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Chapter 1:Peter Pan is introduced in the first chapter in the house of

Wendy, Michael and John where they were talking about an island called
Chapter !:With Peter"s shaddow captured in the nursery,Peter Pan #ust
face Nana and Mrs $arling
Chapter % : Wendy"s parents are absent, Peter Pan and &inkerbell visit the
darling"s house
Chapter ' : Peter Pan, tinkerbell, Wendy, Michael and John took a flight to
Chapter ( : )s they arrived to Neverland, they #et captain *ookwho
wanted to trap Peter Pan
Chapter + : Wendy take the r,le of the #other for the lost boys and tries to
#ake their ho#e a house
Chapter - : &he .ealousy of &inkerbell was growing up because Peter Pan
was loving Wending #ore thatn her and now she is thinking of a plan to
trap her
Chapter / : Wendy and her brother, Peter Pan &inkerbell travelled to the
#er#aid 0ogoon, but the peaceful visit was interupted by the pirates
Chapter 1 : Never bird and Peter Pan helped each other to go out of a trap
Chapter 12:Peter Pan rescued &iger 0ily who beca#e his friend
&inkerbell"s .ealousy continues to grow
Chapter 11 : Wendy told a bedti#e story to Michael and John who beca#e
very ho#esick
Chapter 1!:Captain *ook hid out the lost boys in his boat
Chapter 1% : &he lost boys tried to escape but Jolly 3oger stopped the#
Chapter 1':Jolly 3oger took benefit in the absence of Captain *ook and
tried to scare hi# by stealing his ne#esis
Chapter 1( : Peter Pan and Captain *ook were preparing a dangerous
Chapter 1+:Peter Pan won the fight and were all going to their original
Chapter 1-:Mrs $arling , Wendy"s #other, bought a house for the lost boys
and Peter Pan
Open- ended questions
chapter 1 :
*ow would the story be different if Peter Pan didn"t co#e 4
Where will we find out about the secret of Peter Pan 4
Chapter 2 :
Will we find out who captured Peter"s Pan"s shadow 4
5 wonder if the character knows that Nana was the person who
captured his shadow
Chapter 3:
*ow would the story be different if wendy"s parents weren"t absent 4
When will we find out about Wendy"s secret 4
Chapter 4:
*ow would the story be different if Neverland didn"t e6ist 4
Why did the author include the infor#ation about the lost boys 4
Chapter 5:
*ow would the story be different if Captain *ook didn"t e6ist 4
5 wonder if the character knew that Captain *ook arrived to trap
hi# 4
Chapter 6:
Why did the author include the infor#ation about Wendy taking a
#other r,le over the lost boys 4
When will we find about Wendy"s secret 4
Chapter 7:
What would happen if &inkerbell wasn"t .ealous 4
What would happen if Wendy knew &inkerbell"s .ealousy 4
Chapter 8:
What would happen if Peter Pan, Wendy and her brothers and
&inkerbell travel to Mer#aid 0agoon 4
What would happen if Captain *ook didn"t co#e 4
Chapter 9 :
What would happen if Peter Pan didn"t rescued &iger 0ily 4
What would happen if &iger 0ily was still an ene#y 4
Chapter 10 :
What would happen if Never bird didn"t want to help Peter Pan 4
*ow would the story be different if Peter Pan was still blocked
there 4
Chapter 11 :
*ow would the story be different if Wendy didn"t tell a bedti#e
story 4
Would Michael and John be ho#esick 4
Chapter 12 :
Will Captain *ook interrupt another ti#e Peter Pan 4
Why were the lost boys hidden out by Captain *ook 4
Chapter 13:
Will the lost boys escape fro# Captain *ook"s boat 4
*ow would the story be different if Jolly 3oger didn"t stop the# 4
Chapter 14:
Will Jolly 3oger take benefits fro# Captain *ook"s absence 4
What did Jolly 3oger steal 4
Chapter 15 :
Will Captain *ook face Peter Pan another ti#e 4
Will it be the last battle 4
Chapter 16:
when will they return to their original world 4
What would their #other say 4
Chapter 17 :
Where will the lost boys and Peter Pan live 4
Will Mrs $arling buy a house for the# 4
A significant excerpt from the chapter
)ll children, e6cept one, grow up &hey soon know that they will grow up, and the
way Wendy knew was this 7ne day when she was two years old she was playing in a
garden, and she plucked another flower and ran with it to her #other 5 suppose she
#ust have looked rather delightful, for Mrs $arling put her hand to her heart and
cried, 87h, why can"t you re#ain like this for ever98 &his was all that passed between
the# on the sub.ect, but henceforth Wendy knew that she #ust grow up :ou always
know after you are two &wo is the beginning of the end
My comments
Mrs $arling wants her children to stay s#all forever&he fa#ily
relationship was good 5t"s crystal clear that she represents a #other and
the #other is known by her love and affection for her siblings &he the#e
of love and care e6ists also in the si6th chapter when Wendy tried to act as
a #other over the lost boys

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