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Foods and eating habits. Talking about what we like eating.

Aliments et habitudes alimentaires. Parler de ce que l'on aime manger.

1 Vocabulary. Learning the names of foods (Apprendre le nom des aliments)
1.1 Meat (La viande)
1.2 Fish and shellfish. (Poissons , coquillages et crustacs)
1.3 Vegetables (Les lgumes)
1.4 Fruit (Les fruits)
1.5 airy !roduce and cheese (Produits laitiers et fromages)
1." Fruit or #egetable riddles. (Enigmes sur les fruits et lgumes)
1.".1 $%ercises (Exercices)
2 &tructure to as' for and offer food (&tructures pour demander et proposer quelque chose
3 (al'ing about )hat )e li'e eating. (Parler de ses gots alimentaires)
3.1 iscussion *ar ra**ort + un ,uestionnaire sur les habitudes alimentaires
3.2 -ontable. /ncountable (les noms dnom!ra!les et indnom!ra!les)
/nderstanding )hat *eo*le are saying. -om*rendre des gens *arler de ce ,u0ils
4 Fast food.
4.1 1ral com*rehension. 2()o students at Mc onald0s2. ("eux tudiants che# $c
"onald%s) (*55 manual 3ac *ro 4154 (63
4.2 efinition of a fastfood outlet (*54 4154(63)
5 Mediterranean diet #s fast food. (&gime mditerranen contre nourriture rapide ). 7eading
com*rehension. (&eprer les lments d%information dans un article.)
" $ating habits sur#ey. (Enqu'te sur les ha!itudes alimentaires )
5 $merging slo) food. (L%mergence du (lo) *ood).
2&lo) do)n and en8oy life2 7eading com*rehension and oral account. (+omprhension
crite et compte,rendu oral.)
&0arr9ter 8uste a#ant le ste* 2:
1. Foods. (Les aliments )Learning the names of foods (;**rendre le nom des aliments)
1.1 Meat (La #iande)
;=>M;L M$;( . FL$&?
1% : b@uf
-alf : #eau
&hee* : mouton
Lamb : agneau
!ig : cochon
3eef : #iande de b@uf
Veal : #iande de #eau
Mutton : #. de mouton
Lamb : #. dAagneau
!or' : #iande de *orc
1.1 1<Beneralities (-nralits)
3lood : sang
3one : os
Marro) bone : os + moelle
3rains : cer#elle
3reast : *oitrine
Fat : gras
?ead : t9te
?eart : c@ur
Coint : rDti
Eidneys : rognons
Lean : maigre
Leg : cuisse
Li#er : foie
Loin : Fchine
Minced meat : #iande hachFe
=ec' : couG collier
1ffal : abats
(ongue : langue
(ri*e : tri*es
(rotters . Feet : *ieds
(ender : tendre
(ough : durG coriace
1.1. 2< 3eef (Le !oeuf)
3eef stea' : biftec'
Fillet : filet
7ib : cDte
7ib stea' : entrecDte
7oast beef : rDti de b@uf
&te) : ragoHtG *lat en sauce
(enderloin : fau% filet
1.1. 3< Veal (Le veau)
-alfAs head : t9te de #eau
-alfAs li#er : foie de #eau
-utlet : cDte(lette)
$scalo*e . scallo* : escalo*e
&)eetbreads : ris
Veal in )hite sauce : blan,uette de #eau
1.1. 4< Lamb and mutton (L%Agneau et le mouton)
3est end of lamb . Lamb loin : carrF dAagneau
-ho* . -utlet : cDte(lette)
Enuc'le : souris (gigot)
Leg : gigot
=ec' : collier
&addle : selle
&houlder : F*aule
1.1. 5< !or' (Le porc)
3acon : lard
-ho* : cDte
?am : 8ambon
-oo'ed ham : 8ambon blanc
7a) ham : 8ambon cru
&mo'ed ham : 8ambon fumF
Lard : saindou%
Lardon . lardoon : lardon
!iglet : *orcelet
&uc'ing *ig : cochon de lait
1.1."< &ome *roducts. (.uelques produits)
!late of coo'ed *or' meat : assiette charcutiIre
3lac' *udding : boudin
3ra)n : fromage de t9te
&ausage : saucisse
&ausage meat : chair + saucisse
ry sausage : saucisson
Barlic sausage : saucisson + lAaJl
-hitterling sausage : andouille
!ie : *KtF en croHteG tourte
!otted meat : rillettes
&a#eloy : cer#elas
1.1.4< !oultry. Fo)l and game (/olaille et gi!ier)
Feather : *lume
BiLLard : gFsier
Leg : cuisse
Ming : aile
Mild : sau#age
Noung : 8eune
-a*on : cha*on
-hic'en : *oulet
-ornOfed chic'en : *oulet de grains
Fattened chic'en : *oularde
-oc' : co,
-oc'erel : co,uelet
uc' : canard
uc'ling : caneton
?en : *oule
Boose : oie
Bunea fo)l : *intade
!igeon : *igeon
7abbit : la*in
(ur'ey : dinde
eer : cerf
Brouse : grouseG co, de bruyIre
?are : liI#re
!artridge : *erdri%
!heasant : faisan
7oe buc' : che#reuil
Puail : caille
&ni*e : bFcassine
(hrush : gri#e
Venison : #enaison
Mild boar : sanglier
Moodcoc' : bFcasse
Mood *igeon : *alombeG ramier
1.2. Fish and shellfish. (Poissons , coquillages et crustacs)
Fresh)ater fish : *oissons dAeau douce
&alt)ater fish : *oissons de mer
&eafood : fruits de mer
7oe : @ufs de *oisson
-a#iar :ca#iar
3one : ar9te
Flesh : chair
&cale : Fcaille
&'in : *eau
(ail : ,ueue
1.2.1 &alt)ater fish (!oisson de mer)
;ncho#y : anchois
3ass : lou*G bar
-od : morueG cabillaud
ory . CohnOory : &aintO!ierre
$el : anguille
?a'e : colin
?erring : hareng
Ei**er : hareng salF et fumF
Mac'erel : ma,uereau
Mon'fish : baudroieG lotte
1cto*us : *oul*e
7ed mullet : rouget
&ardine : sardine
&ea bream : daurade
&har' : re,uin
&'ate : raie
&ole : sole
&,uid : calamar
&turgeon : esturgeon
&)ordfish : es*adon
(una . (unny : thon
(urbot : turbot
Mhitebait : *etite friture
Mhiting : merlan
1.2.2 Fresh)ater fish (Poissons d%eau douce)
$el : anguille
FrogsA legs : cuisses de grenouille
!erch : *erche
!i'e : brochet
!i'e *erch : sandre
&almon : saumon
(rout : truite
1.2.3 &hellfish (+rustacs et coquillages)
-lam : *alourde
-oc'le : co,ue
-rab : crabe
-ra)fish : langouste
-rayfish : Fcre#isse
Lobster : homard
Mussel : moule
1yster : huQtre
!ra)n : cre#ette rose
&callo* : co,uille &aintOCac,ues
&nail : escargot
1.3. Vegetables (Les lgumes)
Barnish . &ide dish : garnitureG accom*agnement
?eart : c@ur
Leaf : feuille
&eed : graine
&tal' . &tem : tige
(i* : *ointe
!eel . &'in : *eauG *elure
;rticho'e : artichaut
;s*aragus : as*erge
;ubergine : aubergine
;#ocado : a#ocat
3ean : haricot (grain)
French bean . Breen bean : haricot #ert
7ed 'idney bean : haricot rouge
3road bean : fI#e
3eetroot : bettera#e
3rocoli : brocoli
3russels s*routs : chou% de 3ru%elles
-abbage : chou
Eale : chou frisF
-arrot : carotte
-auliflo)er : chou fleur
-elery : cFleri (branche)
-elery root . -eleriac : cFleri ra#e
-ourgette : courgette
-ucumber : concombre
Fennel : fenouil
Bher'in : cornichon
Lee' : *oireau
Lentil : lentille
Lettuce : laitue
-orn lettuce : mKche
-urly lettuce : frisFe
MaiLe . s)eetcorn : maJs
Mushroom : cham*ignonris
Morel : morille
(ruffle : truffe
1nion : oignon
!eas : *etits *ois
-hic' *eas : *ois chiches
&)eet *e**er : *oi#ron
Breen *e**er : *oi#ron #ert
7ed *e**er : *oi#ron rouge
!otato : *omme de terre
!um*'in : citrouilleG *otiron
7adish : radis
&hallot : Fchalote
&*inach : F*inard
(omato : tomate
(urni* : na#et
1.4.Fruits: (Les fruits)
3erry : baie
3unch : gra**e
=uts : terme gFnFri,ue *our . *our le mFlange : noi%G noisettesG amandes
!eel . s'in : *eau
!ul* : *ul*e
&tal' . stem : tige
&tone : noyau
7i*e : mHr
/nri*e : #ert
1#erri*e : tro* mHr
Medge : ,uartier
;**le : *omme
;*ricot : abricot
3anana : banane
3lac'berry : mHre
3lac'currant : cassis
3lueberry . 3illberry : myrtille
-itrus : agrume
-herry : cerise
-hestnut : chKtaigne
-lementine : clFmentine
-ranberry : airelle
-oco nut : noi% de coco
Bra*e : raisin (frais)
Bra*efruit : *am*lemousse
?aLel nut : noisette
Lemon : citron
Lime : citron #ert
Melon : melon
=ectarine : brugnon
!each : *9che
!ear : *oire
!inea**le : ananas
!lum : *rune
!rune : *runeau
!assion fruit : fruit de la *assion
!omegranate : grenade
Puince : coing
7aisin : raisin sec
&ultana : raisin de &myrne
-urrant : raisin de -orinthe
7as*berry : framboise
7edcurrant : groseille (rouge)
&tra)berry : fraise
(angerine : mandarine
Malnut : noi%
Mater melon : *astI,ue
1.5. airy !roduce and cheese (Produits laitiers et fromages)
3utter : beurre
-heese : fromage
-ream : crIme
$gg : @uf
Mil' : lait
Fresh mil' : lait frais
&'immed mil' : lait FcrFmF
Mhole mil' : lait entier
-o)As mil' cheese : fromagLe au lait de #ache
BoatAs mil' cheese : fromage au lait de chI#re
&hee*As mil' cheese . e)eAs mil' cheese : fromage au lait de brebis
3lue cheese : fromage bleu
Fermented cheese : fromage + *Kte fermentFe
?ard cheese : fromage + *Kte dure
&oft cheese : fromager + *Kte molle
-reamy : crFmeu%
ry : sec
Mature . 7i*e : fait
Medium : + *oint
Fully matured : affinF
7unny : coulant
FullOfat cheese : fromage gras
Lo)Ofat cheese : fromage maigre
1." Fruit or #egetable riddles
-an you guess the ans)er to the fruit or #egetable riddle belo)R (Pouve#,vous devine# le fruit ou le
lgume dcrit dans chaque cas0)
1) > am a big round fruit that is
red on the inside )ith lots of
seeds. > am #ery 8uicy because >
ha#e got lots of s)eet )ater.
Mhat am >R
2) >Am an orange #egetable that
is good for your eyesight. >
gro) under the ground and
ha#e a green to*.
3) > am a round fruit )ith a
*eel. > am also a color. > ha#e a
lot of #itamin - for your bodyG
and you can also drin' me
anytime. Mhat am >R
4) > am a crunchy #egetableG
)ith a lot of #itamin - and
fiber. &ome 'ids thin' that >
loo' li'e a little green treeS
Mhat am >R
5)> am a red or *ur*le fruit that
can stain your hands )hen you
eat me. > gro) on bushes. (ry
*utting me on your cerealS
Mhat am >R
")> am a tro*ical fruit that is
#ery s*i'y on the outside and
yello)G soft and 8uicy on the
inside. > ha#e T;!!L$U in my
nameG but > am not an a**leS
Mhat am >R
5) > am a small fruit that comes
in a #ariety of colorsG li'e
*ur*leG blueG redG yello) and
green. > ha#e a hard *it inside
of me. > rhyme )ith T?/MU.
4)> loo' li'e a fuLLy little o#alO
sha*ed ball on the outside and
)hen you cut me in halfG you
can eat my green insides )ith a
s*oon. Mhat am >R
V)Mhat is roundR Mhat is
orangeR Nou can ma'e a *ieG or
a 8ac'OoOlantern. Mhat am >R
1.".1. Mrite the name of the fruit under the dra)ings. (Ecrive# le nom des fruits sous les dessins)
Fiche bac *ro Fruits. !age 23 4154 (61
1.".2. Mrite the name of the #egetable under the dra)ings. (Ecrive# le nom des lgumes sous les
Fiche bac *ro Fruits. !age 24 4154 (61
1.".3. (cf *age sui#ante)

1.".3 Listen to these )ords and re*eat them. (Ecoute# et rpte# les mots ci,dessous.)
a**leO tuna Oonion O gra*efruitO crayfishO *um*'inO chic'en O limeO lobster O melonO *earO
#enisonO *ersimmonO *inea**leO *lumO stra)berryO mon'fish O )atermelon O as*aragusO
beansO broccoliO trout O cabbageO turbotO celeryO cornO tur'eyO cucumberO mussels O
green *e**erO *laiceO ice creamO *easO radishO *ra)nsO s*inachO s)eet *otatoO tomato
salmonO turni*O baconO gra*esO beef O cherryO chic'en breastO banana O chic'en )ingO hamO
hamburgerO heartO'idneyO lamb cho*O *or'O roastO egg*lant O sausageO stea'O tongueO
orangeO #ealO cheese O hot dog O creamO carrotO chic'en legO mil'O yogurtO o#er soleO
lemon O lettuce O codO tangerineO muttonO *otatoO *eachO
!ut the )ords in the right category. (+omplte# le ta!leau ci,dessous. )
Fruit (15)
Vegetables (26)
Meat (21)
airy *roducts (5)
Fish and &hellfish (12)
1.".4.=ame the foods on the t)o *ictures: (1omme# en anglais les aliments numrots)

an a**leW cornfla'esW a *eachW bagelsW cris*s.chi*sW
bananasW a boiled eggW *e**ersW beansW fishW
*iLLaW biscuitsW gra*esW riceW breadW
lentilsW &ou*W bread rollsW lettuceW s*aghettiW
broccoliW meatW s*icesW a burgerW mil'W
carrotsW oli#esW a stra)berryW cauliflo)erW
an onionW sugarW cheeseW an orangeW teaW
chic'enW orange 8uiceW tomatoesW coffeeW *astaW
2. &tructure to as' for and offer food (structures pour demander et proposer un plat)
2.1.1< Listen to these dialogues:
Maitress: -an > ta'e your orderR
Les: Nes O >Ad li'e a double cheeseburger )ith large friesG a side salad and an a**le *ieG *lease.
7on: 3ut LesG )hat about your dietR
Les: 1hG yesG > forgotS -an > ha#e a iet -o'e tooG *leaseR
Maiter: Bood e#eningG sir. May > ta'e your orderR
(im: yesG *leaseG >All ha#e the #egetable sou* to start )ith.
Maiter: ;nd for the main courseR
(im: >Am not sure. MhatAs today s*ecialR
Maiter: >tAs grilled fish )ith carrots.
(im: (hat sounds nice. >All ha#e thatG *lease.
Maiter: Mould you li'e anything to drin'R
(im: ; large glass of mineral )aterG *lease.
Maiter: (han' you
2.1.2< ;ns)er these ,uestions:
1. Mhat food and drin's are mentioned in the dialoguesR
2. Mhat *hrases are used to as' for food and drin'R
3. Mhat *hrases are used to offer food and drin'R
4. Mhat *hrases are used to decide )hat food or drin' to orderR
2.1.3<=o) ma'e similar dialogues using the #ocabulary gi#en and the *hrases from the dialogues
3. (al'ing about )hat )e li'e eating. (Parler de ses gots alimentaires)
3.1. Puestionnaire (7e#enir + la *age " -=$ 5Ime &te* 2 *our les *remiIres ,uestions du
,uestionnaire ,ui suit:)
3.2 &omeX any. (les noms d
3.2 -ountable. /ncountable (Les noms dnom!ra!les et indnom!ra!les)
Puantifiers:( Les quantifieurs)
2n quantifieur exprime une certaine quantit comme son nom l%indique. Les quantifieurs peuvent
'tre des mots seuls ou des expressions et sont utiliss avec des noms. 3ls peuvent s%utiliser soit avec
un nom dnom!ra!le soit un nom indnom!ra!le pour exprimer une quantit.
some 4 nom pluriel ou forme singulier si nom indnom!ra!le.(il a un sens affirmatif)
any 4 nom pluriel ou forme singulier si nom indnom!ra!le. (3l s%emploie dans une phrase
ngative et une question.)
much 4 nom au singulier
a lot of 4 nom indnom!ra!le ou pluriel. (le plus souvent dans des phrases affirmatives)
a little 4 nom indnom!ra!le singulier (il a un sens positif)
a fe) 4 nom pluriel. ( il a un sens positif.)
no 4 quantit nulle ( no 5 not an6)
-ountable. /ncountable ("nom!ra!le7 3ndnom!ra!le)
2n nom compta!le ou dnom!ra!le peut se compter. 8n peut mettre le dterminant a7 an (un7 une)
devant ce nom.
2n nom indnom!ra!le n%accepte pas le dterminant %a% %an% car on ne peut pas le comptrer.
8n peut transformer des noms indnom!ra!les en noms compta!les pour exprimer une quantit.
8n a9oute pour cela une unit ou une quantit avec :ofU
ex; a !ar of chocolate
?o) much Y un nom indnom!ra!le (+om!ien de <0)
?o) many Y nom compta!le (+om!ien de <..0)
3.2.1 /se a . an or some and )rite - for countable or / for uncountable.(2tilise# a7 an ou some et
crive# + pour compta!le ou 2 pour indnom!ra!le)
==== mone6
==== ponds
==== cup of tea
==== !ar of chocolate
==== ice,cream
==== glass of )ater
===== lemons
===== chocolate
===== sugar
===== oranges
3.2.2 ;s' ,uestions using ho) much or ho) many (Pose# la question en utilisant ho) much ou
ho) many)
3.2.3. /se the )ords in the bo) and com*lete as in the e%am*le.
canned drin'
a can
e%: ; carton of mil'.
3.2.4. -hoose the correct )ord . e%*ression and com*lete the sentences (2tilise# le !on mot pour
complter les phrases.)some Z ho) much Z ho) many Z any
1. [[[[[[ sand)iches ha#e you gotR
2. >s there [[[[[[[[[ mil' in the fridgeR
3. [[[[[[[[ sugar do you needR
4. can you see [[[[[[[[[ fruit on the tableR
5. [[[[[[[[[ friends ha#e you gotR
". My mother has [[[[[[[ chocolate for us.
5. Mary ma'es [[[[[[[ nice scones for tea.
3.2.5. Fill in the ga*s using anyG some G a lot ofG muchG manyG or no.
1. (here is [[[[[[[[[[ high school in Florence.
2. ?e hasn\t got [[[[[ money.
3. Mould you li'e [[[[[ teaR
4. Mar' li'es to read. ?e has got [[[[[[[[[[ of boo's.
5. >t costs [[[[[[[[[[ money to tra#el round the )orld.
". > ha#en\t got [[[[[[[ time to s*end )ith you. >\m sorry.
5. Mrs. Milles )ent to the su*ermar'et to buy some butter but they didn\t ha#e [[[[[[[[[[
4. >\d li'e some ca'e too. !leaseG gi#e me [[[[[[[[[[
V. Mr. &mith )ants to buy a ne) carG but he can\t because he doesn\t earn that [[[[[[[[[[.
16. (heir *arty cost [[[[[ more than they e%*ected.
3.2.". ;s' and ans)er ,uestions as in the e%am*le. (Pose et rpond aux questions comme dans
flour . fridge . *antry
>s there any flour in the fridgeRO =o there isn\tG but there is some in the *antry.
1) 1range 8uice . *antry . fridge
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[R [[[[[[[[G
2) Cam . cu*board . fridgeR
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[R [[[[[[[[G
3) Fruit . cu*board . fridge
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[R [[[[[[[[G
4) -heese . table . fridge
3.2.5. &ome or any R
1) (here are [[[[[[ eggs in the fridge.
2) Mould you li'e [[[[[[ )ineR
3) Me donAt ha#e [[[[[[ bread at home. Bo to the sho* and buy [[[[[[.
4) Nou can ta'e [[[[[[ seat you li'e.
5) Berald has [[[[[[ e%cellent com*uter games.
") My friend didn0t ma'e [[[[[[ mista'es on the e%am.
5) -an you lend me [[[[[[ moneyG *leaseR
4) o you 'no) [[[[[[ good restaurants near hereR
V) >0m going to the *ost office. > need [[[[[[ stam*s.
16) O ?a#e you got [[[[[[ brothers or sistersR O NesG > ha#e a brother and a sister.
11) 2o you ha#e [[[[[[ ne)s*a*ers leftG2 > as'edR
2=oG > don0t ha#e [[[[[[ 2 he re*lied.
12) (han' you. Maybe > )ill come [[[[[[ time on &aturdayR
13) > )ent to the butcherG but > didn0t buy [[[[[[ meat. >t )as so e%*ensi#eS
14) Me ha#e [[[[[[ *roducts that you might be interested in.
15) [[[[[[ *eo*le li'e eating chocolateG others don0t.
1") -ould you *ass me [[[[[[ *a*erG *leaseR
15) (a'e [[[[[[ glasses from that shelf.
14) (here isn0t [[[[[[ ne)s in her letter.
1V) &ue )ent to the cinema )ith [[[[[[ of her friends. > thin' she )ent )ith Mary and =ic'G they
are close friendsG indeed.
3.2.4. ?o) much. ?o) many. some. anyR
Cohn: Mould you li'e [[[[[[[[ hel* )ith your sho**ing listR
Mary: (hat )ould be lo#ely. (han' you Cohn. > need mil'S
Cohn: [[[[[[[[[[[[[[ mil' do you needR
Mary: (a'e three litresG it )ill be fine.
Cohn: o you need[[[[[[[[[ eggsR
Mary: NesG *lease ta'e [[[[[[[[[[eggs.
Cohn: [[[[[[[[[[[[[[eggs do you needR
Mary: > thin' " )ill be enough. > also need flourS
Cohn: and[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ flour do you )ant me to buy for youR
Mary: > donAt 'no) yet. > thin' >A#e got some left in fact.
Cohn: onAt forget MaryG that [[[[[[[[[ friends are coming tonight for su**erS
Mary: > rememberS [[[[[[[[[ friends are comingR
Cohn: > thin' they )ill be three of them.
Mary: &hould )e ba'e[[[[[[[[[[ ca'esR o you ha#e [[[[[[[[ idea )hat )e could ser#e themR
Cohn: >Am sure you )ill find a great idea. =o) >Am going sho**ing. -all me if you need anything
4. Fast food.
4.1. ialogue: ()o students at Mc onald0s
16 ,uestions *rises sur la manuel 4154 (63 *age 55 (seulement l0e%ercice 2 ialogue a#ec les
Y *age 54 ,ui #iendra ensuite:
4.2 efinition of a fast food outlet.
5. Mediterranean diet #s fastfood
7ead each of the articles and then )rite do)n your ans)ers to the ,uestions belo).
Mediterranean diet
Further claims that Mediterranean diet is good
for you are *ublished today by Bree'
researchersG )ho say that a diet high in fruitG
#egetablesG oli#e oil and lo) in meat and dairy
*roducts allo)s for healthy old age.
(he researchers loo'ed at 142 men and )omen
aged o#er 56 in three Bree' #illagesG measuring
food inta'es and other lifestyle factors. (he
researchers said that those )ho ate a traditional
diet had 15] reduction in the ris' of death
com*ared to those )ho did not. (he diet consists
in a high consum*tion of oli#e oilG legumes
(beans and *ulses)G cerealsG #egetablesG and
Fast food takes off
(he Mconald0s hamburger com*any is going
into the airline business. ; &)iss charter *lane
)ill be *ainted in a Mc onald0s outfitsG and the
inOflight food )ill be 3og Macs and chic'en
(he ser#ice )ill be introduce on ;*ril 1
G )hich
led some *eo*le to sus*ect an ;*ril Fool tric'
but the *ro8ect is no hoa%. (he *lane )ill be
'no)n as the Mc!lane. (he a**earance of the
*lane )ill be that of a Mconald0s restaurant.
Maybe the drin' trolley )ill be re*laced by a
mil'sha'e dis*enserS -hi*sG or TfriesU as they
call them )ill be ruled out because of the danger
fruits. of using a dee*Ofat frier. (he ser#ice )ill be
limited to one holiday charter route because
46] of the *assengers are businessmen.
o you 'no) )hat the e%*ression ;*ril Fool means (^ signifie)R (here0s an e,ui#alent in French.
>t0s )hen *eo*le *lay tric's (^9ouent des tours) on 1
1. >f you eat a traditional Mediterranean dietG )hat are the fi#e main ingredients that you eat a
lot ofR
2. ;nd )hat do you eat less ofR
3. Mhat drin's might be ser#ed instead of the usual airline drin'sR
4. Mhat Mconald0s food )ill you not be able to (ne *ourra *as) get on the Mc!lane R
More *ersonal ,uestions to branch out: (questions plus li!res pour largir un peu le d!at)
O Mould you li'e to follo) a traditional Mediterranean dietR MhyR Mhy notR
O Mould you li'e all airliones to offer the same food as the Mc!laneR MhyR Mhy notR
". $ating habits sur#ey. ((ondage sur les ha!itudes alimentaires).
".1. ;ns)er the ,uestions about your eating habits. /se TandU and TbutU
$%:?o) often do you drin' co'eR > sometimes drin' co'e but > usually (^ha!ituellement) drin'
1. ?o) often do you go to fast food restaurantsR
2. ?o) often do you eat sand)ichesR
3. ?o) often do you eat fruit and #egetablesR
4. ?o) often do you )or' on &aturday e#eningsR
5. ?o) often do you eat a full meal for lunchR
". ?o) often do you drin' teaR
5. ?o) often do you eat frogsR
".2. ;ns)er to this sur#ey. Fill in your o)n res*onses.
&ur#ey on eating habits
?o) many times ha#e you eaten each of these 'inds of food or meal during the *ast se#en
daysR (+om!ien de fois ave#,vous mang les choses suivantes pendant les sept derniers 9ours0)
(ic' the bo%es to ans)er:(+oche# les cases pour rpondre)
_ Mholemeal bread (pain complet) _ Mhite bread
_ Fast food _ ; traditional local meal
_ ; meal )ith meat _ ; #egetarian meal
_ -on#enience food (plats cuisins) _ Food *re*ared from fresh ingredients
_ ; snac' or a sand)ich _ ; full meal (^un repas complet)
_ ; meal in a cafeteria _ ; meal in a restaurant
_ ; meal at home _ ; *icnic
".3 ;ns)er the ,uestions using your ans)ers in the table. ((he structure of the ans)er is gi#en).
(&ponde# aux questions en utilisant vos rponses dans le ta!leau. La structure de la rponse est
1. Mhich are the three most *o*ular 'inds of food or meal )ith you R
W...............................G W....................................G and W...................................... are the three
most *o*ular 'inds of food )ith me.
2. Mhich scored the highestR (quel repas a o!tenu le plus haut score0)
W................................................. scored the highest. > had W.....................W....... 2. 3. 4. 5...
times in the *ast se#en days.
3. Mhich are the three least *o*ularR
W.....................G W............................G and W..................................... are the three least
*o*ular )ith me in the *ast se#en days.
4. Mhich scored the lo)est R (quel repas a eu le plus !as score0)
W...................... scored the lo)est.
More generally s*ea'ingG
5. Mhy so many *eo*le eat 8un' food )hen they 'no) it is not healthy R
> thin' it is because W..............................................................................................................
". ?o) many meals do you ha#e a dayR
> ha#e W............................. meals a day.
5. Mhat do you usually ha#e for brea'fastG lunchG snac' and dinnerR
> usually ha#e W................................. for brea'fastG W............................................. for
4. ?o) often do you eat healthy food (^nourriture !onne pour la sant)R ;nd 8un' food (^des
cochonneries)G do you ha#e it #ery oftenR
> al)ays. often. sometimes.... eat healthy food. ;nd > sometime...... ha#e 8un' food.
V. o you usually ha#e fruits for brea'fastR
16. o you drin' coffee e#ery dayR
11. ?o) often do you eat out(^ manger au restaurant) R
12. MhatAs your fa#ourite 'ind of foodR
13. o you drin' alcoholic drin'sR ?o) often do you do it and )hatAs your fa#ourite oneR
14. o you eat #egetables for lunchR MhatAs your fa#ourite oneR
15. Mhat time do you usually ha#e your last mealR
5. $merging slo) food. T&lo) do)n and en8oy LifeU
O Loo' at the document.
O>dentify its nature.
_ !ress article
_ !hoto
_ 3rochure
O Mhat do the *hotos sho)R -ircle the right ans)ers
(raditional food from >taly Z a lot of cars on the street O front *age of a magaLine about slo) food O
a s,uare )ith sunshades Z 8un' foodO *eo*le sitting at a terrace Z a food store )ith many *eo*le
O Mhat is the atmos*here li'eR
7ead the document and ans)er the ,uestions.
1. Mhen did the slo) food mo#ement beginG and )hyR
2. -an any city become a slo) cityR
3. Mhat festi#als does &lo) Food organiseR
4. Mhat does &lo) Food $ditore *ublishR
7ead the follo)ing o*inions and say if you agree or not:
1. &lo) foot isn0t only for the rich
2. (o)n s,uares should be for *eo*leG not for cars.
3. (he traditional )ay of eating around a table is disa**earing
1))atermelon 2) carrots 3) orange 4) broccoli 5) berries ") *inea**le 5)*lum 4) 'i)i fruit
correction *32 4154 (613 16.1cf 3ac !ro
correction *32 4154 (613 16.2cf 3ac !ro
Fruit (15) ;**le (*omme)O banana (banane)O cherry(cerise)O gra*efruit
(*am*lemousse)O gra*es (raisin)O lemon (citron)O lime (citron #ert)O
melonO orangeO *each (*9che)O *ear (*oire)O *ersimmon ('a'i)O
*inea**le (ananas)O *lum (*rune)O stra)berry (fraise)O tangerine
(mandarine)O )atermelon (*astI,ue)
Vegetables (26) ;s*aragus (as*erge)O beans (haricots)O broccoli (brocoli)O cabbageO
carrotO celeryO cornO cucumberO egg*lantO green *e**erO
lettuceO onionO *easO *otatoO *um*'inO radishO s*inachO
s)eet *otatoO tomato turni*
Meat (21) baconO beef Ochic'enO chic'en breastO chic'en legO chic'en )ingO hamO
hamburgerO heartO hot dogO 'idneyO lamb cho*O muttonO *or'O roastO
sausage Z stea'O tongueO tur'eyO #ealO #enisonO
airy *roducts (5) cheese O creamO ice creamO mil'O yogurtO
Fish and &hellfish (12) o#er soleO (urbot Z !laiceO -odO Mon'fishO (unaO (routO &almonO
!ra)nsO LobsterO crayfishO Mussels
an a**leW 34 cornfla'esW1V a *eachW34 bagelsW15 cris*s.chi*sW
bananasW" a boiled eggW
*e**ersW21 beansW16 fishW14
*iLLaW3" biscuitsW33 gra*esW2 riceW14 breadW12
lentilsW1" sou*W46 bread rollsW
lettuceW5 s*aghettiW3
broccoliWV meatW11 s*icesW41 a burgerW35 mil'W5
onionsW 2"
carrotsW25 oli#esW22 a stra)berryW
an onionW35 sugarW32 cheeseW15 an orangeW23 teaW31
chic'enW4 orange 8uiceW
tomatoesW13 coffeeW2V *astaW3
1.Food: double cheeseburger )ith large friesG a side salad and an a**le *ie Yiet -o'e
the #egetable sou* Y grilled fish )ith carrots Y glass of mineral )ater
2. to as' for food: Id like...(=j'aimerais) Can I have...? (=Puis je prendre ..?)
3. to offer food: Mould you li'e...R
4. I'll have ...(Je vais prendre...)
/ moneyG -*ondsG - cu* of teaG / sugarG - bar of chocolateG / iceOcreamG / riceG - glass of )aterG
/ )aterG / breadG - lemonsG / chocolateG / sugarG / teaG / mil'G - orangesG / cheese.
?o) many eggsR
?o) much meatR
?o) much 8amR
?o) much )aterR
?o) many flo)ersR
?o) much teaR
?o) many orangesR
?o) much oilR
; can of co'eG a slice of bread. a slice of ca'eG a cu* of teaG a doLen eggsG a bunch of gra*esG a
bottle of )aterG a head of cauliflo)erG a bread rollG a tube of mayonnaiseG si%O*ac' canned drin'sG a
bar of chocolate.
?o) manyG anyG ho) muchG someG ho) manyG someG someG
1.no 2.anyO 3.someO 4.a lot of 5. a lot ofO ". muchO 5. any. 4.some. V.much. 16. much
1. >s there any orange 8uice in the *antryR =oG there isn0tG but there is some in the fridge.
2. >s there any 8am in the cu*boardR =oG there0 isn0t but there0s some in the cu*board.
3. >s there any fruit in the cu*boardR =oG there0 isn0tG but there0s some in the fridge.
4. >s there anu cheese on the tableR =oG there isn0tG but there0s some in the fridge.
1.some 2.some 3.anyG some 4.any 5.some. ".any. 5.some. 4.some. V.some. 16. any. 11. someG any.
12. some. 13 any. 14 some 15 some. 1" some. 15 some 14 any 1V some
&omeO ?o) muchO anyO someO ?o) manyO ?o) muchO someO ?o) manyO someO anyO
correction 3ac !ro 1.2 *"1 4154 (63
correction 3ac !ro 1 *"1 4154 (63
1. 1li#e oilG legumes (beans and *ulses^ lFgumineu%)G cerealsG #egetablesG fruit
2. meatG dairy *roducts
3. mil'sha'es
4. chi*s. (French) fries
O >t is a brochureO (he *hotos sho) traditional food from >talyG the front *age of a magaLine about
slo) foodG a s,uare )ith sunshadesG *eo*le sitting at a terraceG a food store )ith many *eo*le
O ;bout the atmos*here: >t0s ,uietG rela%ed. !eo*le en8oy lifeG good food.
>t0s the contrary of fast food. (he *eo*le on the *hotos are not obese.
> thin' the magaLine *romotes slo) food. 1n the co#er *ageG )e can see a French baguetteG *arsleyG
eggsG articho'e and someone drin'ing some red )ine. >t re*resents the *leasure of eating good food.
>t0s ,uietG rela%ed. !eo*le en8oy lifeG good food
1. >t began in 1V4". an >talian food )riter started the mo#ement in *rotest at the o*ening of a Mc
onald0s in the !iaLLa di &*agna in 7ome
2. =oG only cities )ith a ma%imum of 56G666 inhabitants
3. (he )ord0s largest food and )ine e#entG and the )orld0s largest cheese festi#al.
4. Buides on >talian foodG )ineG and culture

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