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English I Pre-AP Syllabus 2014-15

Mrs. Andrea Beerwinkle
Email: abeerwinkle@ccisd.net Class Website: beerwinkle.com Twitter: @mrsbeerwinkle
Conference Time: 3
period and by appointment after school
Tutorials: Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 2:30-3:15 and on other afternoons by appointment

Course Title: English I Pre-AP
Course Description: Pre-AP is a preparatory class for AP Language and Composition (11
grade) and AP
Literature and Composition (12
grade). We focus on advanced close reading (analytical) and analytical
writing. Pre-AP students will read and write more than a regular class and will learn how to dig deeper within
the works by increasing their repertoire of advanced literary terms. AP-style multiple choice
questions/activities and AP-style timed writes will be introduced and practiced.

Average amount of Homework:
The amount of homework will vary, but students will have homework on a near daily basis (mostly reading). This is a very intensive
class filled with extensive reading and essays (both in-class and at home). Projects will be given, but with plenty of advanced notice.
Students are strongly encouraged to break up reading assignments rather than waiting until the last minute.

Major works for the year:
Literature: Texas Treasures, Course 4
A separate Peace by John Knowles
The Chosen by Chaim Potok
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
(in textbook)
Animal Farm by George Orwell

You will need your own copies of novels, whether it be checking them out from a library, borrowing from
someone (not a fellow student who might need it), or purchasing your own copy. Purchasing a copy is
encouraged because it supports annotation (highlighting and taking notes in the text). If purchasing your own
copy, try to find a version with large margins or space at the end of chapters for annotations. Ebooks are not
allowed because students cannot make quality annotations within these books.


3-ring binder
1 package of dividers
Blue/black ink pens for
Multicolored ink pens
for annotating
notebook paper
Highly encouraged:
Post-it notes
keyboard and mouse for
tablet (these make
tablet use for class
projects much easier)
Requested: Students are
encouraged to donate FACIAL
TISSUES to our classroom
supplies. The school does not
supplies these yet they greatly

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Class Rules
1. There is no eating or drinking in Mrs. Beerwinkle's room. Food stains the carpet and attracts RATS and
COCKROACHES--EWWWW!!! Only water, in a see-through PLASTIC bottle, will be allowed. Failure to follow
this policy will result in the offending food item being taken up and not returned.

2. Students are counted tardy when not in the classroom before the bell rings.

3. Work productively during work times. Failure to actively work during provided class time will result in
disciplinary action. This includes having your OWN supplies. You cannot be productive without the needed

4. No profanity will be tolerated. The use of profanity will result in an automatic office referral and a call/email
to your parent or guardian.

5. Restroom/water breaks will not be allowed during the first and last 10 minutes of class. You will receive 4
restroom/water passes each 9 weeks. Lost passes will not be replaced. You get a passing period, use it

6. Cell phone/device (non-Venue) use is prohibited in Mrs. Beerwinkle's class. All cell phones/devices are to be
placed and remain in backpacks and purses during your whole time in my room (this includes passing periods).
Use of a cell phone/device during class will result in confiscation of the device. If you choose to use your
device outside of my room and the bell rings, you will be counted tardy. Venues will only be allowed when
specifically stated by Mrs. Beerwinkle.

7. Turn work in immediately. I will wait 60 seconds after the tardy bell rings. If I do not have your work by
then, it is late. I will not wait for you to staple, assemble, confer with group members, etc.

Possible Disciplinary Actions:
call/email to a parent or guardian
teacher detention
office referral

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General Methods of Assessment and Grade Calculation:
Reading/Writing Assessment: 5%
Daily grades (class work and homework)/ Quizzes (count twice): 35%
Major Grades (tests, formal papers, projects, timed writings): 60%
Student and parents can access updated grades on CCISD for me once the program is running. I try to update
the grades about once a week. If you check your grade and see an assignment but not a grade, it means that I
havent had a chance to put those grades in. It does NOT mean you have a zero. If you are absent on the day
an assignment is due or another grade is given, a zero will be entered for the assignment. The zero will be
removed once you turn in your work or make up the missed assignment.

Clear Lake High Schools late work policy:
1 day late: 75% of original grade
2 days late: 75 of original grade
3 days late: NO CREDIT, a zero for the assignment

Work (class work and homework) that is not turned in when called for is late unless otherwise specified. If
you need to print an assignment, do so before class or it will be considered late. If you are absent, you will
receive one day per each day missed to complete the assignment(s). It is YOUR responsibility to obtain the
appropriate assignment(s). The best way to do this is by coming to talk to Mrs.Beerwinkle AFTER school the
day of your return. I will NOT have time during a regular class session to discuss make-up work.
If absent the day before a quiz or test, you are expected to take the quiz or exam (if the quiz or exam was
announced prior to the absence). You are expected to make-up tests and quizzes upon return. The day for a
day make-up time for absences applies to quizzes and exams. If you need to make up a test/quiz and you
neglect to attend the make-up within the allotted time, your grade for that test/quiz will be a ZERO. If you
cannot come into make up the assignment in the allotted time, you need to arrange another day to come in.
Requests to make up work after the make-up time has passed are likely to receive a No response.

Extra Credit: Extra credit will not be offered. I understand that GPAs are very important and encourage you to
give every assignment your full effort and to talk to me if you would like more specific pointers on how to
improve your work on future assignments.

A note about questions submitted by e-mail/Facebook/Twitter/Class website after 3:15pm:
While Twitter, Facebook, the class website and e-mail are "on" 24/7, I am not. I have a life outside of school (a
really dorky life, but still a life) and may not always respond to your question as quickly as you would like.
Please be patient and know that I will respond as soon as it is practical (no longer than 24 hours). Any
questions sent after 9pm (my bedtime) are unlikely to be seen before my conference period or later the next
day in the case of weekends.
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Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to English I! I am super excited about being your childs English teacher.

Please take a few moments to read through the syllabus, complete the bottom portion of
this page, and have your child return it to me quickly.

If you wish to meet with me anytime during the year, please contact me so that we can
schedule the meeting. I am accessible via e-mail. I will return any e-mails within 24

I look forward to meeting you at Open House on September 8

Andrea Beerwinkle

Childs name: _____________________________________________________________Class period______

Parent/Guardians name:_____________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian e-mail:______________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian phone #:____________________________________________________________________

Additional information I might need to know, as your childs teacher:

I have read and understand the guidelines and procedures for this course.

Student signature:______________________________________________________ Date:________________

Parent/Guardian signature:_______________________________________________ Date:________________

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