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PlelSe join

Sheet Metal Workers International
Association Political Action League
Senator Bernie Sanders
ror a breakfast 1-","nl,h'rl<1i<r Friends of Bernie Sanders
Wednesday, 2C)'J" 2009
8:00am 9:0C);lrtl
Phoenix Park Hotel
City Room
520 North Capitol Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
II(ul ,000
SJ(p"'ge-fted Conlfilm/ion:
SpotI.ror .$2,400 Friend ,f; 1,000 SNpporter $500
I'en more, information or to RSVP, contact
:\mclia Sale tan at 202 9748162 elr
CnnrrihdJI 'n, or Fncnd, of Berni,: Sanders atc not tax ,!<;dtlCI'ible.
\\12 may accepT contributions from an indrvidu::d !o!a!.ing up to $2,4()O per election. Federal law
contributionS to the campaign from corporations, labor organizations /lnd national
banks {,'on; anv person tonrributing another persoll's funds; n'on) foreign nationals who lack
p<;rIl111nent reSident and from tederal government contractors.
Paid J()! Friends of Bemie
Printed Ill-House

Friends ofBernie Sanders

J Yes, I will join you on May 20'" and support Friends of Bernie Sanders.
'.Ih"loscd I, mr COllenb"""n of: [I SS.OUO ('Pr\Cs only) i 1:S2,400 [.I $1.000 [J $500
I I No, 1 CilnnOl JOLn Vall on the 20''', bur I would like (0 support Friends of Bernie Sanders.
l-:nci",,,,d is rn\' conrriLllJri.on of: l I $5J)I.lO (I:'i\CS only) l.l $2,400 l.l $1,000
f .I :i;SOO I JOrher
,\ddn:s" _
Srate: Zip: _
I'b,,"," l'ax: _
I__ nlpl", "r: ( )ccul"l(ion: _
llIail this form and checks to:
Friends of Bernie Sanders
c./o Progressive Capitol
888 16th Street NW, Suite 680
Washington. DC 20006
Or fnx to 202-974-8] 61
'1'0 give by credit card. please visit http://www.bernie.org
and then call us to RSVP.
For mr)rc mformation Of to RSVP, contact
,\rlll'!J;\ Salcran at or .'\mcliaVProvressivcCapitol.com.
('Pr'l,":-,lHrlU)IIo..; (lr tr} F:rtCrH. ()fB':Tl1i(:' Sanders HfC not tH:'\ dc...:duc... t.ible.
We lIIay accept contributions from an individual totaling LLp to $2,400 pet election. FederaL law
prohibits CDlllnbutiOlls to the campaign from corponniolls. labor organizations and national
banks: from any person cOIllributil'lg another person's funds; from foreign nationals who lack
pcrmanent rcsident status; and from. federal government contractors.
Printed lu- House

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