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August 14, 2014 August 14, 2014 August 14, 2014 August 14, 2014

Church Leadership
Our ministers and lay leaders are
available to answer any questions you
may have to help you connect with
the ministries of First Baptist Church.

Rev. Matt Sturtevant
Senior Pastor, x. 202

Jenny Purvis
Office Manager, x.203

Jim Davidson
Chancel Choir Director

Holly Grassy

John Pauls

Evelyn Falen

Buddy Langford

Church Office:
Preparing for Worship
August 17, 2014
One service at 11:00 a.m. One service at 11:00 a.m. One service at 11:00 a.m. One service at 11:00 a.m.
(note time change) (note time change) (note time change) (note time change)
ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Rev. Matthew Sturtevant
Matthew 15.(10-20), 21-28
Worship Schedule:
Remaining Sundays in August:
17, 24, and 31
(no 8:30 a.m. service)
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Combined
As I write this, I have just dropped off my children for their first day of school for a
new year.
As I drive and shop around town, the trickle back of university students is apparent as
they return for their new semester.
And in the church, we have just celebrated Promotion Sunday, watching our children
and youth move up a grade to their new Sunday school classes.

What better time of year to center our thoughts upon learning, teaching, and for-
mation as a whole? It is an especially timely question as our church is in a time of
leadership transition, asking together what it means to engage in spiritual formation
and envisioning how we are going to do it together. So I think this is the perfect time
to together explore this months worship theme:

What Is Spiritual Formation Anyway?
Teaching Like Jesus; Learning from the Master

Over the next three weeks, we will explore together the teachings of Jesus in the Gos-
pel of Matthew, asking what we can glean from his practice and priorities. These
gleanings will have implications for both our personal lives as well as for our
church. So, I invite you to join us as we together search the heart of the Gospel and
heart of our shared formation ministry together.

August 17: What Is Spiritual Formation Anyway? (Matthew 16.13-20)
August 24: What is Our Flavor of Spiritual Formation? (Matthew 15.21-28)
August 31: How Do We Do Spiritual Formation? (Matthew 16.21-28)

~Pastor Matt
Wednesday Nights at First Baptist this Fall
Beginning September 3
6:00 Fellowship Meal
6:30Sacred Music Academy
Vocal and hand bell ensemble training and fun! for 3rd through 8th graders from 6:30 to 7:30
p.m. Under the direction of Evelyn Falen. $20 per semester (scholarships available). Please contact
the church office to enroll by Aug. 24.
6:45Adult Offerings:
September: Poetry and Prayer Gatherings
October: Picking Fruit: A Taste of Tai Chi
November and December: Words That Stay Video Project
7:30Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Special Wednesday Night Offering:
Poetry and Prayer Gatherings
Wednesdays: September 3, 10, 17, 24
6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
First Baptist Church of Lawrence

Please let the Church office know if you plan to attend by 8/29/14 (for purchasing materials). This 4 week workshop is
a time for adults interested in the prayerful quality of poetry. It offers a time for reflection, peace and creation.

Facilitators share poetry that has a prayerful quality and is based around a theme (spiritual componentsnot poems of a
specific faith). Facilitator engages the participants through quiet reflection, open discussion and through tangible activity
connected to the poetry. The tangible will be a take home from the gathering to offer reflection and joy during the
week. Participants are also given handouts of the poetry for later reading, reflection, prayer. Participants close the gather-
ing by sharing in light refreshments which include tea and a baked good or fresh produce. Gathering Themes will in-
clude these offerings: 1) Flower and Stone: The Beginning; 2) Spirit in the Wind: The Prayer Flag Tradition; 3) Placing
the Mark of Our Experience: Edible Carins; 4) The Wait: Planting Faith.

The workshop will be facilitated by Trish Dowd Kelne with the assistance of Faith Club members from Ottawa Universi-
ty. Trish Dowd Kelne is the director of Winter Center for Restorative Justice, a nonprofit community outreach organiza-
tion. Trish has worked in the nonprofit setting for 15 years, with community outreach, education and empowerment.
She was co-chair of Martha and Marys Way, an interfaith organization and has facilitated poetry and prayer classes for the
retired religious professionals. She is dedicated to faith based outreach. She is a certified instructor for the Academy of
Tai Qi through which she teaches classes and seminars. Trish received her degree in Creative Writing from Kansas State
University, her facilitation certification from Winter Center and her Tai Qi certification from HuoLong Studios.

This offering is provided through a partnership with Winter Center (a community non-profit) and Fredrikson Center for
Faith and Church Vitality (part of Ottawa University).
Remember in Prayer
International Ministries Missionary: Carrie & Kurt Smalley,
serving in Hungary
Regional Minister: ABC of Pennsylvania & Delaware: Rev.
Kevin Walden, serving in Birdsboro, PA
Local congregation: Mustard Seed Church
You are invited to send prayer requests to:
Martha Gage, msgage@sunflower.com.
(E-mail prayer chain)
Hazel Nitcher, 843-5302, Annie Merriam, 841-1384, or
Judy Stuart, 856-1782 (Telephone prayer chain)
The church office: 843-0020,
Thank you
I want to thank my First Baptist family for the flowers, cards, and many
happy birthday wishes. You all certainly know how to help a 90 yr-old guy
celebrate his birthday. I also might add Hallmark, American Greeting,
and other card companies want to thank you, (49 cards) too! My love to all,
Carl Guggisberg
New address
Phyllis Burkhart has a new address in California:
1620 Iris Ave.
Torrance, CA 90503
Building Reconstruction Updates
These are architects estimates, not contractor-bid prices. They are only estimates. These projects will
be sent to the contractors to bid costs.
Sanctuary Work Estimates:
New Narthex Wall $38,000
Interior expansion of worship space $15,000
Exterior expansion of worship space $35,000
Removal of Parlor/Narthex wall $5,000
Painting of worship space $7,500
New Lighting $40,000
Expansion of Chancel $7,500
Relocation/upgrade of sound equipment N/D
A/V upgrades N/D
Code improvements $2,000
New seating $15,000-55,000

Roger Williams Room Work Estimates:
New Acoustical Treatments $20,000
New Acoustical Ceiling Panels $15,400
New light fixtures installed $11,000

Total Flooring Cost Estimate:
Including Sanctuary, Roger Williams Room, corridors
and classrooms $97,000-119,000
Currently: Bid-ready document sent out to contractors,
who will bid on projects
September: Congregational meeting to approve bid and
begin work
Fall/Winter: Construction begins. Roger Williams Room
project begins first (lighting, ceiling tiles, flooring) then sanc-
tuary work begins (reconstruction, lighting, flooring, A/V)

To benefit the Bethel Neighborhood Center
Entries due by tomorrow
Painted Hills Golf Course, Sat., Aug. 23
(7101 Parallel Parkway, Kansas City, Kan-
sas). 4 Person Scramble, modified shot-
gun start at 7:30 a.m.
$75 registration fee due 8/15/2014 to
John Pauls, 550-7214.
First Baptist Church
1330 Kasold Drive
Lawrence, Kansas 66049
785/843-0021 (fax)

By the Numbers...as of Aug. 10
Weekly Receipts: $7,113.50
YTD Receipts: $198,312.05

Weekly Receipts: $3,687.25
Cumulative Giving: $290,023.46

If you would like more detailed financial information, please
contact our bookkeeper at grassyclan@att.net.

Thank you for your generous giving. Your generosity helps to
make our many ministries possible.
Sunday Morning Volunteers
August 17
Nursery 9:30 a.m.Amy Munsterman
11:00 a.m.Amy Munsterman
Extended Care 11:00 a.m.Melisa Lord
Life of the Church
Sunday, Aug. 17
8:30 a.m.No early service
9:30 a.m.Sunday School for all
11:00 a.m.Combined Worship
Tuesday, Aug. 19
11:00 a.m.Newsletter announcements due
Wednesday, Aug. 20
7:30 p.m.Chancel Choir rehearsal

Looking Ahead:
Aug. 24: Celebration luncheon for Dezo,
Town Hall mtg, and Sanctuary of the
Sept. 3: Wednesday Night schedule begins
Sept. 8: FBC Book Club resumes

Send-Off Celebration!
Dezo will spend her final Sunday in Worship with us
next weekshe begins nursing school at Avila Univer-
sity soon and will be moving to Kansas City. We are sad
to see her go, but want to celebrate all the accomplish-
ments she has achieved thus far! Please attend a lunch-
eon in her honor (just prior to our Town Hall meeting)
on Aug. 24 at 12:15 p.m. in the Roger Williams Room.
If you are able to provide any of the following, please
contact the church office, 843-0020.
(10) crock pot of soup
(4) large tossed salad
(6-8) loaf of bread
The Spiritual Leadership Team would like
to invite you to a Town Hall meeting on
August 24, 1:00 p.m. We have received
great feedback from the questionnaires
concerning church programming, and
want to come together for a time of fur-
ther feedback, discernment, and prayer.
Following the 11:00 a.m. service, we will share a meal together (in
honor of Dezo) and then hear a report from John Holtzhuter from
the Fredrikson Center about our questionnaire results.

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