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Eighth Grade Dual-Course Syllabus

Mr. Bennett- Room 505

Classroom Hours: M-F 7:30-8:00 A.M. & 3:15-3:30 P.M.
Email: bennettb@mishawaka.k12.in.us
Website: brandonbennettteaching.blogspot.com

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English Course Description
The focus of this course is to prepare students to extend their skills in written and spoken language based on the
Indiana State Standards. Experiences with a variety of texts, writing for various purposes, and oral
communication correlate to provide students with opportunities to understand themselves and others.

English Course Goals and Objectives
Writing Skills: Students will compose daily documents for different purposes in a variety of genres as required
by the Indiana State Standards.
Speaking Skills: The delivery of formal presentations will be well organized, focused, and clearly articulated.
Students will also practice speaking skills through a variety of informal classroom activities.

Language Arts Course Description
The focus of this course is to prepare students to draw upon their literary knowledge of fiction and non-fiction
texts based on the Indiana State Standards. Experiences with a variety of texts and vocabulary development
correlate to provide students with opportunities to be successful inside and outside of the classroom.

Language Arts Course Goals and Objectives
Reading Skills: Students will use critical thinking and natural inquiry in fiction and non-fiction texts. Students
will study specific texts such as novels, short stories, informative articles, autobiographical/biographical
accounts, and poetry. The use of content-area textbooks will also be included in instruction.
Vocabulary: Vocabulary development will be based on class texts and novels.

JYMS Grading Policy
100-98 = A+
97.9-92 = A
91.9-90 = A-
89.9-88 = B+

87.0-82 = B
81.9-80 = B-
79.9-78 = C+
77.9-72 = C

71.9- 70 = C-
69.9-68 = D+
67.9-62 = D
61.9-60 = D-
59.9- Below = F

JYMS Daily Schedule
Advisory/Period 1: 8:10-9:12
Period 2: 9:16- 10:06
Period 3: 10:10- 11:00
Period 4: 11:04- 11:54
Period 5: 11:58- 12:24
B Lunch: 12:24- 12:54
Period 5 12:58-1:24
Period 6: 1:28-2:18
Period 7: 2:22-3:15

MLA Format
MLA format is one of the most commonly used structures for organizing papers in academic writing. ALL
work, formal and in-class/informal work will be completed in MLA format. When writing in MLA format,
keep a few things in mind: MLA format is ALWAYS Times New Roman, 12 point font, and the paper is to
be entirely double (2.0) spaced. If a title is necessary, it is to abide by the same font format and be centered
below the heading. A proper MLA heading is to go in the upper left hand corner of the paper (Both in print and
electronic format). A proper MLA format looks like this:
John Doe (Your Name)
Mr. Bennett (Teacher Name)
English 3 (Class & Period)
August 18, 2014 (Date: Month Day, Year)
For more information or clarification, please visit: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
Remind 101
Remind101 is a FREE and SAFE way for teachers to text message students and stay in touch with parents.
Safety is a primary feature: teachers never see students/parents phone numbers, nor will students/parents see
theirs. Remind101 will be used to remind students/parents of upcoming due dates, tests, projects, and classroom
announcements. (Continue reading)

Period 1 Language Arts 8: Text: @b1ab9 (925) 392-3526
Period 2 Language Arts 8: Text: @44de1 (925) 392-3526
Period 3 Language Arts 8: Text: @979637 (925) 392-3526
Period 4 English 8: Text: @869c8 (925) 392-3526
Period 5 English 8: Text: @047d3 (925) 392-3526
Period 7 English 8: Text: @5ace2 (925) 392-3526

Homework, Late & Missing Work Policy
Everyone will work very hard while in class to complete activities. However, when I do assign work, these are
my policies:
Students will receive no penalty if homework is turned in on time.
Students will have three weeks to complete a missing/late assignment for a 20% deduction. It doesnt
matter if the assignment is one day late or ten days late, three school weeks (Including any
breaks/holidays) is the limit. After the three week allotment, the assignment will be recorded as a 0%
with no further opportunity to make up that specific assignment.
Any student who is absent will be allowed the same number of days to complete all missing work. As I
focus on equipping each student with life skills to be successful outside of the classroom, it is necessary
that students take the initiative to seek missed work on their own agenda. In three week incremental
rotations, I will have each daily agenda with any homework or handouts provided for that day.
Should the situation arise that a student does not have his/her work completed on time, he/she will turn
in a Zero Paper which will take the place of the assignment until the student hands in the actual
assignment. Each Zero Paper will consist of a few items: The reason the assignment was not completed
and a contact name and number. I will then make parental/guardian contact to make parents/guardians
aware of the missing/late assignment. I hope this endeavor will keep students accountable and
responsible, but also keep an open line of communication as these situations arise.
Lastly, I recognize that life happens and with a conversation BEFORE the assignment is due, I am
more than willing to do my best to accommodate special situations.

Required Material (The 5 Ps)
Please make sure students have the following for class EVERY DAY:
1. Pencils (The more, the merrier!)
2. Pen (For grading and editing. Blue/black ink preferred. Daily work may NOT be completed in pen.)
3. Paper (A notebook or binder devoted solely to English would be beneficial, but is not required. As
logical as it may seem, no paper equates no work. *Paper also includes both of our textbooks AND a
silent reading book as I will be doing random checks for extra credit.)
4. Planner (Provided by JYMS and MUST be filled out DAILY)
5. Place (A folder or trapper to keep graded and important papers)

Classroom Rules and Expectations
While I do not anticipate any behavioral disruptions, I do expect a few things of all students:
1. Come to class prepared and have all necessary materials at your desk before the bell rings.
2. Be in your seat AND filling out agenda/working on Do Now assignment before/by time bell rings.
3. Active listening to not only hear and understand the directions, but to do them correctly the first time.
4. Accept responsibility for actions and potential outcomes.
5. SHOW RESPECT: to teachers, to classmates/peers, and to yourself!

If you CHOOSE not to follow these expectations:
1. First Time: Verbal warning
2. Second Time: Asked to step into the hallway
3. Third Time: Phone call home
4. Fourth Time: Written referral
5. Fifth Time: Visit to administration

Rewards for choosing to follow rules:
1. Praise (Daily)
2. BE REAL Buck (Daily)
3. Positive notes home/phone calls home (Random)
4. Whole-class music time or treats (Bi-Weekly)
5. Other random/various perks (Throughout the year)

Required Texts
Holt Elements of Literature textbook
Holt Elements of Language textbook
Holt Elements of Literature Interactive Reader workbook
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by: Mark Twain (Provided by JYMS)

1. What do I do when I enter the classroom?
The first thing you should do when come into the room is sign yourself in as present. You can do this by putting a
check mark or X next to your name and the corresponding date. Next, you should get settled at your desk and
make sure you have all of your supplies. Then, quickly fill out your agenda and get to work on the Do Now
assignment all before the bell rings.
2. What are we going to do today?
Im not sure. Its 11:00 PM on July 31
. I will have the daily agenda with objectives, standards, homework, and
goals posted on the two small white boards next to the door every day before you enter the room. Be resourceful
and look, then fill put it in your agenda.
3. How do I ask a question if I need help during independent work time or a discussion?
Its simple, all you have to do is take the Styrofoam cup thats attached/hanging from your desktop and put it on
top of your desk. I will see it is no longer hanging and know you need help! If I ask or pose a question or am
clearly looking for people to raise hands, thats always a safe route.
4. Can I get up from my seat whenever I want?
Most of the time. If we are in the middle of a lecture or lesson, it probably isnt the wisest decision and it never
hurts to ask. You should never be a disruption or distraction to me or other students when you do move about the
room. Use your good judgment in uncertain situations.
5. Can I go to the bathroom whenever I want?
No. You may only go to the restroom if you have a pass. Emergency situations are different and I will make that
call always giving you the benefit of the doubt. Dont misuse your passes and budget them wisely!
6. What should I do during passing periods?
Go to your locker, put unneeded items away, get pumped for your next class, get a drink of water, USE THE
RESTROOM, and then socialize with friends. Use your time wisely.
7. I dont want people to laugh at me because Im confused. How can I tell you I need help?
Great question. Feel free to always stay after class and ask to speak with me. Other options would be to drop a
note on my desk, send me a quick email, come before school starts, or stay after school. I am here for you and am
more than willing to help.
8. Where do I turn in my papers?
Each class has a colored basket (English classes are blue, Language Arts are green) that is clearly labeled and
located directly in-front of my desk. All homework/classroom should be turned in to the basket.
9. Can I see my grade?
Maybe. If there is extra time (Which will rarely happen) at the end of class, I will be glad to show you your grade.
BUT, I work hard to keep Infinite Campus updated so you can check your gradeon your own timewhenever
you would like.
10. I was absent/missed class. Did I miss anything?
Funny. Yes, you missed something! Check the While You Were Out section (front of the room on the board)
for missing/late work. I will have three weeks of work out at all times. In the color coordinated binders you will
find an agenda for each work indicating any handouts or assignments completed for that day. Behind the binder
you will find five folders, one for each day of the week with whatever material was provided while you were out.
11. I left my homework at home or in my locker. Can I still give it to you?
You may, but you will suffer a 20% deduction. You will also turn in a Zero Paper when I collect the work so I
know why you didnt get your assignment in on time. Once you get that paper to me, the Zero Paper goes into
my records and I will record your much improved score.
12. I lost my paper/homeworkI mean, my dog ate it. Now what?
Get a new dog. Kidding. See question 11 as the same procedure applies. 20% deduction, Zero Paper, locate a
new copy in the While You Were Out area and get it turned in ASAP. Three weeks and its a 0% with no
chance to make-up.
13. What happens if I forget my pencil or my pencil breaks?
Make sure you come prepared to class with more than one pencil and extra lead for mechanical pencils. If your
pencil breaks, no big deal, without disrupting the class, quietly get up and sharpen it but make sure its at an
appropriate time (Not right in the middle of a lecture). If you need a pencil, I have plenty of extras, just ask.
14. Whats with the numbers?
I give every student a number (Each class starts back at 1, some of you may have two numbers if I see you twice a
day) and its an easy way for me to check if any papers are missing, students are absent, or to take roll. Always
put your number in the upper RIGHT hand corner of your paper. Your MLA heading goes on the LEFT.
15. What happens if I am tardy/late for class?
Be honest and mark yourself tardy (T) on the attendance sign-in sheet. You will probably have a late slip that
you can set on my desk and then immediately get to work with the normal start of class procedures (Sign-in,
check daily agenda, fill out your agenda, and complete the Do Now assignment).
16. Why are you picking on me?
Im not. You chose to break a rule and Im just following-up to make sure it doesnt happen again. Think of a
younger sibling/cousin who continually comes into your bedroom even though youve made it very clear he/she
are not allowed. Would you ignore it or do something about it?
17. I s there any extra credit?
Rarely. I will let you know when/if there is an extra credit opportunity. My suggestion would be to take advantage
of that opportunity as it doesnt happen often.
18. When can we start packing up to leave class?
When the bell rings.
19. When are we going to get to new seats?
I switch seats often. You can plan on getting a new seat every 6-9 weeks.
20. Can we chew gum or play on our phones?
We will use cell phones from time to time. But, I will be very clear when this is to occur. All cellphones are to be
turned off and kept in lockers. Gum is allowed now! Use with caution.
21. Can we have a chill day and do nothing?
22. Why are there so many rules?
I like to think of them as procedures as rules can be broken. The more procedures there are, the more structured
and organized class will run. I want consistency because its the best way to make sure you are comfortable and
know what to expect. No surprises!

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