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Kirk 2014-2015
English 10
Course Outline
English 10 is designed to enhance language skills for students at various levels and
abilities. Using language with confidence will enable students to successfully reach their
educational and career goals. Students will improve their skills as a reader, writer, speaker, and
thinker. This course is a provincially examinable course that culminates with an exam in either
January 2015 (semester students) or June 2015 (linear students). This course is also intended to
enrich students lives by cultivating the pleasures of language in all its forms.

The student will:
- refine his/her sentence and paragraph writing skills.
- improve public speaking skills.
- develop and refine different types of research skills to gather
information and avoid plagiarism.
- demonstrate the ability to write a formal essay complete with
introduction, supporting paragraphs, and conclusion.
- produce his/her own stories and/or poetry.
- research both sides of an issue, choose a point of view and develop
supporting ideas.

Course Expectations
- Students are expected to keep an organized binder with all handouts.
- Students are expected to come to class on time prepared to work. This means having all
required supplies including reading materials. Class begins at the bell. Tardiness, without
a valid reason, will result in making up class time missed.
- Attendance is important to do well in this course, more below.
Class Units of Study:
1) Short Stories Inside Stories II, and other sources
2) Class Novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
3) Descriptive and Creative Writing
4) Independent Novel Studies multiple options available
for students
5) Major Research Project corresponding oral
6) Paragraph/Essay Writing-descriptive, expository,
narrative, and persuasive
7) Poetry assorted modern and classic poems
8) Drama-Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
Evaluation will be determined through a combination of daily in-class assignments, quizzes,
tests, compositions, essays and journals, and participation in class discussions.

Term break down Semester:
Written Assignments & Projects 50% Two Terms at 40% each
Class Discussions & Participation 10% Provincial Exam worth 20%
Quizzes 10% Linear:
Tests 30% Four Terms at 20% each
Total of 100% Provincial Exam worth 20%

Absence and tardiness create gaps in student learning which frequently affect scores/grades. I
especially love the quote by Hunter S. Thompson that states, "Half of life is just showing up".

As previously noted, regular attendance is expected. However, if for some reason you miss
class, you must bring a note from your parent or guardian, explaining your absence. You are
responsible for any missed work. Missed in-class essays or tests will be made up afterschool as
per school policy. This will be discussed in at greater depth in class. If there are extenuating
circumstances for missed classes or work, please see me before hand.

Late Work:
Late work will only receive 50% once assignments have been marked and returned to the class.
It will be the students responsibility to meet the learning outcomes through a different

The Plagiarism Policy is absolutely critical for all students at KSS to read and understand. Do
NOT use someone elses work. It is considered theft and you will receive the consequences as
outlined for this academic offense. We will be discussion online plagiarism in more detail during
class time.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Phone: 250-870-5000 Voicemail: 7935 Email: jillian.kirk@sd23.bc.ca

Website: <www.msjkirk.weebly.com>

Let's have a successful year!

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