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[ h ] n the thirty-third and last consonant of the Bengali alphabet.

[ hici ] n a very loud uproar; fuss. v. to raise an uproar; to fuss noisily.

v. to gallivant, to gad about (noisily and cheerfully).
[ h ] n being; happening, occurrence; birth; groth; production; collection, for!ation;
acco!plish!ent; perfor!ance; procure!ent; rendering; beco!ing; setting in; sufficing; the state
of being in particular relation ith; act of beco!ing one"s on or one"s property; fitting. v. to
be; to co!e into e#istence, to be created; to happen, to occur, to ta$e place ( ); to be born;
to gro (); to be produced or !anufactured; to gather or collect; to for!; to be earned or
gained; to be ac%uired ( & he has !ade !oney); to advance ( ); to
increase, to gro, to add to; to be finished or acco!plished or perfor!ed; to be procured or
obtained; to be rendered or turned into, to be reduced to; to beco!e ( ); to arrive
(); to set in (); to e#tend over, to cover ( & it is to days since
he ent); to be sei'ed or attac$ed ith ( ); to fall ! " ; to be sufficient or ad
e%uate for, to suffice (#); to bear a particular relation to ( $ & he is !y
relation); to beco!e one"s on or one"s property ( ); to fit ( ); to be
li$ely to happen ( & it !ay be so, it !ay happen so). a. co!pleted, finished; done;
perfor!ed ( ). $v. to drop in te!porarily ($%& #); to be about
to ter!inate or end, to co!e near the close; to be in the last gasp, to be dying ( #).
' [ hasa ] n the dra$e; the gander, the san; a greedless ascetic.
(a. fem. al$ing
(gracefully or ith a slight addle) li$e a duc$.
)* n. a duc$"s egg; (facet.) a cipher, a 'ero, a
!ere nothing.
n. cac$ ling.
n. an )ndian !usical !ode.
& n. one ho rides a
duc$; Brah!a (,-). n. fem.
( a fe!ale riding a duc$; *oddess +arasati (.().
(/n. a duc$ling. '01a. seated on a goose or san. '(n. fem. the duc$; the goose.
[ ha$a ] a rightful, ,ust, right. n. rightful clai! or title, right ( $ , ); ,ust
or right ords ().
[ ha$aca$n ] v to be nonplussed, to be ta$en abac$; to be astounded or
[ ha$adra ] n one having a rightful clai! or title, a rightful clai!ant.
[ ha$ra ] n a huc$ster, a pedlar; (loos.) a ha$er. 2 a nes-!an; a
nesboy. n. huc$stery, pedlary.
[ ha$i ] n hoc$ey.
[ ha$i$ata ] n (la) descriptive state!ent.
[ ha$i!a ] n a physician practising the )sla!ic syste! of !edicine; a ha$i!. a. of a
ha$i!. n. practice of -usli! syste! of !edicine.
[ ha$iata ] n proprietorship; right; clai!; a title-suit.
[ ha,a ] n -oha!!edan pilgri!age to -ecca and -edina, had,, ha,,. v. to go on
[ ha,a!a ] n digestion; (iron.) !isappropriation or appropriation to oneself by cunning
(3 ); (idio!.) act of enduring ta!ely, poc$eting, salloing (4% ).
v. to digest; (iron.) to !isappropriate or to appropriate to oneself by cunning; (idio!.) to
endure ta!ely, to ta$e so!ething lying don. a. digestive ( 5 & digestive pill).
6( [ ha,aytr. ] n a -usli! pilgri! to -ecca and -edina.
[ ha,arata ] n (-us.) a lord, a !aster, a venerable or honorable person. 7 the
/rophet, the founder of )s la!.
, 8 [ haa, ha ] int indicating0 suddenness, %uic$ness, rashness etc. adv. hastily;
suddenly; i!petuously; abruptly.
[ ha ] v to !ove bac$ards or aside; to retreat; to evade an obligation or under ta$ing, to
bac$ out; to ithdra; to be defeated. v. to cause to !ove bac$ards or aside; to repel; to
cause to retreat or bac$ out or ithdra; to defeat.
9 [ haa ] n a !ar$et.
n. a confused uproar, a hullabaloo; ru!pus; din.
(n. a
: n. (facet.) a hutted structure in a !ar$et used as a shop.
; [ haha ] n application of force, violation; retreat, ithdraal; defeat; indiscretion,
i!prudence; rashness.
;( [ haha$r. ] a rash, foolhardy, i!petuous; indiscreet; obstinate. fem. ;<(
;n. rashness; foolhardiness; i!petuosity; indiscretion, obstinacy.
; [ hahayga ] n a for! of yogic practice or breath control by yogic !eans or prescribed
;= [ haht ] adv suddenly, all on a sudden, all of a sudden. ;= an upstart; (cp.)
[ ha>?$n ] v to get out of position accidentally; to lose one"s footing; to slip; to
glide; to slide. n. slipping or gliding or sliding.
[ ha>?ba>? ] int indicating0 great rapidity in tal$ing, !oving, doing etc. v. to
hurry over!uch in tal$ing, al$ing, doing etc.; to fuss and hurry. a. & adv. over-hasty;
fussy and hasty.
[ ha>?ha>? ] int indicating0 slipperiness; rapidity; rattling noise; ru!bling noise
(%). v. to be slippery (to the touch). a. slippery.
@, @, @( [ ha, hai$, ha. ] n (no rare) an urn.
[ hata ] a $illed, slain; ruined, destroyed, spoiled, pulled don, i!paired; lost, bereft of;
frustrated, foiled; bad, retched.
Aa. (coll.) very ugly or uncouth; very !ean or vile; very
B a. deprived of glory, shorn of glory; past all glory.
D a. deprived
of consciousness, unconscious; stupefied, utterly perple#ed or confounded, flabbergasted.
graceless; retched; rec$less and dissipated. A a scapegrace; a retch; a rec$less and
dissipated person; a rascal, a rogue, a scoundrel, a loafer.
E a. al!ost or nearly $illed.
speechless oing to a!a'e!ent; du!b; du!bfounded.
(F a. having lost one"s vigour, rendered
vigourless; ea$ened.
, * a. stupefied, nonplussed, utterly perple#ed or confounded,
a. unfortunate, illfated; retched, !iserable. fem.
dishonoured; hu!bled; hu!iliated; slighted; disgraced.
H a. having lost one"s reverence for or
faith in; disgusted, broned off.
Hn. irreverence; apathy; disregard; neglect; slight; disdain,
H(a. deprived or shorn of one"s grace or beauty or prosperity or glory.
[ hatdara ] a not received ith cordiality or ar!th; neglected; slighted. n. lac$ of
cordial or ar! reception; neglect; slight.
/ [ hat1a ] a disappointed, crestfallen; de,ected, don in the !outh, despondent. / v.
to disappoint; to de,ect. /n. disappoint!ent; de,ection, despondence, despondency.
I [ hat1bsa ] a having lost one"s reliance (on) or faith (in); bereft of hope, hopeless,
de,ected, crestfallen, despondent.
[ hathata ] a dead and ounded.
[ hat2 ] post fro!, since; of. sa!e as & G
J [ hats!i ] int ) a! undone. J see -J G
[ haty ] n $illing, slaughter; !assacre; !urder; persistent s%uatting at the te!ple of a deity
for obtaining divine favour. v. to $ill, to slay; to !assacre (lit. 3 fig.); to !urder.
v. to s%uat at the te!ple of a deity for obtaining divine favour; (fig.) to solicit doggedly.
(@n. an instance of ho!icide; carnage; $illing; a !assacre; !urder.
(n. a ho!icide; a
!urderer; a slayer, a $iller. fem.
<(n. !urderess. % n. the offence of ho!icide or
!urder; culpable ho!icide a!ounting to !urder. %(a. guilty of ho!icide or !urder. n. a
ho!icide; a !urderer (fem. a !urder ess). fem. %( G
[ hadi1a
] n infor!ation, trace, clue, first taste or gli!pse ( 2 /); here abouts
/K ; a !eans, a ay (L/).
[ hadi1a
] n the body of traditions about -oha!!ad the /rophet, the hadith; -usli!
M [ hadda ] n boundary or ,urisdiction. a. e#tre!e (M ); not e#ceeding, in all (M
M a. & adv. at the !ost; at best.
[ hanana ] n $illing, slaying, slaughter, !urdering, !urder. v. to $ill, to slay; to
!urder. ( a. that hich can be or is fit to be $illed or slaughtered or slain.
[ hanahana ] int indicating0 al$ing or !oving at a great speed. adv. at a great
speed, very fast; in hot haste.
, N [ hanu, han6 ] n the ,a or the ,abone, the !andible; the chin; (obs.) the 7ntellus; the
langur. n. the langur; a character of the 8a!ayana.
O [ hanana ] n (facet.) al$ing; al$.
PP [ hantadanta ] a e#tre!ely hurried and an#ious, in a nervous hurry or flurry; fussy.
P [ hantabya ] a fit to be $illed or slain; to be $illed or slain.
P [ hant ] n a $iller, a slayer; a !urderer (fem. a !urderess). a. $illing, slaying; !urdering.
Pn. a $iller, a slayer; an obstructor; an obstacle. a. $illing, slaying; obstructing.
Q( [ hantr. ] fe! of P
: [ handara ] n (obs.) a hundred eight.
[ hany2 ] a frantically rushing and loo$ing for ( 23); !adly rushing to $ill or beat
or bite or attac$, (cp.) running a!o$; fren'ied; rabid ( ).
R [ habacandra ] n an utterly stupid $ing of fol$ tales. R RQ( a $ing and his
!inister, both utterly stupid; (fig.) a stupid person and his e%ually stupid counsellor.
[ habana ] n an oblation of fire; a fire-sacrifice; burnt-offering. (n. a pit for !a$ing
sacrificial fire.
[ hab ] n 7ve.
[ habi ] n any article esp. ghee offered in fire-sacrifice, a burnt-offering; clarified butter,
ghee; an oblation of fire, a fire-sacrifice. S, ST, Sn. (rare) sunned rice boiled in ghee;
(pop.) boiled sunned rice and ghee. S v. to eat (nothing but) boiled sunned rice and ghee.
S/(a. eating (nothing but) boiled sunned rice and ghee.
[ habu ] a to be; ould-be; future.
[ habya ] n sa!e as a. fit to be offered in fire-sacrifice, oblational.
** [ ha!bita!bi $ar ] n bluster, bullying; inti!idation. ** v. to bully, to
bluster; to inti!idate; to breathe fire.
---- [ ha-ya-ba-ra-la ] n gibberish, abracadabra; disorder, !essy condition.

[ haa
] n the horse, the stallion.

[ haa
] v the for! of in the present tense and third person. (fig.) to
disprove hat is true, to undo or unsettle a settled fact. - a. i!pending, i!!inent.

[ haa
] con either ( , ). ............ either......or.
[ haat ] adv perhaps, perchance; possibly; probably.
[ haarna ] a harassed; fatigued; badgered. e#asperated. v. to harass; to fatigue;
to badger, to e#asperate. n. harass!ent; fatigue; e#asperation.
[ hara ] n +hiva (/); (!ath.) a deno!ina tor or divisor. a. $illing; destroying; re!oving or
allaying; ta$ing aay; carrying off; robbing; (!ath.) deducting or dividing.
[ hara$ata ] n obstacle, hindrance, i!pedi!ent, obstruction, stu!bling bloc$.
[ hara$ar ] n a !essenger; a courier; a postal !essenger, a runner; a post!an.
B( [ haragaur. ] n +hiva (/) and :urga (F ); the !anifestation of +hiva and :urga in
one body.
U [ haragha>?i ] adv every hour; alays; often, every no and then.
< [ haraa ] n carrying off, robbing, plunder, stealing, pilferage, lifting; abduction; re!oval,
allay!ent; destruction or act of ta$ing aay; (!ath.) division. <v. to carry off, to rob, to
plunder, to steal, to pilfer, to lift; to abduct; to re!ove, to allay; to destroy or to ta$e aay;
(!ath.) to divide. <-%N< n. division and !ultiplication.
[ haratana ] n hearts (of playing-cards).
[ haratla ] n stoppage of all or$ in protest throughout a ide area, hartal.
[ harada!a ] adv alays; incessantly, continuously, non-stop; often, every no and then.
V [ harapha ] n any letter of the alphabet, a character; (print.) a type. V-W n. type
casting. V W 2 a type foundry.
[ harabla ] n one ho !i!ics or is capable of !i!ic$ing various voices, sounds, notes
etc., (cp.) a !i!ic.
--X-X [ hara-hara-ba!-ba! ] int a sound uttered in honour of +hiva (/).

[ har
] a. fe! of G
[ hari ] n ;arayana (<), <ishnu (Y ), =rishna (! Y). a. yello or auburn. US
(lit.) the cohouse of >ari *hosh; (fig. 3 facet.) a place here noise and confusion reign;
a pande!oniu!. scattering of , that is, seet drops, in honour of ?ord >ari for the
congregation of devotees to pic$ up. @ >ariA @ >ariA (uttered to e#press a!a'e!ent,
disgust etc.)
5< n. act of singing the glory of ?ord >ari.
: see : G
n. (lit.) ?ord
>ari"s people or floc$; (pop.) the depressed classes a!ongst >indus or a !e!ber of these
n. yello orpi!ent.
-Jn. the cal# of yello orpi!ent. +n. a loud shouting
of the na!e of ?ord >ari.
v. to utter (repeatedly) the na!e of ?ord >ari in devotion.

ZZ a bag to hold the rosary of beads hich $eep count of the nu!ber of ti!es the na!e
of ?ord >ari is repeated by a devotee.
rosary of beads hich $eep count of the nu!ber
of ti!es the na!e of ?ord >ari is uttered by a devotee.
E n. attach!ent or devotion to ?ord
n. any eleventh lunar day of a fortnight hich is a day of fast; (facet.) fasting.
(v. (facet.) to go ithout food. to fast.
n & int. a loud shouting of this ord !eaning
Bshout the na!e of ?ord >ariB. CLa. devoted to or orshipping ?ord >ari. n. a devotee of
?ord >ari; a <aishnava.
Ln. devotion to ?ord >ari.
L K v. (idio!.) to have one"s
high estee! or confidence lost.
n. fast, fasting; going ithout food.
v. (facet.) to dine
ith :u$e >u!phrey or ith :e!ocritus, to en,oy Bar!ecide"s feast, to tighten one"s belt, to go
ithout food.
'(F n. singing in chorus in praise of ?ord >ari; a song thus sung.
n. an
asse!bly to discuss the glory of ?ord >ari.
n. ?ord >ari and ?ord >ara or +hiva (/).
(usu. of to friends) inseparably united (li$e ?ord >ari and ?ord >ara in one body), (having)
one soul and one !ind, boso!.
< [ haria ] n the buc$, the stag, the deer (pl. deer); the antelope. fem. <( the doe, the hind,
the fe!ale deer or antelope.
/\n. a fan.
, <](a. fem. fan-eyed.
(n. a prison-house of ancient Dalcutta; a prison, a gaol, a ,ail, a house of correction.
<' n. (as food) venison.
=, [ harit, harita ] n the green color; verdure. a. green; verdant. ^n. e!erald;
green vitriol; (erron. but pop.) blue vitriol.
_<F [ haridbara ] n 3 a green; yello.
` [ haridr ] n tur!eric.
<F n. & a. yello. Ca. yelloish.
[ harila ] n a species of yello bird of the dove $ind, the green pigeon.
(( [ har.ta$. ] n blac$ !yrobalan.
[ har2$a ] a !any and diverse; assorted; different ( ).
of various $inds;
[ har2dar2 ] adv on the hole; on an average.
F [ hart ] a 3 n one ho carries off or robs or steals or abducts or re!oves or allays or
destroys or $ills. fem. 6F( G
F n. a destroyer and builder; a $iller and creator; (fig.) an absolute
ruler, a dictator.
F n. a destroyer, a $iller and !aintainer; a $iller, creator and preserver;
(fig.) an absolute ruler, a dictator.
F [ har!ya ] n a large and beautiful building, an edifice, a !ansion, a palace.
n. the floor
of any roo! of a !ansion or palace.
(for.) n. pl. large and grand !ansions, palatial
F] [ harya$a ] n a lion.
SF [ hara ] n ,oy, delight, pleasure; !irth; happiness; erection. (SF) SF< n. sa!e as SF Ga.
giving ,oy, ,oyful, delightful, delightso!e, pleasant; causing to stand up, upright (SF<).
a. beside oneself ith ,oy. SFa. gladdened, delighted, pleased. SF b n. ecstasy, rapture,
elation. SF cV d a. bloo!ing or bea!ing ith ,oy or de light.

[ hala
] n gilding. v. to gild.
a. gilded, gilt.

[ hala
] n the !ain roo! in a great house, a hall. Elso U G

[ hala
] n a plough.
v. to plough, to till (land).
n. a plough!an, a
tiller (of land), one ho drives the plough.
! = sa!e as (G ! n. agriculture, cultivation.
[ hala$ ] n (obs.) a floc$, a troop ('S/ ('); (pop.) a sudden hot ave
[ haladi ] n (dial.) tur!eric.
[ halad2 ] a. 3 n yello.
P [ halanta ] a (gr.) ending ith a (e or f) sound or sign.; consonantal. n. a consonant;
(gr.) the sublinear consonant sign (e or f).
V, % [ halapha, halapa ] n a sole!n searing or oath. V v. to sear, to ta$e an
oath. gI V v. to sear by *od. V v. to sear to.
n. an affidavit.
[ halahala ] int., indicating0 over!uch looseness or slac$ness. a very loose or slac$.
[ haludha ] n one using a plough as one"s eapon; Balara! (), the elder brother
of =rishna (! Y).
[ halhala ] n (!yth.) a deadly poison.
( [ hal. ] n one e%uipped ith a plough; a plough!an, a cultivator; Balara! () the elder
brother of =rishna (! Y).
[ haluda ] n tur!eric; the yello colour. a. yello.
[ halya ] a cultivable, arable. fem. n. cultivated land.
d [ hall ] n a riotous uproar or tu!ult, a hullabaloo; (sl.) a raid or chase by a posse of
police!en. d v. to !a$e a riotous uproar, to !a$e a hullabaloo; to $ic$ up a ro.
f, hi [ has, hascihna ] n (gr.) the sublinear sign of the consonant sound; "," this sign.
[ hasana ] n act of laughing or s!iling; a laughter, a laugh; a s!ile.
P, P( [ hasanti$, hasant. ] n a vessel for holding fire, a fire-pot, a fire-urn.
[ hasita ] a laughing; s!iling; bloo!ing.
j [ hasta ] n the hand; the forear!; the ar!; the corresponding li!b of beasts; a cubit.
(j%). @N n. (lit. but rare) the itching of the hand; (pop. 3 fig.) a strong desire to do
so!ething by the hand esp. to beat or rite. CB/n. artful use of the hand; (loos.) pal!ing;
]% ,
]%<v. to set one"s hand to; to intervene, to interfere.
a. in
one"s possession, in hand, on hand; obtained; appropriated; received; sei'ed.
v. to secure
possession of, to get hold of; to get in hand or on hand; to appropriate; to sei'e.
v. to
!ove one"s hand; (facet.) to beat, to flog.
a. driven or run by the hand, hand-driven.
passed or slipped out of one"s hand.
v. to pass out of one"s hand or possession or control;
to slip out of one"s hand.
n. the pal! of one"s hand.
_ n. the to hands, both hands.
v. to hold one"s hand.
E< v. to stretch out or e#tend one"s hand.
C& n. !asturbation;
2n. the line on the pal!.
2%; v. to tell (one"s) fortune fro! the lines on the
2 v. to tell one"s fortune by studying the lines on the pal!.
2 n. a pal!ist.
(Uv. to pal!.
2a. ritten by hand.
2% 3& a !anuscript.
2 n. handriting;
a !anuscript.
%-/SD sa!e as j]-/SD G
/k n. handicraft; handior$.
/k(n. a
handicrafts!an (fem. a handicraftso!an), an artisan. j] n. handriting; calligraphy.
j]/SDn. an e#pert in handriting, a ch(e)irographist. jln. a finger. jP n. (rare)
another or a different hand; (pop.) transfer to another"s hand or possession or control; handing
over; (la) conveyance; (rare) transfer to another hand. jP a deed of conveyance.
jPv. to transfer to another"s hand or possession or control; to hand (so!ething) over (to).
jPa. transferred to another"s hand or possession or control; handed over; (rare) transferred
to another hand. j=a. & adv. li$e a !yrobalan placed on the pal! of the hand; already in
one"s grasp. j%F<v. to lay hands on; to set one"s hand to; to interfere, to intervene.
j [ hastabuda ] a accounts past and present; a descriptive rent-roll (of an estate) dran up
j [ hast ] n the thirteenth of the tenty-seven 'odiacal stars according to >indu astorno!y.
jP [ hastidanta ] n the elephant"s tus$; ivory.
2a. inlaid ith ivory.
j( [ hastin. ] n. fe! the fe!ale elephant, the co-elephant; the orst of four types of o!en
fro! the point of vie of se#ual union.
j%, j% [ hastipa, hastipa$a ] n the driver or $eeper of an elephant.
j [ hasti!ada ] n a ater secretion fro! the nostrils, eyes and penis of a !ust elephant.
jN2F [ hasti!6r$ha ] a utterly stupid.
j/ [ hasti1l ] n a stable for housing elephants.
j\@,j\K@ [ hasti1uua ] n the elephant"s trun$.
j( [ hast. ] n the elephant.
[ h ] int indicating0 grief, suffering, a!a'e!ent etc.; oh, ah, ha, alas.
[ hi ] n a yan. v. to yan.
V[ hiph2na ] n (gr.) a hyphen. V v. to hyphen, to hyphenate.
K, K[ hui, huib,i ] n a roc$et (for fireor$s display).
KK[ hu!u ] n a loud or uproarious co!plaint attended ith ailing; hue and cry.
KKv. to !a$e a loud or uproarious co!plaint ailingly, to raise a hue and cry.
[ h >? ] n an e#tensive !arsh or %uag!ire or fen.
[ hd ] n a seat fi#ed on an elephant"s bac$, a hodah, a haudah.
[ h ] n air; ind; bree'e; cli!ate; (fig.) contact or influence ("); (fig.) general
tendency, trend ( ). v. to fan. 2v. to en,oy fanning; to have an airing;
to air oneself; (sl.) to fast, to eat Bar!ecide"s feast. v. to fan; (facet.) to deca!p.
%v. to get air; (fig.) to get sti!ulus; (fig.) to co!e in contact (of) or to be influenced (by);
(fig.) to sense. n. a change of air; (lit. 3 fig.) a change of cli!ate. -: n. an air-
gun. sa!e as % e#cept the last !eaning. v. (facet.) to disappear, to
vanish (into thin air); to deca!p, to flee. v. to air.
4V n. !eteorological office.
(n. a !otor car, a car.
[ hl ] n custody; charge. v. to co!!it to the custody or charge of.
n. a
piece of land held under fi#ed ter!s and conditions.
n. one ho holds an aforesaid piece of
[ hlta ] n borroing; a debt; a loan. v. to borro. v. to lend.
-M n. borroing and fi#ing a future point of ti!e for pay!ent. a. borroed,
ta$en on loan.
[ h
] n open !outh or e#panse of open !outh or bea$; a gape; an opening, an orifice
(F 3 ). 3 v. to stare ith open !outh, to open one"s !outh, to gape. 3 v. to beco!e
ide open, to gape; to for! a large hole in oneself. 3-a. gaping (such as ound).
[ h
] int. 3 adv indicating0 ac%uiescence, affir!ation, confir!ation, presence, response etc.,
, 3[ h
, !hng ] int used in addressing a person fa!iliarly (3 ).
3[ hn$a ] n a loud call or shout. 3 , 3 %v. to call or shout loudly, to bal (to).
3)[ hn$a$a ] n repeated loud calls or shouts; ide reputation of being ealthy and
poerful. 3) %v. to raise a hue and cry.
3[ hn$a>?n ] v to brandish or !ove ith an eclat (; 3); to drive
very speedily or proudly (3); to build ith a great eclat ( 3).
3[ hn$ ] v to call or announce or declare loudly.
3[ hn$n ] v to drive aay, to chase aay; to drive proudly ( 3).
33[ hn$hn$i ] n repeated loud calling or shouting. 33 v. to call or shout
loudly and repeatedly.
3[ hnc ] v to snee'e.
v. to cause to snee'e.
3[ hnci ] n a snee'e.
3[ hna$n ] v to ru!!age busily; to !a$e a !ess of in course of ru!!aging.
3[ hn ] v to al$.
v. to cause to al$; to teach one (esp. a baby) ho to al$.
%& n. a
ay to be covered by al$ing.
3n. repeated al$ing; repeated visits on foot.
3v. to go
(to) or visit repeatedly on foot.
3 [ hnu ] n the $nee.3 , 3 %v. to $neel don, to be on one"s $nees. #3 $nee-
deep ater.
3 [ hnuni ] n al$ing, a!bulation.
3[ hn>?i ] n an urn-shaped pot. 3 an urn-shaped clay pot turned blac$ on account
of being used in coo$ing for a long ti!e.
n. different pots and ,ars collectively; $itchen
utensils. 3;v. (fig.) to be burdened ith the drudgery of coo$ing. 3 2 (fig.) the
private affair; internal secrets or in for!ation.
33[ hn>?icnc ] n a bird a$in to the !agpie, the )ndian tree-pie.
3[ hn>?i ] n an inferior li%uor distilled fro! fer!ented rice, rice-beer.
3[ hnd ] a fat, corpulent; idiot, dull-itted.
n. an idiot of idiots, a great idiot.
3%, 3V[ h!pa, h!pha ] n laboured breathing; panting; asth!atic spas!. 3% ; sa!e as
3% G 3% v. to e#pel a deep breath; (fig.) to breathe freely. 3% 4/ breathing-
ti!e, breathing-space, respite; a breather. 3% v. to be out of breath; to pant, to breathe hard; to
be sei'ed ith an asth!atic spas!. 3% 3v. (fig.) to breathe again, to heave a sigh of relief.
3%v. to pant; (fig.) to fidget. 3%n. panting; asth!a. 3%-(n. an asth!atic patient.
3[ h!sa ] n the dra$e; (fem.) the duc$; the gander; (fem.) the goose, san. 3 duc$-
3[ h!sa$ala ] n a hasp; a latch.
3V3[ h!saph!sa ] n laboured breathing; (fig.) fidget. 3V3 v. to breathe ith
difficulty, to gasp for breath; to fidget.
3 [ h!su ] n a crescent-shaped $nife ith a haft.
3 [ h!suli ] n a crescent nec$lace.
3-3[ h-!h ] int used to prevent or interrupt suddenly.
[ h$i$a ] n a $ind of precious stone, cornelian.

[ h$i!a
] n a !agistrate; a deputy !agistrate; a ,udge; a ruler. n. !agistracy. a.
[ hg ] v (ind.) to evacuate one"s boels, to ease or relieve nature; to have loose !otions.
v. to evacuate another"s boels, to purge; to cause to have loose !otions.
U[ hghara ] n (rare) a ho!eless person; (pop.) a lo fa!ily. Ua. born of a lo or indigent
m[ hara ] n the shar$; (fig.) an e#tortioner; (fig.) a sharper.
, 2[ h,ata, h,ata$hn ] n a guardroo! for under-trial prisoners; a (police)
loc$-up; police custody.
[ h,ari ] n sa!e as andFa 7uropean or 7nglish !eal. brea$-fast.
lunch; dinner.
[ h, ] v to rot or be spoilt by being drenched in ater (esp. in rain-ater) for a long ti!e
( ); to be affected ith chilblain (% ). n. e#cessive rainfall or flood (\2); sore
caused by e#cessive use of ater, chilblain.
a. (of a pond) shallo and !iry.
[ h,ra ] n 3 a thousand. , thousands of; countless; in countless
nu!ber; in thousands. # one in a thousand. even if repeated a thousand
ti!es or ti!es ithout nu!ber. n. a co!!ander of a troop of thousand soldiers.
\2[ h,1u$h ] n e#cessive rain or flood and drought.
[ h,i ] n a pious -usli! ho has perfor!ed pilgri!age to -ecca and -adina, a ha,i.
[ h,ira ] a appeared; present; attendant. v. to bring (one) in presence
(of), to !a$e one appear, to present. &v. to be in attendance; to attend; to be present.
, v. to put in an appearance, to appear; to attend; to be present. ,
n. attendance, appearance; presence. -2, -, -2, - n. an
attendance register.
[ ha ] n a !ar$et (esp. one held on fi#ed days of the ee$); a fair; (fig.) a disturbingly noisy
place (U -); (fig.) a concourse, an asse!blage ( ); (fig.) abundance, plenty
(0%). v. to visit a !ar$et for buying and selling, to !ar$et; (fig.) to open fully or to
open to public vie ( n ). , v. to establish a !ar$et; (fig.) to
cause to asse!ble; to !a$e a loud disturbing noise. m a !ar$et or fair on the point of
closing for the day or for the ter! or for good; (fig.) anything disrupted or on the point of
inding up.
n. a !ar$et-day. , (coll.) n. a !ar$et-!an (fem. a !ar$et-o!an). a.
carrying goods (and also people) to the !ar$et ( B); going to the !ar$et for buying or
selling, !ar$et-bound, !ar$eting ( ). 3 m to disclose or reveal one"s guilt or
rong-doing in public, (cp.) to ash one"s dirty linen in public.
[ h >? ] n bone. a. (used as a pfx.) to the bones, inveterate, utter. v. (fig.) to
e#haust or e#asperate utterly (ith toil or affliction); (fig.) to beat blac$ and blue. 53
N <Fv. (fig.) to beat soundly, to belabour. v. (fig.) to relieve or to feel relieved.
v. (fig.) to trouble or pester in the e#tre!e. m, $ sa!e as
53 G v. (fig.) to feel relieved. - v. (fig.) to be inseparably
variants of ; G
! %< a. e#tre!ely !iserly or niggardly; close-fisted.
! %< a s$inflint.
, (coll.)
n. the ad,utant stor$, the argala; (fig.) a long-nec$ed
long-legged thin person, (cp.) a bag of bones.
n. bones and ribs.
a. (fig.) reduced to
a s$eleton, s$inny.
a. (fig.) troubling or pestering in the e#tre!e.
%a. (fig.) precocious
to the bones.
%, o,
/ a. ic$ed to the bones.
ma. (fig.) e#tre!ely toilso!e or
fatiguing, e#tre!ely strenuous.
M n. all particulars or infor!ation.
adv. utterly indigent or
retched. adv. to the bones.
[ h>?i ] n a scheduled caste a!ongst >indus; a !e!ber of this caste.
;, [ h>?i$ha, h>?i$a ] n a ooden fra!eor$ to hich the nec$ of a
sacrificial victi! is fi#ed at the ti!e of i!!olation.
) ) , ) -) ) [ huu, hu-uu ] n an )ndian outdoor ga!e, $abadi ()) G
p[ hi ] n (usu. facet.) bone.
a. reduced to a s$eleton, very gaunt, s$inny, s$in and
[ hta ] n the hand or the fore-ar! or the ar!; the corresponding li!b of beasts; a cubit; (fig.)
possession or control; (fig.) influence or !anipulation, hand. 3 an ine#perienced or
uns$illed or$er, a ra or poor hand. 2 an e!pty hand; an unorna!ented hand.
4] a s!all letter (of the 7nglish alphabet). % a s$illed or e#perienced or$er, an
old hand. 4] a capital letter (of the 7nglish alphabet). $v. to develop the
habit of. v. to ring one"s hand (in order to e#press regret or to curry favour).
v. (fig.) to in (one) over or to bring under one"s control or to bring into one"s possession.
v. (fig.) to s%uir! (lit. to bite one"s hands) in disappoint!ent or frustration.
v. to read one"s hand or pal!. v. (fig.) to ta$e off one"s hands, to cease
participating in a or$. v. to or$ %uic$ly ith one"s hands, (fig.) to raise one"s hand to
stri$e (&& ). v. to %uic$en pace of or$; to beat or belabour ith one"s
hand, to cuff. v. to fold one"s hands; to apologi'e or solicit or salute ith folded
hands. &v. to have one"s hands full. v. to beat ith the hand, to lay hands
on, to deal or stri$e a blo (to so!eone) ith one"s hand, to assault; to raise one"s hand in order
to vote for (or against) or to e#press one"s assent, to raise one"s hand (to support a person or a
proposal). ; (fig.) to acco!plish a stupendous tas$ by hu!ble !eans. v.
to touch ith one"s hand to handle; to ta$e in hand, to set one"s hand to, to underta$e; to
intervene. % v. to beco!e utterly de,ected and stupefied at one"s ill-luc$. 2v.
to read one"s hand or pal!. to al$ hand in hand. %v. to be touched or
handled; to be ta$en in hand, to be underta$en; to be interfered ith. %v. to get one"s
hands used to so!ething by practice, to beco!e s$illed by practice. %v. to earnestly
re%uest or as$ for (!o!entary) assistance or help, to beg. v. to pass one"s hand lightly
and often caressingly over anything. v. (fig.) to in over or propitiate or pacify or
console ith adulatory ords and caressing. & v. (facet.) to cheat by ca,olery, to
heedle (so!ething out of so!ebody), to angle. ; v. to clench the fist.
sa!e as G /2v. to learn firsthand. a. only a handful, very fe in
nu!ber. (fig.) to be e#tre!ely close-fisted or !iserly. v. (idio!.) to
i!portunate or solicit very ardently. v. (fig.) to subdue o ea$en not by beating
but by starving. v. to ta$e or hold in one"s hand; to ta$e up or underta$e. %v.
(fig.) to get under one"s control. %3 l (fig.) ready proof. %v. (lit.) to be
handcuffed; (fig.) to be arrested by the police on a cri!inal charge. & v. (fig.) to
beco!e very haughty or to beco!e very proud of one"s poer or authority. W
$V (fig.) a shot in the loc$er once thron ill not co!e bac$. ]( % ;v.
(fig.) to thro aay one"s fortune.
n. a handcuff. %v. to handcuff.
(n. a handsa.
Sa. stingy, niggardly, closefisted.
a. having one"s ar! or ar!s
a!putated; ar!less; (of shirts, blouses etc.), sleeveless.
2 n. poc$et !oney.
2a. e!pty-
handed; earing no orna!ent in one"s hands; having all one"s !oney e#hausted, bro$e; having
no or$ on hand.
2a. given to spending profusely, lavish; bountiful.
;n. a hand-note, a
note or a su! of !oney borroed; a chit; a short note or letter.
a. out of possession or
control, lost, out of hand.
n. a bec$oning ith the hand.
v. to bec$on ith the hand.
( n. stinginess; frugality; pilfering habit. v. to grope; to appropriate to oneself; to
n. clapping of hands. v. to clap one"s hands.
n. a thing
obtained out of another"s favour; a charitable gift.
a. very obedient to. -%3a. utterly
helpless; inescapably bound to. -% 3 Vv. (fig.) to thro or fling to the ,as of
death hence escape is i!possible; to con sign to utter !isery.
v. to change hands.
(qn. a s!all bo# esp. for $eeping !oney and other s!all valuables, a cash bo#, a handbo#.
(n. a hand-grenade.
(a. close-fisted, stingy.
n. gloves.
/ n. reputation for efficiency
(esp. of physicians, layers, artisans etc.).
n. a handle.
n. good !ar$s!anship.
V n. s$ill
of the hand; sleight of hand; deftness in pilfering ith the hand; the state of being light fingered.

[ ht
] n li!its; area, confines, precincts ( ) G

[ ht
] n a ladle; a sleeve (of a coat, shirt etc.). v. to ladle out. V a.
having sleeves up to rists. Va. having sleeves up to elbos only.
[ htn ] v to sei'e or to ta$e possession of (esp. by cunning); to appropriate to oneself;
to !isappropriate, to defalcate; to ru!!age ith the hand; to handle.
[ hthti ] n a scuffle ith hands, a hand-to-hand fight. a. hand-to-hand.
a battle-royal.

[ hti
] a (used as a sfx.) !easuring so !any cubits (/ ); directed toards the
right or the left hand.

[ hti
] n the elephant; (fig.) a very corpulent or hefty or bul$y or gigantic person.
%Sv. to $eep an elephant; (fig.) to e!ploy or $eep so!ebody ho entails tre!endous
e#penditure for the e!ployer or $eeper. 2 an elephant"s feed; (fig.) an enor!ous feed.
3 a tus$. \3 a trun$.
[ htira ] n a hand-eapon or handtool; a eapon; a tool.
:a. carrying ar!s on
one"s person, ar!ed.
/ [ hti1la ] n a stable for housing elephants.
\3 [ hti1un >? ] n articho$e.
[ htu>?i ] n a ha!!er.
[ htu>?2 ] a %uac$salving, charlatanic. n. a %uac$salver, a %uac$, a !ounteban$, a
charlatan. c a %uac$ physician, a %uac$.
n. %uac$ery, !ounteban$ery,
!ounteban$is!, charlatanis!.
[ ht2 ] adv by hand; at hand; ready to hand; on hand. -adv. first hand; by direct
practice and training.
2n. the sacra!ent of initiation into one"s studies, first lesson in riting to
a child; (fig.) initiation into a or$; co!!ence!ent of apprenticeship or the initial stage of
learning (a trade etc.).
a. hand!ade; (fig.) brought up or built (up) by oneself.
adv. in the
very act of doing, red-handed. .F% to be blessed ith an une#pected stro$e of luc$.
-adv. fro! hand to hand; red-handed; directly; readily, pro!ptly (-)
[ hn ] v to drive (a eapon etc.), to stri$e ith, to shoot ( ); to cast, to dart (! "
); to flash ( ). n. an attac$ (/r ); a raid (%/). a. haunted (by an evil
spirit). v. to raid; to haunt.
n. a raider.
n. a haunted house.
n. !utual fighting,
[ hni ] n destruction; loss, da!age, i!pair !ent; a har!, an in,ury. v. to destroy; to
da!age, to i!pair; to in,ure. (there is) no har!.
a. causing loss, destructive;
da!aging, i!pairing; har!ful, in,urious.
% [ hpara ] n a furnace (esp. of a s!ith), a forge; bellos, a bloer.
%/ [ hpity21a ] n very greedy or eager e#pectation or longing; (erron.) regret or
repentance. %/ v. to long for or e#pect very greedily or eagerly; to regret or repent.
[ hpusa
] a strea!ing ith tears (% 3).
[ hpusa
] int indicating0 the sound of eating noisily.
s% int. indicating; %uic$
repetition of the aforesaid sound.
V [ hpha ] a half. V-$2 n. a $ind of Bengali song-tourna!ent. V-j n. a de!i-rep.
V- n. a tic$et (of railay, cine!a, theatre etc.) issued at a concessional price to children, a
concessional tic$et. V-)n. a half holiday; or$ or ages for half the usual daily or$ing
hours, half ti!e (also V-).
[ hba ] n an artistic gesture or attitude or pose.
n. gestures and deport!ent; de!eanour.
[ hbal ] a dull-itted; idiotic.
/ [ hba1i ] n an Ebyssinian; an Efrican negro.
[ hb ] a devoid of the poer of speech, du!b; dull-itted, stupid, idiotic; boobyish.
a lubberly lout, a booby, a clodhopper, a dolt, anu! s$ull, an idiot (also ).
[ hbiladra ] n an )ndian sergeant, a havildar.
) [ hbuubu ] n alternately rising above and going under ater (as done by a droning
person), fidgety struggle of a droning person to $eep above ater; (fig.) struggle to escape
so!ething, deep engross!ent or involve!ent ( ) ). ) 2v. to struggle ith
fidgetiness to $eep afloat; (fig.) to be deeply engrossed, to be over head and ears.
[ hb2li ] n a building; a residential house; a ro or cluster of residential houses; huts,
, [ hbhta, hbht2 ] n one ithout !eans of procuring one"s daily food; (fig.)
an utterly indigent or retched person. a. having no !eans to procure one"s daily food; utterly
indigent or retched.

[ h!a
] n !easles.

[ h!a
] pro (obs. 3 poet.) ).
, [ h!aba>?, h!aba >? ] a considering oneself the chief of all, self-
i!portant, self-con ceited, egotistic(al); bu!ptious.
[ h!al ] n an attac$; an assault; a raid; a riot; a ro. v. to launch an attac$ or
assault or raid (upon); to riot; to $ic$ up a ro.
[ h!aln ] v to lo loudly for the calf (as by the co).
, 5 [ h!, h!gu>?i ] n !ove!ent on all fours, craling. , 5
v. to !ove on all fours, to cral.
[ h!na ] n an iron !ortar.
jn. !ortar and pestle !ade of iron.
[ h!!a ] n a bathing establish!ent, a Gur$ish bath, a ha!!a!.
/ [ h!21 ] adv alays; often.
* [ h!b ] int. 3 n the noise !ade by cos, lo.
* [ h!bira ] n an )ndian !usical !ode.
[ ha ] int.. e#pressing0 regret, re!orse, etc.; alas, ah. v to utter repeatedly e#cla!ations of
regret, re!orse etc.; (cp.) to beat the breast. % alac$-a-day, alac$.
[ hana ] n a calendar year, a year; an era.
[ h ] n bashfulness; !odesty.

[ hra
] n defeat.
n. defeat and victory. , .( v. to ac $noledge

[ hra
] n a nec$lace; a reath; a string; (!ath.) division; (loos.) rate or proportion.
%F n. the rate of e#change. adv. at the rate of. / rate per hundred, percentage.
[ hra$ta ] n (in a ga!e) the defeated tea!.
[ hra!nia!a ] n a har!oniu!.
[ hr ] v to be defeated; to lose (as in a ga!e). a. (in co!p.) having lost, deprived of,
bereft of (! , 2), bereaved of, -less (! & !otherless).
[ hrn ] v to defeat, to van%uish; to lose, to !iss ( , ); to be lost
or !issing. a. lost, !issing.
Et n. hat has been lost and hat has been found, lost and
found. N6 a. !issing lin$ or clue.
[ hr!a ] a any unholy or forbidden thing or creature according to -usli! scriptures; a
boar, a sine.
n. (abusively) a pig, a sine, a scoundrel. fe!. G
[ hrhri ] a proportionate; average; prorata.
[ hri ] n defeat, van%uish!ent.
[ hri$2na ] n a hurricane lantern.
-( [ -hr. ] a (used as a sf#.) ta$ing aay, robbing; fascinating.
[ hr2!a ] n a hare!.
F [ hrdi$a ] a relating to the heart; cordial; tender, affectionate.

[ hla
] n a hel!, a rudder. v. to steer.

[ hla
] n a plough; a !etal hoop, a tire. , v. to plough, to till.

[ hla
] n condition, state; circu!stances. a. present, current; !odern.
2 see 2 G
( n. condition and sy!pto!s; trend; attitude and gestures; character and conduct.
to give up, to resign or surrender in despair. to steer, to be at the hel! of, to ta$e
the leadership.
V adv. recently, lately, of late. right royal condition; e#tre!ely happy
[ hla$ ] a not heavy, light ( & light !etal); of short eight; easily digested
(2 & light !eal); easy; !ild; gently bloing (); uni!portant, negligible,
frivolous ( %); airy ( &); care free ( ); light (in all the fore going
senses). v. to lighten; to reduce the a!ount of ( ); to disburden, to relieve
( ). u< to ta$e or treat lightly.
[ hl$a ] a harassed or fatigued.
[ hlla ] a holy or per!issible according to -oha!!edan scriptures. n. the syste! of
$illing a beast by cutting its clavicle, as prescribed by -oha!!edan scriptures.

[ hli
] n a plough!an.

[ hli
] n a hel!s!an, a steers!an.
[ hlui$ara ] n one ho !a$es seet!eats, a confectioner.
[ hlu!a ] int indicating0 (facet.) the roar of a tiger.
[ hlu ] n a $ind of porridge !ade by frying cornflour and then boiling it ith sugar.
/ [ h1i ] n the e!broidered border of a oolen rapper, shal etc.
[ hsa ] n a laugh; a s!ile.
, [ hsanuhn, hsanhn ] n a species of very seet-scented hite
floer that bloo!s in the evening, the night ,as!ine, Cestrumnoeturnum.
% [ hsaptla ] n a hospital.
[ hs ] v to laugh; to s!ile; (fig.) to be illu!inated, to brighten up (R (); to
taunt, to ridicule, to deride ( ). v. to !a$e one laugh or s!ile; to cause to ridicule
or deride; to be an ob,ect or butt of ridicule or derision ( ). v. to laugh
over; to ridicule or de ride; to continue to laugh; to upset the cal!ness of; to laugh together
derisively. K, K v. to laugh aay, to laugh, to scorn. 2adv. in an
easy !anner, in a happy-go-luc$y !anner; playfully. adv. s!ilingly.
[ hsi ] n a laugh; laughter; a s!ile; ridicule or derison; (fig.) brightness (3).
%v. to feel inclined to s!ile; to feel inclined to s!ile a derisive s!ile, to feel inclined to
laugh in one"s sleeves. %6 an ob,ect or butt of ridicule or derision, a laughing-stoc$.
% a ridiculous or ludicrous affair.
Tn. s!iles and tears; tearful s!iles; tears of ,oy; ,oy and
sorro !i#ed together; alternate ,oy and sorro.
2 /n. gaiety, liveliness, ,ollity, vivacity. a.
gay, lively, ,olly, cheerful, vivacious.
;9, /n. banter, badinage. ;9 , /
v. to en,oy a light and lively chat; to po$e fun at, to !a$e fun of, to pull one"s leg.
2 n. a
s!iling face.
2adv. ith a s!iling face; happily, gladly; ungrudgingly; illingly. 2
an ob,ect of ridicule, a laughing stoc$. k n. a funny tale, a co!ic story, a hu!orous story.
(a. s!iling; bright; char!ing; pleasant.
( [ hsin. ] a. fe! (used as a sfx.) s!iling or laughing (().
[ hsila ] a perfor!ed, acco!plished; fulfilled, reali'ed. v. to perfor!, to
acco!plish; to have so!ething fulfilled; to contrive, to reali'e.
[ hsya ] n a laugh; laughter; a s!ile.
a. laughable, ridiculous; ludicrous, co!ical;
farcial; hu!orous.
B ,
% n. it and fun; pleasantry; buffoonery; banter, badinage;
a. s!iling; pleasant; happy. fem.
( G
2 sa!e as 2 G
va. brightened ith
s!ile, bea!ing.
n. (rhet.) the senti!ent of !irth, the co!ic.
[a. co!ical; hu!orous.
([ a farce; a co!edy.
n. a co!ic actor, a co!i%ue.
a. itty; ,ocose;
hu!orous. n. a itty or ,ocose person, a it; a buffoon; a riter of co!ic stories, plays etc.; a
hu!orist; a co!ic actor or singer, a co!i%ue. '<v. to suppress or chec$ laughter; to
restrain the i!pulse to laugh. w sa!e as %6 (see ). x a. brightened ith
s!ile, lit up ith s!ile. M(%, ` sa!e as G
-J [ h-hats!i ] int alas, ) a! undoneA alas, ) a! lostA
[ hh ] int indicating0 the noise of loud la!entation, grief, affliction etc.; e!ptiness,
vacuity; desolation; the noise of guffa. v. to la!ent or grieve or ail loudly; to be e!pty
or desolate; to guffa. ;v. to burst into loud la!entation or ailing or into a guffa.
( n. loud la!entation or ailing.
v. to la!ent or be ail loudly.
-s/ [ h-hut1a ] n profound regret or repentance. -s/ v. to regret or repent deeply.
', m [ hi, hia ] n asafoetida.
'-'-8 [ hi-i-Hcha ] n (sarcas.) !eaningless gibberish rese!bling +ans$rit ords in
' [ hisa$a ] a given to $illing or har!ing others; !alevolent; !alicious, spiteful;
envious, ,ealous.
', ' [ hisana, his ] n $illing, slaughter; !alice; spite, !alevolence; (loos.) envy,
,ealousy. '( a. that hich is to be or ought to be $illed; that hich is to be or ought to be
envied, enviable. 'v. to $ill, to slay; to har!; to !alice; to envy, to be ,ealous of. '[
a. $illing, slaying; !alicious, spiteful, !alevolent; envious. '%< sa!e as ' G
' [ hisita ] a $illed, slain; har!ed; !aliced; (loos.) envied.
' , ' [ hisu$a, hisu2 ] a envious, ,ealous; spiteful, !alicious.
'y, 'y [ hisra, hisra$a ] a cruel, ferocious; $illing others; !urderous. 'y%\ a
ferocious ani!al; a beast of prey. 'yn. cruelty, ferocity, act of $illing others.
3 [ hinca>?n ] v to drag or gra'e forcefully; to trail along forcefully.
[ hi$a!ata ] n poer; !ight, strength; ability; efficiency.
z [ hi$$ ] n a hiccup. zv. to hiccup.
l, l [ higula, higuli ] n the red sulphide or !ercury, cinnabar; ver!ilion.
, [ hi,ari, hi,ar ] n the -oha!!edan era counted fro! I55 E.:., hegira, he,ira,
[ hi,ala ] n a $ind of tree, the )ndian oa$, the Barringtonia acutangula.
- [ hi,ali-bd!a ] n cashe-nut.
[ hi,ibi,i ] n an illegible and orthless or !eaningless riting or draing, a scribble,
a scral. a. illegible and orthless or !eaningless. $3v. to scral. 2v.
to scribble, to scral.
[ hi>? hi>? ] int indicating0 rapid and violent dragging along or falling don; the
noise of such dragging or falling.
[ hi>?i$a ] n passing popular e#cite!ent or trend (% ); !ad rush
(/{<); a great pressure ( ).
[ hita ] n good, benefit; ell-being, eal, elfare. a. good, beneficial, salutary,
holeso!e. %( an atte!pt to do good resulting in a great har!. sa!e as

& sa!e as %/ G
a. sa!e as (a.). fem. ( G
n. ell-ishing.
v. to ish one good.
(a. ell-ishing.
(a. sa!e as (a.). n. a benefactor.
<( G
(a. telling beneficial or salutary ords; giving beneficial ad vice or good counsel.
( G
v. to do good to; to benefit; to pro!ote the ell-being of. | sa!e as
G|(, &F ( sa!e as ( Gfem. |<( G&F( G n. good and
evil; right and rong. D n. $noledge of ascertaining or differentiating good and evil
or right and rong. v. to discri!inate beteen good and evil or right and
rong. }S<n. desire or disposition to do good (to); benevolence. }S(a. desirous of doing or
disposed to do good (to.); benevolent. fem. }S<( G%/ n. salutary or beneficial or good
advice or teaching. %/a. giving salutary or beneficial or good advice or teaching;
didactic. %"n. & a. one ho gives salutary or beneficial or good advice or teaching.
: [ hindi ] n the >indi language; >indi.
: [ hindu ] n a >indu; >indus (also : ); >induis! (also : F ) a. of >indu is! or
>indus, >indu.
F*(a. >indu.
n. (usu. sarcas.) practices and rites and sacra!ents of
n. the >indu co!!unity or society.
: h [ hindushna ] n >industhan, >indosthan, )n dia. : ha. )ndian; inhabiting Jpper
or Dentral )ndia; of >industhan. n. the !i#ed dialect of Jpper )ndia, >industhani; an inhabitant
of upper or central )ndia.
: [ hindla ] n singing; a sing; the festival of Z or singing; an )ndian !usical
[ hibn! ] n (-us.) a deed of gift.
~ [ hibru ] n the >ebre race, >ebres; a >e bre (fem. >ebreess), a Ke (fem. Keess); the
>ebre language, >ebre.
[ hi!a ] n inter; sno; frost; de; coldness, the cold; chill. a. cold; cool. %v. de
is collecting.
n. in ter, (cp.) cold eather.
n. the >i!alayas.
U n. a cold store; cold
Zn. a hail-stor!; a bli''ard.
< v. to ard off or prevent cold.
n. a glacier.
(n. (geog.) either of the frigid 'ones, a frigid 'one.
H n. free'ing !i#ture.
2n. the sno-
/n. hail stone; an iceberg.
/(a. frigid; icy; ice-cold.
C/n. an iceberg.
' n.
n. a superior %uality of !ango; a $ind of brain cooling !edicinal oil. '\n.
the !oon. n. advent of the cold season or of inter. n. free'ing point. l n. a body
bereft of blood-heat (that is, in a state of collapse); a fro'en body; a lifeless body. a. having any
one of the aforesaid bodies. , `n. the >i!alayas. n. a collection or !ass of sno
or hoar frost; sno-ice; (loos.) ice. n. a refrigerator. n. refrigeration. a.
refrigerated. v. to refrigerate. n. the >i!alayas. a. cold; very cold.
7 [ hi!!ata ] n poer, !ight; valour; courage; spiritedness, spirit.
/ [ hi!a1i!a ] n e#tre!e e#haustion or fatigue; trouble; beilder!ent. / 2v. to
be al!ost fainting ith e#haustion or fatigue or harass!ent; to coer in fear etc.; to be in deep
aters or great difficulties.
< [ hiraa ] n gold.
< a. golden coloured.
[ hiran!aa ] a !ade of gold; golden-coloured; golden.
< [ hiraya ] n gold.
F a. full of gold, auriferous. n. Brah!a (,-).
[ hir$asa ] n iron sulphate, green vitriol; copperas.
d [ hill2 ] n (discovery of) a !eans or !ethod to or$ out or solve (4 d); (discovery of)
a re!edy ( d); disposal (d); arrange!ent ( d); provision
(Sd); providing ith an e!ploy!ent ( d); settle!ent ( d); trace
( d).
d [ hillla ] n a ave; a sing; a avy or singing !otion.
hf [ hishis ] int indicating0 repeated or continued hissing or fi''ing sound. hv. to
hiss, to fi''.
[ hisiri ] n hysteria.
uj a. hysteric, hysterical.
[ hihi ] int indicating0 violent shivering in cold; giggling noise. 3%v. to shiver in
cold. v. to giggle.
( [ h.na ] a devoid of; divested or deprived of; destitute of; lac$ing, bereaved of; -less (%%(
& sinless); base, !ean; vile, hateful; loly, depressed; inferior; loer (%F (); loered,
degraded; hu!iliated; hu!ble; undignified; poor, indigent (( 4h); !iserable; decreased or
di!inished; dull, di!. ( v. to debase; to loer, to degrade; to hu!iliate; to !a$e poor or
Fa. doing vile or hateful deeds; e!ployed in a loly or base or$.
6 a. depraved;
a. !ean-!inded.
a. lo-born.
a. belonging to a loly or depressed
or vile caste or race.
n. privation, absence; lac$; !eanness; vileness, hatefulness; lo state,
depression; inferiority; hu!iliation; hu!ility; indignity; poverty; !isery; shortage. (v a.
indicating !eanness; disgraceful; undignified.
E! ; a. !ean-natured, of an ignoble character;
Ea. lac$ lustre; di!.
a. ea$; feeble; ea$ened, enfeebled.
a. having
evil or vile thoughts.
! n. a vile or loly occupation or calling. a. e!ployed in a vile or loly
a. !ean-!inded; suffering fro! inferiority co!ple#.
inferiority co!ple#.
n. one of the to Buddhist sects. (h a. poor, indigent; lo-lived; in
a !iserable state. (hn. poverty, indigence; a lo life; a !iserable or retched state.
(, ( [ h.ra$a, h.r ] n dia!ond. - ( a glass cutter. ( 2 dia!ond ore, a
dia!ond !ine. ( (fig.) great sharpness or $eenness or acuteness of !ind, intelligence etc.
%/! l m ( $eenness of !ind is dulled in the co!pany of fools. (N <F n.
dia!ond-dust, dia!ond-poder. (P(n. dia!ond-,ubilee; dia!ond anniversary.
( [ h.r!ana ] n (fol$-tales) a traditional na!e of a tal$ing popin,ay.
s [ huila ] n a heel; a fishing-rod having a heel fi#ed to it for ravelling thread in and out.
s3 [ hu ] int indicating0 ac$noledg!ent, acceptance, assent, consent, illingness, doubt etc.; yes,
s3/ [ hu!1a ] n consciousness; sensibility; sensation; feeling or perception; good sense;
cautiousness, caution. s3/ v. to regain consciousness or sensibility or sensation or poer of
feeling or perception; to co!e to one"s senses; to beco!e cautious. s3/ a. cautious,
circu!spect, on the alert. s3/n. caution; cautioning; cautiousness.
s [ hu$a ] n a hoo$.
! n. a hoo$-or!, an$ylosto!a.
s, s [ hu$a!ata, hu$u!ata ] n authority; rule; govern!ent.
s [ huu$u!a ] n an order; a co!!and; an in,unction; per!ission. s v. to order; to
co!!and; to en,oin. s v. to issue an order or co!!and or in ,unction. s
% v. to carry out or e#ecute an order, to co!ply ith an order. s v. to give
an order; to co!!and; to issue an in,unction; to give per!ission, to per!it. s see

( int. (in the ar!y 3 police) ho co!es there; a call of challenge by a sentry.
n. a ritten
order, a rit of co!!and; a arrant; a per!it.
n. person ho carries out order.
s [ hu$ra ] n a roar; a !enacing shout or cry. s , s , (poet.) sv. to roar;
to utter a !enacing shout or cry.
s, s [ hu,uga, hu,u$a ] n a passing popular e#cite!ent or trend; a fashion esp. a
passing one; a ru!our. s v. to spread a ru!our. s v. to raise a ru!our.
sv. to participate (or involve oneself) !adly in a passing popular e#cite!ent or trend.
sa. given to participating !adly in a passing popular e#cite!ent or trend; given to accepting
!adly a passing fashion; given to indulging in ru!ours.
s [ hu,ura ] n a ter! for addressing a prince, a ,udge, a !aster etc.; Lour -a,esty, Lour
>ighness, Lour honour, -y ?ord, Lour 7#cellency, Lour 8everence, +ir etc.; a !aster, an
honoured person; the presence of a prince, ,udge, !aster etc. (s ).
so [ hu,,ata ] n altercation; a dispute; a hubbub, a ro; a trouble, a %uarrel. sov. to
raise a dispute; to create a ro or trouble. soa. given to create a ro; troubleso!e; rodyish;
s [ hua $ar2 ] adv rashly or abruptly; hastily.
s%, s% [ huapa, hupi ] n noisy playing or fris$ing in sport. s% v. to
play or ga!bol noisily.
s [ hu>? ] n a crod; disorderly croding and !utual shoving. s v. to crod and shove
one another in a disorderly !anner.
, s
[ hu>?$
, hu>?$
] a. fe! afraid of cohabiting ith one"s husband;
shunning one"s husband"s co!pany.
, s
[ hu>?$
, hu>?$
] n a latch, a bolt. s$3, s v. to latch, to
s [ hu>?!u>? ] int indicating0 !ove!ent in a crod shoving one another; sudden
cru!bling don of a large and heavy ob,ect. s m %v. to cru!ble don noisily, to
fall ith a crash.

[ hu>?u!a ] int indicating0 disorderly or sudden or noisy !ove!ent.


int. indicating0
repeated disorderly or noisy !ove!ent.
[ hut1a
] n an e#pression of de,ection. orry, dis!ay etc. s/adv. through fright or
, s/ [ hut1a
, hut1ana ] n fire; the firegod; sacrificial fire.
sM [ hudd ] n ,urisdiction; precincts (of a building.)
s, s [ hunari, hunuri ] n one s$illed in handicrafts. a. relating to handicrafts.
s [ huni ] n a bill of e#change; a ban$-draft; a note of hand. s , s v. to issue a
bill of e#change. s mv. to cash a bill of e#change.
un. a draer.
En. a draee.
s [ hup ] int indicating0 the hooping cry of the !on$ey; the noise of sudden leaping;
suddenness. s% suddenly (and rashly).
s%' / [ hupi $1i ] n hooping cough.
ss [ hubahu ] a identical; e#actly si!ilar. adv. e#actly.
s [ hu!a$i ] n a threat; inti!idation. s v. to give a threatening, to threaten, to
inti!idate, to utter a threat.
s [ hu!a>?i ] n co!ing near to falling prone hilst al$ing or hilst atte!pting eagerly to
approach so!ebody or get so!ething; stu!bling. s 2v. to co!e near to falling prone
hilst al$ing or hilst atte!pting eagerly to approach so!ebody or get so!ething; to stu!ble.
s [ hurar2 ] int indicating a loud ,oyous cla!our or shout.
s [ huri ] n a fairy.
s [ hula ] n an antenna, a sting. s V, s3v. to sting.
shN [ hulash6la ] n a tu!ultuous confusion, a great hubbub or co!!otion, a tur!oil.
shN % a tu!ultuous affair.
ss [ hulhuli ] n a co!!otion, a tu!ult; a sound !ade by >indu o!en by !oving their
tongues ithin their !ouths on festive occasions.
s [ huli ] n a police circular containing the description of personal features of an
absconding cri!inal and as$ing the public to help in his apprehension.
s, s [ hul, hul b2>?la ] n a to!cat.
sd [ hull>? ] n a hubbub or tu!ult raised by a crod; revelry.
sf [ hus ] int indicating0 the noise of %uic$ !ove!ent or e!ission. sf-sfint. indicating0
repeated sf noise.
ss [ huhu ] int indicating0 the noise !ade by a strong ind or by a poerful fla!e of fire; the
state of affliction, de,ection etc. ( ss ).
n [ hta ] a robbed, looted, plundered; stolen.
F. a. robbed of everything, robbed of all one"s
possession; utterly ruined. n a. deprived of one"s right or possession or office or privilege,
dispossessed; ousted; dis!issed, cashiered.
n= [ ht ] n the heart.
: n. the in!ost part of the heart, the botto! of one"s heart, the boso!.
( sa!e as n% G
n. throbbing of the heart esp. in fear, palpitation; heartbeat.
(%n. the heart.
/Nn. anginapectoris; (pop.) heartache.
w: n. heartbeat.
n [ hdaa ] n the heart; the !ind; the boso!.
u(a. captivating the heart, very pleasant or
char!ing. n' v. to feel deeply; to understand or grasp, to reali'e.
a. born of or
originating fro! the heart.
Q(n. the heartstring.
` a. !elting the heart; pathetic, touching.
n. the heart conceived as a piece of canvas for painting.
dn. a husband; a lover; a seet-heart
da. ife.
a. large-hearted, !agnani!ous; sy!pathetic; hearty.
heart-rending; heart-brea$ing, pathetic; cutting to the %uic$.
&n. heartache, grief,
affliction; heart-burning, secret grudging.
: n. the heart conceived as a shrine; the sacred and
secret abode of the heart.
w/F (a. touching or !oving the heart; very appealing or pathetic.
( a.
heartless, e#tre!ely unfeeling; !erciless.
(n. heartlessness. n/ n. the heart conceived
as the s$y, the e#panse of the heart. n n. e!otion; e#cite!ent; outburst of e!otion. n
n. the heart conceived as a seat. n/nI n. the lord or !aster of one"s heart; a lover; a
husband. n. fem. nI( the !istress or lady of one"s heart; a ife. nb n. a great outburst
of e!otion, unrestrained outpouring of thought and feeling.
n` [ hdrga ] n heart disease, cardiac co!plain, cardiac arrest; (cp.) coronary thro!bosis.
n [ hdagata ] a lying in the in!ost recesses of one"s heart.
n [ hdya ] a captivating the heart, pleasant; dear to the heart; cordial; sincere, hearty; loving,
n. pleasantness; cordiality; sincerity, heartiness; love; a!icability.
nS/ [ hi$21a ] n <ishnu (Y ); ;arayana (<); =rishna (! Y).
n" [ ha ] v delighted, gladdened; glad, cheerful, ,oyful, happy; pleased.
adv. ith a
happy !ind; gladly, cheerfully, ,oyfully, happily.
%" a. cheerful and burly, bu#o!, happy and
[ h2i ] int (pop.) indicating0 earnest solicitation or appeal.
3 [ h2!i ] int a call to e#ertion as in heaving, (cp.) heave ho.
3 , 3 [ h2nca$, hynca$ ] n a sudden tug or pull. a. sudden and forceful.
3 %3 [ h2n,ip2n,i ] a !ost ordinary, of no i!portance, negligible. 3 %3 a !an in
the street; (cp.) the rabble.
3 [ h2na ] a bent don, boing don (3 ), bending don one"s head, stooping (3
E<). n. the underneath, botto! (3 ). o & 3 to hang one"s head fro!
3 [ h2n>?2 ] a large and flat li$e an urn (3 2); deep and harsh, croa$ing (3 ).
3 [ h2ntla ] n a tree a$in to the pal!. 3 ; a stic$ !ade of the ti!ber of the
aforesaid tree.
3 [ h2!li ] n a riddle, an enig!a, a pu''le.
3 / [ h2!12la ] n a $itchen-roo! of a residential building, a $itchen.
) [ h2a ] n the head; intelligence, understanding. a. (in. comp.) chief, head.
F ,
n. a
head cler$.
n. a head!aster.
[ h2tu ] n reason, cause; origin; the final cause; purpose; (log.) the argu!ent for deduction;
one of the five !e!bers of a syllogis! in )ndian logic. # because of this, by this reason; by
virtue of this; on account of this; for this purpose.
n. act of shoing cause; !ention of the
cause; argu!ent, reasoning; the prea!ble of a la.
n. (phil.) teleology.
[ h2tbbhsa ] n a fallacy.
&, & [ h2th, h2tha ] adv (poet.) here.
[ h2dn ] v (sl.) to beco!e e#tre!ely distressed for being separated fro! one"s lover or
fro! an ob,ect very !uch longed for, to desiderate.
[ h2d2 ] int (obs.) used in addressing, @.
[ h2na ] a such, such li$e, li$e.
j, h [ h2nast, h2nash ] n slight, neglect; (coll.) distress; (coll.) harass!ent.
[ h2n ] n a very seet-scented floer or its plant, the henna.
% [ h2p ] n a troubleso!e burden or charge. % %, % v. to bear a
troubleso!e burden or e#ecute a troubleso!e charge, (cp.) to bear the brunt of.
%, V [ h2p,ata, h2ph,ata ] n custody, charge, care. %v. to co!!it
to the cus tody or charge or care of.
[ h2!a ] n gold a. (in. comp.) !ade of gold; golden.
Pa. having golden lustre or
P [ h2!anta ] n the season occurring beteen autu!n and inter co!prising the !onths of
=arti$ (F ) and Egrahayana (4u).
l [ h2!ga ] a having a golden co!ple#ion; having a body !ade of gold. fem. l(,
l( G
[ h2!bha ] a having a golden glo or radiance.
[ h2a ] a fit to be cast off; conte!ptible; despicable; slighted; base, vile; hateful; ab,ect.
(D n. conte!pt, slight; neglect.
D v. to regard as conte!ptible, to slight; to neglect; to be
little, to ta$e a di! vie of.
V [ h2raph2ra ] n alteration or !odification esp. to a slight degree; (slight) difference;
(accts.) !anipulation (as in a balance sheet). Vv. to alter or !odify or differentiate (esp.
slightly); (accts.) to !anipulate.
[ h2r ] v (poet.) to behold, to see.

[ h2l
] v to slant, to lean or incline to. a. slanting; leaning or inclining to. adv.
singingly sideays, singingly, in addling fashion.

[ h2l
] n conte!pt, slight; disdain; neglect; ease. v. to treat ith conte!pt, to
slight; to despise; to neglect. adv. ith ease, ithout effort; through negligence or
carelessness ( ).
[ h2lna ] n slanting, slant; leaning ( ).
[ h2ln ] v to cause to slant or to lean or incline to. a. slanting, leaning or inclining
V [ h2lph2l ] n utter conte!pt or slight or disrespect or neglect. V v. to
slight or disrespect or neglect utterly. Vadv. ithout any effort; negligently.

[ h2l2
] a one ho ploughs; used in ploughing ( ). n. a plough!an; a bulloc$ for
the plough.

[ h2l2
] n a species of s!all non-veno!ous sna$e.
[ h2l2Hc ] n a $ind of ater-cress, Hingtsha repens.
jj [ h2stan2sta ] n finali'ation; final settle!ent. jj v. to finali'e; to settle finally; to
see through.
[ hai!a
] a relating to the cold season or inter; cold; intry.
[ hai!a
] a !ade of gold, golden; gold-coloured, aureated, golden; pertaining to gold,
CP, CP [ hai!anta, hai!anti$a ] a of the P season. fem. CP(
C [ hai!abata ] a >i!alayan. C(n. *oddess :urga (F ).
[ h ] int ho, @; oh, ah.
3 [ hncaa ] n a stu!ble. 3 2v. to stu!ble; to stu!ble over so!ething.
3 [ hnta$ ] a (dero.) corpulent; corpulent and dull-itted.
3 [ hndala ] a corpulent. 3- n. a cor pulent and dar$-co!ple#ioned !an.
[ h2la ] n a hotel; an inn; (loos.) an eating house.
n. a hotel-$eeper, a hotelier; an
inn-$eeper; (loos.) the oner or !anager of an eating-house. fem. G
[ ht ] n a perfor!er or a priest of a religious sacrifice.
6 [ htra ] n an oblation, a sacrifice. 6(fem. of G 6( a. relating to a religious
sacrifice; sacrificial.
&, & [ hth, htha ] adv (poet.) there.
[ h!a ] n an oblation of fire into hich ghee is poured.
n. a pit for !a$ing a sacrificial
n. a co hose !il$ is used in religious sacrifices.
Jn. the residual ashes of a
sacrificial fire.
- [ h!ar-c!ar ] a (sarcas.) pro!inent and influential and ell-to-do, of high
status or established social position. - a big gun.
, [ h!gni, h!nala ] n a sacrificial fire.
%& [ h!ipythi ] n ho!oeopathy.
[ hr ] n (astrol.) an hour.
D n. astrology.
[ hli ] n the >indu feast of co!!e!orating the throing of red poder at one another by
=rishna (! Y) and the !il$ !aids ena!oured of hi!; the >indu spring festival of spraying
coloured ater; the holi.
[ hh ] int. 3 n the noise of a very loud laughter. ;v. to burst into a
very loud laughter, to guffa.
B [ hau,a ] n a large cistern or ater reservoir.
' [ hyl ] a repulsively greedy esp. of food.
n. repulsive greediness esp. of food.
[ hya ] n a hat.
(a. earing a hat, hatted.
[ hynana ] n a handritten docu!ent of obligation to repay a loan, an )@J.
v. to rite out or issue an )@J.
% [ hyp ] n a troubleso!e burden or charge. % v. to bear a troubleso!e burden
or e#ecute a troubleso!e charge, to bear the brunt of.
[ hrada ] n a la$e; a lagoon; a large pond.
'P a. lacustrian.
. [ hrasba ] a short; s!all; darfish; lo; lo pitched; s!all in a!ount, little; abbreviated;
shortened; reduced; (gr.Fof voels) short.
(UFDn. (fig.) co!!on sense, gu!ption, nous.
. n.
a short voel. .(< n. shortening; abbreviation; reduction.
[ hrsa ] n di!inution; decrease; shortening; reduction; curtail!ent; aning. v. to
di!inish; to decrease; to shorten; to reduce; to curtail. %, v. to be di!inished, to
di!inish; to decrease; to be reduced or curtailed, to ane.
Eta. di!inished; decreased;
reduced; abated; anted.
! n. appreciation and depreciation, rise and fall (N ! );
aning and a#ing (R ! ); aggravation and di!inution (! ).
( [ hr. ] n bashfulness, !odesty.
a. !odest, bashful. fem.
S, S+ [ hr2, hr2dhbani ] n the neighing of the horse, the neigh.
, [ hlda, hldana ] n delight, gladness, ,oy. a. delighted, gladdened; ,oyful.
(n. (<aishnav phil.) *od; 8adha ().

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