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CHENNAI 600 025
(Prescr!e" F#r$%& %'" S(ec)c%&#'*
The guideline is intended to provide broad guidelines to the MBA candidates in the preparation of the
project report. In general, the project report shall report, in an organized and scholarl fashion, an
account of original !or" of the candidate including #ethodolog, data analsis, interpretation and
su##ar of findings.
MBA - $tudents should sub#it % copies to the $tud centre &oordinators through the Project In'
charge of the $tud centre concerned on or before the specified date. The $tud centre &oordinator
#a distribute the copies as follo!s(
1. )ne cop to be signed and returned to the student
2. )ne cop to be retained for the $tud centre *ibrar
3. )ne cop to be given to the +uide concerned
4. )ne cop to be for!arded to the ,-ternal ,-a#iner
5. After the .iva'voce ,-a#ination one cop of the project report signed b the ,-ternal
,-a#iner, Internal ,-a#iner, &oordinator of $tud centre to be for!arded to the &entre for
/istance ,ducation, Anna 0niversit &hennai 12efer Anne-ure III3. &/ containing the
co#plete project report is also to be for!arded to the &entre for /istance ,ducation after the
.iva'voce ,-a#ination
The size of project report should not e-ceed 45 pages of tped #atter rec"oned fro# the first page of
&hapter 1 to the last page of the last chapter.
The se6uence in !hich the thesis #aterial should be arranged and bound should be as follo!s(
1. &over Page 7 Title page
2. Bonafide &ertificate
3. Abstract
4. Ac"no!ledge#ent
5. Table of &ontents
6. *ist of Tables
7. *ist of 8igures
8. *ist of $#bols, Abbreviations and 9o#enclature 1)ptional3
9. &hapters
10. Appendices
11. 2eferences
The Tables and 8igures shall be introduced in the appropriate places.
Page : of 9
The di#ensions of the final bound copies of the project report should be :95## - :5%##. $tandard
A; size 1:9<## - :15##3 paper #a be used for preparing the copies.
The final % copies of the project report 1at the ti#e of sub#ission3 should have the follo!ing page
#argins (
Top edge ( =5 to =% ## Botto#
edge ( :% to =5 ## *eft side ( =%
to ;5 ## 2ight side ( :5 to :% ##
The project report should be prepared on good 6ualit !hite paper preferabl not lo!er than >5
Tables and figures should confor# to the #argin specifications. *arge size figures should be
photographicall or other!ise reduced to the appropriate size before insertion.
The candidate shall suppl a tped cop of the #anuscript to the guide for the purpose of approval.
In the preparation of the #anuscript, care should be ta"en to ensure that all te-tual #atter is
tpe!ritten to the e-tent possible in the sa#e for#at as #a be re6uired for the final project report.
@ence so#e of the infor#ation re6uired for the final tping of the project report is included also in
this section.
The headings of all ite#s : to 11 listed in section ; should be tped in capital letters !ithout
punctuation and centered %5## belo! the top of the page. The te-t should co##ence ; spaces
belo! this heading. The page nu#bering for all ite#s 1 to > should be done using lo!er case 2o#an
nu#erals and the pages thereafter should be nu#bered using Arabic nu#erals.
6.1 C#0er P%1e 2 T&3e P%1e ' A speci#en cop of the &over page 7 Title page for MBA project
report is given in Anne-ure I.
6.2 B#'%)"e Cer&)c%&e A The Bonafide &ertificate shall be in double line spacing using 8ont $tle
Ti#es 9e! 2o#an 8ont $ize 1:, as per the for#at sho!n in Anne-ure II.
The certificate shall carr the signatures of student, +uide, Project In'charge at the $tud
centre. The Bonafide certificate shall also carr the ,-ternal ,-a#inerBs signature obtained at the
ti#e of .iva'voce.
6.3 A!s&r%c& ' Abstract should be an essa tpe of narration not e-ceeding 455 !ords, outlining the
proble#, the #ethodolog used for tac"ling it and a su##ar of the findings, !hen tped double line
spacing, 8ont $tle Ti#es 9e! 2o#an and 8ont $ize 1: and signed b the candidate.
6.4 Ac4'#53e"1e$e'& 6 The ac"no!ledge#ent should be brief and should not e-ceed one page
!hen tped in double spacing. The candidateBs signature shall be #ade at the botto# end above his ?
her na#e tped in capitals.
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6.5 T%!3e #) c#'&e'&s ' The table of contents should list all #aterial follo!ing it as !ell as an
#aterial !hich precedes it. The title page, Bonafide &ertificate and Ac"no!ledg#ent !ill not find a
place a#ong the ite#s listed in the Table of &ontents but the page nu#bers in lo!er case 2o#an
letters are to be accounted for the#. )ne and a half spacing should be adopted for tping the #atter
under this head.
6.6 Ls& #) T%!3e ' The list should use e-actl the sa#e captions as the appear above the tables in
the te-t. )ne and a half spacing should be adopted for tping the #atter under this head.
6.7 Ls& #) F17res ' The list should use e-actl the sa#e captions as the appear belo! the figures
in the te-t. )ne and a half spacing should be adopted for tping the #atter under this head.
6.8 Ls& #) S8$!#3s9 A!!re0%&#'s %'" N#$e'c3%&7re ' )ne and a half spacing should be adopted
for tping the #atter under this head. $tandard s#bols, abbreviations etc. should be used.
6.9 C:%(&ers ' The #ain te-t !ill be divided into several chapters and each chapter #a be further
divided into several divisions and sub'divisions. The contents of the &hapters are onl indicative.
)nl &hapter titles are co##on.
o C:%(&er + ; I'&r#"7c&#'
2esearch Bac"ground A /escription of specific industr?
general scenario of industr
Identified Proble# 9eed
for $tud
)bjectives 7 $cope
o C:%(&er 2 6 L&er%&7re S7r0e8
2evie! of *iterature
2esearch +ap
o C:%(&er < ; Me&:#"#3#18
Tpe of Project
Target respondents
Assu#ptions, &onstraints and *i#itations
$a#pling Methods
/ata Processing
Tools for Analsis
o C:%(&er / 6 D%&% A'%38ss %'" I'&er(re&%&#'
Analsis 1$tatistical Tools3 and Interpretation and
/iscussion, Inferences
/iagra##atic 2epresentations
1Additional &hapters #a be added if re6uired3
o C:%(&er 5 6 C#'c37s#'s
$u##ar of 8indings
$uggestions 7 2eco##endations
/irections for 8uture 2esearch o
&op of Cuestionnaire?Intervie! $chedule An
)ther related docu#ents
o Re)ere'ces
Page ; of 9
* ,ach chapter should be given an appropriate title.
* Tables and figures in a chapter should be placed in the i##ediate vicinit of the reference !here
the are cited.
* 8ootnotes should be used sparingl. The should be tped single space and placed directl
underneath in the ver sa#e page, !hich refers to the #aterial the annotate.
6,+0 A((e'"ces ' Appendices are provided to give supple#entar infor#ation, !hich if included in
the #ain te-t #a serve as a distraction and cloud the central the#e under discussion.
* Appendices should be nu#bered using Arabic nu#erals, e.g. Appendi- 1, Appendi- :, etc.
* Appendices, Tables and references appearing in appendices should be nu#bered and referred to at
appropriate places just as in the case of chapters.
* Appendices shall carr the title of the !or" reported and the sa#e title shall be #ade in the
contents page also.
6,++ Ls& #) Re)ere'ces ' An !or"s of other researchers, if used either directl or indirectl, the
origin of the #aterial thus referred to at appropriate places in the project report should be indicated. A
paper, a #onograph or a boo" #a be designated b the na#e of the first author follo!ed b the ear
of publication, placed inside brac"ets at the appropriate places in the project report should be
The listing should be tped ; spaces belo! the heading D2,8,2,9&,$D in alphabetical order in
single spacing left'justified. The reference #aterial should be listed in the alphabetical order of the
first author. The na#e of the author?authors should be i##ediatel follo!ed b the ear and other
details. A tpical illustrative list given belo!.
1. Michael *ev 1:55>3 Retailing Management 4 edition , 9e! /elhi, Tata Mc+ra!'@ill.
2. To# Eac"le 1:55;3 F&usto#er $atisfaction, $ervice Cualit and perceived value ( An
integrative #odelG Journal of Marketing Management vol.:5, issue <?>, PP.>9<'91<
6.12 T%!3es %'" F17res ' B the !ord Table, is #eant tabulated nu#erical data in the bod of the
project report as !ell as in the appendices. All other non'verbal #aterial used in the bod of the
project report and appendices such as charts, graphs, #aps, photographs and diagra#s #a be
designated as figures.
* A table or figure including caption should be acco##odated !ithin the prescribed #argin li#its
and appear on the page follo!ing the page !here their first reference is #ade.
* Tables and figures on half page or less in length #a appear on the sa#e page along !ith the te-t.
@o!ever, the should be separated fro# the te-t both above and belo! b triple spacing.
* All tables and figures should be prepared on the sa#e paper or #aterial used for the preparation of
the rest of the project report.
* 8or preparing captions, nu#erals, s#bols or characters in the case of tables or figures, the
&o#puter should be enclosed.
* T!o or #ore s#all tables or figures #a be grouped if necessar in a single page.
Page % of 9
H Iherever possible, the entire photograph1s3 #a be reproduced on a full sheet of photographic
* Photographs if an should be included in the colour Jero- for# onl. More than one photograph
can be included in a page.
* $a#ples of 8abric, *eather, etc., if absolutel necessar #a be attached evenl in a page and
fi-ed?pasted suitabl and should be treated as figures.
>,+ Ge'er%3
This section includes additional infor#ation for final tping of the project report. $o#e infor#ation
given earlier under KManuscript preparationK shall also be referred.
The i#pressions on the tped?duplicated?printed copies should be blac" in colour.
If &o#puter printers are used unifor#it of the font in the sa#e project report shall be observed.
A sub'heading at the botto# of a page #ust have at least t!o full lines belo! it or else it should be
carried over to the ne-t page.
The last !ord of an page should not be split using a hphen.
)ne and a half spacing should be used for tping the general te-t. The general te-t shall be tped in
8ont $tle Ti#es 9e! 2o#an and 8ont $ize 1:.
$ingle spacing should be used for tping(
(i) *ong Tables
(ii) *ong 6uotations
(iii) 8oot notes
(iv) Multilane captions
(v) 2eferences
All 6uotations e-ceeding one line should be tped in an indented space ' the indentation being 1%##
fro# either #argin.
>,2 C:%(&ers
The for#at for tping &hapter headings, /ivisions headings and $ub'division headings are e-plained
through the follo!ing illustrative e-a#ples.
&hapter heading ( &@APT,2 1 ' I9T2)/0&TI)9 /ivision
heading ( 1.1 )0T*I9, )8 P2)E,&T I)2L $ub'division
heading ( 1.1.: *iterature revie!.
The !ord &@APT,2 !ithout punctuation should be centred %5## do!n fro# the top of the page.
T!o spaces belo!, the title of the chapter should be tped centrall in capital letters. The te-t should
co##ence ; spaces belo! this title, the first letter of the te-t starting :5##, inside fro# the left
hand #argin.
The division and sub'division captions along !ith their nu#berings should be left'justified. The
tped #aterial directl belo! division or sub'division heading should co##ence : spaces belo! it
and should be offset :5## fro# the left hand #argin. Iithin a division or sub'division paragraphs
are per#itted. ,ven paragraph should co##ence = spaces belo! the last line of the preceding
paragraph, the first letter in the paragraph being offset fro# the left hand #argin b :5 ##.
Page 4 of 9
?,+ P%1e N7$!er'1
All pages nu#bers 1!hether it be in 2o#an or Arabic nu#bers3 should be tped !ithout punctuation
on the upper right hand corner :5## fro# top !ith the last digit in line !ith the right hand #argin.
The preli#inar pages of the project report 1such as Title page, Ac"no!ledge#ent, Table of &ontents
etc.3 should be nu#bered in lo!er case 2o#an nu#erals. The title page !ill be nu#bered as 1i3 but
this should not be tped. The page i##ediatel follo!ing the title page shall be nu#bered 1ii3 and it
should appear at the top right hand corner as alread specified. Pages of #ain te-t, starting !ith
&hapter 1 should be consecutivel nu#bered using Arabic nu#erals.
?,2 N7$!er'1 #) C:%(&ers9 D0s#'s %'" S7!;D0s#'s
The nu#bering of chapters, divisions and sub'divisions should be done using Arabic nu#erals onl
and further deci#al notation should be used for nu#bering the divisions and sub'divisions !ithin a
chapter. 8or e-a#ple sub'division ; under division = belonging to chapter : should be nu#bered as
:.=.;. The caption for the sub'division should i##ediatel follo! the nu#ber assigned to it.
,ver chapter beginning !ith the first chapter should be seriall nu#bered using Arabic nu#erals.
Appendices included should also be nu#bered in an identical #anner starting !ith Appendi- 1.
?,< N7$!er'1 #) T%!3es %'" F17res
Tables and 8igures appearing an!here in the thesis should bear appropriate nu#bers. The rule for
assigning such nu#bers is illustrated through an e-a#ple. Thus, if a figure in &hapter =, happens to
be the fourth then assign =.; to that figure. Identical rules appl for tables e-cept that the !ord 8igure
is replaced b the !ord Table. If figures 1or tables3 appear in appendices then figure = in Appendi- :
!ill be designated as 8igure A :.=. If a table to be continued into the ne-t page this #a be done, but
no line should be dra!n underneath an unfinished table. The top line of the table continued into the
ne-t page should, for e-a#ple read Table :.1 1continued3 placed centrall and underlined.
?,/ N7$!er'1 #) E@7%&#'s
,6uations appearing in each &hapter or Appendi- should be nu#bered seriall, the nu#bering
co##encing a fresh for each &hapter or Appendi-. Thus for e-a#ple, an e6uation appearing in
&hapter :, if it happens to be the eighth e6uation in that &hapter should be nu#bered 1:.>3 thus(
M " 1:.>3
Ihile referring to this e6uation in the bod of the thesis it should be referred to as ,6uation 1:.>3.
H Project report sub#itted 1% copies3 for MBA should be bound using fle-ible cover of thic" !hite art
paper. The spine for the bound volu#e should be blac" &alico of :5## !idth. The cover should be
printed in blac" letters and the te-t for printing should be identical to !hat has been prescribed for
the title page.
Page < of 9
1A tpical $peci#en of &over Page 7 Title Page3
N8ont $tle Ti#es 9e! 2o#an ' BoldO
N8ont $ize 1:O N1.% line spacingO
N8ont $ize 1:O
$tudent 9a#e
N8ont $ize 1:O NBold ' &apitalO
2oll 9o.
N8ont $ize 1:O
2eg. 9o.
N8ont $ize 1:O
A P2)E,&T 2,P)2T
N8ont $ize 1:O N&apitalO
$ub#itted to the
N8ont $ize 1:O
N8ont $ize 1:O NBold ' &apitalO
in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree
N8ont $ize 1:O NItalicO
N8ont $ize 1:O NBold ' &apitalO
600 025
N8ont $ize 1:ONBold ' &apitalO
Month, Pear
N8ont $ize 1:O
&ertified that the Project report titled QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ
is the bonafide !or" of Mr. ? Ms. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ !ho
carried out the !or" under # supervision. &ertified further that to the best of
# "no!ledge the !or" reported herein does not for# part of an other project
report or dissertation on the basis of !hich a degree or a!ard !as conferred on
an earlier occasion on this or an other candidate.
$ignature of student $ignature of +uide
9a#e ( 9a#e (
1in capital letters3 1in capital letters3
2oll 9o. ( /esignation (
2eg. 9o. ( Address (
$ignature of Project'in'charge
9a#e (
1in capital letters3
/esignation (
Cer&)c%&e #) Vc%;0#ce;E=%$'%&#'
This is to certif that Thiru?Ms.?T#t.
12oll 9o. RRRRRRRRS 2egister 9o. RRRRRRR..RR3 has been
subjected to .ica'voce',-a#ination on RRRRRRRR1/ate3 at
RRRRR..1Ti#e3 at the $tud centre
RRR..19a#e and Address of the $tud centre3.
I'&er'%3 E=%$'er E=&er'%3 E=%$'er
9a#e ( 9a#e (
1in capital letters3 1in capital letters3
/esignation( /esignation (
Address ( Address (
S&7"8 ce'&re
9a#e (
1in capital letters3
/esignation (
Address (
/ate (
CN#&e ( 1. This Anne-ure shall be attached to the Project 2eport to be sent to the
/irector, &entre for /istance ,ducation, Anna 0niversit, &hennai
455 5:%.
2. A Jero- cop of the signed certificate shall be attached to the
project cop retained at the $tud centre librar.

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