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Vision and Scope Document

Sonic Chees
Version 1.0
Prepared by: Mujahid Islam
Sonic Soft
Date Created: 0!0"!#01$
Copyright 1999 by Karl E. Wiegers. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Vision and cope for onic Chess Page ii
%able of Contents
Table of Contents....................................................................................................ii
Revision History......................................................................................................ii
1. Business Requirements....................................................................................1
1.1. Background.................................................................................................1
1.2. Business Opportunity..................................................................................1
1.. Business Ob!ectives and "uccess Criteria.................................................1
1.#. Customer or $arket %eeds........................................................................1
1.&. Business Risks...........................................................................................1
2. 'ision of t(e "olution.........................................................................................2
2.1. 'ision "tatement.........................................................................................2
2.2. $a!or )eatures............................................................................................2
2.. *ssumptions and +ependencies................................................................2
. "cope and ,imitations.......................................................................................2
.1. "cope of -nitial Release..............................................................................2
.2. "cope of "ubsequent Releases.................................................................2
.. ,imitations and ./clusions.........................................................................
#. Business Conte/t..............................................................................................
#.1. "take(older 0rofiles....................................................................................
#.2. 0ro!ect 0riorities..........................................................................................#
#.. Operating .nvironment...............................................................................#
&. 0ro!ect "uccess
&.1. "uccess
&.2. "uccess
&e'ision (istory
)ame Date &eason *or Chan+es Version
$u!a(id -slam 223423241# +ocument Created 1.4
$u!a(id -slam 253423214# Baselined +ocument
Vision and cope for onic Chess Page 1
1. ,usiness &e-uirements
6e need to establis( a ne7 online c(ess game for our customers.
1.1. ,ac.+round
-n 2411 T(e "onic "oft8 Office committed to implementing t(e +esktop 9ame "onic
C(ess +esign "pecification. *fter a year in developing p(ase8 in 2412 a soft7are
product named "onic C(ess 7as developed. T(is unique soft7are tool enabled our
designer and customer to en!oy a ne7 domain in gaming 7it( fast pace c(ess game.
"onic C(ess 7as a significant milestone in t(e "onic "oft Office.
Over t(e past fe7 years several driving factors (ave emerged:
T(ere is a need to make our game online.
;sers (ave provided us 7it( many ideas for en(ancements t(at 7ould improve t(e
soft7are and result in greater design efficiency.
1.#. ,usiness /pportunity
%o7 days after introduction of 6eb 2.4 t(e 7(ole face of market is c(anged and
business moved to t(e 7eb so it<s great opportunity to convert our e/isting desktop
game to online and get great benefits from it. $any c(ess games are available on t(e
7eb but none of t(em (ave any desktop versions so our product (as solid foundation
and great 7orking (istory.
1.. ,usiness /bjecti'es and Success Criteria
T(e ob!ective of t(is pro!ect is to make our desktop game "onic C(ess to available
online for our customers. "o t(ey can en!oy 2#3= of game play at any place.
Our game design capabilities 7ill be available for customers:
9ame is available for online play.
-mproved grap(ics and over all gameplay environment.
$any features t(at are not available in previous desktop version are no7 available.
* ne7 improved player and gameplay e/perience.
1.$. Customer or Mar.et )eeds
6e (ave received a great deal of feedback from bot( internal and e/ternal users of T(e
"onic C(ess program. T7o underlying t(emes (ave emerged from t(eir comments.
.ac( of t(ese t(emes represents s(ortcomings in t(e current +esktop program.
1. Impro'e 0raphics and present a more Dynamic 0ameplay. T(e current desktop
game is limited in grap(ics and not muc( dynamic in nature as compared to a 7eb
application. "o customer 7ants a total ne7 look 7it( online gameplay.
2. /nline 1'ailability of 0ame. +esktop version of game is very good and muc(
appreciated by customers but t(at 7as not online so as users move on 7eb more
and more our customer demands t(e online version of game t(at can be 2#3=
accessible at any7(ere and any place.
Vision and cope for onic Chess Page !
1.2. ,usiness &is.s
*ll soft7are development pro!ects (ave risk. T(is pro!ect is no e/ception. T(e follo7ing
is a list of items t(at t(reaten t(e success of t(e pro!ect8 t(e source of t(e risk8 and
possible mitigation measures.
&is. -t mig(t be more beneficial to 7ork on a different pro!ect.
Source T(e "onic "oft Office does not (ave a formal plan for developing its
game design capabilities.
Miti+ation *ctively solicit input and approval from top level managers for pro!ect
plans. .ncourage management to develop a plan for developing our
game design capabilities
&is. T(ere are too many features to implement 7it( current resources.
Source T(e long>term vision of t(e soft7are is very lofty.
T(ere are several interests to consider8 game designers8 outside users8
Miti+ation Clearly define t(e scope of t(e pro!ect
&is. * soft7are product is built t(at does not satisfy our needs.
Source Traditionally8 communications bet7een users and developers (ave been
sparse at best.
;sers (ave not taken an active o7ners(ip role in soft7are development.
Miti+ation "eek out product c(ampions from t(e various classes of users and
actively communicate 7it( t(em.
.ducate t(ese individuals as to t(e significance of t(eir contributions on
t(e final outcome of t(e pro!ect so t(ey 7ill become 7illing to actively
participate t(roug( t(e pro!ect.
.ducate managers as to t(e critical importance of active involvement by
product c(ampions so t(ese individuals can be given adequate time to
7ork on t(is pro!ect.
"ince t(is is a relatively small development pro!ect8 and resources are scares8 a formal
risk management plan 7ill not be developed. Ho7ever8 t(e entire development team 7ill
s(are t(e responsibility of identifying risks and mitigating t(em.
#. Vision of the Solution
#.1. Vision Statement
6e strive to become a global soft7are and -nternet company. * 7orld leader. 6e are
passionate in (elping businesses t(roug( innovative tec(nologies to reac( and
ma/imi?e t(eir business dreams.
#.#. Major *eatures
1. Online gameplay
2. -nternational c(ess rules
. ./tra en(anced grap(ics
#. 6(ole ne7 gameplay environment
&. Online multiplayer and single player
@. Tournament
Vision and cope for onic Chess Page "
#.. 1ssumptions and Dependencies
T(e follo7ing assumptions (ave been made during t(e development of t(is document:
T(e "onic "oft Office 7ill remain committed to developing its design capabilities
T(e "onic "oft Office 7ill remain committed to developing soft7are tools to satisfy
its needs.
T(e "onic C(ess pro!ect depends on t(e follo7ing factors:
T(e "onic "oft Office can provide adequate resources to ensure t(e successful
delivery of t(is pro!ect
Aey personnel remain committed to developing t(ese soft7are tools
T(e "onic "oft +esign "ections 7ill be actively involved in t(e development of t(is
. Scope and 3imitations
T(e fundamental goal of t(is development cycle is to deliver t(ose features t(at 7ill
satisfy our immediate needs 7(ile positioning t(e product so t(at it can be en(anced to
meet our future needs.
.1. Scope
"onic C(ess 9ame is a cross>platform online application t(at allo7s t7o players to engage in a
real>time game of c(ess. T(e primary goal is to provide online c(ess game t(at is intuitive and
entertaining for players of all skill levels. T(e game also provides some useful features8 suc( as
time control8 -ndividual player rating8 competency based rating8 online c(allenge and standard
game rules 7it( c(at facility also. -n general8 it focuses on providing a simple8 streamlined
playing e/perience on 7eb.
.#. 3imitations and 45clusions
-t is impossible to list everyt(ing t(at 7ill not be implemented in "onic C(ess as t(e list
is infinite. T(is section identifies desirable features t(at mig(t be anticipated by
customers and stake(olders8 but are outside of t(e scope of t(is pro!ect.
"onic C(ess 'ersion 1.4 7ill not (ave t(e follo7ing capabilities:
1. %ot Open "ource game
2. ;ser not able to play 7it(out paid
. %ot Cover ot(er countries c(ess rules
#. Currently not available to run on local servers.
$. ,usiness Conte5t
$.1. Sta.eholder Profiles
Vision and cope for onic Chess Page #
Value Attitudes Major Interests Constraints
executives increased
see product as
avenue to 25%
increase in market
richer feature set than
competitors; time to
budget = $1.4M
ditors fe!er errors
in !ork
high"# receptive$ but
expect high usabi"it#
automatic error
correction; ease of use;
high re"iabi"it#
must run on "o!%
end !orkstations
"ega" aides &uick access
to data
resistant un"ess
product is
compatib"e !ith
current s#stem
abi"it# to hand"e much
"arger database than
current s#stem; eas# to
no budget for
xpect "ess cost and
great benefit
(ive more and more
)imited budget
*ser+,"a#er ,"a# game ,"a# game !ith
great experience
and get return of
his+her mone#
,"a# and en-o# game 24+. ab"e to p"a#
$.#. Project Priorities
Dimension Driver
(state objective)
(state limits)
Degree of Freedom
(state alloable range)
/chedu"e re"ease 1.0 to be
avai"ab"e b# 10+1$
re"ease 1.1 b# 12+1
'eatures 1n"ine (amep"a#
24+. 2vai"ab"e game
.0%30% of high priorit#
features must be inc"uded in
re"ease 1.0
4ua"it# (ood and /tandardi5e
4ua"it# product
60%65% of user acceptance
tests must pass for re"ease
1.0$ 65%63% for re"ease 1.1
/taff maximum team si5e is
7 deve"opers 8 4
9ost :ot more than budget budget overrun up to 15%
acceptab"e !ithout executive
$.. /peratin+ 4n'ironment
1: Hard7are -nterface:
1.1 Client "ide:
Vision and cope for onic Chess Page $
Bro7ser 0rocessor Ram +isk "pace
-nternet ./plorer
=.48$o?illa )irefo/ 5.4
8"afari =.4
-ntel 0entium -' 2.2 9H? or
&12 $B 1.& 9B
1.2 "erver "ide
"erver *pplication 0rocessor Ram +isk "pace +atabase
*pac(e 6ebserver
1.4 or
6.B "0H.R.
".R'.R '=.4
-ntel 0entium Beon
.4 9H?
Or above
#9B or more 2449B or more $icrosoft "C,
server 2442 or
$y"C, 2.4 is
1. Communication -nterface:
1: $odem8 +",8 or ,*% for p(ysical connectivity
2: Client on -nternet s(ould use HTT0.HTT0" protocols
: Client s(ould use TC03-0 protocols
2: "oft7are -nterface:
T(e system is on server so it requires t(e any scripting language like 0H08 Dava"cript etc. T(e
system require +ata Base also for store t(e players data Ee.g. Rating 8statusF of t(e system like
$G"C, etc. system also require +%"Edomain name spaceF for t(e naming on t(e internet. *t
t(e last user need 7eb bro7ser for interact 7it( t(e system.
: 0erformance Requirement
T(ere is no performance requirement in t(is system because t(e server request and response
is depended on t(e end user internet connection.
#: +esign Constrain:
T(e system s(all be built using a standard 7eb page development tool t(at conforms to
$icrosoft<s 9;- standards like HT$,8 B$, etc.
9an the users to"erate service interruptions or is continuous access to the s#stem critica" for
the operation of their business;
<hat access securit# contro"s and data protection re&uirements are needed;=
2. Project Success *actors
T(is section 7ill define success for t(is pro!ect and (o7 success 7ill be measured.
)actors t(at are likely to (ave t(e greatest impact on ac(ieving success 7ill be
identified. By defining success and specifying a 7ay to measure it8 7e 7ill (ave a muc(
better c(ance of ac(ieving it.
2.1. Success Defined
)or t(is pro!ect8 7e define success as:
Vision and cope for onic Chess Page %
+elivery of c(ess game soft7are t(at meets t(e needs of its core users8 is 7idely
accepted in t(e gaming community as a valuable and reliable product8 is easy to
use and is effective for players of all e/perience levels.
2.#. Success *actors
T(e follo7ing factors are essential for t(is pro!ect to be successful:
Open and )requent Communications bet7een +evelopers and "take(olders
Open and )requent Communications bet7een "onic "oft and t(e gaming
Clear "cope of 6ork
Clear8 unambiguous8 complete and mutually agreed upon requirements
Team members taking an o7ners(ip in t(e outcome of t(e pro!ect

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