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Escola Estadual Geraldino Rodrigues da Cunha

Avaliao Lngua Inglesa

2 Bimestre - 2013
Nome:__________________________ Turma: _______________
Professor: _______________________ Data: ___/___/_________

Where does the bus come from?
The bus is a French invention. Its creator? Blaise Pascal, a writer and a scientist. He
introduced the first small bus in Paris,
in 1662. Its first name? "Carrosse" -
for only eight passengers. A great
innovation, but not for a long time.
Just a few years.
Buses reappeared in 1823, in Nantes,
a small French town. There, in front
of the final bus station downtown, a
certain Italian called Mr. Omnes had a shop with the name: "Omnes Omnibus".
In Latin, omnis is all. Omnibus is for all. People immediately adopted the word as a good
name for the new means of transportation. The word omnibus, later bus, is now popular
in many countries.
1. De que pas o nibus originou? D6
a) Latin b) Nantes c) France d) Italy
2. De acordo com o texto, o nome do primeiro nibus foi: D9
a) Omnis
b) Omnibus
c) Carrosse
d) Small bus
3. Segundo o texto, o inventor do primeiro nibus era, alm de cientista: D10
a) aviador
b) escritor
c) escultor
d) advogado

Valor: 6 pontos

4. O texto acima "Where does the bus come from?" trata: D1
a) Da vida e obra de Blaise Pascal
b) Da origem da palavra "nibus".
c) Da origem do veculo nibus.
d) Da origem da palavra "carrosse"
5. Complete as questes com DO/DOES e d respostas curtas.D13

a) _____ students at your school play sports? ________
b) _____ your school have a soccer team? ________
c) _____ you like vegetables? ________
d) _____ Laura like playing basketball? ________
e) _____ Steve and Marta like fast food? ________
f) _____ Paul go to the shopping center on the weekends? ________

6. Complete as lacunas com o verbo TO BE: (IS, AM, ARE) D13
a) Carlos _____ a doctor from Canada.
b) Fabio and Carol _____ students from Los Angeles
c) Stella _____ a dentist from Spain.
d) My car _____ black with some details in silver.
e) You _____ good at English but cant understand Spanish
f) They _____ from Peru. They _____ Peruvian.
7. Passe as frases para o Present Continuous. D13
a) Carlos works as a taxi driver.
b) Peter and Carol talk a lot.
c) Julie plays volleyball in the club.
d) You dance tango with Sara.
e) I read a book in my bedroom.
f) The students watch a movie on TV.

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