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Assignment # 1 Human Resource Strategy

There are numerous challenges facing Sportco and all Canadian organizations . These
challenges may be economic (e.g., recession), technological (e.g., computerization), political
(e.g., new government policies), social (e.g., concern for our environment), demographic (e.g.,
changing composition of our workforce), legal (e.g., changes in minimum wage laws), cultural
(e.g., ethnic diversity), or otherwise in nature.
resources department at Sportco. n a business environment, productivity improvement is
essential for long!run success. Through gains in productivity, managers can reduce costs, save
scarce resources, and enhance profits. n turn, improved profits allow an organization to provide
better pay, benefits, and working conditions. The result can be a higher "uality of work life for
employees, who are more likely to be motivated toward further improvements in productivity.
#uman resource managers contribute to improved productivity directly by finding better, more
efficient ways to meet their
#uman $esource management is necessary to be conversant with the emerging technologies
and their implications for organizational strategies, processes, and employee behaviors.
%ew procedures for employee recruitment, training, communication, appraisal, and
compensation may have to be h as&
'n increasing number of women in the workforce
' shift toward knowledge workers
(ducational attainment of workers
(mployment of older workers
)ore part time, Contract and Contingent workers.
*ood human resource management will be necessary to deal with these issues and the
legal compliance aspects that will follow some of them.
's cultural values change, human resource departments discover new challenges. +hile
several cultural challenges face Canadian managers, three of the more important ones
+ork related attitudes
(thnic ,iversity
'ttitudes toward government and those in power.
#uman resources will be necessary to deal with work related attitudes to establish a
code of ethics for employees and to promote ethical values and practices.
n recent years, attitudes toward government have slowly shifted for many Canadians.
-The notion that governments have the ability and wisdom to steer the economy is being
dispelled Today.s -global village/ re"uires ma0or changes in the way managers1
especially human resource managers1think and operate. The Canadian firms that will
succeed in the future will be the ones that can survive amid fierce global competition and
successfully meet challenges posed by incessant and rapid changes in technology,
changing social e2pectations, and the emergence of a diverse workforce.
mproved human resources will also be necessary to ensure compliance with Canadian
regulations such as&
(mployment ("uity
#uman $ights laws
Charter of $ights
)inimum wage acts
Safety $elated legislation
2) #uman resource management aims to improve the productive contribution of individuals
while simultaneously attempting to attain other societal and individual employee
ob0ectives. The field of human resource management thus focuses on what managers1
especially human resource specialists1do and what they should do.
mproving the contribution of human resources is so ambitious and important that all but
the smallest firms create specialized human resource departments to enhance the
contributions of people. t is ambitious because human resource departments do not
control many of the factors that shape the employee.s contribution, such as capital,
materials, and technology. The department decides neither strategy nor the supervisor.s
treatment of employees, although it strongly influences both. %evertheless, the role of
human resource management is critical to the success1indeed, even the very survival1
of the organization. +ithout a motivated and skilled workforce, and devoid of gains in
employee productivity, organizations eventually stagnate and fail
3) n most organizations human resource departments provide the technical e2pertise while
line managers use this e2pertise to effectively manage their subordinates.
The following table shows the responsibilities of #uman $esource )anagers in
comparison to 4ine )anagers . t also illustrates how the #$ function adds value to the
organization as both a support role, and through proactive actions such as conducting
employee surveys to assess satisfaction with organizational policies. Such proactive
strategies on the part of #$ help eliminate problems the organization might otherwise

4ine )anager $esponsibilities
5rovide details of all 0ob positions and associated
skills needed to human resource manager.
dentify training needs of employees and
Communicate to the human resource
#uman $esource )anager $esponsibilities
'll activities associated with human resource
planning. )ore specifically&
6 Translate organization needs into forecast of
people re"uired (both type and number).
6 7orecast potential supply of "ualified workers
from internal and e2ternal sources.
5rovide ail necessary data to conduct 0ob analysis.
dentify performance standards and
communicate to human resource department.
Collaborate with the human resource manager in
preparation of 0ob description and specifications.
5rovide details of performance standards and 0ob
success and skill factors.
nterview 0ob applicants.
ntegrate the information collected by #$
department and make a final decision on hires.
5rovide on!the!0ob training.
5rovide orientation to the 0ob and coworkers.
mplement 0ob enrichment and enlargement
8ffer timely and valid appraisal of subordinates
and communication to the human resource
5romote and transfer employees using agreed upon
Coach subordinates.
,ecide on pay raises to employees on the basis of
merit or other agreed!upon criteria.
5rovide technical safety training.
(nforce all safety regulations.
(nsure fair treatment of employees.
5rovide all necessary data for accurate 0ob
(nsure noise!free communication to employees.
,iscipline and discharge from own unit after due
mplement motivational strategies.
mplement organizational change.
Coach employees.
5rovide conflict resolution.
6 5lan strategies to match supply with demand.

Conduct 0ob analysis.
5repare 0ob description and specification in
collaboration with the line manager.
(nsure compliance with human rights laws and
organization.s policy on employment e"uity.
5lan and actual conduct of all activities related to
hiring, interviewing, and communication with 0ob
7acilitate accurate and timely appraisal.
5rovide orientation to the organization and its policies.
'rrange for technical and management
development programs.
8ffer organizational development activities.
,evelop valid appraisal programs in collaboration
with line managers.
9eep accurate records of each employee.s skills,
past training, and work accomplishments and make
these available to line managers.
8ffer career counseling to employees.
8versee compensation policy and administration.
5rovide safety training and ensure compliance with
safety rules.
5rovide 0ob evaluation.
8ffer retirement counseling.
8versee benefit planning and administration.
Conduct employee surveys to assess satisfaction
with organizational policies and initiate corrective
5rovide outplacement service.
8ffer career counseling.
(stablish grievance handling procedures.
%egotiate with unions.
nitiate organizational change efforts.
+hile the role of human resource departments (#$,) shows considerable variation
across organizations, almost all #$,s carry out several common activities, including the
'ssist the organization to attract the right "uality and number of employees:
8rient new employees to the organization and place them in their 0ob positions:
,evelop, disseminate and use 0ob descriptions, performance standards and evaluation
#elp establish ade"uate compensation systems and administer them in an efficient and
timely manner:
7oster a safe, healthy and productive work environment:
(nsure compliance with all legal re"uirements in so far as they relate to management of
#elp maintain a harmonious working relationship with employees and unions where
7oster a work environment that facilitates high employee performance: and
(stablish disciplinary and counseling procedures.

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