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The Mind of Paul Risque

To the stars we must look, look for one that would be your starlight. One that is unwavering, glorious,
honorable, and beautiful.

As the moon reflects the sun's rays, I would reflect yours in moonlight, one dependent on the other,
to save everything. Whatever there may be,. "While you should always believe in yourself, a little
help from others can go a long way." The moon is nothing but a soulless, emotionless, entity without
the star, and without it, has no purpose.

Yin and Yang. Eternal balance. I am the light, and the darkness. I bring hope to the worst of
situations and shade the best of conditions. One eye is the sun, and dawn, the other is the moon
and dusk. One side sees what we believe reality, the other questions what to believe about reality. I
am the waterfall that puts out my own wildfire. The stairs to heaven, gateway to hell. All beliefs are
only true if they are believed in. There is another side to every story.

Ideas and feelings can be felt across time. The evidence is written in logic. If a person could hold his
or her breath for a minute, if they really tried, maybe they could hold it for a minute and fifteen

We cannot perceive reality as it happens, therefore evolutionarily speaking we have developed to
feel the future, if only five seconds ahead. Perhaps though, that could become five minutes, or five
hours, perhaps five days, maybe even five years. Some questions may never be answered, and
some may never be asked.

You can't say you've never had that feeling that when you feel like you know someone upon meeting
them for the first time, or that feeling that you're being watched. The connections exist. The five
physical senses would logically have developed to be more active and prominent than the senses
that do not observe the world as we are used to. Brute strength survived the wild, until we became
smart, and aware of our existence. Let the mind run free, let go and see what you may find, stop
worrying and ignore the other senses. It's all mental, everything is.
(Note this is purely made for helping people, a collection of ideas)


What is the point of life? It may seem a strange question, because in the end we're going to die.
When we're dead we're gone, nothing more but dust in the wind.

Legends never die.

They may say that there is no point to life or tell you to live life according to some extreme being.
Regardless, live your life by being awesome, and being you. We're all humans and we don't like to
hurt each other, we want to help one another. Yet many are so hurt, or so lost, that they need help.
Hurt turns into hurting others.

Our lives may seem pointless, yet it is the exact opposite. We must create our stories as we live
them, forge our legacies as we build them. We may eventually cease to exist. Yet what we do has
the power to impact countless generations ahead of us. Something with that much power is not
insignificant. Someone with that much power is not insignificant. We all have our flames within us
burning a million times greater than the sun. We all have great power and capability. It is within us, it
must be sought. I don't know, but I believe we can change. Change for the better of all people I

Some say we're the dreamers, others say we're fools. I would rather die a fool believing and fighting
for a dream than die just watching my life fly by before me and simply just existing through it listening
to others tell me different versions of the same answers. You must ask yourself, who are you, and
what do you want to get from your life, who do you want to be? I can only ask the questions, you
must answer them from within you, because they don't exist without you.
Love life, it's awesome. Where you are doesn't have to be sad, as long as you are happy. Nobody
else could live my life. It would be too much for them, yet I can live no one else's either. Only you
can live your life. Only you have the power to be you. Your worth everything to this world because
there is only one of you, and there was never nor will there be another. You're the best at being
you. See, the thing about a candle is that it can light a thousand other candles and still burn strong,
just like happiness. My best may not be very good at times, but I'll always give my best. You should
too, don't let yourself down. My Universe may be broken by my own accord (it was arguably was a
pre-conceived reality). But not really, we're all here together in the same Universe, and therefore we
should all matter to one another. Hence the phrase "Be excellent to each other."


Some say it is foolish to hope,
that the days have grown dark and vile,
When the day is done,
And the night has just begun,
Know that it will be okay,
For you will be again another day!
Lose not your hope,
Keep your goal in scope,
Do as your heart tells you,
Not as society commands you!
Sometimes when you're sad,
You have to smile.
We're the rays of hope!
Fear with Courage
Think with thought
Feel with the mind
Act in time, but act nonetheless
Live and let go
Be and do not be
In weakness find strength
Believe with self-evidence
Ask with curiosity
Answer with knowledge
Tell with truth
Help with benevolence
Lose with honor
Win with motivation

Live with freedom
At least within the mind
Flow freely do the streams of knowledge if left unburdened.
Beauty, Angels Upon Us
Philosophy, Gods Among Us
Truth, Demons Within Us
Do you not value the lives of our fellow humans? You drive a deadly vehicle that is capable of going
faster than any land creature on Earth. How can your texting conversation be so important? Can
your friends really be worth the lives of another? Or how about ruining your own life, or dying and
destroying those that loved you? How could one be so foolish? If your friends cannot respect the fact
that you aren't answering their texts 0.42 seconds after they sent it, then maybe you should find


better friends.
The thousands of people talking or texting while driving. But to who? Who could you be
communicating with endlessly? People are driving all the time, there are cars everywhere on the
roads all the time, why? Because everything is spread apart. Why? Because this is a corporate
dictatorship where the only important thing is money. The farther you have to go, the more you have
to pay. They will try to break this world beyond repair.

What if I told you that marijuana is illegal because the prison industry? Prison industry doesn't sound
right. Illegal drug cartels need to make money, they pay money = buy people to prevent legalization
of marijuana.
People with marijuana go to jail = essentially free labor. Repeat process and you have more money
from selling drugs illegally than you started out with.
They don't give a damn what it does to you, we have HUGE amounts of sugar in almost everything.
Sugar is a poison, it's the only thing on the label that doesn't have a limit. Tobacco, they don't care,
it's obvious it's bad, they want money.
There is so many simple problems with logic due to greed.
Be afraid, for that is what we are trained to do. We are trained to fear failure by our schools. Getting
a bad grade never helps you. The fear of being wrong, we don't want to be wrong, it's not how our
society raises us. The fear of being told no, we don't want to be rejected. These three fears are
caused by our society. If you consider fear to be fear. It could perhaps be what happens when our
brain cannot understand something, or refuses to. When it doesn't want to accept what's happening
or what could happen.
A seemingly endless line of random events put together by the brain cause you to hope for what you
think you want to occur. It messes with you until it does or doesn't. It's sort of strange, but I cannot
conceive what will happen with all the conventional ideas and whatnot of society in place. All I can
do now is just do what I do until something does in fact happen. Of course if it doesn't happen then
was it ever going to? What I hope, just isn't that's usually something done, and what I think isn't
certain. I've finally confused myself and that doesn't usually happen. Good job brain, look what
you've put together...



How long can you fight for something, or someone?
How long will it be until you realize the truth?
How long can the Earth protect us while we destroy it?
How long can you believe a lie?
How long until you see it?
How long until you feel it?
How long until you know it?
How long until the darkness overtakes the light?
How long until people realize what must be done?
We cannot wait forever for the next ones to stop us. Who is to say we cannot choose? Who chooses
'The Chosen One', who of course, is chosen by themselves. Destiny, who chooses it?

I'm going to let anyone who wishes to empower themselves with something that is generally not

"I've... learned how to smile... Even when I'm feeling sad."

"If we should get separated, just whistle. I'll come running. I promise."

"I believe in your Zanarkand."

"I will share your pain."

"Only those who try will become."

-Final Fantasy X- The greatest work of art ever.

People believe in things. Perhaps they have idols; people they want to become. What you believe is
entirely up to you. There is one thing you should always believe in, yourself.. How can you believe in
anything else if you cannot believe in yourself? It's a realization, a realization that you are the
greatest thing in your life. Do not burden yourself with past events. Face adversity with your best that
is in fact the best you can do. Your own awesomeness that derives from your self-belief will take
over. Some may stare at you, you (and everyone else) may think it's because you're weird. If they
cannot accept you, then why does their opinion matter? They are clearly weaker than you, which
therefore turns their harsh comments into a gentle wind against the hard mountain that is you.

You are in charge of your destiny, all determined by how the little things all come together. Many are
blind to it, or refuse to see it. You are the greatest thing in your life. You are wise if you believe I'm
not greater than you are, and a fool to think that I am. All are created equal. All are above the rest. I
believe in your (anyone's) potential to be great. So should you. Never give up. Trust your instincts,
not your society. This is belief in oneself is why I can proudly say "I have the Power!"


I've not put a thought in some time. This is everything, and nothing.

What's worth fighting for? A person, a place, a thing? Fight is a harsh term, while fighting may
usually involve more than one person the fight is most often against yourself. People change, places
are withered by the sands of time and the destruction and growth of men's will, and things, that's all
they are, things.

But what about an idea, a dream, or a belief? Ideas can be crazy, dreams can be false, and beliefs
can be dangerous and harnessed by those with cruel intentions. However, ideas can be great,
dreams can be true, and beliefs can lead you beyond yourself empowering you to believe that there
must be a god.

What's worth fighting to whatever end for? Family, friends, or someone you care deeply about? You
could go so far, and fall into the depths of a philosophical wasteland. Then you might live in the past,
holding on to what was, making you blind to what is and destroying what may be. Or you could, with
the power vested within you, move on from the past to see the present and predict or even create
the future.

It is said, wisdom from the Cave, "In order to ascend, you must first descend." I am sick by my own
actions, my own negativity. I don't get actually sick unless I get mad. Only I have been able to do
that in what might as well be forever. I may have fallen to the bottom for a reason I am not sure of.
Instead of living in the shadows of the past, or dreaming in the scattered rays of the future. I will look
to the light in between, where things matter. Not in disarray, and not in darkness.

The most important thing is to always believe in yourself. This is the one chance you have, your only
existence. There is not, never has been or will ever be another you forever. You are the only one.
You are you, no one else is. You can try to be someone else, but you are always you. This gives you
power, you are unique and your way of thinking, your skills, your ideas and your greatness are
unique only to you. Always be the best you can be, for no one else can do it as well as you can. I
may be a beast, but like the Beast, there is beauty in us all. There are things greater than we can
understand that perhaps work in the shadows. I'm done with being a coward, a fool. That may be
who I am, but that can change. May who you are as a person change for the better. Not the better of
yourself, but the better of all and the better of the Universe.

Everyone falls, it is what they do after that determines who they are as a person. Stay the course, do
what you know to be right, not what you've been told is right. Use logic, knowledge, and wisdom to
ascertain the Truth. Be wary of those that will lie and in their corruption and greed write what is true.
I believe that there is a force, much like the Force, that bonds us all together. Close your eyes and
look for it, just for a moment you might understand. Understanding whilst under a stand is
understandably one of the hardest (which is an understatement) things to understand.

Are you a butterfly? Maybe, maybe not. Butterflies rid of their old selves so that they may ascend
and shoot across the stars.



(The following is symbolic of current events)
This can end one of two ways, most excellently, or entirely horribly. I may have broken the Universe.
It's those moments when you realize all your dreams, and everything is symbolic of everything and
seems to be against you.

The Magic Kingdom is a magical place. Space Mountain is dark, so dark as if you were closing your
eyes. You realize this when your eyes are open, yet closed at the same time. You are seeing the
Cosmos, yet realizing that the Cosmos is within you. You realize that fate does not align the stars,
you must align them for fate.

When you thought you were so close and then yet another insurrection occurs that you must
vanquish for the good of mankind. For the glorious glory of existence. This may mean nothing or
everything. This could turn out most non non non bodacious, or not. I HAVE THE PAUWER! Be
wary, I sense a disturbance, whether that be in the Force, or the flow of the Universe, that's for you

Well my friends, we've come to the end of a most excellent adventure. I see that people are different,
I saw people change. I saw people be excellent to each other. *Insert air guitar rift*

I broke the Universe.

Some may even have noticed that I have feelings too. (Though I still cannot understand why I'm
hailed as awesome, I guess I am a strange person, but I'm a totally bodacious person) Upon
breaking the Universe, things happened or are starting to happen, that would not have happened
otherwise. But whatever happened, happened, and that isn't going to change. So I leave you with
this my most triumphant friends, "Be Excellent to each other" and "PARTY ON DUDES".

The Breaking of the Universe
(Do read this to find out what I mean)

There comes a time when something must be known. This probably is something best left for never,
feelings aside and whatever may come after. That to its own right shall yet become a different story.
I'm pretty bad at expressing feelings, I don't really know. I'm also a very indirect person. I'd prefer to
allude to an answer or give one the knowledge to infer an answer, as opposed to giving the answer.

Sunday, Disney World, in the Magic Kingdom. All was well in the Universe. Overtime a certain group
of people had assembled due to a strange association of people. Had it not been willed, it shouldn't
have assembled. It was as if it were the fate of the Universe. My original intentions had derived from
a feeling, or if anything a thought, or vision. A possibility of greatness, a gut feeling. Something along
the lines of the Force, or any name in which you may call it. It perhaps was an idea, a respect, or a
meritorious feeling. I had concluded that I should inform a certain person in that group my liking for
them and that they are truly an awesome person. But I had associated incorrectly, to the point where


my original intentions were in an unreachable state. Hence I remained silent and was curious to see
the outcome of what I had essentially allowed to happen, or indirectly influenced the causing of.
Later I had questioned, what did I just do? I was standing there and had the sudden realization that I
had broken the Universe. I had carelessly found an unintended fate. It's incredibly hard to explain,
because the English language lacks significant words to portray what happened. Not long after the
day had ended, just as days do.

The next day, was at Epcot. Through a series of strange events, I was wandering Epcot. Through
will, again this group had assembled. Leaving fate to its course I had followed even though I
constantly had the chance to leave, I stayed. After a small interlude we eternally bound ourselves, if
only for a day, by marking ourselves with the symbol of a lion, The King. It is well unbeknownst to
me how this happened, perhaps again it was curiosity. (Curiosity made the cat this time) And shall
the symbol fade, which it shall, it shall never lose it's purpose. An eternal memory, of friendship and
excellence. So the rest of the day was spent essentially together. Still I questioned how this had
happened and why I did not act when I should have. I see things in people, but one can never be

The next day, at the Animal Kingdom I was one with the pack of Kings but distant all the same.
Hence I led everywhere. It was a feeling of failure or dissociation because I had failed myself. Then
just as every story has a beginning, they must also end. I do though, however, still live in question. I
wondered if I should've acted, and now I'm afraid to...

Here are the pieces, put them together as you will...


Today when I stepped outside, I realized that the natural world surrounding me was so beautiful. It
was surreal, almost as if a dream, and then I wondered, could a dream be so powerful that it
becomes real? Are we all dreams? I've had dreams before, very strange ones, as you could
imagine. It's most peculiar though; I dream real dreams, these only occur in the future, but almost
always do occur. I also dream incredibly insane dreams (once I was the last of a blue platypus
species that could only eat sticks whilst underwater. I had to travel across a floating rainforest to
save myself from death). Dreams are scary; they are powerful things. Do dreams have an effect on
anything, or everything? Things we're told, things that we're made to believe in, they may have just
been once a dream. Are dreams worth fighting for? I think they are, if it is a good dream. Too many
people are filled with stress, sadness and sorrow. People are beginning to awaken, for we've been
asleep for far too long. People may yet be beginning to realize the truth, which is a dream itself.
Dreams can certainly exist while you're awake. When are we sleeping, and when are we awake? If
you close your eyes, you might just wake up. There's no proper way to understand anything, and just
because society has accepted something as the right way, doesn't mean that it is right. Believe what
you know to be true, not what others believe to be true. If you believe something, then it's certainly
considered true to you. Be excellent to the greatest if your capabilities, not mediocre, not lame, and
certainly not hurtful!

Do you hear the waves? I hear them. They will not go away. Every noise makes the waves louder. I
don't get sick, unless I'm incredibly angry (which I wasn't) or incredibly sad (which I suppose I was) .
I had destroyed the fake haven I had believed in. All I hear are the waves, I awoke to watch people
descend into chaos for 8 consecutive hours. The waves will not go away...

Please note this is about conscience thinking)

While realizing that I have a very diminished sense of compassion, I thought about thinking and I
realized something. Everyone thinks differently, because your perspective on things is unique only to
you, and your perspective shapes your thoughts. Your thoughts create your reality.

(Revelation follows)
Apparently most, or at least many people don't think in words. When I think about something, I think
in the English language. At least technically speaking. Sometimes it's just random revelations that
come out of nowhere, maybe? I find it strange to think about how I think and not know the answer...

This also means people have different logic (arguably some are more correct than others). No one is
stupid to someone that can accept everyone. All minds think differently, that's usually why great


things can happen when you combine great minds. That's also why minds are by their very
existence, great.
Dj vu. Are these possible? If you experience it, then yes they are quite real. But somehow you
must've experienced the moment before in order to realize that you have experienced the moment.
Then what is it? A thought? Just some mishap in the brain? Perhaps the experience of a sense other
than the five senses we have grown to favor.

What if you see something? You realize it not only the second time it occurs but you remember
seeing it before (or the first time), even though it hadn't necessarily happened. What if you see other
people, do they see what you see too? When the event happens and the other people experience it,
have they already experienced it? Are people connected far deeper than we realize?
(These questions are not necessarily rhetorical, but also you may have no idea what I'm talking
about and have never experienced dj vu.)
So comes the final battle, the battle to begin all after it. Some may continue to ascend even higher,
while others will continue the fight without higher knowledge. Many will lose truesight or motivation,
do not despair or be discouraged. Always give life your best, even if you don't feel your life deserves
it. Don't be foolish, be wise. You're better and more capable than you believe yourself to be. Believe
in whatever you want, the truth can be written in an infinite number of languages even within one
language, but there is one thing you should always believe in- yourself. You are you, not anyone
else. No one else is you, only you are.
Food for Thought

(First off, since today was apparently International ask Paul questions day. Yes, my eyes are
different colors. My shoulders are not even because I broke my collar bone. I'm not Gandalf, no
matter how many times I'm compared to him. Yes I affect the thoughts of people that experience
what is me (everyone does). No, I will never truly make fun of people. I respond to the name "The
Dude". I Abide. I tend to philosophize a lot. Yes, I'm going to homecoming for once within the
company of the Most Excellent Paul Risque. I don't hate school, and yes I'm proud of my school and
am school spirited. No I don't have my permit, nor driver's license, I've no need to have it. Yes I do
frequently have seemingly random revelations. Yes, I could probably beat you in a fight, if you made
me real angry, but making me angry is essentially impossible. Yes I'm usually sarcastic because life
is fun and excellent, (THIS IS NOT CALLED PARENTHICEPTION [stop being so sad]) And I don't
judge people to insult them, I observe them so that they may better themselves. And finally, yes I am
most capable at keeping "secrets".)

Do people experience life at the same speed? Some people have faster reactions than other people.
Some people talk a lot faster than others. Every brain is certainly different, the brain is a connection
of neurons. Undoubtedly there has to be some variation. Does this affect how they experience
things? Do they experience it while or after occurring? Time is just a measure between
distinguishable moments of existence and is all relative. Maybe everything is relative, relative to
perception. Things happen relatively differently to the same object, depending on perspective. This
makes it impossible for something to be actually true. That, or maybe I should stop thinking in
paradoxes, it's literally hurting my brain.


If practice makes perfect, but there is no such thing as perfect, then you will all ways practice, which
demoralizes you, which makes you believe there is no end to this madness. Then your will power is
permanently reduced making it harder to have saving throws in will power. Then you start to suck,
then all your stats are reduced. Now, guess what? You just lost the game and for ever more are no
longer a player, but that's all I would suppose. That's all it takes, its like a poison without a high will
power youre screwed... Don't lose the game so soon, don't make those stupid mistakes, its all-risk-
vs-reward don't risk it and end up with nothing. We're all just players in the unforgiving game, with
only one life, do, believe and perceive. That's all it takes. No try. No turns. So, good luck. This is our
story, however its only influence is your individual story.
Hey # guys# did you### n#o#tice that# # is the number symbol? Like #3 instead of writing out
number three. Y#ou don't # rand#DUMB#ly need to add ### it # to words because ########## it
means absolutely nothing... except for numbers.... So why don't peo^%ple#@$#@^$ use more
signs? I mean I know our friend the number symbol is a nice guy, but come on! Show some respect!
## It# dosen't do# anything# for your###### i#n#f#o#r#m#a#t#i#o#n# it #@!################ just
makes you think you are conforming to the standards of nothingness, so learn to use the signs right
please.... This statement seems to contradict itself#
I call it it Elektrohydroapathatictheroputicaleimeoratedisorientation! The act of realizing and mentally
dislocating oneself in order to make oneself better in synonym to the spread of lightning into water
you make the same approach to change yourself! Glorious!



Everyday people feel like they were "chosen" by some god-like being to do something great. But in
the reality of our world, its only the great that are chosen while the rest of us sit around and do

Abraham Lincoln
Martin Luther King Jr.

"Two score and ten years ago a visionary of truth brought forth on this continent, a newer nation,
conceived in Freedom, and dedicated to the proposition that ALL men (which includes women) are
created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and
so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to a
current state of corruptness and greed. We owe our state of being to this man. It is altogether fitting
and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this
ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our
poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it
can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the
unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be
here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take
increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here
highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a
new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not
perish from the earth."

Yet it is crumbling beneath our feet, Martin Luther King Jr. had a vision. He fought for freedom and
equality. He fought for what no one else could bring themselves to do. He wished for a world, where
everyone was free, not just a select few. We still allow ourselves to be taken advantage of by those
who are free. We still follow what we know in our hearts to be wrong. We still fear change, but if we
do not change then there shall be nothing left to change.

We have the power, the power to create a world where everyone can be free; but as of now we are
digging a hole. A hole so deep that we will never be able to reverse it. We are destroying humanity
by ignoring it. Our sense of what is morally right may fade in time shall we stop using it. We currently
know of a way to essentially reverse climate change, but we are ignoring it.


We're the last ones that can change it, because if we don't, then it's too late.
May we forever honor the countless dead that have died fighting for what they believe in, let them
remain in our memories. We must remain in order to remember; those that fought for freedom must
not have died in vain. The last chance for it all, will it make into the books? Or will books fade from
time and be gone with nothing left to read them? There is a question you must ask yourself. Who am
I, and what can I do to see that this world remains? A shift in the world is needed or our world will be
over along with the countless lives of all our friends, many of which we've already destroyed. They
died for us, to give us time. We've wasted it down to the last grains of sand in which Homo Sapiens
came into this world. Honor them, in everlasting remembrance, so that if we are able to pull it
together, we may remember why we're where we're. To be or not to be, that is entirely our decision
as the Human race. Always remember, and never forget. "Man has been lent to life, not given ...
Nothing is certain for man," the shadows of the past have caught up to us. This is it, it all begins
here. Honor them. Remember them. Free them.
Once upon THE Time. The moment truth was told, and not known. The time when law surpassed
moral. The time when those who spoke out perished and those that obeyed remained silent. The
time when freedom became order. The time when we gave up our freedom for a false sense of
security. Are we ever truly safe? Did we give up freedom to feel safe? We here have a list of
freedoms, which means, of course, things will be missing from that list. It also means Freedom was
put under Order.

As the Dalai Lama said, we must teach an entire generation to meditate to have peace.

We must all seek our own truth. Not sit in a room and have it preached to us. Instead of looking for
answers and developing our own truths we listen to the mangled truth of businessmen. The world is
filled with greedy people who would see all mankind suffer while they enjoy the end of the world. No
one is in fact right, but if you exist for what you believe in, you're more right than the rest of the
world. Why draw the thought of existence from one thing from A VERY, VERY long time ago, when it
can be drawn from everything. Bend the line, don't become it. Don't accept society to be accepted,
make society accept you.

Socrates, "all we are is dust in the wind dude!" I still wonder what it would've been like to
philosophize with him.

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we
become." Buddha
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. --Laozi


"The road goes ever on and on,

Down from the door where it began,

Now far ahead the road is gone

and I must follow if I can.

Pursuing it with eager feet

until it joins some larger way,

where many paths and errands meet,

And wither then?" J.R.R. Tolkien
"If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it..." Captain Jack Sparrow
SCREW YOLO! I've had enough of it! I'm LLL Living Like Larrryyyy!!!!!
"And I think the message that has resonated with everyone that has read the books or seen the films
is that yes, the world is organized by people who are extremely powerful, but they are entirely
dependent on the little guy. And it took someone who'd been through two World Wars to accept that,
that it's not people we build statues to that change the world, it's the foot-soldiers who measure up to
the moment." - Ian McKellan
On this day, seven score and ten years ago, the idea that was conceived by the Founding Brothers
not but 237 years ago, was realized again. The realization of Truth.

I have realized the greater of realizations. As of late I'm much harder to speak to it seems, there are
three types of conversations. Gossip, discussing and philosophizing. I don't care about gossip, (I
care about everything yet nothing. I care that it is, not how it is) but I can still discuss things
sometimes. Philosophizing is the best form of communication, nobody gets hurt and answers
become answered or at least have a general concept to them. Most importantly it makes people
think. There is good in this world worth fighting for, not for selfish reasons. Not for peace, not for
justice, not for revenge, nor for lost comrades. Not for honor, not for passion, not for valor, not for
serenity. Not for love, not for an ideology, not for a country, not for a god. Not for a future, not for
pride, not for humanity. Not for salvation, nor redemption. Not out of Fear, not out of Joy, not out of
Sorrow, not out of Pain, not out if Fury, not for the End. Not for screams, nor laughter, nor rage, nor
crying. But what's worth fighting for, is the excellency of humans. Excellency in all aspects.
"Whatever you are, be a [most excellent] one" - Abraham Lincoln


It is true, you cannot stop an idea with war, we don't go to Greece and kill them for creating
democracy. We shouldn't go elsewhere and slaughter our fellow humans and blame an entire group
of people for the actions of a few. There are few in this world that seek only power, and money. They
wish to destroy and exploit every part of this world they can. These are the people that are in control,
corrupted by greed and power. After a great deal of thinking to see the truth, we cannot stop what
we cannot believe. "Hello Mr. Brick Wall, let me tell you a secret..." Not everyone will listen, but those
that do will go on and realize their own greatness. Those are the people that will live on for our
forever, and the ones that will be remembered through time. Those that seek power by ruling are
greedy and care not for our galactic haven, they lack the internal power, and that is why they must
take it from others. Seek truth, don't have it given to you. Society wouldn't work if no one did it, that's
just it though (I'm starting to agree with Mark Twain). It shouldn't take an alien invasion to unite the
human race, it should take only the human race.

So Jeff Bridges was explaining earlier the meaning of some of the Big Lebowski. "The Dude Abides".
What does the dude abide? Nothing, therefore he abides everything it is related to Zen Buddhism.
When the dude abides there is no suffering for the dude abides what is happening and just goes with
it. This is how suffering is ended. Therefore "The Dude Abides" he and his Zen Buddhist friend wrote
a book about it....
Dear Fellow Friend,

People spend their whole lives setting up happiness. A great man once said when he grew up, he
wanted to be happy. We're always growing up until the day we die. It may be about loving the end,
but what about loving the journey?

Read this, and think well upon it. The world is filled with hate, uncertainty, mistrust, and dishonesty.
These ails of the world can only be cured at the fundamental level that is yourself. The phrase "I love
you" barely has much meaning left behind it. People still try to change other people from who they
are to make them who they want them to be. People have problems and then there are those that
cannot accept other people. It is a fear from within. Fear, doubt and uncertainty. We may not trust
others or wish to give them the power to harm us. However, love can also empower us, and inspire
us to rise above and beyond. We are the first generation to be connected, the first that are One. Do
not be sad, do not be sorrowful. Do what you know to be right, look inside you and find yourself. Do
not feel alone, do not feel weak, the greatest power in this world comes from great friends. We're all
here together. Think about it, everyone you know, is just like you. We all have hurts, all have fears,
and we've all felt lost.

I would rather live to fight sorrow, then die to be free of pain. Believe in change, the change of the
world. Stop excluding people and start loving people. Be free, not chained down. To each and
everyone one of you, you're a glorious person. Some may be more excellent than others, but
everyone has a chance at the internal level to be awesome. Whatever strength that may be left in
you, I only ask that you believe that the world can change. Let us start a world filled with trust, honor
and love, rather than a world filled with lies, treachery, deceit and hate. This my friends is what we
must live for, a better world is at our finger tips. We can claim it, but only together. Never be afraid to
ask for help, and if you are lost look for help. You may not find it right away, but the excellence in


someone will eventually reveal itself.

I understand that we all hate, and have fear and sadness. I have now released them from my mind
and they are now but shadows of the past. I will shine so bright as to eliminate the shadows with my
own power. The power within. It lies within us all. It is our duty to use this power for good. Not to use
it for evil or not use it at all. We must be inspired to use this power within, for then we can achieve
the impossible.

Things happen, they could be most odious or entirely excellent. But if you live for a cause then the
bad can only strengthen your resolve to be excellent. I have seen the fear, doubt and hate in people.
People act without reason because they are insecure because they are scared. People want to feel
important so they do rather foolish things. The Truth is that we are all important, we're all individuals
and our own works of art. We might hope that another sees the beauty within us, but if not, then it
will be alright.

Together we can make it go away, we must only "Be excellent to each other." Go beyond, and be
awesome. People have every right to their opinions, but you have every right to ignore them. Be
random, be you and don't let others bring you down. Only try to bring others up. You don't always
have to help people, just try when you can. Never aim to hurt someone, and if you realize you have,
seek to make peace with them. Most importantly, make peace with yourself. Don't be scared, be

Happy Valentines Day! AND PARTY ON DUDES!

- Paul "The Dude" Risque


Dreams are really weird, if that's even the correct word to describe them. They can be memorable.
They can be great, or heart-wrenchingly terrifying. Nightmares aren't so bad, because they end
when you wake up. The scariest is thing is when your dreams start "coming true" right before your
eyes. You get those moments where you're like


Many people think the same thing or have similar ideas. Do people have similar, or even share
dreams? Maybe souls are destined by the power of the Universe... You are the Universe displaying
a part of itself in you. Therefore we are all connected. Maybe the Universe has a will, willed by its
inhabitants which are indirectly itself. Nothing could exist in the Universe without the Universe.

It may be one of the few things I fear.
My dreams becoming true or not being true at all, because both are equally horrifying.
Have you ever "seen" a place that doesn't exist, whether it be in a dream or simply "realizing it"?
Well if you saw it then how can it not exist? Who decides what's real? Obviously there are the things
that affect us all in this world. Things we have proof of.

Sometimes I look up across the stars, wishing I was somewhere else, wishing I wasn't alone. Smiles
can say a lot about people. I saw something someone wrote. Regardless of the words, the writing
was unique. Smiles are the same way. Each person has their own smile, you can see loneliness,
despair, a troubled past, or even eternity. So sometimes, when you're sad, you have to keep smiling.
You can be stronger than the weak, it's purely a test of willpower. You might cry in loneliness. Hope
can come from external sources, but it can also come from inside. A dream, maybe an impossible or
foolish one, but an idea worth fighting for. Your life is before you, yet it happens after who you are
right now, though you are always you. Don't lose yourself, because if you do, you might never find
yourself again.

Sometimes we wish we could back, and sometimes we do. We think about the past and worry about
the future blinding us to the present. The present, it's a gift, and it's right in front of us even though
we may not see it. If we accept the present, then we can look to the future. We're not making history
any more, we're making the future. This is the digital age! We are connected. We always have been.
Now we're physically connected. The future is ahead. The future lies in heads.
Dreams are like a way in which we tell ourselves what is important to us, or reflect on what we know
to solve something. If you fall asleep listening to your favorite song, you could hear it as a

If everything is not how it seems when we are sleeping, then not everything must be how it seems
while we are awake.


It feels strange to be me, because I'm not entirely sure who I am. Just got to keep on abiding and life
will continue to be good, right? I haven't slept for about 19 hours now and I'm the most awake I've
ever been.. Sort of creepy... Evil must be afoot! A secret power that connects us all! For Earth Day!
We are all connected, you can be told the truth, but you must believe it! The sound can be heard, but
if something is heard forever, then it isn't noticed until it's gone. Listen to the sound for once, its
changes. That feeling when everything seems to stop or a dj vu, or a realization that is a change,
a change in the stream flowing throughout all of our home. Which, in case you didn't realize, we only
have one, and if everyone waits for someone to do something, nothing will be done! (Example: All
the people that drive/don't carpool to school for no reason (as in after school activities) just for the
fact of driving?). Really confused on that one... Don't stop hugging trees until they start hugging you
back! As it is clear though, what I thought was not true, which is good, then what I think might not be
true, I don't know! Oh, and laugh, life is funny, I'm a king of social awkwardness, that's good because
it's funny! Now listen, and yes, I've gone entirely insane by normal social standards, but those aren't
real anyways. You are the greatest person I 'know' besides myself, (which again I don't) and can
achieve greatness, "while it is always good to believe in oneself, a little help from others can go a
long way". But what makes a person great, well, they do for their time. Everything is connected and
happens for a reason, that doesn't mean, however, the future cannot change. (No it doesn't take a
wizard to basically find out what I mean with everything I think of!). Quite bodacious, glorious, and
stupendous it would be if people would slow down to think, think about the future of time as we can
conceive it and try to forget greed (and yes I do have feelings, but sometimes, we must smile to
make others smile too! Or just make people laugh.) Do not be a fool, a tool, be you! Or right? Let
whatever may eventually arrive, arrive when it does. You cannot rush fate, or chance. This is a
perfect world, we cannot see it because the perfection and lack of it, is all around us in nature!
Happy Earth Day! Laugh because it is funny, laugh for no reason, laugh because you can.
Sort of reminds me of when I knew everyone back in the day and was anyone's friend that needed
one, (of course when I moved to California I tried my best). I'm no longer who I once was, we can
only know who we were, not who we are, or who we will be!
Willpower and persistence, could be our greatest tools to changing, changing what, nothing or
everything. But who knows, who knows... Has this already happened, because I quite feel it has, and
I feel a lot of stuff have. (And no I barely answer opinion questions such as how is your day or was
your weekend, because it's what it was, and no sense dwelling on the past while you can live in the
present and look to the future!



The only reason I do things, is out of loyalty to myself...

I believe I was once a failure. Long ago I realized what I had become. A self-centered and really
lame loser. Who sucked as a person, so I decided to change that. I decided to rethink what I was
doing. I wasn't doing anything. Rethinking nothing is almost impossible. Nothing isn't, it is void of
anything. Why fail yourself, why not try to be your best. That is what I asked myself, who I was and
what I wanted to get from life. Of course the answer I was seeking was hard to find. My name bore
no meaning to it, not until I realized that I'm the only me. The only one that ever was, is, and will be. I
realized that I want to help people be happy.

Sure, now I may have trouble sometimes holding a normal conversation, sorry I'm not like you, I'm
different. While you talk about something, you aren't figuring anything out. While I talk about nothing,
I'm figuring everything out.

I wish to be happy, and I am, yet I still feel a sadness inside. I shelled up long ago, and it's cracked a
few times. But I'm not very good with words. Regardless, your life, it's your story, and you can't walk
out of it, because it's about you, and you're always a part of it.
Staring at the stone, you cannot see the wolf. The wolf certainly sees you, the strength of the pack
comes from the wolf, this wolf, however, travels alone to teach all the packs.
Focus on one thing too long and you will miss the rest. Your eyes cannot be opened to the truth, for
they were never closed to it. They are only blind to it. There is more than just sight in vision. So
perhaps you in theory could make a blind man see once more...
You've at least got to believe youre the best. Instead of "this is going to suck", you should think "This
is going to be great". Even if it does suck, it sucked with honor and dignity. Do things thinking that
you are a great person. If you don't believe you are a great person, then how can anyone else?
I cannot see past the darkness, I do quite think I once had. I had found what I had sought, it was a
physical sensation in the brain. As if a third eye. But now, now it is gone, and it won't come back. I
close my eyes to find it, and it isn't there. It has been shattered and I can no longer see ahead. I do
believe that it was lost because I focused on one thing, and lost it, it went with it. It had shattered
itself as if it had backfired.
I should've let fate play its part, instead of ignoring it, or trying to force it. What will happen, will
happen, all in due time.
I'm looking into a void, an endless ocean riddled with waves. If you trust yourself, you will realize that
secrets are the hardest to tell, but the easiest to keep. I must go off of the last light that shone in the
darkness, only in hopes that I may restore it, before it is too late. It had sparked before when I had
met a powerful person, who perhaps did not know it. But I could sense it, and perhaps they could
too. I don't know, and perhaps I never will, and that's something the human brain hates, not
Don't be a sleeper and follow society, open your eyes and become a seer. Seeing may be believing,
but you can only see what you believe. If you don't believe it you will ignore and refuse to see it.


Your destiny is cast in rock in the ever changing stones of fate. One does not change, the other is
changing constantly. Perhaps it's all mental, but so is everything else...

If we cannot trust or rely on ourselves, then how can anyone else?

Forever silent, both agree, but the one who speaks first fears only what the other will say and the
other has the same fear. Nothing is said and all is forgotten in time, or perhaps found again, but not
in time.
Right in front of you, all you must do is reach out and find one. But you do not see them, you do not
see them until they are taken away slowly falling to a fate in the sands of time and are seemingly
gone forever, but maybe one day they will come back... Don't forget you are not alone, others are
looking too, they must find them. Don't let them take them from you! Some place lies the connection
of us all, something that you know isn't there, but you feel it, and when you stop feeling it just for a
brief moment... You know something is wrong, or maybe it was. You feel a sudden sadness like a
giant gaping whole has been created; but ever so quickly does the feeling fade away and you return
to yourself. The feeling returns and you don't know what happened you just feel it come back. It will
come and go again like the rain or the wind. It's always there, if you lose it, it's still there, you just
have to find it. When you do, if you do, then you already know the rest.

Do not accept who you are, if you do then you are not you. You turn into who you're not. Which most
certainly cannot be you. Be the person only you can be, which is yourself. Do not try to be someone
else because if they are someone else than they are not you. Why would you want to be any else
than yourself, you have the power to change things ever so greatly. Think of a rockslide or an
avalanche, they can be caused by the smallest of actions. Maybe even a ring,(Tolkien was right) the
small things are what can destroy us yet they also "keep the darkness away". You could be yourself
or you could be you and only you can decide which one you choose and only you will truly know who
you are. But never stop being yourself, you will only be you if you constantly change yourself for the
better (which is an opinion) of course it's all up to you...


Perception is what our entire society is built on. Something so fragile is somehow shared by an
entire race.

If a person who looses an arm can still feel that arm is the arm really gone? If they can feel the arm
and you take away their ability to see and touch where the arm would be than is it really gone?
Perhaps everything is just perception, it's based on what we know, or think we know. Maybe also
what we've been told. So if you perceive an apple as an orange, what is an orange? People that are
colorblind, they perceive different colors to be the same. That is all they know, the senses tell the
brain what is around it and the brain processes it, so the mind perceives everything else the same
way. So if someone can perceive an arm that was once there, does that mean they can perceive not
only something that was but something that will be? Perhaps not, the paradoxes could come in.
However I often feel like whatever I'm doing has happened before. So did it already happen? Or
happen while I had it happen before?

So if everything is predetermined, then we must be able to mathematically predict exactly what will
happen. This presents a problem, for if we know what is going to happen then we won't wait around
until it does. We will of course try to stop it, but can one stop the inevitable? We cannot stop time, so
we cannot stop what will happen. It does seem, however, we may change what will happen. We all
live in one big changing chain of events with forever many chains that branch out. Some chains may
end, intersect or even seem to continue on much longer then the rest. Things happen, whether it be
willed by oneself or brought upon by an external power. I do know , however, that a chain of events
are in motion, one that I have not sensed until now.
Our dreams reflect what we have done, past experiences, so if something is bound to happen, then
has it already happened? Or perhaps it is by random chance we live, and the mind is putting
together what it knows, either way. Do not always disregard what you dream as fake, but look for the
similarities between what's real and what you believe to be fake.

Sit down and think... You should realize that something isn't right. Who thought that to the poor, a life
is a thing to cherish and stand up for. To the rich, lives can be thrown away for economic purposes.
You see there is this one flaw, it's called greed. Without greed we could live along the Earth
essentially as its friend. But we decided to take a different path, we took advantage of our friend. Our
friend won't be able to keep up much longer. It could've all been different though, a different story.
Life is like a story, you don't quiet remember the beginning but you remember the good and bad
times, nor do you remember the end after the final part has been played. Our friend has a history. I
guess it's strange that we need it to live, but it would be better off without us. Killing the only thing
that is our existence, not how it had to be. But we didn't know, and many still don't believe, or rather
refuse to. A sort of defiance to our home. The last, maybe the only homely house within our current
reach. Maybe this dream is only in dreams, a perfect world in the sense that we are friends with the
Earth. No such thing as perfect? Perfection lies all around us, therefore we are blind to it. Our friend
here needs help, and it would take a generation of its most willing creatures to help it, and change
their ways from the ways of the past to the ways of now. Times change, therefore so must we, the


same thing will not work forever.

We are all creatures curious about the world. We remember and we try to make sense of something
completely determined, or something completely chaotic and random. Parasites kill their hosts and
they will die too, but what can they do? Society is engraved in to stone, it's up to us to do what
everyone else failed to do. We, however, cannot do it alone. We can now connect the world. But
who knows, maybe we aren't better than other creatures. Ask the Earth. People must now embrace
the Truth, don't ignore it, live for it and by it. There is a feeling within all of us, one we are so familiar
with that we cannot explain it. A warm feeling, a strange feeling. Maybe we will never understand it,
but we all feel it. That feeling is life, and it tells you everything needs change, the world, society, and
us. But, who knows? Sometimes, a pebble can cause a rockslide, or it can do nothing. Close your
eyes and stop worrying, just this once. Maybe, maybe not.

Life is like, like the one thing that nothing can be compared to because there is nothing like living
(because if you aren't living then you exist only as a memory and your soul lives in the endless
chasms of every ones' mind you have somewhat influenced in life) Oh and I'm sorry.>>>(This is it)
<<< That is literally it. Understanding it is not an option because you're part of it. You must feel what
you cannot see or hear. Nothing makes sense if you don't think about it, everything appears to make
sense when you are told it, and only do things make sense when you realize you know it.

"There's all these perceptions about you that you perceive from other people's perceptions" - Jeff
Bridges I also agree with him in that I don't like making decisions, that's the difference between a
maze and a labyrinth. In a maze you have to make choices, in labyrinth you just keep going. "The
most comforting thing to hear myself say is I don't know who I am." Maybe that's what we're looking
for, and it's spelled with a big "A" The Dude Abides.

Many have tried but failed, and they were shot, burned, hung, or hunted down like animals. Some
succeeded. First off, in any case this is not real.

What is reality? Who determines if something is real? If one is alone in a room and sees a mirage,
what's the difference between it and reality? If you experience it, it must be real. Now, being what
might be called an "Atheist" I'm not going to say "there are no Gods or God doesn't exist". God(s)
most certainly do(es) exist, to those that believe in it (them). You are an embodiment of the human
experience, one of billions now on the Earth. The human spirit is our soul, to be remembered is to be
eternal. Remembered for good or bad, you are remembered.

If everyone decided that 5 + 4= 462 then 5 + 4 would equal 462. So if you believe in a higher power,
then it is a manifestation in your brain, something you know, just like addition. It is a part of you,
whether it be to believe in yourself or to believe in hope, this power is all so real. The mind is where
things become real. Perhaps everything we experience together are not that different from what we
experience alone. Dreams, visions, moments, everything is connected if you choose to see the
connections. The human mind is very smart, it uses logic and reason to answer questions. It is our
nature to want to find answers, answers where we may never get to know the truth. What happens
when you die? You stop experiencing this world, maybe to move on to the next, or maybe to live on


in the rest of the worlds minds. It's up to you to decide, until you find out. We can never have peace
while we cannot agree. Maybe we are trying harder then we have to, in order to be civilized. There
are bad people, people who cannot conceive the human experience. What can one person do? It
seems really insignificant, perhaps if I was born in a time yet past, the world would be a different
place, perhaps if I was born when I was, the world will become a new place. Call me a fool, heretic,
idiot, or anything else. But if we sit around waiting for something to happen, it won't. Perhaps life has
a purpose, such as helping others complete theirs.

As long as you believe in something, it's real, and as long as you believe in someone, they can
change the world. Those people in history books were no different then you or I. Laugh at this if you
want, but it is the simple truth. You may never believe it, or ignore it, but 5 + 4 will still be =9, it will
only become 462 if something is done about it.
Either 1. I'm really bad at using words to convey ideas or
2. Youre really bad at understanding me
The answer is a matter of perspective/perception.

The reality that exists beyond realities, The Truth, is reality. It is like an Inner Peace. But to
understand it you have to realize that your perception defines reality. The reality of what is. Only by
connecting the past, present and future can it be realized. The past only exists in the present and the
present lies in the future. The problem is that it cannot be explained with words.

The world is, "nothing is true, everything is permitted." For example, the name tags that say "Hello
my name is" Then they usually have those blank empty spaces. Did you ever realize that while it is
declaring what the person's name is. It is also stating that there name exists. If that blank is left as it
is, it is blank. There is then a line between what is and what isn't yet it is still on the same name tag.
It is nothing yet everything. For it contains what is known and unknown.

Society is built upon an incredibly fragile foundation. The problem with arguing "self-interest" is that
(especially) the Western world is very self-oriented. How can one exist without everything else
around them? They all work in harmony, they are all part of each other. The concept of a self is a
reality created by our minds. The end may justify the means, or do the means justify the end? Who
decides what is justifiable? Rather, who decides what is? There are countries that exist that are not
considered countries, therefore, there are things that exist that we do not acknowledge. There are
things we don't understand, and things that we have no idea about. However, there is also so much
we know, and by knowing more we learn we know less. Denying that the reality exists only prevents
one from seeing it. Wake up, open your eyes and free your mind.
I looked towards the minds of others and saw purpose. Purpose exists within us as a whole. It's only
a concept, just like society. It's based on such fragile ideas nobody questions. They just accept the
way things are. Our clever minds try to make sense of senseless things. They create illusions of
order to confront the chaos of our world. As of this comment, does it have purpose? That can only
be determined in your mind. The mind is the most powerful tool we Homo sapiens have. Not only
does it help us, it can hurt us. It's the reason you are. It creates the concept of who you are, not who,
or what you look like. It creates an entire plethora of things you cannot understand. It's the reason for
reason... Every thought about our society is wrong because without thought it doesn't exist. The way
we live now isn't even close to how we used to. It's only a passing thing, perhaps we will fall due to


ourselves. It matters not how something was, only how it is, because if it stops being it cannot
possibly be.
I very much adore those most un-convenient moments when the most unexpected of events occurs,
and then the quote expect the unexpected makes the totally least sense, for if one expects what is
unexpected it becomes, expected, and then what was should have happened at first does not
happen. and of course that is not what you expect. I highly dis-encourage the further reading of this
document. However that does not make sense either, if you are reading this it clearly means you did
not take my advice, and who is to say you won't take my other advice. Listen to me, and then the
real question becomes what advice... It's all mental really, I hope you are confused, which means
you see this clearly... Theoretically speaking, or typing in this case... Or is it? Stop reading this now
or continue to find the end. The real truth is that there is no end. but the truth is a lie, that's the truth,
which is a lie. Good Luck!



I am, I believe to be a very philosophical person. Never have I felt this before, to act without
permission, nor verification. What was devised may be wise, but what I have done is wiser. In
general I tend to just let things happen. Perhaps the time for me has come to take fate and wield it in
my own hands I don't know what the hell I'm doing, but, does anyone?

Great minds discuss ideas... Life is only lived to the fullest if you do so... Society moves to fast, it's a
shame what humans have done with their abilities. Keep in mind you are the greatest person you
know, and you are the only one who can realize that... If you're still reading this perhaps you will
realize what I'm talking about... Take a while and think sometime, you wont miss anything...
You know some people are always so sad. What people really need to do, is clear their mind, when
they feel a little peculiar. When they wake in the morning they should step outside, and get real
"high" (philosophically of course). Then they should shout at the to of their lungs, letting it all out,
"What's Going On?!" Then they should proceed by saying "HEYAYAYAYA HEYAYAY" "What's going

People really lack motivation in this institution, they should try all the time. They should pray only for
revolution from the stone society. They then should keep it inside and learn how to hide their
feelings, so that they can lead those who are fearful,

Oh, Hey. What's going on?
Wouldn't be weird if the song "Hey, What's Going On?" had a meaning? Oh wait...
The egg of a duck can only be passed on to become a duckling, and then eventually, a duck. You
must care for your ideas and hopes, just like an egg, until they take form and manifest in the mind to
form something truly great.
"A creature is like a pearl of light, over time the light fades, any scratches, and they'll stay there...
The orb becomes full of thoughts and memories, and eventually starts to let them go, until it turns to
nothing but a fine dust. The dust that floats through time."
You know, it's all coming back to me even though it hasn't happened yet... Sometimes the best thing
to do is nothing. Sometimes doing nothing is the worst thing you could do. I will remain as a but a
shadow, until you would have it, if ever. This applies to everything, for essentially everything is the
same, but everything is different. The concept of concepts, which is a hard concept indeed.


Close your eyes, ignore smells, sounds, tastes, and thoughts. The prevention of these senses will
allow you to feel. (Having horrible eyesight and not exactly understanding that you understand what
you're hearing always helps). "Let fate decide to guide these lives we see" (Of course I'd quote
So back when the band was at Disney World on the final day in the Animal Kingdom, our company
was that of excellency, but even the excellent must wander. We were about to go on a safari ride
and see animals. I've been on that ride a number of times. I decided to leave the line and go back to
the one roller coaster there because roller coasters are awesome. So there I was in line waiting.


So there is this old man there with his family. Yet he's a single rider. So I end up next to him and he's
like "Oh I see your from Loudoun County. Do you guys do some swing thing? (I was wearing my
marching band show shirt). So I respond with "Yea we actually played in the Magic Kingdom two
days ago." As we're moving forward in line he realized it was a band thing and he said that his
daughter had done some swing stuff. Then he said "Loudoun County? I used to live in Arlington." He
inquired as to where my group was, and my answer was "Oh, they're around, there's many of us
here." This guy asked what grade I was in, what I wanted to do after high school. I told him I wanted
to make a difference, and he said, "that's good. I was once like that." He told me about his sons and
daughter and what they went on to do. What they tried to do, and what didn't work. Everything about
him was about someone else, but really it was about him. He had never been on the roller coaster
before, it was my fifth time that day. We had an excellent picture with our philosophical poses. After
it was over he exclaimed "That was great!" Then as we left he said "I will remain here to wait for my
family, it was great meeting you!" "The same unto you!" I replied. He bowed his head and said "Live
a good life."

This guy who I randomly encountered, a complete stranger, was now just as human as myself. His
story is now part of mine, the words may be forgotten, but not their affect. To share your life with a
complete stranger, that is great. I guess it's true, not everyone has something important to say, but
everyone has something to say. Everyone has a story, and I am honored to be part of his and him
part of mine.
What you think of me doesn't matter to me, but what you think of you should matter to you, and to
me. It shouldn't matter what I think of you, only what you think of you. Unless of course you realize it
doesn't matter. Or does it? Does the matter of it mattering make it not matter? Does it matter one
way or the other, or is it just simply 'matterless'. It doesn't matter, with so much 'mathering' it's hard
to tell what's matter and what the matter is, or what is the matter? For that matter, I can conclude
that mattering is stuck in a loop of non-matter and is free from matter!

Greatness comes from two things, one of them is being knowledgeable and innovative. The other is
having no idea what you're doing and being extremely lucky. What if people tried their stupid idea
and failed? Then they are a fool, but if it works they are a genius. Perhaps if I had been born in a
past time, the world would've been another place (I would be like the ideal Caveman). But, since I'm


here now, society must become another place, it's all a part of the dream. The human experience of
the Earth. How will we know we existed if we were all gone?
Let the greatest month begin... "In order to ascend, you must descend" for if you begin part way
through, you will not have the strength to make it to the top. The mountain of life is the experience,
you can only go on if you climb the next stone. All the past stones lay behind you, and they urge you
to go on. You know you cannot turn back, you can only improve based on what lies behind. You
climb to the end, only to realize that the knowledgeable person has one thing to tell you: "You did
what I could not." This person is you, waiting for you to become better than yourself, and better than
We may have come to our final chapter. We are our last chance.

The natural resources that exist in this world are on the verge of depletion. We must use them wisely
to create a world that does not require these resources. You can ignore the truth and make the
mistakes that past generations have made, or you can realize it is time.

Every generation has had there challenge, ours is fixing the problems that the previous ones have

Our haven is alive, we need it, it doesn't need us. The Earth is a living thing, because no living
creature on Earth can live without the Earth and everything on it. It's one living sphere, we are a
virus. There are people who would wish this world destroyed. The time for the revelation of the truth
has come.

The world must be taught. I'm sorry to tell you that religion is not what it once was. It was never
meant to replace logic, your logic cannot be religion, religion is illogical. The proof for that statement
is logic itself. But regardless of these everlasting problems we must throw away our differences so
that we may fight to exist to fight over them. There is not much time left.

The world must be enlightened and brought to a higher existence. The more you know the truth, the
scarier it becomes. We cannot ignore it, for we are the last hope. When the last human dies, it's as if
we never existed.
It's all in fate, which most certainly can be changed.

This is it, this is our story.
Behind you, the shadows of the past. Ahead an uncertain mist. In you an empty wasteland. When
you look back, you cannot turn around. You can only go forward. Your imagination is playing with
you, you see things in the mist ahead. The more you walk onwards the more you see, and the much
more you fear. The more you see this entity in the mists, the more you fear it will not come true.
While the sun is in the air everything is so clear. but near the end, a beautiful red glow. the warmth
and light is fading; you can sense it. Darkness is coming and you see people walking around you.
You know all of them, but they seem to pass you, and the few that stop, only stop for a moment.
After another moment they all seem gone and only a select few are there with you, inside you, filling
that wasteland. Darkness is coming, you must either make a fire, or become one yourself. For there


is no one left who can come, because no one else knows. you watch everything slowly fade away.
When the fields are overrun and when the night has just begun. You feel, alone, you are alone. You
can no longer see ahead and only behind. You are alone... You try to make a fire once more, but fail.
It almost seems like a pointless attempt because there is no courage left for the next day. You can
see we're you've been but not even guess where you're going. But perhaps in time you will find
something, but when you find it. You realize it's already inside you, and you were the one who had to
do something, Because in this world someone else won't see it and it's up to you. For all ears are
deaf to what is not spoken, all eyes are blind to what us not seen, and all minds are free of what is
not thought. But who would think, who would think. Now you are free.

Now you are free.

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