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Book II.
from the point C with a radius equal to the diagonal AD (of the square re))rt'sontiiig
the square of tlic l)ase) describe ares intersecting each other. The angle FDG will be
the angle sought. We may suppose it taken along the line BC traced in
1 202. In order to obtain the angles formed by the faces of an obli(]ue pyramid
(Jit/. 48f).),
through some point
of the axis draw the perpendicular mo, showing the base oqmq'u' of
the riglit pyramid i>ipo, whose developement is shown in
Jig. 490., by the portion of the
polygon fl, b
c", e", d', a'V.
I20.'3. By means of this base and the part developed, proceeding as we have already ex-
plained for the right ])yramid, we shall find the angles formed by the meeting of the faces,
and they will differ but little from those of the little polygon rqimfj'.
1204. In respect to the angles formed by the faces inclined to the base, that cf the face
answering to the side De of ttie base is expressed by the angle ADP of the vertical projec-
1205. As to the other faces, for instance, that which corresponds to the side AE of the
{Jiij. 490.),
through any point
draw ^/perpendicular to it, meeting the line A F, show-
ing the projection of one of the sides of the inclined face
upon the developement of this
face, expressed by A"E'F, raise at the same distance from the point E' another per])en-
dicular g'm', which will give the prolongation of the line shown on the base by
If we
transfer A"m of the developement upon Am, which expresses the inclination of the arris
represented by this line, we .shall have the perpendicular height jw/of the point m above the
base, which, being transferred from
upon a perpendicular to
we shall have the two
sides of a triangle whose hypothenuse gm" will give
the angle sought.
1206. In the oblicjue prism
{Jig. 491.), the angles ol^the faces are indicated by the plane
of the section perpendicular to the axis, represented l)y the polygon hihlmn.
1207. Those of the sides perpendicular to the plan of the inclination of the axis are
expressed by the angles Ddb, Ahd of the profile in the figure last named.
1208. In order to obtain the angles formed with the other sides, for instance CcT>d and
CcA/<, draw the perpendiculars csbt, whose projection in plan are indicated by s"c' and bt',
then upon
drawn aside, raise a perpendicular c"c"' ecpial to cs of the profile, /z*;. 491.
Through the point c'" draw a line i)arallel to
upon which, having transferred c's' of the
projection in plan
{Jig. 492.), draw the hypothenuse s"c", and it will give the angle
formed by the face CcDrf with the inferior base.
1209. To obtain the angles of the face CcAb, raise upon Vb", drawn on one side, a per-
b"t"', equal to bt
492.), and drawing as before a parallel to b" through the
point t'", transferer of /^r. 492. to t"'t" ; and drawing t'b", the angle t'h'V is that
1210. As the bases of this prism are parallel, these faces necessarily form the same angles
with the superior base.
1211. An acquaintance with the angles of planes is of the greatest utility in the prepara-
tion of stone, as will be seen in ciiap. iii., and a thorough acquaintance with it will well repay
the architectural student for the labour he may bestow on the subject.
Sf.ct. VI.
1212. The area of a plane figure is the measure of its surface or of the space contained
within its extremities or boundaries, without regard to thickness. This area, or the content
of the plane figure, is estimated by the nmnber of small squares it contains, the sides of
each whereof may be an inch, a foot, a yard, or any other fixed (juantity. Hence the area
is said to consist of so many scjuare inches, feet, yards, &c., as the case may be.
1213. Thus if the rectangle to be measured be ABCD
and the small square
E, whose side we will suppose to be one inch, be the measuring
unit proposed
then, as often as such small square is contained in
the rectangle, so many square inches are said to be contained in the
rectangle. Here it will be seen by inspection that the number is
that the side DC or AB, which is 4 times the length of the
measuring unit, multiplied by the number of times .3, which the
length of the measuring unit is contained in AD or BC, will give
12 for the product.
1214. Pkoblem I. To Jind the area
a parallelogram, whether it
be a square, a rectangle, a rhombus, or a rhomboid. I
Multiply the lengtli by the periiendicular breadth or height, and I I
the product will be the arex

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