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S e - Clarion Of Dalit - Weekly Newspaper On Web

Working For The Rights & Surial Of The Oppresse!
"!itor# N$%$R$&$.'.R( )O*.+ issue.,-(( ../01+0.123

JUDGEs or Brokers of Justice ?

( SEE RULE ## O R!" AC! #$$% )

R!" irst A**e+, Before -
S.ri / '/)/ 0+12ur+ 3
Re4istr+r ( R!" irst A**e,,+te Aut.orit5 3
Su*re6e Court of "17i+ 3
Ne8 De,.i /

Ref - D5 No 1$9:;R!";1:<1%;SC" 7+te7 $9/$=/#$1:
Ref - DEPOJ ; E ; #$1: ; $$=9#


> L"G<# ; =913 OPP ?A!ER ?OR)S O"CE3
0EBBAL3 'ASORE 3 )ARNA!A)A P"N B %=$$1=/

CPo8er 8i,, 4o to t.e .+17s of r+sc+,s3 3 ro4ues +17 freeDooters/ A,,
"17i+1 ,e+7ers 8i,, De of ,o8 c+,iDre +17 6e1 of str+8/ !.e5 8i,,
.+Ee s8eet to14ues +17 si,,5 .e+rts/ !.e5 8i,, fi4.t +6o14
t.e6se,Ees for *o8er +17 8i,, De ,ost i1 *o,itic+, sFu+DD,es / A 7+5
8ou,7 co6e 8.e1 eEe1 +ir ( 8+ter 8i,, De t+Ge7/C Sir ?i1sto1
6+7e t.is st+te6e1t i1 t.e 0ouse of Co66o1s 2ust Defore t.e
i17e*e17e1ce of "17i+ ( P+kist+1/ S+7,5 3 t.e fore8+r1i14 of L+te
?i1sto1 C.urc.i,, .+s Dee1 *roEe7 ri4.t D5 so6e of our
cri6i1+, 3 corru*t *eo*,eHs re*rese1t+tiEes 3 *o,ice 3 *uD,ic serE+1ts
( Ju74es/ So6e of t.e De,o8 6e1tio1e7 2u74es f+,, +6o14 t.e
c+te4or5 of c.urc.i,,Hs 6e1 B Ro4ues 3 R+sc+,s ( reeDooters/

EEe1t.ou4. t.e i1for6+tio1 is re+7i,5 +E+i,+D,e 8it. SC" 3
i1for6+tio1 8+s 7e1ie7 citi14 u1+E+i,+Di,it5/ "f +t +,, i1for6+tio1
is 1ot tru,5 +E+i,+D,e 3 8.5 7i71Ht t.e CP"O !RANSER rti
+**,ic+tio1 to co1cer1e7 7e*+rt6e1ts of SC" 3 'i1istr5 of L+8 3
Justice 3 Res*ectiEe 0i4. Courts 3 etc/

!.e +ctio1 of CP"O SC" +6ou1ts to coEer u* of 2u74es ( t.eir
cri6es/ !.ereD5 3 CP"O is +,so co66itti14 + cri6e/ ?it. res*ect
to *reEious R!" A**e+,s +,so CP"O ( R!" irst A**e,,+te
Aut.orit5 SC" .+Ee re*e+te7,5 co66itte7 cri6es D5 coEeri14 u*
2u74es ( t.eir cri6es/ Bi,,io1s of i17i+1s +re D+re,5 sust+i1i14 o1
+ si14,e *iece 6e+, + 7+5 3 8e ,o8er 6i77,e c,+ss *eo*,e toi,i14 .+r7
to e+r1 + fe8 .u17re7s of ru*ees Dut sti,, *+5i14 t+G/ "s it 1ot
s.+6e to t.e6 ; s.+6e to JUDGEs t.+t t.e5 7r+8 *+5 ( *erks
+6ou1ti14 to ,+k.s of ru*ees fro6 our 6o1e5 3 fro6 t+Ges *+i7 D5
us sti,, 1ot 7o t.eir co1stitutio1+, 7uties *ro*er,5/


?e s+,ute .o1est fe8 i1 *uD,ic serEice 3 Ju7ici+r5 3 *o,ice 3
*+r,i+6e1t ( st+te ,e4is,+tiEe +sse6D,ies/ our 8.o,e .e+rte7
res*ects to t.e6/ 0EREBA 3 " DO 0U'BLA REIUES! AOU !O
G"&E 'E ?R"!!EN S!A!E'EN!S ; ANS?ERS !O !0E
OLLO?"NG IUES!"ONS B ?0"C0 "N "!SEL ( ie +1s8ers ) ARE
!0E "NOR'A!"ON SOUG0! BA 'E/ 0ERE ?"!0 " A' SEE)"NG
"NS!"!U!"ONS 3 !0"S "S AN APPEAL OR !RU!0 3
2u74es<*o,ice 3
$tro4ities on Wo5en by &6D%"S

A B J of '+1i*u,+tio1 of "17i+1 Le4+, S5ste6
()stem *
http://www.scribd.com/doc/17+85,5,1/-hief-.ustice-of-&%di$-!--rimi%$l *

.ustice ($th$siv$m - !re )ou /0!1 /2#3 4 3'&5/
de$f-dumb-bli%d *
6$jiv 7$%dhi !ss$ssi%$tio% -over-up
cover-up *
(8!#0 (8!#0 #9s 4 #'!s
https://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/sh$me-sh$me-mps-ml$s *
.2/70s or 3rokers of .ustice

6:& 4 '$%d 7olm$$l
k$r%$t$k$ *
https://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/l$%d-gr$bbers-i%-m-u-d-$ *

0ereD5 3 8e 7o reFuest CP"O O;O 0o1our+D,e C.ief Justice of
"17i+ 3 Su*re6e Court of "17i+ 3 Ne8 De,.i to +1s8er t.e
fo,,o8i14 Fuestio1s i1 *uD,ic i1terest 3 for s+fe4u+r7i14 1+tio1+,
securit5 3 N+tio1+, u1it5 ( i1te4rit5 ( to ,e4+,,5 +**re.e17 +1ti<
1+tio1+,s 3 cri6i1+,s 8it.i1 t.e 2u7ici+r5 ( *o,ice/

1 . 8ow m$%) judges $re booked for gr$ft * se;u$l crimes * crimes $g$i%st
wome% * irregul$rities * $m$ssi%g disproportio%$te we$lth * f$ilure of dut) *
getti%g illeg$l $llotme%t of sites 4 other crimes si%ce i%depe%de%ce till d$te *
)e$rwise <
2. wh$t $ctio% t$ke% c$sewise <
+. $re the $ctio% t$ke% simil$r to commo%ers * commo% people committi%g
s$me t)pe of crimes <
,. did $ll the c$ses h$%dled b) t$i%ted judges subjected to review * retri$l b)
other ho%est judges <
5. how m$%) $dvoc$tes were prosecuted b) court for i%flue%ci%g wit%esses /
evide%ces * for tutored / co%cocted evide%ces * etc si%ce i%depe%de%ce till
d$te * )e$rwise < wh$t $ctio% < if %ot wh) <
. how m$%) police offici$ls / l$w e%forci%g offici$ls were prosecuted b) court
for i%flue%ci%g * i%timid$ti%g wit%esses through thre$ts * +
degree torture * for
co%cocted evide%ces * etc si%ce i%depe%de%ce till d$te * )e$rwise < wh$t
$ctio% < if %ot wh) <
7. how m$%) police / l$w e%forceme%t offici$ls were prosecuted for lock-up
de$ths * f$ke e%cou%ters * illeg$l dete%tio% * +
degree torture * etc si%ce
i%depe%de%ce till d$te * )e$rwise < wh$t $ctio% < if %ot wh) <
8. i% how m$%) c$ses police / l$w e%forceme%t offici$ls were m$de to p$)
compe%s$tio% to i%%oce%t victims who were wro%gl) ch$rged * det$i%ed 4
tortured * murdered b) police * si%ce i%depe%de%ce till d$te * )e$rwise < wh$t
$ctio% < if %ot wh) <
=. i% some c$ses * o% $ppe$l judgeme%ts of higher court tur%s dow% the
judgeme%t of lower court. &% how m$%) such c$ses * lower court judge is m$de
to p$) compe%s$tio% to victims of their wro%g judgeme%t * si%ce
i%depe%de%ce till d$te )e$rwise < wh$t $ctio% < if %ot wh) <
10. how m$%) judges h$ve def$ulted i% fili%g their $%%u$l fi%$%ci$l retur%s
givi%g out their we$lth * i%come det$ils * )e$rwise si%ce i%depe%de%ce till
d$te < wh$t $ctio% < if %ot wh) <
11. how )ou $re verif)i%g the $%%u$l fi%$%ci$l retur%s of judges <
12. si%ce i%depe%de%ce * how m$%) co%victs h$ve bee% se%te%ced to >de$th b)
h$%gi%g? * )e$rwise <
1+. how m$%) de$th se%t$%ces were c$rried out 4 how m$%) $re pe%di%g <
1,. how m$%) police offici$ls were m$de to p$) compe%s$tio% 4 prosecuted
for def$m$tio% * whe% i%%oce%ts f$lsel) ch$rged b) police were $c@uitted *
dropped from ch$rges b) courts < if %ot wh) <
15. how m$%) lower court judges were m$de to p$) compe%s$tio% 4
prosecuted for def$m$tio% * whe% i%%oce%ts wro%gl) co%victed b) lower court
* but o% $ppe$l higher courts $c@uitti%g * droppi%g them of ch$rges < if %ot
wh) <
1. $re judges getti%g p$id from public e;che@uer * for their e;pe%ses o% li@uor
/ $lcohol * bod) m$ss$ges * etc i% their :! /! bill while o% tour * offici$l
visits * offici$l p$rties hosted b) judges <
17. how m$%) $ppe$ls for justice co%cer%i%g public welf$re * viol$tio% of
hum$% 4 fu%d$me%t$l rights * thre$t to lives / livelihood * etc were m$de to
supreme court of i%di$ * b) %$g$r$j$ m)sore r$ghup$thi $li$s %$g$r$j$ # 6
$li$s m)self si%ce 1==0 till d$te < $ppe$ls were m$de through ordi%$r) post *
registered post * e-m$il 4 b) web through /!697 * /97. Ah$t !-:&B5 t$ke%
b) supreme court of i%di$ with respect to e$ch $ppe$l <
18. due to %eglige%ce / co%%iv$%ce of supreme court judges i%justices were
meted out to public 4 public $re still sufferi%g i%justices. -rimes which could
h$ve bee% preve%ted b) (- h$ppe%ed eve%though brought to e$rl) %otice of
supreme court. Ah$t $ctio% $g$i%st erri%g (- .udges < if %ot wh) <
1=. & h$ve repe$tedl) offered m) services to supreme court of i%di$ * to
$pprehe%d crimi%$ls withi% judici$r) * police 4 public service. Ah$t $ctio%
t$ke% b) supreme court of i%di$ < if %ot wh) <
20. i% m) leg$l struggle for justice * due to %eglige%ce / co%%iv$%ce of (-&
judges & h$ve suffered murder $ttempts o% m) life * job losses * m) %ewsp$per
closed * %ot getti%g press $ccredit$tio% to m) web %ews p$pers * thre$ts b)
rowdies * police * etc. wh$t $ctio% $g$i%st erri%g chief justice of i%di$ < if %ot
wh) <
22. & repe$tedl) $ppe$led to supreme court of i%di$ to permit me to $ppe$r $s
$micus curie before supreme court of i%di$ 4 j$i% commissio% of e%@uir)
reg$rdi%g l$te 9# 6$jiv 7$%dhi $ss$ssi%$tio% c$se. & w$s %ot permitted wh) <
2+. who $re the judges coveri%g-up 6$jiv 7$%dhi $ss$ssi%$tio% c$se < wh$t
$ctio% t$ke% < if %ot wh) <
2,. '$w is o%e 4 s$me for $ll * but l$w e%forceme%t 4 l$w i%terpret$tio% is
%ot s$me for commo% people * .udges 4 9olice < wh) <

DOCU'EN!S PER!A"NS !O AEAR 199$<#$1: / SO'E O !0E
"NOR'A!"ON -
CP"O 3 o;o C.ief Justice of "17i+ 3 SUPRE'E COUR! O "ND"A 3
NE? DEL0"/

EES PA"D - "PO ## #K#K$% for ru*ees te1 o1,5



?ritte1 Ar4u6e1t B R!" APPEAL

At t.e outset 3 8e eG*ress our 8.o,e .e+rte7 res*ects to t.e .o1est
fe8 *uD,ic serE+1ts i1 *uD,ic serEice i1c,u7i14 2u7ici+r5/ 0o8eEer3
t.e corru*t i1 *uD,ic serEice 7o1Ht 7eserEe res*ect +s i17iEi7u+,s B
+s t.e5 +re *+r+sites i1 our ,e4+, s5ste6/ Sti,, 8e res*ect t.e c.+irs
t.e5 occu*5 Dut 1ot t.e corru*t i17iEi7u+,s/

A,, t.e fo,,o8i14 +rtic,es ; issues 3 8.o,e +rtic,es *uD,is.e7 i1 t.e
8eD,i1ks 6e1tio1e7 De,o8 for6s *+rt of t.is +**e+,/ !.e
ter6 MJUDGEN6e1tio1e7 t.rou4.t i1c,u7es +,, *uD,ic serE+1ts
7isc.+r4i14 2u7ici+, fu1ctio1s ri4.t fro6 t+,uk 6+4istr+tes 3 Fu+si<
2u7ici+, officers to C.ief Justice of "17i+/

"17i+1 Le4+, ; Ju7ici+, S5ste6 is 6+1i*u,+te7 +t E+rious st+4es ( is
for s+,e/ "t is + S0A'E/ !.e *erso1s 8.o r+ise t.eir Eoice seeki14
2ustice +re si,e1ce7 i1 6+15 8+5s/ !.e cri6i1+, 1eGus .+s +,re+75
+tte6*te7 to si,e1ce 6e i1 6+15 8+5s / "f +15t.i14 u1to8+r7
.+**e1s to 6e or to 65 f+6i,5 6e6Ders 3 65 7e*e17e1ts 3
0o1our+D,e C.ief Justice of "17i+ to4et.er 8it. 2uris7ictio1+,
*o,ice officer 8i,, De res*o1siD,e for it/

0ereD53 8e 7o o1ce +4+i1 offer our co17itio1+, serEices to t.e
.o1our+D,e su*re6e court of "17i+ ( ot.er 4oEer16e1t
+ut.orities3 i1 +**re.e17i14 cri6i1+,s i1c,u7i14 corru*t 2u74es (
*o,ice/ 0ere8it. 3 8e o1ce +4+i1 +**e+, to t.e .o1our+D,e
su*re6e court of "17i+ 3 to co1si7er t.is +s + P"L A**e+, i1 *uD,ic

!o 65 re*e+te7 +**e+,s for 2ustice 3 re*e+te7 +**e+,s to uti,iOe 65
serEices to +**re.e17 cri6i1+,s 3 re*e+te7 P"L *etitio1s 3 re*e+te7
+**e+,s for i1for6+tio1 u17er R!" +ct 3 5our res*o1se 8+s
si,e1ce 8it. res*ect to R!" +**,ic+tio1s ,iter+,,5 1o i1for6+tio1
8+s 4iEe1 to 99P of Fueries 1or 5ou tr+1sferre7 t.e Fueries to
res*ectiEe 7e*+rt6e1t 8.ic. c+1 *roEi7e +1s8er / !.is si,e1ce
or i1te1tio1+, 1e4,i4e1ce of 7ut5 +6ou1ts to cri6e coEer B
u*/ Due to i6*ro*er +ctio1 o1 5our *+rt cri6es 8.ic. cou,7
.+Ee Dee1 1i**e7 +t t.e Du7 (i1for6+tio1 of cri6e 4iEe1 D5 us to
SC") .+**e1e7 3 8.ic. +6ou1ts to +Detti14 cri6e/ O1ce +4+i1 if
5ou 7e15 6e i1for6+tio1 to fo,,o8i14 Fueries 3 5ou
+re rei1forci14 t.e *roof t.+t co1cer1e7 su*re6e court of i17i+
2u74es +re +,so CR"'"NALS
t.e6se,Ees/ A1s8er fo,,o8i14 Fuestio1s -

1 . 8ow m$%) judges $re booked for gr$ft * se;u$l crimes * crimes $g$i%st
wome% * irregul$rities * $m$ssi%g disproportio%$te we$lth * f$ilure of dut) *
getti%g illeg$l $llotme%t of sites 4 other crimes si%ce i%depe%de%ce till d$te *
)e$rwise <
2. wh$t $ctio% t$ke% c$sewise <
+. $re the $ctio% t$ke% simil$r to commo%ers * commo% people committi%g
s$me t)pe of crimes <
,. did $ll the c$ses h$%dled b) t$i%ted judges subjected to review * retri$l b)
other ho%est judges <
5. how m$%) $dvoc$tes were prosecuted b) court for i%flue%ci%g wit%esses /
evide%ces * for tutored / co%cocted evide%ces * etc si%ce i%depe%de%ce till
d$te * )e$rwise < wh$t $ctio% < if %ot wh) <
. how m$%) police offici$ls / l$w e%forci%g offici$ls were prosecuted b) court
for i%flue%ci%g * i%timid$ti%g wit%esses through thre$ts * +
degree torture * for
co%cocted evide%ces * etc si%ce i%depe%de%ce till d$te * )e$rwise < wh$t
$ctio% < if %ot wh) <
7. how m$%) police / l$w e%forceme%t offici$ls were prosecuted for lock-up
de$ths * f$ke e%cou%ters * illeg$l dete%tio% * +
degree torture * etc si%ce
i%depe%de%ce till d$te * )e$rwise < wh$t $ctio% < if %ot wh) <
8. i% how m$%) c$ses police / l$w e%forceme%t offici$ls were m$de to p$)
compe%s$tio% to i%%oce%t victims who were wro%gl) ch$rged * det$i%ed 4
tortured * murdered b) police * si%ce i%depe%de%ce till d$te * )e$rwise < wh$t
$ctio% < if %ot wh) <
=. i% some c$ses * o% $ppe$l judgeme%ts of higher court tur%s dow% the
judgeme%t of lower court. &% how m$%) such c$ses * lower court judge is m$de
to p$) compe%s$tio% to victims of their wro%g judgeme%t * si%ce
i%depe%de%ce till d$te )e$rwise < wh$t $ctio% < if %ot wh) <
10. how m$%) judges h$ve def$ulted i% fili%g their $%%u$l fi%$%ci$l retur%s
givi%g out their we$lth * i%come det$ils * )e$rwise si%ce i%depe%de%ce till
d$te < wh$t $ctio% < if %ot wh) <
11. how )ou $re verif)i%g the $%%u$l fi%$%ci$l retur%s of judges <
12. si%ce i%depe%de%ce * how m$%) co%victs h$ve bee% se%te%ced to >de$th b)
h$%gi%g? * )e$rwise <
1+. how m$%) de$th se%t$%ces were c$rried out 4 how m$%) $re pe%di%g <
1,. how m$%) police offici$ls were m$de to p$) compe%s$tio% 4 prosecuted
for def$m$tio% * whe% i%%oce%ts f$lsel) ch$rged b) police were $c@uitted *
dropped from ch$rges b) courts < if %ot wh) <
15. how m$%) lower court judges were m$de to p$) compe%s$tio% 4
prosecuted for def$m$tio% * whe% i%%oce%ts wro%gl) co%victed b) lower court
* but o% $ppe$l higher courts $c@uitti%g * droppi%g them of ch$rges < if %ot
wh) <
1. $re judges getti%g p$id from public e;che@uer * for their e;pe%ses o% li@uor
/ $lcohol * bod) m$ss$ges * etc i% their :! /! bill while o% tour * offici$l
visits * offici$l p$rties hosted b) judges <
17. how m$%) $ppe$ls for justice co%cer%i%g public welf$re * viol$tio% of
hum$% 4 fu%d$me%t$l rights * thre$t to lives / livelihood * etc were m$de to
supreme court of i%di$ * b) %$g$r$j$ m)sore r$ghup$thi $li$s %$g$r$j$ # 6
$li$s m)self si%ce 1==0 till d$te < $ppe$ls were m$de through ordi%$r) post *
registered post * e-m$il 4 b) web through /!697 * /97. Ah$t !-:&B5 t$ke%
b) supreme court of i%di$ with respect to e$ch $ppe$l <
18. due to %eglige%ce / co%%iv$%ce of supreme court judges i%justices were
meted out to public 4 public $re still sufferi%g i%justices. -rimes which could
h$ve bee% preve%ted b) (- h$ppe%ed eve%though brought to e$rl) %otice of
supreme court. Ah$t $ctio% $g$i%st erri%g (- .udges < if %ot wh) <
1=. & h$ve repe$tedl) offered m) services to supreme court of i%di$ * to
$pprehe%d crimi%$ls withi% judici$r) * police 4 public service. Ah$t $ctio%
t$ke% b) supreme court of i%di$ < if %ot wh) <
20. i% m) leg$l struggle for justice * due to %eglige%ce / co%%iv$%ce of (-&
judges & h$ve suffered murder $ttempts o% m) life * job losses * m) %ewsp$per
closed * %ot getti%g press $ccredit$tio% to m) web %ews p$pers * thre$ts b)
rowdies * police * etc. wh$t $ctio% $g$i%st erri%g chief justice of i%di$ < if %ot
wh) <
22. & repe$tedl) $ppe$led to supreme court of i%di$ to permit me to $ppe$r $s
$micus curie before supreme court of i%di$ 4 j$i% commissio% of e%@uir)
reg$rdi%g l$te 9# 6$jiv 7$%dhi $ss$ssi%$tio% c$se. & w$s %ot permitted wh) <
2+. who $re the judges coveri%g-up 6$jiv 7$%dhi $ss$ssi%$tio% c$se < wh$t
$ctio% t$ke% < if %ot wh) <
2,. '$w is o%e 4 s$me for $ll * but l$w e%forceme%t 4 l$w i%terpret$tio% is
%ot s$me for commo% people * .udges 4 9olice < wh) <

!.e *uD,ic serE+1ts ( t.e 4oEer16e1t 6ust De ro,e 6o7e,s i1 ,+8
+Di7i14 +cts 3 for ot.ers to e6u,+te ( fo,,o8/ if + stu7e1t 6+kes +
6ist+ke it is eGcus+D,e ( c+1 De correcte7 D5 t.e te+c.er/ if t.e
te+c.er .i6se,f 6+kes + 6ist+ke 3 +,, .is stu7e1ts 8i,, 7o t.e s+6e
6ist+ke/ if + t.ief ste+,s 3 .e c+1 De c+u4.t 3 ,e4+,,5 *u1is.e7 (
refor6e7 / if + *o,ice .i6se,f co66its cri6e 3 6+15 t.ieEes 4o
scot< free u17er .is *+tro1+4e/ eEe1 if + *o,ice 3 *uD,ic serE+1t
co66its + cri6e 3 .e c+1 De ,e4+,,5 *rosecute7 ( 2ustice c+1 De
sou4.t D5 t.e +44rieEe7/ 2ust t.i1k 3 if + 2u74e .i6se,f t.+t too of
+*eG court of t.e ,+17 itse,f co66its cri6e < Eio,+tio1s of R!" Act 3
co1stitutio1+, ri4.ts ( .u6+1 ri4.ts of *uD,ic +17 oDstructs t.e
*uD,ic fro6 *erfor6i14 t.eir co1stitutio1+, fu17+6e1t+, 7uties 3
8.+t .+**e1s ? it 4iEes + Dooster 7ose to t.e ric. ( 6i4.t5 3 t.ose
i1 *o8er 3 cri6i1+,s i1 *uD,ic serEice to co66itt 6ore cri6es/ t.+t
is eG+ct,5 8.+t is .+**e11i14 i1 i17i+/ t.e e7uc+te7 *uD,ic 6ust
r+ise to t.e occ+ssio1 ( *e+cefu,,5 3 7e6ocr+tic+,,5 6ust o**ose
t.is cri6i1+,is+tio1 of 2u7ici+r5 3 *uD,ic serEice/ t.e1 +,o1e 3 8e c+1

8in!ly go through the following arti4les & proi!e 7usti4e by
giing 4o5plete truthful infor5ation to us 9 by publi4ly
answering the following :uestionnaire in an una5biguous

The 4onstitution of ;n!ia has pres4ribe! 4ertain F6ND$'"NT$*
D6T;"S to ea4h 4iti<ens of ;n!ia. ;t is the !uty of eery 4iti<en to
prote4t & uphol! the !ignity 9 honour of our !e5o4rati4
institutions 9 to
prote4t our national integrity 9 to respe4t & prote4t the rights of
our fellow 4iti<ens. No 4onstitutional authority has the right to
obstru4t the !is4harge of these !uties by 4iti<ens of ;n!ia. No legal
priileges of 4onstitutional fun4tionaries is superior oer the
F6ND$'"NT$* D6T;"S OF C;T;="N>S OF ;ND;$.
We nee! rights to perfor5 our !uties. Constitution of ;n!ia has
guarantee! those rights as F6ND$'"NT$* R;%?TS to all 4iti<ens
of ;n!ia & by birth itself eeryone of us has se4ure! ?6'$N
R;%?TS as in!ii!uals. To e@press ourseles 9 we nee!
infor5ation 9 !ata fee! ba4k 9 to as4ertain whether we are getting
e:ual opportunity 9 whether we are getting e:uitable 7usti4e 9 et4 9
we nee! infor5ation . so 9
basi4ally Right To ;nfor5ation is an inalienable part of our
fun!a5ental rights & hu5an rights. What RT; $4t has !one is
fi@e! ti5e li5it 9 responsibilities of publi4 serants up to 4ertain
e@tent. ?oweer the 4iti<en>s fun!a5ental right & hu5an right to
seek infor5ation e@ten!s far beyon! the s4ope of RT; $4t.
?ereby 9 we seek 4o5plete truthful infor5ation fro5 supre5e
4ourt of ;n!ia 9 with respe4t to 5y RT; appli4ation appeal.
?"R"AB 9 W" $R" ON*B S""8;N% $CCO6NT$A;*;TB OF
C6A*;C S"R)$NTS ;N C6A*;C ;NT"R"ST & &6ST;C". ?ereby 9
we re:uest you to register this appeal as a C;* petition & to
as4ertain the stan! of ape@ 4ourt on arious 5atters raise! in 5y
RT; $ppli4ation 9 in publi4 interest & e:uitable 7usti4e. Rea! #

Notice to CJ" Justice R ' Lo7.+
lodh$ 3

?.5 NO! Pu1is.6e1t for R+*ist Ju74es ( Po,ice ?

?e s+,ute .o1est fe8 i1 *uD,ic serEice 3 Ju7ici+r5 3 *o,ice 3
*+r,i+6e1t ( st+te ,e4is,+tiEe +sse6D,ies/ our 8.o,e .e+rte7
res*ects to t.e6/ 0EREBA 3 " DO 0U'BLA REIUES! AOU !O
G"&E 'E ?R"!!EN S!A!E'EN!S ; ANS?ERS !O !0E
OLLO?"NG IUES!"ONS B ?0"C0 "N "!SEL ( ie +1s8ers ) ARE
!0E "NOR'A!"ON SOUG0! BA 'E/ 0ERE ?"!0 " A' SEE)"NG
"NS!"!U!"ONS 3 !0"S "S AN APPEAL OR !RU!0 3
POL"CE 3 PROSECU!"ON 3 E!C/ " 7o .o*e se1se of co1stitutio1+,
*ro*riet5 3 2ustice 8i,, *reE+i,/ JA" 0"ND/ &ANDE 'A!ARA'/

D+te - 1%/$K/#$1: AourHs si1cere,53
P,+ce - '5sore N+4+r+2+/'/R/

PAA UP Justice R ' Lo7.+ 3 S.ri ' ) 0+12ur+ ( S6t S6it+ &+ts

" 7o1Ht k1o8 8.et.er secret+ri+t st+ff of CJ" office ( DARPG ;
DPG offici+,s +re for8+r7i14 65 +**e+,s for 2ustice 3 e<6+i,s to
5ou or 1ot/ !.e5 8i,, De .e,7 +ccou1t+D,e for t.eir ,+*ses if +15/
!.is 1otice is +4+i1st t.e re*e+te7 f+i,ure of co1stitutio1+, 7uties
( i17irect co,,usio1 8it. cri6i1+,s D5 *reEious C0"E JUS!"CEs
O "ND"A/ Notice is serEe7 +4+i1st t.e6 3 to t.e office of CJ" 3
NO! *erso1+,,5 +4+i1st 5ou/ At t.e i17iEi7u+, ,eEe, " 7o 8.o,e
.e+rte7,5 res*ect 0o1our+D,e Justice R ' Lo7.+ 3 S.ri ' )
0+12ur+ ( S6t S6it+ &+ts S.+r6+/
P,e+se refer 65 +**e+, for 2ustice t.rou4. DARPG R

"1 i17i+ 7e6ocr+c5 is + f+rce 3 free7o6 + 6ir+4e/ t.e 6ost
D+sic free7o6 R"G0! !O "NOR'A!"ON ( E@PRESS"ON 3 is 1ot
.o1oure7 D5 t.e 4oEer16e1t3+s t.e i1for6+tio1 o*e1s u* t.e
cri6es of &/&/"/Ps ( ,e+7s to t.eir i,,<4otte1 8e+,t./ !.e *uD,ic
serE+1ts +re ,e+st Dot.ere7 +Dout t.e ,iEes of *eo*,e or 2ustice to
t.e6/ t.ese t5*e of f+t c+ts 3 *+r+sites +re + 7r+i1 o1 t.e *uD,ic
eGc.eFuer / t.ese *eo*,e 8+1t 38is. 6e to see 7e+7 3 8is. to see
0U'AN R"G0!S ?A!C0 c,ose7 / so t.+t3 + Eoice +4+i1st i12ustices
is si,e1ce7 foreEer 3 t.e cri6es of &/&/"/Ps c,ose7 3 Durie7 foreEer/
!o 65 1u6erous +**e+,s 3 0R?Hs +**e+,s to 5ou 35ou .+Ee 1ot
5et re*,ie7/ "t c,e+r,5 s.o8s t.+t 5ou +re ,e+st Dot.ere7 +Dout t.e
,iEes of *eo*,e or 2ustice to t.e6 /it *roEes t.+t 5ou +re .e,, De1t
to *rotect t.e cri6i1+,s +t +15 cost/ 5ou +re 2ust *ressurisi14
t.e *o,ice to e1Fuire 6e 3to t+ke 65 st+te6e1t3 to re*e+te7,5 c+,,
6e to *o,ice st+tio1 +,, 8it. + Eie8 to si,e1ce 6e/+,, of 5ou e12o5
M,e4+, i66u1it5 *riEi,e4esN 38.5 7o1Ht 5ou .+Ee 4iEe1 *o8ers to
t.e *o,ice ; i1Eesti4+ti14 officer to su66o1 +,, of 5ou for e1Fuir5 ?
or e,se 8.5 7o1Ht +,, of 5ou +re 1ot +**e+ri14 Defore t.e *o,ice
Eo,u1t+ri,5 for e1Fuir5 ?+t t.e ,e+st 8.5 7o1Ht +,, of 5ou +re 1ot
se17i14 5our st+te6e1t +Dout t.e c+se to t.e *o,ice eit.er t.rou4.
,e4+, cou1se, or t.rou4. *ost? 5ou +re +i7i14 cri6i1+,s 3D5 7e15i14
6e 2oD o**urtu1ities i1 R/B/" CURRENCA NO!E PRESS 65sore 3
cit5 ciEi, court 3D+14+,ore 3 7istict court 3 65sore 3etc ( D5 i,,e4+,,5
c,osi14 65 1e8s*+*er/
t.ere is + 4ross3 tot+, 6is6+tc. Det8ee1 5our +ctio1s +17 5our o+t.
of office/ t.is +6ou1ts to *uD,ic c.e+ti14 ( 6or+, tur*itu7e o1
5our *+rt/
1/5ou +re 6+ki14 co1te6*t of t.e Eer5 +u4ust office 5ou .o,7/
#/5ou +re 6+ki14 co1te6*t of t.e co1stitutio1 of i17i+/
3/5ou +re 6+ki14 co1te6*t of citiOe1s of i17i+/
:/5ou +re s*o1sori14 ( +i7i14 terorris6 ( or4+1iOe7 cri6e/
%/5ou +re Eio,+ti14 t.e fu17+6e1t+, ( .u6+1 ri4.ts of t.e citiOe1s
of i17i+ +17 of 1ei4.Douri14 cou1tries/
9/5ou +re Eio,+ti14 ( 6+ki14 co1te6*t of t.e U/N 0U'AN R"G0!S
C0AR!ER to 8.ic. i17i+ is + si41+tor5/
=/5ou +re oDstructi14 6e fro6 *erfor6i14 65 fu17+6e1t+, 7uties
+s + citiOe1 of i17i+/
K/ As + resu,t of 5our 4ross 1e4,i4e1ce of co1stitutio1+, 7uties 5ou
.+Ee c+use7 6e 7+6+4es ; ,osses to t.e tu1e of RUPEES !?O
5ou +re .ereD5 c+,,e7 u*o1 to P+5 7+6+4es to 6e +17 S0O?<
CAUSE 8it.i1 3$ 7+5s 3 8.5 5ou c+11Ht De ,e4+,,5 *rosecute7 for
t.e +DoEe 6e1tio1e7 cri6es /

"f i +6 re*e+te7,5 c+,,e7 to *o,ice st+tio1 or e,se 8.ere for t.e s+ke
of i1Eesti4+tio1s 3 t.e ,osses i 7o i1curr +s + resu,t ,ike ,oss of 8+4es
3 tr+1s*ort+tio1 3 2oD 3 etc 6ust De Dor1e D5 t.e 4oEer16e1t/
*reEoius,5 t.e *o,ice ; "B *erso11e, re*e+te7,5 c+,,e7 6e t.e
co6*,+i1+1t (sufferer of i12ustices) to *o,ice st+tio1 for
Fuestio1i14 3 Dut 1eEer c+,,e7 t.e 4ui,t5 cu,*rits eEe1 o1ce to *o,ice
st+tio1 for Fuestio1i14 3 +s t.e cu,*rits +re .i4. ( 6i4.t5 / t.is t5*e
of o1e si7e7 Fuestio1i14 6ust 1ot De 7o1e D5 *o,ice or
i1Eesti4+ti14 +4e1cies / if +15t.i14 u1to8+r7 .+**e1s to 6e or to
65 f+6i,5 6e6Ders ,ike ,oss of 2oD 3 6eeti14 8it. .it ( ru1
+cci7e1ts 3 ,oss of ,iEes 3 etc 3 t.e 2uris7ictio1+, *o,ice to4et.er 8it.
+DoEe 6e1tio1e7 +ccusse7 *uD,ic serE+1ts 3 C.ief Justice of "17i+
( Juris7ictio1+, District '+4istr+te 8i,, De res*o1siD,e for it/ EEe1
if cri6i1+, 1eGus ,eEe,s f+ke c.+r4es 3 *o,ice fi,e f+ke c+ses +4+i1st
6e or 65 7e*e17e1ts to si,e1ce 6e 3 t.is co6*,+i1t is ( 8i,, De
if +15t.i14 u1to8+r7 .+**e1s to 6e or 65 7e*e17e1ts 3 t.e
4oEer16e1t of i17i+ is ,i+D,e to *+5 Rs/ !?O crore +s
co6*e1s+tio1 to surEiEors of 65 f+6i,5/ if 65 8.o,e f+6i,5 is
e,i6i1+te7 D5 t.e cri6i1+, 1eGus 3t.e1 t.+t co6*e1s+tio1 6o1e5
6ust De 7o1+te7 to "17i+1 Ar65 ?e,f+re u17/ +fter8+r7s 3 t.e
6o1e5 6ust De recoEere7 D5 GO" +s ,+17 +rre+rs fro6 t.e s+,+r5 3
*e1sio1 3 *ro*ert5 3 etc of 4ui,t5 2u74es 3 *o,ice offici+,s 3 *uD,ic
serE+1ts ( Co1stitutio1+, fuctio1+ries/ !.+1ki14 5ou/ J+i 0i17 3
&+17e '+t+r+6/

D+te - 1%/$K/#$1:LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL//5ourHs si1cere,53
P,+ce - '5sore 3 "17i+LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL/N+4+r+2+ ' R

C.ief Justice of "17i+ ( CJ" ) + Cri6i1+, ?
< P"L A**e+, to 0o1or+D,e Su*re6e court of "17i+ or ?rit of '

8o%our$ble 6egistr$r *
(upreme -ourt of &%di$ *
5ew /elhi.

(ubject : 9&' $ppe$l for A6&: B1 #!5/!#2( 4 /iscipli%$r) $ctio% *
crimi%$l proceedi%gs $g$i%st -hief .ustice of &%di$

" 7o1Ht k1o8 8.et.er secret+ri+t st+ff of CJ" office ( DARPG ;
DPG offici+,s +re for8+r7i14 65 +**e+,s for 2ustice 3 e<6+i,s to
5ou or 1ot/ !.e5 8i,, De .e,7 +ccou1t+D,e for t.eir ,+*ses if +15/
!.is 1otice is +4+i1st t.e re*e+te7 f+i,ure of co1stitutio1+, 7uties
( i17irect co,,usio1 8it. cri6i1+,s D5 *reEious C0"E JUS!"CEs
O "ND"A/ Notice is serEe7 +4+i1st t.e6 3 to t.e office of CJ" 3
NO! *erso1+,,5 +4+i1st 5ou/ At t.e i17iEi7u+, ,eEe, " 7o 8.o,e
.e+rte7,5 res*ect 0o1our+D,e Justice R ' Lo7.+/
P,e+se refer 65 +**e+, for 2ustice t.rou4. DARPG R

:he chief justice of i%di$ is %ot repl)i%g to m) repe$ted show-c$use %otices *d$m$ge
p$)me%t %otices %or t$ki%g $ppropri$te leg$l $ctio%s * i% time . 8owever the
public serv$%ts t$ke their thous$%ds of rupees s$l$r) 4 perks well i% time without f$il
o% 1
of ever) mo%th. !s $ result of co%ti%ued %eglige%ce of co%stitutio%$l duties si%ce
)e$rs we public $re sufferi%g i%justices * crimes which could h$ve bee% preve%ted $re
t$ki%g pl$ce. :hereb) -.& is $idi%g the crimi%$ls i% committi%g crimes 4 cover up of
crimes * i% the course becomi%g $ crimi%$l himself. Ae s$lute our freedom fighters *
milit$r) perso%%el 4 m$rt)rs for $ll the s$crifices m$de b) them. 'et us build $
stro%g * (ecul$r * /emocr$tic &%di$ b) getti%g rid off few corrupt eleme%ts * $%ti
%$tio%$ls * tr$itors $mo%g public serv$%ts * $mo%g judici$r) 4$mo%g police who $re
gre$ter thre$t to &%di$C securit) 4 i%tegrit) th$%
9$kist$%i terrorists or chi%ese milit$r).

&%form$tio% i%put forms p$rt of process of o%eCs e;pressio%. B%eCs e;pressio% i% $%)
forms D writte% * or$l * etc becomes i%form$tio% i%put to the opposite perso% * i% tur%
he e;presses his repl). &%form$tio% 4 0;pressio% $re i%sep$r$ble p$rts 4 form
lifeli%e of $ democr$c). :h$t is the re$so% * 6ight to 0;pressio% is the b$sic
fu%d$me%t$l right $s well $s hum$% right of ever) &%di$% citiEe%. Ahe% $
perso%Cs right to e;pressio% is viol$ted * his other rights to e@u$lit) * justice * etc $lso
$re viol$ted. (uppressio% of &%form$tio% $mou%ts to curbi%g of 0;pressio%. &%
$ democr$c) * people h$ve $ right to k%ow how the public serv$%ts $re fu%ctio%i%g .
8owever till d$te publicserv$%ts $re hidi%g behi%d the veil of Bffici$ls (ecrets !ct
Fwhich is of british vi%t$ge cre$ted b) british to suppress %$tive &%di$%s G. 3) this cover-
up public serv$%ts $re hidi%g their ow% corruptio% * crimes * mism$%$geme%t *
f$ilures * etc. eve% 6:& !ct is %ot bei%gfollowed i%toto b) public serv$%ts. 8owever the
rece%t delhi high court ruli%g $ffirmi%g th$t -.& is u%der 6:& purview 4 bou%d to
$%swer 6:& re@uest * is %ote worth). Bur previous 6:& re@uest to -.& * u%io% home
secret$r) of 7B&* 9reside%t of &%di$ * /7 4 &79 of 7BH $%d others were %ot ho%ored.
:he i%form$tio% is sought were $%swers to the followi%g @uestio%s me%tio%ed i% the
below me%tio%ed websites . the @uestio%s co%cer%ed the p$st * prese%t
co%ti%ui%g i%justices meted out to millio%s of &%di$% citiEe%s * due to wro%g / illeg$l
workpr$ctices of &%di$% judges * police 4 public serv$%ts . :he i%form$tio% we sought
would e;pose the tr$itors * $%ti-%$tio%$ls * crimi%$ls i% public service .:he i%form$tio%
we $re seeki%g $re %o defe%se secrets * %o %$tio%$l secrets .:he truthful i%form$tio%
e;poses the $%ti-%$tio%$ls * tr$itors i% the public service 4 stre%gthe%s our %$tio%$l
securit) * %$tio%$l u%it) 4 i%tegrit).

8ereb) * i do re@uest the ho%our$ble supreme court of i%di$ * for $ (upreme -ourt
mo%itored -3& 0%@uir) i%to this whole issue $s k$r%$t$k$ police $re helpless * the)
do%It h$ve leg$l powers to prosecute high 4 might) *co%stitutio%$l fu%ctio%$ries. :he)
h$ve %ot eve% e%@uired the guilt) JJ&9s eve%
o%ce however 2%der pressure from higher-ups the) repe$tedl) c$lled me the
compl$i%$%t to police st$tio% took st$teme%ts from me $ll for closi%g the
files. 8ereb) * & do re@uest the ho%or$ble supreme court of &%di$ to co%sider this $s $ 9&'
for : >writ of #$%d$mus? $%d to issue i%structio%s to the co%cer%ed public serv$%ts i% the
followi%g c$ses to perform their duties 4 to $%swer the @uestio%s. !s
the tri$l court .udges cross verif) the $%tecede%ts * histor) of the p$rties i% $ c$se to
$scert$i% p$rt)Cs ho%est) *i%tegrit) * $s the i%vestig$ti%g police officers cross check the
$%tecede%ts * histor) of $ compl$i%$%t / $ccussed /wit%esses to $scert$i% their ho%est) *
i%tegrit) of the $ccussed / compl$i%$%t *i% the s$me w$) the p$rties i% $ c$se * $s
compl$i%$%t / $ccussed / wit%essesh$ve $ right to $scert$i% the i%tegrit) * ho%est) of the
tri$l court judge 4 i%vestig$ti%g police officers to e%sure the) $re %ot bi$sed $%d
provide $ f$ir *level grou%d. .!& 8&5/. J!5/0 #!:!6!#.

/$te: 2.0,.201, KourCs si%cerel) *
9l$ce : #)sore 5$g$r$j$.#.6

e;--.& 3$l$krish%$% pushed for elev$tio% of corrupt judge
!fter t$rgeti%g former -hief .ustice of &%di$ (8 H$p$di$* 9ress -ou%cil of
&%di$ F9-&G ch$irperso% .ustice #$rk$%de) H$tju o% #o%d$) tr$i%ed gu%s $t
the the% -hief .ustice of &%di$ F-.&G H7 3$l$krish%$%.
(toki%g $ fresh co%trovers)* H$tju $lleged -.& 3$l$krish%$% h$d pushed for
the elev$tio% of $ #$dr$s 8igh -ourt judge with Lb$d reput$tio%L to the
(upreme -ourt.
8e s$id th$t the collegium he$ded b) .ustice 3$l$krish%$% $%d $lso h$vi%g
.ustice H$p$di$ L$lmost suceededL i% bri%gi%g the judge to the $pe; court but
l$w)ers i% the south &%di$% st$te of :$mil 5$du thw$rted it b) produci%g
Lvolumi%ous docume%t$r) evide%ce of his corruptio%.L
.ustice H 7 3$l$krish%$%* ch$irm$% of the 5$tio%$l 8um$% 6ights
-ommissio% F586-G* w$s %ot immedi$tel) $v$il$ble for comme%ts with his
office st$ti%g th$t he is o% $% offici$l tour to #$l$)si$ $%d will be b$ck this
H$tju h$d e$rlier $ccused .ustice 3$l$krish%$% $%d two other former -.&s of
Limproper compromisesL i% ret$i%i%g $ :$mil 5$du judge u%der corruptio%
cloud duri%g 2%ited 9rogressive !lli$%ce rule. .ustice 3$l$krish%$% h$d
dubbed the $lleg$tio%s $s b$seless.
! former judge of the (upreme -ourt* H$tju m$de the fresh cl$ims o% his blog
while $lso re$cti%g to rem$rks m$de b) .ustice H$p$di$* i% respo%se to his
(u%d$)Is post. .ustice H$p$di$ h$d s$id th$t he h$d %ot brought to (upreme
-ourt $%) u%fit judge.
H$tju $lso ch$rged three former -hief .ustices of &%di$ i%cludi%g KH
($bh$rw$l $%d H7 3$l$krish%$% of succumbi%g to the pressure from the the%
gover%me%t he$ded b) /r. #$%moh$% (i%gh. H$tju though did %ot %$med the
souter% politic$l p$rt) for e;erti%g the pressure* it w$s $ k%ow% f$ct th$t he
w$s referri%g to the /#H which h$d 18 #9s i% the 29! &. :he judge i%
@uestio% .ustice (. !shok Hum$r died i% 200=.
L& m$) remi%d him FH$p$di$G th$t the (upreme -ourt collegium* he$ded b)
Fthe%G -.& H 7 3$l$krish%$%* $%d of which .ustice H$p$di$ w$s $ member*
$lmost succeeded i% bri%gi%g $ tot$ll) u%fit perso% i%to the (upreme -ourt*L
H$tju s$id.
L:h$t judge w$s $ judge of the #$dr$s 8igh -ourt whe% & w$s -hief .ustice
there* so & k%ew $ll $bout his b$d reput$tio%. '$ter* he w$s m$de -hief .ustice
of $%other 8igh -ourt* $%d w$s bei%g co%sidered for elev$tio% to the (upreme
court*L he further s$id.
H$tju s$id th$t o%e d$) duri%g lu%ch i%terv$l* he we%t to .ustice H$p$di$Is
ch$mber $%d told him $bout the Lb$d reput$tio%L of th$t judge* givi%g det$ils.
L& told him th$t & w$s %ot i% the (upreme -ourt collegium* but he w$s* $%d
%ow it w$s for him to do wh$tever he thi%ks proper* $%d & h$ve do%e m) dut).
:here w$s %o use i%formi%g .ustice 3$l$krish%$% si%ce it w$s he who w$s
pushi%g for the judgeIs elev$tio% to the (upreme -ourt*L he wrote.
H$tju further s$id th$t $fter liste%i%g to him* .ustice H$p$di$ th$%ked him $%d
s$id th$t i% future $lso if he h$s such i%form$tio% it should be p$ssed o% to
L/espite this* the collegium* of which .ustice H$p$di$ w$s $ member*
recomme%ded the %$me of th$t judge h$vi%g @uestio%$ble i%tegrit)* $%d he
would h$ve defi%itel) bee% elev$ted to the (upreme -ourt but for the :$mil
5$du l$w)ers who produced volumi%ous docume%t$r) evide%ce of his
corruptio%*L H$tju wrote.
1ormer !ttor%e) 7e%er$l (oli (or$bjee s$id the collegium s)stem is %ot
perfect but $tt$cki%g it the w$) it h$s bee% b) $ former (- judge is %ot
LKou c$%%ot level perso%$l $tt$cks like this o% -hief .ustice $%d some of the
other judges*L he s$id respo%di%g to H$tjuIs blog.
1ormer 8igh -ourt judge 6( (odhi s$id the judici$r) should %ot be tre$ted i%
this m$%%er. L/o%It go $rou%d m$lig%i%g it bec$use )ou $re goi%g to be
u%dermi%i%g the effic$c) of the i%stitutio%. .udici$r) c$%%ot be c$lled corrupt
like th$t.L
(e%ior $dvoc$te #$jeed #emo% s$id the f$ith of the commo% m$% i% judici$r)
is sh$ki%g. LAe should work together %ot o%l) to sust$i% but $lso e%h$%ce the
f$ith of the people i% the s)stem*L he s$id.
H$tju rec$lled th$t the judge i% @uestio% w$s co%se@ue%tl) tr$%sferred to $
sm$ll 8igh -ourt* $%d l$ter impe$chme%t proceedi%gs were brought $g$i%st
him i% 9$rli$me%t* which l$psed whe% he resig%ed.
L(o .ustice H$p$di$Is cl$im th$t he did %ot bri%g $%) corrupt judge to the
(upreme -ourt* h$s to be @u$lified b) $t le$st o%e i%st$%ce where he For r$ther
the collegium of which he w$s $ memberG $lmost succeeded*L H$tju s$id.
8e further $dded th$t eve% though he h$d i%formed .ustice H$p$di$ $bout
th$t LjudgeIs reput$tio%L* %either the collegium* %or .ustice 3$l$krish%$% ever
co%sulted him o% the m$tter.
:his w$s obviousl) do%e b) .ustice 3$l$krish%$% Lk%owi%g th$t if co%sulted &
would give $% $dverse report. 3ut wh) did .ustice H$p$di$ %ot tell .ustice
3$l$krish%$% to co%sult me<*L he $dded.
H$tju s$id th$t he h$d l$ter remi%ded .ustice H$p$di$ th$t he h$d i%formed
him $bout the Lb$d reput$tio%L of th$t judge* but %o heed w$s p$id to his
words. & s$id th$t the (upreme -ourt could h$ve bee% s$ved so much
emb$rr$ssme%t if m) $dvice h$d bee% sought* H$tju wrote.
L.ustice H$p$di$ $dmitted th$t & h$d i%formed him* but s$id th$t .ustice
3$l$krish%$%* the -.&* w$s $d$m$%t* $%d so the recomme%d$tio% w$s m$de*L
he $dded.
-orruptio% i% .udici$r)

:here w$s $ .udge i% $ 8igh -ourt who h$d $ ver) b$d reput$tio% $bout his
i%tegrit)* $%d o% this $ccou%t w$s tr$%sferred to !ll$h$b$d 8igh -ourt. '$ter
with p$ss$ge of time he bec$me ver) se%ior $%d !cti%g -hief .ustice of
!ll$h$b$d 8igh -ourt.

(ome people st$rted dem$%di%g th$t he be m$de -hief .ustice of some 8igh
-ourt* $%d l$ter brought to the (upreme -ourt.

:he the% -hief .ustice of &%di$* .ustice H$p$di$* h$d received sever$l
compl$i%ts $bout this .udge th$t eve% $t !ll$h$b$d he w$s i%dulgi%g i%
corruptio%*$%d .ustice H$p$di$ re@uested me to fi%d out the true f$cts $bout
th$t .udge F & w$s the% $ .udge of the (upreme -ourtG.

!t th$t time & h$d to go to !ll$h$b$d* m) home tow% for $tte%di%g $ fu%ctio%*
$%d while there & co%t$cted some l$w)ers & k%ew* $%d got + mobile %umbers of
the $ge%ts of this .udge through whom he w$s t$ki%g mo%e). B% retur%i%g to
/elhi & g$ve these + mobile %umbers to .ustice H$p$di$* $%d suggested th$t he
get these %umbers t$pped through i%tellige%ce $ge%cies.

!bout 2 mo%ths there$fter .ustice H$p$di$ told me th$t he h$d do%e $s & h$d
suggested* $%d the co%vers$tio%s t$pped reve$led the corruptio% of this .udge.

!fter this* .ustice H$p$di$ should h$ve c$lled this .udge to /elhi $%d $sked
for his resig%$tio%* f$ili%g which he would refer the m$tter to 9$rli$me%t for
impe$chme%t* but he did %o such thi%g*Fthough he did %ot $llow the .udge to
become -hief .ustice of $%) 8igh -ourt or $ (upreme -ourt .udgeG

#ost -hief .ustices of &%di$ $re reluct$%t to e;pose corruptio% i% the judici$r)
thi%ki%g th$t this will def$me the judici$r)* $%d so the) prefer to bur)
corruptio% u%der the c$rpet* %ot re$liEi%g th$t the bulge u%der the c$rpet will

(ome thi%k th$t e;posi%g corruptio% def$mes the judici$r). #) repl) to such
people is : /oes corruptio% b) .udges def$me the judici$r)* or does e;posi%g
such corruptio% def$me it <

& m$) give $%other e;$mple. Ahe% & w$s !cti%g -hief .ustice of !ll$h$b$d
8igh -ourt & we%t to /elhi $%d met .ustice '$hoti* the the% -hief .ustice of
i%di$* $%d g$ve him $ chit co%t$i%i%g %$mes of 5 judges of !ll$h$b$d 8igh
-ourt who were doi%g shocki%g thi%gs. .ustice '$hoti $sked me wh$t should
be do%e < & replied th$t if he permitted* & would solve the problem i% 2, hours.
8e $sked* how <

& replied th$t & w$s goi%g b$ck to !ll$h$b$d b) the %ight tr$i%* $%d o% re$chi%g
there would c$ll the 6egistr$r 7e%er$l $%d tell him to telepho%e these 5
.udges* $%d tell them th$t the -hief .ustice h$d i%structed th$t the) would %ot
be $llowed e%tr) i%to the 8igh -ourt premises. 9olice w$s bei%g posted $t the
g$te of the 8igh -ourt with i%structio% from me th$t these judges were %ot to
be $llowed e%tr). :heir ch$mbers h$d bee% locked* $%d the) will receive their
s$l$r) checks $t home* $%d the) %eed %ot come to the 8igh -ourt. & did %ot
w$%t to see them i%side the 8igh -ourt premises $s the) h$d disgr$ced the
8igh -ourt.

Ahe% & s$id this .ustice '$hoti s$id L9le$se do %ot do this* bec$use the% the
politici$%s will get $ h$%dle* $%d the% the) will set up $ 5$tio%$l .udici$l
-ommissio%L. & replied th$t si%ce he w$s %ot permitti%g me to do this* i would
%ot* but he m$) t$ke wh$tever $ctio% he thought fit.

'$ter some of the 5 judges whose %$mes & g$ve were tr$%sferred to $%other
8igh -ourt.

3ut is tr$%sfer $ solutio% < (uch corrupt judges should be s$cked* but this is
%ot do%e to I $void def$mi%g the judici$r)I. & $g$i% $sk : does corruptio% b)
.udges def$me the judici$r)* or does e;posi%g such corruptio% def$me it <

& h$ve give% o%l) two i%st$%ces of corruptio% i% this post* but & c$% give
sever$l more.

JUDGEs or Brokers of Justice ?

A B J of '+1i*u,+tio1 of "17i+1 Le4+, S5ste6
()stem *
http://www.scribd.com/doc/17+85,5,1/-hief-.ustice-of-&%di$-!--rimi%$l *

S?$'" TO CORR6CT R$C;ST &6D%"S OF ;ND;$

There is a higher court than the court of justice and that is the court of
conscience It supercedes all other courts.
- Mahatma Gandhi

S+,+r5 of C.ief Justice of "17i+ Ru*ees 1$$$$$ *er 6o1t. ( s+,+r5
of su*re6e court 2u74e Ru*ees 9$$$$ *er 6o1t. *,us % st+r
.erit+4e Du14+,o8 3 % st+r +ir ; tr+i1 tr+Ee, 3 % st+r .e+,t. c+re
f+ci,it5 3 etc +,, +t t+G *+5ers eG*e1se

0u14er De+t.s '+,1utritio1 De+t.s PoEert5 E+r1i14 Less t.+1
Ru*ees 3# *er 7+5

0o1est 0+r7 ?orki14 C.i,7 L+Dorers E+r1i14 Less !.+1 Ru*ees
3# *er 7+5
Corru*t Dis.o1est Cri6i1+, PuD,ic SerE+1ts E+r1i14 'ore t.+1
Ru*ees %$$$ *er 7+5 'ur7erers of Justice

",,<4otte1 ?e+,t. of Corru*t PuD,ic SerE+1ts

'ur7erers of Justice S.+6e to Aou

Follow 5e at
Raghupathi0-2,.-,2+3 9
http#00www.a5nesty.org0en0user0naghrw 9
http#00twitter.4o50naghrw 9

A B J of '+1i*u,+tio1 of "17i+1 Le4+, S5ste6
()stem *
http://www.scribd.com/doc/17+85,5,1/-hief-.ustice-of-&%di$-!--rimi%$l *

S?$'" TO CORR6CT R$C;ST &6D%"S OF ;ND;$

G8+,ior +77itio1+, 2u74e s+5s s.e 8+s seGu+,,5 .+r+sse7 D5 0C
2u74e3 Fuits

!% $dditio%$l district $%d sessio%s judge i% 7w$lior* who w$s he$di%g the
Jish$k$ committee $g$i%st se;u$l h$r$ssme%t* could %ot s$ve herself from the
pr)i%g e)es of $ #$dh)$ 9r$desh high court judge $%d h$d to resig% from
judici$l service to protect her Ldig%it)* wom$%hood $%d self-esteemL.
!fter pr$ctici%g l$w for 15 )e$rs i% /elhi courts* she p$ssed the #9 8igher
.udici$l (ervice e;$m $%d w$s posted i% 7w$lior o% !ugust 1* 2011. !fter
tr$i%i%g u%der .ustice / H 9$liw$l* she w$s posted $s $dditio%$l district $%d
sessio%s judge i% 7w$lior i% Bctober 2012.
&% !pril 201+* she w$s $ppoi%ted ch$irperso% of /istrict Jish$k$ -ommittee.
8er $%%u$l co%fide%ti$l report of .$%u$r) 201, termed her work Le;celle%t
$%d outst$%di%gL. 3ut th$t w$s %ot e%ough. :he $dmi%istr$tive judge from
7w$lior be%ch of #$dh)$ 9r$desh 8- kept pesteri%g her to visit him i% his
bu%g$low $lo%e* she $lleged.
&% her compl$i%t to -hief .ustice of &%di$ 6 # 'odh$ $%d (upreme -ourt
judges .ustices 8 ' /$ttu* : ( :h$kur* !%il 6 /$ve* /ip$k #isr$ $%d !ru%
#isr$* $s well $s the #9 8- chief justice* she s$id the $dmi%istr$tive judge
se%t her $ mess$ge through the district registr$r to Lperform d$%ce o% $% item
so%gL $t $ fu%ctio% i% his reside%ce. (he $voided the fu%ctio% o% the prete;t of
her d$ughterIs birthd$).
6espo%di%g to her compl$i%t* .ustice 'odh$ s$id* L:his is the o%l) professio%
where we refer to our colle$gues $s brothers $%d sisters. :his is u%fortu%$te. &
will t$ke $ppropri$te $ctio% $fter the compl$i%t is pl$ced before me.L
:he ver) %e;t d$) of se%di%g $ mess$ge to d$%ce i% his reside%ce* the
$dmi%istr$tive judge told her th$t Lhe missed the opportu%it) of viewi%g $
se;) $%d be$utiful figure d$%ci%g o% the floor $%d th$t he is desper$te to see
the s$meL* she $lleged.
:he judge got $%gr) whe% she did %ot p$) heed to his Lv$rious $dv$%ces $%d
m$licious $spir$tio%sL. (he w$s subjected to i%te%se scruti%) b) the
$dmi%istr$tive judge. 8e got more $git$ted whe% %o f$ult w$s fou%d* she s$id.
L& st$rted comme%ci%g court $t 10.+0 $m i%ste$d of 11 $m $%d e;te%ded the
worki%g hours i% the eve%i%g b) o%e hour to pm*L she s$id but compl$i%ed
th$t this did %ot $ppe$se the $dmi%istr$tive judge* who co%ti%ued to h$r$ss
:ired of h$r$ssme%t* she $lo%g with her husb$%d o% .u%e 22 we%t to meet the
$dmi%istr$tive judge* who w$s Lirrit$tedL to fi%d her with her husb$%d $%d
$sked her to meet him $fter 15 d$)s. 3ut eve% before 15 d$)s could h$ve
el$psed* she w$s served with $ tr$%sfer order.
&% her compl$i%t* she s$id* L:he $dmi%istr$tive judge* $lo%g with district judge
$%d district judge Fi%spectio%G* possibl) m$de $ f$lse* frivolous* b$seless $%d
m$licious reporti%g to the chief justice of #9 $%d got me tr$%sferred o% .ul)
8* i% the mid-$c$demic sessio% of m) d$ughters to $ remote pl$ce (idhi b)
overruli%g the tr$%sfer polic) of #9 8-.L
8er represe%t$tio% for eight-mo%th e;te%sio% to $llow her d$ughters complete
the $c$demic sessio% w$s rejected. 'eft with %o choice* she c$lled o% the
$dmi%istr$tive judge $%d ple$ded $g$i%st the $brupt tr$%sfer s$)i%g it would
$ffect the studies of her child who w$s i% -l$ss 12.
&% her compl$i%t* she s$id* L#ocki%gl)* he replied th$t & f$ced this mid-
$c$demic sessio% tr$%sfer to (idhi for %ot fulfilli%g his $spir$tio%s $%d for %ot
visiti%g his bu%g$low $lo%e eve% o%ce $%d he $lso thre$te%ed me th$t %ow he
will spoil m) c$reer completel) $%d m$ke sure th$t & f$ce rui%ous prospects $ll
m) life.L
(he cl$imed the 8- chief justice decli%ed to meet her whe% she w$%ted to
$pprise him of the situ$tio%. L& w$s left with %o optio% but to resig%* so* &
resig%ed o% .ul) 15 i% compelli%g* humili$ti%g $%d disgr$ceful circumst$%ces
to s$ve m) dig%it)* wom$%hood* self-esteem $%d c$reer of m) d$ughter.L
(eeki%g justice from the -.&* she s$id* LB%l) bec$use the perpetr$tor is $s
powerful $s $% I$dmi%istr$tive judgeI th$t he c$% c$st $% evil e)e o% me* $%d &
do %ot eve% get $ he$ri%g. Ah$t s)stem $re we followi%g $%d le$di%g this
democr$c) to< &f this is how $ mother* sister $%d wife c$% be tre$ted* who is
herself %o less th$% $ judici$l officer dut)-bou%d to protect societ) $%d l$w*
wh$t co%stitutio%$l go$ls $re we servi%g<L
'+7.5+ Pr+7es. seGu+, +ss+u,t o1 ?o6+1 Ju74e

-$ses of h$r$ssme%t $t the workpl$ce h$ve become $% ever)d$) $ff$ir. 3ut this
time* the victim is %ot $ regul$r office goer. (he is $% !dditio%$l /istrict $%d
(essio%s -ourt .udge i% #$dh)$ 9r$desh. :he wom$% judge i%cide%t$ll) w$s
$lso he$di%g the Jish$k$ -ommittee $g$i%st se;u$l h$r$ssme%t* but could %ot
s$ve herself from the s%oopi%g e)es of $ #$dh)$ 9r$desh 8igh -ourt .udge
$%d h$d to give up her service to protect her dig%it) $%d self-esteem.
!s if this w$s %ot e%ough* the wom$% .udge w$s $sked to d$%ce to $
3oll)wood item so%g b) her h$r$sser. !ccordi%g to reports* the $dmi%istr$tive
judge $sked her to >perform d$%ce o% $% item so%g? $t $ fu%ctio% $t his home
$%d i%flue%ced her tr$%sfer to $ remote loc$tio% despite her re@uests.
8owever* she e;cused herself citi%g her d$ughterCs birthd$).
&% her compl$i%t* she $lleged th$t the 8igh -ourt .udge $lso forced her to visit
his bu%g$low $lo%e* which she %ever did. :he wom$% .udge w$s tr$%sferred i%
the middle of her d$ughterCs -l$ss 12 $c$demic sessio%. Ahe% she protested*
she w$s told this w$s h$ppe%i%g bec$use she did %ot fulfill his $spir$tio%s. &%
her compl$i%t* she s$id* >#ocki%gl)* he replied th$t & f$ced this mid-$c$demic
sessio% tr$%sfer to (idhi for %ot fulfilli%g his $spir$tio%s $%d for %ot visiti%g
his bu%g$low $lo%e eve% o%ce $%d he $lso thre$te%ed me th$t %ow he will spoil
m) c$reer completel) $%d m$ke sure th$t & f$ce rui%ous prospects $ll m) life.?

(he cl$imed the 8- -hief .ustice decli%ed to meet her whe% she w$%ted to
$pprise him of the situ$tio%. >& w$s left with %o optio% but to resig%. (o &
resig%ed o% .ul) 15 i% compelli%g* humili$ti%g $%d disgr$ceful circumst$%ces
to s$ve m) dig%it)* wom$%hood* self-esteem $%d c$reer of m) d$ughter.?
&% her compli$%t to -hief .ustice of &%di$ 6# 'odh$ $%d (upreme -ourt
judges .ustices 8' /$ttu* :( :h$kur* !%il 6 /$ve* /ip$k #isr$ $%d !ru%
#isr$* $s well $s the #$dh)$ 9r$desh 8- -hief .ustice* she s$id* >B%l)
bec$use the perpetr$tor is $s powerful $s $% M!dmi%istr$tive .udgeC th$t he c$%
c$st $% evil e)e o% me $%d & do %ot eve% get $ he$ri%g. Ah$t s)stem $re we
followi%g $%d le$di%g this democr$c) to< &f this is how $ mother* sister $%d
wife c$% be tre$ted N who is herself %o less th$% $ judici$l officer dut)-bou%d
to protect societ) $%d l$w N wh$t -o%stitutio%$l go$ls $re we servi%g<?*
$ :imes of &%di$ report s$id.
(he further st$tes th$t the $dmi%istr$tive judge* $lo%g with district judge $%d
district judge Fi%spectio%G* possibl) m$de $ f$lse* frivolous* b$seless $%d
m$licious reporti%g to the -hief .ustice of #9 $%d got me tr$%sferred o% .ul)
8* i% the mid-$c$demic sessio% of m) d$ughters to $ remote pl$ce (idhi b)
overruli%g the tr$%sfer polic) of #9 8-.?
:he :imes of &%di$ report further @uotes .ustice 'odh$ s$)i%g* >:his is the
o%l) professio% where we refer to our colle$gues $s brothers $%d sisters. :his
is u%fortu%$te. & will t$ke $ppropri$te $ctio% $fter the compl$i%t is pl$ced
before me.?
:he victim p$ssed the #9 8igher .udici$l (ervice e;$m $%d w$s posted i%
7w$lior o% !ugust 1* 2011. !fter tr$i%i%g u%der .ustice /H 9$liw$l* she w$s
posted $s $dditio%$l district $%d sessio%s judge i% 7w$lior i% Bctober 2012. &%
!pril 201+* she w$s $ppoi%ted ch$irperso% of /istrict Jish$k$ -ommittee. 8er
$%%u$l co%fide%ti$l report of .$%u$r) 201, termed her work >e;celle%t $%d
outst$%di%g?. 3ut th$t w$s %ot e%ough.
&t h$s bee% more th$% $ )e$r si%ce the (e;u$l 8$r$ssme%t of Aome% $t
Aorkpl$ce !ct w$s p$ssed. 3ut it seems th$t the !ct is powerful o%l) o% the
p$per $%d %othi%g more $s sever$l comp$%ies f$il to impleme%t them. :he
v$st m$jorit) of comp$%ies $%d sever$l est$blishme%ts $re still tr)i%g to figure
out wh$t to do. !ccordi%g to the 9ress &%form$tio% 3ure$u of the 7over%me%t
of &%di$* >:he !ct will e%sure th$t wome% $re protected $g$i%st se;u$l
h$r$ssme%t $t $ll work pl$ces* be it i% public or priv$te. :his will co%tribute to
re$lis$tio% of their right to ge%der e@u$lit)* life $%d libert) $%d e@u$lit) i%
worki%g co%ditio%s ever)where. :he se%se of securit) $t the workpl$ce will
improve wome%Cs p$rticip$tio% i% work* resulti%g i% their eco%omic
empowerme%t $%d i%clusive growth.?
8owever* it is $% iro%) th$t this c$se comes $t $ time whe% the -e%tr$l
7over%me%t h$s directed $ll the (t$te 7over%me%ts to provide ++ per ce%t
reserv$tio% for wome% i% their police forces to effectivel) de$l with c$ses of
se;u$l viole%ce $%d crime $g$i%st wome%. B%l) time will tell if this will
become $ re$lit) soo% or %ot.

Notice to CJ" Justice R ' Lo7.+
lodh$ 3

"17i+1 *o,ice Q4+14<r+*e 8o6+1 +fter s.e f+i,s to *+5 DriDeQ
Aom$% s$)s she w$s $tt$cked $t $ police st$tio% i% 2tt$r 9r$desh $fter goi%g
there to seek her husb$%dIs rele$se

!% &%di$% wom$% h$s s$id she w$s g$%g-r$ped b) four officers $t $ police
st$tio%* the l$test i% $ stri%g of se; $tt$cks i% the st$te of 2tt$r 9r$desh.
:he wom$% s$id she w$s $tt$cked whe% she we%t to the st$tio% over%ight o%
#o%d$) i% the 8$mirpur district to seek her husb$%dIs rele$se.
L!t 11.+0pm whe% there w$s %o o%e i% the room the sub-i%spector took me to
his room $%d r$ped me i%side the police st$tio%*L the wom$% told -55-&35.
(he filed $ compl$i%t with $ se%ior officer o% Aed%esd$) over the $tt$ck*
which $llegedl) occurred whe% she refused to p$) $ bribe to secure the rele$se
of her husb$%d. Jire%dr$ Hum$r (hekh$r* $ police offici$l from 8$mirpur*
s$id: L:he procedure will be followed. :he victim h$s filed $ compl$i%t $%d the
guilt) will be $rrested soo%.L
(ub-i%spector 3$lbir (i%gh s$id $ crimi%$l c$se h$d bee% lodged $g$i%st four
officers from the st$tio%.
:he c$se is the l$test i% $ stri%g of r$pes $%d murders i% 2tt$r 9r$desh* &%di$Is
most populous st$te* where the chief mi%ister* !khilesh K$d$v* is u%der
growi%g politic$l pressure over his h$%dli%g of l$w $%d order.
'$st mo%th* two girls* $ged 12 $%d 1,* were g$%g-r$ped $%d l)%ched i% their
vill$ge. :he) were $tt$cked $fter goi%g i%to $ field to relieve themselves $t
%ight bec$use the) did %ot h$ve $ l$v$tor) $t home.
:heir f$milies refused to cut the bodies dow% from the tree for hours i%
protest* s$)i%g police h$d f$iled to t$ke $ctio% $g$i%st the $tt$ckers bec$use
the girls were from $ low c$ste.
:he prime mi%ister* 5$re%dr$ #odi* * i% his first comme%ts o% the issue si%ce
the h$%gi%g of the girls sp$rked public outr$ge* o% Aed%esd$) urged $ll
politici$%s to work together to protect wome%. #odi w$r%ed politici$%s
$g$i%st Lpoliticisi%g r$peL* s$)i%g the) were Lpl$)i%g with the dig%it) of
wome%L i% his first speech to p$rli$me%t si%ce sweepi%g to power $t l$st
mo%thIs electio%.
&%di$ brought i% tougher l$ws l$st )e$r $g$i%st se;u$l offe%ders $fter the f$t$l
g$%g-r$pe of $ stude%t i% 5ew /elhi i% /ecember 2012* but the) h$ve f$iled to
stem the tide of viole%ce $g$i%st wome%.
!lso o% Aed%esd$)* $ ,5-)e$r-old wom$% w$s fou%d h$%gi%g from $ tree i%
2tt$r 9r$desh. 8er f$mil) s$id she h$d bee% r$ped $%d murdered. ! police
officer s$id five me% were bei%g @uestio%ed over the i%cide%t* which occurred
sever$l kilometres from her home i% 3$hr$ich district. L:he) Oher husb$%d
$%d so%P h$ve $lleged th$t the wom$%* before bei%g stru%g up from the tree*
w$s r$ped $%d murdered b) these me%*L the district superi%te%de%t 8$pp)
7upt$% told !19.

RAP"S! Ju74es ( R+*ist Po,ice < No *u1is.6e1t ?
?.e1 + Ju74e 0i6se,f Co66its Cri6e 3 ?.e1 + POL"CE
0i6se,f roDs 3 'ur7ers L/

&% the r$pe c$se of #s.5irbh$)$ committed l$st )e$r i% 5ew /elhi * $ll the
$ccussed were from lower middle cl$ss b$ckgrou%d. (o * the whole societ) *
medi$ * police r$ised voiced $g$i%st them $%d the guilt) were rightl)
3ut t$ke the rece%t c$se of (upreme -ourt .udges $ccussed of se;u$l offe%ces
#r. ! . (. 7!572'K * #r. (A!:8!5:06 H2#!6 or /79 (9( 6$thore
i%volved i% 6uchik$ c$se or some some #i%isters * #'!s * #9s* the medi$ *
societ) * police 4 9rosecuti%g judges $re bi$sed tow$rds the $ccussed.
3ec$use the $ccussed $re rich 4 might) * belo%g to ruli%g elite cl$ss.

Are 1ot t.e ,+8s ( itHs e1force6e1ts f+ir 3 eFuit+D,e 3 2ust +17
s+6e for o1e ( +,, ?
!.e *uD,ic serE+1ts ( t.e 4oEer16e1t 6ust De ro,e 6o7e,s i1 ,+8
+Di7i14 +cts 3 for ot.ers to e6u,+te ( fo,,o8/ if + stu7e1t 6+kes +
6ist+ke it is eGcus+D,e ( c+1 De correcte7 D5 t.e te+c.er/ if t.e
te+c.er .i6se,f 6+kes + 6ist+ke 3 +,, .is stu7e1ts 8i,, 7o t.e s+6e
6ist+ke/ if + t.ief ste+,s 3 .e c+1 De c+u4.t 3 ,e4+,,5 *u1is.e7 (
refor6e7 / if + *o,ice .i6se,f co66its cri6e 3 6+15 t.ieEes 4o scot<
free u17er .is *+tro1+4e/ eEe1 if + *o,ice 3 *uD,ic serE+1t co66its
+ cri6e 3 .e c+1 De ,e4+,,5 *rosecute7 ( 2ustice c+1 De sou4.t D5 t.e

2ust t.i1k 3 if + 2u74e .i6se,f t.+t too +*eG court of t.e ,+17 itse,f
co66its cri6e < Eio,+tio1s of R!" Act 3 co1stitutio1+, ri4.ts (
.u6+1 ri4.ts of *uD,ic +17 oDstructs t.e *uD,ic fro6 *erfor6i14
t.eir co1stitutio1+, fu17+6e1t+, 7uties 3 8.+t .+**e1s ?

it 4iEes + Dooster 7ose to t.e ric. ( 6i4.t5 3 t.ose i1 *o8er 3
cri6i1+,s i1 *uD,ic serEice to co66it 6ore cri6es/ t.+t is eG+ct,5
8.+t is .+**e1i14 i1 i17i+/ t.e e7uc+te7 *uD,ic 6ust r+ise to t.e
occ+sio1 ( *e+cefu,,5 3 7e6ocr+tic+,,5 6ust o**ose t.is
cri6i1+,iO+tio1 of 2u7ici+r5 3 *uD,ic serEice/ t.e1 +,o1e 3 8e c+1

& h$ve show% i% the followi%g $tt$chme%t how justice is bought *
purch$sed * m$%ipul$ted i% &5/&! with $ctu$l c$ses. .ust see the rece%t
e;$mples of supreme court judges i%volved i% se;u$l $ss$ult c$se 4
6BB(: 6esort #)sore (e; sc$%d$l i%volvi%g judges * if $%) ordi%$r)
fellow h$d committed the s$me crimes he would h$ve bee% h$uled over the
co$l fire. .ust t$ke $%other rece%t e;$mple of 9riso%er #ovie $ctor s$%j$)
dutt * :!/! provisio%s were diluted b) the judge to f$vour him $%d %ow he is
getti%g p$role week $fter week while the ordi%$r) co%victs %ever get $ si%gle
p$role throught their se%te%ce. Ah$t 3rilli$%t .udges * wh$t brilli$%t police

E7itori+, - 0+14 R+*ist Ju74es to L+6* Posts < JUDGES (

At t.e outset 3 8e eG*ress our 8.o,e .e+rte7 res*ects to t.e .o1est
fe8 *uD,ic serE+1ts
i1 *uD,ic serEice i1c,u7i14 2u7ici+r5 ( Po,ice/ 0o8eEer3 t.e corru*t
i1 *uD,ic serEice 7o1Ht 7eserEe
res*ect +s i17iEi7u+,s B +s t.e5 +re *+r+sites i1 our ,e4+, s5ste6/
Sti,, 8e res*ect t.e
c.+irs t.e5 occu*5 Dut 1ot t.e corru*t i17iEi7u+,s/
A,, t.e fo,,o8i14 +rtic,es ; issues 3 *+st c+ses of seGu+, +ss+u,ts o1
8o6e1 D5 2u74es (.us.e7 u* ?) 3 8.o,e +rtic,es *uD,is.e7 i1 t.e
8eD,i1ks 6e1tio1e7
De,o8 for6s *+rt of t.is +**e+,/ !.e ter6 MJUDGEN 6e1tio1e7
t.rou4.t i1c,u7es +,, *uD,ic
serE+1ts 7isc.+r4i14 2u7ici+, fu1ctio1s ri4.t fro6 t+,uk
6+4istr+tes 3 Fu+si<2u7ici+,
officers to C.ief Justice of "17i+/
"17i+1 Le4+, ; Ju7ici+, S5ste6 is 6+1i*u,+te7 +t E+rious st+4es ( is
for s+,e/ "t is + S0A'E/
!.e *erso1s 8.o r+ise t.eir Eoice seeki14 2ustice +re si,e1ce7 i1
6+15 8+5s/ !.e
cri6i1+, 1eGus .+s +,re+75 +tte6*te7 to si,e1ce 6e i1 6+15 8+5s /
"f +15t.i14 u1to8+r7
.+**e1s to 6e or to 65 f+6i,5 6e6Ders 3 65 7e*e17e1ts 3
0o1our+D,e C.ief Justice of
"17i+ to4et.er 8it. 2uris7ictio1+, *o,ice officer 8i,, De res*o1siD,e
for it/
0ereD53 8e 7o o1ce +4+i1 offer our co17itio1+, serEices to t.e
.o1our+D,e su*re6e court
of "17i+ ( ot.er 4oEer16e1t +ut.orities3 i1 +**re.e17i14
cri6i1+,s i1c,u7i14 corru*t
2u74es ( *o,ice/ 0ere8it. 3 8e o1ce +4+i1 +**e+, to t.e .o1our+D,e
su*re6e court of
"17i+ 3 to co1si7er t.is +s + P"L A**e+, i1 *uD,ic i1terest/
Co1si7er t.e c+ses of seGu+, +ss+u,t D5 JUDGES 3 POL"CE o1
8o6e1 / !.e JUDGES
.+Ee ,e4+, i66u1it5 8it. res*ect to t.eir offici+, 7uties3 offici+,
+ctio1s Dut 1ot t.eir
i17iEi7u+, +ctio1s +6ou1ti14 to CR"'ES/
!.e *uD,ic serE+1ts ( t.e 4oEer16e1t 6ust De ro,e 6o7e,s i1 ,+8
+Di7i14 +cts 3 for ot.ers
to e6u,+te ( fo,,o8/ if + stu7e1t 6+kes + 6ist+ke it is eGcus+D,e (
c+1 De correcte7 D5
t.e te+c.er/ if t.e te+c.er .i6se,f 6+kes + 6ist+ke 3 +,, .is stu7e1ts
8i,, 7o t.e s+6e
6ist+ke/ if + t.ief ste+,s 3 .e c+1 De c+u4.t 3 ,e4+,,5 *u1is.e7 (
refor6e7 / if + *o,ice
.i6se,f co66its cri6e 3 6+15 t.ieEes 4o scot< free u17er .is
*+tro1+4e/ eEe1 if + *o,ice 3
*uD,ic serE+1t co66its + cri6e 3 .e c+1 De ,e4+,,5 *rosecute7 (
2ustice c+1 De sou4.t D5
t.e +44rieEe7/ 2ust t.i1k 3 if + 2u74e .i6se,f t.+t too of +*eG court of
t.e ,+17 itse,f
co66its cri6e < Eio,+tio1s of R!" Act 3 co1stitutio1+, ri4.ts (
.u6+1 ri4.ts of *uD,ic +17
oDstructs t.e *uD,ic fro6 *erfor6i14 t.eir co1stitutio1+,
fu17+6e1t+, 7uties 3 8.+t
.+**e1s ? it 4iEes + Dooster 7ose to t.e ric. ( 6i4.t5 3 t.ose i1
*o8er 3 cri6i1+,s i1
*uD,ic serEice to co66itt 6ore cri6es/ t.+t is eG+ct,5 8.+t is
.+**e11i14 i1 i17i+/ t.e
e7uc+te7 *uD,ic 6ust r+ise to t.e occ+ssio1 ( *e+cefu,,5 3
7e6ocr+tic+,,5 6ust o**ose
t.is cri6i1+,is+tio1 of 2u7ici+r5 3 *uD,ic serEice/ t.e1 +,o1e 3 8e c+1

0ereD5 3 8e reFuest t.e .o1our+D,e court to reo*e1 +,, .us.e7 u*
o,7 c+ses of seGu+, +ss+u,t i1Eo,Ei14 2u74es +17 to *u1is. t.e 4ui,t5

Rea! ;s C?;"F &6ST;C" OF ;ND;$ aboe *$W DDD
aboe-law 9

;s C?;"F &6ST;C" OF ;ND;$ aboe *$W DDD
aboe-law 9

L+8 stu7e1t seGu+,,5 .+r+sse7 D5 eG<Su*re6e Court 2u74e- c+se is
1ot u1iFue3 Dut s*e+ki14 out is 1e+r,5 i6*ossiD,e

.+r+ss6e1t<su*re6e<court<is<co66o1 3

?$N% R$C;ST CORR6CT &6D%"S

Not.i14 Dut t.e trut.
B5 "17ir+ J+isi14
! midst the risi%g di% of the dem$%d for de$th pe%$lt) for r$pists comes the
%ews th$t three judges of the H$r%$t$k$ 8igh -ourt h$ve bee% i%volved i%
wh$t h$s come to be described $s $ Ise; sc$%d$lI o% the outskirts of #)sore $t
$ pl$ce c$lled 6oost 6esorts.
Bur $tte%tio% is %ow directed to those who dispe%se justice r$ther th$% those
who k%ock $t the doors of justice. &% both c$ses* we $re t$lki%g $bout the use
$%d $buse of wome% N those who $re victims of se;u$l $buse* $%d those who
$re used $s se;u$l objects* willi%gl) or u%willi%gl).
!fter the reports i% loc$l %ewsp$pers th$t three high court judges were fou%d
with wome% $t $ resort* there w$s the usu$l crop of de%i$ls. !lthough the
#)sore police were c$lled i% to settle $ br$wl* o% bei%g told th$t the perso%s i%
@uestio% were judges the) s$id th$t the) he$rd %o evil $%d s$w %o evil.
!%d ever)o%e thought the m$tter e%ded there.
!ttempts to get the %$mes of the judges or of the wome% i% @uestio% drew $
bl$%k. :he b$r $ssoci$tio% $lso drew $ bl$%k $s most people s$id* L/o%It @uote
meQ butQL
B% 5ovember +0* the 3$%g$lore editio% of :he :imes of &%di$ published $
fro%t-p$ge stor) givi%g the %$mes $%d photogr$phs of the three judges $%d
co%firmi%g th$t the &%tellige%ce 3ure$u h$d do%e $% i%vestig$tio% $%d come
to the co%clusio% th$t the i%cide%t h$d i%deed occurred. :here were still %o
det$ils of the i%cide%t* though it w$s st$ted th$t the report h$s bee% give% to
the chief justice of &%di$.
:here were reports o% the s$me d$) th$t the H$r%$t$k$ 8igh -ourt chief
justice h$d sought the tr$%sfer of the three judges to 9$t%$* .$mmu $%d
H$shmir $%d 7uw$h$ti. !pp$re%tl)* the chief justice h$s $greed to this re@uest
$%d the tr$%sfer orders h$ve bee% issued.
:he% c$me the %ews th$t the chief justice of &%di$ h$s set up $ committee of
i%@uir) u%der the Ii%-houseI procedure co%sisti%g of the chief justice of the
!%dhr$ 9r$desh 8igh -ourt* the chief justice of the #$dr$s 8igh -ourt $%d
the chief justice of the 9$t%$ 8igh -ourt.
:here were still %o det$ils i% the press $bout the $ctu$l i%cide%t $%d the e%tire
episode co%ti%ued to be referred to $s $ Ise; sc$%d$lI.
Ah$t is i%teresti%g $bout these reports is %ot wh$t the) reve$l* but wh$t the)
co%ce$l. &t is $ co%spir$c) of sile%ce. &f the i%form$tio% is %ow $v$il$ble to the
chief justice of &%di$* wh) is it %ot bei%g m$de public< /o we* the public* %ot
h$ve the right to i%form$tio%< &ro%ic$ll)* the mor%i%g %ewsp$pers brought the
%ews th$t the 1reedom of &%form$tio% !ct h$s bee% p$ssed. Ah$t $re the
legitim$te limits of the right to freedom of i%form$tio% $%d the re@uireme%t of
keepi%g i%form$tio% $ secret< :his episode would m$ke $% i%teresti%g c$se
Ah$t e;$ctl) is $t st$ke here< :here is much th$t should co%cer% the %$tio%
$bout the i%cide%t. :his is %ot $ c$se $bout the priv$te mor$lit) of the judges*
be th$t $s it m$)* but $bout the $buse of office th$t the) hold. Ah$t h$s %ot
bee% m$de k%ow% is th$t the three wome% i% @uestio% $re wome% l$w)ers
pr$ctisi%g i% their courts.
Ah$t is $t st$ke here is the pollutio% of the stre$m of justice $t its ver) source.
:here must be cou%tless c$ses i% which these wome% $ppe$red before these
ver) judges d$) i% $%d d$) out of their routi%e pr$ctice. -$% o%e ho%estl) s$)
th$t i% such $ situ$tio% justice is bei%g do%e Lwithout fe$r or f$vourL< .udges
swe$r o% o$th of $llegi$%ce to Lbe$r true f$ithL to the -o%stitutio% $%d do
justice Lwithout fe$r or f$vourL. 8ow well h$ve these judges ho%oured this
Ah$t is $t st$ke here is the c)%ic$l use of wome% $s se;u$l commodities. :he
usu$l justific$tio%s h$ve $lre$d) begu% m$ki%g the rou%ds. &f the wome% h$ve
%ot compl$i%ed* wh$t objectio% c$% $%)o%e else h$ve* it is $sked. Ah$t is lost
sight of is the f$ct th$t the judges $re i% $ positio% of domi%$%ce vis-R-vis the
wome%* i% $ positio% to do f$vours th$t pert$i% to their office.
Ah$t is $t st$ke here is the c)%ic$l use of public office* the se$t of justice* for
perso%$l pett) g$i%. &t is irrelev$%t whether the wome% co%se%ted or %ot. :he
usu$l bl$me g$me will %ow begi% N bl$mi%g the victim r$ther th$% the
perpetr$torS the usu$l loose t$lk $bout the ch$r$cter of the wom$% i% @uestio%S
the usu$l $ttempt to cover up b) diverti%g $tte%tio% from the $ctu$l i%cide%t to
the motives of those who brought the i%cide%t to light.
Ah$t is $t st$ke here is the perceptio% of wome% $s se;u$l commodities b)
those who $re respo%sible for sitti%g i% judgme%t over c$ses brought for $%d
o% beh$lf of wome%.
:he issues $t st$ke here co%cer% o%e h$lf of &%di$%s. Aith wh$t f$ith c$%
&%di$% wome% $ppro$ch the courts dem$%di%g the right to e@u$lit)* the right
to be free from se;u$l h$r$ssme%t or r$pe $%d the right to live with dig%it)* if
the persecutio% of judges who sit i% judgme%t over them is %o%-%egoti$ble<
&% the circumst$%ces* the suggested solutio% is worse th$% the offe%ce N to
tr$%sfer them to 9$t%$* 7uw$h$ti $%d .$mmu $%d H$shmir. Ah) these
p$rticul$r cities< !re the) %ot $% i%tegr$l p$rt of the cou%tr)* or $re the) mere
isl$%ds withi% the cou%tr) th$t $re co%sidered Ipu%ishme%t posti%gsI where
people $re se%t $ l$ Icrossi%g H$l$ 9$%iI of the old d$)s< :o the credit of the
7uw$h$ti 3$r !ssoci$tio%* it protested $g$i%st the proposed tr$%sfer.
:he o%l) dece%t thi%g to do is for the chief justice of &%di$ to disclose full
det$ils of the i%cide%t so th$t rumour-mo%geri%g comes to $% e%d. :his would
be i% the best i%terest of the judici$r) itself.
!s thi%gs st$%d* the rumours $re m$ki%g the rou%ds th$t there were more
th$% three judges i%volved* th$t the wome% were professio%$l c$ll girls* m$%)
of which $re b$seless. Ae* the people* h$ve the right to k%ow. :he co%spir$c)
of sile%ce must be broke%.
:he judges i% @uestio% must %either be $ssig%ed $%) judici$l fu%ctio%s
pe%di%g $% i%@uir) %or be tr$%sferred to sit i% judgme%t over others. :wo of
the judges $re st$ted to be $dditio%$l judges. :he) must %ot be co%firmed. &f
there is prim$ f$cie evide%ce $g$i%st the o%e rem$i%i%g judge* the chief justice
must recomme%d his impe$chme%t.
&t is time for $ll co%cer%ed b$r $ssoci$tio%s* b$r cou%cils $%d other m$le-
domi%$ted bodies of leg$l professio%$ls to $ct $%d e%sure th$t there is %o
cover-up. :here is little poi%t i% showi%g s)mp$th) to wome% i% judgme%ts
$%d i% semi%$r rooms* or i% recomme%di%g the de$th pe%$lt) for r$pe if we
c$%%ot de$l with the me% who dispe%se justice.
:here $re co%tempt of court petitio%s pe%di%g i% the H$r%$t$k$ 8igh -ourt
$g$i%st some of the public$tio%s for disclosi%g det$ils of the i%cide%t. -ivil
societ) $%d wome%Is org$%is$tio%s must dem$%d th$t justice is %ow do%e
whe% it comes to the judges themselves.
:he l$w of co%tempt c$% offer %o solutio% to the crisis of credibilit) i% the
judici$r) th$t this i%cide%t h$s throw% up. B%e positive $spect of the i%cide%t
is th$t it is o%l) $fter the chief justice of the high court issued $ public %otice
i%viti%g i%form$tio% th$t he received 20 represe%t$tio%s* which led to the
discover) of the truth.
'et the truth %ow be m$de public.

Ju74e +ccuse7 of 6o,esti14 # r+*e surEiEors i1 UP

A sitti14 2u7ici+, 6+4istr+te seGu+,,5 +ss+u,te7 t.e6

29: :wo r$pe victims cl$im th$t $ sitti%g judici$l m$gistr$te se;u$ll) $ss$ulted
them. :he girls
$lleged th$t whe% the) we%t to the m$gistr$teCs ch$mber to give their
st$teme%t* he $llegedl)
m$de them strip $%d molested them.
B%e of the girls is $ mi%or $%d the police h$ve filed $ compl$i%t. :he girls $lso
cl$imed th$t the
judge thre$te%ed them to %ot spe$k of the i%cide%t to $%)o%e.
'$w)ers $%d the ge%er$l public i% 7o%d$ l$u%ched $ protest $g$i%st the judge.


Luck1o8 !+ki14 co41is+1ce of t.e +,,e4+tio1 +4+i1st + ciEi, Ju74e
(2u1ior 7iEisio1) of
Bu7+u1 court t.+t .e se1t oDsce1e S'Ses to + 8o6+1 ,ecturer3 t.e
Re4istr+r Ge1er+, of
A,,+.+D+7 0i4. Court to7+5 sou4.t + re*ort fro6 t.e 7istrict 2u74e
i1to t.e 6+tter/
!.e ciEi, 2u74e of Gu11or suD<7iEisio1 court of Bu7+u1 S Pr+6o7
)u6+r G+148+rS 8+s
+ccuse7 of se17i14 oDsce1e S'Ses fro6 .is ce,,*.o1e to + 8o6+1
,ecturer of C,+ssic
Co,,e4e of L+83 B+rei,,5/ A ,ecturer of t.e s+6e co,,e4e3 &iEek
Gu*t+3 8+s 1+6e7 i1 t.e "R
,o74e7 D5 t.e Eicti6 8.i,e G+148+rHs 1+6e surf+ce7 i1 t.e *ri6+r5
Re4istr+r Ge1er+, Di1es. Gu*t+ s+i73 M!.e 7istrict 2u74e of Bu7+u1
.+s Dee1 +ske7 to
se17 + 7et+i,e7 re*ort i1to t.e +,,e4+tio1s/ A**ro*ri+te +ctio1
8ou,7 De t+ke1 o1 t.e D+sis
of t.e re*ort/N
District Ju74e Sures. )u6+r SriE+st+E+ s+i73 M" .+Ee +ske7 t.e
B+rei,,5 7istrict *o,ice to
se17 + re*ort +Dout t.e 6+tter/ !.e re*ort o1 t.e D+sis of t.e *o,ice
i1Fuir5 8ou,7 De se1t
to t.e A,,+.+D+7 0i4. Court Re4istr+r Ge1er+,/N
M" +6 1ot +8+re +Dout t.e 6+tter3 +s t.e B+rei,,5 *o,ice 7i7 1ot
i1ti6+te 6e Defore i1iti+ti14
t.e *roDe +4+i1st t.e ciEi, 2u74e/ !.e5 s.ou,7 .+Ee i1for6e7 6e
8.e1 t.e5 .+7 receiEe7
+15 suc. co6*,+i1t3N t.e 2u74e +77e7/
'e+18.i,e3 B+rei,,5 CO "" R+2 )u6+r3 8.o is i1Eesti4+ti14 t.e c+se3
to7+5 recor7e7 t.e
st+te6e1t of t.e Eicti6/ M" .+Ee co,,ecte7 t.e c+,, 7et+i,s of t.e
ce,,*.o1e use7 for se17i14
t.e S'Ses3 Dut " .+Ee 5et to 4et t.e +77ress of t.e *erso1 8.o is
suDscriDer of t.e S"'
c+r73N .e s+i7/
M!.e *roDe is o1 to Eerif5 if t.e +ccuse7 i1 t.e c+se 8ere *rese1t o1
t.e ,oc+tio1 recor7e7
i1 t.e c+,, 7et+i,s 8.e1 t.e S'Ses 8ere se1t/ !.e 7et+i,s of t.e
fi17i14s of t.e
i1Eesti4+tio1 8ou,7 De se1t to t.e Bu7+u1 7istrict court to seek t.e
7irectio13N t.e CO
Aske7 if t.e i1Eesti4+tio1 8+s e+r,ier co17ucte7 i1to t.e 6+tter3
R+2 )u6+r s+i73 M!.e SP
(Cri6e) .+7 i1iti+te7 *roDe i1to t.e 6+tter3 Dut " +6 1ot +8+re if
t.e i1Eesti4+tio1 .+7
re+c.e7 to +15 co1c,usio1/N
!.e 8o6+1 ,ecturer .+7 ,o74e7 +1 "R +t t.e '+.i,+ *o,ice st+tio1
o1 !.urs7+5 +,,e4i14
s.e .+7 receiEe7 oDsce1e S'Ses o1 .er ce,,*.o1e i1Eo,Ei14 .er
co,,e+4ue &iEek Gu*t+/
!.e *re,i6i1+r5 i1Fuir5 i1to t.e c+se D5 t.e *o,ice 5ester7+5 .+7
fou17 t.+t t.e 6oDi,e
*.o1e use7 i1 t.e cri6e De,o14s to t.e ciEi, 2u74e/

Lok+5ukt+- DC 7e6+17e7 seG fro6 8i7o8

In the midst of a national outrage over former Haryana DG !! "athore
molesting a teenager#
the $arnata%a &o%ayu%ta on !aturday made a startling revelation that the
state government 'as
shielding a top (ureaucrat 'ho had demanded se)ual favours from a young
'ok$)ukt$ .ustice ($%tosh 8egde disclosed th$t the offici$l co%cer%ed* who
w$s the deput)
commissio%er of o%e of the districts whe% he dem$%ded se; from the widow i%
retur% for
disch$rgi%g his duties $s public serv$%t* h$s si%ce bee% promoted to $ se%ior
.ustice 8egde* i% the course of $% i%ter$ctio% with jour%$lists $t the /ecc$%
8er$ld office
($turd$) $fter%oo%* s$id the u%%$med widow h$d d$red the deput)
commissio%er $%d
$ppro$ched the 'ok$)ukt$Cs office with $ compl$i%t $g$i%st the officer.
B% e;$mi%$tio% of the compl$i%t* the 'ok$)ukt$ h$d fou%d sufficie%t grou%ds
to recomme%d to
the st$te gover%me%t the suspe%sio% $%d prosecutio% of the /- co%cer%ed.
recomme%d$tio% w$s subse@ue%tl) co%sidered b) the co%cer%ed dep$rtme%t
he$d $s well $s
the chief secret$r) $%d both e%dorsed it.
3ut* $ccordi%g to .ustice 8egde* %o $ctio% w$s i%iti$ted $g$i%st the /- $s the
s$me offici$l who
h$d e%dorsed the recomme%d$tio% subse@ue%tl) fou%d %o b$sis for i%iti$ti%g
dep$rtme%t$l $ctio%
$g$i%st him. &%ste$d* the offici$l cle$red the /-Cs %$me for promotio% i% the
9rese%tl)* the offici$l holds $ se%ior positio% i% the gover%me%t.
:he widow* i% her l$te 20s* h$d $ppro$ched the /- with $ represe%t$tio% to
sort out some
problems. 3ut she w$s shocked whe% the /- dem$%ded se;.
.ustice 8egde did %ot ide%tif) the offici$l i% @uestio% or the compl$i%$%t. 5or
did he offer to %$me
the district where the offici$l w$s servi%g $s deput) commissio%er. 3ut the
i%cide%t h$s
h$ppe%ed sometime i% the course of l$st three )e$rs $s .ustice 8egde took
over $s the
'ok$)ukt$ i% mid-200.

3<5e+r 2+i, ter6 for T7irt5H 2u74e

*amily court judge "amrao Gangaram +hise attempted to get se)ual
favours from a house'ife in
1$mil) court judge 6$mr$o 7$%g$r$m 3hiseCs $ttempts to e;tr$ct se;u$l
f$vours* i% $dditio% to $
bribe* from $ housewife* !lk$ 7$ikw$d N who h$d sought $% i%cre$se i% her
m$i%te%$%ce $llow$%ce from her estr$%ged husb$%d* i% 1==7 N proved costl)
to him.
9ro%ou%ci%g him guilt) o% both cou%ts* the speci$l court he$ri%g $%ti-
corruptio% bure$u F!-3G
m$tters se%te%ced him to three )e$rs rigorous impriso%me%t $%d $ collective
fi%e of 6s55* 000*
o% #o%d$).
!ccordi%g to the 1&6 i% the c$se registered $g$i%st 3hise b) the !-3*
(ur)$k$%t 7$ikw$d h$d
filed for divorce from his wife* !lk$* before the 3$%dr$ f$mil) court. !lk$* $
housewife* i% tur%*
filed $ petitio% seeki%g mutu$l coh$bit$tio% with her husb$%d. :he the% f$mil)
court judge* #eer$
Hh$d$kk$r* directed the husb$%d to p$) her $% i%terim m$i%te%$%ce
$llow$%ce of 6s750 per
(ubse@ue%tl)* i% .$%u$r) 1==7* !lk$ filed $%other $pplic$tio% before the s$me
f$mil) court F%ow
presided over b) 3hiseG seeki%g to i%cre$se the mo%thl) m$i%te%$%ce $mou%t
to 6s+*500. >B%
Bctober 27* 1==7* 3hise issued $% i%terim order* i%cre$si%g the m$i%te%$%ce
$llow$%ce to
6s2*000 to be p$id b) (ur)$k$% to his estr$%ged wife till the dispos$l of the
c$se. &mmedi$tel)
$fter issui%g the order* 3hise $sked !lk$ to meet him $%d g$ve her his
reside%ti$l telepho%e
%umber* $ski%g her to c$ll him whe% the court hours e%ded. 8e told her th$t
he would $sk her
husb$%d to p$) her $ lump sum of 6s2 l$kh i% $dditio% to the mo%thl)
m$i%te%$%ce* provided she
c$lled him up*? the 1&6 st$tes.
Ahe% she c$lled up the judge $t 7 pm the s$me d$)* 3hise told her th$t she
would h$ve to p$)
him $ sum of 6s2*000 i% $dditio% to gr$%ti%g his se;u$l f$vours if she w$%ted
$% order i% her
f$vour. 8e $lso directed her to meet him $t the 8$ji !li bus stop with the bribe
$mou%t the
followi%g eve%i%g.
>!lk$ $ppro$ched the !-3* which sought permissio% from the -hief .ustice of
the 3omb$) 8igh
-ourt before l$)i%g $ tr$p o% the first cl$ss judici$l m$gistr$te F3hiseG. :he 8-
while gr$%ti%g the
permissio% desig%$ted $ court offici$l to be$r wit%ess to the eve%ts le$di%g to
the tr$p. !lk$*
u%der video c$mer$ surveill$%ce of !-3 sleuths* $lo%g with the court offici$l
$%d other wome%
wit%esses met 3hise $t 8.+0 pm $t the 8$ji !li bus stop. 3hise took hold of
!lk$Cs wrist $%d whe%
she protested* repe$ted his dem$%ds*? the 1&6 st$tes.
!lk$ w$s the% t$ke% to $ %e$rb) hotel* (h$rd$* where the judge $ccepted the
bribe $mou%t. 3ut
before he could do $%)thi%g else* !-3 sleuths swooped i% $%d $rrested him.

R+2+st.+1 2u74e is i17icte7 for seeki14 seGu+, f+Eours

-hief .ustice of &%di$ 7 3 9$tt$%$ik retires to%ight $%d he does%Ct h$ve much
to write home $bout
o% the u%precede%ted drive he l$u%ched to e%force judici$l $ccou%t$bilit).
!fter the 99(- sc$m fi$sco* reported i% :he &%di$% 0;press tod$)* comes the
c$se of the
6$j$sth$% judge who h$s bee% i%dicted i% $ se; sc$%d$l $%d )et h$s esc$ped
$%other i%@uir).
B% /ecember 1,* $ three-judge committee set up b) 9$tt$%$ik co%firmed the
MMi%volveme%tCC of
.ustice !ru% #$d$% of the 6$j$sth$% 8igh -ourt i% $ propositio% to $ wom$%
doctor to h$ve se;
with him i% e;ch$%ge for $ judici$l f$vour.
:he committee* he$ded b) the -hief .ustice of the 9u%j$b $%d 8$r)$%$ 8igh
-ourt .ustice 3 H
6o)* submitted its report to 9$tt$%$ik* i%dicti%g #$d$% o% $ compl$i%t m$de
from .odhpur b) the
wom$% co%cer%ed* (u%it$ #$lvi)$.
3ut 9$tt$%$ik h$s %ot $%%ou%ced $%) $ctio% $g$i%st #$d$%. Ahe% co%t$cted
b) :he &%di$%
0;press* 9$tt$%$ik co%firmed th$t the committee h$d i%dicted #$d$% $%d his
MMb$d reput$tio%CC i%
seeki%g se;u$l f$vours i% retur% for judici$l o%es.
8owever* 9$tt$%$ik s$id th$t %o $ctio% w$s bei%g t$ke% si%ce the committee
h$d $lso me%tio%ed
$lleg$tio%s of corruptio% $g$i%st #$d$%. !%d so he h$d ordered $ further
i%@uir) b) the s$me
committee i%to the corruptio% ch$rges.
Ahe% $sked wh$t he did with the i%dictme%t of #$d$% i% the se; sc$%d$l*
9$tt$%$ik s$id* MM:h$t
is o% hold bec$use & could %ot h$ve t$ke% pieceme$l $ctio% $g$i%st himQ.& $m
pr$)i%g to 7od
th$t the fi%$l report will give some t$%gible m$teri$l to t$ke $ctio%.CC
8ighl) pl$ced sources told :he &%di$% 0;press th$t whe% the committee
recorded st$teme%ts l$st
week i% .odhpur of $bout +0 perso%s over four d$)s* it $lso c$me to k%ow of
sever$l $lleg$tio%s
of corruptio% $g$i%st #$d$% $%d $%other judge of the s$me high court. :he
committee put these
o% record $s well.
9$tt$%$ik s$id th$t whe% he summo%ed #$d$% to 5ew /elhi l$st week* he did
%ot r$ise the se;
sc$%d$l issue $%d i%ste$d limited himself to s$)i%g th$t he w$s orderi%g $
further i%@uir) i%to
corruptio% $lleg$tio%s.
&% effect* 9$tt$%$ik h$s %ow p$ssed the 6$j$sth$% buck to his successor
.ustice J 5 Hh$re.
:he gist of #$lvi)$Cs compl$i%t is th$t #$d$% m$de $ se;u$l propositio% to
her i% Bctober
through $ deput) registr$r of the high court* 7ovi%d H$lw$%i* who s$id th$t
the judge would help
her* i% tur%* get out of $ crimi%$l c$se booked $g$i%st her.
Aith this* 9$tt$%$ikCs much-touted i%-house judici$l $ccou%t$bilit) seems to
h$ve hit $ w$ll. :he
first committeeCs report i%to the 99(- sc$m e;o%er$ted o%e judge despite
evide%ce $%d let two
others off with $ mere sl$p o% the wrist. :he third committee is %ow bus)
probi%g the i%volveme%t
of judges i% the #)sore se; sc$m.

!e1 re+so1s 8.5 cri6i1+,s i1 k.+ki 4et +8+5
(iddh$rth J$r$d$r$j$%

3ehi%d ever) m$% like (.9.(. 6$thore who $buses his $uthorit) st$%d the
ge%er$ls $%d
footsoldiers who help $%d support him. Ae %eed to t$ke them $ll dow%.
(.9.(. 6$thore* the crimi%$l former top cop of 8$r)$%$* m$) $ppe$r $lo%e
tod$) but we must
%ever forget th$t he w$s $ble to get $w$) with the se;u$l molest$tio% of $
)ou%g child $%d the
illeg$l h$r$ssme%t of her f$mil) for 1= )e$rs bec$use he h$d hu%dreds of me%
who supported
him i% his effort to ev$de justice.
:he f$ct th$t these me% D fellow police officers* bure$ucr$ts* politici$%s*
l$w)ers* judges* school
$dmi%istr$tors D were willi%g to be%d the s)stem to $ccommod$te $ m$%
$ccused of molesti%g $
mi%or spe$ks volumes for the mor$l impoverishme%t of our est$blishme%t $%d
cou%tr). /ece%t
societies shu% those i%volved i% se;u$l offe%ces $g$i%st childre%. 0ve%
crimi%$ls j$iled for
Tordi%$r)I crimes like murder tre$t those servi%g time for molesti%g childre%
$s be)o%d the p$le.
3ut i% &%di$* me% like 6$thore h$ve their uses for their m$sters* so the s)stem
circles its w$go%s
$%d protects them.
:he -3&Is $ppe$l m$) le$d to the e%h$%ceme%t of 6$thoreIs se%te%ce $%d
perh$ps eve% the
sl$ppi%g of $betme%t to suicide ch$rges* si%ce his )ou%g victim killed herself
to put $% e%d to the
crimi%$l i%timid$tio% her f$mil) w$s bei%g subjected to b) 6$thore $%d his
me%. 3ut the s)stemic
rot which the c$se h$s e;posed will %ot be remedied u%less sust$i%ed public
pressure is put o%
9rime #i%ister #$%moh$% (i%gh $%d 2%io% 8ome #i%ister 9.
-hid$mb$r$m* two me% who h$ve
it i% their power to push for simple remedies i% the w$) the &%di$% l$w
e%forceme%t $%d justice
deliver) s)stem works.
1irst* $bolish the %eed for offici$l* i.e. politic$l s$%ctio% to prosecute
bure$ucr$ts* policeme% $%d
securit) forces perso%%el whe% the) $re $ccused of committi%g crimes. :he
origi%$l i%te%t behi%d
this built-i% st$)-out-of-j$il c$rd w$s to protect st$te fu%ctio%$ries from $cts
do%e i% the course of
disch$rgi%g their duties i% good f$ith. (omewhere $lo%g the li%e* this h$s
come to me$%
protecti%g our custodi$%s of l$w $%d order whe% the) murder i%%oce%t
civili$%s Feg. the i%f$mous
9$%ch$lth$% c$se i% H$shmir where the tri$l of $rm) me% i%dicted b) the -3&
for murderi%g five
vill$gers i% 2000 still c$%%ot t$ke pl$ce bec$use the -e%tr$l gover%me%t will
%ot gr$%t
permissio%G* or $ss$ult or molest wome% $%d childre%. 5o civilised*
democr$tic societ) gr$%ts
such impu%it). &t is disgusti%g to see former offici$ls $%d bure$ucr$ts from
8$r)$%$ s$)i%g how
the) h$d w$%ted 6$thore prosecuted but were preve%ted from doi%g so
bec$use of pressure.
(uch offici$ls should either be m$de form$ll) to testif) i% $ crimi%$l c$se
$g$i%st the politici$%s
who so pressured them or the) should themselves be h$uled up for perverti%g
the course of
(eco%d* stop t$lki%g $bout how m$ki%g the police $%d $rm) $%swer$ble to the
l$w will somehow
demor$lise their mor$le. /oes $%)bod) c$re $bout the mor$le of ordi%$r)
citiEe%s $%) more< Br
the mor$le of upright police $%d $rm) officers* who do %ot thi%k it is right for
their colle$gues to be
$ble to get $w$) with crimi%$l $cts<
:hird* bri%g $% e%d to the cos) rel$tio%ship betwee% the police $%d politici$%s.
6$thore w$s
protected b) four chief mi%isters of 8$r)$%$. 8e served them $%d the) served
him b) e%suri%g
his u%fettered rise. &t is $bsurd th$t the &%di$% 9olice is still gover%ed b) $
colo%i$l-er$ !ct d$ti%g
b$ck to 181. ! %umber of commissio%s h$ve m$de recomme%d$tio%s for
reformi%g the police
over the )e$rsS but %o gover%me%t or politic$l p$rt) w$%ts to give up its $bilit)
to use $%d misuse
the police for their ow% be%efit
1ourth* e%sure th$t police officers who $buse their $uthorit) $%d e%g$ge i%
m$l$ fide
prosecutio%s $re dismissed from service $%d se%te%ced to j$il for $ lo%g period
of time. #r.
-hid$mb$r$m should use the co%sider$ble resources $t his comm$%d to fi%d
out who were the
policeme% i%volved i% fili%g 11 bogus c$ses $g$i%st the tee%$ged brother of the
)ou%g girl
6$thore molested. 8e should the% m$ke sure crimi%$l proceedi%gs $re
i%iti$ted $g$i%st $ll of
them. :he mess$ge must go out to ever) policem$% i% the cou%tr): &f )ou
$buse the l$w $t the
behest of $ superior* )ou will suffer leg$l co%se@ue%ces.
1ifth* e%sure th$t crimi%$l ch$rges $g$i%st l$w e%forceme%t perso%%el $re
f$st-tr$cked $s $
m$tter of routi%e so th$t $ powerful defe%d$%t is %ot $ble to use his positio% to
del$) proceedi%gs
the w$) 6$thore did for )e$rs o% e%d. :he destructio% or dis$ppe$r$%ce of
m$teri$l evide%ce i%
such c$ses must be tre$ted $s $ gr$ve offe%ce with strict crimi%$l li$bilit)
imposed o% the
i%dividu$l respo%sible for bre$ki%g the ch$i% of custod).
(i;th* empower the 5$tio%$l 8um$% 6ights -ommissio% with teeth so th$t
police dep$rtme%ts
$%d st$te gover%me%ts c$%%ot brush $side their orders $s h$ppe%ed i% the
6$thore c$se. :his
would $lso re@uire $ppoi%ti%g to the 586- wome% $%d me% who h$ve $
prove% record of
defe%di%g hum$% rights i% their professio%$l life* somethi%g th$t is do%e tod$)
o%l) i% the bre$ch.
:he $ttitude of the #$%moh$% (i%gh gover%me%t to this commissio% $%d
others like the 5$tio%$l
-ommissio% for Aome% F5-AG $%d 5$tio%$l -ommissio% for #i%orities is
shocki%g. J$c$%cies
$re %ot filled for mo%ths o% e%d.
(eve%th* e%sure the e$rl) e%$ctme%t of pe%di%g legisl$tio% bro$de%i%g the
$mbit of se;u$l
crimes* i%cludi%g se;u$l crimes $g$i%st childre%. 3etwee% r$pe* defi%ed $s
forced pe%etr$tive
se;* $%d the v$gue* Jictori$%-er$ crime of Toutr$gi%g the modest) of $
wom$%I* the &%di$% 9e%$l
-ode recog%ises %o other form of se;u$l viole%ce. !s $ result* $ll forms of
se;u$l molest$tio%
$%d $ss$ult short of r$pe $ttr$ct f$irl) le%ie%t pu%ishme%t* of the ki%d 6$thore
got. &% his c$se* the
judge did %ot eve% h$%d dow% the m$;imum se%te%ce* citi%g co%cer%s for the
crimi%$lIs $ge.
($dl)* he did %ot t$ke i%to $ccou%t the $ge of the victim $%d %either does the
&9-* which f$ils to
disti%guish betwee% Toutr$gi%g the modest)I of $% $dult wom$% $%d $ )ou%g
! dr$ft l$w ch$%gi%g these provisio%s $%d bri%gi%g &%di$ i%to li%e with the
rest of the moder%
world h$s bee% pe%di%g with the 5-A $%d '$w #i%istr) for )e$rs. 9erh$ps
the gover%me%t m$)
%ow be sh$med i%to pushi%g it through 9$rli$me%t $t the e$rliest.
0ighth* t$ke steps to i%troduce $ s)stem of protectio% of wit%esses $%d
compl$i%$%ts. :he f$te
th$t the f$mil) of 6$thoreIs )ou%g victim h$d to e%dure is test$me%t to the f$ct
th$t people who
seek justice i% &%di$ do so $t their ow% peril.
5i%th* e%sure th$t robust i%terrog$tio% tech%i@ues like %$rco-$%$l)sis* which
$re routi%el) used
$g$i%st other $lleged crimi%$ls* $re $lso emplo)ed $g$i%st police officers
$ccused of crimes.
:e%th* the medi$ $%d the higher judici$r) must $lso tur% the light i%w$rd $%d
$sk themselves
whether the) were $lso derelict i% their dut). :he 6$thore c$se did %ot $ttr$ct
the ki%d of co%st$%t
medi$ $tte%tio% it deserved* %or do other c$ses i%volvi%g servi%g police
officers $ccused of
crimes $g$i%st wome%* workers* pe$s$%ts $%d mi%orities. !s for the upper
courts* their record is
too p$tch) to i%spire co%fide%ce. &t w$s* $fter $ll* the high court which chose to
disreg$rd the
-3&Is re@uest for i%cludi%g $betme%t to suicide ch$rges.
He)words: (iddh$rth J$r$d$r$j$%* (.9.(. 6$thore* crimi%$ls* kh$ki* former
/79 of
8$r)$%$* custodi$%s* se;u$l viole%ce* 586-

PorD+17+r 2u74e +ccuse7 of 7o8r5 .+r+ss6e1t

! compl$i%t h$s bee% filed $g$i%st /istrict $%d (essio%s judge of 9orb$%d$r
for $llegedl)
h$r$ssi%g his d$ughter-i%-l$w for dowr)* police s$id here o% (u%d$).
/$rsh$%$ /$ve* $ %$tive of !mreli* h$s filed $ compl$i%t $g$i%st her husb$%d
Hi%%$r* f$ther-i%l$w
$%d district judge !rvi%d /$ve* mother-i%-l$w 9r$tibh$ $%d brother-i%-l$w
9r$sh$%t* the
police $dded.
/$rsh$%$ m$rried Hi%%$r two )e$rs $go. 8er compl$i%t s$)s th$t she w$s
h$r$ssed from the
begi%%i%g* $%d w$s eve% be$te% up b) the husb$%d $%d i%-l$ws* who were
dem$%di%g 6s 10
l$kh $s dowr).
(he h$s $lso $lleged th$t she w$s throw% out of the house $ few mo%ths b$ck*
$%d her husb$%d
is %ow seeki%g divorce* the police s$id.
!mreli (uperi%te%de%t of 9olice 8 6 #uli)$%$ co%firmed to h$ve received the
compl$i%t $g$i%st
the judge $%d others. 8e s$id th$t $ctio% will be t$ke% $fter verif)i%g the
:his is the seco%d compl$i%t rel$ted to dowr) h$r$ssme%t filed $g$i%st $ judge
i% the st$te i% the
rece%t p$st.
0$rlier* $ wom$% h$d filed $ compl$i%t $g$i%st $dditio%$l sessio%s judge of
.etpur $fter her
d$ughter $%d the judgeIs wife committed suicide.

Gur4+o1 2u74e to +,so f+ce 7o8r5 .+r+ss6e1t c.+r4e

7urg$o%Is -hief .udici$l #$gistr$te 6$v%eet 7$rg* booked for the murder of
his wife* will $lso
f$ce dowr) h$r$ssme%t ch$rge* police here s$id #o%d$).
9olice h$ve issued %otices to the -.#Is f$ther H.H. 7$rg $%d mother 6$ch%$
7$rg* who h$ve
$lso bee% %$med i% the dowr) h$r$ssme%t c$se.
:he -.#Is f$ther re$ched here #o%d$) mor%i%g from 8$r)$%$Is 9$%chkul$
tow% $%d co%t$cted
police* who w$%ted to @uestio% him.
LAe h$d c$lled -.#Is p$re%ts...H.H. 7$rg w$s @uestio%ed b) speci$l
i%vestig$tio% te$m F(&:G*L
7urg$o% 9olice -ommissio%er !lok #itt$l s$id.
#itt$l s$id o% the b$sis of writte% compl$i%t filed b) the p$re%ts of the -.#Is
wife 7eet$%j$li*
pe%$l sectio%s of dowr) h$r$ssme%t $%d e;tr$-m$rit$l $ff$ir were i%cluded i%
the 1&6 lodged
$g$i%st the -.# ($turd$).
7eet$%j$li* 2,* bore three bullet wou%ds - o% her chi%* chest $%d stom$ch - but
%o bullets were
fou%d i% her bod) th$t w$s recovered here :hursd$). :he -.#Is lice%sed
fire$rm w$s fou%d %e$r
the bod)* police s$id.
#itt$l s$id two bullets were seiEed from the sce%e of crime $%d would be se%t
for b$llistic
e;$mi%$tio% #o%d$)* $ d$) $fter b$llistic e;perts e;$mi%ed the crime spot.
L:he (&: (u%d$) @uestio%ed two wome% rel$tives of 6$v%eet 7$rg for hours $t
his gover%me%t
$llotted house here i% the Bfficers -olo%)*L s$id #itt$l.
LAe h$ve $sked -.# to produce supporti%g evide%ces to prove his st$teme%t*L
he s$id.
:he -.# $llegedl) s$id th$t his driver $%d domestic help m$) throw some
light o% his wifeIs
.udge 7$rgIs i%-l$ws $lleged th$t two c$rs were provided to the $ccused o% his
$%d his f$mil)Is
dem$%d. 6s.2 l$kh were $lso delivered to him $t the time of the $dmissio% of
his d$ughters i%
school i% #$).
7eet$%j$liIs brother 9r$deep !gg$rw$l ($turd$) lodged $ first i%form$tio%
report $g$i%st 7$rg
$%d his p$re%ts* $ccusi%g them of murder.
L6$v%eet $%d 7eet$%j$li got m$rried i% 5ovember 2007. 0ver)thi%g w$s fi%e
for $ few )e$rs but
the $ttitude of 6$v%eet $%d his p$re%ts tow$rds 7eet$%j$li st$rted ch$%gi%g
$fter she delivered
two b$b) girls F%ow $ged $rou%d four $%d $ h$lf $%d three )e$rsG*L !gg$rw$l
s$id i% his
8e dem$%ded $ probe b) the -e%tr$l 3ure$u of &%vestig$tio% F-3&G i%to his
sisterIs murder.

seGu+, .+r+ss6e1t- "1ter1 6oEes SC for i1Fuir5 +4+i1st Justice
S8+t+1ter )u6+r

Ne8 De,.i- ! former l$w i%ter%* who h$s m$de se;u$l h$r$ssme%t
$lleg$tio%s $g$i%st .ustice (w$t$%ter Hum$r* tod$) moved the (upreme -ourt
seeki%g i%@uir) $g$i%st the retired judge.
! be%ch he$ded b) -hief .ustice 9 ($th$siv$m* before whom the m$tter w$s
me%tio%ed for urge%t he$ri%g* $greed to t$ke up the c$se o% .$%u$r) 15.
:he i%ter%* i% the petitio%* ch$lle%ged the $pe; courtIs /ecember 5* 201+ full
court resolutio% i% which it w$s decided th$t %o compl$i%t $g$i%st its retired
judges will be e%tert$i%ed.

:he petitio%er $lso submitted th$t $ proper forum be co%stituted to co%duct
i%@uir) i% such c$ses $%d her compl$i%t be $lso looked i%to b) the $pe; court
like it w$s do%e i% the c$se of se;u$l h$r$ssme%t $lleg$tio%s $g$i%st .ustice
FretdG ! H 7$%gul).
:he i%ter% h$s m$de .ustice Hum$r* (ecret$r) 7e%er$l of the (upreme -ourt
$%d 2%io% of &%di$ p$rties i% the c$se.
(he submitted th$t .ustice Hum$r w$s $ sitti%g judge $t the time of the $lleged
i%cide%t $%d the $pe; court must look i%to the compl$i%t $s per Jish$k$
.ustice Hum$r* who is curre%tl) he$di%g the 5$tio%$l 7ree% :ribu%$l* h$s
described the $lleg$tio%s $s Li%credulous $%d f$lseL $%d Lsome ki%d of

"B co1fir6s '5sore Roost Resort seG sc+17+,

:he &%tellige%ce 3ure$u h$s provided the -e%tre with $ det$iled $ccou%t of the
i%volvi%g three H$r%$t$k$ 8igh -ourt judges o% 5ovember + i% $ resort o% the
outskirts of
#)sore* highl) pl$ced sources told :he :imes of &%di$ o% 1rid$).
!ccordi%g to $ se%ior offici$l* >#ost of the i%form$tio% sought h$s %ot o%l)
co%firmed the ver$cit)
of the i%cide%t but the gover%me%t h$s crosschecked it with $%other police
$ge%c). 3oth the
reports m$tch.?
:he i%cide%t w$s widel) reported i% the medi$. Ah$t h$s surprised the -e%tre
is the >dogged
refus$l? of the H$r%$t$k$ police to co%firm the i%cide%t. >#)sore 9olice
-ommissio%er -.
-h$%dr$sekh$r first de%ied th$t the i%cide%t ever took pl$ce. B%l) whe% $
public %otice w$s
issued through the high court registr$r seeki%g i%form$tio% o% the #)sore
sc$%d$l* did the f$cts
come out i% the ope%. 9ublic protest helped $ lot*? s$)s the source.
Ah$t tr$%spired $t the resort* s$)s the source* >c$%%ot be e;pected from
$%)o%e i% civil societ)*
le$ve $lo%e perso%s swor% to upholdi%g the l$w?. !ccordi%g to him* >:he &3
report co%sists of
u%me%tio%$ble f$cts $%d $lso m$kes it $mpl) cle$r th$t the #)sore i%cide%t is
%ot the first time
such thi%gs h$ve h$ppe%ed. -$% $%)o%e e;pect upholders of the l$w to pick $
fight with people
who compl$i%ed to the police whe% c$ught i% $ compromisi%g positio%<?
&% $ rel$ted developme%t* H$r%$t$k$ 8igh -ourt -hief .ustice 5.H. .$i% h$s
writte% to -hief
.ustice of &%di$ .ustice 7.3. 9$tt$%$ik $ski%g th$t three judges be tr$%sferred.
.$i% h$s proposed
th$t .ustice 5.(. Jeer$bh$dr$i$h be tr$%sferred to the 9$t%$ 8igh -ourt*
-h$%dr$sekh$r$i$h to .$mmu 4 H$shmir $%d .ustice J. 7op$l$ 7owd$ to the
7$uh$ti 8igh
Ahile .$i% is u%derstood %ot to h$ve give% $%) re$so%s* highl) pl$ced sources
s$) the propos$l
for tr$%sfers is li%ked to the #)sore i%cide%t.
8owever* the source s$)s th$t %ow the gover%me%t is worried $bout the
$ppropri$te >remedi$l
me$sures?. &% such c$ses* tr$%sferri%g $ judge to $ remote high court does%Ct
$lw$)s work. 8e
s$)s* >3$r $ssoci$tio%s $%d the people of %orthe$ster% st$tes were up i% $rms
whe% some
judges of the 9u%j$b $%d 8$r)$%$ high courts were tr$%sferred there. Ae
e;pect simil$r protests
if the -.& $ccepts .ustice .$i%Cs propos$l to tr$%sfer the three judges of the
H$r%$t$k$ 8igh
:he 3$r -ou%cil of &%di$ o% 1rid$)* while e;pressi%g its $%guish $t the
H$r%$t$k$ i%cide%t* c$lled
for >follow-up $ctio%?.
>2%less prompt $%d $ppropri$te $ctio% is t$ke%* it will erode the f$ith of
public i% the o%l)
i%stitutio% co%sidered to be the b$stio% of our fighti%g f$ith i% democr$c)*? it
s$id i% $ st$teme%t.
:he 3-& h$s >l$me%ted? i%$ctio% i% this c$se b) >the higher judici$r) $%d the

6e$d more: &3 co%firms #)sore se; sc$%d$l D :he :imes of &%di$
se;sc$%d$l/$rticleshow/2=8012.cmsUi;EE1379tv1d2 *

6e$d full det$ils i% the $tt$chme%t
0$A5lf7d,Bjc+#j2EB72,5/20"/1lB/g *
0$A5lf7d,Bjc+#j2EB72,5/20"/1lB/g *

P+1e, 1+6es for6er "17i+ Su*re6e Court 2u74e G+14u,5 i1 seG
.+r+ss6e1t +,,e4+tio1

(hocked* sh$ttered b) $lleg$tio%s: former (upreme -ourt judge 7$%gul)
5ew /elhi: ! three-member p$%el th$t probed the ch$rge of se;u$l
h$r$ssme%t of $ )ou%g l$w)er b) $ (upreme -ourt judge h$s submitted its
report* ide%tif)i%g the judge $s ! H 7$%gul)* court sources s$id o% 1rid$).
:he report w$s submitted o% :hursd$) $fter the committee of three judges
met si; times. :his is the first time $% $lleged perpetr$tor h$s bee% %$med.
:he report* submitted to -hief .ustice 9 ($th$siv$m* $lso c$rries the
st$teme%ts of the victim* who i%ter%ed i% the (upreme -ourt* $%d th$t of the
%ow-retired .ustice 7$%gul)* the sources s$id.
:he gr$du$te of Holk$t$-b$sed 5$tio%$l 2%iversit) of .udici$l (cie%ces
F52.(G h$d $lleged se;u$l h$r$ssme%t b) 7$%gul) while i%ter%i%g for him i%
/ecember 2012.
:he committee* which held si; sitti%gs o% 5ovember 1+* 1=* 21* 2* $%d 27*
submitted its report to -hief .ustice ($th$siv$m o% 5ovember 28.
:he victim $ppe$red before the committee o% 5ovember 1= $%d w$s e;pected
to $ppe$r $g$i% o% 5ovember 21 but chose to st$) $w$).
(he first me%tio%ed the i%cide%t i% $ blog for .our%$l of &%di$% '$w $%d
(ociet) o% 5ovember $%d l$ter told the s$me i% $% i%terview with 'eg$ll)
&%di$ website.
:he victim* who is worki%g with 5$tur$l .ustice: '$w)ers for -ommu%ities
$%d 0%viro%me%t* s$id she he$rd th$t there were three other girls besides her
who were se;u$ll) h$r$ssed b) the s$me judge.
(he $lso cl$imed to h$ve k%owledge of four more girls who were $llegedl)
h$r$ssed b) other judges i% their ch$mbers.
/e%)i%g $%) se;u$l h$r$ssme%t* 7$%gul) o% 1rid$) s$id he w$s >shocked $%d
sh$ttered? b) the ch$rges $g$i%st him.
>& $m de%)i%g ever)thi%g. & h$ve told the committee th$t $ll the $lleg$tio%s
levelled b) the i%ter% $re wro%g. & do%Ct k%ow how such $lleg$tio%s h$ve bee%
levelled $g$i%st me*? he s$id.
>& $m $ victim of situ$tio%s*? he told televisio% ch$%%els.
>& $m %ot $sh$med of $%)thi%g*? he s$id i% repl) to $ @uestio% reg$rdi%g the
$lleged episode which c$me out i% public $fter the victim spoke $bout it i% the
leg$l port$l e$rlier this mo%th.
8e s$id the ch$rges $g$i%st him were tot$ll) wro%g. :he girl h$d %ot r$ised
$%) se;u$l h$r$ssme%t issue with him* he s$id* $ddi%g th$t he h$d %ot do%e
$%) ph)sic$l h$rm to her.
:he former judge s$id the i%ter% worked with him though she w$s %ot
offici$ll) $lloc$ted to him. (he c$me i% the pl$ce of $%other i%ter% who h$d
go%e $bro$d $fter m$rri$ge. >& %ever put up $ poster. (he c$me o% her ow%.?
8e s$id the girl h$d come to his house o% $ %umber of occ$sio%s i% co%%ectio%
with work.

Ruc.ik+ Gir.otr+ c+se- +6i,5 4iEes u* fi4.t +4+i1st eG<0+r5+1+
!j$) (ur$* :55 X .u% 2* 2012* 0,.0=9# &(:

-8!5/&7!68: :he f$mil) of 6uchik$ 7irhotr$* $ mi%or girl who $llegedl)
committed suicide $fter molest$tio% b) former 8$r)$%$ director ge%er$l of
police F/79G (9( 6$thore* h$s give% up its fight for justice i% the court of l$w
$fter 22 )e$rs.
:he speci$l -3& court 9$%chkul$ o% 1rid$) $ccepted the closure report
submitted b) the -e%tr$l 3ure$u of &%vestig$tio% F-3&G i% two c$ses - $ttempt
to murder $%d forger) of docume%ts- filed $g$i%st former 8$r)$%$ /79 (9(
6uchik$Is f$ther (ubh$sh $%d brother !shu r$ised %o objectio% to the closure

!dmitti%g th$t he w$s %ot i% $ positio% to pursue the m$tter further* (ubh$sh
s$id* L& do %ot see $%) hope %ow. Ae feel che$ted. #) f$mil) is vul%er$ble. :he
circumst$%ces h$ve pushed us b$ck b) 20 )e$rs.L
LAhe% 6$thore w$s co%victed i% 200=* & met u%io% home mi%ister 9 -
-hid$mb$r$m who $ssured me of justice. & thought time $%d s)stem h$d
ch$%ged $%d d$red to move fresh compl$i%ts $g$i%st 6$thore.L B% .$%u$r) 12*
2010 the -3& registered three fresh 1&6s $g$i%st 6$thore - $ttempt to murder*
$betme%t to suicide $%d doctori%g of docume%ts. 8owever* i% 5ovember
2010* the -3& submitted the closure report i% two c$ses. :he closure report
w$s $ccepted b) the court o% 1rid$).
L3ut %ow $fter fi%di%g th$t the s)stem c$%%ot be ch$%ged* we decided %ot to
pursue it further*L 7irhotr$ s$id.
6uchik$Is disillusio%ed f$ther s$id th$t he h$d prese%ted $ lot of m$teri$l $%d
some wit%esses rel$ted to the fresh c$ses before the $ge%c). L3ut the $ge%c)
w$s $d$m$%t o% closi%g the c$se.L
(ubh$sh forced his so% $%d f$mil) i%to e;ile $fter 6uchik$Is de$th* fe$ri%g
further h$r$ssme%t $t the h$%ds of the former /79. /uri%g this period* the
f$mil) shifted betwee% sever$l cities $%d retur%ed to 9$%chkul$ m$%) )e$rs
l$ter o%l) to le$d $% i%co%spicuous life.
:he third c$se $g$i%st 6$thore- $betme%t to suicide - is still pe%di%g. :he -3&
could %ot file $%) report $s the 9u%j$b $%d 8$r)$%$ high court h$s ordered
st$tus @uo o% it. 3esides 6$thore* former !mb$l$ (9 H9 (i%gh* sub-i%spector
9rem /utt $%d $ssist$%t sub-i%spectors .$i 5$r$)$% $%d (ew$ (i%gh were $lso
%$med i% the 1&6.
&% its closure report* the -3& h$s s$id th$t the $lleg$tio%s levelled b) (ubh$sh
7irhotr$ $%d his so% !shu $g$i%st 6$thore were u%fou%ded. :he -3& $lso
cl$imed th$t the $lleg$tio%s could %ot be subst$%ti$ted L$s per the
docume%t$r) evide%ce $%d or$l testimo%) of wit%esses.L
Ruc.ik+ C+se<<<!i6e,i1e
!ugust 12* 1==0-- (9( 6$thore* the% &7 $%d 9reside%t* 8$r)$%$ '$w% :e%%is
!ssoci$tio% F8':!G molested 6uchik$
(eptember 1==0--6uchik$ e;pelled from school for Ii%discipli%eI followi%g her
$lleg$tio%s $g$i%st 6$thore
(eptember +* 1==0-- !% &%@uir) report i%dicts 6$thore
Bctober 2+* 1==+-- 6uchik$Is brother $rrested i% sever$l theft c$ses
/ecember 28* 1==+-- 6uchik$ co%sumed poiso%ous subst$%ce
/ecember 2=* 1==+-- 6uchik$ died
!ugust 21* 1==8-- 8igh -ourt directs -3& to co%duct i%@uir)
/ecember 21* 200=-- -3& court se%te%ced si; mo%thsI rigorous impriso%me%t
to 6$thore
.$%u$r) 12* 2010-- -3& registered three fresh 1&6s leveli%g ch$rges of $ttempt
to murder* $betme%t to suicide $%d doctori%g docume%ts
5ovember 10* 2010-- -3& filed closure

1ighti%g (e;u$l Jiole%ce &% ! -ou%tr) Ahose 9olice /oes%Ct 6espo%d :o
/istress -$lls
B5 S+6+r

:he c$lls were %ot getti%g $%swered* %ot $ si%gle o%e of them. :he frie%d w$s
recou%ti%g the t$le of $ fem$le frie%d held host$ge b) some people i% her ow%
house with horror. & w$s c$lli%g the (e%ior (uperi%te%de%t of 9olice $%d other
officers* district $dmi%istr$tio%* the loc$l police st$tio%. 0ver) p$ssi%g mi%ute
w$s se%di%g shivers dow% m) spi%e* he co%ti%ued.
Aorst w$s the respo%se of the police st$tio% where full ri%gs we%t with %obod)
$%sweri%g them. Ah$t for these police st$tio%s $re if the) c$%%ot respo%d to
such emerge%cies< :he stor)* i% short* w$s eeril) simil$r to cou%tless other
stories of bodies of wome% bei%g tur%ed i%to the site of Mho%ourC $%d b$ttles
for the s$me. :he )ou%ger brother of the wom$% i% this c$se h$d m$rried $ girl
out of love $%d the% the couple eloped for s$fet). :he c$se did %ot i%volve $%)
c$ste co%flicts* iro%ic$ll)* $s both of them belo%ged to the s$me c$ste. &t w$s
the girlCs decisio% to choose her life p$rt%er o% her ow% th$t h$d irked the
f$mil) members* self-desig%$ted custodi$%s of the girl i% $%) p$tri$rch$l
societ). &t w$s this the) w$%ted to $ve%ge $%d h$d* therefore* l$%ded o% the
wom$%Cs house i% the de$d of the %ight $%d held her host$ge.
:he) h$d $lso co%fisc$ted her pho%es for stoppi%g her from seeki%g $%) help.
(he w$s $sked to tell where the couple w$s $%d thre$te%ed with r$pe $%d
getti%g p$r$ded %$ked if she did %ot. (he* i% f$ct* did %ot k%ow. Ket* she $sked
for her pho%e o% the e;cuse th$t $ frie%d might k%ow the coupleCs loc$tio% $%d
she will $sk her. :h$t is how the frie%d & w$s t$lki%g to c$me to k%ow $bout
the i%cide%t. (he* i% tur%* tried to co%t$ct ever) possible perso% who could
help st$rti%g with the loc$l police.
!s & s$id before* the police did %ot $%swer the c$lls eve% o%ce le$vi%g her
flummo;ed. :he% she st$rted co%t$cti%g her frie%ds i% medi$ $%d wome%Cs
moveme%t who could* fi%$ll)* re$ch the police $%d m$ke them $ct. :he
host$ge situ$tio% w$s broke% %e;t mor%i%g $fter hours lo%g orde$l for the
wom$%. . :h$%kfull)* she w$s rescued before getti%g viol$ted despite bei%g
kept i% illeg$l co%fi%eme%t. :h$t too* it broke bec$use the wom$% w$s well
co%%ected $%d her frie%d could re$ch people i% positio%s of helpi%g Ah$t
would h$ppe% to $% ordi%$r) wom$% with %o such co%t$cts is $%)bod)Cs guess.
:his h$ppe%ed i% $ cou%tr) which s$w $ %$tio%$l outpouri%g of $%ger $g$i%st
viole%ce $g$i%st wome% $fter brut$l g$%g r$pe $%d subse@ue%t de$th of $
)ou%g girl i% /elhi l$st /ecember. :he popul$r protests h$d sh$ke% the
gover%me%t of the d$) i%to $ctio% $%d it c$me up with %ew l$ws $g$i%st r$pe
$%d promised heighte%ed securit) for wome% $cross &%di$. :h$t the ch$%ges
were cosmetic gets betr$)ed b) stories $fter stories of viole%ce $g$i%st wome%
bei%g committed i% the cou%tr). 2tt$r 9r$desh* most populous provi%ce of the
cou%tr) h$s bee% i% %ews for sp$te of g$%g r$pes $%d murders. #$dh)$
9r$desh which h$s %ot bee% i% %ews despite performi%g worse is offici$ll)
$ck%owledged r$pe c$pit$l of the cou%tr). 0ve% pl$ces which were co%sidered
s$fer for wome% i% the p$st h$ve see% $ rise i% i%cide%ts of se;u$l viole%ce.
#umb$i* for i%st$%ce* wit%essed $ p$sse%ger $tt$cki%g $ fem$le bus co%ductor
$%d te$ri%g her clothes i% bro$d d$)light.
:he %ew l$w* evide%tl)* h$s %ot worked o% the grou%d. &t will %ot for l$ws*
however good* %eed i%stitutio%s to work $%d if i%stitutio% $re defu%ct $%d/or
devi$%t the) $re bou%d to f$il. Ah$t l$w c$% s$ve $ wom$% if the police would
%ot do $s much $s t$ki%g $ distress c$ll< Ah$t l$w would s$ve someo%e from
getti%g r$ped if she is held host$ge for hours i% her ow% house< Ah$t l$w
would s$ve $ girl w$%ti%g to m$rr) out of her ow% choice if the police c$%%ot
offer $s much $s protectio% to her< :he cou%tr) h$s see% c$ses of Hh$p
9$%ch$)$ts Fc$ste cou%cilsG killi%g couple h$vi%g police protectio% $%d the%
thre$te%i%g the judge who se%te%ced those respo%sible. &%teresti%gl)* the loc$l
police did %ot beef up the securit) cover for the judge despite her repe$ted
ple$s $s the) were h$%d i% gloves with the murderers.
&%troduci%g %ewer* h$rsher l$ws is %ot goi%g to curb se;u$l viole%ce i% &%di$.
B%l) thi%g th$t c$% is r$dic$l restructuri%g of the crimi%$l justice s)stem b)
m$ki%g it respo%sive $%d respo%sible. 8$vi%g dedic$ted te$ms to respo%d to
emerge%cies might be $ begi%%i%g but u%til $%d u%less imp$rti$l
i%vestig$tio%s e%di%g i% speed) co%victio%s become the %orm* %othi%g will
ch$%ge o% the grou%d.
:ill the%* we c$% m$ke do police st$tio%s which do %ot respo%d to distress

Ret.i1ki14 Ru,e Of L+8 "1 !.e !i6es Of R+*e Bi7 O1 A Ju74e
B5 S+6+r

!% $ttempt to r$pe $ judge* th$t too i% .udgesC -ompou%d i% !lig$rh which
rem$i%s u%der twe%t) four hour vigil of the 9rovi%ci$l !rmed -o%st$bul$r)
spe$ks volumes $bout the st$tus of l$w $%d order i% 2tt$r 9r$desh* the most
populous st$te of &%di$. Aho will be s$fe o% the streets whe% eve% $ judge is
%ot sp$red b) the r$pists< 5o o%e* i% f$ct is* $s evide%ced b) the rece%t sp$te
of i%cide%ts of se;u$l viole%ce $g$i%st wome% from m$rgi%$lised $%d
dispossessed b$ckgrou%ds. :he gruesome g$%g r$pe $%d murder of two
mi%ors i% 3$d$u%* the most gh$stl) of them* h$s c$used $ %$tio%$l outr$ge
just $ few d$)s before this i%cide%t. :he br$Ee% $tt$ck o% the mother of $ r$pe
survivor i% order to force her to withdr$w the compl$i%t $g$i%st the $ccused*
curre%tl) i% j$il* i% %e$rb) 0t$h w$s $%other gl$ri%g e;$mple of tot$l coll$pse
of rule of l$w i% 2tt$r 9r$desh.
($dl)* the st$te h$s %ever bee% k%ow% for m$i%t$i%i%g eve% l$w $%d order*
forget e%forci%g rule of l$w. &t h$s r$ther h$d the dubious disti%ctio% of bei%g
the proverbi$l 3$d '$%ds* the cou%tr)side ru% b) might $%d %ot b) rulebooks.
Aith both politic$l $%d bure$ucr$tic le$dership oscill$ti%g betwee% the de%i$l
to dodgi%g mode* the rece%t c$ses of se;u$l $ss$ults h$ve merel) rei%forced
the im$ge. :hi%k of $ -hief #i%ister s$)i%g th$t r$pes were commo% $%d $
7oogle se$rch would retur% m$%) >3$d$u% like i%cide%tsC. :hi%k of his f$ther*
$ former chief mi%ister $%d curre%t p$rli$me%t$ri$%* termi%g r$pe $s mi%or
mist$ke. :he /irector 7e%er$l of 9olice of the st$te* however* took the crow%
b) justif)i%g the i%cide%ts of r$pe $s M%orm$lC i% $ st$te of the siEe $%d
popul$tio% of 2tt$r 9r$desh.
:here were others* l$rgel) i% the secul$r liber$l i%tellige%tsi$ of the cou%tr)*
who s$w $ politic$l co%spir$c) h$tched b) the 8i%du right behi%d def$mi%g
the st$te. :he) c$me up* rightl)* with the d$t$ from the 5$tio%$l -rime
6ecords 3ure$u th$t shows #$dh)$ 9r$desh $s the r$pe c$pit$l of &%di$ $%d
r$ised @uestio%s over the u%due scruti%) of 2tt$r 9r$desh. :he i%tellige%tsi$*
u%fortu%$tel)* seems to h$ve got it wro%g o%ce $g$i%* first time bei%g its
sile%ce o% the c$ses where victims c$me from dispossessed $%d m$rgi%$lised
commu%ities. :he l$ck of outr$ge over se;u$l viole%ce $g$i%st wome% from
/$lit* trib$l* mi%orities $%d other such commu%ities u%til the c$ses $re re$ll)
gor)* $s 3$d$u% w$s* h$s led to $ sectio% of people losi%g f$ith i% them* it
would do better %ot to lose $ll.
:he @uestio%* however* is if the f$ilure of $ st$te i% providi%g securit) to its
wome% c$% be used $s $% e;cuse to defe%d the tot$l coll$pse of rule of l$w i%
$%other< (hould %ot $ si%gle c$se of r$pe be horrif)i%g e%ough for the st$te to
w$ke up $%d fi; the s)stem< -$% $ st$te re$ll) t$ke refuge i% competitive
st$tistics $%d shirk from its respo%sibilit) of m$i%t$i%i%g l$w $%d order* $t
le$st< :his is e;$ctl) where th$t the gover%me%t of 2tt$r 9r$desh h$s f$iled
$%d f$iled $bsolutel). :h$tCs %ot biE$rre if o%e sees the %umber of crimi%$ls i%
it right from its r$%ks $%d files to the mi%istr). !fter $ll* the st$te h$s $
dubious disti%ctio% of seeki%g the withdr$w$l of r$pe ch$rges $g$i%st $
mi%ister i% Mpublic i%terestC.
&t is i% this co%te;t th$t the r$pe $ttempt o% $ sitti%g judge must be see% $s $
w$keup c$ll for both the citiEe%r) $%d the st$te. 5o people c$% live i%
perpetu$l fe$r of viole%ce $g$i%st wome% $%d st$teIs i%$ctio% will merel)
i%cre$se both vigil$%tism $%d co%trol of the mobilit) of wome% i% the %$me of
s$fet)* $ d$%gerous thi%g for $ democr$c). 9$rr)i%g $w$) the @uestio%s over
the st$te of gover%$%ce i% 2tt$r 9r$desh is %ot goi%g to serve $%) purpose*
o%l) bri%gi%g the crimi%$ls to justice will. :he st$te gover%me%t must e%sure
speed) $%d imp$rti$l justice to the victims $%d their f$milies to restore their
f$ith i% the s)stem.

Ref - DEPOJ;E;#$1:;$$%31 R!" irst A**e+, se1t Ei+ DARPG
( SEE RULE ## O R!" AC! #$$% )

R!" irst A**e+, Before -
S.ri / '/)/ 0+12ur+ 3
Re4istr+r ( R!" irst A**e,,+te Aut.orit5 3
Su*re6e Court of "17i+ 3
Ne8 De,.i /


> L"G<# ; =913 OPP ?A!ER ?OR)S O"CE3
0EBBAL3 'ASORE 3 )ARNA!A)A P"N B %=$$1=/

At t.e outset 3 8e eG*ress our 8.o,e .e+rte7 res*ects to t.e .o1est
fe8 *uD,ic serE+1ts i1 *uD,ic serEice i1c,u7i14 2u7ici+r5/ 0o8eEer3
t.e corru*t i1 *uD,ic serEice 7o1Ht 7eserEe res*ect +s i17iEi7u+,s B
+s t.e5 +re *+r+sites i1 our ,e4+, s5ste6/ Sti,, 8e res*ect t.e c.+irs
t.e5 occu*5 Dut 1ot t.e corru*t i17iEi7u+,s/

A,, t.e fo,,o8i14 +rtic,es ; issues 3 8.o,e +rtic,es *uD,is.e7 i1 t.e
8eD,i1ks 6e1tio1e7 De,o8 for6s *+rt of t.is +**e+,/ !.e
ter6 MJUDGEN6e1tio1e7 t.rou4.t i1c,u7es +,, *uD,ic serE+1ts
7isc.+r4i14 2u7ici+, fu1ctio1s ri4.t fro6 t+,uk 6+4istr+tes 3 Fu+si<
2u7ici+, officers to C.ief Justice of "17i+/

"17i+1 Le4+, ; Ju7ici+, S5ste6 is 6+1i*u,+te7 +t E+rious st+4es ( is
for s+,e/ "t is + S0A'E/ !.e *erso1s 8.o r+ise t.eir Eoice seeki14
2ustice +re si,e1ce7 i1 6+15 8+5s/ !.e cri6i1+, 1eGus .+s +,re+75
+tte6*te7 to si,e1ce 6e i1 6+15 8+5s / "f +15t.i14 u1to8+r7
.+**e1s to 6e or to 65 f+6i,5 6e6Ders 3 65 7e*e17e1ts 3
0o1our+D,e C.ief Justice of "17i+ to4et.er 8it. 2uris7ictio1+,
*o,ice officer 8i,, De res*o1siD,e for it/

0ereD53 8e 7o o1ce +4+i1 offer our co17itio1+, serEices to t.e
.o1our+D,e su*re6e court of "17i+ ( ot.er 4oEer16e1t
+ut.orities3 i1 +**re.e17i14 cri6i1+,s i1c,u7i14 corru*t 2u74es (
*o,ice/ 0ere8it. 3 8e o1ce +4+i1 +**e+, to t.e .o1our+D,e
su*re6e court of "17i+ 3 to co1si7er t.is +s + P"L A**e+, i1 *uD,ic

!.e *uD,ic serE+1ts ( t.e 4oEer16e1t 6ust De ro,e 6o7e,s i1 ,+8
+Di7i14 +cts 3 for ot.ers to e6u,+te ( fo,,o8/ if + stu7e1t 6+kes +
6ist+ke it is eGcus+D,e ( c+1 De correcte7 D5 t.e te+c.er/ if t.e
te+c.er .i6se,f 6+kes + 6ist+ke 3 +,, .is stu7e1ts 8i,, 7o t.e s+6e
6ist+ke/ if + t.ief ste+,s 3 .e c+1 De c+u4.t 3 ,e4+,,5 *u1is.e7 (
refor6e7 / if + *o,ice .i6se,f co66its cri6e 3 6+15 t.ieEes 4o
scot< free u17er .is *+tro1+4e/ eEe1 if + *o,ice 3 *uD,ic serE+1t
co66its + cri6e 3 .e c+1 De ,e4+,,5 *rosecute7 ( 2ustice c+1 De
sou4.t D5 t.e +44rieEe7/ 2ust t.i1k 3 if + 2u74e .i6se,f t.+t too of
+*eG court of t.e ,+17 itse,f co66its cri6e < Eio,+tio1s of R!" Act 3
co1stitutio1+, ri4.ts ( .u6+1 ri4.ts of *uD,ic +17 oDstructs t.e
*uD,ic fro6 *erfor6i14 t.eir co1stitutio1+, fu17+6e1t+, 7uties 3
8.+t .+**e1s ? it 4iEes + Dooster 7ose to t.e ric. ( 6i4.t5 3 t.ose
i1 *o8er 3 cri6i1+,s i1 *uD,ic serEice to co66itt 6ore cri6es/ t.+t
is eG+ct,5 8.+t is .+**e11i14 i1 i17i+/ t.e e7uc+te7 *uD,ic 6ust
r+ise to t.e occ+ssio1 ( *e+cefu,,5 3 7e6ocr+tic+,,5 6ust o**ose
t.is cri6i1+,is+tio1 of 2u7ici+r5 3 *uD,ic serEice/ t.e1 +,o1e 3 8e c+1

8in!ly go through the following arti4les & proi!e 7usti4e by
giing 4o5plete truthful infor5ation to us 9 by publi4ly
answering the following :uestionnaire in an una5biguous

The 4onstitution of ;n!ia has pres4ribe! 4ertain F6ND$'"NT$*
D6T;"S to ea4h 4iti<ens of ;n!ia. ;t is the !uty of eery 4iti<en to
prote4t & uphol! the !ignity 9 honour of our !e5o4rati4
institutions 9 to
prote4t our national integrity 9 to respe4t & prote4t the rights of
our fellow 4iti<ens. No 4onstitutional authority has the right to
obstru4t the !is4harge of these !uties by 4iti<ens of ;n!ia. No legal
priileges of 4onstitutional fun4tionaries is superior oer the
F6ND$'"NT$* D6T;"S OF C;T;="N>S OF ;ND;$.
We nee! rights to perfor5 our !uties. Constitution of ;n!ia has
guarantee! those rights as F6ND$'"NT$* R;%?TS to all 4iti<ens
of ;n!ia & by birth itself eeryone of us has se4ure! ?6'$N
R;%?TS as in!ii!uals. To e@press ourseles 9 we nee!
infor5ation 9 !ata fee! ba4k 9 to as4ertain whether we are getting
e:ual opportunity 9 whether we are getting e:uitable 7usti4e 9 et4 9
we nee! infor5ation . so 9
basi4ally Right To ;nfor5ation is an inalienable part of our
fun!a5ental rights & hu5an rights. What RT; $4t has !one is
fi@e! ti5e li5it 9 responsibilities of publi4 serants up to 4ertain
e@tent. ?oweer the 4iti<en>s fun!a5ental right & hu5an right to
seek infor5ation e@ten!s far beyon! the s4ope of RT; $4t.
?ereby 9 we seek 4o5plete truthful infor5ation fro5 supre5e
4ourt of ;n!ia 9 with respe4t to 5y RT; appli4ation appeal.
?"R"AB 9 W" $R" ON*B S""8;N% $CCO6NT$A;*;TB OF
C6A*;C S"R)$NTS ;N C6A*;C ;NT"R"ST & &6ST;C". ?ereby 9
we re:uest you to register this appeal as a C;* petition & to
as4ertain the stan! of ape@ 4ourt on arious 5atters raise! in 5y
RT; $ppli4ation 9 in publi4 interest & e:uitable 7usti4e.

?e s+,ute .o1est fe8 i1 *uD,ic serEice 3 Ju7ici+r5 3 *o,ice 3
*+r,i+6e1t ( st+te ,e4is,+tiEe +sse6D,ies/ our 8.o,e .e+rte7
res*ects to t.e6/ 0EREBA 3 " DO 0U'BLA REIUES! AOU !O
G"&E 'E ?R"!!EN S!A!E'EN!S ; ANS?ERS !O !0E
OLLO?"NG IUES!"ONS B ?0"C0 "N "!SEL ( ie +1s8ers ) ARE
!0E "NOR'A!"ON SOUG0! BA 'E/ 0ERE ?"!0 " A' SEE)"NG
"NS!"!U!"ONS 3 !0"S "S AN APPEAL OR !RU!0 3
2u74es<*o,ice 3
$tro4ities on Wo5en by &6D%"S

A B J of '+1i*u,+tio1 of "17i+1 Le4+, S5ste6
()stem *
http://www.scribd.com/doc/17+85,5,1/-hief-.ustice-of-&%di$-!--rimi%$l *

.ustice ($th$siv$m - !re )ou /0!1 /2#3 4 3'&5/
de$f-dumb-bli%d *
6$jiv 7$%dhi !ss$ssi%$tio% -over-up
cover-up *
(8!#0 (8!#0 #9s 4 #'!s
https://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/sh$me-sh$me-mps-ml$s *

0ereD5 3 8e 7o reFuest P"O O;O 0o1our+D,e C.ief Justice of
"17i+ 3 P"O 3 O;O 0/E/0o1or+D,e Presi7e1t of "17i+ 3 P"O O;O
0o1or+D,e S*e+ker of Lok S+D.+ 3 P"O O;O D5 C.+ir6+1 of R+25+
S+D.+ 3 P"Os of )+r1+t+k+ R+2 B.+8+1 3 )+r1+t+k+ C'O 3 U1io1
0o6e 'i1istr5 GO" +17 DG ( "G of Po,ice of GoEer16e1t of
)+r1+t+k+ to +1s8er t.e fo,,o8i14 Fuestio1s i1 *uD,ic i1terest 3 for
s+fe4u+r7i14 1+tio1+, securit5 3 N+tio1+, u1it5 ( i1te4rit5 ( to
,e4+,,5 +**re.e17 +1ti<1+tio1+,s 3 cri6i1+,s 8it.i1 t.e 2u7ici+r5 (
'+i1 A -
1/ ?.+t +ctio1 5ou .+Ee t+ke1 +4+i1st 2u74es i1Eo,Ee7 i1
+trocities +4+i1st 8o6e1 3 c+se8ise ? if 1ot 3 8.5 ?
#/ ?.+t +ctio1 5ou .+Ee t+ke1 +4+i1st 2u74es i1Eo,Ee7 i1
,+17 sc+6s 3 c+se8ise ? if 1ot 3 8.5 ?
3/ " .+Ee s.o81 8it. +ctu+, c+ses .o8 6+1i*u,+tio1 ;
fiGi14 t+kes *,+ce 3 fro6 co6*,+i1t fi,i14 to 2u7ici+,
*ro1ou1ce6e1t st+4e/ Are t.e 2u74es ( *o,ice 3 +DoEe ,+8 ?
:/ " .+Ee 1u6erous P"Ls 3 R!" +**e+,s Defore su*re6e
court of i17i+/ But t.e5 8ere 1ot re4istere7 3 1ot .o1oure7 3
8.5 ?
%/ !o 65 ,e4+, 1otice ; s.o8 c+use 1otice ; 7+6+4e *+56e1t
1otice to su*re6e court of i17i+ ( c.ief 2ustice of i17i+ 3 ti,,
7+te " .+Ee 1ot receiEe7 t.e re*,5 3 8.5 ?
9/ "s it 1ot t.e 7ut5 of su*re6e court of i17i+ to *rotect t.e
,ife ( ,iDert5 of +,, "17i+1 citiOe1s ?
=/ "s it 1ot t.e f+i,ure of su*re6e court of i17i+3 8.e1 it
f+i,e7 to *rotect t.e ,ife of + co6*,+i1+1t ?
K/ B5 1e4,i4e1ce of t.eir 7uties 3 +re 1ot su*re6e court
2u74es +i7i14 ( +Detti14 cri6i1+,s 3 +1ti 1+tio1+,s (
terrorists ?
9/ ?.i,e crores of "17i+1s +re D+re,5 surEiEi14 o1 + si14,e
*iece 6e+, + 7+5 3 *eo*,e 75i14 7ue to st+rE+tio1 3 su*re6e
court 2u74es +re 4etti14 s+,+r5 ( *erks +6ou1ti14 to ,+k.s of
ru*ees fro6 t.e s+6e sufferi14 *uD,ic ; *uD,ic eGc.eFuer/
Are 1ot t.ose 7ut5 s.irki14 2u74es +s.+6e7 ?
1$/ ?.+t +ctio1 5ou .+Ee t+ke1 +4+i1st 2u74es i1Eo,Ee7 i1
.us.i14 u* ,+te *ri6e 6i1ister r+2iE G+17.i +ss+ssi1+tio1
c+se ?
11/ ?.5 t.e su*re6e court of i17i+ 7i71Ht +,,o8 6e to +**e+r
Defore it i1 t.e s+i7 c+se of ,+te P' R+2iE G+17.i
Ass+ssi1+tio1 C+se ?
1#/ ?.5 t.e su*re6e court of i17i+ 7i71Ht *rotect 65 ,ife 3 65
2oD o**urtu1ities 3 65 1e8s*+*er fro6 t.e 8r+t. of cri6i1+,
1eGus ?
13/ ?.e1 eEe1 c+D,e !& 2our1+,ists 3 8eD 2our1+,ists +re
4etti14 PRESS ; 'ED"A +ccre7it+tio1 3 65 8eD 1e8s *+*ers 3
65se,f +re 1ot 4etti14 PRESS +ccre7it+tio1 si1ce 9 5e+rs 3
8.5 ?
1:/ Are t.e su*re6e court 2u74es .+17 i1 4,oEes 8it. t.e
cri6i1+, 1eGus ?

'+i1 B -
Aou .+Ee 1ot t+ke1 +**ro*ri+te +ctio1 to 65 *reEious R!" reFuests
3 Nu6erous +**e+,s for 2ustice ( *o,ice co6*,+i1ts/ Aou .+Ee 1ot
re*,ie7 to s.o8<c+use 1otice +,so/ Aour i1+ctio1 .+s .e,*e7 t.e
cri6i1+,s i1 6+1i*u,+ti14 ( 7estro5i14 eEi7e1ces/

Aour i1+ctio1 ; 7e,+5 i1 *erfor6i14 5our 7uties 1ot o1,5 +6ou1ts
to 7e1i+, of i1for6+tio1 3 Dut +6ou1ts to Eio,+tio1 of our
fu17+6e1t+, ( .u6+1 ri4.ts 3 coEer<u* of cri6es 3 +i7i14 (
+Detti14 cri6i1+,s / !.e cri6i1+, 1eGus trie7 to si,e1ce 6e i1 6+15
8+5s/ "s 1ot t.ese +cts of 5ourHs + cri6e i1 itse,f ?

"f 5our +cts of cri6e coEer<u*s 3 i1for6+tio1 ; eEi7e1ce coEer<u*s 3
+i7i14 ( +Detti14 cri6i1+,s 3 si,e1ci14 + crus+7er is 2ust ( ,e4+,/
!.e s+6e t5*e of +cts of cri6es *erfor6e7 D5 ot.er citiOe1s 8i,,
+,so De ,e4+, ?

'+i1 C -
At t.e outset 3 8e eG*ress our 8.o,e .e+rte7 res*ects to +,,
co1stitutio1+, i1stitutio1s ( to t.e .o1est fe8 i1 *uD,ic serEice/
Co1te6*t of co1stitutio1+, i1stitutio1s 3 citiOe1s of "17i+ is Dei14
6+7e D5 t.e corru*t *erso1s i1 co1stitutio1+, *ositio1s
t.e6se,Ees/ !.is is +1 +**e+, to t.e .o1est fe8 i1 *uD,ic serEice 3
co1stitutio1+, *ositio1s 3 to Dri14 t.eir corru*t co,,e+4ues to Dook/

1/ 7oes t.e +ctio1 of 'Ps 3 'LAs t+ki14 6o1e5 ; receiEi14
f+Eors fro6 Eeste7 i1terests 3 to for6u,+te *o,ic5 7ecisio1s 3 to
r+ise Fuestio1s i1 *+r,i+6e1t ; ,e4is,+tiEe Do7ies or to +Dst+i1 fro6
Eoti14 ,e4+, ?
#/ 8.5 tr+1s*+re1t 3 f+ir i1Eesti4+tio1 is 1ot 7o1e i1 suc.
c+ses ?
3/ 2ust re6e6Der 3 t.e Eu,4+r +cts of 'r/Bor+ B+Du Si14.
i1 st+te ,e4is,+ture ( .o8 so6e 'LAs Eu,4+r,5 De.+Ee7 8it.
's/J+5+,+,it+ i1 st+te ,e4is,+ture 3 5e+rs +4o/ Are t.ese t5*e of
Eu,4+r +ctio1s D5 'Ps ( 'LAs ,e4+, ? 7oes 1ot t.ese co1stitute
co1te6*t of t.e .ouse D5 'Ps ( 'LAs t.e6se,Ees ?
:/ +,, t.e *eo*,eHs re*rese1t+tiEes fro6 *+1c.+5+t.
6e6Der to *resi7e1t of "17i+ 6ust re+7 ABCD Of De6ocr+c5
*roEi7e +,o14 8it./si1ce i17e*e17e1ce of "17i+ ti,, 7+te 3 'Ps (
'LAs +re forci14 *ro2ects o1 *eo*,e +4+i1st t.e 8is.es of *eo*,e 3
for6u,+ti14 *o,icies +4+i1st t.e 8is.es of *eo*,e/ Are 1ot suc.
*ro2ects 3 4oEer16e1t *o,icies ( L+8s 3 u17e6ocr+tic ( i,,e4+, ?
%/ is t.e e,ectio1 co66issio1 of "17i+ Eerif5i14 t.e
+ut.e1ticit5 of +ffi7+Eits suD6itte7 D5 e,ector+, c+17i7+tes ?
9/ .o8 6+15 c+17i7+tes .+Ee Dee1 c+u4.t so f+r for 4iEi14
f+,se +ffi7+Eits ? +re +,, t.e Eio,+tors *rosecute7?
=/ +re t.e 'Ps 3 'LAs suD6itti14 t.eir 8e+,t. 7et+i,s o1
+ffi7+Eits 5e+r,5 to Ei4i,+1ce +ut.orities ? 7ef+u,ters 3 Eio,+tors .o8
6+15 ?
K/ 8.+t ,e4+, +ctio1 t+ke1 +4+i1st Eio,+tors 3 7ef+u,ters 3
for 4iEi14 f+,se +ffi7+Eits ?
9/ 8.o is c.ecki14 t.e +ut.e1ticit5 of t.ose +ffi7+Eits
suD6itte7 D5 'Ps 3 'LAs ?
1$/ t.e +4ricu,tur+, i1co6es of so6e 'Ps 3 'LAs 3 t.eir ki. (
ki1 r+ises eEe1 7uri14 t.e ti6e of seEere 7rou4.t 3 f,oo7s 3 f+,, i1
*rices of +4ricu,tur+, *ro7ucts 3 t.eir co6*+1ies re4ister i1cre+se
i1 tur1oEer ; *rofits eEe1 7uri14 recessio1 3 t.e trusts ; NGOs set
u* D5 t.e6 receiEe .u4e 7o1+tio1s/ Are +,, t.ese i1co6e ,e4+, ?

'+i1 D -
1/ 8e 7o o1ce +4+i1 offer our co17itio1+, serEices to t.e
4oEer16e1t of i17i+ 3 +,, st+te 4oEer16e1ts ( su*re6e court of
i17i+ 3 i1 +**re.e17i14 t+G eE+7ers 3 ,+17 4r+DDers 3 corru*t *o,ice
3 corru*t 2u74es 3 corru*t *uD,ic serE+1ts 3 ,+Dor ,+8 Eio,+tors 3 etc/
8.o6 t.e t.e 4oEer16e1t offici+,s 3 Ei4i,+1ce +ut.orities .+Ee
f+i,e7 to +**re.e17/ ?.5 t.e +ut.orities 3 courts 3 su*re6e court of
"17i+ 3 +re 1ot re+75 to uti,iOe our serEice ? +re t.e5 +fr+i7 of Dei14
c+u4.t ?
#/ t.e *uD,ic serE+1ts 3 courts t.ese,Ees +re 7e,+5i14 4iEi14
i1for6+tio1 ; recor7s to us i1 6+15 c+ses/ So i1 t.e issues ; c+ses
r+ise7 D5 us 3 t.e c,+use of ti6e D+r 7oe 1ot +**,5/ Are t.ese
7e,+5i14 t+ctics of *uD,ic serE+1ts 3 courts ,e4+, ?
3/ 8.5 1o *ro*er 3 ti6e,5 +ctio1 8+s 1ot t+ke1 D+se7 o1
1u6erous *o,ice co6*,+i1ts 6+7e D5 us ?
:/ 8.5 DG ( "GP 3 GoEer16e1t of )+r1+t+k+ 3 .+s 1ot
6+7e +15 efforts to seek ,e4+, s+1ctio1 for *rosecutio1 of &&"Ps
( 6e1tio1e7 i1 our co6*,+i1t ) 3 fro6 u1io1 ( st+te .o6e
6i1istries ?
%/ t.e cri6i1+, 1eGus is tr5i14 to si,e1ce 6e i1 6+15 8+5s 3
Dut t.e su*re6e court of "17i+ ( 1+tio1+, .u6+1 ri4.ts
co66issio1 .+s f+i,e7 to u17o t.e i12ustices 3 8.5 ? is it Dec+use it
is 1ot + .i4. *rofi,e c+se ? is it Dec+use it is 1ot .i<fi 3 7oes 1ot 4et
i6+4e r+ti14s 3 !RPs ?
9/ t.e *uD,ic serE+1ts +re +i7i14 u17er8or,7 3 1+G+,ites (
terrorists 3 D5 t.eir 7e,+5i14 t+ctics ( 7e1i+, of i1for6+tio1 3
recor7s/ ?.+t +ctio1 .+s Dee1 t+ke1 +4+i1st suc. +1ti<1+tio1+,
e,e6e1ts i1 *uD,ic serEice ?
=/ .o8 6+15 co6*,+i1ts +re 6+7e D5 N+4+r+2 /'/R/ 3
0u6+1 Ri4.ts ActiEist 3 '5sore (e7itor of SOS e<c,+rio1 of 7+,it (
SOS e<Eoice for 2ustice) to )+r1+t+k+ *o,ice 3 to 1+tio1+, .u6+1
ri4.ts co66issio1 to su*re6e court of "17i+ ti,, 7+te ? 8.+t +ctio1
t+ke1 8it. res*ect to e+c. co6*,+i1t ?
K/ t.e 7e,+5 i1 t+ki14 +ctio1 D5 *uD,ic serE+1ts 8it.
res*ect to fo,,o8i14 c+ses .+s resu,te7 i1 6ore cri6es 3
7estructio1 ; 6+1i*u,+tio1 of eEi7e1ces 3 recor7s +17 6ore
i12ustices to co66o16+1/ ?.5 t.e +ut.orities 7i7 1ot t+ke ti6e,5
+ctio1 +4+i1st cri6i1+,s i1 fo,,o8i14 c+ses ?

SOS $ppeal to S6CR"'" CO6RT of ;ND;$
D"$*S ;N CO6RTS & CO*;C" ST$T;ONS R"$D #
http#00sites.google.4o50site0e4larionof!alit0satya5ea-7ayate 9
7ayate.ht5l 9
$CC6S"D Chief &usti4e of ;n!ia
CROSS "E$' OF ?ONO6R$A*" C?;"F &6ST;C" OF ;ND;$ 9
;ND;$ -
http#004ross47i.blogspot.4o50 9
http#004rosse@a5of4hief7usti4e.blogspot.4o50 9
http#004ri5esofsupre5e4ourt.wor!press.4o50 9
http#004ross47i.wor!press.4o50 9
http#004rosse@a5of4hief7usti4e.wor!press.4o50 9
CROSS "E$' OF 6N;ON ?O'" S"CR"T$RB 9 %O; 9 N"W D"*?;
http#004ross47i.blogspot.4o50 9
http#004rosse@a5of4hief7usti4e.blogspot.4o50 9
http#004ri5esofsupre5e4ourt.wor!press.4o50 9
http#004ross47i.wor!press.4o50 9
http#004rosse@a5of4hief7usti4e.wor!press.4o50 9
CROSS "E$' OF D%&;% OF CO*;C" 9 %O8 9 A$N%$*OR" F
http#004ross47i.blogspot.4o50 9
http#004rosse@a5of4hief7usti4e.blogspot.4o50 9
http#004ri5esofsupre5e4ourt.wor!press.4o50 9
http#004ross47i.wor!press.4o50 9
http#004rosse@a5of4hief7usti4e.wor!press.4o50 9
CROSS "E$' OF %O)"RNOR 9 R"S"R)" A$N8 OF ;ND;$
http#00theftinrbi.blogspot.4o50 9 http#00theftinrbi.re!iffblogs.4o5
9 http#00theftinrbi.wor!press.4o50
CROSS "E$' OF '6D$ CO'';SS;ON"R 9 '6D$ 9 'BSOR" F
http#004ri5esof5u!a.blogspot.4o50 9 http#005aniannan5u!a.bl
9 http#004ri5esat5u!a5ysore.wor!press.4o50 9
CROSS "E$' OF AD$ CO'';SS;ON"R 9 AD$ 9 A$N%$*OR" F
http#004ri5esofb!a.blogspot.4o50 9 http#00b!a4ri5es.wor!press.
4o50 9
CORCOR$T" CR;'"S RC% C$A*"S *;';T"D
http#004ri5esatrpg.blogspot.4o50 9
http#004ri5esatrpg.wor!press.4o50 9
'"%$ FR$6D AB %O)"RN'"NT OF ;ND;$
http#005egafrau!bygoi.blogspot.4o50 9
http#005egafrau!bygoi.wor!press.4o50 9
are you rea!y to 4at4h ta@ thiees D
http#005egafrau!bygoi.blogspot.4o50 9
http#005egafrau!bygoi.wor!press.4o50 9
http#005egafrau!bygoi.blogspot.4o50 9
http#005egafrau!bygoi.wor!press.4o50 9
relian4e in!ustry where is a44ountability D
http#005egafrau!bygoi.blogspot.4o50 9
http#005egafrau!bygoi.wor!press.4o50 9
4ri5es at infosys 4a5pus
http#004ri5eatinfy.blogspot.4o50 9
http#004ri5eatinfy.wor!press.4o50 9
4ri5es by A.D.$ against a poor wo5an
http#004ri5esofb!a.blogpot.4o50 9
http#00b!a4ri5es.wor!press.4o50 9
4ri5es of lan! 5afia in ;n!ia
http#00lan!s4a5sinin!ia.blogspot.4o50 9
http#00lan!s4a5.wor!press.4o50 9
4urren4y thefts in RA; Cress
http#00theftinrbi.blogspot.4o50 9
http#00theftinrbi.wor!press.4o50 9
killer 4olas & killer 5e!i4ines of ;n!ia
http#00!eath4ola.blogpot.4o50 9
http#00!eath4ola.wor!press.4o50 9
?ONOR OF ;ND;$N C$*;$'"NT FOR S$*"
Persecute7 "RO' S0AR'"LA of Putt+*+rt.i AP B *us.*+ ko,+s+1i
o1 .u14er strike i1 +1+1t+*ur 7istrict 2+i, A17.r+ Pr+7es.

9/ .o8 6+15 2u74es +re c+u4.t D5 +ut.orities for 7oi14
i6*ro*er 3 i66or+, ( i,,e4+, +cts 3 si1ce i17e*e17e1ce ti,, 7+te ?
8.+t +ctio1 t+ke1 i1 e+c. c+se ?
1$/ 8.+t +ctio1 t+ke1 +4+i1st co*5 c+t 2u74es c+u4.t re7
.+17e7 8.i,e co*5i14 i1 *uD,ic eG+6i1+tio1 i1 A17.r+ Pr+7es. ?
11/ .+Ee 5ou reEie8e7 +,, t.e *reEious 2u7ici+, 7ecisio1s
t+ke1 D5 suc. 2u74es of 7ouDtfu, i1te4rit5 ( .o1est5 ?
1#/ is it 1ot t.e 7ut5 of 4oEer16e1t ( su*re6e court of
"17i+ 3 to *rotect t.e fu17+6e1t+, ri4.ts ( .u6+1 ri4.ts of +,,
"17i+1 citiOe1s ?
13/ 8.5 t.e 4oEer16e1t ( su*re6e court of "17i+ .+s f+i,e7
to *rotect t.e fu17+6e1t+, ri4.ts ( .u6+1 ri4.ts of 6e ( t.ose
6e1tio1e7 i1 65 co6*,+i1t ?
1:/ .o8 6+15 for6er CJ"s 3 su*re6e court ( .i4. court
2u74es .+Ee 7is*ro*ortio1+te 8e+,t. ?
1%/ Aour 7e1i+, of i1for6+tio1 to 65 *reEious R!" reFuests
+6ou1ts to su**ressio1 of eEi7e1ce 3 .i7i14 cri6es 3 8.+t +ctio1
+4+i1st erri14 *uD,ic serE+1ts ?
19/ 8.5 65 *reEious R!" reFuests or *+rt t.ere of 8+s 1ot
tr+1sferre7 to +**ro*ri+te +ut.orities +17 i1for6+tio1 4iEe1 to 6e
i1 + co1so,i7+te7 for6 ?

'+i1 E -
I1/ ?.5 1ot 7e+t. se1te1ce to corru*t *o,ice 8.o 6ur7er *eo*,e i1
i1 ,ock<u* ; f+ke e1cou1ters ?
I#/ ?.5 1ot 7e+t. se1te1ce to corru*t *o,ice 8.o +**,5 3
torture o1 *riso1ers ?
I3/ ?.5 1ot 7e+t. se1te1ce to corru*t *o,ice 3 8.o co11iEe 8it.
cri6i1+,s ( D+ckst+Ds our 6ot.er,+17 3 itHs 1+tio1+, securit5 ?
I:/ Do1Ht t.e *o,ice .+Ee suo<6otto *o8ers to t+ke +ctio1 i1 t.e
i1terest of *uD,ic 8e,f+re 3 ,+8 ( or7er ?
I%/ D+i,5 8e see 1u6erous re*orts of 6is7ee7s D5 *o,ice 3 *uD,ic
serE+1ts 3 i17ustri+,ists 3 etc i1 t.e 6e7i+ / !.e1 8.5 1ot *o,ice
t+ki14 +15 +ctio1 8it. res*ect to t.e6 ?
I9/ 1o8+7+5s 8e see 1u6erous re*orts of sc+6s 3 sc+17+,s D5
co1stitutio1+, fu1ctio1+ries 3 *uD,ic serE+1ts i1 t.e 6e7i+/ "1ste+7
of 8+sti14 6o1e5 3 ki,,i14 ti6e D5 *ro,o14i14 for6+tio1 of
*+r,i+6e1t+r5 co66ittees 3 2u7ici+, co66issio1s 3 8.5 1ot suD2ect
t.ose +ccusse7 *uD,ic serE+1ts to 1+rco +1+,5sis 3 ,ie 7eector test 3
etc to +scert+i1 trut. ( *roEi7e ti6e,5 2ustice ?
I=/ "f + co66o16+1 fi,es + co6*,+i1t 3 *o,ice ; courts 8+1ts
eEi7e1ces 3 8it1esses to t+ke +ctio1 +4+i1st t.e ric. ( 6i4.t5
crooks/ ?.ere +s if + ric. *erso1 2ust 4iEes + co6*,+i1t +4+i1st +
*oor c.+* 3 .e is +rreste7 3 torture7 eEe1t.ou4. t.ere +re 1o
eEi7e1ces 3 8it1esses/ ?.5 t.is 7ouD,e st+17+r7 ?
IK/ "f + *oor c.+* tries to co,,ect eEi7e1ces +s *er .is fu17+6e1t+,
ri4.ts or +s *er R!" AC! 3 t.e *uD,ic serE+1ts 7o1Ht 4iEe fu,, 3
trut.fu,, i1for6+tio1/ Sti,, 3 *o,ice ; courts 7o1Ht t+ke +ctio1 +4+i1st
t.ose *uD,ic serE+1ts .i7i14 cri6es/ ?.5 ?
I9/8.5 " 8+s 1ot *er6itte7 to +**e+r +s +1 M+6icus curieN Defore
2+i1 co66issio1 of e1Fuir5 or su*re6e court of i17i+ *roDi14 ,+te
*ri6e 6i1ister r+2iE G+17.i +ss+ssi1+tio1 c+se ?
I1$/ !.e cri6i1+, 1eGus trie7 to si,e1ce 6e 3 D5 c,osi14 65 1e8s
*+*er 3 D5 s1+tc.i14 +8+5 65 2oD o**urtu1ities i1 4oEer16e1t
serEice3 D5 *.5sic+,,5 +ss+u,ti14 6e 3 D5 t.re+te1i14 6e of f+,se fiG<
u*s i1 c+ses ( D5 +tte6*ts to 6ur7er 6e/ But 1o +ctio1 +4+i1st
cu,*rits 3 8.5 ?
I11/ ?.ere+s 3 " 8+s e1Fuire7 1u6Der of ti6es D5 *o,ice (
i1te,,i4e1ce *erso11e, +Dout t.is c+se 3 Dut t.e cu,*rits 8ere 1ot
e1Fuire7 eEe1 o1ce 3 8.5 ?
I1#/8.o co6*e1s+tes t.e ,osses " .+Ee suffere7 7ue to t.ese
i12ustices ? +re 1ot *o,ice res*o1siD,e for it ?
I13/ "s it 1ot t.e 7ut5 of *o,ice to *rotect t.e ,iEes 3 ,iEe,i.oo7 of
8it1esses ( +,, *+rties i1Eo,Ee7 3 Dot. 7uri14 c+se ( +fter8+r7s ?
I1:/ 0o8 7o 5ou 6o1itor ( c.eck corru*t *o,ice *erso11e, (
i1cre+se i1 t.eir f+6i,5Hs 8e+,t. 5e+r +fter 5e+r ?
I1%/ ?.i,e 4etti14 +**oi1te7 i1to 4oEer16e1t serEice fro6 t.e
r+1k of *eo1 to "AS officer 3 *o,ice Eerific+tio1 is 6+17+tor5/ ?.i,e
+**oi1ti14 to se1sitiEe 7efe1se est+D,is.6e1ts 3 rese+rc. i1stitutes
i1 +77itio1 to *o,ice Eerific+tio1 3 ce1tr+, i1te,,i4e1ce +4e1cies
cross<c.eck c+17i7+teHs D+ck4rou17/ 0o8eEer is t.ere 1o
D+ck4rou17 c.ecks of co1stitutio1+, fu1ctio1+ries 3 'Ps 3 'LAs 3 3
8.o +re *riE5 to 1+tio1+, secrets ? 8.5 ?
I19/ Rece1t,5 3 t.e o**ositio1 *+rties .+Ee 6+7e +,,e4+tio1s 7uri14
*resi7e1ti+, +,,e4+tio1s t.+t c,ose re,+tiEe of o1e of t.e fro1t
ru11i14 c+17i7+tes .+Ee s8i17,e7 *uD,ic 6o1e5 D5 t.eir D+1k 3
6isuse7 *uD,ic 6o1e5 t.rou4. o1e of t.eir NGO/ "s it true ?
I1=/.+s GO" fu17e7 +15 terrorist outfits i1 i17i+ or +Dro+7 ?
I1K/i17i+ *re+c.es 1o1<Eio,e1ce 3 *+1c.+s.ee, *ri1ci*,es to t.e
8or,7/ "1 i17i+ 3 6ore t.+1 .+,f t.e *o*u,+tio1 +re *oor 3 *eo*,e
+re st+rEi14 to 7e+t./ "1s*ite t.ese D+ck4rou17 3 GO" fu17e7 (
+i7e7 terrorist outfits i1 for6er e+st P+kist+1 e1suri14 t.e
cre+tio1 of B+14,+7es. 3 GO" .+s fu17e7 ( +i7e7 terrorist outfits
,ike L!!E 3 !UL 3 E!C i1 sri,+1k+ 3 'I' i1 P+kist+1/ "1 tur1 t.ese
terrorist outfits .+Ee 6ur7ere7 t.ous+17s of i11oce1ts i1 t.ose
cou1tries/ Are t.ese +cts of GO" 2ust ( ,e4+, ? "s 1ot GO"
res*o1siD,e for +,, t.ose 6ur7ers of i11oce1ts ? .+s GO" *+i7 +15
co6*e1s+tio1 to t.ose Eicti6s or t.eir f+6i,5 6eDers ? 8.5 1ot ?
I19/8it.i1 i17i+ 3 to re7uce t.e i1f,ue1ce of cert+i1 terrorist
4rou*s 3 GO" .+s fu17e7 ( +i7e7 couter terrorist 4rou*s 3 is it ri4.t
( ,e4+, ?
I#$/ "1 J.+rk.+17 3 c.+ttis4+r. 3 etc 3 t.e 4oEer16e1t .+s +r6e7 3
tr+i1e7 ( fu17e7 Ms+,8+ 2u7u6N to cou1ter 1+G+,ites/ S+,8+ 2u7u6
c+7res +re terroriOi14 i11oce1ts 2ust ,ike 1+G+,ites/ "s t.is +ctio1 of
4oEer16e1t 2ust ( ,e4+, ?
I#1/i1 i17i+3 !ADA 3 PO!A is Dei14 r+6*+1t,5 6isuse7 D5 *o,ice/
EEe1 8.ere t.ere +re 1o *roD,e6s of terroris6 3 !ADA ; PO!A is
Dei14 s,+**e7 +4+i1st i11oce1ts 3 eEe1 c.i,7re1/ "1 '/'/0i,,s of
)+r1+t+k+ st+te 3 S! *erso11e, c.+r4e7 triD+, *eo*,e 8it. !ADA
o1 friEo,ous c.+r4es of t+ki14 ,u1c. to Eeer+**+1 3 stic.i14 7ress
for t.e forest Dri4+173 etc/ 8.ere +s t.e *ro6i1e1t *o,itic+,3 fi,6 3
s*orts *erso1+,ities 8.o .+Ee ,i1ks 8it. u17er8or,7 3 +1ti 1+tio1+,
e,e6e1ts ( +tte17e7 *+rties .oste7 D5 7+8oo7 "Dr+.i6 3 ot.er
7o1s i1 4u,f cou1tries 3 e,se 8.ere/ But t.ese .i<fi *eo*,e +re 1ot
c.+r4e7 8it. !ADA ; PO!A ? 8.5 ?
I##/ i,6 +ctor s+12+5 7utt .+7 co1t+cts 8it. u17er8or,7 ( fu,,5
k1o8i14 8e,, t.e cri6i1+, oD2ectiEes of cri6i1+,s 3 .i7 t.e
7+14erous +r6s ( +66u1itio1 i1 .is .o6e 3 8.ic. 8ere i1te17e7
for terroriOi14 *uD,ic/ 0o8eEer 6r/7utt is 1ot c.+r4e7 8it. !ADA ;
PO!A i1ste+7 .e is c.+r4e7 8it. i,,e4+, *ossessio1 of +r6s +ct
( 8.ic. is 1or6+,,5 +**,ie7 to f+r6ers 8.o use i,,e4+, .o6e 6+7e
4u1s to sc+re +8+5 +1i6+,s 3 Dir7s i1 t.eir f+r6s )/ ?.5 t.is
f+Eour+D,e tre+t6e1t of 6r/7utt D5 *o,ice ? *rosecutio1 ? is t.is
Dec+use 7utt is *o,itic+,,5 6i4.t5 ( ric. ?
I#3/ L+8 is o1e ( s+6e for +,, 3 t.e *uD,ic serE+1ts3 *o,ice
i1ter*retes 3 e1forces it 7iffere1ti+,,5 Det8ee1 ric. ( *oor ? 8.5
t.is 7iffere1ti+tio1 ?
I#:/rece1t,5 i1 B+14+,ore *o,ice 1+DDe7 cri6i1+,s De,o14i14 to
i1ter1+tio1+, cri6i1+, s517ic+te se,,i14 7u*,ic+te 1oki+ 6oDi,es/
EEer5 1oki+ 6oDi,e co6es 8it. 1% 7i4it "'E" 1u6Der 3 t.is 1u6Der
is +,so use7 D5 *o,ice for tr+cki14 cri6i1+,s/ "1 co1su6er 7is*ute
+t co1su6er 7is*utes re7ress+, foru6 '5sore CD :9;$% 3 1oki+
co6*+15 st+te7 t.+t +,, itHs *ro7ucts co6e 8it. "'E" 1u6Der o1,5
( st+te7 t.+t t.e *ro7uct i1 7is*ute so,7 D5 t+t+ i17ico6 7e+,er ';S
"N!O!O CO''UN"CA!"ONS 3 '5sore +re 1ot t.eirHs +s it 7oes1Ht
.+Ee "'E" 1u6Ders/ urt.er 1oki+ st+te7 t.e5 7o1Ht .+Ee +15
Dusi1ess re,+tio1s.i* 8it. eit.er t+t+ i17ico6 or itHs 7e+,er/
0o8eEer t.e t+t+ i17ico6 7e+,er st+te7 t.+t i17ee7 .is *ro7ucts
+re 4e1ui1e 3 first .+17 *ro7ucts 3 Dut 7oes1Ht .+Ee "'E" 1u6Ders /
t.is *roEes t.e 7e+,er i1 co,,usio1 8it. t+t+ co6*+15 is se,,i14
i,,e4+, 1oki+ 6oDi,e .+17 sets ( c.e+ti14 t.e *uD,ic/ !.ese 6oDi,es
+re eE+7i14 t+Ges 3 +s 8e,, +s t.ese +re 8it.out "'E" 1u6Ders Dest
Du5 for cri6i1+, e,e6e1ts 8.o 8+1t to eE+7e *o,ice tr+cki14/ ?.+t
*o,ice +re 7oi14
I#%/ ?.o 3 of 8.ic. r+1k +6o14 *o,ice *erso11e, t+kes t.e
7ecisio1 to c,ose + c+se ie to fi,e MBN re*ort 3 8.e1 +fter cert+i1 ti6e
,i6it 1o ,e+7s +re fou17 i1 i1Eesti4+tio1 ?
I#9/ 0o8 7o 5ou 6o1itor corru*t *o,ice *erso11e, 3 8.o
*ur*osefu,,5 f+i, to i1Eesti4+te c+se *ro*er,5 3 so t.+t eit.er t.e
c+se c+1 De c,ose7 8it. MBN re*ort or t.e *rosecutio1 f+i,s to *roEe
t.e c+se i1 court ?
I#=/ ?.o +6o14 *o,ice t+kes t.e 7ecisio1 to +**e+, +4+i1st t.e
Eer7ict of + ,o8er court 3 8.e1 t.e *rosecutio1 f+i,s ?
I#K/ ?.o took t.e 7ecisio1 3 1ot to +**e+, +4+i1st t.e +r4e1ti1+
court or7er +cFuitti14 6r/Fu+troc.i +ccusse7 i1 Dofors sc+17+, ?
I#9/ Do 5ou tre+t +,, t.e *riso1 co1Eicts s+6e i1 t.e *riso1 or 7oes
t.e 1otorious Di4 ti6e ric. cri6i1+,s 4et s*+cious D+rr+cks 8it. tE3
1e8s *+*er 3 +7eFu+te foo7 3 6e7ic+, c+re 3 etc 8.i,e s6+,, ti6e
cri6i1+,s 3 *oor +re cr+66e7 i1to *i4 st5 ,ike roo6s 8it. 9$<=$
i16+tes 8it.out +15 D+sic reFuire6e1ts ?
I3$/ ?.+t is t.e st+tus of 65 co6*,+i1t 6+7e to t.e DG ( "G of
*o,ice 3 4oEer16e1t of )+r1+t+k+ o1 1$;1#;#$$: ? t.e co*ies of
co6*,+i1t 8+s re,e+se7 +t *ress 6eet +t *+tr+k+rt+r+ D.+E+1
'5sore o1 s+6e 7+53 eEe1 co*ies 8ere 4iEe1 to *o,ice ( i1te,,i4e1ce
*erso11e, ?
I31/ ?.5 1o +ctio1 3 re*,5 re4+r7i14 t.e co6*,+i1t ti,, 7+te ?
I3#/ Our co1stitutio1+, fr+6e 8orkers 4+Ee ,e4+, i66u1it5
*riEi,e4es to cert+i1 co1stitutio1+, fu1ctio1+ries 3 so t.+t t.e5 +re
1ot Dur7e1e7 8it. friEo,ous court c+ses ( c+1 co1ce1tr+te o1 t.eir
co1stitutio1+, 7uties/ But t.ese *riEi,e4es 7oes1Ht coEer t.e
i17iEi7u+, +ctio1s of t.ose *uD,ic serE+1ts ,ike r+*e 3 6ur7er 3
7o8r5 .+r+ss6e1t 3 t+G eE+sio1 3 6isuse of office 3 etc/ Dut sti,, ,+8
e1force6e1t ; *o,ice 7e*+rt6e1t is Dou17 to se17 reFuest to .o6e
6i1istr5 seeki14 *er6issio1 ( .o6e 6i1istr5 sits oEer fi,es for
6o1t.s/ !.is 4iEes t.e +ccusse7 +6*,e ti6e to 7estro5 eEi7e1ces/ "s
it ri4.t ( ,e4+, ?
I33/ Does ,e4+, i66u1it5 *riEi,e4es coEer t.eir offici+, +ctio1s
+,o1e ? if 1ot 8.+t 7oes it coEer ?
I3:/ ?.+t is t.e ti6e ,i6it for .o6e 6i1istr5 to 4iEe s+1ctio1 for
t.e *rosecutio1 of t+i1te7 co1stitutio1+, fu1ctio1+ries ?
I3%/ 0o8 6+15 *rese1t 'Ps 3 'LAs 3 'UN"C"APAL
CORPORA!ORS 3 ot.er *eo*,eHs re*rese1t+tiEes +re f+ci14
cri6i1+, c.+r4es ?
I39/ "1 t.e *+st 3 .o8 6+15 'Ps 3 'LAs 3 cor*or+tors 8ere f+ci14
cri6i1+, c.+r4es 3 5e+r8ise si1ce 19K= ? .o8 6+15 of t.e6 8ere
eEe1tu+,,5 co1Eicte7 ?
I3=/ 0o8 6+15 'Ps 3 'LAs 3 *ro6i1e1t fi,6 3 s*orts *erso1+,ities
.+Ee .+Ee co1t+cts 8it. u17er8or,7 3 forei41 i1te,,i4e1ce
+4e1cies ?
I3K/ 0o8 6+15 of t.e6 .+Ee +tte17e7 freFue1t *+rties .oste7 D5
u17er8or,7 7o1s i1 4u,f cou1tries 3 e,se 8.ere ?
I39/ 0o8 6+15 'P 3 'LA 3 ot.er *eo*,eHs re*rese1t+tiEes +re
8+1te7 D5 *o,ice i1 E+rious c+ses / Dut s.o81 i1 t.e *o,ice recor7s
+s +Dsco17i14 Dut i1 re+,it5 +re +tte17i14 t.e *rocee7i14s of t.e
.ouse +s usu+, ?
I:$/ ?.e1 7i7 s6t/ So1i+ G+17.i Dec+6e + citiOe1 of i17i+ ? 7i7
s.e occu*5 +15 *uD,ic office Defore 1+tur+,iO+tio1 ?
I:1/ "1 i17i+ 3 .o8 6+15 'Ps 3 'LAs 3 'LCs +re of forei41 ori4i1
or .+Ee + s*ouse of forei41 ori4i1 ?
I:#/ Does s6t/ So1i+ G+17.i .+Ee citiOe1s.i* of +15 ot.er
cou1tr5 ?
I:3/ Di7 s.e occu*5 +15 *uD,ic office 8.i,e e12o5i14 7u+,
citiOe1s.i* ?
I::/ 0o8 7o 5ou 6o1itor *uD,ic serE+1ts 8.o .+Ee s*ouses of
forei41 ori4i1 ( 8.i,e t.e5 +re o1 forei41 tour 3 fro6 1+tio1+,
securit5 *ers*ectiEe ?
I:%/ "s 6r/ '/S SUBBA 6e6Der of *+r,i+6e1t + citiOe1 of i17i+ ?
I:9/ ?.+t is t.e st+tus of co6*,+i1t 6+7e D5 for6er u1io1
6i1ister 6r/suDr+6+15+ s8+65 +,,e4i14 t.+t ,+te P/' r+2iE
4+17.iHs f+6i,5 receiEe7 6o1e5 fro6 forei41 i1te,,i4e1ce
+4e1cies ?
I:=/ "1 6+15 c+ses ,ike 6+ss riots i1Eo,Ei14 cert+i1 *o,itic+,
*+rties 3 8.e1 t.+t cu,*rit *+rt5 co6es to *o8er +,, t.e c+ses
i1Eo,Ei14 itHs *+rt56e1 +re 8it.7r+81 D5 t.e 4oEer16e1t ore,se
*rosecutio1 f+i,s to *roEe itHs c+se ( *refers 1ot to +**e+,/ Just
re6e6Der Bo6D+5 riot c+se i1Eo,Ei14 s.iE s+i1iks ( ot.ers 3 8.e1
s.iE se1+ B BJP c+6e to *o8er i1 '+.+r+s.tr+ 3 +,, t.e c+ses
+4+i1st itHs *+rt56e1 8ere 8it.7r+81/ Are t.ese t5*e of 7ecisio1s
D5 4oEer16e1t 2ust ( ,e4+, ?
I:K/8.+t 7+6+4es .+s Dee1 7o1e to i17i+Hs 1+tio1+, securit5 7ue
to 6o,e i1 t.e P'O3 +s +,,e4e7 D5 for6er u1io1 6i1ister 6r/1+t8+r
si14. ?
I:9/ ?.+t +ctio1 D5 t.e 4oEer16e1t ?
I%$/ 0o8 6+15 "17i+1s +re i1 t.e custo75 of *o,ice ; 6i,it+r5 i1
E+rious forei41 cou1tries ?
I%1/ 0o8 6+15 forei41ers +re t.ere i1 "17i+1 *riso1s ?
I%#/ 0o8 GO" is *rotecti14 t.e .u6+1 ri4.ts of t.ese *riso1ers ?
I%3/ "s t.e 4oEer16e1t *+5i14 +15 co6*e1s+tio1 to Eicti6s of
*o,ice f+i,ures 3 fiG<u*s 3 3 8.o suffer i1 2+i, for 5e+rs ( +cFuitte7 D5
courts u*o1 fi17i14 t.e6 +s 1ot 4ui,t5 ?
I%:/ Do 5ou re4ister 6ur7er c.+r4es ; +tte6*t to 6ur7er c.+r4es
+4+i1st 4ui,t5 *o,ice officers 8.o +re res*o1siD,e for ,ock<u* 7e+t.s
3 f+ke e1cou1ters ( 3
7e4ree torture ?
I%%/ 0o8 6+15 c+ses .+s Dee1 fi,e7 si1ce 19K= ti,, 7+te ?
I%9/ ?.+t +ctio1 .+s Dee1 t+ke1 +4+i1st 4ui,t5 *o,ice officers 3 S!
*erso11e, 8.o 8ere res*o1siD,e for 4ross .u6+1 ri4.ts Eio,+tio1s 3
7e4ree torture 3 ,ock<u* 7e+t.s of i11oce1ts i1 forest Dri4+17
Eeer+**+1Hs territor5 3 D+se7 o1 2ustice A/J/S+7+s.iE+ co66issio1
fi17i14s ? if 1ot 8.5 ?
I%=/ " 3 +s + citiOe1 of i17i+ +s 65 Mfu17+6e1t+, 7ut5N .ereD5 7o
offer 65 co17itio1+, serEices to GO" ( GO) to +**re.e17 corru*t
*uD,ic serE+1ts/ Are 5ou re+75 to uti,iOe 65 serEices ?
I%K/ Po,ice *erso11e, +re +,8+5s i1 t.e forefro1t of co1t+i1i14
cri6es 3 6+ss fur5 3 riots 3 etc/ t.e5 suffer 6ore ( eEe1 t.eir f+6i,5
6e6Ders suffer t.re+ts fro6 t.e cri6i1+, e,e6e1ts/ Do t.e
4oEer16e1t *roEi7e i1sur+1ce coEer+4e to *o,ice ( t.eir f+6i,5
6e6Ders o1 t.e ,i1es of 7efe1se forces ?
I%9/ ?.+t is t.e +6ou1t of coEer+4e to + *o,ice co1st+D,e ( .is
f+6i,5 ?
I9$/ ?.o 6+kes t.e *re6iu6 co1triDutio1s ?
I91/ Do t.e 4oEer16e1t *roEi7e oEerti6e +,,o8+1ce 3 foo7
+,,o8+1ce to *o,ice 8.o 7+i,5 8ork De5o17 K .ours of 7ut5 ?
I9#/ "s t.e 4oEer16e1t 4iEi14 +15 tr+i1i14 to *o,ice *erso11e, i1
*uD,ic i1ter+ctio1 3 .u6+1 ri4.ts ?
I93/ "s it ri4.t to *ost *rofessio1+,,5 tr+i1e7 *o,ice to se1tr5 3
or7er,5 7uties of 6i1isters ?
I9:/ ?.+t is t.e r+tio of *o,ice *erso11e, to tot+, *o*u,+tio1 i1
i17i+ si1ce 19K= ?
I99/ "s t.e fore1sic scie1ce 7e*+rt6e1t 8.ic. co17ucts 1+rcfo<
+1+,5sis 3 ,ie<7etector test 3 etc u17er t.e co1tro, of *o,ice
7e*+rt6e1t ?
I9=/ "s it 1ot ri4.t to *ut it u17er i6*+rti+, co1tro, of N0RC or ,ike
Do7ies ?
I9K/ "s t.e +ctio1 of so6e *o,ice officers +rr+14i14 co6*ro6ise
6eeti14s ( suDt,5 i1sisti14 t.e *oor to to8 t.e ,i1e of ric. or e,se
f+ce t.e co1seFue1ces 3 is it ri4.t ( ,e4+, ? t.is .+**e1s 6ost,5 i1
re+, est+te 6+tters/
I99/ Di7 4oEer16e1t 6+ke +15 r+1so6 *+56e1ts to forest Dri4+17
Eeer+**+1 7uri14 .is E+rious ki71+**i14s ?
I=$/ ?.+t +ctio1 .+s Dee1 t+ke1 D+se7 o1 reEe+,+tio1s D5 k+ri6
te,4i 7uri14 1+rco +1+,5sis +Dout *uD,ic serE+1ts i1Eo,Ee6e1t ?
I=1/ 0o8 6+15 c+ses of +,,e4+tio1s +4+i1st 2u74es 8ere 6+7e i1
t.e 6e7i+ +Dout 6isuse of office 3 cri6i1+, +cts D5 2u74es fro6
6u1siff court to su*re6e court of "17i+ ? si1ce 19:= ti,, 7+te
I=#/ +re t.e e1Fuir5 re*ort fi17i14s3 +ctio1 t+ke1 re*orts of suc.
c+ses +ccessiD,e to *uD,ic ? if 1ot 8.5 ?
I=3/ 8.+t +ctio1 .+s Dee1 t+ke1 +4+i1st 4ui,t5 2u74es ?
I=:/ +re t.e 4ui,t5 2u74es ,e4+,,5 *rosecute7 i1 +,, suc. c+ses ? or
.+s it 2ust e17e7 8it. t.eir resi41+tio1 fro6 serEices or .is
su*erior 2u74e 1ot +,,otti14 .i6 +15 2u7ici+, 8ork ?
I=%/ 8.5 so6e .i4. r+1ki14 2u74es +re 1ot ,e4+,,5 *rosecute7 for
t.eir 8ro14 7oi14s ?
I=9/ +re 2u74es +DoEe ,+8 ? +re 1ot eEer5Do75 eFu+, Defore ,+8 ?
I==/ 7o t.e 2u7ici+r5 suD2ect 3 +,, t.e c+ses .+17,e7 D5 +ccusse7 ;
t+i1te7 3 4ui,t5 2u74es to reEie8 3 to u17o *+st u12ust 2u74e6e1ts ?
I=K/ .o8 ? if 1ot 8.5 ?
I=9/ .o8 7o t.e 2u7ici+r5 6o1itor t.e 1et 8e+,t. 4ro8t. of so6e
2u74es i1c,u7i14 t.e 8e+,t. i1 t.e 1+6e of 2u74eHs f+6i,5
6e6Ders ?
IK$/ 7o +,, t.e 2u74es fi,e t.eir +11u+, i1co6e 3 8e+,t. st+te6e1ts
o1 s8or1 +ffi7+Eits to t.e .i4.er 2u7ici+r5 ? 7ef+u,ters .o8 6+15 ?
IK1/ .o8 7oes t.e 2u7ici+r5 Eerifies t.ose st+te6e1ts ?
IK#/ is suc. st+te6e1ts 6+7e *uD,ic 3 o1 8eD ?
IK3/ 8.e1 t.e 2u74e6e1t of + ,o8er court is tur1e7 7o81 D5 t.e
.i4.er court 3 8.+t +ctio1 is i1iti+te7 +4+i1st ,o8er court 2u74e for
6+ki14 u12ust 2u74e6e1t ( 6e+ti14 out i12ustice ?
IK:/ 8.e1 +,,e4+tio1s of corru*tio1 3 6isuse of office 3 etc +4+i1st
2u74es +re 6+7e 3 8.5 t.e +ccusse7 B 2u74es +re 1ot suD2ecte7 to
tests ,ike M*o,5 4r+*. 3 ,ie 7etector 3 Dr+i1 6+**i14 3 etcN 3 i1 t.e
i1terest of 2ustice ( trut. ?
IK%/ 2u74es +re 1ot e6*,o5ees of 4oEer16e1t 3 so t.e5 +re
i1e,i4iD,e to De t.e 6e6Ders of M)+r1+t+k+ st+te 4oEer16e1t
2u7ici+, 7e*+rt6e1t .ouse Dui,7i14 co<o*er+tiEe societ5N/ !.e1
.o8 co6e 3 6+15 2u74es i1c,u7i14 su*re6e court 2u74es +re
+76itte7 +s 6e6Ders of t.is societ5 ( +,,otte7 *ri6e resi7e1ti+,
site 8ort. crores of ru*ees for + fe8 t.ous+17s D5 t.e s+i7 societ5
+t s+i7 societ5Hs B 2u7ici+, ,+5out 3 5e,+.+1k+ 3 B+14+,ore ? 8.i,e t.e
or7i1+r5 6e6Ders ,ike *eo1s 3 c,erks i1 2u7ici+, 7e*+rt6e1t +re
8+iti14 for + site si1ce 5e+rs 3 is 1ot t.e 8.o,e t.i14 4ross,5 i,,e4+, ?
IK9/ i1 6ore t.+1 =$P of c+ses Defore +,, courts i1 "17i+ 3 ce1tr+,
4oEer16e1t or st+te 4oEer16e1t or 4oEer16e1t +4e1c5 is o1e of
t.e *+rties/ 0o8 6+15 2u74es or t.eir f+6i,5 6e6Ders 3 .+Ee
receiEe7 out of tur1 3 f+Eour+D,e +,,ot6e1ts of sites 3 4+s +4e1c5 3
*etro, *u6*s 3 etc D5 t.e 4oEer16e1t ? is 1ot suc. +,,ot6e1ts
i,,e4+, ? 8.+t +ctio1 ?
IK=/ 8.e1 + *erso1 u17er *o,ice custo75 or 2u7ici+, custo75 suffer
7e4ree torture D5 *o,ice 3 is 1ot t.e 2u74e of t.e res*ectiEe court
8.ic. is .+17,i14 t.+t torture7 *erso1Hs c+se res*o1siD,e for it ?
IKK/ .+s t.e .i4.er 2u7ici+r5 ,e4+,,5 *rosecute7 res*ectiEe 2u74es
( t.e *o,ice officers for co66itti14 3
7e4ree torture 3 o1 c.+r4es
of +tte6*t to 6ur7er ( 6ur7er ? if 1ot 8.5 ?
IK9/ re4istr+r 3 '5sore 7istrict ( sessio1s court 3 .+s c+,,e7 for t.e
c+17i7+tures to E+rious E+c+1cies i1 t.+t court fro6 t.e *uD,ic Ei7e
1otific+tio1 1o - AD'N;A;1$K#%;#$$3 7+te7 19;11;#$$3/ P,e+se
fur1is. 6e t.e 6erit r+1ki14 ,ist of se,ecte7 c+17i7+tes +,o14 8it.
65 6erit r+1ki14 for t.e *ost of *eo1/
I9$/ re4istr+r 3 B+14+,ore cit5 ciEi, court 3 .+s c+,,e7 for t.e
c+17i7+tures to E+rious E+c+1cies i1 t.+t court fro6 t.e *uD,ic Ei7e
1otific+tio1 1o - AD'<"(A):##;$3 7+te7 19;$%;#$$3/ P,e+se
fur1is. 6e 6erit r+1ki14 ,ist of se,ecte7 c+17i7+tes for t.e *ost of
I91/ 8.e1 + *erso1 7oes1Ht 4et +7eFu+te foo7 3 6e7ic+, c+re 8.i,e
u17er *o,ice custo75 or 2u7ici+, custo75 3 is 1ot t.e res*ectiEe 2u74e
7e+,i14 t.+t *erso1Hs c+se res*o1siD,e for it ? 8.+t +ctio1 ?
I9#/ .o8 2u7ici+r5 is 6o1itori14 foo7 ( 6e7ic+, c+re to
*riso1ers ?
I93/ 1u6erous +ccusse7 *erso1s +re sufferi14 i1 2+i, u17er
2u7ici+, custo75 3 for *erio7s f+r eGcee7i14 t.e ,e4+,,5 sti*u,+te7
se1te1ce *erio7s/ or eG+6*,e - + *ick<*ocketer is i1 2+i, for o1e
5e+r 3 t.e 2u74e fi17s .i6 4ui,t5 of offe1ce ( 4iEes .i6 3 6o1t.s
se1te1ce/ ?.+t +Dout t.e eGcess *u1is.6e1t of 9 6o1t.s/ "s 1ot
t.e 2u74e res*o1siD,e for t.e i,,e4+, 3 eGcess *u1is.6e1t of t.e
co1Eict ? 8.+t +ctio1 +4+i1st t.e 2u74e i1 suc. c+ses ?
I9:/ 1u6erous i11oce1ts suffer i1 2+i, for 5e+rs ( fi1+,,5 t.e 2u74e
fi17s t.e6 +s i11oce1ts ( +cFuits t.e6 of t.e c.+r4es/ ?.+t +Dout
t.e *riso1 se1te1ce 3 t.e i11oce1t .+s +,re+75 serEe7 ? is 1ot t.e
2u74e res*o1siD,e for t.is i,,e4+, 3 u12ust *u1is.6e1t to +1
i11oce1t ? re6e75 ? 8.+t +ctio1 +4+i1st t.e 2u74e ?
I9%/ 7oes t.e *riEi,e4es of 2u74es coEer Dot. t.eir offici+, +ctio1s (
t.e +ctio1s +risi14 out of 6isuse of office ?
I99/ 7oes t.e *riEi,e4es of 2u74es coEer Dot. t.eir offici+, +ctio1s
+s 2u74es ( t.eir *erso1+, +ctio1s +s i17iEi7u+,s ?
I9=/ +re t.e fu17+6e1t+, ri4.ts of citiOe1s su*re6e or t.e
*riEi,e4es of 2u74es 3 co1stitutio1+, fu1ctio1+ries su*re6e ?
I9K/ 8.+t is t.e criteri+ +7o*te7 for *ro6otio1 of 2u74es ?
I99/ 8.+t is t.e criteri+ +7o*te7 for +**oi1t6e1t of +7Eoc+tes
fro6 D+r 3 +s t.e 2u74es ?
I1$$/ 8.+t is t.e criteri+ +7o*te7 for +**oi1t6e1t of retire7
2u74es 3 +s 4oEer1ors of st+tes 3 6e6Ders or +s c.+ir6+1 of
co66issio1s 3 etc ?
I1$1/ .o8 6+15 2u74es De,o14i14 to o**resse7 c,+sses B sc.e7u,e7
c+ste 3 sc.e7u,e7 triDe 3 ot.er D+ck8+r7 c,+sses 3 6i1orities (
8o6e1 +re t.eir i1 su*re6e court 3 st+te .i4. courts ( suDor7i1+te
courts ? ki17,5 *roEi7e s*ecific fi4ures /
I1$#/ 8.+t +re t.e ,e4+, 6e+sures e1force7 D5 2u7ici+r5 3 to
e1force t.e +ccou1t+Di,it5 of 2u74es ( to c.eck corru*tio1 i1
2u7ici+r5 ?
I1$3/ +re 1ot t.ese 6e+sures + f+i,ure 3 ,ooki14 +t *rese1t st+te of
+ff+irs of 2u7ici+r5 ?
I1$:/ 7oes t.e 2u74es +rr+14e for 7istriDutio1 of +,c.o.o,ic 7ri1ks
+t t.e offici+, 6eeti14s 3 *+rties 3 +t t.e t+G *+5erHs eG*e1se ?
I1$%/ 7oes +15 2u74es .+Ee i1c,u7e7 t.eir co1su6*tio1 of
+,c.o.o,ic 7ri1ks 3 i1 t.eir .ote, Di,, ( c,+i6e7 tr+Ee,i14
+,,o8+1ce ?
I1$9/ 8.+t +ctio1 .+s Dee1 t+ke1 +4+i1st B se,ectors ie )+r1+t+k+
.i4. court 2u74es ( 1e8,5 se,ecte7 8o6e1 2u74es i1Eo,Ee7 i1 roost
resort sc+17+, i1 '5sore 3 )+r1+t+k+ ?
I1$=/ 8.e1 co66o1 *eo*,e ; t+G *+5ers ( eEe1 4oEer16e1t
e6*,o5ees +re 1ot 4etti14 *ro*er .e+,t. c+re fro6 4oEer16e1t +t
4oEer16e1t .os*it+,s/ "s it ri4.t ( 2ust to *roEi7e *re6iu6 .e+,t.
c+re to 2u74es 3 co1stitutio1+, fu1ctio1+ries +t %<st+r *riE+te
.os*it+,s i1 "17i+ 3 +Dro+7 3 +,, +t t+G *+5erHs eG*e1se ?
I1$K/ +re t.e 2u74es suD2ecte7 to *erio7ic+, .e+,t. c.eck<u*s to
+scert+i1 t.eir .e+,t. 3 6e1t+, f+cu,ties ( 6e1t+, D+,+1ce i1 t.e
6i7st of +,, 8ork *ressures 3 e6otio1+, te1sio1s ?
I1$9/ 8.+t is t.e criteri+ +7o*te7 D5 2u7ici+r5 for +cce*ti14
+**,ic+tio1s seeki14 *uD,ic i1terest ,iti4+tio1s ?
I11$/ 8.5 1u6erous +**e+,s for P"L D5 6e 3 8ere 1ot co1si7ere7 ?
I111/ 8.+t is t.e criteri+ +7o*te7 D5 2u7ici+r5 3 for +**oi1ti14
M+6icus curieN i1 + c+se ?
I11#/ 8.5 65 +**e+, to .o1our+D,e su*re6e court 3 to 6+ke 6e +s
+1 M+6icus curieN i1 ,+te P/' R+2iE G+17.iHs +ss+ssi1+tio1 c+se 3
8+s 1ot co1si7ere7 D5 t.e court ?
I113/ 8.+t is t.e criteri+ +7o*te7 D5 2u7ici+r5 3 for i1iti+ti14 suo<
6otto +ctio1 ?
I11:/ 1u6erous c+ses of i12ustices +re re*orte7 i1 t.e 6e7i+ 7+i,5 3
8it. su**orti14 eEi7e1ces / 8.5 1ot t.e 2u7ici+r5 t+ke suo<6otto
+ctio1 i1 +,, suc. c+ses ?
I11%/ ,e4+, +i7 Do+r7s *re<2u74e t.e c+ses i1 t.e 1+6e of t+ki14
,e4+, o*i1io1 3 Defore *roEi7i14 ,e4+, +i7 to t.e 1ee75 ? is it 1ot
1ee75 *erso1Hs ri4.ts Eio,+tio1 ?
I119/ is 1ot t.e s+fet5 of 8it1esses 3 *+rties i1 c+ses res*o1siDi,it5
of t.e court 3 Dot. 7uri14 .e+ri14 of t.e c+se ( +fter8+r7s ?
I11=/ is t.e use of 3
7e4ree torture D5 *o,ice o1 *riso1ers 3 7uri14
t.e *o,ice custo75 ; 2u7ici+, custo75 ; *riso1 se1te1ce ri4.t ? 8.+t
+ctio1 ?
I11K/ 8.e1 t.e corru*t *o,ice officer ( 4oEer16e1t *rosecutio1
+7Eoc+te to4et.er coEer<u* eEi7e1ces 3 co17ucts i6*ro*er
i1Eesti4+tio1 i1te1tio1+,,5 to f+i, t.e c+se B to coEer<u* ric.
crooks 3 .i4. ( 6i4.t5 *eo*,e 3 8.+t +ctio1 2u74e t+kes i1 suc.
c+ses ?
I119/ .o8 7oes t.e 2u7ici+r5 6o1itor t.e 8e+,t. 4ro8t. of *o,ice 3
4oEer16e1t +7Eoctes 3 t+G offici+,s 3 offici+,s of ,ice1si14
+ut.orities 3 to e1sure *ro*er ( f+ir *rosecutio1 of c+ses +4+i1st
ric. ( 6i4.t5 ?
I1#$/ 8.+t +re t.e st+tus of +**e+,s 6+7e D5 .u6+1 ri4.ts +ctiEist
NAGARAJ/'/R/ to t.e .o1our+D,e su*re6e court of "17i+ ?
I1#1/ corru*tio1 is r+6*+1t for se,ectio1 of officers to Fu+si<
2u7ici+, *ositio1s ,ike 7istrict ; t+,uk 6+4istr+tes 3 t+G officers 3
reEe1ue officers 3 ,+17 +cFuisitio1 officers 3 etc/ .o8 t.e 2u7ici+r5
6o1itors oEer t.eir Fu+si<2u7ici+, +ctio1s ?
I1##/ suD2ect to co17itio1s 3 " 3 NAGARAJ/'/R/ 3 e7itor 3 e<Eoice of
.u6+1 ri4.ts 8+tc. 3 7o offer 65 free serEices to .o1our+D,e
su*re6e court of "17i+ 3 to +**re.e17 corru*t 2u74es 3 +re
5ou B t.e .o1our+D,e court re+75 to uti,iOe it ?
I1#3/ 8.+t +re t.e st+tus of 65 +**e+,s 3 se1t to t.e .o1our+D,e
su*re6e court of "17i+ 3 t.rou4. 4oEer16e1t of i17i+Hs o1<,i1e
4rieE+1ce s5ste6 ( DPG ( DARPG ) -
DPG;';#$$9;K$$$K 3 DARPG;E;#$$9;$$$%=3
DARPG;E;#$$9;$$##% 3 DPG;';#$$9;K$$#1 3
DARPG;E;#$$9;$$#%3 3 DPG;';#$$9;K$$3# 3
DARPG;E;#$$9;$11:9 3 DPG;';#$$9;K$$:= 3
DARPG;E;#$$9;$119: 3 DPG;';#$$9;K$$:3 3
DPG;';#$$9;K$$K% 3 DARPG;E;#$$9;$9=$: 3
DARPG;E;#$$9;$=$1= 3 DARPG;E;#$$9;$=$1K 3
DPG;';#$$9;K$1%9 3 DPG;';#$$9;K$19# 3
DARPG;E;#$$9;$=K9: 3 DPG;';#$$9;K$19% 3
DARPG;E;#$$9;$=K== 3 DPG;';#$$9;K$19= 3
DARPG;E;#$$9;$K$#K 3 DARPG;E;#$$9;$K$#9 3
DARPG;E;#$$9;$K$3# 3 DARPG;E;#$$9;$K$:3 3
DARPG;E;#$$9;$K$:: 3 DPG;';#$$9;K$1=: 3
DPG;';#$$9;K$193 3 DARPG;E;#$$=;$$$:: 3
DPG;';#$$=;K$$$3 3 DPG;';#$$=;K$$1$ 3
DARPG;E;#$$=;$$19: 3 DARPG;E;#$$=;$$19% 3
DPG;';#$$=;K$$1: 3 DPG;';#$$=;K$$#% 3 DPG;';#$$=;K$$:9 3
DPG;';#$$=;K$$%% 3 DPG;';#$$=;K$$%9 3 DPG;';#$$=;K$$=K 3
DPG;';#$$=;K$$K# 3 DARPG;E;#$$=;$#91K
I1#:/ t.e +**e+,s 6+7e to t.e .o1our+D,e su*re6e court of "17i+ 3
co*ies of 8.ic. +re +E+i,+D,e +t fo,,o8i14 8eD *+4es
.tt*-;;4rou*s/5+.oo/co6;4rou*;1+4.r8;6ess+4e;1K# 3
.tt*-;;4rou*s/5+.oo/co6;4rou*;1+4.r8;6ess+4e;#$9 3
.tt*-;;4rou*s/5+.oo/co6;4rou*;1+4.r8;6ess+4e;#$K 3
.tt*-;;4rou*s/5+.oo/co6;4rou*;1+4.r8;6ess+4e;#1# 3
.tt*-;;4rou*s/5+.oo/co6;4rou*;1+4.r8;6ess+4e;#$9 3
8.+t +re t.e st+tus of t.ose +**e+,s ?
I1#%/ i1 t.e 6e7i+ 3 8e .+Ee see1 re*orts +Dout 2u74es co66itti14
cri6es B r+*e 3 +tte6*t to 6ur7er 3 s8i17,i14 4oEer16e1t 6o1e5 3
u1touc.+Di,it5 *r+ctice 3 t.e 7isres*ect to 1+tio1+, f,+4 3 s+,e of
2u7ici+, or7ers 3 D+i, 3 recei*t of 6o1et+r5 4+i1s D5 8+5 of ro5+,t5
for Dooks 3 *ri6e re+, est+te *urc.+se +t 7iscou1te7 r+te 3 t+ki14
rou17 +Dout ,o14 forei41 tours +,o14 8it. f+6i,5 i1 t.e 1+6e of
offici+, 8ork 3 etc/ D5 t.is 8+5 3 2u74es t.e6se,Ees +re 6+ki14
co1te6*t of court 3 co1stitutio1 of "17i+ ( citiOe1s of "17i+/ 0o8
5ou +re *rotecti14 t.e .o1our of t.e 2u7ici+r5 3 co1stitutio1 of
"17i+ ( citiOe1s of "17i+ ? *,e+se +1s8er/
I1#9/ "s t.e 4oEer16e1t 4iEi14 +15 f+ci,ities ; +ffir6+tiEe +ctio1s to
*o,ice6e1Hs f+6i,5 +s Dei14 4iEe1 to 7efe1se *erso11e, 3 eG<
serEice6e1 ( t.eir f+6i,ies 3 ,ike *refere1ti+, site +,,ot6e1t 3 ,*4
+4e1c5 3 r+tio1 7e*ot 3 reserE+tio1 i1 co,,e4e +76issio1 3 soft D+1k
,o+1s 3 etc ?
I1#9/ if 1ot 3 8.5 ? +fter +,, 3 t.e co1triDutio1 of *o,ice to 1+tio1+,
securit5 is o1 *+r 8it. 7efe1se forces/
I1#=/ is 1ot so6e .i4. *o,ice offici+,s +77ressi14 t.eir
suDor7i1+tes i1 si14u,+r ter6 3 +Dusi14 t.e6 8it. Eu,4+r 8or7s
8ro14 ?
I1#K/ is 1ot so6e *o,ice *erso11e, c+,,i14 *uD,ic 8it. si14u,+r
ter63 +Dusi14 *uD,ic 8it. Eu,4+r 8or7s 8ro14 ?
I1#9/ is it 1ot t.e 7ut5 of *riso1 +ut.orities to *rotect t.e .e+,t.3
,iEes of *riso1 i1<6+tes ?
I13$/8.+t +ctio1 is t+ke1 +4+i1st *o,ice *erso11e, 8.o 8ro14,5
c.+r4e7 +1 i11oce1t *erso1 of cri6i1+, +cts 3 resu,ti14 i1 .is
co1fi1e6e1t i1 2+i, 3 fi1+,,5 +cFuitte7 D5 court +s fou17 to De
i11oce1t ?
I131/ is it 1ot ri4.t to 8it. .o,7 s+,+r5 3 4r+tuit5 3 *e1sio1 to suc.
4ui,t5 *o,ice *erso11e, ( *+5 it +s co6*e1s+tio1 to Eicti6s of *o,ice
f+i,ures ( +trocities ?
I13#/ 7oes our "17i+1 co1stitutio1 ,e4+,,5 *er6it + citiOe1 of
forei41 ori4i1 1+tur+,iOe7 D5 6+rri+4e to +1 "17i+1 or 1+tur+,iOe7
D5 o*tio1 3 to occu*5 +15 co1stitutio1+, office ?
I133/ 7uri14 Dritis. ru,e i1 i17i+ ( E+rious ot.er Dritis. co,o1ies 3
cri6i1+, c+ses 8ere foiste7 +4+i1st our free7o6 fi4.ters i1 "17i+ (
ot.er Dritis. co,o1ies/ After i17i+Hs i17e*e17e1ce 8.+t .+**e1e7
to t.ose c+ses ? 7i7 our "17i+1 4oEer16e1t c,ose +,, suc. c+ses or
7i7 it co1ti1ue 8it. t.e *rosecutio1 ?
I13:/ i1 .o8 6+15 c+ses GO" ( ot.er st+te 4oEer16e1t co1ti1ue7
8it. t.e *rosecutio1 AGA"NS! OUR REEDO' "G0!ERS ? 8.5 ?
I13%/ 8.+t +Dout t.e st+tus of c+ses +4+i1st s.ri/1et+2i suD+s.
C.+17r+ Dose ?
I139/ .+s GO" 7e*orte7 +15 free7o6 fi4.ters to Brit+i1 or itHs
co,o1ies 3 to f+ce *rosecutio1 +fter "17i+ 4+i1e7 i17e*e17e1ce ?
EEC! ? if 5es 3 8.5 3 8.o6 ?
I/13=/ t.e .o1our+D,e su*re6e court of "17i+ f+i,e7 *roEi7e
i1for6+tio1 to 6e +s *er 65 R!" reFuest +**e+, 1o - 91 ; #$$= i1
res*o1se to 5our ,etter 1o - 1 ; R!" ; A/91 ; #$$= 7t 13/1#/$= 3 8.5 ?
I13K / t.e .o1our+D,e u1io1 .o6e secret+r5 f+i,e7 to 4iEe 6e
i1for6+tio1 +s *er 65 rti reFuest 3 .e tr+1sferre7 65 +**,ic+tio1 to
ot.ers 3 i1 tur1 t.e5 tr+1sferre7 t.e +**,ic+tio1 to so6e ot.ers/
i1+,,5 3 co6*,ete trut.fu, i1for6+tio1 8+s 1ot 4iEe1 3 8.5 ? +s t.e
u1io1 .o6e secret+r5 .+s 4ot co*ies of +,, t.ose re*,ies i1 res*o1se
to tr+1sferre7 R!" +**,ic+tio1 3 8i,, .e se17 6e + co1so,i7+te7
re*,5 to 65 *rese1t R!" reFuest ?
I139/ i1 + .i4. *rofi,e c+se Defore t.e .o1our+D,e 7e,.i .i4. court 3
8e .+Ee see1 .o8 7efe1se +7Eoc+te 6r/ R/S/ANAND ( *rosecutio1
+7Eoc+te 6r/ "/U/)0AN 6+7e + secret *+ct to 8i1 t.e c+se i1
f+Eour of ric. cri6i1+, 3 tot+,,5 6+1i*u,+ti14 *rosecutio1 8it1esses
3 eEi7e1ces ( *rosecutio1 st+17 3 tot+,,5 6+ki14 6ocker5 of 2ustice
s5ste6 / .o8 5ou +re e1suri14 t.e 7e,iEer5 of 2ustice 3 t.ere Dei14
1u6erous suc. +7Eoc+tes i1 *r+ctice ?
I1:$/ S6t/ So1i+ G+17.i is *erso1 of forei41 ori4i1 3 s.e 8ie,7s
e1or6ous c,out 6ore t.+1 t.e Pri6e 'i1ister .i6se,f oEer t.e
4oEer16e1t of "17i+ Dei14 t.e c.+ir *erso1 of UPA/ "s s.e ,e4+,,5
*er6itte7 to su66o1 co1fi7e1ti+, offici+, recor7s 3 6i1utes of t.e
c+Di1et 3 to .o,7 t.e c+Di1et 6eeti14 of u1io1 6i1isters ?
I1:1/ As *er ,+8 3 is s.e *er6itte7 to .o,7 co1stitutio1+, offices ,ike
*ri6e 6i1ister of "17i+ or *resi7e1t of "17i+ 3 etc ?
I/1:#/ ?.+t +re t.e fu17+6e1t+, ri4.ts of + citiOe1 4u+r+1tee7
u17er t.e co1stitutio1 (Artic,e #1) ?
I1:3/ ?.+t +re t.e *riEi,e4es co1ferre7 o1 ,e4is,+tors (
*+r,i+6e1t+ri+1s D5 t.e co1stitutio1 of "17i+?
+) "1si7e t.e 0ouse D) Outsi7e t.e 0ouse
I1::/ ?.+t +re *riEi,e4es co1ferre7 o1 co1stitutio1+,
fu1ctio1+ries3 ,ike
+) Presi7e1t of "17i+ D) Pri6e 'i1ister of "17i+
c) C.ief Justice of "17i+ 7) C.+ir6+1 of N0RC
e) Ce1tr+, &i4i,+1ce Co66issio1ers/
I1:%/ Are t.e *riEi,e4es ,e4+, i66u1it5 co1ferre7 o1 +DoEe
6e1tio1e7 co1stitutio1+, fu1ctio1+ries ?
+) CoEer +,, t.eir offici+, +ctio1s irres*ectiEe of 6erit/
D) CoEer Dot. t.eir offici+, ( *erso1+, +ctio1s/
I1:9/ Are t.e *riEi,e4es 7efi1e7 ( co7ifie7 ?
I1:=/ Are t.ese *riEi,e4es +DoEe free7o6 of t.e *ress ?
I1:K/ Are t.e ,iDert5 ( fu17+6e1t+, ri4.ts of t.e citiOe1s
4u+r+1tee7 D5 t.e co1stitutio13 +DoEe t.e *riEi,e4es of t.e
co1stitutio1+, fu1ctio1+ries or eFu+, or De,o8 ?
I1:9/ C+1 t.e "17i+1 ,e4is,+tures ( *+r,i+6e1t De eFu+te7 to t.e
0ouse of co66o1s i1 E14,+17 8.ic. is co1si7ere7 to De + su*erior
court +17 court of recor7s ?
I1%$/ C+1 t.e 7iEisio1 of *o8ers3 1+6e,5 t.e ,e4is,+ture3 t.e
eGecutiEe +17 t.e Ju7ici+r53 De eFu+te7 to t.e fu1ctio1i14 of t.e
0ouse of co66o1s +17 0ouse of Lor7s i1 E14,+17 ?
I1%1/ C+1 + citiOe1 De s+i7 to .+Ee co66itte7 Dre+c. of *riEi,e4e of
t.e 0ouse or court +17 c+usi14 co1te6*t of t.e .ouse or court D5
r+isi14 t.e issues of +ccou1t+Di,it5 of co1stitutio1+, fu1ctio1+ries ?
I1%#/ C+1 + Le4is,+ture or P+r,i+6e1t e1+ct + 1e8 ,+83 to
circu6Ee1t or to 1u,,if5 t.e Ju7ici+, or7ers 8it. res*ect to
8ro147oi14s D5 *eo*,es re*rese1t+tiEes ( eGecutiEe ? 7oes 1ot it
+6ou1t to i1fri14e6e1t of Ju7ici+, *o8ers ( co1te6*t of t.e court
D5 t.e 0ouse/
I1%3/ Are t.e UNDA'EN!AL DU!"ES of + citiOe1 6ore i6*ort+1t
t.+1 co1stitutio1+, 7uties of + co1stitutio1+, fu1ctio1+r5 or eFu+,
i1 i6*ort+1ce to it ?
I1%:/ C+1 + co1stitutio1+, fu1ctio1+r5 co66it cri6es3 +1ti<
1+tio1+, +ctiEities i1 t.e 1+6e of co1stitutio1+, 7uties3 De.i17 t.e
,e4+, Eei, of offici+,Hs secret +ct ( 4o u1+ccou1t+D,e for .is +ctio1s
+17 4o u1*u1is.e7 D5 .is ,e4+, i66u1it5 *riEi,e4es
I1%%/ Are t.e Le4is,+tors 6e6Ders of *+r,i+6e1t3 0i4. court (
Su*re6e court Ju74es +17 ot.er co1stitutio1+, fu1ctio1+ries 1ot
8i,,i14 to co7if5 t.eir *riEi,e4es for t.e re+so1 t.+t if co7ifie7 t.eir
*riEi,e4es 8ou,7 De curt+i,e7 +17 t.eir +ctio1 8ou,7 De suD2ecte7 to
,e4+, scruti15/ ?
I1%9/ B5 Eotes of citiOe1s Le4is,+tors +17 *+r,i+6e1t+ri+1s 4et
se+ts i1 t.e ,e4is,+ture +17 P+r,i+6e1t out of t+G *+5erHs 6o1e53
t.e5 4et t.eir *+53 *erks ( ,e+7 %<St+r ,uGurious ,ifest5,es/ 0e1ce
8.et.er + Eote of + citiOe1 is +DoEe ('ore E+,i7) or + se+t of
,e4is,+tor or *+r,i+6e1t+ri+1 is +DoEe or 6ore E+,i7 i1 + 7e6ocr+c5
I1%=/ Ju74es ( Co1stitutio1+, fu1ctio1+ries +re i17irect,5
+**oi1te7 D5 Eoters ; t+G *+5ers/ Out of t+G *+5ers 6o1e53 t.e5 4et
t.eir *+53 *erks ( ,e+7 %<st+r ,uGurious ,ifest5,es/ 0e1ce3 8.et.er
t.e Eote of + citiOe13 fu17+6e1t+, 7uties of + t+G *+5er is +DoEe
(6ore E+,i7) or + se+t of 2u74e ; co1stitutio1+, fu1ctio1+r5 is +DoEe
E+,i7) i1 + 7e6ocr+c5 ?
I1%K/ "f t.ere is + E+cuu6 i1 t.e Le4is,+ture or *+r,i+6e1t3 8.o is
to fi,, u* t.+t E+cuu6 ti,, suc. ti6e t.+t t.e ,e4is,+ture or
*+r,i+6e1t +cts *roEi7e + so,utio1 D5 *erfor6i14 its ro,e D5
e1+cti14 *ro*er ,e4is,+tio1 to coEer t.e fie,7 (E+cuu6) ?
I1%9/ ?.i,e it is +1 u1.e+,t.5 *r+ctice for + Ju74e to c,+i6 to De +
Ju74e i1 .is o81 c+use3 is it 1ot 8orse for t.e 6e6Ders of t.e
,e4is,+ture +17 *+r,i+6e1t to De 2u74es i1 t.eir o81 c+use ?
I19$/ Are t.e !ec.1ic+,ities of t.e c+se 6ore i6*ort+1t to + 2u74e
or Justice to + citiOe13 *rotectio1 of fu17+6e1t+, ri4.ts of citiOe1/?
I191/ ?.5 1ot t.e co1stitutio1+, fu1ctio1+ries i1iti+te suo 6oto
+ctio1 8it. res*ect to 1u6erous c+ses of i12ustices re*orte7 i1
'e7i+ ?
I19#/ ?.5 1ot t.e Ju74es +76it E+rious c+ses of "12ustices
+ffecti14 *uD,ic3 +s t.e PuD,ic "1terest Liti4+tio1N ? "1 so6e c+ses3
t.e PuD,ic or t.e *erso1 re*rese1ti14 t.e6 is u1+D,e to +ffor7 t.e
.i4. cost of t.e c+se/ ?.5 1ot free ,e4+, +i7 is 4iEe1 ?/
I193/ ?.+t is t.e criteri+ for +76itti14 + P/"/L/ ( 4iEi14 free ,e4+,
+i7 ?
I19:/ Co66u1ic+tio1 B free f,o8 of i1for6+tio1 is t.e ,ife,i1e of +
7e6ocr+c5/ ?.5 t.e co1stitutio1+, fu1ctio1+ries +re 1ot
.o1ouri14 t.e Ri4.t to "1for6+tio1 of CitiOe1s ?
I19%/ Rece1t,5 3 8.i,e +ssu6i14 office +s .o1our+D,e c.ief 2ustice
of )+r1+t+k+ 3 2ustice/ P/D/D"NA)AR 3 4+Ee + D,+1ket 8it.7r+8+, of
+,, i1ter1+, 7e*+rt6e1t+, e1Fuiries +4+i1st +**roGi6+te,5 #$$
2u74es 3 is it 2ust ( ,e4+, ? 4iEe 6e t.e 1+6es of +ccuse7 2u74es (
7escri*tio1 of c.+r4es +4+i1st t.e6 ?
I199/ 7oes it 1ot s.o8 t.+t 2u74es +re 6ore eFu+, t.+1 ot.ers ?
I19=/ 8.o +re i1Eo,Ee7 i1 P sc+6 ? 8.+t +ctio1 +4+i1st 4ui,t5
2u74es ?
I19K/ ?.5 5ou 7i7 1ot 4iEe i1for6+tio1 to 6e +s *er R!" Act
i1s*ite of +**e+, ? refer/ 1;R!";A91;#$$=/
I199/ A,6ost + 5e+r +4o 3 i1 t.e )+r1+t+k+ st+te 1e8 c.ief 2ustice of
)+r1+t+k+ .i4. court .o1D,e 'r/Di1+k+r (1o8 e,eE+te7 to su*re6e
court of "17i+) 2ust o1 +ssu6i14 offices 8it.i1 .ours scr+**e7
7isci*,i1+r5 i1Fuir5 *rocee7i14s +4+i1st #$$U erri14 2u74es/ "1
suc. + s.ort ti6e 1o .u6+1 Dei14 c+1 stu75 +,, t.e c+ses i1 7et+i, 3
t.e1 .o8 co6e .e +rriEe7 +t t.is Eit+, 7ecisio1 i1 suc. s.ort ti6e?
?.o +re t.ose #$$U 2u74es f+ci14 e1Fuir5 ?
I1=$ /Rece1t,5 i1 t.e )+r1+t+k+ st+te 3 .i4. court fou17 out t.+t +
7istrict 2u74e 8it.out co17ucti14 .e+ri14s *ro*er,5 3 e1teri14
fictious 7+tes of .e+ri14s (8.ic. .+**e1s to De 4oEer16e1t
.o,i7+5s ) f+ci,it+te7 i1 eGo1er+ti14 + to* *o,itici+1 / .+s t.e court
e1Fuire7 i1to t.e *reEious 2u74e6e1ts of t.e +ccusse7 2u74e ? 7i7
it fi17 +15 8ro147oi14s?
I1=1/ As *er ,+8 3 8.i,e o1 7ut5 + *erso1 s.ou,7 1ot De 7ru1k 3
u17er t.e i1f,ue1ce of +,c.o.o, 3 +s it ,i6its t.e fu1ctio1i14 of .is
se1ses ( Dr+i1/ !.+t is 8.5 t.e +cts ( s+5i14s of 7ru1k+r7s 3
co66itte7 ; s+i7 8.e1 t.e5 +re 7ru1k +re 1ot t+ke1 serious,5/
0o8eEer 6ost of t.e *o,ice officers +fter eEe1i14 .ours +re 7ru1k 3
i1 t.+t st+te o1,5 t.e5 +**re.e17 6+15 sus*ects ( *ro7uce t.ose
sus*ects +t t.e resi7e1ces of 6+4istr+tes Defore 6+4istr+te 7uri14
8ee .ours ; 1i4.t/ So6e of of t.e 2u74es +re +,so 7ru1k 7uri14 t.+t
ti6e/ Does t.e se1ses of 7ru1ke1 *o,ice ( 2u74es 8ork *ro*er,5 to
7o t.eir res*ectiEe 7uties i1 i7e1tif5i14 cri6i1+,s 3 +**re.e17i14
t.e6 ( to issue 2u7ici+, or7ers/ Are t.ese +ctio1s of *o,ice ( 2u74es
i1 7ru1ke1 st+te ,e4+, ?
I 1=# / ?.+t +ctio1 .+s Dee1 t+ke1 i1 D.o*+, 4+s ,e+k c+se +4+i1st
t.e 4ui,t5 *o,ice offici+,s 8.o c.+14e7 t.e c.+r4e s.eet +4+i1st
u1io1 c+rDi7e offici+,s ?
I 1=3 / ?.+t +ctio1 .+s Dee1 t+ke1 +4+i1st 4ui,t5 *o,ice offici+,s 3
7istrict 6+4istr+te 3 st+te 6i1isters ( ce1tr+, 6i1isters 8.o fu,,5
+i7e7 t.e cri6i1+,s B U1io1 C+rDi7e offici+, 'r/ A17erso1 to
esc+*e ,+8 3 to 2u6* D+i, ( f,ee t.e cou1tr5 8it.out courtHs
*er6issio1 ?
I 1=: / ?.+t +ctio1 .+s Dee1 t+ke1 +4+i1st t.e +DoEe s+i7 4ui,t5
8it. res*ect to t.eir co1te6*t of court ( for +i7i14 + cri6i1+, to
esc+*e ?
I 1=%/ ?.+t +ctio1 .+s Dee1 t+ke1 +4+i1st t.e c.ief 2ustice of "17i+ 3
8.o c.+14e7 t.e ,e4+, c,+use u17er 8.ic. t.e 4ui,t5 s.ou,7 De trie7
? 8.+t +ctio1 .+s Dee1 t+ke1 +4+i1st t.e CJ" 8.o Dec+6e +1
offici+, of t.e trust De,o14i14 to t.e cri6i1+, ?
I 1=9 / ?.+t +ctio1 .+s Dee1 t+ke1 +4+i1st t.e "17i+1 PuD,ic
serE+1t 8.o 7eci7e7 to 8it.7r+8 c+ses fro6 US Courts 8it.
res*ect to B.o*+, 4+s tr+4e75 ?
I 1== / ?.+t +ctio1 .+s Dee1 t+ke1 +4+i1st t.e st+te ,+Dour
7e*+rt6e1t ( *o,,utio1 co1tro, Do+r7 offici+,s 8.o .+Ee f+i,e7 i1
t.eir 7uties 3 i1s*ite of e+r,ier 8+r1i14s D5 2our1+,ists ?
I 1=K / ?.+t +ctio1 .+s Dee1 t+ke1 +4+i1st st+te c+Di1et 6i1isters
8.o 7eci7e7 t.e Fu+1tu6 of co6*e1s+tio1 6o1e5 to f+Eour t.e
cri6i1+, +,t.ou4. t.e5 7o1Ht .+Ee ri4.t to 7o so ?
I 1=9 / ?.+t +ctio1 .+s Dee1 t+ke1 +4+i1st Presi7i14 Ju74e of t.e
tri+, court 3 C.ief Justice of "17i+ 3 st+te *o,ice offici+,s 3 *uD,ic
*rosecutors ( Ce1tr+, Bure+u of "1Eesti4+tio1 offici+,s 8.o ke*t
Fuite +,, +,o14 +17 7i71Ht *ress for t.e eGtr+7itio1 of t.e cri6i1+,
'r/A17erso1 3 for *ro7uci14 t.e cri6i1+, +ccusse7 1o/1 Defore t.e
tri+, court ?
I 1K$ / "s it 1ot S0A'EUL for t.e 2u7ici+r5 3 *o,ice 3 4oEer16e1t
offici+,s ( *eo*,eHs re*rese1t+tiEes 8.o Dec+6e *+rt of O*er+tio1
Cri6e 0us. U* ( +i7e7 cri6i1+,s res*o1siD,e for 4.+st,5 6ur7ers
of t.ous+17s ( 6+i6i14 of ,+k.s of .+*,ess *uD,ic i1 B.o*+, G+s
Le+k !r+4e75?
I 1K1 / Are t.ese Corru*t Po,ice 3 corru*t 2u74es 3 corru*t 6i1isters
3 corru*t ,+Dour ; *o,,utio1 co1tro, Do+r7 offici+,s 0U'AN
I 1K# ?.5 *o,ice +re 1ot re4isteri14 65 co6*,+i1t +4+i1st CJ"
( ot.er &&"PS 3EEe1 +fter 5e+rs ?
I 1K3 7o1Ht t.e *o,ice of Ei2+5+1+4+r *o,ice st+tio1 65sore .+Ee
,e4+, 2uris7ictio1 to re4ister t.e c+se +4+i1st t.ese &&"Ps ? or
2ust Dec+use t.e cri6i1+,s .+**e1s to De &&"Ps 3t.e5 +re 1ot
Dooke7 D5 *o,ice? "f t.e s+i7 *o,ice 7o1Ht .+Ee ,e4+, 2uris7ictio1
to Dook t.ese &&"Ps 3 t.e5 s.ou,7 .+Ee tr+1sferre7 t.e co6*,+i1t
to t.ose +ut.orities 8.o .+Ee 2uris7ictio1 ( +ut.orit5 to Dook (
*rosecute t.ese &&"Ps 3 Dut 1ot 7o1e so 3 8.5 ?
I 1K: +re 1ot +,, t.ese +ctio1s 3 of &&"Ps ( *o,ice +6ou1ti14 to
coEer u* of cri6es ( cri6i1+,s ? +re 1ot t.ese coEer u*s itse,f is +
cri6e ?
I 1K%/ EEe1 +1 +**e+, for 2ustice D5 *ost c+r7 6ust De tre+te7 +s
P"L D5 courts of 2ustice / .o8eEer 65 +**e+,s for 2ustice
co1cer1i14 *uD,ic 8e,f+re 3 1+tio1+, securit5 se1t t.rou4. *ost 3
e<6+i, to su*re6e court of i17i+ +re 1ot +76itte7 +s PuD,ic
i1terest ,iti4+tio1 3 8.5 ? 7oes 1ot t.ese +cts of Su*re6e court
+6ou1t to +i7i14 cri6i1+,s 3 +1ti 1+tio1+,s?
I 1K9 Are 1ot t.e .o1our+D,e c.ief 2ustice of i17i+ to4et.er 8it.
t.e 2uris7ictio1+, *o,ice ( ReEe1ue 7istrict 6+4istr+te res*o1siD,e
to *rotect t.e fu17+6e1t+, ( .u6+1 ri4.ts of *eo*,e ? 8.5 t.e
CJ" 3 '5sore DC ( Juris7ictio1+, Po,ice .+Ee f+i,e7 to *rotect t.e
fu17+6e1t+, ( .u6+1 ri4.ts of *eo*,e i1c,u7i14 6i1e ? or +,,
t.e *reEious i12ustices " .+Ee suffere7 +t t.e .+17s of t.e cri6i1+,
1eGus 0o1our+D,e CJ" 3 '5sore reEe1ue 7istrict 6+4istr+te (
2uris7ictio1+, *o,ice +re to4et.er res*o1siD,e 3 if +15t.i14
u1to8+r7 .+**e1s to 6e or to 65 f+6i,5 6e6Ders or to 65
7e*e17e1ts t.e Fu+rtet B 0o1our+D,e C.ief Justice of "17i+ 3
0o1our+D,e District '+4istr+te 3 '5sore 3 0o1our+D,e Po,ice
Co66issio1er of '5sore cit5 ( Circ,e "1s*ector of *o,ice 3
Ei2+5+1+4+r *o,ice st+tio1 3 65sore 8i,, De res*o1siD,e /
!.ese corru*t *+r+sites 8i,, fee, 3 u17erst+17 t.e *+i1 o1,5 8.e1
t.e5 +,so suffer i1 t.e s+6e 6+11er/ Let us *r+5 to +,6i4.t5 B "1
8.ose Court of 2ustice 'A!C0 "@"NG is 1ot t.ere ( eEer5 Do75 is
eFu+, 3 ,et us *r+5 to t.+t 4o7 to 4iEe t.ese corru*t *+r+sites 4.+st,5
7e+t.s 1ot.i14 ,ess 1ot.i14 6ore/

DOCU'EN!S PER!A"NS !O AEAR 199:<#$1: / SO'E O !0E


EES PA"D - "PO ## #K#K1: for ru*ees te1 o1,5




N+6e - ///////////////////////////NAGARAJA/'/R/
A77ress - ///////////////////L"G<# ; =91 3 0UDCO "RS! S!AGE 3 OPP
0EBBAL 3 'ASORE < %=$$1= "ND"A
Professio1+, ; !r+7e !it,e - S/O/S < e B C,+rio1 Of D+,it
Perio7icit5 - ?EE)LA
Circu,+tio1 - OR REE D"S!R"BU!"ON ON ?EB
Do1+tio1s - NO! ACCEP!ED/ Se,f fi1+1ci14 / NeEer +cce*te7
+15 7o1+tio1s 3 suDscri*tio1s eit.er for ourse,Ees or o1 De.+,f
of ot.er or4+1iO+tio1s ; i17iEi7u+,s /
'o1et+r5 G+i1s - 1i, 3 1eEer 6+7e +15 6o1et+r5 4+i1 D5 8+5 of
+7Eertise6e1ts o1 65 8eDsites or 8eD 1e8s *+*er or
O81er;E7itor;Pri1ter;PuD,is.er - NAGARAJA/'/R/
N+tio1+,it5 - "ND"AN
Bo75 Do1+tio1 - P.5sic+, Bo75 of N+4+r+2+ ' R 3 E7itor 3 S/O/S<
e B c,+rio1 of D+,it ( S/O/S<e<&oice for Justice is 7o1+te7 to
JSS 'e7ic+, Co,,e4e 3 '5sore ( Do1+tio1 No/ 19= 7+te7 ## ; 1$ ;
#$$3 ) 3 "1 c+se of eit.er U11+tur+, 7e+t. or N+tur+, De+t. +t
t.e .+17s of cri6i1+, 1eGus 3 65 Do75 6ust De .+17e7 oEer to
JSS 'e7ic+, Co,,e4e 3 '5sore for t.e stu75 *ur*oses
of 6e7ic+, stu7e1ts/
E5e Do1+tio1 - Bot. EAES of N+4+r+2+ ' R 3 E7itor 3 S/O/S<
e B c,+rio1 of D+,it ( S/O/S<e<&oice for Justice +re
7o1+te7 to '5sore E5e B+1k 3 '5sore 3 "1 c+se of eit.er
U11+tur+, 7e+t. or N+tur+, De+t. +t t.e .+17s of cri6i1+,
1eGus 3 65 e5es 6ust De .+17e7 oEer to '5sore E5e B+1k 3
'5sore ?"!0"N 9 0ours for i66e7i+te e5e tr+1s*,+1t+tio1
to t.e 1ee75/
0o6e *+4e -
http://sites.google.com/site/ecl$rio%ofd$lit/8ome *
http://groups.google.co.i%/group/e-cl$rio%-of-d$lit *
http://e-cl$rio%ofd$lit.blogspot.com/ *
Co1t+ct - 1+4.r8V 5+.oo/co6 3 1+4+r+2.r8V.ot6+i,/co6 3

U"D A+7.++r No - %=$3 %339 3:=9
Ce,, - 91 93:1K#$313 3 91 K9=$31K#$#

" 3NAGARAJA/'/R/ .ereD5 7o 7ec,+re t.+t i1for6+tio1 4iEe1
+DoEe +re true to t.e Dest of 65 k1o8,e74e ( De,ief/ "f i
+6 re*e+te7,5 c+,,e7 to *o,ice st+tio1 or e,se 8.ere for t.e s+ke
of i1Eesti4+tio1s 3 t.e ,osses i 7o i1curr +s + resu,t ,ike ,oss of
8+4es 3 tr+1s*ort+tio1 3 2oD 3 etc 6ust De Dor1e D5 t.e
4oEer16e1t/ *reEoius,5 t.e *o,ice ; "B *erso11e, re*e+te7,5
c+,,e7 6e t.e co6*,+i1+1t (sufferer of i12ustices) to *o,ice
st+tio1 for Fuestio1i14 3 Dut 1eEer c+,,e7 t.e 4ui,t5 cu,*rits 3
ric. crooks 3 cri6i1+,s eEe1 o1ce to *o,ice st+tio1 for
Fuestio1i14 3 +s t.e cu,*rits +re .i4. ( 6i4.t5 / t.is t5*e of o1e
si7e7 Fuestio1i14 6ust 1ot De 7o1e D5 *o,ice or i1Eesti4+ti14
+4e1cies / if +15t.i14 u1to8+r7 .+**e1s to 6e or to 65 f+6i,5
6e6Ders ,ike ,oss of 2oD 3 6eeti14 8it. .it ( ru1 +cci7e1ts 3
,oss of ,iEes 3 7e+t. 7ue to i6*ro*er 6e7ic+, c+re 3 etc 3 t.e
2uris7ictio1+, *o,ice to4et.er 8it. +DoEe 6e1tio1e7 +ccusse7
*uD,ic serE+1ts 8i,, De res*o1siD,e for it/ EEe1 if cri6i1+,
1eGus ,eEe,s f+ke c.+r4es 3 *o,ice fi,e f+ke c+ses +4+i1st 6e or
65 7e*e17e1ts to si,e1ce 6e 3 t.is co6*,+i1t is ( 8i,, De
"f " or 65 f+6i,5 6e6Ders or 65 7e*e17e1ts +re 7e1ie7 our
fu17+6e1t+, ri4.ts 3 .u6+1 ri4.ts 3 7e1ie7 *ro*er 6e7ic+,
c+re for ourse,Ees 3 "f +15t.i14 u1to8+r7 .+**e1s to 6e or to
65 7e*e17e1ts or to 65 f+6i,5 6e6Ders < "1 suc. c+se C.ief
Justice of "17i+ to4et.er 8it. t.e 2uris7ictio1+, reEe1ue (
*o,ice offici+,s 8i,, De res*o1siD,e for it 3 i1 suc. c+se t.e
4oEer16e1t of i17i+ is ,i+D,e to *+5 Rs/ !?O crore +s
co6*e1s+tio1 to surEiEors of 65 f+6i,5/ if 65 8.o,e f+6i,5 is
e,i6i1+te7 D5 t.e cri6i1+, 1eGus 3t.e1 t.+t co6*e1s+tio1
6o1e5 6ust De 7o1+te7 to "17i+1 Ar65 ?e,f+re u17/
After8+r7s 3 t.e 6o1e5 6ust De recoEere7 D5 GO" +s ,+17
+rre+rs fro6 t.e s+,+r5 3 *e1sio1 3 *ro*ert5 3 etc of 4ui,t5 *o,ice
offici+,s 3 Ju74es 3 *uD,ic serE+1ts ( Co1stitutio1+,
7+te - 1=/$K/#$1:LLLLLLLLLL//AourQs si1cere,53
*,+ce - "17i+LLLLLLLLLLLLL///N+4+r+2+/'/R/

e7ite7 3 *ri1te7 3 *uD,is.e7 ( o81e7 D5 NAGARAJA/'/R/ V - L"G<
# ; =91 3 0UDCO "RS! S!AGE 3 OPP ?A!ER ?OR)S O"CE 3
ce,, - 91 93:1K#$313 3 91 K9=$31K#$#
.o6e *+4e-
.tt*-;;sites/4oo4,e/co6;site;ec,+rio1of7+,it;0o6e 3
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.tt*-;;e<c,+rio1of7+,it/D,o4s*ot/co6; 3
.tt*-;;i1/4rou*s/5+.oo/co6;4rou*;e<c,+rio1of7+,it; 3
.tt*-;;*+*er/,i;f<139=93K9=: 3
Follow 5e at
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