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Flash CS3 animation basics: Shape tween

After learning how to make a motion tween in Flash CS3, its time to see how a shape tween is
made. You will see and learn:
How to animate a drawn line,
How to animate a shape and morph it into something different,
You will also learn some really simple drawing and shape manipulation tehni!ues along
the way.
"he first simple shape tween that you are going to learn to reate is shown on the we# page of
this lesson. "he seond one will follow right after it, in this same lesson.
1. Drawing the smiley shape
1.1 $pen a new doument #y seleting File > New. Selet Flash File (ActionScript 3.0)
and lik OK.
1.2 %o to the &roperty inspetor '#elow the working area( and find the Frame rate option.
Change it to 24 fps. "his is a nie speed, for a smooth animation in your S)F.
1.3 Selet the $*al tool (O)+
+and go to the lower portion of the "ools panel. Clik the olored s!uare near the penil ion,
thats the outline olor. )hen the palette opens up, selet the No color option. You an see it
in the palettes upper right orner in the image #elow. "hen+
+selet a nie yellow fill olor for your smiley.
1.4 "eselect the O#$ect !rawin% option.
"his is a must if you want to draw pure shapes. Shape tween animation an #e o#tained #y
using simple *etor shapes only. $#,ets, mo*ielips, graphi sym#ols and #uttons annot #e
used in a shape tween animation - they ant hange their shape. .orphing is possi#le with
pure *etors only.
1.5 /ow, draw a irle on the stage. .ake it &'0 #y &'0 piels.
1.6 Call the urrent layer head. 0ou#le1lik on its default name 'Layer 1( to hange it. &ress
Enter one you ha*e typed in the new name. /ow, press the small dot #eneath the padlok
ion to lok this layer. Sine you finished all the work here, it makes sense to lok it. "his will
pre*ent you from aidentaly plaing any drawings or o#,ets inside it.
1.7 Create a fresh layer #y liking on the (nsert )a*er ion. Call the new layer eyes.
1. Selet the $*al tool (O) again. Change the fill olor to #lac+.
As you an see, 2 hanged the fill olor in the ,olor panel. "his is ,ust to show you that you
an do the same thing in many different ways in Flash. For e3ample, the fill olor an usually
#e hanged in the "ools panel, in the &roperty 2nspetor or in the Color panel. "he result is the
same - the fill olor for the $*al tool has #een hanged. "here is no a#solute, #est way of
doing something in Flash. )ith time and pratie, you will find what works #est for you and
thats what matters.
1.! /ow, lik and drag with the $*al tool to draw an ellipse. 2t should #e elongated 'on its
*ertial a3is(, so that its dimensions are appro3imately 20 p #y 40 p.

2f you want to get these dimensions right, ,ust lik on the eye with the Seletion tool (-) and
go to the left side of the &roperty 2nspetor. You will find the . and / options there, whih
ser*e to ad,ust the width and height of your ellipse.
1.1" ,lic+ on the eye with the Seletion tool (-) to selet it. &ress ,trl0, '&C( or ,m!0,
'.a( to opy the eye shape.
1.11 Selet E!it > 1aste in 1lace.
/ow, do not lik anywhere or touh anything4 5ust read the following step.
1.12 Hold Shift on your key#oard and press the ri%ht arrow key repeadetly until the seond
eye has #een positioned well. 2f you want to position it more preisely, release Shift and ,ust
use the arrow +e*s to mo*e it #y 6 pi3el at a time.
)hile using the 1aste in 1lace ommand to paste a vector drawing in plae in the same layer,
you must either use the Seletion tool or the arrow keys to mo*e it away from the original
opy, #efore liking anywhere else. )hy7 Simply #eause if you lik on some other o#,et or
an empty spot of the working area, the pasted drawing will merge with the original opy.
"hats how *etors in Flash work. $f ourse, you an always paste in plae your drawing into a
new layer. 8ut here, with this simple drawing, there is simply no need for that.
1.13 )oc+ the eyes layer.
1.14 .ake a new layer and all it mouth.
1.15 Selet the 9ine tool (N). 2n the &roperty 2nspetor, hoose #lac+ as olor, Soli! as line
type and a thikness of 3.
1.16 0raw a hori:ontal line using the 9ine tool. 0o this #y holding Shift, liking and dragging
your mouse hori:ontally.
)ell, your smiley is done4 You will now see how to make it smile4 Sa*e your work #efore
proeeding 'File > Sa2e(4
2. #a$ing a simple shape tween animation
2.1 3i%ht4clic+ on frame &' of the mouth layer and selet (nsert Ke*frame from the menu
that pops up.
You ha*e ,ust inserted a new keyframe in the mouth layer. "his is neessary for any kind of
animation in Flash, #eause a keyframe makes hange possi#le. )hene*er you want to
animate something, #e it mo*ement, olor or shape hange, you must use a +e*frame.
+#ut you ha*e ertainly notied that only the line representing the smileys mouth is *isi#le on
the stage.
+and this is perfetly normal4 $ne you ha*e inserted a new keyframe in the mouth layer, you
ha*e made it last longer inside the timeline. All the while the first two layers ha*e remained
the same. "he ontents of the head and eyes layers are *isi#le in the first frame only. ;ntil you
make them last longer, they wont #e *isi#le in other frames.
2.2 "o update the other layers, do the following 'you dont ha*e to unlok them4(: 3i%ht4clic+
on frame 6< of the eyes layer and selet (nsert Frame 'not keyframe4( from the menu. A
frame is used when you ,ust want to prolong the duration of a keyframe in the timeline,
without any changes.
And now, the eyes layer has the same lifespan as the mouth layer. As you an see, a simple,
plain frame is represented #y a small retangle, unlike a keyframe, whih has a solid #lak dot.
2.3 =epeat the a#o*e step for the head layer.
>*erything is *isi#le now, in the same time span.
2.4 Fine4 9et me show you how to make the shape tween now. ,lic+ the seond keyframe in
the mouth layer to selet it.
"his automatially selets e*ery single o#,et in this keyframe. You will see that the mouth 'the
line( has #eome highlighted. "o unselet it 'to #e a#le to hange its shape(+
2.5 ,lic+ anywhere outside it using the Seletion tool (-), on an empty part of the stage.
2.6 Here is how you an easily make a nie smile:
1. ;se the Seletion tool (-). 8ring it o*er the line, so that a small ur*e appears near
your ursor.
2. ,lic+ and start !ra%%in% your mouse downwards.
3. $ne you are satisfied with your ur*e, release the mouse #utton. "here4 "he line
#eame a ur*e4
2.7 /ow, to reate a shape tween, ri%ht4clic+ anywhere #etween the two keyframes 'or on
the first one( and selet the ,reate Shape 5ween option from the menu.
2f you ha*e done e*erything as 2 e3plained to you up to this point, you should see an arrow
#etween the two keyframes appear, on a light green #akground.
2f you e*er see a dashed, disontinued arrow, it means that Flash hasnt #een a#le to make a
good shape tween animation. "his happens when there are o#,ets other than simple *etor
shapes in your layer, suh as mo*ielips, #uttons, graphi sym#ols et. A suessful shape
tween an only #e made with pure *etor shapes. /o sym#ols or grouped o#,ets are allowed
in the layer where the shape tween takes plae.
2. "o see your first shape tween animation, selet ,ontrol > 5est 6o2ie. "he testing
window will appear, with your smiley4
"here4 "he shape tween has #een suessfuly made4 8ut after the smile appears, it returns
a#ruptly to the straight line. )hy7 8eause you made it that way4 Flash annot know whats
going on - its ,ust e3euting what you told him to do. So, if you want to make that smile
return to its initial position more smoothly, you should add another shape tween animation
segment. And thats really easy to do, #eause you an ,ust opy the first keyframe, instead of
ha*ing to re1reate it manually.
2.! 3i%ht4clic+ on the first +e*frame in the mouth layer and selet ,op* Frames.
2.1" 3i%ht4clic+ on frame 3? of the mouth layer and selet 1aste Frames.
Your timeline should look like this:
2.11 9et me show you now a different way of making a shape tween. ,lic+ anywhere #etween
the seond and third keyframes in the urrent, mouth, layer.
2.12 5ump o*er to the &roperty 2nspetor and find the 5ween drop1down menu. Selet the
Shape option.
"he seond shape tween should appear in the mouth layer, ,ust as #efore, represented #y a
ontinuous arrow on green #akground.
2.13 )hat is apparent immediately, is that you should add a frame in #oth the eyes and head
layer, to make them last as long as the mouth layer. You already know how to do it - for a
reminder take a look at step @.@ again. "his is the result you should o#tain:
2.14 Selet ,ontrol > 5est 6o2ie to see your smiley hange its e3pression, this time without
any a#rupt hanges in animation.
Sa*e your doument and lose it. 2 will show you now how to reate a shape morph with the
shape tween animation tehni!ue and also how to hange the olor of your drawing.
3. %ow to create a morphing e&&ect with shape tweens
3.1 $pen a new doument #y seleting File > New > Flash File (ActionScript 3.0) and
liking OK.
3.2 Selet the $*al tool (O). 2t should ha*e similar settings as #efore: #loc+ the o7tline
color #y seleting the /o olor option for it. Choose #lue for the fill olor. Also, e3atly like in
the pre*ious e3erie, the $#,et 0rawing option should #e turned off. 5ust like you did in step
6.3 and 6.A.
3.3 0raw a irle on the stage. 2 made it a little #it #igger than 6?? #y 6?? pi3els.
3.4 2nsert a +e*frame in frame 40 on the first layer.
0o not make any hanges to your irle here. 8eause, as you ha*e seen in the pre*ious
e3erie, this last frame will ser*e to make a nie loop. So that your animation will run
smoothly, without any sudden ,umps.
3.5 3i%ht4clic+ #etween the two keyframes and selet the ,reate Shape 5ween option.
3.6 /e3t, insert a +e*frame at frame 20.
3.7 Fine. /ow, use the Seletion tool (-) to !eselect the irle #y liking anywhere outside
3. 8ring the Seletion tool (-) ne3t to the top of your irle, until a ur*e appears. /ow,
press and hold ,trl on your key#oard '2 dont know if its Ctrl or Cmd on a .a, sorry, my old
one is too slow for Flash CS3 and 2 ha*ent #ought a new one yet (. Still holding the ,trl
key, clic+ an! !ra% your mouse downwards.
You should see a pointed deformation start to appear, like a wedge has #een dri*en into the
3.! =epeat this operation at the remaining three sides of your irle, until you get a flower1like
3.1" "est your S)F mo*ie #y seleting ,ontrol > 5est 6o2ie or pressing ,trl0Enter
',m!03et7rn on a .a(.
/ow, if you want to hange the olor, ,ust selet the shape in the middle keyframe 'where it is
resem#ling a flower( and hange its fill olor in the "ools panel.
You ha*e ,ust learned how to make shape tweens. For anything more ompliated, for e3ample
- a harater that mo*es and speaks, you ant rely on Flash to do that for you. Any omple3
animation re!uires drawing the hanges that happen, frame #y frame. Flash annot replae the
human hand, while it is e3ellent for smooth transitions used in many we#sites that you see
around. 2f you want to reate omple3 animations, arm yourself with patiene. Chek out the
e3ellent animated wings tutorial to see how it is done.
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