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ATANACIO, Zinnia Farica May
LAURENA, Augustu Anthony
RAFANAN, Sy!"st"r
What is the Civil Service Commission?
Th" Ci!i S"r!ic" Co''ission (CSC) is th" c"ntra *"rsonn" ag"ncy o+ th"
&hii**in" go!"rn'"nt,
On" o+ th" thr"" in-"*"n-"nt constitutiona co''issions .ith a-/u-icati!"
r"s*onsi0iity in th" nationa go!"rn'"nt structur",
It is aso tas1"- to r"n-"r 2na ar0itration on -is*ut"s an- *"rsonn" actions
on Ci!i S"r!ic" 'att"rs,
R"cruit'"nt, 0ui-ing, 'aint"nanc" an- r"t"ntion o+ a co'*"t"nt,
*ro+"ssiona an- highy 'oti!at"- go!"rn'"nt .or1+orc" truy r"s*onsi!" to
th" n""-s o+ th" go!"rn'"nt3s ci"nt 4 th" *u0ic,
Specifc Functions
"a-ing an- initiating th" *ro+"ssionai5ation o+ th" ci!i s"r!ic"6
*ro'oting *u0ic accounta0iity in go!"rn'"nt s"r!ic"6
a-o*ting *"r+or'anc"40as"- t"nur" in go!"rn'"nt6
i'*"'"nting th" int"grat"- r".ar-s an- inc"nti!"s *rogra' +or go!"rn'"nt
To "sta0ish an- *ro'ot" *ro+"ssionais' in *u0ic s"r!ic"
This is th" o0/"ct o+ th" Ci!i S"r!ic" un-"r th" Constitution,
Artic" I74#, S"ction 89
Th" CSC, as th" c"ntra *"rsonn" ag"ncy o+ th"
:o!"rn'"nt, sha "sta0ish a car""r s"r!ic" an- a-o*t
'"asur"s to *ro'ot" 'ora", ";ci"ncy, int"grity,
r"s*onsi!"n"ss, *rogr"ssi!"n"ss, an- court"sy in th" ci!i
s"r!ic", It sha str"ngth"n th" '"rit an- r".ar-s syst"',
int"grat" a hu'an r"sourc"s -"!"o*'"nt *rogra's +or
a "!"s an- ran1s, an- institutionai5" a 'anag"'"nt
ci'at" con-uci!" to *u0ic accounta0iity, It sha su0'it
to th" &r"si-"nt an- th" Congr"ss an- annua r"*ort on its
*"rsona *rogra's<
!istorical !i"hli"hts
For'ay "sta0ish"- un-"r &u0ic La. No, = (>An Act +or th" Esta0ish'"nt
an- Maint"nanc" o+ Our E;ci"nt an- ?on"st Ci!i S"r!ic" in th" &hii**in"
Isan->) in @ABB 0y th" S"con- &hii**in" Co''ission,
A Ci!i S"r!ic" #oar- .as cr"at"- co'*os"- o+ a Chair'an, a S"cr"tary an- a
Chi"+ ECa'in"r,
Th" #oar- a-'inist"r"- ci!i s"r!ic" "Ca'inations an- s"t stan-ar-s +or
a**oint'"nt in go!"rn'"nt s"r!ic",
Was r"organi5"- into a #ur"au in @AB=,
Th" @A8= &hii**in" Constitution 2r'y "sta0ish"- th" '"rit syst"' as th"
0asis +or "'*oy'"nt in go!"rn'"nt,
EC*ansion o+ th" #ur"auDs /uris-iction to incu-" th" thr"" 0ranch"s o+
go!"rn'"nt9 th" nationa go!"rn'"nt, oca go!"rn'"nt an- go!"rn'"nt
In @A=A, R"*u0ic Act %%EB, oth"r.is" 1no.n as th" Ci!i S"r!ic" La., .as
This Act con!"rt"- th" #ur"au o+ Ci!i S"r!ic" into th" Ci!i S"r!ic"
Co''ission .ith -"*art'"nt status,
In @AF=, &r"si-"ntia D"cr"" No, GBF (Th" Ci!i S"r!ic" D"cr"" o+ th"
&hii**in"s) r"-"2n"- th" ro" o+ th" Co''ission as th" c"ntra *"rsonn"
ag"ncy o+ go!"rn'"nt,
Its *r"s"nt 'an-at" is -"ri!"- +ro' Artic" I74# o+ th" @AGF Constitution,
#oo1 V o+ EC"cuti!" Or-"r No, %A% (Th" @AGF A-'inistrati!" Co-")
#$ Or"ani%ational Structure
A-'inist"r"- 0y a Ci!i S"r!ic" Co''ission co'*os"- o+9
T.o (%) Co''ission"rs
A**oint"- 0y th" &r"si-"nt
With th" cons"nt o+ th" Co''ission on A**oint'"nts
Natura40orn citi5"ns
At "ast thirty42!" (8=) y"ars at th" ti'" o+
IWith *ro!"n ca*acity +or *u0ic a-'inistrationJ
IMust not ha!" 0""n can-i-at"s +or any ""cti!"
*osition in th" ""ctions i''"-iat"y *r"c"-ing
th"ir a**oint'"ntJ
S"!"n (F) y"ars, no r"a**oint'"nt
S"!"n (F) y"ars, no r"a**oint'"nt
O+ th" 2rst a**oint"-, th" Chair'an sha ho- o;c" +or
s"!"n (F) y"ars, a Co''ission"r +or 2!" (=) y"ars, an-
anoth"r Co''ission"r +or thr"" (8) y"ars, .ithout
E!"ry t.o (%) y"ars, th" t"r' o+ on" (@) Co''ission"r
"C*ir"s gi!ing a.ays t.o (%) !"t"ran Co''ission"rs
&$ 'roce(ure
Disci*inary Kuris-iction
EC"cuti!" Or-"r %A%, S"ction LF (@)
Th" Co''ission sha -"ci-" u*on a**"a a a-'inistrati!"
-isci*inary cas"s in!o!ing th" i'*osition o+ a *"naty o+
sus*"nsion +or 'or" than thirty (8B) -ays, or 2n" in an a'ount
"Cc""-ing thirty (8B) -aysD saary, -"'otion in ran1 or saary or
trans+"r, r"'o!a or -is'issa +ro' o;c",
A co'*aint 'ay 0" 2"- -ir"cty .ith th" Co''ission 0y a
*ri!at" citi5"n against a go!"rn'"nt o;cia or "'*oy"" in
.hich cas" it 'ay h"ar an- -"ci-" th" cas" or it 'ay -"*uti5"
any -"*art'"nt or ag"ncy or o;cia or grou* o+ o;cias to
con-uct th" in!"stigation,
Th" r"suts o+ th" in!"stigation sha 0" su0'itt"- to th"
Co''ission .ith r"co''"n-ation as to th" *"naty to 0"
i'*os"- or oth"r action to 0" ta1"n,
EC"cuti!" Or-"r %A%, S"ction LF (%)
Th" S"cr"tari"s an- h"a-s o+ ag"nci"s an- instru'"ntaiti"s,
*ro!inc"s, citi"s an- 'unici*aiti"s sha ha!" /uris-iction to
in!"stigat" an- -"ci-" 'att"rs in!o!ing -isci*inary action against
o;c"rs an- "'*oy""s un-"r th"ir /uris-iction,
Th"ir -"cisions sha 0" 2na in cas" th" *"naty i'*os"- is sus*"nsion
+or not 'or" than thirty (8B) -ays or 2n" in an a'ount not "Cc""-ing
thirty -aysD saary,
In cas" th" -"cision r"n-"r"- 0y a 0ur"au or o;c" h"a- is a**"aa0"
to th" Co''ission, th" sa'" 'ay0" initiay a**"a"- to th"
-"*art'"nt an- 2nay to th" Co''ission an- *"n-ing a**"a, th"
sa'" sha 0" "C"cutory "Cc"*t .h"n th" *"naty is r"'o!a, in .hich
cas" th" sa'" sha 0" "C"cutory ony a+t"r con2r'ation 0y th"
S"cr"tary conc"rn"-,
EC"cuti!" Or-"r %A%, S"ction LF, (8)
An in!"stigation 'ay 0" "ntrust"- to r"giona -ir"ctor or si'iar
o;cias .ho sha 'a1" th" n"c"ssary r"*ort an- r"co''"n-ation to
th" chi"+ o+ 0ur"au or o;c" or -"*art'"nt .ithin th" *"rio- s*"ci2"-
in &aragra*h (L) o+ th" +oo.ing S"ction,
S"c, LG (L)
Th" in!"stigation sha 0" h"- not "ari"r than 2!" (=)
-ays nor at"r than t"n (@B) -ays +ro' th" -at" o+ r"c"i*t
o+ r"s*on-"ntDs ans."r 0y th" -isci*ining authority, an-
sha 0" 2nish"- .ithing thirty (8B) -ays +ro' th" 2ing o+
th" charg"s un"ss th" *"rio- is "Ct"n-"- 0y th"
Co''ission in '"ritorious cas"s, Th" -"cision sha 0"
r"n-"r"- 0y th" -isci*ining authority .ithin thirty (8B)
-ays +ro' th" t"r'ination o+ th" in!"stigation or
su0'ission o+ th" r"*ort o+ th" in!"stigator, .hich r"*ort
sha 0" su0'itt"- .ithin 2+t""n (@=) -ays +ro' th"
concusion o+ th" in!"stigation,
EC"cuti!" Or-"r %A%, S"ction LF (L)
An a**"a sha not sto* th" -"cision +ro' 0"ing "C"cutory, an- in cas"
th" *"naty is sus*"nsion or r"'o!a, th" r"s*on-"nt sha 0"
consi-"r"- as ha!ing 0""n un-"r *r"!"nti!" sus*"nsion -uring th"
*"n-"ncy o+ th" a**"a in th" "!"nt h" .ins an a**"a,
Su''ary &roc""-ings
EC"cuti!" Or-"r %A%, S"ction =B
No +or'a in!"stigation is n"c"ssary an- th" r"s*on-"nt 'ay 0"
i''"-iat"y r"'o!"- or -is'iss"- i+ any o+ th" +oo.ing
circu'stanc"s is *r"s"nt9
Wh"n th" charg" is s"rious an- th" "!i-"nc" o+ guit is
Wh"n th" r"s*on-"nt is a r"ci-i!ist or has 0""n
r"*"at"-y charg"- an- th"r" is r"asona0" groun- to
0"i"!" that h" is guity o+ th" *r"s"nt charg"6
Wh"n th" r"s*on-"nt is notoriousy un-"sira0",
R"sort to su''ary *roc""-ings 0y th" -isci*ining
authority sha 0" -on" .ith ut'ost o0/"cti!ity an-
i'*artiaity to th" "n- that no in/ustic" is
co''itt"-9 &ro!i-"-, that r"'o!a or -is'issa
"Cc"*t thos" 0y th" &r"si-"nt, hi's"+ or u*on his
or-"r6 'ay 0" a**"a"- to th" Co''ssion,

C$ )u(icial Revie* o+ ,ecisions
D"cisions, or-"rs or ruings sha 0" 2na an- "C"cutory,
Such -"cisions, or-"rs, or ruings 'ay 0" 0rought to Su*r"'" Court on
c"rtiorari 0y th" aggri"!"- *arty .ithin thirty (8B) -ays +ro' r"c"i*t o+ th"
co*y th"r"o+,
,$ )uris(iction
Artic" I74#, S"ction %,
(@) Th" ci!i s"r!ic" "'0rac"s a 0ranch"s, su0-i!isions,
instru'"ntaiti"s, an- ag"nci"s o+ th" :o!"rn'"nt, incu-ing
go!"rn'"nt4o.n"- or contro"- cor*orations with original charters,
Th" t"st +or -"t"r'ining .h"th"r o;c"rs an- "'*oy""s o+ a
:o!"rn'"nt o.n"- cor*oration co'"s un-"r th" Ci!i S"r!ic"
Syst"' is th" 'ann"r o+ cr"ation o+ th" cor*oration to .hich
th"y 0"ong,
A cor*oration c"as"s to 0" go!"rn'"nt contro"-, +or instanc",
i+ it is *ri!ati5"-, it c"as"s to +a un-"r th" Ci!i S"r!ic",

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