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[ ] n the fourth vowel of the Bengali alphabet.

[ kra ] n the symbol '' affixed to consonants whilst adding the -sound to it. a.
of words! beginning with or --sound. a. of words! ending in or -sound.
[ kaa ] n sight" seeing or sighting" observation" an eye.
[ kita ] a seen" sighted# noticed" observed.
# [ dk# d$a ] a like this or like him# similar to this or similar to him. fem.
[ ps ] n desire to obtain" desire# longing.
[ psita ] a desired# longed for. fem.
[ psu ] a desirous of obtaining" desirous.
[ r ] n envy" malice# spite. n. fire or heat of envy or malice. ,

envious# malicious# spiteful. adv. being impelled or directed by envy or malice# out of ill-will
or spite.a. caused by envy or malice.,

same as
[ $a ] n %od" a god# a deity" %od &hiva" a master or lord" a husband" an overlord# a king.

[ $
] fem of " %oddess (urga.

[ $
] n a plough-stilt# a plough-tree.

[ $
] n +esus ,hrist.
[ $na ] n a name of &hiva !" the north-east. n. a name of %oddess (urga. !#
the wife of &hiva.
# [ $it# $itba ] n godhead" divinity" supremacy" domination.
! [ $bara ] n %od" the ,reator" a god" a creator" a lord# a master# an owner" an overlord# a
king" the head of an order etc. "!!" an appellation added to the name of a deceased person"
its symbol is # #$ %&'(!. !) %od forbid# far be it. n. %od-s mercy" %od-s
grace.*n. di vine meditation. n. godhead" divinity.+a. %od-given.,,

( a. devoted to
%od# faithful to god" devout# pious.,,

(n. devotion to %od" faith in %od" piety"

godliness.-n. worship of %od..a. inspired by %od. n. %od-s grace../adv.
through %od-s grace" by the grace of %od..0n. spiritual union with %od" death..,

". n.
love of or towards %od.".a. & n. one who loves %od..".a. %od-sent# divinely inspired.
n. theism.a. theistic.n. a theist. &a. atheistic.n. an atheist. (a. relating to
%od.$a. devoted to %od" devout" pious.$n. devotion to %od" devoutness" piety.$ n.
godhead" divinity" godliness.$)a. %od-fearing./&n. austerities and meditations leading to
communion with %od./ 1 a. created by %od."/n. worship of %od.
!2, ! [ $bar/0# $bard1$a ] n %od-s commandment# a divine commandment.
!& [ $bardhna ] a dependent on the will of %od" divine.
! [ $bar ] fem of !" %oddess.
!3 [ $bar1cch ] n the will of %od" divine will. !3( adv. by the will of %od# %od
!/ [ $bar2psaka ] n a worshipper or devotee of %od.
!/ [ $bar2psan ] a worship of %od# divine service" devotion to %od.
[ a ] n a ploughshare.
4 [ at ] a. 3adv a little# a bit# slight or slightly.
5 [ atbakra ] a slightly bent or curved.
3 [ adaccha ] a translucent.
6 [ adua ] a moderately warm# tepid# lukewarm. 6n. moderate warmth# tepidity#
[ ad4na ] a a little less than# a little short of.
7 [ adbika$ita ] a in partial bloom" not fully open.
89 [ adbhinna ] a in partial bloom" partially or slightly separated.
:; [ anmtra ] a /ust a little# very little.
[ ] n a plough-stilt# a plough-tree" a furrow" a ploughshare. <n. the handle of a plough.
, [ ik# k ] n an eyeball of an elephant" a painter-s brush" a tall species of
grass of which mats are made.
= [ h ] n effort# attempt# endeavour" desire.

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