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Caffeine and its Effect on Humans

Caffeine is part of the most generally consumed drugs with adverse effects being
consumed in huge amounts daily. Williamson in her book on the addictive nature of caffeine
stated nearly ninety per cent !"#$ of the %nited States population are influenced by caffeine
due to the fre&uent consumption of the drug Williamson' p. !$. Caffeine is a component found
naturally in many beverage plants' which are addictive and alter the natural condition of the
brain. Caffeine influences the brain in similar ways as hard drugs like cocaine and heroin and this
makes this drug one of the most harmful drugs consumed generally Williamson' p. 11$.
Caffeine' (ust like other hard drugs like heroin and cocaine affects the brain by sealing the
blood vessels in the brain. Humans find it hard to sleep after consuming caffeine because the
drug releases a hormone called adrenaline' which is responsible for hyper)activeness* therefore'
the body remains alert and active. Caffeine is responsible for the manipulation of the production
of dopamine in the brain' which therefore makes the consumer of caffeine to be in what is
regarded as a +high mood,' which also e-plains the hyperactive nature of humans who consume
caffeine Williamson' p. 1.$.
Coffee is consumed by individuals to enable them to stay awake until late in the night
may be for the reason they want to read their books or for the purpose of night (obs. Coffee and
other similar teas are in a position to keep humans awake because of the fact they contain
caffeine /avies' p. 0$. 1he standard I%23C name for caffeine is 1' .' 4)trimethyl-anthine. 3
compound that is gotten by nature in tea leaves' coffee beans' and cocoa nuts /avies' p. 0$.
/avies in an article stated' caffeine enhance awareness increases the rate at which the heart
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pumps blood' keeps human readily active and awake' and also causes muscles to be tensed up
/avies' p. 0$.
Caffeine in its pure form is a bitter powder crystalline' which is gotten from
decaffeinating coffee and also tea. Caffeine is used in various products and the progressive
consumption of caffeine is dangerous to the body as it binds with the brain therefore making it
addictive to the consumer Williamson' p. 15$.
How Caffeine 3ffects the 6ody
7ne of the principal effects of caffeine is the stimulation effect. 3s an individual
consumes caffeine' the body absorbs and transports around the bloodstream. In the blood stream'
the effect of caffeine reaches its ma-imum point after about one hour after the individual
consumes the drug 6rittain and 2rankerd' p. .$. Caffeine influences arousal of the nervous and
cardiovascular system and this account for elevated moods in people that consume caffeine.
Caffeine affects humans depending on some factors' which include* gender of the
consumer' height and weight' amount consumed' and other factors. Caffeine taken in e-cess
amount or taken for a long period it leads to insomnia' fre&uent tenseness' an-iety' depression
and other effects. Caffeine progressively consumed affects the brain of people by preventing
them from thinking clearly and elevates the adverse effects of other drugs or medications and this
is ha8ardous to health Williamson' p. 00$.
6ody Chemicals 3ffected by Caffeine
1wo body chemicals affected by caffeine are 3denosine and /opamine. 3denosine is
prepared in the brain when the body is weak and tired. 3denosine is responsible for dilation of
the blood vessels in the brain' which enables more o-ygen to learn how to the brain during sleep
/avies' p. .$. 3denosine and caffeine the same structure therefore caffeine binds to the brain
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receptors in place of 3denosine and block those sites. 1his also sends an emergency alert to the
body causing it to detach adrenaline. 1his also diverts the blood from the stomach to muscles and
causes e-pansion of the pupils and breathing tubes /avies' p. .$. 1he second chemical affected
by caffeine is called /opamine. /opamine is a pleasure activator of the brain. 1he brain
produces dopamine and dopamine makes the body feel what the individual may interpret as
pleasure /avies' p. 9$.
:ong)term Effects of Caffeine
1he consumption of caffeine for a long period may result in certain effects on the body.
;rom a research done on mice' the researchers discovered continuous consumption of caffeine
impairs long)term memory in humans <young)Eun and others' p. !4=$. ;urther long)term
effects of caffeine are severe insomnia' constant depression' and stomach ulcers. Caffeine is
believed to be associated with heart disease because it increases cholesterol levels in the body'
although is no proof for the mentioned fact Williamson' p.0!$. :ong)term consumption of
caffeine causes reproductive problems in human. Some of the reproductive problems caused by
caffeine include reproductive failures' infertility' congenital abnormalities and it may lead to a
low birth weight in offspring.
Short)term Effects of Caffeine
Effects noticed on consumption of a single dose of caffeine and vanish some hours after
consumption are called short)term effects of caffeine. /epending on the amount of caffeine
consumed at a particular point in time' the short)term effects include serene psychological
effects' increase in breathing rate' hyper)activeness' increased body temperature' and an increase
in the fatty acids and gastric acids in the blood and in the stomach respectively. 1here may also
be incidence of high blood pressure in individuals Williamson' p. ..$.
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Caffeine consumed at a dose of about 4>)1>" mg' humans e-perience elevated neural
activity and increase both physical and mental performance. Caffeine affects sleep reduces time
and depth of sleep. Caffeine consumed in large &uantities causes severe headaches' convulsions'
restlessness' fever' and an abnormal rate of heartbeat Williamson' p. .>$.
Caffeine is commonly used drug throughout the world and has long)term and short)term
effects on the consumers. It affects some body chemicals and has some adverse effects on
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Works Cited
6rittain' Harry ? 2rankerd' @ichard. Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients and Related
Methodology, Volume 33: ritical ompilation of P!" Values for Pharmaceutical
Substances. 3cademic 2ress' 0""4.
/avies' Simon. Effects of CaffeineA Caffeine in Coffee' 1ea and Chocolate is 3ddictive and
Harmful. Suite #$#%com. <arch' 0""4. 3ccessed 7n <ay .' 0"1" from BhttpACCeveryday)
<young)Eun' Han' Fyu)Hyun' 2ark' Sun)Gong' 6aek' ? 7thers. Inhibitory Effects of Caffeine
on Hippocampal Heurogenesis and ;unction. &iochemical and &iophysical Research
ommunications' .>5.9 0""4$A !45I=".
Williamson' 6rown. affeine: 'he "ddicti(e )ature of affeine and its Effects on the *uman
&ody% Cairo' EgyptA 1he @eturn 2ublishers' 0""!.

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