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Robert andbianeSigafoose
50 Monk's Hii! Road
Singapore 0922
Republic of Singapore
Serving in Singapore
Forwarding Agent:
Delmer Rhodebeck
1429 Norwood
Granite City, IL 62040
(618) 877-7120
1429 Norwood, Granite City, IL 62040
Dear Friends in Christ,
On September 7, while on a ten-week
mission trip to Australia, Bob suffered a
heart attack! He was able to get help right
away and was taken to the hospital by
ambulance. He was hospitalized for nine
days, three in I.C.U., and then was moved to
a private home for rest for six more days.
Diane flew to Tasmania to be with him until
he was able to travel to Singapore.
On September 30, (Bob's birthday) he
entered the hospital in Singapore to undergo
an angiogram test to assess the damage. Test
results showed that one artery behind the
heart had been damaged 30 per cent. The
artery is still strong enough not to warrant
angioplasty and is being treated solely with
medication. The doctor stated that she was
convinced that the heart attack was caused
by cold weather shock which Bob received
in Tasmania.
We want to thank all of you for your prayers
and concern by way of cards and letters of
encouragement during this time. Many have
been received. It is such a comfort to know
that people all over the world are praying for
us. We want to thank our dear Singaporean
friend, Audrey Lim, who is working in New
York City, for advancing the money
($8,000) to have the medical testing and
possible angioplasty done. We must pay in
advance in Singapore.
"Praise to God and the Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ the Father of compassion and
the God of all comfort who comforts us in
all our troubles, so that we can comfort
those in trouble with the comfort we
ourselves have received from the Lord." (II
Corinthians 1:3,4)
Needless to say we need and covet your
prayers during this time for Bob's health and
financial responsibilities that follow. At this
writing,we have received a reimbursement of
$4,467.46 from our insurance company;
$1,384.13 was not covered. Diane's flight to
Australia was $722.29 and miscellaneous
expenses of $550, makes a total of $2,656.42
needed by the end of 1993.
Bob had been asked by the churches of
Christ in Australia to speak to them about
the opportunities for mission work in
Southeast Asia. The churches there thought
Bob's experience of working with the Asian
people would benefit their mission program.
Many of our churches in Australia support
foreign mission work through a mission
society and have little or no contact with the
people they support. During the time Bob
was to be in Australia, one month was to
have been spent in Sydney teaching in
theological school and doing a seminar on
family enrichment. He was to spend the last
week in October speaking to the Churches of
Christ convention in Toowoomba. Bob was
hoping to generate interest from churches
there for the work in Malaysia as well as the
rest of the region, which so desperately
needs to know the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Last April Bob rushed back to the States to
be with his father who was diagnosed with
cancer for a second time in a year. He was
able to be with his dad during the radiation
treatment. The response to the treatment
went well, so well in fact, that Dad had to
hurry home from the treatments to get his
garden in for the season.
Diane is still doing
quite well, although
in August she was
given a PhD (Perm
anent head Damage)
from her doctor,
who thinks that she
should not complain
but be grateful and
thankful that she survived since it was
miraculous that she lived from the fall. She
is gradually being taken off the drugs and
will eventually be off all the medication.
Diane will have to be content with the dizzy
spells, the "ice-pick" headaches, and some
memory loss. She does insist that she is
improving every day. We appreciate so
much the concern on her behalf. Especially,
we want to thank the First Christian Church,
Collinsville, Illinois, for the financial
assistance to pay the many hospital and
doctor bills which the insurance did not pay.
After completing five years of study in the
U.S.,Richard and Josephine Wong have
returned to Singapore to take the full time
ministry of the Singapore Christian Canaan
Church. Richard has received his Master's
degree from Lincoln Christian Seminary.
We praise God for the dedication and hard
work of this young Singaporean family. The
members of the congregation are looking
forward to his ministry with them.
You may remember that we reported that
the church building of the Singapore Gospel
Church, which is owned by the government,
may be torn down in 1993. Recently, this
congregation was given two years to find
another place to worship. The officials have
offered to sell the land back to the church
for 4.8 million U.S. dollars, but then they
would still have to build a new building.
The only alternative that seems feasible is to
send these members to the other two
churches in Singapore.
Praise the Lord! Thank you for your
prayers. The church is doing very well in
Malaysia. A very successful eight-day
seminar was held by Larry and Roberta
McMillian from the Oxford Church of
Christ, Oxford, Indiana. Fifty five attended
the Sunday evening service and eight were
baptized the last day. Twelve have been
baptized _into the Lord Jesus Christ this
year.Ten transfers have come to help in the
work of the Lord. Bob and Larry built a
baptistry from plywood and installed a
waterproof liner. It worked! Eight people
were baptized.
John Millason, the minister of the Malaysian
church, his wife Shanti, and his family have
had many health problems this year. It is
thought that John may have an ulcer and
Shanti is also having stomach problems.
The government doctor is not positive of the
diagnosis on either of them because of the
limited medical facilities. There are no
funds to go to a private hospital with better
equipment. Shanti must wait at least three
more weeks to see the government doctor.
We would like to take this opportunity to
introduce you to a few of the very special
workers in the Malay congregation. If any of
you have ever been instrumental in starting a
new congregation, you know the hard work
that is involved. There is so much work to
be done by so few. Jaya and his wife and
three boys have come from a Methodist
background. Paul and his sister, Anna, a
school teacher, both single, come from a
Catholic background. They have become
very active in the work. Suria and his wife
have a new baby_ boy, Simeon, a name
chosen by Bob. Isaac, a single man, and his
sister Ruth have been very helpful to the
work. There are many others who have
helped in so many ways. We praise God for
each one.
Granite City, IL62040
Permit No. 51
Good News
Christian Mission
1429 Norwood
Granite City, IL 62040
Forward and Address Correction Requested
BOX 2427
Serving in Singapore
t nil
yl CWXJi'
Robert and Diane Sigafoose
50 Monk's Hill Road
Singapore 0922
Republic of Singapore
Serving in Singapore
Forwarding Agent:
Delmer Rhodebeck
1429 Norwood
Granite City, IL 62040
(618) 877-7120
1429 Norwood, Granite City, IL62040
Dear Friends and Co-workers in Christ Jesus:
Greetings in this new year of 1994!
Many ofyou were expecting some news from us
during Christmas. We thought a New Year's letter
more appropriate this time. It seems alreadythat the
new year is going to prove to be yet another exciting
one for us and hopefully for all ofyou as well.
Christmas here in Singapore found us cooking the
more traditional foods ofthe Midwest that we are
familiar with such as, turkey, dressing, cranberry
sauce, etc. As usual, we had two separate dinners.
We prepared one for our American colleagues, plus
Singaporean and Japanese church families, and the
other for the staff and families ofthe Christian Book
Stores that Diane has begun working with. It is
always amazing to see Singaporeans tasting
unfamiliar food. They love the adventure of it all.
Now, we are still busy in the sun among the palm
trees and skyscrapers ofthis far away land of
Singapore. These days added rainfall from the rainy
season does bring about cooler temperatures. A
person wouldn't believe it, but a daytime temperature
of 86-88 degrees makes living a little more refreshing,
almost as good as a snowfall.
Last year seems nothing more than a whirlwind when
we stop to ponder and remember the highlights ofthe
year. With Diane still attempting to recover to
maintain a normal life after her life-threatening fall in
September 1991 and Bob having his heart attack
September 7, two years later, one would think we
both would have lost some "wind in our sails." Well,
we did, but the wilderness experience ofit all has
only renewed our faith in an ever-present God who is
in control of all things. During the many days of
despair, imceitainty, and helplessness, our confidence
in God deepened. We realized through it all that God
still has a purpose for keeping us here a little longer.
We also began to see how He was opening doors for
pressing on with His Gospel. Furthermore, Singapore
is fast becoming one ofthe most expensive countries
in the world in which to live. With the rising cost of
living and the continual downtrends ofthe U.S.
dollar, we feel we financially can no longer stay in
The independent churches we have worked with in
Singapore are now operating on their own. Richard
Wong, our Singaporean who graduated first from St.
Louis Christian College with a bachelor's degree and
then from Lincoln Christian Seminary with a master's
degree, is back in Singapore and now the full-time
minister ofthe Singapore Christian Canaan Church.
The other three independent churches we were
working with are all growing with strong leadership.
A Timothy from the Singapore Gospel Church has
now started an independent Christian church. This
will be our Chinese (Mandarin speaking) chtirch. It is
located on the northeastern part ofthe island and
already has about twenty-five in attendance.
The Malaysian churches are striving to be self-
supporting during this year, although they have a long
way to go. We have exhausted every avenue trying
togetamissionaryvisaintoMalaysu. We cannot!
While many ofyou reading this letter will be
disappointed at our leaving Singapore, let us share
with you some new developments that have transpired
just these past few months.
Wehave given thought in recent years to
ways andmeans ofentering China to
establish the Church, Our aim was, of
course, to help someone else go with no
thought at all ofour going. As you probably
know, it is impossiblefor missionaries to get
into China. In seeking God's willfor our
lives these pastfew months, doors have been
openingfor us to go in.
Bob and our long-time Singaporean friend, David
Chang, have always had the idea of someone entering
China with a training school. This school would give
the Chinese people training in the fields that are
needed, such as, computers, management, English,
office skills, etc. These classes would be conducted
by Christian teachers brought into China from the
United States and Singapore. Hopefully it would be
possible professional retirees, or any other qualified
individuals, to come to share their skills and expertise
with the people of China.
Bob and David have worked on the idea of a training
school from time to time, but for some reason it did
not materialize. There seemed to be no interest or
initiative fromthose to whomthey talked. The school
would link-up with one or more schools from the
States to insure a diploma. As an extension ofthis
school, a legal church would be planted.
Moreover, when Bob had his heart attack last
September, David was thoroughly shaken. He
realized, as we did, that time was short for
proclaiming the Gospel. A few weeks later David
quit his lucrative job as General Manager ofa leading
company in Singapore and decided to devote himself
to full-time service to China. David has traveled to
China many times during his work with various
companies. He has made many contacts with the
Chinese in China. Many ofthose he met were at high
office levels.
Just since Bob had his heart attack, doors for China
have been opening so fast that it seems unreal!
David and Bob have met with many people in
Singapore about the cost of setting up such a training
center. All contacted seemed to be interested and
excited, but no one has come forward to financially
support the project as yet. It will take a great deal of
thought and prayer and financial support for such a
project. We estimate the minimum cost to set up the
school to be $150,000.00 U.S. There is a great wealth
of knowledge to gain from Singaporean Christian
professionals. They will be a great help in opening
doors wider than we could.
Bob and David have also met with an official ofthe
Ambassador from China to Singapore concerning
these plans. The first survey trip intoChina on
January 17will begin in Shanghai, then move to
As it is the beginning of a newyear. Bobis nowsixty
years ofage and Diane will soon by fifty-five. We
feel that we need to make new directions in our lives.
Even though we have looked forward for so long to
being back with our families and enjoying our
grandchildren before too late in life, it seems God still
has work for us to do on a mission field.
Through many times of prayer and discussion, we put
all of this into the hands ofthe Lord. Often the
scripture from Psalms 55:23 came to mind, "But as
for me, I trust in you."
Proverbs 19:21 says, "Many are the plans in a man's
heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."
Please be praying for us that we will continue to walk
with God in this endeavor to spread the Gospel, that
we conduct ourselves as God would have and not act
solely out of personal desire.
As we close this newsletter, we want to say thanks to
all ofyou for the cards and letters over the past few
months. We were so encouraged and given strength
from each one we received. What a blessing it is to
have family and friends!
Good News
Christian Mission
1429 Norwood
Granite City, IL 62040
Forward and Address Correction Requested
Serving in Singapore
Granite City, IL62040
Permit No. 51
Q^Robert and Diane SIgafoose
50 Monk's Hill Road
Singapore 0922
Republic of Singapore
May 1994
Serving in Singapore
1429 Norwood, Granite City, IL62040
Forwarding Agent:
Delmer Rhodebeck
1429 Nonwood
Granite City, IL 62040
(618) 877-7120
Dear Friends in Christ Jesus:
Greetings in the name of our Lordand Savior. May the Lord richly blessand keep you in His loving
Manythings have developed since our January newsletter reached you. The opportunity for Diane
cffid me to move to China continues to improve. Developments in Singapore reached the point that
it beccimenecessary for David Chang and me to go to the States to mcike contacts for import-export
business opportunities in China. A Singapore company paid the ciir fare to the U.S.
Abusiness/commercial sponsor is needed in order for us to geiin entrance into China. I feel
confident that an agreement can be reached that will allow us to work eunong the Chinese people,
developing the Church in much the same fashionas we have done in Singapore. As in the past, we
will continue to be dependent upon financieJ support from the States in this new venture. Dieine and
1will be making a trip to Shanghai, China, in June to obtain more concrete information and
determine just where we will live and work. We plan to move to China early in 1995.
There are 1.2 billion people living in China. Many know about the church, but they do not know the
Lord Jesus Christ. I have been invitedto worship and work with a church in China. I would be able
to preach to some 30,000 people in the immediate area. There is also a very good possibility of our
being able to erect a new church buildingin the area. There are still many things that we do not
know, but we hope to obtcun much more information while on our trip in June..
I have also taken advantage of the time in the States to be with my father and brother. Both of them
have lung cancer. My father is quite ill, cuid has been in and out of the hospital during the last
several months. At one time he needed a chest tube suction to draw the fluid from his lungs and
now is on oxygen deiily. My brother is now undergoing chemotherapy. The treatment is working
and the cancer is disapF)earing. Please pray for both of them as they go through this most difficult
Diane and I will be returning to the States for a planned \^it with all of our supporting churches
September 1994 through February 1995. At that time we will provide you with as much
information as we can.
This new work is a big undertaking for us. Even though the door in China is opening, there are still
many things that we do not know. We certainly need your prayers that God will give us wisdomand
guidance in this endeavor. We will also need to raise some additional support for moving cindinitial
operating expenses.
We appreciate your expressions of love and concern and look forward to being with you in person
this f^.
In Him,
Bob Sigafoose
Good News
Christian Mission
1429 Norwood
Granite City, IL 62040
Forward and Address Correction Requested
Serving in Singapore MISSION SERVICE
BOX 2427
Granite City, IL62040
Permit No. 51

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