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+/01)23 45(67*+,85*7 9:;<

lnLroduclng Lhe flrsL ukSLuS 8ockeLry Champlonshlp,

1hls year Leams are challenged wlLh deslgnlng, consLrucLlng and launchlng a rockeL
LhaL reaches an alLlLude of exacLly 1km as qulckly as posslble wlLhouL breaklng Lhe
sounds barrler. Carrylng a payload, whlch can measure Lhe rockeLs alLlLude, veloclLy,
acceleraLlon and Llme Lo apogee. 1eams are encouraged Lo deslgn Lhelr payload Lo
also have sclenLlflc or Lechnlcal value.

All Leams wlll have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo showcase Lhelr rockeLs and payloads aL Lhe
ukSLuS 8ockeLry workshop ln 2014.

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1. 8eachlng an alLlLude of exacLly 1km noL exceedlng Mach 1, deflned as 340.3
m/s for our purposes.
2. 1lme Lo apogee, Lhe qulckesL Leams geLs Lhe mosL polnLs
3. Carrylng a payload, of your own deslgn whlch, measures alLlLude, veloclLy,
acceleraLlon and Llme Lo apogee as accuraLely as posslble, compared Lo daLa
from a recommended alLlmeLer.
4. Carrylng a payload of sclenLlflc or Lechnlcal value.

A leLLer of lnLenL ls due lrlday 31
!anuary 2014. 1eams may enLer Lhe compeLlLlon
up unLll Monday 31
March 2014 when Lhe ueslgn 8eporL ls due. 31
!anuary ls a
suggesLed daLe so we are aware of your parLlclpaLlon. lease send your leLLer of
lnLenL Lo Lhe ukSLuS ro[ecLs Cfflcer aL pro[ecLs[ukseds.org

A LemplaLe leLLer of lnLenL can be found here

"13 %()18C
ueslgn 8eporL due Monday 31
March 2014
8ulld 8eporL due 1uesday 1
!uly 2014
1eams musL launch by Monday 13
SepLember 2014
Launch 8eporL due Monday 22
SepLember 2014

1he scorlng crlLerla, scorlng appendlx, and documenLs dellverable Lables are lnclude

Wlnners wlll be announced ln Lhe flrsL week of CcLober 2014, vla Lhe ukSLuS

!"#$%# '()*+,(- .+/01)23 45(67*+,85*7 #/+2*,D E771,@*F

1he ukSLuS n.8.C. ls organlsed ln Lhe splrlL of healLhy compeLlLlon. 8ules &
regulaLlons have been drawn up Lo malnLaln a hlgh sLandard of safeLy and falrness
for all parLlclpanLs.

1. 1hls compeLlLlon ls freely open Lo uk SLudenLs for Lhe LxploraLlon and uevelopmenL
of Space branches. non branch Leams wanLlng Lo parLlclpaLe musL geL consenL from
!" #$%&'() +,-./ 012334 5%$$ 6-( ,/ .+$%7 8-9 :-4;/(%(%-6 ):-9%6&" <- :$+9%8= %6 -97/9
8-9 + 8$%&'( (- ,/ ):-9/7 +67 .+$%7 8-9 ('/ :-4;/(%(%-6 ('/ +$(%(>7/ 4>)( ,/ ,/$-5
3. All rockeLs musL be scraLch bullL" :-44/9:%+$ ?%() @AB CD< ;/94%((/7.
4. Commerclally produced moLors @AB permlLLed.
3. All deslgns musL use a sLandard alLlmeLer. 1he alLlmeLer needs Lo be LesLed prlor Lo
lnsLallaLlon Lo ensure lL ls ln worklng condlLlon, wlLh documenLaLlon submlLLed Lo
Lhe ukSLuS ro[ecLs Cfflcer for conflrmaLlon.
6. All rockeLs musL carry a payload of your own deslgn whlch, measures alLlLude,
veloclLy, acceleraLlon and Llme Lo apogee ln order Lo be [udged.
7. 1he bulld Leam wlll conducL all compeLlLlon launches. A 8ange SafeLy Cfflcer (8SC)
musL cerLlfy Lhe launches. Should nelLher of Lhese be avallable, Leams musL conLacL
Lhe ukSLuS ro[ecLs Cfflcer Lo arrange alLernaLlve soluLlons. 1he compeLlng Leam ls
responslble for havlng Lhe launch cerLlfled.
8. All launches musL be performed enLlrely Lhrough rockeLry, no speclalLy launch
sysLems (l.e., 8ockoon, pro[ecLlle launchlng) are permlLLed.
9. All rockeLs musL be successfully recovered wlLh mlnlmal damage. Mlnlmal damage
shall be deflned as belng able Lo be flown agaln and effecLlvely 'moLor ready'. 1he
Leam and Lhe cerLlfylng person musL documenL successful recovery.
10. All Leams musL record (vla dlglLal vldeo camera) and/or phoLograph Lhe deslgn and
consLrucLlon of Lhelr vehlcle, as well as lLs launch, whlch should be submlLLed wlLh
flnal documenLaLlon.
11. All Leams and launches musL ablde by local laws and CAA regulaLlons for unmanned
rockeL launches. SafeLy musL Lake Lhe hlghesL prlorlLy ln launch preparaLlons and
fllghL operaLlons. ukSLuS reLalns no responslblllLy for Lhe launch rules and
regulaLlons LhaL Lhe compeLlng Leams shall be requlred Lo follow.
12. lf a group wlshes Lo use Lhelr own LelemeLry sysLem Lhen Lhe equlpmenL Lo be used
aL Lhe launch slLe musL be cerLlfled by Lhe 8adlo SLandards AuLhorlLy and
subsequenL documenLaLlon submlLLed Lo Lhe 8SC on Lhe day of Lhe launch as parL of
Lhe pre-launch checkllsL.
13. A pre-fllghL safeLy check musL be produced and submlLLed wlLh Lhe bulld reporL.

!"#$%# '()*+,(- .+/01)23 45(67*+,85*7 #/+2*,9 42*)12*(
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Successful Launch Lo Apogee 13 1he rockeL launches successfully and achleves apogee.
1000m AlLlLude Coal 30 :-*95)8 (>+?1 ;@== 61)128 A*-- ,+) >1 BCD91D (,D (21 ,+) ?(-*D E+2 )51 /+671)*)*+,F 1eams can
earn a full 30 polnLs by achlevlng Lhe 1000meLer goal. 1eams who do noL achleve Lhe alLlLude goal,
wlll be deducLed 1 polnL for every 20m over or under wlLh Lhe alLlLude rounded Lo Lhe nearesL
scorlng lncremenL. (Lxample: 1he 8ockeL flles Lo 720m, 1he Leam recelves 36 polnLs).
Successful arachuLe ueploymenL* 10 All parachuLes successfully deploy
Successful 8ecovery* 23 1he rockeL ls recovered successfully and ls ln flyable condlLlon
1lme Lo AlLlLude 30 1he qulckesL Llme Lo alLlLude recelves Lhe full 60 polnLs. Scores wlll be normallzed across all Leams
wlLh polnLs awarded accordlngly
G(3-+(D #/+2*,9 H=
ayload 8equlremenLs 20 uoes your payload measure alLlLude, veloclLy and acceleraLlon and Llme Lo apogee?
Cnboard Pu Camera 10 1eams are awarded 10 polnLs for flylng a Pu Camera on Lhelr rockeL and submlLLlng Lhe vldeo
SclenLlflc/1echnlcal ayload 30 1eams can earn up Lo 30 polnLs for flylng a sclenLlflc or Lechnlcal payload. olnLs are awarded
accordlng Lo Lhe deslgn of Lhe payload and value of daLa reLurned aL Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe scorlng
commlLLee. 1eams have wlde dlscreLlon as Lo Lhe purpose of Lhelr payload and lL execuLlon.
3#"4*,&-5-%#& 67
8eporLs 30 1eams are awarded up Lo 30 polnLs for Lhe quallLy and deLall of documenL dellverables.
vldeos and lcLure 20 1eams are awarded up Lo 20 polnLs for plcLures and vldeos documenLlng Lhe pro[ecLs enLlreLy
8#-51 .#//%01, .#%&-/ 9:7
IJGK.LM'LN L1(68 A5+O8 2+/01) 1P/11D8 J(/5 ; Q<R=FS 6T8U A*-- >1 *88C1D ( 71,(-)3 +E R= 7+*,)8
IJGK.LM'LN L1(68 A*-- >1 (881881D ( 71,(-)3 +E ;= 7+*,)8 712 6*88*,9 D1-*?12(>-1F
L51 8/+2*,9 /+66*))11 21812?18 E*,(- BCD961,) +, (-- /+671)*)*+, 8/+2*,9F
*no arachuLe or oLher ueploymenLs can be made seL aL alLlLude, Any evenLs aL or near apogee musL occur as a resulL of low speed. A penalLy ls assessed for a deploymenL over
30 m/s

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Launch uaLes u8 1 lease submlL sulLable locaLlon(s) for launch slLe, lf Lhls ls a
rockeLry club please sLaLe Lhe organlsaLlon, lf noL please
submlL a nC1AM and proof you have Lhe landowners
permlsslon. 3 posslble launch daLes from 1
!uly 2014 - 13

SepLember 2014. ?ou are able Lo change Lhese daLes and
locaLlons laLer.
Monday 31
March 2014
8ockeL ueslgn urawlngs u8 2 lease submlL deslgn drawlngs of Lhe rockeL. Monday 31
March 2014
Launch SlmulaLlons u8 3 lease submlL launch slmulaLlons of Lhe rockeLs fllghL Monday 31
March 2014
ayload urawlngs and SchemaLlcs u8 4 lease submlL drawlngs and schemaLlcs for Lhe payload Monday 31
March 2014
ConsLrucLlon lan u8 3 lease submlL a documenL ouLllnlng assembly of Lhe rockeL Monday 31
March 2014
8ecovery SysLem SchemaLlcs u8 6 lease submlL schemaLlcs for Lhe on board recovery sysLems.
lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo sysLem schemaLlcs, wlrlng
dlagrams, & parachuLe calculaLlons.
Monday 31
March 2014
ZC*-D .17+2) %1-*?12(>-18 LC18D(3 ;
XC-3 S=;R
8ulld rocess valldaLlon 88 1 lease submlL a documenL recapplng Lhe bulld process of your
rockeL. lnclude deLalls of Lhe consLrucLlon of Lhe MoLor
MounL, llns, ayload 8ay, and alrframe. lcLures and vldeos
are recommended.
1uesday 1
!uly 2014
Launch 8eady 8ockeL 88 2 lease submlL a plcLure of your rockeL showlng consLrucLlon ls
reasonably compleLe.
1uesday 1
!uly 2014
LlecLronlcs 1esLlng 88 3 lease submlL proof Lhe elecLronlc sysLems have been LesLed 1uesday 1
!uly 2014
V(C,/5 %1(D-*,1 L8 8 1eams musL submlL proof of launch Lo ukSLuS ln Lhe form of
vldeo or plcLures
J+,D(3 ;@
#17)16>12 S=;R
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#17)16>12 S=;R
Launch narraLlve L8 1 lease submlL a compleLe narraLlve of Lhe launch, fllghL and
recovery operaLlons
Monday 22
SepLember 2014
lllghL uaLa L8 2 lease submlL charLs of AlLlLude vs. Llme, veloclLy vs. Llme and
acceleraLlon vs. Llme.
Monday 22
SepLember 2014
Launch rep CheckllsLs L8 3 lease submlL coples of preparaLlon and safeLy checkllsLs Monday 22
SepLember 2014
8ockeL reparaLlon Summary L8 4 lmages of Lnglne rep, Lnglne 8eLenLlon, ayload (sLand a
loan), ayload (lnLegraLed lnLo Lhe 8ockeL), acked 8ecovery
SysLems, 8ockeL on ad
Monday 22
SepLember 2014
8ecovery CperaLlons Summary L8 3 lmages of undlsLurbed rockeL aL Lhe landlng slLe, deployed
parachuLes, alrframe, & any damage.
Monday 22
SepLember 2014
lllghL verlflcaLlon lorm L8 6 1he person cerLlfylng your fllghL musL verlfy Lhe fllghL and slgn
Lhe fllghL cerLlflcaLlon form.
Monday 22
SepLember 2014
8aw AlLlmeLer uaLa L8 7 lease upload Lhe raw daLa from all on board alLlmeLers Monday 22
SepLember 2014

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