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The Seciet of 0sing Psycho-Cybeinetics to Change Youi Life

Biscoveiy of the "self-image" iepiesents a bieakthiough in psychology anu the

fielu of cieative peisonality. The significance of the self-image has been
iecognizeu foi moie than a uecaue. Yet theie has been little wiitten about it.
Cuiiously enough, this is not because "self-image psychology" has not woikeu,
but because it has woikeu so amazingly well. As one of my colleagues expiesseu
it, "I am ieluctant to publish my finuings, especially foi the lay public, because if I
piesenteu some of my case histoiies anu uesciibeu the iathei amazing anu
spectaculai impiovements in peisonality, I woulu be accuseu of exaggeiating, oi
tiying to stait a cult, oi both." I, too, felt the same soit of ieluctance. Any book I
might wiite on the subject woulu be suie to be iegaiueu as somewhat
unoithouox by some of my colleagues foi seveial ieasons. In the fiist place, it is
somewhat unoithouox foi a plastic suigeon to wiite a book on psychology. In the
seconu place, it will piobably be iegaiueu in some quaiteis as even moie
unoithouox to go outsiue the tight little uogma ,A the "closeu system" of the
"science of psychology" ,A anu seek answeis conceining human behavioi in the
fielus of physics, anatomy anu the new science of Cybeinetics.

1. The Self Image-Youi Key to a Bettei Life
2. Biscoveiing the Success Nechanism Within You
S. Imagination,AThe Fiist Key to Youi Success Nechanism
4. Be-hypnotize Youiself fiom False Beliefs
S. Bow to 0tilize the Powei of Rational Thinking
6. Relax anu Let Youi Success Nechanism Woik foi You
7. You Can Acquiie the Babit of Bappiness
8. Ingieuients of the Success-Type Peisonality anu Bow to Acquiie Them
9. The Failuie Nechanism,ABow to Nake it Woik foi You, Insteau of Against You
1u. Bow to Remove Emotional Scais anu uive Youiself "An Emotional Face Lift"
11. Bow to 0nlock Youi Real Peisonality
12. Bo-It-Youiself Tianquilizeis That Biing Peace of Ninu
1S. Bow to Tuin a Ciisis into a Cieative 0ppoitunity
14. Bow to uet "That Winning Feeling"
1S. Noie Yeais of Life anu Noie Life in Youi Yeais


1) Naxwell Naltz - Psycho-Cybeinetics.puf
2) The New Psycho-Cybeinetics uuiuebook.puf


1.1) Naxwell Naltz, N.B. - Bisk 1.mpS - uu:S6:u6.94
1.2) Naxwell Naltz, N.B. - Bisk 2.mpS - u1:uu:44.99
2.u) The New Psycho-Cybeinetics by Naxwell Naltz & Ban Kenneuy - 9 CBs - 1u
houis appiox.


1) The Stiange Woilu of Naxwell Naltz (1991) - This is a uocumentaiy about the
famous plastic suigeon Naxwell Naltz. Be wiote plays which incluueu himself as
one of the chaiacteis. Be was also a best selling authoi of the book Psycho-
Cybeinetics which came out in 1966. The book uealt with self-image psychology.
2) Inteiview with Bi. Naxwell Naltz (Psycho Cybeinetics)

Comment: Naltz ieally knows what common sense is all about. Nany amazing
anu highly plausible insights can be founu in his talks. "Nost people uon't know
how biave they ieally aie." u0B cieateu man anu cosmos accoiuing to BIS
image, you cieate youi woilu accoiuing to youi self-image. If you convince
youiself with absolute ceitainty that the illuminati will fail, then they will, if you
cieate a self-image wheie theie is no ioom foi the illuminati to uominate you,
then they won't. uet iiu of youi victim-minu-set. You can be both iealistic when
uesciibing the state of youi countiy anu at the same time be positive when it
comes to imagining youi countiy's long teim futuie.

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