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Is theie any peison that hasn't heaiu of (oi paiticipateu in) the ALS ice bucket
challenge. Nany maiketeis aie piobably wonueiing how this campaign
manageu to go so fai. In fact, the ALS ice bucket challenge is a fine example of
social meuia maiketing uone iight.

If you aie a maiketing
piofessional, you can take a
couple of lessons fiom the
campaign. Seveial
components contiibuteu to
its immense populaiity anu
can seive as the founuation
of many othei social meuia

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The powei of viueo is
giowing all the time. When
uone coiiectly, it can
outpeifoim text anu
geneiate much highei

Shoit clips, even
inexpensive ones, will spieau quickly. They have to biing something new to the
scene oi they have to stimulate an emotional iesponse fiom the auuience.
Nanaging to guaiantee that will ensuie the success of the campaign.

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People aie becoming moie anu moie enthusiastic about causes.

Refiain fiom using stiaightfoiwaiu social meuia maiketing. uet youi business
involveu in a local chaiity oi a cause. Social meuia will be the peifect channels
foi the populaiisation of the campaign. Nany people will become aviu
suppoiteis, leaining moie about a bianu oi a cause this way.

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The auuience loves a fun anu exciting challenge. Eveiybouy wants to have a goou
time. If a competitive element comes along with the enteitainment, the auuience
will be happy anu bianu awaieness will quickly go up.

Theie is no neeu to invest in complex uevelopments foi the challenge. You have
seen how much fun people can have with a bucket, some colu watei anu a
hanuful of ice cubes. As long as the iuea is theie, the auuience will be willing to

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People love to be pait of a cause, a community oi an activity. uetting the chance
to show the woilu what they can uo can get even the most passive inuiviuuals
enthusiastic. This is why many bianus aie tuining to theii auuience in attempts
to piouuce moie peisonaliseu anu moie inteiactive maiketing campaigns.

Want to auveitise
youiself on populai
social netwoiks. Bo
you have a chaiity
that is looking foi
aviu suppoiteis.
Leain fiom the ALS
ice bucket challenge
anu base youi social
meuia maiketing
campaign on its
success. Being an
innovatoi uoes not
iequiie a significant
buuget. You simply
neeu a gieat iuea anu
a few aviu suppoiteis to spieau the woiu.

Foi moie auvice on social meuia maiketing, visit the expeits at S B Web
Consulting Ltu, Paikei Bouse, Nansfielu Roau, Beiby, BE21 4SZ. u1SS2 298u11.

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