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Market Segmentation for Tablets and Smart Phone Users

Good day! We are a research tean from the University of Asia
and the Pacific. We are conducting a survey about peoples
opinions and experiences regarding market segmentation for
tablets and smart phones.
Direction: Kindly check the appropriate line of the choice
which best describe you.

Do you own: ____ Smart phone
____ Tablet
____ Both

What Brand Do you own?

____ Apple
____ Samsung
____ Blackberry
____ Cherry Mobile
____ Lenovo
____ Torque
____ Alcatel
____ Nokia
____ Sony Ericson
_____________ others, please specify

A. Demographic Profile:

1. Age: ____ 10 years old and below
____ 11-20 years old
____ 21-30 years old
____ 31-40 years old
____ 41-50 years old
____51 years old and above

2. Gender: ____ Male ____ Female

3. Civil Status: ____ Single ____ Married
____ Widow/Widower

4. Number of Children: ____ 1-2
____ 3-4
____ 5-6
____ 9 and above

5. Total Number of family members in the household:

6. Monthly Family Income: ____ 15,000 and below
____ 15,001 30,000
____ 30,001 50,000
____ 50,001-99,000
____ 100,000 and above.

7. Occupation:

8. Highest Educational Attainment:
______ Elementary Undergraduate
______ Elementary Graduate
______ High School Undergraduate
______ High School Graduate
______ College Undergraduate
______ College Graduate
______ Masters Graduate
______ Doctoral Graduate

9. Religion: ____ Roman Catholic
____ Protestant
____ Iglesia ni Cristo
____ Born Again Christian
____ Jewish
____ Muslim
_______________ Others, please

LEGEND for Psychographic Segmentation Profile and
Behavioral Segment Profile:

4 = Always
3 = Often
2 = Sometimes
1 = Never

B. Psychographic Segmentation Profile:
Lifestyle Segmentation:
Items 4 3 2 1
1. I like to keep up with latest fashion.
2. I prefer fashionable to practical.
3. I like to try new brands and new products.
4. I enjoy expressing my feeling in activities.
5. I am usually affected by other peoples

6. I place a lot of value on my personal
achievement, hoping to get to the very top
in my career.

7. I am generally rational, decisive and

8. I like to take responsibility and pay attention
to social problems such as environment

9. I prefer high quality products and famous

10. I am not as concerned about the price of the

11. I don't like change and fashion.
12. I emphasize job security rather than high

13. I am family-oriented, enjoying the family and
believe that family is more important than
my career.

14. I am price-conscious.
15. I don't pay much attention to
advertisements and are not easily swayed by

C. Behavioral Segment Profile:

Items 4 3 2 1
1. I use my smart phones/tablets for:
- Texting
- Calling
- Browsing/Surfing the net
- Gaming
- Reviewing/Taking down notes
2. I usually take for consideration the following

- Price
- Aesthetic (Color, Size, Graphics)
- Brand
- Technological Capabilities
3. I am benefited with my smart phone/tablets

- Contacting my loved ones (Texting,
Calling, Skype, Facetime)

- To belong in my group (affiliation)
- To inform my friends/colleagues of my
whereabouts (security)

- Past-time (gaming and entertainment)
4. I prefer to buy and use the same brands for
my smart phones/tablets.

- I prefer to buy and use the same brands
for my smart phones / tablets when I
upgrade to a new version.

D. Purchase Decisions:
Items 4 3 2 1
I usually consider these factors / influencers in
my decision when purchasing a smart phone /

- Family
- Friends
- Opinion Leaders (artists, models, Idols)
- Advertisements
- Store Sales people
2. I usually take for consideration the following
attributes when I purchase smart phones /

- Price
- Aesthetic (Color, Size, Graphics)
- Brand
- Technological Capabilities
3. I usually purchase my smart phone / tablets

- Brand New
- Second Hand
4. Where do you usually purchase your smart
phones / tablets?

- I usually purchase my smartphones /
tablets from Telcos Shops (Globe, Smart
Sun Stores)

- I usually purchase my smartphone /
tablet from a Gadget Store in Malls
(Greenhills or Cyber Zone)

- I usually purchase my smartphone /
tablet from Personal Contacts

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