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Dumbbell Shrug The Key To Building Huge Traps

Well developed traps are an instant sign of

strength & power for any bodybuilder or power-
lifter. The good news is that you don't need an
array of specialised equipment to develop your
traps, your dumbbell set is all you need.
The 'traps' are large muscles in the middle of
the upper back that are used to support the
arms as well as lift and rotate the scapula.
The most visible part of the trapeius muscle is the superior region which e!tends
out from the neck and creates a "hump" on top of the shoulders. The muscle is
named so as the pair form a shape similar to a trapeoid.
Why Build Massive Traps?
#lthough not one of the largest muscles $visibly% on the body, well developed traps
go a long way to enhancing the appearance of
sie & power.
&or this reason, many WW' wrestlers put
e!tra work into developing huge trap muscles.
# prie e!ample is (rock )esnar $pictured to
the left%. *is huge traps enhance his already
massive frame, making him look e!ceptionally powerful.
+ow when it comes to training, traps usually respond very well for most people.
There are many different ways to train the traps, you can use a barbell, traps bar, or
even cables.
(y far my favourite e!ercise for training traps is the dumbbell shrug which uses
nothing more than a pair of dumbbell weights.
The Trapezius Muscle
Just look at Lesnar's huge traps!
Dumbbell Shrugs - The Downside
&irst, let me point out the one downside of dumbbell shrugs, perhaps a minor issue,
but nevertheless it can cause a degree of problems for some.
When using dumbbell weights, you have to lift the dumbbells off the floor to get
started. This may not initially be an issue but you,ll be surprised how quickly you,ll
increase the dumbbell weight used.
)ifting a pair of -.kg $/01lbs% dumbbells off the floor is no mean feat.
This can be especially so if you,re one of those gym trainees that has shyed away
from the suat $2 do hope you,re not%
*owever, this one downside is more than made up for by the advantages the
dumbbell shrug gives you.
The !dvantages "# $sing Dumbbells
The biggest advantage of dumbbell shrugs over most other shrug e!ercises is the
arm positioning. 3umbbells allow your arms to hang from your body in their more
natural position, by your side.
The barbell shrugs requires you to hold a bar that,s positioned in front of the body.
This forces the shoulders slightly forward in a 4rounded, position. This is non optimal
position for the traps in terms of applicable strength so you,re unable to train them to
their fullest.
The dumbbell shrug allows your arms to hang by your side in a more natural
position, thus allowing you to push your traps to their ma!imum.
True the trap bar does allow for the same natural arm position but it,s not a common
piece of gym equipment. 2f you train at home, it,s quite an e!pense for a one-
e!ercise piece of equipment.
%er#orming The Dumbbell Shrug
Take a pair of heavy dumbbells and place them on the floor them in parallel,
either side of you
5osition your legs a little under shoulder width apart
6neel down and take a good grip of each dumbbell
7nce you,re happy with your grip, push up with your legs, keeping your back
*old the dumbbells by your sides, level with your thighs, palms facing
6eeping your arms straight, raise your shoulders upwards using your trap
muscles only.
5ause momentarily at top of movement and return to start position
*ere's an e!cellent video demonstration for you.
My Top Tips &or %er#orming The Dumbbell Shrug
6eep your arms straight throughout the entire movement. (ecause of the
large weights you,ll be able to handle, even the slightest of bend in the arm
switches some of the load from the traps to the biceps.
)ift and lower the dumbbells slowly and deliberately - don't >erk them.
5lease do not rotate your shoulders backwards at the top of the movement or
forwards at the bottom - this increases the risk of in>ury to the shoulders and
places no further work on the trapeius. &or years 2 rolled dumbbell shrugs
and 2,m convinced this was the ma>or contributing factor to my rotator cuff
problems. #lso, 2 have seen one or two people nip their ,manhood, between
the dumbbells when rolling forward at the bottom point - ouch? 2t,s a rare
occurrence but it can happen.
@ontrary to popular belief, you don,t need to 4squeee, your traps at the top of
the movement. This won,t work the muscle any harder and may even lead to
minor strains.
Ase straps to improve your grip B don,t fail a set because you couldn,t hang
onto the weight.
#s always vary the reps and sets, keeping in the range of C-/D reps.
When it comes to building huge traps, the dumbbell set really is the E/ piece of
equipment. &ollow my tips above, training your traps once a week and you,ll be
surprised >ust how quickly they grow.
3umbbells are also relatively cheap and e!ceptionally versatile - they make a sound
investment for any home gym.
&or more dumbbell training tips & advice on plus a &F'' downloadable GWeight
liftingH guide, visit www.3umbbellIetJuide.com.

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