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1. """""" is a safe ha$en asset

a. %&uit'
b. (ebt
c. Gold
d. )eal %state
2. )eal estate is inherentl' a

a. Growth asset
b. *ncome asset
c. (efensi$e asset
d. +afe ha$en asset
3. ,hich of the folloing is a pure insurance product-

a. Term plan
b. ./*0
c. 1ash $alue plan
d. 2one'-bac3 polic'
4. """""" operates as the last declaration of the deceased person

a. ,ill
b. 0robate
c. Succession certificate
d. /etter of administration

!. )45+ 4ransfers """"""""""""".

a. happen in batches of 1 hour
b. happen in batches of half an hour
c. are instantaneous
d. happen in batches of to hours

#. ,hen a 6an3 pro$ides a loan for purchase of hite goods7 it is categorized as
a. 1onsumption loan
b. ,hite 5oods loan
c. Consumer Durable loan
d. ,or3ing 1apital
e. 6ridge /oan
8. 6an3s are considered as 9financial intermediaries:. ,hich of the folloing
acti$it' correctl'
and comprehensi$el' explains this role of ban3s-
a. Accepting deposits of money for the purpose of lending and investment
b. 5ranting loans to the ea3er section of the societ'
c. ;ccepting mone' for remittance and issuing ban3 drafts
d. 0ro$iding safe deposit ser$ices
e. <pening accounts and accepting deposit therein
8. 4he rate belo hich ban3s cannot generall' lend is called as """""""""""

a. Base rate
b. =loor rate
c. )epo rate
d. 1all mone' rate
e. 1eiling rate
>. ,hich of the folloing is not a t'pe of 1he&ue-
a. 1rossed che&ue
b. 6lan3 che&ue
c. Speed cheque
d. 6earer che&ue
e. <rder che&ue

10. *n relation to ban3ing7 hat do 'ou understanding b' ?%$er @ 5reening of loan

a. =ull repa'ment of a loan account before maturit' @ 0re-pa'ment
b. =ull repa'ment of a loan account exactl' a t maturit'
c. resh !oan sanctioned during the tenure of account for enhancement of
d. ;dBusting the C0;/+tic3' account ith fresh sanction of loans
e. /oans pro$ided for ne proBects to ne customers
11. ,ith a $ie to facilitate pa'ment of balance in deposit account to the person
named b' the deposition ithout an' hassles in the e$ent of death of the account
holder7 the folloing facilit' as introduced in ban3 accounts in our countr'-

a. ,ill
b. )egistration
c. "omination
d. *ndemnit'
e. 5uarantee
12. ,hich of the folloing is correct-

a. *lliterates cannot open an' account in a ban3
b. *lliterate omen cannot open an' account in a ban3
c. #lliterates can open savings ban$ accounts in a ban$
d. ;d$ance can be granted to a minor
e. ;d$ance can be granted to a minor if he is of sound mind
13. Con con$ertible debentures are """""""""""

a. (ebt instruments hich ac&uire e&uit' status at the issuers: option.
b. (ebt instruments hich ac&uire e&uit' status at the in$estors: option.
c. (ebt instruments hich ac&uire e&uit' status ith the permission of )egistrar of
d. (ebt instruments hich ac&uire e&uit' status on maturit'.
e. Debt instruments which retain their debt character and cannot acquire
equity status.
14. ?*)(; norms ill boost online distributionA @ as the nes in some maBor
4his means online distribution of hich of the folloing ill boost up-
a. 6an3 products
b. #nsurance policies % products
c. /icenses to open ne ban3s / branches of existing ban3s
d. /icenses to operate 25 / 35 spectrums
e. 0ermits for export of iron ore
1!. ,hich one of the folloing is not a salient feature of (ebit 1ard-

a. Co bad debts to ban3s and no suits for reco$er'
b. Con interest earning for ban3s
c. ,or3s li3e a normal ithdraal
d. 1an be used at ;42 and 0<+
e. &' days credit is given to the card holder
1#. 6an3 issue a letter to beneficiar' on behalf of its constituents li3e guarantee for
pa'ment on their behalf on fulfilment of its terms and conditions. ,hat is this
3no in ban3ing context-

a. !ine of Credit
b. /oan to 1lient
c. <$erdraft facilit'
18. )6* has recentl' deregulated the rates of interest to be pro$ided b' $arious
6an3s to their
depositors/customers ith effect from 2!-10-2011 on their """"" accounts-
a. 4ime (eposit
b. Saving ban$
c. /oan
d. =ixed deposit
e. 1urrent
18. /i3e 4elephone / 2obile number portabilit'7 the 2inistr' of =inance/)6* is
no also
considering to pro$ide ban3 account number portabilit' to ban3 customers. ,hich
of the
folloing ould it mean-
a. ;n' customer/account holder can ith dra cash from an' other 6an3 through
his/her on che&ues dran on other ban3 e$en ithout ;42
b. ;n' borroer can dra funds from his/her loan account from an' other ban3
c. The account number of any account holder will remain the same even if
he%she is
getting his%her account transferred to another ban$ also.
d. 6an3 customers ould ha$e the facilit' of mobile 6an3s to ithdra cash
his/her place
e. Cone of these
1>. C)% deposit is """""""""""""""

a. "on (esident )*ternal deposit
b. Con )esident %xtra deposit
c. Con )esident %xchange deposit
d. Con )efundable %xternal deposit
e. Con )esident %xtended deposit
20. ,hat is offshore ban3ing-

a. *t is a ban3 located in the sea Di.e. islandE
b. *t is a ban3 located in +%F DcE *t is a ban3 located in a neighbouring countr'
c. #t is a ban$ located outside the country of residence of the depositor
d. <ffshore ban3ing is basicall' dealing in foreign exchange
21. ,hich of the folloing is not a Cegotiable *nstrument-

a. 1he&ue
b. =ixed (eposit )eceipt
c. 0romissor' Cote
d. 6ill of %xchange
e. All +a, to +d, above are negotiable instruments
22. ,hat is the maximum balance amount that is eligible for earning interest in a
normal sa$ing
ban3 account-
a. )s. 1 lac
b. )s. 2 lacs
c. )s.3 lacs
d. )s. ! lacs
e. "o limit
23. ,hich of the folloing functions are not being performed b' the )eser$e 6an3
of *ndia-

a. )egulation of 6an3s in *ndia
b. )egulation of =oreign (irect *n$estment in *ndia
c. oreign Currency -anagement in #ndia
d. 1ontrol G +uper$ision of 2onda' +uppl'
e. 1urrenc' 2anagement in *ndia
24. ; ban3 is called as 9+cheduled 6an3: hen """"""""""""""

a. *ts business has crossed )s. 1000 crore mar3
b. *ts branch netor3 is o$er 100
c. #t is included in the second Scheduled of the (B# Act
d. ,hen it complies ith all the three abo$e
e. Cone of these
2!. (ebt is """"""" asset

a. 5roth
b. *nflation protecting
c. )is3'
d. #ncome

1. <n hich of the folloing grounds can ban3ing ombudsman reBect a complain-

a. ;lread' ta3en to consumer court
b. Cot approached ban3 first
c. )ither of the above
d. Cone of the abo$e

2. """""""" account is maintained b' businesses for their dail' operations.

a. Current
b. +a$ings
c. =ixed (eposit
d. )ecurring (eposit

3. <pen 2ar3et <perations is an important tool for central ban3s in """"""""""".

a. bullish e&uit' mar3et conditions
b. bearish e&uit' mar3et conditions
c. countries where debt mar$et is developed
d. countries here debt mar3et is under-de$eloped

4. 4he largest commercial ban3 in the countr' is """""""".

a. *1*1* 6an3
b. State Ban$ of #ndia
c. 1entral 6an3 of *ndia
d. )eser$e 6an3 of *ndia

!. *nternational credit cards can be used b' *ndians for """"""""".

a. *nternational tra$el
b. *nternational magazines
c. *nternational softare
d. Any of the above

#. ,hich of the folloing is / are )6* conditions applicable for ban3s declaring

a. 4o be paid out onl' from current 'ear profits
b. 2inimum capital ade&uac' of >H to be maintained
c. Cet C0;s to be belo 8H
d. All of the above
8. ;ctionable claim cannot be a debt that is secured b' """"""""".

a. 2ortgage of immo$able propert'
b. I'pothecation of mo$able propert'
c. 0ledge of mo$able propert'
d. All of the above

8. *n hich of the folloing situations ould an agreement ithout consideration
be $alid-

a. in riting and registered
b. promise is to compensate someone ho has alread' done something for the
c. )ither of the above
d. Cone of the abo$e

>. 4ier 1 in the 6asel frameor3 includes each of the folloing7 except """""".

a. 0ermanent shareholders e&uit'
b. full' paid ordinar' shares
c. perpetual non.cumulative preference shares
d. .ndisclosed reser$es

10. .nder """"""""" or3ing capital limits are determined based on financial

a. Cash credit
b. <$erdraft
c. 6ill 0urchase
d. 6ill (iscount
11. *n$estment classified under Ield to 2aturit' categor' need not be """"""""".

a. recorded
b. mar$ed to mar$et
c. accounted for
d. traded
12. ,hich of the folloing is true of )e$erse )epo rate-

a. (etermined b' free mar3et forces
b. !ower than repo rate
c. 6enchmar3 for long term rates
d. 0art of funding cost for commercial ban3s

13. 4he rele$ant ban3ing ombudsman for filing a complain regarding credit card
ith central
processing is the one under hose Burisdiction """""""""".

a. 4he head office of the ban3 falls
b. 4he central processing centre of the ban3 falls
c. 4he nearest ban3 branch falls
d. "one of the above

14. ,hich of the folloing is true in the case of transfer of financial asset under

a. 1harge does not need to be registered7 e$en if borroer is compan'.
b. <riginal borroer does not need to be informed.
c. Both of the above
d. Cone of the abo$e

1!. Jehicle finance is made cheaper through """"""""".

a. 6etter insurance co$er
b. Special arrangement with manufacturer
c. Ca$igation s'stem in the car
d. Iigher engine capacit'
1#. ,hich of the folloing is an aspect of the first principle underl'ing
+uper$isor' )e$ie
0rocess in 6asel frameor3-

a. 6an3s should ha$e a process for assessing their o$erall capital ade&uac' in
relation to
their ris3 profile.
b. 6an3s should ha$e a strateg' to maintain their capital le$el.
c. Both of the above.

18. ,hich of the folloing can benefit from +;)=;%+*7 2002-

a. 6an3s
b. =inancial *nstitutions
c. Both of the above
d. Cone of the abo$e

18. 4he second pillar in the 6asel frameor3 see3s to help participants to assess
hich of the
folloing information-

a. )is3 exposure
b. )is3 assessment process
c. Both of the above
d. Cone of the abo$e

1>. Ianding o$er ,arehouse )eceipt is an example of """""""".

a. 1onstructi$e (eli$er'
b. ;ctual deli$er'
c. *ntangible deli$er'
d. Cone of the abo$e

20. ,hich of the folloing is a secondar' identifier for account opening """""""-

a. (ate of 6irth
b. "ationality
c. 6oth of the abo$e
d. Cone of the abo$e
21. *n$estment in C)< ma' be made through """"""""".

a. )emittance from abroad
b. 4ransfer from C)%
c. )ither of the above
d. Cone of the abo$e

22. 1;2%/+ frameor3 as first used in """"""".

a. .K
b. 1anada
c. *ndia
d. /S

23. ,hen a customer opts for a safe deposit loc3er7 the customer becomes a

a. (ebtor
b. 1reditor
c. !essee
d. /essor

24. (eposit insurance co$ers """"""".

a. +a$ings
b. 1urrent
c. 4erm
d. All of the above
e. <ption ; and 1
2!. 4he person to hom pa'ment is to go under a bill of exchange is called
a. 0a'ee
b. 6eneficiar'
c. )ither of the above
d. Cone of the abo$e
0#0A 1uestion
1. C 301 D+ourcing Ce 1ustomersE
2. C 302 D;ssist ith ;pplication 0rocessE
3. C 303 D=acilitate / %xecute 4ransactionsE
4. C 304 D0ro$ide on - going +er$icesE
Luestions How BC will source NEW customer?
1 +egment 1ustomers as per (emographic
2 ;ssess (emand for Jarious 0roducts
3 ;pproach 1ustomer through (oor to (oor /1ommunit' 5athering
4 ;rrange 1ampaign G %ducational acti$ities
! ;ssess 0rospecti$e customer =inancial +tatus and 1ash flo trends
# +uggest customer products as per /ife 1'cle needs.
%xplain 1ustomers 4erms and conditions7 ;pplication 0rocedure7 (ocument )e&uired
and 4ime /ine
8 .pdate customers details into s'stem
Luestion 2ow BC will assist in Application 3rocess4
1 0ro$ide =orm to customer and assist to fill.
2 <btain Cecessar' (ocuments/KM1 Corms
3 0erform 6asic Jerification
4 0eruse )eferral 1hec3
! .pload (ocuments into 1omputer +'stem /0<+/K<*+K
# =or /oan 1ollect ;dditional documents
8 (eli$er ;pplication to 6an3
8 1hec3 account opening status
> *nform customer if application is reBected
<n successful ;ccount <pening (eli$er (ocuments li3e 0assboo37 +mart 1ard to
11 %xplain all documents to customers
1uestion 2ow BC will acilitate 5 )*ecute Transaction 4
1 <btain 1ash from 6an3 to gi$e to 1ustomers
2 (o 4ransactions through 6an3ing Kios3/0<+/2anuall'
3 (o ,ithdraal /(eposit =unctions for 1ustomers
4 0ro$ide )eceipt to customers for 4ransaction
! .pdate 1ustomers 0assboo3
# %scalate 1ustomer 1omplaint if re&uired
8 (eposit 1ash/1he&ue in ban3 ithin time
8 ;ssist 1ustomer in ;ccount 1losing
> Iandling all documents of customer to ban3 in case of account closure
Luestion 6ngoing services provided by BC 4
1 =ollo .p Jisits ith 1ustomers
2 0ro$ide 0ost +ale 1ustomer +er$ice
3 )espond to all customer &ueries and complaints
4 1ross sell to customers
! *dentif' /oan (efaulters /Ielp in )eco$er'
# .pdate details in s'stem.
<ther Ji$a &uestions as3ed b' the assessors under 61/6= are ...
1E ,hat is difference beteen 61 and 6= -
2E Io man' t'pes of 6an3 accounts are there -
3E Io man' t'pes of loans are there -
4E ,hat are the measures ta3en in case there is default of loan b' a farmer and he
reaproaches for fresh loan -
!E ,hat are the documents collected to open a ban3 account -
#E hat are the documents needed to process a loan -
8E hat is minimum loan gi$en to a farmer and the criteria for higher loan -
8E Io to source a ne customer -
>E ,hat is the ongoing process or ser$ices pro$ided once the customer is
ac&uired -
1:1 2:; 3: ; 4 :1 !: 1
#: 1 8:; 8: ; >: 1 10 : 1
11 : 1 12 : 1 13 : % 14 : 6 1! : %
1# : ; 18 : 6 18 : c 1> :; 20 :1
21 : % 22 : % 23 : 1 24 : 1 2! : (
1:1 2:; 3: 1 4 :6 !: (
#: ( 8:( 8: 1 >: 1 10 : ;
11 : 6 12 : 6 13 : ( 14 : 1 1! : 6
1# : 1 18 : 1 18 : 1 1> :( 20 :6
21 : 1 22 : ( 23 : ( 24 : 1 2! : (

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