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Bear Brethren in Christ:

Houston, Texas
January 6, 197^
It has been at least five months since I sent out our last news-letter. They have
been very busy months. Roberta and I were in eight weeks of summer camps which we enjoyed
so very much, and since that time have been involved in a number of very successful Faith
Promise rallies as well as a nxunber of missionaiy rallies and mission emphasis programs.
In the past nine months, we have travelled at least 40,000 miles by car and plane and have
appreciated so much the opportunity of being in ttie homes of many of you who will receive
this letter.
Not very much news has been received from the Philippines since I left there last
March, but we do know that around 100 yo\mg people were enrolled in APARRI BIBLE SEMINARY
for this school year. Prom all indications, they have had a good year. The choir has been
active again this year in presenting special programs in Aparri and in several surrounding
choirches in the province of Cagayan.
We also know that over 800 young people were enrolled in the two CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOLS.
This is essentially the same as the enrollment of a year ago. Word has been received that
142 young people and teachers were baptized into Christ during the first Semester of this
present school year. This means that over 990 have been won to Christ in these two sohools
alone since they were established in 19^7* Some who will receive this letter have been
supporting these high schools regularly since their beginning. Others have given generously
to help build the buildings and equip them adequately. As a result, the schools are highly
respected by the officials of the Bureau of Private Schools of the Philippine Government,
and nearly 1,000 students and teachers have been brought to Christ along with an unknown
nximber of parents, relatives and friends of those who have been won at the eohools.
A great concern right now is for those who have graduated from the high schools and
are enrolled in Colleges and Universities in Manila, particularly, and also in the College
towns of the Cagayan Valley. Most of these students are living in almost unbelievable
circiunstances. Besides all of the pressures that come to them in the class room to deny
their faith, they have terrific pressures from the social conditions under which they live
to withstand. We feel a great need for what we call "student centers", especially in
Manila, where ve can have decent dormitories under proper supervision and along with that,
a worship and recreational center >diere they can worship together regularly and have regular
Bible studies each week. It would also serve as a place where the students could bring
their new-found friends from the great campuses of the many universities in Manila for
study of the Word and for recreation, etc. We believe these "Centers" could become great
evangelistic centers. Students from Ozark Bible College and Nebraska Christian College
have given nearly $1,200.00 to begin a fund for these "Centers". We trust the Lord to
provide additional funds as they are needed.
THE RADIO BROADCAST is going very well. Just a few days ago I received a letter from
our radio preacher, Bro. Virgilio Danao, from which 1 quote: "I am glad to inform you that
according to a survey conducted by the government and some civic organizations, our program
leads all programs aired over all eight radio stations in the Cagayan Valley." He went on
to state that this survey had to do with which program on those stations had the largest
listening audience. Our program received a 10 point rating with the next highest receiving
a 5 point rating. Needless to say, we are very happy for this news and we know you will be
too. So far as I know, we are still paying only $3*30 for this 13 minute program, six days
a week. We still have plans to get on two other stations as soon as funds are available*
Time on other stations will cost more, perhaps twice as much, but we know that thousands
are hearing this program every day and many are coming to the Lord through it.
I would like to close with a little personal news. Roberta and I came to Houston,
Texas on Dec. 9'fch and have been here since that time. One week-end during that time I
flew to Parmington, New Mexico for a Faith Promise Rally, and was in Los Angeles another
of those week-ends. We have had a most enjoyable time. All three of our eons live here.
We are happy to announce the birth of our fourth grand-child (third grand-daughter). She
was bom on Dec. 29, just a few hours before I returned from my trip to Los Angeles.
Roberta has been string with Rob and Brenda during this time, helping Brenda with the
baby and the other two children. Roberta is still doing wonderfully well. Right now our
plans are to return to the Philippines sometime in May. Nothing is definite as yet. Do
-.pray for us^^ end wa-send_cur thanks-ta all-of- you-for your vondsrfAil gifts for the work izt-
the Philippines and for^our love which you have manifested in so maziy ways.
y /. y) ^ Charles W.
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fjja amjAL f
A4<AJu- ^ yAAAMj 7 tmuAl.
burs in Christ
Aparri, Cngprn, PUttppbatfU
Missionaries: Charles and Roberta Selby (Furlough address: Fairfield, NE 68938), Sid and Marj
Boudreaux, Dennis and Lorrita McKinney, Ann Tolliver, Barbara Mangskau.
AWBf HfsimwmwmiH wm
Work in this part of the Philippines was begun many years ago by early missionaries and
Filipino preachers. Charles and Roberta Selby were the first missionaries to live in the area
permanently, arriving in June, 1947. In 1953, Norval and Dondena Campbell joined the Selbys
in Aparri where they spent one term of service before crossing the mountain range to the west
to open another Bible College. Sid and Marj Boudreaux came to the work in 1964, Ann Tolliver
in 1969, Dennis and Lorrita McKinney in early 1970, and Barbara Mangskau in 1974, having spent
one year on the field previously as an intern.
APARRI BIBLE SEMINARY was established by the Selbys in 1952 for the purpose of training
Filipino young people to become effective preachers and teachers of the Word to their own
people. In each of the last 3 years more than 100 young people have been enrolled. Through
the years hundreds have received training in this institution and today there are well over
40 well-trained preachers and teachers involved in every aspect of the evangelistic program
in the Cagayan Valley and adjacent provinces. Two graduates are working for the Lord in Hawaii.
THE EVANGELISTIC PROGRAM is a direct outgrowth of the work of Aparri Bible Seminary. During
the past 20 years more than 80 churches have been established by graduates of the Seminary. For
the past several years, an average of 700 souls have been baptized into Christ each year. This
work of establishing churches and winning souls to Christ is the work of Filipino preachers who
have been trained in Aparri Bible Seminary.
APARRI CHRISTIAN PRESS was established in 1957. Equipment consists of a 1250 Multilith Offset
press and a 12 by 18 inch letter press, an old type job press. Because of lack of equipment and
funds, this work is limited, but still, between 15 and 20 tracts have been published and printed,
and then reprinted as they have been needed. These tracts have been written by Ilocano preachers
in their own language and meet the problems and needs of the Filipino as only Filipinos can
know and understand them. Two bi-monthly papers, written in Ilocano and edited by graduates
of the Seminary, are sent out to thousands regularly. The Sunday School quarterly is translated
into Ilocano by another graduate and is proving to be a wonderful help to the churches in northern
Luzon and even on the island of Mindanao, more than 1000 miles to the south. This printed material
reaches hundreds of people who might not ever be contacted in any other way, and is proving to be
PI vpry grpat hplp in breaking down barriej^s to the preaching of the Gospel.
THE CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOLS, Northern Isabela Academy in Calinaoan, Santo Tomas, Isabel a, and
Southern Isabela Academy in San Guillermo, Isabela, were both started in 1967. These schools were
begun primarily because of the tremendous evangelistic opportunities they offer. All students
are in Bible classes daily, 5 days a week, 10 months of the year. During the 1974-75 school year,
824 were enrolled in the two schools, and 191 were baptized into Christ (including thriae teachers).
There have been 847 won to Christ at these schools since they were begun in 1967, an average of
106 per year. (The average for the last three years hajs been 154.) In addition, each student
won at the schools presents an opportunity to reach his parents and countless other relatives
and friends, and as a result, whole villages often become open to the Gospel. Several churches
have come into existence as a direct result of this work in the high schools.
From these students will come Christian homes and a well grounded leadership for local
churches, including future elders, deacons and Bible school teachers. Hundreds have graduated
from these schools since 1970, and several have gone to the Seminary to become preachers of the
Word (two of these are now back at their respective Alma Maters teaching Bible classes.) Many
have gone to universities and colleges in Manila and other places to prepare to become school
teachers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. If we can hold them faithful to the Lord during
their college years, these are the people who will help bring the church in the Philippines to
a self-supporting position, completely supporting their own preachers, their own Bible colleges,
and eventually their own missionaries as they go to other countries of southeast Asia with the
Gospel of Christ.
radiobroadcasting has been used to preach the Gospel in nothern Luzon since 1970. Virgilio
-Danao, a graduate of Aparri Bible Seminary, preaches every day six days a week over station^
DZNC in Caoayan, Isabela, to a large audience. This 15-minute program still costs only $3.50.
At least 6 churches have been established as a result of follow-up work. Plans call for pro
grams on 2 more stations, the building of a recording-broadcasting studio, and the establish
ment of a radio station for sending the Gospel to all of northern Luzon and across the China
Sea to the other countries of southeast Asia.
FUTURE PLANS include a radio station, 2 more high schools, and the establishment of a student
work aniohg college students who are graduates of the high schools.
Charles and Roberta Selby, Missionaries, P. 0, Box 49, Aparri, Ca^ayan, Philippines 1118
Forwarding Agent: Mrs* L TolliTer, Box 125, Fairfleld, Nebraska 66930
June 2, 1970
Bear Friends in Christ:
As this is written, Roberta and I are in Los Gates, California, spending a few days with
Don and Lydia Beckenhauer (niy sister) while making final preparations for our return to the
Philippines. Monday, May 3I, was a sad day as we said goodbye to our children and grandchil
dren at the Houston airport. It was 29 years ago May 50 that we set sail for the Philippines
the first time. We are scheduled to fly out of San Francisco on the 5th of June. However,
since our Special-Return Certificates have not yet arrived, it is possible our departure may
have to be postponed a few days.
As many of you know, Roberta has been in the United States since October, 1975* She came
home at that time because of a very serious illness. The Lord has taken care of that illness
in a marvelous way, and Roberta is very eager to get back to the people and the work we love
so much. I have been in the States since March of last year. Most of the time since then
has been spent in travelling throughout the country speaking concerning the work in the Phil
ippines and sharing the Word with brethren everywhere we go. During the year, we drove around
40,000 miles and travelled about 20,000 by plane. We visited churches in 20 states speaking
525 times. I spoke at 7 of our Bible colleges; we participated in 8 weeks of camp including
the great Week of Missions at Wi-Ne-Ma Camp in Oregon, attended the NACC in Detroit, spoke in
7 missionary rallies and I5 Faith-Promise rallies, held one Beeper Life Crusade and one 5-day
evangelistic meeting (at our living-link church, Indianola Church of Christ, Columbus, Ohio.)
The work in the Philippines has been progressing very well during our absence under the
leadership of the Boudreaux's, MoKinneys, and Aim Tolliver, Around 100 young people were en
rolled in Aparri Bible Seminaiy the past school year; 10 received degrees and certificates. The
Seminary has always been the hub of our work there id.th every other phase of the work aimed at
augmenting the evangelistic work that has grown out of the training prograir of the Seminary.
These various phases include a Printing Ministry, a Radio Ministry which is proving most effec
tive, and two Christian Hi^h Schools. Each of these ministries in its own way contributes
dramatically to the over-all evangelistic program in the area in which we work.
The high schools, for example, have been the means of bringing more than 1,000 young
people-and teachers to Christ since they were established in 1967- This is besides many
parents and other family members of the students who have been von to Christ. Over 600 yoiuig
people have been enrolled in these Christian schools in each of the last two school years.
This total evangelistic effort results in between 700 and 1,000 people accepting Christ
each year in Northern Luzon alone. In the 29 years that Roberta and I have been in this work,
the number of churches has increased from 10 to at least 100 at the present time. These
churches have been established by Filipino preachers trained in Aparri Bible Seminary.
Among plans for the future are the following: (1) The expansion of our present radio
outreach by getting on at least two other stations (we are presently broadcasting over one
station six days a week), the building of a recording studio with the possibility of using
the same facilities later on to establish our own broadcasting station on the northern sea-
coast of Luzon; (2) The establishment of a student center in the city of Manila to provide
proper spiritual guidance for those students who have graduated from our high schools as well
as a decent place for them to live as they prepare themselves for their life's work in the
great universities in that city; (3) The establishment of a home for orphaned and under-priv
ileged children; (4) The establishment of one or two more Christian high schools as God leads.
We praise God for the way He has supplied the financial needs of this work through the
years, and we trust Him for the future. Our present program is costing right around $6,000.00
per month. Just a little over one-half of this is committed by churches and individuals at
the present time. To expand the work in any way will increase our regular monthly expenses a
great deal, and there will have to be some substantial special gifts in order to buy the land
and build the buildings for some of the projects mentioned above.
We lay this before you and ask you to pray with us about it. If God leads you to share
with ua in this great program for reaching the Philippines for Christ, we will be most grateful,
and the Lord will certainly bless you. Eventually, working together, we can make it possible
for the Filipino Church to reach out on its own into other countries of southeast Asia with
the Gospel of Christ. To the many who have given on a regular basis and to all others who have
sent special gifts, as well as to all of you who have permitted us to visit you and share with
you concerning the Lord's work in the Philippines, we send our most heartfelt thanks. It has
been wonderful to visit so many of you in your homes this past year and we thank all of you for
your wonderful hospitality and for your deep interest in the Lord's work around the world. The
fellowship in the Lord which we have enjoyed with you has been a great blessing to us.
Philippine Mssion Churches of Christ, P 0- Box ^9, Aparri Cagayar 'iilS Philippines
Forwarding Agent: Mrs R. L Tolliver; Fairfield. Nebraska 68938
September 28 1976
Dear Brethren in Chrd.st?
We have been back in the Philippines nearly four months and this is our first news
letter-, We arrived in Aparri on June 13^ Seminary enrollment began the next day, and
classes began on the 16^ I am teaching hours a week and really enjoying it, Roberta
is teaching a four hour class- Galatians through Colossians, has choir two hours a week and
a voice class Office work had piled up while we were in the IT. S. and we are just now get-
ing ourselves dug out from under that- From now on, I hope we can keep you better informed
of what is happening here.
APARRI BIBLE SEMINARY began its 25^'^ year in June We have our smallest enrollment in sev
eral years with something over 60 students enrolledr This is about ,35^ below last years
enrollment We expect to see this back to nonnal next year, Will you pray with us about it?
CHRISTIAN HIGM: SCHOOLS Northern Isabela Academy and Southern Isabela Academy are in
their 10th year 01 operation. Both schools have their largest enrollment in history, with
570 3-t NIA and 40C at SIA making a total of 970? All of these young people are in Bible
classes daily. We will have a "Week of Evangelism" at each school beginning October 11, at
which time several of our Seminary professors and some preachers will be going to the schools
to t^e over the Bible classes and hold evangelistic services It is usually diaring these
special evangelistic se2rvice3 that many of the students who have not yet accepted Christ, do
so. There seems to be a very good spirit at the schools and we expect some great victories
In^Augu.st, Roberta and Xwent to SIA for a week-end "Spiritual Retreat" with the faculty
and staff ^of that school;, and again just last week we were at NIA for a similar meeting
Special Bible studies were conducted in three sessions of three hours each, Saturday morning
Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon - It was spiritually rewarding for all of us
Because of the increased enrollment at SIA this year we have been forced to begin the
3nd anit of the building there. There are no fundc' fc this, but we have started it never-
the-less ^^d are trusting the Lord to provide what vrill be needed as we go along It is a
72 by 30 foot two story unit which will he joined to the other two units already there- With
present prices the estimated cost is around $14,C00.00. That is about $3 25 per square foot
of floor space. As you might have already guessed, our buildings here are not at all elabor
ate We would certainly oe most grateful for any special help you can send for this project.
;THE~RADrO BROADCASTS are still going out over station D2NC in Cauayan. Isabela Many very
important contacts are being made mth fills program every month. Recently- Bro Danao has
been^in correspondence with the Mayor of one of the major towiis of the province of Isabela
who is a regular listener of the program- I don^t know what the results of that have been
but it J.S indicative of vrhat the radio work can do- We are still planning to expand this
part of our work as soon as possible,
^P_EVAN(S:lISTIC work is coming along very well. During the past year, Bro Dennis McKinney,
with the cooperation of many preachers., put together a church directory for Northern Luzon
101 Churches are listed in that directory in our area of work. This compares with the
approximately 10 churches that were in existence when we arrived in 1947- Bro- McKinney and
his team are having meetings on a regular basis throughout the valley, Several of the pro
fessors and students of the Seminary are out every weekend preacliing- Some financial aid
is being given to several men as they labor in various capacities throughout the area-
APARRI CHRISTIAN PRESS continues to produce a tremendous amount of printed mateinal - Our
1250 Multilixh and the old manually operated 12 by 18 inch letter press are really kept busy.
Our main problem at present is that there is not enough room available for the amount of
work to be done,- but we hope to remedy this situation soon
FUTURE PLAI^i We are still negotiating for the purchase of a hi^ school here in Aparr.'i,
but just don't seem to be able to reach an agreement, We are giving serious consideration
.0 using the^land and buildings now being used by the Seminary to open a high school and
Christian College here in Aparri and then move the Seminary to the 25 acre site located
about ten mile-s south of Aparri- This is a matter for much prayer. It is on this same 25
acre site where we plan to build a recording studio. Will you pray with us about this also?
'Sin^^rely yours i]
f^les and Roberta Selby
I Philippine Mission Churches of Christ, P. Oe Box 49, Aparri, Cagayan, Philippines III8
Forwarding Agents Mrs, Ro Lo Tolliver, Pairfield, Nebraska 68938
Dear Friends in Christ?
This, in a way, is a very special letter since it is being sent to all of those who have
had a part in the Lord's work here in a financial way at sometime during the past 30 years.
We just want all of you to know what the Lord has done here during those years. We also want
to share with you some of the exciting opportunities He has opened up for the future.
1977 is going to be a year of anniversaries, FIRST: it was 30 years ago, June, 1947,
that Roberta and I first arrived in the Philippines, SECOND; it will be the 25th anniversary
of APARRI BIBLE SEMINARY which was established in 1952, THJBDi it will be the 20th anniver
sary of the establishment of APARRI CHRISTIAN PRESS, which began operation in 1957* FOURTH?
we will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the two CHRISTIAN HIG0H SCHOOLS, Northern Isabela
Academy and Southern Isabela Academy, both of which were established in i967
These have been 30 eventful years. The number of churches in this area has increased
from around iO in 1947 to more than 100 at the present time. The preacher training program
of the SEMINARY has increased the number of preachers from 1 in 1947 to more than 60 in 1977.
THE CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOLS have 970 young people enrolled this school year, 215 of those
have been baptized into Christ during the first semester. This brings the total number of
baptisms at the schools since 1967 to 1,221, THE RADIO BROADCAST reaches into hundreds of
homes every day. We know of at least 7 churches that have been established as a direct re
sult of this program. THE PRESS provides the tracts and other printed matter needed for a
A major concern for the future is to put as much of this work on a self-supporting basis
as possible. In most cases this is going to take an additional outlay of money right now
in order to accomplish the desired end.
The government is making it nearly impossible to make the high schools self-supporting
through tuition paid by the sti-idents. The law prohibits raising prescjnt tuition fees but
other laws and decrees demand that teachers' salaries and benefits be increased every year.
At Northern Isabela Academy we have about 9 acres of good rice land which has not been fully
utilized because of a lack of water when needed. A four inch irrigation well has just been
completed there which is deemed capable of supplying the needed water. It will take arovind
$J:i,5UU.uu to complete "Chis project including the"purchase of a pimip and engine. With irrl-
gation, at least 3 crops can be produced every year, which should enable us to clear $10,000
or more per year. This would very nearly make the high schools self-supporting.
A second project is to make the Seminars' more nearly self-supporting. We own 25 acres
of land 10 miles south of Aparri which was purchased a number of years age with the idea of'
moving the Seminary -idiere. We feel that this is the time to do it, although it will take
quite a s'um of money for buildings rigiit now. This wd.H pezmiix "us to use that vast area
for producing rice, fish, mean and vegetables for the Senhuiary and develop projects that will
eventually help bring the Seminary to a self-supporting position.. It vri.ll probably take
around $40,000,00 to build two dormitories and a class-room and administration building ade
quate to meet p2X)jected needs.
In the very near future we expect to begin construction of a building which for the
present will be used for a recording studio, enabling us to expand our present radio work
to at least two other stations in northern Luzon, The plan is to construct this building so
that it can be turned into a broadcasting station when that becomes possible. It will be
located at the new Seminary campus and is expected to cost about $10,000,00,
In the six month period, June to November, expenses exceeded receipts by about $9,000,00.
Most of this, extra spending has been put into the 3rd xmit of the building at SIA which is -
now under construction. It will take about $8,000.00 yet to complete this building. In a
growing work such as this, our greatest need is regular monthly or quarterly support, no
matter how small or large the amount. This is what really enables us- to keep the work mov
ing forward. However, if each of you receiving this air-mail letter could .send $20,00 or
$30,00 to o'ur U. So address right now, just as a special offeiing, it would put us in very
good financial shape once again. Above all, we seek your ]^ayers for the Lord's work here.
other and in Christ,
and Roberta Selby

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