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You cant tell me its not hostile out

there. I have to organize to protect my-

The World is Hostile
Tremendous Anxiety (panic attacks, fear of death)
Fastidious (cant go to bed until dishes are done)
Control Freaks (Fear of loosing control)
Totally Self-Focused
Extremely Critical of others
Self Confident, Capable, Accumulates
wealth (protection)
Never reassured

Chilly, worse from cold, Desire for heat
Burning, relieved by heat, acrid discharges
Asthma, Ulcers, Cancers that destroy the body

1. Right-sided remedy
2. Extremely chilly, worse from cold (the coldest remedy) as a cadaver, cold extremities
3. Great desire for heat, can hardly have it too hot, almost everything is better from heat
4. Exception with head, wants cold air on the head. Chilled w/fever, want blankets over body and cold thing on head
5. Better with company
6. Great periodicity, monthly, weekly, etc.
7. Midnight & 2 am; Everything worse between mid-night and 2 a.m. (may wake)
8. General restlessness, Daytime, need to move, dont want to sit all day
9. Pains are burning in nature and relieved by heat (burning sore throat and they want hot tea)
10. Frostbite sensation in hands and feet (cold but burning)
11. Thirst for small sips, if drink too much they will vomit, we have to have control
12. Fear of vomiting
13. Adverse to cold food and drink, and will vomit the minute it hits the stomach
14. Cravings; strong desire for fat, crave olives, crave sour foods, particularly lemons, desire for alcohol because it relaxes
them a little bit, a good wine
15. Huge remedy for asthma, Asthma worse at mid-night, sit bolt upright with asthma, may feel burning, quite fear of dieing,
Lungs feel as they are full of smoke (SRP)
16. Generally watery, putrid, acrid burning discharges (will make area around red)
17. Lots of Nose flowing & watery discharge, yet nose will feel stuffed (SRP), Right-sided nasal discharge (SRP)
18. Bad sore throats that are burning relieved by heat, burning all the way down the throat
19. Any kind of ulcers, stomach cancer, quality of burning, better with heating pad
20. All kinds of skin, burning relieved by heat (worse if itch)
21. Extremely anxious dreams, dreams of being pursued by monster, of not getting things done

Huge fear of diseases, especially non-curable, MS, Cancer, Lou Gerhigs Bolla fever
Fear of dieing and death, of poverty, of robbers, breaking in and stealing from them
Huge fear of being alone, wont alone at night, loosing control, agoraphobia, of big open spaces,
Fear of vomiting, very afraid of vomiting, anorexia vs. bulimia
Arsenicum album Syphlitic (Cancer)
Arsenicum album Syphlitic (Cancer)

(LD) - Ars salt
I have a big heap and someone will take it
Ive reached it, Ive got the whole thing, and its drifting away
I have health and its drifting away
If panic, more tremendous anxiety
Things are going to be taken away
The robbers are IN the house, and they are taking things out the windows and
out the doors
OR in terms of health
My health is starting to deteriorate
Always a case, Ive got something and now Im going to loose it

(Val) Reactions to Anxiety about Health
Doctor told her to take new medicine
Comes in, well he told me I have to
Enjoys being in the thick of a disease, a controversy
Dont you get worse before you get better with a remedy, I dont want to do that
Wont take drugs because of side effects
I mean it might help my condition (probably not) but then Im going to get this other thing
Theres no hope anyway

Not a God of Lovecant imagine this
Not a relationship about becoming more human
Its about following the right law, to develop yourself to become a wise person
Research religion from esoteric position

Chaos and loss of control over money and security issues and also on ones health
Things are slipping out of your hands, your health, your money is just coming out of your hands
Desperately trying to hold on to everything you can
The desperately trying to control the loss
Cannot rest until things are in proper place
Desperate over such small details changes in blood report
Doctor look at this little thing going on, what is going on?

Arsenicum, Arsenicum, keep the beat
Stoke the fire, turn up the heat
Death is coming late at night
Burning asthma, huge with fright
Take your sips, call your friends
On complete control it all depends

Chilly, worse from cold, Desire for heat
Burning, relieved by heat, acrid discharges
Ulcers, Cancers that destroy the body
Headaches, Eyes, Asthma, Ulcers, Cancer, Skin, Craves fat and

Extremely chilly, worse from cold (about the coldest remedy) cold all winter long, takes a hot hot bath to
really warm them, the coldness of a cadaver
Great desire for heat, can hardly have it too hot, love 99 degree weather, only time I feel like my muscles
will relax if it is really hot
Almost everything is better from heat
General restlessness (going from bed to bed), tossing and turning
Daytime, need to move, dont want to sit all day
SRP Pains are burning in nature and relieved by heat (burning sore throat and they want hot tea)
Everything worse between mid-night and 2 a.m. (may wake)
Generally putrid discharges, acrid burning discharges
Great collapse and prostration
(SRP) They are weak in that restless state
Great periodicity, monthly, weekly, etc.
Right-sided remedy
Cancer, destroys the body

Exception with head, wants cold air on the head
Fever, they will be chilled, want blankets over body and cold thing on head
Headaches, chronic, migraine, tension, burning in nature and relieved by heat, periodical
Eyes, anything bad for eyes, ulceration of cornea, pink-eye, generally burning in nature, if discharge acrid and
better by heat

Lots of nasal discharge, acrid and burning
Right-sided nasal discharge (SRP)
Nose will be flowing and watery discharge, yet nose will feel stuffed (SRP)

White tongue, coated white
Burning canker sores, burning mouth ulcers
Arsenicum album Syphlitic (Cancer)
Bad sore throats that are burning relieved by heat, burning all the way down the throat

Any kind of ulcers, stomach cancer, quality of burning, better with heating pad
Thirst for small sips, if drink too much they will vomit, we have to have control
Stomach pain is relieved by milk
Adverse to cold food and drink, and will vomit the minute it hits the stomach
Big remedy for Montesuma Revenge, horrible vomiting, burning, food poisoning
Cravings; strong desire for fat, crave olives and olive oils, crave sour foods, particularly lemons, desire for
alcohol because it relaxes them a little bit, a good wine
Adverse to bread, pasta, to beans and peas

Acute diarrhea, burning stinking watery stool, acute food poisoning, acute bacteria infections
Chronic guts symptoms, Crones Disease, gastritis, bowel ulcerates easily
Mucous stools, bloody stools, cramping in the abdomen, char. By burning relieved by heat

Cancer of all reproductive organs, ovarian, prostate, breast, uterine
Burning right-sided ovarian pain
Very acrid putrid and burning leucorrhea, painful and intense
Anything thats burning in urinary tract, bladder infection with burning
Kidney infections
Serious infections

Huge remedy for asthma
Asthma worse at mid-night, sit bolt upright with asthma, may feel burning, quite fear of dieing
Lungs feel as they are full of smoke (SRP)
Every heart symptom in the books, where extremely cold, great trouble breathing and afraid they will die
Lots of coughs, acute lung diseases, bronchitis, pneumonia

Very cold extremities
Easy ulceration of feet, ulceration about nails, fingertips
Frostbite sensation in hands and feet (cold but burning)

Insomnia, trouble falling asleep at mid-night or waking up at mid-night and being very very anxious
Extremely anxious dreams, dreams of being pursued by monster
Anxious dreams of not getting things down, dream of not having studied for test in college

All kinds of skin
Can be anything, burning relieved by heat
Like sulphur, intense itching w/o eruption (Sulphur eventually relieved by itching, Ars just gets worse)

Tremendous anxiety and fear
Arsenicum album Syphlitic (Cancer)
Overall fear relates to belief that world is hostile and they are extremely vunerable
In fearful state, great mental restlessness, can calm down, one thought after another
Anxiety about health, not if but when
Huge fear of diseases, especially non-curable and out of control, MS, Cancer, Lou Gerhigs Bolla fever
Fear of dieing and death
Fear of poverty
Fear of robbers, breaking in and stealing from them
Huge fear of being alone, wont be alone over night
Fear of loosing control
Huge desire to be in control
Tremendous anxiety about people close to them, about safety and health of them, because these people pro-
vide their security
Can get eventually quite depressed
When really broken down can have desire to kill themselves, at end, takes a lot to get them there
Their fantascies often revolve around knives, perhaps to kill someone with a knife
(syphilitic remedies with knives)
If they are really despairing, will cut themselves, teenage cutters
Big for Anorexia, all about control, feel in control not eating
Very careful planners, has the whole day planned, can be efficiency experts
Will have their retirement IRA set up when they are 21
Gets quite depressed around retirement, life is almost over
Fear of agoraphobia, of big open spaces
Fear of vomiting, very afraid of vomiting, anorexia vs. bulimia
Kids, will be freaked if sibling vomits
Tense anxiety of conscience, that kind of guilt, way out of proportion, fear of having murdered someone,
overcome with guilt not tied to actions
I feel guilty, not everything was in control, I feel guilty
Panic attacks (big)

Arsenicum album Syphlitic (Cancer)
Arsenicum Album Mental State
Fear of being alone and broken down
when Im old
(because people cant be relied on)
Fear of poverty
Wealthy and Stingy
Extreme hoarding
You can never have enough money
because having a enough means that
you can relax
Have more money then can ever
Fear of loosing what I have, cant fathom
contributing to charity unless there is
something for me in it
Donate, if it is in their own interest
Will give money to school if will get kids
the best teachers
A republican, I did it they can do
Bring home the sugar packets
Will horde anything and everything
Go to buffets, stick things in pocket
Tried and True
High Quality
Ethan Allen furniture, a classic look, quality
and conservatism
They dont like anything too trendy
Brooks Brothers (vs. Armina might be
too wild)
Most part fairly moral people
Might do insider trading if it rewards
them, and they will feel guilty about it
Can get Depressed
Her desire so much greater than her needs
Anxiety and alternate with depression
Im going to die of this
the world is going to hell in a hand-
matter of time before Im destroyed
by it
Can eventually get quite depressed
When really broken down can have desire to
kill themselves, at end, takes a lot to get them
Very forthright about concerns
Its important that you see my daughter
first, because if anything happens to her
who will drive me places
They dont see anything odd about this
Later in Life
Criticism becomes more external
They will quarrel
Nothing is right
Really overtly critical
Critical with themselves
Start procrastinating down hill slide, to
not caring, eventually to nursing home
when dont care about anything
A real loathing of life, just want to die

See men in their 50s, near retirement,
fear of being forced out of company,
fear of not being able to support them-
Needs people!
Better to have other people with you
Gather these people around you to
help make you safer
Presence of people, soothes anxiety
Tend to accumulate wealth
(for safety)
Because wealth is so important to me, I
assume its important to you too
Elderly, change their wills every 2 weeks,
play with people to keep them there
Doesnt occur, they might stay out of
love or affection
Fear I will offend you
And you will go away
I will cross the street to not meet up
with you so I wont offend you
Delusion that I have offended
I will automatically feel guilty
that Ive done something wrong
Try to manipulate you so you will stay
Like put you all in my will
Constantly vigilance
Aware of all threats
Knows where the fire-extinguishers are,
and have since I was 3
The child that goes to fire-safety and comes
home and checks all the smoke alarms and gets
upset if any of them are not working
Lack of Trust
Arsenicum Album Mental State
The world is very hostile
And I am vulnerable
who is afraid of the unknown
Tremendous Anxiety and Fear
Life is organized around how to defend
and protect against a hostile world,
How to hold on to what you have
3 Little Pigs, the brick house
Keep the wolf away from the door
Very high standards for whats acceptable
Everyone is in the radar
People who get incensed at person smoking
in a non-smoking section of restaurant
Fear of death and dieing
(because dieing is out of control)
Anxiety about health, not if but when
Huge fear of diseases, especially non-
curable and out of control, MS, Cancer,
Lou Gehrigs, Bolla fever
Kids are extension of themselves
(Fear for their health, safety)
Fear of robbers
Huge fear of being alone
Wont be alone over night
Agoraphobia, of big open spaces
Fear of vomiting
anorexia vs. bulimia
Kids, will be freaked if sibling vomits
Fear of poverty
Life is very orderly
Particularly about Order and Appearance
Extreme perfectionism
Can not rest until things in proper place
Cant go to bed until dishes are done
Knows when a pictures a jar
Important counter top is clean
Very impeccable about their appearance
Keep on top of things
Things dont get out of control
Before they leave the house, make sure
everything is off
Make good pilots, checklists
Ants in the house (Really bad)
It is an obsessive and compulsive state, but
dont think of it that way
not ritualistic about it, will wash their
hands once, have the best soap, one that
will keep hands soft, wont cause cancer
They will do it once,
They will do it right
Control Freaks
Fear of loosing control
Very careful planners
Has the whole day planned
Can be efficiency experts
Retirement IRA set up when they are 21
Need to make sure they are prepared
Big for Anorexia
Feel in control not eating
Guilt is really quick to come to the sur-
Way out of proportion
Tense anxiety of conscience
Fear of having murdered someone
Overcome with guilt not tied to actions
I feel guilty, not everything was in
Dont completely meet own high
Very self-confident
They can perform very well
High intelligence
Confident in ability
Good businessmen, doctors,
Kids get As for printing in Kindergarten
They achieve to survive
Totally focused on themselves
Not a people pleaser
And once Im all organized, well look at
you in relation to me
Cultivate relationships based on
what it is it for them
Not globally concerned
Not status driven
(unless status gives them protection)
Give patrol guys a great x-mas bonus,
because I want my house looked after
Real fear of robbers, they will take what
I have, get me and kill me
I need protection
Panic attacks (big)
Get more protection!
Tremendous anxiety about people close to
them, about safety and health of them,
because these people provide their security
Their fantasies often revolve around
knives, perhaps to kill someone with a
(syphilitic remedies with knives)
If they are really despairing, will cut them-
selves, teenage cutters
Lots of Doctors
Never re-assured
(Clue) never re-assured
As a HP we think that there may be some-
thing really wrong with them
They go for the top doctors
Tests come back fine
Listens, leaves, thinks dumb shit goes to
next doctor the next week
Difficult patients
They dont take the remedy, they are
useless, it will poison them
I dont want you to take this until you are
ready to take it you say
Just a matter of time before I de-
velop cancer and its going to kill me
From this type of poisonous substancea true paranoia
To Raise up in the worldnot for recognition, but for safety

Fears of body declining
Living in his body with the feeling something is decaying or rotting

Preoccupied with HIMSELF
But does not try to control others, or to draw attention to his image

Typical of Ars salt: We are alone in front of God and in front of our conscience
Ars Alb: put himself in a high position to control others
Ars Salt: he has to have a relationship w/people but that he has to keep the right distance

Even your family can be an enemy

Arsenicum salts
Very tight and sure agenda
He is feeling the fear all the time
There is a prisoner that has to be hanged
The doctor says I can give you and injection and will help you die peacefully
Injection was nothing but distilled water
He died
This is like me
Seeing water as death
This prisoner is going to be dead
He has done some crime

He's done something wrong
Too much fear of death
So much anxiety
If I believe this injection could kill me, it will kill me
Death is around the corner
Little hope that what I believe in is reality
By act of will or logic he tries to suppress his fears

Look at how alone he is
He is struggling with fears completely alone
He has no connection with children
He doesnt relate to children
>exploit or take advantage, fear of loss
>has to guard
>poor people are exploited
Issue of poverty very strong
To make a person feel guilty, it comes from the right and wrong
As become older, become more rigid, like a father
Very cautious

Nothing is going to help me
Highly censorious
Highly critical

Full of severe guilt
No body likes him
High degree of isolation
The injury is around the corner, whatever you can save you save
Anything can happen any time
If person come sin 20 minutes late, I will file complaint to the boss
Being singled out on purpose - Leprous

As the isolation becomes more the persecution become greater
Very impatient
I reply in a hurry
Such intense betrayal patterns
Everything is going to let him down

You act immediately
And become enemy forever
Arsenicum bromatum
Arsenicum bromatum

Very big medical fears
Anything happens rushes to a doctor
I become imbalanced while walking - but not a young imbalance
I feel like holding something
Phobic neurosis
If I fall down, no one to care for me
Forever I have to guard against it

Row Four - highly developed YANG
Not so much developed YANG in 1, 2, 3 - some in Nit and Phos
The classical problem of a parent judging a child - Row 4
Stuck with parent and guilty child complex
Kali-Brom - classic for guilt of Row 4
Colbaltum - I have done something wrong and someone knows it
Bromatum - a dangerous guilt
Experiences the guilt in a highly neurotic way
His father was like a priest in the village
All row 4 will have lots of religious issues
Religion is creator of guilt
God fearing

The juniors were afraid I will take action - impulsive violence

My problem should not deteriorate
Save as much as you can

He is experiencing the ars in a completely bromatum way
Arsenicum iodatum

You feel singed by them
Im going to sum you up in a few words and you are going to know exactly what I think of you
And its going to burn or sting

Arstries to remain proper
Iodis more loquacious, you are out on the road trying to survive

Very family centered, and often feel exiled by the family
They are pushing their friend out or away
An in group or out group

Sneeze in a series of sneezing, asthma, allergies, coryza burning and acrid

Family history of TB
Tubercular thingworse in afternoon and evening

Arsenicum sulphuratum flavus (ruber)
Arsencium-sulphuratum flavus (right) or ruber (left)

Made notes desk piled high with stacks of paper
Like sulphur but they worry about things like electromagnetic frequency
Worry about pollution of Miss and how it might affect gardens in St Paul
the theorizing goes to the extreme anxiety and worry
theorizing about Ars delusions surrounded hostile forces
there is NO Way! its real, no if ands or buts about it no arguing that my de-
lusion is not real
this plant on my desk is causing me headaches (definitively)
there is no way that it could be any other way then this

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