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BSC Visit Report for BSNL UPE

This document is the report for the system visit report for preventive
maintenance conducted for BASTIBSC node installed at BSNL, SSA BASTI.
1 Introduction.........................................................................................
2 Summar of t!e Node.........................................................................
" Sstem status c!ec#..........................................................................
$ %uide &ines'briefin('Su((estions to BSNL persona&.............
) Anne*ures...........................................................................................
Limited Internal
ISIT !"#$!T %$! BSNL &# "AST
1 ()*
#repared (also su+,ect responsi+le if other* No.
#-.NC.&" !ahul sha/ya "IL
Approved Chec/ed 0ate !ev !eference
#-.NC.&" 1.N. 2adav '314-35-43 #A1
- ' -
1 Introduction
This visit report is a part of the preventive maintenance to +e carried out for
nodes installed at BSNL as mentioned in clause num+er 4.1 of the A-C
a6reement. This report 7as carried out on 43
8une '314 at BASTI. The overall
aim for this document is to share 7ith BSNL, the health of the system and also
the standard procedures that shall +e adapted durin6 the $9-. The
o+servations and recommendations mentioned in this shall +e strictly adhered
This document ho7ever does note override the $9- -anuals ($#I, Adaptation
0irections, Command 0escriptions, and #rintout 0escriptions etc*.
2 Node Summar
Total traffic carried is 1)4:.;: "r.
C# load durin6 pea/ hour is <.== >.
Total num+er sites in the BSC are 5).
S0CC? drop rate is 14.)' >.
TC? 0rop rate is 5.44 >
TC? +loc/in6 is '.;= > and S0CC? +loc/in6 is '.;;>
?andover success rate is =).53
" Sstem status c!ec#
The detailed analysis for the system visit report follo7s,
".1 CP Error record
There 7ere no ma,or errors found in C# of BSC node.
".2 Store Uti&i+ation
#ro6ram store (#S*, !eference store (!S*, and 0ata store (0S* utili@ation are
found $A.
Limited Internal
ISIT !"#$!T %$! BSNL &# "AST
' ()*
#repared (also su+,ect responsi+le if other* No.
#-.NC.&" !ahul sha/ya "IL
Approved Chec/ed 0ate !ev !eference
#-.NC.&" 1.N. 2adav '314-35-43 #A1
- 4 -
"." %roup S,itc!
No faults o+served in the 6roup s7itch. No ma,or distur+ances o+served in the
6roup s7itch.
".$ Net,or# Snc!roni+ation
Net7or/ synchroni@ation for BSC seems to +e $A. 1roup s7itch CL- control
values 7ere found $A.
".) Soft,are Records
Chec/ed the soft7are records, all corrections found in active and in confirmed
".- Si+e A&teration con(estion
Soft7are file con6estion 7as not o+served in BSC node &#" circle.
".. Re(iona& processor and e*tension modu&e state
BSNL to ensure that none of !#Bs or "-Bs is in ABL state. This 7ould cause
more C# load. All other !#Bs 9 "-Bs 7ere 7or/in6 o/ in BSCBs.
"./ %PRS Ser0ice
The 1#!S service 7as found activated in BSC properties as 7ell as all the
sites. The soft7are present in the site is older one loadin6 the site 7ith ne7
soft7are 7ill solve the pro+lem.
".1 B&oc#ed de0ices
0evices that are not in use should +e removed to reduce hi6h processor Load.
".12 3R4 Load
The T!? load 7as found to +e normal in BSCs. Avera6e load found 7as
approCimately 1:T!DBs.!?SNT.
There 7ere lots of dips in BSC 7ith supervision alarm activated.
".12 RPP &oad s!arin( function
!## load sharin6 is 7or/in6 properly. No pro+lems found in !## load sharin6.
Limited Internal
ISIT !"#$!T %$! BSNL &# "AST
4 ()*
#repared (also su+,ect responsi+le if other* No.
#-.NC.&" !ahul sha/ya "IL
Approved Chec/ed 0ate !ev !eference
#-.NC.&" 1.N. 2adav '314-35-43 #A1
- ; -
".1" B3S site 4an(in(
No BTS site han6in6 is found.
$ Su((estions
$.1 8peration and 9aintenance Procedures
It is recommended that BSNL staff shall 7or/ as per the $9- documents
supplied to BSNL. In case of any alarms proper $#IBs shall +e used from AL"D
$.2 Bac#ups
Bac/ups should +e ta/en re6ularly every 7ee/ and on eCternal media every
fortni6ht. After ta/in6 the +ac/up, 7e need to rotate it to relfs73 file.
S2B&#E fileFrelfs7'G
$." Access to important 9edia and Cab&es
The latest C# and A#1 +ac/up should +e availa+le, the Start up dis/ettes
for A#1 must +e availa+le. These are very important in case of any
emer6encies li/e system outa6e.

$.$ Record of C!an(es in net,or#
Any chan6es done in the data transcript.net7or/ shall +e recorded in the
lo6+oo/ for future references. This is sometimes very useful to find out the
cause of any eCistin6 pro+lem.
Limited Internal
ISIT !"#$!T %$! BSNL &# "AST
; ()*
#repared (also su+,ect responsi+le if other* No.
#-.NC.&" !ahul sha/ya "IL
Approved Chec/ed 0ate !ev !eference
#-.NC.&" 1.N. 2adav '314-35-43 #A1
- ) -
$.) $verall handover success rate is .).-2 > 7hich is less than <)>. All the
ne7 sites need optimi@ation. It is o+served that handover failures of
some sites are very hi6h, for this proper handover should +e defined.
$.- Some sites are havin6 too hi6h TC? con6estion and need hard7are

Limited Internal
ISIT !"#$!T %$! BSNL &# "AST
) ()*
#repared (also su+,ect responsi+le if other* No.
#-.NC.&" !ahul sha/ya "IL
Approved Chec/ed 0ate !ev !eference
#-.NC.&" 1.N. 2adav '314-35-43 #A1

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