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Is the first carnal knowledge and act committed by man against the erfect will of
God the creator! It was the first transgression against the command iss"ed by God
to His children in the Garden of Eden!
In the si#th day$ God created man in His own image, in the image of God
created He him; male and female created He them (Genesis 1:27)! This
was God%s original creation of man$ formed after &His own image'! He had both
masc"line and feminine attrib"tes in him! (or that matter$ God addressed him as
&them'! This man Adam was a sirit man! And " to this oint$ there was not
a man to till the ground (Genesis 2:)! !nd the "ord God formed man of
the dust of the ground, and #reathed into his nostrils the #reath of life;
and man #ecame a li$ing soul (Genesis 2:7)! It was at this oint that man
became a tri*"ne being comosed of body +formed of the d"st of the gro"nd)$
sirit +created in the image of God)$ and so"l +thro"gh the breath of life)!
!nd the "ord God %lanted a garden eastward in &den; and there He %ut
the man whom He had formed' !nd the "ord God too( the man, and %ut
him into the Garden of &den to dress it and to (ee% it' !nd the "ord God
commanded the man, sa)ing, *f e$er) tree of the garden thou ma)est
freel) eat; #ut of the tree of the (nowledge of good and e$il, thou shalt
not eat of it: for in the da) that thou eat est thereof thou shalt surel) die
(Gen' 2:+,1,17)! This command was addressed to man comosed of both
masc"line and feminine sirit which is in the image of God! It sho"ld be
remembered$ at this ,"nct"re$ that the woman was not yet searated from man-
for !dam there was not found a hel% meet for him (Gen' 2:2-)! &And
the Lord God said$ It is not good that the man sho"ld be alone- I will make him a
hel meet for him! And the Lord God ca"sed a dee slee to fall "on Adam$ and
he slet. and He took one of His ribs$ and closed " the flesh +of the d"st of the
gro"nd) instead thereof- and the rib$ which the Lord God had taken from man$
made He a woman$ and bro"ght her "nto the man! And Adam said this is now
bone of my bones$ and flesh of my flesh. she shall be called /oman$ beca"se she
was taken o"t of 0an! And they were both naked$ the man and his wife$ and were
not ashamed!' +Gen! 1.23415$ 16)
It aears that 0an and /oman as tri4"ne beings were not ashamed of their
nakedness beca"se they had the 7eil of the Holy Sirit "on them! The woman as
a tri"ne being was conscio"s of the Lord%s command since she was art of the
d"al nat"re of 0an in the +sirit) image of God!
.he /er%ent 0eguiles the 1oman
/e are told that the /er%ent was more su#tle than an) #east of the field
which the "ord God had made (Gen' 2:1)! He led the /oman into
transgression! 8erhas the reason as to why he chose the /oman instead of the
0an was beca"se 0an was original creation of God and therefore wo"ld ha7e
easily detected the c"nningness of Satan as manifested thro"gh the Serent! The
following is the e#act acco"nt of what transired!
Serpent. &3ea, hath God said, )e shall not eat of e$er) tree of the garden4'
Woman. &1e ma) eat of the fruit of the garden: #ut of the fruit of the tree
which is in midst of the garden, God hath said, 3e shall not eat of it, lest
)e die'
Serpent. &3e shall not surel) die: for God doth (now that in the da) )e eat
thereof, then )our e)es shall #e o%ened, and )e shall #e as god, (nowing
good and e$il!'
(rom the abo7e acco"nt it is e7ident that the /oman was decei7ed b"t was also
e#cited and eager to ha7e her eyes oened and be knowledgeable of good and
e7il! She then traded her faith in God%s /ord in e#change for Satan%s lie thro"gh
the Serent!
5an /ins
!nd when the 1oman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it
was %leasant to the e)es, and a tree to #e desired to ma(e one wise, she
too( of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and ga$e also unto her hus#and
with her; and he did eat (Gen' 2:6)!
/hy did the 0an accet to artake of the fr"it which God had forbidden him9
0an was not decei7ed! The :ible states$ !nd !dam was not decei$ed, #ut the
1oman #eing decei$ed was in the transgression (7 .im' 2:18)! He did
artake of the fr"it in order that he may redeem his wife! She was art of him and
he co"ld not afford li7ing aart from her! Adam%s decision to share in the
transgression of his wife was a shadow of what ;hrist came to accomlish "on
the cross of ;al7ary to redeem His belo7ed :ride!
After artaking the fr"it$ the e)es of them #oth were o%ened, and the)
(new that the) were na(ed; and the) sewed fig lea$es together, and made
themsel$es a%rons (Gen' 2:7)! There is no do"bt- the Holy Ghost 7eil had left
them! They had transgressed God%s /ord by listening to and acting "on Satan%s
.he 9ind of :ruit ;arta(en
:"t what kind of fr"it did they act"ally artake on9 /as it an ale or something
different9 Their reaction after artaking of the fr"it demonstrates that it was not a
literal fr"it b"t a carnal knowledge of each other! The res"lt of it was the birth of
twins$ ;ain and Abel$ and one of them being the son of the Serent! !nd !dam
(new his wife; and she concei$ed, and #are <ain, and said, 7 ha$e gotten a
man from the "ord' !nd she again #are his #rother !#el (Gen' 8:1, 2)!
The two children are of different fathers beca"se ;ain t"rned o"t in character like
"nto his father Satan a bringer of death and a decei7er! The :ible +7 =ohn 2:12)
calls ;ain &of that wic(ed one'! To f"rther ro7e this oint$ let%s "se Enoch as
o"r yardstick! Genesis :1,22$ lists the genealogy of Adam thro"gh Enoch! In this
case Enoch is listed the se7enth from Adam! The :ook of 7 <hronicles 1:1 to 2$
again deicts Enoch as the se7enth from Adam! =ude 18 states$ &!nd &noch
also, the se$enth from !dam, %ro%hesied of these'! These three witnesses
omit ;ain from Adams genealogy confirming the fact that he was of the wicked
.he "in( 0etween 5an and !nimal
/hat haened to the seaking Serent- does he e#ist today9 The seaking
Serent was transfig"red and does e#ist today! !nd the "ord God said unto
the /er%ent, 0ecause thou hast done this, thou hath cursed a#o$e all
cattle, and a#o$e e$er) #east of the field; u%on th) #ell) (stomach) shalt
thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the da)s of th) life: and 7 will %ut
enmit) #etween thee and the woman, and #etween th) seed and her
seed; it shall #ruise th) head, and thou shall #ruise his heel (Gen' 2:18,
1)! /hich animal goes on its belly$ eats the d"st$ br"ises yo"r heel when it gets
an oort"nity to do so9 Remember that before it was c"rsed that beast was
walking "rightly and was not scary as it is now!
/e ha7e therefore seen that the original sin was an act of interco"rse which
bro"ght abo"t the generation of the Serent seed soken of in the New
Testament! They cannot escae the wrath of God and the damnation of hell! 0ut
when he saw man) of the ;harisees and /adducee come to his #a%tism,
he said unto them, * generation of $i%ers, who hath warned )ou to flee
from the wrath to come4 (5att' 2:7)
* generation of $i%ers, how can )e, #eing e$il, s%ea( good things4 :or
out of the a#undance of the heart the mouth s%ea(eth' (5att' 12:28)
>3e? ser%ents, >)e? generation of $i%ers, how can )e esca%e the
damnation of hell4 (5att' 22:22)

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