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The Two-Teacher School
Authored by Steve McCrea
5.0" x 8.0" (12.70 x 20.32 cm)
Black & White on White paper
38 pages
ISBN-13: 9781500779948
ISBN-10: 1500779946
What happens when
one teacher teaches
three subjects
Steve McCrea
TransformTeaching.org 2 BIBPenpals.com
Copyright (c) 2014 by Steve McCrea
ISBN-13: 978-1500779948
ISBN-10: 1500779946
Central idea: The integrated curriculum
asks one teacher to teach all fve or six
subjects (like the elementary school
teacher) Classes in schools like the Met
(MetCenter.org) in Provience! ".#.! are le
by an avisor $ho g%ies a gro%p o& 1'
st%ents thro%gh &o%r years o& high school.
The Two-Teacher School
ABCDominos.com 3 VisualAndAci!e.com
!art ": The #ntegrated Curriculum and
(earn abo%t the )ig Pict%re
*he #ntegrate C%rric%l%+, -ne teacher &or
all s%b.ects
*he *$o/*eacher School
!art %: &ow does $ittky's system ft in with
the trans(ormation o( education)
"ach eacher eaches hree su#$ecs
TransformTeaching.org % BIBPenpals.com
Modifcation for Two Teachers
Two Teachers Split the Work: If you dont
feel confdent about teaching the entire
curriculum to a group of students, what if you
split the curriculum with another teacher? Each
teacher would have three subjects and this will let
the teacher see 5 or ! students per wee" instead
of the typical #5 to #$ students%
&hats the core of the '&wo(&eacher )chool%* If
we limit the number of students that a teacher is
as"ed to face and evaluate, then the teacher can
learn more about each student%
The Two-Teacher School
ABCDominos.com & VisualAndAci!e.com
Learn about the Big Picture

"ea abo%t the )ig Pict%re
P%blishe by 0SC1.org!
t he 0s s oc i at i on & or
S % p e r v i s i o n a n
C%rric%l%+ 1evelop+ent.
*he book $as istrib%te
to over 20!000 e%cators.
Cost, 324. 0vailable &or 34
as a %se book.
Free downloads:
See (ideos about the Big Picture
"ach eacher eaches hree su#$ecs
TransformTeaching.org ' BIBPenpals.com
www.Tin!"L.co#$Littk)P" for audio
Www.Tin!"L.co#$Littk)P"*++, for a
transcript of -ennis Littk.s inter(iew in
The Two-Teacher School
ABCDominos.com ( VisualAndAci!e.com
&his is how I introduced the &wo(&eacher
)chool* to my principal
I have been thinking about how the routine might
work in our school. I wonder if this concept of
one teacher covering three subjects would
allow that teacher to get to know a small group
of students really well. Id like to discuss this
further with you.
Traditional format
Each teacher teaches a separate subject. A
typical load is 150 students, 6 classes of 25
"ach eacher eaches hree su#$ecs
TransformTeaching.org ) BIBPenpals.com
What does the student experience in a typical
Is there another way to organize the
An advisory of 15 students at the Met.
The Two-Teacher School
ABCDominos.com * VisualAndAci!e.com
Integrated Curriculum: One teacher
One teacher sees 25 students and teaches all 6
subjects (this is the elementary school model)
This is the way that the Big Picture school (the
Met) is organized in Providence, R.I.
"ach eacher eaches hree su#$ecs
TransformTeaching.org +, BIBPenpals.com
At The Met: One teacher teaches all six
subjects to the same group of 15 students for
four years. The integrated curriculum is
presented through projects, which allows the
student to explore math, science, history,
literature and ethics through
The students interests and passions are further
developed and explored with internships with
local businesses.
The Two-Teacher School
ABCDominos.com ++ VisualAndAci!e.com
Modified Integrated Curriculum:
Two Teachers
Two teachers split the subjects.
Each teacher covers 3 subjects and they share
50 students (two classes of 25 students)
I observed this system at Daniel Webster Middle
school in Los Angeles in 2009. The two-teacher
school was an academy within the mainstream
Two teacher, 50 students, split in two
mobile classrooms.
The teachers move with the students to
the next grade.
"ach eacher eaches hree su#$ecs
TransformTeaching.org +2 BIBPenpals.com
Putting Littkys advice into practice
If you dont feel confident about teaching the
entire curriculum to a group of students, what if
you split the curriculum with another teacher?
Each teacher would have three subjects and this
will let the teacher see 50 or 60 students per
week instead of the typical 150 to 180 students.
Thats the core of the Two-Teacher School. If
we limit the number of students that a teacher is
asked to face and evaluate, then the teacher can
learn more about each student.
The Two-Teacher School
ABCDominos.com +3 VisualAndAci!e.com
&ere are six im*ortant books+ each with a
*art to *lay in giving advice to teachers
who want to use the integrated curriculum
The ,ig !icture by 1ennis (ittky gives
stories to inspire people
!ersonali-ing the
&igh School by
C l a r k e a n
1iMartino give
proce%res &or
teachers to %se.
.ne /id at a Time by 5liot
(evi ne gi ves speci 6c
pro.ects that can be %se in
the integrate c%rric%l%+.
"ach eacher eaches hree su#$ecs
TransformTeaching.org +% BIBPenpals.com
$eaving to $earn by 5liot
7ashor an Charl es
Mo. ko$ski gi ves an
e n g a +e v i e $ & o r
p r i n c i p a l s a n
a+inistrators to see ho$
the )ig Pict%re can be
,uilding 0ore 1es*onsive
Schools+ 1r. 8ischler9s book
o& co++entaries. places the
c o+p%t er an ot her
technology in the conte:t o&
the isc%ssions an pro.ects
that co+e $ith i+ple+enting a port&olio
!rojects Matt )la;ek9s
collection o& pro.ects &or
igital port&olios helps
teachers an st%ents see
ho$ a port&olio +ight be
%se in a class.
The Two-Teacher School
ABCDominos.com +& VisualAndAci!e.com
*he series o& vieos by 1ennis <%;enas
sho$ ho$ to arrange a classroo+ aro%n
pro.ects an at least one co+p%ter per t$o
Search, =is%al an 0ctive *eacher *raining
1ennis <%;enas
"ach eacher eaches hree su#$ecs
TransformTeaching.org +' BIBPenpals.com
The missing ingredient: a s+all book $ith
photos an large >%otes that $ill reach
st%ents. *hen the st%ents can reach o%t to
parents! principals! teachers! ta:payers an
potential +entors. 0 ra&t has been
asse+ble &or testing by teachers. <o% can
6n it &or &ree o$nloaing at
The Two-Teacher School
ABCDominos.com +( VisualAndAci!e.com
a) S*?15@*S, give st%ents e:a+ples o&
$hat a t$o/teacher classroo+ looks like an
$hat behavior is e:pecte in the roo+.
b) P0"5@*S, help parents get over their
+e+ories o& school an their internal
stanar o& $hat Agoo school $orkA looks
like an $hat Aa classroo+ sho$ look like.A
*hese i+ages can prevent a parent &ro+
seeing hersel& as a +e+ber o& the vol%nteer
&ac%lty that a t$o/teacher classroo+ nees.
c) P"#@C#P0(S, ho$ can a principal train
teachers to consier getting the +%ltiple
certi6cationsB *his si+ple book starts the
conversation. 7hen teachers can be sho$n
the .oy o& teaching '0 kis instea o& 120
kis! then it beco+es clear that +ore ti+e
can be given to those st%ents. *he
principal nees a secon book (the large
&or+at *7-/*eacher Class $orkbook $ith
postersA) that provies s%pport an training
&or sta&& to aapt to the ne$ proce%res.
"ach eacher eaches hree su#$ecs
TransformTeaching.org +) BIBPenpals.com
) *50CC5"S, 5ven a teacher $ho has
certi6cation in only one area can beco+e part
o& the t$o/teacher classroo+! since the
lesson plans can be per&or+e by the other
+%lti/certi6e teacher. 8or e:a+ple! Steve is
certi6e in +ath! history (social st%ies)!
+ile school science '/D! +ath! 5S-( an
5nglish! so a Spanish teacher co%l teach
so+e o& the other s%b.ects %ner Steve9s
g%iance %ntil the Spanish teacher passes the
alternative certi6cation o& 5nglish or Social
e) *0EP0<5"S, People $ho pay &or the
e%cation syste+ $ill bene6t &ro+ kno$ing
abo%t the *$o/*eacher School beca%se
they can visit schools an see ho$ the +oel
$orks. *a:payers can ask their local school
istricts to consier a pilot pro.ect to p%sh
&or$ar $ith the innovation.
&) M5@*-"S, )%siness o$ners! +anagers
o& o&6ces! $aitresses in resta%rant $orkers!
they all have a place in the t$o/teacher
classroo+. *his book is ai+e at sho$ing
that they! too! have a role to play in +aking
the t$o/teacher classroo+ &%nction better.
The Two-Teacher School
ABCDominos.com +* VisualAndAci!e.com
Student s can start the
conversation with 6uestions
-ne o& the key parts o& this book are a list o&
>%estions an state+ents an >%otations
that the st%ent can %se to start the
conversation abo%t ho$ can $e +ake the
general school $ork +ore interesting an
relevant to +eB
0ow to persuade a parent to
support an inno(ati(e approach
1Mother2 ha(e ou e(er wondered what it
#ust be like to be a teacher who has to see
f(e or si3 groups of kids e(er week4
/#agine seeing &*+ kids and ha(ing to
#e#ori5e their na#es and the na#es of their
"ach eacher eaches hree su#$ecs
TransformTeaching.org 2, BIBPenpals.com
0ow to get a #entor to adopt
the school
173cuse #e2 sir2 / know that ou are a client
of # father. 0e helps ou when ou need
our car f3ed. / wonder what is our
profession4 / think ou are a lawer2 do
ou think ou can co#e to our class. 8ne of
# class#ates wants to be a lawer
so#eda and it will reall help hi# if he can
write to ou or send ou so#e 9uestions.
%an ou gi(e #e our e#ail address4:
The Two-Teacher School
ABCDominos.com 2+ VisualAndAci!e.com
;pproaching a principal
1Mr. Principal2 / heard about the two<
teacher classroo#. -o ou think ou can
put #e in this kind of classroo#4 /s it
possible4 / reall like these features of the
classroo#. / want to be able to stud with
the sa#e teacher at least three sub=ects so /
can see the #ath in phsics and histor...
and then when we stud literature the sa#e
teacher can show us art and perhaps
"ach eacher eaches hree su#$ecs
TransformTeaching.org 22 BIBPenpals.com
Talking to Teachers
1Teacher2 ha(e ou considered asking the
principal of the school to let ou teach two
sub=ects or perhaps three sub=ects together4
/ see that our ipad has a picture of /tal.
>ou could teach geograph as well as our
pri#ar sub=ect2 7nglish literature. / a#
sure that ou also could show us how art
connects with literature2 so that could be
three sub=ects together ?@eograph2 7nglish
Literature and ;rtA. / heard that it is
possible for teachers to get two or three
certifcations using the alternati(e
certifcation process. /t would reall be nice
if ou could be # teacher ne3t ear and
follow #e and also if ou could teach at
least one #ore sub=ect so we can blend the
classes together.:
St%ents! i& yo% practice these short
speeches! yo% $ill capt%re the attention o&
(1) Many a%lts ass%+e that yo% are still a
chil an that yo% on9t have +%ch ability to
think abo%t the &%t%re.
The Two-Teacher School
ABCDominos.com 23 VisualAndAci!e.com
(2) *hey re+e+ber $hen they $ere chilren
an ho$ they $ere e:pecte to be passive
an accept the ieas o& the their teachers.
A*he teacher kno$s the best $ay &or yo%r to
learnA $as the sentence that +any a%lts
hear 40 years ago. So it +ight s%rprise
the+ i& yo% ask &or their help to shape yo%r
learning e:perience.
(F) <o% co%l even %se parts o& this book an
+ake yo%r o$n book or po$erpoint. #& yo%
$ant to %se a po$erpoint! yo% can
o$nloa it at Trans(ormTeachingorg an
then yo% can +ake yo%r o$n version.
or contact +e, =is%al0n0ctive.co+
G1 (D'4) 444 H244
"ach eacher eaches hree su#$ecs
TransformTeaching.org 2% BIBPenpals.com
Steve McCrea
D'4 444 H244 (+obile)
Skype, Steve5nglish*eacher
The Two-Teacher School
ABCDominos.com 2& VisualAndAci!e.com
0ake the connection
:# love math but # don't understand
#& a teacher can teach so+ething abstract an
another teacher teaches so+ething physical
an concrete! the connection can be lost.
#( the same teacher can show something
*hysical and connect it to the abstract idea
o( math+ then the st%ent can see the
#& a teacher teaches 5nglish (iterat%re an
the gra++ar o& $riting! then the abstract
an the concrete can be connecte. # en.oy
$riting b%t literat%re is boring.
#& #J+ the $riting teacher &or this st%ent! #
kno$ $hat appeals to hi+. # can 6n
literat%re that he $ill en.oy // an s%enly
literat%re class is interesting.
#& yo% can $rite an %se +ath! yo% have the
tools to go &arther.
"ach eacher eaches hree su#$ecs
TransformTeaching.org 2' BIBPenpals.com
<o% only have to see the connection. #& yo%
have one teacher $ho teaches yo% both
science an +ath! yo% can o&ten see ho$
+ath is applie in the real $orl (an in
nat%re). <o% can look &or the patterns that
appear in the $orl o%t there.
#& the sa+e person teaches yo% literat%re an
$riting! then yo% connect the abstract to the
#t is easy to %nerstan +ath as connection
to nat%ral sciences.
The Two-Teacher School
ABCDominos.com 2( VisualAndAci!e.com
8 message to the teacher
-& co%rse yo% are an e:pert in one area o&
the corp%s o& kno$lege. )%t yo% also kno$
so+e connections bet$een yo%r special area
an every other special area. 7hat is the
link bet$een spanish an +athB )et$een
history an +athB )et$een che+istry an
historyB )et$een literat%re an artB
)et$een physics an literat%reB
Most teachers $ent thro%gh high school.
7eJve been $here the st%ent is! $e have
s%&&ere thro%gh the ill%sion that +ath is
separate &ro+ the other s%b.ects. 7e can
learn i&&erent points o& vie$ &ro+i&&erent
teachers. *he skill o& the t$o/teacher
classroo+ is to bring in separate vie$s $hile
keeping the connections.
"ach eacher eaches hree su#$ecs
TransformTeaching.org 2) BIBPenpals.com
#& teacher 0 an *eacher ) share the s%b.ects!
they can bring in the lesson plans o& *eacher
C! 1 an 5. *hey can ask these other
teachers to visit the class an give a ten
+in%te lect%re or lesson! $hich the st%ents
can vieo recor. *hen the .ob o& the
st%ents is to present the in&or+ation to
*eachers 0 an ) an sho$ ho$ the
vie$points o& *eachers C! 1 an 5 connect
$ith the s%b.ects that 0 an ) are teaching.
The two-teacher classroom
does not limit *oints o(
view *he t$o/teacher classroo+ brings
in other teachers $ith lect%res. *he p%rpose
o& having only t$o teachers is to +ake s%re
the connections are kept.
7e $ant st%ents to %nerstan the
integration o& the in&or+ation.
The Two-Teacher School
ABCDominos.com 2* VisualAndAci!e.com
?p to grae 4! there is %s%ally one teacher
$ho in ele+entary schools aro%n the $orl
sho$s the connections. *hat one teacher
kno$s each st%ent very $ell! their +oos
at i&&erent ti+es o& the ay! their potential
best ti+e to soar an shine! $hen they nee
ti+e to rest an $hat s%b.ects inspire the+.
*he teacher creates the integration o&
"ach eacher eaches hree su#$ecs
TransformTeaching.org 3, BIBPenpals.com
:# hated algebra when # was
your age;
(( ,n $th grade teacher of English, who said this
sentence in front of si- students%
0s a +ath teacher! $hen # hear this
state+ent! # $as annoye. )%t then #
ecie to %se this to +y avantage. i aske
the teacher to sit $ith the st%ents an .%st
listen to the+ escribe the proble+. Maybe
+y st%ents co%l teach the 5nglish teacher
to en.oy algebra.
7hyB 0lgebra +ight be best e:plaine by
an 5nglish teacher. 0lgebra is really a st%y
o& relationships.
*his is the challenge o& integration o& the
c%rric%l%+. Math an gra++ar &ollo$
r%les. So $hy canJt a teacher o& 5nglish rise
above her &ear o& +ath an sho$ the parallel
syste+s o& r%les in gra++ar an +athB (*he
person $ho +ae this co++ent abo%t
0lgebra $as &e+ale.)
The Two-Teacher School
ABCDominos.com 3+ VisualAndAci!e.com
7e think that the best teacher is the +ost
acco+plishe. 7e look &or the best person
to learn &ro+ an $e o&ten try to 6n the
+ost acco+plishe person. 7e nee to 6n
the person $ho can connect the s%b.ect to
$hat $e kno$. 7e nee to 6n teachers
$ho can connect the in&or+ation to other
:There is so much more to learn today than
in the "<=>s;
*his is the anger o& &oc%sing on content.
7e nee to &oc%s on skills. # greatly a+ire
+y %ncles! people $ho $ere traine in the
1D40s an 1D'0s. the content $as less! +any
o& the+ st%ie only pre/algebra! algebra
an geo+etry! then inJt learn
trigono+etry! calc%l%s or statistics. *hey are
very practical an they can escribe the
$orl aro%n the+ very $ell $itho%t
calc%lators. 7hat i& this 6el $ere 1KHth
biggerB Co$ +%ch +ore $o%l $e nee to
"ach eacher eaches hree su#$ecs
TransformTeaching.org 32 BIBPenpals.com
*oay $e try to teach too +%ch. 7e present
+aterial that $ill not be learne
8i&ty years ago! the teachers traine an
retraine the st%ents.
*oay $e present trigono+etry an
e>%ations $ith three variables. 7hat is the
practical %seB *rigono+etry $as %se to
6n the istance across a river. *oay $e
can %se Loogle +aps.
The Two-Teacher School
ABCDominos.com 33 VisualAndAci!e.com
-& co%rse! let the +aterial be available i& the
st%ent $ants to p%rs%e it or sho$s interest
or ability. #& a st%ent $ants to st%y a
te:tbook abo%t Sines! Cosines an *angents!
$hy notB )%t letJs not +ake everyone take
so +%ch content. #& yo% have ecie to
beco+e an engineer! yo% can prepare &or
those classes or yo% can take the classes
$hen yo% get to %niversity. #n the +eanti+e
yo% $ill have ethics! e:tra lang%ages an a
strong ability to co++%nicate an
collaborate. *hese skills are o&ten +ore
i+portant than erivatives an integration
o& a &or+%la.
"ach eacher eaches hree su#$ecs
TransformTeaching.org 3% BIBPenpals.com
#& yo% $ant to beco+e an eitor o& a
+aga;ine! $hy o yo% nee to kno$ abo%t
calc%l%sB Perhaps it is better that yo% st%y
the history o& printing.
(( &his section of this boo" comes from a
discussion between .ario and )teve
/5 0une, /#1%
The Two-Teacher School
ABCDominos.com 3& VisualAndAci!e.com
&heres a school in 2rovidence, 3hode Island,
where one teacher teaches all si- subjects to the
same group of #5 students for four years% &he
'integrated curriculum* is presented through
projects, which allows the student to e-plore
math, science, history, literature and ethics
&he students interests and passions are further
developed and e-plored with internships with
local businesses%
4earn more at www.Met%enter.org
Putting LittkBs ad(ice into practice
If you dont feel confdent about teaching the
entire curriculum to a group of students, what if
you split the curriculum with another teacher?
Each teacher would have three subjects and this
will let the teacher see 5 or ! students per wee"
instead of the typical #5 to #$ students%
"ach eacher eaches hree su#$ecs
TransformTeaching.org 3' BIBPenpals.com
&hats the core of the '&wo(&eacher )chool%* If
we limit the number of students that a teacher is
as"ed to face and evaluate, then the teacher can
learn more about each student%
!art %: &ow does $ittky's
system ft in with the
trans(ormation o(
The Two-Teacher School
ABCDominos.com 3( VisualAndAci!e.com
Listen to the profile of Big Picture on National
Public Radio by searching Dennis Littky Small
Schools NPR. Learn more about Littkys system
at BigPicture.org.
Visit Transform-Education.com and learn about Dr.
Fischler's description of the Student is the Class.
See Dr. Fischler's blog at
"ach eacher eaches hree su#$ecs
TransformTeaching.org 3) BIBPenpals.com
f !ou put the t"o-teacher school into practice#
please share !our insights at Visual$nd$cti%e.com
and Visual$nd$cti%e&gmail.com.
See (ideos at 7dutechFoundation
This book is a(ailable as an ebook at
The Two-Teacher School
Printed By Createspace
Digital Proofer

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