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section of the member. For this design example, (A

/2s + At/s)min =
50(4)/60000 = 0.003.
Column (11) of Table 4.11a shows the required spacing if a 113
closed hoop is used as web reinforcement. Column (12) shows the maximum
spacing allowed in the ACI/AASHTO design procedures for shear and
torsion. In this case the requirement that the maximum stirrup spacing
be d/4 = 15.44/4 = 3.86 in., if Vn = 6 J4QOO 2(4)(15.44) =
46.88 kips, controls thesection located at a distance of 1.29 ft. from
the face of the support (since the shear is taken by two walls b
= 2(4)
= 8"). From there on the maximum stirrup spacing is controlled by the
requirement that S < d/2 = 15.44/2 = '7.7 in. for shear. Column (13)
shows the selected spacing of web re inforcement for each of the design
Table 4.11b shows the required amount of longitudinal
reinforcement for torsion. In the ACI/AASHTO design procedures the
total area of longitudinal reinforcement required for torsion Al is
evaluated as
xs (_u ___ )
fy "
T -I- 'u
u 3C
x +y
2A J(_l_l)
t s
whichever is the greatest but Al from Eq. 4.35 need not exceed that
amount obtained by substituting in Eq. 4.35
Column (2) shows the total area of longitudinal reinforcement required
to resist torsion evaluated using Eq. 4.34. Column (3) shows the values
of Al evaluated with Eq. 4.35, and column (4) contains the amount of Al
required using Eq. 4.35, but with 2At = 50b
s/fy. Finally, column (5)
shows the total amount of longitudinal reinforcement required to resist
shear and torsion. Note that the results of the application of current
specification values in this example result in substantially more
longitudinal reinforcement being added at midspan where the shear is
lowest. This is a direct contradiction to the truss analogy results.
Failure due to crushing of the concrete in the web of the member
is presented in the case of shear by limiting the nominal shear strength
of the member Vn to a values less or equal to 10 ~ bwd. For this case
10 J4000 (4) (15.4
0 = 39 kips on each wall. Since V at a
n max
distance "d" from the support centerl ine on each wall is given as V
= 24.1 kips, then failure due to crushing of the concrete in the web
would not take place prior to yielding of the reinforcement. In the
case of torsion this failure is prevented by limiting the torsional
shear strength of the member Tn = Tu/to a value less than 5*T
this case Tc = 56 in.-kip at the design section a distance d away from
the support; thus, since 'fu/r/J =15010.85 = 176 < 5(56) = 280 in.-kips,
failures due to crushing of ~ e concrete in the web prior to yielding of
the stirrups are prevented.
4.3.9 Detailing of the Longitudinal Flexural Reinforcement in
the ACI/AASHTO Design Procedure. Figure 4.28a shows the final design
for midspan section of the box beam. The two 118 longitudinal
#3 U
(a) Cross section at midspan
~ . 5
(b) Cross section at support
Fig. 4.28 Detailing of the box beam
compression bars will remain continuous through the entire member length
to provide adequate anchorage for the stirrup reinforcement in addition
to helping in controlling creep deflections. Three of the five 19
longitudinal tension bars will be kept continuous throughout the entire
length of the member. The theoretical distance from the midspan where
the other two 19 bars can be terminated in order to satisfy flexure
requirements in X = [(5-3)(156)2/ 5 ]/5 = 99 inches. Since the bar is
going to be terminated without bending it into the compression zone then
the total length will be given by A = x + 12db' where db = diameter of
the bar to be terminated, or A = x + d whichever is greater. Then A =
99 + 15.4 = 114.4, say A = 115 inches.
However, in order for the 2 #9 bars to be terminated in the
tension zone at least one of the following three requirements must be
satisfied (1,2):
1. The shear at cutoff point does not exceed 2/3 of that permitted,
including shear strength of reinforcement provided.
2. Stirrup area in excess of that required for shear and torsion is
provided along each terminated bar over a distance from the
termination point equal to 3/4d. Excess stirrup area shall not
be less than 60b
s.f Y' Spacing s shall not exceed d/8Bb' where
Bb is the ratio of area of reinforcement cut off to total area
of tension reinforcement at the section.
3. For III bar and smaller, continuing reinforcement provides
double the area required for flexure at the cut-off point and
shear does not exceed 3/4 of that permitted.
For the first condition Vu at the cut-off point has to be less
than 2/3Vn. The factored shear force at the cut-off point is equal to
16.8 kips on each vertical web, the nom inal shear strength of the cross
sec t ion at the cut - 0 f f po i n tis (7.8) + V s' w her e V sis the she a r

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