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PURPOSE: To produce monetary value for public and private trade

Learn the history of money and banking and that it is actually the same system
that has been in place for the last 6,000 years
Learn about the US bankruptcy and how to use it to your advantage
Learn about the different means of echange and the instruments used
!ind out how "fighting the system" is a waste of time and how understanding and how
#$$%&T'() the system is etremely successful
Learn how to create *money+ through echange,
FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to use the current system to obtain prosperity
't is important to understand -ust what our *government+ is, in order to operate effectively in
this system, .id you know that it is actually a trust/ 0efore eplaining how the government is a trust,
we will first eamine a *trust+ that most of us are familiar with 1 a *.eed of Trust,+ 2ou might be
saying to yourself, *you mean my mortgage/+ (o 1 ' mean your trust3
)o to your filing cabinet and pull out your file on what you think is the *mortgage to your
house,+ (ow for the fist time, 4%#. 'T, 5hat does it say/ 's a .eed of Trust different than a
6ortgage/ Let7s find out3
The following definitions will be used from the 0lack7s 8
and 6

Trust. #n obligation on a person arising out of confidence reposed in him to apply property faithfully
and according to such confidence9 as being in nature of deposition by which proprietor transfers to
another property of sub-ect in trusted, not that it should remain with him, but that it should be applied
to certain uses for the be hoof of third party,
Trustor. # person who creates a trust, also called a Settlor,
Trustee. &erson who holds title to the res and administers it for the others7 benefit,
:ne must be an attorney to operate a title company, 'f title company7s *hold+ all the titles of
the .eed of Trusts in the country, then who *holds+ all the titles/ That7s right attorneys3
Benefii!r". :ne for whose benefit a trust is created, :ne receiving benefit or advantage, or one who
is in receipt of benefits, profits, or advantage,
Sett#or. :ne who furnishes the consideration for the creation of a trust, though in form the trust is
created by another,
.id you know when you signed the .eed of Trust that you were giving *benefit and
advantage+ to the bank/ 5ho created the .eed of Trust/ The bank did, so why wouldn7t the bank
draw up the contract for their own advantage if we don7t say anything against it/
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$ort%!%e. >L, mort dead ? gage pledge, or bet9 the estate pledged becomes dead or entirely lost by
failure to pay,@ #n assignment or conveyance of land or house property to a person as security for the
payment of a debt due to him and on the condition that if the money shall be paid according to
contract the grant shall be void, The Consolidated Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1939 edition.
6ost states have passed the *.eed of Trust #ct+ and for the purpose of making it easier to
evict people out of their homes by not going into court, 5hy would they change the name of a
mortgage to a .eed of Trust/ &erhaps they are not holding the *land or house property+ as security,
5hat would the security be then/
Dee& of trust. #n instrument in use in many states, taking the place and serving the uses of a
commonAlaw mortgage, by which the legal title to real property is placed in one or more trustees, to
secure the repayment of a sum of money or the performance of other conditions,
'nstead of having the land be security the bankers have replaced this with *legal title to real
property,+ .oes this mean a *legal description/+ $an the *legal description+ ever be the *land or
house property/+ Since there is no money what would *the performance of other conditions+ be/
$ould this be the &e#i'er" of the &romissory (ote/
Gr!nt. To bestow9 to confer upon some one other than the person or entity which makes the grant
Gr!ntor. The person by whom a grant is made,
Le%!#. $onforming to the law9 according to law9 created by law,
Desri(tion. # written enumeration of items composing an estate, or of its condition, or of titles or
documents9 like an inventory, but with more particularity, and without involving the idea of an
The dictionary did not have the term *legal description,+ so a summary of the words would be
*a written enumeration of items composing an estate created by law,+ Since law is a fiction then what
actually is a legal description/
The *legal description,+ or should ' say the *strawland,+ is the birth certificate for the soil, the
dirt, the substance that you own, 't is the *title,+ but can never be the real thing or take the place of it
1 (%B%4 under #(2 $'4$U6ST#($%S3
Tit#e. The evidence of right which a person has to the possession of property, The word *title+
certainly does not merely signify the right which a person has to the possession of property9 because
there are many instances in which a person may have the right to the possession of property, and at
the same time have no title to the same,
'sn7t that interesting3 Title does (:T signify the *right to possession,+ :ne may have *right of
possession and have no title to the same3+ This is why the bank must *create a right of possession+ in
order to take your property away when you do not *pay,+ 2ou see, the bank does not have title before
this instance, the title company has the title, so the bank must *create+ a title, 0ut first the bank must
create a *right of possession,+ They must notice you by posting a notice on the property, sending you
certified mail, putting it in the newspaper, recording it in the public record and posting it on the public
bulletin board, 5hen you do not respond to these notices, it is assumed that you give your consent,
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and therefore they now have *right of possession,+
Gr!ntor)s Trust. # trust whereby the )rantor is considered to be the owner so that he can maintain
the property and pay the taes on it,
Frutus. !ruits9 produce9 profit or increase9 the right to the fruits of a thing belonging to another,
Usufrut. The right of en-oying a thing, the property of which is vested in another, and draw from
the same all the profit, utility, and advantage which it may produce, provided it be without altering the
substance of the thing,
.oes the above definition say what ' think it says/ #re we being *usufructed+ by the banks/
Ten!nt. :ne who holds lands of another9 one who has the temporary use and occupation of real
property owned by another person Dcalled the *landlord+E the duration and terms of his tenancy being
usually fied by an instrument called a lease,
*oint Ten!n". #n estate in feeAsimple, feeAtail, for life, for years, or at will, arising by purchase or
grant to two or more persons,
'f you signed your .eed of Trust *Foint Tenancy,+ what did you do/ .id you actually sign a
lease agreement with the *landlord+ that call themselves the bank/
Gere is a Huote from a .eed of Trust 1 *5'T(%SS%TG: That Trustor hereby irrevocably
grants, conveys, transfers and assigns to the Trustee in Trust, with &ower of Sale, the above described
real property, together with leases, issues, profits, or income there from: SU0F%$T, however to the
right, power and authority hereinafter given to and conferred upon 0eneficiary to collect and apply
such property income,+
Assi%n+ent of #e!se. Such occurs where lessee transfers entire unepired remainder of term created
by lease ,
5hat did you do when you signed the .eed of Trust at the title company/ 2ou *assigned the
lease+ between you Dthe SettlorE and the Trustor Dthe strawmanE to the 0eneficiary Dthe landlordE,
5hat were you thinking/ Gow did the .eed of Trust become a lease, anyway/
E,eute&. $ompleted9 carried into full effect9 already done or performed9 taking effect immediately9
now in eistence or in possession9 conveying an immediate right or possession, # trust does not
become fully *eecuted+ until sub-ect matter of it has been properly paid over to beneficiaries,
E,eute. To complete9 to make9 to perform9 to do9 to follow out, The *eecution+ of a note involves
not only the signing but the delivery of the note,
>Latin executus to follow to the end9 from ex out ? sequor to follow,@
De#i'er". The act by which the res or substance thereof is placed within the actual or constructive
possession or control of another,
Su-.et +!tter. The sub-ect, or matter presented for consideration9 to recover money
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5hat would be the *sub-ect matter, res or substance+ of a .eed of Trust and the notes
*secured thereby/+ 5hat is the sub-ect matter presented for consideration/ 5ould this be *money+ or
substance or would this be what our society *uses as money/+
Re%istere&. %ntered or recorded in some official register or record or list,
Seurit". &rotection9 assurance9 indemnification, The term is usually applied to an obligation, pledge,
mortgage, deposit, lien, etc,, given by a debtor in order to make sure the payment or performance of
his debt, by furnishing the creditor with a resoure to be used in case of failure in the principal
To understand how the *money+ system works today, one must remember the =I
6arch J, <JII9
The money !"ederal #eser$e %otes& 'ill be 'orth 1(( cents on the dollar, because it is
bac)ed by the credit o* the nation. +t 'ill represent a mortgage on all the homes and other
property o* all the people in the nation. The money so issued 'ill not ha$e one penny o* gold
co$erage behind it, because it is really not needed.,
Since the *national emergency in banking,+ otherwise known as bankruptcy occurred in <JII,
our *money+ is credit 1 your credit 1 backed by your collateral or your promise, 5hen you sign any
promise to pay, it becomes 6:(%23 5hat is the difference between !ederal 4eserve (otes and the
&romissory (ote you gave the bank/ They both represent your credit, :nly one thing is different 1 the
bank failed to record your &romissory (ote when they recorded the .eed of Trust, therefore it is not
*registered+ in the public register like !4(s are, $ould this be considered *fraudulent use of a foreign
security/+ 2ou better believe it is3
/i##. # *will+ is not a sheet of paper, nor a number of sheets or pages, but consists of the words
written thereon, #nd the form of an instrument is of little conseHuence in determining whether it is a
will, but if it is eecuted with formalities reHuired by statute, and if it is to operate only after death of
maker, it is a *will/+ The difference between a will and a trust is that a will operates from the moment
of death, while a trust operates in present to a certain etent,
Test!tor. :ne who makes or has made a testament or will9 one who dies leaving a will,
Su-stitution. The putting one person in place of another9 particularly, the act of a testator in naming
second devisee Dreceiver of real property by willE or legatee Dreceiver of personal property by willE
who is to take the beHuest either on failure of the original devisee or legatee or after him,
E,eutor -" su-stitution. # successor eecutor appointed by testator entitled to succeed to
administration of estate following resignation of first eecutor who had partially administered upon
such estate,
E,eutor. # person appointed by a testator to carry out the directions and reHuests in his will, and to
dispose of the property according to his testamentary provisions after his decease,
2ou may be thinking by now, *what does all of these terms about death got to do with the
.eed of Trust/+ 5hat happens when you e,eute something/ 2ou kill it, it dies, :K, so what died/
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Gave you ever wondered why the bank issues a *(otice of Su-stitution of Trustee+ before
they issue a (otice Trustee7s Sale/ They must replace the original trustee, because someone, or
*something+ died A as in a +ortgage Ddead pledgeE,
The following is a Huote from a !ull 4econveyance that the bank gives you when you pay off
a loan,
*-aid Deed o* Trust 'as executed by ./0% 1. D/E !Trustor,& to -02-TE# 31%4
!/riginal 3ene*iciary,&, and recorded in the o**icial records o* 5+61 County, 1#+7/%1,
as *ollo's8 Date Deed o* Trust #ecorded8 -eptember 9:, 199:,+
The date given above as the date the .eed of Trust was *eecuted+ was the s!+e &!te that
the &romissory (ote was *signed and delivered,+ not 01en t1e #o!n 0!s (!i& off, The bank is
telling you that the trust was completed when you &e#i'ere& t1e note to them, TG%S% #4% TG%'4
:5( 5:4.S3
So, the trust or trustor died3 5ho is the trustor/ Gow did they spell the name of the trustor/
5ith all capital letters/ 's this you or is it 6emore Dthe strawmanE/
Dri##2 'f you think we are no longer in the feudal system here in the "good olL US of #," TG'(K
#)#'(, 'f either you or a friend has a .eed of Trust, go to your files and pull out the copy of it
and read the first page and answer the following Huestions9
<, .id you know you created a T4UST when you obtained your house/
C, 5ho is the T4UST:4 A you or the ST4#56#(/
I, 5ho is the T4UST%%/
8, 5ho is the 0%(%!'$'#42/
M, 5hat is the "described property," the land or a list of measurements of a fictitious
6, 'f you irrevocably "grant" a legal description to the T4UST%%, who is the
)4#(T:49 and -ust what eactly was granted/ Dhint: not the landE
=, .id the husband and wife sign as -oint T%(#($2/ 'f so what does that make the
T4UST:4 A the owner or the T%(#(T/
;, 'f the T4UST:4 is now the tenant making payments to the 0eneficiary A is the bank in
fact the L#(.L:4./
J, 'f one Dthe mortgage or trustE dies and the property is disposed of A what is it/
<0, 5hat really is this document called the .eed of Trust/
<<, a trust
<C, a grant
<I, a lease
<8, a will
<M, a contract
<6, all of the above
<=, 'f you said "f" you are correct A but if the T4UST:4 is the strawman, how do
you fit into this mystery A are you the Settlor or the Surety/
<;, 5ho gave the consideration for this contract/
<J, #re all the above "persons" and property real or fictitious/
C0, 'f this is fiction A who had the land in the first place before ever walking into the Title
$ompany to sign the loan/ Dhint: 2:U333E
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C<, 5ho is security for the !ederal 4eserve (otes/ Dsame answerE
CC, 5ho then paid for the loan when they signed the &romissory (ote/ Dno hintsE
CI, So why do we think we are the tenant when we get a late notice or a (:T'$% :!
T4UST%% S#L% from the bank, when the property was ours in the first place #(.
we paid for it again with our &romissory (ote/
(ow that you know what a .eed of Trust really is, you can solve this riddle, Gere are a
few more words to define to get a grasp of how much power you really have,
B!n4in%. The business of receiving money on deposit, loaning money, discounting notes, issuing
notes for circulation, collecting money on notes deposited, negotiating bills, etc,
B!n4. #n institution, usually incorporated with power to issue its (ro+issor" notes intended to
circulate as +one" Dknown as bank notesE9 or to receive the money of others on general deposit, to
forma -oint fund that shall be used by the institution, for its own benefit9 The term *bank+ is usually
restricted in its application to an incorporated body9 while a private individual making it his business
to conduct banking operations is generally denominated a *banker,+
B!n4er. # private person who keeps a bank9 one who is engaged in the business of banking, :ne who
carries on the business of banking by receiving money on deposit with or without interest, by buying
and selling bills of echange, promissory notes, gold or silver coin, bullion, uncurrent money, bonds or
stock, or other securities, and by loaning money without being incorporated,
B!n4er)s Note. # commercial instrument resembling a bank note Da promissory note issued by a bank
intended to circulate as moneyE in every particular ecept that it is given by a private banker or
unincorporated banking institution,
Bi## of E,1!n%e. # written order from #, to 0, directing 0, to pay $, a certain sum of money therein
named, # *check+ differs from a *bill of echange+ in that it is always drawn on a deposit whereas a
bill is not,
Forei%n Bi## of E,1!n%e. # bill of echange drawn in one state or country, upon a foreign state or
Forei%n E,1!n%e. $onversion of the money of one country into its eHual of another country,
&rocess by which money of one country is used to pay balances due in another country,
#s one can see from the above definitions, you are a *banker+ that can *issue promissory
notes intended to be circulated as money,+ Since that is what #LL currency is today 1 your credit 1 it
should not be a stretch for the imagination to think that you can US% 2:U4 :5( $4%.'T3 2ou
are *foreign+ to U('T%. ST#T%S so you can use your credit to pay the balance due in another
country Dor should we say *corporation+ such as U('T%. ST#T%SE, The *balance+ representing the
interest that a person owes you when they are using 2:U4 credit,
Since the strawman is a corporation created by the state to account for the credit that they are
using in your name, it stands to reason that the strawman represents U('T%. ST#T%S and TG%'4
debt 1 not you and your debt, 2ou are the creditor, and the state or U('T%. ST#T%S is the debtor,
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They owe you eemption for using your credit, but since they are bankrupt, there is no *substance
money,+ so you, as the creditor, will have to get paid by taking eHuity, such as your house and your
car as a setoff,
#s one can see from the above definitions, you are a *banker+ that can *issue 0'LLS :!
%N$G#()% D0:%E intended to be circulated as money,+ Since that is what #LL currency is today 1
your credit 1 it should not be a stretch for the imagination to think that you can US% 2:U4 :5(
$4%.'T3 Gowever, "ou !re not %oin% to use "our re&it 01i1 re!tes +ore &e-t 1 you are going
to by using your E5E$PTION,
E,e+(tion. !reedom from a general duty or service9 immunity from a general burden, ta, or charge,
'mmunity from service of process or from certain legal obligations, as -ury duty, military service, or
the payment of taes9 Pro(ert" e,e+(t in -!n4ru(t" (roee&in%s is provided for under
0ankruptcy $ode sec, MCC,
E,e+(t. >L, exemptum, to take out, to remove, from ex, out ? emo, to buy, to t!4e,@ To free or
permit to be free from any charge, burden, restraint, duty to which others are sub-ect9 to grant
Ae(t. >L, acceptare, from ad, to ? capio, to t!4e,@ To take or receive, as something offered9 to
acknowledge with a signature and thus promise to pay a 0ill of %change,
#ll municipalities and corporations are bankrupt because they have no substance to back up
their currency, 5e, as sovereigns, bailed them out by letting them use :U4 &4:&%4T2 as collateral,
then they mortgaged it and 1 5a La 1 there was currency, Gowever, we are %N%6&T because they
are using our credit to make trillions of dollars a year, and therefore, we are entit#e& *to take+ a
portion of their eHuity in return,
2ou are going T: T#K% what is already yours and in your possession, Since there is no
money, you can only *take+ eHuity 1 goods and services 1 from the corporations using your credit as
they are 0#(K4U&T3 2ou will be sending a copy of the 0:% to &aul :7(eill in a *private+ capacity
as the trustee for the US 0ankruptcy, This is done privately because you cannot deal with a fiction,
2ou are *foreign+ to U('T%. ST#T%S and all other corporations, so you can use your
%N%6&T':( as a !:4%')( 0'LL :! %N$G#()% to pay the balance due in another country Dor
should we say *corporation+ such as U('T%. ST#T%SE, The *balance+ representing the interest that
a person owes you when they are using 2:U4 credit,
Since the strawman is a corporation created by the state to account for the credit that they are
using in your name, it stands to reason that the strawman represents U('T%. ST#T%S and TG%'4
debt 1 not you, 2ou are the creditor, and the state or U('T%. ST#T%S is the debtor, They owe you
interest for using your credit, but since they are bankrupt, there is no *substance money,+ so you, as
the creditor, will have to get paid by taking eHuity, such as your house and your car as a setoff,
Po0er of !e(t!ne. $apacity of offeree, upon acceptance of the terms of the offer, to create a
binding contract,
Gouse Foint 4esolution <JC, Fune M, <JII, states that one cannot demand a certain form of
currency that they want to receive if it is dollar for dollar as #LL $U44%($2 'S 2:U4 $4%.'T33
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'f they do, they are in breach of the contract of GF4 <JC, 2ou have already accepted this contract and
now they must perform,
&ursuant to the contract with the corporation that you are discharging the debt of and GF4
<JC, they must give you a Letter of 4elease or &ayment in !ull,
'f you have not received the release in <8 days then send them a .%!#ULT and contact a
notary to do a process that will give you a $%4T'!'$#T% :! .'SG:(:4, because they are in
breach of the contract at this time,
Con'e"!ne. The transfer of title from one person to another, #n instrument in writing under seal, by
which some estate or interest in lands is transferred from one person to another,
Reon'e"!ne. 't takes place where a mortgage debt is paid off, and the mortgaged property is
conveyed again to the mortgagor or his representatives free from the mortgage debt,
Gave you ever wondered why the banks use the term *4econveyance/+ 'f *conveyance+
means the transfer of title, then does *4econveyance+ mean to transfer title back to you/ .id you
know that you had *interest in the land+ before you ever walked into the title company to sign *your
(ow that you have issued a promissory note to the bank and they have acknowledged your
payment by admitting that it is a *security+ and that it *eecuted+ the .eed of Trust at the time you
gave them the promissory note,
Since the bank did not record the promissory note, it is not *registered+ so instead of waiting
for the bank, as beneficiary of the deed of trust to do this 1 you do it as the Settlor of the trust, Take
out a copy of your &romissory (ote and sign it as *Settlor,+ the one who furnished the consideration,
(ow you are !e(tin% the promise that the Trustor DstrawmanE made to the bank and therefore
discharging the debt by using your eemption, Then record the note and have the county recorder, the
public fiduciary, register it and do a service of process on the bank by mailing it to them,
&ursuant to the contract D.eed of TrustE they must give you a !ULL 4%$:(B%2#($%,
'f you have not received the !ULL 4%$:(B%2#($% in ten days then contact a notary and
do a process that will give you a $%4T'!'$#T% :! 4%$:(B%2#($%, Then record the
4econveyance yourself as Settlor for the bank, because they are in breach of the contract at this time,
Bre!1. The breaking or violating of a law, right, or duty, either by commission or omission,
Bre!1 of ontr!t. !ailure, without legal ecuse, to perform any promise which forms the
whole or part of a contract9 UneHuivocal, distinct and absolute refusal to perform agreement,
Not!r" Pu-#i2 # public officer whose function it is to administer oaths9 to attest and certify, by
her or his hand and official seal, certain classes of documents, in order to give them credit and
authenticity in foreign -urisdictions9 to t!4e !4no0#e&%e+ents of &ee&s !n& ot1er
on'e"!nes6 !n& ertif" t1e s!+e9 and to perform certain official acts, chiefly in commercial
matters such as the protesting of notes and bills, the noting of foreign drafts, and marine protests
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in cases of loss or damage. :ne who is authoriOed by the State or !ederal )overnment to
administer oaths, and to attest to the authenticity of signatures, 3lac);s <

Not!r" Pu-#i. # legal practitioner, usually a solicitor, who attests or certifies deeds and other
documents and notes or protests dishonoured bills of echange,
Dictionary o* 3usiness, /x*ord =ni$ersity 5ress, > 6ar)et 0ouse 3oo)s ?td 199<
Certifi!te. # *certificate+ by a public officer is a statement written and signed, but not necessarily or
customarily sworn to, which is -" #!0 made evidence of the truth of the facts stated for all or for
certain purposes,
L!n& Certifi!te. # certificate is given to the registered proprietor, and similarly upon every transfer
of registered land, This registration supersedes the necessity of any further registration in the register
counties Dcounty recorderE, 't contains a description of the land as it appears on the register and the
name and address of the proprietor, and is prima *acia evidence of the truth of the matters therein set
Torrens tit#e s"ste+. # system for registration of land under which, upon the landAowner7s
application, the court may, after appropriate proceedings, direct the issuance of a certificate of title,
5ith eceptions, this certificate is conclusive as to applicant7s estate in land, System of registration of
land title as distinguished from registration or recording of evidence of such title,
In'estiture. # ceremony which accompanied the grant of lands in the feudal ages, and consisted in
the open and notorious delivery of possession in the presence of the other vassals, which perpetuated
among them the area of their new acHuisition at the time when the art of writing was very little
known9 and thus the evidence of the property was reposed in t1e +e+or" of t1e nei%1-or1oo&,
who, in case of disputed title, were afterwards called upon to decide upon it,
#ccording to the above definitions, a notary can issue a certificate authenticating a transfer of
title of land referred to as *conveyance+ a *land certificate,+ The transfer of land that we are
concerned with must be according to the contract called a *deed of trust,+ 5e must create a *right of
possession+ -ust as the bank does, 5e must notice the bank similarly as they do, #nd when they do
not answer, they give their consent 1 -ust as we have given our consent when we do not answer the
(:T'$% :! T4UST%% S#L% that the banks send you when they claim you *breach+ the deed of
&ursuant to your deed of trust, the bank must record a !ULL 4%$:(B%2#($% when you
have *paid the loan off,+ 0ut, if they do not record the 4econveyance, TG% 0#(K 'S (:5 '(
04%#$G3 (ow, as Settlor, you will have to bypass them,
B!n4 1!r%es. This term in an action on a bill of echange is eHuivalent to epenses of noting and
may be especially endorsed as a #i7ui&!te& &e+!n&,
Li7ui&!te& &e+!n&. # demand the amount of which has been ascertained or settled by agreement
of the parties, or otherwise,
Notin%. The act of a notary in +inutin% on a bill of echange, after it has been presented for
acceptance or payment, the initials of his name, the date of the day, month, and year when such
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presentment was made, and the reason, if any has been assigned, for nonAacceptance or nonA
payment, together with his 1!r%e, 3lac);s @
$inutes. &ractice, # memorandum of what takes place in court, made by authority of the court,
3lac);s @
C1!r%e. 'n %Huity practice, # written statement presented to a master in chancery Dnotary publicE
by a party DyouE of the items with which the opposite party should be debited or should account
for, or of the claim of the party making it, # charge may embrace the whole liabilities of the
accounting party,
The phrases *in an action+ and *noting+ are referring to the (otarial process detailed in
M, and will be enumerated again in the instructions below, The (otarial process of *noting+ is
eHuivalent to a court procedure, the end product being a *certificate of dishonor+ or some other
certificate, authenticating that an action has been done between C parties and that the parties are in
agreement, The banks term this document a *04%#$G #(. (:(A&%4!:46#($%+ and is
recorded with the (:T'$% :! SU0ST'TUT':( :! T4UST%%, The *04%#$G #(. (:(A
&%4!:46#($%+ is the certificate the bank uses as a *certificate of dishonor+ issued by a notary,
2ou are going to duplicate their process back to them,
So after you have finished the notarial process, the notary will issue you a *certificate+
indicating transfer of title, Gowever, instead of the notary issuing a land certificate, the notary will
issue a *$%4T'!'$#T% :! 4%$:(B%2#($%,+ Since *land certificate+ would indicate C parties
and thus a direct transfer we cannot use this term, 5e must follow the stipulations in the deed of
trust as there are three DIE parties concern, and therefore we must *reconvey+ the title or *convey+
*back+ title to the *person+ who granted the property in the deed of trust, This would be the
T4UST:4, ie, F:G( .:% not Fohn .oe,
'f the bank is admitting that the T4UST:4 had title from the beginning then there is already
a *right of possession+ in place, 4ight of possession already eisted before even the signing of the
deed of trust, This is the reason that we can simply *reconvey+ without the need to proceed with a
T4UST%% S#L%,
Sett#e+ent. #ct or process of ad-usting or determining9 an ad-usting9 an ad-ustment between persons
concerning their dealings or difficulties9 an agreement by which parties having disputed matters
between them reach or ascertain what is coming from one to the other9 and #i7ui&!tion,
Li7ui&!tion. The act of process of settling or making clear, fied, and determinate that which before
was uncertain or unascertained9 0in&in% u( and distribution of assets among creditors and
/in& u(. To settle the accounts and liHuidate the assets of a corporation, for the purpose of making
distribution and dissolving the concern,
Sett#e u(. # term, colloHuial rather than legal, which is applied to the final collection, ad-ustment,
and distribution of the estate of a decedent, a bankrupt, or an insolvent corporation, 't includes the
processes of collecting the property, paying debts and charges, and turning over the balance to those
entitled to receive it,
$ourse ; 1 &rivate 0anking page <0 of 8=

Dee& of sett#e+ent. The party who settles property is called the *settlor,+
Sett#or. :ne who furnishes the consideration for the creation of a trust although the in form the trust
is created by another,
Since the bank is already in bankruptcy Dchapter <<E and they breach the contract Ddeed of
trustE by not transferring title when the contract is eecuted, you can *liHuidate+ the contract, 2ou
are the Settlor 1 one who *settles property,+
Fin!# sett#e+ent. This term, as applied to the administration of an estate, is usually understood to
have reference to the order of court approving the account which closes the business of the estate,
and which finally discharges the eecutor or administrator from the duties of his trust,
(ow you have created a *default+ against the bank with a public official Da deputy superior
court clerkE as a third party witness -ust as the bank has done before they liHuidate the trust property
at the T4UST%% S#L%, #nd now, since you have finished the administrative process on this matter,
you will record a !ULL 4%$:(B%2#($% for the bank, as the Settlor, and reconvey the property
to the *person+ entitled to it which is your strawman corporation, ie, F:G( .:%, the original
T4UST:4 of the .eed of Trust, The $%4T'!'$#T% :! 4%$:(B%2#($% is *final settlement+
by the *order of court+ called the notary process which *closes the business of the estate+ by closing
the account of the deed of trust,
'n the below *principals of law,+ remember, the Secured &arty is you,
UCC 89:;<. Co##etion !n& Enfore+ent -" Seure& P!rt".
=-> ?Non.u&ii!# enfore+ent of +ort%!%e.@ 'f necessary to enable a secured party to
eercise under subsection DaEDIE the right of a debtor to enforce a mortgage non-udicially, the
secured party may record in the office in which a record of the mortgage is recorded:
<, a copy of the security agreement that creates or provides for a security interest in the
obligation secured by the mortgage9 and
C, the secured party7s sworn affidavit in recordable form stating that:
a, a default has occurred9 and
b, the secured party is entitled to enforce the mortgage non-udicially,
The .eed of Trust is the *security agreement,+ The (:T'$% :! 4%$:(B%2#($%
that you recorded is part of the agreement as well, The affidavit, entitled (:T'$% :! .%!#ULT,
is the *sworn affidavit in recordable form stating that a default has occurred,+
UCC 89:;8. Seure& P!rt")s Ri%1t to T!4e Possession After Def!u#t.
=!> ?PossessionA ren&erin% e7ui(+ent unus!-#eA &is(osition on &e-tor)s (re+ises.@
#fter default, a secured party:
<, may take possession of the collateral9
=-> ?*u&ii!# !n& non.u&ii!# (roess.@ # secured party may proceed under subsection
DCE without -udicial process, if it proceeds without breach of the peace,
$ourse ; 1 &rivate 0anking page << of 8=

(ow that you have completed your *non-udicial process,+ you can collect the collateral
and take possession of it, Since you already live there, you *may proceed without -udicial process,
if it proceeds without breach of peace,+
$ourse ; 1 &rivate 0anking page <C of 8=

PURPOSE: #s a $reditor of U('T%. ST#T%S and all other subAcorporations private and public,
you are owed interest for the gold and all property that you *loaned+ them starting 6arch J, <JII
to date, There is (: 6:(%2, 'n order to start getting your interest back, you must (:T'$%
your .%0T:4S of what you epect them to do and the conseHuences if they do not comply, This
file contains all the documents you will need to *register+ your promissory note that you already
have paid the bank and as a result get your house conveyed back to you or as they term it 1 a
!ULL 4%$:(B%2#($%,
!ollowing is a step by step list of actions that will instruct you on the specifics of how to take your
house back after you have discharge it with your promissory note, 0elow is a list of the documents
that one will need in this process9
<, (:T'$% :! 4%$:(B%2#($%
C, (:T'$% :! .%!#ULT
I, (:T'$% :! 04%#$G 1 from a (otary
8, $%4T'!'$#T% :! 4%$:(B%2#($% A from a (otary
M, !ULL 4%$:(B%2#($% 1 from the Substitution Trustee
<, The NOTICE OF RECONVEBANCE is for the return of your eHuity Dyour houseE when you
signed the &romissory (ote on your house A the banks have used your (ote, and now, !s
t1eir Sett#or6 you want the eHuity and the rents back.
a, 5ord process the NOTICE OF RECONVEBANCE for all of the correct
b, 5hen doing your Pro+issor" Note, create a new document on your computer and
make a signature line -ust like the one you signed on the note originally, but type
your name in upper and lower letters under the left side of the line and Sett#or
under the right side of the line, Then print it, cut it out and paste it on the right
hand side of the &romissory (ote, Then make a copy of it and have the copy
notariOed when you get the (otice notariOed, The signatory should look like
Fohn Genry .oe
%'( Q <CI8M6=;J
c, (:T%: 'f you cannot locate your &romissory (ote, reHuest a copy from the bank,
'f they don7t send you a copy, get a copy of a friend7s note and type in all of
your info and record it, 'f they ever challenge it, they will have to bring a
certified copy both front and back of the original 1 which they probably don7t
have9 the back will also show that the note was *&#'. T: TG% :4.%4 :!
PPPPPP 0#(K+ which proves that the bank indeed collateraliOed your note -ust
$ourse ; 1 &rivate 0anking page <I of 8=

as they would deposit a check, %ither way they lose,
d, #ttach the Pro+issor" Note to the NOTICE OF RECONVEBANCE and get
both notariOed
e, 4ecord the (otice with the $ounty recorder, The original will go to the bank, so
pay for a copy of the (otice to be sent to you, The reasons why you are
recording this notice with the 4ecorder is that they are the &U0L'$
!'.U$'#42 for you as a S%TTL:4 and they must !e(t your instrument,
re%ister your instrument and &e#i'er the instrument to your .%0T:4, (ow the
bank has received a *registered security,+
f, 5hen you get the copy back from the 4ecorder, wait ten D<0E days for your FULL
RECONVEBANCE from the bank,
#fter giving ten D<0E days and you have received no response, prepare the (:T'$% :!
.%!#ULT, This document is the entering in of the charge to the (otary &ublic who is
acting as a .eputy Superior $ourt $lerk, Take this document to the notary, notariOe it and
have the notary start the (otarial &rotest, 'f the 4espondents do not answer in <0 days, the
notary will notice them again to give them one more opportunity, Then the notary will issue
a $%4T'!'$#T% :! 4%$:(B%2#($% which is considered a .%!#ULT FU.)6%(T,
D. NOTICE OF BREAC3 -" ! Not!r" Pu-#i
(ow we will go through the process called a (otarial &rotest, a very powerful process that
will create a witness against the 4espondent through a &ublic :fficial, !ollowing is the
definition of a (otary &ublic according to 0lack7s Law .ictionary, 6
edition, 't is
important to know why you need to use a (otary &ublic,
Notary Public: 1 public o**icer 'hose *unction it is to administer oathsA to attest and
certi*y, by her or his hand and o**icial seal, certain classes o* documents, in order to gi$e
them credit and authenticity in *oreign BurisdictionsA to ta)e ac)no'ledgements o* deeds
and other con$eyances, and certi*y the sameA and to per*orm certain o**icial acts,
chie*ly in commercial matters such as the protesting o* notes and bills, the noting o*
*oreign dra*ts, and marine protests in cases o* loss or damage. /ne 'ho is authoriCed by
the -tate or "ederal Do$ernment to administer oaths, and to attest to the authenticity o*
signatures, 0lack7s 6

NOTARY PUBLIC. 1 legal practitioner, usually a solicitor, 'ho attests or certi*ies deeds
and other documents and notes or protests dishonoured bills o* exchange.
.ictionary of 0usiness, :ford University &ress, R 6arket Gouse 0ooks Ltd <JJ6
&ursuant to #riOona 4evised Statutes D#4SE Title 8<AIIC9
Seret!r" of t1e St!teA &e(ut" ount" #er4A ount" #er4 funtions
Eeach cler) o* the superior court shall deputiCe the secretary o* state and the
secretary;s designees as deputy county cler)s o* the superior court solely *or the
per*ormance o* the superior court cler);s *unctionsE,
$ourse ; 1 &rivate 0anking page <8 of 8=

SECRETARY OF STATE. +n 1merican la'. Title o* the chie* o* the executi$e bureau o*
the =nited -tates called the Department o* -tate., 0e is a member o* the cabinet, and
is charged 'ith the general administration o* the international and diplomatic a**airs o*
the go$ernment. +n many o* the state go$ernments there is an executi$e o**icer bearing
the same title and exercising important *unctions. +n English la'. The secretaries o* state
are cabinet ministers attending the so$ereign *or the receipt and dispatch o* letters,
grants, petitions, and many o* the most important a**airs o* the )ingdom, both *oreign
and domestic. 0lack7s 8
#s you should now know, each of us are a separate *foreign sovereign nation,+ The
Secretary of the State7s main function is to attend the to the sovereign 1 you,
Coi!!io": 1n authority or 'rit issuing *rom a court, in relation to a cause be*ore it,
directing and authoriCing a person or persons named to do some act or exercise some
special *unctionA usually to ta)e the depositions o* 'itnesses,
Coi!!io"er: 1 person to 'hom a commission is directed by the go$ernment or a
court. 1 person 'ith a commission. 1n o**icer 'ho is charged 'ith the administration o*
the la's relating to some particular subBect matter, or the management o* some bureau or
agency o* the go$ernment. 6ember o* a commission or board. -pecially appointed
o**icer o* the Court.
#ll notary publics are assigned a *commission+ by the secretary of the state and deputiOed
by the notary public of the Superior $ourt,
TABELLIO. +n #oman la'. 1n o**icer corresponding in some respects to a notary. 0is
business 'as to dra' legal instruments, !contracts, 'ills, etc.,& and 'itness their execution.
Tabelliones di**ered *rom notaries in many respectsA they had Budicial Burisdiction in some
cases, and *rom their Budgments there 'ere no appeals. %otaries 'ere then the cler)s or
aiders o* the tabellionesA they recei$ed the agreements o* the parties, 'hich they reduced to
short "ote!A and these co"tract! 'ere not binding until they 'ere 'ritten in extenso, 'hich
'as done by the tabelliones. 0lack7s 8
'n summary of the above definitions, a (otary &ublic is a commissioner designated by the
secretary of the state and deputiOed to be a deputy superior court clerk to hear certain issues
presented to them by foreign agents by taking depositions of the parties termed *notes,+ 'n
order for the *notes+ DcontractsE to be binding they are registered with the secretary of state,
BILL OF E#C$AN%E. 1n unconditional order in 'riting, addressed by one person !the
dra'erFdebtor& to another !the dra'eeFyour stra'man& and signed by the person gi$ing it,
requiring the dra'ee to pay on demand or at a *ixed or determinable *uture time a
speci*ied sum o* money to or to the order o* a speci*ied person !the payeeF5aul
/;%eillFtrustee o* =.-. 3an)ruptcy& or to the bearer. +* the bill is payable at a *uture time
the dra'ee !your stra'man& signi*ies his acce&ta"ce !by you as the creditor o* both the
dra'er and dra'ee 1%D the payee&, 'hich ma)es him the party primarily liable upon the
billA the dra'er and endorsers may also be liable upon a bill. The use o* bills o* exchange
enables one person to trans*er to another an en*orceable right to a sum o* money. 1 bill o*
exchange is not only trans*erable but also negotiable, since i* a person 'ithout an
en*orceable right to the money trans*ers a bill to a 'older i" due cour!e, the latter obtains
$ourse ; 1 &rivate 0anking page <M of 8=

a good title to it. 6uch o* the la' on bills o* exchange is codi*ied by the 3ills o* Exchange
1ct 1::9 and the Cheques 1ct 1999.
.ictionary of Law, :ford University &ress R 6arket Gouse 0ooks Ltd <JJ=
(IS$ONOR. "ailure to honour a bill o* exchange. This may be by nonacceptance, 'hen a
bill o* exchange is presented *or acceptance and this is re*used or cannot be obtained !or
'hen presentment *or acceptance is excused and the bill is not accepted&A or by
nonpayment, 'hen the bill is presented *or payment and payment is re*used or cannot be
obtained !or 'hen presentment is excused and the bill is o$erdue and unpaid&. +n both
cases the holder has an immediate right o* recourse against the dra'er and endorsers, but
*oreign bills that ha$e been dishonoured must *irst be protested !see protest&.
.ictionary of 0usiness, :ford University &ress, R 6arket Gouse 0ooks Ltd <JJ6
NOTE A BILL. When a *oreign bill has been dishonored, it is usual *or a notary public to
present it again on the same day and i* it be not then paid, to ma)e a minute, consisting o*
his initials, the day, month, and year, and reason, i* assigned, o* nonGacceptance. The
ma)ing o* this minute is called "oti") the bill.,
=CC 3 H I(I. 5rotestA %oting *or 5rotest
J J J !b& 1 protest is a certi*icate o* di!'o"or made by a =nited -tates consul or $ice
consul, or a notary public or other person authoriCed to administer oaths by the la' o* the
place 'here dishonor occurs. +t may be made upon in*ormation satis*actory to that person.
The protest shall identi*y the instrument and certi*y either that presentment has been made
or, i* not made, the reason 'hy it 'as not made, and that the instrument has been
dishonored by nonacceptance or nonpayment. The protest may also certi*y that notice o*
dishonor has been gi$en to some or all parties.
NOTIN%. 1. The procedure adopted i* a bill o* exchange has been dishonoured by nonG
acceptance or by nonGpayment. %ot later than the next business day a*ter the day on
'hich it 'as dishonoured, the holder has to hand it to a notary public to be "oted. The
notary reGpresents the billA i* it is still unaccepted or unpaid, the circumstances are noted
in a register and also on a notarial tic+et, 'hich is attached to the bill. The noting can
then, i* necessary, be extended to a &rote!t.
.ictionary of 0usiness, :ford University &ress, R 6arket Gouse 0ooks Ltd <JJ6
NOTIN%. The act o* a notary in i"uti") on a bill o* exchange, a*ter it has been
presented *or acceptance or payment, the initials o* his name, the date o* the day, month,
and year 'hen such presentment 'as made, and the reason, i* any has been assigned, *or
nonGacceptance or nonGpayment, together 'ith his c'ar)e. 0lack7s 8

,INUTES. 5ractice. 1 memorandum o* 'hat ta)es place in court, made by authority o*
the court. 0lack7s 8
C$AR%E. +n Equity practice. 1 'ritten statement presented to a master in chancery
!notary public& by a party !you& o* the items 'ith 'hich the opposite party should be
debited or should account *or, or o* the claim o* the party ma)ing it. 1 charge may
embrace the 'hole liabilities o* the accounting party.
$ourse ; 1 &rivate 0anking page <6 of 8=

TIC-ET. +n contracts. 1 slip o* paper containing a certi*icate that the person to 'hom it
is issued, or the holder, is entitled to some right or pri$ilege therein mentioned or
describedA 0lack7s 8
.U(%,ENT NOTE. 1 promissory note !contract&, embodying an authoriCation
toEa cler) o* the court !or a notary public&, to enter an appearance *or the ma)er o* the
note and con*ess a Budgment against him *or a sum therein named, upon de*ault o*
payment o* the note. 0lack7s 8
PROTEST. 1 notarial act, being a *ormal statement in 'riting made by a notary under
his seal o* o**ice, at the request o* the holder o* a bill or note, in 'hich it is declared that
the bill or note described 'as on a certain day presented *or payment or acceptance and
that such payment or acceptance 'as re*used, and stating the reasons, i* any, gi$en *or
such re*usal, 'hereupon the notary protests against all parties to such instrument, and
declares that they 'ill be held responsible *or all loss or damage arising *rom its
dishonor. +t denotes also all the steps or acts accompanying dishonor necessary to
c'ar)e an indorser. 0lack7s 8
PROTEST. 9. 1 procedure by 'hich a notary pro$ides *ormal e$idence o* the dishonour
o* a bill o* exchange. When a *oreign bill has been dishonoured by nonacceptance or
nonpayment it is handed to the notary, 'ho usually presents it again. +* it is still
dishonoured, the notary attaches a slip sho'ing the ans'er recei$ed and other
particulars G a process called noting. The protest, in the *orm o* a *ormal document, may
then be dra'n up at a later time.
.ictionary of 0usiness, :ford University &ress, R 6arket Gouse 0ooks Ltd <JJ6
Locate a (otary &ublic that is knowledgeable and willing to do your (otarial &rotest,
There are I documents needed for this process: (otice of 0reach, .efault and
:pportunity to $ure, and a $ertificate of .ishonor, The first document is a (:T'$% :!
04%#$G , which the (otary issues to the :fferor to allow them a second opportunity to
provide evidence to substantiate their claim, 0asically the (otary &ublic is acting in the
capacity of taking a deposition from witnesses, The (otary &ublic has been shown your
affidavit %(T42 !:4 .%!#ULT FU.)6%(T 02 #!!'.#B'T and now the (otary is
asking for the :fferor7s affidavit Dsworn statementE,

'f in <0 days the (otary &ublic does not receive a response point for point by affidavit
with documented evidence, the 4espondent has defaulted and therefore dishonored your
acceptance, Then the (otary prepares a (otarial &rotest which the (otary keeps for
herShis own records, and issues you a certificate authenticating the transfer of title, The
certificate is called a $%4T'!'$#T% :! 4%$:(B%2#($% and is actually -ust as valid
as a .efault Fudgment in a Superior $ourt,
$ourse ; 1 &rivate 0anking page <= of 8=

5ord process the FULL RECONVEBANCE. )ather the following documents into a
package starting with the bottom of the package as follows:
<, (:T'$% :! .%!#ULT 1 affidavit from the Settlor
C, $%4T'!'$#T% :! 4%$:(B%2#($% A affidavit from a (otary &ublic
I, !ULL 4%$:(B%2#($% 1 affidavit from Substitution Trustee
6ake two copies of this package, 4ecord the package at the county recorder7s office of
the county you are in, 'n the upper right hand corner of the first copy of the !ULL
4%$:(B%2#($%, write the name of the county recorder, the .ocket number and the &age
number, and the date recorded, Then send that copy certified mail to the bank,
GGGI$PORTANT NOTEGGG (ow that you have your house back in your name you need to
e'it t1e -!n4 fro+ t1e (re+ises, )o to course M and do the procedure on %B'$T':(,
This completes the process for !ULL 4%$:(B%2#($%, The net process will be
covered in a separate set of instructions,

$ourse ; 1 &rivate 0anking page <; of 8=

5hen 4ecorded 6ail to: .aniel 0egley, d,b,a, Loan 4esolution Specialist
SG2ST%4 0#(K
<66M &alm 0each Lakes 0lvd,
5est &alm 0each !L,, II80<
$ontract Q =0000;
P!"ee2 .aniel 0egley, d,b,a, Loan 4esolution Specialist, SG2ST%4 0#(K <66M &alm 0each Lakes 0lvd,
5est &alm 0each !L,, II80<
P!"or2 F:G( G%(42 .:%, 6;;0 S, 04:#.5#2, TU$S:(, #T ;M=86
', Fohn Genry .oe, herein *Settlor, + state the facts contained herein are true, correct, complete, and not
misleading, to the best of my personal knowledge, ' am $reditor for the legal fiction F:G( G%(42 .:%,
organiOation Q60<A<MAI8M;, and have &4%&#'. %N%6&T status as evidenced by the U$$A< !inancing Statement
Q0M6MJ;; as the testimony of the Secretary of State 5est Birginia,
:n :ctober C=, <JJJ, Settlor, signed for his legal fiction F:G( G%(42 .:%, on a .eed of Trust recorded
at .ocketPPPPPPPPPP, &agePPPPPPPP of &'6# $:U(T2, F:G( G%(42 .:%, herein *0:44:5%4,+ was named
as Trustor to a trust presented by !idelity (ational Title $ompany that was named as Trustee, hereinafter
"T4UST%%," The 0:44:5%4 as Trustor entrusted the .eed of Trust as a title to be held by the T4UST%% until the
loan Q<=I6;8JJ was paid to $G#4T%4 !U(.'() as the Benefii!r", The .eed stated that the 0:44:5%4 as
Trustor %r!nte& a list of measurements of a fictitious location, entitled #e%!# &esri(tion to the 0eneficiary, which
became the property of the 0eneficiary as the Gr!ntee, $G#4T%4 !U(.'() later assigned the .eed to SG2ST%4
0#(K, herein *0eneficiary,+
The Settlor signed a Pro+issor" Note for the 0:44:5%4 evidencing consideration, and delivered it to the
T4UST%% who accepted the (ote as payment for the loan based upon Settlor7s prepaid eempt status, thereby
&is1!r%in% t1e &e-t the 0:44:5%4, as Trustor, had with the 0eneficiary, The T4UST%% inadvertently failed to
register the &romissory (ote and therefore the &ima $ounty 4ecorder as &ublic !iduciary will register and deliver
this security to 0eneficiary7s agent as evidence that the loan has been discharged for the public record and that the
trust has been eecuted and hereby terminated, The 0eneficiary has ten D<0E days to record a !ULL
4%$:(B%2#($% to original T4UST:4, 'n the event a !ULL 4%$:(B%2#($% is not recorded in ten D<0E days,
beneficiary consents that Settlor record the 4econveyance in 0eneficiary7s behalf,
Fohn Genry .oe, Settlor
1riCona &
& ss 1C4%/W?EDDE6E%T
5ima county &
#s a (otary &ublic for said $ounty and State, ' do hereby certify that on this PPPP day of PPPPPPPPPPPPP
PPPPPPP the above mentioned appeared before me and eecuted the foregoing, 5itness my hand and seal:
(otary &ublic

$ourse ; 1 &rivate 0anking page <J of 8=

Fohn Genry .oe
cSo 6;;0 S, 0roadway
Tucson, #T ;M=86
.aniel 0egley d,b,a,
Loan 4esolution Specialist
SG2ST%4 0#(K
<66M &alm 0each Lakes 0lvd,
5est &alm 0each !L,, II80<
4%: #ccount Q<=I6;8JJ $ontract Q=0000;
1riCona & %/T+CE T/ 1DE%T +- %/T+CE T/ 5#+%C+51?
& ss %/T+CE T/ 5#+%C+51? +- %/T+CE T/ 1DE%T
5ima county &
Gaving been duly sworn, #ffiant declares that affidavit and response,,, The parties to the
contract entitled, (otice of 4%$:(B%2#($% , hereinafter "$ontract," are in full agreement
regarding the following:
<, #ffiant is competent to state to the matters included in hisSher declaration, has knowledge
of the facts, and declared that to the best of hisSher knowledge, the statements made in
hisSher affidavit are true, correct, and not meant to mislead9
C, #ffiant is the secured party, superior claimant, holder in due course, and principal creditor
having a registered priority lien hold interest to all property held in the name of F:G(
G%(42 .:% organiOation Q MC0A;0A6I0=, evidenced by U$$A< !inancing Statement
Q0M6MJ;; filed with the Secretary of State of the State of 5est Birginia,
I, 4espondent, .an 0egley, is herein addressed in his private capacity, but in his public
capacity is a citiOen and resident of the State of !lorida and is participating in a
commercial enterprise with his coAbusiness partners, including but not limited to
SG2ST%4 0#(K, hereinafter collectively referred to as *4espondent+9
8, The governing law of this private contract is the agreement of the parties supported by the
Law 6erchant and applicable maims of law9
M, #ffiant at no time has willing, knowingly, intentionally, or voluntarily agreed to
subordinate their position as creditor, through signature, or words, actions, or
6, #ffiant at no time has reHuested or accepted etraordinary benefits or privileges from the
4espondent, the United States, or any subdivision thereof9
=, #ffiant is not a party to a valid contract with 4espondent that reHuires #ffiant to perform
in any manner, including but not limited to the payment of money to 4espondent9
$ourse ; 1 &rivate 0anking page C0 of 8=

;, :n September CC, C00<, #ffiant sent a security, entitled &romissory (ote, to the &'6#
$:U(T2 4%$:4.%4 to register, The cover document, entitled (otice of
4%$:(B%2#($% , instructed 4espondent on the procedure of concluding the
contract, The &'6# $:U(T2 4%$:4.%4 recorded the instrument and delivered
the now registered security, herein *presentment,+ to the 4espondent evidencing

J, #ffiant gave (otice that 4espondent7s failure to properly and timely respond to this good
faith effort to settle the account noted above, would constitute 4espondent7s consent
that #ffiant, in the capacity of Settlor for 4espondent, would record the !ULL
4%$:(B%2#($% in behalf of 4espondent,
<0, 4espondent has dishonored #ffiant7s presentment by not issuing a !ULL
4%$:(B%2#($% as stipulated in the original .eed of Trust when .eed of Trust
was eecuted by delivery of the &romissory (ote, This dishonor is now deemed to be
a charge against 4espondent,
<<, 'n order to ehaust all administrative remedies, it is reHuired that a (otarial &rotest be
eecuted to obtain any evidence andSor testimony from 4espondent that could aid in his
defense, 'n the event no response is received by the &ublic :fficial D(otaryE, this will act
as a witness against 4espondent, Upon default, a $%4T'!'$#T% :! 4%$:(B%2#($%
will be issued which will act as a .efault Fudgment against 4espondent who will then be
taken in to bankruptcy liHuidation whereby all the eHuity in the name of 4espondent will
be disposed of in a foreign proceeding,
't has been said, so it is done,
.ated this day of , C00C,

Fohn Genry .oe, #ffiant
1riCona &
& ss 1C4%/W?EDDE6E%T
5ima county &
1s a %otary 5ublic *or said County and -tate, + do hereby certi*y that on this KKKKK day o*
KKKKKKKKKKKKK9((9 the abo$e mentioned appeared be*ore me and executed the *oregoing. Witness my hand and
%otary 5ublic
$ourse ; 1 &rivate 0anking page C< of 8=

.aniel 0egley d,b,a,
Loan 4esolution Specialist
SG2ST%4 0#(K
<66M &alm 0each Lakes 0lvd,
5est &alm 0each !L,, II80<
.ear 6r, 0egley,
' received a reHuest by affidavit for a protest pursuant to #riOona 4evised Statues at Sections 8=A
IM0MDaE, from Fohn Genry .oe, who informed me you dishonored his registered security consisting of the
(:T'$% :! 4%$:(B%2#($% and a &romissory (ote dated <SCSC000 and sent
to you at <66M &alm 0each Lakes 0lvd,, 5est &alm 0each !L,, II80<, on <SCSC000, as evidenced by
public record .ocket PPPPPPPP and &age PPPPPPverifying the contents,
'n the event you dishonor through nonAacceptance or nonAperformance was unintentional or due to
reasonable neglect or impossibility, ' am attaching a copy of the same presentment to this (otice,
2ou may respond to me, and ' will forward your response to Fohn Genry .oe, 2our response is epected
no later than ten D<0E days from the postmark of this (otice of 0reach,
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter,
(otary &ublic DnameE
DStampE DSealE
$ourse ; 1 &rivate 0anking page CC of 8=

', 5illiam Smith, am the notary to whom all communications are to be mailed regarding the
contract entitled (:T'$% :! 4%$:(B%2#($% in response to &ublic #ccount Q<=I6;8JJ,
herein "presentment,"
&ursuant to #riOona 4evised Statutes 8=AIM0MDbE, and Uniform $ommercial $ode IAM0MDbE and <A
C0C, (otice of &rotest is hereby given with $%4T'!'$#T% :! 4%$:(B%2#($% regarding the
:n :ctober CC, C00<, the notary record shows a (:T'$% :! 04%#$G was mailed to Fohn
Genry .oeLs 4espondent .aniel 0egley, Loan 4esolution Specialist agent for SG2ST%4 0#(K,
herein "4espondent," located at <66M &alm 0each Lakes 0lvd, 5est &alm 0each !L,, II80<, who
was given <0 days to respond,
#s of this date, no response had been delivered to me, the designated receiver, ' interviewed Fohn
Genry .oe, whose affidavit is attached to this (otarial &rotest, Fohn Genry .oe has stated to me
by affidavit that &etitioner has received no response to said &rivate $ontract at any other mailing
location, 0ased on the foregoing information, 4espondent has dishonored Fohn Genry .oeLs
notices by nonAacceptance andSor nonAperformance and have therefore assented to the terms and
conditions in said $ontract,

5illiam Smith, Third &arty 5itness
1riCona &
& ss 1C4%/W?EDDE6E%T
5ima county &
1s a %otary 5ublic *or said County and -tate, + do hereby certi*y that on this KKKKK day o* KKKKKKKKKKKKK9((9 the
abo$e mentioned appeared be*ore me and executed the *oregoing. Witness my hand and seal8
%otary 5ublic
5hen 4ecorded 6ail to: Fohn Genry .oe
6;;0 S 0roadway
Tucson, #riOona ;M=86
*o1n 3enr" Doe6 acting in the capacity of settlor for S3BSTER BANK, as beneficiary under that certain
.eed of Trust duly substitutes and appoints #age (ost as Trustee under said .eed of Trust, and having received from
furnisher of the consideration there under a written reHuest to reconvey, reciting that all sums secured by said .eed of
Trust have been fully paid by recording the &romissory (ote as a registered security, and said .eed of Trust and the note
or notes secured thereby having been surrendered to said Trustee for cancellation, does hereby 4%$:(B%2, without
warranty, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto, the property now held by it there under, Said .eed of Trust
was eecuted by *O3N 3. DOE D*Trustor+E to SG2ST%4 0#(K D*:riginal 0eneficiary+E, and recorded in the official
records of &'6# $ounty, #4'T:(#, as follows:
.ate .eed of Trust 4ecorded: S%&T%60%4 C;, <JJ; as 'nstrument (umber <JJ;<6=00<6 in 0ook <0;J0 at &age 6<,
.ate &romissory (ote 4ecorded: !%04U#42 8, C00C as 'nstrument (umber C00C0CI<<8M in 0ook <<=CJ at &age I;<J,
&4:&%4T2 #..4%SS: CC08 U CC06 S:UTG $#6&0%LL #B%(U%, TU$S:(, #4'T:(#
?/T : +% 3?/C4 : /" 5=E3?/ D1#DE%-, 1- -0/W% 32 -=3D+L+-+/% 615 #EC/#DED +% 3//4 : /"
615- 1T 51DE :@, #EC/#DED +% 5+61 C/=%T2, 1#+7/%1
'( 5'T(%SS 5G%4%:!, Fohn Genry .oe, in the capacity as Settlor for SG2ST%4 0#(K, has caused her name and
seal to be hereto affied,
SG2ST%4 0#(K
#age (ost, Substitute Trustee SG2ST%4 0#(K
02: Fohn Genry .oe, Settlor
1riCona &
& ss 1C4%/W?EDDE6E%T
5ima county &
#s a (otary &ublic for said $ounty and State, ' do hereby certify that on this PPPP day of PPPPPPPPPPPPP
PPPPPPP the above mentioned appeared before me and eecuted the foregoing, 5itness my hand and seal:
(otary &ublic
PURPOSE: #s a $reditor of U('T%. ST#T%S and all other subAcorporations private and public,
you are owed eHuity and interest for the gold and all property that you *loaned+ them starting
6arch J, <JII to date, There is (: 6:(%2, 'n order to start getting your eHuity back, you must
(:T'$% your .%0T:4S of what you epect them to do and the conseHuences if they do not
comply, This file contains all the documents you will need to &%4!%$T 2:U4 $L#'6 and
T#K% 0#$K 2:U4 %VU'T29
<E &4%&#4'() 2:U4 &4'B#T% $G%$K
CE ST#T%6%(T :! #$$:U(T
IE L%TT%4 T: &#UL :7(%'LL
8E !'(#L ST#T%6%(T
ME $:(.'T':(#L #$$%&T#($% !:4 B#LU%
6E (:T'$% :! .%!#ULT
=E (:T'$% :! .'SG:(:4 1 !rom The (otary &ublic
;E (:T'$% :! &4:T%ST #(. :&&:4TU('T2 T: $U4% 1 !rom (otary
JE $%4T'!'$#T% :! .'SG:(:4 A !rom (otary
<0E (:T'$% :! SU0ST'TUT':( :! T4UST%%
Some of you doing this process have already issued private checks on a closed account and may or may
not know that you have used *private funds+ to discharge the debt, #ny and every time you have received
an offer and you have *accepted+ it by writing #$$%&T%. !:4 B#LU% on the offer with your name,
date and %'( D%mployer 'dentification (umberE you have used private funds, 't does not matter what you
have used, they #LL 5:4K, whether it is a 0ill of %change, a Trade #cceptance, a &romissory (ote, a
.ocumentary .raft, a Sight .raft, or a check on a *closed account,+ hereinafter *private check,+ 2ou
could put your signature on a piece of toilet paper and your debtors would still have to accept 2:U4
method of payment pursuant to GF4 <JC, 6arch J, <JII,
C#ose& !ount. #n account to which no further additions can be made on either side, but which
remains still open for ad-ustment and setAoff, which distinguishes it from an account stated+ 3lac);s
?a' Dictionary, <
Setoff. The eHuitable right to cancel or offset mutual debts or cross demands, commonly
used by a bank in reducing a customer7s checking or other deposit account in satisfaction
of a debt the customer owes the bank,
2ou are the bank in the above C terms and the *customer+ is the debtor that you sent your check to, The
reason the debtor is the customer is that they have ordered a block of credit from you and you have
accepted their offer, so now they can use your credit Dyour eemptionE and you can *offset mutual debts+
with a set off and receive the product or service they offered you, 4emember, they owe you interest on
your credit they are using to buy #LL of the goods and services to manufacture or create the product you
are buying, 2:U G#B% #L4%#.2 &#'. !:4 TG% &4:.U$T 0%!:4% 2:U %B%( 0U2 'T333
The following is the procedure for setting up a *closed account+ and preparing the private check9
a, :pen a checking account at a local bank, 'f you already have one that you don7t use
anymore, you can use this account,
b, :rder a bo of checks from the one you opened, :r order more checks from the one you already have,
c, 5hen you get the checks, close the account,
d, 'f you have already filed a U$$A< then file a U$$AI addendum to include the routing and account
numbers of the closed account, #lso include the check numbers <A<0,000,
St!te+ent of Aount, # report issued monthly or periodically by a bank or creditor DyouE
to a customer setting forth the amounts billed, credits given and balance due,
'f you have already sent your private check to your customer to discharge a debt, you need
to finish the accounting procedure with a Statement of #ccount,
'f you are sending the check for the first time, you should send the statement of account
5'TG your check so the clock starts from the time you send it, The debtor has <8 days to
respond to your statement or the statement stands as truth,
2ou must communicate your acceptance to the trustee of the US 0ankruptcy, who
currently is &aul :7(eill in order to keep track of the accounting, .o not send this package
to *Secretary of the Treasury+ as this is a fiction 1 not a private entity, 4emember, you are
operating in the private and you cannot see of deal with a fictitious entity or office,
a, 5hen you get an offer Da bill, a statement, '4S bill, etc,E from your .ebtor, take your stamp and stamp
the bill #$$%&T%. !:4 B#LU% and sign your name, date, and %'( number, Then make a copy
of the bill that you have converted to a 0'LL :! %N$G#()%,
b, 5rite your check out like you normally would ecept in the memo section print the registered mailing
number, and *%!T :(L2+ D%lectronic !unds TransferE,
c, !ill out the ST#T%6%(T :! #$$:U(T DSoAE and along with the $G%$K and the original bill that
is now a 0'LL :! %N$G#()%,
d, 6ake a letter of acceptance and send the package re%istere& +!i# to &aul :7(eill, d,b,a, Secretary of
e, !ill out a U$$AI and list the private check, the 0ill from the .ebtor and So#, and the letter to &aul
2ou will be preparing I packages as follows:
<, P!u# O)Nei## P!4!%e C. De-tor P!4!%e
a, :riginal letter to 6r, :7(eill a, :riginal &rivate $heck and So#
b, $opy of &rivate $heck and So# b, $opy of 0ill from .ebtor
c, $opy of 0ill from .ebtor c, $opy of letter to 6r, :7(eill
d, $opy of U$$AI d, $opy of U$$AI
I, UCC9D P!4!%e E. For "our fi#es
a, :riginal U$$AI a, :riginal 0ill from .ebtor
b, $opy of letter to 6r, :7(eill b, $opy of &rivate $heck and So#
c, $opy of &rivate $heck and So# c, $opy of letter to 6r, :7(eill
d, $opy of 0ill from .ebtor d, $opy of U$$AI
The reason why you are sending &aul :7(eill a package by registered mail is to *register+ the
transaction or your eemption, This 4egistered number is issued by the Treasury as this is considered
part of the postage system which is *currency+ such as stamps which is also issued by the Treasury,
This same registered number will be put on your check and your U$$AI and is now registered in the
(ational 4egistry, Send the package by certified mail to the .ebtor as your check will now be
considered *certified funds,+
#fter <8 days from sending out the Statement of #ccount and they either have not
responded or they have sent a statement that does not acknowledge your statement, you
will need to send them the follow up notice that will acknowledge their consent to your
statement balance,
%ven though most of the $losed #ccount $hecks will be accepted, some will be
dishonored, !or those that are dishonored you will need to send a $onditional #cceptance
to the .ebtor because they are stepping outside of the United States 0ankruptcy which is
a criminal offense, 'f the .ebtor s attempt to call you, always, always, always get their first
and last name then tell them that you only do business in writing, not verbally over the
phone, 2ou want to know who you are doing business with because you may be taking
their collateral,
#fter the <0 days send them a (otice of .efault, This means total failure, This notice
completes your court procedure as a sovereign in your nation that is foreign to the public
venue, (ow you will need to pursue this matter in the *public venue+ in their legal
proceedings, however it will not go into the courts you are familiar with, 2ou must take
this matter up with the S%$4%T#42 :! ST#T% of the state you are in,
Seret!r" of St!te. 'n #merican law, Title of the chief of the eecutive bureau of the
United States called the *.epartment of State,+ Ge is a member of the cabinet, and is
charged with the general administration of the international and diplomatic affairs of the
government, 'n many of the state governments there is an eecutive officer bearing the
same title and eercising important functions, 'n %nglish law, The secretaries of state are
cabinet ministers attending the sovereign for the receipt and dispatch of letters, grants,
petitions, and many of the most important affairs of the kingdom, both foreign and
domestic, 3lac);s @
2ou are a foreign nation in their eyes, so you must go through the proper channels so that
you can utiliOe the functions and duties of the Secretary of State 1 *general administration
of the international affairs+ and *attending the sovereign,+ There are many *designees+ of
the Secretary of the state in the area you live, normally called (otary &ublics, !ind a
private (otary &ublic that you can work with9 :4 create one by getting a friend to become
a (otary who understands this procedure,
<> NOTICE OF DIS3ONOR Not!r" Pu-#i
(ow we will go through the process called a (otarial &rotest, a very powerful process that
will create a witness against the debtor through a &ublic :fficial, !ollowing is the
definition of a (otary &ublic according to 0lack7s Law .ictionary, 6
edition, 't is
important to know why you need to use a (otary &ublic,
Notary Public: 1 public o**icer 'hose *unction it is to administer oathsA to attest and
certi*y, by her or his hand and o**icial seal, certain classes o* documents, in order to gi$e
them credit and authenticity in *oreign BurisdictionsA to ta)e ac)no'ledgements o* deeds
and other con$eyances, and certi*y the sameA and to per*orm certain o**icial acts, chie*ly
in commercial matters such as the protesting o* notes and bills, the noting o* *oreign
dra*ts, and marine protests in cases o* loss or damage. /ne 'ho is authoriCed by the
-tate or "ederal Do$ernment to administer oaths, and to attest to the authenticity o*
signatures, 0lack7s 6

NOTARY PUBLIC. 1 legal practitioner, usually a solicitor, 'ho attests or certi*ies deeds
and other documents and notes or protests dishonoured bills o* exchange.
.ictionary of 0usiness, :ford University &ress, R 6arket Gouse 0ooks Ltd <JJ6
&ursuant to #riOona 4evised Statutes D#4SE Title 8<AIIC9
Seret!r" of t1e St!teA &e(ut" ount" #er4A ount" #er4 funtions
Eeach cler) o* the superior court shall deputiCe the secretary o* state and the secretary;s
designees as deputy county cler)s o* the superior court solely *or the per*ormance o* the
superior court cler);s *unctionsE,
#ll notary publics are assigned a *commission+ by the secretary of the state and deputiOed
by the notary public of the Superior $ourt,
Coi!!io": 1n authority or 'rit issuing *rom a court, in relation to a cause be*ore it,
directing and authoriCing a person or persons named to do some act or exercise some
special *unctionA usually to ta)e the depositions o* 'itnesses,
Coi!!io"er: 1 person to 'hom a commission is directed by the go$ernment or a
court. 1 person 'ith a commission. 1n o**icer 'ho is charged 'ith the administration o*
the la's relating to some particular subBect matter, or the management o* some bureau or
agency o* the go$ernment. 6ember o* a commission or board. -pecially appointed
o**icer o* the Court.
TABELLIO. +n #oman la'. 1n o**icer corresponding in some respects to a notary. 0is
business 'as to dra' legal instruments, !contracts, 'ills, etc.,& and 'itness their
execution. Tabelliones di**ered *rom notaries in many respectsA they had Budicial
Burisdiction in some cases, and *rom their Budgments there 'ere no appeals. %otaries 'ere
then the cler)s or aiders o* the tabellionesA they recei$ed the agreements o* the parties,
'hich they reduced to short "ote!A and these co"tract! 'ere not binding until they 'ere
'ritten in extenso, 'hich 'as done by the tabelliones. 0lack7s 8
'n summary of the above definitions, a (otary &ublic is a commissioner designated by the
secretary of the state and deputiOed to be a deputy superior court clerk to hear certain
issues presented to them by foreign agents by taking depositions of the parties termed
*notes,+ 'n order for the *notes+ DcontractsE to be binding they are registered with the
secretary of state,
BILL OF E#C$AN%E. 1n unconditional order in 'riting, addressed by one person !the
dra'erFdebtor& to another !the dra'eeFyour stra'man& and signed by the person gi$ing it,
requiring the dra'ee to pay on demand or at a *ixed or determinable *uture time a
speci*ied sum o* money to or to the order o* a speci*ied person !the payeeF5aul
/;%eillFtrustee o* =.-. 3an)ruptcy& or to the bearer. +* the bill is payable at a *uture time
the dra'ee !your stra'man& signi*ies his acce&ta"ce !by you as the creditor o* both the
dra'er and dra'ee 1%D the payee&, 'hich ma)es him the party primarily liable upon the
billA the dra'er and endorsers may also be liable upon a bill. The use o* bills o* exchange
enables one person to trans*er to another an en*orceable right to a sum o* money. 1 bill o*
exchange is not only trans*erable but also negotiable, since i* a person 'ithout an
en*orceable right to the money trans*ers a bill to a 'older i" due cour!e, the latter
obtains a good title to it. 6uch o* the la' on bills o* exchange is codi*ied by the 3ills o*
Exchange 1ct 1::9 and the Cheques 1ct 1999.
.ictionary of Law, :ford University &ress R 6arket Gouse 0ooks Ltd <JJ=
(IS$ONOR. "ailure to honour a bill o* exchange. This may be by nonacceptance, 'hen
a bill o* exchange is presented *or acceptance and this is re*used or cannot be obtained
!or 'hen presentment *or acceptance is excused and the bill is not accepted&A or by
nonpayment, 'hen the bill is presented *or payment and payment is re*used or cannot be
obtained !or 'hen presentment is excused and the bill is o$erdue and unpaid&. +n both
cases the holder has an immediate right o* recourse against the dra'er and endorsers,
but *oreign bills that ha$e been dishonoured must *irst be protested !see protest&.
.ictionary of 0usiness, :ford University &ress, R 6arket Gouse 0ooks Ltd <JJ6
NOTE A BILL. When a *oreign bill has been dishonored, it is usual *or a notary public to
present it again on the same day and i* it be not then paid, to ma)e a minute, consisting o*
his initials, the day, month, and year, and reason, i* assigned, o* nonGacceptance. The
ma)ing o* this minute is called "oti") the bill.,
UCC D I F;F. ProtestA Notin% for Protest
J J J !b& 1 protest is a certi*icate o* di!'o"or made by a =nited -tates consul or $ice
consul, or a notary public or other person authoriCed to administer oaths by the la' o*
the place 'here dishonor occurs. +t may be made upon in*ormation satis*actory to that
person. The protest shall identi*y the instrument and certi*y either that presentment has
been made or, i* not made, the reason 'hy it 'as not made, and that the instrument has
been dishonored by nonacceptance or nonpayment. The protest may also certi*y that
notice o* dishonor has been gi$en to some or all parties.
NOTIN%. 1. The procedure adopted i* a bill o* exchange has been dishonoured by nonG
acceptance or by nonGpayment. %ot later than the next business day a*ter the day on
'hich it 'as dishonoured, the holder has to hand it to a notary public to be "oted. The
notary reGpresents the billA i* it is still unaccepted or unpaid, the circumstances are noted
in a register and also on a notarial tic+et, 'hich is attached to the bill. The noting can
then, i* necessary, be extended to a &rote!t.
.ictionary of 0usiness, :ford University &ress, R 6arket Gouse 0ooks Ltd <JJ6
NOTIN%. The act o* a notary in i"uti") on a bill o* exchange, a*ter it has been
presented *or acceptance or payment, the initials o* his name, the date o* the day, month,
and year 'hen such presentment 'as made, and the reason, i* any has been assigned, *or
nonGacceptance or nonGpayment, together 'ith his c'ar)e. 0lack7s 8

,INUTES. 5ractice. 1 memorandum o* 'hat ta)es place in court, made by authority o*
the court. 0lack7s 8
C$AR%E. +n Equity practice. 1 'ritten statement presented to a master in chancery
!notary public& by a party !you& o* the items 'ith 'hich the opposite party should be
debited or should account *or, or o* the claim o* the party ma)ing it. 1 charge may
embrace the 'hole liabilities o* the accounting party.
TIC-ET. +n contracts. 1 slip o* paper containing a certi*icate that the person to 'hom it
is issued, or the holder, is entitled to some right or pri$ilege therein mentioned or
describedA 0lack7s 8
.U(%,ENT NOTE. 1 promissory note !contract&, embodying an authoriCation
toEa cler) o* the court !or a notary public&, to enter an appearance *or the ma)er o* the
note and con*ess a Budgment against him *or a sum therein named, upon de*ault o*
payment o* the note. 0lack7s 8
PROTEST. 1 notarial act, being a *ormal statement in 'riting made by a notary under
his seal o* o**ice, at the request o* the holder o* a bill or note, in 'hich it is declared that
the bill or note described 'as on a certain day presented *or payment or acceptance and
that such payment or acceptance 'as re*used, and stating the reasons, i* any, gi$en *or
such re*usal, 'hereupon the notary protests against all parties to such instrument, and
declares that they 'ill be held responsible *or all loss or damage arising *rom its
dishonor. +t denotes also all the steps or acts accompanying dishonor necessary to c'ar)e
an indorser. 0lack7s 8
PROTEST. 9. 1 procedure by 'hich a notary pro$ides *ormal e$idence o* the dishonour
o* a bill o* exchange. When a *oreign bill has been dishonoured by nonacceptance or
nonpayment it is handed to the notary, 'ho usually presents it again. +* it is still
dishonoured, the notary attaches a slip sho'ing the ans'er recei$ed and other particulars
G a process called noting. The protest, in the *orm o* a *ormal document, may then be
dra'n up at a later time.
.ictionary of 0usiness, :ford University &ress, R 6arket Gouse 0ooks Ltd <JJ6
Locate a (otary &ublic that is knowledgeable and willing to do your (otarial &rotest,
There are I documents needed for this process: (otice of .ishonor, (otice of &rotest and
:pportunity to $ure, and a $ertificate of .ishonor, The first document is a (otice of
.ishonor , which the (otary issues to the :fferor to allow them a second opportunity to
provide evidence to substantiate their claim, 0asically the (otary &ublic is acting in the
capacity of taking a deposition from witnesses, The (otary &ublic has been shown your
affidavit Dsworn statementE and now the (otary is asking for the :fferor7s affidavit Dsworn
statementE, 2ou must give the (otary copies of #LL the notices that you have given them
thus far so that the (otary can give the .ebtor an additional opportunity to answer,
This notice will allow an additional <0 days to give the debtor another chance to bring the
evidence forth to support any claim that they may be professing,
'f in <0 days the (otary &ublic does not receive a response point for point by affidavit with
documented evidence, the debtor, has defaulted and therefore dishonored your acceptance,
Then the (otary prepares a (otarial &rotest which the (otary keeps for herShis own
records, and issues you the Second (otice, a $ertificate of .ishonor, The $ertificate of
.ishonor is actually -ust as valid as a .efault Fudgment in a Superior $ourt,
2ou will then attach the $ertificate of .ishonor and the other notices that you have sent,
includingthe letter the .ebtor sent you evidencing dishonor, to a (:T'$% :!
SU0ST'TUT':( :! T4UST%%, This notice is to be sent to the Trustee of the U('T%.
ST#T%S 0ankruptcy so they can investigate why the debtor is unlawfully using your
eemption and stepping outside the US 0ankruptcy, 'f this third party Dwho represents you, the
$reditorE does not wish to save the honor of the debtor Da subAcorporation or the U,S,E, you
will then put them into 'nvoluntary 0ankruptcy,
I"*oratio". 1n accusation in the nature o* an indictment, *rom 'hich it di**ers only in being
presented by a competent public o**icer on his oath o* o**ice, instead o* a grand Bury on their
oath. 0lack7s 8
ACCEPTANCE SUPRA PROTEST /Acce&ta"ce *or $o"or0. The acceptance or payment o*
a bill o* exchange, a*ter it has been dishonoured, by a person 'ishing to sa$e the honour o*
the dra'er or an endorser o* the bill. .ictionary of 0usiness, :ford University &ress, R
6arket Gouse 0ooks Ltd <JJ6
Su&ra Prote!t. +n mercantile la'. 1 term applied to an acceptance o* a bill by a third person,
a*ter protest *or nonacceptance by the dra'ee. 0lack7s 8
#fter <0 days from mailing your information to the *proper authorities+ and you have not
received a response from anyone, you will then proceed with the involuntary bankruptcy
liHuidation, (o response indicates that the *proper authorities+ have given their consent to
your bankruptcy proceedings and cannot come back and say this was not a *legal action,+
There can be no recourse from them,
't is very important to note here the differentiation in viewpoint from what you may be
used to, 5e normally *cry to the authorities+ about *our rights that have been violated+ and
epect them to do something about it, Fust take a look at that pathetic viewpoint for a
secondWW :K, long enough, don7t get too depressed, #llow me to clue you in, 2:U #4% #
$4%.'T:43 # $reditor or a Sovereign does not have *rights,+ they have PO/ERJJJJJ
5hen you send in the (:T'$% :! SU0ST'TUT':( :! T4UST%%, you are not *asking+ or
*begging,+ or *reHuesting+ the *authorities+ to do their -ob and *take care of the matter,+ (:3 2ou as a
$reditor are giving them the opportunity to save the debtor7s honor
Din other words to save his ass3E, 2ou are letting them know that you are the $reditor of this
bankruptcy and if they don7t handle this matter 2:U 5'LL3 This is an entirely different
viewpoint than has been used before, 2ou are finally acting like the $reditor that you are3
This completes the .ishonor process for a private check, The net process will be covered
in a separate set of instructions, The net process is '(B:LU(T#42 0#(K4U&T$2
&4:$%.U4% which was detailed in course M 1 &:5%4 :! #$$%&T#($%
Fohn Genry .oe
cSo 6;;0 S, 0roadway
Tucson, #T ;M=86
.aniel 0egley d,b,a,
Loan 4esolution Specialist
SG2ST%4 0#(K
<66M &alm 0each Lakes 0lvd,
5est &alm 0each !L,, II80<
4%: #ccount Q<=I6;8JJ
$ontract Q<J6
St!te+ent of Aount
Fune 8, C00<
0alance of $harges for Fune I0, C00C X8,J;6,=8
.ischarge Fune <M, C00C with &rivate $heck Q<J6 X8,J;6,=8
%nding 0alance of $harges: 0
The balance shown above reflects my good faith Statement of #ccount for the loan you claim is
due on said account, The #ccount 4epresentative or his designee may correct or approve the balance,
2our correction must be returned to me in two weeks, or no later than Fune <J, C00<, &ursuant to
#4S 8= JAC0; and U$$ JAC0;, failure to correct and return this Statement of #ccount with supporting
documentation of indebtedness within two weeks constitutes your agreement with this accounting, after
which you, and your coAbusiness partners may only make a claim up to the amount this statement
shows as a balance,
Date .uly 1(, 9((1
Fohn Genry .oe
cSo 6;;0 S, 0roadway
Tucson, #T ;M=86
6#2 <M, C000
&aul G :7(eill , Secretary
US .epartment of the Treasury
<M00 &ennsylvania #venue, (5
5ashington, .$ C0CC0
4e: (onA(egotiable $harge 0ack
6r, :7(eill:
%nclosed you will find a copy of the 4egistered Security which ' have sent to you to open my
Treasury .irect #ccount, ' accept for value all related endorsements with both U$$ IA8<J and GF4A
<JC of Fune M, <JII, $harge my &rivate #ccount Q J;=6M8IC<A<CI8M6=;J for the registration fees and
command the memory of account number SS( MC0A8MA6=0; to charge the same to the debtor7s :rder
or your :rder,
The total amount of this (:(A(%):T'#0L% #$$%&T#($% !:4 B#LU% in the enclosed
filing is listed below,
&rivate #ccount Q J;=6M8IC<A<CI8M6=;J
&reApaid 1 &referred Stock
&riority 1 %empt from Levy
4esSln 4em,
Fohn Genory .oe via F:G( G%(:42 .:%
/ #(2G:US% '( S:6% T:5(
#(2T:5(,#(2 ST#T% 5'TG # T'&
%mployer 'dentification (umber: MC08M6=0;
<E '(B:'$% Q <CCMC00, 4egistered %emption Q 4;6=6M8I;6 for XIM6,I8
CE $opy of U$$AI

$c: file
Fohn Genry .oe
cSo 6;;0 S, 0roadway
Tucson, #T ;M=86
Secured &arty
.aniel 0egley d,b,a,
Loan 4esolution Specialist
SG2ST%4 0#(K
<66M &alm 0each Lakes 0lvd,
5est &alm 0each !L,, II80<
4%: #ccount Q<=I6;8JJ
$ontract Q<J6

St!te+ent of Aount (ursu!nt to UCC 89C;8
$!i#e& *une HF6 C;;C
.ear 6r, 0egley,
' received your letter today dated Fune C;, C00C regarding my Statement of #ccount mailed to
you Fune <M, C00C, This is to inform you that your letter is not in compliance with #4S 8= JAC0;DCE
nor U$$ JAC0;DCE, 5hich reads " The secured party must comply with such a reHuest 'ithin two
weeks after receipt by sending a written correction or approval, , , , 'f the secured party without
reasonable ecuse fails to comply he is liable for any loss to the debtor thereby9 and if the debtor has
properly included in his reHuest a good faith statement of the obligation or a list of the collateral or
both the secured party may claim a security interest only as shown in the statement against persons
misled by his failure to comply, , , ,"
The Statement of #ccount was mailed to SG2ST%4 0#(K, at the address listed above on
Fune 8, C00<, #dd three days for mail service and two weeks for compliance and three days for return
mail and one additional day for a Sunday and your approval or correction to my Statement of #ccount
must have been received by me no later than Fune C8, C00<, 2ou have failed to comply, therefore my
Statement of #ccount remains as stated 1 a balance of Tero D0E,
&lease ad-ust your accounts to comply with the above,
Thank 2ou9
Fohn Genry .oe
Fohn Genry .oe
cSo 6;;0 S, 0roadway
Tucson, #T ;M=86
Secured &arty
.aniel 0egley d,b,a,
Loan 4esolution Specialist
SG2ST%4 0#(K
<66M &alm 0each Lakes 0lvd,
5est &alm 0each !L,, II80<
4%: #ccount Q<=I6;8JJ
$ontract Q<J6
#ugust C;, C00C
1riCona & %/T+CE T/ 1DE%T +- %/T+CE T/ 5#+%C+51?
& ss %/T+CE T/ 5#+%C+51? +- %/T+CE T/ 1DE%T
5ima county &
', Fohn Genry .oe, hereinafter *Secured &arty,+ am competent to state the matters included in
this contract which are true, correct and complete, and not meant to mislead,
This affidavit is in response to a letter from your company dated 6S<CSC00C, ' am informing you that '
accept your offer that ' owe you money in the sum of X8,J;6,=8, asserting for some heretofore undisclosed
reason, that you were "'hate$er they said" of the check ' issued you on #pril ;, C00C, Gowever, my acceptance
and subseHuent payment is on condition precedent that you provide some very simple elemental proof of your
The check number <J6 you received from me is a prepaid item from a private account that is closed to
the public, no longer under control of $:6&#SS 0#(K, but still open on the private side to the US Treasury
0ank, 'f !'4ST US# 0#(K, (,#, had done an %!T Delectronic funds transferE on the check, then it would have
been known immediately that this account was closed to the public and no longer an account under the control of
$:6&#SS 0#(K, the bank from which this account originated from as a common public *open account,+ and
the debt would have been instantly discharged, 2ou may be unaware of the function of *closed accounts,+ #
*closed count+ is defined as:
1n account to 'hich no *urther additions can be made on either side, but 'hich remains still open
*or adBustment and setGo**, 'hich distinguishes it *rom an account stated, D0lack7s Law .ictionary, 6
The %!T creates an irreversible event that neither !'4ST US# 0#(K, (,#, nor your fiduciary bank
can undo and generates a record that proves that the accrual account was indeed ad-usted back to Oero proving
complete discharge of the debt in Huestion, 'n fact, these checks are usually stamped Accou"t Clo!ed which
means that the transaction closed by properly discharging the debt to Oero, not that the check is *no good,+ or
anything else other than that the account DescrowE properly closed with this pre paid check,
#t this time, 4espondent is in violation of a number of their own accounting and banking
procedures which include9 0reach of !iduciary .uty DU$$AIAI0=E, :bligation of .rawer DU$$AIA
8<8E, &resentment of Tender :ffer DU$$AIAM0<E, .ishonor of presentment DU$$AIAM0CE, %cused
presentment DU$$AIAM08E, .ischarge after presentment DU$$AIA60CE, 4esponsibility for $ollection of
the presentment DU$$A8AC0CE, !ailure of ordinary care of presentment DU$$A8AC<8 DdE DCE,
T%46S #(. $:(.'T':(S
<, This is $:(.'T':(#L #$$%&T#($% upon the contract Q <J6, entitled &rivate $heck, presented to you
on or about I0 #ugust C00<, This is our good faith offer to etend the time for you to answer the
Secured &arty7s reHuest by an additional ten D<0E days, Should you fail, refuse, or neglect to respond to
this (otice of !ault, we will enter a (otice of .efault, as a second witness, upon you and your options
on that presentment will epire,
C, 'n order for you to prove your claim that check number <J6 was incapable of discharging the debt, please
provide me the record that shows that when the %!T was performed on the check, my account did not in
fact go to Oero, which would prove complete satisfactory discharge of the debt, ' am also reHuesting at
this time my copy of the <0JJ :'. for this transaction so that ' may have the documentation showing
who the fiduciary debtor and fiduciary creditor are in this transaction, #lso ' need to see the documents
that you are relying on that support your contention that you are incapable of doing an %!T on this
check if in fact that is your assertion, &lease send these documents along with a short letter signed in
blue ink by a titleAidentified party asserting your claim, #ny unsigned, anonymous letter will have to be
ignored by me as a matter of law, since someone must take responsibility for asserting the validity of
your claim,
I, 'n the event that 4espondent defaults with the above reHuest and dishonors Secured &artyLs presentment,
then 4espondent consents to be filed as .ebtor on a U$$A< !inancing Statement with the Secretary of
States of #riOona and state of incorporation, 4espondent also consents to be into involuntary
bankruptcy and will allow Secured &arty to liHuidate all the collateral in 4espondent7s name,
Fohn Genry .oe
1riCona &
& ss 1C4%/W?EDDE6E%T
5ima county &
1s a %otary 5ublic *or said County and -tate, + do hereby certi*y that on this KKKKKday o* KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
the abo$e mentioned appeared be*ore me and executed the *oregoing. Witness my hand and seal8
%otary 5ublic
Error! Re"ere#ce so$rce #ot "o$#%Co#"or&s to PS For& '()*, Marc+, ),(,
Receive% Fro&!
-o+# .e#r/ Doe
*0)( 1est ()st Street
Pla/a %el Re/, Cali"or#ia
A""i4 "ee +ere i# sta&5s or
&eter 5osta6e a#% 5ost
&ar7. I#8$ire o" Post&aster
"or c$rre#t "ee.
O#e 5iece o" or%i#ar/ &ail a%%resse% to!
Test Co&5a#/
Fuly <I, C00C
Fohn Genry .oe
cSo 6;;0 S, 0roadway
Tucson, #T ;M=86

$ecilia Bindiola , (otary &ublic
&,:, 0o ;6<;C
Tucson, #riOona ;M=M8
4eHuest for (otarial &rotest
This is a reHuest for you to enter a (otarial &rotest to .aniel 0egley, d,b,a, Loan 4esolution
Specialist SG2ST%4 0#(K, whose address is <66M &alm 0each Lakes 0lvd,, 5est &alm 0each
!L,, II80<, ' have included $ontract Q<J6 beginning with the first (otice mailed, with proof of
service, dated #ugust <J, C00<9 The Second (otice dated September 6, C00<9 and .efault
Fudgment, dated :ctober =, C00<
5ould you please follow up on this private negotiation under your notary seal and send to .aneen
Sparcino, Bice &resident of SG2ST%4 0#(K, whose address is 8=M $ross &oint &arkway, &,:,
0o J000, )etOville, (2 <806;AJ000, #nd send along the accompanying acceptance of each of
their acts and actions of which ' have enclosed herewith,
Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter,
Fohn Genry .oe
(otice of .ishonor
Fohn Genry .oe
cSo 6;;0 S, 0roadway
Tucson, #T ;M=86
Secured &arty
.aniel 0egley d,b,a,
Loan 4esolution Specialist
SG2ST%4 0#(K
<66M &alm 0each Lakes 0lvd,
5est &alm 0each !L,, II80<
4%: #ccount Q<=I6;8JJ
$ontract Q<J6
1riCona & %/T+CE T/ 1DE%T +- %/T+CE T/ 5#+%C+51?
& ss %/T+CE T/ 5#+%C+51? +- %/T+CE T/ 1DE%T
5ima county &
', Fohn Genry .oe, herein *#ffiant,+ having been duly sworn, declares that affidavit and
response of the parties to the contract entitled, (otice of 4%$:(B%2#($% , hereinafter
"$ontract," are in full agreement regarding the following:
<, #ffiant is competent to state to the matters included in hisSher declaration, has knowledge
of the facts, and declared that to the best of hisSher knowledge, the statements made in
hisSher affidavit are true, correct, and not meant to mislead9
C, #ffiant is the secured party, superior claimant, holder in due course, and principal creditor
having a registered priority lien hold interest to all property held in the name of F:G(
G%(42 .:% organiOation Q MC0A;0A6I0=, evidenced by U$$A< !inancing Statement
Q0M6MJ;; filed with the Secretary of State of the State of 5est Birginia,
I, 4espondent, .an 0egley, is herein addressed in his private capacity, but in his public
capacity is a citiOen and resident of the State of !lorida and is participating in a
commercial enterprise with his coAbusiness partners, including but not limited to
SG2ST%4 0#(K, hereinafter collectively referred to as *4espondent+9
8, The governing law of this private contract is the agreement of the parties supported by the
Law 6erchant and applicable maims of law9
M, #ffiant at no time has willing, knowingly, intentionally, or voluntarily agreed to
subordinate their position as creditor, through signature, or words, actions, or
6, #ffiant at no time has reHuested or accepted etraordinary benefits or privileges from the
(otice of .ishonor
4espondent, the United States, or any subdivision thereof9
=, #ffiant is not a party to a valid contract with 4espondent that reHuires #ffiant to perform
in any manner, including but not limited to the payment of money to 4espondent9
;, :n September CC, C00<, #ffiant sent a private check and Statement of #ccount to the
4espondent evidencing payment and indicating a Oero balance, 4espondent had <8
days to respond, however elected to remain silent and therefore consented to the
information contained in the Statement of #ccount,

J, #ffiant gave (otice that 4espondent7s failure to properly and timely issue #ffiant with a
L'%( 4%L%#S% would constitute 4espondent7s consent that #ffiant, in the capacity
of Settlor for 4espondent, would file a L'%( 4%L%#S% in behalf of 4espondent,
<0, 4espondent has dishonored #ffiant7s presentment by not issuing a L'%( 4%L%#S% as
stipulated in the Statement of #ccount, This dishonor is now deemed to be a charge
against 4espondent,
<<, 'n order to ehaust all administrative remedies, it is reHuired that a (otarial &rotest be
eecuted to obtain any evidence andSor testimony from 4espondent that could aid in his
defense, 'n the event no response is received by the &ublic :fficial D(otaryE, this will act as
a witness against 4espondent, Upon default, a $%4T'!'$#T% :! .'SG:(:4 will be
issued which will act as a .efault Fudgment against 4espondent who will then be taken in
to bankruptcy liHuidation whereby all the eHuity in the name of 4espondent will be
disposed of in a foreign proceeding,
't has been said, so it is done,
.ated this day of , C00C,

Fohn Genry .oe, #ffiant
1riCona &
& ss 1C4%/W?EDDE6E%T
5ima county &
1s a %otary 5ublic *or said County and -tate, + do hereby certi*y that on this KKKKK day o*
KKKKKKKKKKKKK9((9 the abo$e mentioned appeared be*ore me and executed the *oregoing. Witness my hand and
%otary 5ublic
(otice of .ishonor
Notie of Dis1onor
.aniel 0egley d,b,a,
Loan 4esolution Specialist
SG2ST%4 0#(K
<66M &alm 0each Lakes 0lvd,
5est &alm 0each !L,, II80<
.ear 6r, 0egley,
' received a reHuest by affidavit for a protest pursuant to #riOona 4evised Statues at Sections 8=AIM0MDaE,
from Fohn Genry .oe, who informed me you dishonored his presentments consisting of the $:(.'T':(#L
#$$%&T#($% and (:T'$% :! .%!#ULT dated <SCSC000 and sent to you at <66M &alm 0each Lakes
0lvd, 5est &alm 0each !L,, II80< on <SCSC000, as evidenced by U,S, &ostal Service $%4T'!'$#T% :!
6#'L'() verifying the contents of the 6ail package,
'n the event your dishonor through nonAacceptance or nonAperformance was unintentional or due to
reasonable neglect or impossibility, ' am attaching a copy of the same presentment to this (otice,
2ou may respond to me, and ' will forward your response to Fohn Genry .oe, 2our response is epected no
later than ten D<0E days from the postmark of this (otice of .ishonor,
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter,
(otary &ublic DnameE
DStampE DSealE
(otice of .ishonor
Notie of Protest !n&
O((ortunit" to Cure
.aniel 0egley, d,b,a,
Loan 4esolution Specialist
SG2ST%4 0#(K
<66M &alm 0each Lakes 0lvd,
5est &alm 0each !L,, II80<
.ear 6r, 0egley,
:n <SISC000, ' sent you a (otice of .ishonor regarding the presentments of $:(.'T':(#L
#$$%&T#($% and (:T'$% :! .%!#ULT sent you on <SCSC000, 2ou failed to accept or perform after
receiving these presentments from Fohn Genry .oe, and you failed to accept or perform after receiving the same
presentment from me,
2ou are now in default and have stipulated to the terms of Fohn Genry .oeLs <SCSC000 dated presentment
through your dishonor, 2ou have the right to cure this default and perform according to said terms within the
ten D<0E days from the postmark of this (otice, Should you fail to cure the default, ' will issue a
$%4T'!'$#T% :! .'SG:(:4 pursuant to #riOona 4evised Statues 8=AIMIM,
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter,
(otary &ublic
#ddress of (otary
DStampE DSealE
$ertificate of &rotest
#nd :pportunity to $ure
', 5illiam Smith, am the notary to whom all communications are to be mailed regarding
the contract entitled $:(.'T':(#L #$$%&T#($% and $ontract Q<J6 in response to
&ublic #ccount Q<=I6;8JJ, herein "presentment,+
&ursuant to #riOona 4evised Statutes 8=AIM0MDbE, and Uniform $ommercial $ode IA
M0MDbE and <AC0C, (otice of &rotest is hereby given with $ertificate of .ishonor regarding
the following:
:n September CC, C00<, ' sent a (otice of .ishonor of Fohn Genry .oeLs presentment to
4espondent .aniel 0egley, Loan 4esolution Specialist agent for SG2ST%4 0#(K, herein
"4espondent,+ located at <66M &alm 0each Lakes 0lvd, 5est &alm 0each !L,, II80<, who
was given <0 days to respond,
:n :ctober CC, C00<, &roof of Service shows a (otice of &rotest and :pportunity to $ure
was mailed to 4espondent who was given <0 days to respond,
#s of this date, no response had been delivered to me, the designated receiver, '
interviewed Fohn Genry .oe, whose affidavit is attached to this (otarial &rotest, Fohn
Genry .oe has stated to me by affidavit that &etitioner has received no response to said
$ontract at any other mailing location, 0ased on the foregoing information, 4espondent
has dishonored Fohn Genry .oeLs presentments by nonAacceptance andSor nonA
performance and have therefore assented to the terms and conditions in said $ontract,

5illiam Smith, Third &arty 5itness
1riCona &
& ss 1C4%/W?EDDE6E%T
5ima county &
1s a %otary 5ublic *or said County and -tate, + do hereby certi*y that on this KKKKK day o*
KKKKKKKKKKKKK9((9 the abo$e mentioned appeared be*ore me and executed the *oregoing. Witness my hand and
%otary 5ublic

Fohn Genry .oe
cSo 6;;0 S, 0roadway
Tucson, #T ;M=86
.aniel 0egley d,b,a,
Loan 4esolution Specialist
SG2ST%4 0#(K
<66M &alm 0each Lakes 0lvd,
5est &alm 0each !L,, II80<

1riCona & %/T+CE T/ 1DE%T +- %/T+CE T/ 5#+%C+51?
& ss %/T+CE T/ 5#+%C+51? +- %/T+CE T/ 1DE%T
5ima County &
', Fohn Genry .oe, herein "$reditor,+ hereby state that ' am competent to make the following statements,
have knowledge of the facts stated herein, that they are true, correct, complete and not meant to mislead and are
presented in good faith:
<, The corporations, entitled U('T%. ST#T%S :! #6%4'$#, ST#T% :! #4'T:(#, SG2ST%4 0#(K,
and .aniel 0egley, herein ".ebtor," are B!n4ru(t and must operate pursuant to United States Gouse
Foint 4esolution <JC, Fune M, <JII, The above corporations have been using the credit of $reditor
since his birth, Fanuary CC, <JM;, without remuneration to $reditor9
C, :n Fuly =, C00<, $reditor was given an offer by .aniel 0egley, d,b,a, Loan 4esolution Specialist of
SG2ST%4 0#(K, $reditor accepted the offer and returned it to .ebtor thereby discharging the debt,
.ebtor then claimed the charge still eists and therefore he is liable for the debt,
I, $reditor has accepted all offers and claims issued by .ebtor and returned them to .ebtor for proper
processing, .ebtor has failed to provide a remedy and is o(er!tin% outsi&e t1e UNITED STATES
B!n4ru(t" 1 a criminal offense9
8, .ebtor is holding the discharging instrument, but has failed to provide $reditor with a copy of the <0JJ
:riginal 'ssue .iscount, therefore .ebtor is TA5 DELINKUENT since the claim is considered to
be $reditor7s eemption9
M, $reditor has timely noticed .ebtor and has properly commenced and concluded a perfected security
interest against .ebtor, The perfected security interest, herein *$ontract,+ Q<J6, includes all notices
including a $ertificate of .ishonor, herein *'nformation,+ issued by a &ublic :fficial,
T%46S #(. $:(.'T':(S
6, &aul :7(eill, the chapter << bankruptcy trustee for the U('T%. ST#T%S, is hereby given a final
opportunity to eecute an #cceptance for Gonor if he wishes to save the honor of the .ebtor by giving
$reditor a remedy, 'n the event &aul :7(eill does not wish to save the honor of .ebtor, it will
constitute &aul :7(eill7s consent for substitution of trustee, whereas $reditor will designate an
assignee of his choice to liHuidate all of .ebtor7s property in a foreign proceeding pursuant to Treaty
Q<00=0<AS5S and $ontract QJCM0<AS5SA:B9
=, .ebtor has ten D<0E days from the date of postmark on this mailing to provide remedy regarding this
matter, 'n the event .ebtor fails to provide a remedy, $reditor will accept evidence of .ebtorLs
dishonor as a refusal to volunteer into the bankruptcy remedy, whereby .ebtor will be stripped of all
immunity that U('T%. ST#T%S public policy may have otherwise afforded him, Upon dishonor,
.ebtor agrees in the alternative to 'nvoluntary 0ankruptcy that will be initiated on .ebtor in a
private capacity9
;, 'n the event .ebtor dishonors, .ebtor agrees to provide a 0#(K4U&T$2 !:46 M in accord with <<
US$# I0I which is a property description list of all the property held in SG2ST%4 0#(K7S name,
$reditor will take the eHuity and place it for sale and proceed to liHuidate the personal property for
settlement of this account, .ebtor additionally agrees to be placed on a U$$A< !inancing Statement as
.%0T:4 attaching it to a .eclaration of 'nvoluntary 0ankruptcy and a list of .ebtorLs collateral, Upon
filing the U$$A< form with the Secretary of State of #riOona, the liHuidation and disposition of property
will be eecuted immediately,
Fohn Genry .oe
1riCona &
& ss 1C4%/W?EDDE6E%T
5ima county &
1s a %otary 5ublic *or said County and -tate, + do hereby certi*y that on this KKKKKday
KKKKKK the abo$e mentioned appeared be*ore me and executed the *oregoing. Witness my hand and seal8
%otary 5ublic
$opies forwarded to the following:
Fohn #shcroft &aul :7(eill
US #ttorney )eneral US Secretary of Treasury
JM0 &ennsylvania #venue (5 .%&#4T6%(T :! T4%#SU42
5ashington, .,$, C0MI0A000< <M00 &ennsylvania #ve (5
5ashington .,$, C0CC0
$harles :, 4ossotti )eorge 5, 0ush
'nternal 4evenue Service, '4S &resident of the U('T%. ST#T%S
<<<< $onstitution #ve (5 <600 &ennsylvania #venue
5ashington, .$ C0CC8A000C 5ashington .$ C0M00
(orman 6inetta Tom 4idge
US Secretary of Transportation .irector of Gomeland Security
800 Seventh Street, S5 <600 &ennsylvania #venue
5ashington, .$ C0MJ0 5ashington .$ C0M00
$olin L, &owell 0rian L, Stafford
US Secretary of State .irector of Secret Service
US .epartment of State US )overnment Service #gency
5ashington, .$ C0MC0A6;<0 JM0 G Street, (5 Ste J<C
5ashington, .$ C0CCI
Fane Gull 0etsey 0ayless
)overnor of the State of #riOona #riOona Secretary of State
#riOona %ecutive :ffice of the )overnor <=00 5, 5ashington Street
<=00 5, 5ashington #ve, &hoeni, #riOona ;M00=
&hoeni, #riOona ;M00=
Fanet (apolitano
:ffice of #ttorney )eneral
.epartment of Law
<C=M 5, 5ashington Street
&hoeni, #riOona ;M00=
0arbara La5all
&ima $ounty #ttorney
IC (, Stone #venue, Ste C<00
Tucson, #T ;M=0<

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