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Contents :
PREFACE page 2
Article 1: The natre an! "#$ecti%e& "' the ga(e "' che&& page 2
Article 2: The initial p"&iti"n "' the piece& "n the che&&#"ar! page )
Article ): The ("%e& "' the piece& page *
Article *: The act "' ("%ing the piece& page +
Article ,: The c"(pleti"n "' the ga(e page -
Article 0: The che&&cl"c1 page /
Article +: Irreglaritie& page 11
Article -: The rec"r!ing "' the ("%e& page 12
Article /: The !ra2n ga(e page 1)
Article 13: P"int& page 1*
Article 11: The c"n!ct "' the pla4er& page 1*
Article 12: The r"le "' the ar#iter 5&ee Pre'ace6 page 1,
A7 Rapi!pla4 page 1+
B7 Blit8 page 1-
C7 Alge#raic n"tati"n page 1/
D7 Rle& '"r pla4 2ith #lin! an! %i&all4 !i&a#le! pla4er& page 21
E7 A!$"rne! ga(e& page 2)
F7 Che&&/03 rle& page 2,
97 :ic1pla4 Fini&he& page 2+
9l"&&ar4 "' ter(& in the La2& "' Che&& page 2-
FIDE La2& "' Che&& c"%er "%er;the;#"ar! pla47
The La2& "' Che&& ha%e t2" part&: 17 Ba&ic Rle& "' Pla4 an! 27 C"(petiti"n Rle&7
The Engli&h te<t i& the athentic %er&i"n "' the La2& "' Che&& 52hich 2a& a!"pte! at the -*th
FIDE C"ngre&& at Tallinn 5E&t"nia6 c"(ing int" '"rce "n 1 =l4 231*7
In the&e La2& the 2"r!& >he?@ >hi(?@ an! >hi&? &hall #e c"n&i!ere! t" incl!e >&he? an! >her?7
The La2& "' Che&& cann"t c"%er all p"&&i#le &itati"n& that (a4 ari&e !ring a ga(e@ n"r can
the4 reglate all a!(ini&trati%e Ae&ti"n&7 Bhere ca&e& are n"t preci&el4 reglate! #4 an Article
"' the La2&@ it &h"l! #e p"&&i#le t" reach a c"rrect !eci&i"n #4 &t!4ing anal"g"& &itati"n&
2hich are reglate! in the La2&7 The La2& a&&(e that ar#iter& ha%e the nece&&ar4 c"(petence@
&"n! $!ge(ent an! a#&"lte "#$ecti%it47 T"" !etaile! a rle (ight !epri%e the ar#iter "' hi&
'ree!"( "' $!ge(ent an! th& pre%ent hi( 'r"( 'in!ing a &"lti"n t" a pr"#le( !ictate! #4
'airne&&@ l"gic an! &pecial 'act"r&7 FIDE appeal& t" all che&& pla4er& an! 'e!erati"n& t" accept
thi& %ie27
A nece&&ar4 c"n!iti"n '"r a ga(e t" #e rate! #4 FIDE i& that it &hall #e pla4e! acc"r!ing t" the
FIDE La2& "' Che&&7
It i& rec"((en!e! that c"(petiti%e ga(e& n"t rate! #4 FIDE #e pla4e! acc"r!ing t" the FIDE
La2& "' Che&&7
.e(#er 'e!erati"n& (a4 a&1 FIDE t" gi%e a rling "n (atter& relating t" the La2& "' Che&&7
A%t"#&e 1: T'e n(t)%e (n! o*+e#t",es o- t'e .(/e o- #'ess
171 The ga(e "' che&& i& pla4e! #et2een t2" "pp"nent& 2h" ("%e their piece& "n a &Aare
#"ar! calle! a >che&&#"ar!?7 The pla4er 2ith the light;c"l"re! piece& 5Bhite6 (a1e&
the 'ir&t ("%e@ then the pla4er& ("%e alternatel4@ 2ith the pla4er 2ith the !ar1;c"l"re!
piece& 5Blac16 (a1ing the ne<t ("%e7 A pla4er i& &ai! t" >ha%e the ("%e? 2hen hi&
"pp"nent?& ("%e ha& #een >(a!e?7
172 The "#$ecti%e "' each pla4er i& t" place the "pp"nent?& 1ing >n!er attac1? in &ch a 2a4
that the "pp"nent ha& n" legal ("%e7 The pla4er 2h" achie%e& thi& g"al i& &ai! t" ha%e
>chec1(ate!? the "pp"nent?& 1ing an! t" ha%e 2"n the ga(e7 Lea%ing "ne?& "2n 1ing
n!er attac1@ e<p"&ing "ne?& "2n 1ing t" attac1 an! al&" ?captring? the "pp"nent?& 1ing
are n"t all"2e!7 The "pp"nent 2h"&e 1ing ha& #een chec1(ate! ha& l"&t the ga(e7
17) I' the p"&iti"n i& &ch that neither pla4er can p"&&i#l4 chec1(ate the "pp"nent?& 1ing@ the
ga(e i& !ra2n 5&ee Article ,72 #67
A%t"#&e 2: T'e "n"t"(& os"t"on o- t'e "e#es on t'e #'ess*o(%!
271 The che&&#"ar! i& c"(p"&e! "' an - < - gri! "' 0* eAal &Aare& alternatel4 light 5the
>2hite? &Aare&6 an! !ar1 5the >#lac1? &Aare&67
The che&&#"ar! i& place! #et2een the pla4er& in &ch a 2a4 that the near c"rner &Aare t"
the right "' the pla4er i& 2hite7
272 At the #eginning "' the ga(e Bhite ha& 10 light;c"l"re! piece& 5the >2hite? piece&6C
Blac1 ha& 10 !ar1;c"l"re! piece& 5the >#lac1? piece&67
The&e piece& are a& '"ll"2&:
A 2hite 1ing &all4 in!icate! #4 the &4(#"l D
A 2hite Aeen &all4 in!icate! #4 the &4(#"l :
T2" 2hite r""1& &all4 in!icate! #4 the &4(#"l R
T2" 2hite #i&h"p& &all4 in!icate! #4 the &4(#"l B
T2" 2hite 1night& &all4 in!icate! #4 the &4(#"l N
Eight 2hite pa2n& &all4 in!icate! #4 the &4(#"l
A #lac1 1ing &all4 in!icate! #4 the &4(#"l D
A #lac1 Aeen &all4 in!icate! #4 the &4(#"l :
T2" #lac1 r""1& &all4 in!icate! #4 the &4(#"l R
T2" #lac1 #i&h"p& &all4 in!icate! #4 the &4(#"l B
T2" #lac1 1night& &all4 in!icate! #4 the &4(#"l N
Eight #lac1 pa2n& &all4 in!icate! #4 the &4(#"l
Stant"n Piece&
p : D B N R
27) The initial p"&iti"n "' the piece& "n the che&&#"ar! i& a& '"ll"2&:
27* The eight %ertical c"l(n& "' &Aare& are calle! >'ile&?7 The eight h"ri8"ntal r"2& "'
&Aare& are calle! >ran1&?7 A &traight line "' &Aare& "' the &a(e c"l"r@ rnning 'r"(
"ne e!ge "' the #"ar! t" an a!$acent e!ge@ i& calle! a >!iag"nal?7
A%t"#&e 0: T'e /o,es o- t'e "e#es
)71 It i& n"t per(itte! t" ("%e a piece t" a &Aare "ccpie! #4 a piece "' the &a(e c"l"r7 I' a
piece ("%e& t" a &Aare "ccpie! #4 an "pp"nent?& piece the latter i& captre! an!
re("%e! 'r"( the che&&#"ar! a& part "' the &a(e ("%e7 A piece i& &ai! t" attac1 an
"pp"nent?& piece i' the piece c"l! (a1e a captre "n that &Aare acc"r!ing t" Article&
)72 t" )7-7
A piece i& c"n&i!ere! t" attac1 a &Aare e%en i' thi& piece i& c"n&traine! 'r"( ("%ing t"
that &Aare #eca&e it 2"l! then lea%e "r place the 1ing "' it& "2n c"l"r n!er attac17
)72 The #i&h"p (a4 ("%e t" an4 &Aare al"ng a !iag"nal "n 2hich it &tan!&7
)7) The r""1 (a4 ("%e t" an4 &Aare al"ng the 'ile "r the ran1 "n 2hich it &tan!&7
)7* The Aeen (a4 ("%e t" an4 &Aare al"ng the 'ile@ the ran1 "r a !iag"nal "n 2hich it
)7, Bhen (a1ing the&e ("%e&@ the #i&h"p@ r""1 "r Aeen (a4 n"t ("%e "%er an4 inter%ening
)70 The 1night (a4 ("%e t" "ne "' the &Aare& neare&t t" that "n 2hich it &tan!& #t n"t "n
the &a(e ran1@ 'ile "r !iag"nal7
)7+ a7 The pa2n (a4 ("%e '"r2ar! t" the &Aare i((e!iatel4 in 'r"nt "' it "n the &a(e
'ile@ pr"%i!e! that thi& &Aare i& n"ccpie!@ "r
#7 "n it& 'ir&t ("%e the pa2n (a4 ("%e a& in )7+7a "r alternati%el4 it (a4 a!%ance
t2" &Aare& al"ng the &a(e 'ile@ pr"%i!e! that #"th &Aare& are n"ccpie!@ "r
c7 the pa2n (a4 ("%e t" a &Aare "ccpie! #4 an "pp"nent?& piece !iag"nall4 in
'r"nt "' it "n an a!$acent 'ile@ captring that piece7
!7 A pa2n "ccp4ing a &Aare "n the &a(e ran1 a& an! "n an a!$acent 'ile t" an
"pp"nent?& pa2n 2hich ha& $&t a!%ance! t2" &Aare& in "ne ("%e 'r"( it&
"riginal &Aare (a4 captre thi& "pp"nent?& pa2n a& th"gh the latter ha! #een
("%e! "nl4 "ne &Aare7 Thi& captre i& "nl4 legal "n the ("%e '"ll"2ing thi&
a!%ance an! i& calle! an >en pa&&ant? captre7
e7 Bhen a pla4er@ ha%ing the ("%e@ pla4& a pa2n t" the ran1 'rthe&t 'r"( it&
&tarting p"&iti"n@ he (&t e<change that pa2n a& part "' the &a(e ("%e '"r a ne2
Aeen@ r""1@ #i&h"p "r 1night "' the &a(e c"l"r "n the inten!e! &Aare "' arri%al7
Thi& i& calle! the &Aare "' >pr"("ti"n?7 The pla4erE& ch"ice i& n"t re&tricte! t"
piece& that ha%e #een captre! pre%i"&l47 Thi& e<change "' a pa2n '"r an"ther
piece i& calle! pr"("ti"n@ an! the e''ect "' the ne2 piece i& i((e!iate.

)7- There are t2" !i''erent 2a4& "' ("%ing the 1ing:
a7 #4 ("%ing t" an a!$"ining &Aare
#7 #4 >ca&tling?7 Thi& i& a ("%e "' the 1ing an! either r""1 "' the &a(e c"l"r al"ng
the pla4er?& 'ir&t ran1@ c"nting a& a &ingle ("%e "' the 1ing an! e<ecte! a&
'"ll"2&: the 1ing i& tran&'erre! 'r"( it& "riginal &Aare t2" &Aare& t"2ar!& the
r""1 "n it& "riginal &Aare@ then that r""1 i& tran&'erre! t" the &Aare the 1ing ha&
$&t cr"&&e!7
Be'"re 2hite 1ing&i!e ca&tling A'ter 2hite 1ing&i!e ca&tling
Be'"re #lac1 Aeen&i!e ca&tling A'ter #lac1 Aeen&i!e ca&tling
Be'"re 2hite Aeen&i!e ca&tling A'ter 2hite Aeen&i!e ca&tling
Be'"re #lac1 1ing&i!e ca&tling A'ter #lac1 1ing&i!e ca&tling
516 The right t" ca&tle ha& #een l"&t:
FaG i' the 1ing ha& alrea!4 ("%e!@ "r
F#G 2ith a r""1 that ha& alrea!4 ("%e!7
526 Ca&tling i& pre%ente! te(p"raril4:
FaG i' the &Aare "n 2hich the 1ing &tan!&@ "r the &Aare 2hich it (&t
cr"&&@ "r the &Aare 2hich it i& t" "ccp4@ i& attac1e! #4 "ne "r ("re
"' the "pp"nentE& piece&@ "r
F#G i' there i& an4 piece #et2een the 1ing an! the r""1 2ith 2hich ca&tling
i& t" #e e''ecte!7
)7/ The 1ing i& &ai! t" #e Ein chec1E i' it i& attac1e! #4 "ne "r ("re "' the "pp"nentE& piece&@
e%en i' &ch piece& are c"n&traine! 'r"( ("%ing t" the &Aare "ccpie! #4 the 1ing
#eca&e the4 2"l! then lea%e "r place their "2n 1ing in chec17 N" piece can #e ("%e!
that 2ill either e<p"&e the 1ing "' the &a(e c"l"r t" chec1 "r lea%e that 1ing in chec17
)713 a7 A ("%e i& legal 2hen all the rele%ant reAire(ent& "' Article& )71 H )7/ ha%e
#een 'l'ille!7
#7 A ("%e i& illegal 2hen it 'ail& t" (eet the rele%ant reAire(ent& "' Article& )71 H
c7 A p"&iti"n i& illegal 2hen it cann"t ha%e #een reache! #4 an4 &erie& "' legal
A%t"#&e 4: T'e (#t o- /o,"n. t'e "e#es
*71 Each ("%e (&t #e (a!e 2ith "ne han! "nl47
*72 Pr"%i!e! that he 'ir&t e<pre&&e& hi& intenti"n 5'"r e<a(ple #4 &a4ing I$?a!"#eJ "r II
a!$&tJ6@ "nl4 the pla4er ha%ing the ("%e (a4 a!$&t "ne "r ("re piece& "n their
*7) E<cept a& pr"%i!e! in Article *72@ i' the pla4er ha%ing the ("%e t"che& "n the
che&&#"ar!@ 2ith the intenti"n "' ("%ing "r captring:
a7 "ne "r ("re "' hi& "2n piece&@ he (&t ("%e the 'ir&t piece t"che! that can #e
#7 "ne "r ("re "' hi& "pp"nent?& piece&@ he (&t captre the 'ir&t piece t"che! that
can #e captre!
c7 "ne piece "' each c"l"r@ he (&t captre the "pp"nent?& piece 2ith hi& piece "r@ i'
thi& i& illegal@ ("%e "r captre the 'ir&t piece t"che! that can #e ("%e! "r
captre!7 I' it i& nclear 2hether the pla4er?& "2n piece "r hi& "pp"nent?& 2a&
t"che! 'ir&t@ the pla4er?& "2n piece &hall #e c"n&i!ere! t" ha%e #een t"che!
#e'"re hi& "pp"nent?&7
*7* I' a pla4er ha%ing the ("%e:
a7 t"che& hi& 1ing an! a r""1 he (&t ca&tle "n that &i!e i' it i& legal t" !" &"
#7 !eli#eratel4 t"che& a r""1 an! then hi& 1ing he i& n"t all"2e! t" ca&tle "n that
&i!e "n that ("%e an! the &itati"n &hall #e g"%erne! #4 Article *7)7a
c7 inten!ing t" ca&tle@ t"che& the 1ing an! then a r""1@ #t ca&tling 2ith thi& r""1 i&
illegal@ the pla4er (&t (a1e an"ther legal ("%e 2ith hi& 1ing 52hich (a4
incl!e ca&tling 2ith the "ther r""167 I' the 1ing ha& n" legal ("%e@ the pla4er i&
'ree t" (a1e an4 legal ("%e7
!7 pr"("te& a pa2n@ the ch"ice "' the piece i& 'inali&e! 2hen the piece ha& t"che!
the &Aare "' pr"("ti"n7
*7, I' n"ne "' the piece& t"che! in acc"r!ance 2ith Article *7) "r Article *7* can #e ("%e!
"r captre!@ the pla4er (a4 (a1e an4 legal ("%e7
*70 The act "' pr"("ti"n (a4 #e per'"r(e! in %ari"& 2a4&:
1. the pa2n !"e& n"t ha%e t" #e place! "n the &Aare "' arri%al@
2. re("%ing the pa2n an! ptting the ne2 piece "n the &Aare "' pr"("ti"n (a4
"ccr in an4 "r!er7
I' an "pp"nent?& piece &tan!& "n the &Aare "' pr"("ti"n@ it (&t #e captre!7
*7+ Bhen@ a& a legal ("%e "r part "' a legal ("%e@ a piece ha& #een relea&e! "n a &Aare@ it
cann"t #e ("%e! t" an"ther &Aare "n thi& ("%e7 The ("%e i& c"n&i!ere! t" ha%e #een
(a!e in the ca&e "':
a7 a captre@ 2hen the captre! piece ha& #een re("%e! 'r"( the che&&#"ar! an! the
pla4er@ ha%ing place! hi& "2n piece "n it& ne2 &Aare@ ha& relea&e! thi& captring
piece 'r"( hi& han!7
#7 ca&tling@ 2hen the pla4erE& han! ha& relea&e! the r""1 "n the &Aare pre%i"&l4
cr"&&e! #4 the 1ing7 Bhen the pla4er ha& relea&e! the 1ing 'r"( hi& han!@ the
("%e i& n"t 4et (a!e@ #t the pla4er n" l"nger ha& the right t" (a1e an4 ("%e
"ther than ca&tling "n that &i!e@ i' thi& i& legal7 I' ca&tling "n thi& &i!e i& illegal@ the
pla4er (&t (a1e an"ther legal ("%e 2ith hi& 1ing 52hich (a4 incl!e ca&tling
2ith the "ther r""167 I' the 1ing ha& n" legal ("%e@ the pla4er i& 'ree t" (a1e an4
legal ("%e7
c7 pr"("ti"n@ 2hen the pla4erE& han! ha& relea&e! the ne2 piece "n the &Aare "'
pr"("ti"n an! the pa2n ha& #een re("%e! 'r"( the #"ar!7
*7- A pla4er '"r'eit& hi& right t" clai( again&t hi& "pp"nent?& %i"lati"n "' Article& *71 H *7+
"nce the pla4er t"che& a piece 2ith the intenti"n "' ("%ing "r captring it7
*7/7 I' a pla4er i& na#le t" ("%e the piece&@ an a&&i&tant@ 2h" &hall #e accepta#le t" the
ar#iter@ (a4 #e pr"%i!e! #4 the pla4er t" per'"r( thi& "perati"n7
A%t"#&e 1: T'e #o/&et"on o- t'e .(/e
,71 a7 The ga(e i& 2"n #4 the pla4er 2h" ha& chec1(ate! hi& "pp"nent?& 1ing7 Thi&
i((e!iatel4 en!& the ga(e@ pr"%i!e! that the ("%e pr"!cing the chec1(ate
p"&iti"n 2a& in acc"r!ance 2ith Article ) an! Article& *72 H *7+7
#7 The ga(e i& 2"n #4 the pla4er 2h"&e "pp"nent !eclare& he re&ign&7 Thi&
i((e!iatel4 en!& the ga(e7
,72 a7 The ga(e i& !ra2n 2hen the pla4er t" ("%e ha& n" legal ("%e an! hi& 1ing i& n"t
in chec17 The ga(e i& &ai! t" en! in >&tale(ate?7 Thi& i((e!iatel4 en!& the ga(e@
pr"%i!e! that the ("%e pr"!cing the &tale(ate p"&iti"n 2a& in acc"r!ance 2ith
Article ) an! Article& *72 H *7+7
#7 The ga(e i& !ra2n 2hen a p"&iti"n ha& ari&en in 2hich neither pla4er can
chec1(ate the "pp"nent?& 1ing 2ith an4 &erie& "' legal ("%e&7 The ga(e i& &ai! t"
en! in a >!ea! p"&iti"n?7 Thi& i((e!iatel4 en!& the ga(e@ pr"%i!e! that the ("%e
pr"!cing the p"&iti"n 2a& in acc"r!ance 2ith Article ) an! Article& *72 H *7+7
c7 The ga(e i& !ra2n p"n agree(ent #et2een the t2" pla4er& !ring the ga(e7
Thi& i((e!iatel4 en!& the ga(e7
!7 The ga(e (a4 #e !ra2n i' an i!entical p"&iti"n i& a#"t t" appear "r ha& appeare!
"n the che&&#"ar! at lea&t three ti(e& 5&ee Article /7267
e7 The ga(e (a4 #e !ra2n i' each pla4er ha& (a!e at lea&t the la&t ,3 ("%e&
2ith"t the ("%e(ent "' an4 pa2n an! 2ith"t an4 captre 5&ee Article /7)67
A%t"#&e 2: T'e #'ess#&o#3
071 >Che&&cl"c1? (ean& a cl"c1 2ith t2" ti(e !i&pla4&@ c"nnecte! t" each "ther in &ch a
2a4 that "nl4 "ne "' the( can rn at "ne ti(e7
>Cl"c1? in the La2& "' Che&& (ean& "ne "' the t2" ti(e !i&pla4&7
Each ti(e !i&pla4 ha& a >'lag?7
>Flag;'all? (ean& the e<pirati"n "' the all"tte! ti(e '"r a pla4er7
072 a7 Dring the ga(e each pla4er@ ha%ing (a!e hi& ("%e "n the che&&#"ar!@ &hall &t"p
hi& "2n cl"c1 an! &tart hi& "pp"nent?& cl"c1 5that i& t" &a4@ he &hall pre&& hi&
cl"c167 Thi& Ic"(plete&J the ("%e7 A ("%e i& al&" c"(plete! i':
516 the ("%e en!& the ga(e 5&ee Article& ,717a@ ,727a@ ,727#@ ,727c@ /70a@ /70# an!
/7+6@ "r
526 the pla4er ha& (a!e hi& ne<t ("%e@ in ca&e hi& pre%i"& ("%e 2a& n"t
A pla4er (&t #e all"2e! t" &t"p hi& cl"c1 a'ter (a1ing hi& ("%e@ e%en a'ter the
"pp"nent ha& (a!e hi& ne<t ("%e7 The ti(e #et2een (a1ing the ("%e "n the
che&&#"ar! an! pre&&ing the cl"c1 i& regar!e! a& part "' the ti(e all"tte! t" the
#7 A pla4er (&t pre&& hi& cl"c1 2ith the &a(e han! 2ith 2hich he (a!e hi& ("%e7
It i& '"r#i!!en '"r a pla4er t" 1eep hi& 'inger "n the cl"c1 "r t" >h"%er? "%er it7
c7 The pla4er& (&t han!le the che&&cl"c1 pr"perl47 It i& '"r#i!!en t" pre&& it
'"rci#l4@ t" pic1 it p@ t" pre&& the cl"c1 #e'"re ("%ing "r t" 1n"c1 it "%er7
I(pr"per cl"c1 han!ling &hall #e penali&e! in acc"r!ance 2ith Article 127/7
!7 Onl4 the pla4er 2h"&e cl"c1 i& rnning i& all"2e! t" a!$&t the piece&7
e7 I' a pla4er i& na#le t" &e the cl"c1@ an a&&i&tant@ 2h" (&t #e accepta#le t" the
ar#iter@ (a4 #e pr"%i!e! #4 the pla4er t" per'"r( thi& "perati"n7 Ki& cl"c1 &hall
#e a!$&te! #4 the ar#iter in an eAita#le 2a47 Thi& a!$&t(ent "' the cl"c1 &hall
n"t appl4 t" the cl"c1 "' a pla4er 2ith a !i&a#ilit47
07) a7 Bhen &ing a che&&cl"c1@ each pla4er (&t c"(plete a (ini(( n(#er "'
("%e& "r all ("%e& in an all"tte! peri"! "' ti(e an!L"r (a4 #e all"cate! an
a!!iti"nal a("nt "' ti(e 2ith each ("%e7 All the&e (&t #e &peci'ie! in a!%ance7
#7 The ti(e &a%e! #4 a pla4er !ring "ne peri"! i& a!!e! t" hi& ti(e a%aila#le '"r the
ne<t peri"!@ 2here applica#le7
In the ti(e;!ela4 ("!e #"th pla4er& recei%e an all"tte! >(ain thin1ing ti(e?7
Each pla4er al&" recei%e& a >'i<e! e<tra ti(e? 2ith e%er4 ("%e7 The c"nt!"2n "'
the (ain thin1ing ti(e "nl4 c"((ence& a'ter the 'i<e! e<tra ti(e ha& e<pire!7
Pr"%i!e! the pla4er pre&&e& hi& cl"c1 #e'"re the e<pirati"n "' the 'i<e! e<tra ti(e@
the (ain thin1ing ti(e !"e& n"t change@ irre&pecti%e "' the pr"p"rti"n "' the 'i<e!
e<tra ti(e &e!7
07* I((e!iatel4 a'ter a 'lag 'all&@ the reAire(ent& "' Article 07) a7 (&t #e chec1e!7
07, Be'"re the &tart "' the ga(e the ar#iter &hall !eci!e 2here the che&&cl"c1 i& place!7
070 At the ti(e !eter(ine! '"r the &tart "' the ga(e Bhite?& cl"c1 i& &tarte!7
07+ a7 The rle& "' a c"(petiti"n &hall &peci'4 in a!%ance a !e'alt ti(e7 An4 pla4er 2h"
arri%e& at the che&&#"ar! a'ter the !e'alt ti(e &hall l"&e the ga(e nle&& the
ar#iter !eci!e& "ther2i&e7
#7 I' the rle& "' a c"(petiti"n &peci'4 that the !e'alt ti(e i& n"t 8er" an! i' neither
pla4er i& pre&ent initiall4@ Bhite &hall l"&e all the ti(e that elap&e& ntil he arri%e&@
nle&& the rle& "' the c"(petiti"n &peci'4 "r the ar#iter !eci!e& "ther2i&e7
07- A 'lag i& c"n&i!ere! t" ha%e 'allen 2hen the ar#iter "#&er%e& the 'act "r 2hen either
pla4er ha& (a!e a %ali! clai( t" that e''ect7
07/ E<cept 2here "ne "' Article& ,717a@ ,717#@ ,727a@ ,727#@ ,727c applie&@ i' a pla4er !"e& n"t
c"(plete the pre&cri#e! n(#er "' ("%e& in the all"tte! ti(e@ the ga(e i& l"&t #4 that
pla4er7 K"2e%er@ the ga(e i& !ra2n i' the p"&iti"n i& &ch that the "pp"nent cann"t
chec1(ate the pla4er?& 1ing #4 an4 p"&&i#le &erie& "' legal ("%e&7
0713 a7 E%er4 in!icati"n gi%en #4 the che&&cl"c1 i& c"n&i!ere! t" #e c"ncl&i%e in the
a#&ence "' an4 e%i!ent !e'ect7 A che&&cl"c1 2ith an e%i!ent !e'ect &hall #e
replace! #4 the ar#iter@ 2h" &hall &e hi& #e&t $!ge(ent 2hen !eter(ining the
ti(e& t" #e &h"2n "n the replace(ent che&&cl"c17
#7 I' !ring a ga(e it i& '"n! that the &etting "' either "r #"th cl"c1& i& inc"rrect@
either pla4er "r the ar#iter &hall &t"p the che&&cl"c1 i((e!iatel47 The ar#iter &hall
in&tall the c"rrect &etting an! a!$&t the ti(e& an! ("%e;c"nter@ i' nece&&ar47 Ke
&hall &e hi& #e&t $!ge(ent 2hen !eter(ining the cl"c1 &etting&7
0711 I' #"th 'lag& ha%e 'allen an! it i& i(p"&&i#le t" e&ta#li&h 2hich 'lag 'ell 'ir&t then:
a7 the ga(e &hall c"ntine i' thi& "ccr& in an4 peri"! "' the ga(e e<cept the la&t
#7 the ga(e i& !ra2n i' thi& "ccr& in the peri"! "' a ga(e in 2hich all re(aining
("%e& (&t #e c"(plete!7
0712 a7 I' the ga(e nee!& t" #e interrpte!@ the ar#iter &hall &t"p the che&&cl"c17
#7 A pla4er (a4 &t"p the che&&cl"c1 "nl4 in "r!er t" &ee1 the ar#iter?& a&&i&tance@ '"r
e<a(ple 2hen pr"("ti"n ha& ta1en place an! the piece reAire! i& n"t a%aila#le7
c7 The ar#iter &hall !eci!e 2hen the ga(e re&tart&7
!7 I' a pla4er &t"p& the che&&cl"c1 in "r!er t" &ee1 the ar#iter?& a&&i&tance@ the ar#iter
&hall !eter(ine 2hether the pla4er ha! an4 %ali! rea&"n '"r !"ing &"7 I' the pla4er
ha! n" %ali! rea&"n '"r &t"pping the che&&cl"c1@ the pla4er &hall #e penali&e! in
acc"r!ance 2ith Article 127/7
071) Screen&@ ("nit"r&@ "r !e("n&trati"n #"ar!& &h"2ing the crrent p"&iti"n "n the
che&&#"ar!@ the ("%e& an! the n(#er "' ("%e& (a!eLc"(plete!@ an! cl"c1& 2hich
al&" &h"2 the n(#er "' ("%e&@ are all"2e! in the pla4ing hall7 K"2e%er@ the pla4er
(a4 n"t (a1e a clai( rel4ing "nl4 "n in'"r(ati"n &h"2n in thi& (anner7
A%t"#&e 4: I%%e.)&(%"t"es
+71 I' an irreglarit4 "ccr& an! the piece& ha%e t" #e re&t"re! t" a pre%i"& p"&iti"n@ the
ar#iter &hall &e hi& #e&t $!ge(ent t" !eter(ine the ti(e& t" #e &h"2n "n the
che&&cl"c17 Thi& incl!e& the right n"t t" change the cl"c1 ti(e&7 Ke &hall al&"@ i'
nece&&ar4@ a!$&t the cl"c1?& ("%e;c"nter7
+72 a7 I' !ring a ga(e it i& '"n! that the initial p"&iti"n "' the piece& 2a& inc"rrect@ the
ga(e &hall #e cancelle! an! a ne2 ga(e &hall #e pla4e!7
#7 I' !ring a ga(e it i& '"n! that the che&&#"ar! ha& #een place! c"ntrar4 t" Article
271@ the ga(e &hall c"ntine #t the p"&iti"n reache! (&t #e tran&'erre! t" a
c"rrectl4 place! che&&#"ar!7
+7) I' a ga(e ha& #egn 2ith c"l"r& re%er&e! then it &hall c"ntine@ nle&& the ar#iter rle&
+7* I' a pla4er !i&place& "ne "r ("re piece&@ he &hall re;e&ta#li&h the c"rrect p"&iti"n in hi&
"2n ti(e7 I' nece&&ar4@ either the pla4er "r hi& "pp"nent &hall &t"p the che&&cl"c1 an!
a&1 '"r the ar#iter?& a&&i&tance7 The ar#iter (a4 penali&e the pla4er 2h" !i&place! the
+7, a7 I' !ring a ga(e it i& '"n! that an illegal ("%e ha& #een c"(plete!@ the p"&iti"n
i((e!iatel4 #e'"re the irreglarit4 &hall #e rein&tate!7 I' the p"&iti"n i((e!iatel4
#e'"re the irreglarit4 cann"t #e !eter(ine!@ the ga(e &hall c"ntine 'r"( the la&t
i!enti'ia#le p"&iti"n pri"r t" the irreglarit47 Article& *7) an! *7+ appl4 t" the
("%e replacing the illegal ("%e7 The ga(e &hall then c"ntine 'r"( thi&
rein&tate! p"&iti"n7
I' the pla4er ha& ("%e! a pa2n t" the 'rthe&t !i&tant ran1@ pre&&e! the cl"c1@ #t
n"t replace! the pa2n 2ith a ne2 piece@ the ("%e i& illegal7 The pa2n &hall #e
replace! #4 a Aeen "' the &a(e c"l"r a& the pa2n7
#7 A'ter the acti"n ta1en n!er Article +7,7a@ '"r the 'ir&t c"(plete! illegal ("%e #4 a
pla4er the ar#iter &hall gi%e t2" (inte& e<tra ti(e t" hi& "pp"nentC '"r the &ec"n!
c"(plete! illegal ("%e #4 the &a(e pla4er the ar#iter &hall !eclare the ga(e l"&t
#4 thi& pla4er7 K"2e%er@ the ga(e i& !ra2n i' the p"&iti"n i& &ch that the
"pp"nent cann"t chec1(ate the pla4er?& 1ing #4 an4 p"&&i#le &erie& "' legal
+70 I'@ !ring a ga(e@ it i& '"n! that an4 piece ha& #een !i&place! 'r"( it& c"rrect &Aare the
p"&iti"n #e'"re the irreglarit4 &hall #e rein&tate!7 I' the p"&iti"n i((e!iatel4 #e'"re the
irreglarit4 cann"t #e !eter(ine!@ the ga(e &hall c"ntine 'r"( the la&t i!enti'ia#le
p"&iti"n pri"r t" the irreglarit47 The ga(e &hall then c"ntine 'r"( thi& rein&tate!
A%t"#&e 5: T'e %e#o%!"n. o- t'e /o,es
-71 a7 In the c"r&e "' pla4 each pla4er i& reAire! t" rec"r! hi& "2n ("%e& an! th"&e "'
hi& "pp"nent in the c"rrect (anner@ ("%e a'ter ("%e@ a& clearl4 an! legi#l4 a&
p"&&i#le@ in the alge#raic n"tati"n 5Appen!i< C6@ "n the >&c"re&heet? pre&cri#e! '"r
the c"(petiti"n7 It i& '"r#i!!en t" 2rite the ("%e& in a!%ance@ nle&& the pla4er i&
clai(ing a !ra2 acc"r!ing t" Article /72@ "r /7) "r a!$"rning a ga(e acc"r!ing t"
Appen!i< E71 a7
#7 The &c"re&heet &hall #e &e! "nl4 '"r rec"r!ing the ("%e&@ the ti(e& "' the cl"c1&@
"''er& "' a !ra2@ (atter& relating t" a clai( an! "ther rele%ant !ata7
c7 A pla4er (a4 repl4 t" hi& "pp"nent?& ("%e #e'"re rec"r!ing it@ i' he &" 2i&he&7 Ke
(&t rec"r! hi& pre%i"& ("%e #e'"re (a1ing an"ther7
!7 B"th pla4er& (&t rec"r! the "''er "' a !ra2 "n the &c"re&heet 2ith a &4(#"l 5M67
e7 I' a pla4er i& na#le t" 1eep &c"re@ an a&&i&tant@ 2h" (&t #e accepta#le t" the
ar#iter@ (a4 #e pr"%i!e! #4 the pla4er t" 2rite the ("%e&7 Ki& cl"c1 &hall #e
a!$&te! #4 the ar#iter in an eAita#le 2a47 Thi& a!$&t(ent "' the cl"c1 &hall n"t
appl4 t" a pla4er 2ith a !i&a#ilit47
-72 The &c"re&heet &hall #e %i&i#le t" the ar#iter thr"gh"t the ga(e7
-7) The &c"re&heet& are the pr"pert4 "' the "rgani&er "' the c"(petiti"n7
-7* I' a pla4er ha& le&& than 'i%e (inte& le't "n hi& cl"c1 at &"(e &tage in a peri"! an! !"e&
n"t ha%e a!!iti"nal ti(e "' )3 &ec"n!& "r ("re a!!e! 2ith each ("%e@ then '"r the
re(ain!er "' the peri"! he i& n"t "#lige! t" (eet the reAire(ent& "' Article -717
-7, a7 I' neither pla4er 1eep& &c"re n!er Article -7*@ the ar#iter "r an a&&i&tant &h"l!
tr4 t" #e pre&ent an! 1eep &c"re7 In thi& ca&e@ i((e!iatel4 a'ter a 'lag ha& 'allen
the ar#iter &hall &t"p the che&&cl"c17 Then #"th pla4er& &hall p!ate their
&c"re&heet&@ &ing the ar#iter?& "r the "pp"nent?& &c"re&heet7
#7 I' "nl4 "ne pla4er ha& n"t 1ept &c"re n!er Article -7*@ he (&t@ a& &""n a& either
'lag ha& 'allen@ p!ate hi& &c"re&heet c"(pletel4 #e'"re ("%ing a piece "n the
che&&#"ar!7 Pr"%i!e! it i& that pla4er?& ("%e@ he (a4 &e hi& "pp"nent?&
&c"re&heet@ #t (&t retrn it #e'"re (a1ing a ("%e7
c7 I' n" c"(plete &c"re&heet i& a%aila#le@ the pla4er& (&t rec"n&trct the ga(e "n a
&ec"n! che&&#"ar! n!er the c"ntr"l "' the ar#iter "r an a&&i&tant7 Ke &hall 'ir&t
rec"r! the actal ga(e p"&iti"n@ cl"c1 ti(e&@ 2h"&e cl"c1 2a& rnning an! the
n(#er "' ("%e& (a!eLc"(plete!@ i' thi& in'"r(ati"n i& a%aila#le@ #e'"re
rec"n&trcti"n ta1e& place7
-70 I' the &c"re&heet& cann"t #e #r"ght p t" !ate &h"2ing that a pla4er ha& "%er&teppe! the
all"tte! ti(e@ the ne<t ("%e (a!e &hall #e c"n&i!ere! a& the 'ir&t "' the '"ll"2ing ti(e
peri"!@ nle&& there i& e%i!ence that ("re ("%e& ha%e #een (a!e "r c"(plete!7
-7+ At the c"ncl&i"n "' the ga(e #"th pla4er& &hall &ign #"th &c"re&heet&@ in!icating the
re&lt "' the ga(e7 E%en i' inc"rrect@ thi& re&lt &hall &tan!@ nle&& the ar#iter !eci!e&
A%t"#&e 6: T'e !%(7n .(/e
/71 a7 The rle& "' a c"(petiti"n (a4 &peci'4 that pla4er& cann"t agree t" a !ra2@
2hether in le&& than a &peci'ie! n(#er "' ("%e& "r at all@ 2ith"t the c"n&ent "'
the ar#iter7
#7 K"2e%er@ i' the rle& "' a c"(petiti"n all"2 a !ra2 agree(ent the '"ll"2ing &hall
516 A pla4er 2i&hing t" "''er a !ra2 &hall !" &" a'ter ha%ing (a!e a ("%e "n
the che&&#"ar! an! #e'"re pre&&ing hi& cl"c17 An "''er at an4 "ther ti(e
!ring pla4 i& &till %ali! #t Article 117, (&t #e c"n&i!ere!7 N" c"n!iti"n&
can #e attache! t" the "''er7 In #"th ca&e& the "''er cann"t #e 2ith!ra2n an!
re(ain& %ali! ntil the "pp"nent accept& it@ re$ect& it "rall4@ re$ect& it #4
t"ching a piece 2ith the intenti"n "' ("%ing "r captring it@ "r the ga(e i&
c"ncl!e! in &"(e "ther 2a47
526 The "''er "' a !ra2 &hall #e n"te! #4 each pla4er "n hi& &c"re&heet 2ith the
&4(#"l 5M67
5)6 A clai( "' a !ra2 n!er Article /72 "r /7) &hall #e c"n&i!ere! t" #e an "''er
"' a !ra27
/72 The ga(e i& !ra2n@ p"n a c"rrect clai( #4 a pla4er ha%ing the ("%e@ 2hen the &a(e
p"&iti"n '"r at lea&t the thir! ti(e 5n"t nece&&aril4 #4 a repetiti"n "' ("%e&6:
a7 i& a#"t t" appear@ i' he 'ir&t 2rite& hi& ("%e@ 2hich cann"t #e change!@ "n hi&
&c"re&heet an! !eclare& t" the ar#iter hi& intenti"n t" (a1e thi& ("%e@ "r
#7 ha& $&t appeare!@ an! the pla4er clai(ing the !ra2 ha& the ("%e7
P"&iti"n& are c"n&i!ere! the &a(e i' an! "nl4 i' the &a(e pla4er ha& the ("%e@ piece& "'
the &a(e 1in! an! c"l"r "ccp4 the &a(e &Aare& an! the p"&&i#le ("%e& "' all the
piece& "' #"th pla4er& are the &a(e7 Th& p"&iti"n& are n"t the &a(e i':
516 at the &tart "' the &eAence a pa2n c"l! ha%e #een captre! en pa&&ant7
526 a 1ing "r r""1 ha! ca&tling right&@ #t '"r'eite! the&e a'ter ("%ing7 The ca&tling
right& are l"&t "nl4 a'ter the 1ing "r r""1 i& ("%e!7
/7) The ga(e i& !ra2n@ p"n a c"rrect clai( #4 a pla4er ha%ing the ("%e@ i':
a7 he 2rite& hi& ("%e@ 2hich cann"t #e change!@ "n hi& &c"re&heet an! !eclare& t"
the ar#iter hi& intenti"n t" (a1e thi& ("%e 2hich 2ill re&lt in the la&t ,3 ("%e&
#4 each pla4er ha%ing #een (a!e 2ith"t the ("%e(ent "' an4 pa2n an! 2ith"t
an4 captre@ "r
#7 the la&t ,3 ("%e& #4 each pla4er ha%e #een c"(plete! 2ith"t the ("%e(ent "'
an4 pa2n an! 2ith"t an4 captre7
/7* I' the pla4er t"che& a piece a& in Article *7)@ he l"&e& the right t" clai( a !ra2 n!er
Article /72 "r /7) "n that ("%e7
/7, I' a pla4er clai(& a !ra2 n!er Article /72 "r /7)@ he "r the ar#iter &hall &t"p the
che&&cl"c1 5&ee Article 0712a "r 0712#67 Ke i& n"t all"2e! t" 2ith!ra2 hi& clai(7
a7 I' the clai( i& '"n! t" #e c"rrect@ the ga(e i& i((e!iatel4 !ra2n7
#7 I' the clai( i& '"n! t" #e inc"rrect@ the ar#iter &hall a!! t2" (inte& t" the
"pp"nent?& re(aining thin1ing ti(e7 Then the ga(e &hall c"ntine7 I' the clai(
2a& #a&e! "n an inten!e! ("%e@ thi& ("%e (&t #e (a!e in acc"r!ance 2ith
Article& ) an! *7
/70 I' "ne "r #"th "' the '"ll"2ing "ccr5&6 then the ga(e i& !ra2n:
a7 the &a(e p"&iti"n ha& appeare!@ a& in /72#@ '"r at lea&t 'i%e c"n&ecti%e alternate
("%e& #4 each pla4er7
#7 an4 c"n&ecti%e &erie& "' +, ("%e& ha%e #een c"(plete! #4 each pla4er 2ith"t
the ("%e(ent "' an4 pa2n an! 2ith"t an4 captre7 I' the la&t ("%e re&lte! in
chec1(ate@ that &hall ta1e prece!ence7
/7+ The ga(e i& !ra2n 2hen a p"&iti"n i& reache! 'r"( 2hich a chec1(ate cann"t "ccr #4
an4 p"&&i#le &erie& "' legal ("%e&7 Thi& i((e!iatel4 en!& the ga(e@ pr"%i!e! that the
("%e pr"!cing thi& p"&iti"n 2a& in acc"r!ance 2ith Article ) an! Article& *72 H *7+7
A%t"#&e 10: Po"nts
1371 Unle&& the rle& "' a c"(petiti"n &peci'4 "ther2i&e@ a pla4er 2h" 2in& hi& ga(e@ "r 2in&
#4 '"r'eit@ &c"re& "ne p"int 516@ a pla4er 2h" l"&e& hi& ga(e@ "r '"r'eit&@ &c"re& n" p"int&
536@ an! a pla4er 2h" !ra2& hi& ga(e &c"re& a hal' p"int 5N67
A%t"#&e 11: T'e #on!)#t o- t'e &(8e%s
1171 The pla4er& &hall ta1e n" acti"n that 2ill #ring the ga(e "' che&& int" !i&repte7
1172 The >pla4ing %ene? i& !e'ine! a& the >pla4ing area?@ re&t r""(&@ t"ilet&@ re're&h(ent area@
area &et a&i!e '"r &("1ing an! "ther place& a& !e&ignate! #4 the ar#iter7
The pla4ing area i& !e'ine! a& the place 2here the ga(e& "' a c"(petiti"n are pla4e!7
Onl4 2ith the per(i&&i"n "' the ar#iter can
a. a pla4er lea%e the pla4ing %ene7
b. the pla4er ha%ing the ("%e #e all"2e! t" lea%e the pla4ing area7
c. A per&"n 2h" i& neither a pla4er n"r ar#iter #e all"2e! acce&& t" the pla4ing area7
117) a7 Dring pla4 the pla4er& are '"r#i!!en t" &e an4 n"te&@ &"rce& "' in'"r(ati"n "r
a!%ice@ "r anal4&e an4 ga(e "n an"ther che&&#"ar!7
#7 Dring pla4@ a pla4er i& '"r#i!!en t" ha%e a ("#ile ph"ne an!L"r "ther electr"nic
(ean& "' c"((nicati"n in the pla4ing %ene7 I' it i& e%i!ent that a pla4er
#r"ght &ch a !e%ice int" the pla4ing %ene@ he &hall l"&e the ga(e7 The
"pp"nent &hall 2in7
The rle& "' a c"(petiti"n (a4 &peci'4 a !i''erent@ le&& &e%ere@ penalt47
The ar#iter (a4 reAire the pla4er t" all"2 hi& cl"the&@ #ag& "r "ther ite(& t" #e
in&pecte!@ in pri%ate7 The ar#iter "r a per&"n ath"ri&e! #4 the ar#iter &hall in&pect
the pla4er an! &hall #e "' the &a(e gen!er a& the pla4er7 I' a pla4er re'&e& t"
c""perate 2ith the&e "#ligati"n&@ the ar#iter &hall ta1e (ea&re& in acc"r!ance
2ith Article 127/7
c7 S("1ing i& per(itte! "nl4 in the &ecti"n "' the %ene !e&ignate! #4 the ar#iter7
117* Pla4er& 2h" ha%e 'ini&he! their ga(e& &hall #e c"n&i!ere! t" #e &pectat"r&7
117, It i& '"r#i!!en t" !i&tract "r ann"4 the "pp"nent in an4 (anner 2hat&"e%er7 Thi& incl!e&
nrea&"na#le clai(&@ nrea&"na#le "''er& "' a !ra2 "r the intr"!cti"n "' a &"rce "'
n"i&e int" the pla4ing area7
1170 In'racti"n "' an4 part "' Article& 1171 H 117, &hall lea! t" penaltie& in acc"r!ance 2ith
Article 127/7
117+ Per&i&tent re'&al #4 a pla4er t" c"(pl4 2ith the La2& "' Che&& &hall #e penali&e! #4 l"&&
"' the ga(e7 The ar#iter &hall !eci!e the &c"re "' the "pp"nent7
117- I' #"th pla4er& are '"n! gilt4 acc"r!ing t" Article 117+@ the ga(e &hall #e !eclare! l"&t
#4 #"th pla4er&7
117/ A pla4er &hall ha%e the right t" reAe&t 'r"( the ar#iter an e<planati"n "' particlar p"int&
in the La2& "' Che&&7
11713 Unle&& the rle& "' the c"(petiti"n &peci'4 "ther2i&e@ a pla4er (a4 appeal again&t an4
!eci&i"n "' the ar#iter@ e%en i' the pla4er ha& &igne! the &c"re&heet 5&ee Article -7+67
A%t"#&e 12: T'e %o&e o- t'e A%*"te% 9see P%e-(#e:
1271 The ar#iter &hall &ee that the La2& "' Che&& are &trictl4 "#&er%e!7
1272 The ar#iter &hall
a6 en&re 'air pla47
b) act in the #e&t intere&t "' the c"(petiti"n7
c) en&re that a g""! pla4ing en%ir"n(ent i& (aintaine!7
d) en&re that the pla4er& are n"t !i&tr#e!7
e) &per%i&e the pr"gre&& "' the c"(petiti"n7
f) ta1e &pecial (ea&re& in the intere&t& "' !i&a#le! pla4er& an! th"&e 2h" nee!
(e!ical attenti"n7
127) The ar#iter &hall "#&er%e the ga(e&@ e&peciall4 2hen the pla4er& are &h"rt "' ti(e@
en'"rce !eci&i"n& he ha& (a!e@ an! i(p"&e penaltie& "n pla4er& 2here appr"priate7
127* The ar#iter (a4 app"int a&&i&tant& t" "#&er%e ga(e&@ '"r e<a(ple 2hen &e%eral pla4er&
are &h"rt "' ti(e7
127, The ar#iter (a4 a2ar! either "r #"th pla4er& a!!iti"nal ti(e in the e%ent "' e<ternal
!i&tr#ance "' the ga(e7
1270 The ar#iter (&t n"t inter%ene in a ga(e e<cept in ca&e& !e&cri#e! #4 the La2& "' Che&&7
Ke &hall n"t in!icate the n(#er "' ("%e& c"(plete!@ e<cept in appl4ing Article -7,
2hen at lea&t "ne 'lag ha& 'allen7 The ar#iter &hall re'rain 'r"( in'"r(ing a pla4er that
hi& "pp"nent ha& c"(plete! a ("%e "r that the pla4er ha& n"t pre&&e! hi& cl"c17
127+ I' &"(e"ne "#&er%e& an irreglarit4@ he (a4 in'"r( "nl4 the ar#iter7 Pla4er& in "ther
ga(e& are n"t t" &pea1 a#"t "r "ther2i&e inter'ere in a ga(e7 Spectat"r& are n"t
all"2e! t" inter'ere in a ga(e7 The ar#iter (a4 e<pel "''en!er& 'r"( the pla4ing %ene7

127- Unle&& ath"ri&e! #4 the ar#iter@ it i& '"r#i!!en '"r an4#"!4 t" &e a ("#ile ph"ne "r an4
1in! "' c"((nicati"n !e%ice in the pla4ing %ene "r an4 c"ntig"& area !e&ignate!
#4 the ar#iter7
127/ Opti"n& a%aila#le t" the ar#iter c"ncerning penaltie&:
a7 2arning
#7 increa&ing the re(aining ti(e "' the "pp"nent
c7 re!cing the re(aining ti(e "' the "''en!ing pla4er
!7 increa&ing the p"int& &c"re! in the ga(e #4 the "pp"nent t" the (a<i((
a%aila#le '"r that ga(e
e7 re!cing the p"int& &c"re! in the ga(e #4 the "''en!ing per&"n
'7 !eclaring the ga(e t" #e l"&t #4 the "''en!ing pla4er 5the ar#iter &hall al&" !eci!e
the "pp"nent?& &c"re6
g7 a 'ine ann"nce! in a!%ance
h7 e<pl&i"n 'r"( the c"(petiti"n7
Aen!"; A< R("!&(8
A71 A >Rapi!pla4? ga(e i& "ne 2here either all the ("%e& (&t #e c"(plete! in a 'i<e! ti(e
"' ("re than 13 (inte& #t le&& than 03 (inte& '"r each pla4erC "r the ti(e all"tte!
pl& 03 ti(e& an4 incre(ent i& "' ("re than 13 (inte& #t le&& than 03 (inte& '"r
each pla4er7
A72 Pla4er& !" n"t nee! t" rec"r! the ("%e&7
A7) The C"(petiti"n Rle& &hall appl4 i'
a7 "ne ar#iter &per%i&e& at ("&t three ga(e& an!
#7 each ga(e i& rec"r!e! #4 the ar#iter "r hi& a&&i&tant an!@ i' p"&&i#le@ #4 electr"nic
A7* Other2i&e the '"ll"2ing appl4:
a7 Fr"( the initial p"&iti"n@ "nce ten ("%e& ha%e #een c"(plete! #4 each pla4er@
516 n" change can #e (a!e t" the cl"c1 &etting@ nle&& the &che!le "' the e%ent
2"l! #e a!%er&el4 a''ecte!7
526 n" clai( can #e (a!e regar!ing inc"rrect &et;p "r "rientati"n "' the
che&&#"ar!7 In ca&e "' inc"rrect 1ing place(ent@ ca&tling i& n"t all"2e!7 In
ca&e "' inc"rrect r""1 place(ent@ ca&tling 2ith thi& r""1 i& n"t all"2e!7
#< An illegal ("%e i& c"(plete! "nce the pla4er ha& pre&&e! hi& cl"c17 I' the ar#iter
"#&er%e& thi& he &hall !eclare the ga(e l"&t #4 the pla4er@ pr"%i!e! the "pp"nent
ha& n"t (a!e hi& ne<t ("%e7 I' the ar#iter !"e& n"t inter%ene@ the "pp"nent i&
entitle! t" clai( a 2in@ pr"%i!e! the "pp"nent ha& n"t (a!e hi& ne<t ("%e7
K"2e%er@ the ga(e i& !ra2n i' the p"&iti"n i& &ch that the "pp"nent cann"t
chec1(ate the pla4er?& 1ing #4 an4 p"&&i#le &erie& "' legal ("%e&7 I' the "pp"nent
!"e& n"t clai( an! the ar#iter !"e& n"t inter%ene@ the illegal ("%e &hall &tan! an!
the ga(e &hall c"ntine7 Once the "pp"nent ha& (a!e hi& ne<t ("%e@ an illegal
("%e cann"t #e c"rrecte! nle&& thi& i& agree! #4 the pla4er& 2ith"t inter%enti"n
"' the ar#iter7
c7 T" clai( a 2in "n ti(e@ the clai(ant (&t &t"p the che&&cl"c1 an! n"ti'4 the
ar#iter7 F"r the clai( t" #e &cce&&'l@ the clai(ant (&t ha%e ti(e re(aining "n
hi& "2n cl"c1 a'ter the che&&cl"c1 ha& #een &t"ppe!7 K"2e%er@ the ga(e i& !ra2n
i' the p"&iti"n i& &ch that the clai(ant cann"t chec1(ate the pla4er?& 1ing #4 an4
p"&&i#le &erie& "' legal ("%e&7
!7 I' the ar#iter "#&er%e& #"th 1ing& are in chec1@ "r a pa2n "n the ran1 'rthe&t 'r"(
it& &tarting p"&iti"n@ he &hall 2ait ntil the ne<t ("%e i& c"(plete!7 Then@ i' the
illegal p"&iti"n i& &till "n the #"ar!@ he &hall !eclare the ga(e !ra2n7
A7, The Rle& '"r a c"(petiti"n &hall &peci'4 2hether Article A7) "r Article A7* &hall appl4
'"r the entire e%ent7
Aen!"; $< $&"t=
B71 A >#lit8? ga(e? i& "ne 2here all the ("%e& (&t #e c"(plete! in a 'i<e! ti(e "' 13
(inte& "r le&& '"r each pla4erC "r the all"tte! ti(e pl& 03 ti(e& an4 incre(ent i& 13
(inte& "r le&&7
B72 The penaltie& (enti"ne! in Article& + an! / "' the C"(petiti"n Rle& &hall #e "ne (inte
in&tea! "' t2" (inte&7
B7) The C"(petiti"n Rle& &hall appl4 i'
a7 "ne ar#iter &per%i&e& "ne ga(e an!
#7 each ga(e i& rec"r!e! #4 the ar#iter "r hi& a&&i&tant an!@ i' p"&&i#le@ #4 electr"nic
B7* Other2i&e@ pla4 &hall #e g"%erne! #4 the Rapi!pla4 La2& a& in Article A7*7
B7, The Rle& '"r a c"(petiti"n &hall &peci'4 2hether Article B7) "r Article7B7* &hall appl4
'"r the entire e%ent7
Aen!"; C< A&.e*%("# not(t"on
FIDE rec"gni&e& '"r it& "2n t"rna(ent& an! (atche& "nl4 "ne &4&te( "' n"tati"n@ the Alge#raic
S4&te(@ an! rec"((en!& the &e "' thi& ni'"r( che&& n"tati"n al&" '"r che&& literatre an!
peri"!ical&7 Sc"re&heet& &ing a n"tati"n &4&te( "ther than alge#raic (a4 n"t #e &e! a&
e%i!ence in ca&e& 2here n"r(all4 the &c"re&heet "' a pla4er i& &e! '"r that prp"&e7 An ar#iter
2h" "#&er%e& that a pla4er i& &ing a n"tati"n &4&te( "ther than the alge#raic &h"l! 2arn the
pla4er "' thi& reAire(ent7
Des#%"t"on o- t'e A&.e*%("# S8ste/
C71 In thi& !e&cripti"n@ >piece? (ean& a piece "ther than a pa2n7
C72 Each piece i& in!icate! #4 an a##re%iati"n7 In the Engli&h langage it i& the 'ir&t letter@ a
capital letter@ "' it& na(e7 E<a(ple: DM1ing@ :MAeen@ RMr""1@ BM#i&h"p@ NM1night7
5N i& &e! '"r a 1night@ in "r!er t" a%"i! a(#igit476
C7) F"r the a##re%iati"n "' the na(e "' the piece&@ each pla4er i& 'ree t" &e the na(e 2hich
i& c"(("nl4 &e! in hi& c"ntr47 E<a(ple&: F M '" 5French '"r #i&h"p6@ L M l"per
5Dtch '"r #i&h"p67 In printe! peri"!ical&@ the &e "' 'igrine& rec"((en!e!7
C7* Pa2n& are n"t in!icate! #4 their 'ir&t letter@ #t are rec"gni&e! #4 the a#&ence "' &ch a
letter7 E<a(ple&: the ("%e& are 2ritten e,@ !*@ a,@ n"t pe,@ P!*@ pa,7
C7, The eight 'ile& 5'r"( le't t" right '"r Bhite an! 'r"( right t" le't '"r Blac16 are in!icate!
#4 the &(all letter&@ a@ #@ c@ !@ e@ '@ g an! h@ re&pecti%el47
C70 The eight ran1& 5'r"( #"tt"( t" t"p '"r Bhite an! 'r"( t"p t" #"tt"( '"r Blac16 are
n(#ere! 1@ 2@ )@ *@ ,@ 0@ +@ -@ re&pecti%el47 C"n&eAentl4@ in the initial p"&iti"n the
2hite piece& an! pa2n& are place! "n the 'ir&t an! &ec"n! ran1&C the #lac1 piece& an!
pa2n& "n the eighth an! &e%enth ran1&7
C7+ A& a c"n&eAence "' the pre%i"& rle&@ each "' the &i<t4;'"r &Aare& i& in%aria#l4
in!icate! #4 a niAe c"(#inati"n "' a letter an! a n(#er7
C7- Each ("%e "' a piece i& in!icate! #4 a6 the a##re%iati"n "' the na(e "' the piece in
Ae&ti"n an! #6 the &Aare "' arri%al7 There i& n" h4phen #et2een a6 an! #67 E<a(ple&:
Be,@ N')@ R!17
In the ca&e "' pa2n&@ "nl4 the &Aare "' arri%al i& in!icate!7 E<a(ple&: e,@ !*@ a,7
C7/ Bhen a piece (a1e& a captre@ an < (a4 #e in&erte! #et2een a6 the a##re%iati"n "' the
na(e "' the piece in Ae&ti"n an! #6 the &Aare "' arri%al7 E<a(ple&: B<e,@ N<')@ R<!1@
&ee al&" C137
Bhen a pa2n (a1e& a captre@ the 'ile "' !epartre (&t #e in!icate!@ then an < (a4 #e
in&erte!@ then the &Aare "' arri%al7 E<a(ple&: !<e,@ g<')@ a<#,7 In the ca&e "' an >en
pa&&ant? captre@ >e7p7? (a4 #e appen!e! t" the n"tati"n7 E<a(ple: e<!0 e7p7
C713 I' t2" i!entical piece& can ("%e t" the &a(e &Aare@ the piece that i& ("%e! i& in!icate!
a& '"ll"2&:
17 I' #"th piece& are "n the &a(e ran1: #4 a6 the a##re%iati"n "' the na(e "' the
piece@ #6 the 'ile "' !epartre@ an! c6 the &Aare "' arri%al7
27 I' #"th piece& are "n the &a(e 'ile: #4 a6 the a##re%iati"n "' the na(e "' the piece@
#6 the ran1 "' the &Aare "' !epartre@ an! c6 the &Aare "' arri%al7
I' the piece& are "n !i''erent ran1& an! 'ile&> (eth"! 1 i& pre'erre!7
a7 There are t2" 1night&@ "n the &Aare& g1 an! e1@ an! "ne "' the( ("%e& t" the
&Aare '): either Ng') "r Ne')@ a& the ca&e (a4 #e7
#7 There are t2" 1night&@ "n the &Aare& g, an! g1@ an! "ne "' the( ("%e& t" the
&Aare '): either N,') "r N1')@ a& the ca&e (a4 #e7
c7 There are t2" 1night&@ "n the &Aare& h2 an! !*@ an! "ne "' the( ("%e& t" the
&Aare '): either Nh') "r N!')@ a& the ca&e (a4 #e7
!7 I' a captre ta1e& place "n the &Aare ')@ the n"tati"n "' the pre%i"& e<a(ple& i&
&till applica#le@ #t an < (a4 #e in&erte!: 16 either Ng<') "r Ne<')@ 26 either
N,<') "r N1<')@ )6 either Nh<') "r N!<')@ a& the ca&e (a4 #e7
C711 In the ca&e "' the pr"("ti"n "' a pa2n@ the actal pa2n ("%e i& in!icate!@ '"ll"2e!
i((e!iatel4 #4 the a##re%iati"n "' the ne2 piece7 E<a(ple&: !-:@ e<'-N@ #1B@ g1R7
C712 The "''er "' a !ra2 &hall #e (ar1e! a& 5M67
C71) A##re%iati"n&
3;3 M ca&tling 2ith r""1 h1 "r r""1 h- 51ing&i!e ca&tling6
3;3;3 M ca&tling 2ith r""1 a1 "r r""1 a- 5Aeen&i!e ca&tling6
< M captre&
O M chec1
OO "r P M chec1(ate
e7p7 M captre& >en pa&&ant?
The la&t '"r are "pti"nal7
Sa(ple ga(e:
17e* e, 27 N') N'0 )7 !* e<!* *7 e, Ne* ,7 :<!* !, 07 e<!0 e7p7 N<!0 +7 Bg, Nc0 -7
:e)O Be+ /7 N#!2 3;3 137 3;3;3 Re- 117 D#1 5M6
Or: 17 e* e, 27 N') N'0 )7 !* e!* *7 e, Ne* ,7 :!* !, 07 e!0 N!0 +7 Bg, Nc0 -7 :e)
Be+ / N#!2 3;3 137 3;3;3 Re- 117 D#1 5M6
Aen!"; D< R)&es -o% &(8 7"t' *&"n! (n! ,"s)(&&8 !"s(*&e! &(8e%s
D71 The "rgani&er@ a'ter c"n&lting the ar#iter@ &hall ha%e the p"2er t" a!apt the '"ll"2ing
rle& acc"r!ing t" l"cal circ(&tance&7 In c"(petiti%e che&& #et2een &ighte! an!
%i&all4 !i&a#le! 5legall4 #lin!6 pla4er& either pla4er (a4 !e(an! the &e "' t2"
#"ar!&@ the &ighte! pla4er &ing a n"r(al #"ar!@ the %i&all4 !"s(*&e! pla4er &ing "ne
&peciall4 c"n&trcte!7 Thi& #"ar! (&t (eet the '"ll"2ing reAire(ent&:
a7 (ea&re at lea&t 23 c( #4 23 c(@
#7 ha%e the #lac1 &Aare& &lightl4 rai&e!@
c7 ha%e a &ecring apertre in each &Aare@
The reAire(ent& '"r the piece& are:
a7 all are pr"%i!e! 2ith a peg that 'it& int" the &ecring apertre "' the #"ar!@
#7 all are "' Stant"n !e&ign@ the #lac1 piece& #eing &peciall4 (ar1e!7
D72 The '"ll"2ing reglati"n& &hall g"%ern pla4:
17 The ("%e& &hall #e ann"nce! clearl4@ repeate! #4 the "pp"nent an! e<ecte! "n
hi& che&&#"ar!7 Bhen pr"("ting a pa2n@ the pla4er (&t ann"nce 2hich piece i&
ch"&en7 T" (a1e the ann"nce(ent a& clear a& p"&&i#le@ the &e "' the '"ll"2ing
na(e& i& &gge&te! in&tea! "' the c"rre&p"n!ing letter&:
A ; Anna
B ; Bella
C ; Ce&ar
D ; Da%i!
E ; E%a
F ; Feli<
9 ; 9&ta%
K ; Kect"r
Unle&& the ar#iter !eci!e& "ther2i&e@ ran1& 'r"( Bhite t" Blac1 &hall #e gi%en the
9er(an n(#er&
1 ; ein&
2 ; 82ei
) ; !rei
* ; %ier
, ; 'en'
0 ; &ech&
+ ; &ie#en
- ; acht
Ca&tling i& ann"nce! ILange R"cha!eJ 59er(an '"r l"ng ca&tling6 an! IDr8e
R"cha!eJ 59er(an '"r &h"rt ca&tling67
The piece& #ear the na(e&: D"enig@ Da(e@ Tr(@ Lae'er@ Springer@ Baer7
27 On the %i&all4 !i&a#le! pla4erE& #"ar! a piece &hall #e c"n&i!ere! >t"che!? 2hen
it ha& #een ta1en "t "' the &ecring apertre7
)7 A ("%e &hall #e c"n&i!ere! >(a!e? 2hen:
a7 in the ca&e "' a captre@ the captre! piece ha& #een re("%e! 'r"( the #"ar!
"' the pla4er 2h"&e trn it i& t" ("%e
#7 a piece ha& #een place! int" a !i''erent &ecring apertre
c7 the ("%e ha& #een ann"nce!7
Onl4 then &hall the "pp"nentE& cl"c1 #e &tarte!7
*7 A& 'ar a& p"int& 2 an! ) are c"ncerne!@ the n"r(al rle& are %ali! '"r the &ighte!
,7 A &peciall4 c"n&trcte! che&&cl"c1 '"r the %i&all4 !i&a#le! &hall #e a!(i&&i#le7 It
&hall inc"rp"rate the '"ll"2ing 'eatre&:
a7 a !ial 'itte! 2ith rein'"rce! han!&@ 2ith e%er4 'i%e (inte& (ar1e! #4 "ne
rai&e! !"t@ an! e%er4 1, (inte& #4 t2" rai&e! !"t&@ an!
#7 a 'lag 2hich can #e ea&il4 'eltC care &h"l! #e ta1en that the 'lag i& &"
arrange! a& t" all"2 the pla4er t" 'eel the (inte han! !ring the la&t ,
(inte& "' the 'll h"r7
c7 "pti"nall4@ a (ean& "' ann"ncing a!i#l4 t" the %i&all4 !i&a#le! pla4er the
n(#er "' ("%e&7
07 The %i&all4 !i&a#le! pla4er (&t 1eep &c"re "' the ga(e in Braille "r l"nghan!@
"r rec"r! the ("%e& "n a rec"r!ing !e%ice7
+7 A &lip "' the t"nge in the ann"nce(ent "' a ("%e (&t #e c"rrecte!
i((e!iatel4 an! #e'"re the cl"c1 "' the "pp"nent i& &tarte!7
-7 I' !ring a ga(e !i''erent p"&iti"n& &h"l! ari&e "n the t2" #"ar!&@ the4 (&t #e
c"rrecte! 2ith the a&&i&tance "' the ar#iter an! #4 c"n&lting #"th pla4er&E ga(e
&c"re&7 I' the t2" ga(e &c"re& c"rre&p"n! 2ith each "ther@ the pla4er 2h" ha&
2ritten the c"rrect ("%e #t (a!e the 2r"ng "ne (&t a!$&t hi& p"&iti"n t"
c"rre&p"n! 2ith the ("%e "n the ga(e &c"re&7 Bhen the ga(e &c"re& are '"n! t"
!i''er@ the ("%e& &hall #e retrace! t" the p"int 2here the t2" &c"re& agree@ an! the
ar#iter &hall rea!$&t the cl"c1& acc"r!ingl47
/7 The %i&all4 !i&a#le! pla4er &hall ha%e the right t" (a1e &e "' an a&&i&tant 2h"
&hall ha%e an4 "r all "' the '"ll"2ing !tie&:
a7 (a1ing either pla4erE& ("%e "n the #"ar! "' the "pp"nent
#7 ann"ncing the ("%e& "' #"th pla4er&
c7 1eeping the ga(e &c"re "' the %i&all4 !i&a#le! pla4er an! &tarting hi&
"pp"nentE& cl"c1 51eeping p"int )7c in (in!6
!7 in'"r(ing the %i&all4 !i&a#le! pla4er@ "nl4 at hi& reAe&t@ "' the n(#er "'
("%e& c"(plete! an! the ti(e &e! p #4 #"th pla4er&
e7 clai(ing the ga(e in ca&e& 2here the ti(e li(it ha& #een e<cee!e! an!
in'"r(ing the ar#iter 2hen the &ighte! pla4er ha& t"che! "ne "' hi& piece&
'7 carr4ing "t the nece&&ar4 '"r(alitie& in ca&e& 2here the ga(e i& a!$"rne!7
137 I' the %i&all4 !i&a#le! pla4er !"e& n"t (a1e &e "' an a&&i&tant@ the &ighte! pla4er
(a4 (a1e &e "' "ne 2h" &hall carr4 "t the !tie& (enti"ne! in p"int& /7a an!
Aen!"; E< A!+o)%ne! .(/es
E717 a7 I' a ga(e i& n"t 'ini&he! at the en! "' the ti(e pre&cri#e! '"r pla4@ the ar#iter &hall
reAire the pla4er ha%ing the ("%e t" >&eal? that ("%e7 The pla4er (&t 2rite hi&
("%e in na(#ig"& n"tati"n "n hi& &c"re&heet@ pt hi& &c"re&heet an! that "' hi&
"pp"nent in an en%el"pe@ &eal the en%el"pe an! "nl4 then &t"p the che&&cl"c17
Until he ha& &t"ppe! the che&&cl"c1 the pla4er retain& the right t" change hi&
&eale! ("%e7 I'@ a'ter #eing t"l! #4 the ar#iter t" &eal hi& ("%e@ the pla4er (a1e& a
("%e "n the che&&#"ar! he (&t 2rite that &a(e ("%e "n hi& &c"re&heet a& hi&
&eale! ("%e7
#7 A pla4er ha%ing the ("%e 2h" a!$"rn& the ga(e #e'"re the en! "' the pla4ing
&e&&i"n &hall #e c"n&i!ere! t" ha%e &eale! at the n"(inal ti(e '"r the en! "' the
&e&&i"n@ an! hi& re(aining ti(e &hall &" #e rec"r!e!7
E727 The '"ll"2ing &hall #e in!icate! p"n the en%el"pe:
a7 the na(e& "' the pla4er&@
#7 the p"&iti"n i((e!iatel4 #e'"re the &eale! ("%e@
c7 the ti(e &e! #4 each pla4er@
!7 the na(e "' the pla4er 2h" ha& &eale! the ("%e@
e7 the n(#er "' the &eale! ("%e@
'7 the "''er "' a !ra2@ i' the pr"p"&al i& crrent@
g7 the !ate@ ti(e an! %ene "' re&(pti"n "' pla47
E7)7 The ar#iter &hall chec1 the accrac4 "' the in'"r(ati"n "n the en%el"pe an! i& re&p"n&i#le
'"r it& &a'e1eeping7
E7*7 I' a pla4er pr"p"&e& a !ra2 a'ter hi& "pp"nent ha& &eale! hi& ("%e@ the "''er i& %ali! ntil
the "pp"nent ha& accepte! it "r re$ecte! it a& in Article /717
E7,7 Be'"re the ga(e i& t" #e re&(e!@ the p"&iti"n i((e!iatel4 #e'"re the &eale! ("%e &hall
#e &et p "n the che&&#"ar!@ an! the ti(e& &e! #4 each pla4er 2hen the ga(e 2a&
a!$"rne! &hall #e in!icate! "n the cl"c1&7
E707 I' pri"r t" the re&(pti"n the ga(e i& agree! !ra2n@ "r i' "ne "' the pla4er& n"ti'ie& the
ar#iter that he re&ign&@ the ga(e i& c"ncl!e!7
E7+7 The en%el"pe &hall #e "pene! "nl4 2hen the pla4er 2h" (&t repl4 t" the &eale! ("%e i&
E7-7 E<cept in the ca&e& (enti"ne! in Article& ,@ 07/@ /70 an! /7+@ the ga(e i& l"&t #4 a pla4er
2h"&e rec"r!ing "' hi& &eale! ("%e:
a7 i& a(#ig"&@ "r
#7 i& rec"r!e! in &ch a 2a4 that it& tre &igni'icance i& i(p"&&i#le t" e&ta#li&h@ "r
c7 i& illegal7
E7/7 I'@ at the agree! re&(pti"n ti(e:
a7 the pla4er ha%ing t" repl4 t" the &eale! ("%e i& pre&ent@ the en%el"pe i& "pene!@
the &eale! ("%e i& (a!e "n the che&&#"ar! an! hi& cl"c1 i& &tarte!7
#7 the pla4er ha%ing t" repl4 t" the &eale! ("%e i& n"t pre&ent@ hi& cl"c1 &hall #e
&tarte!C "n hi& arri%al@ he (a4 &t"p hi& cl"c1 an! &(("n the ar#iterC the en%el"pe
i& then "pene! an! the &eale! ("%e i& (a!e "n the che&&#"ar!C hi& cl"c1 i& then
c7 the pla4er 2h" &eale! the ("%e i& n"t pre&ent@ hi& "pp"nent ha& the right t" rec"r!
hi& repl4 "n the &c"re&heet@ &eal hi& &c"re&heet in a 're&h en%el"pe@ &t"p hi& cl"c1
an! &tart the a#&ent pla4er?& cl"c1 in&tea! "' (a1ing hi& repl4 in the n"r(al
(annerC i' &"@ the en%el"pe &hall #e han!e! t" the ar#iter '"r &a'e1eeping an!
"pene! "n the a#&ent pla4er?& arri%al7
E7137 An4 pla4er 2h" arri%e& at the che&&#"ar! a'ter the !e'alt ti(e &hall l"&e the ga(e
nle&& the ar#iter !eci!e& "ther2i&e7 K"2e%er@ i' the &eale! ("%e re&lte! in the
c"ncl&i"n "' the ga(e@ that c"ncl&i"n &hall &till appl47
E7117 I' the rle& "' a c"(petiti"n &peci'4 that the !e'alt ti(e i& n"t 8er"@ the '"ll"2ing &hall
appl4: I' neither pla4er i& pre&ent initiall4@ the pla4er 2h" ha& t" repl4 t" the &eale!
("%e &hall l"&e all the ti(e that elap&e& ntil he arri%e&@ nle&& the rle& "' the
c"(petiti"n &peci'4 "r the ar#iter !eci!e& "ther2i&e7
E7127 a7 I' the en%el"pe c"ntaining the &eale! ("%e i& (i&&ing@ the ga(e &hall c"ntine
'r"( the a!$"rne! p"&iti"n@ 2ith the cl"c1 ti(e& rec"r!e! at the ti(e "'
a!$"rn(ent7 I' the ti(e &e! #4 each pla4er cann"t #e re;e&ta#li&he!@ the ar#iter
&hall &et the cl"c1&7 The pla4er 2h" &eale! the ("%e &hall (a1e the ("%e he
&tate& he &eale! "n the che&&#"ar!7
#7 I' it i& i(p"&&i#le t" re;e&ta#li&h the p"&iti"n@ the ga(e &hall #e annlle! an! a
ne2 ga(e &hall #e pla4e!7
E71)7 I'@ p"n re&(pti"n "' the ga(e@ either pla4er p"int& "t #e'"re (a1ing hi& 'ir&t ("%e
that the ti(e &e! ha& #een inc"rrectl4 in!icate! "n either cl"c1@ the err"r (&t #e
c"rrecte!7 I' the err"r i& n"t then e&ta#li&he! the ga(e &hall c"ntine 2ith"t c"rrecti"n
nle&& the ar#iter !eci!e& "ther2i&e7
E71*7 The !rati"n "' each re&(pti"n &e&&i"n &hall #e c"ntr"lle! #4 the ar#iter?& ti(epiece7
The &tarting ti(e &hall #e ann"nce! in a!%ance7
Aen!"; F< C'ess620 R)&es
F71 Be'"re a Che&&/03 ga(e a &tarting p"&iti"n i& ran!"(l4 &et p@ &#$ect t" certain rle&7
A'ter thi&@ the ga(e i& pla4e! in the &a(e 2a4 a& &tan!ar! che&&7 In particlar@ piece&
an! pa2n& ha%e their n"r(al ("%e&@ an! each pla4erE& "#$ecti%e i& t" chec1(ate the
"pp"nentE& 1ing7
F72 St(%t"n.?os"t"on %e@)"%e/ents
The &tarting p"&iti"n '"r Che&&/03 (&t (eet certain rle&7 Bhite pa2n& are place! "n
the &ec"n! ran1 a& in reglar che&&7 All re(aining 2hite piece& are place! ran!"(l4 "n
the 'ir&t ran1@ #t 2ith the '"ll"2ing re&tricti"n&:
a7 the 1ing i& place! &"(e2here #et2een the t2" r""1&@ an!
#7 the #i&h"p& are place! "n "pp"&ite;c"l"re! &Aare&@ an!
c7 the #lac1 piece& are place! "pp"&ite the 2hite piece&7
The &tarting p"&iti"n can #e generate! #e'"re the ga(e either #4 a c"(pter pr"gra( "r
&ing !ice@ c"in@ car!&@ etc7
F7) C'ess620 #(st&"n. %)&es
a7 Che&&/03 all"2& each pla4er t" ca&tle "nce per ga(e@ a ("%e #4 p"tentiall4 #"th
the 1ing an! r""1 in a &ingle ("%e7 K"2e%er@ a 'e2 interpretati"n& "' &tan!ar!
che&& rle& are nee!e! '"r ca&tling@ #eca&e the &tan!ar! rle& pre&(e initial
l"cati"n& "' the r""1 an! 1ing that are "'ten n"t applica#le in Che&&/037
#7 How to castle
In Che&&/03@ !epen!ing "n the pre;ca&tling p"&iti"n "' the ca&tling 1ing an! r""1@
the ca&tling (an"e%re i& per'"r(e! #4 "ne "' the&e '"r (eth"!&:
17 !"#le;("%e ca&tling: #4 (a1ing a ("%e 2ith the 1ing an! a ("%e 2ith the r""1@
27 tran&p"&iti"n ca&tling: #4 tran&p"&ing the p"&iti"n "' the 1ing an! the r""1@ "r
)7 1ing;("%e;"nl4 ca&tling: #4 (a1ing "nl4 a ("%e 2ith the 1ing@ "r
*7 r""1;("%e;"nl4 ca&tling: #4 (a1ing "nl4 a ("%e 2ith the r""17
17 Bhen ca&tling "n a ph4&ical #"ar! 2ith a h(an pla4er@ it i& rec"((en!e! that
the 1ing #e ("%e! "t&i!e the pla4ing &r'ace ne<t t" hi& 'inal p"&iti"n@ the r""1
then #e ("%e! 'r"( it& &tarting p"&iti"n t" it& 'inal p"&iti"n@ an! then the 1ing #e
place! "n hi& 'inal &Aare7
27 A'ter ca&tling@ the r""1 an! 1ingE& 'inal p"&iti"n& &h"l! #e e<actl4 the &a(e
p"&iti"n& a& the4 2"l! #e in &tan!ar! che&&7
Th&@ a'ter c;&i!e ca&tling 5n"tate! a& 3;3;3 an! 1n"2n a& Aeen;&i!e ca&tling in
"rth"!"< che&&6@ the 1ing i& "n the c;&Aare 5c1 '"r 2hite an! c- '"r #lac16 an! the r""1
i& "n the !;&Aare 5!1 '"r 2hite an! !- '"r #lac167 A'ter g;&i!e ca&tling 5n"tate! a& 3;3
an! 1n"2n a& 1ing;&i!e ca&tling in "rth"!"< che&&6@ the 1ing i& "n the g;&Aare 5g1 '"r
2hite an! g- '"r #lac16 an! the r""1 i& "n the ';&Aare 5'1 '"r 2hite an! '- '"r #lac167
17 T" a%"i! an4 (i&n!er&tan!ing@ it (a4 #e &e'l t" &tate QI a( a#"t t" ca&tleQ
#e'"re ca&tling7
27 In &"(e &tarting p"&iti"n&@ the 1ing "r r""1 5#t n"t #"th6 !"e& n"t ("%e !ring
)7 In &"(e &tarting p"&iti"n&@ ca&tling can ta1e place a& earl4 a& the 'ir&t ("%e7
*7 All the &Aare& #et2een the 1ingE& initial an! 'inal &Aare& 5incl!ing the 'inal
&Aare6 an! all the &Aare& #et2een the r""1E& initial an! 'inal &Aare& 5incl!ing
the 'inal &Aare6 (&t #e %acant e<cept '"r the 1ing an! ca&tling r""17
,7 In &"(e &tarting p"&iti"n&@ &"(e &Aare& can &ta4 'ille! !ring ca&tling that 2"l!
ha%e t" #e %acant in &tan!ar! che&&7 F"r e<a(ple@ a'ter c;&i!e ca&tling 3;3;3@ it i&
p"&&i#le t" ha%e a@ #@ an!L"r e &till 'ille!@ an! a'ter g;&i!e ca&tling 53;36@ it i&
p"&&i#le t" ha%e e an!L"r h 'ille!7
Aen!"; G< A)"#3&(8 F"n"s'es
971 A >Aic1pla4 'ini&h? i& the pha&e "' a ga(e 2hen all the re(aining ("%e& (&t #e
c"(plete! in a 'inite ti(e7
972 Be'"re the &tart "' an e%ent it &hall #e ann"nce! 2hether thi& Appen!i< &hall appl4 "r
97)7 Thi& Appen!i< &hall "nl4 appl4 t" &tan!ar! pla4 an! rapi!pla4 ga(e& 2ith"t incre(ent
an! n"t t" #lit8 ga(e&7
97* I' the pla4er ha%ing the ("%e ha& le&& than t2" (inte& le't "n hi& cl"c1@ he (a4 reAe&t
that a ti(e !ela4 "r c(lati%e ti(e "' an e<tra 'i%e &ec"n!& #e intr"!ce! '"r #"th
pla4er&@ i' p"&&i#le7 Thi& c"n&titte& the "''er "' a !ra27 I' re'&e!@ an! the ar#iter agree&
t" the reAe&t@ the cl"c1& &hall then #e &et 2ith the e<tra ti(eC the "pp"nent &hall #e
a2ar!e! t2" e<tra (inte& an! the ga(e &hall c"ntine7
97, I' Article 97* !"e& n"t appl4 an! the pla4er ha%ing the ("%e ha& le&& than t2" (inte&
le't "n hi& cl"c1@ he (a4 clai( a !ra2 #e'"re hi& 'lag 'all&7 Ke &hall &(("n the ar#iter
an! (a4 &t"p the che&&cl"c1 5&ee Article 0712 #67 Ke (a4 clai( "n the #a&i& that hi&
"pp"nent cann"t 2in #4 n"r(al (ean&@ an!L"r that hi& "pp"nent ha& #een (a1ing n"
e''"rt t" 2in #4 n"r(al (ean&
a7 I' the ar#iter agree& that the "pp"nent cann"t 2in #4 n"r(al (ean&@ "r that the
"pp"nent ha& #een (a1ing n" e''"rt t" 2in the ga(e #4 n"r(al (ean&@ he &hall
!eclare the ga(e !ra2n7 Other2i&e he &hall p"&tp"ne hi& !eci&i"n "r re$ect the
#7 I' the ar#iter p"&tp"ne& hi& !eci&i"n@ the "pp"nent (a4 #e a2ar!e! t2" e<tra
(inte& an! the ga(e &hall c"ntine@ i' p"&&i#le@ in the pre&ence "' an ar#iter7 The
ar#iter &hall !eclare the 'inal re&lt later in the ga(e "r a& &""n a& p"&&i#le a'ter
the 'lag "' either pla4er ha& 'allen7 Ke &hall !eclare the ga(e !ra2n i' he agree&
that the "pp"nent "' the pla4er 2h"&e 'lag ha& 'allen cann"t 2in #4 n"r(al (ean&@
"r that he 2a& n"t (a1ing &''icient atte(pt& t" 2in #4 n"r(al (ean&7
c7 I' the ar#iter ha& re$ecte! the clai(@ the "pp"nent &hall #e a2ar!e! t2" e<tra
970 The '"ll"2ing &hall appl4 2hen the c"(petiti"n i& n"t &per%i&e! #4 an ar#iter:
a. A pla4er (a4 clai( a !ra2 2hen he ha& le&& than t2" (inte& le't "n hi& cl"c1 an!
#e'"re hi& 'lag 'all&7 Thi& c"ncl!e& the ga(e7
Ke (a4 clai( "n the #a&i&:
516 that hi& "pp"nent cann"t 2in #4 n"r(al (ean&@ an!L"r
526 that hi& "pp"nent ha& #een (a1ing n" e''"rt t" 2in #4 n"r(al (ean&7
In 516 the pla4er (&t 2rite !"2n the 'inal p"&iti"n an! hi& "pp"nent (&t
%eri'4 it7
In 526 the pla4er (&t 2rite !"2n the 'inal p"&iti"n an! &#(it an p;t";
!ate &c"re&heet7 The "pp"nent &hall %eri'4 #"th the &c"re&heet an! the 'inal
b. The clai( &hall #e re'erre! t" the !e&ignate! ar#iter7
G&oss(%8 o- te%/s "n t'e L(7s o- C'ess
The n(#er a'ter the ter( re'er& t" the 'ir&t ti(e it appear& in the La2&7
(!+o)%n: -717 In&tea! "' pla4ing the ga(e in "ne &e&&i"n it i& te(p"raril4 halte! an! then
c"ntine! at a later ti(e7
(&.e*%("# not(t"on: -717 Rec"r!ing the ("%e& &ing a;h an! 1;- "n the -<- #"ar!7
(n(&8se: 117)7 Bhere "ne "r ("re pla4er& (a1e ("%e& "n a #"ar! t" tr4 t" !eter(ine 2hat i& the
#e&t c"ntinati"n7
(e(&: 117137 N"r(all4 a pla4er ha& the right t" appeal again&t a !eci&i"n "' the ar#iter "r
(%*"te%: Pre'ace7 The per&"n5&6 re&p"n&i#le '"r en&ring that the rle& "' a c"(petiti"n are
(%*"te%Bs !"s#%et"on: There are appr"<i(atel4 )/ in&tance& in the La2& 2here the ar#iter (&t
&e hi& $!ge(ent7
(ss"st(nt: -717 A per&"n 2h" (a4 help the &(""th rnning "' the c"(petiti"n in %ari"& 2a4&7
(tt(#3: )717 A piece i& &ai! t" attac1 an "pp"nent?& piece i' the pla4er?& piece can (a1e a captre
"n that &Aare7
*&(#3: 2717 1< There are 10 !ar1;c"l"re! piece& an! )2 &Aare& calle! #lac17 Or 2< Bhen
capitali&e!@ thi& al&" re'er& t" the pla4er "' the #lac1 piece&7
*&"t=: B7 A ga(e 2here each pla4er?& thin1ing ti(e i& 13 (inte& "r le&&7
*o(%!: 27*7 Sh"rt '"r che&&#"ar!7
$%onste"n /o!e: 07)#7 See !ela4 ("!e7
#(t)%e: )717 Bhere a piece i& ("%e! 'r"( it& &Aare t" a &Aare "ccpie! #4 an "pp"nent?&
piece@ the latter i& re("%e! 'r"( the #"ar!7 See al&" )7+!7 In n"tati"n <7
#(st&"n.: )7-#7 A ("%e "' the 1ing t"2ar!& a r""17 See the article7 In n"tati"n 3;3 1ing&i!e
ca&tling@ 3;3;3 Aeen&i!e ca&tling7
#e&&'one: See ("#ile ph"ne7
#'e#3: )7/7 Bhere a 1ing i& attac1e! #4 "ne "r ("re "' the "pp"nent?& piece&7 In n"tati"n O7
#'e#3/(te: 1727 Bhere the 1ing i& attac1e! an! cann"t parr4 the threat7 In n"tati"n OO "r P7
#'ess*o(%!: 1717 The -<- gri! a& in 2717
#'ess#&o#3: 0717 A cl"c1 2ith t2" ti(e !i&pla4& c"nnecte! t" each "ther7
#'ess set: The )2 piece& "n the che&&#"ar!7
C'ess620: A %ariant "' che&& 2here the #ac1;r"2 piece& are &et p in "ne "' the /03
!i&tingi&ha#le p"&&i#le p"&iti"n&
#&("/: 07-7 The pla4er (a4 (a1e a clai( t" the ar#iter n!er %ari"& circ(&tance&7
#&o#3: 0717 One "' the t2" ti(e !i&pla4&7
#o/&ete! /o,e: 072a7 Bhere a pla4er ha& (a!e hi& ("%e an! then pre&&e! hi& cl"c17
#ont".)o)s (%e(: 127-7 An area t"ching #t n"t actall4 part "' the pla4ing %ene7 F"r e<a(ple@
the area &et a&i!e '"r &pectat"r&7
#)/)&(t",e 9F"s#'e%: /o!e: Bhere a pla4er recei%e& an e<tra a("nt "' ti(e 5"'ten )3
&ec"n!&6 pri"r t" each ("%e7
!e(! os"t"on: ,72#7 Bhere neither pla4er can (ate the "pp"nent?& 1ing 2ith an4 &erie& "' legal
!e-()&t t"/e: 07+7 The &peci'ie! ti(e a pla4er (a4 #e late 2ith"t #eing '"r'eite!7
!e&(8 9$%onste"n: /o!e: 07)#7 B"th pla4er& recei%e an all"tte! >(ain thin1ing ti(e?7 Each
pla4er al&" recei%e& a >'i<e! e<tra ti(e? 2ith e%er4 ("%e7 The c"nt!"2n "' the (ain thin1ing
ti(e "nl4 c"((ence& a'ter the 'i<e! e<tra ti(e ha& e<pire!7 Pr"%i!e! the pla4er pre&&e& hi&
cl"c1 #e'"re the e<pirati"n "' the 'i<e! e<tra ti(e@ the (ain thin1ing ti(e !"e& n"t change@
irre&pecti%e "' the pr"p"rti"n "' the 'i<e! e<tra ti(e &e!7
!e/onst%(t"on *o(%!: 071)7 A !i&pla4 "' the p"&iti"n "n the #"ar! 2here the piece& are ("%e!
#4 han!7
!"(.on(&: 27*7 A &traight line "' &Aare& "' the &a(e c"l"r@ rnning 'r"( "ne e!ge "' the #"ar!
t" an a!$acent e!ge7
!"s(*"&"t8: 072e7 A c"n!iti"n@ &ch a& a ph4&ical "r (ental han!icap@ that re&lt& in partial "r
c"(plete l"&& "' a per&"nE& a#ilit4 t" per'"r( certain che&& acti%itie&7
!%(7: ,727 Bhere the ga(e i& c"ncl!e! 2ith neither &i!e 2inning7
!%(7 o--e%: /717#7 Bhere a pla4er (a4 "''er a !ra2 t" the "pp"nent7 Thi& i& in!icate! "n the
&c"re&heet 2ith the &4(#"l 5M67
en (ss(nt: )7+!7 See that article '"r an e<planati"n7 In n"tati"n e7p7
e;#'(n.e: 1< )7+e7 Bhere a pa2n i& pr"("te!7 Or 2<Bhere a pla4er captre& a piece "' the &a(e
%ale a& hi& "2n an! thi& piece i& recaptre!7 Or 0< Bhere "ne pla4er ha& l"&t a r""1 an! the
"ther ha& l"&t a #i&h"p "r 1night7
e;&(n(t"on: 117/7 A pla4er i& entitle! t" ha%e a La2 e<plaine!7
-("% &(8: 1272a7 Bhether $&tice ha& #een !"ne ha& &"(eti(e& t" #e c"n&i!ere! 2hen an ar#iter
'in!& that the La2& are ina!eAate7
-"&e: 27*7 A %ertical c"l(n "' eight &Aare& "n the che&&#"ar!7
F"s#'e% /o!e: See c(lati%e ("!e7
-&(.: 0717 The !e%ice that !i&pla4& 2hen a ti(e peri"! ha& e<pire!7
-&(.?-(&&: 0717 Bhere the all"tte! ti(e "' a pla4er ha& e<pire!7
-o%-e"t: *7-717 T" l"&e the right t" (a1e a clai( "r ("%e7 Or 27 T" l"&e a ga(e #eca&e "' an
in'ringe(ent "' the La2&7
'(n!"#(: See !"s(*"&"t8<
I (!+)st: See $?a!"#e7
"&&e.(&: 0<10(7 A p"&iti"n "r ("%e that i& i(p"&&i#le #eca&e "' the La2& "' Che&&7
"/("%/ent: See !i&a#ilit47
"n#%e/ent: 0717 An a("nt "' ti(e 5'r"( 2 t" 03 &ec"n!&6 a!!e! 'r"( the &tart #e'"re each
("%e '"r the pla4er7 Thi& can #e in either !ela4 "r c(lati%e ("!e7
"nte%,ene: 127+7 T" in%"l%e "ne&el' in &"(ething that i& happening in "r!er t" a''ect the
+B(!o)*e: *727 9i%ing n"tice that the pla4er 2i&he& t" a!$&t a piece@ #t !"e& n"t nece&&aril4
inten! t" ("%e it7
3"n.s"!e: )7-a7 The %ertical hal' "' the #"ar! "n 2hich the 1ing &tan!& at the &tart "' the ga(e7
&e.(& /o,e: See Article )713a7
/(!e: 1717 A ("%e i& &ai! t" ha%e #een >(a!e? 2hen the piece ha& #een ("%e! t" it& ne2
&Aare@ the han! ha& Ait the piece@ an! the captre! piece@ i' an4@ ha& #een re("%e! 'r"( the
/(te: A##re%iati"n "' chec1(ate7
/"no% "e#e< Bi&h"p "r 1night7
/o*"&e 'one: 117)#7 Cellph"ne7
/on"to%: 071)7 An electr"nic !i&pla4 "' the p"&iti"n "n the #"ar!7
/o,e: 1717 1< *3 ("%e& in /3 (inte&@ re'er& t" *3 ("%e& #4 each pla4er7 Or 2< ha%ing the ("%e
re'er& t" the pla4er?& right t" pla4 ne<t7 Or 0< Bhite?& #e&t ("%e re'er& t" the &ingle ("%e #4
/o,e?#o)nte%: 0713#7 A !e%ice "n a che&&cl"c1 2hich (a4 #e &e! t" rec"r! the n(#er "'
ti(e& the cl"c1 ha& #een pre&&e! #4 each pla4er7
no%/(& /e(ns: 97,7 Pla4ing in a p"&iti%e (anner t" tr4 t" 2inC "r@ ha%ing a p"&iti"n &ch that
there i& a reali&tic chance "' 2inning the ga(e "ther than $&t 'lag;'all7
o%.(n"se%< -7)7 The per&"n re&p"n&i#le '"r the %ene@ !ate&@ pri8e ("ne4@ in%itati"n&@ '"r(at "'
the c"(petiti"n an! &" "n7
o,e%?t'e?*o(%!: Intr"!cti"n7 The La2& c"%er "nl4 thi& t4pe "' che&&@ n"t internet@ n"r
c"rre&p"n!ence@ an! &" "n7
en(&t"es: 127)7 The ar#iter (a4 appl4 penaltie& a& li&te! in 127/ in a&cen!ing "r!er "' &e%erit47
"e#e: 27 1< One "' the )2 'igrine& "n the #"ar!7 Or 2< A Aeen@ r""1@ #i&h"p "r 1night7
&(8"n. (%e(: 11727 The place 2here the ga(e& "' a c"(petiti"n are pla4e!7
&(8"n. ,en)e: 11727 The "nl4 place t" 2hich the pla4er& ha%e acce&& !ring pla47
o"nts: 137 N"r(all4 a pla4er &c"re& 1 p"int '"r a 2in@ N p"int '"r a !ra2@ 3 '"r a l"&&7 An
alternati%e i& ) '"r a 2in@ 1 '"r a !ra2@ 3 '"r a l"&&7
%ess t'e #&o#3: 072a7 The act "' p&hing the #tt"n "r le%er "n a che&& cl"c1 2hich &t"p& the
pla4er?& cl"c1 an! &tart& that "' hi& "pp"nent7
%o/ot"on: )7+e7 Bhere a pa2n reache& the eighth ran1 an! i& replace! #4 a ne2 Aeen@ r""1@
#i&h"p "r 1night "' the &a(e c"l"r7
@)een: A& in Aeen a pa2n@ (eaning t" pr"("te a pa2n t" a Aeen7
@)eens"!e: )7-a7 The %ertical hal' "' the #"ar! "n 2hich the Aeen &tan!& at the &tart "' the
@)"#3&(8 -"n"s': 97 The la&t part "' a ga(e 2here a pla4er (&t c"(plete an nli(ite! n(#er
"' ("%e& in a 'inite ti(e7
%(n3: 27*7 A h"ri8"ntal r"2 "' eight &Aare& "n the che&&#"ar!7
%("!&(8: A7 A ga(e 2here each pla4er?& thin1ing ti(e i& ("re than 13 (inte&@ #t le&& than
%eet"t"on: ,727!7 17 A pla4er (a4 clai( a !ra2 i' the &a(e p"&iti"n "ccr& three ti(e&7 27 A
ga(e i& !ra2n i' the &a(e p"&iti"n "ccr& 'i%e ti(e&7
%es".ns: ,71#7 Bhere a pla4er gi%e& p@ rather than pla4 "n ntil (ate!7
%est %oo/s: 11727 T"ilet&@ al&" the r""( &et a&i!e in B"rl! Cha(pi"n&hip& 2here the pla4er& can
%es)&t: -7+7 U&all4 the re&lt i& 1;3@ 3;1 "r N;N7 In e<cepti"nal circ(&tance& #"th pla4er& (a4
l"&e 5Article 117-6@ "r "ne &c"re N an! the "ther 37 F"r npla4e! ga(e& the &c"re& are in!icate!
#4 OL; 5Bhite 2in& #4 '"r'eit6@ ;LO 5Blac1 2in& #4 '"r'eit6@ ;L; 5B"th pla4er& l"&e #4 '"r'eit67
%)&es o- t'e #o/et"t"on: 07+a7 At %ari"& p"int& in the La2& there are "pti"n&7 The c"(petiti"n
rle& (&t &tate 2hich ha%e #een ch"&en7
se(&e! /o,e: E7 Bhere a ga(e i& a!$"rne! the pla4er &eal& hi& ne<t ("%e in an en%el"pe7
s#o%es'eet: -717 A paper &heet 2ith &pace& '"r 2riting the ("%e&7 Thi& can al&" #e electr"nic7
s#%een: 071)7 An electr"nic !i&pla4 "' the p"&iti"n "n the #"ar!7
se#t(to%s: 117*7 Pe"ple "ther than ar#iter& "r pla4er& %ie2ing the ga(e&7 Thi& incl!e& pla4er&
a'ter their ga(e& ha%e #een c"ncl!e!7
st(n!(%! &(8: 9)7 A ga(e 2here each pla4er?& thin1ing ti(e i& at lea&t 03 (inte&7
st(&e/(te: ,72a7 Bhere the pla4er ha& n" legal ("%e an! hi& 1ing i& n"t in chec17
s@)(%e o- %o/ot"on: )7+e7 The &Aare a pa2n lan!& "n 2hen it reache! the eighth ran17
s)e%,"se: 1272e< In&pect "r c"ntr"l7
t"/e #ont%o&: 17 The reglati"n a#"t the ti(e the pla4er i& all"tte!7 F"r e<a(ple@ *3 ("%e& in
/3 (inte&@ all the ("%e& in )3 (inte&@ pl& )3 &ec"n!& c(lati%el4 'r"( ("%e 17 Or 27 A
pla4er i& &ai! >t" ha%e reache! the ti(e c"ntr"l?@ i'@ '"r e<a(ple he ha& c"(plete! the *3 ("%e&
in le&& than /3 (inte&7
t"/e e%"o!: -707 A part "' the ga(e 2here the pla4er& (&t c"(plete a n(#er "' ("%e& "r all
the ("%e& in a certain ti(e7
to)#' /o,e: *7)7 I' a pla4er t"che& a piece 2ith the intenti"n "' ("%ing it@ he i& "#lige! t"
("%e it7
,e%t"#(&: 27*7 The -
ran1 i& "'ten th"ght a& the highe&t area "n a che&&#"ar!7 Th& each 'ile i&
re'erre! t" a& >%ertical?7
7'"te: 2727 1< There are 10 light;c"l"re! piece& an! )2 &Aare& calle! 2hite7 Or 2< Bhen
capitali&e!@ thi& al&" re'er& t" the pla4er "' the 2hite piece&7
=e%o to&e%(n#e: 507+#67 Bhere a pla4er (&t arri%e at the che&&#"ar! #e'"re the &tart "' the
10?/o,e %)&e: ,72e7 A pla4er (a4 clai( a !ra2 i' the la&t ,3 ("%e& ha%e #een c"(plete! #4
each pla4er 2ith"t the ("%e(ent "' an4 pa2n an! 2ith"t an4 captre7
41?/o,e %)&e: /70#7 The ga(e i& !ra2n i' the la&t +, ("%e& ha%e #een c"(plete! #4 each pla4er
2ith"t the ("%e(ent "' an4 pa2n an! 2ith"t an4 captre7

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