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Present Perfect Simple - Present Perfect

Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive)
1. I (play)
have been
football for five years.
2. My team (win / only) two matches so far.
. !he others (be / always) better.
". #re we not there yet$ %e (wal&) for hours.
'. (ut we (cover / only) an area of five miles so far.
). I (finish/*ust) my homewor&.
+. I (wor&) on this essay since two o,cloc&.
-. .ane (go out) with (ob for seven years.
/. Martin (0ate) three girls this wee&.
11. 2ow long (wait / you) for us$
Exercise 2
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).
1. A: (you / play / ever) tennis?
2. B: I (play / only) tennis once or twice. And you?
3. A: I (learn) tennis for two years.
4. B: (you / tae) part in any co!petitions yet?
". A: I (participate) in four contests t#is year.
$. B: (you / win) any pri%es so far?
&. A: 'o( I (win / not) anyt#in) yet. I*! not t#at )ood yet. (you /
enter / ever) a contest?
+. B: I (swi!) for seven years and I (receive / already) so!e
Exercise 3
3se the verbs in Present Perfect Progressive4 if possible. If it is not possible4 use the Present
Perfect Simple.
1. ,e (now) t#e! for 1" years.
2. -#ey (watc#) -. for 3 #ours.
3. /e (#ave) t#is car for 20 years.
4. ,e (wor) for & #ours wit#out a 1rea.
". /ow lon) (you / learn) 2n)lis#?
$. 3r 4!it# (1e) in #ospital for " days.
&. 4teven (#ear) a !ouse s5uea all ni)#t.
+. (you / see) Brona?
6. 4#e (prepare) dinner for two #ours.
10.7on*t worry( t#ey (touc# / not) your )a!e1oy.
Exercise 4
%hich form is correct (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive)$
1. ,e want to tell #ow we #ave spent our ti!e:
,e #ave played foot1all.
,e #ave 1een playin) foot1all.
2. -#e action is co!pleted now:
8#arly #as sent t#e letter.
8#arly #as 1een sendin) t#e letter.
3. I want to tell #ow I #ave spent !y ti!e:
I #ave watc#ed -..
I #ave 1een watc#in) -..
4. I want to e!p#asise t#at t#e door is open now:
2li%a1et# #as opened t#e door.
2li%a1et# #as 1een openin) t#e door.
". I want to e!p#asise t#at t#e #ouse is ready now:
3y friends #ave 1uilt a #ouse.
3y friends #ave 1een 1uildin) a #ouse.
Exercise 05
%hat is emphasise0$
1. I #ave cooed dinner.
e!p#asisin) t#at dinner is ready now
e!p#asisin) #ow I #ave spent !y ti!e
2. 4#e #as 1een readin) a 1oo.
e!p#asisin) t#at s#e #as read t#e 1oo co!pletely
e!p#asisin) #ow s#e #as spent #er ti!e
3. /e #as closed all t#e windows.
e!p#asisin) t#at all windows are closed now
e!p#asisin) #ow #e #as spent #is ti!e
4. I #ave tidied up !y roo!.
e!p#asisin) t#at t#e roo! is tidy now
e!p#asisin) #ow I #ave spent !y ti!e
". ,e #ave 1een swi!!in).
e!p#asisin)( t#at we are not swi!!in) any!ore now
e!p#asisin) #ow we #ave spent our ti!e
Exercise 6
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).
1. ,#y are you out of 1reat#? 9 I (run) .
2. -#e toaster is oay a)ain. 7ad (repair) it.
3. I a! so tired( I (wor) all day.
4. :our s#irt is clean now. 3a))ie (was#) it.
". I*! afraid( I*! )ettin) a cold. I (wal) #o!e in t#e rain.
$. :our clot#es s!ell awful; (you / s!oe) ?
&. <e))y is ready for #er e=a! now. I (#elp) #er preparin) for it.
+. It is dar in #ere 1ecause we (close) t#e curtains. ,e want to
watc# a >l! and t#at*s 1etter in t#e dar.
6. /is voice is )one now 1ecause #e (s#out) all !ornin).
Exercise 7
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).
1. ?ne can see t#rou)# t#e windows a)ain. @ane (clean) t#e!.
2. :ou are a1solutely sun1urned. :ou (sit) in t#e sun too lon).
3. ,e can watc# t#e >l! now. 3ic#ael (connect) t#e 7.7 player.
4. -#e roo! loos !uc# nicer now. I (#an)) up so!e pictures.
". Areddy is soaen wet. /e (was#) t#e do).
$. I a! not #un)ry. I (eat / already) so!et#in).
&. 8an I )o outside? I (do) !y #o!ewor.
+. 3y eyes are red 1ecause I (cut) onions.
Exercise 8
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).
1. I (play / not) t#e co!puter for #alf an #our( only for a1out "
2. Bo1 (drive / not) a car for ei)#t years.
3. 8arla ()o / not) on #oliday for t#ree years.
4. ,e (run / not) for 40 !inutes yet 9 t#ere are still 10 !inutes left.
". -#ey (s!oe / not) for 10 days now.
$. I (eat / not) anyt#in) since two o*cloc.
&. Anna (wor / not) #ere for >ve years( 1ut for seven years.
+. I (read / not) for a lon) ti!e 9 Bust 10 !inutes( not !ore.
6. :ou (cycle / not) for two #ours. It was only a1out one #our.
10.8at#erine (spea / not) Arenc# for 10 years( so #er Arenc# isn*t
very )ood now.
Exercise 9
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).
1. 4ince I 1ou)#t !y car( I (travel / not) 1y train.
2. /e (learn / not) 2n)lis# for two years yet( 1ut #e speas it very
3. ,e (party / not) for a lon) ti!e( 1ut t#ere*s no food left.
4. 3y sister and #er 1oyfriend ()o / not) out to)et#er for a lon)
ti!e. -#ey only !et t#ree wees a)o.
". @a!es (tidy / not) up #is roo! for a lon) ti!e. It*s a co!plete
$. ,e (practise / not) for #ours 9 1" !inutes were enou)#.
&. Couis is a1solutely tired as #e (sleep / not) well for days.
+. 7ana (wor / not) for days 1ecause s#e is ill.
6. I (play / not) t#e piano for a)es( so please don*t as !e to
perfor! anyt#in).
10.,e (#an) / not) a1out all day( we #ave #elped )rand!a in t#e
Exercise 10
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).
1. A: (you / tae) t#e do) for a wal yet?
2. B: I (wor) all day. I (co!e / Bust) #o!e fro! wor and I
(#ave / not) t#e ti!e yet to wal t#e do).
3. A: /ow lon) (t#e do) / 1e) #o!e alone?
4. B: Aor a1out $ #ours. :ou (wal / not) t#e do) for a lon) ti!e.
7on*t you want to )o?
". A: ,ell( I (la%e / not) a1out all day eit#er( you now. I #ave a very
i!portant !eetin) to!orrow and I still (>nis# / not) !y
$. B: ?ay( I will )o t#en. ,#ere (you / put) collar and leas#?
&. A: -#ey are in t#e itc#en. By t#e way( (you / eat) anyt#in) yet? If
not( could you )et us so!et#in) fro! t#e super!aret?
Exercise 11
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).
1. A: I (call) for you for #alf an #our. ,#ere (1e) ? And w#y
are your clot#es so dirty?
2. B: I (tidy) up t#e s#ed in t#e )arden.
3. A: (you / >nd) a 1o= wit# old p#otos t#ere? I (loo) for it
for a)es.
4. B: I (discover / not) it yet( 1ut I (wor / not) for a lon)
ti!e yet. I (co!e / Bust) in to eat so!et#in).
". A: I (coo / not) anyt#in) yet 1ecause I (tal) to our
English Test Present Perfect Simple
Present Perfect Progressive
5ill in the correct form (pronoun 6 verb).

Present Perfect
Present Perfect
I / spea
#e /
t#ey / do
you /
s#e / live
%hen to use which tense$
1. *" ti!es* is a si)nal word for ...
2. *for two #ours* is a si)nal word for ...
3. *since 6 o*cloc* is a si)nal word for ...
Positive Sentences
5ill in the correct form (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).
1. I (practise) t#e piano for 30 !inutes.
2. Bo1 (run) 10 !.
3. -#e c#ildren (1e) on #oliday for si= days.
4. -#e do) (1ar) since !idni)#t.
". ,e (!iss) t#e 1us twice t#is wee.
eg!tive Sentences
5ill in the correct form (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).
1. :ou (eat / not) up yet.
2. /e (spea / not) on t#e p#one for #alf an #our( Bust a couple of
3. -#ey (wor / not) since " o*cloc. -#ey Bust started an #our a)o.
4. ,e (now / not) t#e! for a lon) ti!e.
". 4#e (#an) / not) up all t#e pictures yet.
5ill in the correct form (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).
1. /ow lon) (wait / s#e) for us?
2. /ow !any ti!es (tell / I) you?
3. /ow often (clean / you) t#e windows t#is year?
4. /ow !any !ont#s (tae / you) piano lessons?
". (stay / you / ever) in a castle?
5ill in the correct form (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).
1. -o!: /i Ana. I (try) to rin) you several ti!es today. ,#ere (you /
1e) ?
2. Ana: I (1e) at #o!e all t#e ti!e. But I (clean) t#e #ouse
all day( so !ay1e I didn*t #ear t#e p#one rin).
3. -o!: (you / clean) everyt#in) now?
4. Ana: 'o( not yet. I (tidy / not) up t#e itc#en yet. But w#y are you
". -o!: 7on*t you re!e!1er? @ane (invited) us to #er 1irt#day party
and we (1uy / not) a present for #er yet.
$. Ana: ?#( t#at*s ri)#t. (you / >nd out / already) w#at s#e wants?
&. -o!: ,ell( s#e (learn) 4panis# for a year and wants to spend #er
ne=t #oliday in 3e=ico. 3ay1e we could )et #er a )uide 1oo.
+. Ana: -#at*s a )ood idea. -#ere is a )ood 1oos#op in t#e 1i) s#oppin)
centre. I (see) so!e nice 1oos a1out 3e=ico t#ere recently.

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