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The Data: Coverage, Periodicity and Timeliness

(data characteristics)
Age: Age completed by the person.
Age classification: According to the
International Standard Age Classification
(ISAC), single ages and age groups in 5-year
interval (-!, 5-", #-#!, ..., $5%) are used.
Since the people at &#5-#"' age group
contribute to the production, they are called as
&producers'. (opulation at &-#!' and &)5%' age
groups defined as &youth' and &elderly',
respectively and these t*o groups are accepted
to be economically dependent population.
Total age dependency ratio: +he number of
persons at &-#!' and &)5 and over' age groups
per # persons at &#5- )!' age group.
Total age dependency ratio =
100 *
64 15
65 14 0

(-#! . (opulation at -#! age group
()5% . (opulation at )5 years of age and over
(#5-)! . (opulation at #5-)! age group
Youth dependency ratio: +he number of
persons at &-#!' age group per # persons at
&#5-)!' age group.

Youth dependency ratio =
100 *
64 15
14 0


(-#! . (opulation at -#! age group
(#5-)! . (opulation at #5-)! age group
Elderly dependency ratio: +he number of
persons at &)5 and over' age group per #
persons at &#5-)!' age group.
Elderly dependency ratio =
100 *
64 15


()5% . (opulation at )5 years of age and over
(#5-)! . (opulation at #5-)! age group
In the country, (opulation Censuses *ere
conducted in order to determine completely and
correctly the si/e, the distribution by the
administrative division and the demographic,
social and economic characteristics of the
population *ithin the boundaries of the country
on a certain date.
After the foundation of the 0epublic, first census
*as carried out in #"12. +he ne3t population
censuses *ere carried out every five years
bet*een #"45 and #"" regularly.
1 (opulation Census as the #!th census of
+ur5ey *as carried out on 6ctober 11, 1
according to the #"$! 7ecree no. 1#" about the
establishment, duties and functions of the State
Institute of Statistics and the #"" 7ecree no.
!4 altering (aragraph (d) of Clause 1 of 7ecree
no. 1#". +he +ur5ish Statistical 8a* no. 5!1"
that *as accepted on 9ovember #$, 15
transformed +he State Institute of Statistics,
(rime :inistry 0epublic of +ur5ey into +ur5ish
Statistical Institution, (rime :inistry 0epublic of
+ur5ey. +here is no any clause in the +ur5ish
Statistical 8a* about the application date of the
ne3t census. 9e3t censuses *ill be conducted
according to the regulations *hich *ill be
determined under the 6fficial Statistics (rogram.
7ata on population and housing *ill be compiled
according to the duties, *hich *ere stated in
(aragraph (a) of Clause 1" of the +ur5ish
Statistical 8a*, on collecting the needed
statistical information on population, housing,
education, culture, tourism, health, sports,
;ustice, media, politics and other social sub;ects,
analy/ing them and calculating related
<alues are given for the #"45-1 period.
(eriodicity Census =ear
+imeliness After announcing the results of (opulation
Census follo*ing the process of data entry,
analy/ing and evaluating the population data.
Access by the Public
Advance dissemination of
release calendar
+he results of each (opulation Censuses are
published as both Administrative Division and
Social and Economic Characteristics of
Population. (opulation by administrative division
to the smallest localities, based on province
centers, district centers, sub-districts and
villages, is presented to the users *ith the
publication of &Administrative 7ivision', and the
information regarding the social, demographic
and economic characteristics of population is
presented to the users *ith the publication of
&Social and >conomic Characteristics of
(opulation'. +hese publications are almost
common for each census, but there are some
small differences among them.
+he publication of &1 (opulation Census,
Social and >conomic Characteristics of
(opulation' *as published for $# provinces and
for the country as a *hole.
+he historical overvie* in the social,
demographic and economic structure of our
country from #"12 to 1 is comprehensively
given by being interpreted for the first time in
the publication of &1 (opulation Census-
+ur5ey'. ?urthermore, regional variations in the
social, demographic and economic structure of
provinces according to results of 1
(opulation Census are presented *ith
interpretations. (opulation by administrative
division (by se3) of each province is given for
the first time in the publication of &1
(opulation Census-(rovince'. In addition, the
historical development in the social,
demographic and economic structure of
provinces from #"12 to 1 is interpreted. +he
results of 1 (opulation Census are presented
in the publications *ith tables, graphics and
+he publication of &1 (opulation Census,
Social and >conomic Characteristics of
(opulation' is available in C7 environment for
$# provinces and for the country as a *hole.
Simultaneous release to all
interested parties
+he data are released simultaneously to all
interested organi/ations@persons.
!transparency of practices and procedures"
7issemination of terms and
conditions under *hich
official statistics are
produced, including those
relating to the confidentiality
of individually identifiable
All statistics collected, analy/ed and published
by +ur5Stat are governed by the #")1 Statistical
8a*, as *ell as the #"$! 7ecree no. 1#" and
#"$" 7ecree no. 452. A ne* la* that *as
accepted on #$.##.15 transformed the State
Institute of Statistics into +ur5ish Statistical
Institution in order to produce more planned
Ander the terms of the +ur5ish Statistical 8a*.
(#) +ur5Stat has the independence to determine
the methodology and release dates of statistics
for *hich it is responsible.
(1) 7ata may be collected only for statistical
purposes and confidentiality is assured.
(4) +he public dissemination of data on the
demographic structure of the country is
Identification of internal
government access to data
before release
+here is no internal government access to the
data prior to their release to the public.
Identification of ministerial
commentary on the occasion of
statistical releases
(rinciples related to (opulation Censuses *ill be
identified under the 6fficial Statistics (rogram.
(rovision of information
about revision and advance
notice of ma;or changes in
(rinciples related to (opulation Censuses *ill be
identified under the 6fficial Statistics (rogram.
!information the user needs to assess data $uality"
7issemination of
documentation on methodology
and sources used in preparing
+he method and application of the 1
(opulation Census is published in the &1
(opulation Census, Social and >conomic
Characteristics of (opulation' (ISC9 "25-#"-
444$-1, (ublication 9o. 125")
7issemination of component
detail, reconciliations *ith
related data, and statistical
frame*or5s that support
statistical cross-chec5s
and provide assurance of
>3planations of the variables of 1 (opulation
Census are published in the &1 (opulation
Census, Social and >conomic Characteristics of
(opulation' (ISC9 "25-#"-444$-1, (ublication
9o. 125")
7issemination ?ormats
9e*s release. +he preliminary results of 1
(opulation Census *ere
released *ith the 1@#@11
dated ne*s release, and certain
results *ere released *ith the
1)@$@11 dated ne*s release.
(ublications. (#) &Census of (opulation 1-
Social and >conomic
Characteristics of (opulation,
+ur5ey' (ISC9 "25-#"-444$-1,
(ublication 9o. 125")
(1) &Census of (opulation 1-
Social and >conomic
Characteristics of (opulation'
(by (rovince)
:ore information on publications. (#) +he results of 1
(opulation Census regarding the
social, demographic and
economic characteristics of
population of +ur5ey are given
and interpreted in detail.
(ublication that includes tables
in comparison *ith the
information obtained from
previous censuses, and also
tables by provinces, *as
enriched *ith graphical
presentations and maps.
(1) +he development of
demographic, social and
economic characteristics of
province population that
provided from census of
population 1 and
comparisons *ith previous
population censuses are
included. Separate publication
for each province has been
6ther. (eriodicity. Census =ear
8anguage. +ur5ish->nglish
6n line or database. 5 percent samples of #"$5,
#"" and 1 (opulation
Censuses microdata
Internet address. http.@@***.tui5.gov.tr
C7 06:. 1 (opulation Census 0esults,
+ur5ey and (rovinces

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