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Dublin City Biodiversity Action Plan 2008 2012

An Action of the
Dublin City Heritage Plan 2002 2006
and an Objective of the
Dublin City Development Plan 2005 2011
Dublin City Biodiversity Action Plan 2008 2012
An Action of the
Dublin City Heritage Plan 2002 2006
and an Objective of the
Dublin City Development Plan 2005 2011
Funding partners
D ublin C ity C ouncil w ishes to acknow ledge the role of the
H eritage C ouncil in initiating the D ublin C ity Biodiversity
A ction Plan in association w ith D ublin C ity C ouncil. In
particular, D ublin C ity C ouncil acknow ledges the support of
the H eritage C ouncil through its joint funding of the
Biodiversity O fficer post, and the provision of 37,500 for
the im plem entation of the Biodiversity A ction Plan in 2007.
Publication com piled and edited by D ublin C ity Biodiversity
O fficer, M airad Stack and Siobhn Egan (ex-Biodiversity
O fficer), D onncha D laing, D ublin C ity H eritage O fficer
and steering group m em bers.
Publication designed and produced by Environm ental
For m ore inform ation contact biodiversity@ dublincity.ie or
visit Biodiversity on the D ublin C ity C ouncil w ebsite at
w w w .dublincity.ie. This docum ent is available in Irish.
D ublin C ity C ouncil, 2008
Right: Brent Geese feeding on Sandymount sand and mud flats.
(Photo: AnthonyWoods)
Page 4: Overview of Dublin City. (Photo: Dublin CityParks
The BiodiversityAction Plan 2008-2012 is an
action of the Dublin CityHeritage Plan 2002
2006 and is an objective of the Dublin City
Development Plan 2005 2011
Table of Contents
1 Lord M ayors address 5
2 The C ity M anagers address 7
3 Introduction Biodiversity: the variety of life 9
W hat is biodiversity? 9
W hy is biodiversity im portant? 9
Local, national and international action for biodiversity 11
W hy a plan? 13
H ow to m ake best use of this plan 14
H ow you can m ake a difference 14
4 D ublin citys natural heritage: visions, issues and actions for biodiversity 16
W ildlife in the city 16
Visions and actions 18
Strategic D irections 19
N atural H eritage Interests 29
5 M easuring progress 45
6 Sum m ary of legislation relating to natural heritage 46
7 A ppendices 49
Existing local and national strategies and plans 49
D escriptions of designated sites 50
Breeding, w intering and m igrant birds of D ublin C ity and Bay 53
Priority vascular plants 57
M ap of designated sites and w aterw ays in D ublin C ity C ouncil A rea 58
M ap of open spaces in D ublin C ity C ouncil A rea 59
8 A cknow ledgem ents 60
1. Lord Mayors address
ublin C ity C ouncils Biodiversity A ction Plan
reflects a new era for the C ity of D ublin and
presents challenges for m anagem ent. There is a
change in ethos across the globe in term s of respecting
our environm ent and understanding its im portance to
m ankinds health and survival. C lim ate C hange, C arbon
footprints and Recycling; are all term s that are part of
our everyday language and life. Biodiversity needs to be
added to this list of com m on term s and the publication
of Biodiversity A ction Plans like this one is a significant
step forw ards.
The Biodiversity A ction Plan identifies the am azing w ealth
of w ildlife and nature that exists in D ublin city. M any birds
m igrate to the city annually and w e have a significant
am ount of rare plants. W e can be proud that D ublin Bay
is recognised internationally for its protected habitats and
birds. The fact that w e have m anaged to hold onto som e
of our natural heritage w hile developing at a fast rate is
extraordinary. W e cannot be com placent how ever and
w e m ust really focus on holding onto the natural resource
that exists before its too late. W e cannot continue w ith
the idea that w e can replace w hat is lost during
developm ent. The biodiversity w e experience now is the
result of 3.5 billion years of evolution so it is evident that
it cannot be replaced easily.
W e need to grasp the ethos that nature is not just a
project for schoolchildren. It is an essential com ponent of
our lives and provides us w ith and regulates food, fuel,
fibre, m edicines, clean w ater and air. A ll of w hich are
necessary for our health and survival. N ature is also a
force that m ust be taken seriously, e.g., rising sea levels
and flooding rivers.
This Plan identifies the link betw een preserving
Biodiversity and m itigating against the negative effects of
C lim ate C hange and increased rainfall. Trees, hedges,
green spaces and w etlands are essential tools to deal
w ith increased rainfall, higher tem peratures and
inclem ent conditions. These habitats also provide
essential shelter and food to the tiny anim als that w e
cant even see but that are part of the food chain of those
anim als w e hold up as charism atic inhabitants of our city
such as the fox or the peregrine falcon. W e m ust
understand that w e cannot sim ply rem ove or develop on
these habitats w ithout repercussions.
I w elcom e the actions of this Plan that include both local
com m unity and business participation. Engaging local
groups and sectors w ill act as a catalyst throughout the
city to identify local w ildlife areas that are at risk of being
lost in a tide of developm ent and provide a m eans of
protecting these areas. Local com m unities and businesses
m ust be supported in conserving a vital netw ork of sm all
w ild areas that w ill create a corridor for w ildlife across the
city. This Biodiversity A ction Plan w ill lay the foundations
on w hich these corridors can be identified, protected and
I com m end the w ork of all those w ho participated in
the process of producing this excellent publication. The
extent of consultation is clearly evident in the large
resource of natural heritage inform ation contained
w ithin the docum ent. It is also evident from the
practical actions identified in the Plan relevant to
preserving our natural resources. I look forw ard to
seeing the fruits of its im plem entation.
Cllr. Paddy Bourke, PC
Lord Mayor of Dublin
Flock of Oystercatchers flying over Dublin Bay. (Photo: AnthonyWoods)
2. City Managers address
iodiversity is a key part of the character of
D ublin city and its people and I am delighted to
see the production of the C itys first Biodiversity
A ction Plan. W e are one of the first local authorities to
put together and im plem ent such a plan.
The C ity C ouncil, in partnership w ith the H eritage
C ouncil, is one of the few councils in the country to
have appointed a Biodiversity O fficer. This role has been
supported through the D ublin C ity H eritage Plan 2002
2006, and has been key to gathering stakeholders to
produce the plan.
The Biodiversity A ction Plan w ill help us to achieve m any
of the objectives of the D ublin C ity D evelopm ent Plan
relating to quality of life, greenspace and am enity
provision, planning developm ent, and the protection of
natural heritage in the city. It w ill also help us shape
policies and objectives for future developm ent plans.
The Biodiversity A ction Plan provides us w ith an
opportunity to increase our know ledge base; to raise
understanding and appreciation; to plan and develop
w ith biodiversity in m ind; and to identify opportunities
to protect, enhance and restore w hat is of ecological
value in the city. It w ill help to integrate biodiversity into
the C ouncils day-to-day operations, and into innovative
The Plan identifies w ays in w hich everyone can m ake a
difference and becom e m ore actively involved w ith their
natural heritage. H alting the loss of biodiversity is a
significant challenge for all of us and requires urgent
and inform ed action. It is im portant to build on the
existing w ork of the C ouncil and that of other
stakeholders involved w ith D ublins w ildlife.
W orking w ith individuals, com m unities, other local
authorities, non-governm ent organisations, the
construction industry, businesses and governm ent
agencies is key to im plem enting the plan and ensuring
it is delivered effectively. By pooling our experience and
resources w e are m ore likely to have a greater im pact.
W e w ill build on existing partnerships through the plan
and create new ones.
By w orking together, our responsibilities for biodiversity
w ill be delivered m ore easily. I com m end the tim e and
thought put into the plan by the individuals and groups
w ho have contributed to its content including the
steering group m em bers and the m any consultation
responses received.
I w ish the plan every success and assure continued
support for its im plem entation.
Dublin City Manager
Priority species, habitats and natural heritage features identified in the
Biodiversity Action Plan
A num ber of species, habitats and natural
heritage features have been selected for priority
conservation m easures w ithin the city. These are:
Red Squirrels
Salmonids, e.g., salmon and trout
Selected invertebrate groups
Hedgerows and Urban Trees
Protected rare, scarce or threatened
Semi-natural grasslands
3. Introduction Biodiversity: the variety of life
What is biodiversity?
Biodiversity (short for biological diversity) m eans the
variety of life, the w ide range of living things in the
w orld, everything from the sm allest insect to the largest
w hale. It includes our rare plants and anim als as w ell as
com m on species including those that indicate the
richness of our local environm ent (such a breeding birds
in local parks or in gardens). It includes the huge range
of genetic varieties w ithin all plants and all anim als.
Biodiversity is m ore than a list of plants and anim als that
occur in a certain area, as it takes into account the
interactions and interdependency that plants and
anim als have on each other and on their locality. It also
includes natural processes that are needed to establish
or develop populations of plants and anim als (such as
w indblow n sand for sand dune developm ent). A nim al
species and plant species m ay also depend on aspects
of the built environm ent; exam ples include bats that
roost in bridges and buildings, or peregrine falcons that
m ay nest on high buildings. Biodiversity includes our
geological legacy that has shaped the current landscape
and its flora and fauna.
The urban setting has a significant role in protecting
and enhancing natural environm ents and for enthusing
people about w ildlife, w hich is an im portant part of
D ublin citys character and culture.
Why is biodiversity important?
The conservation of Biodiversity is intrinsic to our w ell-
being. The biodiversity w e experience now is the result
of 3.5 billion years of evolution and is fundam ental to
hum an survival. M uch developm ent over recent decades
has enriched our lives but has been associated w ith the
decline in the variety and extent of natural system s. This
loss of biodiversity at the ecosystem , species and gene
level is an issue of serious concern not only because of
the ethical issues raised but also due to the decline in
ecosystem services w hich natural system s provide. These
services include production of food, fuel, fibre,
m edicines, regulation of w ater, air, clim ate, m aintenance
of soil fertility, cycling and nutrients. Biodiversity can
help reverse the negative im pacts of clim ate change.
G ood coastal w etlands can im prove protection against
rising sea levels and healthy floodplain and other
w etland ecosystem s can lim it the effects of river
flooding. Forests and peatlands are carbon sinks and
plants and anim als are used as indicators of clim ate
For m any people our urban centres do not appear to be
the best places to find w ildlife. M any species are elusive
and avoid close contact w ith people or are nocturnal so
w e dont see them . M any have successfully adapted to
urban conditions, such as the fox. The city also still
supports refuge areas for w ildlife, e.g., brow nfield sites,
parks, gardens and canals.
People dont alw ays associate w ildlife as being part
of their culture especially in an urban context.
M olly M alone cried C ockles and M ussels A live
A liveothrough the streets of D ublin. These w ere
D ublin Bay cockles and m ussels that lived in the
Bay, feeding on nutrients in the m ud. They are still
the food supply of m any of the w ild birds of
international im portance that use the bay as a stop
off point on m igration routes or as their w inter
retreat. The statue of M olly M alone is possibly the
m ost photographed in the city and the song can
be heard at international sporting events and in
Irish pubs across the globe. Yet w e know little
about how the populations of cockles and m ussels
have changed over the years, and m any of D ublins
ow n citizens dont know w hat a cockle looks like!
(Photo: BarkleyDoyle)
The establishm ent and developm ent of cities near
estuaries and along rivers m eans their location and
developm ent can be particularly significant for natural
heritage. D ublin citys natural heritage is characterised
by the citys geographical location, its proxim ity to the
sea, access to w aterw ays and the incorporation of
significant greenspace.
D evelopm ent patterns, traditional land uses, population
changes and m any other factors dictate the type of city
spread w hich can also dictate the natural heritage
resource still rem aining. D ublins geographical and
topographical features have also shaped the city. W ildlife,
the city and its people have alw ays been interacting and
continue to interact and respond to each other.
The developm ent of the city is proceeding at an
accelerating rate and it is necessary to im prove the
m anagem ent of nature to protect our natural heritage,
habitats, plants and w ildlife. Biodiversity can also
provide other environm ental services such as pollution
control, flood attenuation and erosion prevention. The
developm ent of the city presents an opportunity to plan
for and enhance this aspect of D ublins heritage. This
challenge provides an opportunity for D ublin C ity
C ouncil, developers, residents and specialists to w ork
together. The citys Local Biodiversity A ction Plan
provides an opportunity for learning about the
processes that determ ine the quality of urban
John Collins, Dublin City Council Engineering
Clean water and amenity
The Finglasw ood stream is a sm all stream that
originates in Finglas. Just before it outfalls to the river
Tolka the stream feeds into a pond in Tolka Valley Park.
The stream and pond w ere heavily polluted by
dom estic m isconnections and interm ittent road run-off
(as w ell as rainfall there w as the w ashing of private cars
and the disposal of used engine oil into gullies) so the
am enity value of the pond w as lost. There w ere large
algal grow ths, grease, m ilky scum , vegetable m atter
and hydrocarbons visible in the w ater.
Pollution C ontrol and Parks in D C C decided that
installing a w etland upstream of the pond w ould help
treat the stream (by settlem ent of suspended solids,
uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus, rem oval of
hydrocarbons and faecal coliform s). This w ould also
com ply w ith the W ater Fram ew ork D irective, the
Phosphorus Regulations and the N itrates D irective.
The design aim ed to provide a w etland to contain and
treat flow in em ergent vegetated areas, blend in w ith
its surroundings and enhance habitat diversity. These
are the three objectives of an Integrated C onstructed
W etland. O ther considerations included m anaging
littering, vandalism and health and safety.
A s a result of the constructed w etland, the w ater
quality in the pond has im proved significantly, and it
now supports a large bird population (m allards, w ater
hens, coots and sw ans even a kingfisher) insect life
(dragon flies) and diverse plant com m unities. The
capital cost of such a project is insignificant com pared
to hard engineering solutions and after construction
there has been alm ost no m aintenance requirem ents.
There are no pum ps associated w ith it as the feed is by
gravity and it operates all day, every day for free. D C C
is actively engaged in a program m e of w etland
construction, e.g., C ardiffsbridge Park in Finglas.
Tolka ValleyPark integrated constructed wetland.
(Photo: John Colllins)
biodiversity and the m eans to incorporate m ore w ildlife
friendly elem ents into existing environm ents and into
the process of urban planning. It is w idely
acknow ledged that acting locally can have significant
results on a local, national and even global level.
Local, national and international
actions for biodiversity
Traditionally the m anagem ent of biodiversity has been
the principal responsibility of the N ational Parks and
W ildlife Service w ithin the D epartm ent of the
Environm ent, H eritage and Local G overnm ent. Its m ain
focus is the protection of rare sites and species, m any of
w hich are also im portant internationally, under the EU
Birds D irective and EU H abitats D irective, and
C onventions such as Bonn, Bern, Ram sar and C ITES.
U nder the Planning and D evelopm ent Regulations 2001
(S.I. 600 of 2001) m ade under the Planning and
D evelopm ent A ct, 2000, all planning authorities m ust
identify such sites Special A reas of C onservation
(SA C s) under the H abitats D irective and Special
Protection A reas (SPA s) under the Birds D irective in
their developm ent plans. The H abitats D irective also
em phasises the need for land use planning and
developm ent policies to encourage the m anagem ent of
features of the landscape w hich are of m ajor
im portance to flora and faunaand features of the
landscape w hich support the netw ork of SA C s and SPA s
such as rivers, hedgerow s, ponds and sm all w oods.
The N ational Biodiversity Plan (2002), the objective of
w hich is to secure the conservation, including w here
possible enhancem ent and sustainable use of
biodiversity in Ireland and to contribute to conservation
and sustainable use of biodiversity globally, states that
is essential that action is taken at local level.
The N ational H eritage Plan (2002) refers to local
authority plans and program m es and the need to
prom ote local responsibility for biodiversity
m anagem ent.
St. Audoens Church in the centre of Dublin. (Photo: A. Woods)
Three of the m ajor threats to global biodiversity are
detailed below and all are relevant to natural
heritage in the city. They have been identified as:
LOSS OF EXTENTRem oving an area of habitat,
for exam ple, rainforest or a section of w oodland,
garden or park, results in a direct loss. Replacing
w ith equally valuable habitat isnt alw ays possible.
Buildings and bridges provide habitats for bats in
particular, their rem oval or replacem ent can also
have a direct im pact on the citys bat populations.
areas into isolated sm aller parts reduces the ability of
anim als to m ove aw ay from a threat and reduces
food and cover. Plants and anim als that cant m ix
w ith others of their kind soon die out as physical
links for com m uting to other populations no longer
exist. W e need to unblock routes for w ildlife on all
scales - allow ing riverbank vegetation to be
continuous, and linking the Bay w ith parks in the
inner city and the inner city w ith the D ublin hills is
im portant. Retaining and creating scrub or hedge
cover to connect w ooded pockets in parks or
betw een gardens is crucial.
INVASIVE SPECIESPlants and anim als that arrive
from elsew here and quickly take over spaces that are
usually occupied by native species pose a huge
threat. N ot only do w e lose native species, but som e
plant species are so prolific that uniform stands of
the invasive plants w ill exist and spread reducing
use of the area by other species. O ur w aterw ays are
particularly vulnerable.
The preparation of Biodiversity A ction Plans by local
authorities is also supported by A genda 21 and the
C onvention on Biodiversity (during the 1992 Rio Earth
Sum m it), w hich have both been endorsed by the Irish
governm ent. The Irish N ational Plan for Sustainable
D evelopm ent (1987) refers to the potential of land-use
planning and the value of urban open spaces for
ecology and m aintaining environm ental quality. It states
that local authorities should lead by exam ple through
integrating sustainability into policies and functions, and
facilitating action in the com m unity. A genda 21 and the
C onvention on Biodiversity prom ote the preparation of
local plans and sectoral plans as a m eans of raising the
standards of environm ental m anagem ent including the
m anagem ent of biodiversity. They highlight the
responsibility of all citizens and sectors. They em phasise
the im portance of accurate and accessible inform ation,
the need for policies to be relevant to local cultures and
econom ic realities and the value of m easuring progress
tow ards sustainability by the developm ent of indicators.
The w orld target for progress is the achievem ent by
2010 of a significant reduction in the current loss of
biological diversity. In 2008 the 9th M eeting of the
C O P (C onference of Parties) of the C onvention of
Biodiversity w ill consider urban biodiversity.
A ll cities should be trying to reduce their carbon
em issions as it is clear hum ans are having dram atic
effect on clim ate around the globe. D ublin citys carbon
footprint is likely to be significant in a national context,
being an urban centre. H ow ever, a num ber of m easures
can be taken to reduce its im pact, including: reducing
car usage; using alternative fuels; the use of m ore
efficient w aste m anagem ent m easures by all sectors;
and im plem enting energy conservation m easures in
dom estic hom es.
Biodiversity acts as an indicator for clim ate change
and m itigates against negative im pacts. Vegetation
absorbs C arbon D ioxide (C O
), so enhancing and
creating greenspace w ith appropriate planting can
The city w ill need to cope w ith changes due to clim ate
change including m ore extrem e w eather.
Sudden and heavy rainfall can be dealt w ith better if
attenuation areas exist. Increasing use of soft
landscaping in the city and prom oting green roofs
w ill reduce run-off and help to avoid flooding.
W etlands in open spaces hold w ater for longer,
helping to prevent flooding elsew here.
C ities w ith a high proportion of concrete are likely to
overheat. Planting to develop greenspaces and create
m ature shade to cool the city in the future is crucial.
Rising sea levels com bined w ith w eather extrem es are
serious concerns for all coastal cities. Soft areas of
coast (such as Bull Island) can provide a buffer to
w eather extrem es. Retaining greenspace to absorb
w ater, creating w etlands in coastal areas, allow ing
the natural build-up of sand dunes and m inim ising
developm ent along the coast are all actions of the
draft D C C C lim ate C hange Strategy.
Aerial view of Sandymount Strand. (Photo: AnthonyWoods)
Why a Plan?
The w orld target for progress is the achievem ent by
2010 of a significant reduction in the current loss of
biological diversity
In order to achieve any target, especially one as am bitious
as halting the loss of biodiversity, it is necessary to engage
a num ber of people from w ide-ranging sectors. W hile
everyone has a role to play, a coordinated effort, pooling
resources and focusing collective energies is a m ore
effective w ay to achieve such a task. A plan can give
guidance, provide clarity and support for peoples aim s as
w ell as help prevent unnecessary repetition.
Above: Garden spider in Botanic Gardens. Below: Adult mute
swan and signets in BushyPark. (Photos: AnthonyWoods)
M ore than one decade after the im plem entation of
the C onvention on Biological D iversity, the
recognition of biodiversity loss has gained high
political profile both at global and national level.
This has resulted in com m itm ents for action by
heads of states such as the G othenburg European
C ouncil, at the stakeholders conference in
M alahide in 2003 and in the EU 2006 Biodiversity
C om m unication to achieve a significant reduction
of the current rate of biodiversity loss. A t a Pan-
European level, the C ountdow n 2010 initiative w as
endorsed in M ay 2003 by the 5th Environm ent for
Europe M inisterial C onference in Kiev. C ountdow n
2010 is an independent initiative and aim s to:
1. Encourage and support the full im plem entation
of all the existing binding international
com m itm ents and necessary actions to save
2. D em onstrate clearly w hat progress Europe m akes
in m eeting the 2010 Biodiversity C om m itm ent.
3. G ain m axim um public attention across Europe
for the challenge of saving biodiversity by 2010.
Notice Nature is a national initiative, run by the
N ational Parks and W ildlife Service to raise
aw areness of biodiversity issues across all sectors.
This is an action of the N ational Biodiversity Plan
The National Biodiversity Data Centre (NBDC) is
a national initiative launched by the N ational Parks
and W ildlife Service in 2007. It is based in
W aterford and is an action of the N ational
Biodiversity Plan 2002.
Local people and organisations are needed to
successfully deliver actions for biodiversity in D ublin city.
A steering group w ith representatives from a spectrum
of interests has guided the collation of inform ation and
ideas presented in the A ction Plan. A s w ell as this, a
large num ber of com m ents w as received from the
public and a w ide range of organisations, both in
w ritten and discussion form , during the course of tw o
consultations on the production of this plan. A ll these
com m ents have been used to help shape this
docum ent. The involvem ent of the public does not end
w ith the publication of this A ction Plan the basic
concept of sustainability is that everyone has a
responsibility to m aintain the environm ent for present
and future generations this is only the beginning and
everyone is in a position to m ake a difference.
How to make best use of this plan
The D ublin C ity Biodiversity A ction Plan is intended to
be a w orking docum ent. It includes a sum m ary of the
range of priority habitats and species of international,
national and local im portance in the city. The m ain
content of the plan is a program m e of actions
recom m ended to protect and enhance the citys natural
heritage. The Plan has selected a num ber of habitats
and species for priority action. These are on pages 25-
40. A ctions are displayed as tw o sets of tables:
Strategic directions (pages 15-23)
N atural heritage interests (pages 25-40)
The plan should be used to obtain ideas on how to
enhance biodiversity. It should assist in identifying w ays
in w hich people can actively engage w ith natural
heritage and to identify potential project partners. It
should assist w ith justifying funding for projects, as
proposals linked to the plan w ould also be contributing
to a w ider and collaborative goal. A num ber of
resources, contacts and existing projects are also
detailed through the plan.
How you can make a difference
The D ublin C ity H abitat M apping Project has identified
that approxim ately 25% of the city area is m ade up of
private gardens. This is a considerable green space
resource w hich adds hugely to the natural heritage value
of the city by providing cover, feeding and com m uting
routes for w ildlife including hedgehogs, bats, badgers
and birds. Insects are the food supply for m any birds and
m am m als and enhance pollination and aphid control.
W ildlife-friendly techniques in individual gardens can
m ake a huge contribution to the citys biodiversity. Even
the m ost urban looking garden can enhance natural
heritage. Berry-bearing and flow ering plants are key.
N ettles are vital food/shelter for m any species of butterfly
caterpillars. Leave a log pile in the corner of the garden
to provide a safe hibernation location and leave som e
areas of grass uncut. W here theres space, one crucial
w ay to boost biodiversity is through provision of ponds
(w ithout tadpole-eating goldfish) w ith gently sloping
edges and som e em ergent vegetation. Frogs, w ater
Red squirrel in St. Anne's Park, Raheny. (Photo: AnthonyWoods)
beetles, pond snails and som etim es dragonflies and
dam selflies w ill use ponds. Ponds provide excellent
bathing and drinking places for birds and erecting bird
boxes in your garden provides shelter to nesting birds.
Feeding birds in your garden provides a fascinating view
into the w orld of w ildlife. A nother w ay of easily
enhancing biodiversity is by elim inating the use of
harm ful pesticides and herbicides from your garden. This
protects insects and plants w hich form part of the low er
elem ents of the food chain. Putting up a bat box high
up near the eaves of your house can entice bats into
your garden and they in turn eat the biting insects w hich
you m ay not w ant in your garden.
Be active in your com m unity and encourage others in
your street or area to used w ildlife-friendly m easures.
This w ill help create a hot spotfor biodiversity. A line
of gardens m ay create a corridor of w ildlife that can link
to a local park or greenspace. Som e com m unities m ay
w ant to create a C om m unity W ildlife Plan, w orking w ith
local schools and other greenspaces in the locality to
boost biodiversity. Entering into the W ildlife category of
the Tidy Tow ns com petition and helping others such as
local businesses to help enhance their greenspaces in
the com m unity is also beneficial.
W here you w ork or spend leisure tim e can also enhance
biodiversity and provide crucial habitats for anim als and
plants. Encouraging local schools, parks, golf courses
and businesses to retain parts of their grounds that are
im portant for w ildlife and use their open space to
benefit local biodiversity and contribute to the
biodiversity of the city is im portant. A ppropriate open-
space design and m anagem ent (no m atter how sm all)
can provide environm ental education and help business
address corporate responsibilities and provide
com m unity benefits.
Becom ing m ore actively involved in local voluntary
action groups and field clubs, or through m em bership
of organisations w ith professional interests in
biodiversity is also an effective w ay of helping to m ake a
difference. Becom e involved in national and local
surveys for species such as garden birds and bats.
Support and training for taking part is often provided.
M any organisations hold open days or events in local
areas inform ing people about their biodiversity. Events,
open days and national initiatives such as Biodiversity
W eek (M ay) and H eritage W eek (A ugust/Septem ber),
Tree W eek (M arch) and Tree D ay (O ctober) need to be
supported, encouraged and developed further to
provide m ore opportunities to becom e m ore involved.
For ideas and links on how to get m ore involved, check
out the Biodiversity section of the D ublin C ity C ouncil
w ebsite w w w .dublin.ie or EN FO at w w w .enfo.ie.
Sharing inform ation, experience and team ing up to
achieve com m on goals are key to m aking a difference.
This plan should be used to determ ine priorities for
projects in the city and help others to contribute; to
build up inform ation; to develop exam ples of best
practice; and to initiate policy to help protect and
enhance D ublins natural heritage.
D ogs running off their leads can disturb w ildlife at
certain tim es of the year m ore than others in
particular, nesting birds in early spring and early
sum m er and roosting or feeding birds in w inter.
W aders and w ildfow l feeding on eelgrass on
m udflats and on seaw eed and insects along the
shore edges in D ublin Bay are particularly vulnerable.
N orth Bull Island is a N ature Reserve so dogs m ust be
kept on leads here. O n average, 33 different
w aterbird species regularly occur in D ublin Bay, and
frequently the bay supports in excess of 20,000
w aterbirds over w inter m onths including
approxim ately 6,000 w ildfow l, 24,000 w aders and
6,000 gulls annually. The bay supports up to 12,000
roosting terns from late Jul-early Sept. 42,000 Black-
headed gulls w ere recorded on one occasion in
2007. Internationally im portant concentrations of
Light-bellied Brent goose, Black-tailed godw it, Bar-
tailed godw it and Redshank occur here. It is one of
the top three sites in Ireland for Light-bellied Brent
goose, Pintail, G rey plover, Knot, Sanderling and Bar-
tailed godw it. These birds use the bay and green
space as feeding grounds, having travelled from
A rctic Eastern C anada (Brent geese) and A rctic
regions of Russia and Scandinavia (Bar-tailed
godw its). Very large flocks of post-breeding Terns
congregate in the bay before their long journey.
Wildlife in the city
The city has legal responsibilities to recognise and
protect aspects of natural heritage and has identified a
num ber of objectives of the D ublin C ity D evelopm ent
Plan w hich relate to this.
M uch of D ublin city holds significant natural heritage
both in its built areas including buildings (old and new )
railw ay sidings and brow nfeld sites and in areas
considered m ore typical for w ildlife such as its
greenspace, its w aterw ays and coastal areas.
The designated sites of N orth Bull Island and N orth and
South D ublin Bay constitute part of the Irish and
European netw ork of protected areas for biodiversity as
the Bay supports habitats and w ildbird populations of
international im portance. O ur w aterw ays including the
Liffey, Tolka and D odder support a significant w ildlife
resource including otters, bats, A tlantic Salm on, Brow n
Trout, Sea Trout, Kingfisher (m any of European
im portance and for w hich w e are required to provide
strict protection). A ll of these w aterw ays and their
associated riparian/edge vegetation provide im portant
feeding and com m uting corridors for a range of species.
The city has significant green spaces through the
provision of parks such as the Phoenix Park in particular,
St A nnes Park and a num ber of institutional lands
including Trinity C ollege D ublin. The citys parks,
institutional lands, private gardens and graveyards all
contribute significantly the biodiversity resource in the
city. Rem aining hedgerow s, sem i-natural grasslands and
trees are of particular im portance.
These along w ith roadside edges and undeveloped sites
that have been left of their ow n accord and m any of
our built structures including buildings and bridges in
particular, provide refuges for w ildlife. Together, these
com ponents of the citys character provide a valuable
resource for a w ide range of uses.
This natural heritage resource is m anaged and used for
m any interests by a range of organisations and
individuals. Responsibilities for w aterw ays, parks and
green spaces for exam ple are shared am ong a num ber
of organisations and a significant proportion of space
that is im portant for w ildlife is privately ow ned (gardens
and institutional lands in particular). M any individuals
and organisations have w orked w ith and collected
inform ation on natural heritage in the city over m any
years. Yet, as a w hole, w e do not have a clear idea as to
w hat condition our citys natural heritage is in. W hile
there is w ork ongoing in the city that is benefiting
biodiversity, it is clear that there is considerable
opportunity for enhancem ent.
The D ublin C ity Biodiversity A ction Plan Steering G roup
identified the m ain issues for biodiversity as a know ledge
gap and an aw areness deficit. They determ ined that
3. Dublin citys natural heritage: visions, issues and actions for biodiversity
Scots Pine in Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin.
(Photo: AnthonyWoods)
biodiversity is undervalued and suffers due to com peting
dem ands. The steering group also identified that direction
and good exam ples are needed.
The proxim ity of hum an dw ellings and w ildlife is a great
opportunity to help inform and enthuse people about
natural heritage. It also creates som e m ajor challenges
in trying to protect and enhance space for w ildlife.
Luckily, D ublin has close cultural connections w ith m uch
of its w ildlife such as Bull Island, The Phoenix Park, its
street trees, and its w aterw ays in particular. The
challenge w ill be to m ake sure this is no longer just
taken for granted, that the w ider natural heritage is
understood and protected (such as bats and birds) and
that w hat is locally and nationally valuable is not eroded
but actively protected and enhanced. Raising aw areness
of w hat w e have, and taking actions to protect it is key
to retaining healthy populations of species and
enhancing our ow n appreciation of natural heritage and
quality of life.
The form ation of a D ublin C ity C ouncil Biodiversity
O fficer post, funded by D ublin C ity C ouncil in
association w ith The H eritage C ouncil, is an action of
D ublin C ity H eritage Plan 2002-2006. This post has built
on the w ork of the N atural Environm ent actions of the
H eritage Plan and has started the process of integrating
biodiversity into the w ork of the city council. The
Biodiversity A ction Plan is an O bjective of the D ublin
C ity D evelopm ent Plan and w ill contribute to the C ity
C ouncils C orporate Plan objective for A C lean and
G reen C ity.
North Bull Island is located in Dublin Bay, one of the most significant conservation sites in the cityas it hosts internationallyprotected
habitats like sand dunes, dune slack and mud flats. The area is also internationallyimportant for nesting and wintering waterfowls and is
designated as a RAMSAR site (important wetland), Biogenetic Reserve, Wildfowl Sanctuary, Nature Reserve, cSAC and SPA.
The citys parks contain significant w ildlife resources
including w oodland, sem i-natural grasslands and
rem nant hedgerow s. In doing so, parks support
species of local and national im portance including
otters, bats, hedgehogs and kingfishers. They have a
significant am enity and education role in the city and
appropriate design and m anagem ent is required to
retain their m ultifunctional value.
O PW is responsible for the m anagem ent of properties
in state care. This includes high profile sites such as
The Phoenix Park, St. Stephens G reen, and the W ar
M em orial G ardens, all of w hich are N ational H istoric
Parks. W hile their brief is the conservation and
restoration of these designed landscapes, the O PW
also takes very seriously the Biodiversity and
Sustainability issues on all sites. In fact the Phoenix
Park M anagem ent Plan is currently under review , and
incorporated into this process are full flora, fauna and
habitat surveys, w ith recom m endation on protecting
the rich biodiversity w ithin the park.
D C C Parks D epartm ent is im plem enting the H abitat
M anagem ent Plans produced for five city parks by
M ary Tubridy & A ssociates.*
*Tubridy, M . 2003. M anagem ent Plan for Springdale
*Tubridy, M . 2003. M anagem ent Plan for St. Kevin's Park.
*Tubridy, M . 2004. M anagem ent Plan for St. A nne's Park.
*Tubridy, M . 2004. M anagem ent Plan for Le Fanu Park.
*Tubridy, M . 2004. M anagem ent Plan for Bushy Park.
(A ll H eritage C ouncil & D ublin C ity C ouncil.)
The actions of this plan are identified in tw o sets of
tables: Strategic directions and natural heritage
interests. The first of these tables identifies actions
under five visions identified for the city. The second
table lists the natural heritage interests of the city and is
supported by a num ber of appendices in this docum ent.
Strategic directions
Knowing what weve got
It is acknow ledged that a range of w ork has been
carried out on natural heritage in the city. There is a
need to collate existing inform ation so that the gaps in
our know ledge can be identified, to target resources,
and to inform decision-m aking processes.
Spreading the Word A key vision is to inform and
engage people in biodiversity, to include new audiences
and help people recognise and understand biodiversity
in the city across all sectors.
Planning together D eveloping policies and
m echanism s to incorporate biodiversity and w eighting
of biodiversity interests appropriately, and providing a
fram ew ork for creating and enhancing natural heritage
in the city is crucial.
Making space for Nature Integrating biodiversity into
day-to-day and innovative operations, dem onstrating
how this can be done, and integration into site specific
and strategic w ork program m es are im portant.
Making It Work A num ber of things need to happen
to deliver for biodiversity. Key partnerships should be
created w ith other local authorities and w ith steering
group m em bers. Identifying, providing and m axim ising
resources w ill be key tasks.
A ll the strategic directions identified, contribute to
living in a quality environm ent. Biodiversity is a m easure
of sustainable grow th and has a role as an indicator of
our quality of life. It also presents us w ith an
opportunity to help address D ublins carbon footprint
and contribution on a national level. It should be key in
consideration of our response to challenges posed by
clim ate change. In all, it presents an opportunity to
im prove our ow n quality of life and create an easier life
for w ildlife.
Principal abbreviations
: Third level institutions
AT: A n Taisce
BC I: Bat C onservation Ireland
B G A P: Ballym un G lobal A ction Plan
BW I: Birdw atch Ireland
C F: C om m unity Forum
C FB: C entral Fisheries Board
C IF: C onstruction Industry Federation
C odem a: A gency for energy and sustainability in D ublin
C W I: C oastW atch Ireland
D C C : D ublin C ity C ouncil
D C C om : D ublin C ham ber of C om m erce
D LR: D n Laoghaire Rathdow n C ouncil
D N FC : D ublin N aturalistsField C lub
EPA : Environm ental Protection A gency
ERFB: Eastern Regional Fisheries Board
FC C : Fingal C ounty C ouncil
H C : H eritage C ouncil
IPC C : Irish Peatland C onservation C ouncil
ISS: Irish Seal Sanctuary
IW D G : Irish W hale and D olphin G roup
IW T: Irish W ildlife Trust
N BD C : N ational Biodiversity D ata C entre
N BG : N ational Botanic G ardens
N H M : N atural H istory M useum
N PW S: N ational Parks and W ildlife Service
O PW : O ffice of Public W orks
SD C C : South D ublin C ounty C ouncil
W FD : W ater Fram ew ork D irective
W I: W aterw ays Ireland
Know ing w hat w eve got
Spreading the w ord
Planning together
M aking space for nature
M aking it w ork
M am m als
Fish, A m phibians and Reptiles
Vascular plants
Selected invertebrate goups
Selected Fungi and Lichens
G eology and G eom orphology
H abitats
D esignated sites
Invasive and pest species
Visions and actions
Knowing what weve got: Providing the Information
a. Fill inform ation gaps on priority species
and habitats in the city
i. Bats
ii. Birds
iii. O tters
iv. Red Squirrels
v. Salm onids, e.g., salm on and trout species
vi. Selected invertebrate groups
vii. H edgerow s and U rban Trees
viii. Protected Rare, Scarce or Threatened plants
ix. Sem i-natural grasslands
x. W etlands
b. Further develop the D C H abitat M apping Project.
Build on D C C habitat m apping project, digitise and update inform ation on
priority habitats and species. Provide w eb-based, user-friendly m ap of natural
heritage resource. M ake inform ation available for D C C D evelopm ent Plan and
Local A rea Plans (LA Ps).
c. M ake inform ation available as appropriate for day-to-day operations,
innovative projects and decision-m aking processes, in particular for
brow nfield sites and on institutional lands.
d. U pdate D ublin N ature D atabase
and existing surveys, e.g., H edgerow
e. C ollate natural heritage data for D ublin Bay and D ublins w aterw ays.
f. Ensure com pliance w ith N ational Biodiversity D ata C entre guidelines.
1.1 Use of GIS to:
Fill gaps on priority
and habitats
Interpret data for practical use
Update existing data
BC I, BW I, D C C , D N FC , ERFB,
N BD C , N BG and 3
Priority species and habitats as listed in the tables are not priorityas defined by the H abitats D irective but rather are a priority for the D ublin C ity BA P.
O Riain, G ., Tubridy, M . and Sheridan, O . 2006. Habitats Surveyof High BiodiversityValue Areas in Dublin City, 2006. D ublin C ity C ouncil and H eritage C ouncil.
D ublin C ity C ouncil 2003. Dublin City: Natural Heritage Surveys. D ublin C ity C ouncil and H eritage C ouncil.
Lyons, M . and Tubridy, M . 2006. A Surveyof Ancient and Species Rich Hedgerows in Dublin City. D ublin C ity C ouncil and H eritage C ouncil.
Strategic Directions
Spreading the word: Raising the profile
a. Participate in N ational and European Biodiversity C onferences and ensure
urban biodiversity and biodiversity in D ublin city are w ell represented.
D issem inate content of conferences.
b. Incorporate D ublin Bay sessions into conferences nationally.
c. D evelop program m e of aw areness raising through data recording initiatives,
schools com petitions, park events, etc.
d. D evelop tourist leaflet and trails around the city and on the D C C w ebsite.
e. Publicise ongoing progress w ith projects.
f. Link w ith national initiatives and other Local A uthorities.
g. Raise the profile of Biodiversity W eek and create biodiversity presence at other
h. Build on existing environm ental education initiatives including D iscovery Science
Program m es, Blue Flag, N ature in Parks and G reen Schools.
i. Incorporate Biodiversity activities at other fam ily fun days or events.
j. C onduct biodiversity them ed events N ational M oth N ight, W orld W etlands
D ay, D aw n C horus, Tree D ay, Tree W eek and the Rose Festival.
k. Incorporate biodiversity com ponent in professional courses, e.g., architects,
engineers, etc.
a. C arry out feasibility study to assess com ponents of and identify possible
locations for a biodiversity educational centre in the city.
a. Enhance w eb inform ation currently available.
b. Link w ith current projects.
c. Participate in redevelopm ent of the D C C w ebsite.
d. M ake datasets and reports m ore available.
e. Provide biodiversity education and recording facility.
2.1 Biodiversity awareness
2.2 A Dublin City Biodiversity
2.3 Biodiversity section on the
DCC website
D ublin Zoo, N PW S, H C , D C C ,
D ublin Tourism , Filte Ireland,
steering group m em bers, N BG and
D C C , N PW S, D N FC , EN FO , D ublin
Zoo, N H M , Libraries, N BG ,
D oEH LG , H C , D ublin Business,
N BD C and N G O s.
D C C , H C , D N FC and N BD C .
Spreading the word: Raising the profile
2.4 Widen sectoral involvement in
biodiversity issues
2.5 Facilitate biodiversity
education in primary and
secondary curriculum
2.6 Develop interpretation
strategy for wildlife
D C C , D C C om , IBEC , C odem a, C IF,
D ublin Zoo.
D C C , D ublin Zoo, N G O s and EN FO .
D C C , ERFB, W I, O PW , D N FC , N BG ,
N G O s.
a. Run Biodiversity in Business event.
b. Source dem onstration exam ples for business.
c. Run Biodiversity in C onstruction w orkshop and source dem onstration exam ples.
d. C onduct biodiversity training w ith professional bodies e.g. Royal Institute of
A rchitects in Ireland, Irish Planning Institute, Engineers Ireland, Irish Landscape
e. C oordinate w ith sectoral green plans.
f. Identify sponsors for com m unity projects.
g. Identify biodiversity cham pions for local habitats and species.
h. Provide guidance for ecological standards in business and
sustainability/corporate responsibility issues.
i. Identify pilot projects w ith nurseries and gardens centres relating to invasive
species exotic species and identify positive actions for biodiversity.
j. Identify com panies that have green policies and w ant to get involved in
biodiversity projects.
a. Extend the D C C 'N ature in Parksprogram m e.
b. C reate a D C C biodiversity prize at Young Scientists and other school events.
c. C onsolidate w ildlife resources and training available to teachers (packs,
projects, contacts).
a. U se interpretation tools such as panels, w ebsite, school resources, posters,
w ildlife trails.
b. Interpretation detailing natural heritage interests of South D ublin Bay.
c. Interpretation of w aterw ays.
d. Interpretation of parks.
Spreading the word: Raising the profile
a. Run training events for relevant departm ents in Local A uthorities (LA s) in the
greater D ublin area and engage professional institutes.
b D evelop and run best practice and inform ation sharing events prom oting and
dem onstrating best practice design and m anagem ent of Parks, open spaces and
urban design.
c Raise aw areness and provide w orking exam ples of design m easures for bats,
birds, otters, salm onids
and green roofs.
d. Raise aw areness and provide best practice guides for parks, graveyards,
grounds, business, industry, brow nfield sites, private gardens, institutional lands,
golf courses, w aterw ays, coastal am enity areas and riparian zones.
e. Extend existing w ork on sustainable urban drainage system s (SU D S) and
Integrated C onstructed W etlands (IC W s).
f. Support and establish incentives for:
School grounds grant schem e and com petition.
C are and m aintenance of graveyards.
G ardening guidelines.
Provision of bird-roosting platform s in w ater bodies.
a. Enable residentsassociations to take care of w ildlife spaces for exam ple by
establishing N eighbourW ood schem es.
b. Run com m unity and biodiversity training events w ith C om m unity O fficers.
c. D evelop the concept of C om m unity W ildlife Plans e.g. w ithin C ouncil housing
and residents association.
d. U se com m unity-based projects as dem onstration tem plates and develop for other
areas and com m unities. W etlands in parks w ildlife gardens and allotm ents are
exam ples. Link w ith existing outreach program m es.
e. W iden tidy tow ns w ildlife category and publicise.
f. Identify business sponsorship for com m unity environm ent projects.
g. Encourage schools to develop w ildlife gardens. Aw ard m erit certificates to
2.7 Roll out best practice through
information sharing for
2.8 Widen citizen training and
engage community in
biodiversity issues
D C C , Professional Bodies, BW I,
O PW , ERFB, W I, N BG , C BW , N G O s,
D C C om m and AT.
D C C , B G A P, ERFB, D ublin Zoo and
steering group.
A m em ber of the Fam ily Salm onidae w hich includes Salm on, Trout and W hitefish. (The BA P refers to A tlantic Salm on, Sea trout and Brow n trout in D ublin C ity.)
W ilson, F., G oodbody, R. and N airn, R. 2004. Dublin CityGraveyards Study. D ublin C ity C ouncil.
Spreading the word: Raising the profile
a. A ctively link biodiversity to w ider sustainability issues such as flooding,
clim ate change and w aste.
b. Link w ith access initiatives such as pedestrian netw ork initiatives, e.g.,
Sutton to Sandycove (S2S) cyclew ay.
c. C reate policy to design and interpret w ild spaces on am enity netw orks
2.9 Placing a value on biodiversity N PW S and D C C .
Planning together: Planning for biodiversity
a. A dopt planning conditions for priority habitats and species.
b. Identify processes to take biodiversity into account early in decision-m aking
process such as:
i. Flag sensitive interests by m apping inform ation.
ii. Prioritise locations, e.g., the developing sand spit at M errion G ates.
iii. C reate a checklist or appraisal guide for planners.
c. Provide guidelines for ecological report briefs to standardise the quality of
ecological reports and to ensure local interests and context are incorporated.
d. Identify m ethods of w eighting of biodiversity in developm ent-planning decisions.
e. Pursue higher proportion of levies allocated for ecological m anagem ent and m ake
com parison w ith other councils.
f. Pursue % for biodiversityschem e from capital projects.
g. D efine policies and ecological objectives for W aterw ay C onservation A reas.
h. Raise aw areness w ithin D C C and Professional Bodies of the 30m river w idth
recom m endation in the G reater D ublin Strategic D rainage Study.
i. Im prove the provision of riparian habitats, IC W s and w etlands in private
developm ents.
a. C ollate existing inform ation and carry out an assessm ent of the overall ecological
status of D ublin Bay and its interests.
b. Identify inform ation gaps, e.g., seal population, Salm onid, bird usage and intertidal
c. Identify key roost sites for w aterbirds and raise aw areness of their significance
w ithin D C C departm ents. Pursue protection of these sites.
d. Raise aw areness of sensitivities associated w ith D ublin Bay, e.g., high tide roosting
sites and incorporate strict planning conditions into proposed developm ents
e. Identify additional anchor points for em ergency incidents at D ublin Port.
a. W ork w ith partners to integrate biodiversity issues as part of the assessm ent of
D ublins carbon footprint
b. Identify practical m easures to reduce im pacts created by D ublin and deal w ith
im plications of clim ate change in urban and coastal contexts.
c. Incorporate biodiversity com ponents into green/sustainability audits of D C C
buildings, parks and other properties
3.1 Develop LA policies and
mechanisms to protect BAP
priority habitats and species
3.2 Integrated Management Plan
for Dublin Bay
3.3 Sustainability issues and
Dublins impact
D C C , other Local A uthorities, Tree
C ouncil of Ireland, N G O s, steering
group and Professional fora.
N PW S, BW I, D N FC , 3
, D ublin Bay
M anagem ent A uthority and D C C .
C odem a, D C C , N G O s.
Making space for nature: Delivery
a. Identify, protect and interpret local biodiversity hotspots.
b. Establish conservation objectives.
c. Im plem ent m anagem ent plans.
d. M ap and raise aw areness and profile of such sites.
e. Em phasise C onservation A reas of the rivers Liffey, D odder and Tolka.
f. Survey and focus on railw ay sidings, brow nfield sites, w ild riparian zones and green
spaces or pocket parks.
g. Establish U rban N ature Parks.
h. Produce a M anagem ent Plan for Irishtow n N ature Park.
i. Link w ith greenspace strategy.
a. D evelop and integrate habitat m anagem ent w ork program m es into m anagem ent plans
for all parks.
b. Produce a detailed biodiversity strategy for m anagem ent of D C C Parks.
c. Include biodiversity requirem ents into Park M aintenance C ontracts.
d. C arry out habitat creation and enhancem ent w orks.
e. M aintain existing biodiversity areas w ithin parks.
f. Trial best practice m anagem ent for biodiversity in a park, street and beach basis to
facilitate developm ent of best practice throughout, including:
i. C reation and interpretation of w ild zones.
ii Identifying alternative m eans to m echanical cleaning of beaches.
g. Im plem ent program m e for rem oval of invasive species.
h. Incorporate ecology in design briefs for new parks and associated infrastructure.
i. Im plem ent biodiversity training com ponent into PM D S in LA .
j. Identification and protection of resting placesof anim als in parks e.g. badger setts, fox
dens, bat roosts, w asp hives, bird roosting and feeding sites etc.
k. C reate a dem onstration w ildlife-friendly garden for public education.
l. Provision of interpretation.
m . Encourage planting of w ildlife friendly hedge/shrub planting along roads.
n. D evelop appropriate urban planting list.
o. D evelop a policy to reduce hard landscaping in the city.
p. Survey urban trees and develop a tree strategy for the city.
4.1 Identify and protect new
Local Biodiversity Areas and
Urban Nature Reserves
4.2 Implement Parks and Open
Space Work Programmes
D C C , N PW S, D N FC , other
D ublin LA s, ERFB, Iarnrd
ireann, W I, H C and steering
D C C , N G O s, B G A P,
Professional bodies, N BG ,
Tree C ouncil of Ireland.
Making space for nature: Delivery
a. Liaise w ith N PW S to ascertain conservation objectives for designated sites in
order to inform best m anagem ent practice.
b. Ensure LA m anagem ent rgim e conform s to conservation objective
requirem ents, e.g., produce M anagem ent Plan for N orth Bull Island.
c. For all designated sites and Local Biodiversity A reas:
i. Raise aw areness w ithin D C C and the public of significance of site
ii. D eterm ine and im plem ent appropriate m anagem ent
iii. Ensure no loss in extent or integrity of listed habitats/species
iv. Ensure appropriate assessm ent of all proposed developm ents
4.3 Management of sites and
species protected by law
N PW S and D C C
Making it work: Targeting resources
a. Liaise w ith LA staff through training events and discussion.
b. Facilitate C om m unity O fficers to deliver for biodiversity.
c. Link w ith existing professional training program m es to include biodiversity
com ponent.
d. Incorporate Biodiversity O bjectives across divisions through PM D S in D C C .
a. Pursue the appointm ent of a cityw ide Biodiversity Education O fficer post
betw een organisations. Incorporate biodiversity and sustainability in an urban
5.1 Maximise existing roles
5.2 Develop a Biodiversity
Education Officer post
D C C , N G O s, N BG , Professional bodies
and D ublin Zoo.
A ll.
Making it work: Targeting resources
a. Pursue the developm ent of D ata O fficer role to m anage natural heritage data, interpret
data for planning queries, input data for com m unity w eb based resources and update
natural heritage m etadata.
a. Identify D oEH LG resources for biodiversity projects and posts
b. Enhance the role of D oEH LG in consultation processes.
a. Form an internal biodiversity contact team representing different departm ents to
develop policy and update on best practice, project developm ent, etc.
a. U ndertake annual progress review s.
5.3 Develop a data development
programme for biodiversity
5.4 Liaise with DoEHLG
5.5 Create a multidisciplinary
team within DCC
5.6 Ensure implementation
A ll.
D C C and D oEH LG (N PW S).
D C C .
D C C , D N FC and steering group.
Species, habitats and designated sites
Bern C onvention on the conservation of European w ildlife
and natural habitats 1979
Biog European netw ork of Biogenetic reserves (1973)
BoC C I Birds of C onservation C oncern Ireland (Red, A m ber
and G reen lists)
Bonn C onvention on the conservation of m igratory species
and w ild anim als 1979
C A C onservation A rea as defined in the D ublin C ity
D evelopm ent Plan
cSA C C andidate Special A rea of C onservation. H abitat listed
on A nnex I of the EU H abitats D irective and afforded
European legal protection. Sam e protection as non-
dSA P D raft Species A ction Plan. W ritten by D oEH LG for only
a few species nationally. N ot yet published.
EC H R European C om m unities (N atural H abitats) Regulations,
1997. Transpose the EU H abitats D irective into Irish
law .
EU BD European U nion D irective 79/409/EEC on the
conservation of w ild birds. C om m only called the Birds
D irective. A reas w ith species listed on A nnex 1 that
occur in internationally im portant num bers are legally
protected. These areas designated for birds under the
EU BD are called Special Protection A reas (SPA s).
EU H D European U nion D irective 92/43/EEC on the
conservation of natural habitats and of w ild flora and
fauna. C om m only called the H abitats D irective. A reas
w ith habitats listed on A nnex I (that exist to required
specifications) or fauna listed on A nnex II (at
internationally im portant num bers) are legally
protected and called candidate Special A reas of
C onservation (cSA C ). Flora listed on A nnex I are
individually protected. Species listed under A nnex IV of
the EU H D are afforded strict protection. Species listed
under A nnex III are to be m anaged w hereby their
disturbance is only under licence w ith specified
FC A Fisheries (C ondolidation) A ct 1959 (as am ended by the
Fisheries (A m endm ent) A ct 1999).
FFD Freshw ater Fish D irective (78/659/EC ).
IBA Im portant Bird A rea. This is a site listed by BirdLife
International (of w hich BirdW atch Ireland is affiliated).
I Indeterm inate category in Red D ata Book
II Internationally Im portant category in Red D ata Book
M A B The M an and Biosphere Reserve
N R N ature Reserve. Special protection given to species that
occur in this area.
N BP N ational Biodiversity Plan (2002). W ritten by D oEH LG
under C onvention on Biodiversity requirem ents. Sets
out national objectives and specifies targets for LA s.
PA D : The Local G overnm ent (Planning and D evelopm ent)
A ct 2000.
pN H A Proposed N atural H eritage A rea. G iven legal status
under The W ildlife A ct, 1976 due to national
im portance of habitat/species in that area.
R Ram sar site designated under the Ram sar C onvention
on w etlands (1971 as am ended). Ram sar sites are
w etlands of international im portance.
RD B Red D ata Book. C om piled using strict criteria of
International U nion for C onservation of N ature. Lists
species of conservation concern and gives defined
status to each depending on status in the country e.g.
Rare, Vulnerable, Endangered, N early Extinct, etc. In
Ireland there are RD Bs for vertebrates, vascular plants
and bees.
SA A O Special A m enity A rea O rder. Title given to area
identified w ithin a LA as having special am enity value.
SA P A ll Ireland Species A ction Plans. Produced by D oEH LG
for 4 species to date.
SPA Special Protection A rea. Legally protected area for
birds. See definition under EU H D above.
SW R: EC (Q uality of Salm onid W aters) Regulations 1988.
Transposes FFD into Irish law .
W A The W ildlife A ct, 1976 as am ended in 2000. Founding
Irish legislation listing protected species in Ireland and
laying out strict legislation for the protection and
enforcem ent of w ildlife in the country. M any
am endm ents but the m ost thorough in 2000.
W PA The Local G overnm ent (W ater Pollution) A ct 1999 (as
am ended).
W S W ildlife Sanctuary. C ertain activities not allow ed in this
area for protection of w ildlife.
Dave Wall, steering group member
Foxes have m ade the streets of D ublin their hom e for
m any years now w ith sightings of foxes in D ublin city
centre recorded from Victorian tim es. Foxes occur at
higher densities in the city than in rural areas; this is
prim arily due to the ready availability of food in the
urban environm ent. The diet of urban foxes is varied
and opportunistic including item s such as w orm s,
insects, food scraps, fruit, carrion, sm all m am m als and
bin contents. It is an urban m yth that foxes are
suffering due to the introduction of w heelie bins as
rubbish scraps form only a sm all part of their diet and
they can easily m ake up for it w ith other food sources.
Foxes are found throughout the D ublin C ity C ouncil
area w ith an average density of one fox fam ily group
per kilom etre square, though som e areas have 4-5
tim es this density. Foxes even breed in M errion Square
and in gardens adjacent to St. Stephens G reen. Fox
dens have been found in gardens, under sheds, in
w recked cars and even inside houses.
Foxes are a true part of our urban biodiversity and
thousands of D ublins residents feed their local foxes
and enjoy the sight of Irelands largest carnivore right
on their doorstep. (Photo: Istockphoto)
Action: Raise awareness Collation and collection of information Protection and enhancement measures
dSA P, EC H R,
RD B (II) and
dSA P, EC H R,
RD B (II) and
RD B (II) and
W A .
A nnex IV
and Bern
A nnexes II,
IV and
Bern (II)
A nnex V
and Bern
Sum m er m aternity roosts, Spring
gathering roosts, W inter hibernation
roosts, e.g., stone bridges, old stone
building attics and crevices, m ature
trees, buildings near w aterbody.
D ependent upon vegetated corridors,
insect-attracting plants and w aterbodies
for com m uting and feeding.
Risks include loss of roosts, loss and
fragm entation of com m uting/feeding
corridors, use of toxic pesticides to
treat roof tim ber, entom bent in bridges
during m aintenance w orks, negative
public perception.
Refer to Bat M itigation G uidelines,
D C C reports
and N RA G uidelines
W atercourses, coast.
G rassland, dunes and saltm arsh.
Threats include disturbance from
recreational activity and loss of habitat.
M ainly confined to Bull Island in the city.
Brow n long-eared bat
(Plecotus auritus)
Leislers bat (Nyctalus noctula)
D aubentons bat
(Myotis daubentonii)
W hiskered bat
(Myotis mystacinus)
N atterers bat (Myotis nattereri)
C om m on pipistrelle
(Pipistrellus pipistrellus)
N athusiuss pipistrelle
(Pipistrellus nathusi)
Soprano pipistrelle
(Pipistrellus pygmaeus)
O tter (Lutra lutra)
Irish H are
(Lepus timidus hibernicus)
D C C , N PW S, BC I,
O PW , D ublin Zoo,
H C , 3
, schools,
N BD C .
D C C , O PW , W I,
and H C .
D C C , N PW S, IW T,
H C , Bull Island
A ction G roup.
1.0, 3.1-3.3, 4.1-4.3,
1.0, 2.1-2.9, 3.1-3.2,
4.1-4.3, 5.1-5.6.
1.0, 2.1-2.9, 4.1, 4.2,
Common/technical name Local National International Focus Actions Partners
Kelleher, C . and M arnell, F. 2006. Bat M itigation G uidelines for Ireland. Irish Wildlife Manuals, N o. 25. N ational Parks and W ildlife Service, D oEH LG , D ublin.
Keeley, B. 2002. An assessment of the bridges of the Royal and Grand Canals for the presence of bats prior to restoration works. D ublin C ity C ouncil.
w w w .nra.ie/Environm ent/Environm entalC onstructionG uidelines/
Natural Heritage Interests
Action: Raise awareness Collation and collection of information Protection and enhancement measures
Common/technical name Local National International Focus Actions Partners
dSA P and
RD B (II) and
RD B (II) and
A nnexes II
and V.
A nnexes II
and IV
Bern (III)
Bern (II)
Bern (III)
Rocky shores and cliffs, occasionally in
R. Liffey.
Sheltered shores, occasionally in R.
Liffey, haul out on N th. Bull Island.
C oastal and open sea.
W oodland areas, parks, institutional
lands and gardens.
G ardens and parks.
W oodland and parks
A ll areas.
G rey Seal (Halichoerus grypus)
C om m on Seal (Phoca vitulina)
H arbour porpoise (Phocoena
Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
H edgehog (Erinaceous
Badger (Meles meles)
Fox (Vulpes vulpes)
D C C , ISS, N PW S,
IW T, H C .
D C C , ISS, IW D G ,
IW T, H C and N PW S.
D C C , D LR, U C D ,
D ublin Zoo, H C ,
O PW and N PW S.
D C C , N PW S, IW T,
, schools, H C and
O PW .
D C C , IW T, 3
N PW S, H C and O PW .
D C C , schools, IW T,
N PW S, H C and O PW .
1.0, 2.1, 2.3, 2.5, 2.6,
2.9, 3.2, 4.1, 4.3, 5.1-
1.0, 2.1-2.9, 3.2, 4.1,
1.0, 2.1-2.9, 3.1, 4.1-
4.3, 5.1-5.6.
1.0, 2.1-2.9, 4.1, 4.2,
1.0, 2.1-2.9, 4.1, 4.2,
1.0, 2.1-2.9, 4.1, 5.1-
Action: Raise awareness Collation and collection of information Protection and enhancement measures
Common/technical name Local National International Focus Actions Partners
Fish, Amphibians and Reptiles
EC H R and RD B
RD B (I)
RD B (I)
RD B (II) and W A
The W ildlife A ct,
1976 (Protection
of w ild anim als)
A nnexes II
and V and
Bern (III
A nnex II
A nnex II
A nnex V
and Bern
Rivers D odder and Liffey and estuarine
areas encom passing all life stages from
spaw ning to m igration. Reference m ust
be m ade to ERFB guidelines on
construction/developm ent of rivers
w w w .fishingireland.net/environm ent/co
nstructionanddevelopm ent.htm
Pollution of w aterw ays and unm anaged
developm ent along w aterw ays are
Rivers Liffey and D odder.
Rivers D odder and Liffey and estuarine
Rivers Liffey, D odder and Tolka.
Threats as above*
W etlands and garden ponds.
D ecreasing w etlands area is
threatening frog populations.
Parks and G ardens near
ponds/w aterbodies.
Requires ponds for life cycle, thus
decreasing w etland area is a threat.
A tlantic salm on (Salmo salar)
Brook Lam prey
(Lampetra planeri)
River Lam prey
(Lampetra fluviatilis)
Sea trout (Salmo trutta)
Brow n trout (Salmo trutta)
C om m on Frog
(Rana temporaria)
C om m on new t
(Triturus vulgaris)
W I, O PW , H C .
W I, O PW , H C .
D C C , ERFB, W I,
N PW S, H C .
D C C , N PW S, IPC C ,
IW T, W I, schools and
H C .
D C C , N PW S, IW T,
schools, O PW and H C .
1.0, 2.1-2.9, 3.3, 4.1,
4.2, 5.1-5.6.
1.0, 2.1-2.9, 3.3, 4.1,
4.2, 5.1-5.6.
1.0, 2.1-2.9, 3.2, 4.1,
4.2, 5.1-5.6.
1.0, 2.1-2.9, 4.1, 4.2,
1.0, 2.1-2.9, 4.1, 4.2,
D C C , N PW S, IW T,
schools, O PW and H C .
Action: Raise awareness Collation and collection of information Protection and enhancement measures
Common/technical name Local National International Focus Actions Partners
Fish, Amphibians and Reptiles
The W ildlife
A ct, 1976
of w ild
anim als)
O nly reptile in Ireland.
Sand dunes, e.g., Bull Island,
hedgerow s and gardens.
Viviparous lizard
(Lacerta vivipara)
1.0, 2.1-2.9, 4.1, 4.2,
D C C , N PW S, BW I,
D ublin Bay
M anagem ent
A uthority, H C , O PW
and 3
Action: Raise awareness Collation and collection of information Protection and enhancement measures
Group Local National International Focus Actions Partners
BA P BoC C I (Red
and A m ber
lists) and
A nnex I,
Bern (III)
and Bonn
See A ppendix III for list of species. W intering w aterbirds and
Breeding gulls and terns
Land birds of conservation
Identification and
protection of key
roosting and feeding
sites e.g. developing
spit betw een
M errion G ates and
Booterstow n M arsh
C reation of nesting
islands in
ornam ental
/constructed ponds
and w etlands
Identification and
protection of bird of
prey nesting sites
A lso: 1.0, 2.1-2.9,
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1-
4.3 and 5.1-5.6.
Action: Raise awareness Collation and collection of information Protection and enhancement measures
Group Local National International Focus Actions Partners
Vascular Plants
RD B, Flora
O rder, 1999
and W A .
A nnex II
Species listed in A ppendix IV.
C ham pion trees, native trees, m ature
trees and w ildlife hosts.
Priority Plant Species (as
defined by Flora Protection
O rder, 1999)
D C C , D ublin Zoo,
N PW S, N BG , D N FC ,
IW T, H C , O PW and 3
D C C , D N FC , N BG ,
, Tree C ouncil of
Ireland, N G O s and
H C .
1.0, 2.1-2.9, 3.1-3.3,
4.1-4.3, 5.1-5.6.
1.0, 2.1-2.9, 3.1, 3.3,
4.1, 4.2, 5.1-5.6.
Action: Raise awareness Collation and collection of information Protection and enhancement measures
Group Local National International Actions Partners
Selected Invertebrate Groups
BA P Bees: RD B
W aterbeetles:
Regional RD B
W ater Beetles
D ragon flies
M oths
D C C , N BD C , 3
D N FC , H C , N M M ,
a. For bees and w aterbeetles; survey for RD B species in D ublin
b.A ssess relationship betw een w aterbeetles and w ater quality in
D ublin city.
c. Link in w ith national initiatives, e.g., M othIreland project,
D ragonFlyIreland project, N ational Butterfly M onitoring project
A lso: 1.0, 2.1-2.9, 3.1, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1-5.6.
Action: Raise awareness Collation and collection of information Protection and enhancement measures
Group Local International Actions Partners
Selected Fungi and Lichens
Action: Raise awareness Collation and collection of information Protection and enhancement measures
Group Focus Actions Partners
Geology and Geomorphology
D C C , N PW S, IW T,
O PW D N FC , 3
H C .
D C C , D N FC , N PW S,
N BG , 3
and H C .
M arram O yster: proposed
for A nnex I Bern
C onvention and on U K
W axcaps: O n RD B of 10
European countries
a. M arram O yster
(Hohenbuehelia culmicola)
b. W axcaps (Hygrocybe species)
c. C age fungus (Clathrus ruber)
Identify locations of listed species and initiate conservation actions.
Bull Island is stronghold for M arram O yster and W axcaps.
C lontarf is only know n location for Clathrus ruber.
Raise aw areness of threat by fertiliser and w eedkillers to fungal
Liaise w ith householder that has C age fungus in garden in
C lontarf
Establish w hich are priority indicator species for the city and and
initiate conservation actions.
Raise aw areness of im portance of this group as indicators of
atm ospheric and clim atic change
D C C , G SI, N PW S,
D N FC , EN FO and H C .
Evolving sand spit
Low er C arboniferous sections: Sm urfits and D onnybrook
M ills
Victorian borehole w ells (1st in country)
Street W ell on Eustace St.
Those listed for D ublin city on the draft
geological heritage list com piled by the
G eological Society of Ireland (G SI):
N orth Bull Island
D odder
G uinness W ells
Tem ple Bar Street W ell
a. Liaise w ith N PW S in the designation
process for Earth Science pN H A s
b.M ap sites digitally
c. Raise aw areness and m ake
inform ation available w ithin D C C
and am ongst public
d.Protect from inappropriate
developm ent
A lso: 1.0, 2.1-2.9, 4.1, 5.1-5.6.
A nnex I
A nnex I
A nnex I
A nnex I
A nnex I
Shellybanks, N orth Bull Island and
M errion G ates
Beaches at M errion and Sandym ount
N orth Bull Island
N orth Bull Island
Beaches at M errion and Sandym ount
strands, D ollym ount strand and Tolka
Basin sand and m ud flats (the latter tw o
are not designated for this habitat).
Bull Island*, Tolka*, Liffey and D odder
G allanstow n W aterw orks at Parkw est
Sand dunes
(C D 1, C D 2, C D 3)
A nnual vegetation of drift
lines (LS1)
C oastal lagoon
(C W 1)
Saltm arsh
(C M 1, C M 2)
M ud flats and sand flats
Sem i-natural grasslands
A ll
A ll
Identify conservation
Support production of
M anagem ent Plans
D eterm ine and
im plem ent best
Prevent loss of habitat
A lso:
1.0, 2.1-2.9, 3.1, 3.2,
4.2, 4.3, 5.1-5.6.
Identify locations
Prioritise w ithin D C C
Raise public aw areness
Prevent loss of habitat
U ndesignated
and designated
A reas identified
in habitat
m apping
(footnote no. 2,
page 15)
Action: Raise awareness Collation and collection of information Protection and enhancement measures
Habitat Local National Internl Examples Focus Actions Partners
C ode follow s Fossitt (2000) classification of habitats.
Biosphere Environm ental Services 2006. Management of Beaches in South Dublin Bay. D ublin C ity C ouncil.
Action: Raise awareness Collation and collection of information Protection and enhancement measures
Habitat Local National Internl Examples Focus Actions Partners
pN H A
N ational
G allanstow n W aterw orks at
Parkw est.
Royal and G rand C anals
Sm all rivers and stream s
C herry O rchard
W alkinstow n Park
W aterbodies
e.g. Reed and large sedge
sw am ps (FS1), Lakes (Fl),
O ther artificial lakes and
ponds (FL8), D epositing
low land rivers (FW 2), C anals
(FW 3) and D rainage ditches
(FW 4)
H edgerow s
(W L1)
A ll.
A ll.
Prevent loss of
D evelop
C onstructed
W etlands
(IC W s)
A lso:1.0, 2.1-
2.9, 3.1, 3.2, 4.2,
4.3, 5.1-5.6.
Prevent loss of
present extent
planting of
native species
hedgerow s.
A lso:1.0, 2.1-
2.9, 3.1, 3.2, 4.2,
4.3, 5.1-5.6.
A reas identified
in H abitat
M apping
(footnote no. 2,
page 15)
C onstructed
W etlands (IC W s)
A reas identified
in H abitat
M apping
(footnote no. 2,
page 15)
Tow nland
pN H A (206), N ature
Reserve (N orth Bull
Island) 1988, W S and
SA A O .
Flora Protection O rder
(1999) (Lesser
C entaury, H em p
N ettle and M eadow
N ationally im portant
invertebrates (O rders
D iptera, H em iptera
and H ym enoptera)
RD B vascular plants
(Spring Vetch and
W ild Sage)
BIO G , M A N , N R,
R, SA A O , cSA C ,
SPA and W S.
detailed below .
EU H D A nnex I
for 7 habitats
EU H D A nnex II
for Petalw ort
U nesco M an and
Part of N orth
D ublin Bay cSA C
Part of N orth Bull
Island SPA
A shallow sandy bay w ith intertidal sand and
m udflats situated betw een Bailey Lighthouse at
H ow th and Sorrento Point at D alkey. The principle
rivers are the Liffey, Tolka and D odder.
The site covers all the inner part of N th. D ublin
Bay, w ith the seaw ard boundary extending from
Bullw all lighthouse across to D rum leck Point at
H ow th H ead. It is a sand spit that developed in
the 19th and 20th centuries. Part of the area
(118ha) is privately ow ned, the rem aining
(1318ha) is state ow ned. The island is covered
w ith dune grassland. A n extensive salt m arsh lies
to the northw est and at extrem e low tides there
are extensive m ud flats betw een the island and
the m ainland. The reserves are of international
scientific im portance for Brent G eese and also on
botanical, ornithological, zoological and
geom orphological grounds. Established 21
Septem ber, 1988.
EU H D A nnex I habitats: Fixed coastal dunes
M arram /shifting dunes (2120), Em bryonic
shifting dunes (2110), D unes w ith creeping w illow
(2170), D une slack (2190), Salicornia m ud and
sand flats (1310) and M udflats and Sandflats
EU H D A nnex II species: Petalw ort (Petallophyllum
EU BD SPA : regularly exceeds >20,000 w aterfow l.
See A ppendix III for birds.
See A ppendix IV for H igh priority plant species for
N orth Bull Island.
D ublin Bay
N orth Bull Island
A ll.
A ll.
1.0, 2.1-2.9,
3.1, 3.2, 4.2,
4.3, 5.1-5.6.
1.0, 2.1-2.9,
3.1, 3.2, 4.2,
4.3, 5.1-5.6.
Designated Sites
Action: Raise awareness Collation and collection of information Protection and enhancement measures
Habitat Designation National International Brief Description Actions Partners
Designated Sites
cSA C (site no.
cSA C (210)
EU H D A nnex I
(cSA C )
EU H D A nnex I
(cSA C )
The site covers the inner part of N th. D ublin
Bay, the seaw ard boundary extending from the
N th. Bullw all Lighthouse to the M artello Tow er
at H ow th H ead.
A nnex I H abitats: Fixed dunes (2130),
M arram /shifting dunes (2120), Em bryonic
shifting dunes (2110), D une slack (2190),
A nnual vegetation of drift lines (1210),
Salicornia m ud and sand flats (1310), A tlantic
salt m eadow s (1330), M editerranean salt
m eadow s (1410), M ud and sand flats (1140)
A nnex II species: Petalw ort
The site lies south of the River Liffey and
extends from the South W all to the W est Pier
at D n Laoghaire. The boundary betw een D LR
and D C C is just N orth of Booterstow n M arsh.
The largest stand of Eelgrass on the east coast
occurs at M errion G ates. N ew habitats are
developing just south of M errion G ates
including em bryonic dunes and a sand spit.
This area is becom ing increasingly im portant as
a high tide roost site for w aterfow l.
EU H D A nnex I habitat: Sand and m ud flats
N orth D ublin Bay
South D ublin Bay
A ll.
A ll.
1.0, 2.1-2.9,
3.1, 3.2, 4.2,
4.3, 5.1-5.6.
1.0, 2.1-2.9,
3.1, 3.2, 4.2,
4.3, 5.1-5.6.
Action: Raise awareness Collation and collection of information Protection and enhancement measures
Habitat Designation National International Brief Description Actions Partners
The various designations of D ublin Bay e.g. IBA , cSA C and SPA , are not m utually exclusive but overlap each other (see A ppendix V).
C odes allocated for an A nnex I habitat as per European C om m ission Interpretation M anual of European U nion H abitats, 2003.
EC H R SPA (4024) EU BD A nnex I (SPA ) The site com prises a substantial part of D ublin
Bay. It includes alm ost all of the intertidal area
in the South Bay, as w ell as m uch of the River
Tolka estuary to the north of the R. Liffey.
The site is of great ornithological im portance,
being of international im portance for Brent
G oose and of national im portance for six
w aterfow l species. It is also classified as of
international im portance. A ll of the tern species
using the site are listed on A nnex I of the EU
Birds D irective, as are Bar-tailed G odw it and
M editerranean G ull.
Brent G oose occur regularly and new ly arrived
birds in the autum n feed on the eelgrass bed
at M errion. The site supports nationally
im portant num bers of a further six species:
O ystercatcher, Ringed Plover, Knot, Sanderling,
D unlin, and Bar-tailed G odw it. O ther species
w hich occur in sm aller num bers include G reat
C rested G rebe, G rey Plover, C urlew , Redshank
and Turnstone.
The south bay is an im portant tern roost in the
autum n (m ostly late July to Septem ber). U p to
11,000 terns w ere recorded in A utum n 2006
including C om m on Tern, A rctic Tern and
Roseate Tern.
Sandym ount
A ll. 1.0, 2.1-2.9,
3.1, 3.2, 4.2,
4.3, 5.1-5.6.
Designated Sites
Action: Raise awareness Collation and collection of information Protection and enhancement measures
Habitat Designation National International Brief Description Actions Partners
EC H R, som e pN H A ,
N orth Bull Island
N ature Reserve and
SA A O .
SPA (4006) EU BD A nnex I (SPA ) The site covers all the inner part of N th. D ublin
Bay, w ith the seaw ard boundary extending
from Bullw all lighthouse across to D rum leck
Point at H ow th H ead.
A nnex I Birds D irective Species that occur here
are Little Tern, G olden Plover, Bar-tailed
G odw it, Ruff and Short-eared ow l. W aterfow l
in internationally and nationally significant
num bers flock to N orth Bull Island. It regularly
supports in excess of 20,000 w aterfow l
including Brent G eese, Knot, Bar-tailed G odw it,
Shelduck, W igeon, Teal, Pintail, Shoveler,
O ystercatcher, Ringed Plover, G olden plover,
G rey Plover, Sanderling, D unlin, Black-tailed
G odw it, C urlew , Turnstone and Redshank.
Som e of these species frequent South D ublin
Bay and the River Tolka Estuary for feeding
and/or roosting purposes (m ostly Brent G oose,
O ystercatcher, Ringed Plover, Sanderling and
D unlin). The populations of Pintail and Knot
are of particular note as they com prise m ore
than 10% of the respective national totals.
N orth Bull Island SPA is a regular site for
passage w aders, especially Ruff, C urlew ,
Sandpiper and Spotted Redshank. These are
m ostly observed in single figures in autum n but
occasionally in spring or w inter. The site
form erly had an im portant colony of Little Tern.
N orth Bull Island A ll. 1.0, 2.1-2.9,
3.1, 3.2, 4.2,
4.3, 5.1-5.6.
Designated Sites
Action: Raise awareness Collation and collection of information Protection and enhancement measures
Habitat Designation National International Brief Description Actions Partners
pN H A under the W A
pN H A under the W A
pN H A under the W A
pN H A under the W A
pN H A (206)
pN H A (210)
pN H A (201)
pN H A (2103)
Flora Protection
O rder, 1999
(O pposite-leaved
pondw eed)
RD B (G reen-
w inged orchid)
Boundary overlaps
w ith SPA and cSA C
O verlaps w ith cSA C
Part of the D ublin
Bay IBA described
A s described for N orth Bull Island and N orth
Bull Island above.
A s described for South D ublin Bay above.
2 m ooring dolphinsin the R. Liffey near
Pigeon H ouse H arbour. These dolphinsare
used by nesting terns w ith approxim ately 350
pairs of C om m on tern recorded in 2006.
The designated area of the Royal C anal
includes the central channel and adjoining
banks, hedgerow s, tow -path grassland, open
w ater, related scrub and related w oodland.
EU H D A nnex II species using the canal in the
city lim its include Bats and O tter.
O pposite-leaved pondw eed (Groenlandia
densa) (Flora Protection O rder, 1999) occurs in
the canal. G reen-w inged orchid (Orchis morio)
(RD B) is found along tow -path grassland.
Tassel stonew ort (Tollypella intricata), a species
of national im portance is found along the
D ublin stretches. Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis), an
EU BD A nnex I species feeds along the canal.
N orth D ublin Bay
South D ublin Bay
D olphins, D ublin
D ocks
Royal C anal
A ll 1.0, 2.1-2.9,
3.1, 3.2, 4.2,
4.3, 5.1-5.6.
Designated Sites
Action: Raise awareness Collation and collection of information Protection and enhancement measures
Habitat Designation National International Brief Description Actions Partners
pN H A under the W A pN H A (2104)
The G rand C anal is a m an-m ade w aterw ay linking the R. Liffey in
D ublin w ith the R. Shannon in the w est. The areas designated include
the m ain channel and banks.
The G rand canal regularly supports 11 different bird species over
w inter m onths, w ith on average 450 w ildfow l including C orm orant,
Little grebe, C oote, M oorhen, Blackheaded gull, Tufted duck, G rey
heron, M ute Sw an, M allard and H erring gull. Lesser opposite-leaved
pondw eed, a protected plant, is found in the G rand C anal.
Species of note that occur on these w aterw ays include bats, otter,
Kingfisher, D ipper, rare and scarce plants and Brow n trout.
Rare plants
that have been recorded for the River D odder include :
Malva neglecta, Agrostemma githago, Rorippa palustris, Hypericum
hircinum, Mimulus guttatus, Allium carinatum, Barbarea intermedia.
Rare plants that have been recorded for the River Tolka include:
Diplotaxis muralis, Anemone nemorosa, Salix viminalis x S. caprea,
Ranunculus aquatalis, R. tricophyllus, Cornus sericea, Carex strigosa,
Spergula arvensis, Orobanche hederae, Milium efusum, Thlaspe
arvense, Solanum migrum, Betula pendula, Salix fragilis var russellia
and Sparganium emersum.
Rare plants that have been recorded for the R. Liffey include: Botumus
umbellatus, Chara globularis, Erigeron karvinskianus, Hieracium
gougetianum, Myriophyllum spicatum, Potamogeton lucens x P. perf.,
P. natans, P. pusillus, Sambucus ebulis, Scrophularia umbrosa, Senecio
viscosus, S. vulgaris f. radiatus, Sparganium emersum and Vulpia
G rand C anal
River D odder
River Tolka
River Liffey
A ll.
A ll.
1.0, 2.1-2.9,
3.1, 3.2, 4.2,
4.3, 5.1-5.6.
1.0, 2.1-2.9,
3.1, 3.2, 4.2,
4.3, 5.1-5.6.
Designated Sites
Action: Raise awareness Collation and collection of information Protection and enhancement measures
Habitat Designation National Brief Description Actions Partners
Rare plant data provided by D N FC . These records need to be re-surveyed to establish if plant still at that location.
A nyw here and
dom inant along
w atercourses.
A quatic freshw ater e.g.
w atercourses
A long river courses.
Sand dunes m ainly.
C oastal floodplain
environm ents e.g.
m udflats
Japanese knotw eed
(Fallopia japonica)
H im alayan (Indian) balsam
(Impatiens glandulifera)
G iant hogw eed
(Heracleum mantegazzianum)
Sea Buckthorn
(Hippophae rhamnoides)
C om m on C ordgrass
(Spartina anglica)
D C C , N BD C ,
N PW S, 3
N BG , N G O s ,
LA s and H C
Japanese knotw eed grow s to about 3m high w ith
bam boo-like stem s, arching branches and cream y w hite
flow ers. The w oody dead stem s persist erect throughout
w inter and new shoots, produced from an extensive
rhizom e system ,
grow s up the follow ing spring to form
dense thickets. The dead stem s and leaf litter decom pose
very slow ly and form a deep organic layer thus preventing
native seeds from germ inating. O nce present at a site, the
plant increases in area rapidly and soon form s m onoculture
stands. It thrives on disturbance.
Spreads quickly as seeds can disperse up to 7m w hen seed
pods burst open. Even severed stem s can continue to
develop seed pods. In w inter w hen plants die back, soil is
exposed w hich is eroded into rivers, altering substrate
characteristics, providing favourable conditions for
abundant aquatic plant grow th and rendering the river
unsuitable for salm on spaw ning.
C an cause severe blistering and rash.
Very difficult to elim inate once established. Takes over
native dune plants and thus prevents natural dune
Rapid colonization over sites w ith large w intering
population of w aders and w ildfow l reduces habitat
availability for feeding and roosting. A lters shallow
estuaries to form badly drained m arshes resulting in
increased flooding.
Rem oval.
W ork w ith other
LA s to survey and
m anage Japanese
knotw eed,
H im alayan balsam
and G iant
hogw eed at river
catchm ent level.
A lso: 1.0, 2.1-2.9,
4.1- 4.3, 5.1-5.6
Invasive and pest species (plants and animals)
Action: Raise awareness - Collation & collection of information - Eradication or management
Common/technical name Local Location Risk Actions Partners
A thickened stem that grow s below or on the soil surface.
A nyw here
Parks, gardens and
w oodland
Ragw ort (Senecio jacobaea)
G rey Squirrel (Sciurus
D C C , N BD C ,
N PW S, 3
N BG , N G O s
and H C
D C C , N BD C ,
N PW S, 3
N BG , N G O s,
H C and D ublin
Toxic to livestock
O utcom petes native Red Squirrels for food resources.
Silent carrier of squirrel parapox virus w hich kills Red
Predates upon birdsnests.
D am ages trees.
Becom es a nuisance to public, e.g., in Botanic G ardens.
Rem oval
A lso: 1.0, 2.1-2.9,
4.1- 4.3, 5.1-5.6
Survey location
and density of
red and grey
m axim um
carrying capacity
for grey squirrel
populations in
D ublin city parks.
M anage grey
num bers.
A lso: 1.0, 2.1-
2.9, 4.1-4.3,
Invasive and pest species (plants and animals)
Action: Raise awareness - Collation & collection of information - Eradication or management
Common/technical name Local Location Risk Actions Partners
The m ain purpose of the plan is to instigate and
coordinate action for biodiversity. The steering group
and consultees are the authors of the proposed
actions in this plan and have shared responsibility for
their im plem entation. The steering group should
m eet at regular intervals to review progress of the
plan and consider additional w ork that m ay be
The plan has been laid out over a five-year
im plem entation period. A detailed annual w ork
program m e w ill be identified each year and
presented to the steering group. M any actions are
am bitious and w ill depend on sourcing funding from
a w ide range of sources. A ll stakeholders have a role
to play in identifying funding and addressing the
targets identified.
This report w as prepared by the D ublin C ity
Biodiversity O fficer, w orking under the guidance of
the steering group. There is a real need for the
continuation and further support of the Biodiversity
O fficers post in years ahead in order to provide a
focal point for feedback from partners, to achieve
w ide com m unity and other stakeholder involvem ent
and to coordinate im plem entation of the actions.
N ational support for initiatives such as native planting,
aw areness-raising, capital for projects and support for
additional personnel and netw ork of biodiversity
officers w ill help create an im petus for im plem enting
and m onitoring standards and m ethods.
4. Measuring progress
The state of biodiversity is a key m easure of the
degree to w hich developm ent is sustainable.
D eclining biodiversity m eans that the pressures are
too great and w ill negatively affect the capacity of
ecosystem s to respond to further changes. There is
an ongoing problem w ith the concept of sustainable
developm entthat needs to be addressed. It is used
m ore often to describe w hether a given activity can
be or is econom ically viable than in its full
environm ental, social and econom ic sense.
Sustainable developm ent is about integration and
the environm ent m ust be treated as an integral part
of the socio-cultural sphere. (Photo: M airad Stack)
Eoghan highnigh (Age 12),
Scoil an tSeachtar Laoch,
Baile Munna, B..C. 11.
M ore trees and plant to encourage w ildlife
N esting boxes for bats and birds in parks and
given to private hom es
To clean up dog poo, special on street sanded
areas to be provided w here ow ners can bring
their dogs to do their business (e.g. Brittany)
Enforcem ent of litter and dog clean up rules.
Fines to be used to provide equipm ent needed
for the biodiversity im provem ents
Inform ation packs for schools and hom es on
how to encourage w ild life into gardens
C heap bird feeders to m ade available to
anyone interested
People encouraged to leave part of their
gardens w ild to have breeding grounds for
insects and w ild plants.
Sponsored com m unity cleans ups w ith nature
as the m ain reason
M ore advertisem ent about the benefit of
having a clean city w hich w ould encourage
m ore w ild life
Provide m ore pooper scooper dispensers and
disposal bins
(Winning submission to Dublin City
Biodiversity Action Plan 2008-2012
consultation from Comhairle na ng).
National legislation
The Wildlife Act, 1976, as amended by the
Wildlife (Amendment) Act, 2000.
This A ct gives the M inister pow er to designate
N atural H eritage A reas (N H A s). A t present, m ost
sites identified are yet to be form ally designated so
are proposed (pN H A s). These sites have special
national significance for w ildlife and habitats. M any
of Irelands w ild m am m als are protected and so are
all bird species. The W ildlife A ct also protects flora,
by m eans of the Flora Protection O rder 1999 (FPO )
(SI N o 94 of 1999). Sixty-nine species of vascular
plants (flow ering plants and ferns) and tw enty-one
species of low er plants (m osses, liverw orts and
algae) are protected currently. The A ct forbids
anyone from uprooting, cutting or dam aging these
plants or interfering w ith their habitats, except
under licence from N PW S. The A ct provides for the
establishm ent of N ature Reserves, refuges for Fauna
and W ildfow l Sanctuaries. The A ct forbids the
destruction of H edgerow s during the bird-nesting
season from 1st M arch to 31st A ugust each year.
N ature Reserve (N R) status delivers the protection of
flora and fauna. They are protected from dam aging
activities under the W ildlife A m endm ent A ct 2000.
There are 77 N ature Reserves in the country.
W ildfow l Sanctuaries (W S) w ere initially designated
under the G am e Preservation A ct 1930, and now
under the 1976 W ildlife A ct to protect certain
geese, ducks and w aders from hunting. A total of
68 W ildfow l Sanctuaries have been designated.
European Communities (Natural habitats)
Regulations, 1997 (S.I. No.94 of 1997)
Transposes EU H abitats D irective (92/43/EEC ) into
Irish law . Provides protection to designated sites
from the tim e of notification to the landow ner.
A m ends the 1963 Planning A ct by requiring
Planning A uthorities to request an appropriate
assessm entof a developm ent on a cSA C or SPA .
D isallow any justification for dam aging a protected
site other than for H & S reasons and these m ust be
argued and docum ented. Lists of activities requiring
M inisterial consent (N otifiable A ctions) have been
created for each protected habitat.
W hale Fisheries A ct 1937
Fisheries (A m endm ent) A ct 1999 N um ber 35 of
Salm on and Sea Trout C aught by Rod and Line
(Prohibition on sale) O rder 2001 SI N o 53 of 2001
W ild Salm on and Sea Trout Tagging Schem e
Regulations 2005 SI N o 204 of 2005
C onservation of Salm on and Seat Trout Bye-law
N o.797 of 2004
H arbours A cts 1996 2000
Sea Pollution A cts 1991 1999
The Forestry A ct 1946
Planning and Development Acts, 2000-2002
U nder the Planning & D evelopm ent A ct 2000 a
Special A m enity A rea O rder (SA A O ) designation
requires that developm ent m ust respect and be in
accord w ith the specific objectivespertaining to
the subject site. SA A O s are m ade for areas of
outstanding beauty or areas of special recreational
value, having regard to any benefits for nature
European C om m unities (Environm ental Im pact
A ssessm ent) (A m endm ent) Regulations, 1999 (S.I.
N o 93 of 1999), and Local G overnm ent (Planning
and D evelopm ent) Regulations 1999 (S.I. N o 431 of
European Directives
Habitats Directive
The European U nion D irective 92/43/EEC of M ay
1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of
w ild flora and fauna (the H abitats D irective) aim s to
protect im portant habitats and rare or endangered
species throughout the European U nion. The
D irective provides for the establishm ent of a
coherent ecological netw ork of protected areas
across all EU m em ber states, know n together w ith
sites designated under the Birds D irective as N atura
2000. This is the EU s contribution to the
C onvention on Biodiversity that w as ratified by
Ireland in 1996. Special A reas of C onservation (SA C )
are designated under the H abitats D irective.
The designation process is ongoing and as such
these sites are candidate(cSA C s) although their
level of protection is the sam e as com plete
5. Summary of legislation relating to natural heritage
H abitats listed under A nnex I the D irective are
considered vulnerable in a European context or
contribute significantly to the suite of habitats across
Europe. These habitats are strictly protected.
A nnex II lists species that m ust be afforded
protection. The D irective also lists species that
Require Strict Protection under A nnex IV. In this case
the resting and breeding locations are also to be
protected bat roosts and otter holts, for exam ple.
A nnex V lists species w hose taking in the w ild m ust
be subject to m anagem ent m easures.
Birds Directive
U nder the European U nion D irective 79/409/EEC of
A pril 1979 on the conservation of w ild birds, Ireland
m ust protect particularly vulnerable species included
in A nnex I as w ell as all regularly occurring m igratory
species especially w etland species. Ireland is obliged
to protect habitats of birds that are vulnerable due
to clim ate change or that are vulnerable due to their
sm all population size. Ireland m ust also include
w etland considerations w ithin landuse planning
program m es. Special Protection A reas (SPA s) are
designated to help achieve this. The cSA C s and SPA s
together constitute the N atura 2000netw ork of
sites, contribution to a netw ork across all of Europe.
W ater Fram ew ork D irective (C ouncil D irective
2000/60/EC )
Freshw ater Fish D irective (C ouncil D irective
78/659/EC )
The Strategic Environm ental A ssessm ent D irective
(SEA ). Require certain capital projects to com plete
EIA s.
The full text of Irish legislation is available at
www.irishstatutebook.ieand www.irlgov.ie.
EU legislation is available at
International Conventions and
C onvention on Biological D iversity 1992, Rio Earth
Sum m it (w w w .biodiv.org) European Landscape
C onvention 2000 (w w w .conventions.coe.int)
C onvention on the C onservation of European
W ildlife and N atural H abitats (Berne C onvention)
1979 (w w w .conventions.coe.int)
C onvention on the C onservation of M igratory
Species of W ild A nim als (Bonn C onvention) 1979
(w w w .cm s.int)
C onvention on W etlands of International Im portance
(Ram sar C onvention) 1971 (w w w .ram sar.org)
The Ram sar list is a list of w etlands of international
im portance designated to prom ote the conservation
and w ise use of these w etlands for their w aterbirds.
The Irish governm ent signed up to this convention in
1971, it is a voluntary inter-governm ental treaty.
C onvention on International Trade in Endangered
Species (C ITES) 1973 (w w w .cites.org)
C onvention for the Protection of the M arine
Environm ent of the N orth-East A tlantic (O SPA R
C onvention) 1992 (w w w .ospar.org)
A greem ent on the C onservation of Bats in Europe
(Bonn C onvention) 1993
w w w .eurobats.org/docum ents/agreem ent_text.htm
International C onvention for the Regulation of
W haling 1946
w w w .iw coffice.org/com m ission/convention.htm
A greem ent in the C onservation of A frican-Eurasian
M igratory W aterbirds (A EW A )(Bonn C onvention)
w w w .ram sar.org/speech/speech_quebec_m edw et.htm
International Tim ber Trade A greem ent 1994, signed
in 1996.
Pan-European Biological and Landscape D iversity
Strategy, endorsed 1995
w w w .strategyguide.org/fulltext.htm l
The European N etw ork of Biogenetic Reserves
(1976) contains representative exam ples of the
natural habitats that are especially valuable for
nature conservation in Europe.
w w w .im s.w cm c.org.uk/IPIEC A 2/conven/conven_
biogen.htm l
The M an and Biosphere Reserve Program m e (M A B)
of U N ESC O (U nited N ations Educational, Scientific
and C ultural O rganisation) aim s to develop a basis
for the rational use and conservation of resources
and the biosphere. Killarney N ational Park and N orth
Bull Island in D ublin are the only tw o in Ireland. Their
purpose is to com bine conservation, education,
scientific research, m onitoring and to involve the
local com m unity.
The Im portant Bird A rea program m e of BirdLife
International is a w orldw ide initiative aim ed at
identifying and protecting a netw ork of crucial sites
im portant for birds. There are 156 IBA s in Ireland, 122
of w hich regularly support w intering w aterbirds. D ublin
Bay is an IBA .
Dublin Naturalists Field Club
London Rocket
(Sisymbrium irio)
is an extrem ely
rare plant in
D ublin, its only
know n locality in
Ireland. It is found
at the base of
w alls, on railw ay
lines and w aste
This annual plant grow s to a height of half a m etre or
m ore and has deeply divided leaves and sm all yellow
flow ers about 5 m m across. The fruits ripen in pods 50
m m long diverging slightly from the stem . It is native
to Southern Europe and N orth A frica and apparently
initially im ported to Ireland as a w ool or grain alien. In
London it w as especially abundant after the G reat Fire
in 1666 and hence its com m on nam e. In Ireland, w hat
is believed to be the first published report of this
yellow crucifer w as by Threlkeld (of Eruca sylvestris
vulgatior), w ho noted it as grow ing on w alls
betw een D olphins Barn and C ork Bridge(1727). So
after alm ost three centuries as part of the established
flora of D ublin it can hardly still be considered as a
blow -infrom the M editerranean. C olgan, in his
Flora of the C ounty D ublin (1904), lists m any reports
for the 19th century. But the plant has since seriously
declined in frequency as has been noted in Flora of
C ounty D ublin (1998).
Relatively recent sighting include the D ublin 4 areas of
Sandym ount and Ringsend in the 1970s and 1980s,
on the steps of an abandoned building in C hapelizod
both in the late 1980s and again at the turn of the
M illennium . It w as noticed at C am den Place off
H arcourt Street in 1992 and again nearby in the
sum m er of 2006 w hen young plants w ere quite
plentiful. M any of its form er know n sites have now
been built on, tidiedor regularly sprayed w ith
herbicide, yet this harassed plant continues to show a
rem arkable resilience under hum an pressure.
BirdW atch Irelands m ost popular volunteer-based
survey, the G arden Bird Survey helps us to keep track
of the fortunes of Irelands garden birds. It has been
running annually since the w inter of 1994/95 and
attracts over 1,000 subm issions each year. A s the
Irish countryside changes, gardens are becom ing
increasingly im portant havens for m any species, and
it is vital for us to know how their populations are
faring. The G BS does this not only by giving us a
good idea of how our garden birds them selves are
doing, but also an indication of how the
environm ent is faring in general. Blackbird.
w w w .birdw atchireland.ie/bw i/pages092003/consvw o
rk/surveys/gardenbs.htm l
Robin in Hollytree in BushyPark, Terenure. (Photo:
Appendix 1 Existing Local and
National Strategies and Plans
National Strategies and Plans
N ational Biodiversity Plan 2002
The N ational Biodiversity Plan 2002 sets out the
general fram ew ork for im plem enting the C onvention
on Biological D iversity by Ireland. It includes
proposed actions of both a strategic and specific
nature. The plan has been subject to tw o review s. A
new plan is currently being developed.
w w w .biodiv.org/doc/w orld/ie/ie-nbsap-01-p1-en.pdf
w w w .biodiv.org/doc/w orld/ie/ie-nbsap-01-p3-en.pdf
N PW S N atura 2000protected site M anagem ent
w w w .npw s.ie/publications/literature/conservation
M anagem entPlans/
N ational C ountryside Recreation Strategy
w w w .pobail.ie/en/RuralD evelopm ent/file,58330,
N ational Trails Strategy
w w w .irishsportscouncil.ie
Recom m endations on the im plem entation and
review of the N ational Biodiversity Plan. C om har The
N ational Sustainable D evelopm ent Partnership.
w w w .com har-nsdp.ie/C om harD ocs/Final_
Interim review of the im plem entation of the N ational
Biodiversity Plan. D ept of the Environm ent
w w w .environ.ie/D O EI?D O EIPol.nsf/0/2b2a97f190667
25080256fof003bc850/$FILE/15394% 20Biodiversity
% 20(low ).pdf
Sustainable D evelopm ent A Strategy for Ireland
w w w .environ.ie/D O EI/D O EIPol.nsf/w vN avView /
Sustainable+D evelopm ent:+A +Strategy+for+Ireland?
O penD ocum ent& Lang=
draft A ll Ireland Species A ction Plan Bat Species
A ll Ireland Species A ction Plan Irish H are
A ll-Ireland A ction Plans are currently being prepared
by N ational Parks and W ildlife Service for priority
habitats and species. A num ber of these are
available in draft form . w w w .npw s.ie/en/Publications
N ational Plan for Sustainable D evelopm ent (1987)
N ational Plant C onservation Strategy
w w w .botanicgardens.ie/gspc/inspc.htm
N ational M arine Policy: C onserving Ireland M aritim e
H eritage 2006
w w w .heritagecouncil.ie/publications/m arine
_policy_2006/index.htm l
Local Plans
D ublin C ity D evelopm ent Plan 2007 2011
C onservation A reas (C A ) have been identified along
our m ain w aterw ays in the D ublin C ity D evelopm ent
Plan 2005 2011.This is in recognition of their
unique contribution and im portance to the heritage
of the city. It is policy to have regard to the effect of
proposals on buildings and surroundings, both
natural and m an m ade.
Strategic Fram ew ork Plan for D ublin Bay ( in prep.)
D ublin C ity H eritage Plan 2002 2006
D odder Fram ew ork Plan (in prep 2007)
D ublin Strategic D rainage Study
Phibsboro/M ountjoy Fram ew ork Plan
Ballsbridge/Ringsend Fram ew ork Plan
6. Appendices
Leisler's Bat on bark (Photo: Austin Hopkirk)
Juvenile newt in Dublin grassland. (Photo: AnthonyWoods)
Appendix 2 - Descriptions of
Designated Sites
SITE CODE: 000210
This site lies south of the River Liffey and extends from the
South W all to the w est pier at D n Laoghaire. It is an
intertidal site w ith extensive areas of sand and m udflats, a
habitat listed on A nnex I of the EU H abitats D irective. The
sedim ents are predom inantly sands but grade to sandy
m uds near the shore at M errion gates. The m ain channel
w hich drains the area is C ockle Lake.
There is a bed of Eelgrass (Zostera noltii) below M errion
G ates w hich is the largest stand on the east coast. G reen
algae (Enteromorpha spp., Ulva lactuca) are distributed
throughout the area at a low density. Fucoid algae occur
on the rocky shore in the M aretim o to D n Laoghaire area.
Species include Fucus spiralis, F. vesiculosus, F. serratus,
Ascophyllum nodosumand Pelvetia canaliculata.
Lugw orm (Arenicola marina) and C ockles (Cerastoderma
edule) and other annelids and bivalves are frequent
throughout the site. The sm all gastropod Hydrobia ulvae
occurs on the m uddy sands off M errion G ates.
South D ublin Bay is largely protected as a Special
Protection A rea so is clearly an im portant site for
w aterfow l. See Sandym ount/Tolka Estuary SPA description
for further inform ation on w aterfow l.
SITE CODE : 000206
This site covers the inner part of north D ublin Bay, the
seaw ard boundary extending from the Bull W all lighthouse
across to the M artello Tow er at H ow th H ead.
The N orth Bull Island is the focal point of this site. The
island is a sandy spit w hich form ed after the building of the
South W all and Bull W all in the 18th and 19th centuries. It
now extends for about 5 km in length and is up to 1 km
w ide in places. A w ell-developed and dynam ic dune system
stretches along the seaw ard side of the island. Various
types of dunes occur, from fixed dune grassland to pioneer
com m unities on foredunes. M arram G rass (Ammophila
arenaria) is dom inant on the outer dune ridges, w ith Lym e
G rass (Leymus arenarius) and Sea C ouchgrass (Elymus
farctus) on the foredunes. Behind the first dune ridge,
plant diversity increases w ith the appearance of such
species as W ild Pansy (Viola tricolor), Kidney Vetch
(Anthyllis vulneraria), Birds-foot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus),
Rest H arrow (Ononis repens), Yellow Rattle (Rhinanthus
minor) and Pyram idal O rchid (Anacamptis pyramidalis). In
these grassy areas and slacks, the scarce Bee O rchid
(Ophrys apifera) occurs.
A bout 1 km from the tip of the island, a large dune slack
w ith a rich flora occurs, usually referred to as the A lder
M arshbecause of the presence of A lder trees (Alnus spp).
The w ater table is very near the surface and is only slightly
brackish. Saltm arsh Rush (Juncus maritimus) is the
dom inant species, w ith M eadow Sw eet (Filipendula
ulmaria) and D evils-bit (Succisa pratensis) being frequent.
The orchid flora is notable and includes M arsh H elleborine
(Epipactis palustris), C om m on Tw ayblade (Listera ovata),
A utum n Ladys-tresses (Spiranthes spiralis) and M arsh
orchids (Dactylorhiza spp.)
Saltm arsh extends along the length of the landw ard side of
the island. The edge of the m arsh is m arked by an eroding
edge w hich varies from 20 cm to 60 cm high. The m arsh
can be zoned into different levels according to the
vegetation types present. O n the low er m arsh, G lassw ort
(Salicornia europaea), Saltm arsh G rass (Puccinellia
maritima), A nnual Sea-blite (Suaeda maritima) and G reater
Sea-spurrey (Spergularia media) are the m ain species.
H igher up in the m iddle m arsh Sea Plantain (Plantago
maritima), Sea A ster (Aster trifolium), Sea A rrow grass
(Triglochin maritima) and Sea Pink (Armeria maritima)
appear. A bove the m ark of the norm al high tide, species
such as Scurvy G rass (Cochlearia officinalis) and Sea
M ilkw ort (Glaux maritima) are found, w hile on the extrem e
upper m arsh, Sea Rushes are dom inant. Tow ards the tip of
the island, the saltm arsh grades naturally into fixed dune
The island shelters tw o intertidal lagoons w hich are divided
by a solid causew ay. The sedim ents of the lagoons are
m ainly sands w ith a sm all and varying m ixture of silt and
clay. The north lagoon has an area know n as the
Salicornia flat, w hich is dom inated by Salicornia
dolichostachya, a pioneer G lassw ort species, and covers
about 25 ha. Tassel W eed (Ruppia maritima) occurs in this
area, along w ith som e Eelgrass (Zostera angustifolia).
Eelgrass also occurs in Sutton C reek. C ordgrass (Spartina
anglica) occurs in places but its grow th is controlled by
m anagem ent. G reen algal m ats cover large areas of the
flats during sum m er. These sedim ents have a rich
m acrofauna, w ith high densities of Lugw orm s in parts of
the north lagoon. M ussels (Mytilus edulis) occur in places,
along w ith bivalves such as Cerastoderma edule, Macoma
balthica and Scrobicularia plana. The sm all gastropod
Hydrobia ulvae occurs in high densities in places, w hile the
crustaceans Corophium volutator and Carcinus maenas are
com m on. The sedim ents on the seaw ard side of N orth Bull
Island are m ostly sands. The site extends below the low
spring tide m ark to include an area of the sublittoral zone.
Three Rare plant species legally protected under the Flora
Protection O rder 1999 have been recorded on the N orth
Bull Island. These are Lesser C entaury (Centaurium
pulchellum), H em p N ettle (Galeopsis angustifolia) and
M eadow Saxifrage (Saxifraga granulata). Tw o further
species listed as threatened in the Red D ata Book, W ild
Sage (Salvia verbenaca) and Spring Vetch (Vicia lathyroides),
have also been recorded. A rare liverw ort, Petalophyllum
ralfsii, w as first recorded from the N orth Bull Island in 1874
and has recently been confirm ed as being still present
there. This species is of high conservation value as it is
listed on A nnex II of the EU H abitats D irective. The N orth
Bull is the only know n extant site for the species in Ireland
aw ay from the w estern seaboard.
N orth D ublin Bay is of international im portance for
w aterfow l. D uring the 1994/95 to 1996/97 period the
follow ing species occurred in internationally im portant
num bers (figures are average m axim a): Brent G eese 2,333;
Knot 4,423; Bar-tailed G odw it 1,586. A further 14 species
occurred in nationally im portant concentrations; Shelduck
1505; W igeon 1,166; Teal 1,512; Pintail 334; Shoveler 239;
O ystercatcher 2,190; Ringed Plover 346; G rey Plover 816;
Sanderling 357; D unlin 6,238; Black-tailed G odw it 156;
C urlew 1,193; Turnstone 197 and Redshank 1,175. Som e
of these species frequent South D ublin Bay and the River
Tolka Estuary for feeding and/or roosting purposes (m ostly
Brent G oose, O ystercatcher, Ringed Plover, Sanderling and
D unlin).
The tip of the N orth Bull Island w as a traditional nesting
site for Little Tern. A high total of 88 pairs nested in 1987.
H ow ever, nesting attem pts have not been successful since
the early 1990s. Ringed Plover, Shelduck, M allard, Skylark,
M eadow Pipit and Stonechat also nest. A w ell-know n
population of Irish H are is resident on the island.
The invertebrates of the N orth Bull Island have been
studied and the island has been show n to contain at least
seven species of regional or national im portance in Ireland
(O rders D iptera, H ym enoptera, H em iptera).
The m ain landuses of this site are am enity activities and
nature conservation. The N orth Bull Island is the m ain
recreational beach in C o D ublin and is used throughout the
year. M uch of the land surface of the island is taken up by
tw o golf courses. Tw o separate Statutory N ature Reserves
cover m uch of the island east of the Bull W all and the
surrrounding intertidal flats. The site is used regularly for
educational purposes. N orth Bull Island has been
designated a Special Protection A rea under the EU Birds
D irective and it is also a statutory W ildfow l Sanctuary, a
Ram sar C onvention site, a Biogenetic Reserve, a Biosphere
Reserve and a Special A rea A m enity O rder site.
This site is an excellent exam ple of a coastal site w ith all
the m ain habitats represented. It has good exam ples of 7
habitats that are listed on A nnex I of the EU H abitats
D irective; one of these is listed w ith priority status. Several
of the w intering bird species have populations of
international im portance, w hile som e of the invertebrates
are of national im portance. The site contains a num bers of
rare and scarce plants including som e w hich are legally
protected. Its proxim ity to the capital city m akes N orth
D ublin Bay an excellent site for educational studies and
SITE NAME: N orth Bull Island SPA
SITE CODE: 004006
This site covers all of the inner part of north D ublin Bay,
w ith the seaw ard boundary extending from the Bull W all
lighthouse across to D rum leck Point at H ow th H ead. The
N orth Bull Island sand spit is a relatively recent depositional
feature, form ed as a result of im provem ents to D ublin Port
during the 18th and 19th centuries. It is alm ost 5 km long
and 1 km w ide and runs parallel to the coast betw een
C lontarf and Sutton. Part of the interior of the island has
been converted to golf courses. The SPA boundary overlaps
w ith N orth D ublin Bay cSA C . Please see cSA C description
for habitat inform ation.
The N orth Bull Island SPA is of international im portance for
w aterfow l on the basis that it regularly supports in excess of
20,000 w aterfow l. It also qualifies for international
im portance as the num bers of tw o species exceed the
international threshold: Brent G oose (1,548) and Bar-tailed
G odw it (1,529) (all w aterfow l figures given are average
m axim a for the five w inters 1995/96 to 1999/00). The site is
the top site in the country for both of these species. A
further 15 species have populations of national im portance:
Shelduck (1,259), Teal (953), Pintail (233), Shoveler (141),
O ystercatcher (1,784), Ringed Plover (129), G olden Plover
(1,681), G rey Plover (51), Knot (2,623), Sanderling (141),
D unlin (3,926), Black-tailed G odw it (367), C urlew (937),
Redshank (1,431) and Turnstone (157). The populations of
Pintail and Knot are of particular note as they com prise
m ore than 10% of the respective national totals. Species
such as G rey H eron, C orm orant, W igeon, G oldeneye, Red-
breasted M erganser and G reenshank are regular in w inter in
num bers of regional or local im portance. G ulls are a feature
of the site during w inter, especially Black-headed G ull
(2,196) and C om m on G ull (332). W hile som e of the birds
also frequent South D ublin Bay and the River Tolka Estuary
for feeding and/or roosting purposes, the m ajority rem ain
w ithin the site for m uch of the w inter. The w intering bird
populations have been m onitored m ore or less continuously
since the late 1960s and the site is now surveyed each
w inter as part of the larger D ublin Bay com plex.
The N orth Bull Island SPA is a regular site for passage
w aders, especially Ruff, C urlew Sandpiper and Spotted
Redshank. These are m ostly observed in single figures in
autum n but occasionally in spring or w inter.
The site form erly had an im portant colony of Little Tern but
breeding has not occurred in recent years. Several pairs of
Ringed Plover breed, along w ith Shelduck in som e years.
Breeding passerines include Skylark, M eadow Pipit,
Stonechat and Reed Bunting. The island is a regular
w intering site for Short-eared O w l, w ith up to 5 present in
som e w inters.
The N orth Bull Island SPA is an excellent exam ple of an
estuarine com plex and is one the top sites in Ireland for
w intering w aterfow l. It is of international im portance on
account of both the total num ber of w aterfow l and the
individual populations of Brent G oose and Bar-tailed
G odw it that use it. A lso of significance is the regular
presence of several species listed on A nnex I of the EU
Birds D irective, notably G olden Plover and Bar-tailed
G odw it but also Ruff and Short-eared O w l.
SITE CODE: 004024
This site com prises a substantial part of D ublin Bay. It
includes virtually all of the intertidal area in the south bay,
as w ell as m uch of the estuary of the River Tolka to the
north of the River Liffey. A portion of the shallow m arine
w aters of the bay is also included.
In the south bay, the intertidal flats extend for alm ost 3 km
at their w idest. The sedim ents are predom inantly w ell-
aerated sands. Several perm anent channels exist, the
largest being C ockle Lake. A sm all sandy beach occurs at
M errion G ates, w hile som e bedrock shore occurs near D un
Laoghaire. The landw ard boundary is now alm ost entirely
artificially em banked. There is a bed of D w arf Eelgrass
below M errion G ates w hich is the largest stand on the east
coast. G reen algae are distributed throughout the area at a
low density. The m acro-invertebrate fauna is w ell-
developed, and is characterised by annelids such as
Lugw orm , Nephthys spp. and Sand M ason (Lanice
conchilega), and bivalves, especially C ockle and Baltic Tellin
(Macoma balthica). The sm all gastropod Spire Shell
(Hydrobia ulvae) occurs on the m uddy sands off M errion
G ates, along w ith the crustacean C orophium volutator.
Sedim ents in the Tolka Estuary vary from soft thixotrophic
m uds w ith a high organic content in the inner estuary to
exposed, w ell-aerated sands off the Bull W all.
The site is an im portant site for w intering w aterfow l, being
an integral part of the internationally im portant D ublin Bay
com plex. A lthough birds regularly com m ute betw een the
south bay and the north bay, recent studies have show n
that certain populations w hich occur in the south bay spend
m ost of their tim e there. A n internationally im portant
population of Brent G oose (368) occurs regularly and new ly
arrived birds in the autum n feed on the eelgrass bed at
M errion. The site supports nationally im portant num bers of
a further six species: O ystercatcher (1,145), Ringed Plover
(161), Knot (548), Sanderling (321), D unlin (1,923) and Bar-
tailed G odw it (766). O ther species w hich occur in sm aller
num bers include G reat C rested G rebe (21), G rey Plover (45),
C urlew (127), Redshank (260) and Turnstone (52).
South D ublin Bay is an im portant site for w intering gulls,
especially Black-headed G ull (3,040), C om m on G ull (330)
and H erring G ull (348). It is also the prem ier site in Ireland
for M editerranean G ull, w ith up to 20 birds present at
tim es. These occur through m uch of the year, but especially
in late-w inter/spring and again in late-sum m er into w inter.
The south bay is an im portant tern roost in the autum n
(m ostly late July to Septem ber). Birds also use the D alkey
Islands to the south. The origin of m any of the birds is
likely to be the D ublin breeding sites (Rockabill, D ublin
docks) though num bers suggest that the site is also used
by birds from other sites, perhaps outside the state. M ore
than 5,000 terns have been recorded: C om m on Tern
(usually 2,000-3,000), A rctic Tern (usually 1,000-2,000) and
Roseate Tern (usually 200-500).
The w intering birds w ithin this site are now w ell-
m onitored. M ore survey, how ever, is required on the
w intering gulls and the autum n terns.
The m ain threat to this site is further reclam ation for
industrial and/or infra-structural purposes. The intertidal
areas receive w ater that is som ew hat polluted though there
are no apparent im pacts on the associated flora and fauna.
O w ing to its location in D ublin Bay, pollution such as oil
spillages from D ublin Port and shipping is a threat.
C om m ercial bait digging m ay be a problem - this causes
disturbance to w intering birds. D isturbance to birds is also
caused by w alkers and dogs.
Sandym ount Strand/Tolka Estuary SPA is of high
ornithological im portance, being of international
im portance for Brent G oose and of national im portance for
six w aterfow l species. A s an autum n tern roost, it is also
classified as of international im portance. A ll of the tern
species using the site are listed on A nnex I of the EU Birds
D irective, as are Bar-tailed G odw it and M editerranean G ull.
Antisocial behaviour
litter, drink and drug abuse
Item s discarded by fly tipping and by random littering -
such as bags, containers, beer-can rings and fishing
line can cause problem s for m am m als and birds in any
environm ent. Plastic and tin cans are particularly
dam aging as they are not biodegradable and can trap
and choke w ildlife. U nauthorised dum ping of garden
w aste and em ptying of fish tanks can also encourage
invasive plants, particularly along our w aterw ays. These
can reduce oxygen available to fish and take over bank
side vegetation.
Litter, including dog faeces, is unhygienic, unsightly
and is often seen as a reason to rem ove the shrubs or
grass it gets trapped in. This results in a direct loss of
biodiversity. Equally, shrubs and hedging are often not
planted or are rem oved because of antisocial behaviour
including drink and drug abuse. The rem oval of
vegetation for this reason results in the problem
m oving to elsew here, so shrubs and other vegetation
in m any of our parks and open spaces are being
rem oved. A ntisocial behaviour needs to be addressed
and not be passed on betw een green spaces,
com prom ising the quality of these greenspaces for
other users. C areful design and m anagem ent of public
spaces can include shrubs w hile avoiding antisocial
behaviour and creating a safe environm ent for the
local or visiting public. (Photo: D ublin C ity C ouncil)
Shore crab on
South Dublin
Baysand flat.
(Photo: Anthony
Appendix 3 Breeding, wintering and migrant birds of Dublin City and Bay
Common name Latin name Breeding Wintering Migrant Annex I BoCCI* Annex regular**
or RAG
Little G rebe Tachybaptus ruficollis Y Y Y 3 1
G reat C rested G rebe Podiceps cristatus Y Y Y A m ber 2 1
C orm orant Phalacrocorax carbo Y Y Y A m ber 2 1
G rey H eron Ardea cinerea Y Y Y 3 1
Little Egret Egretta garzetta Y Y Y Y A m ber 1 1
Light-bellied Brent G oose Branta branta hrota Y Y A m ber 2 1
Shelduck Tadorna tadorna Y Y Y A m ber 2 1
W igeon Anas penelope Y Y A m ber 2 1
Teal Anas crecca Y Y Y A m ber 2 1
M allard Anas platyrhynchos Y Y Y 3 1
Pintail Anas acuta Y Y A m ber 2 1
Shoveler Anas clypeata Y Y Y 3 1
Tufted D uck Aythya fuligula Y Y Y A m ber 2 1
G oldeneye Bucephala clangula Y Y A m ber 2 1
Red-breasted M erganser Mergus serrator Y Y Y A m ber 2 1
M oorhen Gallinula chloropus Y Y Y 3 1
Common name Latin name Breeding Wintering Migrant Annex I BoCCI* Annex regular**
or RAG
W ater Rail Rallus aquaticus Y Y Y A m ber 2 1
O ystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus Y Y Y 3 1
Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula Y Y Y 3 1
G olden Plover Pluvialis apricaria Y Y Y Y A m ber 1 1
G rey Plover Pluvialis squatarola Y Y A m ber 2 1
Lapw ing Vanellus vanellus Y Y Y Red 2 1
Knot Calidris canutus Y Y A m ber 2 1
Sanderling Calidris alba Y Y 3 1
Purple Sandpiper Calidris maritima Y Y 3 1
D unlin Calidris alpina Y Y Y Y (breeding population) A m ber 1 1
Snipe Gallinago gallinago Y Y Y A m ber 2 1
Black-tailed G odw it Limosa limosa Y Y A m ber 2 1
Bar-tailed G odw it Limosa lapponica Y Y Y A m ber 1 1
W him brel Numenius phaeopus Y 3 1
C urlew Numenius arquata Y Y Y Red 2 1
Redshank Tringa totanus Y Y Y A m ber 2 1
G reenshank Tringa nebularia Y Y 3 1
Turnstone Arenaria interpres Y Y 3 1
M editerranean G ull Larus melanocephalus Y Y Y Y A m ber 1 1
Black-headed G ull Larus ridibundus Y Y Y A m ber 2 1
Common name Latin name Breeding Wintering Migrant Annex I BoCCI* Annex regular**
or RAG
C om m on G ull Larus canus Y Y Y A m ber 2 1
H erring G ull Larus argentatus Y Y Y 3 1
Lesser Black-backed G ull Larus fuscus Y Y Y 3 1
G reat Black-backed G ull Larus marinus Y Y Y 3 1
Little G ull Larus minutus Y Y Y A m ber 1 1
H erring G ull Larus argentatus Y Y Y 3 1
Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii Y Y Y Red 1 1
C om m on Tern Sterna hirundo Y Y Y A m ber 1 1
A rctic Tern Sterna paradisaea Y Y Y A m ber 1 1
Kingfisher Alcedo atthis Y Y Y A m ber 1 1
Sw ift Apus apus Y Y 3 1
Skylark Alauda arvensis Y Y Y A m ber 2 1
Sand M artin Riparia riparia Y Y A m ber 2 1
Sw allow Hirundo rustica Y Y A m ber 2 1
H ouse M artin Delichon urbica Y Y 3 1
Stonechat Saxicola torquata Y Y A m ber 2 1
Common name Latin name Breeding Wintering Migrant Annex I BoCCI* Annex regular**
or RAG
W heatear Oenanthe oenanthe Y Y 3 1
Redw ing Turdus iliacus Y Y 3 1
G rasshopper W arbler Locustella naevia Y Y A m ber 2 1
Sedge W arbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Y Y 3 1
W hitethroat Sylvia communis Y Y 3 1
Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla Y Y Y 3 1
C hiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita Y Y Y 3 1
W illow W arbler Phylloscopus trochilus Y Y 3 1
Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata Y Y A m ber 2 1
Starling Sturnus vulgaris Y Y Y 3 1
C haffinch Fringilla coelebs Y Y Y 3 1
Siskin Carduelis spinus Y Y Y 3 1
* Red / A m ber / G reen: See BoC C I definition on page 24.
** Regularly occuring species in the D ublin C ity A rea
Appendix 4 - Priority Vascular Plants
High Priority Species for Dublin city (excl. Bull Island)
Latin name Common name Status
Butomus umbellatus Flow ering rush
Carlina vulgaris C arline thistle
Ceratophyllum demersum Rigid hornw ort
Epipactis helleborine Broad-leaved helleborine
Equisetum variegatum Variegated horsetail
Groenlandia densa O pposite-leaved pondw eed FPO 1999, RD B EN
Hieracium diaphanum H aw kw eed spp.
Hieracium gougetianum H aw kw eed spp.
Hypericum hirsutum H airy St Johns-w ort FPO 1999, RD B EN
Kickxia elatine Sharped-leaved fluellen FPO 1999, RD B EN
Lamiastrum galeobdolon Yellow archangel RD B VU
Lathraea squamaria Toothw ort
Lithospermum officinale C om m on grom w ell RD B prop
Potam ogeton x salicifolius a pondw eed
Potamogeton x zizii a pondw eed
Ranunculus circinatus Fan-leaved w ater-crow foot
Ranunculus lingua G reater spearw ort
Sagittaria sagittifolia A rrow head
Sanguisorba minor Salad burnet
Scrophularia umbrosa G reen figw ort RD B (EN )
Sisymbrium irio London rocket
Spiranthes spiralis A utum n ladys-tresses RD B prop
Stellaria pallida Lesser chickw eed RD B prop
Tolypella intricata Tassel stonew ort
Trifolium micranthum Slender trefoil
Viola hirta H airy violet
Zostera noltii D w arf eelgrass
High Priority Species for Bull Island
Latin name Common name Status
Blysmus rufus Salt-m arsh Flat Sedge
Calystegia soldanella Sea Bindw eed
Centaurium pulchellum Lesser C entaury FPO 1999, W A (21)
Cerastium arvense Field m ouse ear
Dactylorhiza purpurella N orthern M arsh O rchid
Epipactis palustris M arsh H elleborine RD B LC
Equisetum variegatum Variegated H orsetail
Galeopsis angustifolia H em p nettle FPO 1999, W A (21)
Gentianella amarella A utum n G entian RD B prop
Gentianella campestris Field G entian RD B prop
Juncus acutus Sharp rush
Ophioglossum vulgatum Southern A dders tongue
Ophrys apifera Bee O rchid
Ruppia maritima Tassel-w eed
Salvia verbenaca W ild C lary RD B VU
Saxifraga granulata M eadow saxifrage FPO 1999, W A (21)
Trifolium scabrum Rough C lover RD B LC
Trifolium striatum Knotted C lover RD B LC
Vicia lathyroides Spring Vetch RD B VU
Vulpia fasciculata D une Fescue RD B VU
Zostera angustifolia Eelgrass
The Red Data Book is a European-wide aproach to identifying rare and threatened
species and lists of species whose continued existence is threatened. Species are
classified into different categories of perceived risk. The Irish series also gives
information on species considered under threat in the context of Europe.
(FPO = Flora Protection O rder under Section 21 of the W ildlife A ct; C R = critical; EN = endangered; VU = vulnerable; LC = lesser concern; PRO P = proposed)
Appendix 5: Map of designated areas and waterways in Dublin City Council Area
Appendix 6: Map of open spaces in Dublin City Council Area
8. Acknowledgments
Consultation contributors
M any representations w ere m ade by individuals,
com m unity groups, societies and organisations during
the public consultation periods w hich invited com m ents
on the production and content of the plan.
Photographs by A nthony W oods, N igel M otyer, D C C
Parks and Landscape Services and steering group
m em bers.
Facilitated w orkshops run by A oife C assidy and
A ssociates.
Steering Group
Liam Lysaght, form erly The H eritage C ouncil
Terry D oherty, N ational Parks and W ildlife Service
A nja M urray / Jim m y M c Veigh, A n Taisce, The N ational
Trust for Ireland
D uncan C larke / D onagh O 'M ahony, ESB Pow er
G eneration
Brian M ullan, W aterw ays Ireland
Shane O 'Boyle, Environm ental Protection A gency
M atthew Jebb, N ational Botanic G ardens, O ffice of
Public W orks
M argaret G orm ley / Laura Farrell, H istoric Parks &
G ardens, O ffice of Public W orks
Joe C affrey, C entral Fisheries Board
Brian Beckett, Eastern Regional Fisheries Board
Karin D ubsky, C oastW atch Ireland
O livia C row e, BirdW atch Ireland
Brendan Price, Irish Seal Sanctuary
Padraic Fogarty, Irish W ildlife Trust
D ave W all, Irish W hale and D olphin G roup
Bruce O sborne, U C D School of Biology & Environm ental
Tom H ayden, U C D School of Biology & Environm ental
Paula Byrne, C om m unity Forum
C aitrona C arter, C onstuction Industry Federation
C atherine M cC abe, D ublin C ham ber of C om m erse
D onncha D laing / C harles D uggan, H eritage,
D ublin C ity C ouncil
Jim Keogan/U na Bagnal, Planning, D ublin C ity C ouncil
G erry Barry, Parks and Landscape Services, D ublin C ity
C ouncil
M ary H anlon / Linda M acD onald, C om m unity
D evelopm ent, D ublin C ity C ouncil
Tom Leahy, Engineering, D ublin C ity C ouncil
Tom G orm an, Environm ent and C ulture, D ublin C ity
C ouncil
M artin Kavanagh, D evelopm ent, D ublin C ity C ouncil
M airad Stack, Biodiversity O fficer, D ublin C ity C ouncil
Siobhn Egan, form er Biodiversity O fficer, D ublin C ity
C ouncil.
Kestrel on Crumlin lamp post. (Photo: AnthonyWoods) Hedgehog in Rahenygarden. (Photo: AnthonyWoods)

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