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IRC: 271967

NC: 271967
Published by
Jamnagar H OH Se , Shabjahan Road,
Ne w De lhi 110 011
Price Rs 24/-
(plus Packing and Postage)
IRC: 271%7
Pint published in November, 1967
Reprinted in March, 1977
ReprInted: August, 19$, (Incorporate the sieve sizes)
Reprinted: February, 2000
(Rights ofPublication and of Translation are resend)
Printed at DEEKAY PRiNTERS, NewDeIhI-110015
IRC :271967
The draft tentative specification for bituminous macadam
(base and binder course) prepared by the Bituminous Pavements
Committee was approved by the Executive Committe in their
meeting held on the 24th & 25th February, 1967, and was later
approved for publication as the finallsed tentative specification
by the Council of the Indian Roads Congress at their 67th Meeting
held at Nainital on the 30th September, 1967.
This tentative specificatton is intended to indicate what is
considered to be a good practice for construction of bituminous
macadam (base and binder course) under average conditions.
Provisions of this specification shall apply unless modified by
special provisions to take into account unusual conditions,
Bituminous macadam shall consist of the construction of
one or more courses of compacted crushed aggregates, premixed
with a bituminous binder, laid immediately after mixing.
It is an OPtfl graded construction suitable for base and
hinder courses and should not be used as a wearing course as
sucb~it may be used as a temporary riding surface when covered
with an appropriate seal coat.
31. BItuminous Materials
The bituminous mater!ials shall conform to the requirements
as specified and provided for in the proposal and satisfy the rela-
ted specifications of Indian Standards institution (181 Standards
73, 215, 217 and 454.). The grades of binder to be used would
depend upon the climatic conditions. Paving bitumens of 30/40,
60770 and 80/ iOU penetration, road tars of grade RT-4, approved
cutbacks and emuk!ons are normaitv suitable for the bituminous
in a cada 111.
For the tack coat, RT-3 or 80/100 bitumen or approved cut~
backs or emulsions are suggested.
3 . 2. Aggregates
The aggregates shall consist of crushed stone, crushed slag,
crushed gravel (shingle) or other stones, as specified. The aggre~
gates shall have ciean, strong, durable and fairly cubical frag-
meats free from disintegrated pieces, organic and other deleterious
matter, and adherent coatings. The aggregates shafl preferably
he hydrophobic and of low porosity.
3 . 21. Physical re quire me nts The aggregates shall satisfy
the following physical requirements
Base Binder
course course
Aggregate impact Value
Maximum 3 5 per cent 3 0 per cent
Loss Angeles Abrasion
ValueMaximum 50 per cent 40 per cent
For slag, weight shall not be less than 1120 kg per m
3 .
Loss with sodium sulphate for
five cycles Maximum 12 per cent
flakiness index Maximum 15 per cent
Stripping test (CRRJ)t Maximum 25 per cent
Where aU or some of these conditions can not be satisfied,
it is left to the Engineer-in-charge to allow reasonable tolerances.
The use of ~owgrade aggregates by improving their qualities
shall also be considered.
*1~ohundred gmof iS mm to 12 mm aggregate and binder are mixed
together in a smati casarol, binder being heated previously to 160C. (if bitumen)
and I ifiC.tif tar). The mixture is transferred to a 500 ml. beaker and allowed
to cure at the room temperature for about 2 hours, Then t of the voiurne of
beaker is filled with distilled water and the beaker is kept in a water bath main-
tained at 40C,,taking care that the level of water In the water bath comes upto
at least half the height of the beaker. The beaker is covered with a glass plate.
After the expiry of 24 hours, the beaker is taken out of the water bath and
visuat examination is carried out to estimate the quantity of stripping that takes
place and it is expressed as percentage of the uncovered area to the total area
of the aggregates. The whole test is repeated * second time and an average
value is obtained.
IRC 211967
3 . 2. 2. GradIng of aggregates The aggregates for the hitu-
rnirtous macadam for different thicknesses shall conform to the
gradings given in Tables I and 2.
TA E L S 1, 75 M M C0M PA cTFD THicKnE ss
Base course
Base or binder
Per cent passing:
Grading Grading
1 2
63 mm 100 100
53 mm 92~100
45 mvi 5095 5090 100
26. 5 mm 2545 75100
22. 4 mm 5 20 6095
13 . 2mm
3 25

11. 2mm . 3 055
5.6 mm 153 5
2. 8 mm
0 8
90 micron
Binder content per cent
by wt. of mix
0~5 o 5 05
3~4.5per 3-4.5 per
cent cent
3 -6 per
E*uLs 2. 50 MM COMPACTED TificKNEss
Base course
Base or biiade r
Per cent passing,
Sieve No,
53 mm
Grading Grading
1 2
100 100
45 mm , 95~100
26,5 mm
5095 6095 100
22. 4 mm 75100
13.2 mm 5 ~20 15 35
11:2mm , 5085
5. 6 mm
08 520
90 micron 05 05 0 5
Binder content per cent
by wt. of mix
3 4. 5 per 3 -4. 5 per
cent cent
3 -6 per
3 <<
IRC 27 1967
4. 1, Aggregates
The approximate quantity of aggregates required for 10 ni2
oF area of bituminous macadam shah be 0. 60 to 0. 75 m3 and 0. 90
to . 10 m3 for compacted thicknesi: of 50 mm and 75 mm res~-
4. 2. Binder
4. 2. 1. Prentixing : The bituminous binder required for prc-
mixing of the bituminous macadam shafl he at the rate specified
depending on the gradatio. n of the aggregates. The tipper limit
may be raised when absorptive type of aggregates are used, and
the exact rate shall be specified by the Engineer~in-charge. if tar
is used, the binder should he increased by 10 per cent,
4. 2. 2. Tack coat If and when required, the quantity of
hinder needed for the tack coat shall he between 5 to 7. 5 kg per
10 m2 for bitumen treated surface and 7. 5 to 10 kg per 10 m2 for
untreated water bond macadam surface.
5. 1. Weather and S easonal L imitations
Bituminous macadam shall not be laid or placed during
rainy weather or when the subgrade or base course is damp or
wet unless emulsion is used or normally when the atmospheric
temperature in the shade is 16C, or below,
5. 2. Equipme nt
,Ali equipment necessary for the proper construction of work
shall he on the site of thefl work in good condition.
5.3. A rrangement for Traffic
Adequate provisions for the movement of traffic shall he
made as far as possible, so as not to interfere with the construc-
tion operation on the road.
5. 4. Preparation of Uqderlying Course
The underlying course on which bituminous macadam is to
he laid shall be prepared, shaped and conditioned to a uniform
grade and section as specified, Any depressions or pot-holes
IRC 271967
should be properly made up and thoroughly compacted suffici-
ently in advance. The surface of the underlying course shall be
thoroughly swept and scraped clean and free from dust and
5, 5. Application of Tack Coat
The binder shalt be heated to its appropriate application
temperature except in case of emulsions and applied to the base
at the rate given in para 4. 2 2. It is preferable to use a sprayer,
hut if none is available, ponring cans may be used. The binder
shall be applied uniformly.
The tack coat shall be applied just ahead of the spreading
of premixed macadam.
5. 6. Pre paration of Pre mix
Mechanical mixers shall be used for mixing the aggregate
and the bituminous binder. improvised hand mixing drums
may be used only with the approval of the Engineer-in-charge.
The bituminous material except emulsions shall be heated
to the appropriate application temperature in tanks so designed
as to avoid local over-heating and provide a continuous supply.
The aggregates shall be dry and suitably warmed or heated
as required before it is placed in the mixer except in the case of
emulsions. When it is delivered to the mixer, it shall be at a
temperature which is consistent wit. h proper mixing and laying.
After about 15 seconds of dry mixing, the hot bituminous
material shall be distributed over the aggregate at the rate speci-
fied in Tables I and 2. and para 4. 2. 1 and at the temperature
directed by the Engineer-in-charge within a tolerance of plus or
minus 10C. The mixing shall be continued till homogeneous
mixture is obtained in which all particles of the mineral aggre-
gates are coated uniformly. .
The mixtures shall be transported from the mixing plant to
the point of use in suitable vehicles or in wheel harrows.
5,7. Spreading
The mix shall be spread immediately after mixing preferably
by mechanical payers, spreaders or graders. Manual spreading
shall be done (only with the approval of the Engineer-in-charge)
IEC. 27~1967
with rakes to the desired thickness and to the correct camber.
Uneven areas shall be brought to camber.
5. 8. Rolling
As soon as sufficient length of bituminous macadam has
been laid, rolling shall be done by 8 to 10 tonpower rollers.
Rolling shall commence at the edges and progress towards the
centre longitudinally except that on super-elevated curves, rolling
shall progress from the lower to the upper edge parallel to the
centre line of the pavement and uniformly lapping each preced-
ing track until the entire surface has been roiled and all roller
marks are eliminated and no more compaction or crushing of
aggregates takes place. The roller wheels shall be kept damp,
When the roller has passed once over the whole area, any
high spot or depressions which become apparent shall be correct-
ed by removing or adding fresh mixture.
The edges along and transverse of the macadam laid and
compacted shall be cut to its full depth so as to expose a fresh
surface which shall be painted with thin surface coat of the
appropriate binder before new mix is placed against it.
5.9. FinIshed Surface
The compacted surface shall be uniform and conform to
the lines, grades and typical cross sections indicated on the Plans
and shall present a satisfactory surface. When tested with a
template and straight edge; the finished surface shall show no
variation greater than 6 mm over 3 in leng%k

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