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(aper deli.ered in accordance #ith the for)at gi.en a&o.e is .ery )uch appreciated, this #ill
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(0or)al 12 point Ti)es 0e# "o)an 1ont, 3(3 styles!
Boo' #ith 8ingle 3uthor:
9ore, 3. (200!. An incon3enient truth- #he planetar$ eergenc$ of global waring and
what we can do about it. %))aus, (3: "odale.
:n-text reference: (9ore, 200!
Boo' #ith T#o 3uthors:
*ichaels, (. ;., < Balling, ". /., ;r. (2000!. #he satanic gases- Clearing the air about global
waring. +ashington, 4/: /ato :nstitute.
:n-text reference: (*ichaels < Balling, 2000!

Boo' #ith %ditor as 3uthor:
9alley. =. %. (%d.!. (200>!. 4lobal cliate change and wildlife in 'orth Aerica. Bethesda,
*4: +ildlife 8ociety.
:n-text reference: (9alley, 200>!
Brochure or (a)phlet:
0e# ?or' 8tate 4epart)ent of -ealth. (2002!. After a sexual assault. 52rochure6. 3l&any,
:n-text reference: (0e# ?or', 2002!
3n 3nony)ous Boo':
En3ironental resource handboo0. (2001!. *illerton, 0?: 9rey -ouse.
:n-text reference: (%n.iron)ental "esource -and&oo', 2001!
3rticles in "eference Boo's (unsigned and signed!:
9reenhouse effect. (2005!. Aerican heritage science dictionar$. Boston, *3: -oughton
8chneider, 8. -. (2000!. 4reenhouse effect. World boo0 enc$clopedia (*illenniu) ed. 2ol. @,
pp. 7@2-7@7!. /hicago, :A: +orld Boo'.
:n-text references: (9reenhouse effect, 2005! (8chneider, 2000!
*agaBine 3rticles:
3llen, A. (200>, 3ugust!. Will #u3alu disappear beneath the sea7 4lobal waring threatens
to swap a sall island nation. 8)ithsonian, 75(5!, >>-52.
Begley, 8., < *urr, 3. (200C, ;uly 2!. Which of these is not causing global waring7 A.
Sport utilit$ 3ehiclesD B. "ice fieldsD /. :ncreased solar output. 0e#s#ee', 150(2!, >@-
:n-text references: (3llen, 200>! (Begley, 200C!
0e#spaper 3rticles (unsigned and signed!:
/ollege officials agree to cut greenhouse gases. (200C, ;une 17!. Alban$ #ies 8nion, p. 3>.
Aandler, *. (200C, ;une 2!. BushEs 9reenhouse 9as (lan Thro#s %urope Fff 9uard. 'ew
9or0 #ies, p. 3C.
:n-text references: (G/ollege FfficialsH, 200C! (Aandler, 200C!
;ournal 3rticle #ith /ontinuous (aging:
*iller-"ushing, 3. ;., (ri)ac', ". B., (ri)ac', 4., < *u'unda, 8. (200!. (hotographs and
her&ariu) speci)ens as tools to docu)ent phonological changes in response to glo&al
#ar)ing. Aerican :ournal of 2otan$( I7, 1C-1C>.
:n-text reference: (*iller-"ushing, (ri)ac', (ri)ac', < *u'unda, 200!
;ournal 3rticle #hen each issue &egins #ith p.1:
Bogdonoff, 8., < "u&in, ;. (200C!. The regional greenhouse gas initiati.e: Ta'ing action in
*aine. En3ironent, >I(2!, I-1.
:n-text reference: (Bogdonoff < "u&in, 200C!
;ournal 3rticle fro) a Ai&rary 8u&scription 8er.ice 4ata&ase #ith a 4F: (digital o&Ject
*ora, /., < *aya, *. 1. (200!. %ffect of the rate of te)perature increase of the dyna)ic
)ethod on the heat tolerance of fishes. :ournal of #heral 2iolog$, 71, 77C-7>1. doi:
:n-text reference: (*ora < *aya, 200!
United 8tates %n.iron)ental (rotection 3gency. (200C, *ay >!. /li)ate /hange. "etrie.ed
1ro) the %n.iron)ental (rotection 3gency #e&site:
:n-text reference: (United 8tates %n.iron)ental, 200C!
9elspan, ". (200C!. The -eat :s Fnline. Aa'e Fs#ego, F": 9reen -ouse 0et#or'. "etrie.ed
fro) The -eat :s Fnline #e&site: http:KK###.heatisonline.org
:n-text reference: (9elspan, 200C!

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