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Conference Room Administrative Ofces
7 !m!" T#esda$" Setem%er &" &'()
E+EC,TI-E SESSION ./'' !m!
I. Call to Order
A. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Agenda Changes
III. Board Presidents Comments
IV. Visitors Comments
V. Communications
VI. Items for Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of the Minutes of the Board of Education meeting on
August and !"# !$%&.
B. Approval of the Monthl' (reasurers )eport for *une and *ul'#
C. Approval of the Monthl' +inancial )eport for *une and *ul'# !$%&.
,. Approval of the Minutes of the Committee on Pre-.chool .pecial
E. Approval of the Minutes of the Committee on .pecial Education.
VII. Items for Board Action:
A. Approval of (uition )ates for Out-of-,istrict .tudents for the
!$%&-% .chool /ear.
B. Approval to Con0rm the (a1 )oll# 2ev' the (a1# and Issue the
Collection 3arrant.
C. Approval of .alar' Increase for (ransportation Aides.
,. Approval of Independent Participation for Bo's .4im (eam at
E. Personnel )eport:
Pro8ationar' 6non-instructional7
Instructional .u8stitutes
+all Coaching 9 co-ed
VIII. Items for ,iscussion:Information:
A. .uperintendent of .chools )eport
I;. <pcoming ,ates:
.eptem8er = 63ednesda'7 >-? .tudents )eport Bac@ to .chool
.eptem8er & 6(hursda'7 All .tudents )eport Bac@ to .chool
.eptem8er ? 6(uesda'7 Pu8lic )elations:(ransportation Committee
Meeting# %! Aoon B ,.O.
.eptem8er ? 6(uesda'7 Pu8lic +orum at Ohio .chool Cafeteria# "-C
p.m.# re: .pecial Vote on .eptem8er !=# !$%&
.eptem8er %$ 63ednesda'7 5.(. 3ile' Intermediate .chool Open
5ouse# "-C p.m.
.eptem8er %% 6(hursda'7 Pu8lic +orum at 3aterto4n 5igh .chool
2DI# "-C p.m.# re: .pecial Vote on .eptem8er !=# !$%&
.eptem8er %" 6(uesda'7 Curriculum:(echnolog' Committee
Meeting# )! !m! B ,.O.
.eptem8er %" 6(uesda'7 .tar8uc@ and Aorth Elementar' .chool
Open 5ouses# "-C p.m.
.eptem8er %E 6(hursda'7 Polic':2egislation Committee Meeting# )
!m! B ,O
.eptem8er %E 6(hursda'7 *2.BA ,essert 3or@shop B BOCE.# " p.m.
.eptem8er !! 6Monda'7 Open 5ouse F Communit' .ervice +air at
Ohio .chool# "-C p.m.
.eptem8er != 6(uesda'7 .pecial Vote 6Capital ProGect7# Aoon 9 ?
p.m. B 35. and Aorth Elementar' .chool
.eptem8er != 6(uesda'7 35. Open 5ouse 9 College Aight for
*uniors# &-":=$ p.m.
.eptem8er != 6(uesda'7 Board of Education Meeting B
>nic@er8oc@er# :$$ p.m.
.eptem8er !& 63ednesda'7 Case Middle .chool Open 5ouse# "-C
.eptem8er ! 6(hursda'7 >nic@er8oc@er and .herman .chool Open
5ouses# "-C p.m.
;. AdGournment

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