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Page 1 03/09/2014
IB Physics Lesson Notes
Topic 2 - Mechanics
2.1 Kinematical Concepts
Relative Velocity
Two cars, one travelling at 0!"/h an# the other at 1!"/h, crash$ %hat happens&
1!"/h 0!"/h 1!"/h 0!"/h 'v #irection
relative velocity ( 1!"/h relative velocity ( 121!"/h
)n 1
case velocity o* + relative to , is '1!"/h, velocity o* , relative to + is -1!"/h
)n 2
case velocity o* + relative to , is '121!"/h, velocity o* , relative to + is -121!"/h
.onstant Velocity
s v a
t t t
.onstant +cceleration
s v a
t t t
/e*ine /isplace"ent, Velocity an# +cceleration0
The displacement between any two points is a vector directed from one point to the
other; the magnitde of this vector is the straight!line distance between the two points.
The average velocity is the displacement from start to finish of the motion divided by
the time ta"en. #The velocity is in the direction of the displacement$
An objects speed is not equal to the magnitude of its average velocity.
The magnitde of the instantaneos velocity of an ob%ect at a point is e&al to the
instantaneos speed at that point. The direction of the instantaneos velocity is the
same as that of the motion of the ob%ect.
The slope of the graph of displacement verses time at any point is equal to the instantaneous
velocity at that point.
), Physics
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The average acceleration is the change in instantaneos velocity divided by the time
ta"en for that change to occr.
The instantaneos acceleration of an ob%ect is the rate of change of instantaneos
velocity at a point.
The slope of the graph of instantaneous velocity versus time is equal to the instantaneous
s 12,y3
average velocity ( 1y-03 / 12-03
p a
instantaneo4s velocity at point p ( a / 5
10,03 t
average acceleration ( 1y-03 / 12-03
instantaneo4s acceleration at point 6 ( c / #
10,03 t
+rea 4n#er graph is e64al
to the #isplace"ent$
), Physics
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2.2 Linear motion with constant acceleration
1st4#ent han#-o4t3
7ni*or"ly accelerate# "otion in one #i"ension
8ey 0 s ( #isplace"ent 1"3
4 ( initial velocity 1"s
v ( *inal velocity 1"s
a ( acceleration 1"s
t ( ti"e 1s3
1 'verage velocity ( )#*v$
2 s ( )#*v$.t
+ v ( * a.t
, v
* 2.a.s
- s ( t * ) a.t
1 The average velocity o* an o59ect that is accelerating 4ni*or"ly in one #i"ension is
e64al to the average o* the initial an# *inal velocities : +verage velocity ( ;14'v3
ti"e 1s3
2 The #istance travelle# 5etween ti"es t
an# t
is the sa"e as i* the o59ect were
"oving at a constant spee# ;14'v3 over the sa"e ti"e perio#, t$ <ence the #istance
travelle#, s ( ;14'v3$t$ The areas 4n#er the two sections o* the graph are i#entical 1an#
e64al the #istance travelle#3$
3 The change in velocity o* an o59ect over a perio# o* ti"e, t, is given 5y a.t since the
acceleration is the change in velocity per secon#, i* t ( 2s then the change in velocity will 5e
2a$ )* the initial velocity o* the o59ect is 4 then the velocity a*ter ti"e t will 5e 4 ' a$t
), Physics
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4 From equation 3 we know that t !v"u#$a. %f we substitute for t in equation & we get'
s ( 14'v3$14-v3/2a , "4ltiplying this o4t we get=
s ( 14
- v
' 4v - 4v3/2a , which si"pli*ies to=
2a$s ( 4
- v
, an# so either=
. 2a.s 1i* the #isplace"ent an# acceleration are in opposite #irections3
* 2a.s 1i* the #isplace"ent an# acceleration are in the sa"e #irection3
the changing sign is a res4lt o* the vector nat4re o* the pro5le" whereas the "athe"atical
treat"ent ass4"e# scalar 64antities$ 1the #i"ensions or 4nits o* a.s are "s
$" or "
5 (e can obtain a second derived equation by substituting for v in equation 3. From
equation &' v u ) a.t * using this in equation &* s +!u)v#.t * we get'
s ( ; 14 ' 4 ' a$t3$t , which gives 4s=
s ( .t * ) a.t

<ow to approach solving pro5le"s o* 1/ "otion 1constant acceleration3 - there are lots o*
si"ple e2a"ples in yo4r te2t 5oo!s$
s (
4 (
v (
a (
t (
%rite in !nown val4es an# select appropriate e64ation o* "otion 1ie$ an e64ation that only
contains one 4n!nown val4e3$ )ncl4#e *ree-*all 64estions an# note that "ass is not a *actor in
"otion 4n#er gravity$
), Physics
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Page > 03/09/2014
</% ?4estion @heet
1$ +re any o* the *ollowing state"ents tr4e& Aive an e2a"ple *or any tr4e state"ents$
a3 +n o59ect can have a constant velocity even tho4gh its spee# is changing$
53 +n o59ect can have a constant spee# even tho4gh its velocity is changing$
c3 +n o59ect can have Bero velocity even tho4gh its acceleration is not Bero$
#3 +n o59ect s459ecte# to a constant acceleration can reverse its velocity$
2$ @o4n# travels appro2i"ately 340"/s in still air$ )* yo4 sho4t across a canyon an# hear the
echo re*lecte# *ro" the opposite wall 3$>s a*ter yo4 sho4t, how *ar away is the opposite
3$ Mary can r4n at a top spee# o* 4$2"/s, whereas /ee"a can r4n only at 3$4"/s$ They are
to race a #istance o* 200", starting at the sa"e point$ )* the race is to en# in a tie, how
"4ch sooner sho4l# /ee"a start r4nning 5e*ore Mary #oes$
4$ + tr4c! travelling at 22$>"/s #ecelerates at 2$2C"/s
a3 <ow "4ch ti"e #oes it ta!e *or the tr4c! to stop&
53 <ow *ar #oes it travel whilst stopping&
c3 <ow *ar #oes it travel #4ring the thir# secon# a*ter the 5ra!es are applie#&
>$ The graph 5elow shows how the velocity o* a car varies with ti"e$ .alc4late the
instantaneo4s acceleration at points +, , an# . an# the average acceleration *or the
whole 9o4rney$ .alc4late the #isplace"ent o* the car at points +, , an# .$
0 2 4 D 10 12 14 1 1D 20 22
ti"e /s
), Physics










Page 03/09/2014
2.+ Concepts of force and mass
Eorces ca4se velocity change or #e*or"ation, they are vectors$
%eight is the *orce on a "ass #4e to gravity, % ( "g an# acts towar#s the centre o* the
.onsi#er a range o* #i**erent sit4ations involving *orces, #raw *ree-5o#y #iagra"s an#
resolve *orces into vector co"ponents 1incl4#ing *orce #own a slope #4e to the "ass o* an
o59ect 1"g sin30
reaction nor"al 1perpen#ic4lar3 to slope ( "g cos
*orce #own slope 1parallel to slope3 ( "g sin
)ncl4#e e2a"ples o* 64estions in which gravity is change#, *or e2a"ple on the "oon 1

2., ,ewtons -
law of motion
' moving ob%ect contines to move with constant velocity #or if at rest/ remains at rest$
if the vector sm of the e0ternal forces acting on it is 1ero.
F2a"ples s4ch as a 5oo! on a ta5le, ter"inal velocity in *ree *all an# o59ects 5eing p4lle#
across horiBontal s4r*aces 1#isc4ssion o* *rictional *orces - static an# #yna"ic3
Types o* *orces0
1$ .ontact Eorces0 tension *orces, co"pression *orces, *orces o* viscosity or *riction
2$ E4n#a"ental Eorces0 act 5etween o59ects separate# in space0 gravitational, electrical an#
2.- ,ewtons &
law of motion
2 ( ma if mass remains constant.
or 32orce is the rate of change of linear momentm4
Practice *ree 5o#y #iagra"s an# resolving *orce vectors to *in# the res4ltant *orce$
@olving pro5le"s involving li*ts, *riction on horiBontal s4r*aces, p4lleys with "asses "oving
vertically an# horiBontally$
), Physics

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</% ?4estions
1$ + 900!g car accelerates *ro" rest to 12$0"/s in D$00s along a straight roa#$ <ow large a
*orce is re64ire#&
2$ + girl p4lls on a wagon with a string at an angle o* 3C to the horiBontal with a *orce o*
2>$0G$ +s a res4lt the wagon accelerates horiBontally$ The wagon has a "ass o* 10$4!g,
an# the #ownwar# *orce o* gravity on the wagon, its weight, is 102G$ +ss4"e that there
is no *riction$ Ein# the wagonHs acceleration an# the 4pwar# *orce o* co"pression P that
the gro4n# e2erts on the wagon 4n#er these con#itions$
3$ + 90!g "an is stan#ing in a li*t on 5athroo" scales that register a weight o* 900G$
.alc4late the *orce shown on the scales
%hen the li*t is accelerating 4pwar#s at 3"/s
%hen the li*t is travelling #ownwar#s at a constant spee# o* 2"/s
%hen the li*t is accelerating #ownwar#s at 2"/s
2.5 ,ewtons 3
law of motion
'ction and reaction are e&al and opposite.
)* o59ect + e2erts a *orce 2 on o59ect , then o59ect , e2erts a *orce .2 on o59ect +
Iots o* ill4strative e2a"ples incl4#ing that the gravitational *orce o* attraction o* a *oot5all
on the Farth is the sa"e as that o* the Farth on the 5all$ The acceleration o* the 5all towar#s
the Farth is "4ch greater than the acceleration o* the Farth towar#s the 5all 5eca4se the
FarthHs "ass is so "4ch greater 1E ( "$a3
2.6 .rojectile* simple harmonic and uniform circular motion.
+ pro9ectile *ollows a para5olic tra9ectory in two #i"ensions$ )* the "otion is separate# into
horiBontal an# vertical co"ponents an# air resistance is ignore# then the horiBontal "otion is
"otion with constant velocity an# the vertical "otion can 5e treate# as "otion 4n#er
constant acceleration 1gravitational3$
+t points +, , an# . the horiBontal velocity vectors are e64al 1Bero acceleration3$ +t + the
vertical co"ponent o* the velocity is Bero, 54t with constant vertical acceleration 4n#er
gravity the vertical co"ponent gets larger with ti"e accor#ing to the e64ations o* "otion$
)n pro5le"s involving horiBontal la4nch o* a pro9ectile u = 0ms
an# a = g 19$D1"s
), Physics
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+ toy car is p4she# o** a ta5le at a horiBontal velocity o* >"s
$ )* the ta5le is 1$2" high how
long will the car ta!e 5e*ore hitting the gro4n# an# how *ar *ro" the ta5le will it hit the
e2tension 1lin! to vectors3 0 what is the velocity o* the car when it hits the gro4n#&
<igher Ievel 1pro9ectile "otion3
)* a pro9ectile is la4nche# in a #irection other than horiBontally then the rectang4lar
co"ponents o* its initial velocity "4st 5e esta5lishe# 5e*ore the pro5le" can 5e solve#$

The initial horiBontal co"ponent o* the velocity #oes not change thro4gho4t the "otion so
long as air resistance is ignore# at any ti"e #4ring the "otion it is V$cos so at a ti"e t, the
horiBontal #istance covere# is 1V$cos3$t$
Eor the vertical "otion the initial velocity is V$sin$ The vertical "otion can 5e treate# as
"otion with constant acceleration in one #i"ension an# so s, 4, v, a an# t at any points
#4ring the "otion can 5e *o4n# *ro" the e64ations o* "otion #isc4sse# earlier$ +s an
e2a"ple, the "a2i"4" height reache#, s, can 5e *o4n# as u = sin, a = g an# ! = 0 1at the
top o* the para5ola3$
Iots o* pro5le"s as practice can 5e *o4n# in yo4r te2t 5oo!s$
), Physics
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@i"ple har"onic "otion
@i"ple har"onic "otion is a perio#ic "otion o* an o59ect a5o4t a point$ The o59ect
e2periences a *orce towar#s the point at all ti"es e2cept at the point itsel*$
F2a"ples incl4#e0
-. 0ass on a spring/
The "ass oscillates a5o4t J, the position at which it wo4l# hang "otionless with its weight
e2actly 5alance# 5y the restoring *orce o* the spring 1net *orce ( 03$ /4ring its "otion its
#isplace"ent, velocity an# acceleration change perio#ically0
7isplacement 8elocity 'cceleration
' Ma2$ positive Kero Ma2$ #ownwar#s
B Kero Ma2$ #ownwar#s Kero
9 Ma2$ negative Kero Ma2$ 4pwar#s
7 Kero Ma2$ 4pwar#s Kero
&. 1ircular motion/
)n circ4lar "otion 5oth the *orce on an# the acceleration
o* the o59ect act towar#s the center o* the circ4lar path$
The velocity is constantly changing altho4gh the spee# is
)* the linear co"ponent 1eg$ s
or s
3 o* the o59ectHs
#isplace"ent is plotte# as a *4nction o* ti"e then a graph
i#entical to the one a5ove is pro#4ce#$
,oth the *orce an# acceleration are #escri5e# as
), Physics
Perio# o* "otion
+"plit4#e o* "otion
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2.: 2inear 0omentum
The "o"ent4" o* an o59ect is the pro#4ct o* its "ass an# velocity0
p ( "$v
)t is a vector 64antity as it has 5oth "agnit4#e an# #irection 1the sa"e #irection as the
)"p4lse is a change in "o"ent4" provi#e# 5y the application o* a *orce over a ti"e
)"p4lse ( E$t
)"p4lse is also a vector 64antity 1its #irection is the sa"e as the applie# *orce3$ Gote the
4nits o* i"p4lse are the sa"e as those o* "o"ent4":8g$"$s
%e can 4se the state"ent o* GewtonsHs 2
law L*orce is the rate o* change o* linear
"o"ent4" o* a 5o#yM to #erive the e64ation E ( "$a0

p p i f

mu mv

u v m

3 1
v m

( "Na
provi#ing "ass re"ains constant$
)n any collision the s4" o* the linear "o"enta o* the interacting 5o#ies 1the syste"3 is
conserve#$ Mo"ent4" 5e*ore collision ( "o"ent4" a*ter collision$
)n a per*ectly elastic collision 8F is also conserve# with none 5eing a5sor5e# internally 1eg$
5y #e*or"ation3 or lost as heat an# so4n#$ @noo!er/pool 5alls colli#e elastically$
)n an inelastic collision, "o"ent4" is conserve# 54t 8F is not, energy 5eing 4se# in
#e*or"ation or lost thro4gh so4n# an# heating$ .rashing cars are an e2a"ple o* an inelastic
)n an e2plosion "o"ent4" is also conserve#, the s4" o* the "o"enta o* all *rag"ents is
.ore st4#ents nee# only solve "o"ent4" 1collision3 pro5le"s in one #i"ension$
<igher st4#ents will nee# to 4se vectors to solve "o"ent4" 1collision3 pro5le"s in two
), Physics
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2." (ork* energy and power
The wor! #one on an o59ect is e64al to the change in energy o* the o59ect$ )t is a scalar
64antity whose 4nits are Oo4les or Gewton "etres$
%or! #one ( Fnergy
The wor! #one on an o59ect 5y a *orce is e64al to the pro#4ct o* the *orce an# the
#isplace"ent o* the o59ect in the #irection o* the *orce0
%or! #one ( Eorce 2 /isplace"ent
.alc4lations "ay involve either one-#i"ensional pro5le"s or two-#i"ensional pro5le"s *or
which the co"ponent o* the *orce parallel to the "otion nee#s to 5e calc4late#$
The potential energy, PF, o* an o59ect is the energy it possesses #4e to its position in a
syste" 1eg$ a 5all an# the Farth3 or its state 1eg$ a stretche# or rela2e# r455er 5an#3
Aravitational PF 1APF3 ( "$g$h
)n a "aterial that is elastic, the *orce applie#, E
, to pro#4ce an# e2tension o* 2 is relate# to
a constant k, which is a "eas4re o* the Psti**nessH o* the elastic "aterial 5y=
( k$2
+n# the energy store# in s4ch a "aterial that has 5een stretche#, the elastic potential energy,
FPF, is given 5y=
FPF ( ;$k$2
The !inetic energy, 8F, o* an o59ect is the energy it possesses #4e to its "otion$
8inetic energy ( ;$"$v
@t4#ents nee# to !now the #i**erent *or"s o* energy an# e2a"ples o* trans*or"ations *ro"
one *or" to another$
The principle o* conservation o* energy can 5e 4se# to solve pro5le"s involving changes in
8F an# PF in a syste"$ Eor e2a"ple, *alling o59ects an# roller-coaster ri#es where:
8F ' PF ( constant
This can 5e applie# to pro5le"s o* "otion on an incline# plane an# is so"eti"es a si"pler
"etho# o* sol4tion than the one-#i"ensional e64ations o* "otion$
Power is the rate o* #oing wor!=
.ower (
taken time
done work
The 4nits o* power are %atts or Oo4les per secon#$
), Physics

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