. Otherwise, Troy was on the western end of the road that led from the Elamian city of Susa in



rpana CY'JC Y nepCHJH, H KOjH ie IIpOJ1aJHO npCKO MCCOIIOTaM~ljl" HYJK jY>I<Hor o6Ofla JC~1JhC


T{lKO AOAHO npCMa Tpojn xao HCKa BPCT3 Mct)YHapOJ\He MarHCTp3nc.

EyJtyhH na cy KPC)] Tpojy npona mne rOMHJIC paJHHX nneMCHa rpan jc Mopao JlH 0YTle 1l00pO YTBpt)CH Ii na liMa OpOjHY u jaxy 80JCKY. xoja je HCTOBpeMeHO 6HJIa nOTpeoHa H na cxynn.a HapHHY " )\a llITI1TJ1 rpan OJ\ nn.a-ncaura W'I'O ce Y HlCRllJ JIC'ropHjH l[eCTO nCmHnaJ10.

BehHH3 napona KOJIl cy Ha~IJIa3}IJIH nOJIa3HJ1H cy ca reorpadicxor npocropa HaCTaH>eHOr XBTHTCKBM nJleMeHHM3 0 l(~eM ce nOpCKJIY 3Ha Bpno Mano. Ilocetiao ec MaJIO 3Ha K8)J,a cY Ii onarore cy JlOlUJIH aa raj reorpadicxa npocrop, XI1THTH cy, UHatIe, finJIH BCOMa paasoapcraa sapon cacraan-en O,U same I1JIeMeHa. YKOJIHKO ee IbHXOB 6poj noaehasao cse je BMIllC fbHXOBa repnropaja o6yxnarana H cycensa seaacraaeaa nOAP)'l:Ija.33

IIJIcMeHa xoja ey BpCMeHOM RaCTaHHJla npHBJJatIHe sananae nenose Mane A3Mje rrpecrana cy na ce cene: OCHO-

Persia. and which passed through Mesopothamia, along the southern rim of the land lit Hitits and through Anatolia and thus led to Iroy like a kind of international highway.

Since crowds of various tribes were passing through Troy, the city had Lo be well lortined and have a numerous and strong army. which was at the same time necessary both for collecting the duties and protecting the city from plounderers. which were frequent in its territory.

The most or the arriving peoples were coming from the geographical space inhabited by Hitit tribes, the origin of which is little known about. It is especially little known when and from where they had come to that geographical space. The more their number was increasing, the more their territory was encompassing also the adjacent uninhabited areas.U

The tribes that in time inhabited the attractive western parts of Asia Minor had ceased to move, but estabJ ished geopolitical and cultural centers that were flourishing all the time until the arrival of Persians which conquered them and

BM[:1 CJ ICIlIlIIJlII'IINKe H xyn q·I'Hl' Ill'IUpC K~IJJI cy IlIIC1i:UJlt CBe itO nonacxa l lcpcujauana, IWJI1 cy IIX II )KOPJlJlIt H ocnry pa fill t'HOJY KOII rpoJly. JhfKH)llIl ( J he L ycrans) xpaopo cy II lJ~I.ly(lHll GpaHlfJll1 CBOIY TCPI1- ropujy. lII'['O CI.! 1I0Tllpt))'JC 11 uar IIHCOM ua JCnHuM CUI.IYAClHOM CIiOMCHl1KY Y KC3HTOCY. ua K )jeM nnurc: "Zrbi Srbi he HCKpBaBIITIf 6paHehu onaj xuMeH na 011 CllrC~nUJH TO 111'11) 110JIa'HI (tu prevent it from gomg 10 Komer)" .. H

() 6 ja urn.anajyh II HldRl3 ·~G 11- nan-a II HOCa1t3 II m,a uian.a Eunfiuja xaxce na cy Fpmr tlUK 11 HMI.! XIfTI-I'I'a norpCIIIHO '3aGl:J1C)f{IIJm, na OH cvarpa na 6J1 najxopex'nmjn Ha:UIB 61-10 "Gill", Ua3l1B xojn cc MO)f{C Hahli Y IfTClJ1HjaHcKoM jc'urxy Y 1Htll.IelhY HOMClHCKIl. lIyTHIHI,Jf lia KOHly. KOH,aHIH\H, nonajyhn na xpajy lI.3 OH H3jnpHKJI3;J.IIH.iH H3fOBOP 33 Hitti, Hetti, 0110 Geti, Giti, Y cnaxov cnyuajy, ~$aKJ1~ytlyjl.! bHn6uja. rptlKli lTIfClU1 cy IIOrpe[IJI1JIH )5

3anp)f{3BajyhH cc n nan.e aa XHTHTHMa EnJI6Hja yxasyje na cy XHTHTH Y rpcbcu If APYrOM Ml1JJCHHjYMY IJpC XpnCTCI pa'3BIIJ1J1 COIlCl'llCHY IUfBHJ1I1]annjv. lbnxono napcrno 111l1PlfJ1U

ensured thcrr (';OJJtrol.l he J .ycians defended boldly and decisi. c1) their territory which has been cont armed hv the


inscripuon 011 one pre ervcd

monument 111 Xanthos, w here I') wnuen. "Zrbt - Srhi will bleed to death de lending that stone to prevent It from gOlllg to KUIllCi". ~ I

Explaining the I urther happenings and previous knowledges Bilbija say that the Greeks even recorded the name of the Hitits erroneously. and he thinks that the most correct designation would be "Giti", a designation that can be found in Italian language with a meaning of nomads. travelers on horses. horsemen. adding finally that a most appropriate pronounciation for Hitti, Hetti would be Geti, Giti. In any case. Bilbija concludes. Greek writers were wrong. ,;

Dwelling still on the Hitits Bilbija points to the fact that the Hitits in the third and second centuries before Christ developed their own civilization. Their empire stretched from the Black Sea to Palestine, and eastward all the way to the area of Urartu and the Lake Van includmg also the Arminians.



ce 0,[\ UpHOr Mopa ~o DaneCTHHe. a npeMa HCTOKY cse no nOApytlja YpapTY H je3epa BaH yJUbY1.lyjyM H JepMeHe. 1Jypl)"jaaue (Georgians) H seposaTHo

rpKe" <l>eHHl.laHe.

Je3HK XHTHT3, npo1l)')KaBa

BJUl6Hja, 6HO je HHAoeBpOnCIrn. CeIlH11.I're H npeCTOHlfWl ibHXOBHX Bna~apa H8na3Hna ce y Xarynm (Hatussa, Bogazkoy). Y KOjOj je OTI<pHBeHa 6ora1'3 apxaDa ,uoK)'MeHaTa nncaHHX KJIHHaCTHM rmCMOM. H3 ca,up>Kaja AD cana npese,ueHor H npOrIeHor MaTepHjana Mo)lCe ce 3aKJbrIHTH ,ua cy Xlmmt noceAOBanH jeARY aanpenay KYnTYPY 38 soiy ce MO)ICe pehH .us je y csoje DpeMC 6M8 KQCMOnOnHTCKa.

BojHH cYKo6H XHTHrra ca EmnhaBHMa, HaCTBBJba liHn6H[a, K80 H pasae xynrypae H Apyre BC3e ca IhHMa Morne cy yTHUaTH aa P83BOj XnTIlTCKOr na 'lHHa DHC81h8, mTO je ,uOBeno H ,uo passoja HODnx cHM60na H nojaae 6POjHKX KaMeHKX HaTIIHca.

EMHI'Pal(Hja npeKofipojHor

XHTHTCKor CTaHOBHflIUTBa KpeTana ce y rrpBOM pe,uy npeMa 3anawroj AHaTOJlHju K jyx<HO npeMa CyMepo-MeconOTaMHjH. Y TOM CMHcny jeAsa CYMepCKa MHrpaUKja HWJla je npeua

Georgians and probably Greeks and Phaenicians.

The language of the J Iitits Bilbija continues, was Indo~ Europian. The seat and capital of their rulers was in Hatussa (Bogazkoy), where a rich archive of documents written in cuneiform script has been discovered. From the contents or the hitherto translated and studied material it can be concluded that the Hitits possescd an advanced culture that can be said to have been a cosmopolitan one for its time.

The military clashes of the Hitits with Egyptians, Bilbija continues, as well as various cultural and other connections could have influenced the development of the Hitit way of writing. which led to the development of various kinds of symbols and appearance of numerous stony inscriptions.

The emmigration of exces-

sive Hitit population moved primarily toward the western Anadolia and southward to Sumero-Mesopothamia. I n that sense one Sumerian migration went eastward and contributed to an increase of the Indian, Pakistanian (Belugistan) and other groups of white Hindus.

Ile'IOKY Ii HlIIlPUHt.:JH..1 nOBchaH.y IIpaIlCKJlX. ffCtKHCTl:iHCKHX (BeJIYI.II1C'1 an), acpraHUCTl:iHCKUX II JlryrH~ rpyua fienax I1HJtyca.

( BC IW IHIIIIHX naHa, HacT~B~)~ Ka:HB3H)l; EHJJOl1ja, aay-rua I CO~H.la IIpHxna'13 na jc I-ICIr~}.( KOJII .c.e paCCIJ.anClO npCHOcno If cno) JC"iHK, na jc TaKO II a-

xnahe P

.. l:HO JHl )C'HlItlf euponcxnx

HapoHCI C~IIH»KC 6POjHC pe-ru KO]C I1MaJY J1Cl'() 'lHa -rcn.c If H~~roBop. n TO jc pasnor 1JI1'(l cy JC 1 III U1 na suanu IIHHOCRPOIlCKIi " H' II... a

~POH I'II1~o~Enp()nJJ.aIlHII I1nH

KaoKaCI.H. fla nnax C

. • RB

~,rOKY~JJi:tJH na CC 01'KPl1jC KOPCH

nHf-{oc npoucxor II jCJH K3 t1CTa-

}H1 cy. GCJYCIICIUHH, H ry can 6Hn6J.1Ja nonnna 1m J~a je OBa a.croua nyClJTHKalJ,W,"a nOK .

. yruaJ

na cc YOIJ11 ., aj KOPCH H na CC

Ua)f(JhJ.1 IHI M HC'l'pa)Klfna H,C M ](OKaIKe. ~fi

CIIOMl!B ~H(1t Y M "

A . aJJuJ

·~I1JH. npoJ{YIK(JIW DHnOHJl1,

KOJH ~C "~I1I1HCyjy JlUKHjCKOj 11 JlHAH,JCKOJ 1~I1BHJTH'jaI\HjH H KOjH cy Y IJPBOM PC}W TYMalIcHH ~IOMohy cpncxor J1 rrrannjanckor JC'3HKa fWKi:l'Jyjy A3 je pel' 0 XHTHTCKOM jC1HKY xao oplfrHHaJlIIOM, KOjHM cy rOOOpUJIH JlapOAIf KOjH npHml)J.ajy KaOKa. CKe pacc fic] o63Hpa rAe cy H K3Aa cy TH cnoMcllH~H II nHCMO n3IjeIlH.·H


. .:'-11 the time until our days, Bilbija narrates on sci tifi

. • len I Ie

Ih:ory has been accepting that the people ~hich was scattering trans~crred Its language too, and thus It has been accepted that thc langu~ge5 of Luropian peoples contam numerous words that have .~ ~ame meaning and pronouncrauon, and that is why the

languages h b ~

., ave een named

!:ld{)~Europian and the peoples Indo-Europians" or Caucasians. YeL all the attempts to disCOver the root of "Indo-E _

. " ,uro

plan language have remained

~nsuccessflli. and Bilbija underI~nes there now that this his publicarion is an attempt to observe and prove that root by a careful study,36

. The monuments in Asia

Millar, Bilbiia continues .

b ~ . ascfI-

e~ to Lycian and Lydian civili-

~atlons and which have been mterpre.ted primarily by means of Serbian and Italian languages prove that the point is Hitit language as the original one spoken by the peoples which belonged to Caucasian race regardless where and when those monuments and script has been found.l?

After the decline and desintegration of the Hitit Empire at


I 10CJII: IIpOI[t.lC'I'H H prlCl£ana X Wl'Wl"lKUJ' nape rna KpajcM tl.py~ I II ~mneHHJyMn npe XpnCTCI iC;'~IH' npewe cy, Kcl1YJC onnOHj(i, uoct OJlInt: firl)] lie crop M,HI,HJC Mi.I:IliX KpalbCBCTaBa KOJHMtI cy mtajlan 11 1 taJ upc x HTWI CKfI 10(,nottClpu. T8KBO je crau.e uocroFUlO cne no ncpcajcxor «pan-a KHP(1, xojn JI.! 539 npe Xpncra ~av·n.:l) BaHH.iJllIIMJY If npoinacno ''IaJjcHHY OJ1. np()Bmll~IJa IIcp<.:HJCKOT l~(lpCTRa. Kan je AJIl:KC;'HlHap BemfKH IIllKOPIfO I Iepcaj(.:KO ItaPCTHO IbcrOAB IIClc:.:leHIIH~ LVi cy IIOl:Ta.rHl rocnonapa 1I0KOPCIHIX npOBHIIIUljH, a 'iaTlB,". t.y CI.! na 111M IJp(1CTC)p~iMa rtojanUITIf PHMJbHIIli. HWlall I [1IITIH, Apam: 11 Ita]1<1J\ TYPltl1. J1 raxo cy t)]~ ue xanaruu.c: MohHCH' H npocrpanor X:WnfTCKUI napersa IW npIHl()HTJlHM npajteJl(JBt:KI1M npllCTOpl1Ml:l O(;TiJJII1 .lepxteua H nYPQ~'fJalll~" (Gear gians), H orra cy sajenno ell CHI.IymllHiM ocraunxa XUHlTCKlfX nacauux CIIOMellHKCI CBCW'I~li I1CTUPHjCKI.! APHMC KOj(1 jc TpajaJW IlIWh..: XH rha~a r 0iVfHH.

Ha xpajy ()BUI 1I0f .. 1aBJI,C\ ll"JToHja Hac nonceha ,Ila jc npen nO'IC1'Cl K Ilpnor CHeTCKOI' PH'I'(J Bendrich (Bedzik) Hrozny, 1IJ10- rpccop liclfKI)1 yn HIWP'iI11 CTiJ, lIopeKJIWl'1 'Iex, (iriO (1),\ I IcMiJlIKOf npl1jell1C1J1I1()1 HPYlJlTua

the end or the second millemum B C there existed, fore Some time. numerous formations of small kingdoms ruled firstly by Hurt rulers. Such a state had been existing all the time until Persian emperor Cyrus, who conquered Babylon in 539 S.C and proclaimed it to be one of the provmces of the Htlit Empire When Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire his he: rs became rulers of the conquered provinces, and then in those areas Romans, Byzantians, Arabians and finally Turks appeared. And so of the peoples of former powerful and waste Hitit Empire in the onginal ancestral regions Arrninians and Georgi ans remained, and they are, along wi th the preserved remnants of Hitit wntten documents, witnesses of the lustorical drama that had been lastII1g for several thousands of years.

At the end of this chapter Brlbija reminds us that III eve of the World War I Bendnch Hrozny, a professor at Umversny of Wienna, a Czech by origin, was entitled by the German Oriental Society to prepare copies of Hrln script tn the

onnaurhen L{a y MYlcjy y J le-I <llIoyny IIpmrpcMH xouuje XJ1TlI'I CKor IIHCMa. Xpo HIlI jc ycrrco na pa rpeunr rl'ajny XI1 rurCKOr nncxra If Jl.(i 6C'3 ne.nm«(! 'l'CIllK he CXB<.tTIf 'matIClhC HCxnx CallP>Kaja. OH ie, KW+'C .sl-fJIfillja. Gno wmeHa~cH K8,1 jl ~aKJI,ylJH U na XII'l'WrCKlT je .H~k. ortronapa CTPYK'J'YPII jenuor HH,!OCIlj1orJcKor jc'mKa. T;qpKHKOB ycnex Y ~elIlI1cj)pOnaHJy XHTI1TCKOr rnrcsaa Df1JI6Hja 'rYMa'HI 'IIJH)eHlfI~oM na je Xpo- 1HII npn pa)ty KUPUCTlfO "maJhe '1(;1J1K.Or jesnxa. ~8

Istanbul Museum. Ilrozny suececded to solve (he rnistery of I Iitit script and understood the meaning of its contents without a great difficulty. lie was surprised, Bilbija says, having concluded that I Iitit language corresponds to the structure or an Europian language. Hendrich's Success in deciphering Hitit script is interpreted by Bilbija by the fact that Iirozny had utilized his knowledge of Czechian language in his work.38



«r. t...
- Kopucreb» xapry Joxaua (l>pHHpuxa IIJ I Y57. ]OAlHIC flUJ! llilC.1()BOM "HClIIurj)rOUilH)C )'1 a "Jell" . IJIfcaM3 H jCH1K3". 03H8'IaBajyhu nojcnnue ,IleJH>B(: xapt e fipnjclHIMa oH 1 )~O 5 DUJ1611ja HClCTUjU na aa HjOj npnxaxce H HeKC CBojl! J{Qejc. Bpoj 1 ria xaprn L)'Hlalrana ITO 1I e1 ax I1C3Cl C rapnx Ernrrhana H }'hHXOHOC' xujCPOL1HcpCKor lIliCMa y OKnlrpy npnxasauor ,Il(;J1a cnera. nOKYuranajytn: na pelIHI"1 Hli OHCTKY 0 pahaiey ofipaaonan.n. lJOBCKOBOI' trajncher orxpnha, If Mao casr, K3)f(C lilln6M.ia. y BHJJ;)' CHI.? pannje noxyurajc (ycne unrc lIRn He) If pa1J1lPIHTa MnmJhCHl<1.

I. Er'lmhal-lif cv npnr: nO'IL!JIH YfI{rl'pcG.1)aB3TIf CJIIIKOB ue maKe na 0(1 xacnnje 1IJ1IICTyrnUBI IIpaKTII'JHujL!M H("}lIHHY KOMYlml~lIpaH}a: xfljl:paTCKm1 IHICMy.

2. BCJHtKo If MohHO

xparseucrno XUTunl jCHHHo jc OJ~ Ernnhana srorno IIpnXBaTMTfI o6a aa-mua TIHCalL8 (('limo y pary ann Y MIIpy). O~ OBUX U61THKa p.nJ3H.110 ce KJ1HHaC'IO IIHCMll.

3. XHTUTH cy KJlIHIaCTO (JHCMO npcnenn Ii Y Hajy,qaJhcJ-mje nC.I10Be cnora uapcraa, y MeconoTaMMjy Ii y Many Asajy.

4. 3axBHn,yjyhrf JIUCeOHHM OKOJIHOCTHMa, xao IIlT(J je IJOTOJI (Bcnnxa) napon J(aHaC lI03f1aT xao 11 liJlO' HpaHqll ummjlfO cc II KpCHyO npcva nCTOKY upcaocchn nCTonpcMcHO H KJ1HHaCTO II1ICMO (K1HIH3CTC :maKe).


Using thc map by Johann Fridriech frorn 1957 under the title "Deciphering of Dead Scripts and Languages", marking particular parts of the map by numbers from I to 15, Bilbija cndcvours 10 present some his idea too in it. Number 1 in the map marks the beginning of the connections of old Egyptians and their hyeroglyphie script in the frame of the presented part of the war/d. TI)!ing to solve the riddle of the birth of education, the man's greatest achievement, I had, Bilbija says, in mind all previous attempts (successful or not) and different opinions.

I. The Egyptians were the first which began using pietoral signs, and later on they passed to a more practical form of writing: hieratic script.

2. The great and powerful Hitit Kingdom was only that could accept both ways of writing from Egyptians (whether in war or peace). From those forms the cuneiform script developed.

3. The Hitits transferred the cuneiform script to the farthermost parts of their kingdom too, to Mesopothamia and Asia Minor.

4. Thanks to special circumstances, such as flood (Great), the people known today as IndoIranians separated and departed to the east transferring at the


5. Y KYll'rypHuM qeHTplL~la Mane Aanje. sao nrro cy Jlnnuia. Ilrrxuja, Kapnja II Jlpyrc /l()J~UUl,y~ jv CC flOBH HatJlUm IJIICLlIhLl II Ilona ;36YKa. To OIiBa npcHcTo_ II y CPCH03l!!\fn,c-McnH'rCpaH (Etrus can script - eTpypcKO IIlICMO). Y UeHTpaJIHY Ii cenepny Espony (Runic script- PYHCKO nUCMO J II Y o6nacnl CCBepHo on Ilpuor xropa, (Slavic cynllic ~ CJI0BCHCKO 11lIpH.'lCKO nacuol.

t.vc l n

l~tte~~ Kaltnkd ftlcj


r s

5 r,


Q ttl II

D I', 15 U' J?



same time the cuneiform scri~1 (signs).

~. I~ the cultural centers of ASia Minor, such as Lydia. L\da Ca~'i~ and others, new wa}:s OJ: wnung and new alphahel appeared. It was transferred 10 the Med i terranean too (Etruscan script), to the Central and Northern Europe (Runic script) and to the regions north of the Black Sea (Slavic cyrillic).










I) l('<lSUT< If''1'V(


"", t~Ot.h~f

" n<-l:;lp







t. ·+t~lT QCOO_",1' lu;:r H'd,>,"


p r

n r ! .... ') t






r.lad jUf;t.IHI chin


K.a11nk.it: Tltl.l11 Asl~o MiI10r!,,; frtedrith F.xtln. lan~u)R~6;

P.UbtJ~ XIlf,lt> '-t!;1.:!:

CJ10BHJ1 'maqH ua 'J'J1y Mane AJHje - Jlnxaja.

r .etler signs on the soil of i\ ia M ino!'· I .ycia


...AC .... Jl)ABAIM~ EBPOnF

l Iourro "ilM je 11l' CClJld Y IfldBJllflo,l IIpTaMcl IlpHKCI'HlO lIeKii 1lJI1llC1T1.'1 n {)/llh lee y Murro] A ;I1J 11 npJI/(CljyIHI .i i lj Bl!JJ f1l01 ltrl:lIJHj Y Be1J1 ca mlC'J'alllWM 1I0je;UlIIHX napoAH. 1I.J1XOHor WH, \Ut H peJ1BOJt.:M qlfl~I1/JH1al~H[e. ),11.1(1111<1 "I,c.lWHi 11<1 Jl!JVIO 1aKB(J ucto Bp.IU rill(-t'lajllo T10J1IC1H.bt: IlO,I, HHWlOHOM II HaCC~""IIJ.aJhl~ E II tJo IIC II Y xojc M uIJCf{Y.Jt:MO Btl}K/I(1 OlijH1ITIf,ClbH U BC'HiM(l IIpU'J'OLrmcKIiX Ma'IO,I'"r HJ CKl-IX 'ii:lJl:JlmlflH. K<Jl) H U ofipa iOH£IIf,Y. wiMchy Cl('THJIlI " 11 pauax enp( IlJCKHX <:PJlCKrJl.:flOneue KIV 1cl]fJ{I1HIl.<t .

1.I-IIIOH]cl ueh nu 1I(Il.JCTKY OBl11 'UlH '1C1j IIDr IIUrJI;'1 lI~ha [JUHL.:t: h u At] cy CL: IIp fHl IJ<lCC~ IhL,;II.HJ~U I1amnJlJlJ.! y FBPOIIII IlYro rrpc II nl\WHI/hc) upne Tpoje, "pUOJII1>KII(1 Ill{n "OUt! /'O){I1IIH irpe XPHLTl:l. KClcIIHjc ..:.y uche II nOJ!.!.: I1rr(lIlWHlna1IC rpyue

(1I.1Cl\IClla) IIHCClbCJII1K<I II<lI1~

IJlrHlJle CfI I1CTllKCI. npc CHL.:I'ii J I P C Ko A narunu] c. () 1111 rre y'j ell. onH pa II n 11,1 CCJ bc.:lIlfll,l1 lip en a "HIJIlI cy ;(t1PJ\C11I811C, )(n.rrWHi.'IH y TpcIKI1JY 11 Ty cy MllnlH OH IhUX jenuo BpeMl: 'laCT~IJll1 }I,il 011 rH-I'J Ii M "P lIJl,Y >K IIJl1I )tiI II nc t: 'l.il"<1


After present! Ilg to us a general picture of some events and relatIOnshIps III ASIa Minor, ascnbing to 11 a great significance in relation to the origrn of particular peoples, their scripts and developments of their civihzauons, Bilbija passes to an also very Significant chapter under the title "The Settlement of Europe" where we are expecting important mforrnation about the connections of the Proto-Serbian Asia I'vflllorian cornrnuniues as well as about the education of, among others, the early Europian Serbo-Slavlc communities.

Already on the beginning of this chapter Hilbjja reminds that the first settlers were in Europe long he fore the erecting of Troy, approxlInately about 3000 years before Christ The later and better organized groups (tribes) of settlers were arriving from the east, Ii rst of all via Anatolia Generally, these early settlers were passed over Dardaneli, arnving to Thracra and there many of them stayed and then went on to settle the more fertile parts of the Balkans,


When new settlers would curne, the former ones were forced to abandon to settle, with obligations, the areas along the river Danube. In time an overpopulation 100k place in the Danube Walley forcing some tribes to go farther through Europe, and that mainly In three directions: to the area of the Subtransilvanians Alps, to the Panonian Plain and to the Subalpean soil.

In the later movements one group was gOI ng by the roads between the Carpathian Alps and n ver Dnepar, and then expanded over the areas settled today by the Czechs, Slovakrans, Polish and Russians, and the most ancient inhabitants of Ukraine. This group winch has been .denufied as Slavic one and which had also some subgroups integrated With other lesser groups. having their unique cIIIture and language, the latter containing some Slavic words too, consisted of Estonians, Lathuians and Li1 vanians J9

The North-German group which departed from the Panonian Plain consisted of the [0110\v100 subuJOups German,

o 0

Dane, Flernrrush, Swedish,

Nmwegran, BI irish (HI rlons l. Scottish. Welsh, Helgl'lI1 and

.. lalH.;Kt.: q)j{'IMdlll.I<t.., 11l11l..;/(cKl:, I !t'prH':IIIKt. l'pWrallL.KC (Briionv), 1I1 KlJ'J (;K~. Bt.:JlJIIVl;;, Jt1pC.Kl:. IJI~,lI HJ(;K~ 11 l.CIH'::PIIC (}>paJlIIYCKC. XYHrapH (Hunganens) II IH YlintpH ( Jngurs), (lIWIf (,Y pC! uuje WIt:t:J1,t..IJl1l1.11 '" r 1J 11 cy C(; (;<1 (. l'OJaJJtf t 1/1. 0(-1 II KCi uCI01X IJ~mmIlCJOtX [JJll'Mellti KU)}I ly Wil yGnJlI1 jenau /{i...'lJ CHlIl" I..TtlpUl.'BpUnl:K(l[ pt.:1111IiKa, an II IUH. Y Wil yGmlli c.:HllJl! ocnonue KdpSKTeplH .. THKl' KUJt.: IIX lnjqllI<l'IYJY UI ,tpyl ~1'-l1 CbPOIICKl1M IldPOll.11~HI.

Cy(i(lJITlCK(l rpYlld UpCMC- 1(111\\ cc ra'mlfJ\i;l I~!l cncnchux lIapDHlI!'CTI1: n-!"<lJllljallcKc, jY>KIll) cppaI I Lt,)'CKe, G(-ICKlljCKl:. uop ry: IJH.:K\,; Ii IIIIIHIICKC,

)).:IJI Ki:lIILKO nonyocrp IHI, 1l0HBmlliH J)11J10 11JCI , "Plnl je "(lCT .. 1 n.cnn PCrl1011 H ~JlI .It: IIpeHc'raun-uo l)JlCK:lllf HY R~CKy 'HI 1 I acci I .a IHl I I,!.! ~)C'i't1J1 ax ll(;.lona J npone. I IUPOHl1 Koj~ {;(I/\U nncranyjy haJIK811 y CTlIC11Hl cy {)C1'31U1 IIJICMl:1J8 Pauraua KOjll cy 'ry JKIIDc"Hf oJ~ uajcrapnjux nana II IIIfKaJ~a ce uucy nOT nyno JtCCJMmaJIII, nell cy y tlCII0811 OCT3JIII 11::1 cnojllM JlIJ3J\C,.nnCKItM npm~n)pIlMa. JCHI11111 H'~y'~CT(1K fiHJHt cy ] PII)1, KojH cy

lY I1JIOHIIl1jc Jlt:JIOlIC l;~l.HKam.l. \«1,L t..y !UntUIIII" 1I01H! HaCL..:JhcHlJ I~H ouu PHIJIlFi 611I1li cy IlP~IMopallli Ha y'i oGu Ill!'il: uace-

~bd BaJY 1l0HPV \1)<1 Jl,.VIK pexe A,VIl3n3• HPCMl:IIUM JC gOIIl.10 nu npcn;:,ccn>CIIOL;Tl1 Humnlo.M Ilv

111.1 Jl(1 urn ~ 1 c n p Ii M opan lJ II0j C)l!Ilin 1IJ1~r.ICII'l WI cc YIIYTC HH'IA' 11rl!IW CBPUllCKLll KOJlTIUIClI']'<l. 11 'I'll yrIWBTlPM y TrHi IIranna: 11(1 IIPl..lCl0P CYOTra IICHJI Bi:1lILKHX Anua, Y llUITOHCKY paBIHmy 11 lIeI ~y(itl.lI1C.KO 1CMJhUIlITC.


lCHua rpylla JL. Lln~la1llJld 1IY'l't:ltl1- tvHl InM~hy KaplmTCKUX AJI1la l1 peKC ;1,1I,Cllpa, a 'mTUM cc paumpuna no npOCTOpHMa KOjl1 cy p,t1H3C H~ILCJM:m1 t·ICCIIMH, CnoBtlllHM.C1. nl)JbHl\HMCI Ii PYCH-M<I, 11 II<lJCTClPH1HM (;TaIIOlHml~HM(1 YKp<lJHlIe.. OBa rpvn» Jt J.iACllTUcj'>HKOBaml KiW CJlllB~IICKa, a HMdJlH Je 11 nCKC lIonrpym:, xojc cy ce l'fIITCl'PHC('IJI(; ca npyrHM MalhlrM I PYIIClMCl KOJe (;y T10Ct.:UOIUlJll: CBOjy IIUCl!OIlY KyJITyPY H Jc-mK KOJH JC canpxao H HCKC C]1llBCIII..KC pe-ru. To cy (hVHl Fl"TOHnn, :hJ'l'ImJll~1 (JICTOHI~ri) u JhITBam~l1.'\lj

CCBeplIOlcpMallCKa rpyua koja CL' IIOKpellYJIi:I U1 IlaH(llICKC paBlilUlC 0Hna jc cacraun.cua nil cncnehax lIuHI pyllil: I cpstanckc.

111c1T H()


1J(l(;CJI HJIl!

<l'Il1~rKIf npocrop.

northern French The Hungarians or Ungars had been former settlers consisting of Balkan Rashan tribes that had lost one part of their Old-Europi an vocabulary, but had not 1051 their basic characteristics that equalIZ\; them With other Europian peoples

The Subalpian group developed in trrne to the following nationalities: Italian, SouthFrench, Basquian, Portuguese and Spanish.

The Balkan Peninsula, Bilbija underlines. is the first inhabited region ami It represented a springboard for the settlement of other parts of Europe. The peoples inhabiting now the Balkans are in fact remnants of the tribe of Rashans which had lived there and never emmigrated corn plerely, but in essence stayed on their ancestral ground. An only exception were the Greeks, which settled the region of Attica considerably later.

Bilbija dwells longer on the traces of the earliest civilisation along the Danube Basin where artifacts have been found that belonged to the groups to which no any migration can be related and for which no a temporal

!)MnlmjC! cc '~a)lp}Ki:I{ l t-.1CtJI.O J{YiKC na ''raroIlMM:J rlClJPH" HJe I~~ DHJIII1ClIll-tJc ;(YIK 1lJ'lIanCKor oaCCII(t !'He cy na bC1l11 (I prerpa KTH KOIU c:.y rIpHllilj~aJIH rpynava HI K('Jt cc ue MiJ,;oKt.: Be'HI'! H IIHKdKIW MHrrtlHH]a H 'Hl KOJL! ue 1I0lTOJI1 BPCML:IJ(;KH O.KBHP lIt1Muhy KO]Cr (;C MU)I(C Y'rHPJll1- r H KHJ.t I.:y TC rpyuc JlClIJI.'It: y TeIJ r~rHIIII H.JH y IICKC I-lPyrc ACJIORL:

I ,BrOnC y KOJHMi:I ly apxeonmu 1H1IWHI c.:mltlJlt: penuxrc,

hHIIOHJ8 H(.;TWIC J1(1JJ.c ila JC lini:ll'OJHlpehl1 (I'~[jYlur cpucxe hHpltJWHl.: I!() "pml uyr MOl yhe 'HiTaHI Ii pcJ1y~WTIi t:Tf>ypCKe, lflfi\11jCKC H J1HKHjCKC CJlHCl! Wi Knjnx CC MO)KC yTRPJ~lfll1 BC'iH H IInpCK;JO, jep OIlU Ca)lp}f{C M IIOj C pC11II KOJC ce lIaJIa"H~; y r IlTClltn CAHM rC'-!llIl,HMCJ l- nponc, JlI'1 (I YKiI'1YJe..: II£J riIICT(JJilll,C J Cll 110 I ri:IIJOI CBP(,IIt:KOI' JC'H1KU, KOJ~f.it: rpuue {1I1Hot.:H[WIICKC JC'HflIlIC noponnne."'

I IajJf()lHJJ H npoua bell H c.ieMtllTlf onor pallor CIlPOJICKOI JC'HfK<I, Ki::lKIJ 1,1 Ja IIa'HIIHlM. Hen-flIt: IirwCiHja, yxaryje 11<1 'ntJl,ClHWY Jlli J~ IltIjm.:hl1 "Pl1I1.t: liCIT PC'IH KOJH ce JaBJI~a y l:TpypCKOM IlHCMY JlClllwl>punHII IIoMohy pCYH y t.:J1I1t.:K{)M H WraJInjanC:KOM jC'~HKY. I (CljIWPOIWTIIHJC OOJHIIJILt:II,C MOl1l0 (iH OWl"

frame exists by means of WhlC,h one can ascertain when those groups had Come to that region or to some other parts of Europe where archeologists have foumd similar rehcts.

Bilbtja emphasizes flll1her on that thanks to the alphflbct or the Serbian Cyrillic it IS PossIble for the first time to read and understand the Etruscan, Lydian and Lycian writings from which one call ascertain a connectIOn and origm, for they comarr many words found III almost all languages of Europe, that pOllltI ng to the ex istence of one early Europran language, wluch IS a branch or the Indo-Europiull lingual farlllly.',JIj

The most recently found elements of this early IndoEuroprun language, as j call It, BilblJa underlines, point to the fact that the greatest percentage of the words appearing in Etruscan script has been deciphered by means of the words appearing 111 Serbian ilnd Italian I anguages The most probable explanation could be III [IllS Many words from the nncrent Etruscan langu(lgc have survived thanks to a constant usngc 111 Serbian language, The main reaSOil lor that was the fllcl tha: the

V ouovrc: MIiOIl: J1e'IM In ("'1'<1[101 C'lrlV[1LK(11 JC'iHKCI "rH .. ;)l(HBCJIl! L:y timll IWl/ll:hM C'('<I':lllUJ YWl'rptriH y l.P"(;KOM ]CrHI Ky. 'J (I.ll! lIiJJfH1JIH': fi~tJlo "WrIO 111'1'0 IICiPOH Kojl1 je }f{UBCll Y AYIiCinC.KOI\I UcU:I!IIY II ua ',aJIKanCKOM nOJlyoc'rjJny C~ Tn r 1I0H)Jy ... ja IIIfKYll 1I".i1! 0JVI:t'JIIO nCflM jC}HIIIO Kan ce UHlIJHPUlO .Y nnauuue If J{)')K CTIH'lJIX l{alf,Olla )~Jnlllc. JlIffIC. 'Iape II ,_.), OJ.aK.-le

cy O;vut1l1:m 11:.1 IIJIftWla IIOJhit II 113 fI()}(PY'ljC P.tIllKC iiunlTe I\'IIII1CIJitJUI:\1i-1. 'Ia] IIIJOC'fUP je oliO UIUfIlJICJlICIn It :Joor UJ)ujmtx mll.IIIX UJIIOI)a.

PHMJI,(IIH'l cy ·HJi.lmr 'HI 11ll<l

"nrl1pO,lI.lfil GOI ,ITt: !'1Ii:! H 'HltJ!

IIlT'H l.y Y III BCKY 1IJ1l; Xpw:ra W~I (1ilHliJ 111 II yrc nc 11 lit) III;:U'I }l<:1 KUIWjy pwmt PYHC JIB npOVI upy camuuu.c ('pCiI,rjc, -3~1 y'l MI~C1je 11 II povenc II aCT;lJIl: Y TO xy (ill 11,111- Kil PtfMJI,(JII:I. OCOOf,ol'I'(J Y ('pfi~ljH, (\"'HCIII1jH H JlflM.WfI,lIjw, rillli 0111<1 IIPI1McbyjL )I,a 'I aj rJl:Plll1)~ IIC"l'()PI1J~ O<lJIK<tIlCKllX lIap!J}fa. m;oOH 1'0 CP"CK( II", I},l n,UI(ICJ';l PII M:I.:-t 11,\ HI) 1II.:PHOJI:-1 II,If 11(1 l'T11.lC I lc M ,.I '[,1111(1 mH:y It CTH II ·11 0 II poy'IIUIII 1111 IfC'1'UpUlJalH1 liB Jlt111111lfC'I11, I JajlH:hl'lM ){C!111M (il-l() je '1(JIICMapCJl. Y'i OB,Y 11i:-IIJOMCIIY r;lCIOI1j;1 tlllCT 11(;1 ~J!le 'H1;tlJl:lJ hllpHJICKC cl'i(iYJ{L 'W "},MCllJCII,C 11 1";'1 iY"'IL:I!<lJI)\.! CTPYp· C:KllX Il'KVI'OIHl,":

people which had lived if) the J):lIIl1he Basin and ill Balkan PCllinsub. went nowhere except only when I he}' were retreating lu mountains nnd along till! steep canyons or the D.-ina, PiV3, Tara etc, whence they went to fertile fields and the area of Rashka r ich with minerals. That area Was attractive also because of numerous hot springs.

The Romans knew about thrs natural resources (I nd began lo mine various orcs in the region of today's Serbia. As to the influences and changes that took place during the Slay of the Romans, especially 111 Serbia, Slovenia and Dalmatia, Bilbija notes that that perrod of the h1Slory of the Balkan tribes, especially of the Serbian one, from the beginning of the Romans to the period of Nemanjic dinasty, has n at been st lid i ed In detai I either by historians or linguists It has been neglected for the most part With this 110t(.; Brlbua emphaSIzes again the Significance of the Cyrillic alphabet for the J nterpretau on and understanding of Etruscan texis." I

I faving cited, further on, III the chapter 'I ~lrllscan Monu-

I " /'

IIIt'n s • a serres 0 mrcrcsnng

I IUIlII " W. ;(d1I,(;. ,II 1IIlIJldH liN H.'II)YI'CKIl ~IIOMCIIIII~H Ii t1i1 1H..11 lIH1UL ItllIlH.1 J.~1B1I U iIIllllllJln1 llIH.\ Ml.'WlliI J)Jf'l("iIlJiI

lL IlyJh.l ICI,tp..+ ... 1B I lid Jl1JIII

1(I."lIM .... lhl~1l.:lIm.v IIO]U11 Jlyr()M Y 'I II. I IIi' J I H \ \ I... pi IJ·I 'I Ii Hi J l k l k.rllJ.lfI~r.;, (IIOMl.lll1k II. fYJ KPI1,Ja tlrXll\}ltlIIIKt,1 c Kt..Ill,;jlHI 1,J11i'l 1011 17 v up I a" Ii HII Llf 1'1 IJOIm Iljcp- 1I01ll'a Mmd)C'r t l~cI7-Il)n). IluH I "I"",I-IM II.lVllIfltlM I JI11I(iHIR r PII lIpll HI) ('uprty (Sal drs), IIj"lL L IPIIHI/,II h.rn.I,CIK I lit I Ju,:{rfIL', Ild,l Hlii IHI) IH1JLM Ky,l['ryrllot\! 11 II () 'IH r If II "" 1>1 IlC trrpy M II J I C A'HI,ll:', YI llllll [iB!I(illj(J 1I(l!~- 1l!/i:l1ItI i\U I~ HlOYK(I Kll)Y (l)i(lM npI1JIL1h.UM Kflpl1cnl npuuaheua Y (it P't\- H ('llcl'JJI c LL II po 11111- 111111<1 ITII Ill.: IUM lIlLIV, IIHlIil~,

IIIAHJlKiI Kpn.lI.Llh.'TIH) Jl:

AOCHlI JID Ln{ 'I 'jt..:11 H'I' 'lil Bpt:ML:

Kra1hu j\~IJtJilHI (Allyntes) tIP)· ~()(l "P<': Xpucra. 11()1..;,rH.:)tIl,1I J...paJ'b GUll rc Cyru ',42

Iuphuua ('apH KUIY 111.11)8- IIH JIll mmljy KOS CiHJI3 jc, 11011- uun.a hHJJ('hIJil. 'lllcl'JajllH KYJII VPllU 1~t.:11 J'lIP c rapot CIH!'I'tl H K;IH c)' IhCllM I pal)~lIH1 (iWH-l IIp11· t.1UpaIIU nil uanycre Ipn)~ pa H1II1JI H C,! cc Ita cue tTp(IIW, (JJlH I.;y cc npc lJallYIIIT,IIhH JlYllJ (\llPUJUI Jli! l:Wl)'~:'IJY CIHlJ IraJ~, 1 J<I MlPMCPIlLlJ r1f10'1It KOJY Jl:

and Sign II H: rill t documents. BdblJCl dwells longer Oil Ihe I YCJan monument erected In honor of the fallen heroes or Lv dran em ally l'hc monument WlI\) discovered by an archeologreal expedruon of 191 1- I 7 organixed by .Inhu ]'icIT(!JlOlit .lunior (IK67-lq43) Under the above title Brllnja speaks also about Sard (Sa: drs), till! capital of the Kmgdom or Lydia. the most important cultural and pohtrc.rl center of Asia Minor Besides. BII bJ.lLI underlines that the alphabet used by him Oil tlus occasion had been found in Surd and from there It spread allover the world Otherwise, the Lydian Kingdom reached 11s zcruth durII1g king A llyates, 61 CJ-560 H C The last king W,lS Cyrlls:12

The fortress of Sard, called KOS by the Lidians, was, Bilbija repeats, a significant cui rural center of the Old World, and when Its CItizens had been forced to abandon the city they drsperscd 111 all directions, but had been lighting for long to preserve their city. On the mal hie plate discovered by the American archeological expeditum a text has been written In Lydian language about a heroic defense of Lidian cavalry. The

11)11 17 llTh:(1I1JIH dMCPIiQK.1 ilrXi..I)JIOJlll\tJ \..11.IIC/{U1lHjft I1llllf'

d fl JI.: It Kl.l liT! JUfJ~If.il'KOI\1

jC'lUHY () JYIIHlIKO} OHfipdll11

JIIi)~UJ<'KL: Ki IIJ,H II,L, I JOlll.:'lllJ1 I~~(;'J' I.ICILH: Iii UC'lH (',IPJlH ~llIl.lf() lIa:m y fit)JY uMaJY IfMC IIdlllL HI'H .. :+'

l la HIWK, Mti IW'II1KO IId I:y C.'IUI JlU~(jHa 11111,11 I'L /{C', 01111 II 1I,l1X(!1I0 'IYMU'll:IbC OJl "iIIll'H1IH J(I "poIIHlPClI,C usurer "lWUhH () c~ldl H\1 lIapoJnIMi:I Y 'wlIUJllIOM ;teJlY Mane A'HiJt!, II() II () I Ipn'lllcp(iIIM,I, I'll.. KJII1 11l1lMO Wl It II ()(;di II 0 rrpHBfliJ'ldll C::rHP~c:Jl

"II '

f1f),~ lIal;fltlJ~O\1 '. IH\fljLl(cl i1"!OV

.w 1111Ih .. ~1l>".

uutral text reads Those very Sards fdllcll honorablv 111 the flAht have th n( me (1f OUI descent .1

Yet. I egardless of how much the previou I te t8 and their rntcrpretanon arc sigmficant lUI an expansion of our knowledge about the old peop] es In the western part of ASia MlIJOr, and also about the Proto-Serbs, we would say that the contents under the tule "Lycian Alphabet and Scrrpt" are especially Important


I. lIene"cl(" 8"p

2. Celeo"," !(OoJK

3. JanaA'ofIol IIPclK '*. I1CTO\lHH KPaK

JIencHCKI1 Bup 11(1 o flO) CKJJJUI CI'fM60JIUtIJlO JlPI.!J.(CTtlIlJLCI Ilouynaan,e - KDJlt:BKy ~i'i xoje je y HCToPHjcKoM BP~Mcrty noTt:KiHl l!BpOII~KI1 6t!JYI1 tlOBCK. Paccn.auan,e 11 IIlHpCJhC Wi Itonynaan.a 'rpajano je XHJh(t~ l(aMa ronnna. Ilpanun cy 0111(1- ItCHI1 ca 1(1MI1UfJbt!HHM 1I0J~I~CI1TpHMa '3aJ.tp)f(tlnlllha O)tdKJJC CC g8J1,e p,i1rp8Jht=lHalhC IIBCTaBJhBITII CHe HOK My CC Tpal OBI1 IlHCY w~ry6HJIH Y Ct.:BCPIIUJ A(ppHI~n 11 J1I1J~lfJIf. (C'. ]iHJIOlfJCI, "CTapllCHpOIiCKH 1C1HK If IJI1<.:Mc) l'Tpypal.a·' ).

Lepenski Vir in this picture represents symbolically the Danube Basine - a craddle from where Europian white man Of/glnated. The scattering and spreading from the Danube Basin lasted for thousands of years. The directions are marked witl: imagined sub-centers of stays whence a further branching continued all the time until its merchants have lost themselves in the northern Africa and India, (S Bilbija, "Old-Europian Language and Script of Etruscans"),

... MA~U nCMOAIlTlQrov.lllln I C .... e se ... ur

o crapulu N!OAVr

• c rol'1 reo -.lot Cpt:!.IJ- kpl.&1l


SIII:QOlr .. "o wo.c

()IW LKIlllil JI<.lJ~ Jl'Wlfll I scun "pllk.a i III L JMlI ,dellt'II<'K II Hnpa. ncr- II JlPylll'< 11"1""'-1111'\ 1I,Ill bd II r IICI.IlflHIl I\·k. ... 'r II fICd.II'ITLk.lJI ,IOOU Y LPt,{IIAM II :tOlhlM ;1)JlIH1V ()lfd Jl' Y iera In Klldll C IIpmjlu.op(1

( rLJ11flii hd Th 11I.IJl:KII Bur. (.'1 p

~(j " II'I1IdilN (pIILK.L KlhfDKl'Blil >.1 IrVI l IJlIlfpd/f ({' (' 1;11'(11111",

( I"<JJllll h('ClllI.kll it'IIIK II 11I1l:'v1l1

hrVPdJId' '1111'':.:11,) tQH4, C ~)

This sketch gives nil unique prescnl<HIOJ1 not only or Lcpcnsk: Vir, but also 001' other important settlements from Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages 111 the 1111ddLc and lower Danube. It has been taken from the book by professor Srejovic - Lepeuski VIr. page 20, pubI ished by Serbian Literary Collective _ Belgrade (S S BllbiJiJ, "OldEuropran Language and Etruscan Scnpt". Chicago. I ')X4. P 3)

Original Lydian text

ri''11 A fA'1"1''r''1 T Iq ,--( 1A~ 1'1'( ACl,A·n A'iq "'1 Ttl <D ';';'fo~qTl;":'rrr ~qpJl A'f"1A II'f"I""1~Ag A.AB ~A""~'U cr; 1 q 11 I A) AlA l' A A.AJ •• .;. 1 '1"" I 'i -1 1 A 1 A T A'1 '1 <lJ

• A'~ r,AT'1'f8 ~A"" •• 1f--tATt.;I '1101 ~ATYAqA8i AA& (£ ... U.ArT"A.\"1~A 'fTti ",(,QA8{ Ttl l''''1I'(''''1 AJI+"1'1 G; • A . A A '1 .". 11 o\A '1" A.A I 1 "7 I "7 ~ >I '"t A q 1 I .A ~ A, ... j 11 A G:'

.IUIKJtI.JCKA A'j'iYKA 1<1 nlfCj'\JIO

fIpUM<..:rm JIHKliJCKOI ./C'1IlKa CWIYUi:lIlH ~y. K<DI(I.; /illJ/(JHJlJ, v 11<1 II HCll M(J JICI (KO 150 <..:JIO·MCIJI{Ka 11 fW KPl:lTKlfM J1C-I'l:.!JJ- 1I11Ma fiB JIHIHfjeKuM IJ'HIIJ,y. IIp()(tll;ClIP E,1Hl'C'I' KaJIIIHHa, '~YlXBaJbyjyhH aycr PUjCKOj UJla)~11 YLIIt.!U.le ua (W)jIJM IIV'J'OBCllhJfM(l IRX4 H IR1N Jl(J IIjlllKyllH cue (l1ll' npHMC;pKL: ~1 I~a xouupu Bchlmy IIC1TIJIH':cl KOjH cy ce fJ(1)lil"lHJII1 y Ipa/ty y JII.fKl1jll. CJl(IJY ~riHPKY KClJiI'111 K<I je UUJll IHIl I Y JI'~)t(lIl,y liC'IK(l1 YII11nernlf'l'l:T8 flOJ\ WIC.1J11Il(lM "Tituli l.yceae, 'lituli Asiae Minoris, Vindobonne",

')OIfPKH (;L: cae'!'!)J'" Wi

HY' I,IX J.i Kp,.TKH:X narnuca ca I'P D(i 1111 X C 1I00MC IHI K a J.1 CIII1- I purim. T laj'wwlajmljlf m1T11I1C.ic 11(1 ooeJI VICKY IlU'~II(IT(lM xao "X:1IJtos Stella". IhrnllHlX CI u I'(lJtHIHI If''ylllll1l~11 cy IJ()KYlIlaB~IJlII W:I IIpOtTH'I'ajy one 'J'CKC'I oue. T h~KH 0Jl IJ,~IX cy y (l1f:-lJ(lll,y ~a KJ"y '1 M Btl JUI HH Wl'I'I1I1CII CilJ~p>K c ca MI) I1CTOPlljCKC 11l))lfl'I'Ke rie'j MK(lKBIlI' nclJbCI' ()riPI LIlII.e Ihil.

111\w fHHIlC Pa'HlOI:1 'iCi\ II' Klljl1X jc "pOIlIJJO TUJIHK< 11'.111(11 U IlPCMCWI ){il CiH CC Lwm:1Jfu ITITa JC 11(1 o(iCJI11C:KY 'WIII1Ciinu. I Ipl111


:Lin+ t""l>ll.~'ITAX1TfAA .A'lJtl'11.'1"'1,X'1i-CTVU e ..4At'1)1,A --t,/I..fAqABl ~A:Ait,l'1~I"""1 'T'T'11'l ~ 71111)!,AB 'U.l.A..4 lqlltM lA!'"1ITq.l tI"1'T'AqAlf G) @ 1 "1~A i q .... &i 11'\ 1'1111 'T"1'1"''Ti I~ AA I t )I.Al/''V~A

AA~A lqlllA~ 11~ITqAll"'''''AC1AIT''tiAqt ® 'T'Aqltl1'AQI't •• ,('1 ~"18lAP[""'TqAtl""'f";.qAlf e )lIT'7~q ... 81 :AA'118QA 't '181A IA~'1~.4 T"\1,T;AT ~ A~t~AA 1",1 AATM.A.! .. O~'1A"-1'" 'T'1'11'T'1 t4\')IQTlA qJl i"""1"1/ A •• ".,lAq~~T ...t)."'IIIf'"I G1J

The examples of Lycian language ha ve been preserved, BilhlJH says, III the mscriptions on some 150 monuments and all the short legends 011 LyCIHll money Professor Ernest Kalinka, thanks to Austrian government, succedecd In his travels in 1884 and] 889 to collect all these samples and to copy a most of the mscripnons that were in the city of'Lycia Kalinkn published lus collectron In all edition of the Universny of \Vienna under the title "Tuuh Lyceue, Tituli Asiae NJlJlOflS. VI ndobonae"

The collection cornsists of long and short mscnrmons from grave monuments and epigraphs The most significant inscription is on the obelisk known as "Xanthos Stella", SCIentists had been trying all hundred years to have read these texts Some of them, III despair, concluded that the inscription \,;ontall1edjust historical data without any further explanati Oil,

There are several reasons why so long time had passed until it has been learned what is written 011 the obelisk The first


The original Lydian text.

pa'iJllll JC, fW)KC 11HJlf'illj(l: "111'1'0 .HtKl1JL'KCI CJlu[HI (leters) ucwajy 'wjelllHJlIKY (I)UII~TCKy "PCAlh)C r xao y C~m.l (IJUlIe1 (,J(UM Jc·mqH· ~1a, Dch c.:IHHW (..JrulICJ lTMn CHUJ I..fllll. rue lUI 1 BY K I.

I hi flJlO'JI1 .mK~IJ("Ke ~n6yKc ell 26 cnoua HC'l'PU)f(IHUI'Ul c.:y IIpanHJ1110 "pO'IWr'aJIH caMO 12 WlUHa, a jUrUM H orra CJIOH<l KOJa y CBPllIlCKliM inoYKaMa BO~C 1I0pCKJHl Wi Mane A'1 HJC.

JlpYl'lf p~l'i]l or neycnexa Y IIIfTlJlhY GI1U je UITO jc TCKCT llCIIHC:-III ca cxpahenauaxta, Ilfl0 J~ tlaK W'cl1IHlJlO CYMlbY ACl nT1K11· lCKI1 YUIIIII'TC H IIPHlHIUC1 UIIJ~ll enporn.xoj rpynn Je'UIK[l.

Tpchu pasnor je (lim lIajlley()(lwHljcHH]H. HOK je 1I0C' rojana JlHKIfJCKU ~\p)Kana I 'rl~H y H.OJ nacy 6nrUi npucyun, Beh cy (iopalllVlJJ ua 'dOPCKOJ OOClJIH K(lO rpt OlH~H 11 MOp"aprf. OHI1 cy 'ji:I caxpau.anan.e cnojnx [IOKO· jIlHK(I KopIH':T1mn nocrojchc J pnOOlh.': 11<1 .IID< UICKUM r PO(iJMfMel. 'HlKCl CC Jl,IOiKC BHACTI1 KaKO cy na HCKHM CII0MCIHIItl1Mii 1 'piur YKnomJ!1J1 JIH.KI1JCKC ua'rnuce H MCCTO Ibl1X YKJJL:Ci:1J1 U cBo.ie.44

HUilYIliC, lloje"nJHl I 'PI!.H cy J1'i cyjesepja, gormr.:yjyhH cnojc mITIHICe, OCT,IBJhaJIH rtennnc mIKHjcKHX. To JC c'rnapano 'iaoYHY U UOMIICCIO J.{a /lllC'I\)JC

reason rs, Bilbija says, lithe Lycian letters having not a Com rnon phonetic value such as III HII phonetic languages, but each letter has Its own sound"

On the table of the Lyclan alphabet having 26 letters the researchers have read correctly Just 12, and then also those letters in Europian alphabets which trace their origin to Asia Minor.

Another reason for the faillire was in the text having been written In abbreviations, that even rarsmg a doubt regardrn~ Lycian belonging to the rndo~ Europian group of languages at all ,

The th i rei reason was a most unusual one While Lycian state existed, the Greeks were not present 111 It, but they dwelled at the seashore as merchants and seamen They were using the existing tombs on the Lycian graveyards for intering bunals of their dead. Thus it can be seen that they had removed I ycian inscrtptions from some monuments and inscribed theirs instead of thern+!

To be sure, some Greeks, out of superstition, left the parts of Lye.an i nscripnons while adding therrs That created a CUIlfusion and an Idea that there

"nRUjL"HPHlJ1 HiITII11CI1'. 'I l:IKO IIl'I01 IH. I (1 .. 01\ H IHI'Hf 1I ;{clii(1(.. MliCJIC. V Ii iBCCIlOJ r.1c..:PII 'I'{) U'; "eC! f1tJ>JOI H 1](1 OnCJlIlCKY () xoje M Ie pcu, ami rWKIl:I/~IH1 YKne. L.ilHCllhe OJl CTpHIIl: lpxa lIeMU nuxaxue Bt' it: ca

Tl!KCTU~l ua :111KJ.1JCKIIM

(lBd~1 'mil ~1<-I.111(lM CIIOM cnu Ky.

K~l,KU JC OrlJW Y lHIT<lII,Y HLTOjHiJCKO H )1 T1Hr 11 BeTH 'TKo ofiaBC.IlrTc.:!lhC ja CClM, K(I)Ke f;JlJ1 0 11./i1 , i111t1JIU'HfPC10 320 PC'HI II onne wmeo IhlfXr JUy h upn.rHl[KY' pclHCKpI1lLIJ,njy, OPHl'BlIi-lJIJlY 1H1Kl1jcKY pCIJ I1ml npcnon ~j ·5mPIClbl.: PClfJ.1 1[(1 C<lHPCMClfOM cpncxow .IC·lI1KY.

• 11·IIIl.:JJabyjyhCl l. 1'lmp jc )It!

URClJ crapu TCKCT C3JtPIKil Mllorc em .rlCl:KC PC'IJf, n TO 'f'(IJnfKO M"lIoro J\() OJ.1 llC'3 OCnpTiJ na IhliX 'iml'ICI·f.l.! (i1·f;1U lIl!M[)1 yhc. "3<1 rrpHMep je flHJIChlj<l IItIBeo IIt'KOJll1Kn llet:l:TMllti 'lClKHHX eurncCKHX pelJlI.45

~XI51l:U "brhngual mscnptloflS" So some Ic')cdrchcrs tlunk even today '10 cl certain exlent It I, noticed also nil the obehsk con. cerned, but the ... uhscquent chi eltng by the Greeks hav no am connection with the text 011 til

- 1:-'

slgnlllCflJlI Lycl[1I1 monument

SInce liI~ton(;nl and lln/.HIIS. nc cxplanallolls are III que;tlOll here, UrJbqa says, I have ana. lyzed ·3~O words and JJrcy.,CJ led here their Cymlic transcnpuon the orig.na] r .ycian word 0; translauon and the mearung of the word In modern S erln an I angU3ge

, A surpnslIlg thing IS that this ancient text contains man" English words, and so much them that the mcanlllg would be Impossible without a review of them. Bllbl.lu cited ,1$ an example several. dozens 01" such English words.">


> c: e 1!I:r

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u In ::3 w -' :.:


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~ ~ til .. I III o

- ~

fJE ~ ::I .:;: ~







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J lotu 1'0 JI.! IJp<";l'XllA.II0

"pJ1Ka'HllJ K()J1HJY !IWI IHH.:ct 1I0J{ IIaCJloJlflM "Kl(lHTCH,': ('ICJI8 _ f10rVK~J Cp(jHMa·· hl-U1ouja je J1<'J"pe npWIU)KMO Kamw KH" rc KL.;'r mrruucxe Tpcll rCKp HJ1l~l1'Jl,;, WI un flM 1:111 JreCKJ1 npe BUA ITOil IIdCJ)nHOM "l h)PYK<1 (p(iI1MfI yKJJCL:~lIil 11(1 n(iCfIHCKY Y IIpC~ crouaua JhfKl>JhIKHjC npe 2f>()O~2RllO I oJ(lIl1a ".

I JiO IIt:KO,'II1KlI rn;lICIIHI{a y J;..0.lI1MCI 1..-(; ell. IMOIbC liMe ('pOll:

l. 1"110 yxneca nUl MY)KCBU (rnanapa ) PUJCIWIvW (BlljllHM OJ~r~!{J.iMa), Ittl OliO crryhc 110 MPMopCII,e. C(.IHCI ce I[OTBpl;yjc, TC:lKO ()~me JTI1. lieman ouhe ...

9. )J(clJ!OJ/ujKc MaTcpc

Cpsa, (ion Rt:JlI1KI1 onbc J(CI OllJlaKYJY, IJOKOj JlCljHHIIIL' OIJClIl1MCI r~Ct 0HY1MY;

10, /JunIT!) T8KO GYHc ml, cue YKJJCCclJlO jeer Ali WI'HITC Y1CTMX O'ICm} 'rnjcna y CrUlHYIJ,I1- Mll ·~CMJhC. na ce

11. Kcl1HC KDJ 11 tIOBC! hajy }{ilTe KpI1M, KOCTHJY. II01IHlIIHTL' CC CBI1. xpafipo hamurre

12, J lapehyJY. )f01J16c ucxra, Ti:lKO '1aCipH I bYJY j~I(81"C ounjc 'ry y C(lII,nyqHMcl oupean.eunx Knjc je "!CMJha ysena: JC)\lfHll he KM<lTH

13. Cpo II )VI CC Kpl1C 1() I~HMY (up 'one), Ail crqHfjclic

c u~

' .. -

c: !JI I"l

IE Q ~ c:

CI ... ~ ..

Pronun':.atlon ll!r.e in .... ord

[\1\ f\. AA ;.. Star
.6, ~ A PI B b Same as 'I' ~.., ... \ 5-
I &8 ~ a - ~
, e, 8 6 a qlad. go
r 1 "1 c) t.) ..
\ - ~~~l1
a tn~ 0 Saf71e as in Eng I 15!"l
A b A ~ =rr
I ~ ~ (;i'1est
S 'r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f -1 V Same as ;., ("191 hI-
~ f' C '1 V~ t- \
() 'I .. "
t. ~ i t." -t V 1
7 "\ . ) jOitH, just, ~ail
../ ~ e Nr'\ y,~ ~ ~,
II ~ ft\.-+.~ - ): pleasure, measure
t )ll ® ~ '1<
9 I \ Saine as ;" Eng' ,s~
10 I \ VI I I ~A .. " "
K K /l I. 1 I.. 'I.
II ~ r1 .. ..
1 /'0 r. -.I ~1 r L
p .. II "
13"": i\ n ., M M M 11
.. .. "
\4 '1 I H '1 ""lAd N :~
• off 't t "'r- 1ft- - CT,I!IT 5(00, stand
IS + t C.T ;=
Or ~ ~ ~~ 0 order
II> r 0 0
, ~~ "'V ~h r Same as in En/il iSh
11 i r fl 11 W,WLl Sh/eh,shop/,:l\ild \
1 11& M ~ ~ -
HI I Ul'i
19~ K.~ q ~ <? <? 0.. Quiet
~ (JO'P ~~ rq !l Same as in EngliSh 1
~ p V
20 ~ ~
~l ;= 5 ( J Jt, !: HOP
T 1'.lor Y ..,.. - n c:hjn
2~ l' ,. n
y i 1\ nn n V food
23 - -
1 'A i( l' i' T try
1.4 - • q9
~ d> ~ 0 - CII free
2S .. .. ,
.,.~ "1 't ,.l:t~ ~ ~,t. ~ ~.u. ch i I d , b 1 i cz
The ancient alphabets
Crape Cl36YKe,

l iavim; pIC cnted prcvrour; Iv d ('orY of the III .cr lpllon urnk I the lllie "Xanrhos Stelld \It'',,dl!c to the S~rh )" Hrlhlla Iirstlv ridded Kdlltlka'c, text o] Lum transcnpuon then r"nldl~h translauon LlI1Ul:1 (he lit Il "]\ lesvage to the Serbs chlscled 11110 the obelisk at the capnel of Lrka-Lycra 26()O-2R(,O vears


Here are scvcral)entellce~, where the name Serbs 1:-' menIroned

I chiseled herem fron: headmen to 1111 lrtary unrts that ahoded (suspected) hearsay IS now deposed (confirrnedj-and If It be so, the pass attack will he

q the cries of mourning of grief stncken Serb mothers Will be heard. pamfullv ruing (rue) their fare, and the top (greatest) peace of the fathers IS to be taken nway -

I 0 pu 111sh those who reach for these bones given In blood _ all rise bravelv and grab them _

12 It IS ordered, there IS to be no cornplamts, and they forbrd sobbing lor those provided here With coffins whom the earth has taken - solei" nrc called.

I J the Serbs to bleed for the peaks of the rock, to prevent them fl 0111 ~olng to anybody _

one IItlhKl.:.

KllMCJY Hil • ,"""'I't: III.;:K(I

'plill {;a)K~ ..... .-. nm.:ahclIO i ,

Kca IITOC Cren a (Jh-1K 11 ja ). nOpYK8 CpI5HMa.

nOA 6pojcM 13 upua emma

1HalJe "epGH A8 ce xpne "Ul 1~"My


funts, everything planted anJ gram you should hurn, SI) thnl zero (nothing)n goes,

14 to them - should be observed the customs, codes hearth, (homestead) ami like tather and mother must respect old cataralques (graves); '111

After the cited "Ml'ssagl' to the Serbs ... ". transluuon and nnalysis Bilbija dwell on" clwp tel' tilled by hun "DisUl\'cl'y "I' an 1I1llnwwn Civilisutiun''

OTKPlfllh ,HI,J(lIl-, J ... :JIO'UIAl "

I U IIHI:1I1'JAI ~'1.I1·1

()IIHl: hHJlUll)l1 1l/11\HI' lId 1I11'lt') ( V I'lL I Ii 'I\..' }lU l:y fll1l.:lIUIl 11 111'1(ll1<l IL\{l'ld h:llJII (;L HallH'HI WI ',lIu 11 v . J'UI)ciht'IKe Myl'ttll,ic III n IIP/lil 'Ilm,l; 1111 qL ;~u c I PYJ1C.'I{ II II.: !11K II~II(,; 'IJII'IL"~rlll 1\I.:h Jl!! 'IIHf~1

(ILiI IUY t.(JIIP~ML:Il(1I 11'1 d'"1j:lfI

l'l (11 Il H1KfI, jlU(ipl' JI.: 1111'111<11'1), i{cr>Kl' hl1 '1ril1jtl, I~CI cc C 11II:I'IKn II (I/" L' 1\ II 1 H IfllJ1U"fI<l IL.:iIIllI Kill! L:lI • .r.inuu J(L',II()IHl J'-AIII.: !-;\,'ltVj'll III \,11 'I V I), (HI Jil1 111, r 1/ r 1I ,/1.. 11 V Utll)"'1 Cilyq:JJY 1J11]/,LIIIIII,I, )"lpVPLKli JLHlK Jtln'ha 1.1.: rom t ic fI 0 1111 II c.;PI.:}\t 1'/llI V IH;'m 1..<1 KY I I VPIlIIM pdlllOleM lIapl )Jl''I. Pil u« J IfliBlfJHlitlllUjt: II I'Y'l rvpc ~Il; "y I: npoun ,f\ 1l1l!vJ;1 II pPJltlHfI> Ie I\pl n riP! )JJll rl)(l'~L: \(\(;111 "lilTlL 1Ii1 L'UCIIWlHltlIIIH,1 IIL"rlJpI11L.KI1M (lJ{(lJIIl<ll."I'IIMi.1 KWl Ii lid 1I1'll.:JlIl 1I(1'IIll-1M >l<l'JJ,j-1Ma 11 lI,.1iH,l.'HIlMil,

'Il:Kl."1 ucuucau Ira 1LiBtJjy . ~a I pdicrtll'c MYM HJI.: GI}lp>KH 7~r, J1C'Hl Ktl,lL' L'I.. I/LTTll IlIJlJ,lIl1oilJY, ll: p~''111 L.C IIOIHII.ltY.fY 011'1(1 y !I,Uln"'1 ~1 IIJIJ.! Kat' K'IPCIIH I'L"I" "Pl:lK'f'li'IIIU Y l:BIIM L'lIPUIlCKIlM It.:HtI~lIMU, ,11.:)\111111 ptl'illlll 'W '1'(1 JlL'>I<11 Y '11111,1.:1 HIII,U H~I CC erpypcKit jC'lIlK )Ja'lIllW 113 l'(lI't1U1' jC1lf'II(U1 1131&(1)(1 111 KojCI cy

Xaml H ~S S \ ell II (I.yc 1(1) i\ message to the Serbs

l lndet nuruhrt I ~ the rll~1 letters mean WI he Serbs \0 flghl for the peaks"


mxrovnnv 0)1 AN "NKNO'V~ ('IVI LlZA110

J lere BrlblJa already in the beuinnmg emphasize that the translation and puhhslnng 1)( the text on the bandage of the Mummy ufZagn'b are CI confirII1ntl(,1I1 uf the fact that l'Uu'l:un languaue has not varushed but It makes a hu I of modem Itahnn language II IS well known Brlbua says, that cthmcal orrgu: and on gill of language lib constrtumg parts ora culture can not he separated, thai being a fact In this case. Etruscan language appears ns a baSIC means 111 relation to cultural development of peoples The development of CIVilisation and culture among r suroprans was passmg through numerous ph8SCS based 011 specific hrstoncal ctrcumstances as well as on particular desires and objectives

The text written on the bandage of the Mummy of Zagreb contains 71)0 frequently repeatIIlg \vOl ds 'I hose woi lis appear whether complete or as roots of the words pi actically 111 all r .... uropian languages, The only reason for tlus lies in the fact that Etruscan language developed frum the very linguistic

1I()I)CKJlOM II )~I}yll1 CnpOIiCKIl jCJIfI.II"

'~}/(l'ICJhe CTPypCKOJ' fIHT-

IIITCd (lUJ! (I je '"{aflora u. h~1I0 11 wuy6n.t.:l!o HI cncnehc rCIICPdl~UJe I'UTl)BO Y aero HPCMC KiI}.\. jc je11fK IIPC:CTHO .ta Gyne y yorl1'peGIi, Bcpor.aTIIO KCln JC CMHIIL'hCIlOr.I PHMCKOM IfOJHlTlfl<IIM GHJlD O)\J1YIJl:HO W·l ce ynuurru C[I(IKH -rpar crpypcKe KyII'l'YPC. HnaK, K(lU IlCKHM IlYJ\L)fI.! nauic Jloral:Jaja HCKaKO jc AOB~JI() no orkpnha pe:mTHHlH Jl.OOpO OIJYB<IIHIX IWTr1HCa IW 1i:1BOJ~U..1(1 MYMHjc y '3arpc6y. Bunte uer o Hjc1tCln J..lpynl l'TpypLiGi CllOMCIIHK 1<1JI11 HOKyMelfa]', DIll! IIaTIII1.CU CIlCHOt.JC 0 xapaxrepy, JlYXY H crnapanatxoj HllHll)lja1'U1Hi e'rpypcxo: llapuJ\tI.47

llliTajyhn if TYMallchH

TCKCT ca 'ltlBoja MYMHJC L"T'f[IfCMO yImn Y PH1Hljl: IICnO'lIHlTC connJHnIlC, HCPCKC U XYMClIlHTaplll: lfllLTHTY1VljC xojc caua lli:lJW111· 1110 Y CUUM CBPOfICKHM IIcIPOj\HMel. amI 'JHjH KOpCUU pauujc lIHKa).J,3 1I"~y ncrnyno (JGjallllL~JTlI. HIlI11~"Ja'I'HB(J 'sa CTYJVtpmJ,1.! H P'I'lYMCBHIJ.e l:TPypCKUI xyuulIHTaplI'IMCI BplH) J~ ncp( llld'I'II11 HOIlPUIlt:JHI noja BU H pmnojy Peuecauce xoja ce. PCK:IU fili ce, lie un nojuuuna iii I lIeKoM HPY

source from which the uti .. .. ~ , 11;'1

I',UI"npUm langllages stern.

'lie rncarung of II

I " .ne

struscan tnS~rt pt I on W()S forgol~

ten and lost for next generations almost at the same tune when the language ceased to be used probabl y when It was decided b ' n deliberate Roman pohucs th~ every trace of Etruscan culturf' should be destroyed. Yet, as by some mtracle, a sequence or the events has I ead somehow to the discove y of, re.latlvf'lv well preserved nscn ptrons on the ~an dages of the mummy In Zagr\~b More than any other ~:truscaI1 monument or document, these inscriptions bear witness to the chat deter, spmt and CI eatrve 1111- tiauve of the Etruscan people n

Reading and interprellllg text from the bandages of the Mummy. we are gomg an msrde into the forrnaly unknown SOCIl1! relrgins and human institutions which we nnw find 81110IlgSt 1I~ Eumpian nations, but whose roots were fonnaly never explanated III fnul '1 he inuatives for the studv .Hld conunehenuon Dr !~trutsrl(lrl humanrsn: contributed, must probahlv, tilt' 111(lJ1r rlestatron .111(1 clcvelopmcd of the Renaissance wluch, (11lC Ilwrh:


,dy, would not have pcnod cll e11\

10M Meery IlCI1111 TilMlI J'J{L. cv IlCKl1WI )KUHl-JIU npcnn C<i/\clll;- 11,(;1 11 raJIHJlilllKur napona.

MytvHf(jHfIf.HPlIIl.CM ()L"'l1l'a Kd MJIC1,(C }(eHoJKL: Tl:Kl" UCIlJ,fC<11J 11<1 11llBlljHM<J /{oju cy OChWJ.1J"I'1 .

• c" H


I!PCMClIrI Ii llaj1(J)1 1J(1M jc "IIPUronopuo" u Ij,HIHfJII1'ml~HjJ.i KU.J~ J~ IlpeTXO}\lifJIl:l II PI1M(;Kuj H XPHlI I ha IICKuj TJ,HTH1J[H'~clll,H.i II:

1 Iacyupo'r MHIIIJI.CIIJY uunre I1CTra)KHBa~rn HCI cy 'HlfTm:H Jl(1 "'3,11 pcfia lIKOj IlI'l'llrpH II oJ K IhH- 1~11\, LI)~rlo(Jln Tia J"L:fI()~ n()Bojy. CIIM(I. J(;.I\Hll reIn!! H(11110-1~..:rL:M1HIH,F1lIml J\OKYlvlCIlUT, '1i:11111l:H Ly )\iI11CKIl l)H TOI'::t. ()lIJl Ili:IM "PY)KiIJY jCJ{i:Il1 HO C(lH() (j1.:CIIPHMCpIlI1 yllHJ( Y JI..'Hlly IIclHnmny PI..'JIIH Iflrilly H npym I ncny CTPVKTypy II n.cuo (llyJlKI~J,ft)II\IC:II1:C,

J fa II[ H)t:TOpy Kpanuurra Ka II pCJIJ.1IIH.nllor /II ItPYIJITBCIlOl l\CIITpCl Ha KujeM cc UKYIIJhflO 11,1 POJ~ H 1')1e: je II OCTOJiHl )KP'l'BCIlI! orrrap, IIClJICI'H1JlO (;1..' H CHPIlTIWI'I'C xao U (i()JlIIHr~<1 'HI (loa HJI.~IIl.~ WI BeCI! HX XHPYPIlI~HX IfJI'I·l;PBCIJI~l1j(l. Ty jc 110(;'i'O,laJHI ~I IIlI<OJl<I, If To lit .. C,IMO ')(1 cnpoxnuuuy J(l..!lty, ueh (f 'HI J\ClJjI ralilanCKUX U60jaiJail ~l<1PMCP'1 lunl 1I0J/,CKHX Pil)\lHfKa, KOJI1 cy Oil [1)Ki.lJWJlJr Kparruurrc cuojuM "pll~rO'HII\I<I 11 KOrBC'I'llJIU lI.eIO-

other 17cat I(Hl exept the one which lonllalv houst the ancc: ldP; 01 the current ltalran people Bv fTIl1l11ll1JlicallOIi of the

rem flit 11 I"

I Sua vounu gill the rc 1

wntten 011 the bandages wrap PIlIi.!, he: body has beer pfl~ served forever and Ilflally begun to speak 1.0 us about a (;1 vlllsatlOli that had preceded both the Roman and Chrrsuan ones


- ontrarv to the opuuou of

several researchers that the inscnpuons on the "7agreb

clothe book" re 011 its I .1

• ' L Januage

are just a religious and cCremOI1I~

al document, the rnscri ptions al e

far from being that The t'j~

• yo rer to

us ,I so far unpreccded insi uht

Into an k C'>

,( L1n'nown iehgrous and

~oclnl structure and Its lunctlonIllg I~l ~he space of Kr:lpishte as a religious and cultural center where the people gathered and an ,;111m existed, was also an (~f pha nage as well as a hospital for performing some suru . I

~ (;lIed

Illterventwns 1 here also existed

iJ school, not only for poor chiidl en hut also for those at ~ashlle (Rushau] "IHJJ'ars" fanll~rs or field workers. who sustamed K roprshte with their donallollS and utrhzed Its rehglow; and social j~lctlJtles

III rtPI1J10311

npltJlor I

I"CK3 pa'3MltlllJh3lh3 MIIJla-

113 I>Yl\ltMIIP3


cy MHOI (1 TpynH nocBCTJIJIl:! ll11pc.;KJIY CJIlmCllH H Cp6a npcaa euaxaxo HCTahH MIIJ13n3 6YAIIMllpa. Y jeanoj on CBojHX 6pUJIIHX pacnpana _II "pOTOCJ13DIIKall- M. ];YHHMHP ce '~at\P)KaBa IIa naure ITHTi:Hba llliJCI PCtIlClbCl nesyje H 13 oojaIlllhClb(l 1I0PCKJlH CnOBCl1a H IbifXOBHX lI<:tjPHllHjJ1X era IUIli I TCI , ripe cnera CBponcKHX. nOIIRlbyhH on H1UlOCBpOJU':KC .uilJClCllOPC £YAHMHp Ka)KC: "J1I1.unCBPOIICKH ,r:t;Hjacnopa xoja npCTC':TaBJI,C! He CllMO je'uPIKY Hero Ii KynTYpHiJreorpa<pcK)' OllIIfTCl:IHAocnpOIlCKY 'laj enu RUy, '.HHlOl.]CJIC! je, InrJICAa, lIajHOI~HHje KpajcM III MHneHHja. AnH IbCH npeCTttllaK jour je M3H>C wmeCT3H, KaH HMaMO Y SHAY TOX3pCKa nponapan.a Y I(cH'rpaJIH)' A1Hjy TIOIICTKOM none epe. CJlOnCHCKe 11 HAoeSpOnJb3He, xoje BcfiHII<J crpy-nsaxa crasrsa npCTXO,I:(HO Y HeKY 6aJITCKO-CJlOSCHCKY CI-iM- 6H01Y, caarpajy 06H'IHO apxaHtJIfHM ITpeT(,'1'aBHHI~HMa annoenportcxe JC11fLIKe sajennaue, y npBOM petty crora LIITO cy nyro


Supplement 1

Some considerations by Milan Budimir

Of our SCientists who devoted much effort to the origin of the S lavs and Serbs it is certainly worthwhile to point out Milan Budimi r. In one of lns numerous treatises - "Prntoslavica" - M Budrrnir dwells on a series of questions the solution of which he relates also to the explanations of the origin of the Slavs and their earliest habitats


first of all the Europran ones, Beginning from the I ndoEuropian diaspora Budirrur savs:

"Indo-Europian diaspora representing not only a lingustic, but also a cultural and geographical General-lndoeuropian community began, it seems, latest at the end or III milleniurn But its cessation is even less certain. when we have m mind Tocharian penetranons into the central ASia at the beginning of our era. The Slavic Indo-Europians, classified by the most of scientists into some Baltic-Slavic symbiosis, are commonly considered to be archaic representati yes of the lndo-Europian linguistic commurnty, first of all because they


I1pCML!IW )J{r"H

.. C.'1U Hr.\ KP:1jlh()1



t.:KClJ ('JaK IrH cescp U UH CHMIIX (ImITCKHX 1l1ICMCIItI, KliKO re MII<':IIUO JJI~xMcn()B) U T1f:IO loy, IIrC~1(1 TOMt.!, pcnaruun» HI)I~Kall, IInCJle 'f(JXClPCKOI' lIacen.anau,a Y .,cHTpaJlllOj A:mjJl, l~pellyJJlI npcsra jyry, npeurn H ,JIIlIlIiJY i'iYKBC (KaJIrflhHllljHI)I, _ KpHM) 11, Iwj'3clH. I(OCIlt.!JJH 1I0J-l yruuaj 3Ilit,nOJlCKO-MCHIITCP_ anCKC l~n8UJUtJal~J1jc" .48 L;y)~yh~i rta CMclTpa WI nIC)~lnIJTC 0

J epM.IIICKOM JIUPCKJIY rlmTl1IIfiMCKC J pyue 6YKHCI nnje IHlITJe 'I,i:lKO rrpH.IUlcl'IHO Kall panuje, bYHIIIIIHP JC '~aKJb)ItIHO: "I JpGMCI TOMe.::. apryuena'r 0YKUC If 6YKnlll(e lIeMa one AC uca 111 c MlIh~i, xa Kil C<; Tn jt(JGa/~a MJh;JHIJJO; najcrapuja nporoeuoncuCKi:I noc'l'oj(hflL<l MO]JJ<:I JC, crora, 69TH II J/<:J Jyry O,lJ, JllfHHJG KaJlJHhJ11lT pan-Kpua ". M. }iyI~MMJiP MJ1CJIH I{C:! ''Sa II [lU'I'OCJJORCIICKY 'iajcnlUHry B n.ene IlC1e ca CBPOIlCKHM IJ IiIIJlOCBPOIICKIl'M CYCL;JIlIM<i }(oJ\a'~c v 06111P "],1 npyr Ii rHlJ~m~lfiB H '1'; THM npe 1111'0 jc BpJIO -llHlPOK npoc-rop C1HPcbeH 1<1 HH).\OeBpOIICK(1 IlJlCMCH,1 npe IIOllCTKa IhHXOBe J{HjncllOpl!. OfhfllHO \,;C y'iliMCI npocrup orpa flI1lICII 1\(1

had been IIVlIlg tor long time 111 the farthe: most northern periphery of Europe (even more 111 the north than the Finish tribes themselves, as Shahrnatov thought) and because they, therefure ~~)tnrarallvc:ly late, after' til(: lochaJ'ian settlement. in the central Asia, departed southw~r~, passed the hne of beech (KalJl1mgrau - Krim) and finally got under the influence of the ~ n. ~ d 0 J jan -1\'. e d i tel' r a n e a II clvlhsation".4X Since he considers that the opirnnn about a German orruin . I~ th l

c» 0 .e pnytonym

group. Beech has not been so attractive hkc before, BudJrntr concluded, "Consequently, the argument of beech and small beech has not that power of evidence such as rt has been thought so far; the oldest Proto-Slavic homeland could be, therefore a!so s~uth of the KalinlTlgrad~ Knm line" M Budirnir thinks that for the Proro-Slav.c cornrnurnty and its connections with its European and Indo-Europian neighbors one can take IOta consideration "also other clues, and even more so because a very Wide space had been determmed for. the lndu-Europran tribes before the beginrnng of their diaspora Commonly the space

1"11111,1\ l'dlllllM Ii £I llBl'PV 1,01 I I Itt "M IIi! ~" 1,,1 v ,111111 1M 11 11,1 1\'1" III J (I'IIHHI J\ IIII1MIl 11 KaIUl~IIIHIa Jl(l~ II. Knllu' (Spr,II.lw IIlId \'OI/lll ! q "filII"

J pI. IIUP' III '[II '1"111 Ii Il P"t:l1Il1 ,II 11'11')(IIIM.I, "lell"IIIY 11'"lll1llV 11.11111,1\111 Ilpl M,I Blh.-IIII.\ III 1\ (III 111\1\1'111" 11",11 v ItIJ(lV IJlIHlI l

II' it Ill'Millll~ ~I 111/.111

l 111'"11 1 .. 111 I III r,a,I'IU-CJlUm'lIa CIOtM, :1 1110'1 IIlll'l( illl.11\ e l


II "Il" "PI)/I 11 II

IIIIMiI" I.VJl.IIMllp II Ih, I.Jldlf<,f. Il' l'l 1:1 ;111 Up III·\' HHI,(( 11(11''- IIplt ~p'IJY Illll 1111.1 Y H1MHIV V (,(I Hip II.'PMIIII11 Imuu Ii qJl'UIJO, .!I'll I,-'v!d I pu /lll l I P"'"flIJJllnO II~ 1IIII,dIUjlIlIIBlIlIlKIIIIl.lilIH) III'V('1 II IIIIW'(. liP' 11111 .. 111,1 )l'11. III Ill'M 1111 q)Nipu ~ lI.+,l Jl:J IL ItllLi VIHt-.. 1I11\()1'(l1I' IIlrt'.lll,L 't11IP/killl''lyhl'' II lIiI IlIlj<llll lI,llf,Y II! .. kll ' Ililplljilll;t III IlJl"HI III. l'I'l'fip" M hVHI1MI1P Wllplllillld ('('IIPI lid I pM1i1ll 'MHW 11 l'lu.'(jI)U "IUIM uu IIN'I I.;oM: "\' lJlllJ..IIM (.IJV1IHIV Llllllh.IIUdl 1I(liJilh, III,.; ~lllllllilil II.: ('J\ ! IJIII rO;l: "I I L' pMi1 IIL1\1.,: lIil P ~I Jill/'lL. 1U11J1)l'I'rUI IttMl' YKiI'J.vjl·lm C~I""nl'UIJIII.\' II lIl'IIOl'I'l"J(IIY IIl"IY l'JliHIl'Ul'KU\ 1·IIIHUl'III)OIl .. I.UIIU CH 11011'1 CKO-~lUt)lOJICKOI\.1 M~·ntJI~p'JI jUM. Ku.in je C.laKHKO 11U1'llIn

~(llillIH'd III thl' Wl", I hy till 1<.11(.'11) III i11l' II!)II" hy Ih~ Buluc St'll III !Ill.' we-.' IIV II'l' I )lIn dlld in th ",(liith hy the ';OIl\11L!1I1 J\lp~, .md C:l1pllthlllnh Ih taken, willie II. Krnrhe (Spl'adn' 111111 \'nr;rpit 1 ~ 1 th c , fl1(lhl /l~id(lll" ',(lpplill('1 (II (iL'r 111,111 '\JIll dlhtll til aw, the l'al-ill'111 boundm \' lowtlld lile Vi-ln lsur he rd"lll'I"~ III 111111<.1 Vlll .c: con ucct '1 ()I 1:1 Ill' the (il'lllldll lndo .. I~IIl{)plnll' wuh the Ballll·SIHVic' (1I1l'~ :11 III 01 the l.ute: \-\1111 1I'Il' IIlyriun [lido l.tu opr.uts " l iudunu dl~:ljlIC~-1 thru 1m thr dl.lLlllg ol the .huspo- 1.1 ill II".: ancl 01 Ncululuc 11111.' ·,hllllid Idll' ruto account ,11 c • 1"'1111, J.!old :llld xilver 1'01 h ... tlllld':, 111,11 till' tvun ~"III did !lui nppl'ill wrlh the 1,1111lIillll;1l1 ,11),1 Old III WiSI:1l1 11lc\\I~I'lIrllplnll~, willie fUI the 11,'1'111 silver he ':lilyil Ihill II l~; il sull nIH'Ill~d qllt!BllCllI I >welllll!!, on the l' plilllo1l11111 ul ::'0111(,' vaunuts or till,: I l!11I I silver, M Hudllllli ends lus II..'VI('W III ~old and sil"l'1' Willi tlus conclu~IOII "Ill unv 1'1ISl' 1 he S I.lVIC 101111 IS mdcpcmlent !'tlllil the Hallie III III {i~II11:111 v.uuuns, :UIII I hcrefure i I Iwilll.s f II all ill""pendent amd iuunedinte CUlluection of thr Siavit· 111(1,,ElIl'Upiulis with fill' l'outinuAnmiolillll IIll'ellllll'J~~I, which is


c IHIJllja OJI 1~lmll\IIU.t'IIIUlII(:I((', lUI II Illil'I)('I(C". ()ulphvhH cc , ,tdJl.C Iff I /I<.,;I'C JII11111111('IH'IIl IIPl')lll i1I1IJ1.W 1 I.. PMUIIl J.!l1 IIOP J(lliMII, Mll)y 1<.II~ll!,ofa l'Y lIL'I{li tIlPJl.~IIJ11 )(1.1,1.: I I "JIIJ ... ·III" HI.H,lIlIl1 IlrlJlil II..: V JI.~IIIH 1"",111 r~!:111 PU,;IlIlIj I ',"Md'i I{llj Illl. [lit IIUJl~!J Iii I H

I u , /J"eYIlI'IlI lXIW'I,III,'H,H1 II ~11X 'IlHlIIHIVld Kill" (.Y V AmtJtO;JY It 'lal(~'IJI(~l'Jiy I Jlitl ,1J1I1 HI /I Iljl III P 11)11 ~I 11111}1,0<'; 11/,1111 .I,iIlIlHW, M, IlymlMllp 'HIf'Jl,y 'IVI(.' )I,d 1(.; IIIIPJ(IH:'J'!ilIJVH 1111 '1J1}, IIl:IIIHIL'1 YIHI '11111 IIP'llll'IHlIIIIII.V III IMlll I Y II itCH 1111' )11 lI<YMl.: Ifil'!': I KOld II JlIlJrWIC Htl,I/ ... :J"I) CJlI 1'~IIIIIH d V II 1 H.') , u, oj A'lItJII, 111I (.11 lUI l Md Ill;' Itt. [c I JIt:;II1J/1ll , Sclunid! II "1I11}WlIIHJC HJ tj'1(HPI,HII pall, 11.'1' liMiJlyhiJlI1I IIplll1~'lwIHl".!I II I (111'IIHurv Il(JMnhy el!l.JlIlV" I{IIJII cv c.:'J(IPUjl" "ll mile lilPlIjl' ltllHttl.'lIpnllLlH I(Hjuell' IJh', Y "'11M 11111 JIl"I\Y 11lI'I'~pl.'(."IIIIII' cy lllt," III I<: If 1'c..:PMlfllli 11111 [u Imud' 11 'ulili.


'1111u II.: p:rJllIl<lIJIJIII em M(.'lIli', h""'l'JI/,) 'Cln"l illl, jllL'llll' (Iltll )111'1'. stcllu 11 I I"l.lI'ill'l) '1'1111111.')1, lilt IIJtHI t/Jlfl'l'l'K"I' ~. uc ('I'IUIII()1 11l111L'KJI1i ..... I'I.YIJCKII l'm'CIIIIK II uu 'Il'IUlI'l' l' ).~ft I',VM 'I YIJMC II 1amlitlinamlJ,OJ'CKIl Act. [f1l1(lJI ,11111"'jll. IWI () I iJ( I ~I MU" mlllCl(1I

("".,,;'lIy older con identhly than the \\,(,,,'.11,111'0,"'11' (Jill' Mid HI~o than fill' Ih(,,"jall nucs'' lurnlllp, ItJllh~1 L111 to some Illll'III'.II(' 'P.PIl,'''('l1ldll ves II! (H"rlll,ln Nor.hnm amOJ!~' whum (,LHl\C WI.'It> .111111l~~ t"lIl Ihe lndo hI! oprann have been III the today'. central ('I;:I manv even 11!l1l! Pnicolltillc clIlll/nry 10 the OJllllllll1l. Of'I()1I1C IlllplIl .• ID who wci e ~Jcardllll~1 lor the oldl""t lndo-l 1I10/1lilll'. In Alllulnl and ('!lltl'm-liml nUllill, M HudllTJII conclude., thut the NO/ell ~I r,dlOn! I~, Ill1acl-l.;"lIbll.! for (J IC')lrll~ by means of the wnucn docin 11('('t" which .trl found f<1I rl{)111 the ItillIC'; III F,.olJ'a ill, and therufore Ill' tlnnk, IllHllhe 0PIllIOIl ol .J. Sdllll hi. J~, "more dPpl uP"<l1I.:

I'm it 'lljl J(, L1L, WOI k, I fit I ( II Iii kes po ,:-Ilhlc IL'I:-illnp arid cuntrul Willi HId of Wlllles~,c', oldel Ihnn W1Y 1';uropIHIJ dlrt!'oPlHil /11 Ihul rcsucct I Ill: Slnvw term-, su h II. .nlltlalll 1I11i1 tulk u tire inter • I_ llig, whost: rruhcal i..'ll'lllcnt (s)fd/r.'hllglll clear' (cornp lat stclln und (if, lISlcl) IS ohvrously of' an Idy, 1!J.lot It' .tnt! not if 1'010 C I ~'Il 01 I !t,111 Tit I! It "'II scan "' exSt'ngt'" and illh't'IJJ'(~'l dcnrum Til I'IJI S nil" \Vcslc-'I'II-Anudolian Adl'III1U)n as well as Mitnninn Illlullli tillh'I'llt'('~' lrom XV


'1'31131\-111 'Interpres' In XV B, C. r, C. U'J'KPllllilj)' "1).10 crape uese C.rIOII(!IICKJlX 11I1JtOclll)0I1J1.alla ca mWHOJICKII1\1 K)'JI'I')'paMa II , (11)cuchyjyhu oc;u(iwry IfU)KII.y npo(ill Cl\lY WIOJ(;.U<-l 11 !IJ~peHpU[J C;K~ I pym: napona, M.llY)\IIMI1P JC ira Ol'1I0llY IW>Kfl.ifIH.:' 1l:'UI'IKC <111<1;[I1 se ~clK~by\nfll WI JC IIUPCH YlmlBlftH.l nch I1JlI1XBUhcIIU Hila C,IiOJCl I'IJiJl,OCBPOILbtl1l8 Mt)l'Hl' T1IlCTOJCl'l'H JUJU jcaau cnoj xojnjc 011 ml1UHO nC.l<lC'I'ItM3. hpa neh If ('131) cllo.le ";ft:J~HIH'Il:, i1/1t'IJIlilllPClJyhH apYi 1'\1"" IfCKC WIjHJlC K~n~k.t: pa-UlliKC y 1 ()HOpH~1f) IwpoHd atl'f1J'IKOI hanxana, M. l>Y/\liMI1P je noruao )~O lH.!(lM~1 1allHMlhHllor 'il:1KlhY1IKa: "AKO v crapn M OaJIK311 CKO -a lIa),O;ICKnM 'fIJaroUlIM3 JlII}J,ucDlloncKor rnnopa HtlllnCMO ua )((loHjaJllw pcrhnci«. craprrjcr .rwnlllllJCJI.lpa (ua lip. rl)pl1l. 601lUK311) '1'(1 jc IhlY'/lc-lIHI H(lK(I~ 1::1 CXB3TiHhe J.!H cy 1I0L;T01H!In II ','aKIH! HHHOCUPOIICKH HUJtlJICKTli KOJ" IIC upunanajy IIH K~IITyMCKI 'j Inl ca TCMCK(j] I pynu. ('WI Ki:I xo Hel cy 'fa KIHI H 1I)IOenpOII .. :1,J II II M UP<l),1I1 r;(jy'Hf~Ja'J'H I~eJ-rrpCJJlIIJf lIo;rU)f<i:.IJ W{Mcby CHTCMCKHX 1-1 KCII'I'YMCKI1X IIIJl,uoCUPOIIJI.ClIICJ, Taj qCIJrpannn I1ClJIO)f(lJ IIIIJC MOJ"(H) 611'1'11 M 110£'(1 )lClJIC KI ) I'll MC1UtTCI)-

c B (' reveal very old con neetions of the Slavic IndoEurupians with Anadolian cultUJ'CSIt Paving a special! attention to the problem of layers of the Jndo-Europian group of peoples, M. Budimir concluded all the baSIS of a careful lingursuc analvsis that besides the mainly ClCC~PlCd two layers of IndoEuropians there also could exist one layer more, called by him Pelasti Defending this his opinion, analyzing at that some dialectal differences in the languages of the peoples of the ancient Balkans, M Budrrnu came to a very mterestmg conclusion: "If in the ancient Balkan-Anadnlian traces of Indo-Europian language we come across a I abial reflex of an older iabiovelar (for example Phryig honokan), It is a reliable proof that there existed also such lndo-Europran dialects that belonged neither to Kcntum nor Satern groups Such I ndoEuroprans must have occupied certumly a central position between the Kenturn and Satcm T ndo-Europians That central position could not be very far from the McditelTanean Basin to which not only the Adriatic belongs hut the Black Sea too,

m.CKtU iiClCCIiH KojC\1 uplf"al-~a ue C3MO .IaJll)allCKO nero II I.~pllo '\ml)c. KHO II.CI 0 n Ja~UIII, It "0 CTOI'CI IIfTO je urpan YJIOI'Y K)JIT~'PJlOI' IInCf)e~UIUKa 1I1MC'JY ncru-uror MCJ\ll'I'epalla II AuaI·~f •• ra CH '\1ccononIMII.ioM c je}lIlC crpane If nOJ~lIanJJ,eM C HI)yrc crpaue. I m,() <..y I epMa II~KH d BCfH)B<1 JIIO Ii KC.ITCK3 IlflCII1CIIH II(lCpl:I~<" i HOM CIORCIlCk.HX H 1J,40l.BPUfI.b£l 11<1 ca'UHt:Ja 'HI npCJULca11ljcKOI Hyr 0PCIIUI MlljMyllCl Kar/v (v Kluge-Goetle s Affe] IIPl1lJL.M jc. lyTypClJIIHI lire (i)IIKC UOlilnJa 1I0jcHlH y OaJIKallCKO-3mt/W.ICKIiM IIHIUlMIfMa, Ki1- KO <..MO lIuKWWJIB OIIITIlP If Ji:I (ua fir .. Kaar·tias, b<ltrakhos, IKuHa AUTlfK3 I, 244). J-IJ-rrcpecaurno je, McbyniM, ){Cl cy (iaJl'r. CKUM HUJ{O~BrOnJhaIlHMa Iluy )fOillOTl1lhY H 11,1.:11(1 HMC J{OItCJllt C'J'(>YJlCKIf TI)I'OIU{U (c1'1). at'irnos

H J'31'IIIICKIf erms)". r IOHBJJ:l(Jehu J.(i:1 Kluge-Goeuc Y'HlMClJ.Y

y !l(hup JC)~HII() CJIOHCIICKOJ rr()CpCHIlHK<l, M. l1YJ~I1MHP ;~().n;a

Jl! ;(i1 Schrddcr~Nehring eMt.\'] pa

.IY WI cy (')JOHCIfCKJf JtIlI/(Ocnpo[JJI)all~ '{;-I Illilh:HcllY ::.KlfBUTlflhY j{WHlanH ()/l CHl1JHX l'CPMilHCKUX cycena. a ItCi cy I e)}McilHI IIym1 'HI lhY ll/( KCJITl:KIIX 11 JlH(H.~nr)U II~ Jhalla, Kl)JIl cy. IIllK, 0 n.oj ca \'

as its glJlf, thai because fllal position had a rule ola cultural mcdi:ttor between 'he eastern ,,\llcdi(efTalle~1n and Anadol with 1\'lesoPlJth~Hl)i" f.'olB nne ~ide and the Danube Basin from the other Thus the German, and probably also Critic tribes Iearncd through the SlaVIC Inuo-Europl()J)s of tile Frontasian longrailed monkey (Kar/v) (see Kluge-Goetze r A fTe) at which a guttural reflex IS a common phenomenon in Halk;tIJ-Anadolian idioms, such ::IS has been showed by Oshtir nnd me (e g Knill·tias. batrakhos, Living Antique I, ~44), It is Interesting, however, that to the Baltic lndo-Europians this animal and Its name had been brought by Etruscan merchants (Etr, arrmns and LHL erms)", UnderIrning that Kluge-Goetze take into conSideration onlv a Slavic mediator. Ivr. Bud,"mir adds that Sc.hriider-Nehring consider that the SlaVIC IndoEuropians learned of the aforementi oned an i mal from their German neighbors, and that the


Germans heard of it from the

Celtic Indo-ElIl"opians which. in turn, learned of It from the Greek merchants frOID IVlas~llia Dv..'elling, then, on


11<1111 IlL 11,'nOI\. II)rOIl ... t~ III '1ac.lllllC• ~.I If',1 .II> lJyhll C,l

I d I \l \\ II cI I " ~ . ~I', 1 II, .11" If /vi I I ( "'''''-1\11.1.1\1.1>\ II Hf"' 11 ... .r t o t 1\'\(\1111 ~lIaJlU)ICkl' UHIUIJl' 11 K.!)I ~. {ifill III." !Ill.! I·' l-IIB I'll II JI..l'V 1'111')1 I I cv KlugeGot'lL(' \' I l 1,\ III I [1'1 (.;\.11'11' I 1.~

\ I II.. I L P "" a pa It .t : III t, ~ • I 1 I ~h .. II \, I II' I' l' I 'k I,j Ill, IILl'p 111.111 II I) p.IW I I nutv CI

ci.. II pl

schiehunt; 1

II I 1 'll "


1111'1,,11,1 III ' II L IIr I" IHI'IIII 111'11' II II II I il if I II I I 1I11l!'Y lllr)\lLllliltHlh. I Mdhll'y III I.. \- \ I a I ]I I, }tn 1\ )! l I. \ I

I IV IIf"'WI' 14 \ II Il.UlJ'l. \ .... ~ 1

UlrllnL' li~III'dl :HllIIl

IIpU\1lrl 1I11\lh\l h.')11-I IICIL,lIJ!A ,ld lllh"I#~ 'II \ (dljllhllillf\.:

I.,; IVLI(IJl'ml"'~(\ Il...pMdlllk.i:1 1I.lltvll' llrl l "11Jl' 1111,( I v II VPIlH M Y r uua lUi 111111 CKI1X 11 IIlIltynanCKJt\ 11 1I1lJhl \1 11')l.r\.}I,IIIH (I. '~;I (iu'l C pcI'lYMLllllh(.. LJl' inc ncxc np« III Illllli 11,1 I,') l~ ICl,IPJl<.cll'U U 11.1 ),V)lH\WPOHOM '1 V~11 It'lL)' Xcpo 1101 f1Hrl/ LII' '\fLlI~1 1I~1II1)j,':Klf\ nCJ((!T~. h.llJl:, IHJ! .. L "lr\.U.1 llJlITP[ I J'CI'UIIJfh Wi) I II '}/~ lanp:11l ~h:I~ l+cue I a II II 11 '(lBFf Lpl' I IIItKlI V ,1.11I1IJV 1I~"1II1 BCII 'lymlllli (),~(IIII(1 II \' Blil1 l.t Be 1I.1I1Mi1 II <.'1 d r 11 AvI 11,1 HI" • ,1

~Oll1C designations for monkey

, ,

IVI Budunir under lmes again the

Anadolian sources and savs '"l hese Anadolran sources are the very I cason why KlugeGoetze remained at an opnuon that the Germ, apan- had Come from 1 he southeast through the SlaVIC Illdo-Europl:ms and, it goes Without saying, before the Iirst Lnutversch iebung re before the begmnlng of IJr c.llC In that way the linguisuc sources for the appearance of the Slavrcitv have heen moved bark to IV c.B .. C II M. Hudrrnir presents 111 the externion of his treatise also a series of examples by which he tries to prove that in some cases German tn bes arc under a cultural influence of the Pontian and Danubian sources and mediators for a better understanding or the Slavic past one should dwell also on

Budurur's interpretation of

l lerodot's mention or the

lllyrian Veneri that should be, he says, distinguished sharply from the Adriatic Vencii and their relatives in Lauo named Venetulani. The ancient Yeneti, which With Homer appear first on Pont and then in the Rallies and A tlantic roast. have been running through histo: y fOI long,


Cnone uu 8I11UI}~Cj, IIJ)uTC>KY aIll'lf'{J(H 8,clIeTlI, Kojlf ce KOH Xl)MCpa J(l13JL<ljy ua nOirry a H()llIlHjl.;; na I;~JI'III xy Ii uu A'r" Hili Til Ky. .I'I(;IIU .IC, JlfH.;M::l 'IOMC, !La lll!1tC lie Ml~)!{C OWl'll pelill () jeAlJUM H: IICTUM liJJI.!sreuy IIt.:I'P car.w Je)(IIUM 'rc flC'\""!JM HMClIy. KlljCM T[1cCill Hfl

upuuanajy 11 C'J'aplipycKH

HWI'WlU. t\:1H Vasmer IIC

HOIIYlTlT<l TC HC'ie, jcp 'w pWi .limy OH OHl11' CJIOIH':Ilt:I<OI IIMl!1I8 ca P,-l}l,liKUJlIIHM C'ICML'II'l'OM veutn-, ella O<.;['fiJICl XUMflrlHJlI1 HMt..:IIB IlilKWiYJY TIll)11l1 II JI"l..J~ veneto-. OGj:IIIIIL<lIl:IJyh H (;3

1 JIl!,D,l-1 IIITlI

related to the Vends and 10 the old name of Slavs - Vinids It IS


there ore, clear that here can not be one the same tribe III question. but only one the same name, to which the Old-Russian Viaucln should belong But Vasmer does not permit those connccnons for, differently of this Slavic mum: with the radical clement veuto-, all other homophonic names exibrt the semivoicedness veneto- Explarrnng from a standpoint of lndo-Furopian vocabulary whence the appearance or the above name is In V,1rI0LlS points of Europe and Anadol, M Budimir concludes in a moment that the name does not refer to the complete tribe, but to its heads Veneti - magnati, and as to the difference between the names Veneti and Viatichi M Budimir thinks that nothing can be objected from a formal side. II Another thmg refers, he says, to the real basis for such a connection that is to be spoken about separately". Pointing to the thinking of Lehr-Splawinski about Celtic-Proto-Slavic connections and other questions from the old past of the Slavs Milan Budurur states at one place: "That Lehr-Splawinski has accepted \Vijk's teaching

PC1fIIJfI{(J lITKYJ\a uojaua I opu.cr

UMCIJa IW p;:nlll'lM '\'<l'rK<lMa

FI~P()IIt.: H AmtHOJIa. :VI..

riY}(IIMHr Y jCI\IIUM 'I pcnyrxy 'HI KJbytlYJe J(Cl CC J..I M L: lie OnIlO(;I1 IICI II,CJlIlI(YIIJIO IlJlCJ'y1l! nero 1IC1 u.c: UBt.: PYKOUtVV101\C: HellCTll • M3l'mlTlf, (l lII'I'O CC 'l'II'IC PWillHKC Ii'H~lcl;y I1ML.:1I<1 HCIiCTIf II H.ian'~Ilt) Ivr. T1YHflMnp CM,rl'pll Hil ce 'ry ca rpUPMHJ1IIC L:l pane lie M,I)Kt: I11111IT;'1 TTr ~1I'1 )JWpWI'M. "npYI (( CTIUJP jc, K(l)f{C. peanuc TIWVIOI e "m '('(I KBY BL.:'1y n K(1jOj 1'JH.:[i,1 ltUCCOllO l'\ l\H)PWI'H". YKcnyjyhu na pWIM 1111lJhCl II,i:I ITe P;l-C IIJI (lIH!. II,CKO I (I .. ehr-


. t ' • "'I) -, K""11~K(l-1111fH':JIU' Sp HWIlIS \ l! ... .r

HcIlCI\.IIM 1Ir.:·~M.Hl II o HPYI 111\1 I1111C11f,ltMa In .l(lgJll: rrp.uunocr» (' lilBCIIH rvl. l.IY)lII'Ml1r'l Ilel Jl:Wl!),M MCC IV KUIH .. TCI'I YJC "Kaxo Jt.:

Lehr:Sptawi(lski "PHXllilTI,W \Vijk -ouo yl]~Ij,l: ita cy WIOB~lItK<l IIJICMCna pnc'I'u un.eua uH O<.PlrCKHX HII)l,I)L:I!POlllhi:I.lHI v o(ifllll.lltIJV)KWIKl 1~lmll.'lWUHUfIe cpCnnll~H.'1 II MIIIIClIHI8 J10n

IX xcu r-ylo,1LKI1X npu Ilh':KU~'1 lI~K~

. ca Ivra

1'1 IIHO-C upU!IJIJiJllt1 ( ..'

mlih;la IIJIltIJCK&lX, II I,~a o.~ TOI BrC~It'Ill:l 11111J1l1ht: IIt'Ldillll HCTnplfj::1 C':IOHClICI\(' HH.lR'll'IGH- 1.1{L: I r~qlt" Tn 011 .vje"lw 6lJJJ:I ," Ifajcl'apllja xpollu"lonlja ;,0 KO.lC CMCMO &ttl .. Ka/' ce pitH" 0 "PO'tO· C:lOncHcKoj IICTOPltj It , I Iexa K( 1 Y Ttl Ill-TO Bpe~, c ([OM 11 H,Y cc y '3aKClBKcl'l]Y :\Iariani xao HMC onor npYJlITBCIIOr c .. roja Kojl1 np>KH BJHlll' '1 KojH npc'rcrunn.a BOJIHPIKY apVlt:TllKpaTnJY l-lnnocnponcxux ocuajuua". Y Bt"H\ U;\ IHHlM MaplHUllIMcl I>YHHMI1P nonceha Nl ce H'Y uajcrapnjoj JH;~rdll(K()j 111: rupuja em ,[H':II(;K~X (ll.lHljatla CIIOMHlbY KCll' I'O(;rtoLlaril ucpcrn.aucxoi II}1HMnpJa Mariani. I hHXUB cc ianOIH':,\lIHK r~llH~ dux Marianorum, <I U,CJJy OOJlal.1 'Will': "loMtI Apxahaxou Marnnia". M,

that the SlaVIC tribes, separ~lted from the Baltic Indo-Ellroplans In the area or Luzlutian cIvilisation IT1 about the middle or II nullenium under the pressure of some Kenlum lndo-Europlans from the south, probahly lIIyrian ones, and that since that lime a separate history of the Slavic dialect group began, h would he, at the same, time, the 01 dest ch ron ology W(' dare to come to when the Proto~Sla\'ic history is concerned. Apprcx imatelv at the same time the


Marinos were mentioned in the

the area beyond the Caucasus Basin as a name of that social layer that held the rule and represen ted a military anstocrac, of the lndo-Europian conquerors", In relation to these Marians Budirnir reminds that also "in the oldest Adriatic history of the SlaVIC conquerors the Marians were mcnti once! as the rulers of the Neretvian seashore. The tule of their commander was dux Mur ian or um, and whole the rcuion was named Maronin by


Thomas archpriest" ]\'1 Budmnr

believes that remnants of the SlaVIC nuluary aristocracy are here in question, "that because III the space bet ween Doboj to Konjits, thus 111 the area of the

hYJlIHHTP uepyjc Jli:! [e IlBJtC pcu ()

It.1'rll(I1M(I CJIOllCIICIW UOJHHlfkC apIH':ToKpcrruj(; • H 'I'D C'I 01 <I III'J'u lIn upocropy OJ! Hl1ol>ja )~(J Knn.uua, J\:IK:rl,; Y IIOf(PY'JIY Iiocne 11 l lepe rue, KOjllM UYTCl\1 lIaHIIJ) I CJIOIICllCK3 nJJCMell3 UpCI\-13 MOI)Y. HM"I),.\O ern, J~O JlCJIIJI1X HClm! CCltJyBHHI,; T[1aI'UIfC '1'1)31111, Taxo ce 1Ba(l CJ\tI()O)\aJl TI puc; I op yc PCJ~ nace . .I"Cl xoj II j~ CJIY}/{ no 1(1 'i(ioprme If BH I C fll KC yTaKI\HlI~~". 'I pCI}/{Lha II J~(lJhC IIPHIo,lCpt! IIt)Mohy Kojl1X JC }/{~:[en na p(!C'1 YM:11J II IH!KC llujl::).\lfflOC'I'Ii In JIHjt:rllpHjcr nepnona (',I[()I3CII<:l, IjYI\I.fMHP 11 Y OBO] pacnpuua cnOM uu.e 1\[1 ncr. >e11CllloB 'f'CpMHlr Kim bera Kll}/{C H<I C,I Kimber- to Kl'JC jc y cruapu 'l'paKU'3l1palllf oomlK CJ)OBCIiCKOI' si m bro/snn bn 0, croja Y BCrm 11(; ca}.1U I1Me Sirbu Si .. binu nero 1'1 KOMlIll'HfT paserh 'IlClCTUpaK'," YC1'ajyhu IIP0l'llB Petersson-ouoi TyJ\.tcllJCIhB OBHX TCPMHlltl, cMwrpaJyhM 1{11 IbcrUB8 KOM(jHlull~nja upyxca C(IMO lJlICTO (pOpMaJIIIY napaJICJlY H HHIlITCl nmue, M. I)Y1\l1Mnp T£lj OCBpT ')()BPUHlBCI OJH.iM petlHM(I: "111 Kil CJIOI-H::JlCIGl JleKClPIKa rpyna sit-btl pascrb H YKpaJIlIrC!U'l J\CIIOMHIJ(rJ Hit "1)IfC. epulITcja 'IIPHl\PY)/{HTU cc' Ha.lC

rrver Neretva, fila' hemg the road hy which 'he. la\'ic tribes wert' rushing towar-d the Adl'iatic Sen, we have all the tune unnl our days the traces or trzn It was the name or a free space amidst a settlement, serving for gathcrrngs and cluvalrous tournaments" Looking strll 1'01' the examples by which he Wished to interpret some PUl1IClIlars from the most ancient period of the Slavs, BUUJl11If rnenuons Arrstophan's term Kim her- In tlns treatise too, and savs that Kimhl~I'- "wluch IS In fact .1 Thr aciunized form of the Slavic simbro/silllbno, is related not only to the name Sirhu Sirbinu but also to the composite paserb 'stepson':' Raising against Pctersson's mterpretauon of these terms, considering that his combination offers just a purely formal parallel and nothII1g else Budirnir ends that review With these words: "Thus the SlaVIC lexrc group sirbu paserh and the Ukraman denominative. pdserhitsja Ito join' gi ve enough reasons to sec I n the name Si r bu the same baSIC meaning as 111 the term simbru Iconiunctus, consociatus', at which we have In mind lI11mediatcly a pnmordial collective as



,(lIBC,II.II0 Pi:llJIUJ.J Ha v 11MLIIY Si rh II 'Hil~lIl,lll IH .. 1'0 ~ lUI uu IIU 'iI!tl11t.:II,L K,Hl Ii Y rcpuuny simhru 'coruunctus consociatus'. "ru lit ... ty MOrd\1l1 I1\1Cifl1 npe.; dlJlI\-\tt "111((,fil1 I IIV '~d,lpyl Y k.au CUlp1l1l1 Orl!lllK HIl,tPCllP[iIlCKL [H1Pllltl!l~L. l Ia Tal lI<ll(HII H flJ1111 IIljC1111 SCI'b:i Y c)O.lldCTIi :lOlld II KUMl.PCKl>l Ii~'L1I(lp(J IlI)CI(JJY ra~y~uhUBHJI111 Ihl1XUIHI c TJ one IIl:Ka H~ HI 'U !CITII (l ncpouarn I1Jd". Y Hc'm ca IOpII,II~I rYM<I'IClbeM :VI. liYJ\IIMIIP yK<nYJ': H [1(1 I CUI P<I(I)('K<l IifMtlrr'j Uripai OJ K'lIHlK rcpuc I H'HI 11 \1 HllPI1]HII'I(lMd Rhimphai Arimphaei Argippaini, J\()Jt.: 1001 11.11 liBel 'i1"ill~I"CI IQL'II rl1tlmKYJC en l'JJIJB~Ill'KI1M x IJlffi , :-h JI·I-IX ,lo/taje Ii J1l'Ka .ipyra mll:IfH Kuj<l Ly L'TlIllllKH 1U1U~11 w(ie;IC>KHlI H v XHlll'piiupl'JC"Koj O(}:IHCTH, Keln urro LV Kimmrris polis, Ol;'I'J1I~ll Heliksoiu. P'I HJIIi unauuua Karam buka It I' Jill CL:B~PIJHJt.:

Arualchius oceanus. V HMCIIY Amalchius 'ic] ll!Bt.:pIlH DKt.:ClII J\.1. bYJ~I1.'M1P LMflTntl H~I LC Bt:PUHdlIlO pilHH II lWHiny II ~ pc -nr IIIGI "CKI1TiI Opaua". (I II~ upa IICKl1X {'~BClJa1JCl: "( 'lora OlllllBI1I1 t:J1CMClld I' Y XJlJ~I'0IlI1"'ly Arnalchius ... CClLRHM Ci,; (iYKBa:l· 110 l10HYllapd ca C.lOBCHCKH M

an oldei Iorrn of Inch EllIOplan family. In that way PJinills' Serbs in the area of the Don and Klumer.un Bosphorus becorllE; also more understandable and their Slavic connection more probable". In I-elation to the above interpretauon M. RudimrJ' POints nlso to the geographical names Hr ipai with the charac. tenstic variants Rhimphai Arimphaei Argippaioi, which arc, because of their meaninl1s

;;;, ,

identified by him with the Slavie

hrih. He adds beside them also some other names recorded in the Hyperboreian area by anCIent writers, such as Kimrneris polis island Helixoa, cape or mountain Karambuka and even more in the north Amalchius oceanus As to the name AmaJchius for the Northern Ocean, Budimrr considers that probably a designation from the vocabulary of "Scythian the Ploughers", and not of the J ranian conquerors is in question: "Therefore the basic element 111 the hydronym Amalchins.. coincides quite completely with the Slavic geomorphological term malka moloka mlaka 'palus", Budumr is convinced that with the names Hrippai, Amalchius, Helixoia a Slavic lexic material IS being

I ~()M orrpn.1 ounc U.M 'fe.p "oHm I 1M malka moloka mlakn 'palus'", f:iY}(HMnp jc yGebclI I~d cc KOH lIMelfa H rippai, Arnalchius, Heliksoia paJtH 0 C:fOBL'IICKOM nCKClIqKOM MflTI.!Pllj€IJIY. In ce, KA)I{C, 1~~fHl1 "H 110 TOM. JIITO CC ce sepuo MC1[1t', U/l:1I0CBO OCTPBO na rO~1 MOPY. ~llBl! npeva Hnnnujy Baltia, OJ(aKJTI.: mare Baltikum H JIl!M. Belt. }'hp<l''\ baltia, riau 011 crora interpretatio veneta 0H"OCHU illvrica '·m CJJOIi. malka, jcp CI,; o6a rlMell.!-1 II!lTIlY"CJ I1r))'\YJ~(JPiljy y CODM 'ma'I~II)y. Ii..:ClMopr~mJl(llIlKIH TerMIni balto blatn boloto ,wo. balte, lie .iti BJj,tI ce y OCl:ITCKOM pClIHHKy I'J\L: HMaMO npocrn Kopa,r\liKaJ1 JlHTH. bals 'M()t{sapa', nero I;(lMO Y CJTl.IUCnCKOM If i:lp6allC1Il1KUM". 3anpillunaJyhl1 ouaj DHCJh<lK EYHHMliP II(lIlOMH'be JW ce II 'pen I-J r'ipa ia 0 re, llA11UCIIO montes Rhipaei CII lMlllhC Y 06JIl:H.':Tlf KnMCflI1- jaua, onnocno Xancptiopcjaun, C:I PMO nperopjc Karambukai. Taxo ce, KCDKC, 'WRy II u.croun CTtIIlOB11H1\~L OBJ1~ T1YUI1M.HP 0HM<:IX Inj;1 flJbyjc WI sepyjc ua 11 Y COPlbCM IlCIlIl'O "pcHHallclloM OOJHlI<Y II HMi:lMU IIOCJJa c najcT(JpnjnM CJIOUCHCKlIM pe-umKOM". OojelLlJIIJi:lBajyhu Wi je pCt.1

dealt 'WIth That IS seen, he says "also by the northern sen, ie an Island In that sea being called, accordmg to Plinius, Baltin, whence mare Balficurn and Gel rn Belt The expression haltia would be therefore an interpreratio veneta ie illyr'ica 1'01 Slav malku, for both the names COincide completely In their meanings I he geomorphological term balto blato boloto Alb balte does not appear 111 Baltic vocabulary where we have a SImple coradical Lith hala 'swamp', but only 111 SlaVIC and Albaruan" Ending this secuon Budirnir notes that besides Hripaia ore, ie montes Rhipaci, a steep area in front of mountain Karambukai IS mentioned 111 the area of the Chirnerians re Hyperboreians. So are, he says,

called ItS inhabitants too

Budimir stales here immediately that he believes that in the above sornewhat transformed form "we also deal with the oldest Slavic vocabulary". Explaining that the word Kara m h II kn i has been certai nly adapted accord 1I1g to the more known Paphlagunian prehill area Karamhis, Budirmr believes that the Greek colonists received that word through a mediator whose phonetics had



Knrambukal lBdKCli\U a~iJllTJi' palla IIpLM:1 IIU'UldTHjL\.1 mUPJJ3w rollCtWM 1Ij1l:)(OpL.Jk.JY Knramhis, hy,tJi~1I1r BL'PV)C 1-\,1 LV r Pl,IKJiI !\.lJ.iII)JIlICTli ua l Iou ry All(iUJHI TV pCtl lIPU'.() TiJKBl11 I1I1l.pt.:HHl1Kd lJRJ<I rl,nUCTllKU 1lI1JL: 1!lJJW1d IHlIlltflJ~lJllly K<JII(;OJ(dTLKY I pyny (1[1..:11. PYM. Krucium. MHh. Karacsony 11 gorom bo npcva r pyG I, 11<1 'idT(llalcl,yqyjC: 0 lit:

BlfHIiM CIUYd 1111 ri>lllICTLKC Hl1 LLMaIlTUli.k.~ L.MCrIh(; IFl ce Ul.H1J upomlM n eTIHlK{lIi. ca CROJIi\1 cycjlH.KCel.'llHfM eJll:M~11'I Of\f -uka, KaraKTepHc.. TlfIlIIHM 'it'1 ~IMl'lICKC ncpuna 1'1.: Y C:IOBCIILKHM JC Hll(fl MCl, npn;lpYJK(1 IJ(1'UIaTllJ ,;lCKl:l1- 'lKll] rpynn gramh/gromh- (m.rI. [JlU" a 1I1lCPPIICK<": Il(i rllIKt: greba graba [ireI. y 1BHCHII8) !{ojdle HOKYMI.:H1(1HHIIU ilL CaM!) KllH <":!lOBt"HlKJfX rICH) H IWJl KC~Tn .. CKJlX If repvauckux H ll/lOCnpUTI!hi;l1Ia 0' •

ORY eBoJY HI.: OM CI 1dl/f1MJhJfBY 0 rmalIaJHY pi:lcl/pany M. bYJHiMUp 1(}RPllH1B(:I IIP~iM<':HOUM na cc, 110 tile My cy.tch li, Y IIOT jlc)..{y IHlJCHt pujc I1CTOPHJL:

CJIOBcnCKIIX I1I1HlIt:RPIlII.'baIW MO)KC nhI1 HCIIITO naJhc Y nporn WLT 111.:10 nn 0 cc I~oca!\ MJt<..:,I1f.'ln. 'AKO rc 10 'I'allllll, uajcrapnja e.mneucxa naCC.I,C)

not known of an initial consonant group [ cornp. RomanIan Kracium, Hun Karacsouy and gOJ"om bo according to grub (roughj], and therefore he concludes. "1 do not see therefore either phonetical or semantIc hi ndrance that this oronym and ethnicon, with its suffical element -uka, characteristic for nominal derivatives in Slavic language, should be joined to the known lexic group gram b/grornb- (comp. Pol. apophonian forms greba grab a lull, height), which has been documented not only with the Slavic Indo-Europians but also with the eel ti c and German ones".

M Budimir ends this lus very interesting and significant treatise with a note that, probably, regarding the most ancient history of the Slavic IndoEuropians one can go somewhat farther to the past than it has been thought so far. "If it IS true, the oldest Slavic settlements must have been considerably closer to the Balkan-Anadolian cultures, and consequently they could not be north of the line of beech. There are reasons, at least only the lexic ones, speaking 111 behalf of a reVlSIOIl of the traditional opmions about

1't1Opami cy UUTII 'J1I~'fIIO umUKa 6aJIK3I1CKo-anajlOm':KIIM KYJIT~'flaMa, na ce npesra TOMl' IIIICY Morna mlJta311TII cencpuo OJ. JIHlllljC OYKDC. 11M" WH~Jle pmnora. M,lKa p 11 (;ClMO ne K(;JiliKJ1X, KOjH ronope 1H pc-nainjy TpaHHlI,HOIH1JlJU1X t,;X1H:ITUlbCl 0 npocrupy H npcsreny uajcrapnjax c.;WBCIlCKHX llJICMt'Ha" .4')

I Ia reurxohe I) KO 'I YMi::l ttCII,;1 H pcuiaaau.a IInpr;K1I3 CJlOneTW ~ CpL>a VI lJ1(I'IClba IhHXOHOI WMcna M. liYI(HI..mp jc YKa'3<H,l I[ Y CHDJC1J pacirpaun II () cTapl1jJI"d nOMCIIJlM3 cpncsnr IIMell ... ''. Bch nil caMDM TTO'ICTKY OBe r~aJH1\11.ihllBe H 'Hlcl'Iajllc paclIpClne M. TiYAIIMHP Ka>KC:

Beh IHIi:I UMe·lJ(l CJIOBl:II(.KI1X uapona ocrarra cy 6C'3 HKaKne yGcnJbHBC CTHMOJIDI'1IjC. TYMavrcn,a TRX HMem.l cy Y HchHIIH cnyxajcua cuopua. '10 JC CcICBUM pa'3)'MJhHBO. Panli ce (l RMClll1Ml:I IIHJ<l cy ua M npana 'ilia xcn,a I1CIIU1HaT8". H'~ ('HH).: PWUTO[,H 1\'1. liYRHMT1P MelJlO }!aJbe I1CTlPle na ce 1a cnnueucxa ItMCII3 311a "Jla ce cpasaepne 110'3110 jaun.ajy 113 ucrupnjcxnj CUCIIII, 113 jc II CTOl'a cnaxa unne yOcJVI. .. na eTlfrtto;lOJ'lIj a nCKOI' cno nCIICKO I' IfMClIa xpyuau KupaK Y IIpanuy CJIOBCIICKC npOTO IfCTO pnje II •

the space and tune or the oldest S crbi an tn bcs" '19

'I he drffrculties regal dmg the interpreung and solving the ongm of the Slavs find Serbs and the meaning of their names were pointed 10 by '\j Zhupanic also III lus treatise "Ahuut the Older Mentions of the Ser hian Name" Already In the beginrung of this interesting and 51gnificant treatise IvI Budimir says "1 he most of the names of the SlaVIC tnbes remained Without any convmcing ethunologv The i nterpretauons of those names are disputable m rnajorrty of cases It IS quite understandable The names are In question whose real meanings are unknown to LIS For these reasons M Budmur c mphasrzes a bit later that "it is known that Slavic names appeared cornparahly late on the historical stage and therefore any convincing etimology is a great step in the direction of thc Slavic prehistory"

Having mentioned thereafter the fact that the Croatian name had been documented much earlier than the Serbian one, at which he points to the name Khoro(u)athus, appeanng 111 II/III c ,\ D 111 the area of



(IIIIMl=IIVHIIIH ~,;t olm"'l

'111I1,l.:lH1l(V It,1 )1,.. TWillO"q U"1L MIIIl/1! palHtl ,(I)t{VVlI.:IIIIIJ1f.1l1!l 1l;ll.[1I/(.HII 11(11<1 '1lMV 'yKU WIL 11<\ W>'1\.: k:.ho,.()(u)atho~ V(Jl(.; u.: lilH 1,(1 V 2" f!I.,:KV 11.1. V 111IJlill. r~ I a mw ... a , M byJtllMHP I~ lIBY ')lIrll.KV ~jIK.I,yqI1l1 tJdll()MI.lIIIM 'Il<l 1.111.: t1HMIJloIIIH .. ~IIM(iH IIl1l(H)L I... xpntl'lUHM HMlJl(lM (il-l 'II) ,1,1 lin 1(1 Il' 11,1 KaIUl3'I't-t W/l1 ,lllIILKH, ('al'M,na ('iI rOM!,; )l.I<lolX 'H.MJI,f,,;IIII(;(.;/lIll,IKc!' H IH (1,1 11<: 1<01 cpc, UI,( IIlC I' 1I11111'I JI,1'f H II lid" rOITOJ!,atus 'II()I'IIIK H ..... 1

:I,"[lll,rIlUh. 1 ptlllWlilf1 KIlJll

1,1IP.lI)YII.. npA<.i:lHlly '~l: 'v1ILY', I )II~ rHIJlV (;(1 If(';l'JIJlH:lIl..K~iM Ma'i 'pH Ii::IJI11M". I)

IlctllPM(.;lrylllllH 'HITHM )ti'l Jl l.:1JH'IJI(I UIIY<IIJ,Hltl U loa lPJll,.KUM HML:JI(JM \1, I,Y)lIHvH1P IIJlI1ML' h Y II,; WI u:r ) 11 q H Ii III L: !l e r I ,

pBU'IlKn WI ollloHV 111)1H11UX L:IUMIIII,IHJrI MIlPdJl' Ll'/II1'Il1 Hal,(,; 1111. A'i(JIH.':KOI MOpei "1)(!Ma Hl"JO"'IIO-KanK~CKHM l"J apH til lltMa, Y 'fHJI-1M MIIIIIII(jpnl'IHM HIlHIIM~1MH 'qH;(HI Jl(I 1IIl1'lOJH KIIJ!\,;l<lliIUlH'IHIPMi-IIHII h ~~I

, "II K'

CHili V,Ifill sur scr '1IIJlLK. a ••

fill ce, ua Kpajy KI)ajc Ita. C),fiu HllaU MOI'JIH CXIla'J lITit 'JhYJ,,'Ma\ fiap y cmu.. lIajlllUJofiU'fllujcM 06JIHKY", YKlI'lY JY h H 'W (IBM M 11(1 HJa'l;II'IV IIKOHIIIJl'1 ")\(1 cc ,lia

Tanars, M Hudirrur ended this note saying 'that all et: rnologJr.:al comblOatlons with the CI oatian name, whether they start from the Carpathians 01 the Doniun Sarm atians, 110m Rorneian 'land-owners' or some medieval I .aun COrn)~lItlls, 'sohher-ficldworker, a custom officer who works a slate land', operate with a non-Slavic matcnal" 50

Having noted then that a srrmlar srtuatron If. with the Serbian name too, M. Hudrrrur notes that It "more tl1811 the Croatian one, on the basis ol more recent etimology, Il1U~t have moved farther from the Sea of Azof toward the East Caucasian natives. in whose numerous idioms there should exist a collecuvc formative -hfor smgular sur SCI' 'man' So the Serbs could yet hc understood to have been 'men" ~lftCI' :111, at least in their most original form" Then he pomts to the signrficnnt circumstance "thai both these Balkan-Slavic tribes arc found In the a: Ci.IH where even PllIllUS (Nat hlsl (),](J) at lus trrne placed hIS Serhi ~Ir, neighbors 01 Scvtluans ill ASIiI (where Ptolorncus' Sl~rhoi were too)" Should we accept these Plmius' Serbs as some Slavic

una GHJf KH IICKU"CJ/lJ II<.:III.:K;, nne .. H.:IIH "pllllaJW H': V ()II~IM Kril)L. IIH\W y 1(0)1,; lu.dl J IJHllIl1lC (~,11 111',1 6. 19) l.MlIlI'Id l:IIO)t.: Serbi Itlll c.:Yl.c!lc ( KWld Y ;\'IHjl1 (I JI,t.;: "'Y H J J'f (IJ I (1M L:JL: 'Hi Serbni). ;\ l{i) 011 lTP£-lX il(11 W./H1 (Jill,.. llJlllllHJ<.;lJ\. Ser bi KHO /11,;1<0 c..JlOIIClIli<n IIJII,;Mr..:: I JJllta (}11 cc IIpUOpWI e'l V

Illli He/1V lt~TOpllJ("Kl JlI 'KY

Ml.IITlIltHjt... rIOMCf1Hu Gap \(:1 ILL''' IIL:K Y";ll flill, Y I'UPMC'I (p()(1 (IIHlV II PI) I J /111 (lHI1I1 OIlM M X P liB l'HM:I)" I MIH;lh.:hl1 IIPWJ\)M Hd PjlIIH.ll.. 1I0MtlrYIU o(iJ/HK I(horn(u)aflios y I ~1tl;1Ij(;,y (2/, 11.11,1..:) ,

YKcnyjvlll1 11;1 IHI(;JlPUl.

'I ra 11,1.; I IOl.'I cpucxm HMl.Ila K<lJl :1~I(k.: (Sm hi). Kao H /HI HC'("[llfllu l.llpr;'-j(~1 OCiJlI1K S"rh, M, I;Y,l'IMHP eIrClMHI(,L: n f)r;JH1K Scrh(l)ia y n .. C~IJIHJH hYJ1t:KH ('t;j1IIHilJl'), 'i~lI'I1M GIII'dosed}:! 0/llillClli I SCl'voldwl'i}l I{O/I, I J lil.l:

II!,;" Y VII uexv, JI()JI,:lJvhI1 Jill (Y H "Jlllal'(;KI1 ('!ll)/K'llIl IIOIlP'1I1 L:IJI ,I,U 1\1111<1.:, :vl. IIYHI-IMIiP Jli-lJf,t;

K(()!(C H:l jc ulHl H IV IL I IIi!

P:lllljl()( .. 1 Pfllr.L'JI( IL:T "'PIICKI)I

HMt'IHI "HnJItl IIOllUita MflDll1M CJliIlIlf(. I U Mll IIi'! c :IL'BHM I "iGMJl,lJl1 y'lMy om,! II()Jl~1"I fJK alII JllltMIHJI ()H I III P<"I{I II '1'01 pml':! WI I) II( I'~I I< (I I U I IH" 11: "s er II i II n j (y III,.; It 11 M 11'IJI,(JIf,lfM:I ZCl'imwi). quod fan

Inhe, then a pnoruy regardmg tile lustoncal documentanon would he moved at least lor a wholl' I. cntury hack If] bel all of the Serbs (contrary to Pogodm': (]OiIlS)" tlunkrng CIt that of the aforcmenuonerl form KIIOl'u(u)a1hot:! III TmHII~ (III) II L: A,D)

Po lilt I ng to the d: fussion of the Serbian name at till! Elbe (Sur hi J, (IS well as the 1:,15tSorbian form Serb, M l.sudimu mentions also the form SCI'h(l)ia III 'I hessalia n 1I1 kish Serlidgc), then Gon.loscrha ie Servnkhoria at the Nisa as early as VII century, adding that also the Croat Slavs reached HS far as Alicea, M, BUell/1l11" says further Oil that tlus exceptional difussion of the Serbian name "has glvcll H pretext to many Slavtsts to lake quue scnously the datum Ill' an anonunous lsavanan geographer

from IX century saylllF

"Seruiaui (m some editions /.ef'lW1I11), quud tuutum (;"~f reanum til ex eo cunctac gentes Sclavorum CX(JI'j~lc sin. cl ot'i~~ inem sicut affirmnnt, ducaut", lidding that "The names of the I)n('/11 Jan cattu acts re trcsholds confirm their J1IC ence III the lormer :IICil I)fl npolmn civihsnnon"


111111 csl r('glillm ut ex ('0 ('UlH,'lac gcnfcli Selavor um exurme sint rf ol'i~in('1II sicut nffirmant, du aut" i(lWqyhH J(i-I "ItMlll~ illr.~lIdrH..h.H k.clli1P'II<,frl IJ 1I1)1I100a v lupb\ JV /I H l!lil I npuc yr.:rno y 1",1<..<1 [<111.111 {J(illcH .. 1I1 '1 rHJlIl.'hlKL ItUlHiIlI! i~III,UJI.;".

I PtI)/{(. hH Hy6iht KllpL:1I1.. l-JJll.I .. k.ot IP,n;lli-I M. J,YJI,I1I\HIP 1.1.. (fJ)(P'+;'HIIH 11 llil (IIB'I"-'H:p(JIHlJ (Vasrner) UJI f l..p II pc'ra JlHI11 cpu LKlil 11M!.: 11(1 1<1 "OIY. KdJi<I., "f'l''1HIO IIHlllpH k,OMlh1Ull IUlccllO If J~l,;I" )\1I-111cJ'/ ~l It "PUCCI'-

.;'1'1 ciit '''PI1JIPVIKI-II iii cc

I JPt.:/l":ILI liB\;; f-tIMOI1lfdllliJl. II,,;JhI1 y IOMl,; IIII'll 'P"('KO HML-

illlCiI1Bd (1,\.111111(111 lVlLlIl'1 "I :r l'rl()At.:IIU(l'~1 Pl'11I111\.V, Ilfli OII)BO .II\.I) lIi1hl,;\:!(' IId'f(lIIa HH rllO"L- J c.. KH 1l(ili.llJlIiMIJ It ly ~t1 1.J1110)J1-i

MUM simb'lI l;L(idP ",lPVI.

H.;MJhUI);IJ11IHK " , ;J 111 lie 11

" IIIJ 1I1I'HlIl a p", IItJ () 'i UT pl:lk.lIl1 " I C.YIH;;UIUk.". 'jllJlPlktlfUIJH Ll ,1ft TI.L 11.1 IfU Htvt L'I( IIH, IIlKItM L."'JI(J/II1MI1~(1 K.1I1 1111 , L.V "sirbu pasirhu priserhhi sja sjnrhru prisjarhiti sja pored prisebrtti sJa u seber", tlllllaJ:lJyhu OIl 11,11/ sebras, M, hY)IHMI1P HL:Tf.1'rC WI HI 1I,I1X 'rpdi" 'Ipa1K111H 'Hlll)l

IIWIK(l 1101'1.1\'1('. Jl(J/l:l/yh~1

IJJ(MctX !HI Jt'

dPXL.11111 IIIIOJ )i(llKllol ilPVIJlI

Look! ng for deeper ruuts of the Serbian name M. HuuirnJr dwells also on Yaslllct"s Intelpretauon If the Serbian !lame IC}t which, he says, spcuks eloqueJltIy the composite pascI'h and denomi native priscrbit sja, "lo jour". The advantagn of Illis combination I ies In thl: SerbliltJ name rCl:H!Vlllg an excl:lll:nt accornodauon III the SlavIc vocabulary, even more so if we find a way to explain phollctlcalIy the connection with the synonym simhrll sebal' "ennuilde


Field-worker", yet llo1,.,harecrop_

per either, but "cnJlcilgur.'1 Having further conSidered SOIm Slavic synonyms such as "sirhu pasirhu priserhit] S,iH ... jarhru prisjnrhit! sj;.t beside priseb"iti sja and sober", separaung nom them schras, M Budimir clJlphasizes lhal one should look fur their common Origin, addmg immediately that lin common archetype of this important soclo-po/ificfI/ term must have been read III the Proto-Siavic epoch simbrn, with which one call not establish a conncctioo with (( 110t younger lei In si"lll! "ally, Iellow-tribemau, relahve" via a simple metathesis or hqtud formative, but little turther Hudinur says that "Proto-Sl

ntll(III(I)II,III1'I/<Ol ',-,P\fI1IW

M(lpao I HIUfllj Y III11HOWll\lfCII

lK(l1 IIII11i .rmbra (,;<1 k.lJjl1M (.\..

Ill: MO; c.. "rei' /I Jlfll)l I

M«.: 1.1'1 L. H. rlHI BI1IlU "l (J)f)pMl-I 1111\(1 VUIIIl:ldlll-1"IH HL'jil \.. I\" Mdll.1,; "1i:IJH1M 1~(1MHII"M Sima "Utll(' IIIHK. cau Il-MLllyl!-', pll ~)dK'. d HI Mil ((J JLil!Jl hV,'UM"'" J< d If c )\<1 c c "II po I {lVI IlII sim bra tyf<l, II(JIIL hl'/" I.'} I ~I rba IIi! 1(1/ IICJllllll III J () hl,.'MfI I/ohu PH lilT l<.M (II MllIHIMyMi'I srrnb (.;1 If!naJIIllHvl 111 J(lmk~(JM rt 1I,I,;IOil!!1 )l,lfH1I1lIld 1I11r.,1lJhy (,;Vrlll,jf«(.'tll/lIO/


II(llf{!JIW" cllli-J"IIf'Hlpaiyh", CBt,; 1w1()1 yhuoc r '" lUll.: flO/Ul/ll: flO lK(lt,lIj(11 PI,.'SYJlf'<l'Iil, M. bYJlH Mlip c..l "/l.rY'IH(1 ~H 1HKQY'1a1': , I(}I '-V V "PUTOUIt HIClIl./{ClM nne /1 '.In J1: I J ~ lit! K() pl! Il (1 Ka'IIIl:l oriJ /If I{il, siniba 11 srmbrn. OliHI J!pyll1 c.:1. C;;j11YIl(jO 1I1,,;1I11(1\1l.II,(..II. (I Ilflll.11 [c II V'!'\,' M 1I,IH1 II pI. II 1 1,l1 J UII,M J L. H /I ) sirha, /.1, y ~nllluKly L JlfI(Il1 ji-l"f1~ WJH1J1 Il 1~1.,;U-1\'llI10Imll V m1KfI'HHY r Yk,;nyjyhI1 urnl.." 11(1 Ill,;l-i.l' n[HtML'PI' 'dH'lKl\UX HI.L l'IMI1JICIII.l1,ja J«(lJI l1('f'IIfJl'111l1X I JlY"-I, lVI, hy)U1~H1P l<lI}KL./.~1 cue 1'1) \II(1II~1 "Hi! Ld rIH11lc.:ICKl (..1 pclllL: 11<., MII)I L (hl'll~ II ,,(illlhl 111

11..1 "/Hi!! iBOj1:J III I III.! 1J1I1HIIN

I pVllt snnbra subn pascrb prt5 r biu scbra pnsjahrni II prisebnti,

simhrn call b related to sirbn bv ,tmtJ/lg from the lex -m rnuumum sirnb- with a nasal mfix and from Its dcnvauvc form d bv the uf rca] -1'0"

Analyzing carefully all pos-

tbrhues leading to the desn cd fC~UJt, M Hudnnrr 1,[1<:. decided for the conclusion that "m ProtoSlaVIC there existed two coiadrcal forms. sill! hit and siml.nt The second has been preserved unchanged, and the rr rst has grven, by a diffcrenuation, ,jJ'/J:1, re 111 the contact with a labial the nasal has been dessrm.Iated In the II[Wld -r-" Pcrnung then to some examples of such dessrrmlauon at Identical groups, M Budu1111 says that all that means "that from a phonetic side there can not be a more SCIIOUS objecnon to the correlating the group simhnt sirhn ,,:lst'.-h prism"hili schrn rlt'i:-.jal'bi' i and prtsehr] ti, while the sernant rc side, which (IS U rule prcdommates with regard to the Iuncuon, offers a sllnl("l~n[ly strong reason Ior s uch corrclaung''

On the baSIS or his previous observations M Hudimir has concluded that both PI i nius' Serhi and Ptolomcus' Serhui "appear light III the areas cast of the Clumerian Hosphorus, and to



,lllK II \lilll [ til) KU 1..1 r lila, KIll) uo np 1III111V v u«: Illl~ rlWlIl-; fHiJl 1I[l\.ILikl' "rV)K1 Itlllllll.IIU IHk. pd UIIiI 'ii fill'd,D IH. 1l11W I he" .

III PI.-J/OIIV .... ljI'IHX 1101..-1 }{dllJII.HX Sill! IA\all.fI M, hy,~11

'YIliP II..' '\:lk.IJ,,,'HIIl na L'(; II

IIIIUlIHJLlHI Serlu 11 rrlufllll"llt;; 1\.:1111 Serhoi "jI:lIlJI.;IJY VIIP~1l10 V OIWM ufi'Wt:lllt-.ld K(lj~ cv 11t.ll)lIll1l fiJI KI1MLPLKOI hm,III1' pu, a V 1 .... I(iJldL:TI1 C1UriIa l-Y "II H;rLl-~a II'IL MUlti l1 I IIPOL'TOPd 1 rHII(lII.tk.~ ILHIHi IH IdllHjc y k:Pl11J II"r'(lmpllll..:llliIOHH nOd 11\.'111'1 ;,(tIM 1I11IJYW cpucxc ( .![()~ 11 c 111.:. '1lIJ lIuJ\aTclK jJ[i"l'flpbvje 11 ICOMUr(I)(l.flI1IIIKII Tt:pMUII prag Id JlIl,crtar~KC; K:-l1 UP;fKTC, '10 011 mi:l'lnllO Jla cc cpucxo UMC 1I0MHII.J,.: 111;\'1110 p.IIIHIl' 110 III I t I JI: 1(1 lll)''1a) Ul HM~IIHMcl octan nx lllOHCJllKHX 11;ICMCII.I, 11(1 11 ca ~aMJ1M HMCIIIlM Sloveninu. I iJel (lOU I1pnOOWrllCl 'illa'It:lbC "l:ync'U1HK. HPyr" C3IJY"c'lllO JI.: H flUII Hallfle Y JlOIHWP'1, sempros J.i ilpCi. somber, IIH(lKlle 110 L'1I11) IIpJ.iJlliltL-1 Jl(rIHI\L' 11 IWiJ.'IH Semberije'. MilHa JC OliO yfiel)c/I Jlli JC Y II pany ca cnOJOM U IIHJllitOM 11 'l(1KJI.YtIKI)M, M. r;Y1\I1MlI[1 11IWK IIPHMChYJc "Hn I)[WKU pano nHTOIHllhl..' l.'PlI(;KOI HMt.:I!H ("ClMll 1111 (diu lie fiJi UJ1l1l1,llllll)JI.JlO IVI "pny II<JJuny ("llIm: IliJ ua MC1W'I'

those ru cas the C'hllnenan tnbcs had urn ved from the space of the Tripcl ian crvihsanon where Porphy regen et LIS' 111 formers knew of the Serbian Slavs, 'I hat datum IS contirmed also by the ceomorphological tel III pf'ag for 1 rncprran cataracts That would mean that the Serbian name was mentioned considerably e~rller than the names of other Slavre tribes, and of the very name Slovenin u, Its ongmal meaning 'colleague, comrade' has been preserved even today 111 the new Greek semprus and Albanian sem ber, whence probably also the name of Semberia anginalcd", Although he was convniceo to have been right with Ius analysis and conclusion, M. Budimrr yet notes "that so early dating of the Serbian name would 110t by Itself be sufficient for a shift of the f rst appearance of the Slavs in the Mediterranian horizon for even all one rnillemum back"


but he thinks that the lingurst«

data presented in the treatise "Protosluvica" arc suiTtuent lor a revision of the traduional 0PIIlion about a cornparauvely late appearance or the Slavic IndoEuroprans,

Dealing III the second pari of this his treatise with vanous

t,;p.IIJ( ... KOM ")IH'HIJlIY fJl)MLjldMtl itl 10 lOBO itcn H \iii 1(.;IIk1J YII£' 'lpHI , <l41H CMHTpa tl(::l JC 1111 O(;JllHW Ii ouux I Hili BHLTHIIKHX lIo}(a I'd 1<(1 H nrc 111)( Y pacup» liB "IIIJOToc..I<IIUI K<J" II {)J4l'fI ,110 ''It! pr.;tHf'il1JY'J'pa1iliJlJHJIItIJIII()1 C.XUH

1dll.a (J r~JIHJl!BIII} lI11illUJ

flOJtHlH CJI()H(';IILKI1X 1'(11)(11


II(1~IIChH V TIPYIOM Hi-,IIY one cnoje pacupune pWWi-J 'I),Ma'ICJI,ll i(PYIII'IIICJ(OI 'I epMH 11<1 simbrn-sebnr. IIpCJ~JI(D! yhH IIPH10M Ii CIIOFI pCIIICIIJa, M. I~YHHMIrp ce ''Silll.p>KlIO 11 IHI I cpMJflll1Mil sibones sibyna simbune If sigunna 01\1I0CIlO sigunos, [ep I.;C, Ka>KC. Will T ux ·ll.;:r~HIIHl KPHjl:: HPYlII'1 nClIlHIOJIIf','HqKH J'CpM 1111 simbi a "sebar' f1 simbu "'mjCIlJIHW:I". ('Il( MHlI,yhH }laJhl:

I1MC Sabus K(I(1 11 H.MCI'" IleK~L,\ PlfM(;I<IJX IIJ1CMClla I[p,CJ11i1WM 'Il! )l'1 X j L 'I Y ~HPIl: lI,a 0 ~1.'1 ( I remxoha, 1VI. hYHH'vtlfP KUII craryje Ha 11(111fi;}tM flOCTHjC jac IIHJn "JCp uopcn DIH1X liMell:! paCIIOJl(UI<CMO It PC1WilUM 'lHll>ClIHH(\~a 1([1(' IlI'IO Ly sibones n sihune, BUKflIIWH1M -H· OCtJOHJlOI cnora IIM('IMO lie cnMO y '1'!la&JKUM IJJfl:MCIICK~IM IIMr..;IlHMH Supai H uepouaruu Kaprontai, II!.;I (J Jot Y HYUJICTJ,IMa 11MCilli llll}\yua ncxux Abioi II Gabioi (KI)H i\Jc.:~"JIJI(!) II CnOMCIIY"UIII,

inter prctauor h (.f th" octal It lIT! simhra- schnr propo III' then III iolunon to J 1 Budrrrur ,ldyed also with the term sib II IIC4\ ib) ,lilt si 111 h 111\(0 ,I cI ~igllnfla ie siglln()~ for he ,ay, belnnd those termc the SOCIOpolitical term vim bra "sebnr' and simbu "c. mmunity" we hiddell Menuonmg further on the name Snbu a, well a', the nam , of some Roman tnbcs the names of which we Interpret with di fliculty, M Budmur stares that th problem becomes clearer IlfClI beside these IlDinCS we have al ~O the real facts such as sihones and sihunf "I he vocalism -a- of the baSIC syllable we have not only In the Thracian tribal names Sapai and probably Kaprontai, but also 111 the doublets of the Danube Basin flames A bioi and G:thini (with l .... shil)" I laving mentioned, further on, that 111 relation to the phonetic change In some Thracian languages there exists a discrepancy In mterpretat I ens by vari DUS scienusts, M Budirrnr has accepted the opinIon of J Rczvadovskr, considermg that one can with enough reasons "couple the names A bioi Gabioi Sapai Kaprnntai Sahini Sahelli Samnites with the name or the Carpatluan-Danubian


II ',I,; 1,1 Y Ill,., U I,. I (I nlll. I\. t-. t IIr 1~f1 1 v 1\1,. H I Tp \'IKUM I ,PU"-H lIod 111 P MH~

M' H 11iKl,;JI,~ Y IY 1, I ,I." 1<\ \I I-

[c Hum IJd't ~f1m (t 1 h, ,lH I 'P

,\,.: liP" I autll HfJllll:1H.: 1.

P u "I )\{\. ..... ul ,-"nrp I\. hn ,ll 1,;(

c 11 IJ I hUll PJ ~ J(" d M.I ~.

11P\AdHli ~P.1Clld Ab~O~ GablO~ apai Kaprontai Sabma abelll amnites c RMdl t K~lrnaTcKI-

11 IT\1I3Rl..KHX KH ,(cpa CUOl!HU H C'm mm, tHiJa je \1~Ta#lypI RJa. RLf(\ xa H Ypd'IKd n KH, tI.'PLK(I, fiR ta , Bvm L M )hll I),,' allaIlO.I~ CKOM '\6pa LIM McTJ.H . Y( d."l1

La cc ,rep IIPllO:IC m MO)KC lIa r c p~bH nCl41Hl )(iJdLlIHTH. M. bv [UMRr lip \{y)KdB<t WS1lUalbC J\';' n 'f Rp,IU iaJUtM:1 "8(1 1

l IJaI,.,K I: :1) 1 (n 6li.11 ) c 11<1 rue

l. rpauc ta \.l:ht \IaRC c 11,1 fic11Kd 11- "'Ki:! Ii HI a.icsa ,t ~(;II:.J ILlt:Mi:11iI Hilnp' L r KilLin wI HK~ Jt:\111 1..<1 t:cfirHMJ H Cn-UIU{Ma. na ,..La Ti. KP <1\1) If lBy uoran) lit n T[m Tc.;Kt: fc'K ( H 1C :IyKmw .Ia Hila CpOU 1.IUi II lB, .ta . (hUe ce pa In LaM H: 'l<1 Lt:

I P W1l)~ H fipUIC K taLli'H," 01 rar osa H ",--ntp"J" n MI,;;HU cpncxor RMelIa. K ,*1 HKl Jl: T\' Mor)hc na ocr« By aHTHtlKHX nl naraxa H MC1 )PMJl:KC ¢ IHCTHKt:. KaK Jt 'matlt:ILC T r "fClla ,Uc era urap: K taBC"1- HHK. C:P( UHHK car.:BHM je npH-

Ktmbers, Sibms and Sigms, whose metallurgles as well as Thracian and Chrmerian ones, were related to the powerful Anadolian processing of metals" Convinced that a part of the problem can be solved In the above way. M Budirrur contmues his presentatIon with a very interestrng note "It would be foolish for our part to simply Identify all the cited Balkan and ltauc names with the sebn and Sibms. and so to give a new processms of that patriouc thesis by Srma LUkm Lazic "the Serbs all and everywhere" Here the point is just to find and explain clasSIcal traces and older mentions of the Serbian name, as far as It IS possible on the basis of ancient data and historical phonetics Since the mearung of that name is rather broad, "ally, relative", 11 is only natural that It appears also outside the most ancient period of the CarpathianDanubian Kimbers and Chimerians. The same case IS also With the name of the Venett, which appears not only on Pont and In the Central Balkans, but also, as it IS well known, in the northern Italy and in the central Al ps. on the seashore of the Baltics and

Atlantic _ 'obody normal even

pO.]1IO Ad C.C ono JdB1bd Ii Ball uajcrapajer 'ft:pH1opUJa XapJI<tTLKI)~IIIlJ.yllaB('KHX KHMOCPCi U KIiMt:PUI311d. I Icra J~ (;;'IY raj n I..4i R(;IIt; rl..K Ii 1 HMtHCl'i KOJe cc JdH sa He 1..,11') Hi) [lowry Ii Y Ill.lrrpa.IH[JM La.rxany. JlCJ 0. KdKO Jl: 1I0maTO, H Y CCBLpll I] HTa 'mJH H Y UCHTpanUHM A rna-

ta. ua noa:1H baJTTRK3 U ,\TJI3HTUKa Haxo pa ~yMdn II He I10MIUIJ.1:ta IH cy C8H Tn Benet H 6UJJll ) IIept:KTIIllJ renea .. 10UlKOJ Re"lH eel Cl apI1M pyLKHM BJa fnhuMa t.LnJt je I1Mt.' no "laKOHU sa HCH)PRjLKC <pm1t!TUKC cpojmo UMt:Hy BCHCT'd. c.I)3CMCp. aOnYUI(;, oAollja TY crapy RC"lY YKalYJyhff ua MOprponomxy pa"l,IKKY W~MCQY arrnorsor Venetos n JlllCllOBCHt:K ... U' vente- on KllJer je JC;{lHlO Murao aa Inane PYCKH t:rHHKOVI Rj3TUhli. Ana fa I..Mt:lJhd ycraapn Be nocroju. Jep lot OUJIHK vento- ',..lHOCB npcva Venetos not nyuo HCTOBCTHU xao rp. genetis npeva nar, gentis, 'r n 'maqn .ra ca 1:Jll('TO rpop iaxae crpaue HRlUTd He cnpcxana rrOBC'UiB3Iht Bjarnha c BCHCTlfMd , Bpahajyhn ce OTIL1' na TP31fKC e'nraxe Sapai, Abioi, Gabioi 1 Kaprontai. I:iYWU-iUJP nacroju ;:la c r OplbrIM CTHHl(H 1a ;1( sene Y BC1Y Gora Xep rcca K( jn. KO,J. ml,l euponcsux

h ... ,. _ n Idea tilt t dil titn .. e Veneu were in a direct aenealoz al connecucn ,.Ith old r u .: hn \ tal 1(; \\1 (, .e name I ccor Jmu tfJ h law ,.1 hi tor cal .htl net It , .l~ In () the name

\ eneu \ d mer to be .ure derue that ancient conr ec .. tron pomnm; to a morphological ,j' fterence between .incrent Venetos and pre-Sla 1(, vento- which I .. only where the Ru ";1 in ethm on Vratu i could ha e ingrnate I from But that mdrance In h(~ does not eXI t f >r the fr rrr. vento- refers to Venetos identrcalb as Gr genetis t( Lat aentis 1 hat mean that from a pureI) formal side nothing prevent a correlatmg ot Vianct ~ ith venetr' Ret .irmna acam to the

.... ....

Thracian ethruca ~ apai, Abioi

Gabioi and Kaprontai Budrrrur tnes to relate the above ethnn,a With god Hermes \ ... ho w ith the Indc-Europian Pelasu w as. nameJ Imbros a god who first of all as to take care f little cattle, that : ~ to be guarded In pastures les It disperse. and thence god Hennes was not ani, a traveler and mediator but pnmanly a gatherer The origmal character of such deities had been preserved for long with pnrmtrve Indc -Europian tnbes In


1 ... ..,


lI{)Typm~t: y Bocnn. rnc IIMjC)WH xpnurhauun nnje cvco nocm [1 neurro npneuu on TCKCTllJla. 111-1 y TOM cny-rajy (lIIl)(t1llIlCKCI o,nl:l HMCH8 Cp(ia lit: fin OJlJHl VLclMJhCrm, jep ce (JI)"I'JIY"O YIUlana ca XIfJ(POIIIIMOM Sirbis, KalW ce jern llPYKlflf.ic llJaJla l'pojallcK3 pexa Ksantos Op(IIOCIlO Skamandros. 06a 1 a xHHporr !fMC! yxusyjy na (i Ijy xao OIJUM<lCHO- 1I0UIKl1 MOMCHHT. HllaK, liP" OB8KBOM (hi [3t:'mnall,Y OCTaJlt:

TC LIl Kolle 10tH CJIn)KeHHJ~t: paserb xoja cc flP H H'JHCCCIIllM TYMaqC~Ly MO)f(C llCITO CMt.::L'TffTM H o6jac1HfTu y 1()jcnmn~n c T~P-

S b" )1 MHIIOM sebar H HMCIlOM r .

J(a ce bH:I01-1jHII8 'i8KJhYLfHBarha y BC1" ca Or~el/llM <.'TClPOera H rcorparpcxna I10JW)!(C\jHMu Cpfia !lCOMa MIIOJ(1 IIO.rlYnapajy C<:I I:iYHHMJ1POBMM pWiMWWJL8rbHM(I Ii 'mKJby11rnWJhF1M~1 u IIp(lTm.:.rroBCII1-1Ma MOI'JHI eMU Hl:! 'HilJa1HMO Y O<.:BPTY 11(1 IhcrOBC HAC nanpen WHfCTC pacnpasc. ana nepyjexo 118 <lJ\ KOPHCTH Mory nCl 0YHY H uexa J)VARMHpona 'm/T(J)fWlha Y 101ll jenno] 'mallaJlluj pacupana rIOJ~ H8CJIOBOM II npOTOCJIOOeJlCKIl II CTapOalla~OJlCKIf HIIAoeoponJ')3I1H". 360PHMK 4>HJI01orPCKOJ' rpaKYIITenl, Klh. II. Iicor pi:i,lJ; ]952, CTP, 25';-279. TaKo, IIH rrpHMep, nORoHoM CTpypCKO-

Xantos 01' Scarnanciar Both these hydronyms point to the color as to an nnomatlOlog1cai moment Yet, at stich correlating there would remain difficulties because of the composite paserb which can be, according to the interpretation presented, placed nicely and explained in an lInlon with the term sebar and the name Srb".51

That Brlbija's conclusions about antiquity and geographical locations of the Serbs cOincide very much with Budimlr1s thinking and conclusion about Proto. Slavs we could observe In the review of the two aforementioned treatises, but we believe that of use can be a Iso some Budirnir's observations In one more significant treatise titled "The PI'oto-Slavic and OldAnadolian Jndo-Europiansll, Anthology of The Faculty of Phi losophy, book Il, Belgrade 1952, p. 255-279. Thus, for example, regarding the Etruscan-Slavis coincidence in relanon to the solar year consIsting of 360 days Budirnir notes Ihat "That coincidence pouits to a pre-classical Anadol and reveals, at I east to certai n extent,

the most anci ent Slavic-

Anadolian connections, of

c.:IOIICIJCKC nonyuapuocrn Y Be iii ca CY'llIaJlOM rtlAHIJ 1M on ~6(J

I, u'l

H8HCl >yltUM lip "S<:I!HOKa ~a II

lJ(lltynapHOC'r YKa1YJC ua HOK'IfI(.;Hl]JHI AII3HOJI II OJ'KPI1Hil. M:-tk.clp WIII~K:IL:. IlaJCT<1plfJL:

CJIUIICIIl:Kn-::I1I3J.mICKC. LH::'~C, I<OJI; cy ueh panujc nacnyhuuanc !HI O<.:1I0BY fltnajM IH~a xao UlTO cy:

Klhlm-I (kuniga, aK<l),{. kunukku), PYJl~, Ty.~.H}l1 (tulku, tulmacu) U .up. [lone1yjyhH A<lJhC uexe rrojanc ca CIH.:TCMUM M<:rl'pnJ<lpX<1lcl .. KClJH JL:, K~l)KC I-iYHHMUP, jour y Kfll:lCl·IIJHO j{o(ja IIDKa'HWCln lHlJ{1f1.: '1 pa I one lie C(IMO y I':TPYPlljJl n na JlaIllCM Janpauy, IICI'O H Y 'l~lIaJ(IIOanctHOJICKoj Jh'K IIj II " , hYHl1Mnp Ij IIi:) ,lPynlM MCCTHM'c:J OBC LHOJC paCIIp<1 Be yxasyje WI 116aJ1KClIICKO -Ci IIctJ(OJICKe flPUTO If II An _ CUpOIIJI.ancll KOJC 011 1I(1'3HHa neJHtcTJI!'tUI. YnaAJhWUCl IIony)(apHOCT I)HlrGl1jHIIU[ ~ 0YW1MHPOIlUT' TyMcpr~lha BC'jC1 If xperan.a uapona y He)~oKyIIl1BOJ "pOHlJIUCTI1 OIIUrJlCJ\lI<1 je H IIi:) MeC'I'Y ua Kl~jcM };y.u~1MHp nonaBJI.<l M mun.cu.c 110 KUJCM cy "F:l'PYPl(" ]lummf y I1nmlljy lI3 JhfAlljc It Mm.'njc If nurpauasue 06;13C"I"I1 xoja RC:iKC Mlfcnjy ca <i)III11'lIjoM". Y HaJl,HM IIpI1MCpl-l· Ma KOIH uHY y npunor H )iI1JJOHJHIIHM TyMCI~lClhIC'W l~a II(JBC]tCMO II CTTOMCIl Bcucrn:

which one could have premonition on the bast of the borrov ... - II1~S such as knuga (111 Serblanhook) (kumga, Akail kunukku), ruda (Serb - ore). tumach (Serb - Interpreter) (tulcu tulmacu i etc Relating further on some phenomenons to the system ol matnarchy "which, Budirrur says, showed visible traces a') recently as classical urnes, 110t only In Etruria and on our Adriatic but also In the western A nadotian Lycia", Budirmr elsewhere III this Ins treatise points loa to "the BalkanAnadolian Prnto-Indo-Europi, ans" called bv him Pelasti 'J he

' .

conspicious comcrdencv of

Bilblja's and Budinurs mterpretatrons of the connecuons and movements of peoples IJ1 an immeasurable past IS evident also at the place where Budirmr repeats the opuuon that "the Etruscans had come to Italy from Lydia and l\'lisia and from the border area connecting Midia with Phl'ygia'! In further examples that also support BI1 brj a's 1 nterpretations let us ci le the mention of the Veneti too "The strongest proof of the Proto-Slavic connections with pre-classical Anadol would he the name of Veneti, which we



11 J htjl'mnf{lIl1jlf 1(01{(1'} 'J3 111)0'1'0- l';mnCIICKC IICll' ca )COKJlal'lPIIIIfI\1 :\mt .. lOJIOI\1 611JI .. 61f ,liMe nt'lIeTa, KO,jc Ill' li<J.W1I1MO (':iMO y ccncl)lwM Alla,~n;ly II OKO ~lIIha II .. ) ... (flu I. l'fI'lIl\l Y a.ur~Ko.i o6.:mcTIi. mt o 6.IJI<I 1101 a A'f'Jtalfl'lIK'1 II ()iIJI1'IfK:i, lie!' .. If ." l~cII1'JJaJHIOM 1'.UIIGIIIY. nOnall" " CIHIM OlUt!\-1 I\CJll''I'lf\la o6yxIIlI'! Hjy IJpel't1CIICKIf III)uemp OJ. I' OM('p.i 11(1 cue ){O Tauura, a al{o ce Y')I\1V " 0011fl) If )Klmll ,jc3111V1,

• •• - - - - II " ...

ru IIOHHllll II}"" II Y IUHIIIJC JlOu.1 ,

(J,HfX 1Il'k.O.'IHKCl KIKl'J'KI1X IIPIfMt.:p<1 U;\ MlllllllTIHl .tpyr HX IIH~H.:hy III)'I'PCOY ilil CL: "IHI 'HI'I':IIIN hll,fJOUJII"'iX PCiYJIT<I rn ~l 1;1 KJI,y'llI!\(l IICII'H'it:JK Ill) II pCl'I'L' If 'HIII;Dr.:.all,a ~II. ])YHlfMupa. I hllll! cc ,.til cc '('(I k:O I J(lj(ioJl.c Mlli Y 1l1(L:fllfTH 11 uc.'tlK(I 't(le·lll· myhii neiu onn }-I.·lIlId lIiI)III/lIII«1 II I(,IGWHC ·mc.llyr~ 'l;l (iOJt)c IIln Ira uau.c II tJp c KJI it C'p(iu If (')Jl)lleIICi U 'UI Ihlt\'OIHl MeCTI) Y UII)(Ot:I!POIIl.!KOJ I pynn I~lfilf lIaj1(lIla,

Y'i 0111.: U M nor c /lpYI L! hY1111M11pnBL! IIClY'I/H: "PI4J101l:, III 1Il0J~flM IIClpl.:KJI!] ('p(ia Bl-f.!I.(1 .11)11/ Jt:J\1I0M c)0prITWI'H II<I}KII.y IIi-! 1I.1.'f'llny [1i:ICflpaBY "0 C'l'ttjJlfjltM II0MCUlfMc-t qJJlCKOI' If MeJl ... " ("Dc nominis Serbici vestigus clasicis" Argumentum), noccf 1111 na llllOM MU.;'IY lIa f{OIl'M

find nut only in the northern A nadol amd around the mouth of the Pad, then in the Alps area, 011 the coasts of' thc Atlantic and Baltic, hilt .. Iso in the central Balkans, The data about all these Vcneti enrOfI!_ pass a tem floral span from Horner all the time to Tadflls, and if the living languages aJ'e also taken in considera1ioll, those data go even to more recent time",

These several short exam. pies from whole ,I series of others impose a need that, at rcading of BrJb'.lil'S results und concln. SIOIlS) one should Int.:vltably monitor and note those hy Budimir It seems that one can m that way asses best the high uchervemcnts of both these our scientists and their rnents for a better knowledge about the on. gin of the Serbs and Slavs and the place of the latter in the IndoEuropian group

A long with these and many other Budimir's scienufic complements one ought to pily attention again to his treatise "On the More Ancienl Mentions of the Serbian Name" ("De nonnms

S bi , I "II

er JIC 1 vcsugus c aSICIS -

Argumcntum), especially 10 that place where he mentions the

UIOMI11I c ('p('i<., 11'iMl.:by 11e"'UL,IIItX Kapuara " JIII.cllpa, }Ja IIlljl!; c.:aMlI IHJJtL~'1 II!\IO: J Ip(.\1(1 11 U/lI)f(LJ/OMC IIJIUIIlljCIHi Serb], rlKll JI.: 'I WI a lid'; lIC1V'iJ!(lIlI), B I r rOJlflMI.!Jl:lll1 Serber. 1(lIlJbalY cc V1IPlIIH) y (1IHfM l)(iql-lC'1 liMa I:OJe cy ~KTOI(IJU vn KHM"-:PCKOI bO('1I0PI:I, j] y'l'''': UO.I(I( .. TJI CTHIJf;1 I..y K~1\1l.:rIH .. KiI JIJIUMCllil II~ liP')!;.

'I Upi! 'I rlHlIlJl,l.KI.: 1~lllH·IJl WH-lI~HJe Y Knjtl.! r [OWIHiP0I'CIIW[ {lIBI (lOBIICIIITrl'l11 'HICIJY 'sa CPIICKC Cnoucuc' , II OIlAC: Cll/I,il Y IIHlloMCIIH 7 hYJUnmp IIpHM!: hyjc uc I 11'1 fl ""I'P /I;lM CC IIHllll/Hl liMa IH:~IC ell ~'IHrl~L!JIHJlllIHP\'1 "montes Serrorum", ;'I"Ylldlll1ht... lHiM nCijdl II I I,\;;II,I-IMCI () 'I'IIM 11Uj\dTKY H IlillJlliM (JIHP>Kfl./t.:M Y nnuj K IhWHI Y 0.LtCJ1.KY 1I0)t I (U K~I)mfJ CKII el)"" Monies Serrorum •. ), 1\ \,; IHl IIITH jc

1)~mr'Ir.Htp pcxau Y 1[(IIIIIMC'"1 7: "0111.;; l,;'['pYLJII.aKL' KO.lII L 1IL!IfIIlKpL'I"~M rJJl:./(HJY y l Ioprlnrporc IIliTOIH.:: ('POl' mM"'I)y ItC'ro'IIII1X KalJIICfTa (lIll)lIlYKctc) l', II.) \'1 HILCllPl-l Tpl.:Ga 110'\ CI.:'I'IfTH 11.1 )KIlBY 'lIiII.l;lIlllr,y 111'1 o Halltl]IIIJ,(1 CJ"II!lIHIIII~11 B]l,IIIIKC 11 MUJ[/tHHI1JC 'WilY IIMLII()M Srbul cnojc JYlKlIllClIUI1LI/CI\t,; cycc.rc Y 111JJ1.YIWIIJhY, 1'1, Iiyrapc. J;cr~ 1l(j'~11pa lltl PY~lyIlCKy 'rcopnjy KOIITHIIYWII,;'I';' pOMallH'JI)I-lClIIOI ..:lIc\1t;IITH ()'~ TpUJ811d llo ,(HIIHC,

Serbs between the 1'.aslpJ"n ( arp:11 hinns and Ilm.'pI· I t u Ju~t r cmmd here "Accorduu- to the presented, PII III LJ • SCI hi 11 the readmg 1 I eliahle, and PtolOIllCIIC;' Serbni, appear right III those areas t Iat are cast of the Chnuerran H(1~phorlJS and 10 those areas the ( huner inn tnbc,", had an 1 ved from till' space 01 the Tnpohan crvihzauon where Porphyrogenctus' III I or me I knew about the Serhi.m Slavs" And here now, 111 the note 7, Hudurur notes sumethmu that 'iCCIIIS 10 U5 as bemg rel.ue.i 10 Marcelmnus' "montes SCI'I'OI'tUn", Zhupanrc's explanauons of that datum and our contents III thrs book III the secuon I ("Carpathian Serbs - Montes Scrrorurn") And he re I s what Bud I 11m S,II d III I he note 7' "'I hose experts thai look wuh a disbel.et at Porphyrogcnctus' Serbs between the ease rn Curpathiun» (underl mcd by R N) and Dnepr should he reminded of a IlvlIlg fact that today's rnhabrunts or Vlashka lind Mcldavra ('.111 by the name S r hul their South SlaVIC neighbors 111 the I ianube Basin re Bldg, 1'1(1115 Regal dless 01 the Romaruan theory 01 a contmuitv of the /{OI1l8tIlZeU clement 110m "I raian until torlav, tlus detail Will

o I

2£10 1

4ijQkm I

Serbs, Lcggac and GeUae in the region or the Caucasus,

CrUll, Jlcre n Icne na rtonpyujy Kanxaaa.

CpnCKC nnauuue (Montes

Scrrorurn) y ,il.3KHJH Y apeue Bvpcoucn: (I ReK nrc XPHC'r3).

T he Serbian Mountains (Montes Serrorum) ill Dacia in the lime of Hurabusta (I c.B.l'.).


Flpanor 2


IICTpa)KHnaH,1.! uopcxna Cp6a 11 C]lOBCIKl YOIIIlI'l'C YKJbytlyjy cc. rropcn ncropnuapa, apxeonora, J1HHrJHlC'J'a u aH'I'pOIlOJIOra, Y cue BcheM 6pojy II J~pyrll ofipaaoHaHH IIOjC)U1HI~1I ucnon.aaajyhn cue uebu csiucao sa axamrsy II ortesy nocanarua.nx pC3YJITa'l a ucrpaxcneaa.a uojanc HH jcraprrjHX nnnnmrsannja II HJIIXOBHX crnapanana.

Ilpnnor Ilytnaua MHPKOImha non HaCJlOROM "0 ErpypIWM,L EacKHMa II CpUUt.Hl" aarmcax jour 1992. r01J,lfHC. pexnn uneMo na ce Hl:OM3 MHuro yxrrarra y CaAP)Kaj oue aauic KH,Hre lIOH HacnOROM "KapnaTCKTI H J1HKjlljcKH Cp6w II. ill ra uaurc. Y HCKI1M nojenmrocrnxia Mupxcsaheae KpaTKC ann aeoua "3HaJla1rKC onacxe 0 no caua aanocraurscmra mrrau.nua Hcn30CTaBHO I10.u,CTlPTY Ha norpcfiy 1l.3 cc y n.alhHM ncrpa>KM.BaI:bHMa IIHHOCRponcKc rpyne aapona no'rpaaca jacanjn ograHop H Ha ITITTal-ba H8 xoja Mapxonnh cxpchc na)f(lbY C IIranOM YKa3yjylill na HeMapHOCT II aexe aafinyuc nocagaIllH,J1X ncrpascaua-ia.

Supplcrncn t 2

In I .cnt years, dlnng \ uh lustor ians, archeolopivt-, lin guists and antlu opologivts, an ever growing number of othci CdUCr1LCd individuals become interested III the research into the origin of the Serbs and Slav'" cxibiting an increasing '\CIl!)C for an analysis and assesment 01 the hitherto results of the research or the appearance of the most ancient civilisations and their creators

For the supplement by Dushan M irkovic under the title "On the F truscans, Basq 1Il!5 and Serbs", written as early as 1992, we would say that fits very much into the contents of this our book titled "Carpathian and I ycian Serbs". Moreover, in some particulars Iirkovic's short but vcrv expcrial notes about the hitherto neglected questions, stimulate inevitablv a need that in the further researches on the IndoFuropian group of peoples one should look for clearer answers also to the questions Markovic rightfully calls attenton io. pointlIlg to a carelessness and some misconceptions (If the past researchers.


Oaaj Ml1PKOBlihcB npHJJOr YIG·bY'lyje~,H) Y Cdl\P:>KUj KH,ure 6C1 HKaKBUX H1f\1CHd 11 .iouvsa CMaTpa]yhll ua ce Btl Taj H3tmH Huj6o_1)C MO)KC CTchH c,'1I1Ka 0 n.erunoj ynyftL:HOCTII Y npofiRt!MaTUKY npenay rJi.l)KH,e y HajlllHplfM pa3MepaMa.

We have included this Mirkovic's supplement into this book without any changes and supplements considering that that is a best way one can acqure a picture of his comprehensive knowledge about the problems worthwhile on a broadest scale,

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Phonetic and leiter's table III l~lru8c:III, Lrdian and Lician

wr j Hen monuments

I \4

o r(TPYPI..lHMA. fi;\CKlfMA H CP';UMA

I1l1CJJl:I~rbnX Jlel~e"ll.ia ce IlOIIIJJO }(O QI'JjItlII>i:l Ho) !Hi,lC OliJIO u.:ofic {'JICIfH::lI<.1 Y IT<lpOM ACRY, Y UllOM l.f'..HICJty KU!W JC TO HI! C}IWl ilj1UKo'HfllilJlll, :3" ('rGc ic I III hcuo W·I ..;y ayrox: \.11111 ua Pll'~ V (·pt.JUI,-';M I IOJ\YlICt HJhY H ll~l J\OUPUM JlCJlY 1;}UIKC:tIICKDI' fJOJlY' UCTPIW, I)~l: cy M(II:JJH HOCIlC'JI:l r,n IIp(lHI~a KaBKwHi upc KPilJCI KClMCl[(l) j(UO(l, Y HclJlCKOJ JIIH~I1C'ropuju. (}rn-l' cc II ucy JlUCCJIlIJll1 Y III TO~ U nrccrou BCKY IIOCIIt:

XPIIL')'<I, IGIK() "J(J IIIIlIle ~v IICKHM CHI ~l! RJTlIII C,I.VfJ (j Pol a . UmH.:b C IIII"X nusrepan,a Jl:: (hmo, (1)111 uujc (i~lJll) T(lK()'{fHIII~ 'IH:JI ruce l:CO()C" , OdPCM lie 'iCl (.'pflt.::, bHB(lJll1 jc pWHlIIX cuaxyartnja npflJlIlKUM lIPO}\HPdlbH ptl'J l)(inplll1X uapona. KtlO 111'1'0 cv filf!III 1I111l. KCJlT~1. XYIIH H flPYfl~.

I Japu/l11 KO]H cy BchllllOM AOfBl'.'IH Y (' peru be M I 11IAY I HI BJ "y ilHl.!lH cy ce 'HljCHlIll'lKUM 11 l>1C1I ° r..1 "I In noun 'I , Ht.1C "Cnonc.1111 IIClJtl BII.lHI cc re« y II plHlM LI'().lchI1M(I nunc cpc, 1 [nIHIl/Ii Ly I UUUpU.IH JC'HII~I1M(I Iwic filll!\l0 MOl Jill 11;1 Wd"llt "upacpn CKItM" (Moja cue KyJIH IlIIJU). Oil II UCIIl , IIpdWI UBCIICKIIlt,,1. ( ',IIi' 1- 1111"'1 1l:"'UII~IIMd CoY rIlHll]'H:Il·\ 11


In recent decades we have come to the knowledge that the "Great Migration" of Slavs in the ancient world did not OCIlrT at all


or at least not in the meaninu it was presented up to now We have learned that Serbs were all autochton nation in the Middle Danube Basin and on a great part of the Balkan Peninsula, where they could have arived from the direction or the Caucasus In prehistoric times, before the end of the Stone Age. They did not come and settle in the fifth and SIxth centuries A.O, as we used to read in some encyclopaedias There were happcnning certain movements here and there, but the "Great Migration" did not happen, ar least for Serbs. There were some evacuations in times when some belligerent nations or ethnic groups used to penetrate tnto this region, i e like Huns or Celts and other s.

The peoples or ethnic ~roups who mainly lived mostly III the \·flddle Danube Basin had had the common name "The Panonii" The name "Slavs" appeared just In the first centuries A.O [he Panonii spoke the languages we could condi-

,J,I1XOIlU 11C'I(I'IIU, CyL.\...JI~I, ('KI11 1-1, \<.('flt ~V A 11111.:1114 Y)!;){II11M ucuy r'Y"1YIIHll' n I(:IJI.I..: II.! ce III;;;P011L.'/'l IK V.

Y ( plJlll.CM I II I~{yllal!_hY 1'1 Y Cl.IH.p"OM ,I,e IV l,a.IK{III(';IWI IIWlylll.'Tpl·l(l fil1l1H cy. raxupehu, U/tt!(lJI mt YCJllllHI 'HI (JIIC'I'(I/ Id K 11 'HI PWiljilj Jl()l!a, rHj(lnJlllli,J, II ("I(\r')(.l na. iU.·IJI.l1pclH!l,l., d I·' k.l.pdMlJllapC'IIHI, 'IUMt cy CL )(OM"POI[l1 OClIHI,Hl J()111 Y KHMCIIOM H!l(iy. I hi j,ClJIKHIIY H Hellutl Kapnara Y MIIOJ'UM Pt.:KHMU liMa 1JIH'\(1, (J J.iMa 1\0<':'1'(1 If MllflLllCIJflHfX 11;1:1 .. 1 WIIII'a HI pa'WHI.III,L: JlYHilpc..TIW U ML"Il.JJIYPI nrc. 'HI k.0 t:.y 1I11l:TlJIClJIJI Y(..,'l<lJHI 1H TOIIJJ.L.IJ.C 1)i:IKPCl, K(lll Y PYlllIOJ I JlHBI-1, IIlI 'I CpU'1 UpHJlI canuuur,c CpChtJL:, OK,) 'i!)IJ(lrOHHila npc XpliC'I'(I, (I MO>K)\(I 11 pau HJl.~. 'jll M(III,t.: l1Jt M IIJICml jyM If no r"Il:lIujc HOIllJlO JC II )llJ lIJ1BUI Ml'IIIlIJI,d (ner apau.a j (ia KIHI Ii K"I !IClJ(1 Ii )l\l(i11JlIlI>i:1 (iPOII'lC.

Kalla uoc roje <.:1111 YC.:JIII/l1Il it! L I IHI pn n.c l.pt.:/~C'1 d lid 'iii IK 11HttT lIyl C'vI (..( 1W.:I'IIL;lH.: II PtJlI'\ 'iOl~'I,(.;, (I lie !IYI dlbl..:M "I (Yi 1-1 M(JI/,LM lI,t /lilY I HX 111'1'0 'I Pdje fvU1JlCIH~J:V~HfM(I. 4111)lc] cc 'I (J IIpC I (lilt.: Y I ~IIL 11 JlOllWIH no IIJLfI''''/IIHIX ()LOOI1I1(J ~t Mt.:11 J:HI UTC'fa f\.ojl1 U\1dJY ('pOIi, r].

tionally C(lll "ancient Serbitln'l (my speculauon), respectively anci en! Slavonic, Thei I neighbors, 'J he Scythiaus, which lived in a part of Romania today anrl onward to the north-east, used to speak similar languages

In the legion of the rvlicldlc Danube Basin and 011 the nOIII1- ern part 0/' the B(libn Peninsula there we, e, so tv say, ideal cnndilions for survival and the devolopment of hunting, fishery, cattlebreeding, agriculture and potleroy too, with which the natives ocuppicd themselves since the Stone Age 111 the; Balkans nnu beneath the Carpathian Mountarns and the Transilvanian Alps, rivers are full of gold and there are Illany deposits where eli fferent minerals are found for the development of mining (111<1 metallurgv Therefore, there existed


condition', fur melting or copper,

as it happened ar Rudna GIi'IVtl, on the terri lory of Serbia today, from about 5000 years R,C 01' rnavhc 111 earlier limes Less th:'111 one and a half millenia later came the alloying of copper with tin and making bronze

If' there happens 10 exis: all the CcmdJIIOflS for making the means for survival by 'heir OWIl production, and 1\01 by wandering and grubbing [iom nlllCI people, and such a way or life lasts

( JIOHt 1111, 011,11 ( u';[{(1 II HIIUIUI. ( ) Ill! <.y () IWlt ru (icl[,)H, l:TIl'lCIpll, ~I..MJI,I IpClJlIHII~II, ·~aW.lT.111jc, CI II I pI OIlI~II, jcp cy I..!TBapaml muuc 0/\ )1 "'Il/I1X lIr11'pcfia II MI)I JIU Mt.;II>WIIJ cnoje nrHIWiIlIiJ~C ca )lTlYI HM;I. ('Ill! ro IL. (ir1Jlo Ilpl.:

HYL"JII)II 11 'iii PWlIIkijHJht- KY.rJ I ypc

~f I1.I1MI J I Wiilll. I1 i c. 'Ill k. () J l: Y

('pC;lll.I.:\1 Illl,(vmIHJI,Y Mlll"Jlli Il( dlH H HII fill C;MC1I0l; I'll. Ha 11<.; IIUMIHbt,;~10 IIdJrWUHll'l'1..! y :kIlCIICKOM Blipy, I~.cIJe 1l1)'Ij.ilJt; 11'1 Jl.yOllKl: 1If't.::HCTllPI1jC. I III nc I(IIMO CHMd '1'(1 }VI Ie !HI 'I JlY ('pfilIJL: o I'Kplllll!11O HmpJaIlCKU ImeMO. l.'l'clpn 11K\) 4»(j() I'OHIIIHI IIpC XPIICItI, IWfe Jl' L;I'ClPI1j~ lldK II lIlt LYMl:Pl:KOI KfJHIf(1CT()1'


Infllq~IIICKul ucwa C'I i1lHljL.1

IIIICMH Y 1'1111111111 11 IliI J~JII1L1{1l1'o1 l/lcTOKY, IIIJPl!H ','Iii <I. rpeD;1 II!lMCI.IV'J'H }VI cy II ('114)111.:1111 H M .u III l.:IIoj C 1111 cr. \L J II pc h 111)11) I III ic. IkrUIHlTIILJ cy 11l1PIIJII..l Ii IVI~TOHII.iC, LJI()I\l.!I!CKII n uuc'rllJI H, CD MO per/)UrM uca T( II lI(.;h puunjc 1I0L;'1 ojchc ern )1H.!11t:~1l 1lIlCMU (K(1ll IIIIP, "lk:ICCl1Ull K.IIJIH'l:I"). t\Ku cy /\r;11111 wl(lltCII LKI" CIII.:I' 'lBa:1l1 "Cncr KII.lIlC", 'l'Pdi" ~1t:lllf'l'il'J'l1: '~aIIITII'!

y Jll":JHn'IIIIIIO IIOllllJI>II11M YL,J(IHIIMH '~a >KI1BII'/' y 1J1I111IP~M": '" L'J'all(IIlITI1IIITIHl y ('peHII.l!M

for mlllenin then It enter" the genet; and forms the hercduary character and meniahty which arc Serbs. 1(: Slav 01 Pannouu They were fishcnnen, cattlebreeders, farmers craftsmen and traders ,,1"0, because 11H'::y were able to produce more menus for survival than they needed for rhernselves and "0 they hnd the ability to exchange (mel barter then products with O[hCf50 Allor this was a prcrequsite lor the devclopmeni ora culture and civilization So it was possible to 811.(1;11 lityterucy ill IIH.J region of the Midllc 1),lllubl: Basin We do not need to mention the 11 I1di ng place at l.epcnski Vir, which onginated from the distant prehistory Lei us mention that Oil the terrrtorv of today Serbia the Vinchn "cripl was discovered dating Irorn 4500 years H C, which is older than the Sumerian cunei fonn So it seems thai file Vincha leuer ic; the oldest letter In 1~III(lpe arid the Ncar Easl Besides. il has to be mentioned that the Slavs had held thei i' own script before the Cyrllic alphabet PI obably Cyril and Method, the Slavic apostles, only reformed (he already existing Slavic alphabet, e g as "Veles' hook" If the Arabs used 1\.) call the Slavic world as 'The \VOIld of hook", it should be investigated wh{)!

1I(lI\It;IHJI~ I.L yrh.h,md III, lid JL ,lll~liI Ht'Hl 1111 I fl.lli\L II .a IIOIIU\ L raunuu a, 11", ullIn\, kdJla JL ,'{uill'/ll It II "pnlJa 1:11.1,,1 I nnJkhd. 1 :,"'tl I\..' halK}l1l H ~IWllll. rlli.,krL'IH1fUl I rlllJY K(JIIJll11~mll a, I tlllll/lil I.:y II f11111111L lviii/ P"pcLl/1f II ~ CI~L1'L 11(11. r OJlillfl1. y CH1IM IIr.HIJ~HMi'1 I.Brolll. H ,(rl'I,I.:. 11 H 'Il 1;1 It II LV IILKI1 II! Hlp "' 11 .l Vel( IKI I Y \ '1111)' \" J, IIIJ{H II.' 11 1\11111... "'l.:lIllljvhH cc (.1 Lei IIPVI 11M LIIIII'I/,HY' IrYIJiI""cl. ILP ~y Lilt.

I (I 1111",( 1t;llplll! "<,11111,

r..1U)/(L; L.L IJPl.'IIIUl[(lIlWllt ,til .II.. jl:,lI/rl 1.'IJBf'Ikd I pyna II" 1IIIIIlI\lli (1.1111I1LIILKIII) IIllpt:J.':;11I V IIl'IH111AY IHMLhy I It: (.1."111 I U IILM! JI III. "" upc c 'Plfll tI HULrrL'ICl Willen ,\IIt:JlHIILKlIl llclJlYl)crpl1a J\I1II1 UCiYXBanl LdJ~HIIIII,y 1 {I(;Ka' uy. 'IiI Ly D~IJllf P:JcC'Irf1, K~IKO ty LlII" «(1MB ccfic IHn11 llclJHf 11;/(1 J I'pypLlH ( 1 HPl'llif. 'J YCII,If, ~It:(I11ll~t, 'I IJPl.'C'lIIt. 'I YPyLIU1 Ii JIP), 1\(1 fW cy If X ;lPYI '" lid Hf 1l:lInl. 111 JC Guo IIClpUJ( KOlrr JC Y npcPUMCK(lM rrcplw)~y IH:h 1H.1i:lll BJI 1,,'!lk,O rw IIHI jClI Y I< yirry py 11 IUflHfJl WHIJ(~IJY, Bcpona'llIll C ror a 1I11'lJ Ly }to I.PC)lCTlIlla 'W AOIIIOT )In'la IIW~1, yl ~I(I UIIUM, IIYTc.:M l:I )111.:'1111,;1/1.: fIIII HHIII IWLl:.

CI III.: onfMLllht:M ()Jt ,tPYJ HX, It.lIXIIB MCIJ ru 'IWI l:'I .II.: ouo uvun (l'IIIOpeIlOL'T, Illn I Jot ~I iL" (j1lJ/O IIH

III the relatively COTlvcnien( !tving condiliuns at that lime, the populauon of the l'vJtdrllc IJill1ube Basin had expanded, so it was ncc.:~ssnr y to look .ror dwellings, particularly when II came to the drscoverv of I ron As the Balkans itself is the crossroads COl three contrnents, the I'annomi InlhlTtlted much earlier from their native soil In all c.ilreclions or hu(1)pc and farther on It seems that UIlJC groups reached very deep Into Asia, to the territories of India nne! China, mixing themselves with the other ethnic groups because all of them were IndoFuropnu S

It could be pre'\lIllled that one of the ethnic groups 01 Pannonian (Slavic) urigin, ill the period between the tenth and eighth centuries B C. arrived on the territory of the Italian Peninsula, in the region oj Tuscany 'I hose were Rasenna, as they culled themselves, or Etruscalls (Turscni, 'lyrrhenu, Tusci, Htrusci, Meomi, TU1L1ScIJi) as they were called by others Those were the people who in the pre-Roman period a! ready had had a highly developed culture and civilization Probably for the reason that they had means for their mentality was characterized by oneness and frankness They did not have perfidious or double

YMY, TO (1 lid JI.;11fKY, XOMl..p UX IL lIt1m(10 I Iknllrt'JlfMH .1\, ilia (.1.. tW II('ClUd II lie 11-1£1 lloAMYK:I UX MHl-!Ht,

I 'r pypll.H '-y (hWI1 I1I,;Y"UPL J(UHCJ KyJI ryp"H]H H ItI'lBI1JTwm. IHillli/li {lJl t.:ICllloHfIIH'H KllJI.: LY ((I I c..:K,n1 II~I !\JIClIllll<"KtlM IID.IY 11(.'1 pny, I Ipe JI,HXonl II )lOlJHLK(J I'L'U1f.:1i }leu rl nCKtlIIC J~ Guo y G.lpYlJIllfIIHMa. IIOJlBO)lHIl Ii 1It.:I/11II)J{all rid iKHlWT, 01111 cy FH .. KII/Wml KaJi(lJll! (.oJ (;IIC ro IIPI)(,..'YUII1JI11, <';i:IIIHP}1J111 ~1 Ol:J1IlCO)Ci11J111 'W :.K~/J()'I. r ,Pl,.;lv1(1 I<lhWHI 1'Il<IIIKl:I l ane.re "J'IPYPIU1 ~l:'1 (lpHJa, Kym ypu, yMC'1 UlH .. / , I, I PYP 11.1<1 l,Y Y l;U(ljJ1X 21) I J1(iJ~oml. KOJUfKO LY IiX (i~jJ(H H'HP:IHUIIH y JllTam1Jl-I, (,I f',Hl)K}.{" Ii naurc ), J.lMHJlll IWWHI()}\ '1 I{(J JHl.lHI"(I II.1ljy, IItl cy 'Ie TCKllflHlIc IlIfIlIUIH1HII,U jc npcnc: C Y ypGU1I11C'1 ~l'IKC 1lJ1i:lIIOBt,; ('I'ap(J1 PliMa. ] £1M Je OH 1:'lryp(lI~n YCBOJliO 11 MliOIe flnmnlPI KC, uoj lit; H Jlra Bile HIIC1 wlynJ.1JC - lIJ~p:.KaUalLC' 'I'PH

jYM(P", rj)YlIKJ(Hjy nuxrupa.

O'nI:If(C' lIl11101lIlH'IKHX 11 HpiKall IIHX 'IBi:llhcl, Ilnp.;K(llldlhC' JlOI pefiJInx CIlC1IaJlOCHf, ClIlIP'I'CKI1X Ii ClTJICTCKHX ',a KMH\/t;;lha. 'rpxa, IJll:IH"'jm IIPLK(.oJX O(JptiH. l loaopumnc 111'pC cy PHMJhalllf uajnpc IUIA(';JII1 KOH FTPypcIlVI. J11!KH)PCKH C~1MGt).l1 t1 lIo'maTY PUMCKY

thollvht r h V alwav u -£I to

(IV what thev the u Jhl Homer used to "all them "Rail r II lwervbodv know that d railer doc') not have double thou;t.ht"

The I .. truscans were meumparably more cultured and (.IVI. lived them the Inhabitant') they encount red In ltalv Before til 'v (dille ther e the region of 'I Utor,1I1" wa boggy and wampv and not quite :11111"blc lor 1!\lflg 'I hey CUll tructed a svstem or ~ewage and dr tined the region ameliorated and made 11 unable for II\Jl1J,! According to the hook or Prote-, Of Branko (rav 'I~) "The Ltruscan Hlltmy Cultu re Arts" Etruscan HI their 29 cities, which they constructed '" Italy (there may have been more). had waterworks and sewages, so tho e acquisi II onv of crvilization had been transferred mto the urban plans of Old Rome Rome adopted many political milrtarv and Juridical institutions from the Etruscans organizing of triumphs, the Juneti on of I i ctors desi gnaiions of official and state functions, organizing of huna] fesufiues, athletIC and sports event , races. gladiatorial fight Ior the first time Romans saw the theatrical performances bv Etruscans The IIctorial symbol and the well known Roman toga the Romans had

n JI Y I'UMJJ,t1 JIll ,,;y Yl10'UraJHI It IIPl.:·YH.:JlH 011 J TpypiJI~;I. OUI! cy PU/'.lV la.;lIt 'UIKPIIC II IICKUJIIlKo

• I

xpan.cun. H ~aM :VICIIl:IUI!C (j~lO

l-rpypau, I lo l-rpyprunra cy ... ltH! Mnpd HO(j~UHl 1I"'1~I1i:l. I Hpt:IICKU (of J;ldP}Jl[CKO r 110 CTPypCKOM rpauy Ai~rlHl Will 1\TpIW). hUJHl cy 1lr..;1Il:1HMcllllTlI! UIHKi-lpH IJ L.KYJIlI'111rH. humt LV I'PI\lHIUf. I111'vlllr1vl (el 11 rycapu). xcpaMIt'JaPIf. Htl\<lpll. PYAcIPH, 'v1l!'1 anyp HI, hOBa1/H If JYBL.'1HpH. (IWJC PYA8PCKC KOJIOlll1it: CV m:H!HU:IJHI y l(JCK(JIIH. ]Cj{IiJIOM KpaJY 11T(lJl1lje KOjU j~ 601 rrr rY,lilMa (nan.na cy 'jour Tora I1C1Cl"IHf.IH IOGKduy). !'TPYPCKOJ cxynrrrypa "pliIlaJ\t1 "I Byln1I1,f1 na KalHfI'o:TY. OUII cy 1I<:IJfiwhC III n([(lBaJHI oopCIHY ·~.i/(lT", Cpt..:CiPH, (5pow~c, I uo)ld)cl. 1 h)~ ({II m Jet IIp(lM1BOI~lb(1 I'no)!(Qa y crpypc.::KOM rpany l.lonynouuja InIlOCIf'13 JC PKO I~CCr.:T IIU ;lll,llIi:leCT XWhllJla TI)IiCI.

"){JXBB.LYJynI1 fIlIMOh n

l rpypaua, KOJfl cy UM KUBanJ1 opyxqc, a n 6UPI!JI.H Ct!. P)'H.'lJb;-1/11I 'Y YCIICJH1 HCI uorlene KapT<IIIHbHIIC ~I Kerrrc. lIoc.rc rora. PlfMJbamf cy l';IPYPI~C - BOOB.'I u! Ttl jc BCPOIHlTIIO (hm "rBH rL'1I0L~HH II<:lH Cp61IM(I. OA1JOCII() ('JIlHH.':JIHMtl Y He I'OpnJ n!!!

acquainted and taken from the Etruscans. The Etruscans had given to Romans laws and several monarchs.The famous Gaills Maecenas himself was an Etruscan. Two seas, the Adriatic Sea and Tyrrhenian Sea, obtained their names after or by Etr1Jscans The Etruscans were unequal! ed painters and sculptors They were merchants, sailors. (and pirates too), potters masons, miners, metallurgists, blacksmrrh, and jewellers. Etruscans founded their miner colonies in Tuscany, the only region in Italy rich with minerals (perhaps it was the reason why they settled in Tuscany) The she-wolf of the Capitholine Hill belongs Lo Etruscan SCUlpture They had been the best experts for working in gold, silver, bronze and iron The producti on of iron in th e Etruscan ci ty of Populonia amounted to between ten and twelwe thousands tons a year

Thanks to the help of Etruscans, who forged the arms, and also took part in the battles, Romans suceeded in wining against the Carthaginians and Celts. In spite of that, the Romans massacred the Etruscans. It was probably th,?~ first genocide of Serbs and Slavs in history! I!


PHMJhHIlU cy HX l/o(iU}IH WoJ 'i<JIHICTH! J :') pypnn c:y ce OOpHJIH H 0JWlll1paIH1. HJIH cy PHMJb<lllU OH .. IH 'ill<I'I'IIO fipojUHJl1. A, 1I(IOI1.IH cy I1X npy)l JCM l(Oje cy II'vl ULKllBClJII1 caM~ I'Tpypl~n! 1/11 MP)Klbl' ~i 'H1BHc'r 11 PHMJhlllJl.1 cy J/Upy IrJ 11JI 11 U p .. nop IfJI H (;.UC CTPypCKt; J'pa){OBC. MUjI{Ha je ),1[lOK TUMe 1I0PW{Y H BCPOIHITJlCl LKJII'1I0C'!' Prpypaua Mcbycofill- 11M p,nMlfplfl~(IMa (,!).

:~a BPCMC CHura O('MOBCxonnor [JI ic'rojn "':'1 ua 'rny

JllTaJlltjL: I~TPYPIU~ cy, KH!l

IItiMOrl~H II Tpl OIlII,1-:f, l)!'lp>K~IIWJIH CKOIIOMCKC onuocc ell CIHfM<l THHCI Pa'HlHjClIHM npuOOaJlIllIM np)I(:-lBHMtI Cpcno'3C",,1 HI,r MOP;I, K{lO 111'1'0 ey:

EJ 1111(11', rT)ClIl1Ktlja. Kapr aruna, C'upuja, IPlJKC Hp)l{ClIHIII.C ~ upyre. l Iopcn TOrti, I~TrYf1lll~ cy y pi:l 1 Jn1 M KP<ljCTHlIVf<i Cp~H(J- 1e,\lJb(l UCHII B<lJIH CBO.le KOJIOllllje. Kt10 TJ(I KOP'HII~l1. CHPHI1W1jn, CHI~HJlJlj[l. f)UJleapCJ<J1M OLTrHHIMa, 11 U6C1JIaM3 (IJ)l<IIllJyCKI.:. Bch TaHH cy (;(1 l'rl~I1MiI H KapTClI'H IJ,CiIlUMCl l1MHJTl{ TlOHL:JIY HIITePC(;II H}." erIK;p;:1 y Cpq{tJ'il!MJI.y. 111I'JICJla )~" cy I~TPYPHlt IlUIlIt. KO}JUII11jll I1MHJn1 1)(1 Hficpn]C'WM IJUJlYOCTPIIY. Te cy KOJIOlllfjC (lCTcIJIC H ITClCJIC 1 CIJlII~HJ((I lIan I~TpYrllHM(1 ua 1\11t;IIHIICKllM

'1 he Romans killed the Etruscans because of envy TIl(> Etruscans fought and I cvisted but Romans wert' in marontv 'l hey massacred them With the arms made by Etruscans (for the Roman legions) It was lor hate and envy that Romans desrrovcd nil Etruscan Cities 1 he cause for the defeat lies probably 10 the possible Inclination of Etruscans to mutu al d i sputes?

In the course of their more than eight centuries long period of existing on Italian soil Etruscans, as sailors and merchants, used to develop and maintarn economic relations with all the developed 'vlediterraruan states at their time, Egypt, Phoenicia, Carthage and the Greek stales Htruscans used to establish colonies in various regions of the Mediterranean, such as Corsica, Sardinia, SICily, Balearic Islands and the French coasts Tile Etruscan bronze tablewere reached the tables of La Tene (prance). Switzerland, Germany and ulti mately Bntai 11, Hungary and North Africa Since then Etruscans divided the spheres of influence with Greeks and Carthaginians It seems that Etruscans had had more colonies on the Ibenan Peninsula Those colonies remained after the genocide of the Etruscans 011 the


JluJlyot:'f'pny, MlIll" l"rpypllM lUI y ~ Inl 'I Hili llHI;Y m':Tpd;'Hd':H11 no II()UII.!}lll.CI.

t\KO .II.! Ta'IIID na cy I'TPYPI~11 MOI'JIlf (iIlTlf JllIPCKJlllM In Ilu.Qvlli:l nn.a. l HlJ\C:l OH ~llIrJ]O 6UTli .i::JCII(l H l)WIKJlC Til 1\0 In':JIl1- KU Gpo.! pcxn CJloDCiIl.:KOr IJUreK]I'l y III W:llll:KI 1t'.1 II uop'ryI i:IJlClWM JC'HfKy. Hlll\YIIIl', III nuaro .Il! i(<I lIUi I111~llH;HP(HILKII .IC'iI1l~J1 I1Majy ]{OCI H 'i3JI.!HIfI1\IKOr, .UIH HaM cc '1111111 ;~a y unrancxov (11 1I0PTYltl1ICKOM) Toni HMI.I 1I1aTlIO BHIlIt!. llucau llBHX pt:Hona je Cl:lMU nURpUIHHM YBHHOM y "llluau.oncxc-xpua'rcxocpru . .:KH pjeI..IIlHK", un nporp BojIH.:.n<1Ua Ban,e It HP Pnrariopa MYC£1HJ1ha (rnT.{. "Illxoncxa KJMUa", '3arpeG, 1971), Jii:JlIIClO BHIIIC on nne XVlJ}.3AC PC'LH KO]e cy MOI'JIC ownl Y ynorpcria npc mnuc 0,[1 nBC XMJbaJ\C I'tJHHW1, UIIC cy l1Jnt l1CTt:, IUlH YK31YJY IIlJ 'wjC)J.H,J.1I rxo 1I0pCKJlO I;tI WH men<.:IOfM JC'ilU\I1Ma.

y KlhlnH "CrGI1 ... llap()~l najcrapaja", uJl AP Om e nYKOsah-Iljauonah, KOJY CMU npHM~JlH ca CKenCOM, fHHflUJIH CMO 11(1 TCKCT rue I~P JTYKOBl1h H3S0j111 KaKO jc jCJV[l)M q'palll'YCKOM lIaY111BfKY, IIa ('OpOOlIH, Y Ilapmy, pCKJla J~a y oacKI1jcKOM Jt: mxy HMH npCKU tICTPJ~CCI;T

Italian Peninsula, although all the Etruscans were not exten11lnated in Italy

If we may take for granted that the Etruscans drew their origi 11 from til e M i ddl e Danube Basin, then it could be understandable where so many words of the Slavic origin in Spanrsh and Portuguese languages came from Indeed, it is well known that all lndo-Europian languaues have much in common, bu; it seems that there are more of such similar words in Spanish (and Portuguese) The author of this assay by a superficial inspection into the Spanish-Croata-Serbian dictionary by Prof. Vojislav \ftnja and Dr Ratibor Musanic (ed. "Skolska knjiga", Zagreb. 1971), marked more than two thousands words which could have been in lise more than two thousands years ago, which are of the same or of a common origin with the Slavic lanzuaaes

o v .

In the book IISerb5, the

Most Ancient People" by Dr Olga Lukovic-Pjanovic, which we accepted with scepticism, we read the text where Dr Lukovic writes about the conversation with a French scientist at the Sorbonne in Paris, when she told him that in the Basque language there existed almost forty percent of words that originated from the


OilC'I'O CPllCKJfX r(,;';~I}I, I LH ro jy je ria) HaY~1 HI1K !-nf pflHI J, Jl.!p }\i:! l-;acKH lie "rml1C1HaJY mf,l t:AII oj cnpOrrCKIJJ cKyuHlm uapona H 0 'I>ID,:0130M TlOpeKJIY cc C3f.,fO uaraha (!?),

)La (i~fCMIl IIpOBl.!pBIIH (!BY TBp,D,n,y AI" JIYKilHlfh-I Ijauonuh 0 oacKHJcKLlM jC'::HfKY. Tpal'ClJIH ~M(l 1a onronapujyboa JIlHcpary1"OM. Mana ona na xpajy npyror TO~1a CB()]C xu.nre y OnOJII1- ()rpaqnl]M uauona OK() 220

KJt..HI'CI 11(1 Cp"CKOM. rppau-


"d· ua lIeMCI llKOM JC'HlKY ie

Basko- Slavische Spracheinheit" (" I~acKll-CJI()UeIrCKO ) l.!)111·1 KO JeAHlIcTBO"), 1l1HclTor y Bcuy, 1894. fO)\HHc, KOjL: je IH'lIH1C<lO Johann Topolovsek, xoja In-rjc Hi:I HC.u,C na Y IbeliUM TlOTIHCY· TUIIOJlOBLlICK. npano liMe I1mHl, GUll [e CJIOBCHaI~ H )KHBC() 0)\ IR51. no 1921. rOHHHC. l lasco je ~1a je ira CTYJ\HpalhY GaCKujcKOI' je'mK:-J Ii. ImcaH,Y HBajy TOMORa npoueo ACCCT ronnna H TBPA'1rf Ha je 6aCKHJCKH jC)l1K JC,D,aH H1 C'1'(1- DJia CJIOBeIlCK.HX jC'iHKH. Ha OM TO nOK{}'HIO. Oil je y npBOM TOMY, KojH HMtl IHHlIt! U/~ JOn crpaua, na BHll.Ie on 24U CTptlHU nao yrtopcnnu nperncn GaCKl1jcKIIX

Serbian language 1 he mentioned vcieutist :,t,;oldt.'J r» Lukovic and said to her that Basques did 110t belong 10 any Europian group of nations and that their ongm was hvpothetica 1 (I'))

[II order to establivh the truth 10 the assertion of Dr Lukovic-Pjanovic ccncerrung the Basque language, we looked for adequate literature Although Dr LukoV1C at the end of the second volume of the mentioned book has quoted the bibliography of about 220 books in Serbian. French; German, English, l.atin and Greek languages, we came upon the first volume of a book in German' "Die BaskoSiavische Spracheinheit" (The Basque-Slavic Linguistic Unity), printed in Vienna in 1984. written by Johann Topolovshek, whose book was not mentioned in her bibliography Topolovshek, whose real first name was Ivan, was a Siovenian who had lived from 1851 to 1 CJ21 He wrote that he had spent ten years studyng Basque and writi ng two vol U III es and asserted that Basque was a language from the stem of Slavic languages. To prove his assertions, in the first volume of hi book of more than 300 pages, on more than 240 pages he gave a parallel review


pL1111 en U,1ll'UBHpajyhl1M pe'H1MfI In (r~ r nx UltlBl':IICKI1X .Ie HlKtl.

J III "I (lIWJltll~lfIC"'y ~y 1-1 UGt..:pL:KI:I ll':'HlllH. 11Ill.HI~Kl1 11 IlUPlYldJh"KII. 'J\iKOhe y ~rllHCTBY La (.JlOB~lIlKI1~j Jc"mllHMa. 011 ce y IIPBOM T(''''IY CBO]C KII.UIl', I1'~Mchy ocranor, IIll'H1Ha H 11(1 M IIHPJ,L: u.c OdptHW Wilhelma von Hurnboldta ( 1767- 18V)), HIH:lt/c ct apujct (ipuru II(HlpoHll,a K,) 1,1 Ii c rpa.ll< 11Th-PI a , naPll1l::) Alexandera "on Hurnbolta (1761J-IR'i9). ITorC}~ 1I0JlHTlfKc.:: Il HI'IJIJIO t-I a TI'IJ c, Wilhelm von Humboldt )C liMO 11 1'HIJIUJIP!. 1I iY'ICHHH.l JC H '1W)O MIW(C c r puue JL.:"H1Kt: (GdcKll)lKr1, ~ldhapt.Kn, pa'iIIl' LHH,':Plfl'h.l:

Jc..:'H1I\.C, C{lHI':KPH1. h.IHlC:;~KII, JtlIJ(HlLKH, 1 arapcxn, 0YP\faIlCKH. xao II cnm.rrcxu n HPYI e CCMf1- TCKC i C'H1KC}.


IIpBUr rOMH I.BPjt..: Klh11Tt: gajL 111:1 010.:\) "C<":Cl C ( pa Hi] n YI10pt::Vm npci ne.; pClnl n1 apcxor 1:1 UIllUCIICKIlX Jt:1I-IKa, rnpnehn na JC r1 I1pl:KI1 Jc.;1HK ICitllllM JtcnoM Y cponcrny QI c..10BCliCKIIM Jt:'UIL(J.oIM .. 1. fhnlli:JTO Jl! na cy I f(kpld Y ClarO) t:pH nace.r.ananu I Ipcxy. MO>KC ce nocra BMTIJ n HT"H IJl: j~i:l Jm cv 1'1 raMo JlClHI1Pi:lJH1 I'TpYPIlU! OB ) eTCH [I 111'10 l Y Y nopcujy PCKl! Boyne. y HPCKOj.

of Basque words with the correspondi ng words from othel Slavic languages

According to Topoliovshek the Iberian languages, Spanlsl~ and Portuguese, are also related to the Slavic languages. In the first volume of his book. among other things, he refers to the opinion of baron Wilhelm VOn Humboldt (1767-1835), the older brother of the famous natural ist and explorer Baron Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) Beside politics, Wilhelm von Humboldt was a philologist. He studied and had knowledge of many foreign languages, Sanskrit, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Burmese, as well as Arabic and other different Semitic languages).

At the end of the first volume of his book Topolovshek gives about ten pages of the parallel review of Irish and Slavic languages. It is established that in the Old Era the Iberians settled in Ireland, One could ask the question whether the Etruscans reached Ireland in that time The reason for such a question is the finding of some kind of graves (sepulchres) in the Boyne River Basin, which are similar 10 a type of Etruscan sepulchres called tholosses ('J). which are COI1- structed by huge stone blocks.


W.lhLlII; rporiunnc KOjL y CI3L:MY Jll1'Il;: IW JL:AIlY BpC I)' t:TpypCKI.fX rporiunua. fclKO·Wl:I[lt.: TOJll)(;~, I'p3bl!1I1,.; (lH Ht:11l1KWX KllMCIIII'X: l>.IOK( IHd.

1 Ic'r£.:~ '101'<1, rl 011 OJ IOBIIIC.K n.mon« Hd TpaloBCI ellt lBCClL.KIIX it: HIKtI, Y nchoj MCpU 1IL!I'O urro jc TO 1I~)rM(W IIIl (c u(i"mpoM [I<! 1l11)\l)-CnpUIIC":KO 1I0pCKJW), HI\((1 Y Iipc [,(II'hl1, I aCKO[Lrt H lTPlllH11ICH, Y (I)P(lIll'0'LKl1j, Hll'lUl Y jt:;lIlUM 1~~Jly E(lBClPCKC, Y ,(eJl), IlluajI (.1:1 P<":KC 11 IIU':ItM neJIOTllIMC:l Aye'( puje.

J lpcsra IIIIC<llbY H~IIIJIL1M~rre Ii Klb~r>KeBlIHKn. Mnnonra J T pu.a ncxor, KojH je .IYI 0 rOJ{HIHl >KIIBl'~1 y I IIIJ[C(;k.OJ. Y lkJlliKoJ I"PIf'I alll1'J1 liMa HlH': I a I UIIUIBfMCl cpucxor, UHHOClli) CJluBCTlL(' III 1l0peK.la. 110 TOMC 0\1 1I(;IHlJlO Jli1 oua Inpe IGl "I 'oBOpH cpncxn. JW


TL' I~CO '-BCI' j'nnyMc, 1I1l)e

11lIKHKua (jL:CMHCJHII~a Ii na JC Y cnojc BpCMl.! OIlJ(CI aK rycnuu. l Ia. c..CTHMO cc C(jMO I~(I Je Y pCJICITlfP.IIU I10RHJt:M npcwcuy, Y onuocy 11(1 BpC\fClIa D KU,IliM,1 1\ 11.lOp 111'0'10, 1I0L:Jlt: KUCllBCKL' ()lI'I'KC 01llt'ly liLT1~PI1 nCKi:1 Cp"CKH .Ie"HIK OIHl i~IHlJIOMnTCKlI [e mK 11<.1 .[ yp~Ki 1M .uiopy.

C'a qyh\,;ILI.:fI.( lMO cc

1111 ra.iu: K~II{O [e GUI]() f\.[(11 yllc na ce IUII(UI..IHIIIl:KOBC I(JJ.HI"; 110

Topol 0\' shek al ... o mennons thai tl1l'rt arc traces of Sld\ ic IdJ1- guages, more than 10;; usual (taking mto considcrauon then IndoFur opian ongm j in Brittanv C18SI.;,Onv and Prov ence In I ranee. in d part of Bavaria. in a part 01 Swuzerlnud and III some pans (,I AlI!:'11 ia

Accardi ng to the wnnng of Milnsh Crnjanski. a diplomat and writer, who lived in England for a lonuer period. then! are many toponvms of Serbian ie Slavic origin TIllS leads to the conclu-


sion that the sentence "speak

Serbian so as to make all the world understand vou!'', i s not nonsense and it could have been actual in if~ time Well, let us remember that in a I elativelv recent time in the umes we are speaking about. after the battle on Kosovo field, Serbian had been the diplomatic language at the Turkish court fIJI' almost four centuri es

\Vith astonishment we ask ourselves Hov could It be possible that Topolovshek's book could De printed 111 the midst of Roman Catholic Vienna, in the capi tal of A ustri a - Hungary. if we know the great intolerance and the aversion of the Catholic West, particularly of Germans (and Austriai s), towards Slavs'> I Therefore. we had doubts

IH ne yCpt.:Jl xa: ( 1'1l1l1 KO r l:i c lJ(l, Y Ilr..:lTUIII'I qt-l Aycrpo- Yra peke, Ka)la jc IHnllwrp k,.1)JI11 K<1 .JC 1Il.:'I(}J1":'J1t1II1~lIJa H <lnCJYHlJlI K.I- 11.111111(,,"01 '3.1I1ii~a, " nUCCOIHl I It.:MllllCl [~f AyCl [1111)(1 lid 1(<:1). npeva Cnonciuuia"! ('TOI'i:l CMll I IllCyM Ir.ClJllI WI .Ie HKClj{" H1C1ITI(lO In llIT}JMIIC HPYl"l~ TOM

"D' J{lllll'llHIIIIL:({£lIHII HCJHJ . Ie

Busko-Slav: sche Spracheinheit", J I J~(lI1LHI. In I ClLlI(1)C 11POH.JbC1I1.: lOIIO,II11IlIlICKOBC xpa rxc 0110lpctrlHfll CMO ca mH.1 H )~(1 !\Pyr H 10\1 IIltKCI)1a IIHjc III'fClM Iii-Ill" Hel "'(B~ldH'IlI(l IWyKa" IIliJL IIIH1\ BI:l 11'\ 'I (I I 011 (1 'I ( I IHI I\.,;KU Be IIIPJ~IJ,l. Tono IOHIIJC[( It: )lOIHl'!1 7U i uuuua. T IOCJI CHIht;' Hne II )i~lmc )k.llliO'l (I JC IIJHlIH;O Y JIV}lIII11~H.

~l;1 K,l xa KU CC ( ru pH I n M

1l11Ki:l'ii:lll "PCMl!. 1I1{O MO)J{CMO pehn, IldlfU1\1 1" )h']II,llMr.J ] ;'1 PYP flI1Ml:I. IdKO U.: llCTIl K.1IOlllfl1Ktl I~PKI-l(t, fit.!'! 00'11111(1 lid IWI(11I1-

II(]JIIIO I111PCK'IO n.euor

run nunapa, II11KtllYJC IlpCMl:I

Cp(iI1M<I. Morno (hI cc pChH H(I Ktl'l'O';IWI K<I qPKIHl nocrojauo IIdCT.1BJI.d ;tPI\ .. rpIlIIY If fIOJIlITlIKy ("I apor PliM::!. "I o jc fIOJHIruxa I tlClIOHC11W H H!lMI-lIld.I{J1je. 'WO/tl!IIy'Id xpnuthauc I H()M, d Y CYIIII'I1IIl1 Jl' 1It.:IlP<P.1l:lbCI·I:-1 (Di

Ide et imperal). 1'lIM'I,tllfH Ly

whether the second volume of Topolovshek's book "Die Basko~ Slavrschc Spracheinheit" appeared at all') And indeed, from the later found short brografy of Topolovshek "The Slavic Biographical Lexicon - volume XII" we learned that the second vol~ LIme had not been printed ever and that lithe official science" has never accepted Topolovshek's assertions. Tcpol ovshek himself lived 70 years, but the last two years of his life he spent in a lunatic asylum.

Same as the Old Rome behaved towards, if we may S(lY, our rei ali ves the Etruscans, The Roman Catholic Church nowadays conducts itself towards the Serbs, regardless of the national origin of its principal. We could say that the Roman Catholic Church pursues steadily the doctrine nnd policy of the Old Rome That is the policy of the severeignity and domination, wrapped III with Christianity, but In essence unchanged - (Divide et imperal ) The old Romans ('011- siddcred the regions inhabited b)' Panonii as their reservations for supply of slaves. How else can we rum prebend that same word in Latin mean both the Slav and slave?'

One could ask the question how are the textbooks of history


I ~h

lI()J1PY'lJd IWJa cv Il(Il.LJI,C:lIWJI11 11;11101111 CMUTp~]JJH IGIO CUll] pesLPU;I'T' "'I.H IIpllOahJbilll.C pn(iuluL Ki.:IKO, uua-rc, <.:Xlld'l'l1'I'H W-j Y WI fHlI<.:KOM ,lC'H1KY H(';1'£t pl!'l O'illflllllBlI II pooa II l'JIOHCIICl'!!

l locrau.r.a ce nu rau.e

I' tlJUI Kl) C. Y Ttl '111 Ii Y I,1Ci L,;II ~III,11 IIC'1 urHil.:? lIapo-urro o IIpt.:Mt:JlHMH npe XpHC'I'CI I~ "Jnj!)~l Ml1JICllIijYMY IIOUle Xpncra"! TPC(iil JH1 TC YlJ0"':IIIIKC peIHlHHpaTI1 II umuc KOPI1C'Il1'111 II apancxe 11 H IIJUljLKl! ~I px\'-IBC'! Apa 11 n cy IICKi.lHtI liH.JII1 11(1 IH1Tl1CM C'IYlJu.y l<yJITypc Ott 1',HpOIIJI>Clllcl. Mo)KJt(l cy Cirum 1'1 oGJ~KTHBlmju? '3alllTi1 ce In IIcnlfl'illlCKl1X UpXllIW IIC M(\ry HuGJI'!"ll CIHI nOI<YMelI'l(I'/ llapourro orra KOJa L:C OHlHlCC lICl haJIK311!!

lIoccrino jc 1I111,lIbC I{(IK(I IIrH)'J'y~HJlllH11 'I'll na HOC,TllJH liC;IHKa CJI HlllIUCT wu. .. rchy 1 paM;J'I'H:Kl;;: CPllCK()l' je -HIKi:!. H 1 paM(I'i'lilJ(L' JlaTI1I1CI{UI" jC111Ka. l:I C'p()LI 11lICY )lOMaIICKIf II(IPO)I?!

Cp<1H cy OCTClJII1 ('r0lt Kp(n MllJIcHnjYMC. Bcpouau.c Cpoa. IbllXUIHI ca.tatnu.a IIP~IBUCJlalmCl LH,:.PH, lIajIHlllIl.; cc noknaua (:(1 I,;TPypCKHM C;XIH1'['lIlJ.CM 'HI I PlIOIIlll lKHIHlT"l 11 "l~arH':'ltW ucficc- 1'01 ''. 11ITu CC I{OH ('po" 1I0MlllhC H Y uaponnoj 1I0C'~11jU. CpChm JC 110 CBIlMC MeWI an HTCTY OCTC1()

accurate'? Especiallv conccrmng the periuds before Chnst find the f rs I III ill cni UI11 A J) 1 ~ 11 ncce ... - sary to revise the textbook" 01 history and pay more attention to the Arabic and Indian arclnves? " he Arab once upon a lime had had a hiuhcr level of civilization than the Europians Maybe they were 111 ore objecuve? What 1<; the reason we can not lise all the documents from the Vatican archives? Pnruculary the documents related to the Balkans?'

The question is how to explain the lact that there I" a great sinul aruv between the' gruuunar of the Serbian language and the grammar of Latin, the


Serbs 1I0t bei ng a Roman

nation? I

The Serbs have rem aincd Serbs throughout millenia ~I he Serbian creed, their present Orrodox belief' harmonizes most

Iv wi th Etruscan comprehension of posthumous Il fe and 001' WI he Heavenly Kingdom", which has also been mentioned in the Serbian folk poetry The Serb himself with his mentality rcmai ned "a Pannonian" and it seems that Serbs have an innate inclmntion to dispute and dussenuon Serbs consider If they do not wish to do evil to others then the others will not wish evil to Serbs! l'hat is the doctrine of



"IIl:IIIOllal~". !.I InrIIC)la WI Jt. 11

yp(J~CHa cKJIOIlUC·! ('pOa K('I IJCC!J(."H1. ('r(in ~llll,:JI(: Itt!, ruco !Jlnt llPY1IIMCI ue ~t..:m; H lit qUIIC 1J[0. na IIH TB npYI H ucbc Ilo)KCJlt I'll Ii II! l'HfII HTfi 'Wu ( p[lIiMCI. I<lKB.J U'v1 J(; nepa! KH KO. WIIl.:l'IC, pinYMCTl1 11(1 I1pI1MCp, I.IlllbCIIl1HY Ita JL Y J{pylllM CiH.;T(.;KOM p,rry

}1.t!CCT llyIlJKt1M<1 lI(lnf'lY>K!:1l1l1X

yc raiua MOnlO 1I1POBOHII fH XII:htl,.lY I1CII(\UpY>KClIlI1X Cr()~J "PI.;Mcl JilMH. JlpLMcl CTPU'I'H 111- TY'!!

HOK cy CpOM Y BO)l-lOj

KpaJl1l1H 1I~KOJJl1KO Jh:KOBCl



MCryy HCJWM<.t l1 KaTOJHPIt::lHCTlUl, AOTIII.! [c {(aTUJII-FfK(J II.[JKBCI 11\.1 I.Hpl'lIli GI1JHl 'iaoKYJl1hCIIC\ npoIOIIOM .kBpeJCI. TC IC (illn a 1ilO(lUn,(;JItI ,lonOM 11 (.;IIClJI.HBell l.eM "B~ IInH I ia", K(I() 11 nonl~pJ(lmlll'(:M IttlKBlnHI(HJH eBl:I,1 IHH,;T0.lcnCI. t 'pGr1 Ii Ihl1XUBH lIpaBOCJWlIlllJ I~PKIHI 1H1CY .IOlll1 lin H LllaJI.11 Ht'lJH1 "BeIJITIi1~L". IHKy (lpOrOIlI1JI11 .It..:HPCJC Ii IlI1CY HMtlIIFI IWKfB1 HtltHJY! ('p(\y! nucy It01 B 0 rJ,(l ua J 111 11 L1I a 'vi y n" cc IInlp" WI '3UJI(ln, cl1111 !lHCY O~1(lryhHB(J~111 JlH KaTOJII1- lJeHlL"'f By Ha ce IImpH 11<1 1'1e'l (II<.., MCl/\Cl Il: Ka1'0l1HI~111U\1 (;,BO IlP~MC uaLTOJi:Hl ]V.! (,pGL: «pcljHfll1ll1KI.,.:

II11YIIHJd'IH 11 t axu, IfOPl.:,l

the Serbian way of life and they are taught so by their Ortodox belief Otherwise, how is it possible 10 understand, for exam pie. that ten ustashas (Croat fascists) armed with niles were able to conduct one thousand unarmed Serbs to the scaffold, to the chasms,

While the Serbs In the Mil i tary Border regi on of the Austrian Empire made ancl kept the "\Va/l11 (IiAntemurale") between Islam and Catholicism for several centuries, the Catholic Church almost allover the Western Europe was engaged III persecuting Jew!' and in hunting and burning "witches" and subjugation to the Inquisition uf all that existed The Serbs and their Ortodox church did not hunt and burn witches, they did not persecute Jews and did not have any inquisition' Serbs did not permit Islam to spread to the West, but also they die! not permit Catholicism to expand 10 the South-East, although the Roman Cathol ic Church made efforts to convince the Serbs who served on the Military border to aposlatizc from the Serbian Ortodox faith into Catholicism or to unite as members of the GrecoCatholic Church, arid ill that way beside military, to have an ceonomic benefit from th .... Serbs

BOJllWIK~, on Cp(ia H"'ICI H McITCpI1.F1JI II L KOIHJ(.111.

llll T1PCl.T(lIlKY IltJ'l[1eG~t 'ld

T1CJLTojelll)CM BUJJIC Kpajauc,

'I oi a "anternurale", YM(;;(;TO CpGUM<l Ki-I'T'O:Jl.HtH H 'jamlHlHl ]'PpOIlCi Oll.l:ll~olJle !IpJof~lIClIbC - XpB<ITHMa! A, Xpnars MaIlt) I ;(C

H n<:l J'-' (iUJlll!

Mopa ce IIrW~"Cl'I'''' Het Je K,lTOJ1LPIKl:\ IJ,PKll(l HM;.!JJ(J Ii ycnexl:l Y CBIlMC l1eI1peK"/~1I0M lIacToJCllbY ~~a npcuGpaTM "Ulln- MCI'l'HKC" (l1paBoc':H1HI~C). Taxo je )l.o6ap '~Cll iWW:llUlhl1X XrHilTU llOPJ.:KJlllM ")J~ IICK(I]ll:lI IlIbl1X CpGa, K811 111'1'0 jc jcnau nCll ('pOrl "fH1fo.lIlClwc.;laM. A l101IW'1'0 .1(.;: u l Iorypuna jc ropJ.i UJ\

1 yp llJit lid! " IIOKa'I'n]ll.fl1 cua Cprinu ryGH cn01Y ucrupajy. cnojy ua IT,UU1\(lJlll(1("'l H 111\p If 'IC cc JlP<IBt)WHIHI1t: TpaHHlI,Mje, jcp IIpHM.al1.t:M K(ITOJHI'lKi..! ucpe 011 nocraje ,I Xp nar II ! ll:lK(IH, 1l0K(I'1'1)1111'1(;111'1 CpCiHII jc ){(Clllhl1 nil CTilj'lOf Ka'J'()JIH Kct. 1 IpllMCp 'Ja 'I'll je ,~ 'U XCpL~crolHHld

11pi:lnowJaHIHI ncpa KUH (p('iu Y'1\1 JI.y~\'-' )1<1 lie MHCJIC J~pyll'lMc\ 1.11\). I Ip(tBOCJIl:lIl1Hl ('pOl'! cy IIOIIIlClIl1, aJIH H HOOPOJ\yIIIIlM \1 ~ IliH1BI1I1, Xpllil'I'n Y 1.9, BeKY YICIlIC CPIICKIl JC'\lIK 1(1 cno] KII.IOKCBIlIi 11 '11H1l111l\\H1 1L:'H11<. tI (priu I'd urn HHlIIIC


After the abrogation of the Military Border in XIX century, that essenti al II Antemural ell, til e Catholic Western Europe gave their gratitude to - Croats, instead to the Serbs, who kept lithe Wall" for several centuries, But very few C oats had been there

It has to .ie admitted thai the Catholic Church achieved some success If! its persistent endeavours to convert II Schi smati cs" (the Ortodox) Thus a good number or ioday's Croats are descendants of the converted 01 todox Serbs, as well as a good many Serbs had been converted into Islam And, it is well known that "an Islarnicised Slav is worse than a Turk", i e more cruel toward the Ortodox parishioners than an original Turk A Serb who has been converted and becomes a Catholic, loses the connection with his history, he abnegates his nationality and his Ortodox tradition, because being a Catholic he becomes a Croat' Such a converted Set b is III ore vehement than an old C'bornll) Catholic The best example of that is a part of Herzegovina!

The Serbi;1n ortodox belief teaches people not to think and wish evil to other people The Ortodox Serbs are proud and

good-natured, but naive. [\1 XIX century Croats took the Serbian

ll]I..'KUI rplllla G uernica (Tcpuaxa) on Ilt:M,I'IK(;; uunjanujc sa Bpl:Me I pcrhtllll.:KPr pura y LlI [1(11111111.

J I ujc liD M 1I0'UIa Il' Al:l II.! Y M3 KUJuJ 11.111ilHlJOj ~BpOlICKOJ '1CMJhU, xojy cy y .L\pyroM cncrl.:KOM p~1'I Y CiHTIU OKYIHlpOJIH

J leMI~H, P,PIY"dTlI WI jCAlllI I icMdH Blh!Hl-1 I'Om1KO n cr.rruuy .,hy;'~H '1'01 a napona. Kfll.l \LlTU I:.Y mm()Aal.ll'J'~IH;llIM ('pun! IelluI\T1H Han CpfillMtl r.;y I kMIVI (1-I Ayt.TpHJalll~l<1 u Mal)apI1). crrpoIWAHJJli Ii Y fl.PHoM CBt.:TCKU\I! r:ny, IG1A3 je I1UflL~JCIW IHIIIIC U;l f\OJIllBHHC MylllKOI CT(lIlOHIUlUlTLHl Cpriaje,

AVLTPI1JC:1Illl,n Ii l Icuun MO>KHd l1M(ljy Ao6pux pU1JIOJ a na lie Bt IJlt: l'p6e. Y TOKY l lpuor cneTCKl)I pa'ra, 191R. [,OIJ,I!IIC, cpncxa BOJI:.Ka, xoja Jt.: GMJllJ w~ry6UJla penny 11lyny (aJlli unjc KClHwrYJInpa:w). np0(l1f1I3 je I:.OJ1YfI(;KH rppotrr, IllTO je 6wIO 1I0lleTCJK xpaja I Ipuot CBI.!TCIWf para. Y JlpYIOM cneTCKOM pH'I')' unana Kpan)cBJ!IIe JYT oc IUllIl1JC JC 25. MHITrn 1941. IO;J.,lIHC GHna nOTDMCclJUI YIOBOP o IlPi'lCTYrHlII,y Ivrucnannjc "CHJI8MH ocoIHlHC". Hna A8113 Ki:1CHlIJC I pYIIa OCl1HIV1pa jyroc.n mClICKC BO)CKe, cpncxc I1a I~JHlllaJlHOCnL WWr.:JHI JC uy-t 11 CM I.! II HIla BJIlIIIY

during the Civil War in Spain be comprehended.

We do not know of any country of Western Europe, but Serbia, which happened to be under (JeIIlHlJ1 occupation during the World War Il, where loss or life of one German was equal to the lives of one hundred subjects of that occupied nation.

Germans (and Austrians and Hungarians) executed genocide over Serbs also during the World War I, when more of a half of the melle population of Serbia had been killed!

Maybe Germans and Austrians have strong motives to dislike Serbs. During the World War

.1 the Serbian Army, which had lost their native soil (hut did not capitulate), broke through the Thessaloriiki front lines, which caused the begi nning of the end of the World War I During the World War H, on March 25, 1941, the Government of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia signed the agreement for JOIning Yugoslavia to "the Axis Powers" Two days later a gang of officers of Serbian nationality in the Yugoslav Royal Army effectuated a coup d' etat and overthrew Dragisha Cvetkovic's Government, in Belgrade That provoked Hitler to postpone the already anticipated and planned


HPi:lll11IlC UBt;TKOBHha, y I)t;uI P~IHY, urro Je H1:nnaJIlJ lIHI(J1- cnPIKY )h.!M8LJKY 1(1I nch IIJI,IInIpalll1 IWIICIH ua ('( 1~Je'l'CKI1 CaBC1 OAJH»IOI 'HI i\PH n IlLCITHX mecr HC)~~JJ.(l, TL: Tt.lKU nponyc'ra MlllyhIH.lCT WI Y "PBOM I1<1Jlt.:'I'y "Bl itzkrregu", npe I1aCTYIHllb3 -HIMt; 1941/42, l'lI)\HIIL.: 'nlY'3Mc Mocknv H o xynnpa pYLKa Ha[~)' :lI1UC1W TH)HPYlJjH, urro [e RCP" BaTIlO nOl:T:.1 nOnplHICJIO Ii XHT.H.;pOBOM KI 1I1i:PII.hJM 110Pll··SY!

11'H:JIC)\cl A.I Je.: KaTOJBPJ Koj l~PKB:H OJllHKH 11CJ1a~1 un xpmuhancxor npanocnaun.a, Kana je y HJ1Te:III,Y TClMnll,CIl,(; Cpf);i!'!

Ila cy I cIWl{nJlH Hag ('1'61'1- MCI ~fIICmfpnCallM {1J\ Karonu-u«, npKBC IOHOPH It 'lHlhellHI~a J~C1 BdTHK;i H lIHKtlll,3 uujc lIlnB~H) IICl Ol\IOBOJ1lll)Cr K"1TOJllIlIK'1 CRClIl-rcua J1J.l.I~a - ycrame. {ll1lj,eIHil~a je l1 Hi:l cy Mal'OHil(l pcnapiHlL: J.i ynnnrraunuc npaBOCJlaHIIC I(PKlie 11(1 n.:pwrupnJH llerHllUH':HC HP)K<:lBl! XpmlTcKc, a 111'1'0 cc H ca~a 'lrillll na TeplITOpujClMH XPBllTCKl: H Iiocne H XCpl~CrllhHllC. IIpoTHH Cpua ce 1I0Ati 1'1 llt'1l11i)C\1lT MCHII]CKH pelT, OHIIOC\L! I MCHl1jCKO-J.l.ltrlmpM(lTIWI1I1 I \'!II()I~UH!

f10C:IC 1I0KOJhil ETpypaL\H Knll. PHMJbCllla CC 0l1JH1 JHBIIJIa U1Bt'ClJa I PU>K(l cauccru M IICKeI

attack all Soviet Union for a precious SIX week'! and therefore he did not occupy the city of vloscow and the Soviet oil fields In the first assault of the famous "Blitzkrieg" before the coming of winter 1941/42 That failure probably contributed very much to Hitler's final defeat

It se~J11S that Catholic Church is closer to Islam than to the ortodox hurch and Iarth, at least when the extermmation of Serbs is concerned'"

The evidence that. the genocide over Se: bs wa« inspired by the Catholic Church is also indrcated by the fact that the Vatican has never called the Catholic cl ergym en-ustashas to account The fact is that the Serbian Ortodox churches ancl places of worshi P had been destroyed on the territory of the "Independent State of Croatia" during the World War II and also the same is bei ng done today on some territories (Republic of Croatia and Republic of'Bosnia and Herzegovina). Genocide is here again Furthermore, a formerly unseen war through the media of the IJress. TV and radio all over the world is bemg conducted against the Serbs That IS a real informers' genocide'

After the massacre of the Etruscans, the Old Romans had


npcra KHjUlbi::1. Y OH()MC H~Ky 14 Y onuMC BP~MC[ry fora KClJ'HJ.U It 1 plI)Ke C3BecTII HeMel! I: BO, \II~'I cc cupouonn 1 eIlOIJ.14JJ; HaH Cp6H"Aa CBl1X y'ipaL1a. Pyine ce Ii IIMIC l~PKBC, pasupajy H OpmllY mIC<';!L(I 110 Xpmnl:KOJ Ii ]iCH. . .lI14 Ii Xepuei ORFlIHI. {'PO"\ ce lUI jeu([01 c.:rpmUi cycpchy CH Myt.:Jllf· Mi:1HlKliI\-1 OHXtlHOM H (1)),11)1,£1"11.:11-

LIe" npyroj ca

'IH1WB.10M,8.- ,.\ ...

Kl::1TOJllPIKOM HCTO:ICp~' H Il.MJ (1/11 , KUJa ce MtlIlHCI)CC'lyjt: Y HtTP!..!UJhHB(lH>Y 'rmnMlITIIK:i" Ii 6pH~ can.y rparnna 0 Y!.HXClBOM IH.JC'I'PjaH:,Y. I la cpricxoj crpaua, Inr JlCJ\H, BeMa 1111 KGI ~t! .:vlqUI1- LKa O.10KB,Fl jc lH pOMmd J\, nana H1MO ce ua OUU] 6aJIKmlcxoj IH~TP()MCTJ1111f, IICl pacxpcnuun rpajy KOHTliJltJla'! a, ua repm opnju 'HI KUJ()M C[Hl KO noccxce PYKUM 11, 6C'1 001HP(l KOJII1KO ('ron (iIWH IIpa13CJ(lIl1 H OllJlI1 Y IIpaHy - 01114 IlHKana nncy y IIpaBY!!!

feel i ngs of conscience and they had some kind of repentance. But in these times, in this century there are no pricks of conscience and repentance Genocide over the Serbs is here again Their churches have been burnt, their will ages and towns have been destroyed and wiped out in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina- On one side Serbs meet with Moslem Jihad and fundamentalism and on the other side they are faced with Catholic: intolerance, which has been manifested in the extermination of "schismatics" and wiping out of traces of their exi stence. It seems that there is no one on the Serbian side! The media blockade is tremendous. So, we are located in this Balkan windy spot, on the crossroads of three continents, on the territory whereinto everyone stretches out his hand and, regardless of being just or being right - Serbs have never been right!'!

I. ,J,p O)(1'a Jlykounh-FljaIIOBllh. Cp0r1.,.llapoH uajcrupuju 2. Ii~~IHK() l aucna. Erpypru:

IlCTOPH.la. Ky.'1TY(1a, y~J~T1IUC'1

J. Johann T()polov~(;k, Oil' Basko-Slavi-chc Sprachcinhcu [ Hanel

• 1. llporp. B. BUII,a II rtp Parntiop Mycannh. rIIndlhOJJCKU xpnarcxocpncxn pnje '11 /HK

5. He<..:aIlK<.I TJYPJlh-l pCiyxo· nnh. Y ccunn Alberta Einsieina 6. The Universrty Desk Encyclopedia

7. Encyclopedia Britannica

x. . .up MUJlClH GyJlajllh, Mncn]a BaTIIKcl1!lI y HC·~UIHI( ... II{)j JI,P}KW:.lIJ Xpnarcxoj

Y. Brockhaus En/yklopaedic 10. HI }KyMellTa!~TlOHIi xtarepnjaJl APXI.:UIlOlllKnr IHlCTH1'YTa


II. Jonau ;~Y'lI1h. JYIOC,1. IIHCcnuruin - Hcrnuu o jyrOCJIClIHI:Jr-.,y

12. EIIJ~HKJl(lllCHlricKII nc«CIIK~)II - MY'HTlTKri CIIIUTKJlllJIC)~JljCl I-~ C.:lUBCIlCKH Glint p{1(l)CK~1 !ICICCIIICOII Hmlllut:C1'II CllC·,WK

Geo"rXIH, jY:1lI Il}Y2.

J1,YUlllll MIlPKUBllh



1. Dr Olga l.ukovic-Pjunovic, Serbs ... the vlost Ancrent People

2. Brauko Gavela. Etruscans - History, Culture, Arts

J. Johann Topolovshek, Die Basko-Slavische Spracheinhcit, r band

4. Prof V. Vinja and Dr R .

M usan ic, Span ish-Croato-Scrbian Dictionary

5. Desanka Djuric-Trbuhov ic, In the Shadow of A Ibert Einstein

6. The University Desk Encyclopedia

7. Encyclopedia Britannica

8. Dr Milan Bulajic, The Mission of Vatican in the Independent State or Croatia

9. Brockhaus Fnzyklopaedie

J O. The Documentary Papers of the Archeological Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

11. Jovan Duchic, The Yugoslav

I deo logy the Truth about


12. Encyclnpedian Lexicon - Rncyclopedia or Music

13. Slavic Biographical Lexicon - XII Volume


r was provoked fa write this asssv etter havint; read the article "Yugoslavia: if' 110 use Much Divided", which appeared in the Nsttonsl Geographic Mege=me. Vol. 178, No.2, of A ugust 1990

Belgrade, July 199~ Dushan Mirkov ic


·\ nl'OfPAtI.CKU 1I/\:UUH1 KAO 1I0Tnl',nA p.\CnrOl'TI':\II.I"1I0t.'TJI I" C'IAPOl'Tl1 (,PIICKE I'ryl11\l"I,II': IUIJ.OI(Ur()J)('KE 111'1111 JJ.IIOCTI1

'3(1111)'IIW)yhu OilY Klhl1}fo.:11 t~V 1101\ ll'iI..:JIOlloM II Kapml'rCKIl I' JhlKHjCIOf ('I)OH" Ulll..:II1IJIH l'MO )\<1 Ht-Hl Hllt rH pll'tII111 a 'ill 1I0KYIJjl-IJ NI ce join yB~K IICHl.lllll Jbllll "POY'IClllI 1H1PCKJIl1 ('poa MO>KC J\llIlC(.;'I'U Y m;'lY ell (lP('1I I, HM rL'nrpiHl)cKJ1M III ljMllBI1MII H raxo y 'nil Hl'I'lI j ( I III J l:HH II KUrll K Ill-miL: y rpu: ali.)' 'HI IWPL'IIIIMi-1 ('r0a H cp IICKC Hl: ('url-qe.

1\ KO 110 IltlCJInHY II III.:

Illl'II1I1.CMll OJl KClBKilCKItX ('P(,H {I KllJI1MiI JC Y 1l1)(,:JICHlhi.' npCMi.' KOH 11<1(.' Ill\ 'I'd 11l1l"'IIIO Mll>i<i.'M(1 IIpHXHan1T1-I na cc Y Hl'JIIH.I:l L:THpHX "Hl::II~1I ('p(iH l:1I(l/l-HIII .. Y III..'K01I\O I III IIpcJliny WI C !'lIPL' Y IIOBY cpv. aJIH 'Ill llliK!lKl' IIi.' Mll>KC J~a 'iI 1"'''1 n:J lUI 'Iii M IIpOC'('OPUMil, 'IUK H Y IJlHPHM ~H\HIiPUMH, IIHCY II tlCTOFIIIl1 It lIHIJll' RI.,:IWIHI upc, Ouo nrro l:lllllpli nCJlHKY IICH()VMHI~Y "on UCTp<l

. .

JKllIUPJa jCl:TL! IIH'I au.c KilJI;1 cy 1\

~n J\Ojl1x npillHII\U IIpL'I~1i ('pO(l IIpUI,;'I'WilIIHI 11:1 TO, )lll I\:-I)fo: l:Mll, Ka [lKrlt:K(I lIunpy 'I jc, ,Ill U Ii KaHd cy 11 KojHM IIPIlIlIUIM,I ca I PI




lI11i\PVllj<1 11H IfI HIJI11 Y pol \IlL' HI.,; IIll[l' I npouc, (111:10 upcxo CCB<.;PIIUI IJp1illpIIllMopjH 11J111 "PCh.O Viall": A'ilill.:. '1IlII.Clllfl\i1 ,lH I p.u ouc ('pCla 11<1 IWHIMI) Jl llro,UI puuo II V I ]prt(icl:llllI v, 11 IlllII 'in II'IJPlIlIC, K:lll 11 y KaIHI:IH'K 111\1 IIJ1lHl I ilia Mtl II}! IIlL f/llIIiITIIl1JC 1Ii-.1 1IJ1l:.·JItHY 11''1 crape Y 1I(lIlY "'py, II{; nJTilKI\I(1l1il MIIOl'u IIIl(;Hll (ill Ito KujL'M 11H Ifl. I PU)f( I tit a 'Ill, "( II (I'IOIlY III III kHu 1I1'11J 'm:IJl.lll, Ilpl;M~1 1 ;IIJI GIIJllllltM Ilt\JIWII1f\li-1 Cp(k 'I'Y 11 1'(1\111 Cyl,.'pt.:lll'Mll .1,)111 Y I n'l 11111) II'Ml'PIJ,11IHII "pUIIJI(lC'j H, It TI) lie 1.'1lt\1O 11(1 r.::PtljlhL''''1 itlllllJlY \11i111t.: A'HtJ!:. lie h 1\ IItl l',lMUt.1 I IrlHJIH M'I HlJlhCI' J'mlll;! yl hl\llr)lI]~1JI\, IlUIIPMCIIY H!I Y Ll' llJ\cll'lIl' p:11I1111 [II 1\\1 )'1111"1111 .urcr Y II 'I'u IlP"H:IIII1U IlPCMI:. 01111 1I11'U jc YII:1HJbl1 BO Il!C'IC 'III 1 t.e II II I I,ll lIn III ic HlJI: nccyu 16UUI1 HOKWHI Jt:! ce Y lfHll'CIIIlM t:MIH:,JlY ru] ({pVl'r~alm1JlIII1I.:KIIKO (iell II 11<1 K11IJlUtTl.'KIlM npncropn .. !\Ul II IIH "OIl.CI\1 Jb'mHl~" 11.1 'III 1'!1l1l 1M 'IIIM' KPY)K !Int.I IIY'I v: !lk(l t\''S1)1111{111 H II,PIIIlI t-.Il'pa IIllliJI:1 111 MIl l\iI IIl'llMIl flH nuc rpun lIll' ( 'pCiu 111'1 () Jl' IICl'}'Mlt.1I IHI !lJ\iIIllIlIl.1il 11 11111'1/'.10111-11111 1Il:'I'IUI)J.; 111H11Il' Hil '1'111. IIC I'I.lIHIJl' KII JI,)IJl.''I':IK ('p(ill II'U}Kt..: lUI 10M IIPIl(; r(lpy 11:1 ".('Iet.! Ly un.uuu«

and III wluch duccuons they were dE'P.lllllll.J, from those arcus 10 V:1I101lS parts of l.urope, wheth ... ·1 via the northern Black Sea Hasin 01 11.'1 Mmor J he fact that lite u acev of lite Serbs were found vcrv eurlv "1 the B"ltrcs tuo, antl even more III the we!',!, as well CIS III Cnrputhiun l\1ulIntniliS most probahlv at the turn n om the uncrent III Olll l;!1 a does not facrluatcs much the work to anv of the researchers, even more so bccnu C, <IS we now It, uccordmg to Brlhll,l'S findings we meet tile Serbs here and there us I..·;trly as 81 most unmcnsurnble past, and not only III the farthest WI;;St or ASia 1\111101, bllt also 011 the very blinks uf the luwer DUll 11 be WIth Hilbun's note that they had dispersed Ih III there 10 Europe aurun III SOIl1l' ancient tune \\/hnt IS conspicrous IS the fact that there exist doubtless I..!VIden e thn: III a sense that eire! IS bcrng dosed iomchow I ight 111 the Carpathian regions and in 1 Ill' JOWt'" Danube On enure that "cychc road" th n t sun ounds the ,\SOVIfII1 and Black Seils we llI1d vel)' ancient traces ul' flte Serbs, Ihal helllg doubtlessly slgIllfll'UIlI and forcing the I cscarchei s to look Cor the SO~

Having begun this bonk With the title "Cal'lmthiun and Lycian St .... hs" we conSidered I hat thee art: ell ough reasons rm all attempt to relutc the s(lIl msufficiently known Ollglll or the Serbs In the numerous geographical designut 1t)I1S and so make a step more ill the search for the roots of the ~L'orhs and Serbian 11IS1(1),

Although hy the ntlc we do 110t begin from the C'allCllSI<IIl Serbs, which are I11l1ch written about ill recent time, we Ci11l accept thnt In the works 01' ancient writers the Serbs were mentioned approximately dUlIl1g the truusition from the old eril III the ours, but it by fill means means that they hu I not xrsted 111 t host' areas. even 111 broader flames, several ceutuucs ago too Whut creates LI grcfli ddcl\1~ rna With luslorinns is the queslion when and from which drreclions the ancestors of the Serbs were coming to Iluu., say, Caucasian iu C[J, but also when

I C; 1

K Ii Iii.": 1Il\1I Ka P iurra }l [IOPCl1J U Hy lI~m,1 1\ L'HlnGUJI ,nHl1 up I1J C 11- I'HIHI IIpu:mKO),1 O}J,JlY'H1Ball.C1 'Jet cll[10nCKY npaacropujy Cp6C1, '10 UlTO CC I(OCanClHllbH pe1YJIrcn ~i I1CTP<I>KHBH '''8 Yl.1i.lHlWM ocruu.ajy IHI Tpl:lI lim; MClTepuja.mc xy.rrypc (it,;'i NIC>ryhlIm,ll1 na IfNICIIYJt: .. 10 nocuune TC KYJITyPL' llp0!'oHl C1 IHPIKClM n0[1l:KJIY lICLYMlbl1BtI H3 MWJI'O Clv'lc1'a. (1.;[ H Ht.'rp!:I}IUt Hi:ilHl IIC t:Me na oCiCLxpa6pH. AKO Y "~IIICM CJIY'IUJY 'H1KJJ.Yt.Iyjcr.,1ll WI eMU ce Cllli)"i\ellIiMd «)11 co uaua, llal'ounje, Clloa y CepCKIlM nnauuuaMa. JlaIHUl3, Icra, CKUT3. Iieca, Cal'M3T3 1I HPyrux L.pllHIIHX I'py- 1\(IltH1", 1\.<10 H scpcxnx Pl:I'I'OB(] 'ioUr KYJITIIHX PWiJII,tKi.1, IIP~1(i;[mIOUlH HPCMCIIY Y KOjCM I!CLlJ'I'U CM{!JlHjl! M(1}1{CMO 'i(lKJbY- 1111 [Hn If U 1J,lfXlllH lj reo: PtICI)CKI.)j rcl(,:[JpUCTpalbeIlUCTH Ii l.,;'IIII1IJ. K')j CP(1Jlll()C'1 U. MOr.JHI (il-1t.:Mtl peha WI CMO na IIYTy, IIITO cc 'I Hlft.: CpOe:I, Htl IiX joiu CMCJ[l1jc IIpuxna'IIiMO xao C1 apO(;C),(COII,!; ua BpJlO RCJ[J.1I(HM npocrpaucTBHMa xoja cnOJt1M I corpaq» CK 11M IIUJlO;"IWJ HM a OllpaBj\::Iluljy IIClCTaJlaK H noc'rojau.c Il()JMcl '. HIIAOC Br)(H1 Cf{ U" .

l:iYHyhl1 I~a CMU cc y nIH IJ KJJ.I1}J{11HI1 Hoc'!'a 1ilHPIKaJII1 ua reorparpcxov nojay '3IIClIlOM

called historical beginning cl'the Serbs I n that place where the mountain ranges of Carptltlmll1s and the Danube Basin are inavoidable landmarks In decidmg for an Europiun prehistory of the Serbs There is no doubt that we me much hindered by the fact that the hitherto results of the researches rely mostly on the traces ofmarerial culture without possibiliry to name the bearers of that culture on the basis of ethnical origm, but it must not discourage a researcher. If we, in our case, conclude that we have approached, by the mentions of the Fisonians, Dagonia, Serbs in the Serbian Mountains, Dacians, Geti, Scythians, Besi, Sar m atians and other akin groups, to a tune when we can somewhat more boldly Infer about their geographical difluSIOI1 and ethnical kinship, we could say that we are, as far the Serbs are concerned, on a road to accept them even bolder as nati yes I n very broad spaces which by their geographical positrons 1 ust: fy the origi n and existence of the notion "IndoEuropian''

Since we have dwelled 111 this booklet much on the geographical notion called "Montes


'Montes Serrorurn", MJH1, 110 IICKIH.1<i. "Scrorrum montes". cMaTpH.iy}ll1/~a jc IhlJXCm CIIOMt:l.I. iJJ~II(lCHO IhllXOHO IH)C'r'oj<HJ,l.:, Jt;I~all uil onnx H()Kl:11(l lH1JC npuxnClTalb0 OMUI yhaua jCl\IIU CIH.ljt.:1?PCIIU 'lHHHP,llbC Y np(JIJI.II(·t:\' Cpfia IIH IH'lHY"i:I BCK11M "puc \'OfHIMCI }\yG:be nero IlITO je TO JlO cana (hulO MOl yhc, II0KYI\I(lhCMO Htl YKi:DKt..:MO JlCI uexc 1'1'>,11 OB~ KllJL::. Y TUM CMHCJIY CM<-1- 'I'pHMll BPCJUHlM 113)Klhe,

AIW "PI-IXBBTaMO IIOHCt'l'aK '')UIl<:lPC OHIIOCIIO ;r,lh)J1(l K'1CHJa II HUI'C1ryajy Y KO,lCM CC CIIUM1111,Y J1J..llollluje 11 KHp"aTcKH Cpori, VI aKO cy J~O norc'rxa IV ucxa 1I0CJIC XJHH..T!.l CpG" 1'Y neb GUJ1lt K. 0 crapoceneouu Mnp<lJ11I OllCMO ua cTapnjH'M Kar'l aMd 11(1 "POC']'O[1Y lnMcl)y I pel ucu, ruu 11- (;KMX J\J1J1.(t 11 J~[)J[,cr HYlI:JUCI t..:Hl,; uo n.ci onor yruha y 1 Ipno Mope, 06YXBWI ajyhu 'ry n Ma.MY ('KI1THjy (Scythia minor), A<lIlilC }l,ofipylJ a, Hall hM 1f~ H'HH,!C'l'~11I Or!)j I en: pa(\)CKHX mnl11m K( lJH IWM noruphyjy OOj1illHJK lIapOHCI CPOHJIl1X JCHlIli HPyr ItM,l II lin ,jc'uu.:y l{ 110 reJ1I1111j~'1 11 110 OOlPlCIjll Mel.

AKO eMU, )\tlJl>C, nch

yfid)CIlIf nH cy II" 11 P{ ) C'l'U py Jy>KIIIIX Kapnara 11(1 IIpcmny Wi C I apt.: cpc y III.my rinp<lBIHIH

Serrorum" or, accordrng to some, "Sen arum montes", considen ng that therr mention Ie their cxisrenee, IS one of the proofs the acceptance of which makes posSible an unique brcachmg 1010 the past of the Serbs III the 0811uhe areas deeper than 11 was possible so far, we will try to [101l1t to some traces considered by us to be worthwhile If1 that sense.

I f we accept the datum by Zonara, ie Dion Cassius, about the event 111 which LICJn1US and Carpathian Serbs have been mentioned, and if until the beginning of IV c.A.D. the Serbs al ready had been there as natives, we would expect to find d certaui number of geographical designatrons conlirnung a stay of the peoples mutuallv akin by language and religion and customs also in more ancient maps 111 the space between the Transilval11a11 A I ps and lower Danube all the way to Its mouth to the Black Sea, encompassing here also Scythia Mmor, today's Dobrudza.

] f we are, furherrnore, already convinced that 111 the area of ioday's sout hern Carpathians dunng the transinon from the ancient to our em


npcn B ('po" 110 Kuj\:lMCI cy T~1 HL:J[t)lnl K(:Iplla'I'~1 Ho61fJ1l1 IID'BiB CpnCKC 1IJ13 I 11111 C lHi.IO fir! pi:nyMlhl'llIU aKO (JllcKyjeMo Ha !HI TuM npclL:T\)PY lIHnl)C1\1O WI lIa'HmC KujH enoJu" nGmiKl>M II 'HI8t.IClhCM nonrpbyjy 60palWK cpncxe rpymlltWjc. 11 '3c1I1C.Hl, lIJITaJyhl! 6ptljIlC Ila1l'1BC IICI xapI'HMCl PYMYlIllje In pC! ~IIHX npcMCml .vI pWmVPIWTI1X pa'5Mcpa 13c-rajcMo KOn MIWIIITBi:1 mnlHld ca l)CHOBOM Srb, Serb, Sirb \.i en. ana 11 KOA MHOI HX HPyrl-1X m11HBi:1 xoje IKTC)ileTIlC !lJm I uTOHO UC.fOBCTIIC H8JH1'niMO IH! CflMU 11(1 baIl KH IH..:KO \1 nc)JJY )CTP By. BC h 11 Y npYI liM J(e~10EHIM(l F npnrre, nC1 Ii A'H1Jc. a:m yr:li:IBlIOM Ita npm .. - TpanCTI1Y «oje npanuua IUIJ\O t:BPOUCKOj I pynanl1jll napona , KclKO jc )l.OIIlIlO IW nOJi:1BC onnx Iw'nlB,1 HCTOBI.!THHX no oGJUIKy. d MlIlllJ.iX 11 110 '-\J1H'IClI>Y, 'HI cana lie MO)KC r..10 noysna 110 H() onr OBopnMO. Y CBl:IKOM cnyuajy O[m I!armBH Mmy H8 oYHY KOPHCTClIl nY-TOKen Y -rpat 81f>Y 'HI np(lBI~MMa xperan.a 1I0jt:1I.HJI\lfX CpO,HHUX I pymuH1JH, ami H p;-nw lrO]llUfX, na ("11M rIyl'CM Hoh 11 HO casua 11,(1 o MehycoolIOM y'I'I1IWJY 118 pasaoj jC1HKa H JlPyn1>" xapa«n~pnCTl1K(1.

the ancestors of the Serbs had dwelled after whom those parts of the Carpathians had gotten the name Serbian Mountains, it would be understandable for us to expect to find in that area the designations that confirm by their form and meaning the stay of the Serbian population. And indeed. reading the numerous designations in the maps of Roman in from various times and of various scales, we stay with whole a series of the designations with the basis Srb, Serb, Sirb etc, but also with many other designations which we find, identical or nearly identical, not only in the Balkan Peninsula but also in other parts of Europe, and even Asia, but mainly in the space that belongs to the IndoEuropian group of peoples. How the appearance of these designations identical by form, and many even by meaning, appeared, we can not answer reliably as yet. In any case these designations can be a useful road-sign III the search for the directions of the movements of particular akin groups, but also of the di verse ones, and go by that way to an understandmg of mutual influences on development of language and other charactenstics.

v ruo rp)\(J)CKlt HA:UIIHI H31\lKBY K AI'" A'D\ IrI ,n:OlbEf ;lYHAUA


Baskova, Balta Suhoja, Bahie Balta. Bistretz, Bistrezul, Brat3<;:1ni. Boreaska, Bl:1tkova, Babane. V Ba~ko\,lIll1i. Boroveni. Billogu, Bob. Boduri, Bodeni. Babinesti, Heria. Boroveni, Bukovu. Brankoveni. B:1lsica. R:1lsu, Bobinesti, Bnlsu Vulpearka, Bivolica, Balan. Balnkn. Budo, Bosdani, Balasvenj. Bnbnla, Bukuresti. 811a. Burica, Bivolica. Bezdadll. Brigadir, Balanesti , Budislav. Behar I Branisle

Balta Zn .. tgovu]lIi (?). Balla Neagrn, Balta Vu ... (?l. Balta Lat. Bila, Risko

Ciganesti , Cepuri , Cernaia,

Cigania, Cerbu, Cioban. Cigania. Ciganesti, Cerbareni. Cserua, Cerv~ni

Dobror«. Dobrogosrna, Dobrolesli, Dragomirdti. Dcbrcgosta. lJoblngoslt:'~1. Dobrotesti, Dobriceni. DoblOn. Davidesn, Dragod:mdti, Desa, Dobra. Devesel, Deva. Dobresti. Draganesti, Dr<tgoslovek. Daesti

Gura Padma, OIll'~1 Prislop. (;01 g;1n:l. Gradisten. Grecesti, Grecri. Gorgana. Gogn, Gruia, Gura Oknicn. Getcsesti. Greci, Grecia. GOVOI'Il, Grecia. Gola, Golia, Greci, Gratia. Glogovi.lIl de Sui, (ir:l(II~lial1b Gradisten de, ios, Glogov 1:1n desks, Gostiruui. Greci, Gmdinesti. Gostina, Gm anului , G .... stavcc, Gostavac. Gal una, Gadeni



Baskova, Balla Suhoja, Babic.

Balta, Bistretz. Bistrezul. Brarasha- 11;. Boreaska, Bratkova, Babane, V. Baskovului, Boroveru. HI rlogu, Boka. Boduri. BOUt-Ill, Babineshn Bena. Boroveru, Bukova, BrankoVCIlL Balshica, Balshu. Bobinesbti, Balshu Vulpcarka, Bivolica, Balan. Balaka, Budo, Boshdani, Balasllvern, Babala. Bukurcshti. Bila. Burica. Bivolica. Bczdadu. Brigadir, Balaneshti , Budislav, Behar Branishte

Balta Znagovulut (?), Balta

Neagra, Balta Vu .. ('1). Balta Lat. Bil'L Biska

Ciganeshti. Ccpari,

Cigania, Ccrbu. [laban. Ciganeshti. Ccrbarcni, Chervcni

Dobrota. Dobrogostna. Dobroteshti. Dmgomircshli. Dobrogcsta. Dobrogostca, Dobroteshu, Dobnce- 111, Dobron, Davidcshti, Dragodaneshti. Desa. Dobra. Dcvcscl, Dcva. Dobresnti. Dragancshti. Dragoslovck, Dacshti

Gura Padilla, Gura Prislop.

Gorgana. Grndisbtea, Grcccsti. Grecii, Gorgana, Gaga, Gruia, Gura Oknica. Getcseshti. Greet, Grccia, GOVOnI Grccia, Gob. Golia. Greer. Gratia, Glogovinn de Sui. Gradishtianka, Gradishtca de zhos. Glogovian desks. Gostman. Grcci, Gradincshti, Gostina. Goranului.

Cernaia, Cigania.


I() I

lzvoru, r ... krem lzvoru. IZVl1Itl llcvo, Il\OIII de 7.0'" Ilil~(,~!1 l zv.irelle. lkona, lsbnte-ti. [r~u

".11.1. 1\.0/1.:1 K.lIUIl.l. Kirk.i.

Kolibas KOC;~(Ibn Katnne, Kokn

nell. Kuci, Kula. Kuva. Korbi, Kohbn~J. KaIlUl[1. Kapn, Komana (') Katunc. Kalugerani, Knvma, Kille. Kalina, Krha Krasna Kroll. Komam, Kokanji. Kreru. Knko: .. I. Korman.i

l.tvadea. Lunka, l.uczo. L rpia, Lipov anu, l.azu. Lesi, Lica, Lipanesn. l unka Korba. L .1Z:Lr('~tl

~ttIIC~I. \1ag\lI~I. Marica.

Mirosluveeti, Magura, I'. 1 1'; ha. Magura \'1".10 Mngura Laznnk.i. Mnuca. Monasur Baltov inesu, i\1ITO"I:lvt"nJ. Monastrice, Mosna, Mika. Marvodin. Milia, Milkov, Merisani

Novaei. Nekito

Oknn, Obieslav, 0 grestna,

Olteni, Olari, Orin. Oresuni, Orgin. Orh, Obieslav. Olaf. Odaja, Orheni, Orle\!1

Provica, Perek, Petritla.

Popovic, Salt"sli. Petrile Miletin. Palanka, Ploesti. Punta de Grea, Purani de Sos, Prigoria, Padinn (rniku, mare). Pirlica, Pogana, Podkovn, Piperi, Prahova, Pisku Sadova. Petrosani. Provrca, Predial. PO~('lrodiec, PObOI u, Proroct, POIOplI. Pa s kani. Pisku, Pirluu

Rudo. Rakovca, Rosin. Ruda, Rakon ica, R udeni. Rusa, R:1 kov tea Ruda. Rostoko B. Rosia de 0:; us . Rudomireeti. Rase de Vede. Rasia:

Rasniku, Rakita Radovan, Radino Raskovin. R:'ltines. Rumunesll, Ril\'a' RIJ.~ lui Asnu. R:ls\'odlL Rib \,~k.J· Rako\ Ica de los, Remere. Roba.J:

Rom:mica. Rukaru. Re'ani. Razbol

Gostavcc, Gadjeni Izvoru, lskrcni, lzvoru, lzvoru 110\0. lzvoru de Zhos, Ilirscshli' lzvarcllc, Ikon a, Isbateshu. lrshu . . Kala, Kozia, Katuna, Krrkn

Kolibas, Kossobo, Katane KTl)k ~

I t L' '; • 0

nes 1 I. "lICI. Kula. Kriva K b

K lil J' or I,

(,,0) 'K'f1S 11. Kat~lIla. Kapn, KOnJ<1na

atanc. Knlugcranl. Knvll1

K'I K ,.. a,

ric. a lila, Kilia, Krasna Krnu

Komani, Kokanji, Krecu, Krr!.:o\'a:


, Livadca, l.unka. Lucza, Lrpra,

Lipovanu, Lazu, LCSI, Lica, Lipancshti, Lunka Korbe, l..azarcshti

Mat ica. Magurn, Marien

Mrroslaveshti, Magura, Mis1Ja:

Magura Vrnn Magma l.azhnnka Man ca. Monastir Baltovineshti' M!roslavcllI, Monastrice, Moslla:

Mika, Marvcdin, Mum. Milkov Merishani .

Novaci. Nekito

.Okna .. Obieslav, Ogrcsina, Olt~l1J. ~bn. aria, Oresani, Orgia, Orli, Obicslav, Olar, Odaja, Orhcni

Orleshti .'

. Provica, Petek, Pctrilla. Popo-

VIC. Shalcshti. Petrik Milctin Palanka, Plocshti. Punta de GreC[' Purani de Sos, Prigona, Padm~ (rniku, marc). Pirlica, Pogana. Podkova. Piperi. Prahovn. Plsku Sadova. Petrosham, Provica, Prcdjal, Pogorodiec, Poboru, ProroCI, Potopu, Paskani. Pisku, Pirlitu

Rudo. Rakovca, Roshia, Ruda, Rakonica. Rudclll. Rusa. RakoV1C<1. Ruda. Rostoko B, Rosia de sus. RudoJlllrcshti, Rashe de Vcdc. ~1.Sia. Rasniku: Rakit<l. RadO\'an. Radmo. Rnshkovin. Ratll1csh.



St .. rbanesti, Serbarrest i, Serbi de Gratia. Sf! band.li. Srbr, Srhi, ')1 hr. Balen i S rbi, Serbanesti, Serbanf'~li de Zos. Serhi de Grana. Serbanesti, Srbi Magure, <)rblne~ti. Serbnnetti, Sirbe ~ti. Sarbe tit Selence, Seletina. SuraIll. Sinara, Sara, Strasa, Selistia, Sard. Selestea, Selisua, Slanesti, Slamku, Slojnnestl Semendria, Saksan. Stefaneslt. Serdolesti. Samare, Stirbesn, Sui petola. Sei poaca, Sardnneeu , Slisica. Seles , Slavinesti , Sasa, Studinu. Stojna, Stojnica, Stojunesti. Sardaui, Sara, Stanis\;1\ esti, Sado v a. Studina, S\avlt("~ti. Suhoja, Serel. SOl dak ianu, Sordakinn 1I. Sfircia, Surpatn, Slnveni, Slatina. Skitu. Simriaska. Serika


Tisa. Troica, Telega, Taja, Tis sa, Topor. "J eslui, Timavica, Teslia, Topolov , Topoloveni, Tresteniku Popesti, Trnovo . Trnjan , Tatarc i. Tomasestl. Turbaci

Ungureni, Ungureni, Ub (") Varbica, Vajda, Vida Fotacesti, Vida Steniaska, V itanesti, Vede, Vcde. Virbicn, Vlauci, Vulea Potopu, Vla.~eni. Vladeni. Valeni, Vranesti

Zigania, Zavalu, Zavci, Zanogao Zanoga, Znrloia, Zagar. Zlata, Zap3t:t


Rumunc hu R.n ,I RU'.h lUI A .HI R"l vodu Rrka Vdl. lG~o\l(;.i til:

Zho .. R mete I obu] Romanrra Rukaru R ... am R.uuUI

Scrbane hu Scrbancnhu

Scrbi de Grana Serb . .U1(; hu Srb:

Srln, Srlu Balcm ~rbl S ... rbanc-hu Scrbaneshu de Zus, Serb: dt;. (.r.itm Serbaneshu C;;rbJ Magurc, Srbrneshu Scrbancshu Sit ber htl Sarbeshu, Sclence "';(;/Cl!I1:l, Suraiu. SJY1:lI:L SMa, SIInSa Sclrvua Sard Selestea Sclishua Slaucshti. Slamku, Stojancshu Semendna. Saksan. Stefnneslui. Serdoleshu. Samare Stirbcshti Surpctola Scrpoaca. Sardanesht i. Sushica. Selcsh Slav 1- ncshu. Sasa, Studmu, Stojna, Stojnica Stojancshu Sardam. Sara, Stnnislav cshu. Sadova, Studiua Slaviteshu. Suhoja, Sorel, Serdakranu, Sordakianu Sfircia. Surpata. Slavcni, Slauna, Skitu, Snnriaska Scnka


Tisa, Trorca. Tclcga, Tala TISS'\. Iopor, Tcslui, 1 irnav IC:l. Tcsha. Topolov. Topolovcru. Tresteniku Popeshn. Trnovo. Irajan. Tatarcr, Tomaseshti. Turbact

Ungurem, L'llgurem, l'b ('J) Varbica, Vajda. Vida Fotacesu.

VIda Steruaska, Vnaneshu. Vede. Vcde. Virbica. Vlauci. Valca Potopu, Vlasheni, Vladem. Valent. Vraneshu

Ztgania, Za\,alll. lavel. Zanoga, Zanof,a. Zurlota_ Zagor. 7.1ata. lapnta



11(1 WillI 1·1 ·~tl Ii" fill, t n c P"llalll

l. I H 1I11 I' lillOllllJO .. H '11l1<. I

I I U 'L III Il'l 1 • .1 'IJ~ I, !fIlM Y

r 1 I I "ll('," I~ 11 Ill. 11111 It:f

I I ,. I,

Kil JL h~ 'lllilltl \- 1I,IBlIlL' III I I II (l I II < I~ IN "'. III 'I 'I (I II {I

nr()IlU • i11'.pVI,ll d1Ul<.h.lljll )1.y1a:anCkll ";I(l' II , II[lC Lhl.l d P 111111"'\- 11.I,IIIV V I',()I lit! • IJY Y

Iit'll II 111'11 (hit 1. Ba.ta Suhoja.

H dt.l 7nagO\ l!1\1 ('), B.llt.,

't>o:l~rra Balta I .it. Ba't.i Vu r '). 1,.1 \ Lilt )'vlln('v (IPt j..1~L II (. Hl \1 IL 111il-W ..... ~[·lIl~11 II\IWl~BrUI\11 O(l(lhl-UlU llalh.',tl. ,.j IIUof,I,lj\,.;!l 1/, ,,\tt 1 " r... (I r)a.ITuju l)t. j phV Y hH lill4Kll\1 M,IPY, o.iru It.". '" UI\.\. ~ IIlmH \hrc Halucum III1.Mdlll"U Belt) J' Inpa 1 baltia '\I'~q\ HI J" \ flJ1 J'c111 V mtcrpreta no \ '1t'tJ tl/IIU(f!l1 Ill) ru a ~(j LI rJllll.l{o malka, lL:p ~l. K(U .... v- 11I)d ~p,1l'ml 1I()'IIIVIHl Ih'HY'lclpaJY V L I\IIM 'Hm I fI .. '11\ '\ ~ (lBll cc H<:J 1[ .... l fiJHIII {,,11 I na cc "I ..... )MllprpU.HlIIIKli r .... pMrlllH halro blato. holoto "III). halt Ill. JdBI}'d j Ii.: I L~'\M f1LIIIIUI<.V., [Itlll t..IMtl V ~1(}ll'jlll ,I'VI II Jpll.lllcHflKlltvl' I\.u 1 UII )\1 t;: tJ <I (..,J liB\,; uc KllT H ~p( )( rnalka Bpl,1l1 l.l. lIo,lt.I'" H ,11 I' [;\i,(i'lIo"nrp\)B(l1 IY"1.t1l~IUI III I 'liP" AP1; kill I' Oc c,n 11':1

1i1lIlul((J t ~.,'t.: I tc l.l. Arnalcht I~

til IINIBI') "I~d Oceanus 11

SPILlOU::l are designations Balin, Balta Suhoja, Balta Znagovulu, (?), Balta Neagra, Balta Lat, Balta Vu (?). When mentIOning such and similar designatiuns experts cite usually also Plinius' datum about Baltia, an island in the Baltic Sea, whence, they say, the desrgnation Mare Balticum (German Belt) aJso bas originated, They add for the expression baltia that an interpretatio Veneta ie illyrica for the Slavic malka is 111 question Cor. they say, both the names coincide completely In their meanings. With that It IS further explained that "The geomorphological terms balta) blato, boloto Alb. balte do not appear in Baltic vocabulary. but only In the Slavic and A lbaruan ones". With the mention of the SlaVIC term malka it is worthwhile to recall also Budimir's interpretation of the designation Amalchius Oceanus regarding which he concluded "that Arnalcluus Oceanus and the hydronym Arnalcluus coincide literally with the SlaVIC geomorphological terms malka, moloka, mlaka 'palus' (palus, dis, bog, swamp, marsh)"

If malka and baltia as mterpretatio Veneta coincide completely in mearung, then we

XliJU101111M Ama 1 chius OyK IW.'IIIO II0JlYHapaJY ca WIOBClll.:KIIM I CII Mop(IH)JIOJ[IK~lM 'Il:PM~HJ('M malka, rnoloka, mlaka "pulus' (palus, drs, Gapa, MJJaKH. I JIV(fi) " ,

AKO ce malka u baltia «ao interpretatio Venera 1l0TIIY"O IIC)~~yn('l 1)(1 JY Y 'ilia llClbY. onna hl!MO J1<1 Kille CXHlITI1TI1 II0pCK .. ID ~, 'UI,!lIClhC xoje jc IlH c'('apJIM pit MCIOfM xa P [,lIMel t IlTlI::ICMCjelll1M. 1 I ncx 11. c) 'HIIIWHIO Ii ~i:lo<":JJI,;>K 110 jUIlI 1\111.'10111 Hpu.aucxu. 11<1 }fGIJI(lC'I. n 'fa 1all;.nK([lbi1 H KIlMCIlTaplf Y'~ I1.IIX ()~'I'aJnl cy lIe·~(IIH1jKl!IHI. Huje YL:IICU IHI noxyiuaj IlI1CIJ,i:) !HHrX rJ(~Jl()IHI ita YKa:+a; IW wm(·llIpL.)~lIa '~(llli:l)l"HI,a I ~pll.allt.:l«lr xoja cy 1II,;'Ii:lOUHJIWillil KaJ~ JC PC\I II 1I0PCIOIY ('p('i(l II C':h)(\CIHI. n.nxonnx KPC'1'1:lIhCJ ~, BVHl ca HCKI1M HPYl'liM CBIWIICKHM uap-


KeJl'l'IIMti. J hi l)BOM MCLTY ClltlML.:II(lM IleKOJIHKO rcorp.«]» cxvx 1I(j'SHua )KcnHMO C<lMU )«.1 Ollp~lBH(1 MO 11UJIGHjHlIY UIli:ICKY Y

will understand more easily the ongm and meaning nouced In old Roman maps (Ptolumeus' ones. I I c A [) ) even by M ilosh Crnjanski Unfortunatelv. both those observations and the comments With them rernamed unnoticed. Neither the attempts of this wnlcr succeeded to point to the outstanding observations by Crnjanskr, which are mavoidable when the ongin of the Serbs and Slavs are concerned, their movements and connections With some other Europian countnes, perhaps especially with the Celts In tlus place we are trying, by mentrornng several geographreal designanons, Just to justify BJlb'J;1'S note in the section "The Settlement of Europe" about the spaces from where had departed and to where arrived the remote ancestors of the peoples wlu ch have preserved a trace of their existence both 111 the Danube Basin and In remote pans of Europe even today

\\le hope that on this occasion even a smaller number of the designauons in old Roman maps will be sufficient to conf rm an I mpress ion about the belonging of the people which wished by the old designauons in these areas to preserve a memory

Eupu lie II 0 npOCTOp II Mel ca KU,lllX cy "UIIIJlI1 W )1.0 r(njHx cy CTHI:Ilitl l~'UICIOI IIPCII,II uapoua I{OJ!I cy 11 y l lonyuaun.y Jl y Yj\aJI.t;;WIM HCJI(IHUMa Eupollc H nauac CC1'IYB,-iJIU Tpar cuora GIITlH:ClII>(\.

I JaHaMIl cc Ild he IIIHlM "rHlIflKW.1 H M(lII.H Cip"J IIW~l1ml 1101 C'I"lI Hi M [1 I'! M \,;1\ Ii M xup r ; 1/v1(1 lirHI ICHHIIL: lim H 1((IlhJ.'I,1.I11 HlI 1111111(11(11 VI H~UK 'lIpJ11W)~I1l)(.1 H Ilapll,{<1 KIJIU JI.. IIrl 1I0l1l1M IIP(le,..T \PHMd L:ldpHM 11<1 H1BH\IId Jl\l.ICO 1\<1 LH'lylHi u:hctlbt.: 11(1 'H..:M1by Lil l ... llJC JI,; 1I11IlHl() I HO fll! ill)Jll..t.: 111"'W KOJt: .IL IJj.JI'tl}ll,... J[J11Inunc \-1 PCk.<": I ~PJl,aJl{"KI1 '\(lJla'H1tl lid C !'arUM KUpTHMl:I Li:1 K(IJH~IH II.. ()H P,I<':IIIJfJaI [iel, MllHCl 0HMax Bah;1 rl,;hu Ita .II.. ()H'IO 11 KaraT" K'll(; IlPlbrl/fCKH I1I1JI.; KOpHLIJW. l'ul) IIlKHX IIWH1I!(I KOjC lid BUN' nplhall(.'KI<I: C'arni. Goritan i l Miathi, r ugii, Morav II, Mm.OI, Orien, Korn, Korab, l ovcin, Sur, Koritruk, Prokolitija, Sutla, Sana, Una, Korana, Drava, Krka, Lika, Cetma, Spreen, Dnrn, l ab. Pek, Moraca, Buna, f{0,lHMfI NI )ll1J(dIv10 H 'IIS(I, luesis, DIva A~.IJ (ln~ll,.. L1(1)MI,..II~MU 11 T(JIJ{lIl< ~tM Sorhiodunurn fil1hl: II<:IM Jtll' IIHJt.: WI cy M IIt.:KH J~ry111 IJa111BVi Mtli JIJ1 (i WII1 Jlllpt.: K~IOM ca IItl,lpY'lj(l Ilil Kll)LM cy IIpL: lIoJI"IC 1-.,,1 Y hpJ1 1't1l1JIJY )/01Il(,.IH1 ( priM, (}~1JI() !Ill 1I11j{VIItIBlKH"1 1,11111 I'HlI 11(1 Mallo(l'H1i~KIIM IIU'IJ..!" fIliM II(JJTOJK(lJHMH, I Jrlp(IIlIII), (}lIrt..:'~

1I01.1 I1dJlalKL .tu cc c III 1M c IIVTI1 H HPV I It III I HllHi vnope.rc Ul

11 olIH!.. fip!lJII ~I It' HlI 11"'1

of the land It had departed Irom Here let us remind which peoples, mountains and rivers have been noticed by Crnjunsk: in the 01 d maps he possescd, although It ought to be said imillcdiatcly that there were also maps not used by him, J Iere (Ire "lome names cited by Crnjanski: Carm


Goritanr, Miathi, Luuii Moravi.

0, "

Mosor, Orien, Kern, Korab,

LOVCIll, Shar, Koritnik, Prokoiitia, Sutla. Sana", Una, Korana, Drava, Krka. I.. . .ika, Cetlna, Sprecha, Dri m, Lab, Pek, Moracha, Buna, and let us add also Tisa, Tuessrs, Diva. II' we mention here also the toponym Sorlnodonum It will be clearer to us that some other designations could be also by its origin from the areas where the Serbs had lived before their departure to Bntain, whether in the Danuhlilll or even Asia Minor positions. or course, a caution demands that all hen; mentioned and other numerous designations should be cum pared with the language spoken by the Celts, which also traced their origj n to Balkan Peninsula, where they had lived several centuries.

A Iter mentioning the haltu as an intcrpretatio Veneta, we have to recall that Vcneti

KCJI'I~I, KLlJH cy '1'(wl1f}c nyKlIlf I pal ~ ca hil.IKi.lJICKO! II()}TY(H.: I J1 HH. JIll KUJe M l.y )f{ ~ IWJII-1 BHIIIC IIL:KllB(I,

KaH eMe, J ope CJlUMl;JlYJI11 IW'HiH baltia K30 interpretatio Veneta, MOPttMO cc fIDHCCT 11'111 HCI UCIIL!1 e (HcllcJ.c. HltIIHIlC). K()Je C110M111T.C jOl11 Xcponor (V i'\l!K npe II. C). a KllJC IlaylJIIHlI,H 11i:\JIWH.: 1I11 pa~lIIH~1 HI,,;JIOIHtMcl EHPOIII,; JI MaJ1C A 'H1ji.:, na I1 y IJpWI'HIIHjH, IW aKO T,IMO y'l IIWHfH Procolitia H "H1J1lfB 110 ~IMeJ[y Blatiurn bulgiurn IICn1~t.:Mll llil PWMcKClj Kap'll" 11<1 XlfJWlIJlWM Lugo Bahia IIC MI))IWMCJ ;r,(I IlC JlOM Hr.::JIHMO Hrl CC H Y '1'( 1M cny-iajy IIHJI:nH IlcnCTCKH rpar. ;\KlJ JUII! l\lJWIMO Hel (,;1,; y '~al1ll11 Blatium Bulgium ca CCBcpa YJll1B.ljy )flll.! PCKI.:, jC)J,IIC1 Deviu fl, a )1.PYI'(! Deva n, OHMclX hCMO cc t.c.:TH'1 H n'" IIWHfIIC oric peke 1T(IJItl'H1MO II II<I Ki:IjH,IM(I PYMyllHjC, jY>KHU (1)\ KilPI1(lTCl, 1I11aIH'1IlCKll[ IICIIIl" 11;1 I'11ICf',.1 PI1MCK.l1 !IHC(JJI, AMnjan Mal)I~CJlltll (UK!' 330 ]\IJ oxo 4(J())

1/;IJI:I~lIl (montes

( 'PIlCK~ 81..:1 1'0 1'1 lin)

JI J 1(1111111 C IW(l Beh

(Veneds, Vinids), mentioned even by J lerodotus (V c B ( ) wen; fuund III venous pails of l~llrupC, and 111 Hntain C:I& well If we add moreover (hat mtn the gulf Blauurn Bulgrum two fivers flow from the north. one bemg Devia f and another Deva fl. we will recall munedrately that we find the livers of the same names also 111 the maps of' Rornarna, south of the Cal pathi ans, a mountain range where the Roman Amian Marcellinus 'about 330 to about 400) found the Serbian Mountains (montes Serrorum) as ex t sung from antiquity Can one after this even think of that the peoples the cited designauon belong to had 110t been in tin ancrcnt tune close to each others both as relatives and close neighbors'} That impression becomes even stronger if'wc add to the above examples, and to many others not mentioned here, also the name of the river "edna found III England, in the northwest Spaur, Netherlands, SUISSI.!, as well as the name of the river (lura (Viadrus] And somethmg else that should not he missed, let LIS repeat, IS the tact that a great part of t he space whet e we led premorution ofthe Proto-Serbs or Proto-Slavs are

UW:lBlIU uucrojehc. Moxee .IH C!..: 11 U(;J rc (I BU 1";1 ~I IIUM HCJlIl'I' 11 ga II:IPO)~ll l<llJI1"'IIi II(lHL:HCIHI IIclHflH1 IlpI1I1cli\(1.1Y IIIICY Y )l(lHII() IlpL..:M!..: OIlJlII (}lJ !I.el(ll jCHIl11


--- --

'- .

I1[lY' UMd II Kill) LfHIJ\/lHJ~li 'I I' <10 L:yl.:I.:HH, 'J ltJ VTIIl::1 K noerajc joru JUlll1 ilKIl I UplloliM IlrH1Ml!IH1MH, Ii MII!JI'UM ,'lPVIItM KOJI1 OBHl' IlIfCY (;IIIlMl.:IIV ru, W'lltiMO Ii II;'IHW PC",l HCJ_I'C t\(lIY IItIJW'IHMlI Y J'llItll'll<.Oj V ~(.'IH.plt'iilIICIHII('1 II J JIll IHI Pi, Y IIII'H I H':Ml..h:dl Y IlIlwJI~lIIKKnl, Krill 11 If<l'HIIl pL:KI.,; 01\[11.: (Viadrus ), ~1 [nru III 111'10 Jl[TIl Ill! fiB 1.:Mt:llll J~a cc IIpt)

nyc rH p .. :C'IL, Hil f1011t)JU1 MO,

'IH I be 11111 \(1 Jl(1 11\; n U K Ii J\l'(l II pOl. 'lOP;] II i:1 K lip,: M I W L' Jl Y h YJ<. M () IIPI)'hH.pCIL '!JIII I JpUI ()UIl)IH.'JlI.' 1I0K pH 1111 lY 11 Cipoj I HI KI,,; '1'1 C Kit 11)ICMl;[IH 'IHleM Y'lCljHMfIl 1M V III IVIJY Ill' IIOK,II'Hl,'IMIl 'i1:11<. Il~ MUll HMHJIIIY 1I(I>KII.y, M,J)W t.:YI'"1l 1((),fllUII1II(IM XIX Bt.:KU JlLKI{

1I","IIIHII,11 1101 YIIIlIJIH )til yOIIl! YiilJ!lMIiC yuuurjc CI'(IJHilllX napllJltl kllJ II LV II P(; I< I'HIIHl JI ~I 1U1Ilu.:h.H HCO Cpenn.c J.BpOIlt:, HIKIJi.l Illl'l'pcfiu ce uculia II

Itd".C, c 'I riM Jll! ce Y

HCTpn)f{ JiIJHIII.n y 1{]I,y 1f 11 H

npoyuauau.c ML'tT:J 11 y'I'liIVI/<1 !\JHIJ)rJJV1JI,.;Ili.IIVl Y CKJIIIIIY III1HI)' (;HPUIICKIIX IlCIpOIlH.

covered also by numerous CeltiC tubes to whose mutual 1I111Llcncc we pay 110 even n mirumal ruten- 11011, lilt hough It was HS cClrly as the middle of XIX century when some scientists tried to observe mutual influences or the more ancient peoples wluch covered t h C III () s ( P (1 rt 0 f the Mid d le Europe S uch a need IS bei ng fel! stili, provided the exnminntion of the place and i"tlucllcc of the Alarodians which should be included in the frame 1'1' the lndo-l .... uropran peoples

I f( I

VII II 1-. Ki'l CJI A UO(I,(H UI H t..:rl.Ocl~OI1l1 I-J ,\ 'nl BI1 "f~ME'I)Y K./\ IH'I\'.I'\, IIEPCH.Jl.:KOr 'jAJU1 11;\ ". rAIII'A

{),lcIHIlU \.:1,,; rill:! Hil jC'UIK r,C'I,IIIJI,;'1 HPt\ll)ltL.:IH1 TIWI. Ji!L..1 pa>l';11 11:-1 1111 Mil 1I(lt,;'I'cl II Kil 11 ptl'HlCll'1 '111I\C'ltlll<':'I'IHI T;lj l'p{1I MlIlIiIJ IlllMilJl';C Y IltllllJPU",",W H<l, Jl(IIIH1BYH(lllItM "YI'L:IJlIWI11CTIl pujc 'j<lIH':'1:IIIC'I'B:I, 111'1'0 jacuuje

yl )'Il! II:IC'I'Hlflll II PWWr>j II().I~

HIIIIIIX l!'i'JIII'IIOIX I'pyrl:t li napO)lfl (;(1 CIHtM 1",IXllIlIfM II("O(i('!I)lICTI-1 MH, "1".) cc IICll.,l!UIIO Uj\IIUl!11 II;! jC'II1 K Y 'H1JI,,;M pH'IBUJY lie IPL!H "JIPLiI)l!II\'IX 'w VIIIIIIMt.!j111ltl;'1'II HCJlyjy H 1I~II[lenmlHJI.HIIH t.:.Ily'ltl i~HII xoje lHlMChe l:lllIpCMl!IIH II: 1 ' HIli }K Ii/II )','(1 11 HPY III 'rue Jl II (IHIIIICII Y lIajllltlIH1M {1WiML::\1att.W,

C >'I yna lIilM ce '1111111 }lt1 {'lIt lu.:h y IIL"111 "::1 I f11()M CJI(lll<eW 1M Tl.:MI)M, I .hJlI! l)l:1I1 1M Y OBI d K II ,~, IIf, 11 11:1 11IIilJ 11,1 lIl1l1. IICI)(juru II! IHUJI,IIM IICKIIX CMeJHljllx "Pl!'I'1)11C'I':IIII{lt II 1I11PCI'Jly ('p(j~I 11 II,HXllIUIM KPL"!':III,IIMd, Milltll) HU 0YH" '1:111- IH.IJI,HII II I 0P"C'I'llll II jCHfllI (iPf)J IIcl'HlIIl1 II II Mt.,;1 HI IIl1 IWp'l'rlMii ltpllL'I'1 IIHI lll~ MHJle J\'~HJI'; )lO «~lIIKll'W. I h.:PL:lljCK!11 '\lI;llIIHI, I 111 Hit .i c I(() I' I l/{ 'U II tI , I t I III h )1, U I~"II ~I II XIIt\WJ1:ljH,

VII SOI\H, SLAVOI)IIONJ(' J\ N I) "ldUJO I'IION II' 0 (';S- 1(, N A'I ION S IHl.T\V f': II, N (AI!( ASLIS. pr~.lts)'\'\J (;I'LF A. I) GA~(a.S

II has long been known tllcH

iI Idll~'ll(lge leaves a pll!CI(JW~ 11;\(.;e In the .csc.uchcrs or lhe 111 iglll and development II! mnnk md Ihat u nce helps much m fllCli clfot ts to nonce, III 11lL' serpcnune roads 01 lust. 'I Y. us clearIy (I" possible the nrlgllls und developments ()f paruculm '111111- cal ,!lIOIlPS and peoples With ('111 theu pcculrauucs "lhut refers l"';PCCHIlly It) tI 1l1l1guagL' ill lhe UeVCI(lpIIH.;1l1 oj' which bcsld(;: l' e I lei III I lilt S a cia lso III P'C - .hcublc cases 11I1POst.;c\ hy til, moder 11 WIJ)' of hfe and sociul

i clauonvlup OIl il broadest scale 'I hence It seCIlIS 10 U~ thaI nlrc.ulv III 1('la(I(l1I ID 1hi", COIllplcx theme, discussed 111 thiS hook, lind II) tlus way. cspvciallv Ull the OCCaSIOI1 (If SUIIlt.;! l)oldcl i:I~~lIll1pIIOIlS {cgalding the Ol'lglll .uul movements of the SCI hs II It.! I e II11ghl he mtcrest ing a /lUIlIbel' of dcslgnnllum~ ami 1li.II1lCS we lind rn llie limps ulllw spaces 1'10111 ASIi! ,\ .. lil101 10 Cuucnsus, i'crsiun <l1I1r, I"JIEln Ocean :11)(,\ iI~ I'HI OS litlll~JL's and 111I1I1Il~w I


f lalla MO ce JIll UBO, JIUHl:I'I'I-Ill ycuepanau.c Y TOM I1paB(~V. ;IHTHOJ.ll1, Y npBOM PCIlY 01111 najy-reuuju, nehc 0llMi:lX np01'YMa l( UTH xao rpyoo 11 Op1lHlJICTO OOllaRJI,all,C ouor 1ClJlOCa KojH cy Y Xl)( nCKY eel OJlY"H~BJhe"bCM ~Cn()Jb,' nan 11 CJlOBC IIoq)(.l1H1 II ana'H:hM Y CHaKOM HMCHY H nasaay, CJlHtIHOM CJIOBCBtKOM, TpClr 1I0peKJlCI Ii Gopauxa CJIOFlCII3 ~unI Cpria. YoCnIJIOM, MO)f(J\l:I CMO Ii HY)l(IHf JlCl 110110130 pa":JMOTpHMO KOJIHKO je IhHXOB 1l:JIIOC 6110 onpasnau, a Y llCMY cy rpeurana u 1cHIITO. MU)KC Bunf }J,a UBa HMCJIa u Ha'UfBH, xao H MllorR KOjM OBJ1,C fmcy HClBC.QeHIf, '3l:JIfCTCl yxasyjy ua HeKH Tpar. 011 MO)f(C ACI oxpaopa, y npROM peny '~aCTYITHHKC K30K3CKC U "p3t1CKe 'reopzjc 0 nOpCKJJY Cpria (MO)KJ~a Ii XpBHTa), YTOJHfKO npe lUTO cy HCl'3IfBH Y HClBC,U.cHOM Kpajy CBeTa, KOJIJiKO IIaM je I10]uaro, MaILe otipabaaana 0/\ IiMella Ii Ha'1HBH Y }:BPOIIl1, y xojoj sehana HClj'l-£JIIiKC:l 113ml1H npauocrojoaay CJIOBt:IHI, na H Cp6a 11 Xpaara.

Y npnoj ] pyna HaBC)~CHa cy HMelfa H Ha3H8Ji Y 06miKY KHKO ty HCl KapT3MCl '~H6cJ(e)J(CIIH. y J(pyroj rpyna cy Ha'HiIHf u HMella xoja cy no OOJlUKY 11 -·mY1IIIO(,;TH

We hope that these, additive, recol11mendations of a direction one should take will not be interpreted by the readers, and prunarrly by those most learned, as a rough and nl~ll1ng renovation of that zeal chsplayed in XIX century with an enthusIasrn by Slavenophils, finding II) every fume and designation, similar to a Slavic one, a trace oj the origin and stay of the Slavs or Serbs Arter (til, perhaps we are obliged to reconsrdc- how much their zeal was justified, and where they were 11lISIUkl!lg and why. It can be that these names and designations, as well as many others not cited here, really point to some trace It can encourage, first of all, the supporters of the Caucasian and Iranian theories of the origin of the Serbs (perhaps of the Croats too), even more so because the designati ons in the cited part of the world, as far as we know it, have been less dealt with than those in Europe, where a most of scientists find an original homeland of the Slavs, and thus also of the Serbs and Croats

In the first group cited are the names and designations IJ1 the form such as they ha VP been recorded in the maps. In the second group are those which arc by


I - II}I", I1WHIIHtI;HI J..l

1Il:0M 11 CJ l1 . (

II lWC 11 11£1

~1Mt:TlI1M(I Kll""

liaJll{(J JlCKOM IlOJJ yo I,,; I pHY. Y -rpehoj I pyll11 c.y, uopcn ncb 1I11MI.!IIVTHX 1I(1'HflHI ell Ot.JIUBOM Ccp, Cap, Cyp H L:Jr. 11 IICKU nrYll'I Kujl1 Mory nu GYJlY 1<1 ul-! III n. ~UHI.

j'lw jeHIIOI' 6pnja Tl1X II<l'Hl-

na: Agram, Anna, Baba, Ba~, Baga, Bela, Beri, Berin, Besni, Bod, Bor, Shrastin, Shum, Sam, Dara, Debar, Dera, Doda, Dol, Duga, Doga, Gala, Kali,. Kon~, Kosi, Kot, Kuka, Kutschai, Hadi, Laki, Lawn, Lim, Logar, Lun, Murga, Miani, Narin, Pali. Piran, Pirawa, Rabba, Rada, Raka, Ram, Rast, Rawnina, Risan, Sana, Satara, Tanda, Tarana, Taita, Timar, Toba, Toda, Topla, Tuman, Tscharra, Toschorba, Uble, Wada, Wardna, Varna. bG'IMHIIO eBB OBH IIl:I'HlIH1 Mury CC 11<1 h 1'1 Y I1MCIII'IKY MCCTH Y Jyrut:JIi:IBHJJ,l I1JIJ,l y ByKllHUM

petJ IIMKy. •

Jlh rpyllc CJIH Bor\Jl..1\\J.1X

(Cp60CP011l1X) IHnl1Ba IIHnoH~MO

Avani Altin Artisch

Clue: . c, ,

(J\JITl1Il), Beschna, Bihac, Bo~ cora, Bindimir, Berana, 1311"1, Basti, Belan, Bilek. Bari, Barna, Behar, Balasor, Bela Dila, Betwa, Bojan (pcxa), Bokan, Balch, Baikan, Bubak, Coman, Cara-

their for 111 and sounding sumlar to the names and designations III OUI country and 111 the Balkan Peninsula In the tlnrd group are, again beside the nrorernellLlOr~ccJ dcsignauons With the basis Ser, Sar, Sur etc, also some others that can be i nter est: ng

l lere are several those designations Agram, Ann.a, Babu, Bag Baga, Bela, Ben, Berm, Bes~l, B(;d, Bor, Shrastm, S11Llrn, Scm, Dara, Debar, Dera, Doda, Dol, Duga, Djoga, Gola, Kal1, Kom, Kosi, Kat, Kuka, Kutschai, Hadji, Laki, La\V(~, Lim, Logar, Lun, Murga, Miani, Nann, Pall, Piran, Pirawa, Rabba, Radja, Raka, Ram, Rast, Rawruna, Risan, Sana, Satara, Tanda, Tarana, Ta11a, Tirnar. Toba, Toda. Topla, Tuman, Tscharra, Toschorba, Uble, Wada, Wardnn, Varna Almost all of these designations can be found in the Lexicon of the Places 111 Yugoslavia or in Vuk's dictionary

From the group of

Slavophoruc (Serbopho~lc) ~ames we cite these: Avani, Altin, Artisch (Altin), Beschna, Bihac, Bocora, Bindunir, Berana, Bin, Basti. Belan, Bilek, Ban, Barna, Behar, Balasor, Bela Dila. Betwa, Bojan (river), Bokan, Balch, Balkan, Bubak, Coman,


bash (y nac liMe Kapatiaumua), Sharon, Sheri D. Shulm, Shumik, Sham. Sulp, Sutsch, Dalmi, Deo, Deoli, Dewas, Dipla, Doba, Dogora, Dorna. Dr asan, Draw, Dublana, Drug, Ga-van, Garwarn, Gor, Gorr, Gar, Gori. G01),. Ghorak, Goracine (y uac l opnuuuo), Gutschi. Iso11, Jam nia, Jassrn, Knill, Kala, Katsch, Karakasch, Kolar. Kotur. Kopaganj, Kumana, Kulatschi,

Kutschan, lonna (y IWC

Jlopuan.c j, Marin, Medin,

Marian, Marwa, Marutsch, Miran, Menan, Musch, Nadali, Nemein. Nish, Norin. Paori, Panni, Parda, Pekia, Pind, Pischm (y W:lC 1 IHIIIH, Ilnummta), Pulat, Resan, Resafe, Retschna, Rudok, Samar, Sabran, Sazin, Serikolltsche, Sipan, Srrin, Sib, Secnath, Subarnarekha (IH~K(l), Sirach, Sutlej (y Hac C'YTJW). Ter, Tilju gao Tirnochan, Tirin, Tisindo (pcxa), Torba, Tori, Tular (y nac TYJlapH), Tulle (y uac TYJ1,c, Tynn), Tup, Tscharde, Vesseli (y uac Beccn H hu ), Veran, Zara, Zidi, Zhob.

11 Imj1ClJ(, nopen neh HHBCl(CIIHX mnHHI:l CD OCHUBOM Ccp iii en. HOHajcMo Hone: Sarbas , Sarbana. Sarbischa, Serab, Serbanan, Serbas, Sorab, Sorbatia.

Carabash (our name Karahn, shica), Sharoti, Shan D, Shulm Shunuk, Sham, Sulp, Sutsch Dalrni, Den. Deoli. Dewas' Dipla, Doba, Dogora, Doma:

Drasan, Draw. Dubl ana, Drug, Gawau, Garwarn, Gor, Gon Gor, Gori, Gory, Ghorak, Goracine (our Gorachino), Gutsclu Isoli, Jarnnia, Jassin, Kain, Kala:

Kutsch, Karakasch, Kolar, Katur'


Kcpaganj, Kumana, Kulatschi,

Kutschan, Lorma (our Lormanje), Matin, Medin, Marian


Marwa, Marutsch, Miran, Mo-

rian, Musch, Nadali Nerncin

, "

Nish, Nori n, Paori, Pauni, Pard a,

Pekia, Pind, Pischin (our Pishn, Pishruca), Pulat, Resan, Resafe, Retschna, Rudok, Samar, Sabran, Sazin, Serikoutsche


Sipan, Sirin, Sib, Seonath, Subarnarekha (river), Sirach, Sutlej (our Sutla), Ter, Tiljuga, Tirnochan, Tirin, Tisindo (river), Torba, Tori, Tular (our Tulari), Tulle (our Tulje, Ttlli), Tup, Tscharde, Vesseli (our VeseJici), Veran, Zara, Zidi, Zhob.

And finally, beside the already mentioned designations with the basis Ser and sirn. we add these too. Sarbash Sarbati a

, .. ,

Sarbischa, Scrab, Serbauan, Serbas, Sorab, Sorbana


I-JA.lPAUfUE no.rAnl~ ,fI,O J1.AI·IAllJlt..,IX UAI-IA

rIa>KJt.lIIHfjH I urraouj: KJ LHHI In (j11(im'lOT~KC "( 'nuncucku


HC'lD'lIIlf1I.H , xao 111'1 u cy: .0111

o llt pckny ('pOH - ~I cua CP0l:YCI 11}~I)Jly CJ1Y>KllTIIC Hal ouy I (1992), "CpGM 11Ml! C'pflH KJ1P'i

IlpcMC 11 upocrop" (19l}J,),

"('p6n ~I pajcxc PL:KC

1~1I(jJl HJcKe "lleTMpl1 Pi.1.iCK~ peke' H Ka I.H{(lCK(H.:y(t1paTCK11 Cpriu II (1l)95), "CpOll llJlll ('.IOBellli - ('JJllH~1lI1 rum ('p(j~I" (1997). "ATII(lc.: Y'~ uajcrapujy lICTO}Jl1jy ('POCI 11 CJIOHCJ1a no XII III.!KU1t (1997) " I leur I'm ar n HPll.>'l11CK11

)J.PCBIIII ('P011 IIi.l GPl1'I'<lIlCKOM 'my" (1')97). "Kap"(lTCKH H Jluxujcxu erGM - IIPlIJlt),HI om IH':TIIPL>ljy <. 'pG;1 on )~ryL"()1' MlIJICIWjYMcl npc n.e. no XIV nexa" (1997), MOI'JlH cy '{jJIlC1'H!TH )J.U je ocuouua )f(C.hcl IIIfCI\,1 HCl Ilpl!Ma UllOM!.: urro cc y llay",~1 'WCI 110l'yllHl HH 'IHT(lOT\HM(1 IIp 11 Ki:l)KC. 11 nrro yG~nJl)lilmjc OGjcU:IIH, K(I).~a jc, I'W': n IIi:! Kojll JI.: 11<:)1111 II nacrano HMi.: CpGl1ll U nrra TO "'"Ie 'iJratlH. I Iucau CC UI1[1CH(:JIIHl 'HI yl'l\r"lJlin<\I\,~ I PYliC IHIH()t.:BPOliCKIIX uapor; ... l K{ IJOJ <.;y CpOM. lIajrlJIIDIOl. iiiY'W[i(ljyhu n u.axone CTIlI1lIKC



More careful readers of the book') from the edition "Slavic SOUl ces". such as "Moi e about the Ullf!11l of Serbs - and All the Serbian Scrvcl Dagon" (1992), "Serbs - the Name Serbs through Tune and Space" (1993), "Serbs and the Paradise River') - the BIblical 'Four Paradise Rivers' and the Caucasrau-Euphratian Serbs" t I c)95), "Serbs or Slavs - Slavs or Serl.s" t 1997), "Atlas Aecompanyirn; the Most Ancient History od Serbs and Slavs until

XII century" (1997). "An

Unknown Crnjansk: the

Ancient Sel bs on the Brinsh Soil" (l997), "Carpathian and Lycran Serbs - Supplements for the History or Serbs from 11 l11illeniurn B.C until XIV Century" (1997), could notice that a basic desire of the writer is to present tu the readers, according to what is known in SCIence, and to explain as convincingly as possible, when, where and how the name Serb originated, and what that name means. The wnter decided for ascertaining the group of Indo-Europian peoples to which the Serbs are closest.


II a WI'P 011 OIIO U1 K e () JVJl1 K C • lIoccrino cy ra mlTcpCC()AaJlH crnCKI1 je-iax, rnH..:MO 11 rrpa,ni:lBHH O,nIlOC ('rOa npCMa npHpoHIH1M noja sa Ma. K!lO iii 118lB111 na Kujlil cy 11X CaHJHIryHBHJIH I1JIH 11M cc, IICMOhlll). III ixopa BaH H.

Cxnarajyha na jc CHe OBO H 1.11101'0 IllTH IlPyro )JCO HCTOpn]C tJOBC'lanCTBa 0 KOjOj '311C1MO BCOMa -ACOMa Mann. TBOpI~H 0110JII'tllTCKC "Cm1BeIlCKR aero'IFIHI~lf" O}VIY'HillH cY HCi nco CBOJC AcnaTHOCTH 1l0CBCTC Hl:KJhYlH1RO HCTp,,)KlmalbY nopexna 11 ucropuje Cpria Kpc.n IIc6pojcuc neKOBC 11 HeW~MepHa npocrpancrna. CnCCIUI Aa JC osaj nocao CJIO)J(ClI Ii nperexcax If Aa IIpcnarm:Jla'm Moh He CCiMO rrojcnanax IH.:TP;J>KHB,Pla. Ma KOJll1KO ona OHJll1 ynyheua, HCh. H l.JllTaBIitX reIlCpaLJ,HJCI, oprana-mTopH cy 0JVIYLIHJl H na panose H per3YlJT3TC CBOJHX capaunnxa nasaaajy jcnnocraano "IIpHJlo- 1Ii r~a 1I0pCKJlO Ii IfCTOpl1JY CP"-

. .

CKLlf uapona OA najpauaje

nojase AO AaHauIlbHx Halla I •• Kao llITO ce 0{H(I "IlpHJ101H" Mory 6J.ITH pa-monpcna no canpscajy H no oUWMy. l orono jc HCMoryhc JIpeARHAcTH K3KBOI he canpscaja 6WfJ.J noje.AHHJ.J "fIPI1JIO'Hi". !\KO nch yrraupen rrpmuajcao na je Hallie 1HaH>C 0 nOpCKJlY Ii uajH8BHlfjoj HCTOPMjH Cptia xpajn.e

studying also their ethnical and anthropological characteristics. He was interested especially In Serbian language, scnpt and the most ancient relations of the Serbs to natural phenomena. as well as the way they were overcoming them or, helplessly, succumbing to them.

Having understood that all this and many other things are a part of history of mankind we know very. very I ittl e about, the creators of the edition "Slavic Sources" decided to dedicate a part of their activity exclusively to the research into the origin and history of Serbs through numberless centuries and immeasurable expanses. Being aware that th IS work IS complex and very hard one and exceeds the power not only of particular researchers, regardless of how much informed they are, but also of entire generations, the organizers decided to name the works and results of their cooperators simply "The Supplements for the Origin and History of Serbian People from Their Most Earlier Appearance unti lOur Days". It is well known that "Supplernents'' can be diverse in their contents and vol urnes It is almost impossible to foresee what wi II be the contents of particular "Supplements". If we

ocxynuo, HI.! MOACeMO YBCK IlPL:Hnl1He'I'H IlJTH he Hac uu'rcparu HCI ce HY)}{C IIJIH K(lahc °H:lUp>KHMU 113 HCl[t;MY llITU Bet M CC ylfHlll1 W:1 MO)Ke AH UYAC KllPI1C'1 au llPHJIOI IrpOIl1HPCIl)Y naruer ·malbCi. Ty CC uc Tpcoa UpnOO]H B:nH na he HClC "BCJ1l1Kll -mamm" cacehn H IIOHHphH PYIJlY, l-IcTWlyhu 1li:1I11e lHpa IIlflJCWJ 'HWlhe. Iillhc lIPHJTHKC J~C:l cc yUO'Hl<1MO C(I lie MllJl.HM GpojeM CJIYl.wjeBB KClH cy

II KpHTHlIKC" ouackc rtpocro OCaKBTlfJIC HCToPHjy: O.o;Y1CIHU H joj He caMO gCIV:Hnje ueh 11 RCKOBC 1(1 OTKJHllb8IhC, 'raxo. CTBopeHHX HCTl}PHjCKHX 'iaOJIYna. Mornu CiHCMll IJaHCCTH 6poJHC IIPHMCpC ~ICTUpI1JcKnx r-.m ioxonoua 11 crpa IlIIyTl1J~a. ann hCMO, osor nyra, lr~a6paTl1 (;(lMO jenan, no H31lleM MlilIlJhCJhy KOpMCT~HI npanor, HCl OCIlOBY xojcr he IHUIObHBH HC'I'P"l)KIHlCl'l, oTKpmmjyhH. MlJOrC nojcnjtuocnt, OI1TH y I1PIUHII~H na IlPCJ\crana CJII1KY o ACJlY lfCTOPH.iCKHX norahaja, TaKO KClKO TO IlliCMO 1m HaCJlyhRB<Um.

ORAl?, je pCII caste 0 jcnnoj l,,"CTOPHjCKuj KapTH xao nC1ClOUIUlcl1JH1M H'H10PY ca-snan,a, 0 KapTH KUjy eMU 11I[(11.1c HOCTa 1allOL.."T'HBHnn naxo je lIe'HlML:HJbHlnI llt:TopwjeKu H.1ROP,

Ilpen uasra jc "Xcp0JI,OTnaa acropaja' xojy jc ca C'I'(IPOrplfKor I1PCBCIJ Munau Apcc-

admit In advance that cur knowledge about the onglll and most ancient lustr» y of the Serbs IS very scarce. -ve can 110t always foresee what wrl I force llS to dwell more 01 less on sornethmu


that will appear to us to be an

useful contnbutron to expansion of our knowledge, One should not fear here thai "great experts" wi!l "chop" and rrdicule LIS. emphasizrng our lmuted knowledge. There \\ III be opportumties to familianze ourselves WIth a great number of cases when "critical" remarks simply cnppled history. depriving It not only of decades but also of centuries for removing the so created hIStorical mistakes We could cite numerous examples of histoncal missings and wrollg ways, but we will. this time, choose Just one. II1 our opuuon useful proposal, all the basis of which will a careful rcsearc her) revea ling many particulars, have an opportunity to ha e a picture of a part of bistoncai events. III a way we have no any premonition of.

Ilere just one lustorical map 15 111 que: tion. as an unavoidable source of knowledge, a map rather neglected by us even though it IS all irreplacable historical source

In front of us is "Herodotus' I Iistory", translated frum Greek



!lJih, ~I «n jc JUlIl rw npnoj J 1I}(~1- IIH VJ'YHHja (II)J()) IIOk.WHII) Iny'it.: rail }lUp '1:1 KJI;IC~J1111l.! t':l VHlfll:, Y Hpal fll~('J1lfM i« MCII'I'HPlHHI ua k.paJY "I"FIe.': I 11->1-11 C ;\pCl!IIHh l.!rrlltt,'IHI!.e H l cpauc. 'W KLJ.ll.! KCI~C )tel cv "(':HIl!UBIIUJ~H (I0JICICTII 1\1"(1'1 K{)IY 'I cue pcxu lCpl..ll;, I{I)JY Ill! \1(l.>J<~M()wr 11J\CII'J IIrIHIKYJL:MU. (I II i1:1 WH1J ta cc 1It.:IHC oxo )~IhClIp(lli. Mann 0 l cpn 1111 MH, '~(I caHa lie ilnl Mu II H III Ttl, II ,U XOB II OJI ll}K(lJ I HI

KilTJTI1 H rrdH(I{~11 (J [1I,;Kl:IMti

Gerrhu -tlM, ;~II)Cl.!TpU~'I, hyruM H llll,CIIPUM L.~ldTri:lt-.'10 I~pill 0- l(elmM, clKll lie If Jl!)I)IIICTBCIIMM, ] IMIMC, IiCI K,q1'111 "Pontus euxinus" ;\opaXi:ltloHl Or'l enujyca Wi I )1)0, I01UfIIC, Y IIPCHCJIY OKO W~II )Pll peKt.: 1 'cpxyc '111'1',1 Mt) "Gcrrhus, locus ubi regurn S ytharum sepulchra'', ("n.:pyc, \1t'l.!TO r J\C l.!Y rpnot)1H1 I,;,K ~I'I'CK ~1 X KpaJI.cIHI"), Beh T'lj IIl)H(I'I'lIK ""O>l<l.! WI GYlll! HpCllOl~CI1, jcp YK(:nyjc 11(1 jc pl.!lI n "P'ICT[)PY 11<1 KOjCM cy LKUTCKI1 KpClJI CIlH HY)J{l; BpC icua cuxpau.uuau u. B;lJh/ttl jc 'HlT( 1 upexo I~C~IC ccncpne HIlUI~c.; xaprc K::IP'l'()J'plIfl' r'SCJ(,k:JIl.!}f01CJ "Scythrae SIVC Sarrnatiae Europae pars", 111'1'0 MO}!(<;;. lIt! '1W-I'Hl ItH cy lie I To M IIPClLTOpy ('KHTH I~ Ca pM~ITI1 011WIIC;1I11 UllUrJlCHIIU KlIU HH~ cp.unrc I pyn.uurjc. Y TOM t;MIiC

!IV .Ie; xa p'I'urpmj)' ml(,':pc)l

by Milan Arsenic, who i.tlrcadv In the first year of his S1Ll(i1~s (1931) exibitcd an exceptlunal glll _1'01' classical studies In the precious comments at the end of the first hook Arsenic mentron., also Gerarn, said by lum to have been "inhabnants of till' area the river Gerrhus flows Il1n)U4h, the nver we can nor idcnhly, and was somewhere around the Dnepr".A lthough we know nothi ng about the Gerani so far, wc consider their position ill the map (Inc! the data about the rivers Gerrhus, Dnestar, Bug and Dnepr to be preCIOUS, if not unique, Namely, in the map II Pont us euxinus" by Abraham Ortel ius from the year 1590, in the area around the source of the river Gerrhus we read "Gerrhus


[OGLIS ulu rcgurn Scvtharun sepulchr: .• ". (Gerrhus, the place where the tombs of Scythian kings are"). This datun only can be a precious one, for it points that a space is concerned where Scytlunn kings were being buried for ,I longer tune. Probably for that reason the chartographer recorded, over the enti re northern edge oj' the map "Scythiac sivc Sarrnatinc Europae pars II , which can mean that in that place the Scythians and Sarmatians were marked obviOl!sly as two "kill groups. In 1hnl


'tv!L:OTCK\..)J MlIP" (A'~llBt..:.KOI).

'wfiCJIl.!)/{vH) JCHClII Jl.pclrnl~l!1I

I1lJ,~a'J','IC II M aeons pal us quam Scythaiae gentes circumdant undi que rt pis . II r~aTO JI.;: Bi:IJ"/~a H WIMd)y MCO'/'CKIJJ (;\10BCKIlI), I{(lCIH1j K()/' MI 'pa 11 jy,)f(III1X !laH l1IW KClBKi::na Y"CO "Maeotrae Asiaucae Pars",

Md}YTHM, 0110 JIlT! 1 IIt1C WI l1Buj Kap'I'I-f y Cl.!lll!pHI1M )WJ1Y lIpul~pIHlMOPJ(J, T10reH Ol:T8JH1X II UHHTl:1 KCl KHl) urro cy .I azy ges, Roxolam, Anti (Antue, et Allies), Bodmt Nauri H Getae Daciae pars Hastnrnae Tauro Sythae, iurrcpccyjc jecy IIa'HIRJ.1 Serranum. Sarurn, Sarbacum, cna TI)v1 IHMe~y HI)j i.er ) II b~c'I'pa, fIpY'1 <I H CCPC'I'H,


'WHPh:,lJl HIl(I OBII/\! JCAlIor-.I npm,lcpy "l lpnnora", Y1 ocuouuy WI Ml:lIy UlilOJI1-fOTCKC uCJ[lHU;IICKII HCTllIIIH-1!~U" Ml1i1\- 1\(1 JC nouon.uo WIWl'l'lI H 1I0MClit..:. I [p I h~III(,;Kor lIDHOHOM II a'HtB a Sarum H SkJtlJ<1 Y IJpllT,lIllljH ~1 y! murre lIorlnHIlM cuovcnu C K Il'J'a \I I" HX t) I II II' M l! CTCI IT Y Jill rc Y lICTOIH1JH cupoucxux lIapUJVI, uoccrino Cp(i(J.

YI\e;pCIIH CMU NJ CiI1 l)II<IKTlH I'IIYHIJW'\H n MI..!'I'UHl:Kl-1 11 caHP.>J< ;l.1Ja 1 (i ~1 JHI IH~ II H!C'I'py I'U KOIHICIIII.

sense the chartogi apher, amidst Meenan (Asovian) Sea, recorded a precious datum' "Maeotis palus quam Scythae gentes errcurndant undique riprs II ~I hat is probablv why he Inserted the "Maeunae Asiaucac Pars" between the Meouan (Asovian) Sea, Caspian Sea and the southern slopes of the Caucasus

However, what mtercsts us 111 tlus map in the northe Sn part or the Black Sea Basin, beside the other data such as Jaziges, Ro '01(1111, Anti (Antac, et Antes), Bodiui Naur: and Getac Daciae pars, Bastarnae Tauro Sy: hac, are the designations Serianum, Sarum, Sarbacurn, all the three between the lower Dnestr, Prut and Serct.

That we dwelled with a reason on thrs SIngle example of the II Supplements", beside the baSIC purpose or the edition "Slavic Sources", perhaps suffice to add also the mentions by Crnjanski regarding the designations Sarum in Scythia and BntUI\IH and generally regarding the mentron or the Scythrans and their place and role I n the history of Europian peoples, especially the Serbs

\Ve are convinced that such "Supplements" would be useful 111 a most complex way} methodically and mformauvcly

I. iku 1:111'<1111( .. , Sd11

PIIOII'1 1 Plo1ellll.:ld. 'HiopllHK p;t,llllli:l [JlIlBLhl.II Iouauv UBi! IHll\-. IH.ol P'l.l )1):'4 I.. 'l'\( I d,l

! If v 1Ii1III1h IlB,l!' ,111-1U111 111111.'

u. \' IIUlJlIlIIIi.lllrllIJi Ptlr1H11J.1'ldk. 1111 I. IV' 11," ,I .. , \j~1 l.-1.. iii ( Pl-) .... "wt'1I III \lldl VI II Jill ,[;1 HII!) 11111."

.p II L I I. I r" I.l ~1; H "r 1/ lit) Ll: 11111 ;1<1 lid'" "liB'1 "P',Y!fH BLL I (If,,;(I'dHd Ih11dlnHI~H \I rc.;I~H l'l<IIIIIH,,\' V .llil\.UIH Ii:! Inl), 1..1.. I (lIt! Ipl1 II 1.1.'1 1..1.: IlJ1L 11\(\'1.1 SII bl~l U 111 hV,1I1'111P('BV lHil/(J~h.ll~ II pl..!lU SlriW)14:1 KIIIV Ll; I f1n,!lpl1JII I rlil 1,..1.,; '](If (Ilia II1mlll.l rpoFlIh .. KCI pl,..K'1 K .. .nthos I1 TH S~ arnandros ()(ll.. tl IIHI.. JI'IIIOMLIIL U;lIlUU: 11<1 MCI 111(1 il11L1,li IIpe IL I (If! ' '/~ .: IIH H

II.' Ilpi. K I ,hi 1I1Jl ,II) I Pllil If

(IJ rH11 Ii II..

!, 'lLlII, Ci7N. tlkll) ';;79.

4 II.. C'I IlJd II o fill h CHlpl1 CpIlU<H pO/loCfI! IIHI II IC I (lit H!. H ('r Kap 1I'IUH1 1']17 L I. 1() IK.

". ~kn) L t

h. HCll1 l.', "i, 141~. 7.l'tll[J, c. 411. X.Hllcl,l.7.

II. l1l'ro, c. 41. 1., (II.

P;III,llIH'lHh II;HIlIf;.1I J Il 'f ('{IrtllijH v 1i.:/lIIIIM P' 1J{lIl JlI my 1Ii:1 flll,\;I'1 j I K V Kill I yl :JIIII.HIII11" (;'101'1 III


1. Niko Zhuparuc, "r he

~erbs of PII m us and Ptolomeus Ihe Anthology of the works dedicated to Jovan Cvijic, Belgrade 1924 p 556. When Zhupanlc wrote so, there was not even a prernomtron I n our historiography that the Serbs might have bee~ known of even far before Christ, Had at least anybody got Idea to study the information b Stephan Byzantian about th~ nver Xantos 111 Lycia being said to have been called Sirbis before or Budirnir's note about the river Sirbis bemg Said to have beel~ a.nother name for the Troyan fiver Xantos or Scarnandros! Both these notes refer to the Asi~ Minor space from Lycra via Lydia to Troy and Phrygia

2. Ibid, 578. 3, Ibid, 579

4. ~I, Stojanovic, Ancrent Serbian Genealogies and Chronicles, Sr. Karlovci, 1927, p I, 16-18

5. Ibid, p. 4,

6, Ibid, pp 3, 5, 14-15. 7 Ibid, p. 40.

8. Ibid, p. 7

9. Ibid, p 44. Dj. Sp, Radojichic has found a datum III a genealogy in Sofia where

1,· I


nap Hc..KJJCIIHTI" ( .... h l.'1t:lpt.:

CPII(;Kt.: lIoHYIliHH".KC I(I"JI)K~H IIOC'lli J.1 IIl.fcML:lIu(;'/J.1, IOIlI1IJ1 n.a K (1)11JllnorlH-Kflf rim "YJI'I era y I II 'HOM CaAY, xu.. III, I JOIH1 CHH 19SR. lAO). AKt) (ju os.tc J.1l:K.ICIIVlII 'H!,t'lHll C:IOBl!lIl1l1 f.loto (h1 'I () '$IHI'/(ljClll nO,l<l'l'aK.

10. M. c . Mlw!lILHHh. lIY'!OlllH .. nt:'l(l J1r~IIH; (crape) Cp(j'1]1... II CIIL:("K~I. Y hUll pa.ry I R72 , c. 21lJ (NJ1M .. : :VI I1JlCljt.:IU1 h).

11. Pen.a J lunax >BHh.

han J'IofllKH CrG~1 y lic()! P;'IJ1Y B ('rfii-ljJtl, het'l pan 19R5.

12. f\,Jbi:. 11c1l{dKlJlIllh, .I()IJI I) TIl)PCKJlY ('pfil:1. 1,1 ClUJ CPOCK:-I II)lllJ I V t.:JIY IIG'II r I\. Jl.l:1 1'0 II Y , 1;t.:1 I( rag ll)92.

I'. Ihnall'I'HjcKu lof'mopH 'ii:l {II (;'1'0 P J.1 J Y na P lIfltl .J y I ocna B 11 JC" 'I'O~I I, Gem pa.t 105'), c. \ B, 11 I' IloIWKI1LH1h, ('POl.' Ii pajcxc pLKI.!, I;eol paJl. 1 t)l) I) (HlIJhC;

PaJcKt.: pl:K(.;).

\4. M. C. Man ljl.:lH1h, ( ) f) 1111 H }IIi C'I. I:' I() C 1111 K L r III..: J< 1I I y'll..'IIIH HPY"I'IB(I. KII.. XXXV, Y },t;OI paiW 1872, c. to li\(IJ1,(':: M.

c. M.J.

1 ~ . ] I P H c II 0 M c II Y rOTh

\\(llhU ItPMHLJIH'I B Hi:1 r.:..y 110 t:l\l'j IIJ"HffUill,H flllJI,\.' V IIWlrll1.Y rC'l'U "lilt: LI\llMIlII.l..' 11 IHIMLKIi lIu;IIIH( OllllJVljC Ita'WII HPK jc KaO '\:1'1 ()tlt..: II 11 I (inpHl.lv!<1 y 'li)MI1JY

beside I ICII11115 there tands (1110,0 II And emperor lsklcnm" (J rom old Scrluau 1 ranubian literature and lite: acy, 1 he Annual of the Faculty of I hilosophy III \'UVI SHd, bonk III, NOVI S 19)8, IGO) Should here the lsklcnm meal' Slav II would be a Significant datu III

10M S Mrl0JCV1C.

Travels In a Part or the True (Old) Serbia, vol, Il, In Belgrade 1872, p 219 (further Mrlojcvic)

II Relja Novakovic, The Baluc Serbs in Belgrade and Serbia, Belgrade 1985

12. Rella Novakovic, More A bout tile Ongi n or the Serbs And All the Serbian Served Dagon, Belgrade 1992

1'~ Bvzantian Sources for the l listory or the Peoples of Yugosluvra, vol I, Belgrade

1055, P \ see also R

Novakovic, The Serbs and the Paradise Rivers, Belgrade 1 c)95, (further The Paradise Rivers)

14 fVl S 1\,{lIolevlC,Obshti List, The I kl aId of Serbian Learned Society, book XXXV, 111 Belgrade 1872, p lCl (further 011 M S M)

I 5. At the mentum or the Goths one ought to think that prl1iJtlhly the (;eti arc in question here, mennoned also hy Roman


ver uy ) 983 (K erografisano J985, Michigen USA). R. I\J ra ICt. PYCL IV Ii V Ii t.xa ... A. BCJlhTMCillti. M(l(;KHCJ IHS8, c. 24- 2(-,. ](1 Htl 11K" rrpocrop BcoMa KllPHl:JlCt ilI(18)f(i'Hf,cI Ii «neua H. 'Hcropaja PYMYJli:I" tlj( I hfKOJIt:

Iopr e ca PYMYHCKor npCBCO Hp BJlCtIlHMHP Maprau. Bpurau ).1 II Istorija rumunskog naroda", uredio akad. Andrej Ocetea, Matica Srpska.

16. Ila je cacraan.a-r Onurrer nncra Morao HMaTH Ao6pc ",mope xao Lla H(I M nOTBpt.JYJc a nOJ{C:lTaK 0 ( pOHMa Y UH .. TdSY BOJcKe Ancxcannpa Benaxor. ']";J II1TO nacan cMcrrpa na ey C rOBeHH raso mI"JSalHf 'lOaf "cnaSHHX paruax nena" 1I0L1'Hf HyTKX Y Anexcannposo] R JJCl(H He Mopa ce (XnaTIiTH xao HCBpeAHH fIOJ~3 rax, jep nacau U31HBa CnnBCHHMCJ H IOTe (JtIHI ICJlHll l erej. CKHTC If Copa6c. I(OJD nacy cnoMeHYTH Y3 nepaon Anexcaxnpoae ana-

aBHHC. Cnoaeu Ferra MceTO Iera MO)Ke Aa 6Ylle oil BenHKOf lHatlaja, jep () r OTHMa y AncKcaHJlpOBO npeMC HeMa HH cnoxena. BC<':T cacraun.asa Onurrer nKl.TCI 0 Cp6HMCI Y Anexca IIAPOBoj sojcua He MopaMO aesasara 1a nonarax y KlhH1H Anexcaunpoeau ca R50

role of the Avars In these events. Columbia Umverslty 1983 (XE rographed 1985, MiChigan USA), see Atila, the RUSSian IV and 'I by A Veltman, Moscow 18 8, P 24-26, for the Dacian space very useful observauons and assesments see The HIstory of the Romanians by

ikola Jorga, translated to Serbian by dr Vladimir Marzan

I:;) ,

Vrshats and The History of

Romanian People. prepared acad Andrej Ocetea, Mattea Srpska.

16 That the compiler of the "Obshti LIst" could have had good sources as If is confirmed by the datum about the Serbs In the composition of the army of Alexander the Great The writer's oprruon that the Slavs were named so because of" gl onous war deeds" accomplished in Alexander's army need not to be understood as a worthless datum


for the wnter calls by the name Slavs the Goths (obviously Geti), Scythians and Sorabs that had not been mentioned for the period of Alexander's rule TIle mention of the Goths instead of the Geti can be of a great Importance, for there is not any mention of the Goths in Alexander's time The information of the


JIHCT3 KOJa ce nOJIOBHHOM XIX OCKa HaJla'3WT3 y LlarpajapIUUjCKOJ 6H6n~(YJ'cItH y n~hH y xojoj ce, xaxo jc 'janHCaIlO, uajaaure rosopa 0 AncKcaHHPY MaKe1\oHcKOM "", TO xao 0 CJ·OBCHCKOM. a uapoxaro cpnCJ{OM J ocnonapy" . AKU jc PW30tUJO cnoMMlbaTH Anexcauupa MaKC11.0HCKOr xao ananapaCp6HHa CHryPHO je na ce He MO>Ke OCJlOPBTH ncrrpc6a na ce oGe BeeTH y pa1J1HQHTHM WiBopHMa npoaepc H ynopeae ca noaauaaa Y KojHMa ce 0 nocrojalbY Cptia aa Banxaucxoa nOJIyoL1"pBY rosopa '" nome H IlaBHo npe Anexcaunponor apeMeHa (M. C. M. 1872, c. 218). YO("TanoM. H I10,naT3K 0 Anexcaunpy "sao cpncxoa ananapy" He Mopa 11.a '3Hat[H xao snanapy-Cpriany, aeh cauo 0 snanapy xoja jc anauao M IH:lpOnOM KujH je JOW TanC:J npananao HCKoj npacrapoj cpncxoj rpynauaja Y KOJOj cy CC jour T"dJ),3 Momo uanasara rpaAOBH xao 6Ma 30pa. TpOCTon, 3aropa, Oxpa, Jl Mea, Cpf H npyra.

17. CnOMHlhalhe "OCMOCOTHor" BpeMCHa. 01lHOCHO OCMOf-AcBeTof sexa, Heyo6uqajeRo je H He '3HaMO rAe je, xana je H y KOjy CBpXy 1'3 j nonara K sopamhen y nanroj HCTOPUJU. 0

complier of "Obshti LIst" about the Serbs In Alexander's army we have not to connect With the datum In the book "Alexandrovac" on 850 sheets that was In the Patriarchal Library 10 Pee In about the rruddle of XIX century where. as It was recorded the most was spoken about Alexander the Great "and that as about a Slavic, and especially Serbian ruler If It is risky to mention Alexander the Great as a rulerSerb, it is sure that a need can not be denied that both information should be checked in vanous sources and compared With the data where about an existence of the Serbs an Balkan Peninsula had been wntten far before the time of Alexander (M. S. M. 1872, p. 218) After all, the datum about Alexander being a "Serbian ruler" need not to mean as being a ruler-Serb, but just a ruler that reigned over the people which even then belonged to some ancient Serbian groups where even then might have been be the cities such as Bila Zora, Tristol, Zagora, Ohra, Lisa, Srb and others.

17 The mentioning of the "octocentennial" time, ie the eighth-ninth centuries. is unusual and we do not know where,


. '. lIpOCTOpy cpnCKC

KOJeM Jt: . .

,u;p)K(lB~ PC'l Ii o KOJ'1M JIHl[1I0c.:.-

THMa. a IIl!Ml::l pa1JIlH a ga TlOM.l1CJJf{MO f~a jc nOnllTi:IK W~MfllllJ1,ell.

. na JI.: Y

nOIOTOHY axo BepYJt.:MO '"

TO BpeMC 1I<)(;Tojl:.lJla cpl1CK(1

.n.pJKaBa HllH JleKOIlIitKLl Mi:Jll>HX oumH..:TI{. Ocrajc )CJlllIlO na IICKOM Jlpl1JUfKLlM IIOKYIllCllMI..l H8 YTUpIVIMLl lU1JH je 'I'll 1I(JJ.VI'f'3K. I~HAH M. C. M. c. 12 H A(1JLl!. ,

Hua lie. lloAOtlOM M. C'.

MHJ1ojclHfhl.!BUf H1ACI n.a "OrnuTcr JHKTa" ormH':t.1O (;I.! np I {HKOJIH Pa,IJ.oj'nih. "0 '1 pOllOllJKOM pOHO{;..IJOBy't. (,KAt 110- (';cOIICl 111).lalbH xu.. LXXXVI. Ticorpan 1911. KPH1I-JlI~H ()CBPT Pa,IJ.ojlJHheB ]1(1 MH.JlOJCBHhcBU }1.t!11 ) yrmiBHoM JC net ,rnmall.

lR. M. C. M .• c. 13.

19. II PCMH OUcHiC urrc 11 ,y

JlpaloMupa MapHIIKoHHba ropIhH '1 cK(;T ce II(1Jli.nH y Encyclopedia International Grolier, mcorporeted, New York 1971 H Y

EncyclopedIa Britanika. .,

20. Real encyklopadic fur

protestantische Theologie 1I.nd Kirche, Leipzig 1904, 1 he catholic Encyclopedie, Volum Xl, New York 1911 1l0H Nicetas.

21. IIcKl! JlojC)V111C)(;'IH II lIaneJ\clIHM CMCPOBRMH KpC'1 (111,(1 MOry ce 'iamnwrH Y KIf,WHi P. 1I0S(JK01H1h. ('pO" R p(lJt:KL:

when and to which purpose that datum was used in our literature


which area of the Serbian state

and which persons are Concerned, and there is not any reason to think that the datum had been concocted, even more so If we believe that 111 that time a Serbian state or several lesser areas had existed It remains on Iy to try on some other cecasion to ascertain whose datum it is. See Nl.S {VI. p. 12 and further.

Otherwise, on the occasion of M S Milojevic's edition of Obshti List dr Nikola Radojcluc wrote A bout Tnpedal Genealogy, SKA. Special Editions book LXXXVI, Belgrade IlJ31. Radojchlc's critical review of Milojevic's work was negauve for the most part

18 M.S M, p 13

19 According to an infermatron by Dragornir Marinkovic the above text is found 111 Ency clopedi a International Grolier, incorporated, New York 1971 and In Ecy clopedra Britanica,

20 Real encyklopadie fOr

protestantische Theologre lind Kirche, Lcrpzig 1904; The catholic Encyclopedic, vol Xl, New York 1911 under Nicctas

21 Some part iculai s about

peKe, Bcorpan lSJ~).

22. The mummy of Zagreb and other Etruscan, Lydian and Lycian written monuments, S. S Bilbija, Chicago] 989. Preamble.

23. VICTO.

24. VfCTU .

25. Rashani or Etruscans. s. 5. Dna 0PHfl1I1UJIflC1 11 ua


lleja'I'oBHhclwr pOAocnoB<J (no Jh. Cloj<lIIolmhy Y PYKOIIlH:Y ws XVll 1ICI«I) on ana JC IIClIPIJytJCIIC:l, YUCI'CWOM Ki:IO 11 llaLllH rll>HI1CJIOBH Ii Jle'J'UIIHC11 y II,CJ1HHI'!. 0110 111'1 o jc Y ono] 6eJ1eHlI~1l IIOCe0l10 YUlJJ1.r11H) jec're HCO KtljH I JJHCH "l la Kfl W~Bp()I((JjCTCI.;,

11 npneja ITpl1XOHMT B OT'It;CTBt) CH 11 lib PMJIIlnje (I) CrpCl!l VI .•• t'. K(IO 111'1 0 BU)~liMlJ J1r~a Pl>11I11L1j~ C'lojH r~lmK Qy1:J":'lha. OIIJ1TJICHI1() J~ )W JI.! Taj )GJH1K IIPHpebl.flHJlry WWJICnao CYMIJ,l.fn, lIITU 'H IB1J(; Tty]\1I0. Y MHOI 11M CJIY'IajcBHM(1 OcJ I C IIII' c I nH II YIX P u.u UCJ I 0 IHI n :ICT()IIM~(I IllleY ca IIYBClllC y OPIH't1IIC1JIY, B~h MaXOM OIIIT~~ hcuc, 11CIlPCKI'I)J,HIlC H nlCIH11c IJCt.:IlPC I'IlU H III;;CTPY'IIILlIIUIU':'iHIlL:, lia lIpeMCl I [lMe ~I IICJ,J(;Ill:, Y l,nOM CJlylJujy IR:pnBll'l'1I0 jc pel! o T1crHIOHY Kuju jc IIPC'I'Xtl}I,I1U 1 kMlllb111111M HnJnlcJ{Y lie I HJ1HCT, Kantl [c, Kcll'(J IW)I{C IlpnnBCII '1(11111, "()I~(l 1\ I.: JI II I'll MC'I'C}I( Y

the cited directions of movement can be observed in the book by R Novakovic, The Serbs and the Paradise Rivers, Belgrade 1995

22 The mummy of Zagreb and other Etruscan, Lydian and Lycian wntten monuments, S S. Bilbija, Chicago 1989. Preamble.

23. Ibid,

24. Ibid.

25 Rasham or Etruscans, p 5. This original and seemi ngly

strange note of Pejatovrc's Genealogy (according to L.I, Stojanovic in a manuscript from XVll centuty) remained unstudied, after all like our genealogies and chronicles generally What is especially conspicious 111 this note is the part reading "And thus he returned and went firstly to the fatherland In Pr,IIIHl1jl! (Rashan) (1) land .. ,II. As we can see, behind l'i.uurnje there is an exclamation mark. It is obvious that that form seemed eonspicious to the compi ler, that being natural III many cases the notes of our genealogies and chronicles have not been preserved in original, but are mostly damaged. interrupted and latcr on awkwardly and unskillcdly bound, and therefore vague. In (his case the point is probably a


auca~o which he !R'ashan II as that it has The same found by

bandages of


... prayers

_"lile" In that

1)oj8 •

ll.y2yje.W) ncUJIff{'PHY J(IX8{1J1HOCI1i ()}m.lw uoiu YJlOJ/fW/lf! ceoja ()O(jpa (){/ 611 ce IW CIIIP{/ItH- 1«(/.11ll (we KII,llle lfojafil/JW 'wpo6- 1/11 pe« 0 /lml/Ol ItC/WItW

0111'. innneasurabt« 1/ k

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/0 (1 1 iosc wlio l,eI/Jed "

I, - '/ ' H /Ill

I .l~l~· c01J~n )1~110m rhe puh.

Iishing oj this book d /'

, I ea III~

wan VIII wondcrfu! past:

rocaob« Mura BYllKOflllh IIJ BoJ1olVe. fOCIlO!)il A-fH/bu 3(~ttef;U" U-l lJW(u20. rOCIlOr)II1/ BYK 3e~u'1111f; {{3 tjllh"tl?ll.

l1p ByKo 3eltl;'.(3/ilt 11.1 l/W<tlZa.

Mrs Mira Vllckovif [rom Bologna, Mrs Mil]« Zecevu; from Chicago, Mr vuk Zecevic (1'0111 Chicago, Dr vuko Zerevic [rom Chicago.

ClP _ Ka'l'aJlol'lni.lI~lIjll y llyG;1I1KaI~11jl1 H~lpuAIW IlllriJ}IHITcKl:1 CpGl1jc. r;l!orpaJ~

HOBAK( ) Rl1Tl , Pen-n

Kapll:lT":KII \I J1IIKUjCKu t 'pGIt : IIIH1J1Il'm '301

uC'rlllntjy Cp6a lJl~ npyrnl' Mltlll:11lljyl\ta IIpe H.~. no XIV nexa !Pen a HIIBaKIlBl1ti - The Carpathian and Lycmn Serbs : sllpp!l!nlCll\S

for the hislOry of Scrbs from 11 Mtllcllllllll

B,C until XIV ccnlur) 'RclJ<I Nnvakovir.

_ p . .,3)\. I. I ;\.:l1lvaH : 1'v1 HjH1CJliW, Jl)l)7 (flalI'ICIH): rpa<plll;). Il)J 1.:'1'1'- : \1J1yl:Tp. ~

24 em .• (blt6JII1IlTeK:l ('JIOlll!IICKI1 ItCTolJ 11I11~1I.

<. nel~ujaJ\II1l wjHall,l.!' '~alluJ\ 'j(l ":PllIlCTlIKY "CapJJ,tllntja" 113 lJUKaI a n Jt1fIA "MI1PIll.':.JlLlIl" II',{ I;col pana =- Eduion SlaVIC Sources. Special

EditlOll ,Institute for SerbIan Studies

"Sardoniya" ofC'hicago lind IPA "Miroslav" 01


YIIOp. 1'CKCT na cpu. II eurn. jl::'SIIKY· 1'1Ipa>t<


ISBN H6-H241:'7 17l}

l).'." /lJ.N

a) ('p6n ucrnpnj a Hfl-51lJ61 H6K

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