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CE 40/L Construction Materials and Testing Chapter IV - ASPHALT TECH!L!

Chapter IV
4.1. Bituminous ateria!
Asphalt - is de$ined %& the A'erican Societ& $or Testing Materials (ASTM) as a dar*
%ro+n to %lac* ce'entitious 'aterials, solid or se'i-solid in consistenc& in
+hich the predo'inating constituents are %itu'inous +hich occur in nature as
such or are o%tained as residue in re$ining petroleu'-
- deri.ed $ro' the Acadian ter' /Asphaltu/ or /Sphallo/
- earliest recorded use o$ asphalt %& the hu'an race +as %& the pre-0a%&lonian
inha%itants o$ Southeastern Mesopota'ia, a%out 1200 0C-
0itu'en - is a ter' applied to nati.e su%stances3 petroleu', nati.e asphalt, 'ineral, +a4es,
and asphaltites o$ .aria%le colors, hardness and .olatilit&
- in this note, the ter' %itu'en is applied to that portion o$ an asphalt solu%le in
car%on disul$ide
The success or $ailure o$ %itu'inous pa.ing 'aterials is 'ore dependent upon the
che'ical characteristics o$ the actual %itu'inous portion o$ the asphalt than upon
an& other single $actor-
Particular attention 'ust %e paid to the properties o$ the asphalt e'plo&ed, $or upon
this depend the per$or'ance %eha.ior o$ the $inished pa.e'ent-
T+o constituents o$ asphalt5
6- asphaltene
- the dispersed phase o$ asphalt
- is the su%stance +hich re'ains insolu%le and precipitates or coagulates +hen
an asphalt is dissol.ed %& a speci$ic sol.ent (naphtha, eth&l ether, heptane)
- responsi%le $or the plastic properties o$ asphalts and i'parts hardness to it
7- petrolene - ter' used %& A'erican author or
'altene - ter' used %& European +or*ers
- constitute the dispersing 'ediu'
- the su%stance solu%le in petroleu' sol.ents
- it consists o$ t+o parts5
a- resins - is that portion o$ the petrolene +hich +hen a%sor%ed %& $ullers
earth re'ains insolu%le in nor'al pentane %ut dissol.es in eth&l ether
%- oil& constituent
- is that portion o$ the petrolene +hich +hen 'i4ed +ith $ullers earth is
solu%le in -pentane
- responsi%le $or the so$tness o$ the asphalt
8or good adhesi.eness the oil& constituents should %e lo+ and the
asphaltic resins high
4-6-6- Signi$icant Properties5
6- Consistenc& - $luidit& or degree o$ hardness- It .aries +ith te'perature and *ind o$
$lu4ing agent, in the case o$ li9uid asphalt
7- :ura%ilit& - resistance to change in properties due to +eathering or aging- Asphalts
generall& tend to %eco'e hard and %rittle +ith age- "ood 9ualit& asphalt is 'ore
1- Adhesion - a%ilit& to adhere to aggregate in the presence o$ +ater
4- ;ate o$ Setting - rate o$ hardening or curing- It .aries +ith the t&pe o$ $lu4ing agent,
cli'atic conditions and asphalt $il' thic*ness
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=- :uctilit& - a%ilit& to stretch +ithout %rea*ing-
4-6-7- T&pes o$ 0itu'inous Materials
atural Asphalt5
6- Pure deposits - $ound in Trinidad, 0er'ude>
7- ;oc* Asphalt
- re$ers to sandstone and li'estone +hich is naturall& i'pregnated +ith
- the onl& co''ercial source in the Philippines toda& is Villa%a, Le&te
Manu$actured Asphalt5
6- Asphalt Ce'ent
- also *no+n as hot asphalt (61= ? 6@=
C), penetration grade asphalt or solid
- designated as AC
- it is the %asic ce'enting 'aterial and a constituent o$ all other asphalt t&pes
- it is %lac*, has a consistenc& ranging $ro' solid to se'i-solid
- it is hea.ier than +ater and practicall& odorless
7- Li9uid "rades
a- Slo+-curing cut%ac*
- asphalt ce'ent +ith slo+l& .olatile and non-.olatile oils
- designated as SC
- has a characteristic s'ell o$ oil
%- Mediu'-curing cut%ac*
- asphalt ce'ent +ith light petroleu' distillate, such as *erosene
- has a characteristic s'ell o$ *erosene
- it is %lac* and .aries $ro' a light li9uid at roo' te'perature $or lo+er MC to
an al'ost se'i-solid $or higher MC
c- ;apid-curing cut%ac* - asphalt +ith a lo+-%oiling point petroleu' distillate,
such as gasoline or naphtha-
- has a characteristic s'ell o$ naphtha or gasoline
d- E'ulsi$ied Asphalt - asphalt ce'ent dispersed in +ater +ith the aid o$ an
e'ulsi$&ing agent-
- an asphalt e'ulsion is chocolate-colored %e$ore use, turning %lac* +hen
e'ulsion is %ro*en
- It 'a& %e used +ithout heating (6=-=0
C) and +ill 'i4 +ith +ater in all
proportions +ithout di$$icult&-
- It is characteri>ed %& a disagreea%le odor +hich is e.ident e.en in the %est
Three classes o$ asphalt-e'ulsions5
d-6- 9uic*-%rea*ing or 9uic*-setting
d-7- 'ediu' setting
d-1- slo+-setting
Ad.antages o.er non-e'ulsi$ied asphalt
d-6- it can %e used during da'p +eather +ith 'oist aggregates
d-7- control o$ the 9uantit& is o$ten auto'atic, an& e4cess draining o$$
through the su%grade lea.ing onl& a thin $il' on the aggregate
d-1- utili>es less o$ asphalt ce'ent (a%out A0B)
1- 0lo+n Asphalt
- produced %& o4idation o$ asphalt residue %& %lo+ing air a$ter $ractioning o$
lighter constituents-
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CE 40/L Construction Materials and Testing Chapter IV - ASPHALT TECH!L!"#
- used $or Coint sealing, under-sealing o$ concrete pa.e'ents, +ater proo$ing
and roo$ing-

4-6-1- 8actors to %e considered in the selection o$ t&pe and grade o$ %itu'inous 'aterial5

6- t&pe o$ construction e9uip'ent to %e used
7- cli'atic conditions
1- nature and grading o$ aggregates a.aila%le
4- 'aintenance pro%le's
=- tra$$ic re9uire'ents
A- $unds a.aila%le
4-6-4- Signi$icant Tests5
6- Penetration Test
- is an ar%itrar& 'easure'ent o$ consistenc& and is the %asis o$ the
classi$ication o$ all solid and se'i-solid asphalt
- penetration is the depth in tenths o$ a 'illi'eter
A standard needle +eighing 600 gra's is allo+ed to penetrate into a sa'ple at
C (@@
8) $or = seconds-
7- :uctilit&
- this test represents the capacit& o$ the %itu'inous 'aterial $or elongating and
- it is e4pressed as the distance in centi'eters that a standard %ri9uette o$
asphalt +ith a 'ini'u' cross-section o$ 6 c'
+ill stretch %e$ore %rea*ing
- high ductilit& asphalts usuall& are (a) 'ore suscepti%le to te'perature
changes (%) nor'all& ce'entitious and adhere +ell to aggregates and
desira%le $or pa.ing purposes
- lo+ ductilit& on the other hand, are desira%le as Coint and crac* $illers
- ductilit& is lo+ered during its use-
A sa'ple placed in a %ri9uette +ith 7=oC is pulled at a uni$or' rate o$ =
c'/'in- The initial distance until the speci'en %rea*s is 'easured
e4pressed in centi'eters-
1- Viscosit&
- is a 'easure o$ the consistenc& o$ li9uid asphaltic 'aterials, deter'ining their
$luidit& or resistance to $lo+
- it is 'easured as the ti'e in seconds $or the li9uid asphalt to $lo+ through a
standard ori$ice into a 'easured $las*-
- it is used to classi$& li9uid asphalts into grades
- it is use$ul as 'easure and control o$ consistenc&, particularl& +hen run at the
te'perature o$ intended application
A A0 cu%ic centi'eters o$ li9uid asphalt is allo+ed to pass through a standard
ori$ice into a 'easured $las*- The ti'e it ta*es $or the 'aterial to $lo+ through this
opening is recorded-
4- 8lash Point
- is used pri'aril& $or deter'ining the adapta%ilit& o$ %itu'inous su%stances
$or certain de$inite usage and ser.es as a criterion in eli'inating $ire
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CE 40/L Construction Materials and Testing Chapter IV - ASPHALT TECH!L!"#
- it indicates the sa$e +or*ing te'perature $or an asphaltic 'aterial

It consists o$ heating the asphalt in an open cup and passing a s'all test $la'e
across the sur$ace o$ the 'aterial- The $lash point is ta*en as the te'perature at
+hich a $lash appears due to the ignition o$ the e.ol.ed .apors upon contact +ith
the test $la'e-
=- So$tening Point
- is consistenc& test $or ascertaining the adapta%ilit& o$ a %itu'inous 'aterial
$or certain usage, including its resistance to heat-
- it is the te'perature at the instant the loaded sa'ple $alls through the ring and
touches the %otto' o$ the %ea*er
- result is particularl& use$ul $or asphalts to %e used in thic* $il's as in Coint
and crac* $illing, %ut is o$ negligi%le i'portance in pa.ing asphalt
This is done %& heating in a %ea*er the asphalt enclosed in a %rass ring +hile
suspended in +ater and carr&ing a s'all steel %all on the upper sur$ace-
A- Solu%ilit&
- this test is use$ul $or the $ollo+ing reasons5
a- $or purposes o$ identi$ication
%- $or ascertaining the adapta%ilit& o$ %itu'inous su%stance $or a gi.en
c- $or gauging uni$or'it& o$ suppl& and as a criterion o$ its 9ualit& or
purit& and conse9uentl& its intrinsic .alue
- it deter'ines the total %itu'en content o$ asphaltic 'aterials, +hich is the
actual ce'enting constituent o$ the 'aterial
B solu%ilit& D 600 -
(c - %)
4 600
+here5 a - 'ass o$ sa'ple, g
% - 'ass o$ cruci%le E $ilter paper, g
c - 'ass o$ cruci%le E residue, g
A one gra' sa'ple is dissol.ed in either car%on disul$ide or car%on
tetrachloride- The solution is $iltered o$$ and the solu%ilit& deter'ined $ro' the
insolu%le 'aterial retained on the $ilter-
@- Loss on Heating
- is an accelerated test to sho+ the loss on .olatiles
- i$ loss is e4cessi.el& high and the penetration a$ter heating is lo+, it is
pro%a%le that it +ould harden 'ateriall& +hen 'i4ed +ith aggregate in
thin $il's

The sa'ple is heated at 6A1
C $or $i.e hours, and the loss due to .olatili>ation
is deter'ined-
B loss on heating D
% ? c
4 600 B
% ? a
+here5 a - 'ass o$ e'pt& container, g
% - 'ass o$ container E sa'ple, g
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c - 'ass o$ container E sa'ple a$ter heating, g
2- Speci$ic "ra.it&
- it is o$ .alue in identi$ication o$ the asphalt t&pe
- the higher the speci$ic gra.it& the lo+er is the penetration
- it is an indicati.e o$ the uni$or'it& o$ the products supplied $ro' a gi.en
- it is use$ul in 'a*ing calculations needed $or proper control during
Speci$ic "ra.it& D
c ? a
(% ? a) - (d ? c)
+here5 a - 'ass o$ the p&cno'eter ( plus stopper), g
% - 'ass o$ p&cno'eter $illed +ith +ater, g
c - 'ass o$ p&cno'eter partiall& $illed asphalt, g
d - 'ass o$ p&cno'eter E asphalt E +ater, g
F- :istillation Test
- 'easures the a'ount o$ the 'ore .olatile constituents in cut-%ac* asphaltic
- it gi.es in$or'ation as to the actual a'ount o$ constituents re'o.ed at
de$inite te'peratures-
- the properties o$ the residue a$ter distillation are not necessaril& characteristic
o$ the %itu'en used in the original 'i4ture nor o$ the residue +hich 'a&
%e le$t at an& particular ti'e a$ter the application o$ the product
4-6-=- Sa'pling and Control (AASHT! Method :esignation5 T 40)
6- Sa'ples should %e sent to the la%orator& $or testing acco'panied %& co'pletel& $illed
out sa'ple card as soon as ship'ent is recei.ed-
7- Visual e4a'ination should %e conducted on all %itu'inous 'aterials recei.ed on site5
To identi$& 'aterial deli.ered +hether it con$or's to the t&pe o$ asphalt re9uired
(li*e color, consistenc& and odor)-
To reCect i''ediatel& the 'aterials $ound de$ecti.e li*e presence o$ $oreign
1- Si>e o$ sa'ple5
Mini'u' re9uire'ent ? 4 liters $or a 'a4i'u' o$ 700 liters or 40 tons
4- 8or se'i-solid 'aterials, sa'ples should %e ta*en at the center o$ the containers at least
@= '' (1 in) %elo+ the sur$ace and @= '' (1 in) $ro' the sides +ith the aid o$ a clean
hatchet or putt& *ni$e
=- Hard asphalt should not %e heated in sa'pling as e4cessi.e and uncontrolled heating
+ill produce so'e changes in properties o$ the 'aterials-
A- Care should %e ta*en to insure no conta'ination in sa'pling-
@- Clean and dr& cans should %e used as sa'ple containers and these should %e tightl&
4.". Bituminous i#tures
- is a care$ull& proportioned co'%ination o$ %itu'inous 'aterial and aggregate, +ith
or +ithout 'ineral $iller-
- It is used as %ase or sur$ace course in the construction o$ high+a&s, airport run+a&s
and ta4i-+a&s, and par*ing areas-
- The a'ount o$ %itu'inous 'aterial 'a& .ar& +idel& $ro' 1 ? 6=B %& +eight,
depending on the aggregate gradation and speci$ic use-
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Classi$ication according to preparation5
6- ;oad-'i4 ? 'i4ed in ?place
7- Plant-'i4 ? prepared in a central 'i4ing plant

Classi$ication according to grading o$ aggregates5
6- :ense-graded ? the aggregate is +ell graded $ro' coarse to $ine and contains
apprecia%le a'ount o$ 'aterial passing the G700 sie.e- A 'ineral $iller li*e
ce'ent or li'e is added i$ the a.aila%le aggregate is de$icient in $ines-
7- !pen-graded ? ha.e a poor grading or it 'a& di$$er $ro' the dense-graded onl& in
the a'ount o$ 'aterial passing the G700 sie.e- It re9uires seal coat i$ use as
sur$ace course to pro.ide necessar& resistance to 'oisture and o4idation-
Ad.antages o$ dense-graded o.er the open-graded
Is %etter in 9ualit& and uni$or'it& due to closer control in %atching and 'i4ing-
The cost is higher %ut is 'ore than o$$set %& %etter ser.ice and per$or'ance
4-7-6- Signi$icant Properties
6- Sta%ilit& ? resistance to displace'ent under sustained or repeated loading-
- it i'plies resistance to sho.ing and rutting %& the action o$ .ehicular tra$$ic
and resistance to shearing stress-
8actors in$luencing sta%ilit&5
a- "radation o$ 'ineral aggregates
Sta%ilit& o$ %itu'inous 'i4ture is directl& related to aggregate densit&, +hich
in turn, has a direct relationship on gradation or particle-si>e distri%ution- In
designing a 'i4ture, aggregates a.aila%le in a Co% shall %e co'%ined in the
proportions that result in the 'a4i'u' densit&-
%- Shape and sur$ace te4ture o$ aggregate particles
Aggregates co'posed o$ angular and rough-te4tured particles are 'ore
desira%le than round and s'ooth aggregate particles $ro' the standpoint o$
sta%ilit&- The aggregate co'ponent contri%utes internal $riction to the shear
strength and sta%ilit& o$ the 'i4ture- 8ro' this point o$ .ie+, the shape and sur$ace
te4ture o$ the aggregate particles are o$ pri'ar& i'portance-
c- Hardness o$ aggregate particles
I$ so$t and $ria%le aggregates are used, the .oids are greatl& reduced %& rolling
during construction and %& su%se9uent .ehicular tra$$ic, that there +ill %e
insu$$icient space $or the %itu'inous %inder, +hich results in %leeding and loss o$
d- Ma4i'u' si>e o$ coarse aggregate-
Higher sta%ilit& is o%tained %& the use o$ coarser aggregates- Ho+e.er, +ith
coarser aggregates, there is a tendenc& to+ards increasing harshness and
segregation +hich results in unattracti.e sur$ace appearance- The choice o$
'a4i'u' si>e o$ aggregate should depend on the relati.e i'portance o$ high
sta%ilit& .ersus +or*a%ilit& and sur$ace $inish-
e- Huantit& and consistenc& o$ %itu'inous %inder-
The 9uantit& o$ %inder greatl& a$$ects sta%ilit& o$ the 'i4ture- Most 'i4tures
ha.e a critical %itu'en content +hich i$ e4ceeded +ill result in o.er-lu%rication o$
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CE 40/L Construction Materials and Testing Chapter IV - ASPHALT TECH!L!"#
aggregates, thus causing insta%ilit&- The critical %itu'en content is a%out = to @ B
lo+er than the 9uantit& o$ %inder re9uired to co'pletel& $ill the .oids in the
co'pacted 'ineral aggregate-
$- :egree o$ co'paction-
Co'paction is essential to produce 'a4i'u' contact %et+een the %itu'en-coated
aggregates $or the de.elop'ent o$ sta%ilit& in the 'i4ture- The degree o$ co'paction is
principall& dependent upon the intensit& and t&pe o$ co'pacti.e e$$ort, gradation and
particle shape o$ aggregate, and consistenc& o$ %inder at the ti'e o$ co'paction-
Tests $or sta%ilit&5
a- Marshall sta%ilit&
%- I''ersion-co'pression
7- :ura%ilit& ? resistance to disintegration due to the detri'ental e$$ects o$ tra$$ic, +ater,
air and te'perature changes- To %e dura%le, a %itu'inous pa.e'ent 'ust satis$actoril&
resist tra$$ic loads during its li$eti'e-
8actors a$$ecting dura%ilit&5
a- :ensit& o$ co'pacted 'i4ture
High-densit& pa.e'ent is highl& resistant to the intrusion o$ +ater-
High-densit& pa.e'ent has lo+ air .oids thus it is less e4posed to detri'ental
e$$ects o$ +ater or air-
0itu'inous pa.e'ent should not %e .oidless, as this +ill result in %leeding and
insta%ilit&- Allo+a%le B air .oids range is = ? @-
%- Properties o$ 'ineral aggregate
Aggregates .ar& in their a%ilit& to retain the %itu'inous coating in the presence
o$ +ater- H&droph&lic aggregates ha.e a$$init& $or +ater and should %e a.oided-
The $il' stripping and i''ersion-co'pression tests ha.e %een de.eloped to
'easure the loss o$ cohesion as a result o$ +ater action on the co'pacted
%itu'inous 'i4ture-
A%sorption o$ 'oisture causes the 'i4ture s+ell- A dura%le 'o.e'ent should
%e a%le to resist this s+elling action-
Aggregates .ar& +ith respect to hardness and toughness- So$t aggregates at the
e4posed sur$ace o$ %itu'inous pa.e'ents 'a& %e dislodged under tra$$ic-
c- Properties o$ %itu'inous %inder-

All %itu'inous road 'aterials harden +ith age and +eathering action-
Ho+e.er, certain 'aterials harden 'ore rapidl& than others- The thin-$il' o.en
test had %een de.eloped in order to di$$erentiate %itu'inous 'aterials +ith respect
to hardening characteristics-
Asphalts also di$$er in their resistance to stripping $ro' aggregates in the
presence o$ +ater-
d- Huantit& o$ %itu'inous %inder
In order to preser.e the plastic properties o$ the pa.e'ent, it is a good practice
to use as 'uch %itu'inous 'aterials in the 'i4ture as possi%le, consistent +ith
sta%ilit& re9uire'ents- I$ the coating in the aggregates is .er& thin, the pa.e'ent
easil& %eco'es %rittle and is a%raded 'ore readil&-
1- 8le4i%ilit& ? the a%ilit& o$ the pa.e'ent to %end repeatedl& +ithout crac*ing and to
con$or' to .ariations o$ the underl&ing %ase
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CE 40/L Construction Materials and Testing Chapter IV - ASPHALT TECH!L!"#
8actors a$$ecting $le4i%ilit&
a- Huantit& o$ %itu'inous %inder
%- Huantit& o$ 'ineral $iller
c- Viscosit& and te'perature suscepti%ilit& o$ the %inder
There should %e $le4i%ilit& +ithout sacri$icing sta%ilit&
8le4i%ilit& is i'pro.ed %& decreasing the 'ineral $iller3 this reduces sur$ace area o$
particles, thus per'itting thic*er asphalt $il's- 0ut should not %e o.erdone as it
'a& result in reducing greatl& the sta%ilit&-
4- S*id ;esistance ? is the resistance o$$ered %& the pa.e'ent to slipping or s*idding o$
the .ehicle tires-
8actors a$$ecting s*id resistance5
a- E4cess asphalt at pa.e'ent sur$ace i''ediatel& a$ter construction or a$ter
densi$ication %& tra$$ic or due to change in te'perature-
%- Sur$ace roughness o$ aggregate particles
Certain t&pes o$ roc*s, as non-porous and hard li'estone and serpentine, tend
to %eco'e polished under tra$$ic and cause a slic* sur$ace- It is help$ul to
incorporate angular silica sand in the 'i4 in such proportions so that the $inish is
li*e sandpaper, instead o$ ha.ing the s'ooth stones predo'inate at the sur$ace-
Incorporation o$ granitic aggregates in the 'i4 +ill also help in producing a s*id-
resistant sur$ace-
=- Per'ea%ilit& ? porosit& or per.iousness o$ the 'i4ture- It is principall& dependent on
pore si>e- A dense graded 'i4 pre.ents +ater $ro' entering the %ase through the
4-7-7- Tests
6- E4traction ? is per$or'ed to deter'ine +hether pa.ing 'i4tures con$or' to asphalt
content re9uire'ent-
Procedure5 A representati.e sa'ple o$ a%out 6,000 g' %itu'inous 'i4ture is
+eighed- Then placed in either a rotare4 centri$uge or re$lu4 e4tractor
%& dissol.ing the asphalt in the 'i4ture using a suita%le sol.ent-
0itu'en Content, B %& +eight o$ aggregate D
600 (A ? 0)
A ? o.en-dr& +eight o$ sa'ple
0 ? o.en-dr& +eight o$ aggregate a$ter e4traction
7- :ensit& or Speci$ic "ra.it& o$ Co'pacted Mi4ture
- this data is i'portant in the deter'ination o$ the degree o$ co'paction o$ a
ne+l& constructed asphalt pa.e'ent-
Procedure5 A sa'ple $ro' co'pacted pa.e'ent is +eighed in air then in +ater-
The loss in +eight is the .olu'e o$ co'pacted 'i4ture-
:ensit& D
A ? 0
A ? +eight in gra's o$ sa'ple in air
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CE 40/L Construction Materials and Testing Chapter IV - ASPHALT TECH!L!"#
0 ? +eight in gra's o$ sa'ple in +ater
Theoretical Ma4i'u' :ensit& D
B 0itu'inous 0inder ( 0& +t)
B Aggregate (0& Ieight)
S-"- o$ 0itu'inous 0inder S-"- o$ Aggregate
:egree o$ Co'paction, B D
4 600B
Theoretical Ma4i'u' :ensit&
1- Voids in the Co'pacted Mi4ture
Percent Voids D
600 (: ? d)
: ? theoretical 'a4i'u' densit&
d ? densit& o$ co'pacted 'i4tures
4- S+ell ? deter'ines the a'ount o$ +ater a%sor%ed %& %itu'inous 'i4ture
Procedure5 It is deter'ined %& placing %itu'inous 'i4tures in a 'old, co'pressed
it to speci$ied load then i''ersed in a +ater %ath +ith %oth ends o$
steel 'old open- The a'ount o$ s+elling is 'easured %& a dial until the
'a4i'u' s+ell is o%tained-
6/6A inch ? 'ediocre 'i4ture
J inch ? unsuita%le 'i4ture $ro' ser.ice standpoint
B S+ell D
600 (8inal dial reading ? Initial dial reading)
!riginal height
=- 8il' Stripping
- it is used $or 'easuring the relati.e adhesion o$ %itu'inous $il' to aggregate
particles in the presence o$ 'oisture
- it is also o$ great .alue in predicting i$ the particular co'%ination is
satis$actor& or not-
Procedure5 Prepare a 'i4ture o$ aggregate and the %itu'en proposed to %e used
+ith it- The 'i4ture is heated $or 74 hours, soa*ed under +ater $or
another 74 hours, then %oiled $or = 'inutes- An aggregate is considered
satis$actor& i$ at the end o$ the test, it is seen %& .isual inspection that
there is no apprecia%le a'ount o$ uncoated particles-
A- Sta%ilit& - these tests are .er& use$ul design tools especiall& i$ used %& e4perienced
a- I''ersion-Co'pression test ? it 'easures the cohesion or .iscous resistance
o$ the %itu'inous 'aterial in a dr& or +et 'i4ture
Procedure5 At least t+o sa'ples o$ the 'i4ture are co'pacted in 600 '' dia'eter
'olds a%out 600 '' high, and re'o.ed $ro' the 'old a$ter an
application o$ 6@,04= *g (1@,=00 l%) load- !ne speci'en is soa*ed in
+ater $or $our da&s a$ter o%taining the +eight, +hile the other is
e4posed in the air $or the sa'e length o$ ti'e- 0oth speci'ens are
tested in co'pression unsupported-
Iet or :r& Sta%ilit& D Load at 8ailure
ena "- <ara 1F
CE 40/L Construction Materials and Testing Chapter IV - ASPHALT TECH!L!"#
Cross-sectional Area
Sta%ilit& ;atio D
Iet Sta%ilit&
:r& Sta%ilit&
%- Marshall Test
it 'easures resistance to displace'ent o$ a co'pacted %itu'inous
$lo+ inde4 is o%tained to 'easure the dia'etric distortion re9uired
to produce $ailure-
Procedure5 Lateral pressure is applied +ith a >ero nor'al load +hish 'a*es
the test opposite o$ the uncon$ined co'pression test-
;eco''ended Marshall Sta%ilit& Values at A0
a) 140 *g (@=0 l%) $or light tra$$ic
%) =44 *g (6700 l%) $or 'ediu' tra$$ic
c) 26A *g (6200 l%) $or hea.& tra$$ic
8lo+ .alue $or all tra$$ic re9uire'ents $or pa.ing 'i4tures K 6A-0 +hen
'easured in a 0-7= '' gradation
4.$ %esi&n o' Bituminous Pa(in& i#tures
Essential Steps in Mi4 :esign3
6- Selection o$ 9ualit& o$ aggregate-
I'portant $actors to %e considered are shape, sur$ace te4ture, and pre$erential
+etting characteristics o$ the aggregate particles-
7- Selection o$ gradation o$ aggregates-
I'portant $actors to %e considered are +or*a%ilit& o$ 'i4, per.iousness and
sur$ace te4ture o$ pa.e'ent, and o.erall econo'&- "enerall& it is 'ore econo'ical
to include a 'a4i'u' o$ coarse particles, +ithout sacri$icing +or*a%ilit&-
1- Selection o$ t&pe and grade o$ %itu'inous %inders-
I'portant $actors to %e considered are +or*a%ilit&, cli'atic conditions, aging
considerations, and gradation o$ aggregate-
4- :eter'ination o$ correct a'ount o$ %itu'inous %inder %& Marshall or I''ersion-
Co'pression test-
ena "- <ara 40

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