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Vanilia Evasari
, Prof. Dr. Ir. Erika Buchari, MSc
, Dr. Ir. Joni Arliansyah, MT

(1) Mahasiswa Program Studi Magister Teknik Sipil Universitas Sriwijaya
(2) (3) Dosen Program Studi Magister Teknik Sipil Universitas Sriwijaya

The mode choice is one of the dynamic model in transportation planning because it involves the
movement efficiency, space that should be provided by a region, transport infrastructure, and a
number of alternative modes chosen by resident. Aiport is one of gates for arriving or departing
from/to another region which have an important role in the organization of intermodal transport. An
airport should be supported by an reliable and quality modes to improve the operational services
and prevent late. The aim of this study is to formulate mode choice among private cars, public
transportations, and taxis toward the Sultan Mahmud Badarudin II Palembang airport by examining
the various factors that influence people to choose among them. Description is used as the method
to determine the characteristics of passengers mode choice heading to the airport, while
multinomial logistic regression is used as the analysis method to obtain the model formula.

These questionnairs are distributed to 439 respondents randomly. The results showed that
passengers travelling economy has a fairly high level There are six influential predictor variables of
ten studied predictor variables, those are the size of the family, number of the SIM A owner of
household, number of car(s) ownership, trip distance, trip time, and number of the group. The trip
distance and trip time variables give the most impact of the six variables. The probability estimation
of transport mode choice shows that the private car still has the greatest chance to be chosen by trip
makers, but there is a tendency if the trip time became longer or trip distance became further
towards the airport, the greater chance of trip makers to choose public transportation. The model
use 95% level of confidence. Percentages of mode choice probability based on the model analysis
are 63,78% of private cars, 18,9% of public transportations, and 17,35% of taxis. Conformity rate
model based on Pearson Chi Square test is equal to 0,825.

Keywords : predictor variables, multinomial logit, modal choice model, the estimated probability

Ketua Program Studi
Teknik Sipil

Dr. Ir. Reini Silvia Ilmiaty, MT
NIP. 196602161991022001
Pembimbing Pertama

Prof. Dr. Ir. Erika Buchari, MSc
NIP. 196010301987032003
Pembimbing Kedua

Dr. Eng. Ir. Joni Arliansyah, MT
NIP. 196706151995121002

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